#wild animal hunting jamaica
topfunnyanimalvideo · 2 years
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samanthahirr · 10 months
samanthahirr's 007 Fest 2023 Masterpost
510 comments! With comment-multiplier bonus points, that's 700 points for comments!
(>750 words)
(No) More Than This (Chapter 1-2)
We Eat First With Our Eyes (2022 Prompt #6 "nsfw")
The Chase (Chapters 1-4) (2022 Prompt #6 "nsfw")
(750-2,500 words)
Relating in Kindness
With Heart Hardened
FIC SUMMARIES (i.e. "stories sam isn't writing")
The Vampire from the Deep * (2020 Prompt #31 "Vesper is a vampire")
Office Hours
The Quartermaster's Mission Holiday (2018 Prompt #22 "And then they were roommates" & 2023 Prompt #222 "Enjoying a nice view")
The Skeleton's Bite *
The Jamaica Contact with a Side of Danger *
Jinx's Bikini *
The Blow Me Away *
Mr. Hinx Fizzy *
Paradise Bird ^
00Q - I want to wake up with you
Bond/Swann - You often use humor to deflect trauma ^
NomiPenny - How's the sexiest person here? ^
Bond/Moneypenny - Better off as friends ^
Bond/Tanner - I'm getting in the shower ^
Bond/Boothroyd - I want to kiss you ^
Q/Bond/Moneypenny - Sorry I'm late *^
Tanner/Mallory - Are you trying to seduce me? *^
Bond/Tracy - I don't do relationships ^
Bond/Mansfield - I really like your top ^
Bond/Felix - We both look very handsome tonight ^ (2023 Prompt #223 "Insecure about how they look")
10 Hosiery Habit Headcanons *
Bill Tanner's Bedding Set (2023 Prompt #22 "Flowers")
Original Character - Gina Castillo's Case File *
5 Biggest Swimwear-Embarrassments Headcanons * ^ ^ ^
7 HR Complaints Against MI6 Staff Headcanons ^
#1 leave someone an anonymous comment of positivity *
#6 create a crossword puzzle: "007 Animals"
#9 (x5) create an incorrect quote meme, images optional
#12 write an acrostic poem: "Moon Moth" *
#17 create a film poster with a local landmark "The Dying Reflection"
#25 show a character's bedding set "Bill Tanner's Bedding Set"
#26 show your pet working for MI6 "009-Lives"
#29 (x2) solve a Find the Difference post (@bluebellofbakerstreet & @kitten-kin)
#30 create a cocktail recipe "The Skeleton's Bite"
#33 (x3) solve a crossword puzzle (castillon02 & bluebellofbakerstreet & kitten-kin)
#35 spot a Bond reference in the wild "50 Bond Gadgets You Can Own"
#36 create a fancast film poster "First with a Bullet" (Aldis Hodge)
#43 gift a fanwork to a member of another team: "Drabble: Alec/Bond" for @emiliasilverova
#46 create an incorrect quote meme, images required: "I want to wake up with you"
#48 collaborate with a teammate: "The Chase" with @aprettyspy
The Vampire from the Deep moodboard
The Quartermaster's Mission Holiday moodboard
Office Hours moodboard
Original Character - Gina Castillo's Case File moodboard
(No) More Than This cover art
We Eat First with Our Eyes cover art
6 Cocktail Recipe title cards (see above)
Off the Books playlist (2023 Prompt #198 "create a playlist for a fic")
Fancast Film Poster "First with a Bullet" (Charlize Theron)
Drabble - MoneyTanner ^ (2017 Prompt #4)
Drabble - Tanner/Mansfield * ^
Drabble - Alec/Bond *
1 fic for @emiliasilverova (Achillean Delights)
2 chapters for @hammerbacks (Taking in Water chapter 2 & Warm Water chapter 9)
2 chapters of "The Chase" for @aprettyspy
1 film (Flash Gordon) hosted
1 Productivity Hours hosted
1 Bond Bingo Hour attended
4 Productivity Hours attended
5 Longfic Readalongs attended
* indicates Theme Day bonus ^ indicates Unique Rare Pair Ship bonus
510 comments, 15 theme days, 17 unique rare pair ships, 9 fics/chapters posted, 3 fic summaries, 11 incorrect quote memes, 3 drabbles, 6 cocktail recipes, 24 headcanons…and a dozen more miscellaneous creations! I had no idea I could be so productive/creative in a single month! 
Endless thanks to my @teamqbranch captain and cheerleaders and teammates for their support and encouragement! I'm grateful I got to spend so much time with all of you this month. And a huge thank you to the @mi6-cafe mods for organizing such an awesome event! And now I need a nice long nap.
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fatehbaz · 3 years
As Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy explain in Rabid: A Cultural History of the World’s Most Diabolical Virus (2012), in the European nineteenth century, the goodness or badness of the dog was very much determined in relation to the presence of rabies and to the fear that this contagious disease instigated in the masses. In nineteenth century Paris, for example, the overblown fear of rabies led to dog massacres. More recently, in May 2005, the hysteria around pit bulls in Denver resulted in a pit bull ordinance that initiated a mass killing of dogs. [...] Like the issue of race in humans, the pit bull exemplifies how much ‘dog’ and ‘breed’ have more to do with human perception and social construction than science. [...]
Moreover, it is important to note that the slave and the dog are legally bound in the history of the Americas in a way that can also explain their putative conjoined ‘viciousness.’ While, for centuries, American and British law has been unable to determine whether the dog should be deemed ‘ownable,’ the status of the slave as personal property has been subject to little legal doubt in the Americas. In the 1685 Code noir (French Black Code) and in the various Southern Slave Codes, the slave is understood to be meuble or ‘chattel,’ a movable property like a piece of furniture. Chattel is etymologically related to cattle, both suggesting the idea of capital (from the Latin capitalis).
As Colin Dayan explains in The Law Is a White Dog: How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons (2013), there have been various legal attempts since the sixteenth century to determine the ownable nature of the dog, owing to the widely-shared assumption that the canine species is a hybrid entity, neither completely domesticated like farmed animals nor fully wild like wolves. Dayan relies on a number of cases to show that the uncategorizable status of the dog is based on the perceived tension between the dog’s trainable nature and its propensity towards viciousness. In light of this, laws asserting that slaves were fully ownable stand in jarring contrast to the slave’s equally imperfect ownable predisposition: ‘property,’ yet human. But as much as law has put the dog’s potential relapse into ferociousness at the heart of the debate over property, the slave’s status as property has only been viable if the slave’s untamable predisposition is ignored.
Like a symptom, however, this disavowal was bound to resurface in what we may call the ‘Cujo Effect.’
Cujo, the title of Lewis Teague’s 1983 horror film, is the name of the St. Bernard main character who, after having been bitten by a vampire bat, develops rabies, eats its owner alive, and turns against everybody in hydrophobic madness. But Cudjoe, as Paul Youngquist is quick to remind us in his chapter “The Cujo Effect” in Gorgeous Beasts: Animal Bodies in Historical Perspective (2012), is also the name of one of the most celebrated Maroon leaders in the history of Jamaica, a fearless rebel boasting numerous bloody victories against the British. Cudjoe’s attacks were so successful that the British rulers of the island resigned themselves to signing a Peace Treaty in 1739, granting freedom to Cudjoe and his men in return for the guarantee that the Maroons would no longer attack them [...]. The ‘Cudjoe’ and ‘Cujo’ amalgam hints at a retaliative or ‘ferocious’ propensity in the slave and the dog alike [...]. The cyno-racial assimilation is a trend that did not end with abolition of slavery.
Ironically enough, American civil rights rioters in the 1960s were subject to terrorization and attack by police dogs, just as during slavery blacks were hunted by dogs. As Paul Youngquist puts it so eloquently “bloodhounds are biological weapons deployed against an enemy whose animal ferocity justifies a response in kind.”
What brings the dog, the slave, and the civil rights protestor together under the same stigma of ‘ferocity’ is their common claim for freedom, perceived ultimately as a feral claim.
Benedicte Boisseron. “Afro-Dog.” Transition No. 118, I Can Be Lightning. 2015.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
I can see the sunshine in your eyes Survey by xflirtykaosx
What does your Town's name begin with? A.
What number how do you live at? It’s a number between 1-1000.
Are you a seafood fan? Yes. Runs in my veins. If humans are on average 60% water, I’m pretty sure the rest of my 40% is just seafood.
Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate? White chocolate doesn’t count as chocolate but it’s still my favorite kind. I find that milk chocolate can sometimes be too irritatingly sweet, and I don’t usually enjoy bitter foods so I don’t do well with dark chocolate either.
Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. I’m pretty sure I’ve filled this out before because I remember answering this exact question...anyway, more Filipino lessons! My laptop is currently sitting on top of a kwaderno, which just means notebook.
Can you cook Thai food? I just can’t cook. But Thai cuisine is something I really want to learn to master.
Do you get easter eggs at easter? Some years. I have relatives who will sometimes hold Easter egg hunt parties, and the older kids’ crew like some of my cousins and I are still allowed to join so that we don’t miss out on the fun, heh.
How long does it roughly take you to do the weekly or bi weekly shopping? My parents usually take an hour. Though back when we were still under an enhanced lockdown and stores kept a strict control of how many people were allowed inside, my dad used to take six hours :( He’d leave around 7 AM to start lining up, but there were always people who arrived way earlier so he usually had to queue for a few hours.
Who taught you the most valuable lesson in life and what was that lesson? I’ve touched on this before but the first death I was directly affected by, my grandfather’s, taught me the world will never slow down for your problems and in the end you’ll have to learn how to simply suck certain things up. I remember having to write an excuse letter to my teacher saying I’ll have to be absent for one day to attend to my grandpa’s wake, and all she did was stamp on it and say my absence would be excused. Didn’t even check up on me. It was in the middle of an exam week and a week before the UPCAT. It was such a jarring experience and toughened me the fuck up overnight.
Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris? Tunis just because I feel like it would have the least amount of tourists, and I’m also all about going to less-familiar places. Madrid would be nice too.
Would you rather visit Australia, Germany, Croatia or Jamaica? Croatia.
Have you got perfect vision? Far from. My vision is pretty much useless without my glasses, and I like to tell people that without them I can only make out colors haha. Which is obviously kind of an exaggeration but I’m also not 100% lying when I say it, so. 
What colour bedspread or blanket is on your bed now? It’s a multi-colored geometric design so there’s magenta, pink, lime green, orange, gray, and white, among a few other colors.
What colour is the door to your house? Brown.
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider? I’d rather these animals are out in the wild, but if it was a situation where I had to save one I’d pick the snake.
What song(s) do you put on repeat often? I don’t tend to listen to music when I’m sad/depressed so I haven’t any songs on for quite a while now. The last one I discovered and really got into is a song called Lose, by Niki.
How many letters long is your last name? Six.
Can you play the violin? If not, would you like to? I can’t, but yeah it’s one of the instruments I’ve always wanted to learn to.
Can you keep a pokerface and not show your emotions easily? Passively, if that makes sense? I have no problem pretending to be happy or looking unbothered like, over dinner or if I’m with friends. But if someone had suddenly told me something upsetting or harsh to my face, I usually immediately show my hurt or anger or disappointment or displeasure or whatever negative emotion I would instantly feel in that moment. My eyebrows and eyes always give everything away.
Are you a good liar (tell the truth this time)? Maybe not around the people who know me best. I wear my heart on my sleeve with the people I’m most comfortable with.
Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet? Nothing. I might wear socks tonight, we’ll see.
What word or phrase is disgusting in your opinion and you hate hearing it? I hate having to hear or use the word ‘gunk.’ I think of dirty fingernails every time and it just makes me wince.
Do you like the smell of a barbecue or bonfire? It’s alright, but I don’t live for it. It certainly gives a comforting sensation though.
Do you prefer to write etc, ecetera or something else? Etc, and it highkey makes my blood boil whenever I read ect hahaha.
Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated? I think rainbow prints and/or designs are overrated themselves, but seeing real-life rainbows tend to make me feel happy.
Are your lips chapped? Nope.
Have you ever fallen into a hole or crevice whilst hiking? I don’t think so. I’d be able to remember it if I have.
Ever been quadbiking? Was it any good? Nah but close, I guess? My family once did this thing where we rode on the trunk of a 4x4 while a professional drove through sand dunes in Ilocos. It was a lot of fun but I couldn’t entirely enjoy my time knowing I was in the land of the Marcoses lol
What is different about you than others you hang out with? I have a lot of unpopular opinions when it comes to Filipino food hah, like I hate well-loved dishes like sinigang and bulalo.
Are you more skeptical or gullible? I’m honestly really just both, depending on the context. Like how I’m skeptical when it comes to religion, ghosts, the afterlife, etc, but I’m equally gullible in a way that I’m terrible at recognizing sarcasm sometimes.
How often do you drink sodas or fizzy drinks? Once a year and it’s always simply to try it out and see if I’ve changed my opinion about it. I have not been converted in the last 22 years.
How many cups of tea or coffee do you have a day? Just one cup of coffee. I’m scared to have multiple ones haha, I’m scared of the palpitations or long-term effects it might give me.
Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional? No. I’m the most un-unemotional person I know.
Favourite crisp/chip flavour? Just good ol’ plain. Nothing beats a simple potato flavor with a bit of salt.
Do you put salt and vinegar on your fries? Salt yeah, vinegar no.
What accent is the sexiest? Whatever accent Florence Pugh and Carey Mulligan have; they sound lovely.
Do you currently live in the same country you were born in? Yep.
What's your current mood? A little sad but I’m honestly glad my workplace gave me SO MUCH work to do over the weekend because it can keep my busy tonight. 
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings? Not really. I like describing my emotions and sharing my thought processes.
A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park or go to a concert? Probs the romantic meal. I like the atmosphere and it’s always nice to have food involved hehe
Prefer being in control in a team enviroment, helping out or taking orders? I like being a mix of all these. I never want to be 100% a leader giving orders or 100% a subordinate waiting for tasks.
Do you like carrot cake? Not really.
Don't you hate it when people say 'I don't mean to be rude but...'? Especially considering 98% of the time they ARE trying to be rude? It will always depend on how they say what follows. Like how it will always be irritating to hear “I don’t mean to be rude but your work sucks,” but I can stomach it better and even be motivated to do better if it was said as “I don’t mean to be rude but there are areas you can tweak more to make the work better.”
Would you say yes from a drink of a friend of a friend? Only if I already know them well enough. Otherwise, no.
How good is your memory? Pretty sharp, a little too sharp for my liking. I’m able to store too many memories, some of them I don’t even want to remember anymore.
On a scale of 1-10 how was this survey? Did you enjoy it? 10! It was a delight to answer.
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maswartz · 4 years
My idea for Season 6 of TMNT 2012
This takes place a few months after the end of my version of season 5 After a few months of calm the Turtles decide to take advantage of the fact they can move freely in society and visit Japan to pay their respects to Tang Shen. They are accompanied by April, Casey (now using the vigilante title of Skull Smasher), and Karai (who retakes her old name of Miwa for good in front of Tang Shen’s grave) However after paying their respects they are attacked by a cloaked figure who tells them the world has changed. A new race emerges from hiding. Across the world the extent of the Kraang’s experiments are revealed as the descendants of their mutations come out of hiding. The Turtles aren’t the only ones aware of this, the Claw sets out to enlist these mutants into their ranks to prepare for the day they rid the world of humanity. The mystery figure gives the Turtles a mystic map that reveals the location of each mutant but vanishes before they can ask more. It’s up to the Turtles to reach the mutants first and convince them there can be peace with humanity as opposed to the Claw who preach that there can only be peace with humanity mutated or wiped out. The mutants include: Manray (Manta Ray)- The defender of Atlantis which the Kraang sank and used for experiments on sea life. Jagwar (Jaguar)- Mutant defender of the rain forest Dreadmon (Jackal)- Swift defender of Jamaica Al’Falqa (Falcon)- Flying historian of the Middle East Manmoth (Mammoth)- A caveman experimented on by the Kraang and frozen in ice. Zodi (Scorpion)- Toxic assassin who joins the Claw Lionheart and Sally Pride (Lions)- Twin hunters who hunt those who poach wild animals in Africa
Mokoshan (Wolf)- Lone hunter of Alaska Mei Pieh Chi (Turtle)- Mystic defender of China During their travels the mysterious figure forces them to complete trials to test and improve their ninja skills. Eventually he reveals himself as The Ancient One, one of the earliest masters of the Ninja arts. After he is satisfied he grants the Turtles the rank of Ninja Masters. Upon returning to New York and once more defeating the Claw in battle the Turtles announce to the world that mutants are not going anywhere and have just as much a right to live as they do. The season ends with people and mutants agreeing to live together in harmony.
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pokemaniacal · 7 years
Yungoos and Gumshoos
…it’s an angry mongoose detective…
…that… also kind of looks like Donald Trump?
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Yungoos and Gumshoos, as their names and weasel-like forms indicate, are mongeese (this being, of course, the obviously correct plural form of the word “mongoose,” which I will extol and defend beyond all reason).  Although they look very like weasels, mongeese, as I only recently learned, are actually not part of the mustelid family (weasels, otters and badgers) at all, but part of an entirely separate branch of the order Carnivora.  They are related to cats, hyenas and civets, while mustelids are much closer to dogs, bears and seals.  This is probably the reason for Zangoose’s odd species designation “the Cat Ferret Pokémon” – mongeese are to cats what ferrets are to dogs.  Zangoose was inspired by the most well-known characteristic of mongeese, namely their aptitude for killing venomous snakes, which Zangoose expresses through her bitter ancestral blood-feud with Seviper.  Yungoos and Gumshoos are designed after a very different and much more specific trait of one particular population of mongeese: namely, the saga of their introduction to Hawai’i.
Yungoos and Gumshoos are explicitly not native to Alola – they were introduced specifically to curb the Rattata population, an effort which failed miserably after the Rattata adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle and urban environments.  We’ve had a few Pokémon in the past that don’t seem to actually be native to the regions in which we first met them (Eevee is probably Kalosian; Togepi if anything seems native to Sinnoh) but that’s usually not spelled out clearly.  Yungoos, likewise, must come originally from some region we’ve never been to yet.  There’s a whole story to this, which is that the real-world Hawai’i really does have a substantial population of Asian mongeese.  They were imported on purpose in 1883 to hunt the introduced rats that were plaguing the sugarcane crop, after the success of a similar program in Jamaica (the rats in question include both the Norwegian rat, Rattus norvegicus, that arrived in Hawai’i in the late 18th century as a stowaway on European ships, and the somewhat more chill Polynesian rat, Rattus exulans, that had been deliberately introduced by the first Hawaiians over a thousand years earlier as a source of food).  These mongeese were an utter failure at controlling the rat population, since rats are mostly nocturnal while mongeese are mostly diurnal, but did succeed in devastating many of Hawai’i’s vulnerable native bird and reptile species.  This is what gives us the day-night duality between Yungoos and the Alolan Rattata, Yungoos only being able to evolve during the day and Rattata only at night, while Ilima’s totem Pokémon is a Raticate on Moon version but a Gumshoos on Sun version.  It’s also the basis of the adaptations of the Alolan Rattata and Raticate described by the Pokédex.
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It’s an interesting idea, building a Pokémon around a story like this, but I’m concerned that it clashes in unfortunate ways with some of the basic assumptions of how the Pokémon world works.  Yungoos and Gumshoos clearly did just as poor a job of wiping out the Alolan Rattata as their real-world counterparts – and, we are told, even for the same reason.  They are nonetheless thriving, and one of the most common Pokémon species throughout the Alolan islands.  Like Hawai’i’s mongeese, they clearly found alternative prey, and presumably quite a lot, since we’re told their appetites are ravenous, though we hear nothing of what that prey might be – native Alolan species like Oricorio and Rowlet?  And it’s not clear what, if anything, Alola plans to do about this.  In the real world (particularly in places with large numbers of unique species, like Hawai’i or my own home in New Zealand), invasive predators tend to get little mercy.  They’re a danger to vulnerable endangered species that exist nowhere else in the world, many of which are also symbols of regional culture and identity.  We don’t see any of that side of the story in Sun and Moon.  And to some extent that’s fine and to be expected – I mean, it’s Pokémon.  What could they do, tell us to catch Yungoos and bring them to Professor Kukui to be euthanized because they’re a danger to rare native Pokémon?  Yungoos and Gumshoos are as sapient as any other Pokémon and didn’t migrate to Alola by choice; applying real-world policies on invasive species to them just wouldn’t mesh with a lot of the Pokémon world’s basic rules about Pokémon in society.  The problem is that, when you draw attention to this Pokémon being inspired by an invasive species, but get rid of everything negative about that inspiration, the moral of the story seems to be “introducing random exotic predators to fragile ecosystems as pest control works just fine, with absolutely no negative consequences.”  That would easily be in the top 5 most dangerously wrong claims Pokémon has ever made, and bear in mind, this is a franchise which would have us believe that all wild animals really just want to be friends with you.  I find it deeply troubling, but am not sure how best to resolve it.
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Oh, and also, for some reason, Gumshoos has a detective aesthetic?  His hunting behaviour is described as “staking out” his prey’s daily routines, and his fur sort of makes him look like he’s wearing a trench coat like Looker’s.  I’m not quite sure where this comes from or why it’s in the design.  Clearly it needed something else on top of the introduced mongoose story to make it more interesting and Pokémon-ish, and I suppose the detective motif serves as well as anything, but I’m at a loss as to why they went with that in particular.  It’s not a reference to any real mongoose hunting strategies, as far as I can tell, nor to any particularly well-known fictional or mythological mongeese.  The theme manifests as a sensible enough aspect of Gumshoos’ behaviour, so it doesn’t become too obnoxious, just… really, really puzzling.  So that’s Gumshoos’ flavour – interesting but problematic on one level and a little bit puzzling on another, so a mixed bag all around (and just to clarify – no, Donald Trump was not actually an influence on the design).  Time to see if his skills match the same standard.
As a cookie-cutter early-game Normal Pokémon, Gumshoos isn’t really allowed to be very good.  He certainly tries, though – puts up quite a valiant effort, actually, and does so in a fairly interesting way.  Gumshoos’ particular schtick derives from his unique ability: Stakeout.  As well as describing his preferred hunting strategy, this ability allows him to hit for double damage with all of his attacks against any enemy switching in.  This makes it very difficult to deal with Gumshoos in a normal way, by switching in a counter Pokémon.  Between his powerful physical attacks, Stakeout bonus, and passable physical movepool, not all that many Pokémon can feel particularly secure switching in against him.  Even Pokémon with really top-of-the-line physical defence capabilities like Hippowdon and Ferrothorn can be stung pretty badly by a poorly-timed switch against Gumshoos.  Well, that sounds great, so what’s the problem?  The flip side, unfortunately, is that between his lacklustre defences, atrocious speed, lack of any priority attacks, and few resistances, quite a lot of Pokémon with even average offensive and defensive capabilities can afford to just go toe-to-toe with a Stakeout Gumshoos, provided they aren’t weak to Dark or Ground attacks.  Even that assumes you can actually get Gumshoos safely into play in the first place, and again, you’ll be hindered there by his average-at-best defences.
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Gumshoos’ other two ability choices are similar in concept, in that they both give him ways of increasing his attack power.  Of these, Adaptability – his hidden ability – is probably the best of all three numerically, increasing the normal bonus for attacks of your own element from +50% to +100%.  With Adaptability, Gumshoos actually winds up having what I think are the most powerful Normal-type physical attacks in the entire game, just barely edging out Slaking, Huge Power Diggersby, and full-strength Regigigas.  Let that sink in for a moment.  One of these rubbishy cookie-cutter early-game Normal Pokémon can fire off a Return or (gods forbid) Giga Impact more powerful than bloody Slaking’s, and doesn’t even have to live with Slaking’s Truant (dis)ability.  Of course, now that I’ve hyped up Gumshoos’ power, I should point out the main problem with Adaptability: it makes Gumshoos extremely similar to Huge Power Diggersby, except clearly worse.  He’s slower, has weaker defences and fewer resistances, doesn’t get a same-type bonus on Earthquake, has a much narrower movepool, and only gets the Adaptability bonus on Normal attacks, while Huge Power works with everything physical.  Gumshoos almost seems like a reaction to some feeling on Game Freak’s part that Diggersby – his immediate predecessor in the rubbishy early-game Normal-type slot – was overtuned, and that they needed to make sure the next one was significantly weaker.  It’s not all bad, because Crunch and Earthquake very neatly cover almost everything that resists Gumshoos’ Normal attacks (this is probably Gumshoos’ biggest advantage over Diggersby: a strong Dark attack that keeps him from being bullied by Ghost-types).  High-defence Steel-types that aren’t weak to Earthquake, like Skarmory and Forretress, can just about ignore you, but not much else can.  Gumshoos’ third ability choice, Strong Jaw, boosts his biting attacks by 50%.  This might be interesting if, say, Gumshoos gets access to Fire/Thunder/Ice Fang from move tutors in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, but at the moment the only important attacks Strong Jaw applies to are Crunch and Hyper Fang.  The bonus to Crunch is admittedly nice for dealing with Ghost-types, and Hyper Fang with a Strong Jaw boost does technically have a higher power than a baseline Return, but neither of these things is worth giving up the power of Adaptability or Stakeout.
I’ve been assuming something along the lines of [Return/Crunch/Earthquake/???] thus far because, barring some variation in your choice of Normal attack (Hyper Fang for a hypothetical Strong Jaw moveset, Façade if you’re worried about burns, Frustration if you’re roleplaying as a villain, and Thrash if you’re roleplaying as an idiot), there’s not much reason to do anything else with Gumshoos.  There’s some variation in what that last attack can be.  Gumshoos gets U-Turn, which is generally a strong move, but considering how hard it is to get Gumshoos safely into play in the first place, and how much damage he can do once he’s there, I’m not convinced that pulling him out again is a great idea.  Pursuit is an option to catch Pokémon that try to flee, but meshes badly with Stakeout, since you want to be hitting the Pokémon that switches in, rather than the one leaving.  Revenge gives you a Fighting attack, and always going second isn’t a huge deal for Gumshoos, who’s slower than most Pokémon anyway, but the fact that you need to take damage in order for the move to be any good is not appealing (on the other hand, Revenge is a good response to the kind of play that Stakeout invites).  You could always just stick in Façade or even Giga Impact as a secondary Normal attack, I suppose.  Finally, and I hesitate even to bring this up… Gumshoos does get Last Resort, and with Adaptability this would be one of the most powerful attacks in the game.  Last Resort only works if you’ve already used all your other attacks, which isn’t feasible for a Pokémon of Gumshoos’ constitution.  You could, however, put together a Gumshoos with just Last Resort and Protect (Last Resort always fails if it’s your only move), use your other Pokémon to take out any Ghost-, Rock- or Steel-types in your way, then go to town.  This is not a recommendation; in fact I would characterise it more as a warning, but I’m not going to tell you how to live your life in the precious few days that doubtless remain before you run yourself off a cliff with a crate of nitroglycerine.
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I’m seriously unconvinced by any possibility of using Gumshoos as anything other than a sledgehammer, because the stats just aren’t there, it’s a waste of his abilities, and his support movepool is decidedly on the “meh” side, but for the sake of completeness we should run through the options.  Gumshoos learns Yawn, which is interesting with Stakeout because it will generally prompt opponents to switch to keep their Pokémon from falling asleep.  Taunt exists, but Gumshoos is too slow to use it effectively and in most cases would be better served by just spamming Return.  Super Fang halves the target’s remaining health rather than dealing damage normally, and since damage is Gumshoos’ main strength, I wouldn’t generally advise trying it, but I suppose it does offer a nasty surprise for those few Pokémon who are capable of holding themselves aloof from his usual attacks, and it’s not like Gumshoos’ movesets are going to be full to bursting.  That’s… about it, honestly.
In summary, Gumshoos strikes me as more than a little one-trick-pony-ish.  You can batter your opponents with some incredibly powerful Adaptability- or Stakeout-boosted attacks, but you have almost no versatility; you’re slow, not particularly strong on defence, and have a very predictable choice of attacks.  I feel like Gumshoos is one of those Pokémon that’s on the verge of being good (and for evidence of that… well, look at Diggersby), because his strengths are huge; it’s just that his weaknesses are fairly all-encompassing too.  The design is interesting, in spite of (even because of?) the detective persona’s sheer weirdness.  The attitude that it forces the designers to take towards invasive species seriously bothers me though.  In any world that was even slightly more realistic or gritty than Pokémon, you would try to exterminate Yungoos and Gumshoos with traps and poison, as the Hawaiian government does.  You can probably make this complaint about a lot of Pokémon, and the games have never really made any effort to construct a Pokémon ecology that would stand up to real scrutiny, but Yungoos draws attention to it in a way that other Pokémon normally don’t, and leaves us with a distinctly worrying, probably unintentional message about invasive wildlife.
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jamaicanescapades · 7 years
Port Antonio - wildlife🇯🇲
We arrived in Port Antonio on a grey, wet day, and stopped in at the Errol Flynn Marina. As we walked along the waters edge we came face to face with a Life Guard carrying his pet wrapped around his arm. We stepped back and his friends had a chuckle. Then we approached out of curiosity but with trepidation. 
His pet was a Jamaican Yellow snake that he said was longer than him and not poisonous. The snakes are found near to where he lives, about 40 minutes heading east from the Marina, Long Bay, on the land side, close to the foothills of the northern side of the Blue Mountain range. 
[Wikipedia] The Jamaican boa or yellow snake (Epicrates subflavus) is a nonvenomous boa species endemic to Jamaica. No subspecies are currently recognized.
Their Habitat : Moist limestone forests.
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[Wikipedia]The Jamaican boa is golden green around the head and along the anterior section of the body, with black zigzag crossbars, becoming black toward the posterior end of its body. The snake’s body is quite long, up to 2 metres (6 feet 7 inches) in total length. [Wikipedia]
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The Guard told us that he is a member of the Conservation Society because the snakes are on the “endangered” list. He said his biggest challenge is to educate and so persuade the boys not to kill them. He also mentioned trying to protect them from a very small select group who come to hunt out the snakes which end up as a delicacy on their dining table. 
[Wikipedia] -  A species is listed as VULNERABLE when the best available evidence indicates that a population decline of 20% is expected within the next ten years or three generations, whichever is the longer, due to a decline in the quality and area of occupancy. It is therefore considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. 
Year assessed: 1996. 
Their natural habitat is being destroyed, which is forcing them into inhabited areas, where they are captured and killed. Some measures have been taken to afford these animals some protection:
Listed as a Protected species under the Wild Life protection Act (1945).Listed on Appendix I of CITES.Hunting in Forest reserves is also prohibited under the Forest Act (1996).
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Encouraged by the young man to touch the snake, my friend, after taking some deep breaths, did a quick touch. The skin was smooth and soft to the touch. He mentioned how heavy his pet was: 6 feet of pure muscle.
This was a first: I had only come across the small garden snakes prior to this. 
Imagine, this very cool Experience was a “buck up” and the day had just started. Big Thanks to the Life Guard for sharing his knowledge and passion.
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lecho · 7 years
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 Queen Nanny of the Windward Maroons has largely been ignored by historians who have restricted their focus to male figures in Maroon history. However, amongst the Maroons themselves she is held in the highest esteem. Biographical information on Queen Nanny is somewhat vague, with her being mentioned only four times in written historical texts and usually in somewhat derogatory terms. However, she is held up as the most important figure in Maroon history. She was the spiritual, cultural and military leader of the Windward Maroons and her importance stems from the fact that she guided the Maroons through the most intense period of their resistance against the British, between 1725 and 1740.
Queen Nanny is presumed to have been born around the 1680’s in Africa’s Gold Coast (now known as Ghana). She was reported to belong to either the Ashanti or Akan tribe and came to Jamaica as a free woman. It is possible that Queen Nanny brought slaves of her own, reportedly being of royal African blood. It was not uncommon for African dignitaries to keep slaves. She was said to be married to a man named Adou, but had no children. She died in the 1730’s. Moore Town is now the primary town of the Windward Maroons – it was founded in 1734 after the British destroyed the original Maroon town, which was known as ‘Nanny Town’.
Historical Maroon Identity and Culture Slaves imported to Jamaica from Africa came from the Gold Coast, the Congo and Madagascar. The dominant group among Maroon communities was from the Gold Coast. In Jamaica this group was referred to as Coromantie or Koromantee. They were fierce and ferocious fighters with a preference for resistance, survival and above all freedom and refused to become slaves. Between 1655 until the 1830’s they led most of the slave rebellions in Jamaica.
Spiritual life was of the utmost importance to the Maroons which was incorporated into every aspect of life, from child rearing to military strategies. Almost every slave rebellion involved African spiritual practices. Leaders, such as Queen Nanny usually practiced Obeah and were able to instill confidence in their followers. Spiritual practices such as Obeah (and voodoo in Haiti) evolved from Africa, and during slavery times were of great significance to the black population. However, under colonial rule as Western culture was imposed on the Caribbean, these African practices became ‘outlawed’ and took on negative connotations.
Among Maroon culture, their ancestors are revered and their importance to everyday life is recognized. The past is a source of pride which is both taught and shared. Amongst modern day Maroons, the history of their resistance against slavery is an extreme form of pride that forms a large part of Maroon identity. The story of the Maroons endurance and ability to hold off the British troops for almost eighty years is one that has never been repeated in history. What saw the Maroons through to freedom were their unfailing courage and determination. Their resistance to slavery drew on the strength of their memory of Africa and its culture. Their African culture and identity instilled in them great confidence and self esteem. So much so, that this diluted the stigma of inferiority imposed by the plantocracy. Therefore, the resistance against slavery by the Maroons was a defense of their culture and identity, their spiritual and political values and preservation of African civilization. This is why Maroon ancestors are an integral part of their day to day lives. At each annual Maroon celebration of the 1739 Peace Treaties there is a ‘private’ element of the festivities at which only Maroons may attend, where the ancestors are said to visit, including Queen Nanny who is honored. 
The Significance of Women Maroons On the plantations women did not escape the brutality of slavery. Marriage and partnerships among slaves were prohibited. For those that managed to form unions in secret, they were forced to endure the removal of their offspring who were separated from their mothers soon after birth and sold into slavery. Many women opted for abortions rather than see their babies endure the same fate (slavery) that had befallen them. Furthermore, women on the plantations were physically exploited by their slave masters by rape and other sexual practices that were often quite sadistic. They too endured hard physical labor within the household doing domestic work and rearing the children of their slave masters. Some occasionally worked on the plantation itself. 
By contrast, the Maroon women raised crops and were responsible for most of the agricultural output within their communities. The men hunted wild hogs and raided the plantations for food and supplies and to free slaves. Often, the plantations were ‘raided’ to bring back women into the Maroon communities, without which they would be unable to increase their numbers and ensure the survival of the Maroons as a race. There are legends of great women Maroon warriors who raided the plantations and freed slaves, wielding huge knives that they used to cut off the heads of the British. The strength of women in Maroon communities stemmed from their position within traditional Ashanti or Akan culture. The Ashanti culture was based on a tradition of warrior nations and a history of proud and respected women. Many Ashanti elements were retained in Maroon language and culture.
The Legend of Queen Nanny Queen Nanny is credited with being the military leader of the Windward Maroons who employed clever strategies which led to their repeated success in battles with the British. She was a master of guerilla warfare and trained Maroon troops in the art of camouflage. Oral history recounts that Nanny herself would cover her soldiers with branches and leaves, instructing them to stand as still as possible so that they would resemble trees. As the British soldiers approached completely unaware that they were surrounded they would swiftly be picked off by the Maroons.
Maroon settlements were sited high up in the mountains with only a narrow path leading to their town. In this way, the British soldiers could clearly be seen on approach as they advanced in single file, allowing them to be picked off one by one. This method was particularly successful with large numbers of British soldiers being killed by a comparatively small number of Maroons. A famous legend about Queen Nanny is that during 1737 at the height of the Maroon resistance against the British, Nanny and her people were near starvation and she was on the brink of surrender, when she heard voices from her ancestors telling her not to give up. When she awoke she found pumpkins seeds in her pocket which she planted on the hillside. Within a week the seeds grew into large plants laden with pumpkins that provided much needed food for the starving community. To this day, one of the hills near Nanny Town is known as ‘Pumpkin Hill’.
There are two versions of the story of Nanny catching bullets. The first is that Queen Nanny was able to catch bullets with her hands, which was a highly developed art form in some parts of Africa. The other story is that Nanny was able to catch bullets with her buttocks and fart them out again. Renowned historian Edward Braithwaite suggests that the original story took a vulgar twist on account of British colonialists who were known to detest Nanny and were being deliberately offensive about her when they relayed this tale.
The last legend about Queen Nanny is that she placed a large cauldron on the corner of a narrow mountain path near the edge. The pot was said to be boiling even though there was no fire beneath it. British soldiers approaching would curiously look inside, fall in and die. Some were said to collapse and fall over the hill. There have been suggestions that the pot contained special herbs with anaesthetic properties, as Nanny was said to be an herbalist. Contemporary historians maintain that the pot was in fact a circular basin formed by the hollowed out rocks of the Nanny River, joined by the waters of the Stony River. The continuously flowing river kept the water constantly frothy, giving it the appearance of a boiling pot.
The Legacy of Queen Nanny Queen Nanny is credited with being the single figure who united the Maroons across Jamaica and played a major role the preservation of African culture and knowledge. She was hated by the British. Early historians wrote in derogatory terms about the Maroons, trying to present them as savages no better than animals. Queen Nanny was often portrayed as being bloodthirsty. Thickness’ journal published in 1788 described an encounter with a woman presumed to have been Nanny herself, wearing bracelets and anklets made from the teeth of British soldiers. “The old hag had a girdle around her waist with nine or ten different knives hanging in sheaths to it, many of which I have no doubt have been plunged in human flesh and blood”.
Much of the work compiled by Edward Braithwaite was instrumental in seeing Queen Nanny made a National Hero of Jamaica in 1976.This brought about a national recognition of the contribution made by the Maroons in securing liberty from slavery from the British.
The Windward Maroons with Queen Nanny as their leader are a role model for resistance, rebellion and survival. Queen Nanny herself is a symbolic figure for all those who suffer from oppression. Whilst Queen Elizabeth 1 dispatched the pirate John Hawkins on her own ship, the SS Jesus of Lubeck to Africa with orders to transport Africans to Jamaica, Nanny of the Windward Maroons was empowering her people to resist slavery at all costs. Therefore, Queen Nanny is the true Queen of Jamaica.
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Plants and animals in Central America
Plants and animals
Each down, the animals of the tropical rain forest awake to the strange call of the howler monkeys. High among the branches of the tallest trees, birds ruffle their bright feathers and whistle and squawk. The forest is full of noise and color. Many rare and beautiful flowers grow high in the trees, their roots drinking in moisture from the damp air. Mosses and ferns cover the branches with a layer or soft green. On the forest floor below, it is dark. Hardly any sunlight finds its way  down through the thick layers or leaves. Very few plants can grow in the gloom. Many of the animals and birds of the forests of Central America, such as the  quetzal, are becoming very rare. Other unusual creatures live in the islands of the west Indies. Some of them are found nowhere else in the world.
Forest riverbank
Tapirs live along the riverbanks in Central America. They spend much time in the water and feed on plants. The two-toed sloth moves very slowly through the  trees feeding on leaves. The tayra is much more active, hunting mice and squirrels. Tiny hummingbirds visit flowers in search of nectar.
Rain forest
High up in the tree branches rare and colorful orchids grow. Flowering bromeliads hold little pools of water in their cupped leaves. The rain forest animals are colorful too. The bright color of the poison arrow frog mean “danger-keep away.” At night, the kinkajou comes out. It can hang by its tail to reach the fruits of wild fig and avocado trees.
Island coasts
Coconut palms line the coasts of many West Indian islands. The coconut has a light shell and will float in the sea. Robber crabs climb the palms and snip off coconuts. Scarlet ibises search the mud for worms. In the water, fat, slow manatees fees on underwater plants. Tropic birds and frigate birds glide over the sea looking fish.
Caribbean islands
Huge lizards, called rhinoceros iguanas, live on some of the islands. The Jamaican hutia lives only in Jamaica. It feeds on the plants of the forests and hills. Several islands have birds that are found nowhere else, like the St. Vincent parrot and the St. Lucia parrot.
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scarffile0-blog · 5 years
What is Coming to Netflix in October 2018
The third season of Marvel’s DAREDEVIL is coming to Netflix U.S. in October 2018, as is the new Toni Colette series WANDERLUST. Netflix original series CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA and BIG MOUTH will also be streaming in October, along with the Netflix original films 22 JULY and PRIVATE LIFE.
Related: What’s coming to Netflix Canada in October 2018?
October 1
Angel Eyes
Anger Management
Billy Madison
Black Dynamite
Blade II
Blazing Saddles
Empire Records
Gotham: Season 4
Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain
Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny
Must Love Dogs
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship
Mystic River
New York Minute
Once Upon a Time in America
Pay It Forward
Pee-wee’s Big Adventure
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Rumble in the Bronx
She’s Out of My League
The Dead Pool
The Devil’s Advocate
The Green Mile
The Lake House
The NeverEnding Story
The Shining
V for Vendetta
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
October 2
Joe Rogan: Strange Times (Netflix Original): Comedian Joe Rogan takes on sexual politics, American politics, pro wrestling and vegans in a new stand-up special shot in Boston.
MeatEater: Season 7 (Netflix Original): Steven Rinella returns for more hunting and cooking expeditions in rugged locales with friends that include the likes of comedian Joe Rogan.
Monty Python: The Meaning of Live
Monty Python’s Life of Brian
October 3
October 4
Creeped Out (Netflix Original): This kids anthology series features spine-shivering tales of sinister neighbors, creepy ghouls, technology out of control and more.
The Haunting of Molly Hartley
Violet Evergarden: Special: Extra Episode
October 5
Big Mouth: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Carnal urges and teen angst abound as Nick, Andrew and friends pursue new crushes, tangle with the Shame Wizard and sample pot for the first time.
Dancing Queen (Netflix Original): Yes, he owns a successful dance studio. But Justin Johnson also slays onstage as drag superstar Alyssa Edwards. It’s a fierce, full and fabulous life.
Élite (Netflix Original): When three working class kids enroll in the most exclusive school in Spain, the clash between the wealthy and the poor students leads to tragedy.
Empire Games (Netflix Original): Interviews with scholars and dramatic reenactments bring to life the origins and history-making achievements of the world’s greatest ancient empires.
Little Things: Season 2 (Netflix Original): More fun ensues as Kavya and Dhruv’s relationship progresses amid conversations about their future and visits from family and friends.
Malevolent (Netflix Film): A brother-sister team who fake paranormal encounters for cash get more than they bargained for when a job at a haunted estate turns very, very real.
Private Life (Netflix Film): A couple coping with infertility struggles to keep their marriage afloat as they navigate the world of assisted reproduction and adoption.
Super Monsters Save Halloween (Netflix Film): It’s Halloween, and the Super Monsters are ready to celebrate — with candy, costumes and music to get you in the mood!
Super Monsters: Season 2 (Netflix Original): With curious new student Spike in the mix, the Super Monsters use their powers to solve problems — and conquer their fears about growing up. (See trailer HERE)
The Rise of Phoenixes (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Friday): When a secret from the past rears its head, a respected court scholar must choose between avenging her family and staying true to the prince she loves.
YG Future Strategy Office (Netflix Original): K-pop star Seungri, BIGBANG’s youngest member, tries to lead a team of bumbling staff at YG’s Future Strategy Office in this mockumentary sitcom.
October 6
October 8
Disney’s Sofia the First: Season 4
Mo Amer: The Vagabond (Netflix Original): Arab-American comedian Mo Amer brings his worldly experiences to his debut Netflix Original stand-up special, Mo Amer: The Vagabond. Filmed at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, TX, Amer enlightens audiences about the truths of his first hand experiences as a refugee. From the American immigration policy and touring internationally without a passport to the time he went viral for sitting next to Eric Trump on a flight, this is Amer like you have never seen before.
October 9
Terrace House: Opening New Doors: Part 4 (Netflix Original): As Noah juggles his love triangle with Mayu and Yui, Shohei plans to confess to Seina — but Terrace House’s repeat member might have other options.
October 10
22 July (Netflix Film): After a pair of shocking attacks in Norway, survivors — and the country — rally for healing and justice. Based on true events.
Pacto de Sangue (Netflix Original): An ambitious TV reporter uses risky and ethically questionable methods to report on gang wars and police corruption in the Amazon port of Belém, Brazil.
October 11
Salt Fat Acid Heat (Netflix Original): Chef and food writer Samin Nosrat brings her culinary manifesto of simple food rooted in tradition to the screen in a new cooking series.
Schitt’s Creek: Season 4
October 12
Apostle (Netflix Film): In this thriller, a man travels to a remote island in search of his missing sister, who was kidnapped by a murderous religious cult.
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (Netflix Film): A solitary blacksmith is locked in a vicious rivalry with the devil until a little girl appears in their lives by chance.
Feminists: What Were They Thinking? (Netflix Original): Revisiting 1970s photos of women that captured a feminist awakening, this film explores those women’s lives and examines the continued need for change.
FightWorld (Netflix Original): Actor and martial artist Frank Grillo explores and experiences the diverse fighting techniques found in cultures around the world.
ReMastered: Who Shot the Sheriff (Netflix Original): In 1976, reggae icon Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt as rival political groups battled in Jamaica. But who exactly was responsible?
Tarzan and Jane: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Tarzan and Jane embark on a heroic adventure in the Brazilian rainforest, rescuing animals from an evil scheme and uncovering an ancient secret.
The Boss Baby: Back in Business: Season 2 (Netflix Original): There’s a new threat to baby popularity: old people. But a revolutionary “stinkless” serum could give Baby Corp a competitive advantage.
The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell (Netflix Original): Wickedly talented baker and artist, Christine McConnell welcomes you into her terrifyingly delicious home to create delectable confections and hauntingly disturbing decor with the help of her colorful collection of creatures.
The Haunting of Hill House (Netflix Original): Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.
The Kindergarten Teacher (Netflix Film): A devoted teacher takes interest in a young student’s creative potential after hearing his poetry. But she soon crosses the line into obsession.
October 15
Octonauts: Season 4
The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments (Netflix Original): When a kingdom is taken over by tyrants, the deposed princess begins a quest to find a disbanded group of evil knights to help take back her realm.
October 16
Ron White: If You Quit Listening, I’ll Shut Up (Netflix Original): Ron “Tater Salad” White dishes out his signature brand of cynicism, riffing on sex, celebrity and the sinister habits of wild geese.
October 19
Accidentally in Love (Netflix Original): A popular singer decides to go back to school, becoming the center of attention there, and meets an ordinary female student with a dual personality.
Ask the Doctor (Netflix Original): From exercise to infertility to sleep, a team of doctors share expert advice, bust medical myths and test the latest treatments.
Best.Worst.Weekend.Ever.: Limited Series (Netflix Original): In this comedy series, teenage Zed and his pals face one ridiculous, hilarious predicament after another in their last weekend before high school.
Derren Brown: Sacrifice (Netflix Original): Illusionist Derren Brown concocts a psychological experiment in which he tries to manipulate an ordinary person into taking a bullet for a stranger.
Distrito salvaje (Netflix Original): A former guerrilla soldier tries to reintegrate into Colombian society and finds himself taking part in an entirely new kind of war.
Gnome Alone (Netflix Film): A high-schooler teams up with living garden gnomes to stop tiny creatures from another world who want to eat everything in sight.
Haunted (Netflix Original): From the Executive Producers of The Purge franchise and Lore, Haunted gives a chilling glimpse into the first-person accounts from people who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar, extraordinary supernatural events and other unexplained phenomenons that continue to haunt them.
Hip-Hop Evolution: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Shad Kabango traces the growth of hip-hop subcultures in New York, the South and Oakland, California, in the ’80s and ’90s.
Illang: The Wolf Brigade (Netflix Film): In 2029, a special unit of the South Korean police called Illang battles a terrorist group threatening to undo years of efforts to unify the two Koreas.
Larva Island (Netflix Original): Stranded on a tropical island, two goofy larva buddies find slapstick fun in everything from discovering food to meeting new animal friends.
Making a Murderer: Part 2 (Netflix Original): With a national profile and new support after the release of “Making a Murderer,” Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey continue to fight for exoneration.
Marvel’s Daredevil: Season 3 (Netflix Original): With Wilson Fisk out of prison and back to corrupting Hell’s Kitchen, Matt Murdock must rise from the ashes.
The Night Comes For Us (Netflix Film): After sparing a girl’s life during a massacre, an elite Triad assassin is targeted by an onslaught of murderous gangsters.
Wanderlust (Netflix Original): Wanderlust looks at how we build and maintain happy relationships and asks whether lifelong monogamy is possible – or even desirable. Toni Collette plays Joy Richards, a therapist trying to find a way to keep her spark alive with her husband after a cycling accident causes them to reassess their relationship. As we meet her family, friends, neighbours and clients, remarkable yet relatable stories of love, lust and forbidden desire emerge.
October 21
Robozuna (Netflix Original): A boy and his homemade robot attempt to free their oppressed nation from an evil empire and its robot centurions in this exciting animated series.
October 23
ADAM SANDLER 100% FRESH (Netflix Original): Adam Sandler takes his comical musical musings back out on the road, from comedy clubs to concert halls to one very unsuspecting subway station.
October 24
Bodyguard (Netflix Original): After helping thwart a terrorist attack, a war veteran is assigned to protect a politician who was a major proponent of the conflict he fought in.
October 25
October 26
Been So Long (Netflix Film): A single mother in London’s Camden Town hears music when she meets a handsome stranger with a past. But she’s not sure she’s ready to open her heart.
Castlevania: Season 2 (Netflix Original): As Dracula and his legion of vampires prepare to rid the world of humanity’s stain, an unlikely trio of heroes dares to stand in their way.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Netflix Original): As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends. Based on the Archie comic.
Dovlatov (Netflix Film): An intimate portrait that captures six days in the life of influential Russian dissident writer Sergei Dovlatov.
Jefe (Netflix Film): The story of a boss that everyone hates: some kiss up to him; nobody tells him the truth. He’s the successful entrepreneur about to fall off the cliff.
Shirkers (Netflix Original): When she recovers stolen film of a movie she shot 25 years ago, novelist Sandi Tan revisits her time with the enigmatic man who swiped the footage.
Terrorism Close Calls (Netflix Original): Law enforcement officials look back on attempted terrorist attacks that were thwarted in the nick of time.
October 27
Girl from Nowhere (Netflix Original): A mysterious, clever girl named Nanno transfers to different schools, exposing the lies and misdeeds of the students and faculty at every turn.
October 28
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Sunday): In this weekly show, Hasan Minhaj brings his unique comedic voice and storytelling skill to explore the larger trends shaping our fragmented world.
October 30
Fate/EXTRA Last Encore: Illustrias Geocentric Theory (Netflix Original): Having finally reached the seventh floor, Hakuno clings to the hope that he can somehow fix this defective war. But time is running out.
The Degenerates (Netflix Original): A series of no-holds-barred comedy from the likes of rising comics like Big Jay Oakerson, Joey Diaz, Liza Treyger, Yamaneika Saunders, Christina P. and Brad Williams.
October 31
Goldie & Bear: Season 2
GUN CITY (Netflix Film): Set in Barcelona in 1921, a double agent infiltrates the local mafia to find out who is selling weapons and explosives to anarchist groups.
Last Call – Titles Rotating Off the Service in October 2018
October 1
Bad Boys
Boogie Nights
Cinderella Man
Curse of Chucky
Eyes Wide Shut
Freaks and Geeks: Season 1
Full Metal Jacket
Guess Who
Inside Man
Let Me In
Life Is Beautiful
Menace II Society
Red Dragon
Scream 2
Sin City
The Adventures of Tintin
The Clan
The Family Man
The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
The Lost Boys
The Rugrats Movie
Trading Places
White Collar: Seasons 1-6
October 2
The Human Centipede: First Sequence
October 6
October 8
90210: Seasons 1-5
Kubo and the Two Strings
October 10
October 13
October 14
About a Boy: Seasons 1-2
The Babadook
October 17
October 22
The Secret Life of Pets
October 24
October 25
October 26
October 28
Source: http://www.thetvaddict.com/2018/09/26/what-is-coming-to-netflix-in-october-2018/
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erickmalpicaflores · 6 years
Erik Malpica Flores Erik Malpica Flores recommends: What is Coming to Netflix in October 2018 |
The third season of Marvel’s DAREDEVIL is coming to Netflix U.S. in October 2018, as is the new Toni Colette series WANDERLUST. Netflix original series CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA and BIG MOUTH will also be streaming in October, along with the Netflix original films 22 JULY and PRIVATE LIFE.
Related: What’s coming to Netflix Canada in October 2018?
October 1
Angel Eyes
Anger Management
Billy Madison
Black Dynamite
Blade II
Blazing Saddles
Empire Records
Gotham: Season 4
Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain
Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny
Must Love Dogs
My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship
Mystic River
New York Minute
Once Upon a Time in America
Pay It Forward
Pee-wee’s Big Adventure
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Rumble in the Bronx
She’s Out of My League
The Dead Pool
The Devil’s Advocate
The Green Mile
The Lake House
The NeverEnding Story
The Shining
V for Vendetta
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
October 2
Joe Rogan: Strange Times (Netflix Original): Comedian Joe Rogan takes on sexual politics, American politics, pro wrestling and vegans in a new stand-up special shot in Boston.
MeatEater: Season 7 (Netflix Original): Steven Rinella returns for more hunting and cooking expeditions in rugged locales with friends that include the likes of comedian Joe Rogan.
Monty Python: The Meaning of Live
Monty Python’s Life of Brian
October 3
October 4
Creeped Out (Netflix Original): This kids anthology series features spine-shivering tales of sinister neighbors, creepy ghouls, technology out of control and more.
The Haunting of Molly Hartley
Violet Evergarden: Special: Extra Episode
October 5
Big Mouth: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Carnal urges and teen angst abound as Nick, Andrew and friends pursue new crushes, tangle with the Shame Wizard and sample pot for the first time.
Dancing Queen (Netflix Original): Yes, he owns a successful dance studio. But Justin Johnson also slays onstage as drag superstar Alyssa Edwards. It’s a fierce, full and fabulous life.
Élite (Netflix Original): When three working class kids enroll in the most exclusive school in Spain, the clash between the wealthy and the poor students leads to tragedy.
Empire Games (Netflix Original): Interviews with scholars and dramatic reenactments bring to life the origins and history-making achievements of the world’s greatest ancient empires.
Little Things: Season 2 (Netflix Original): More fun ensues as Kavya and Dhruv’s relationship progresses amid conversations about their future and visits from family and friends.
Malevolent (Netflix Film): A brother-sister team who fake paranormal encounters for cash get more than they bargained for when a job at a haunted estate turns very, very real.
Private Life (Netflix Film): A couple coping with infertility struggles to keep their marriage afloat as they navigate the world of assisted reproduction and adoption.
Super Monsters Save Halloween (Netflix Film): It’s Halloween, and the Super Monsters are ready to celebrate — with candy, costumes and music to get you in the mood!
Super Monsters: Season 2 (Netflix Original): With curious new student Spike in the mix, the Super Monsters use their powers to solve problems — and conquer their fears about growing up. (See trailer HERE)
The Rise of Phoenixes (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Friday): When a secret from the past rears its head, a respected court scholar must choose between avenging her family and staying true to the prince she loves.
YG Future Strategy Office (Netflix Original): K-pop star Seungri, BIGBANG’s youngest member, tries to lead a team of bumbling staff at YG’s Future Strategy Office in this mockumentary sitcom.
October 6
October 8
Disney’s Sofia the First: Season 4
Mo Amer: The Vagabond (Netflix Original): Arab-American comedian Mo Amer brings his worldly experiences to his debut Netflix Original stand-up special, Mo Amer: The Vagabond. Filmed at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, TX, Amer enlightens audiences about the truths of his first hand experiences as a refugee. From the American immigration policy and touring internationally without a passport to the time he went viral for sitting next to Eric Trump on a flight, this is Amer like you have never seen before.
October 9
Terrace House: Opening New Doors: Part 4 (Netflix Original): As Noah juggles his love triangle with Mayu and Yui, Shohei plans to confess to Seina — but Terrace House’s repeat member might have other options.
October 10
22 July (Netflix Film): After a pair of shocking attacks in Norway, survivors — and the country — rally for healing and justice. Based on true events.
Pacto de Sangue (Netflix Original): An ambitious TV reporter uses risky and ethically questionable methods to report on gang wars and police corruption in the Amazon port of Belém, Brazil.
October 11
Salt Fat Acid Heat (Netflix Original): Chef and food writer Samin Nosrat brings her culinary manifesto of simple food rooted in tradition to the screen in a new cooking series.
Schitt’s Creek: Season 4
October 12
Apostle (Netflix Film): In this thriller, a man travels to a remote island in search of his missing sister, who was kidnapped by a murderous religious cult.
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (Netflix Film): A solitary blacksmith is locked in a vicious rivalry with the devil until a little girl appears in their lives by chance.
Feminists: What Were They Thinking? (Netflix Original): Revisiting 1970s photos of women that captured a feminist awakening, this film explores those women’s lives and examines the continued need for change.
FightWorld (Netflix Original): Actor and martial artist Frank Grillo explores and experiences the diverse fighting techniques found in cultures around the world.
ReMastered: Who Shot the Sheriff (Netflix Original): In 1976, reggae icon Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt as rival political groups battled in Jamaica. But who exactly was responsible?
Tarzan and Jane: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Tarzan and Jane embark on a heroic adventure in the Brazilian rainforest, rescuing animals from an evil scheme and uncovering an ancient secret.
The Boss Baby: Back in Business: Season 2 (Netflix Original): There’s a new threat to baby popularity: old people. But a revolutionary “stinkless” serum could give Baby Corp a competitive advantage.
The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell (Netflix Original): Wickedly talented baker and artist, Christine McConnell welcomes you into her terrifyingly delicious home to create delectable confections and hauntingly disturbing decor with the help of her colorful collection of creatures.
The Haunting of Hill House (Netflix Original): Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.
The Kindergarten Teacher (Netflix Film): A devoted teacher takes interest in a young student’s creative potential after hearing his poetry. But she soon crosses the line into obsession.
October 15
Octonauts: Season 4
The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments (Netflix Original): When a kingdom is taken over by tyrants, the deposed princess begins a quest to find a disbanded group of evil knights to help take back her realm.
October 16
Ron White: If You Quit Listening, I’ll Shut Up (Netflix Original): Ron “Tater Salad” White dishes out his signature brand of cynicism, riffing on sex, celebrity and the sinister habits of wild geese.
October 19
Accidentally in Love (Netflix Original): A popular singer decides to go back to school, becoming the center of attention there, and meets an ordinary female student with a dual personality.
Ask the Doctor (Netflix Original): From exercise to infertility to sleep, a team of doctors share expert advice, bust medical myths and test the latest treatments.
Best.Worst.Weekend.Ever.: Limited Series (Netflix Original): In this comedy series, teenage Zed and his pals face one ridiculous, hilarious predicament after another in their last weekend before high school.
Derren Brown: Sacrifice (Netflix Original): Illusionist Derren Brown concocts a psychological experiment in which he tries to manipulate an ordinary person into taking a bullet for a stranger.
Distrito salvaje (Netflix Original): A former guerrilla soldier tries to reintegrate into Colombian society and finds himself taking part in an entirely new kind of war.
Gnome Alone (Netflix Film): A high-schooler teams up with living garden gnomes to stop tiny creatures from another world who want to eat everything in sight.
Haunted (Netflix Original): From the Executive Producers of The Purge franchise and Lore, Haunted gives a chilling glimpse into the first-person accounts from people who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar, extraordinary supernatural events and other unexplained phenomenons that continue to haunt them.
Hip-Hop Evolution: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Shad Kabango traces the growth of hip-hop subcultures in New York, the South and Oakland, California, in the ’80s and ’90s.
Illang: The Wolf Brigade (Netflix Film): In 2029, a special unit of the South Korean police called Illang battles a terrorist group threatening to undo years of efforts to unify the two Koreas.
Larva Island (Netflix Original): Stranded on a tropical island, two goofy larva buddies find slapstick fun in everything from discovering food to meeting new animal friends.
Making a Murderer: Part 2 (Netflix Original): With a national profile and new support after the release of “Making a Murderer,” Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey continue to fight for exoneration.
Marvel’s Daredevil: Season 3 (Netflix Original): With Wilson Fisk out of prison and back to corrupting Hell’s Kitchen, Matt Murdock must rise from the ashes.
The Night Comes For Us (Netflix Film): After sparing a girl’s life during a massacre, an elite Triad assassin is targeted by an onslaught of murderous gangsters.
Wanderlust (Netflix Original): Wanderlust looks at how we build and maintain happy relationships and asks whether lifelong monogamy is possible – or even desirable. Toni Collette plays Joy Richards, a therapist trying to find a way to keep her spark alive with her husband after a cycling accident causes them to reassess their relationship. As we meet her family, friends, neighbours and clients, remarkable yet relatable stories of love, lust and forbidden desire emerge.
October 21
Robozuna (Netflix Original): A boy and his homemade robot attempt to free their oppressed nation from an evil empire and its robot centurions in this exciting animated series.
October 23
ADAM SANDLER 100% FRESH (Netflix Original): Adam Sandler takes his comical musical musings back out on the road, from comedy clubs to concert halls to one very unsuspecting subway station.
October 24
Bodyguard (Netflix Original): After helping thwart a terrorist attack, a war veteran is assigned to protect a politician who was a major proponent of the conflict he fought in.
October 25
October 26
Been So Long (Netflix Film): A single mother in London’s Camden Town hears music when she meets a handsome stranger with a past. But she’s not sure she’s ready to open her heart.
Castlevania: Season 2 (Netflix Original): As Dracula and his legion of vampires prepare to rid the world of humanity’s stain, an unlikely trio of heroes dares to stand in their way.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Netflix Original): As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends. Based on the Archie comic.
Dovlatov (Netflix Film): An intimate portrait that captures six days in the life of influential Russian dissident writer Sergei Dovlatov.
Jefe (Netflix Film): The story of a boss that everyone hates: some kiss up to him; nobody tells him the truth. He’s the successful entrepreneur about to fall off the cliff.
Shirkers (Netflix Original): When she recovers stolen film of a movie she shot 25 years ago, novelist Sandi Tan revisits her time with the enigmatic man who swiped the footage.
Terrorism Close Calls (Netflix Original): Law enforcement officials look back on attempted terrorist attacks that were thwarted in the nick of time.
October 27
Girl from Nowhere (Netflix Original): A mysterious, clever girl named Nanno transfers to different schools, exposing the lies and misdeeds of the students and faculty at every turn.
October 28
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Sunday): In this weekly show, Hasan Minhaj brings his unique comedic voice and storytelling skill to explore the larger trends shaping our fragmented world.
October 30
Fate/EXTRA Last Encore: Illustrias Geocentric Theory (Netflix Original): Having finally reached the seventh floor, Hakuno clings to the hope that he can somehow fix this defective war. But time is running out.
The Degenerates (Netflix Original): A series of no-holds-barred comedy from the likes of rising comics like Big Jay Oakerson, Joey Diaz, Liza Treyger, Yamaneika Saunders, Christina P. and Brad Williams.
October 31
Goldie & Bear: Season 2
GUN CITY (Netflix Film): Set in Barcelona in 1921, a double agent infiltrates the local mafia to find out who is selling weapons and explosives to anarchist groups.
Last Call – Titles Rotating Off the Service in October 2018
October 1
Bad Boys
Boogie Nights
Cinderella Man
Curse of Chucky
Eyes Wide Shut
Freaks and Geeks: Season 1
Full Metal Jacket
Guess Who
Inside Man
Let Me In
Life Is Beautiful
Menace II Society
Red Dragon
Scream 2
Sin City
The Adventures of Tintin
The Clan
The Family Man
The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
The Lost Boys
The Rugrats Movie
Trading Places
White Collar: Seasons 1-6
October 2
The Human Centipede: First Sequence
October 6
October 8
90210: Seasons 1-5
Kubo and the Two Strings
October 10
October 13
October 14
About a Boy: Seasons 1-2
The Babadook
October 17
October 22
The Secret Life of Pets
October 24
October 25
October 26
October 28
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maswartz · 5 years
My idea for season 6 of TMNT 2012
This takes place a few months after the end of my version of season 5 After a few months of calm the Turtles decide to take advantage of the fact they can move freely in society and visit Japan to pay their respects to Tang Shen. They are accompanied by April, Casey (now using the vigilante title of Skull Smasher), and Karai (who retakes her old name of Miwa for good in front of Tang Shen’s grave) However after paying their respects they are attacked by a cloaked figure who tells them the world has changed. A new race emerges from hiding. Across the world the extent of the Kraang’s experiments are revealed as the descendants of their mutations come out of hiding. The Turtles aren’t the only ones aware of this, the Claw sets out to enlist these mutants into their ranks to prepare for the day they rid the world of humanity. The mystery figure gives the Turtles a mystic map that reveals the location of each mutant but vanishes before they can ask more. It’s up to the Turtles to reach the mutants first and convince them there can be peace with humanity as opposed to the Claw who preach that there can only be peace with humanity mutated or wiped out. The mutants include: Manray (Manta Ray)- The defender of Atlantis which the Kraang sank and used for experiments on sea life. Jagwar (Jaguar)- Mutant defender of the rain forest Dreadmon (Jackal)- Swift defender of Jamaica Al’Falqa (Falcon)- Flying historian of the Middle East Manmoth (Mammoth)- A caveman experimented on by the Kraang and frozen in ice. Zodi (Scorpion)- Toxic assassin who joins the Claw Lionheart and Sally Pride (Lions)- Twin hunters who hunt those who poach wild animals in Africa
Mokoshan (Wolf)- Lone hunter of Alaska Mei Pieh Chi (Turtle)- Mystic defender of China During their travels the mysterious figure forces them to complete trials to test and improve their ninja skills. Eventually he reveals himself as The Ancient One, one of the earliest masters of the Ninja arts. After he is satisfied he grants the Turtles the rank of Ninja Masters. Upon returning to New York and once more defeating the Claw in battle the Turtles announce to the world that mutants are not going anywhere and have just as much a right to live as they do. The season ends with people and mutants agreeing to live together in harmony.
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eatpraylovecreate · 7 years
While in Puarto Vallarta Mexico 🇲🇽 my husband booked us an excursion The Sea Lion Encounter . I wasn’t too excited did not think it would compare to Dolphin experience we did in Jamaica or the Zip Lining and other fun stuff we’d done in past. But I was pleasantly surprised it was very interactive and we jumped right in with two sea lions. A mother and son first we hung with the mom we kissed and hugged and took a ride. Then swapped over and watched son do awesome tricks. I had a very fun day and like that they are rescuing these wonderful animals  and nursing them back to health. If they are able to survive in Wild again they release them back if unable to hunt for food or swim well they stay for permanent care. I would highly recommend this if you get the chance.
Sea Lion Encounter  While in Puarto Vallarta Mexico 🇲🇽 my husband booked us an excursion The Sea Lion Encounter . 
0 notes
My Year In Movies
This isn’t the way I wanted to do this, but a baby has taken over the office and I don’t have much time to sit at my computer, so here’s my list of movies I watched last year. Bold indicates a strong recommendation.
1. The Man From Nowhere (2010) -- Lee Jewon-beom (S. Korea) 2. Immortals (2011) -- Tarsem Singh (USA) 3. Killer Joe (2011) -- William Friedkin (USA) 4. World's Greatest Dad (2009) -- Bobcat Goldthwait (USA) 5. Fanny Hill (1983) -- Gerry O'Hara (UK) 6. I Vitelloni (1953) -- Frederico Fellini (Italy) 7. Inspector Clouseau (1968) -- Bud Yorkin (USA) 8. Bone Tomahawk (2015) -- S. Craig Zahler (USA) 9. Crank: High Voltage (2009) -- Neveldine and Taylor (USA) 10. Love Exposure (2008) -- Shion Sono (Japan) 11. Topkapi (1964) -- Jules Dassin (USA) 12. La Bete Humaine (1938) -- Jean Renoir (France) 13. Harakiri (1962) -- Masaki Kobayashi (Japan) 14. Stir Crazy (1980) -- Sidney Poitier (USA) 15. Mesrine: Public Enemy #1 (2008) -- Jean-Francois Richet (France) 16. Fright Night (1985) -- Tom Holland (USA) -- 35mm in theater, rewatch 17. The Driver (1978) -- Walter Hill (USA) 18. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) -- George Clooney (USA) 19. 50/50 (2011) -- Jonathan Levine (USA) 20. The Revenant (2015) -- Alejandro G. Inarritu (USA) -- in theater 21. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984) -- Hayao Miyazaki (Japan) 22. Broken Arrow (1950) -- Delmer Daves (USA) 23. The Untouchables (1987) -- Brian de Palma (USA) 24. The Key (1983) -- Tinto Brass (Italy) 25. The Big Short (2015) -- Adam McKay (USA) -- in theater 26. The Interview (2014) -- Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen (USA) 27. Storytelling (2001) -- Todd Solondz 28. Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) -- Brian de Palma (USA) 29. Black Sea (2014) -- Kevin Macdonald (UK/US) 30. The Witch (2015) -- Robert Eggers (US) -- in theater 31. The Rum Diary (2011) -- Bruce Robinson (USA) 32. The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings (1976) -- John Badham (USA) 33. The Palm Beach Story (1942) -- Preston Sturges (USA) 34. Shaun the Sheep (2015) -- Mark Burton and Richard Starzak (UK) 35. The Five Obstructions (2003) -- Jorgen Leth and Lars von Trier 36. Quay des Orfevres (1947) -- Henri-Georges Clouzot (France) 37. Hail, Caeser! (2016) -- Coen Bros (US) -- in theater 38. Valley Girl (1983) -- Martha Coolidge (US) 39. Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1989) -- Pedro Almodovar (Spain) 40. Hello, My Name Is Doris (2015) -- Michael Showalter (US) -- in theater 41. To Live and Die In L.A. (1985) -- William Friedkin (US) 42. In Cold Blood (1967) -- Richard Brooks (US) 43. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (1996) -- Terry Jones (UK) 44. The Deep (1977) -- Peter Yates (US) 45. The Muppet Movie (1979) -- James Frawley (US/UK) -- rewatch 46. Monkey Business (1952) -- Howard Hawks (US) 47. Casablanca (1942) -- Michael Curtiz (US) -- rewatch 48. The Disorderly Orderly (1964) -- Frank Tashlin (US) 49. Destry Rides Again (1939) -- George Marshall (US) 50. Green Fish (1997) -- Lee Chang-dong (S. Korea) 51. Bernie (2011) -- Richard Linklater (US) 52. Easy A (2010) -- Will Gluck (US) 53. The Overnight (2015) -- Patrick Brice (US) 54. 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) -- Dan Trachtenberg (US) -- in theater 55. Breaking the Waves (1996) -- Lars von Trier (various) 56. Cheap Thrills (2013) -- E.L. Katz (US) 57. Green Room (2016) -- Jeremy Saulnier (US) -- in theater 58. Indiscreet (1958) -- Stanley Donen (US) 59. Conan the Destroyer (1984) -- Richard Fleischer (US) 60. Faust (1926) -- F.W. Murnau (Ger) 61. Belladonna of Sadness (1973) -- Elichi Yamamoto (Japan) -- in theater 62. The Lobster (2015) -- Yorgos Lanthimos (Various) -- in theater 63. The Willies (1990) -- Brian Peck (US) 64. Sympathy for the Devil (2015) -- Neil Edwards (various) -- in theater 65. The Conjuring 2 (2016) -- James Wan (US) -- in theater 66. The Martian (2015) -- Ridley Scott (US) 67. I Love You, Phillip Morris (2009) -- Glenn Ficarra, John Requa (US) 68. Dancer in the Dark (2000) -- Lars von Trier (various) 69. Tickled (2016) -- David Farrier, Dylan Reeve (NZ) -- in theater 70. Hot Lead & Cold Feet (1978) -- Robert Butler (US) 71. De Palma (2015) -- Noah Baumbach, Jake Paltrow (US) -- in theater 72. Little Shop of Horrors (1986) -- Frank Oz (US) 73. Drive Angry (2011) -- Patrick Lussier (US) 74. Death Race 2000 (1975) -- Paul Bartel (US) -- 16mm in theater, rewatch 75. The Endless Summer (1966) -- Bruce Brown (US) 76. Barbarella (1968) -- Roger Vadim (Fr/It) 77. Bugsy Malone (1976) -- Alan Parker (UK) 78. Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) -- Taika Waititi (NZ) -- in theater 79. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015) -- Christopher McQuarrie (US) 80. The Invitation (2015) -- Karyn Kusama (US) 81. The Comedian (1957) -- John Frankenheimer (US) 82. Man Up (2015) -- Ben Palmer (UK) 83. Open Season: Scared Silly (2015) -- David Feiss (US) 84. The Good DInosaur (2015) --  Peter Sohn (US) 85. Burying the Ex (2014) -- Joe Dante (US) 86. Never Take Candy from a Stranger (1960) -- Cyril Frankel (UK) 87. These Are the Damned (1962) -- Joseph Losey (UK) 88. Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World (2016) -- Werner Herzog (US) -- in theater 89. Mission to Mars (2000) -- Brian de Palma (US) 90. Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) -- Travis Knight (US) -- in theater 91. Hell or High Water (2016) -- David Mackenzie (US) -- in theater 92. Russian Ark (2002) -- Alexander Sokurov (RUS) -- didn't finish, too dull 93. Cache (2005) -- Michael Haneke (various) 94. Kull The Conqueror (1997) -- John Nocolella (US) 95. The Witch (2015) -- Robert Eggers (US) -- rewatch 96. River of No Return (1954) -- Otto Preminger (US) 97. Carnal Knowledge (1971) -- Mike Nichols (US) 98. The Final Girls (2015) -- Todd Strauss-Schulson (US) 99. Jamaica Inn (1939) -- Alfred Hitchcock (UK) 100. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006) -- Jonathan Levine (US) 101. Creep (2014) -- Patrick Brice (US) 102. Killer Nun (1979) -- Giulio Berruti (It) 103. Alone in the Dark (1982) -- Jack Sholder (US) 104. Two Evil Eyes (1990) -- George Romero, Dario Argento (US, It) 105. Darling (2015) -- Mickey Keating (US) 106. The Bay (2012) -- Barry Levinson (US) 107. Phantasm: Ravager (2016) -- David Hartman (US) -- in theater 108. We Are Still Here (2015) -- Ted Geoghegan (US) 109. Final Girl (2015) -- Tyler Shields (US) 110. The Nude Vampire (1970) -- Jean Rollin (Fr) 111. Shock (1977) -- Mario Bava (It) 112. The Perfect Host (2010) -- Nick Tomnay (US) 113. Diary of a Madman (1963) -- Reginald Le Borg (US) 114. The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959) -- Terence Fisher (UK) 115. Zoombies (2016) -- Glenn R. Miller (US) 116. Bedlam (1946) -- Mark Robson (US) 117. Isle of the Dead (1945) -- Mark Robson (US) 118. Brain Damage (1988) -- Frank Henelotter (US) 119. Bound to Vengeance (2015) -- J.M. Craviato (US) 120. Stoker (2013) -- Park Chan-wook (US) 121. Fright Night (2011) -- Craig Gillespie (US) 122. Beneath (2013) -- Larry Fessenden (US) 123. She-Wolf of London (1946) -- Jean Yarbrough (US) 124. Werewolf of London (1935) -- Stuart Walker 125. The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953) -- Eugene Lourie (US) 126. Shutter Island (2010) -- Martin Scorcese (US) 127. Witchboard (1986) -- Kevin Tenney (US) 128. A Bucket of Blood (1959) -- Roger Corman (US) 129. Cannibal Ferox (1981) -- Umberto Lenzi (It) 130. Bloody Mama (1970) -- Roger Corman (US) 131. Goosebumps (2015) -- Rob Letterman (US) 132. The Killing Car (1993) -- Jean Rollin (Fr) 133. The Handmaiden (2016) -- Park Chan-wook (Kor) -- in theater 134. The Most Dangerous Game (1932) -- Irving Pichel and Ernest B. Shoedsack (US) 135. Night Creatures (1962) -- Peter Graham Scott (UK) 136. Moonlight (2016) -- Barry Jenkins (US) -- in theater 137. The Evil of Frankenstein (1964) -- Freddie Frances (UK) 138. Arrival (2016) -- Denis Villeneuve (US) -- in theater 139. Bride of Re-Animator (1989) -- Brian Yuzna (US) 140. Ghostbusters (2016) -- Paul Feig (US) 141. From a Whisper to a Scream (1987) -- Jeff Burr (US) 142. I, Madman (1989) -- Tibor Takacs (US)
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erickmalpicaflores · 6 years
Erik Malpica Flores Erik Malpica Flores recommends: What is Coming to Netflix Canada in October 2018 |
CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA, a new series from the creators of RIVERDALE, is coming to Netflix Canada in October 2018. We’ll also be seeing a new season of DAREDEVIL and BIG MOUTH, as well as the imported U.K. series BODYGUARD. TV fans can also watch the third season of SUPERGIRL and the second season of GREAT NEWS.
Related: What is coming to Netflix U.S. in October 2018?
October 1
Anger Management
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
The Purge: Election Year
October 2
Joe Rogan: Strange Times (Netflix Original): Comedian Joe Rogan takes on sexual politics, American politics, pro wrestling and vegans in a new stand-up special shot in Boston.
MeatEater: Season 7 (Netflix Original): Steven Rinella returns for more hunting and cooking expeditions in rugged locales with friends that include the likes of comedian Joe Rogan.
October 3
Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein
Angela’s Christmas
Dawn of the Dead
Mr. Bean’s Holiday
Operation Finale (Netflix Film): In 1960, Israeli spies undertake a daring mission to capture notorious Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann and bring him to justice. Based on real events.
Spy Game
October 4
Star: Season 3 (Streaming Every Thursday)
Violet Evergarden: Special: Extra Episode
October 5
Big Mouth: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Carnal urges and teen angst abound as Nick, Andrew and friends pursue new crushes, tangle with the Shame Wizard and sample pot for the first time.
Dancing Queen (Netflix Original): Yes, he owns a successful dance studio. But Justin Johnson also slays onstage as drag superstar Alyssa Edwards. It’s a fierce, full and fabulous life.
Élite (Netflix Original): When three working class kids enroll in the most exclusive school in Spain, the clash between the wealthy and the poor students leads to tragedy.
Empire Games (Netflix Original): Interviews with scholars and dramatic reenactments bring to life the origins and history-making achievements of the world’s greatest ancient empires.
Little Things: Season 2 (Netflix Original): More fun ensues as Kavya and Dhruv’s relationship progresses amid conversations about their future and visits from family and friends.
Malevolent (Netflix Film): A brother-sister team who fake paranormal encounters for cash get more than they bargained for when a job at a haunted estate turns very, very real.
Private Life (Netflix Film): A couple coping with infertility struggles to keep their marriage afloat as they navigate the world of assisted reproduction and adoption.
Super Monsters Save Halloween (Netflix Film): It’s Halloween, and the Super Monsters are ready to celebrate — with candy, costumes and music to get you in the mood!
Super Monsters: Season 2 (Netflix Original): With curious new student Spike in the mix, the Super Monsters use their powers to solve problems — and conquer their fears about growing up.
The Rise of Phoenixes (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Friday): When a secret from the past rears its head, a respected court scholar must choose between avenging her family and staying true to the prince she loves.
YG Future Strategy Office (Netflix Original): K-pop star Seungri, BIGBANG’s youngest member, tries to lead a team of bumbling staff at YG’s Future Strategy Office in this mockumentary sitcom.
October 6
October 8
Mo Amer: The Vagabond (Netflix Original): Arab-American comedian Mo Amer brings his worldly experiences to his debut Netflix Original stand-up special, Mo Amer: The Vagabond. Filmed at the Paramount Theatre in Austin, TX, Amer enlightens audiences about the truths of his first hand experiences as a refugee. From the American immigration policy and touring internationally without a passport to the time he went viral for sitting next to Eric Trump on a flight, this is Amer like you have never seen before.
October 9
Supergirl: Season 3
Terrace House: Opening New Doors: Part 4 (Netflix Original): As Noah juggles his love triangle with Mayu and Yui, Shohei plans to confess to Seina — but Terrace House’s repeat member might have other options.
October 10
22 July (Netflix Film): After a pair of shocking attacks in Norway, survivors — and the country — rally for healing and justice. Based on true events.
October 11
Riverdale: Season 3 (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Thursday): After a riot and a season of high-stakes political warfare, the Riverdale gang continues to navigate high drama of surreal small town life.
Salt Fat Acid Heat (Netflix Original): Chef and food writer Samin Nosrat brings her culinary manifesto of simple food rooted in tradition to the screen in a new cooking series.
October 12
Apostle (Netflix Film): In this thriller, a man travels to a remote island in search of his missing sister, who was kidnapped by a murderous religious cult.
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (Netflix Film): A solitary blacksmith is locked in a vicious rivalry with the devil until a little girl appears in their lives by chance.
Feminists: What Were They Thinking? (Netflix Original): Revisiting 1970s photos of women that captured a feminist awakening, this film explores those women’s lives and examines the continued need for change.
FightWorld (Netflix Original): Actor and martial artist Frank Grillo explores and experiences the diverse fighting techniques found in cultures around the world.
ReMastered: Who Shot the Sheriff (Netflix Original): In 1976, reggae icon Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt as rival political groups battled in Jamaica. But who exactly was responsible?
Tarzan and Jane: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Tarzan and Jane embark on a heroic adventure in the Brazilian rainforest, rescuing animals from an evil scheme and uncovering an ancient secret.
The Boss Baby: Back in Business: Season 2 (Netflix Original): There’s a new threat to baby popularity: old people. But a revolutionary “stinkless” serum could give Baby Corp a competitive advantage.
The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell (Netflix Original): Wickedly talented baker and artist, Christine McConnell welcomes you into her terrifyingly delicious home to create delectable confections and hauntingly disturbing decor with the help of her colorful collection of creatures.
The Haunting of Hill House (Netflix Original): Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.
The Kindergarten Teacher (Netflix Film): A devoted teacher takes interest in a young student’s creative potential after hearing his poetry. But she soon crosses the line into obsession.
October 13
Dynasty: Season 2 (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Saturday): In the wake of a calamitous fire that set their family home ablaze, the Carringtons sift through the rubble to rebuild their dynasty — and rise again.
October 14
A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Sunday): Two brainy beauty queens — same heritage, on separate coasts — and one fateful decision that soon links their paths.
October 15
Octonauts: Seasons 2-4
The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments (Netflix Original): When a kingdom is taken over by tyrants, the deposed princess begins a quest to find a disbanded group of evil knights to help take back her realm.
October 16
Black Lightning: Season 2 (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Tuesday): lack Lightning may have survived, but his superpowers did not. Now, he must help his daughters harness their special abilities to continue the fight for good.
Ron White: If You Quit Listening, I’ll Shut Up (Netflix Original): Ron “Tater Salad” White dishes out his signature brand of cynicism, riffing on sex, celebrity and the sinister habits of wild geese.
Travelers: Season 2
October 19
Accidentally in Love (Netflix Original): A popular singer decides to go back to school, becoming the center of attention there, and meets an ordinary female student with a dual personality.
Ask the Doctor (Netflix Original): From exercise to infertility to sleep, a team of doctors share expert advice, bust medical myths and test the latest treatments.
Best.Worst.Weekend.Ever.: Limited Series (Netflix Original): In this comedy series, teenage Zed and his pals face one ridiculous, hilarious predicament after another in their last weekend before high school.
Derren Brown: Sacrifice (Netflix Original): Illusionist Derren Brown concocts a psychological experiment in which he tries to manipulate an ordinary person into taking a bullet for a stranger.
Distrito salvaje (Netflix Original): A former guerrilla soldier tries to reintegrate into Colombian society and finds himself taking part in an entirely new kind of war.
Gnome Alone (Netflix Film): A high-schooler teams up with living garden gnomes to stop tiny creatures from another world who want to eat everything in sight.
Haunted (Netflix Original): From the Executive Producers of The Purge franchise and Lore, Haunted gives a chilling glimpse into the first-person accounts from people who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar, extraordinary supernatural events and other unexplained phenomenons that continue to haunt them.
Hip-Hop Evolution: Season 2 (Netflix Original): Shad Kabango traces the growth of hip-hop subcultures in New York, the South and Oakland, California, in the ’80s and ’90s.
Illang: The Wolf Brigade (Netflix Film): In 2029, a special unit of the South Korean police called Illang battles a terrorist group threatening to undo years of efforts to unify the two Koreas.
Larva Island (Netflix Original): Stranded on a tropical island, two goofy larva buddies find slapstick fun in everything from discovering food to meeting new animal friends.
Making a Murderer: Part 2 (Netflix Original): With a national profile and new support after the release of “Making a Murderer,” Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey continue to fight for exoneration.
Marvel’s Daredevil: Season 3 (Netflix Original): With Wilson Fisk out of prison and back to corrupting Hell’s Kitchen, Matt Murdock must rise from the ashes.
The Night Comes For Us (Netflix Film): After sparing a girl’s life during a massacre, an elite Triad assassin is targeted by an onslaught of murderous gangsters.
Wanderlust (Netflix Original): A therapist tries to keep her spark with her husband alive after a cycling accident causes them to reassess their relationship. Toni Collette stars.
October 20
Scary Movie
Scary Movie 2
Scary Movie 3
Scary Movie 4
Scary Movie 5
Scream 2
Scream 3
The Cabin in the Woods
October 21
Robozuna (Netflix Original): A boy and his homemade robot attempt to free their oppressed nation from an evil empire and its robot centurions in this exciting animated series.
The Cured
October 22
October 23
ADAM SANDLER 100% FRESH (Netflix Original): Adam Sandler takes his comical musical musings back out on the road, from comedy clubs to concert halls to one very unsuspecting subway station.
October 24
Batman Ninja
Bodyguard (Netflix Original): After helping thwart a terrorist attack, a war veteran is assigned to protect a politician who was a major proponent of the conflict he fought in.
October 25
Great News: Season 2
Hell or High Water
October 26
Been So Long (Netflix Film): A single mother in London’s Camden Town hears music when she meets a handsome stranger with a past. But she’s not sure she’s ready to open her heart.
Castlevania: Season 2 (Netflix Original): As Dracula and his legion of vampires prepare to rid the world of humanity’s stain, an unlikely trio of heroes dares to stand in their way.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Netflix Original): As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends. Based on the Archie comic.
Dovlatov (Netflix Film): An intimate portrait that captures six days in the life of influential Russian dissident writer Sergei Dovlatov.
Jefe (Netflix Film): The story of a boss that everyone hates: some kiss up to him; nobody tells him the truth. He’s the successful entrepreneur about to fall off the cliff.
Shirkers (Netflix Original): When she recovers stolen film of a movie she shot 25 years ago, novelist Sandi Tan revisits her time with the enigmatic man who swiped the footage.
Terrorism Close Calls (Netflix Original): Law enforcement officials look back on attempted terrorist attacks that were thwarted in the nick of time.
October 27
Girl from Nowhere (Netflix Original): A mysterious, clever girl named Nanno transfers to different schools, exposing the lies and misdeeds of the students and faculty at every turn.
October 28
Bridget Jones’s Baby
Certain Women
Collateral Beauty
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj (Netflix Original, Streaming Every Sunday): In this weekly show, Hasan Minhaj brings his unique comedic voice and storytelling skill to explore the larger trends shaping our fragmented world.
October 30
Fate/EXTRA Last Encore: Illustrias Geocentric Theory (Netflix Original): Having finally reached the seventh floor, Hakuno clings to the hope that he can somehow fix this defective war. But time is running out.
The Degenerates (Netflix Original): A series of no-holds-barred comedy from the likes of rising comics like Big Jay Oakerson, Joey Diaz, Liza Treyger, Yamaneika Saunders, Christina P. and Brad Williams.
October 31
GUN CITY (Netflix Film): Set in Barcelona in 1921, a double agent infiltrates the local mafia to find out who is selling weapons and explosives to anarchist groups.
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