#amazon kitchen organisers
sonynangal28 · 2 years
How to make your Kitchen and Room look beautiful by using Amazon Wallpap...
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uptoolateart · 1 year
Elite Symbolism in MLB
So, @raspberrycatapult was talking to me about all the recurrent butterfly symbolism in MLB - and the fact that all the buses in the show are the number 33 route when there is no such route in Paris - and both of us had noticed the giant 33 behind Kagami in the art room in ‘Lies’. She was pointing out all the single eye imagery in the show, too, which I’ll get to later - among many other motifs.
It was a fascinating conversation that I shared with my husband, who then brought up MKUltra, which I’d heard plenty about but I never really took in the finer details and certainly hadn’t applied them to my beloved cartoon.
As soon as I was thinking on this track, a zillion other things leapt out at me. They are so obvious once you get going, and I’m going to share some of them here. I bet more pops out as I watch the show, from here on out, but this is a quick starter guide.
I am not in any way trying to sell you on a belief. Feel free to think everything I discuss here is ‘just conspiracy theory’. My sole point is that a) the creators of Miraculous are at least aware of the theory and b) they have very purposely integrated it into the show in order to propel their story and give weight to the characters. When we examine all these elements that have been embedded into this ‘children’s cartoon’, we see just how dark Adrien’s story, in particular, really is.
Let’s start with Gabriel’s name. It has always stood out to me, because it’s one of the archangels and a definite name of power. This archangel also happens to be held in high esteem in Freemasonry and other similar organisations.
Gabriel’s brand is just a giant G. ‘Oh, it looks like Gucci!’ Yeah. That, and the G of Freemasonry.
And you know that enormous essay I wrote about the symbolism of Gabriel dressing all in white now?? I left out the Masonic uniform of white - like their white apron. Think of Gabriel in the kitchen making those banana pancakes, in that white apron...or how about how the gloves, which simply are Masonic regalia gloves. You can buy them on Amazon, even.
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This is without even getting into the recurrence of the number 33, as mentioned at the start of this post. @raspberrycatapult​ even pointed out that in the original animatic of ‘Stormy Weather’, the bus was number 34, but it got changed in the final animation. You have to ask why a detail like that matters...and then a quick google search will tell you there are 33 degrees / levels in Masonry. And why put that number all big behind Kagami in ‘Lies’? Because she’s a subjugate just like Adrien.
Now, let’s look at Gabriel’s office, where he stands at a dais-like podium on an elevated platform, with his ‘subjects’ on sunken in seats that look like pews in a church or temple. The whole floor is checkerboard. We could also get into the sun imagery on the doors, but...honestly, we could go into a whole bunch of things and I’m finding it hard to know where to stop before this post turns into a novel.
Here’s the image...and below it, a Masonic lodge, for comparison. The image has been tinted blue for effect, but in reality, the checkboard would always be black and white, to signify the balance between opposite energies. And um...isn’t that the whole idea behind kwami energies and yin-yang pairs?
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I also want to note that Gabriel is positioned in a way that gives the impression of him being at the centre of two pillars. There are literally thousands of books written on the western / hermetic magical concept of ‘the middle pillar’, being the balancing way between two extremes. It also comes up in eastern beliefs, e.g. Buddhism.
In hermeticism, this is connected to the practice of cabala and therefore the Tree of Life, a structure built into just about every important building and painting all over Europe, America, and more. No, really. Remember they are called Masons for a reason - it began with builders, and they integrated their spiritual concepts into their work.
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As a tarot enthusiast, this structure is also embedded into almost every single card in any traditional deck. It’s a subject I could spend a lot of time on, but let’s move on.
Getting back to the single eye imagery in the show, @raspberrycatapult was pointing out, for example, the eyes on Emilie’s painting, and even pyramids in the design they took from the original inspiration.
I'm getting at this classic image of the Eye of Providence, of course:
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@raspberrycatapult pointed out Marinette’s single eye peeking through the box when she looked into the room where everyone was dancing in masks, in ‘Gabriel Agreste’.
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And like...we all agree that whole party was creepy as hell...right?? As soon as I saw it, I thought ‘rich weirdo cult!’ It was so obvious that Ms Tsurugi must be in on Gabriel’s plans. I was excited to see this proven in season 5. I’m still waiting to be proven right that the Bourgeois are in on it, too, at least to some degree. And come on. The Bourgeois?? It’s a reference to an entire class of society.
I then got to thinking: peacock feathers are known for looking like they have one eye. And whoever uses the peacock miraculous to transform ends up having one eye covered, in their costume, e.g. with a veil. And thinking of Ms Tsurugi again...she’s blind and then can see, when akumatised.
It also helps to remember that we’re all waiting for unveilings / unmaskings in this show, from all directions. We’re waiting for people to see the truth. Makes you think of the names of the first two episodes of Season 4....
And now we get super dark.
MKUltra was an illegal CIA experiment begun in 1958 and supposedly concluded, although there are plenty of people who believe it continues to this day. Again - I’m not saying it does or doesn’t. I’m only stating that there is a definite record of it happening in the 1950s and that there are people out there who don’t think it stopped.
MKUltra was a series of experiments in human mind control, a summary of which can be read about here. There’s also this video from the BBC and a zillion other things. Be warned - this is a rabbit hole you can easily fall into for hours.
Very briefly: ‘In the early days of the Cold War, the CIA ordered the creation of a secret programme intended to find ways of mind control. They funded an army of psychiatric institutions across the United States and Canada to perform experiments on patients using psychedelic drugs, sensory deprivation, electroshock treatment and more.’
The point my husband made, which I was not aware of, was that part of MKUltra was something called ‘the Monarch Project’. Again, a mind control and subjugation experiment.
Now, without stating the obvious, let’s think about things like the akumas. Adrien and those rings. Sentimonsters. Every single thing Gabriel does, in or out of costume, is a form of mind control, and he has programmed it into Adrien via his home and even the clothes he wears. This is what gets Marinette thinking perhaps Gabriel is the villain. Adrien doesn’t want to believe it because he wants to trust. Everyone wants to trust the adults / authority figures in their lives. But for the heroes of Miraculous, this trust will be broken.
I’m also brought back to ‘Mega Leech’, when the miniature copies of Mayor Bourgeois crawled into people’s heads and controlled what they said. It has always stuck out at me as allegory for brainwashing - grooming people so much that you get them to preach your propaganda for you. This is what Gabriel does with all his victims, too. He’s not the one out there, doing the damage. He gets in other people’s heads and has them do it for him.
We’ve also seen other instances of this with villains like Despair Bear and Puppeteer. This is...a subject that could take up thousands of words. You get what I’m saying.
Adrien / Cat Noir
If you look into this stuff, you come across a lot of detail about something called ‘the beta kitten’, which is a form of sexual programming. In fact, it literally involves grooming someone into having a ‘cat alter’.
Honestly...you could read so much about it and all the ways it gets applied to celebrities such as Britney Spears. Don’t even get me started on the Britney thing. If that kind of thing can happen in the 21st century, we really need to re-think how ‘far we’ve come’.
Anyway. Part of this involves a lot of repeating imagery and symbols, the way hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming work. Symbols that appear in tons of promotional photographs, music videos, etc. Symbols like...collars and bells, mirrors and reflections.
Again, I’m not selling you the theory - you’re free to make up your own mind about it. But I’ve said so many times that Cat Noir is fully decked out in bondage gear, right down to his collar and bell. And this is for a reason - he is in bondage. He is enslaved.
I also said in a previous post that Kagami’s name is Japanese for ‘mirror’. There’s all the doubling between Adrien and Felix, Chloe and Zoe, Adrien and his AI replica, each character and their superhero or supervillain alter(s), etc. Again...we could be here all day, listing examples.
What does it all mean??
That’s a good question! I’ll leave it to you to decide. At the very least, it means that Gabriel and his cronies have been designed to represent something darker than we usually discuss. They are authority figures who abuse their fame and power to the highest degree, bringing to mind all the news stories we keep hearing about, for instance, people in Hollywood being accused of years of sexual assault.
Adrien being a model...again, I just think of child stars like Britney Spears, who, like Adrien, was completely owned by her own father. He controlled everything she did, using her to make his millions and having her declared insane so he could continue to control her after she turned 18. Let’s not get into just how disgusting her story is. My heart bleeds for her and others like her, and I’ll leave it at that.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. Miraculous is all about breaking free of mind control and programming. Alya, Nino and Chloe all managed to reject the akumatisation. Marinette did it, too, with the help of Cat Noir. I suppose you could say that in most cases, love broke the spell. That’s what we need to hold onto.
There’s a lot about throwing off the masks and revealing the truth. Adrien’s definitely on his way to breaking free of the ring and overthrowing his father, which will be him overthrowing the mind control and being his own person.
So, I suppose you could take a positive message from all of this and say it speaks of hope. We live in a world where it’s hard to know who is selling us truth and who is selling lies - where we live our lives in public and are often on camera, from CCTV to selfies - where the Internet is teeming with ‘influencers’ and targeted advertising, and ‘smart’ devices really can track us and collect data the way the Alliance can. (The Alliance. Even that name...!)
But every one of us has the power to make up our own minds about things and be our own person. Every one of us has the power to throw off the collar and bell and simply be.
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11x13kyle · 1 year
re: kyle’s organising, stan checks their shared amazon account one day on a whim and turns back to kyle in the kitchen hurriedly typing on his phone. kyle looks up. “what?” “STOP BUYING FUCKING FILING CABINETS.” “OH SO IT’S MY FAULT YOU KEEP HUNDREDS OF UNORGANISED RECEIPTS.
kyle is addicted to buying “useful” shit that he doesn’t actually need because it makes him feel like he has control over his own life
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fatcowboys · 8 months
Hiya! About the pill organiser, I've got a rainbow one on Amazon a few years back (i think you can find it with "fullicon rainbow") and i leave it next to a place i always go to before bed/ after waking up, for a while it was the kitchen counter but now its next to my toothbrush, and i never forget them! It takes a few weeks and then it gets ingrained into your brain routine, plus the colors are fun and make you smile
ty for the rec!!! yeah ive got morning meds down so well but night has always been a struggle (well. new habits in general lmao) i will check it out!!! but yeah fun colors or Something i think will be helpful, my Hope is that if I have a cute fun dispenser im excited to use that will help me remember!!
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 years
The Miami Redux
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Ramsey
Category: fluffy smut
Classification: 18+
Warnings: mentions of miscarriage, sexual content, language
Summary: Ethan surprises Casey with a trip to Miami to celebrate their first year of marriage.
Disclaimer: characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note: submission for CFWC Please be prompt event. Prompt/s will appear in bold.
In a way it felt surreal but also so right, being married. It was a year ago when he stood at an Altar with Casey, publicly declaring the love they share for each other and vowing to do so for as long as they both shall live. The year had not been peaches and cream though, a missed miscarriage 2 months after their honeymoon threw a spanner that neither was expecting but they worked through their individual and collective grief and were able to make it out the other side.
Ethan had decided that they would go to Miami for their first year wedding anniversary. Both would admit that when they came here intern year it was when both truly knew that it was not an infatuation or a series of neurochemical responses but indeed the feelings they both had were real. Ethan had changed the most since that night and despite the reasons making sense to him at the time, ending things that night was a regret that he still had so he decided that they would go to Miami and rectify a wrong.
He booked them into the Celestial and booked the same room. Since they were not there for a conference there was no gala he organised a dinner at local high end restaurant. He was looking forward to it and was looking forward to spoiling Casey, even buying her a new midnight blue dress for the occasion.
Two weeks before they were set to go is when Casey found out about the trip. She came home from a long day and found Ethan in the kitchen very much in his element.
“I’ve seen that smile before” said Casey as she entered the kitchen to give Ethan a hug. He informed her dinner was only a few minutes away. Casey gives him a quick kiss and makes her way to the table. He tells her during the meal that they will be going to Miami for their anniversary. Casey is excited.
The day of their flight arrives and Casey is still excited and so is Ethan. The new dress for Casey is in his luggage and she has no idea of Ethan’s plans.
They arrive at the Celestial and Casey is taken back to her intern year. The trip still held many mixed emotions for Casey but she was still excited.
“Will they screw up the reservation like last time?” Asked Casey with a chuckle.
Ethan hoped not but he could not help but chuckle also.
Thankfully the hotel had not botched the booking. They took the lift up and walked towards the room, as they got closer it dawned on Casey that they were on the same floor they were on intern year. Casey asked Ethan if he was having a sense of deja vu to which he replied,
“No I am not, mainly because this is by design, we have the same room.”
Casey gasps. They are at the door. “Happy anniversary sweetheart” he says as he swipes the keycard, picks up Casey and carries her bridal style into the room.
“So basically the rest of the day is yours to do what you will. We have dinner at a local seafood restaurant for dinner.”
Whilst saying this, Ethan is unpacking his suitcase and presents Casey with a box which she opens. Inside is a sparkly midnight blue dress with a high slit. Casey is speechless. The dress that she wore here as an intern she sent to Goodwill when Ethan was in the Amazon. Ethan comes over and puts his hand on her thigh.
“Stopping myself that night to this day has been one of the regrets in life I have. When I thought about how we could celebrate our first wedding anniversary I thought we would come here and recreate to an extent but also continue on with what nearly happened. Casey kisses Ethan and it gets heated. Casey pulls away first, “Well since we do not have a conference to attend, I am going to get some sun by the pool.”
Ethan is frustrated but understands. He tells Casey that he will join her soon. While Casey is at the pool, he organises some champagne to be delivered to the room whilst they are out at dinner. He joins Casey and they have a nice afternoon relaxing. Ethan assures her that they will go to the beach the next day if Casey wishes. Casey likes the idea of that. They finally make their way back to the room to get ready for their dinner date. Casey does her hair and make up while Ethan is in the shower then puts on her dress. It is stunning and fits her perfectly. Ethan comes out of the shower and walks up to her with a knowing smirk. He zips the dress and puts his arms around her waist and starts kissing the column of her neck.
“Do you like what you see?”
He pulls her closer and she can feel how hard he is becoming. “Does that answer your question, Rookie?”
Casey nods. Ethan goes and gets dressed into his suit and they head off to dinner. The go to a local seafood restaurant which they both enjoyed immensely. They went for a walk along the boardwalk and finally made their way back to their room. They arrived and went to the balcony. Casey went to stand at the railing while Ethan poured them both a bottle of champagne. He offered her a glass.
“Let me guess, you are willing to drink something “pitiful” in the name of accuracy?”
Ethan chuckles. “You could say that but we are also celebrating our first wedding anniversary too, so on that note, happy anniversary sweetheart”
“Happy anniversary to you too.”
Casey takes a sip and puts the glass down. She turns around and puts her arms around Ethan’s neck and kisses him. Ethan deepens the kiss and lifts her up so she can put her legs around his waist. He runs his hand up her left thigh. Casey slips off his suit jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt, she places her hand over his heart. It is pounding, much like it was intern year. Ethan then puts his hand over Casey’s and it is beating to a similar beat. Casey then hops down and walks Ethan backwards to the couch on the balcony. She then straddles him and kisses him again, whilst starting to move her hips against his. This elicits a moan from Casey as she can feel how hard Ethan is. Ethan’s hand once again moves it way up her thigh to her centre. She is drenched. Ethan moves her underwear to the side and tantalisingly circles her clit before plunging two fingers inside. Ethan swallows Casey’s moans. He kisses down her neck, tracing the neckline of her dress. Meanwhile Casey unbuckles his belt and undoes the button and zip.
As much as Ethan wants to continue right here he wants to go inside. He picks her up and they make their way inside. He places Casey down and moves behind her. He slowly unzips her dress and eases it down. Casey then turns around and Ethan walks her to the bed where Casey lies down. Ethan joins her and kisses her.
“This is what I wanted to do the last time We were here” and he kisses her with hunger. He makes his way down to her centre, does away with her underwear and uses his tongue in tandem with his fingers to bring Casey to the edge.
Ethan leaves her on the precipice.
“I did not want you to stop Ethan” moans Casey as he positions himself to enter her. He teases her entrance and slowly enters. A shuddering moan leaves Casey’s mouth. He starts off slow but they work into a faster rhythm. They go faster as they both get closer. Casey falls first, her orgasm triggering Ethan’s.
They lay there in comfortable silence.
“I love you, Rookie.”
“I love you too, Ethan.”
Casey moves to her side and faces Ethan.
“This has been a wonderful first anniversary Ethan. Thank you.”
“No, Casey thank you, your patience, forgiveness and love is what has made it possible for me, no for us to reach here.”
He kisses her again and they snuggle, enjoying each other’s company.
Authors note 2. A picture of Casey’s dress appears below. In case you were wondering, they went another couple of rounds that night and again the next morning. They did make it to the beach and they came back to Boston very relaxed.
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Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @potionsprefect @ofmischiefandmedicine @liaromancewriter @a-crepusculo @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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ADHD Gardeners Best Friend!
I’ve been gardening for years but I still struggle with what to do when.
I’ve learnt a lot and a good deal of it is muscle memory after this many years, but I still can’t log when I need to sow what and when the best time is to plant out.
I go through anxiety every year that I am doing it all wrong no matter how many years I’ve been doing it and this is despite always having a thriving garden (most years, the pandemic produced a major blip in my brain for a couple years there).
Even though I swore off buying any more books on gardening I knew this one was absolutely the exception.
It tells me what I need to do each month and it’s based on my locality so makes it even more attuned to my needs.
I’ve tabbed all the months to make it even easier for myself to quickly locate the details I need.
I’ve also got a couple seed folders and organised my seeds by using this book, for sowing months which I’ve also tabbed.
Removing barriers, giving my brain less to think about is where it’s at for my ADHD head and at the same time all the organising helps scratch that ASD itch I constantly have. Win-win!
This is for my ‘Grow a kitchen garden’ challenge over on Day Zero Project.
You can get this book at Amazon, but I encourage you to get it secondhand and preferably not on Amazon, if you are able to.
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australianhomes · 5 months
10 New Home Organisation Must-Haves On Amazon
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Elevate your home organization game with these must-have items from Amazon. Start with versatile storage bins to declutter every room. Maximize space with under-bed organizers and cable organizers for tech tangles. Labeling becomes a breeze with a sleek label maker. Drawer dividers keep dresser spaces orderly, while space-saving hangers optimize closet storage. Vacuum storage bags help streamline closet space further. Magnetic refrigerator organizers and a pegboard for the kitchen enhance functionality. From storage solutions to labeling tools, these Amazon finds transform your space, bringing both style and efficiency to your home organization endeavors.
For further information, click here - https://www.betterremovalistsgoldcoast.com.au/10-new-home-organisation-must-haves-on-amazon/
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10 New Home Organisation Must-Haves On Amazon
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Transforming your new home into an organized haven is a breeze with these must-haves from Amazon. Start with smart storage solutions like collapsible bins or under-bed organizers to maximize space. Cable organizers and adhesive cable clips keep electronics tidy. A labeled storage system like a label maker ensures easy identification. Drawer dividers and organizers declutter dresser and kitchen spaces. Consider space-saving hangers and vacuum storage bags for streamlined closets. Magnetic refrigerator organizers and a versatile pegboard for the kitchen add efficiency. From storage to labeling, these ten essentials cater to every aspect of home organization, turning your living space into a functional and stylish sanctuary.
Click this link for additional information - https://www.betterremovalistsgoldcoast.com.au/10-new-home-organisation-must-haves-on-amazon/
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onlineshoppingsblog · 8 months
Amazon Brand - Solimo Plastic Dish Drainer and Drying Rack for Kitchen Blue
Great Indian Festival
-63% ₹299₹299
M.R.P.: ₹800₹800
- -
StandardMaterialPlasticProduct Dimensions43.5D x 18.3W x 31.5H CentimetersBrandAmazon Brand - SolimoColourBlueRecommended Uses For ProductPortable
About this item
Made using high-quality, durable plastic
Equipped with a portable spoon, fork and knife holder
Consists of a storage basket for storing and arranging just washed utensils
Provision of a slanting surface at the bottom for quick water drainage from washed utensils into the sink, keeping the kitchen clean and dry
Can also be used to store not so frequently used utensils, keeping your kitchen clutter-free, clean, and well-equipped
Ample space to store utensils for a family of four
Can also be used in offices and workspaces for file and stationery organisation
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cibrotech · 10 months
5 Unique Kitchen Gadgets on Amazon
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Kitchen items are necessary gadgets and tools that make cooking, preparing meals, and organising a kitchen space easier. These tools, which range from simple kitchenware to cutting-edge technology, are essential for improving the effectiveness and enjoyment of culinary tasks. They include a wide variety of products made to satisfy the demands of everyone from home cooks to chefs. Read more about
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stylescine · 1 year
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tattoo artist!Harry Styles x Princess!reader
Summary: A night out leads you straight into a stranger's home.
Warnings: angst
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Here's the prologue for this new series! I would really appreciate some feedback, likes, reblogs or just thoughts from you :) If you want to be added to the taglist, send me an ask and also feel free to tell me what you think so far!
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Ask
Glamour and parties should have been exactly your thing. You had been raised with gold surrounding you, the smell of freshly baked cakes and loud music playing at official events. 
The ability to fill a room with your presence had been the first thing to learn after walking. To demand everyone’s attention, to drown out anyone else around you. 
Yet you wanted nothing more than to run from the bright chandelier lights, to rip apart fancy dresses and disappear in a crowd. You wanted to be one of many, not the one every pair of eyes would follow. 
Growing up as the Princess of England was a huge privilege and you were aware of that. You tried to remind yourself of it every time you found yourself in bed, tears streaming down your face as you wished to be away, just away from here. The Palace sometimes felt like a golden cage, one made out of all the beautiful things that haunted you. Fancy dinners, dress fittings and public events – each of them was part of this glittering cage you found yourself in. You wanted to escape, push through the bars or make the cage fall apart all at once. 
But there was no chance for you to do that. 
Even getting out of this cage for a night would have meant a lot to you. Your friend, Marlene, knew that all too well, having listened to your complains for years. You couldn’t go anywhere without a bodyguard, you couldn’t risk drinking more than a glass of champagne and just the thought of you being out on your own woke anxiety in the people around you. 
It had taken a lot of planning, finding a day where your family was at a public event in another city, where it would only be you as a high-ranking member of the Royal Family. You had found that days at the Palace, whenever your father was away, whenever it was just you, were usually more quiet and the staff didn’t pay as much attention to the smallest things. Probably because you had never caused any trouble – they trusted you and enjoyed a bit of calm in their work routine. 
Finding an entrance that wasn’t guarded had been the next step for both Marlene and you. You had eventually decided on a kitchen window that was rarely locked. It wasn’t easy to squeeze through it, especially in a short black dress. 
Marlene had gifted it to you for your last birthday and you couldn’t have been more grateful. You had been raving about a dress like this for ages, but every time you asked your stylist for once they insisted it wouldn’t find any use anyway. They weren’t wrong about that, but you would have loved to own one, just for yourself as well. 
Getting through the gates outside was the hardest task, but there was nothing a good amount of money couldn’t solve. And you had more than enough of that. By batting your eyelashes, giving the guard a charming smile or two, you had convinced him to take the unholy sum you forced into his palm. No one would ask where that money was and if they did, you surely weren’t banned from going on an Amazon shopping spree and accidentally deleting the confirmation E-Mail.
The night air was colder than you had expected and your thin jacket wasn’t helping with that at all. “Tell me you organised a car or something,” you whispered to your best friend as you made your way down a few streets, turned multiple corners and soon found yourself gaining more and more distance to the huge building you called home. “I don’t think I can enjoy this house party if I freeze to death before that.”
Your friend brushed her blonde hair over her shoulder before she turned around to you. “Of course, I’ve organised a car. Do you think I would walk all that way? We’re there soon.” Marlene had always kept connections to people that could keep their mouth shut. You imagined she had asked someone like that again to drive the two of you to wherever the promised house party may be. 
It still left a bitter taste in your mouth to think about all the people you might meet. And all the people that could go ahead and tell the press about your little adventure. Or worse – your parents finding out about it. You were risking way too much with this, but even just the thought of being out for a night, without supervision, was thrilling enough to dare this step. 
It would have brought down the cage for a night even if it would tear down your reputation right with it. 
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The ride in the backseat of a stranger’s car was nowhere like the comfortable rides you were used to with enough space to stretch out your legs. You pressed your knees together, holding onto your small handbag as you watched buildings pass by, London’s street lights flashing by you. 
There was 80s music playing from the radio, the smell of smoke filling the car as the unknown driver lit himself a cigarette and barely opened his own window. You gave Marlene a look, but her green eyes were focused on the phone in front of her, swiftly typing away on it. You pressed your lips together, trying to focus on the scenery outside again. 
More and more anxiety about this whole idea was rising within you, tightening your throat and making it increasingly harder to think straight. So many dangers awaiting you, so many consequences you would have to face if this went wrong. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Marlene let out a gasp and put her hand over her mouth. She then leaned forward, tapping the driver on the shoulder. “You need to bring us back to where we were, I have to head home,” she said quickly, before turning over to you, horror written in her face. 
“I am so sorry, honey, but I don’t think it’s gonna work out tonight. My mum just texted me that dad’s in the hospital and-” 
“It’s alright,” you interrupted her, grabbing her hands to give them a squeeze. “It’s okay. We’ll do this another time.”
A part of you was frightened for your best friend while another one was frightened at the thought of getting back to the Palace, to slide back into your bed and spend another day looked in the cage. Then wait for another eternity until a hole would be there for you to slip through. 
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You watched the car and your best friend drive past you after they dropped you off where you had first wanted to start your adventure.
Now you were left in the cold with that little hope for fun shattered. A sigh left your lips as you put your hands into the pockets of your jacket and tried to make your way home. You had to fish out your phone after a while, trying to navigate the way home with that.
You didn’t come far after the rain started. “Oh shit,” you groaned, looking for some shelter under the small, extended roof of a tattoo shop. The lights inside were out, it was too late for customers anyway, so you knew you wouldn’t disturb anyone by waiting out the worst of the rain here. Unless it would rain all night. Then you would have to run home and somehow explain the soaked clothes and promised cold afterwards. 
Your hair was already soaking wet, more rain drops moving down your face as you crossed your arms in a desperate attempt to warm up some more. 
One call and someone would pick you up. One call and you would have the disaster of your life. 
Moving your legs back and forth, you tried to warm your body up, even if it was just a bit. 
How could you have ever assumed that this had been a good idea? 
“You’re going to freeze to death out there,” a low voice said behind you. 
You flinched immediately, spinning around to face the stranger, already ready to scream if he would come to close. 
The door to the tattoo shop was open and a small light was now turned on in the back of it. 
A man leant against the door, wearing a T-Shirt and sweatpants. His green eyes were filled with worry, a deep frown on his face. Your eyes wandered to his tattoo-covered arms, concluding that this was probably the shop’s owner. 
The stranger brushed a curl of dark hair out of his face, his hair getting continuously more messy. 
“Come in,” he offered, nodding into the direction of the tattoo shop and you couldn’t deny that it looked rather warm and cosy compared to the freezing cold outside. 
“I don’t even know you,” you responded quickly, shaking your head. Entering a room with a stranger? That could end horribly. 
“Well, it’s me or a stay at the hospital soon, so feel free to make your own choice.” The stranger gave you a shrug before making a step back inside again. “I would not risk it if I was you,” he added. 
You stared at the street again, the rain coming down hard on it, the thunder roaring in the distance. Then you glanced back to the man, the promised safety inside. 
You closed the door behind you and hoped for the best. 
taglist: @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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kinglordms · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: Amazon Useful Kitchen Gadgets For Every Home #17 🏠 Space Saving Kitchen Organisers, Smart Inventions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5q15C8yl-k
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Keep your favourite herbs and spices organised and ready to use with the Amazon Brand - Solimo Revolving Spice Rack Set. This beautifully designed carousel sits nicely on your kitchen countertop providing easy access to your daily cooking spices. Made using 100% food grade and BPA free plastic, it is sturdy, tough and safe to use. The Amazon Brand - Solimo Revolving Spice Rack Set contains 16 spice jars. Each jar has 3 holes and comes with a twistable lid, making it easy to use and refill. It helps keep your spices fresh and free from moisture and odour. This spice jar set is easy to clean and can be put through your dishwasher. Safe to use; 100% food grade and BPA free plastic Carousel style; for kitchen countertop making it easy to access Spice jars contain 3 holes with twistable lids, making it easy to use and refill Keeps spices fresh and free from odour Easy to clean; can be put through your dishwasher Product is made in India [ad_2]
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amazon-about · 2 years
Importance Of Women's Empowerment In India
Did you know that women account for half of the Indian population, but only a tiny fraction of them are in decision-making positions? This is because women have traditionally been seen as second-class citizens in India. Thankfully, there has been a lot of progress made toward empowering women in India over the past few years. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of women empowerment in India and some of the challenges that still need to be overcome.
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Women empowerment is an important aspect of society. It helps in the development of women and their status in society. Women empowerment gives women the power to make decisions about their lives and enables them to lead a life with dignity and respect.
In India, women have traditionally been considered subordinate to men and denied many rights. However, over the years, there has been a gradual change in the attitude towards women and their role in society. The Constitution of India provides for equality between men and women. The Government of India has also taken various measures to promote women's empowerment.
The concept of women empowerment is not new to India. In ancient times, many powerful queens ruled their kingdoms with wisdom and courage. They were an inspiration to other women. In modern times, too, there are many women who have made a mark in various fields.
The need for women empowerment arises from the fact that women are still not on an equal footing with men in many spheres of life. They are discriminated against and treated as second-class citizens in many areas. This has to change if we want to build a just and equitable society.
Empowering women is not only important for them but also for the development of our society as a whole. When women are empowered, they can contribute their talents and skills for the betterment of our country. They can be role models for other young girls and help create a better future for all of us.
So, it is important that we all work towards empowering women in our society. We need to create an environment where they can assert their rights and lead lives of dignity and respect. Only then can we hope to build a just and prosperous society for all.
How Is Amazon Empowering Women Entrepreneurs?
Here is how Amazon is empowering women entrepreneurs in India:
Amazon Saheli Program
Amazon India launched a special store that showcases the products of women entrepreneurs. There are thousands of women sellers in India that sell everything from incense sticks to sarees, from kitchen utensils to men’s clothing on the Saheli storefront. 
Amazon has partnered with 13 NGOs that reach 80,000 artisans across the country and help them in selling on the online marketplace. For the Saheli program, Amazon India partnered with pioneering social organisations, Self Employed Women Association (SEWA) and Impulse Social Enterprise, among others. 
Amazon Saheli storefront provides additional exposure and logistical infrastructure to women entrepreneurs and artisans who work with these NGOs. As the whole process can be overwhelming for many, Amazon also provides initial training workshops to assist them in bringing their business online. A dedicated manager is assigned to all new entrepreneurs in the Saheli program to help them make the most of the Amazon marketplace and kick-start their entrepreneurial journey. 
Apart from the additional exposure in the special Amazon Saheli storefront, “sahelis” also get assistance in product photo shoots and cataloguing for a successful launch on the platform. The Amazon Saheli program also offers various tools and reports to help women entrepreneurs and artisans manage their business better. 
All Women Delivery Stations 
Amazon launched the equal opportunity initiative in the year 2016. The initiative aimed to empower women by giving them employment opportunities and enabling them to achieve financial independence. Today, thousands of women work in all-women delivery stations and create a niche for themselves.  
Thiruvananthapuram and Chennai were one of the first cities to host delivery centers exclusively managed and run by women. They do all the tasks, including packaging, sorting, and whizzing off on two-wheelers to make the deliveries. 
Amazon Community Centers
In most parts of the country, a large number of women are still asked to do household chores, which stunts their skill growth and stops them from earning a livelihood. But with the efforts of the Indian government and various NGOs working for women's empowerment, things are starting to change. And to provide these women with a source of learning employable skills, Amazon India built community centres near its fulfilment centres. 
The community centers allow anyone to learn basic skills like computers, sewing, access to the Internet and more. This social initiative has opened up many doors for women by empowering them with employable skills and the confidence to earn a livelihood, reducing their dependence on their partners. 
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superkirana · 3 years
Kitchen Organisation Tips & Tricks | Amazon Kitchen Organisers | How to Organise Small Kitchen 2020
Kitchen Organisation Tips & Tricks | Amazon Kitchen Organisers | How to Organise Small Kitchen 2020
kitchentips #kitchenorganisers #amazonorganisers #homedecor everteen wipes – https://amzn.to/2umHY44 Buy These Products: 3 layer stand- option1- … source
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capseycartwright · 2 years
If it sparks joy, what about kisses 18. short pecks for buddie? busy firefighters just giving short bursts of affection when they can <3
Dating Evan Buckley was like dating the human equivalent of a hurricane. Eddie meant that with the most amount of love possible – because he loved Buck, hyperactivity and all – but sometimes the best comparison was that of a hurricane. Specifically in moments like this when Buck was running around their house, completely flustered and trying to find everything he’d put in random places, the previous night.
Buck had only just moved in, was the thing, and so he hadn’t quite figured out a memorable spot for everything in the newly unified Diaz-Buckley household, not like he had in the loft. Eddie understood how his boyfriend’s brain worked – or didn’t work, sometimes – and he knew that Buck tended to forget things when they weren’t in a particular place. A set of air tags from Chimney as a recent (slightly frustration fuelled, considering the number of times the entire 118 had needed to look for Buck’s phone) present had made it easier to find Buck’s phone, and keys, but the rest was still a bit of a learning curve.
They’d figure it out, Eddie knew – Buck just needed some time to get settled and into their new routine.
And for now, it was kind of funny to watch Buck hop around their house, one sock on, trying to find his wallet.
Eddie took a sip of the coffee he’d made himself (with no help from Hildy, thank you very much) and watched as his boyfriend stood, hands on hips, in the doorway of the kitchen. He was decently disbelieved, his shirt hanging open, torso on show, and Eddie had to remind himself Buck was on a tight schedule and Eddie could not distract him.
“You can take my card,” Eddie suggested. “I’ve got cash, for anything Christopher and I might need today.”
Buck shook his head. “My wallet has to be here somewhere,” he said, frustrated. “All we did after work was come home!”
“Did you leave it at work?” Eddie suggested. It was a logical place for Buck to have left his wallet, surely – shoved at the back of their shared locker, tattered leather always reminding Eddie that he should buy Buck a new wallet, a nice one for his birthday, maybe.
Buck paused, thoughtful. “I couldn’t have!” he declared. “I ordered from Amazon last night.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “When did you have time to go online shopping last night?”
“I….” Buck trailed off. “I couldn’t sleep!” he declared, twisting around. “So, I came out to the living room so I wouldn’t wake you up, and I ordered a spice rack organiser on Amazon – don’t say anything, Eddie, our spice drawer is a criminal offence – and so my wallet has to be….” he trailed off, diving over the back of the couch, letting out a triumphant noise. “Hidden behind a cushion.”
Eddie took another sip of his coffee, enjoying the way the caramel-y, almost bitter taste hit the back of his tongue. Buck had gotten them new coffee beans, and they were good – really good. “It helps to retrace your steps,” he reminded, ever the dad – it was the same thing he tended to say to Christopher when his son had lost something and was getting frustrated about not being able to find it.
“It helps to have you,” Buck countered, tucking his wallet in the front pocket of his jeans, padding across the kitchen, still only wearing one sock. The cool tile of the kitchen floor made Buck squirm, as he leaned in, pressing a brief peck to Eddie’s lips.
Eddie smiled against the embrace. “You’re so late, baby.”
“I know,” Buck sighed, not moving away. “But I hate leaving here without you. Is that cheesy? We spend – we spend literally all of our time together, and I still wish I could somehow spend more time with you.”
Eddie grinned, kissing Buck softly. “It’s only for a few hours,” he reminded. “And you’re getting to hang out with your sister and very cute niece, and I’m going to do laundry. I know which one of us is going to have a more exciting day.”
Buck groaned. “The saddest thing is,” he sighed. “Is that I’d like to stay home and do laundry with you, Eddie. God – I just heard myself. Chimney is right, we’re absolutely disgusting.”
Eddie couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head as Buck tried to kiss him again. “We are,” he reassured. “It’s the honeymoon phase.”
Buck grinned, the expression making the corners of his eyes crinkle in that familiar adorable way, his nose scrunching up right at the end. “I hope it’s like this forever,” he said softly, his eyes brimming with love, just like they always did when he looked at Eddie – it had taken Eddie a while to notice, was the thing, but once he noticed, he hadn’t been able to stop noticing. Buck looked at Eddie like he was the greatest thing Buck had ever seen with his own two eyes, and Eddie wanted to bask in that gaze for the rest of time.
Eddie returned the smile. “It will be,” he reassured, because it had to be – how could loving Buck ever be different to how it felt now? “But only if you hurry up; Maddie will kill you if you’re late again.”
Buck groaned, leaning his forehead against Eddie’s for a second. “I hate when you’re right.”
“No, you don’t, because I’m always right.”
“Cheeky,” Buck grinned, pecking Eddie on the lips. “I.” kiss. “Love.” kiss. “You.” kiss. “So.” kiss. “Much.”
“I love you too, Buck,” Eddie poked at his boyfriend’s stomach. “But you’re really, really late.”
“I know,” Buck stole one last kiss, lingering a little longer. “You taste good, by the way.”
“It’s the new coffee,” Eddie called after Buck’s quickly retreating back. “And don’t forget to find your other sock!”
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