#america is weird
mineausramblings · 2 months
Why everybody wanna date you when you’re in a relationship, but when you’re not they all disappear? Where are y’all when I’m single, I ask? Is it too harsh to ask for a bf who will suffer my endless ramblings abt Ninjago, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Magnus Archives Protocol, and Clutch Powers??? Is that too much God?????
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brasskingfisher · 1 year
American shenanigans
So for the benefit of everyone else who's become entranced by the deadlock in Washington over the speaker of the House election (and American politics is incredibly convoluted and nigh incomprehensible to outsiders) here's what's happening and why (as I understand it).
So, the first order of business whenever the speaker of the house (the person in charge during debates, who can tell people to shut up and or sit down and has the casting vote in event of a tie) retires or steps down for any other reason is the election of a new speaker. Now normally this is more or less a formality (both parties nominate a candidate (usually their own leader in the house) and whichever party has a majority of seats gets their choice elected), but things are dragging out currently because of a dispute within the republican party (the pro capitalism, anti equality, guns should have more rights than women do people) which is preventing them from excersing the narrow majority they currently have.
The nature of this dispute is basically the amount of power and control an extremist fringe element (most of whom belong to the baby handed angry tangerine man's red hat cult) have in order to do what they want (like get rid of equality legislation, introduce fascism, get rid of LGBTQIA+ people, and protect aforesaid angry man with baby hands from any kind of consequences) who are throwing a tantrum because they're not getting what they want and so are refusing to toe the party line and vote for their party's prefered candidate. Now normally the standard approach to these people (from pretty much everyone) in the world of USian politics has been 'shush now, the grown ups are talking.' But, the republican majority is so slim they can't actually ignore them anymore.
What this means in practice is, nothing is getting (or can get done) until the deadlock is broken. Thus far, efforts to break the deadlock have been focused on offering the red hat cultists what they want so as they'll get in line and vote for the right person, but after 11 rounds of voting (so far) they're for the most part not budging. Which means there several ways things can go and life can go on as normal:
The red hatters get in line for whatever reason. Thus far it seems like this isn't going to happen
The republicans put up another candidate the red hatters will support. Again, this is unlikely unless the party get behind one of the red hatters themselves, or someone who'll give them control
The republicans agree to give enough concessions that the Democrats (the slightly less pro capitalism, anti (overt) discrimination, maybe we should try and improve things party) will support their candidate. This is again unlikely as so far they're all fully united in support of their own party's candidate who has come out on top in every vote so far (and are getting fed up of having to hang around)
Enough mainstream republicans defect and support the Democrat candidate that they get a majority
(And tbh likeliest outcome) enough republicans get tired enough of the shenanigans to say "Fuck this shit!" And abstain/vote present, giving one candidate a majority within the actual votes cast.
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ashthenerdtheythem · 15 days
Sometimes I'll see a fic with a trigger warning for "cursing and offensive language". Fuck is said once. And I'll wonder "Why are people so scared of a little fuck". Then I remember the Americans
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onceiblinked · 1 year
Is Maddie just tall, or is Jenna short?
Like, I didn't think Maddie was tall, but I guess I think of her as younger than she is, but maybe Jenna is just short.
Like it doesn't matter, but the height difference got me feeling some sort of way, and not in a wrong way.
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America is so fucking weird like
I understand why y'all have Washington state and Washington DC, but why do people just colloquially refer to them both as "Washington"
This entire time I thought these characters were talking about DC, which isn't too far away from them, but now they said "Half-way across the country" so I'm guessing it's the other one. Thanks for clarifying you yankee fuckns
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It’s good to know I follow the right people because I’ve only seen 1 (one) thanksgiving post on my timeline today.
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themysticarcher · 2 years
TIL it’s legal to own a raccoon in 13 US states
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beesarekindaswag · 8 days
In case you need an example of American strangeness - in 2015 a random American man proclaimed himself to be the King of where I live because his DNA test apparently linked him to the old royals from the Viking times…
There’s a bloody TLC show about it - he genuinely goes up to people to tell them he’s the King. He claimed he was officially crowned by an archbishop- I have no words.
(Side note : we don’t have a monarch of the Island anymore and haven’t had one since about 1504 when they started calling themselves Lords instead)
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bhinnninny · 27 days
Certain (not all of them obviously) Americans when they realise the reason alot of other countries food is “bland” and “not colourful” is because its not pumped full of steroids, chemicals and sugar
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mineausramblings · 4 months
Is it gay and weak to cry at the dead poets society, or am I just a boy?
unrelated shit but America is driving me insane and I want to leave but also SCHOOL and also MY FRIEND (yeah the one friend and the other friend I am convinced is my husband but I’m delusional)
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brasskingfisher · 1 year
So, America has just seen it’s 128th mass shooting this year (averaging 1.48 per day) and the 89th instance of gun violence at a school, yet apparently the biggest threat to kids and what needs to be banned are those dangerous queer-o-sexuals and transes.....
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justaflatbitch · 9 months
I get that guns aren’t great and all but… they’re really fun and it opens the door to the most ethical way to get meat, hunting. That said, gun regulation and making people register and take tests for guns like a car is a good idea.
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apocalypsesuite · 9 months
watching malcolm in the middle and whats this abt transferring membership between churches??? its a church dont u just go???
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couruu · 10 months
purely theoretically, I'm not in the business of assassination or even violence, but in pure theoru
what would happen if someone placed a bomb under the supreme court table and they all died
would biden just get to appoint nine liberals? or would Mitch McMolerat say no somehow
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s3nch · 1 year
I love how saying "shinso" in america can mean:
A. This insomniac anime character that is widely simped for.
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B. You misheard and its actually the dead former Japanese prime minister who fixed the economy, denied war crimes, and got fucking assassinated because of his association with a cult that worshipped a random Korean dude as the Messiah
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like how fucking wild is that lmfao
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seb-the-fruit-bat · 1 year
interesting Thing That I Learned #1:
The reason that people in America say vacation instead of holiday is because in the city of Charleston SC (the one with Fort Sumter just off the coast) it would get super fucking hot in the summer and because this was way before air conditioning all the rich white people would "vacate" the city and go up north so that's why we say vacation instead of holiday
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