#amazing wild animal hunting
topfunnyanimalvideo · 2 years
Leopard Vs Ostrich - Battle Of Speed - Wild Animal Hunting New
Top High Graphics Games Download
Click Here For Latest Free Games - https://za.uy/yF10
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par-vollen · 10 months
something i miss from ts3 is the wild animals throughout the world. seeing raccoons, deer, and wild horses was always so fun to me and made the game feel more 'real'.
sure we have wild foxes in ts4, but it doesn't really compare to the wild raccoons, deer, and mini pets from ts3.
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catofoldstones · 7 months
anyway the sun will rise again and we will try again if you even care
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dezertvideogames · 2 months
The Subnautica of other fears
Subnautica is a game infamous for it's almost all ocean planet, underwater worldbuilding, and deep sea gameplay. It's also the bane of all thalassaphobia peeps.
So here's the subnautica of other phobias
Claustrophobia Fear of Tight/Cramped Spaces - The Forest Series : After a plane crash leaves you stranded in a strange forests, something increasingly becomes... wrong. The caves around don't help.
Scopophobia Fear of being watched or the center of attention - Brighter Day : A weirdcore horror game where something is definitely watching you and definitely following you.
Entomophobia/Arachnophobia - Grounded : You play a group of kids who are stuck in a "honey I shrunk the kids" incident. They are forced to venture across their yard, and survive the various common insects around.
Megalophobia Fear of very very very big things - The Utility Room : An experience. More of an experience then a game and fever dreamish, worth it, and mysterious all the way. It's almost as if the universe accidentally left one strange dev room behind.
Nyctophobia Fear of darkness - Amnesia: The Bunker (from the Amnesia series) : It's a first-person survival horror. You play a French man trapped in a bunker during WW1, while being hunted by something inside its darkness.
Autophobia Fear of being/feeling alone - Firewatch : You work in a national park in order to watch out for fires. Traveling across the Wyoming wilderness takes a complicated turn.
Hemophobia Fear of blood or bleeding - Iron Lung : What awaits you in the deep of a strange moon. Trapped in a submarine you have no choice but to find out.
Amaxophobia Fear of car accidents or being run over - Decimate Drive : After freeing yourself from a kidnapping, the world you wake up to is full of hostile cars.
Final Boss Games:
Lethal Company
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Fun with friends :D
Genre: Indie Comedy Horror
Takes place on alien planets in outerspace
It's multiplayer, and very fun, but as soon as it hits the fan the sound design works hard to immerse you in the sudden loneliness. The games sound design is one the major players of Lethal Company's fear. As soon as a friend walks away the proximity chat teaches you just how separated you now are.
Before you know it you have had something unfriendly following behind you, and finally finding the silhouette of a friend in the dark you are betrayed by the creatures of the Lethal Company universe.
Fear of Darkness
Fear of Loneliness
Fear of Being Watched
Fear of Outerspace
The Metro Series
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Genre: Survival Horror Shooter
You play the beautiful and amazing Artyom Chynornyj in the post-apocalyptic world of Metro. Developed by Ukrainians and based off the Russian book series + Polish fanon writing community.
The world of Metro is unfair and unforgiving, full of mutated creatures, and the leftover souls that the destruction of humanity left in it's wake. Crawl across the underground of Russian cities, or panic across the even more dangerous world of the destroyed above.
Fear of Darkness
Fear of Wild Animals
Fear of Deep Water
Fear of Ghost/The Supernatural
Fear of Insects/Spider
Fear of Heights
Fear of Dead Bodies
Fear of the Cold
No Man's Sky
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The scariest game I've ever played. I don't know why, but this game freaks me out. I know the picture I chose was harmless, but I did that on purpose.
This game is beautiful, but don't let that fool ya. This world will leave you no hesitation lost in the unpredictable randomly generated horrors of space. From planet that are all water, to colossus creatures you see for only a split second, to the infinite colorless expanse of space.
Megalphobes and astrophobes, this is your subnautica
Fear of Outerspace
Fear of Darkness
Fear of Cramped Spaces
Fear of the Unknown
Fear of Very Very Very Big Things
Fear of Deep Water
Fear of Loneliness
Fear of Caves
Fear of the Supernatural
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local-space-gay · 1 year
Are you a fan of:
She ra
The Owl House
Wendell and Wild
Mitchells vs. the machines
Gravity Falls
Dead End
Puss in Boots and the last wish
Into the Spiderverse
Then I have a movie for you!!
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Nimona is a movie coming out tomorrow, June 30th that’s been 7 years in the making! It’s based off the tumblr webcomic turned best-selling graphic novel of the same title.
It was originally being made by Blue Sky Studios and was going to have a theatrical release aimed around 2021, but after Disney acquired them and shut the studio down the film was scrapped. The movie was only about 10 months away from being finished, and it was shut down after Disney execs had pushed back against the queer themes/characters in the movie. BUT, Annapurna studios picked the film back up and finished it!!
Onto the film itself!
The movie follows Nimona, a spunky shapeshifter who teams up with the knight Ballister Boldheart (previously Ballister Blackheart in the graphic novel) after he was framed for a crime he didn’t commit and sent on the run. His ex-boyfriend, Ambrosius Goldenloin, is tasked with hunting them down, but is conflicted between fulfilling his duty and his feelings.
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The animation style is stunning and dynamic, and the visuals are so so good!! I would highly recommend checking out the movie and supporting it when it comes out, this is a big step for stylized animation and also queer rep in animation as well!
But the best part is that it just looks like an amazing movie!!
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abdulajeez · 2 years
Most Amazing Wild Animals Attacks eagle hunting various animals
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vestaignis · 1 month
Завораживающая красота косаток. The mesmerizing beauty of killer whales.
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Косатки являются самыми крупными представителями семейства дельфиновых. Порой косатки достигают длины в 10 метров и веса в 6-7 тонн. Зубы у косаток вырастают до 11-13 сантиметров в длину. Окраска косатки представлена двумя цветами, то есть черным и белым. Белым цветом у нее окрашено горло и живот, а черным – бока и спина. В северной части Тихого океана можно встретить косаток альбиносов и косаток меланистов (полностью черных), но это уже является следствием генетического отклонения.
Косатки являются хищниками высшего порядка, то есть никто из животных в дикой природе не охотятся на них. Они могут охотиться даже на крупных китов и акул. В сутки взрослой особи требуется 100-150 килограмм пищи. Иногда косаток называют «морскими волками», так как они предпочитают охотиться группами, как стаи волков. У косаток есть свой «язык», а особи из разных групп имеют свой диалект, если можно так назвать спектр звуков, которыми они обмениваются для общения. Косатки — животные социальные. Они предпочитают сосуществовать небольшими группами, связанными семейными узами. Иногда численность групп косаток может доходить до 40-50 особей.
Косатки обитают во всех океанах и в большинстве морей от экватора к полюсам, в разных по температуре водах. И придерживается диапазона в 800м. от берега. А еще косатки могут развивать скорость до 50 километров в час. При этом сердце косатки бьётся под водой вдвое реже, чем на поверхности. Средний период жизни этих удивительных созданий составляет от 50 до 60 лет.
Killer whales are the largest representatives of the dolphin family. Sometimes killer whales reach a length of 10 meters and a weight of 6-7 tons. The teeth of killer whales grow up to 11-13 centimeters in length. The color of the killer whale is represented by two colors, that is, black and white. Her throat and belly are painted white, and her sides and back are black. In the North Pacific Ocean you can find albino killer whales and melanistic (completely black) killer whales, but this is already a consequence of a genetic deviation.
Killer whales are apex predators, meaning they are not hunted by any animal in the wild. They can even hunt large whales and sharks. An adult requires 100-150 kilograms of food per day. Killer whales are sometimes called "sea wolves" because they prefer to hunt in groups, like packs of wolves. Killer whales have their own “language,” and individuals from different groups have their own dialect, if you can call it that, the range of sounds that they exchange to communicate. Killer whales are social animals. They prefer to coexist in small groups connected by family ties. Sometimes the number of killer whale groups can reach 40-50 individuals.
Killer whales live in all oceans and in most seas from the equator to the poles, in waters of different temperatures. And sticks to the 800m range. from the shore. Killer whales can also reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the killer whale’s heart beats half as often underwater as on the surface. The average lifespan of these amazing creatures is from 50 to 60 years.
Источник: https://t.me/+E4YBiErj0A8wOGUy, ://pichold.ru/zhivotnye/morskaya-kosatka-50-foto.html, /pichold.ru/zhivotnye/morskaya-kosatka-50-foto.html, /klike.net/10098-kartinki-kosatki-100-foto.html, dzen.ru/a/YdlVwOvfZmBLhOWs, lookw.net/animals/page,3,28-kasatki-i-kity-80-oboev.html.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Purring with love
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PAIRING || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark x Sugar Baby!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || As you're walking to your car through the pouring rain, you suddenly spot a completely drenched cardboard box in the bushes. As you peek in, you find an abandoned little kitten who is only a few weeks old at most, so you decide to nurse it back to health, creating a strong bond between you two in the process.
RATING || Mature (M)
TAGS || Sugar Daddy AU. Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark. Sugar Baby!Reader.
WARNINGS || Unspecified age gap. Use of nicknames (Sugar). Mutual pining. Idiots in love. Overheard love confession. Animal abandonment. Animal rescue. Light sexual tension. Sexual content.
A/N || This amazing story has been brought to life with love and support from my bestie @ccbsrmsf1, for which I'll forever be grateful! Thank you for proofreading, loving, and supporting me because this wouldn't have existed without your help! Eu te amo 3000 💙
EVENTS Masterlist || @avengersbingo || Clothes sharing Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Wild || 'Hoping for more good days'
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Banners: @nicoline1998enilocin || Divider: @rookthornesartistry || Photo: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist || AU Masterlist
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You sigh as you look outside from your place in the library, where you have been holed up all day to finish a few assignments. As soon as your alarm goes off, notifying you that it's time to go home, you quickly pack up your stuff to get to your car before the rain worsens.
Seeing how the clock is already creeping closer to 7 p.m., it is relatively quiet on Campus, except for the few evening classes that are still being taught. As you go to the door, you adjust your jacket and put the hood on, hoping to shield you from the rain for as long as possible.
With a last deep breath, you swing open the doors leading to the parking lot while inwardly scolding yourself for parking your car so far away today. With a bit of a jog, you make your way to the entrance of the lot, and you can already see your trusty car when your attention is suddenly pulled away.
Right next to the parking lot entrance is a small box that is half open. The rain is steadily pouring inside as you go over to see what is in it and throw it away if it's nothing important. When you crouch next to it, you forget all about the rain as you see a tiny, pitch-black kitten lying in a rapidly growing puddle.
The first thing you do is take off your jacket, rain be damned, and pick up the kitten to keep it warm inside. It's clear that it's still alive as their chest moves with every breath, but as you run to your car, you can't stop the tears from flowing, thinking about how anyone could even begin to think about doing something cruel like this.
As soon as you're dry in your car, you look for something to keep it warmer, suddenly remembering the blanket you have in your backseat. You wrap up the kitten safely, and it doesn't take long to stop shivering in the warmth.
Meanwhile, you find your phone at the bottom of your bag, and with tears streaming down your face steadily, you call the first person who comes to mind: Tony.
It only takes him two rings to pick up, and the worry on his face is immediately visible when he sees and hears how distraught you are.
"Who do I need to hunt down, Sugar?" Tony asks, worry laced in his voice as he sits down. He is technically in the middle of a meeting, but when he sees you calling, he drops everything and answers immediately.
"I-I don't k-know," you stammer out between sobs, tears constantly wetting your cheeks the second you try and wipe them away. "I-I found a-a kitten in a b-box in the p-pouring rain." More sobs make their way through your body as you look down at the kitten on your lap, your camera now aimed at them as well.
"Oh, poor Sugar," Tony whispers, his brows knitted together in concern.
"Are they still alive? Can you take them to a nearby vet?" he asks, and you nod, finally calming down a bit now that you're talking to Tony. His voice always manages to calm you during moments like these, and you wish he were there with you now, but the FaceTime call would have to suffice right now.
"Y-yeah, they're still breathing. Do you think I can keep them if they're okay? I can't abandon them in a shelter, and maybe I won't be as lonely in my apartment if they're around as well," you ask, your tears and sobs having reduced to sniffles now.
"Absolutely, you can, Sugar. Please keep me updated about their well-being, okay? I will ensure they have the best medical care and at-home care," he says, and you feel the butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly at his words.
"Thank you, Tony. And I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting," you whisper, guilt creeping into your gut.
"Please, there's no need to apologize, Sugar. You know you can call me no matter what, and I'll be there for you, alright?" he asks, and you nod. After your last goodbyes, he returns to his meeting as if nothing happened, and you look up the directions to the closest emergency vet.
Luckily, it's only a 15-minute drive, and as soon as you're there, the vet will immediately see you and the little kitten.
"So, what happened to them?" the vet asks, but you shrug.
"I found them in a box near the college, so I figured I'd give them a fair shot at life and bring them here," you say, tears welling up in your eyes again as you swallow away the lump forming in your throat.
"Alright, I'll check them out, and you can wait in here for now. I'll be back within 20 minutes or so," the kind man says. You nod before turning around and sitting down, ready to update Tony. When you unlock your phone, you get his incoming call and pick up on the first ring.
"Hi, Sugar," Tony says as he sees your face, this time with fewer tears. Warmth spreads through his chest as you smile at him and greet him back. For a moment, everything is right with the world again.
"How's the kitten doing?"
"We found out it's a he. The vet took him for some exams, and he should be back in about 20 minutes, so... All I can do now is wait," you say with a shrug and an unconvincing smile. At this moment, Tony decides to stop everything he's doing, as he needs to be with you tonight. You may not ask for it outright, but he can tell you shouldn't be alone, at least not on the first night.
"Do you have a name for him?" he asks, and you nod.
"I'm thinking of calling him Moon. He's a beautiful pitch-black cat with the most stunning blue eyes, and the name really seems to fit him well," you say, a smile now tugging at the corners of your lips as you think about the little kitten.
"I can't wait to meet little Moon," Tony replies as he allows himself to sink back into his office chair. There's a comfortable silence between you two for a short moment, and neither of you feels the need to fill it. Eventually, you two make some small talk until the vet returns, and you have to say your goodbyes.
"How is he?" you ask as you quickly get up from your seat, your heart going a mile a minute right now. You reach out to the kitten, petting his head gently with the tip of your finger, and he feels so soft.
"He's surprisingly doing well. I think you found him not long after he was left, so apart from his hunger, there's nothing wrong with him. Over the next few weeks, you will need to bottle-feed him until he can start eating regular food, and I would like to see him once a week for the next three or four weeks to keep an eye on him," the vet says, and you nod in understanding.
"For now, I'll give you enough supplies to last you a day or two, but you need to get more soon," he says. With that, he shows you how to feed little Moon, and you're on your way home quickly. With Moon sitting comfortably in a carrying case in one hand and the supplies in your other hand, you go out the door and back to your car.
"It's time to go home, Little Moon. Are you excited?" you ask him, and he lets out a squeaky noise that resembles somewhat of a meow, making your heart race as you hear it. As you take off, you can't stop thinking that you have officially adopted a kitten and won't be as lonely anymore in your apartment.
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"Welcome home, Moon!" you tell the little kitten as your front door swings open. The first thing you do after closing it again is put the carrier and supplies down on your dining room table so you can put on something a bit warmer. It's a good thing he's asleep in there right now, so you quickly grab one of Tony's old shirts and a pair of sweatpants, changing with lightning speed.
Your hair is put up in a messy bun, and you decide to trade your contacts for your glasses, which makes you feel even more comfortable, especially since you have quite a long night ahead of you.
The moment you're back in your dining room, you look inside the carrier, and he's awake again, which is perfect timing for feeding him. His bottle is prepared within no time, and you wrap him up in the softest blanket you could find, which has pink and yellow flowers on it.
Moon latches on to the bottle without a problem, his eyes curiously looking around as you feed him. Just before you have the chance to sit down, you hear a few knocks on your door, and you make your way over to see who's on the other side. As soon as you peek through the little peephole, you see it's Tony, so you take a step back to call out that it's open.
"Tony, what are you doing here?" you ask, surprised as he's holding a duffle bag in one hand and some food in the other. He made the educated guess you still needed to eat dinner, and he was right.
"I figured my Sugar could use some extra help now that you have a baby to take care of," he winks, and your cheeks warm at his words. He leans forward to place a soft peck on your lips, and you happily accept it as you smile into the kiss.
"Thank you for coming over; I cannot even begin to explain how much I appreciate it," you sigh, and he nods.
"So, this is Moon, huh?" Tony asks after putting down the bags he is holding, and you nod.
"It is. I have enough supplies to take care of him for a day or two, so I have to go out and buy more tomorrow. Luckily, the vet gave me a list of everything I could possibly need to make sure he's happy and healthy," you tell Tony, who's now carefully petting Moon between his ears.
"He's beautiful," Tony whispers, and you agree.
"How about this: You sit on the couch and continue feeding and loving the little guy, and I get you a plate of food? I have a hunch you haven't had dinner yet, and I could use some food as well," he says, to which you happily agree.
"That would be amazing right about now. Thank you, Tony," you say, sitting on the couch with your legs crossed, looking down at Moon with a broad smile.
Tony can't stop smiling as he prepares a plate for you both. As he takes in the way you look in a pair of sweatpants and his shirt, combined with your glasses and your hair up like this, he can't help but fall in love with you just a little more, and he knows he can't hide it much longer. But for now, he will have to keep to himself, as there are other priorities to take care of.
"Who's ready for some food?" Tony asks as he walks into the living room with two plates of food, and the smell immediately invades your senses. He got Chinese take-out, and it smells divine.
"I'll just go put him down for a bit in his carrier; he just fell asleep again after finishing his bottle, so I'll be right back," you tell Tony. Before you know it, he's in the carrying case you brought him home in, but you decide to take off the top so you can keep an eye on him.
"Alright, I believe it's time for dinner!" you say excitedly as you walk back into the living room. As you stand before the couch, Tony extends his hand, and you take it, only to be pulled onto his lap with a soft shriek.
"Now I can finally say a proper hello to you," he whispers before leaning in to kiss you, his hands lying on your hips while your hands are gliding through the hair on the nape of his neck, your nails softly scratching over his scalp.
Your lips glide against his effortlessly, your bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. Your hearts match each other's rhythm as they speed up, and the moment is perfect. You're held by the man you love, and even though neither of you wants to admit it, you're both entirely sure about it.
You're both head over heels in love with one another.
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During dinner, you and Tony watched a cheesy romantic comedy that happened to be on; even though neither of you paid too much attention to it—you were too busy teasing one another to even care about the movie—there were still a lot of laughs shared between you two over it.
"I can't believe people enjoy these movies, and even more so that people think a happily ever after like that exists," you sigh, thinking back to your awful past and why you moved to the other side of the country.
"I don't know, I quite like the idea of having a happily ever after with someone. To love someone so deeply that you would go to the end of the earth for them without a second thought. I guess I like the idea of having someone to grow old with and someone to come home to after a long day of work," he says, though his eyes are trained on the coffee table instead of looking at you.
"I mean, when you put it like that, I think I might want it as well, as long as it's with the right person," you say softly. You look at him from the corner of your eye, trying to see his reaction. His cheeks are turning a familiar pink tint, making you smile at his cuteness.
Without saying a word, Tony grabs your hand and interlaces his fingers with yours, squeezing softly as his gaze is now focused on the TV again. You cuddle into his side more, your head leaning on his shoulder as you sigh softly.
Just as Tony has finally gathered the courage to tell you what's on his mind, your next alarm goes off, letting you know it's time to give Moon some medicine. It has to be given a few hours before he's fed again, so it's a good thing he's nearby. You can easily take care of him this way.
Reluctantly, you untangle your lips from Tony's and give him an apologetic smile as you get up. He also smiles at you, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes this time, and he's left with an empty feeling in his chest.
Moon is taking the medicine like an absolute champ, and before you know it, you're back on the couch with Tony, who has now wrapped his arm around you to pull you against his side, and your hand is tracing figures on his thigh as you're both watching another movie.
A shiver runs down your spine, and Tony pulls you closer to him, but to no avail.
"Tony? Can I maybe borrow your sweatshirt? I'm starting to get a little chilly over here," you ask, but he has a better plan.
"I brought you something even better," Tony says as he grabs a hoodie from his duffle bag. He wore it yesterday while working in his lab, so even though it's gotten a bit dirty, it smells like him, which you can never get enough of.
"Oh my god, thank you!" you say as you immediately slip it on. You pull Tony in for a hug, which he happily reciprocates. It feels good to be held by one another, and you two stay like that for a few minutes as you bury your nose in his neck.
"Thank you for being here, Tony. You didn't have to be, but I'm grateful you did," you tell him after you pull away. Your eyes look at his deep brown ones, and you can see a shimmer of happiness in them as he smiles.
"I know I didn't have to be, but I couldn't leave my girl alone after what happened," he tells you, and a deep red blush covers your cheeks. The thought of you being his girl makes you feel excited, but before you can say something stupid, you pull him into a kiss.
It started slowly at first, but when you moaned softly as he pulled you against him, Tony immediately slipped his tongue into your mouth. As you two explored each other's mouths for a while, you could feel yourself clenching around nothing, and he was also definitely getting aroused as well.
Just as Tony's hands wandered down your body and to the hem of the hoodie you were wearing, another alarm went off, but this time, it caught you both off-guard as you jumped apart.
"It's time for another feeding. Do you want to do the honors this time?" you ask, and he agrees after you give him a few more pecks.
"Alright," you say, and you get his bottle ready while Tony gets Moon ready, and he's all wrapped up in his little blanket. While Tony is feeding him, you take your time to snap some photos of Tony taking care of the black kitten, as it melts your heart, and you want to remember this moment for many years to come.
"Do you mind if I go take a shower? Now that you're here, I might as well make the most of the situation, especially after the rain earlier," you ask Tony after you've snapped enough photos to fill a few books.
"Course not, Sugar. You go take care of yourself, and I'll take care of him, okay?" Tony says softly, and you smile before turning around and heading towards your bathroom. As soon as you're in there, you grab a tight hold of the sink and suppress the scream that wants to leave your body.
Tony showing up for you like that and being so loving and sweet has the butterflies in your stomach in complete disarray, and you can't believe you have gotten so lucky as to have met someone like him. You thought you would never find love again after moving away, but he has shown you it's possible, and you're more than grateful for it.
The shower is quick but very refreshing as you finally get to wash away every last worry that has crept its way into your mind and body, making you refreshed and a little tired at the same time. The amount of relaxation you feel now is something you haven't felt in a long time, and you breathe a sigh of relief as a smile tugs on the corners of your lips.
Once you're done, you slip into a comfortable pair of underwear, sweatpants, and Tony's hoodie, which you bring up to your nose as you take a whiff of his scent. It envelops you completely, and it feels like coming home after a long day.
As you walk back to the living room, you hear Tony talking to Moon, and you can't help but wait on the other side of the door, partially because you're curious about what he's saying and partially because you don't want to interrupt their conversation.
"You're very lucky to have an amazing Mommy like Sugar, you know that? She'll take amazing care of you and love you so much. And maybe one day I will be your Daddy as well, making us a big, happy family," Tony says with a soft sigh, the idea of you two being together forming more and more in his head.
"I'm already so in love with you, you know that? And with Sugar, too, but I don't want to admit it just yet—I don't even know if she likes me like that as well," he tells Moon, his voice trailing off near the end. If only he knew you had fallen head over heels for him as well.
After a few more moments, you swing open the door, and you see Tony cuddling with Moon in the blanket and his bottle empty on the table.
"How did he do?" you ask as you sit beside Tony. You both look at a sleepy Moon as he's curled up in the blanket's warmth combined with the heat of Tony's body.
"He ate like a champ, just finished his bottle, so I figured I'd cuddle with him for a bit so you could see him too. He's so cute when he's sleepy," Tony says as he looks at you with a fond expression.
"You're cute when you're sleepy, too," Tony says as a yawn escapes, and you can no longer hide your tiredness. It's already been a long day, and now that you have little Moon to take care of, staying awake is only getting more challenging, as it's all taking up so much of your energy.
"Do you want me to stay tonight, Sugar? I can help take care of Moon, so you won't have to get up every time," Tony offers.
"Oh no, that's okay, I don't mind," you quickly respond, but he shakes his head.
"I think it's best if I stay; you need your rest tonight as well,'' he tries again, and this time, you agree. Once Moon is done feeding, you carefully put him in his bed again before taking him to your bedroom so you can keep an eye on him if needed.
After you and Tony have gotten ready to sleep, he sits on his side of the bed, his legs spread and arm held out. Both of you are fully clothed, but that won't be for long if it's up to Tony.
"Let's get you out of these clothes, hmm?" he asks with a raised brow, and you agree. With a few swift motions, you're left in nothing but your bra and panties, and Tony can't help but place a few soft kisses on the exposed skin of your belly.
"So beautiful," he whispers as his hands glide over your thighs and the flesh of your butt, where he squeezes as well. A giggle escapes your lips as he does, and it doesn't take long for him to be left in nothing but his boxer briefs as well.
As you crawl into bed, you're quickly followed by Tony, who, instead of lying next to you, crawls over your body to cage you in with his large frame. His broad shoulders and thick thighs cover quite a large portion of your body, and you can't help but bite your lip at the thought.
"What's going on in that brain of yours, Sugar?" Tony asks as he noses along your jaw and neck before placing soft kisses over the column of your throat that have you moaning ever so softly.
"And what are you thinking about exactly?" he asks, and a deep red blush spreads over your cheeks again.
"How good it feels when you slide that thick, delicious monster of a cock inside my tight, warm pussy," you whisper, and his eyes go wide at your words. With those words, Tony doesn't take long to do just that.
Your legs are spread perfectly for him as he gets comfortable between them, his bare cock resting on your thigh as he takes his time with your nipples first. Tugging and suckling on them to pull soft moans from you is one of his favorite activities, and he can spend hours doing just that.
When he's had his fill, and he's happy with how red and perky they are, he lets his hand glide to his cock, which he pumps up and down a few times before lining up with your entrance and pushing in every so slowly.
Your breaths mingle with every soft and careful thrust, your moans becoming one as he bottoms out, and your bodies working in a perfect rhythm together as you both roll your hips together. Your hands are linked above your head while Tony kisses you softly, and this moment feels nothing short of perfect.
Making love to the man you love is the best feeling in the world, and falling over the edge at the same time while your foreheads are connected has never felt more intimate. The way your pussy clenches around his cock, milking him for everything he's worth, has never felt this good, and neither of you ever wants to stop.
Neither of you wants this moment to end while you're wrapped in your little bubble. There is not a single care in the world, just you, him, and your love. Once Tony's finished inside you, he pulls out to clean both of you up, grabs some fruit from your fridge, and comes back to bed to be close to you again.
"Here, eat this so you can regain some of your strength again," he whispers, followed by a kiss on your forehead. You happily munch on the sweet fruits as you're cuddled against his side.
"I still can't believe you adopted a little kitten today," he suddenly says with a chuckle, making you laugh, too. This was not part of your plan at the start of your day, but at the same time, you wouldn't want it any other way.
"Neither can I, but despite finding him in a little box, it has been a good day. Meeting Moon has been the highlight of my day, and all we can do now is hope for more good days," you say, to which Tony agrees.
"As long as all three of us have each other, I think every day is great, Sugar. And maybe, some of them may even turn into perfect days if we're really lucky," Tony tells you, and you nod in agreement.
After that, it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep, and the first time your alarm goes off to give Moon his medicine, Tony gets up so you can get some more sleep.
"It's okay, Sugar. I got him," he whispers as he kisses your forehead.
"Thank you, Tony, for everything," you tell him, and he smiles at you in response. After another soft kiss, he gets up to help Moon, who is still asleep in the blanket he was wrapped up in. The medicine is administered quickly, and Tony's back in bed with you before you know it.
Your head is on his chest, your hand covers his arc reactor, and your leg is draped over his. This is something you can get used to and something you will look forward to in the future as well.
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
I'm just so glad I found the found the werewolf part of tumblr, lol- I'm just SO obsessed with the idea of being a werewolf's sweet little house wife by day, keeping up our lovely cabin in the woods, cooking with the game he brings me from his hunts, the rest of the pack always around like a big extended family.
And by night being his prized breeding stock, dominated totally by his animalistic need to mate, and making a new addition or two to the pack~❤❤❤ it's the dream!
if my partner isn't a werewolf I don't want it tbh
He’s the perfect mate! He’s polite and treats you well. Everyone likes him, and your friends gush to you about how jealous they are that you have such an amazing partner. He takes care of you, paying for all your bills and spoiling you with expensive gifts on top of that. He’ll give you his credit card and get pouty if you go a few days without using it.
If you want to be a stereotypical housewife, he’s fine with that! He’s just happy he gets to come home every day and see your pretty face. It gives him butterflies in his stomach when you offer to cook up whatever he caught from the hunt. He likes providing for you- whether that be with food or money or whatever else your little heart may desire. 
You might feel a little nervous meeting his whole pack, but they all love you. Your werewolf boyfriend gets a little embarrassed when all his pack mates start telling you how much he talks about you behind your back. All good things of course, as if he could ever say a bad thing about you.
He really is the sweetest lover you’ve ever had, and then you feel his hand sneak down the small of your back to grope your ass. Your face gets hot and you look up at him, but he isn't reacting.
“What are you doing? We’re in public” you hiss at him as he squeezes your backside a little harder.  He leans down and puts his mouth against your ear 
“I’m going to fuck you out of your mind when we get home”
As if he even needs to warn you, he always fucks you out of your mind when he fucks you. You forget sometimes that he’s a wild animal. But he reminds you when he takes you from behind, his teeth buried in the flesh of your neck and his hands on your hips keeping you where he wants you. 
“ ‘m gonna fill this cute pussy up and you’re going to take every drop, yeah? You’re going to be a good Mate and take what I give you right?” he growls into your ear as he slams his cock inside of you, over and over again. You can only moan in response. 
“Awe that’s a good girl, I’m going to assume that was a  “yes Alpha” and you’re just too cock-drunk to talk properly… poor little human, you’re all fucked stupid and we haven’t even gotten started yet-”
Everyone thinks your werewolf is the perfect man, and they have no idea how right they are.
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"Uffington White Horse" (c.1380-550 BCE) / Chauvet Cave Bear (30,000 and 32,000 BP)
UFFINGTON WHITE HORSE: its public landscape art, its from bronze or iron age and people still maintain it and this chain of people working together, even through the original purpose is lost, the art is not, the community aspect of it (anonymous)
CHAUVET CAVE BEAR: I'm not a very emotional person but there's something about prehistoric cave paintings that make me cry my eyes out. There are too many examples (please check out the Altamira cave bisons they're beautiful) but one that never fails to amaze me is the Chauvet Cave Bear. He's painting with so much care, he's only one of hundreds and thousands of paintings in this cave, many of them more detailed, colorful and dynamic than this guy, but there's something about the careful lines that the artist (bc prehistoric people were artists) put on this wall that touches me. It's put in a scene where he's hunted, he's alone, in a peaceful position, possibly rummaging through a bush. The anatomy is maybe even cartoony with its tiny ears and small mouth but it's realistic in all the ways that matter at that time, anybody could look at it and see a bear, the artist had to carefully watch this bear (or many bears) to memorize its lines, it's humps and structure and the scrounge up the materials to paint, and finally put to rock this animal they admired from a distance. The Chauvet Cave has thousands of cave bear remains, estimating 200 individuals. The cave also has a quarter of ALL cave bear depictions in pre-history. That means that whoever painted this bear not only saw one in the wild but lived alongside these animals their entire lives, their culture was deeply locked with them. There's a chamber in this cave with 50 bear skulls, all of them carefully placed. This painting shows so much care and love from people that are often depicted as brute and uncaring but they were just as capable as any current human of not only caring but DEPICTING their love. It's a beautiful early representation of our capability for admiration and cherishing things that weren't essential for basic survival. Also the artist was damn good that bear has so much expression without even having eyes, the line thickness balance is amazing. (athenasabattoir)
(The "Uffington White Horse" is a prehistoric hill figure created by trenches filled with crushed white chalk. It is 110 m (360 ft) long and is located on Whitehorse Hill in England.
The "Chauvet Cave Bear" is a prehistoric cave painting in the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave located in Ardèche, France. This cave contains hundreds of preserved figure paintings from the Upper Paleolithic time period. The central bear is 120 cm (47 in) and was painted using red pigment.)
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neverchecking · 1 year
hi i just discovered your blog and your writing is amazing 😳 could i request wild x reader, breeding kink? can be yandere or not, up to you!
This deleted twice- if it does it again I'm going to cry-
You ABSOLUTELY can. You can, you can you can-
I have a bit of a favorite. sue me.
If your looking for some noice breeding stuff with wild, @fanfic-fairy-fountain has some mouth watering, thigh clenching, till it remembers every vein DILF! Wild content that made me bark man.
Anyway, Smut so MDNI! 18+
Smut CW: AFAB reader, Breeding Kink. Wild being his namesake, mans has baby fever badly.
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He couldn't explain it.
After coming out of the shrine of Resurrection, he had felt...lost. Like a shattered vase with too many pieces missing to have any hope of being put back together. He was no longer the knight that Zelda boasted around- that Link died in the shrine over a century ago- even if it didn't stop her from parading him around like a show pony. He wasn't a champion of old, Revali was right about one thing. He was just...Link. Link of Hateno, who lived on the outskirts of the small village. Who came into town every once in while for supplies. Who otherwise kept to himself, but remained friendly, as long as his companion was happy.
The village couldn't quite place what you meant to him, but that was fine. He knew what you meant to him. You were his Goddess. His reason for living. You kept him sane. You saw his shatter pieces and decided they were worth it. You saw his jagged edges and razor sharp features and soothed them all with a gentle hand and graceful words. You placed yourself firmly in his life without any intentions of leaving. He wouldn't let you leave anymore anyway.
Not when you had made such an impact in his life. Not when you put value in something he saw as worthless. Not when you put your entire trust into believing he could be someone worthy of your love. How could he let something like you, such a blessing, go? He couldn't.
And what better way to keep him tied to you by doing everything you asked of him? Want him to slay an entire monster camp? Elementary. Want him to go, venture out into the wilderness just to hunt this incredibly rare animal? Done. Want to sit on his face and choke him with your thighs? You better be ready to suffocate him because he's not coming out until your coming undone over top of him. Wanna ride his thighs? He's sitting prim and proper for you. Want to tie him up in satin ribbons to use for your own desires?
Just tell him when.
Anything to keep you happy. So when you came up to him, asking him so nicely to breed you, to fill you up, who was he to say no?
So he didn't.
Honestly, what better way to tell everyone you were his, and his alone than to fatten you up with his child? To make you round and plump with his seed. To tie you to him for the rest of your lives.
There was no better way he realized.
Sure he could paint your neck and back and chest and thighs in bitemarks and bruises in his own signature color, singing his name on you in his own unique way. Sure he could put the fattest, prettiest rock he could mine on your finger, watching as you wore it with pride. Sure he could that all.
But none of it quite painted you as his as a child did. An absolute precious little being a perfect mix of the two of you. He could see it now. And absolute angel with your hair and nose, maybe his eyes and ears. Filled with his trademark sense of curiosity, only to be paired with a healthy sense of caution you would instill in them.
Would you want an entire Litter of children to trample along your feet? Or maybe just two or three to focus your attention to carry your legacy? Or perhaps just one perfect mix of you two to shape into the best person this world had to offer.
Didn't matter. He would give you anything and everything you wanted.
Right now? You wanted to be filled.
And he would comply, tearing your tunic and bottoms from your body and pinning you to the dining room table. One hand kept your chest to the table, pushing between your shoulder blades as he freed himself with a single hand. Your whines and please, all but begging for him to breed you, fill you, start your family right then and there ignited a fiery inferno underneath of him, just aching to make your dreams come true.
Anything to keep you tied to him.
His grip was practically bruising as he pulled your hips to meet his with every thrust, ensuring the head of his cock kissed your cervix with every plunge. It had you crying out for him over and over again, tears pearling in your eyes. He cooed at your trembling form, leaning over you without loosing tempo to thumb away your tears. He kissed your cheeks, temples, anywhere he could reach really, letting the one hand left holding your hips drift to fiddle with your clit. He circled it in steady circles, making the tears come back as you jutted against him, thighs twitching wildly.
"Shh, that's it wildflower, just let me take care of you. Leave everything to me. I'll fill you up so nicely, you'll have no choice but to carry our child. In no time at all, you'll be all round and gorgeous, telling everyone you're mine. All mine."
You came with with a hard cry, milking him for what you desperately craved. And if you wanted it, he'd give it to you. The one hand that was gently brushing your tears away snaked between your body and the table, gently cupping your throat so he could pull you against his chest while the other one returned to your hips. He pulled you flush against him, biting into your neck with a muted growl as he emptied into your womb.
But that wouldn't be enough. No. he wouldn't be satisfied until you were nothing but a brainless little thing, trusting him to breed you, and even then, one more wouldn't hurt, would it?
You'd get the child you wanted. He'd make sure of it.
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atokirina-writings · 1 year
Somewhere in my memory.
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Being the oldest daughter in the sully family, it’s only natural that you assist your little sister in her training.
Notes: This is my first fic in a whileeeeeee so i’m hella rusty, spare me pls. There’s a little mention of Neteyam being unalive but it’s minor.
Pairings: Tuktirey x sister reader, Neytiri x daughter reader, Neteyam x sister reader
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“Back straight, stand tall Tuk”
Helping your little sister learn to hunt was always fun. You and your mother often taking turns. “She should learn from strong women” Your mother would always say, even if she was only half joking.
“Sister please I am tired we’ve been at this all d-”sushing your little sister and gesturing towards to beautiful hexapede feeding on a bed of grass in the distance. Her eyes light up at the sight. “Remember what I told you tuk, strong from here.” Lightly tapping her stomach reminding her to take a deep breath.
Giving her a reassuring nod, silence falls over you two. Only the sound of Pandoras wild life can be heard. You step back, admiring the confident hunter your once little sister is becoming.
With one swift movement the Hexepede falls to the ground with a soft thud. “I did it!” She says gasping. The look of happiness in her eyes is the most beautiful thing to you. “Yes you did, go get it!”
Making your way to the fallen Hexepede Tuk begins to recite a prayer to Eywa, thanking her for the life she has given to this animal.
Securing her knife back into it’s holder you grab her shoulders, pulling her into a tender hug. You bask in each others touch for awhile, you’re so proud of your little sister for the young lady she’s becoming.
Pulling away from her and looking into her eyes, she looks so much like him it hurts. As your eyes start to tear up the memories of your late younger brother Neteyam flood your mind. You push them aside, staying in the present moment for the sake of your little sister “You did amazing Tuk, I am so incredibly proud of you.”
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smoooothoperator · 5 months
04: Point Of No Return
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle
Words: 3k
Warnings: drama, acotar reference (if you know which one, say it!!!)
a/n: so the drama is getting better, huh? This is kinda something that happened on my birthday lol. Not all of it, but yeah :)
Official Playlist
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If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Experience always told me that I should never wait for the best of everyone. That I shouldn't have big expectations or high hopes. Everyone is busy with their lives, no matter what happens, you will never be more important than someone.
The light of the sun lighted up my room with a gold shine making me open my eyes slowly. The bedroom.was beautiful, and I thanked mentally Lando for letting me have this room the entire week. It was a spacious room with a king sized bed and a window that occupied a wall letting me see the mountains and trees.
I smiled softly, stretching and yawning wide. My phone was on the nightstand, the charger plugged in. I grabbed it, turning on the screen.
But, instead of a smile, a frown and a heavy weight in my chest showed in my face.
No messages, no calls. Not even from my parents.
I have signal, there's wifi in this house. So… why?
I swallowed thickly and got up, grabbing a hoodie and walking out of the room. Downstairs was quiet, maybe they were still sleeping.
But for my surprise, Lando was awake and
already drinking something.
“Morning” I sighed, hiding my face with the hood of the hoodie.
“Morning” he said back. “How did you sleep?”
“Amazing” I said, walking towards him and sitting next to him on the couch. “The best way to wake up… best views ever”
“Yeah? I'm glad” he smiled.
I nodded and sigh, hugging my legs and looking where he's looking. Two foxes, playing with themselves.
“Oh” I whisper, surprised.
“Yeah” I heard Lando chuckle softly.
Silence fell between us, sometimes filled with the sounds he makes when he sips the tea or with the sound of the wind outside the house. 
“Happy birthday” he whispered, looking at me with a smile.
He was the first one that said it. The only one, at the moment.
“Thank you” I smiled softly, somehow sitting closer to him.
“By the way, I made you your mocha” he whispered again, not stopping looking at the two foxes. “It's on the microwave, in case you want to warm it again”
Little gestures. He was always a man of little gestures. Having the coffee or the tea I like whenever our group went to his house, asking me which book I was reading, congratulating me for my little personal wins… Little things that showed me he cared.
But still, I was surprised. He knows that's my favorite coffee, he knows I like to have it for breakfast every morning.
I got up, walked towards the kitchen and warmed the coffee in the microwave while I looked at my phone. 
Nothing. No messages. Nothing from my parents. Nothing from my classmates. 
And it hurts. It hurts waking up on a special day and watching that no one cared, that no one noticed.
Only Lando.
I grabbed the mug and walked back to sit next to him, closer than before, this time our arms were pressed against the other. 
“Why did you wake up this early?” I asked him. “It's eight in the morning, there's nothing to do…”
“Oh, I had to make some calls” he smiled. “And then I saw those two playing and just decided to stay”
I hummed, nodding softly and taking a sip of the drink, savoring the taste of it. Sweet, just how I like it.
I don't know how long we stayed like that, sitting next to each other in a comfortable silence while watching two wild animals hunt and play, but the voices coming downstairs interrupted that moment of silence.
I felt two arms wrapping my shoulders and a kiss on my cheek, then the scent of Pietra came to my nose.
“Happy birthday!” she giggled, hugging me tighter and chuckling softly.
Max looked at me and did the same she did, kissing the crown of my head and hugging me.
And I felt grateful. They remembered.
“Thank you guys” I smile looking at them and then at Lando.
“Why don't we have breakfast?” Lando asked, getting up and going to the kitchen.
Max and Pietra nodded, but I just stayed on the couch a little more, waiting for the two people left to walk downstairs and do the same as Max and Pietra did.
But my answer came with a moan, followed by another moan, and the sound of a bed moving.
“Fucking hell, are those two really going to spend the week fucking all days?” I heard Max groan.
I sighed, closing my eyes, but the moment I heard Eloise screaming his name I felt a deep stab in my chest.
Lando called me, walking towards me and grabbing my wrist, making me follow him towards the kitchen where Max and Pietra were.
I didn't notice it but my eyes were glassy, the knife was buried deep inside my chest hearing every moan or every sound they made upstairs. 
“Ignore them” Lando whispered. “If they want to stay here all day, fucking until they don't have any other thing to do, it's their problem. But today, we planned something and you are coming with us, okay?”
At which moment Lando started to act like this? Why is he brushing his thumb over the skin of my wrist?  Why did he make me sit on the chair next to him? Why… Why did he buy my favorite coffee and cookies?
“So… what are today's plans?” Max asked, looking at Lando.
“Well, exploring the village, I guess” he said. “I heard there's a nice restaurant and a Christmas market”
I just hummed, looking at my phone. Only a few messages from classmates. 
“Are you okay?” I heard Lando whisper, feeling his hand on my shoulder.
“Ah, yeah… Yeah, I'm fine”
I tried to ignore the pain in my chest, living the present.
I should have never had high expectations on people. I should never put my hopes in no one.
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I saw the pain in her eyes the moment she noticed what was happening upstairs. I could even hear her heart breaking.
She was quiet during breakfast, glancing at her phone but letting out frustrated sighs. Pietra tried to cheer her up, talking with her about what they should do at the village, but she wasn't paying attention at all.
If only I had the guts to tell her everything…
“Shall we get ready?” Max asked, looking at me.
I saw the doubt in Violet's eyes, how her throat moved after swallowing thickly. She doesn't want to hear them. And I get it, totally.
“Hey, have this” I said, grabbing my AirPods from the pocket of my hoodie. “I found a song that maybe you'll like”
I saw confusion in her eyes the moment I put the earphones in her ears and connected them to my phone, placing it on the pocket of her hoodie.
And with that I held her wrist and walked upstairs with her. The music was high, just so she couldn't hear them. 
Our bedroom doors were in front of the other, so I changed quickly and waited for her in front of the door.
Maybe I look like a stalker, like someone who is obsessed with her. Maybe I am. Maybe all I want right now is to see her smile, to make her open her eyes and see who loves her dearly, who wants to make her happy.
“Ready?” I asked her when she opened the door. She still has the earphones, listening to the song.
I held her hand. This time, I held her hand and walked downstairs with her, getting out of the house.
“Did you like it?” I asked. “The song”
“O-oh, yeah” she nodded, giving me back my phone and AirPods. “And… Thank you, for doing that”
“I'm here for you” I said.
Max and Pietra walked out immediately, and somehow they were surprised we were already outside.
“Well, we have to go by car” Max said, showing me the keys. 
“Oh, right” I nodded.
The four of us went to the car and in less than ten minutes we were already parked in the village.
Max sat next to me while Pietra and Violet stayed at the backseats. Sometimes I looked back at her, watching how she admired the landscape, how her lips curved upwards on a tiny smile.
I felt my phone vibrating inside the pocket of my hoodie, with messages and calls, but I ignored them. Max started to receive notifications too.
“Ignore him” I whispered when I saw him opening the app. “Don't answer him”
“Lando…” he frowned.
“He did it himself” I whisper. “He's pushing us away, pushing… her. I don't even know why he came. If he wanted to fuck Eloise all day, he could do that back at home”
“Then why did you invite him?” Max frowned, locking the phone and looking at me.
“You know the answer. You know the answers to everything. You know why I'm doing this”
We spent most part of the day there, walking around and discovering the village, going to the market. It was an amazing day, until Harry decided to use his manipulative claws.
“They are asking where we are” she frowned, looking at her phone. “You didn't tell them that we were going to the village?
“Why should I? They were doing other things” I said, not noticing how she stopped walking.
“We left without telling them” she said “We abandoned them”
“No. They abandoned us” I frowned. “They did the same yesterday. How longer are you going to defend them? How longer are you going to act so blindly and let them do whatever they want? Did they say something about your birthday? When are you going to open your eyes?”
Max and Pietra were standing behind us, hearing me, hearing us. As me, they saw how Violet fought the tears, how she clenched her jaw and tried to find words to speak.
“You don't get it…” she mumbled. 
“Why are you letting him manipulate you?” I asked. “Can't you see that? He's using you! Toying with you like a doll whenever he wants and then throwing you away like trash. Open your eyes, Violet! Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“Because I love him!” she exclaimed, with anger in her eyes. 
I knew she did. But hearing herself say that out loud, it felt worse than I expected.
“You don't understand anything, Lando. You don't know me at all, you don't know who I am. So leave me the fuck alone”
“Violet-” Pietra tried to calm her, but she stopped her.
“No” she said, mad. “Leave. Me. Alone. Are you happy, Lando? I heard you were an ass, and I tried to not believe them. But seems that it's true: you love making others feel miserable”
Every word she said was venom thrown to me. 
It was like my feet were frozen, glued to the floor. Max and Pietra felt the same. The three of us saw her run away, and none of us couldn't stop her. None of us saw where she was going.
“What have I done?” I gasped looking at Max and Pietra.
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It hurt. It hurt so bad hearing him say those things. It hurt so bad watching how Max and Pietra didn't stop him. They knew, of course they knew.
And what hurt me the most was the fact that I knew he was saying the truth. That I knew what he was talking about. But I never wanted to admit it, I never wanted to admit that I was letting Harry manipulate me.
Why would I? Why would I admit it when I love him? A tiny sparkle of his attention is what makes me happy, right? Watching him smile is what makes me happy…
At which moment I let myself be treated that way? Why did I let myself be manipulated by him? If only I could go back in time and erase the moment I introduced him to Eloise… If only I confessed my feelings those years ago…
My phone started to vibrate. Harry.
“H-Harry…” I said breathless. 
Where am I?
“Where the fuck are all of you? Why the hell did all of you leave us?” 
He's mad. And I can hear Eloise trying to calm him. 
“I… Lando said-”
“Of course it was his idea” he groaned, making me swallow the lump of my throat.“That piece of shit… If I see him I will kill him, I swear!”
“Harry, no…” I tried to calm him. But it was useless.
“You are mine! Do you hear me?! That asshole will see what it is to take what's mine”
He was out of himself, mad. I never saw him like that. Possessive, scary. 
“I'm not yours” I frowned. “You have Eloise”
“What did you say?” he laughed. “Oh, it's that, huh? He finally had the guts to confess his feelings? He took you away from me to finally say he loves you. What a smart move!”
Confess his feelings? He loves me?
“Leave me alone, Harry” I said, swallowing thickly. “You already fucked up my birthday, thank you”
I ended the call, looking at the screen of my phone in disbelief.
Lando? Does he have feelings for me? He loves me?
No… it can't be. He's wrong. Lando can't have feelings for me. 
What did I do to deserve this? A day that is supposed to be happy, is now painful. A day full of betrayal, of anger, of pain…
Eloise didn't bother to call me. She didn't even try to locate me. Was this part of Harry's plan? He was manipulating me and pushing Eloise away from me? He wants me to be alone… to not have anyone? 
At this point I don't know where I am. Did I run that much to be that far from the market in the middle of the village? I can't even hear the people talking, only the sound of a river and the trees moving with the wind.
“Fuck…” I sighed, looking around and trying to find somewhere to sit.
There is a kids park with benches on it, barely lighted by the street lights. But that's better than nothing. Maybe I should go back to the house, or call someone… But who? Harry is furious, Max and Pietra? Lando? And how am I going to face them now? How am I going to face Kandi knowing that he loves me and that he knows I love Harry? Why do I even love Harry? Lando was right… I'm so blind.
So that's why he started to act like that with me yesterday? Because he wanted to confess his feelings for me, he wanted to be close to me.
At this point I have too many questions…
Is someone calling me? I looked around, trying to find who was calling me. But I only saw snow floating in the air. When did it start? I've been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice how cold my body was.
That voice again. It was coming closer and closer every second.
It's close, I can hear it. 
“There you are” he was behind me, the sound of his shoes walking through the snow were behind me. 
“Lando” I whisper, turning around and looking at him.
“I've been looking for you” he smiled and somehow his gaze softened. 
“Where are Max and Pietra?” I asked, standing up and suddenly wrapping my arms around him. I need warmth, I feel so cold.
“Back at the house” he said, hugging me and holding me close to him. “In case you went there walking… But thank God I found you”
“I'm sorry… I'm so sorry, you were right” I whisper, trying to stay calm. “You are right. Harry…”
“It's okay. But don't talk, yeah? You are freezing” he said. “Let's go, we should sleep here somewhere…”
“What, why?” I frown. Sleep here? In a hotel? With him?
“It's snowing a lot, Violet. It's too dangerous to ask Max to come for us” he sighed. 
“I'm sorry for acting this childish” I whisper, feeling how he pulled away and held my hand, putting it in the pocket of his coat to keep me close. 
“And I'm sorry for talking to you like that. You were right too, I'm an asshole”
“No, you tried to open my eyes and all I did was insult you” I mumbled, looking at our hands, how he held mine tightly inside of his pocket. “And I did… I did open my eyes, I'm sorry it took me too much time”
“Better late than never, hm?” 
We walked for a while until we were back at the center of the village. Only now I noticed how wet my clothes were because of the snow, how much I was trembling because of the cold. He guided us to the hotel that was there, right in front of the big Christmas tree.
“Is there a way of reserving two single rooms tonight?” Lando asked. 
“I'm sorry, we only have one tonight from a couple that left not long ago…” the receptionist said and I just laughed.
“How cliche” I whisper, making Lando sigh. “It's okay, I don't mind”
“Are you sure?” he whispered. “I can sleep on the couch, okay? I don't mind”
“No, no… it's… it's okay” I nodded.
It was silent, the way towards the elevator and to the room. Lando is not holding my hand anymore, he walks in front of me with the keycard in his hand, opening the door.
“So… there's a big bed” he said. 
“Yeah I can see it” I nodded, standing next to him.
“You know what? Go take a shower to get warm, hm? I'll go out to grab some warm clothes and something for dinner”
I couldn't even answer him before he walked out of the room, leaving me alone in the middle of it.
Is this really happening? What type of joke is this? Now what am I going to do knowing that he might have feelings for me?
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover
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I have come to add my subpar ideas to the Death-Seeking Creator (which I will shorten to DSC for my own sanity) AU! Ignore them if you'd like!
Someone else mentioned the adrenaline junkie aspect, but what about other stuff that they've (maybe) evolved into, given their godhood likely having effects on their organic parts?
For example, what if dying is now the only way they can sleep?
I can see Teyvat or maybe even their own biology trying to keep them safe by altering them to need less sleep, as well as making them more alert and heightening their senses.
This, however, has gone a bit too far - they can't sleep anymore due to all the deaths they've suffered, body so keyed into survival mode that they can't physically find it in themselves to rest no matter how hard they try, and drugging them doesn't work anymore after Kaeya's sleep potion escapade.
The longer they're alive, the more and more unstable they become due to the restlessness, leading them to seek their next 'nap' even more desperately.
After like three weeks without a death, they just scream 'I can't take it anymore!' and self-delete with a sharp rock or whatever, only to then pop up somewhere else bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, having just experienced the equivalent of a full night of rest.
Or what if it's that they don't experience hunger instead, after who knows how many poisonings and attempts to eat being interrupted by the sudden appearance of an executioner?
Decadent, exquisite, utterly perfect meals are being laid out at their table once they've been 'accepted', only to touch absolutely none of it since they just can't feel hungry when they've been awake too long.
Yet as soon as they revive, they're practically starving, shoveling whatever slop is around into their face with the mindless urge to sate the bottomless pit in their stomach, half-mad with the returned urge.
This has led to them occasionally just showing up in the middle of the wilds post-mortis and joining a pack of friendly animals in eating a dead thing, much to the horror of the local populace and probably their 'acolytes'.
Bonus points if they offer said horrified onlookers a piece, like, 'want some? You can kill me after if you finish it all :)' just because they viscerally enjoy traumatizing their shitass betrayers.
But that's just my dogwater take. I can't make you do anything with it. Feel free to salvage parts of it and make something infinitely more useful.
Omg you devious devil I absolutely love all of this!!! Gold star for you!
While I haven't really thought about that particular aspect of DSC, I definitely can see some of this happening! Plus you are right to suggest that them being a god would mean they have no use for sleep or eating. Though I would believe that it's mainly their survival instincts, something they choose to ignore or even override once fully submerged into death seeking, that is to blame for this. Once they've been accepted they just refuse to do so because they want it to lead to another death (which wouldn't happen since they lost the need for it once isekaied).
Also that image you described of the creator eating a dead animal with a pack of animals is absolutely amazing. While it doesn't fit DSC too much I absolutely can see that for more of a wild animal creator au, one where they aren't being hunted but because of the fear of potentially being hunted they decided to become one with nature. Eventually ending up evolving into something more beastlike and even losing the ability to talk since it's not needed. Oho imagine the look of awe the characters would have seeing their creator becoming intuned with Teyvat.
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artemis-potnia-theron · 11 months
Artemis + her relationships with other Theoi 🌙🏹🦌
One of the amazing things about Lady Artemis is how versatile her domain is. Here are just some of the prominent theoi she is connected to.
Artemis + Ares 💥
- These two were celebrated together during Kharisteria/Charisteria ('thanksgiving'), which took place on the sixth day of Boedromion.
- Goats were sacrificed jointly to Artemis and Ares for their roles in battle and war.
- Even though Artemis is not technically a 'goddess of war', her role as the (sometimes brutal) hunter gave her an association with battle and death. They were also both patron deities of the Amazons.
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Diana of Versailles (original attributed to Leochares)
Artemis + Apollon 🎼
- Perhaps her most famous connection is to that of her twin brother. They are opposites but are also, in a certain sense, two sides of the same coin.
- Apollon is the warmth of the sun, Artemis is the light of the moon. (They also shared the epithet 'light-bringer') They compliment each other while contrasting.
- They are day and night, city and country. They complete a cycle, making them almost inextricably interconnected in myth. Yet they also share domain over hunting, healing, death, and even music.
- The muses, who were led by Apollon, were often seen accompanying Artemis and her nymphs as she danced through the forest. Dance and music were also vitally important in her rituals.
Artemis Hymnia=Of the Hymns
Artemis Hegemone=Leader of Dance/Choir
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Diana awakening Apollo (Carl Bertling)
Artemis + Dionysus 🐆
- Artemis and Dionysus are both deities of the thin line between us and animals/'beasts.' They symbolize our own wild nature and what it means to succumb to it.
- They historically shared in rituals of 'frenzy', release, and estastic dance. Both are deities of revolutionary liberation and freedom.
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Artemis as 'Potnia Theron' on the François Vase
Artemis + Hekate 🔥
- These two goddesses are so heavily connected that many conflate/synchronize them. They are both deities associated with the night, the moon, and for their roles in protecting the young/children.
- The Roman goddess Diana Trivia is sometimes thought to be a syncretism of Luna/Selene, Artemis/Diana, and Hekate/Trivia.
- They were both known to hold torches and snakes, and some say that it was Artemis instead of Hekate who used her light to guide Demeter to Persephone during her search. Although most still contribute this part of the story to Hekate, it shows how conflated the two goddesses are.
- In some versions of their stories, Iphigenia was 'turned into' Hekate by Artemis. In others, Artemis 'became' Hekate as a companion of Persephone after her descent into the Underworld. Variations of Hekate's name were also epithets of Artemis.
Artemis Hekatê/Hekate = Far-Shooting, Shooter from Afar, or Worker from Afar
Artemis Hekatêbolos/Hecatebolus = Far-Shooting, Far-Darting, or Hundred-Shots
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Artemis, Hekate, and Leto from the Pergamon Altar
Artemis + Persephone 🥀
- It is said that these two were raised together, perhaps with Athena, prior to her descent into the Underworld. They also share domain over nature and vegetation.
- In the Homeric Hymn II to Demeter, (and many other sources) it is said that Artemis and Persephone were picking flowers (sometimes with Athena) when she was taken.
- When Persephone returns from the Underworld, we can only assume that the two sisters and childhood friends are reunited just as she is reunited with Demeter.
- Hekate is also considered to be Persephone's companion in the Underworld. So if one syncretises the two, Artemis-Hekate would be her companion year round!
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Diana's Bath (Louis Devedeux)
Artemis + Demeter 🌾
- As well as being deities of vegetation, Artemis is connected to both Persephone and Demeter in their roles in the Eleusinian Mysteries (Hekate also had a prominent role in this tradition).
- The mysterious goddess Despoine, also central to the Eleusinian Mysteries, is thought to be Persephone, Hekate, Artemis, or some syncretism of them.
- The sanctuary of Despoine, which was vital to the tradition of the Eleusinian Mysteries, was in Arcadia. At this sanctuary, Pausanias stated that multiple representations of Artemis could be found; including a 'six foot tall bronze statue' which stood guardian in front of the entrance to the mystery cult.
- A theory states that Demeter is actually the mother of Artemis, while Leto is her 'sister' or 'nurse.' Pausanias claims that "Artemis was the daughter, not of Leto but of Demeter, which is the Egyptian account."
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Artemis with a Dog (Munich)
Artemis + Selene 🌕
- It is traditionly stated that Selene is the personification of the moon itself while Artemis is a goddess of the moon.
- At some point, the two were congealed/synchronized as Artemis became more and more heavily associated with the moon. The Roman goddess Diana almost certainly involved syncretism between the two.
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Diana and Endymion (Jérôme-Martin Langlois)
Artemis + Pan 🌿
- Artemis and Pan are both deities of the wild, pastures, woodland, animals, and the country. Rural deities with connections to dance and music, these two have a similar untamed persona.
- Pan gave Artemis a pack of seven hunting dogs as a gift, showing their companionship. Pan also famously had a love affair with Selene, so syncretism between Artemis and Selene also connects her to Pan.
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Diana the Huntress (Gaston Casimir Saint-Pierre)
Artemis + Zeus ⛈️
- Artemis has always been a favored daughter of her father. Perhaps their most famous interaction occurs from Callimachus when Artemis, still a child, presents Zeus with a list of requests - including her 'eternal virginity'.
- Zeus is happy to oblige and gives her all that she desired and more. This unconditional love and acceptance illustrates Zeus' affection for his feral daugher of the forest.
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Diana the Huntress by Guilluame Seignac
Artemis + Athena 🦉
- Artemis and Athena share many similar qualities, including their 'chasity' and their choice to remain 'virgins' (in the historical sense of the word).
- As mentioned above, Persephone, Athena, and Artemis are said to have grown up together and were seen picking flowers together.
- As with Artemis' connection to Ares, Athena's domain of war, battle, and death are also connected to Artemis. Their sterness, intensity, and ability to commit violence when deemed necessary connect the two deities.
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Diana as Huntress by Bernardino Cametti
Artemis + Hera 👑
- While these two were often in conflict with each other in myth, they still share connections. In historical celebration and ritual, women/girls progressing to adulthood and/or entering into marriage were ceremoniously passed from Artemis' protection to Hera's. They shared space in the context of transitions.
- In addition, Artemis has been heavily conflated with Eileithyia, a goddess of childbirth and daugher of Hera. 'Eileithyia' has even served as an epithet of Artemis.
(From The Theoi Project - theoi.com)
(From She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu)
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olivermorningstar · 17 days
First Shave
Was originally going to be a comic, but I figured a fic would be easier...
When Oliver woke up, he didn't feel different at all. The day carried on like normal - he got up, he got dressed, and he was starting to head for the bathroom. When he walked by the mirror, he stopped dead in his tracks before realizing what he saw was himself.
Along the curve of his jaw and under his lip, patchy black lines had started to form where his first beard was starting to come in. In awe, he ran his hand along and felt the bumpy surface, confirming it was real and he wasn't still dreaming. He clicked his tongue, as excited as he was about it, the hair was patchy and uneven. There was no way this was going to grow into a nice beard, but still... The fact that it grew in at all was amazing.
His excitement quickly died down as he realized something... unfortunate. He didn't have a razor, which meant he was going to have to brave the dining hall where majority of the members of Crown would be gathered for breakfast. Would they be happy for him too? Indifferent?
Oliver's heart was pounding in his chest as he tried to carry on with his morning routine, but his eyes kept drifting back to the hairs on his chin.
Soon it was time to brave the dining hall. He took a deep breath and walked in, trying to act like nothing had changed and that everything was business as usual, but that act fell apart the moment everyone's eyes were on him.
"Wow!" Liam chirped, being the first to break the silence. "Roger's treatment worked well, huh?"
Jude scoffed. "You're not keeping that, right?" He asked. "It's growing in all weird."
"Well, would you look at that." Roger said as he motioned for Oliver to come over. He did comply and Roger grabbed his chin to turn his head, giving a low whistle. "Jude's right though, if you want an actual beard, you're gonna have to shave that off and try again."
"I mean, I would like to have one at some point, it's just..." Oliver trailed off. Liam then perked up.
"Oh, right, you didn't have any use for a razor prior, uh?" He asked. "Well, sounds like you need one now."
"Yeah, I guess I'll have to look into one." Oliver sighed. For now, he would sit down and join them for breakfast. Not much was said about his facial hair after that.
As the day went on, Oliver found himself bouncing from task to task. First, Victor (after doting on Oliver's facial hair for a brief moment and congratulating him on another milestone reached in his transition) needed some packages picked up. Oliver thought he could go shopping while he was out, but one thing lead to another and he found himself helping Jude out at the docks.
After that, it was time to go back to the forest to clear his traps to make sure there was nothing left to the wild animals there and he was short some good furs. After the traps were reset and cleared up, he had to take care of what he did find to make sure the furs were good to sell.
Of course, then there was the meat from those hunts, and Oliver hated to see good meat go to waste. Some went back to the castle, the rest he was able to give off to others who needed the meat more.
By the time he made his back to the castle, it was already dusk. Mentally cursing himself for not shopping while he was out, Oliver retired to his room. As he opened the door, he noticed that there was a package on his bed. He tilted his head as he approached to pick it up.
The package was tied neatly in a simple cloth that was easily undone. Inside was a box that Oliver opened. He could see a razor, some shaving cream, some facial towels, but there was no note nor anything else to indicate who left it. He glanced around just in case it was Liam and he was just invisible, waiting for Oliver to find the gift before showing himself, but no, there was nobody.
"Huh." He said before setting the gift down on his nightstand. Strange, maybe he would figure out who left it tomorrow.
The next day he joined everyone again at the dining hall, but as their meal ended, he approached Roger. Roger glanced up at him with a curious look, but allowed Oliver to speak first. "Hey," he said, "do you know how left the razor in my room?"
"First I'm hearing of it, lad." Roger said with a shrug. "I have my guesses as to who would do that, but I don't know for sure."
"Oh, I thought maybe..." No, this wasn't something Roger would do, would it? "Never mind."
Roger just shrugged, allowing the moment to pass. "Do you even know how to use a razor?" He asked Oliver, who shook his head. "Well, I'm due for a shave as well." He said as he ran his hand along his chin. Oliver could hear how the hair scratched against his hand. "How about you come with me and I can show you some tricks so I don't have to patch you up later?"
"I'd like that actually." Oliver said. "Meet you in your bathroom?"
"See you there."
Oliver arrived first with the gift he received. He laid it on the counter space as he waited for Roger to arrive. Strange, why did he feel nervous about this? His head flicked towards the door as it opened and Roger walked in.
"Ah, good, you did show up." Roger moved to pull his supplies out as well before he plugged and filled the sink. "Now, you're going to follow my steps, alright, lad?"
Oliver watched as Roger rinsed his face, applied his cream, and started to shave. He mirrored exactly what he saw and began to shave along side him. It was soothing in a way. There was something thrilling about how mundane this all was. It was just a part of his life now. As Oliver thought about that, he ended up stopping.
Roger paused as well to glance over. "You alright? Did you nick yourself?" He asked. Oliver gasped before continued.
"No, I'm just... I think I'm happy." He said in a more quiet voice. Roger had to laugh. Of course Oliver was happy, this was a huge step for him.
"The novelty will wear off soon enough." He reassured. "But hey, we're all happy for you. You looked scared yesterday, but after breakfast, you started to hold your head up a little higher."
"Did I...?" Oliver asked. "Huh, didn't notice."
"Yep, it's true, you can ask anyone about it. Now, focus on your shave there, you're not used it and you don't want to walk around with half of your face bandaged, right?"
With his face freshly shaven, Oliver made his way to the library. There were some books he wanted to grab. William had spoken to him about the prospect of going back to school and suggested some topics for him to look into for something that caught his eye. It was time to put some hours into research.
As he entered, he could see it was just Jude who was there. He looked up from the book he was reading before closing it. "Ah, much better." He said. "I see you used that gift, huh?"
Oliver stopped dead. "It was you?" He asked. "Why?"
"I told you, that beard looked like shit. I'm doing you a favor helping you shave it back for now. Don't worry, we can talk payment later." There was that usual smirk on his face as Oliver shook his head.
"Regardless, thanks, Jude."
"Oi, oi, didn't you hear me? It was because I didn't want to see that patchy look. The hell are you thanking me for?" Jude scoffed. "Ah, right, I forgot how you work." Oliver snickered. "Well, don't worry, the next time you see me with a beard, it'll be full and even."
Jude rolled his eyes. "Do what you want." He then left Oliver alone to his studies. Oliver couldn't help but smile as he worked. Even Jude seemed to find his own ways to support him, and that made him feel even happier.
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