#am i ashamed? no!
bigdumbbambieyes · 5 months
“I need an oil change,” Steve mumbles in the dark of their bedroom.
Billy’s just got back from the shop an hour ago, he’s showered and ate and now he’s having sleepy small talk with his boyfriend about their days. Bitching about Keith, laughing together over a funny story Robin shared, ranting about a bitchy customer who said she didn’t need new tires when they were smoother than sealskin.
“That so?” Billy mumbles back, turning onto his side to face Steve, wrapping his arm around him to keep his pretty boy close.
Steve nods with a soft ‘mhm’ as he throws his leg over Billy’s hip, hooking it there and pulling him closer.
In the soft light of the street lamp outside, Billy can make out Steve’s face — his playful expression — as he hums, “But, I don’t have any money.”
Like a fucking cheesy line in a porno.
Billy feels an amused smile pull at his lips regardless, his eyes half-lidded as he’s staring at his boyfriend, sliding his hand up and down Steve’s back. He makes a soft ‘tsk’ sound of disappointment, as if he hasn’t changed Steve’s oil a dozen times already at no charge.
But, it’s fun to play pretend.
“Well, I’m sure we could work out some sort of payment plan for your broke ass,” Billy smirks, grinning as Steve bursts out into a bit of laughter in his arms.
He lets Steve regain his composure, although he’s flushed pink and grinning now as he says, “I just lost my job, I can’t pay you…”
“Mm, that’s too bad,” Billy hums, sliding his hand down the length of Steve’s back, smirking again, “I think we have an extra pair of coveralls in the back, let’s get you started on Monday.”
“Oh my god, just let me suck your dick!” Steve laughs again, making a show of trying to escape his boyfriend’s arms but Billy just laughs with him and clings even harder, unwilling to let Steve go for even a second.
“Ooh, is that what you were trying to do?” Billy grins again, chuckling along as he pokes at Steve’s sides just to hear his boyfriend yelp.
Steve’s quick to pinch his side, though, and that’s when they begin to wrestle.
Flipping each other over and grunting from exertion, laughing quietly in the dark as they try to pin one another, swearing under their breath until Billy’s got Steve pinned face-down, his hands holding his boyfriend’s down onto the bed.
“You…you’ve got me in a compromising position,” Steve pants with a soft chuckle.
“Not quite,” Billy breathes, sliding one of his arms under Steve’s neck and gently putting him in a headlock, his mouth pressing against the shell of Steve’s ear as he grinds his half hard cock down into his ass, muttering, “Now I do.”
He can feel the vibration of Steve’s moan in his throat against his arm, and the way his boyfriend grinds back against him, the soft and firm plush of his ass making him hot all over.
“If I let you cum in me, do I get a free air freshener to hang on my rear view mirror?” Steve asks, a little breathless now, his face flushing.
“You’re such a fucking dork,” Billy chuckles, although the question goes straight to his dick so he sighs, “Yeah, you do.”
Steve laughs so Billy flexes his arm, turning the sound into a choked off moan.
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tag yourself: intrepid heroes' alter emos as ppl who went to my public high school
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stardynamite · 6 months
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Part 1 !!!
I started this silly comic and it’s a lot longer than I wanted it to be lmao
I mean… imma have to cut it in multiple parts because I’m dying to post it 😭
Next !!!
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ckret2 · 17 days
So y'all know the Gravity Falls production bible that leaked three weeks ago. Someone in one of my discord servers pointed this out:
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And, naturally, that spawned an entire AU.
AU Concept: Ford was kicked out instead of Stan and takes a job as a trucker to makes ends meet since he couldn't go to college, while still studying the weird and anomalous however he can.
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Ford driving around from quirky small town to quirky small town, drifting through the liminal spaces of truck stops, meeting odd people in isolated diners, seeing strange things out on the road—a deer with too many eyes bounding across a two-lane highway, a flirty woman at a rest stop who doesn't blink or breathe, mysterious lights in the sky at night, inhuman growls on the CB or 50-year-old broadcasts on the radio—and taking notes when he stops for gas or food.
Aside from having gotten kicked out before graduating high school, Ford's the same person he is in canon.
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He's still an ambitious guy, and here "ambitious" means working hard and saving as much money as he can—so, a long haul owner-operator who spends weeks at a time on the road. (He goes through a LOT of educational audiobooks.) Plus, this is the easiest way for him to get to travel the country; and since it looks like his "travel the world" dreams with Stan are dead, he'll take what he can get.
Since he's never in the same spot long and carries his life in a truck, almost all of Ford's research is in his journal. His bag of investigation supplies has an instant camera, a portable tape recorder, a thermometer, a flashlight, rubber gloves, and a few zip lock bags—and that's about it. It has to share space with all his clothes, toiletries, and nonperishable food when he's on the road. He doesn't have much opportunity to closely examine anything odd he finds, unless he's lucky enough to run into something when he can stop for the night. He has to cram his paranormal research around the side of his full-time job.
He doesn't live in Gravity Falls, but he knows it exists. Every time he moves—to Chicago, to Nebraska, to California—he seems to inch closer. He currently lives in Portland and usually hauls loads between the Pacific Northwest and Chicago or New York. He stops at the truck stop outside Gravity Falls when he can and has gone fishing in town a few times. He doesn't have the benefit of extensive research to know that this is the weirdest town in the world; but it seems pretty weird to him, there are local rumors about the town, and he's had some weird experiences in the area.
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Plus, he can't explain it, but it's like the town's calling to him. He wants to move there, but it'd put him over an hour outside of Portland where the nearest jobs are. Maybe if somebody chucked him like $100k to build a cabin in the woods; but what are the odds of that?
He does know Fiddleford. Truck broke down somewhere and Fiddleford kindly pulled over to fix it on the fly. They looked at each other, had mutual knee-jerk "dumb trucker/hillbilly" reactions, and within ten minutes both went "oh wait you're the most brilliant genius i've ever met." Fiddleford's living the same life he was in canon before Ford called him to Gravity Falls—with his family in California, trying to start a computer company out of his garage—but they make friends and keep in contact.
One time Ford stops at a kitschy roadside knickknack store that also sells new agey magic things—crystals, tarot cards, incense, etc. He bought a "lucky" rearview mirror ornament that looks like an Eye of Providence in a top hat and hung it from his cab fan, and ever since then he's had weird dreams whenever he sleeps in his truck.
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Things I don't know yet: what Stan's up to; or why Ford's the one who got kicked out. I tend to believe that in canon Stan wasn't just kicked out because he ruined Ford's college prospects, but rather because the family thought he deliberately sabotaged Ford; so in this AU, Ford would've been kicked out over a proportionate crime.
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midoristeashop · 2 months
Long car trips mean hunch over my ipad and film dumb stupid videos in restaurants at 11pm 😍 (future me screw u idk if it’s shaky also do not perceive me)
(That one vine)
Also have the things
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scarlyrubies · 1 year
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will “this is the 80s and the only girl i know personally is my mom” byers
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sea-buns · 10 months
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captioners you are so valid
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landoffreaksandfrogs · 9 months
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early days on earth c
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areyoualexander · 2 years
my tumblr isn't even a blog, it's just a hideous amalgamation of all my hyperfixations from the last decade.
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momochanners · 11 months
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Yes, YES; This one gets it.
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peoplesprincessgeorge · 3 months
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galex + txt posts = true 3.0
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queenwille · 28 days
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krazieka2 · 11 months
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me scrawling through my twitter, trying to decide what doodles are worth the effort of putting on here: yes this must be shown to everyone
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james-spooky · 11 days
the tma/gp urge to drive to the irl hilltop road 🫥 will probably bump into celia at this rate 😭
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cemeterything · 6 months
therapist suggested that i keep images that give me "positive reinforcement" on my person so i had to tell her about the james fitzjames heart locket
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wickedusername · 6 months
You'll never know dick as good as mine.
Itadori Yuji+Ryomen Sukuna x fem!Reader
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Nothing sexual had happened yet between you and your boyfriend Yuji, and for a very good reason. He was terrified of what the demon possessing him might do if he ever got steamy with you. But once you push past the fear, you find out the demon Sukuna wants you just as bad – except he's rough, posessive, and absolutely unhinged.
Disclaimers: Yuji is over 18 in this. This assumes Yuji has had Sukuna for years. I don't like "y/n", your name is Namae. Everything else is jjk-consistent. Art and text are all handmade by me. MDNI.
Tw: inexperienced Yuji, rough sex (gagging, slapping, pain), swearing, namecalling, posessiveness, masturbation talk, a little hint of mindbreak talk, mention of murder (to avoid it).
Word count: 6,9k words (nice)
“I need to destroy you, sweetheart. I need to make that brat sorry he ever let me near you. You won't sit for weeks. He will never satisfy you again. – he tilted his chin to whisper into your lips – You'll never know dick as good as mine.”
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His hand on your thigh made it hard to pay attention to the show. Yuji's. Gently caressing your skin. You held out for a long time trying to focus but whenever the plot lulled and the caressing continued, you became laser focused on the feeling of him. It was his sofa... his apartment... nobody else but the two of you... It gave you... ideas.
You see, Itadori Yuji had been dating you for a while now. You knew he was a Jujutsu Sorcerer. He had already been one when you met him. You could see curses, but you were not. You knew about the messed up stuff he'd been through. And you knew about Ryomen Sukuna.
Sukuna. The reason nothing sexual ever happened between you. Always passively watching. Yuji was terrified of what Sukuna might do if you got steamy. And not unjustifiably: Even after vouching to stay away from Itadori's personal life, he didn't seem to have that restraint with you. His nasty mouth had already blurted out Yuji's desires to you, always to belittle and humiliate him. Yes, Sukuna was extremely powerful and strong yada yada. That might've even been kind of attractive if all you knew of him from personal interaction wasn't him having fun at your boyfriend's expense and saying nasty things about you.
So when you placed your own hand on Yuji's leg and kissed him, you knew what might be coming. But you didn't care. He was your boyfriend, and screw Sukuna. And right now, your boyfriend was getting you too riled up to ignore.
Yuji completely gave in to the kiss, holding your face with both hands to pull you close. Neither of you paid any attention to the TV anymore. He turned and twisted your head in the direction of his kiss, eventually moving his hands to your hair and completely messing it up.
When the two of you pulled away from each other after a sultry, long kiss, there was a tension in the air. A hesitancy. What now. What of... you know... Sukuna. But you pushed right past it. Screw Sukuna. Screw if he mocks you, berates you, or yells down both your ears. You wanted your boyfriend.
You brought a leg across Yuji's body, sitting on his lap. He looked up at you seeking confirmation, but you just kissed him again. He latched onto you passionately, pulling you in against his frame. You made out as he grinded you against his toned body. His tongue swirled around yours, exploring your mouth, throwing your tongue about. Against your lower region you could feel the outline of his bulge, begging to get free.
Your hands were all over. He felt your breasts, your butt, your waist, he latched on to the back of your neck as if he would never let go. And you explored his arms, his hair, under his shirt. Fuck, how can a normal human man have this defined of an abdomen. You felt him up his back, down his abs, until you reached the rim of his shorts. The two of you pulled away to look at each other for consent before you tentatively placed a hand over his outline. You had never felt it up before. It was longer than you had imagined. But what else to expect of Itadori Yuji, the overachiever.
Still looking at you for approval, he unbuttoned your jean shorts and slid his palm down the opening to cup your own sex. He wasn't gonna let you do this just for him. You palmed each other ever so eagerly, which turned to fondling, which turned to straight up mutual masturbation. You burrowed your face in his hair while he flicked your clit over your panties as they soaked. His fingers alternated between teasing your clit and sliding between your folds, soaking your underwear with slick. Meanwhile he hid in the crevices of your neck, placing soft kisses in sync with your stroking of his dick, even if through his underwear. You felt up and down his shaft, the shape of his head, the slit at the tip. You wanted nothing more than to have it inside you.
You did this for an embarrassing amount of time. Each time things got risky for either of you, you stopped, caught your breath, focused only on them for a while, until inevitably they got too hot and asked to stop as well. It could go on forever. Just the two of you, like this, feeling each other. But it wouldn't.
– Just fuck already, for fuck's sake! – a familiar, unpleasant voice yelled from Itadori's cheek.
– Oh hell no, not you! – Yuji scrunched up his entire face and threw his head back in frustration. Everything you two had going on fell to pieces.
– What's the hold up, are you too much of a pussy? – Sukuna scowled at Yuji resentfully.
– You! You're the hold up! You sick leering pervert, go mind your own business! – Yuji yelled at his own cheek.
– Unfortunately, I can't, so I might as well find entertainment in yours. If you're not gonna fuck her, let me do it.
– Are you insane? I'm not letting you touch her with a ten foot pole.
– Wouldn't you know it, I have a ten foot pole! My dick. Now give me control.
You couldn't help but lightly snort at his absurdist remark, and you immediately covered your mouth, but still both of them heard it through your resounding quietude.
– Well aren't I a charmer? She's into it! – Sukuna's mouth shifted into a smug grin.
– No I am not! – You made sure to correct him, but still held back a smile.
– I don't think either of us are into your crap, Sukuna. Piss off. – Yuji rebuked.
– Fuck me. – Sukuna rolled his eye way back into its socket. – Yuji, you inexperienced, dumb motherfucker. She's so fucking horny, and you're too much of an idiot to even answer to it. She wants dick so bad, don't you sweetheart? – Sukuna stared your messy body up and down. – I could fuck you so good.
Unfortunately for everyone, he was right. You were horny. And Yuji was inexperienced. Well, he wasn't a virgin since high school, but not much else after that, especially with Sukuna hanging around for so long. You didn't have much better of a repertoire, sure, but that still just meant Sukuna was the most sexually active of all of you – and he wasn't sexually active for centuries. Before you could say anything, he resumed his argument with Itadori.
– I've seen you jerking off to her a hundred fucking times, at least seeing you go at it in real life will give me something more interesting to look at than your weak-ass stroke game.
You covered your mouth to hide the small, sympathetic smile planted on your lips. Itadori's face turned bright red, and he stuttered trying to figure out what he should do first, curse out Sukuna or explain himself to you. But you? You were endeared by this conversation. Charmed. Both of them wanted you. Your boyfriend had been fantasizing about you for months and Ryomen Sukuna the king of curses, instead of cussing and slandering you, wanted to give you the fucking of a lifetime. You were tempted to accept. Both of them.
Yuji swallowed his pride, collected his thoughts and took a deep breath before turning to you.
– Sukuna, you shut up. Namae... I... If Sukuna isn't a bother, do you... want to head to the bedroom? I still really want you. Despite everything.
– Itadori Yuji... I've wanted you to ask this for so long. – You placed your elbows over his shoulders and crossed your wrists behind him lovingly.
– Fucking finally! – Sukuna sighed, but was promptly interrupted.
– This is not happening if you don't shut your mouth, Sukuna! – Yuji assured his possessor.
– Fine. But I'm gonna enjoy this. – Sukuna closed his features into Yuji's face with a mean smirk.
Yuji turned to you wide-eyed, as if to say "can you believe this guy?", but you didn't care. You just wanted Yuji, and if the King of Curses got off on it, that just... honestly? kinda made it hotter.
When you planted a soft kiss on your boyfriend's lips, you hoped he wasn't afraid of Sukuna anymore. He scooted away from the backrest and pushed your legs from folded beside him to wrapping around his waist so he could carry you away. And he so easily got up from the couch, carrying your weight and his with just his leg strength, softly squishing where his grip met your ass.
He placed delicate nose rubs in your neck and into your hair while he looked at the way he was going. His shirt smelled like sports deodorant and his hair like bubblegum shampoo. He placed you down onto his bed like a princess, and proceeded to stare in fascination at the sight of you. On his bed. Finally.
Yuji walked to the end of the bed and pulled off your shoes like you were a doll, then slid his palms soothingly up your thighs to the rim of your already unbuttoned shorts. You lifted your hips so he could pull them down. As you did, you held your arms outstretched to him.
He stuck his face in your breasts as he slithered his arms under your shirt to your bra. You wrapped your own over his neck to crumple his shirt on your palms, pulling on it to reveal his unbelievably muscular back.
He pulled himself away from your chest to remove your shirt. You had to let go of his shirt, which fell back over him, but not for long. He stood up himself and pulled his shirt off from the neck, that way guys did that you found crazy sexy. You were mesmerized at Yuji's physique. Even though you had seen him shirtless before, he'd never looked this hot. While he was still standing he removed his shorts, but stopped at the rim of his boxers. Were you really doing this? Sukuna watching and everything? He had been so afraid of Sukuna for so long, it never felt at all possible.
– I-ta-do-ri. Come on, I want you! – you snapped him out of it.
– Oh... I'm sorry. Just... Can I take off yours first?
You replied by reaching behind your back and unclasping your bra. After a few tries, of course. It's never as easy as in the movies.
Itadori put one knee on the mattress and leaned over you to delicately pull down your bra straps and pull the cups down, revealing your breasts to him for the first time.
– You're so pretty, Namae... – You wriggled the straps off of your arms, throwing the bra off to the side, and cupped his face. – I want to bury my face in you and never let go.
– You can. Yuji. I'm yours... – you smiled softly at him, and he lowered himself to leave kiss after kiss all over your torso.
He kissed your nipples, your breasts, your ribs, your belly, your belly, your belly, lower and lower. He placed his fingers on the rim of your panties and pulled them down slowly, taking in every patch of skin revealed to him. He pulled them smoothly down your legs until he could throw it off to the side, roughly towards where you'd thrown your bra. He leaned over again and placed soft kisses on your clit and on your labia, moving his jaw into pouts so his lip dragged against you. He could have done more but he felt his dick twitch and he couldn't resist much longer.
– Ah, I'm sorry to rush, but I need to be inside you... – he inched closer as he grabbed his dick through his boxers, a wet patch of precum staining the place where his tip pressed against the cotton.
– Get inside me, Yuji... I need you so bad! – you reached out to him and placed your fingers over the rim of his underwear, urging them off.
Itadori pulled them off finally, revealing his smooth, pink, long dick. It looked so inviting. As soon as all his clothes were off, Yuji climbed on top of you missionary style, holding his dick and panting in excitement as he placed his tip against your sex, making you open your legs for him. With an arm beside your head to support him, you could appreciate his body so well.
– I'm gonna get in... – he warned before finding your entrance with his head and pushing his tip inside with a moan. He placed his nose against your cheek and closed his eyes, then shoved his way further inside until he was in to the hilt.
– Yuji! Slower! – you whined at the feeling of him. He felt so much bigger than he looked when he was inside you.
– Sorry.. I'm just so excited to fuck you. – he giggled, then lowered his arms in a push-up to kiss you tenderly.
He slid in and out of you repeatedly, his abs having no issue in doing all of the work. You pressed your legs against his sides but his thrusts just forced them down into the bed again, and his rhythm felt so regular and so good inside you. You lowered a hand to touch youself while he rammed into you, flicking your clit, feeling the pubic region of his six-pack pressing into your hand time and time again.
– do you want me to do that for you? – Yuji asked after noticing your hand.
– No, you focus on filling me up, I know how to touch myself best. – your other hand cupped his cheek and you brought him down to place a peck on his lips, on his jaw, then on... a mouth?
You gasped as you tried to pull back and realized your lip was stuck between sukuna's teeth, on a mouth in Yuji's cheek. He let go right after with a smirk, but you were still surprised. Yuji realized what happened and slowed down, unable to just stop.
– Sukuna! You said you weren't interrupting! – Yuji sighed in frustration, trying to just focus on his pace.
– What are you gonna do, stop mid-sex? - Sukuna guffawed. Yuji wouldn't stop now and he knew it.
– It's fine, Yuji. Just focus on me. – You turned Yuji's face to you again, looking him deep in the eyes, and he let out a relieved smile.
Itadori picked up his pace again and looked at your face the entire time, just taking in the view of you, your hair messy, framing your flushed face, smiling at him and whimpering at his thrusts. His hands right beside your face, reminding him that he wasn't imagining, it was really him on top of you. Sweat planting on your forehead from the pressure in your core, bringing you closer to the edge. Small droplets of sweat coming down his hair. It was all too much.
– I'm so close! – Yuji exclaimed, his pounding against you never changing.
– Hey brat, come outside, don't ruin her pussy for me! – Sukuna barked.
– Oh piss off! – Yuji retorted toward his cheek – you're too good to pull out of...
You nodded yes. He knew you had a contraceptive. He could come inside you as much as he wanted. He would come inside you. He would come inside you right now.
Yuji moaned loudly as his dick twitched inside you, filling you with warm cum. His breath caught in his throat, his vision filling with stars. His pace slowed down as his body couldn't process any more effort. You stopped touching yourself to hold his chest up, as it seemed his arms would give out.
– Fuck! Wow! – Itadori groaned as he grinded to a halt, his member still shaking, releasing the last pumps of semen it could muster. – you.. – a stop to catch his breath – you're so amazing.
Yuji plopped down to his elbows, panting, and placed a breathy, deep kiss on your mouth. You smiled at each other tenderly.
– Now step aside, brat, it's my turn to fuck her. – Sukuna's mouth commanded
– No way in hell! – his contentment shifted quickly to annoyance.
– It's ok, Yuji... He can do it... I want Sukuna to have me too... – you spoke softly, tentatively wondering what a taste of Sukuna's stregth would feel like. You still hadn't come, anyway. Sukuna's mouth smiled like it had won the lottery and let out a hearty laugh.
– Isn't she a little freak! You heard her, brat! Let me out! – The mouth snarled.
– Fuck no, you're gonna kill her!
– If it will convince you to let me have her, I won't kill her, I swear it on a pact.
– Or hurt her! – Yuji added.
– ..or harm her. Pact. I'll fuck her good and then I'm out. – Sukuna stared up at Yuji excitedly wide-eyed, truly meaning it.
Yuji turned to you.
– Are you sure?
– Yuji.. it's ok. – you whisper with a reassuring smile.
– It's a pact, Sukuna!! – Itadori shouted down at his own chest.
– Sealed! – Sukuna barely contained his excitement.
With a defeated sigh, Yuji relaxed his worried eyebrows.
– This is just because you asked, Namae.
Hesitantly, he let Sukuna take over his body, tattoos bleeding through his skin like ink through paper.
– Well, I just might hurt her a tiny bit. – His eyes and two more opened with bright red pupils and Sukuna ran a hand through his hair, slicking it back to feel more like himself.– Now you. Time we show this brat what a real fuck looks like.
Sukuna grabbed your ass roughly, shoving his fingers between you and the mattress to lift your hips up to his eye level. You let out a surprised yelp as he held you in a hip raise.
– Ah, Sukuna! – your whimper fell on deaf ears.
– Look what a mess he made in this pretty pussy. – He put two fingers inside you and scooped out a spoonful of cum, before leaning over you and bringing his fingers to your mouth.
– Lick them clean. – he darted his fingers to your lips, parting them easily. You sucked the sour-salty goop off his hand and licked thoroughly around his black nails, all while looking him in the eyes with lust gleaming in your stares.
– what a good whore you are...
You hummed in agreement. Sukuna pulled out his hand, dragging a thin strand of drool with it, and immediately brought it back to your asscheek, squeezing them tight and lowering his head right down to your sex to inspect it closely.
– Look at this pretty pink cunt... that idiot kid didn't even lick it. I need to know what it tastes like...
With that, he burrowed his face in you, pushing your hips into the mattress with his hands still under it to hold your pussy angled right at him. Sukuna licked up and down your slit multiple times, humming at the taste, before mercilessly sucking on your clit like one does a thick milkshake while flicking his tongue into it at a crazy pace. The curse extracted helpless moans from your mouth at the feeling building up inside you overwhelmingly fast.
Make no mistake, he didn't care about your pleasure. He cared about tasting you, about absolutely humiliating Yuji's attempt at oral, about making sure you were never going to have a better experience than him. He was in to get you hooked. And he was a drug with an alarming addiction rate.
– Ah- Sukuna! It's too much! – you gripped the markings on his wrists and curled your toes against his back as tension built at your core.
– Hmm? – He moaned into you before pulling up to look at you, ruining all the momentum he had going. – I'm not letting up until I taste your cum, so the more you call for me to stop the longer we'll be here. I'd shut up and come if I were you.
You bit your lip and nodded yes, not wanting to say another word to interrupt him. He lowered his face back to your clit and ran circles into it with his tongue while looking you in the eye and watching you melt under his mouth. With a moan, you threw your head back into the pillow, which he took as a signal to go full force on the sucking. With a closed set of eyes keeping him focused on your clit and another looking down at your entrance, he brought two fingers inside of you and thrusted with them softly, rubbing against the back of your clit with his digits.
You didn't last long with that pace. Within a minute you were clenching around his fingers with loud involuntary moans and releasing your juices all over his fingers. Before you were even over it, Sukuna's mouth had swapped places with his hand and he was slipping his tongue into your entrance, licking up your juices like they were syrup.
– Hummm – He licked one last patch up your slit, leaving a sticky trail of saliva and cum connected to his tongue. As he licked his lips, you couldn't help but become extremely turned on by his smug expression. – just as sweet as I thought. You loved this, didn't you? Whore.
You nodded eagerly, biting your bottom lip with furrowed eyebrows, face pink as a shrimp. Sukuna licked up whatever was on his fingers and looked at you sternly.
– Now turn around, I don't fuck like that vanilla brat. – he held you by the waist and turned you on your belly effortlessly, before kneeling between your legs and pulling your hips off the bed to the height of his dick.
You made a motion to lift your torso and stand on all fours to see him better, but Sukuna promptly grabbed your head and shoved the side of your face into the mattress.
– I didn't tell you to move, greedy bitch. You don't get to pick how you'll stand.
– Sukuna... you can fuck me however you want... – you mumbled to appease him, and he released some of the weight from his push.
— That's more like it. Acting like the dirty whore you are. – He slapped your ass hard enough to leave a red handprint on it. From the side of your peripheral you could see him ever so slightly.
Swiftly, he positioned his member on your entrace and slid in to the hilt. With how wet you were, and having taken it before, it entered laughably easily. With another hard slap on your ass, he started pumping into you at a leisurely pace but strikingly hard, ramming the bedframe against the wall with each pump.
– Ah, this puny brat's cock isn't enough... you should have seen mine. – He tilted his head to the side in pleasure, staring intently at the place where he slid in and out of you. – Fuck.. – another slam – I'd be ripping you in half...
He threw his head back as he continued ramming into you, making you bite the sheets and grip the bed to take him.
– Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!! – He exclaimed as he couldn't hold it anymore and his dick twitched inside you, filling you with his cum. He groaned, his legs shook and his hands gripped the sides of your hips so hard they would leave 10 well-defined bruises, only letting go after he was done.
– Shit. Fuck. – Sukuna dropped his weight into your back, making you collapse to the mattress under him. – I haven't fucked someone is so many centuries, I barely lasted five minutes... Even going so slow...
After catching his breath, he pushed himself off you to the side where he would face you, before lifting your chin with one hand to look you in the eyes.
– Sorry princess, but I'm gonna need a round two. I'm not done with you yet.
– Is- isn't that against your pact? – you muttered timidly, afraid of what he might do to you if you bothered him.
– The pact was I fuck you good. Was that good enough for you? Because it definitely wasn't for me.
Before you could answer, he pulled your face towards him so your forehead touched his and his red eyes were staring from the shadow straight into yours. His voice lowered to a deep rumble.
– I need to destroy you, sweetheart. I need to make that brat sorry he ever let me near you. You won't sit for weeks. He will never satisfy you again. – he tilted his chin to whisper into your lips – You'll never know dick as good as mine.
A shiver flew down your spine as Sukuna flung you around on your back and pinned you against the bed. He didn't as much kiss you as he did spit in your mouth, shove his tongue in it and lick it all around, staring you down the entire time. Not a minute into it, he bit your lip until he could taste blood. You moaned and tears formed in your eyes, but it's not like you could talk with his mouth on yours. As soon as he moved his mouth down to your throat, you tried to clammer for restraint.
– SUKUN- – You didn't even finish his name before he slammed his hand over your mouth, gripping your cheeks, keeping you quiet. All you could do was mutter muffled curses into his hand and scratch his back and arm as hard as you could, as he bit and sucked tens of painful, visible hickeys into every part of your neck. All those purple marks to make it clear that you had been his. Not Itadori's. His.
His other hand let go of your wrist to roughly fondle your breast as he planted more hickeys on your shoulders, and you took the opportunity to use both your hands against him. You grabbed his wrist and his fingers to bite hard into his hand, hoping it would make him let go.
You bit him. You bit him harder. You felt like you could have ripped a piece of his flesh by now. He finished a hickey with a loud pop and chuckled into your collarbone, not moving his hand a single inch. He brought his face up to you.
– You want to talk that bad? – He tittered. – How pathetic. But I'll concede. – He removed his hand from your mouth.
– Sukuna!! What the hell! – You yelled in a desperate plea.
– What? Didn't you ask for this? – His face grew a huge shit-eating grin, thoroughly entertained by your distress.
– That hurt so bad! You said no hurting!!
– I said no harm. Big difference. What's the harm in a little rough play? – Mid-sentence, he stood up on his knees and threw your entire body over his shoulder. He scooted himself off the bed and planted you down in front of him. Without a hitch, he shoved you to your knees, bruising those too. You didn't even have time to react.
– Now shut the fuck up and get this stupid human dick hard again.
He gripped your hair hard and pushed your head close to his semi-hard dick. You had no idea how this body was already boasting a semi after coming twice, but you weren't complaining. It was only once for the curse, you figured.
You wrapped your fingers around his base and placed his tip on your tongue, but before you could do any movement yourself, Sukuna gripped your head still and buried himself all the way to your throat, gagging you. He didn't wait: he fucked your mouth himself, gagging you every time he pushed in. You closed your eyes and gasped for air whenever you could and tears started running down your face from the gagging.
– Oh come on! You're not a bitchy crybaby, are you? – he pulled himself halfway out, letting you breathe.
You weren't. You didn't want him to stop.You looked up at him in a dead-serious stare swirling your tongue around his tip. His smile opened wide as you slid your head up his cock, up the tattooed lines on his shaft that extended all the way to his groin.
– That's what I'm talking about! That's the dirty whore I want! You fucking slut!
He pulled hard on your hair and resumed fucking your mouth until your face was turning purple from lack of air. He pulled himself out and painfully hoisted you up by your hair until it forced you to stand up.
– You're such a good hoe. You deserve to get dicked down so good.
Sukuna bent his knees to reach your thighs and pulled you up to carry you on his lap, much like Yuji had done. You wrapped your legs and arms around him for support, and he walked slowly towards the end of the bed. He took his sweet time grinding you against him, groping your ass hard and shoving his face into the back of your ear to plant another hickey. With your legs spread, the cum from his last orgasm dripped down your ass and into the floor. Instead of throwing you on the bed like you expected, he turned around and sat on it with you on his lap.
– You're gonna be good whore and sit on this dick for me, won't you sweetheart?
– I will... I want it so bad...
He held his shaft at the base, ready for you. With his guiding hand on your hip, you sat on him, feeling filled once again. His hand gripped the side of your ass, guiding you to hop up and down on his cock. This position made him reach so deep inside you. His other hand forced your head down and both of you watched as the end of his tattoo disappeared and reappeared from inside your cunt.
– Faster. – Sukuna commanded. He licked your neck and placed the other hand on your hip to fully control your pace. He lifted you up and down repeatedly and ever more strongly, like he wasn't getting enough. You hopped on him for a full minute while he licked the markings he left on you, and yet he seemed completely unneffected.
– Faster! – he was almost entirely lifting you with his arm strength for each slam, but your thigh muscles were still burning from the sustained effort.
– I can't go any faster! — You cried out to Sukuna, and he groaned.
– This is just too goddamn slow.
He held you by the waist with both hands, lifted you off his cock and put you down beside him. For a second you though he would ask you something but in the blink of an eye he grabbed your neck and shoved you forwards into the bed. Before you had time to react, he was over you, dragging you by the nape, shoving your face in front of the pillow. He turned you around to face him and lifted your legs over his bulging biceps. Before you could do anything, he placed his hands on the sides of your waist, forcing your legs up, keeping you stuck in a mating press.
Before you could even adjust yourself, his dick was inside you again, slamming into you so hard and fast it felt inhuman. It was. He was hitting so deep you thought he was going to tear your labia open. His balls slammed against the bottom of your asscheeks, leaving them red. And the pace, oh god the pace. He was slamming as fast as a vibrator. It hurt your everything, your leg muscles being pushed up past your flexibility, your pussy sore, your back rubbing against the sheets harshly, your belly getting hit so deep you think it he might as well be hitting your cervix, but you couldn't even tell.
Sukuna lowered his head to your chest, sucking roughly on your nipples and biting them raw, never letting up on his pounding.
– Su- kun- ah!– you managed to let out as much as your breath would let you. Tears from the pain distorted your vision, making you unable to see his expression when he turned his head to you. – Less!!! – Is all you managed to let out.
– No. – Was all he replied.
Sukuna lifted his torso and slithered his arm away from one of your legs. He wrapped his hand around your throat, choking you, restraining you from speaking any more. It felt relieving to have nothing pushing your leg down past your point of comfort, but he was still pounding you at full force and you didn't dare keep it any less raised than Sukuna had left it. And you were right to do so.
– Keep those legs up, I don't still have four arms to hold them down while I touch you. – Sukuna commanded while he slithered his other arm away to touch your clit.
If you thought his thrusting was too much, he was amping it up a notch by choking you and flicking your clit with his thumb while he did it. All you could do was whimper and close your eyes, making the accumulated tears roll down your cheeks.
– "I know how to touch myself best", little whore. You must touch yourself all the time, don't you? But you don't know how to touch yourself best, I do.
Sukuna pressed his thumb on your clit and found the sweet spot under the hood, and immediately flicked into it as fast as a vibrating toy. He knew where to look. He knew what to do. And he didn't leave the sweet spot no matter how much his thrusts shook the bed.
Heat built up in your stomach so strongly that you were sweating. Both your hands held his wrist, trying to pull back his chokehold. Your feet twitched, restless, and you pushed with the plant of your feet against his muscular deltoids, digging your toes into his tattoos, unable to stay still.
– I'm gonna use you until you break, you little whore. – Sukuna lowered his face to as close to yours as he could to blurt out depravities to your ear. – You'll beg Yuji for my dick for the rest of your life.
This was it. You released what was probably the strongest orgasm you ever had, rippling through you in waves, squeezing around Sukuna's dick and his merciless pounding. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you screamed out with whatever part of your throat that wasn't being choked, which resulted in a loud, breathless whimper. He roared with laughter at the feeling of your walls clenching against him.
He just kept pounding. Your sensitive walls were no reason for his mercy, and to your horror, his thumb pressed on your clit again as soon as you were done squeezing.
– One more! Then I'll fill you up. – Sukuna grinned, all four eyes wide, staring at your fucked out, fearful face with sick glee.
His touch on your sensitive clitoris burned like fire, but it hurt so good, and heat kept building up in your core confusingly, mixing what was your previous orgasm still fading out, what was new heat building up. Were you still riding the same wave? Were you building up a new one? Everything just felt like an orgasm, all of his touches made your walls squeeze around him.
You gasped for air desperately and Sukuna released his grip on your neck so he could make sure he wouldn't kill you and risk breaking a pact. You brought your hands to scratch his neck and back in protest, using your nails to pierce as deep as you could, doing your best to draw blood, but everything you did healed immediately. You pushed him with your feet and pulled him with your hands and yet he wouldn't budge, nothing seemed to have an effect.
With Sukuna's unrelenting touch and pulse within you, your head spun. Your abdomen spasmed, clenching with pleasure, everything felt like electricity. Everything that hurt, hurt so good. He groped your breasts with the hand that was choking you before and you didn't even notice it at first because everything else was so overwhelming. You were sweating, flushed, tensing all the muscles in your body worse than the world's most exhausting exercise.
You wanted to protest but nothing came out of your mouth but unhinged, sporadic moans. It's not that you didn't care about bothering the neighbors, but it didn't even cross your mind. It couldn't. There was no space in your brain to process it. Sukuna teased and cursed at you, calling you names, uttering so many dirty remarks, and you barely processed any of it. Everything you could feel was so strong, it numbed your other four senses. The only way you could hold yourself grounded was focusing on your hands scraping the back of his neck.
When you came again, you didn't know it was possible to come this hard. All the pressure that had built up in you just released, burst after burst, and you couldn't contain the loudest, involuntary moan that ever left your mouth. It woke up the neighbors. Your walls squeezed shut every time he slid out before he forced is way through again. Your hands clawed at him, pulling with all you had at the short hairs in the back of his neck, your body convulsed, and you creamed all over him. With his pulsing still uninterrupted, you felt some of it slide out and run down your crack. That's how much you'd come. Sukuna finally, finally stopped pounding into you.
– What a good, wet cunt you are! – Sukuna praised you, bringing the hand from your clit to your waist, petting your belly like the congratulatory pet you'd give a dog.– you're so slick for me, fucking you is gonna be so easy.
You were still catching your breath. He grabbed the pillows from the top of the bed, one after the other, and slid out of you for only a minute to put them under your hips. Instead of fucking you with his legs outstretched, he was now kneeling in front of you.
– Hm. Not tall enough. I don't suppose you can wheelbarrow with those lanky arms, can you? – You didn't reply. You didn't even know what a wheelbarrow was. – I'll take that as a no.
Sukuna lifted your hips to the height of his dick and entered you while kneeled, forcing you to flex your abdomen in a hip raise so you wouldn't fall into the bed. He held no reservations, slamming into you as hard as he had at the start, but faster. Your pussy was dangerously sore by now, but the wetness made him glide in so easily still. You had no idea how he hadn't come yet.
– If he never lets me near you again, remember this – he continued the loud slamming that was scratching the floor and chipping paint from the wall at the edges of the bedframe's panel. – I only let Yuji fuck you at all because he's the middle man here. You are mine to fuck. You will beg for me again, won't you?
– But- – Sukuna stuffed his fingers into your mouth.
– But nothing. This is a yes or no question. You will beg to have me again, won't you?
– Yes... Sukuna... – you confessed, drooling on his fingers. It wasn't a lie. Your head still spun from pleasure. Maybe you would regret this after your head cleared out, but if Yuji took his body back right now, you would plead, thrash and beg for Sukuna. He was a completely different experience, and it was mindnumbing.
– Good whore. – He held your hips in place and pounded into you with gusto. – I'm gonna fill you up so bad, you'll be dripping cum for hours, you tight, nasty bitch.
He slammed hard into you, everything sore, everything hurting. Your shoulders chafed from the the weight of your body and the strength of his slams. You brought your hands to your mouth to bear it, biting on the meat of your palm. Sukuna just kept pounding, ripping your open, with deep grunts not from effort, but from pleasure.
You thought you couldn't bear another second of it before you heard his grunts get interupted by his own hitching breath, and his hands digging into you again, piercing your skin with his nails, his abs contracting, outlining the bumps in his six-pack, his neck bulging. He came inside you again with a loud grumble and all you felt was his strokes becoming inconsistent, his dick twitching wildly while the tried to pump more, until he finally stopped and dropped down to the bed, sitting over his knees. His breath was erratic, and his sweaty hair stuck to his forehead. And yet he could still look you in the eye with a chuckle.
He leaned in and placed his palms at your sides, towering over you. Then, Sukuna gave you the sweetest smile you'd ever seen on his face and planted a sloppy, passionate kiss goodbye on your mouth. Just because he could. Just out of spite. Just to leave his taste on your mouth. Then he grinned smugly.
– Heh. Have fun masturbating to this memory forever. – He grimaced with twisted pride at his own remark – See you next time if Itadori isn't too humiliated to ever touch you again.
With that line, Sukuna closed his eyes and melted away. His wide smile faded along with his markings, and Yuji's hazel eyes opened back up with a stunned, terrified glare.
Immediately, all of Yuji's muscles gave out. His entire body was sore. He fell with a grunt into the bed with barely enough strength to turn on his back and stare incredulously at the ceiling.
– what... the fuck. What the FUCK!  – Yuji yelled at nothing, panting. He was horrified.
– ...what the fuck. – you were starstruck.
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