#am I just overthinking it ? probably
quinn-pop · 9 months
let’s do some autistic meta knight headcanons!! over explaining my interpretation of meta knight yet again wooooo
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this orb has NO idea how to talk to people!!! outside of work anyway. a lot of this is partially due to upbringing (suppressing his emotions all the time) but he does not know how to express emotions, like…at all.
this goes into a few things
1. yeah talking is hard. even after figuring out what he wants to communicate he will struggle. conversation can be so overwhelming, especially under pressure. he will need time lol
2. because of that, forming connections is hard. i really don’t think meta is much for shallow relationships, and certainly not early in the timeline. which also means he has very little experience with friendship. so a lot of the relationships he did have went kinda neglected, and issues that probably could’ve been worked on by talking became…*cough romk* escalated.
3. honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if meta convinced himself he couldn’t feel emotion (anymore) until like. katam-ish. he tried very hard lol
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vulnerability is terrifying. (though this gesture here is also just comforting, like his little cape cocoon thing he does.)
unmasking—yeah im taking the mask thing very literally here—is a big deal and a very slow process for mk. i’m sure he has a lot of feelings on that lol. it served as a way to ensure no one could ever, y’know, see him.
i can’t say i think he’d ever fully ditch it—there’s always gonna be some days that are more stressful than others and if having it could help him get through it, it just makes sense. mainly when working.
it really is about vulnerability. granted, i don’t think he has the most expressive face (in my head every astral just tends to stare at things) but i doubt he has much control over it. can’t fake a smile but also can’t hide it. probably blushes easy because yeah, astrals; just look at kirby’s face.
just the idea that someone might be able to read his expression and know what he’s feeling before he’s ready for them to (or even understands it himself…) yeah he doesn’t want that
but emotional turmoil aside, i think his mask also hides a lot of his stims
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remember that whole “suppressing your feelings” thing? yeah turns out that ignoring half your instincts isn’t a good idea. so in true meta knight style, he tries to stim as subtly as possible
1. he has the least control over his wings, so they will flick and twitch on their own. they’re usually a good indicator of how he’s feeling, not unlike the body language usually seen in cat ears and tails lol. flapping is also an extension of this of course, though he probably suppresses it more.
2. this also effects when he takes his wings out. pretty much every time he’s excited or nervous it just happens. kinda makes me wonder if his wing cape ordeal might also go into the suppression thing… (i’d say yes, but using a cape is also very comforting so it’s not necessarily a bad thing)
3. going back to the mask thing; he stims a lot underneath it. think like biting or pursing your lips. he bites his tongue and clicks his mouth. that sort of thing. his mask also makes it harder to notice that he is constantly sighing, humming, grumbling…all that
one nice thing about the mask though is that it helps a little bit with lights!!! woo
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(look at him and his magically floating glasses)
sensory stuff—i think he’s mostly bothered by light and sound. maybe a bit of texture. he’s pretty sensory avoidant and perfectly happy standing off to the side not touching anything.
the one exception to this is physical affection, which is, despite all of this, most of how he shows affection. it’s a lot easier to hug someone than to try to explain your feelings for them, after all.
i think he would like pressure though. so that’s probably part of it. and i’m pretty sure there’s some connection in here to fighting (dang, is that the only way he knows how to get his energy out?)
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anyway, pretty much all of this is in contrast to kirby, who i would gladly nominate as the champion of Doing Whatever He Wants. he might pick up a few bad habits, but he will never mask the way meta knight does. he might not understand how he feels, but he’s in tune enough to express it…usually.
this is a very good thing for meta because it helps him to do the same thing. kirby’s so energetic, it’s hard to not want to stim with him. it reminds meta to be kinder to himself and explore his own emotions. he can also help kirby understand themselves, so this connection is very important.
yeah, at the end of the day, everything kinda just boils down to kirby and mk as parallels
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this is the conclusion i promise
to me, meta’s arc is about growing stronger by growing kinder, and this is mostly by learning to be kind to himself. letting himself be a person again, loving and understanding other people, and eventually, letting go of all the expectations placed on him and doing the things he’s always wanted to do…
autism headcanons are fun for me because it’s cathartic to write, but at the same time, it just makes sense in this sort of narrative. meta is, to me, inseparable from these things. and so is kirby! that’s a dynamic that’s a lot of fun to play with, and it’s at the heart of my kirby interpretation.
if you actually read all this WOW thank you
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So, I've been thinking SO MUCH about this expression.
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Now, I'm shit at reading expressions, but to me this reads as confusion. Of "that's not how it happened...was it?" and if it's not, completely disregard the rest of this.
I'm pretty sure Macaque tends to stir on things. From the fact he tended to quiet about his concerns when others didn't take them seriously to his anger in his debut, and the fact that he has twice now recalled lines nearly to the word ("Good to see ya, bud." and "You always were the most cowardly of the bunch."), I feel like there's a good chance he has stirred on these lines. Stayed up at night with them running around his head type thing.
And that kinda stuff tends to warp memories and perceptions, and we've already established that Macaque's an unreliable narrator (whether he means to be or not) because his perception of events is warped by emotions.
I was just using this as a headcanon, but then I noticed it's not the first time we'd be shown memories of events changing from one person to another (even subtly). And here's where I'm probably overthinking (if I wasn't already).
After the Samadhi Fire ritual, in Demon Bull King's retelling, he drops the ring when he runs for Red Son.
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But in (what I assume to be Wukong's) memory of events, he holds onto it.
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If this was a deviation between memories and not just an inaccuracy, I don't think I'm reaching too terribly far to say that Macaque's memory of the argument could've been warped over time.
Buuuut I'm probably just overthinking stuff. Fun to do though!
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ghostlyheart · 11 months
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All of Nadja's outfits in the WWDITS premiere (5.1 + 5.2)
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diamondwerewolf · 14 days
ahhh i wish i was more of a business person sometimes, but i don't have the heart to pander or draw what's popular at the time. it would be better if i was more in love with money, but i just don't have it in me.
i feel conflicted sometimes, between making a living and just drawing what i'm genuinely interested in. I've been highly considering transitioning to a regular part time job so i feel less of the pressure of potentially losing what actually motivates me.
i need to make money to live, but money isn't what makes me draw.
idk, some more growing pains. I'm 27 going on 28 in a few weeks and I'm not sure what it is I'm supposed to be doing.
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riddlerosehearts · 8 months
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okay, i recently made a post about why i'm okay with the knight of dawn's design, and just now i made an addition to it that got me thinking about how like... people say that lilia may just think of the knight of dawn looking identical to silver in his dream because it's been hundreds of years so he can't actually remember his exact appearance, but the knight of dawn was a famous and respected knight who dueled against briar valley's queen and married into royalty, so is he not an important historical figure? are there not pictures and/or paintings of him that lilia may have seen, especially considering that one of NRC's own history books apparently has a picture of lilia himself in it (malleus mentions this in one of his lesson lines)?
but then i remembered this dialogue from book 7 and now i'm losing my mind thinking about what all of this is supposed to mean. like, okay, i guess some of this could have something to do with the desire to hide silver's parentage from him as well as just reluctance to talk about the tragedies that occurred in lilia and baul's pasts, but can that really be the entire reason behind this? behind silver and sebek, who are from briar valley, knowing so little about its history and its royal family, and there seemingly being so few books about it, and NRC just not teaching about/having any information about the history of such an important place? and also, if it's the case that so little is known or taught about briar valley, then how or why is there a picture of lilia in one of the history books they use in class? lilia himself was also the one to point out in the story that history often gets told differently across different cultures and can easily become twisted from the truth, and now i have to wonder if briar valley's history is being deliberately twisted or obscured. and also if crowley has something to do with that considering all of the theories surrounding him being malleus's mysterious missing father.
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questioning sexuality is so exhausting
#(edit: sorry for the rant in the tags and i just. i want someone to talk to me)#i keep on doing it for no apparent reason#someone was talking about lust yesterday and i realised today that.#even tho id thought i don't experience it. i possibly do. but exclusively towards women.#i hate it here!#for a multitude of reasons i will never have a relationship with a woman but! i may be incapable of having a relationship with a man!#at some point in the last few months i have abruptly pivoted from definitely wanting marriage and kids to being ambivalent on marriage#and not wanting kids. that's such an outlier in my life that it might just be a mental health thing tho idk#but at the same time i. want to be loved.#i don't know what i want anymore and im tired of questioning myself#i definitely overthink it but idk how to stop it#and i hate hate hate how the moral obsessions have bee lately#this isn't entirely related but it kind of is#like Am i a terrible morally bankrupt person for having certain thoughts or is it just religious ocd go brrrr?? am i overthinking it?#i don't know. i don't know!#for a while labelling myself as arospec ace kinda calmed that down but. i don't know#i do't want to be attracted to women. i don't want to have to look away so often. i don't want any of that.#but i don't know how to stop it.#i don't even know if i'm attracted to men at all.#this is a cry for help and encouragement and prayers no matter what your views on these matters are#queer stuff tag#i nearly fessed up to my friend yesterday about same sex attraction and i might've except that it would have probably outed me as#the person who anonymously sent in a question several months ago about the side b movement to a church thing#ive only told one person at church about any of that sort of stuff and it was very vaguely worded#also see: this friend is the mother of the boy i?? i don't even know how i feel about him#i increasingly think it wasn't romantic at all. but i don't know#i would love any encouragement you got. anything at all.#i don't know how much this stuff is affected by the fact that i consider myself unloveable and think it highly unlikely any boy will ever#care for me#now im rambling. sorry
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ohmigoshiloveu · 3 months
Shilo and grefgor have a lovely picnic with their lovely pheasant while they wait for emizel to wake up from being impaled by a nearby branch
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I forgot to bring the pheasant back for the picnic, please forgive me
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Totally don’t have any lingering fan theories before the movie….nope…none at all
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Certainly haven't been fixating on the suspicious similarities that these three have because I apparently love to overcomplicate the Dadlacia theory?
...Why would I do such a thing? That one recent clip of Orlaag wanting to personally kill Charles certainly wouldn't help though.
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thesis-rose · 7 months
Okay so this might be me overthinking about last night but why didn’t Adam suggest to Max about teaming up with The Aclaimed or The Kindgom. I mean i do kinda understand why Adam wouldn’t want Max to have to team up with them but what about The aclaimed people who do really want to help MJF (and who he ultimately teams up with for match)
Why did Adam only tell Max to go with Somoa Joe. Like MJF did raise a point with how Somoa Joe did injure his neck.
Idk if anyone wants to put there own theories to this question please do I would love to read and message me if you want to talk about any of this.
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fluffykitteninabox · 1 year
listen I don't care what new lore nightbringer gives us or how it recontextualises the brothers' relationships
Mammon raised Satan and you pry this headcanon away from my cold dead hands!!
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tinkerbitch69 · 5 months
Does anyone else wish the war doctor had been played by Richard E. Grant?
Don’t get me wrong John hurt was fantastic and who wouldn’t want to see such an amazing and renowned actor as John hurt play the Doctor…
Buuuuuut it would also have been really cool to see scream of the shalka canonised and the fact that the shalka doctor would have been ‘the one who broke the promise’ explains why it was never referenced before. plus with derek Jacobi playing the master it would slot into canon so nicely too.
And even though he was cast as Simeon and the great intelligence I feel like it could still work. Like he jumped into the doctors timeline too but we never see any replica’s of him like Clara (unless every great intelligence we’ve seen before was a copy including Simeon too but like…that would be way too confusing a time loop tbh) so the doctor taking the face of Simeon could just be described as the residual presence of the great intelligence in his timeline (also if there is a gi clone for every Clara copy like the episode implies, shouldn’t we have seen him in asylum of the daleks?)
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bat-under-a-bridge · 1 year
You ever think about how the hero in pmd explorers just gets knocked out a lot? They start off the game just looking dead on the beach, they get almost murdered by Grovyle in Crystal Cave, they get dragged into the future by Dusknoir. You think they have any adverse effects from that? Obviously besides the memory loss, but like? You think the partner ever has to help the hero with stuff? Like the hero can't speak well or has trouble balancing? The partner having to help the hero speak or something?
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oddberryshortcake · 9 months
I still don't entirely understand how Jamil is the oldest of the 2nd years while having a late birthday (September) that should make him, logistically going by year, a few months younger than Kalim.
For him to be older, he'd have to be 18 at the start of the game because the game starts in September at the school year. But his profile is listed as him being 17.
What does this mean for the other September bday? Is time just backwards in TWST and the year (not school year) DOESN'T begin in January
People kept getting on me on age consistency when it doesn't make sense. I am begging you to make it make sense.
I am a September birthday (same bday as Ace) and I'm younger than my peers.
hOW IS JAMIL STILL 17 BUT ALSO OLDER THAN EVERYONE WHEN SEPTEMBER IS A LATE MONTH. Please give me a logical answer I'm desperate, this has been bothering me
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trans-mephisto · 10 months
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Something intriguing to me about this interaction, is immediately after bringing up his doubts, instead of firstly telling Arthur "no, that's not true", Jeremiah kind of skates around saying anything like that and instead tells Arthur he's "correct", neither confirming nor denying the suspicions Lightning presented towards him at first.
So I can't help but think it's his way of keeping doubt in Arthur's mind by being avoidant towards the truth and therefore helping him be emotionally weaker for Lucifer to possess, without being outright suspicious towards Arthur. Because you can quite literally also read this sequence as "your beliefs are correct" = "your suspicions are true". Interesting, very interesting... 🤔
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i-give-u--stuff · 4 months
@seagull-dustin has dragged me back into my MLP phase 😭
as compensation I have turned em into a pony
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I am now going to turn all my mutuals into pony’s
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Very pleased to inform all my fellow Artham Wingfeather fans that Peet is indeed in episode 4!
Less pleased to inform you that he is not at all having a good time. (but this is covering the events of book 2 so that's to be expected)
Also The Florid Sword's theme music is hilarious. And to my utter delight he quoted the disney fox Robin Hood!
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