#alys x alicent
lya-dustin · 6 months
Shock and Delight
Chapter 8
No warnings i think
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It has come to my attention that Princess Helaena’s intimate supper yielded less than stellar results.
While the rest of the guests showed that Blacks and Greens can coexist peacefully as long as food and drink are involved, Princess Aemma and Prince Aemond could not seem to set aside their differences for the sake of Princess Helaena.
Why do they dislike each other so may seem obvious, but could this be just two youths confusing hatred for something else?
After all love and hate are horns on the same goat.
---the Morning Scandal
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It does not take much to convince Lyonel to double down on his pursuit of Aemma. With the High Septon here to administer Viserys’ last rites and crown her son with a falsified will, a special marriage license is easily procured.
They could marry as soon as tomorrow if need be. And what better setting for a proposal than the ball later this week?
“You must do all you can to secure her hand, cousin.” The queen had advised before sending him on his way.
“I will not fail you, cousin, her rejection is just for show. Princess Aemma will be Lady Hightower before my stepmother’s ball ends.” Lyonel smiles smarmily. He had that trait from his mother’s family. Lickspittles and doing everything to climb their way to the top.
Not that they could help it, the late Lady Hightower had been a Peake.
Criston doesn’t like what her advice implies. He doesn’t speak of it, but his eyes think this is too far.
And because Alicent has those same fears she invites an opinion she will push down her throat with sweet rose drink. She has curbed her drinking, she no longer needed wine to handle the burden of being Viserys’ wife and queen now that he was bedridden.
There was time she relapsed into the old habit, especially as her husband’s health worsened and her father fought her for control as if she were a stranger and not his flesh and blood.
Once Aemma and her dragon were in Oldtown, it would be easier to take the crown. Rhaenyra wouldn’t challenge the truth of the will when her daughter’s life hangs on the balance. Alicent knows this because no mother could.
“He is not a man I would trust with a young lady; you know as well as I that the rumors about him are true, your grace.” The knight speaks after she orders him to speak his mind.
It wasn’t as if Aemma would be in real danger, Lyonel is a lord from a good and faithful family, there is no reason to be apprehensive about this.
“He wouldn’t harm her, besides there are worse fates than a loveless marriage and a philandering husband.” With any luck she will seek comfort in someone else’s arms like her mother and show why Aegon is the only right way.
“If you say so, your grace.” He says keeping his disagreement but letting the matter die. Criston wouldn’t go against her; he was loyal to her enough to disregard his vows.
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They do their best to avoid each other after.
Even if they coincided in walks or flights, they kept their distance and only spoke when they had to. They hate each other, everyone can see that.
This morning both had lied and said they had other matters to attend to when they both came with their respective siblings.
Aemond had glared and rolled his eye when Aemma had teased him about something he was sensitive about. Had she been anyone else, he would’ve humiliated her.
Rhaena and the Morning Scandal thinks they’ll end the season married to each other. They made a handsome couple, perfectly Valyrian with great dragons and both bookish to boot.
If only they didn’t hate each other.
“I don’t see it.” Daeron admits as he tries to see what Rhaena scribbles in her diary. They sit under the weirwood tree with her little dragon playing in the branches of the great old tree.
They had become friends over the week and Daeron had yet to find someone who understood him like Rhaena did. Not that anyone knows besides their most trusted siblings knew of this unlikely friendship, mother would die of the horror and grandsire would kill him for being so chummy with Daemon’s middle daughter.
“From what you’ve told me of your brother and what I told you about my sister, its just a matter of time before they realize they only dislike each other out of stubbornness.” Rhaena said matter of fact, as if she’d seen it all before even if she is only six moons older than him. She does love novels and songs and mummeries though, maybe she thinks their elder siblings were like Jonquil and Florian.
“Is that why you are keeping the notes from Ser Corwyn a secret from your family, Rhae?” he asks once he reaches for the page sticking out of her journal only for her to shut the book once his fingers get within reach.
“That is not for you to know.” She answered looking down at her lap, irritated at his interference and thinking Ser Corwyn Corbray was the Warrior in the flesh.
“He is older than you, almost Cousin Lyonel’s age.” He argues the point he had to agree with Prince Daemon and Rhaenyra on that. A bit hypocritical of them considering the age difference, but a perfectly good reason to reject his offers of courtship.
Besides he was a second son and the Vale was no place for a dragon. Save for his looks and skill, Ser Corwyn was just unsuitable.
“Are you jealous of him?” She looks back up at him, and he scoffs.
Daeron was not jealous, that was ridiculous. He was a prince of House Targaryen, rider of Tessarion and soon a knight like his Uncle Gwayne. Rhaena was his cousin and friend, she was pretty and witty and good company, but she was just his friend.
It was as unlikely as Aemond marrying Aemma.
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It is after he is cornered by Lady Elenda and Cassandra after going with his mother to the sept, that he thinks he should court Elissa for the season and use her to repeal the vultures over his head.
Elissa was an obvious choice, given her status as his elder siblings’ paramour and good looks, but something told him he may be blamed for her sudden illness this morning.
Jena, his former lover, was happily married to Jasper Wylde now and Aemond couldn’t exactly parade Alys Rivers, his mother’s new handmaiden, about.
Especially now that they’ve grown uncomfortably close, the bastard Strong and his mother he means.
“You are quite a sight in the air, your highness. I dare say you are the most accomplished dragon rider in our generation.”  Another lady, a reach lady going by her attire, fawns over him the moment he returns to the Dragonpit.
He cannot reply with a lukewarm thank you as he shrugs away from her grasping hands when Aemma, who took Silverwing to stretch her wings in the opposite direction, scoffed at her unoriginal words.
She’d tried to escape Lyonel who came to see her only to find him waiting here with flowers with his sister and her companions. Companions that included Fiona? No, Fiona was Elissa’s elder sister, what was her name?
 Anyways, Lady F-something glued herself to Aemond’s side viewed the Pearl of Dragonstone as a contender for his attention and Aemond dismissed the idea that came to his head.
No, Aemma was the last woman to consider tor that. There was no way she’d agree even if the sight of them together would get his mother tossing every man available at her to drive them apart.
“Please, Princess Aemma is clearly the superior rider, Lady Falia.” Lyonel said providing him with a name and another reason Aemma could agree to his scheme.
If Aemond were to be in direct competition with him, he’d leave her alone.
But it’s folly, Aemma wouldn’t agree to it.
“You flatter me, my lord.” The princess tries to hide her disgust for him in her manners and tries to remove herself from his company as quickly as she can.
“Oh yes, her riding is well I suppose, but to do so without a side saddle seems far too much for me.” Falia did her best to not appear rude and yet insinuate at rumors saying Aemma takes after her mother in more ways than one.
“Quite impossible to ride a dragon with a side saddle, Lady Falla. My niece would’ve fallen into the Blackwater in that last trick she did if she hadn’t been riding astride.” Aemond comes to her defense only so he can dash Falia’s hopes by calling her by the wrong name.
“Yes, Lady Falia, my dear uncle is right. There is no side saddle for dragons, not that I care for one on horses much either way.” Aemma admits and Lyonel perks up at this as if he had gotten an idea.
Aemond knows exactly what this grubby fucker will do tomorrow night. Lyonel intends to compromise her and claim to have taken her virtue.
Aemond supposed he’d have to hide a dagger in his boot at the ball.
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She never had to lie about what she wore but after having Lyonel get tipped off about her wearing her red riding clothes yesterday, Aemma’s wardrobe was now handled as if it was a council secret.
Had Aemond not been there, there wouldn’t have been any way to escape his incessant talking.
He had praised her accomplishments, her riding, her red riding jacket and even the tightness of her two braids.
Aemond had then mocked him by saying Lyonel would then compliment Aemma’s teeth as if she were a mare he sought to buy.
So, to even the scales, she had shut up the sickeningly sweet Falia ---or was it Anna, she couldn’t remember--- with a jab at her station and a reminder that she fainted during her presentation.
Perhaps Aemma’s initial assessment of him was a tad wrong. Perhaps he was not always the insufferable arrogant twat from dinner and maybe, even had a sense of humor after all.
She should apologize for her rude words, the princess considered but dismissed the thought. There wouldn’t be a chance to do so and perhaps he doesn’t actually care about it, Aemond didn’t look like the most forgiving of people.
Perhaps if her dance card runs empty and Lyonel requests more than one dance, she would work in an apology of sorts while they dance.
He was a good dancer, as light on his feet as he was with a sword, Aemma found herself leaving a space for his name on her dancing card.
Maybe they could be friends, who knows?
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Hell Hath No Fury | Aemond Targaryen
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Request: Yes
Summary: Aemond has become distant and you find out why.
Warning: blood, miscarriage, cheating, assault
Hell Hath No Fury Masterlist
You couldn't believe it.
He was the good brother, the dutiful son, the valiant knight... the faithful husband. There was no way that your Aemond wouldn't do this to you. 
This explains why he was traveling so often to Harrenhal away from you for so long when you needed him the most, you thought as you rubbed your swollen belly staring at the piece of paper in your hand. 
He had gotten that whore pregnant, and from the letter it seemed you two were both soon to give birth.  
Alys Rivers, the strong Bastard, the Witch...Yet another thing you two had in common, maybe your husband had a type.
This was it. the beginning of the end. If Alys Rivers gave birth to that child there is nothing that would stop her from coming to court, having her child legitimized, having Aemond take her as a mistress, bringing shame and embarrassment upon you and your child.
"Push princess, push." The midwife needlessly instructed as someone wiped the sweat from your brow. 
"I do appreciate your help and respect and acknowledge that you have helped bring many royals into this world so please forgive me when I say, 'please shut the fuck up and let me concentrate." You yelled back as you took two deep breaths before closing your eyes and letting your head fall backwards. 
Opening your eyes again you see your in a hallway standing in front of a door, you can still hear the midwives telling you to push. placing your hand in the door you push it open slowly as you see the sight of Alys Rivers and Aemond in bed together. 
His arm is wrapped around her, as they are both naked it isn't hard to guess what it was that had made them so tired. Walking into the room you hear the door close behind you just as you stand right above them. As if sensing your presence Alys' eyes snap open and stare up at you. 
She opens her mouth to wake Aemond before you stop her. 
"Don't bother calling out, her can't hear us." You informed her reaching for his arm and throwing it away from her causing his to shift in his sleep and turn over. "No one can. From the look on your face I can tell you know exactly who I am, which is amusing considering I knew nothing of you a moon ago."
"I know this must be upsetti-."
"No! You don't because you are not his wife, you are not the one he married and swore loyalty to only to turn around and impregnate some whore." You sneered at her as she flinched back. "What was your plan? to take my husband, become and mistress, you seek to replace me and my child?" You asked as she simply shook her head in denial. 
"It was never meant to happen like this, but I love Aemond and he loves me, I'm sorry that you are hurt by this but that is the truth of it. I never thought I would be able to have children but this is a gift that Aemond has given to me and we both are thankful to be having it, but that does not mean he is any less thankful for your child and I promise you that I mean no harm to your life, marriage or the life of your child."  Alys rushed to explain. Taking a moment you look on at this women in bed with your husband and think of her words.
"Words....are not enough." You say before Alys' body is forced down into the bed. Leaning over her you pulled the sheets from her body exposing her milky skin to the cold air. 
"What are you doing?" Alys asked as she struggled against the invisible force. 
"Don't worry I am simply righting a wrong," You informed her as you pulled a knife from your dress. "The child that grows inside of you belongs to my husband"  You continue as you placed the blade to her belly.
"No! Please no." Alys pleads as she fight to get away from you. "I'm beg you please. I have wronged you I admit but my child is innocent, Aemond's child is innocent." 
"I know." You say before plunging the knife into her womb as she lets out a blood curtailing scream. Once the cut was made you reached inside of her wound ignoring the blood and cries of the women as you pull the child from her body. Cradling the child in your arm you softly coo to the child as Alys lets out another round of sobs. "Please do not morn for the child will live, but it will be birthed by me, as should all children of my husband." 
Turning and walking away the door slowly creaks back open allowing you to walk back into the hall. "Though I am very thankful for this gift you and my husband have given to me Alys, I trust it will be the last one" You say before the door closes once again. 
"Just one more push my princess." You left you head once again over come with the pain of child birth. "Here it comes." After one more push the room is filled with the cries of your child. 
"A prince, you have given birth to a prince." The midwife announced moving to retrieve a blanket for the newborn. She began to hand you your child before you leaned forward and let out a painful groan. "The afterbirth."
another midwife crouched between your leg as you groan in pain. "No there is a head, there is another babe." She informed sending the room into another round of panic as you were instructed again to push.
"Another prince." She soon declares as the second child begins to cry. 
 Cradling both babes in your arms you look down at the two clearly Targaryen princes with a small smile, Alicent entered the room quickly making it to your side "Aemon and  Armon." You names them as she looks to her grandchildren made my her favorite son. 
It had been three days since Aemond woke to Alys' screams, the sheets around her covered in blood as she cradled her stomach. The maesters said it was a miscarriage, but Alys insisted that it wasn't, when Aemond tried to comfort her she yelled for him to leave her and refused to be near him. After the second day of trying he chose to return to Kingslanding where is was notified that his wife had given birth to twin boys. 
Entering the chambers he sees his wife cooing at the two newborns laying on their bed. Turning towards your husband your eyes widen. "Aemond, I thought you were Beth to assist me with taking the twins to midday meal, the family wished to meet them." 
"Well I am sorry to disappoint you," Aemond teased walking closer to the bed. "But I promise I can try to be as good as Beth until she arrives." 
"Oh stop." You laughed a bit before letting out a sigh. "Actually I am glad that you are here, I wanted to speak with you."
"What is it you wish to speak of?" He asked rubbing his knuckle along Aemon's face.
"I know that this marriage started as an arrangement, but I understand that at the time we both believed that we become fond of each other and perhaps even love, and I thought that we had begun to share these feeling but I realize that I can not hold you to promises we made as children." You now had his full attention. "And if it is what you want, I will not fight you on seeking annulment."
"You have been distant and it was not until the twins were born that I realize just how distant you've become, we used to spend time together, reading, painting, laughing but I gave birth for the first time and my husband was not to be found." You explained. "I do not blame you for not returning my feeling or for pulling away but I can't live thinking that I'm driving you from your home or thinking that this distance between us will affect our children." 
"Please," Aemond says grabbing your hand and kneeling at your side. "Your feeling are returned I swear it to you, my distance is of no fault of your own."
"Then what is it?" You pleaded looking into his eyes. "I wish for you to be there for our children, for them to love and be moved by you. You once told me you didn't want to be like your father, I do not want this either."
Looking into your eyes Aemond knew he couldn't tell you the reason, he knew it would break your heart and he couldn't do that to you not after you had just given him two son, not ever. "It matters not, It will never happen again." He assures giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "I will not be the father viserys was to me and I will not be the husband he was to my mother. You three are my life and I will spend every second to assure that you know it. 
"My princess It is time for your midday meal with your family." Beth informed entering the chambers.
"Thank you Beth would you please hold Aemon and I will take Armon you instruct as Aemond stands and helps you from the bed. Standing and walking towards the door you asked Beth to please walk ahead of you. "I thank you for hearing me Aemond and I do hope this isn't asking to much but I also must ask something else of you." 
Aemond nodded as he rubs his hand up and down your back in comfort. 
"I wish for this to be a pleasant occasion so I must ask you not fight with Jace and Luke, though it seems you have grown quite fond of Strong bastards as of late." You say before walking ahead leaving his frozen in the door way of the room.  
Part Two
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slavicdelight · 6 months
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Targ! Royce! f! reader
Summary: Hiraeth - A Welsh word meaning a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return; a home which maybe never was. Nostalgia, yearning, and grief, for the lost places of your past or a sense of home.
Warnings: blood, murder, violence, angst, canon divergence
A/N: This is part 2 of EPHEMERAL
You awoke to the sound of crashing outside your chambers. Looking at the other side of the bed, you noticed that Aemond wasn’t there and the spot he occupied is cold, which means he has been gone for a while now. You stretched your arms and decided to get up to check the sound, only to find out that the doors were closed and you couldn’t get out. With a scowl, you tried to pry the entrance open, and when that didn’t work you banged on the wood and called out for help. The loud noise woke your daughter up as she started crying for attention, and you decided to stop your efforts and comfort her. “Good morning my dear girl.” you greeted Alysanne while picking her up from the cradle. “Oh, I’m sorry to have woken you little dragon. Did you sleep fine?” you asked and rocked her back and forth to calm her. When she opened her violet eyes to look at you, the love overcame you even stronger, she was your miracle, you didn’t know earlier that you could love someone as much as you did her. Nothing is equal to a mother’s love. You were so mesmerized by her, that you weren’t aware of the door opening and your husband walking in. Aemond stood in the doorway looking at you both, his heart warming up at the picture in front of his eye. You, his beloved wife, looked ethereal as always. The rays of sunshine, that burst through the window made the skin on your face glowing, and your attire added to the notion of thinking you an angel. Seeing you holding Alysanne, the epitome of the love you both share, made the sight even more beautiful. He slowly walked closer and placed his hands around your waist, making you jump a little.
“Aemond! You have frightened me!” you scolded him, turning to stand with him face to face. “I am extremely sorry, my love. It was not my intention.” he apologised with a faint smile, but the tone of his voice made you worried. There was something tense in it, and you wondered if it had anything to do with you being held in the room. “What’s wrong?” you asked him, making him sigh. He took the little girl from your arms, placing her back in the cradle, much to her protests, and led you to sit on the bed. You complied and waited eagerly for his answer, which he provided in an uneasy voice. “King Viserys is dead.” you sucked in your breath. The news wasn’t exactly unpredictable, but it still caught you off guard. While the king didn’t pay you much attention growing up, he was still your uncle, your blood, and that made you somewhat sad. “Oh.” was the only thing that left your mouth, as you were processing what you just learned, but your husband wasn’t done yet. “Apparently, he wished for Aegon to succeed him.” and with that your head whipped around to look at him so fast, that one could thing you broke the neck. This was new, as for years Viserys did nothing, but defend Rhaenyras claim to the throne and her position as heir, neglecting his other children in turn. Aegon as king was a bizarre thought. You also saw the distaste in Aemond’s features once he shared the news, everyone at court knew he detested his brother for everything he put him through as a child, and for being a useless waste of space. “I’m so sorry Aemond.” you told him, grabbing one of his hands to squeeze in a comforting manner. “For what? We all knew it would happen sooner or later.” you got up to stand before him and looking straight into his eyes you said “Yes, but he was still your father. You’re allowed to mourn for him” he stood up angrily and turned away to look into the burning flames in the fireplace
“He never noticed me. He never noticed any of us. It was always Rhaenyra for him. It was af if we were not his children, more like distant relatives he only had to see once in a while. He was no father to me. Criston Cole was more of a father than he was.” you walked to him and hugged his back, placing you chin on his shoulder. “What’s done is done. We need to get ready for our duties and coronation of a new king.” he said turning to you and kissing you on your forhead. In that moment a servant appeared and told your husband that his grandsire wished to see him. That left you alone in the chamber and you decided to call the maids to dress you and Alysanne for the day, as you were planning to check on Helaena and see how she was holding up. You chose one of your many beautiful sapphire gowns with long sleeves and dragons embroidered on the skirt, it was a gift from Aemond. The color resembles the eye he hides under the eyepatch. You also own a big collection of sapphire jewellery, the common folk taken to calling you and your husband the Sapphire Prince and Princess.
You sat with Heleana as the children played together with the maids watching over them. “How are you feeling, Hel? With the pressure of being crowned queen soon enough.” you asked your friend. “There is a beast beneath the boards.” she muttered, but quickly recvered to ansewr your question. “To speak truthfully, I don’t know. I never wanted the crown, all I wish for is spending time with my children, away from all these schemes and politics.” she said in a sad voice. You reached over to take her hand, which she accepted. It was known that Helaena did not like touching, but you were her sister, her dearest friend, and for that reason you were the exception. “I’m sorry about all of this. It shouldn’t have been your burden to carry.” it was a pity that she was married to Aegon, he didn’t deserve her. Soon Queen Alicent came to join you for tea and the three of you tried to forget about what was to come, if only for a little while.
time skip
It was time to crown the new king. You, Aemond, and Helaena stood in the Dragon Pit, watching people flooding in. Otto proposed to hold the ceremony before the eyes of common folk, so that they would recognize Aegon as the rightful king. It was a smart move, you have to admit that, but you knew that it would not stop Daemon and Rhaenyra from trying to take the throne back. In truth you didn’t care who sat the throne, all you wanted was to fly back to Runestone with your husband and daughter and live your life peacefully there. You begged Alicent to let you leave, that you wanted nothing to do with their schemes, but it all fell of deaf ears. She only told you that it was Aemonds duty to stand by his brother’s side, and as his wife, you should support him. Aemond noticed you anxiously playing with the ring on your finger and placed a hand on your back to help you ease up a bit. In that moment you saw Alicent arrive at the scene, which means Aegon is outside and the coronation is going to start. “People of King’s Landing. It is the saddest of days. King Viserys the Peaceful passed away.” started Otto Hightower and you heard the murmuring all around the pit. “It is also a joyous day, as he left us with his final wish for his son Aegon to succeed him.” The soldiers marched into the room creating a path for the late king’s eldest son to walk towards the stand. Once Ser Criston Cole placed the Conqueror’s crown atop his head, he stood up and looked at every member of his family for approval. When his eyes landed on you, you gave him a quick courtesy with a clenched jaw. He then turned to the crowd and lifted the sword, Blackfyre, and you could’ve swear that in that moment, he started to like his new position and power.
A few seconds later the happy shouts became screams of terror, as the ground began to fall and from below emerged a red dragon. It was Meleys with Princess Rhaenys at her back. The Red Queen came closer to where you all stood. Aemond quickly put you and Helaena behind himself for protection, and you noticed Alicent doing the same with Aegon in the corner of your eye. You thought to yourself that that was it, you would all die in the flames, but the dragon only roaerd in your faces and Rhaenys escaped, no doubt to Dragonstone to inform Rhaenyra and your father of what transpired. The image of Daemon made you shiver, now you were sure that he will be out for your blood.
Once in the safety of the castle, you hastily made way to the nursery to be with your daughter. You found her in the arms of one of the maids. You put her on the rug and started playing with her. About half an hour later Aemond came into the room. “They’re sending me to Storm’s End as an envoy. I’m to bind Lord Borros’ loyalty to our cause.” you frowned and tried to talk him out of it. “No. Have them send someone else and let us go back to the Vale.” you saw him lower his gaze and try to stop you, but you didn’t let him. “You know that Daemon won’t let this slide, he will be out for revenge against his wife! I don’t want us to be caught in the crossfire!”. “Aegon’s my brother. I have to do this, as it is my duty. I will go and offer the Baratheon fool Daeron’s hand in marriage to his daughter. I will be back before you know it.”. You didn’t like it and had a bad feeling, but you knew how stubborn your husband is and there will be no talking him out of it. You let him go, and for the next couple of days, you stayed close with Helaena and Alysanne. Finally, when you heard the unmistaken sound of Vhagar, you were elated, as it meant your dearest husband was back. Without a thought, you sprinted towards the council chamber where you knew he would head first. Nothing could’ve prepared you for what you heard next. Aemond Targaryen committed the greatest sin known to men - kinslaying. He murdered his nephew, Lucerys Velaryon in the skies, while chasing him on his war dragon. “You have lost only one eye, how could you be so blind?!” chastised him Otto Hightower, while the new king sat and laughed in delight. “You have doomed us all!” screamed Alicent and you were just horrified. You knew they would retaliate, ater all, your husband killed Rhaenyra’s favourite child. Your head kept spinning as images of could they do now invaded your mind. “The bastard is dead. Others would be soon too. It seems to me that we ought to have a feast in my beloved brother’s honour.” said Aegon and made no room to argue, while you just got up and ran back to your chambers.
When you entered your rooms, the tears spilled. You cried for the boy, for your husband and for yourself, but most importantly, you cried for your daughter. Now there was no way for you all to return to normal life, not when your husband began the war, that will certainly become marred with even more bloodshed soon enough. Aemond walked into the room not much later, and flinched when he heard your desperate cries. When he tried to touch you, you just backed into the corner. “Do not touch me!” you screamed, trying to compose yourself. “How could you?! Do you have any idea what you have done?!” you continued yelling. It was a good thing Alysanne was left under the care of Helaena and wasn’t there to witness the fight of her parents. “My love…” he started but you cut him off. “No! Don’t you dare! You put all of us in grave danger! They will want blood for this! My father won’t stop until he avenges Luke! Blood will flow this castle! There would be no peace for us! No mercy!” you started hyperventilating, you were having a panic attack. “Darling please, listen to me. I didn’t mean for it to happen. Vhagar didn’t listen to my commands. She devoured him on her own accord.” you just looked at him, your gaze full of hurt and fear, it broke his heart seeing you like this. “Your mother is right. You have doomed us all! You shouldn’t chase him in the first place, what did you expect to happen!?”. He noticed you shaking and took you into his arms as you tried to break free. After a minute of struggle, your energy drained out and you just accepted the hug, just laying in his embrace motionless. As much as you hated him for what he’s done, you loved him way to much to be angry for long. Now you needed to focus on protecting your family, no matter the cost, as you knew that the payment will come sooner or later.
It wasn’t until one night, when your husband was away gathering support for Team Green, that the retaliation for Lucerys came. You and Helaena were on your way to Queen Dowager’s chambers with your children, as it was a routine lately, to spend some time before heading to bed. Once you entered the chambers, you saw Alicent Hightower gagged and bound, as well as two unfamiliar men standing inside the room. Both quickly overpowered you and the princess and barred the door. “Tis’ nothing personal. A debt to be paid. Nothin’ more” said one while they both took the children captive. “The False Queen needs to choose, which son has to die. Fast before we make the choice ourselves.” said the other assailant. “Please! They’re innocent, spare them.” you tried pleading with them as Helaena offered hersef in the children’s place. “A queen is not a son.” said one man and ushered her to make a choice. You tried to get to the children but there was no way for you to do so, without harming the children in the process. “Maelor.” Helaena whispered. The younger son was still at the age where he didn’t understand what was happening around him, same as your daughter. “You heard that boy? Your mommy doesn’t love you” as while saying that, the man cut off the head of Jeahaerys, the oldest son of Aegon and Helaena, and the other one repeatedly stabbed little Alysanne in her cheast and belly. “NO!” you screamed as you saw the man throwing your daughter’s lifeless body, as if it was a useless rag. You and Helaena quickly made way to you fallen children weeping so horribly, that the whole castle heard it. The sound of grieving mothers tore through the walls, making anyone who heard it flinch. “No, no, no, no..”you muttered holding your daughter. “My light, please, open your eyes. Please.” you wailed as you rocked her in your arms, pleading to the Gods for it to be an awful nightmare. It was not an awful nightmare, but rather dreadful reality. The only thing you heard except for yours, Helaena and Alicent’s crying was the escape of the murderers and words “Black Queen sends her regards”.
While you were being attacked, your husband returned to the keep and immediately went to find you. Once in the castle, he heard the screams leading to his mother’s apartments and he hastily made way there, along with Aegon and Ser Criston Cole. They found the door barricaded and called for more guards to help remove the obstacle, and when it was done, they saw the most horrifying scene. Dead bodies of their children, weeping wives and their mother tired up and gagged. When Queen Dowager explained them what took place, they went inot the state of madness, Aegon started yelling how could the guards let it happen, that he wanted the men found and brought to him, he was inconsolable. Aemond on the other hand stood frozen, he knew it happened because of him,. His nephew and his daughter, his beloved Alysanne, were ripped away from this world because of his own stupidity. He caused that and he couldn’t even look into your eyes, nor Helaena’s. He was overcome with grief and loathing for his actions, but he knew he had to be strong for you, even though he wanted to break down into tears himself. “My love…” he tried to get your attention, but you were focused on your daughter’s face. You dress soaked in her blood, as you stroked her hair singing her favourite lullaby. There was no way for you to let go of her, your state was truly horrible. After sitting there for hours, Silent Sisters came to collect the body, but you didn’t want to part with her, with your sweet Alysanne. Aemond came up to you. “Darling…she’s gone. You have to give her to them. They need to prepare her for the funeral.” you were reluctant, but Aemond finally managed to convince you to let go of her body.
For weeks after that you were closed off, not going out of your chambers, dismissing everything that happened around you. You couldn’t bear the grief and the emptiness this brought you. Even at the funeral you blocked it all out, when the children’s bodies were shown to the people of King’s Landing declaring it to be work of “Rhaenyra the Cruel”. All you wanted was your daughter, but you couldn’t have her, as she was so cruelly taken from you. At the battle at Rook’s Rest Aegon got badly injured, it was a miracle he even pulled through, and your husband was crowned Prince Regent to rule in his stead untill the king recovers. He gathered the army and with the new Hand of the King, Ser Criston, he marched on Harrenhall. Aemond feared leaving you alone and decided it would be best to bring you along. During your stay there, your husband ordered the extermination of house Strong. No one was spared, but a witch named Alys Rivers, who Aemond taksed with your recovery. You and the bastard woman became fastly friends, and she helped you find the courage to join your husband on the battlefield. You wanted revenge and you were out for blood. Soon enough along with Aemond you were terrorizing the Riverlands and became a symbol of death, as you burned every keep, and every lord known to be loyal to the blacks. Vhagar and Canniball were a formidable duo that spread fear all around the realm.
Eventually, when you were away from Harrenhall, your husband received a letter from your father Daemon, that he’s waiting for him and wishes to battle. Without telling you, he made way towards the God’s Eye and without fear fought against your father. After you found the letter, you jumped atop the Canniball and flew towards the battlefield, only to arrive to late, as you witnessed Daemon jumping off Caraxes’ back and plunging Dark Sister into your Aemond’s good eye. You screamed seeing this and urged your dragon to fly faster. Aemond and Vhagar fell into the waters and sank into the lake, as you took on Daemon and Caraxes to avenge your family. The battle was tough, but you emerged victorious, thanks to stabbing your father straight through his neck. As you landed on the shore, you weeped. For your daughter, your husband, your mother who were all killed by Daemon Targaryen, as well as Helaena who committed suicide by throwing herself from the tower, landing on spikes. You were alone, you lost everything. You and Alys went into hiding, up until hearing the news of the death of Rhaenyra. Aegon fed her to his dragon Sunfyre, while her young son watched. Soon enough the king was poisoned by his own men, Alicent was confined to her chambers and was said to go insane. It was too much for you. All you wanted was to be back with your family, that’s why one day, when Alys wasn’t there, you decided to drink poison. Just before going to bed, you took a sip, and faded away into dreamland, where you saw your husband and your daughter eagerly waiting for you. You knew that you could spend eternity together.
A/N: Alright guys. The second part is here. Thank you for all the support you shown me on my first post. Soon I'll be posting more stuff on this page so stay tuned ♡.
@heavenly1927 @marihoneywk @nyenye
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li0nn3stuff · 2 months
Aemond going back to his mother
English is not my first language, be kind.
About Modern!Aemond and Modern!Alys Masterlist
Warnings: Honestly, nothing.
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When Aemond went back home to his mother, she ran to him and hugged him so tightly, he felt he never wanted to get out of her embrace. 
He just rested his head on her shoulder and let her hug him for as long as she wanted. He had never felt this loved in the last three years. Still, despite how good this felt, he was tremendously scared. He was scared of seeing his mother’s face, he didn’t want her to look at him. He was scared she would see right through him, and be disgusted, repulsed of what his son has become.
He called her a year ago, but he had never accepted to meet her again. He was just too ashamed. Not that now he wasn’t. He couldn’t not be ashamed after what he did to Alys. After how he left her. 
The house was empty, Aegon and Helaena were out, his father was at a work dinner, and Daeron was sleeping.
Aemond dropped his bag on the floor, and finally wrapped his arms around his mother, hugging her back. He didn’t know for how long they stayed like that, but when they pulled away, for him, it was still too soon. He looked down at the floor as his mother looked at him. He couldn’t meet her eyes. He knew they would have been full of love and affection, but he felt like he didn’t deserve it just yet. Alicent took his hand, and guided him in the living room, sitting on the couch with him.
“I’ve made fluffy pancakes, the ones you like.” He could hear her weak voice, how she was about to cry and he closed his eye, covering his face with his hand as he rested his elbow on his knees. Alicent immediately got worried.
“What is it? You don’t like them anymore? Do you want something else? I can-”
“No, no mum. The pancakes are just fine. I- I just… I’m really sorry mum. I’m ashamed of what I’ve put you through. Of how you are feeling now.” He turned his head, excluding her from his field of view. Alicent took a deep shaky breath, looking at his son surprised and with compassion. She put her hand on his shoulder.
“How I'm feeling now? Dear, I’m just so happy you came back.” His mother said softly, almost chuckling.
“That’s exactly the point, mum. You shouldn’t be thrilled about me coming back. Because I should have never left in the first place. You… This situation shouldn’t exist. I-I should have never left…” Aemond’s voice broke, and he just shook his head, frustrated. There was a moment of silence, as Alicent looked at his son, the regret on his face. It broke her to see him so sad, but deep down, she was proud, because he was learning from his mistakes.
“Please, Aemond, look at me.” She asked softly. Aemond immediately shook his head.
“No, I-I can’t.” He mumbled. Alicent smiled.
“Come on, I haven’t gotten that old. I’m still pretty enough to be looked at.” She joked lightly. Aemond laughed. It wasn’t that funny, but he just couldn’t stop laughing. He was exhausted by all of his emotions, he was just tired of feeling so down. Alicent laughed along with him, apparently as stressed as he was. Aemond couldn’t help himself  when they stopped laughing and he finally looked at her, smiling slightly. He met her beautiful soft, warm smile.
“You're beautiful, mum.” He said sincerely. Alicent looked at him with her eyes filled with tears, and just leant in his chest, as Aemond immediately hugged her close. They didn’t talk, they just stayed like that, enjoying each other's presence. Alicent started to cry, and Aemond only kept her closer, taking care of her mother, after all of these years.
He would be lying if he said he never thought of going back home during his relationship with Alys. He thought about it a lot of times, asking himself if she would even accept him back. He regretted not doing it sooner. He regretted all of those years with Alys. He regretted not giving his mother the love she deserved. Because she deserved it all.
“How is it going with Viserysr?” He asked then, and his mother just sighed.
“Just usual. He hasn’t changed much.” She says, with no hint of sadness. Aemond looked down at his mother. He admired how strong she was, how she has always been able to get through everything with a smile. She was surely too young to already have four kids, but she never complained about anything in her life. 
She had always been devoted to Viserys, even if Aemond had serious doubts he had too. She devotedly took care of her children, never letting them without anything.
He knew she was the only one he could always trust, the only woman that will always love him unconditionally.
Aemond genuinely smiled and looked down at his mother.
“I won’t ever go away again, mum, I promise.” He said, caressing her head. Alicent looked up at him and smiled back, sitting back up.
“What you’ve been through, my son, will be something you will never forget. It is a lesson God taught you, so you will be able to make wiser decisions in the future.” She put her hand on his scarred cheek. “I am your mother, and my job is to always love you, no matter what you decide. I can tell you what I think would be best for you, but this is your life.” She smiled, her cheeks still wet from her tears. “I will never leave you alone. No matter what you do.”
Aemond nodded and put his hand over hers.
“I love you, mum.”
“I love you too, my child.”
It was strange to hear those words again, it had been a long time since the last time he heard them. Aemond smiled and stood up from the couch.
“Can we have the pancakes now?”
The morning after, Aemond went down in the kitchen, finding her mother smiling at him happily as she prepared breakfast for everyone. Daeron popped up from under the table, mouth open, surprised. 
“Aemy!” He shouted as he ran and hugged his legs. Daeron was just three when he left. He almost thought he would have forgotten him. Apparently, he didn’t. Aemond bent down to pick up Daeron and he immediately hugged his neck, almost choking him.
“Slow down, Daeron, you’re getting too strong for me, kiddo.” Aemond joked as he kissed his mother’s cheek. Daeron chuckled and he started grabbing strings of his hair, lifting them up and inspecting them.
“Your hair are so long!” He mused, as Aemond pulled his head away, smirking.
“And attached to my head, so stop pulling so much.” Daeron chuckled and Aemond dropped him off on his chair, as Alicent put on the table his waffles.
“‘Morning.” Aegon stepped in the kitchen and he looked at Aemond, as he turned to see him. Aegon smiled sincerely, and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Welcome back, brother.” He said, Aemond nodded his head, and Aegon moved forward, plopping on his chair, rubbing his eyes. He then heard a loud rumble of steps, and he suddenly found himself with Helaena on his back, as she hugged him close and wrapped her legs around his waist. He chuckled and picked her up.
“You’re back!” She exclaimed happily. She jumped down and smiled cheerfully at him, as they both went sitting at the table. Alicent brought the last plates, and sat down with them.
Aemond looked around himself, as pure chaos of voices began, with all the blunting of Daeron, Alicent answering him, and Aegon and Helaena already fighting. He shook his head as he tried to hide a smirk.
Just like old times.
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avatarazi · 2 years
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what do you mean this didn't happen
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huramuna · 4 months
huramuna's masterlist.
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currently working on:
even in undeath - lich king aemond x reader chapter 1
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aemond targaryen:
series: a maid's folly - dark aemond x maid ofc masterlist oneshots: blue dove - modern, dark aemond x best friend oneshot(18+) growing on you - modern aemond x (ex) girlfriend oneshot (18+) stoatfaced, dragonhearted - mean, dark aemond x wife oneshot (18+) firehaired, lavendereyed - mean aemond x pregnant wife oneshot (18+) sequel-ish to stoatfaced, dragonhearted. lay all your love on me - modern aemond x wife reader oneshot (18+) new valyria - modern aemond x shera stark oneshot (18+)
aegon II targaryen:
series: wine red, tears gold - aegon II x baratheon wife ofc masterlist oneshots: downpour - modern aegon II x nanny reader oneshot (18+)
alicent hightower:
oneshots: flowers for my lover - alicent hightower x healer ofc (18+)
aemond targaryen & alys rivers:
series: beware the sapphire peak - aemond x wife x alys masterlist
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on hold / hiatus: (not currently working on, will pick up at a later date. indefinite hiatus)
aemond targaryen:
banshee's lament - aemond x stark ofc (ongoing series) (planning act 2) masterlist
selkie’s song - night’s watch aemond x shapeshifter wildling ofc masterlist
the calico bastard - aemond x strong bastard ofc masterlist
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coming soon: (aka, in the idea phase but not started)
helaena targaryen x handmaid reader alicent hightower x rhaenyra targaryen x reader growing on you sequel (from aemond's pov) banshee's lament shapeshifter au - aemond x shera stark
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Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, The Past Repeats Itself)
Where Aemond didn't realize he was favoring his bastard son with Alys until it was too late.
But in the eyes of one of his children with Lucerys.
Daenys Targaryen was scared. She heard her muña's horrified gasp, saw him rush towards where they huddled together, and cried when he saw the state of Baelon, his sweet son, his first born boy, a group of Maesters trying to calm him down. Aemon, his twin, held his brother's hand, and when he felt their muña's hand on his shoulder, he cried, his face having been bruised by a large fist.
The person who owned the fist in question was there. Aerion, her older half-brother, watched the scene with a cruel smile. Daenys didn't like him. She didn't like him when he tried to push Aemon down a cliff, she didn't like him when he tried to barge into Alysanne's room, she didn't like him when he ripped her new dress up, and he especially didn't like him now, with a satisfied grin on his face. He had no remorse for what he's done. He has permanently scarred her older brother, and he was happy.
She had never felt so scared and angry in all her life. Her brother's screams terrified her, it was...animalistic. Even now he wailed in agony, the right side of his face was completely burnt. The Maesters were applying cream to at least cool the wound down, but he still screamed and struggled, he begged for their muña. Daenys saw another wave of pain hitting her muña, his face twisting in complete agony as his son continue to wail, even when he held him.
"What happened?"
Daenys turned to see her grandmother, and she felt the weight of what occured that day. She allowed herself to cry and opened her arms, wishing to be hugged as well. She saw her older sister Alysanne wanting the same thing, and she dragged her to their grandmother's arms. It was so warm, so sweet, so caring. She pretended not to notice how her grandmother angled herself, blocking the cruel and heated gaze from Aerion.
"Oh, my girls. What happened?" She whispered to them, and Daenys found herself too choked up to answer. So Alysanne did it for her.
"Aerion called Baelon a bastard for having muña's hair." Alysanne began, and Daenys felt her grandmother tightening her hug. "He said true Targaryens had silver hair and purple eyes. He said he would prove it. He...he held Baelon's head over the fire. He said true Targaryens don't burn, and that it was proof Baelon's a bastard."
If it was any other day, Daenys would scoff at that. Aerion was the bastard. The servants said so. The noblemen she eavesdropped on said so. She heard her muña said so, after the incident with Aemon, her brother's fever so high, they all thought the stranger would visit. He didn't know Daenys heard, but she did. And that was enough of a confirmation for her.
And besides, Baelon wasn't a bastard, and the proof was as clear as day, with him sharing the womb with Aemon, the one who looks the most like a Targaryen prince.
"Aemon tried to stop him," Alysanne hiccupped, tears forming in her eyes. "Aerion punched him and we dragged Baelon away. Grandmother," she was close to sobbing, "Baelon said he couldn't see me."
She saw her grandmother look at Aerion, horrified, then at Baelon, with an emotion Daenys couldn't really place.
The doors opened, and Daenys felt herself stiffen. Her kepa is here, his scent of smoke and ash completely dominating the room. She buried herself deeper in the arms of her grandmother and older sister.
She never felt anything for him but clear hatred. She couldn't show it, though. Her muña told her so. But she did. She truly did. A part of her wished to be a bastard, because it would mean the man standing there wasn't her actual kepa, and that her true kepa would come someday, rescue her muña and the rest of them.
She never felt any love from her kepa. He didn't punish Aerion when Aemon almost died, he didn't punish him when he almost forced himself into Alysanne's room, he didn't punish him for tearing up the dress her muña ordered just for her. She didn't bother begging for her brother's justice. She knew they would get none, just like before, they would only get cold indifference, because he always favored Aerion in the end.
She looked over to see what excuse he would give Aerion now. Did he perhaps not know what he was doing? Was he confused, like a toddler not knowing what to do? Will Baelon be blamed, like Aemon, like Alysanne, like she was when they asked for justice, for protection, for an ounce of care? Or will he blame their muña? Will he curse him in High Valyrian, will he place the blame on him, will he excuse his favorite son again?
It was obvious he would.
So why did he falter at the sight of Baelon? Why did shock cross his face at the sight of a permanently scarred boy of ten and two?
Daenys' hands crumpled her grandmother's skirts. She wished to scream at him. Baelon is hurt because of his favorite boy, and all he could do is stare.
Get out. GET OUT!
"Get out."
Daenys was surprised, before realizing it didn't come from her mouth, but from her muña's. He had his back turned away from the door, too busy watching over Baelon and Aemon, but they all knew who he was addressing.
He was telling the King of the Realms to get out of the room.
Daenys saw him froze, as if he'd been slapped. Her muña never did that before. Ordering their kepa to leave. She felt a joy she hadn't felt in a while when she saw a hint of hurt in her kepa's face.
"Lucerys..." He called her muña's name in a way that shocked Daenys. He never used that tone, not with their part of the family. At least, not that she knew of. It was the type of soft plea, an almost pleasant one. She never knew that that man could use such a tone.
Something must have snapped in her muña, because she saw him turn to face her kepa, and his eyes, his eyes held the look of a angered dragon. They blazed with fury, with hatred.
"My son is hurt." Her muña said in a voice that held barely contained rage. "I do not have the time or energy to listen to your excuses for that bastard. Leave, and take that demon with you."
Aerion's face morphed into an ugly scowl, and Daenys looked at it very closely, to remember it for all her life.
"You dare call me a bastard, you whore's son-"
This time, Daenys couldn't stop her gasp. Kepa slapped Aerion. The King slapped his favorite son.
Even Aerion was surprised. He was never disciplined. He would run his mouth and the King would ignore every disrespectful thing that exits it. But not now. No, he was actually slapped.
Daenys will treasure the memory of Aerion's shocked face for the rest of her life.
Her kepa didn't bother looking at his favorite son. He kept staring at her muña. Her muña glared at them both.
"I will not ask again, Aemond. Take your bastard and leave. I have a son to tend to, and you are merely wasting my time."
Her kepa looked like he wanted to to argue, but her muña already turned back to Baelon, completely ignoring the King.
"How is Baelon?" He tried, directing his question to the Maester.
"The right side of the Prince's face is burnt beyond saving. We will need to cut the burnt pieces off. He will be scarred for life. And..." The Maester hesitated a little, before continuing, "his right eye is permanently damaged, and it seems his left eye is unresponsive, nothing we can do would save them."
The silence that ensued made everything felt heavy. Daenys wanted to cry again. Baelon always dreamt of being a fighter, a powerful knight. He would tell them everyday that he would be the best dragon knight of the realm. He swore to protect all of them. And now he was blind. If he had lost just one eye, he still had a chance. He could follow in their kepa's footsteps. If he only lost his right eye, he would still have a chance. But he lost both.
"Leave." Her muña's voice was so soft, so heartbreaking. The dragon turned into a grieving mother.
"Leave my family alone."
"Will you not even ask for justice? For our son?" Her kepa asked strangely. As if he wanted to hear him ask.
"I will have no justice here. You are keen to hurt me, my family. It is useless, a waste of time and breath." Her muña choked. "Besides, no amount of begging would bring back my son's eyes. No amount of begging will help him see again." He wiped the tears from Baelon's eyes.
"Muña, muña, I can't see you muña. I can't see." Baelon cried out, and Lucerys took his hand, kissing his palm, holding it close.
"Leave us. Leave my family alone. You and your son have done enough damage. Neither of you are needed. Neither of you are wanted. Just...just leave."
Daenys watch as her kepa's face fall apart for the first time, before he collected himself. He grabbed Aerion by the shoulder and dragged him outside, the door slamming behind them.
Daenys and Alysanne rushed to their brother's side, Aemon continued to hold his twin's hand. Their grandmother watched from a distance.
When the Maesters finally left, Baelon was asleep. They gave him as much milk of the poppy as they could, completely knocking him out. Lucerys sent his children to his private chambers, promising each of them that he would follow shortly.
He then looked at Alicent. Alicent looked at him. They were silent for a moment, before Lucerys started.
"My children aren't safe here. Grandmother," he whispered, shocking Alicent to the core. "Grandmother, please. Help me. Help my family. I don't want the crown, I don't want another war. Let Jaehaera wear it. Let Aerion were it. I want nothing to do with it. I just want...I just want my family to be free of this retched place."
Alicent looked at him, at his tear stricken face. She saw herself in the days of old. She found herself nodding. Yes, she would help him. Yes, she would save them. Save them the way she had wished someone saved her.
Aerion had been punished but not as harshly as she had hoped. Daenys couldn't help but feel disappointed. He was only ordered to stay in his room, to not leave until Baelon's injury completely healed. She heard the servants whisper about his tantrums, a young man of ten and five, raging like a toddler.
Their kepa kept coming, trying to visit Baelon, to see their muña. He was met with cold indifference from all of them. He tried speaking to Baelon, to ask how he felt. Baelon always answered that he was tired and would like to rest. He tried talking to their muña, but he would completely ignore him, too busy helping Baelon to look at the King's begging, imploring look. He even tried reaching out to Alysanne, the gentlest child, and all she did was look at him in disappointment.
It took weeks before he seem to understand. He left them alone after a talk with their grandmother.
The only thing that made Daenys feel something other than sadness and rage was the fact that they were going to Dragonstone as soon as Baelon was fit enough to travel. She, her muña, her brothers, her sister and her grandmother are going to Dragonstone. She couldn't wait.
Shocking news began to spread across all of Westeros. Prince-Consort Lucerys Targaryen, along with his children, disappeared from their trip to Dragonstone, causing the King to forget his duties, ordering the search for his family, and even using Vhagar to look for them himself.
Some say that Queen Regent Alicent got rid of them, effectively ending the line of the Black Queen, Rhaenyra Targaryen. Other say the boat they were on sank due to an unexpected storm. Then there were whispers, saying the Prince-Consort managed to tame Vermithor and his mate Silverwing, effectively whisking his children away to an island in Essos.
A few days after, news arrived, of Prince Aerion trying to take the throne while his father searched for his missing family. Soon King Aemond returned, without his family, but with a vengeance.
Aerion was no match for his father. King Aemond once again had the title Kinslayer. Soon he, too, disappeared, leaving King's Landing in shambles.
No one knew where the missing Targaryens were. Some say Aemond found them, and in his rage, murdered them all. Some say he found them, and imprisoned them in a castle far away. Some say they went back to Old Valyria, where they die a gruesome death.
King Aemond never took a second wife during that time. He never sired any other child. From then until the time of his own disappearance, he was alone. When he was presumed dead, the crown was passed on to Jaehaera, who ruled with grace, and with the guidance of her grandmother Alicent.
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dragonworshippersblog · 9 months
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hotter than the sun
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Dragon's Mistress (10)
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10. Mistress
Summary: Every actions has its reasons, and its consequences 
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader, Aemond Targaryen x Floris Baratheon
Warnings: cursing, mentions of war, mentions of death, humiliation, use of the word bastard and traitor, incest, technically cheating, groping, nakedness, might miss some warnings
Wordcount:  2.5 k
Notes: Yes, I did feel pressured to post this sooner, that is why is shorter… :( and no, I did not like what I’ve been feeling the last hours…
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Lord Borros Baratheon had his niece
That is what occupied Aemond’s mind as he saw you abandoning the throne room with tears in your eyes and whimpers in your mouth
That uncultured swine had his niece Jahaera
He “rescued her” when Rhaenyra had taken the capital and Alicent send her and Maelor away to Old Town, the children never got to the city, but they were stopped along the way, and eventually some baratheon soldiers rescue them from a mob, Maelor didn’t make it, but Jahaera did. And Borros he let it clear that he was not going to return her to her family in King’s Landing if he didn’t marry his daughter
He told himself that it didn’t matter if he did, with you, he already had you, tainted you, fucked you, put his seed on you, you were probably with his child in your belly, but he, as king, could legitimize all the children you were going to have, and Floris? he could bed her and gave her moon tea in the morning after without her even releasing it
You were going to be the mother of the future King of the seven Kingdoms, he had no doubt in his mind about it, and once he had his darling niece in his arms again, he was going to kill Borros and his entire line for even daring to threaten them.
He couldn’t chase after you right now, this was his first appearance as clear future King of the Seven Kingdoms, so he couldn’t just run like a fifteen year old behind his love. 
So he sucked it up, grabbed the bony hand of Floris Baratheon, and presented her to the entire court in the middle of applause and cheers. 
She was not an ugly woman, she had her charm, she was the youngest of Borros’ daughters, the same age as him, she had beautiful dark brown locks, and hazelnut colored eyes shaped like almonds. She was the one he had chosen that night three years ago in Storm’s End, the one he never got to marry, well, not until today.
His body was burning with the need to search for you, but sadly he couldn’t, not yet, and he also wante to smack the smile out of Borros’ face
His mother also seemed sickenly pleased, she had come to him the night before, asking him to leave you and marry Floris, when he didn’t budge she had to confess Borros had Jahaera. That is when he knew he had no choice, but he made his mother budge too, she was not going to betroth you to anybody else, she was not going to send you away.
She was going to him to keep you as his mistress. 
Lord Borros was not happy about it, and he made it clear that he was not going to return Jahaera until after the wedding and bedding ceremony, Aemond was fuming, but he had to comply, that little girl is the only family he had left, the last reminding of his gentle sister, and his last full-blooded niece.
This was the most important day in his life, and the only thing he wanted to do was to run to your room and held you in his arms, tell you everything was going to be alright, tell you he didn’t meant to break his promise, that he meant it every time he said that you were going to be his Queen
But he was tied by the hands
He had to get his little niece back
When the ceremony was over, he bowed but only to his betrothed, kissing her hand and making her blush, he nodded to his mother and to Borros, and then he abandoned the hall under his mother’s worried gaze
He finally went to find you.
it broke his heart to find you cuddled in your bed, crying 
As soon as you heard him come in you raised from the bed, wiping your tears
“My King”, you greeted and under other circumstances, his heart would have roared with happiness, but know he only felt bitter. You sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at him, you thought you saw sorrow in his eyes, but you were probably just imagining things
“My love”
“Please, I have to ask you do not call me that”, you hated yourself for how weak your voice sounded
“That is what you are”, he said, but you only shook your head
“I’m not”, you said, he sat by your side on the bed, leaning over you, trying to comfort you
“My love will always belong to you”, he whispered in your ear as he caressed your hair, “I have to marry her for political purposes, nothing else”
“You humiliate me”, you whimpered, tears running down your cheeks
“I know this is not what I promised”, he said, “but there is an important reason, you have to believe me”, you only looked down to the floor, “but we will be together”, you then looked at him wide eyed, fresh tears forming in your eyes, “being a King’s Mistress is a post of great importance”, he muttered, “and I will legitimize all the children that we will have”
“You told me you were going to marry me”, you whined, “I gave you my body… I let you do whatever you pleased with me” 
“You will be respected, and cared for, you will be treated like a princess again”, he continued his bargain, and you only whimpered, placing your hand over your heart, because it hurt
“Please don’t do this to me”, you pleaded
“Nothing will change, you will be respected, your son will be King one day”
“No he won’t”, you whined, “he will only be a bastard”
“No”, he said, you wiped your tears, angry with yourself for being so bloody weak
“What if I don’t want to?”, to your question his face hardened, and it made you tremble, “you won’t marry me, but you won’t let me marry anyone else, can I please go back to Dragonstone?”, you asked with hope in your teary eyes, but you could tell he was keeping himself in check not to burst in anger
“Everyone knows that I fuck you”, he said in a manner so mean, you whined, “you are going to be my mistress and embrace it, or you are going to be only my whore”, he spitted out, “you have one day to come around”, he said, he stood up from the bed and abandoned the room, and you along the way
What was more pathetic than to cry because a man that abused you and killed your family wouldn’t marry you?
You couldn’t come out with an answer to that question
You had made up your mind that this was what you had to do to make everything worth it, but it was snatched from under your feet like a carpet and now you were landing flat on your face, again.
You whined, as you were hurting in your chest
“You are a Targaryen”, resounded the voice of your mother in your head, “That is all that matters”
“Dragons are fire made flesh, and Targaryens are dragons made men”, said Daemon
“You must be strong”, said Jacaerys
“I CAN’T!”, you screamed wanting all the voices inside your head to disappear, “I’m none of those things”, you whispered sadly 
Aemond was not angry, he was frustrated
He understand you would be disappointed that you were not going to marry him, but he never thought you would have want to leave back to Dragonstone
That is what frustrated him the most
He naively thought that you would want to stay here no matter what
“You will never have her heart”, Alys once said, and he growled when he head her voice as clearly as she was whispering in his ear
The new appointed small council had gathered and he was supposed to be there, once he got there, everybody as there already
Tyland Lannister
Even his mother even though she didn’t have a clear post in it, but being mother to the King and the Regent as well
“My King”, she greeted, pleased as she saw him enter the room
“We were discussing dates for the marriage ceremony”, said Borros, so pleased with himself that Aemon wanted to punch him in the face
“I think is insensitive… to marry while my brother the King is dying”
“Aemond, I’m aware, but…”
“Marriage, celebrations, are for the living boy”, said Borros, and Aemond’s jaw was was ticking
“In a fortnight”, Alicent offered, and Aemond nodded
“Being considerate of the current climate all over the seven Kingdoms, it is going to be a sober affair”, Aemond said, and he didn’t want to budge on that
“Of course my king”, said Borros
“Ravens will be send communicating everyone of the marriage, but only a few of the most important families will be invited”, said Alicent
“What about the girl?”, asked Borros, and Aemond looked at him 
“What girl?”, he threatened
“Rhaenyra’s last daughter”, he said, “is she your whore?”, Aemond looked at him, a silent warning in his eye
“She is not a whore”, he growled
“You bedded her, you are bedding her…”, the man continued, an the entire council got quiet, waiting for the answer of their King Regent
“But I’m marrying your daughter”, he said with a sharp voice
“You must understand that it is my daughter who will carry the heirs to the throne”, he said with a warning of his own on his lips, Aemond looked at him like he wanted to kill him, which he did
“And you must understand that I’m marrying her”, he said, “instead of the princess”, Borros looked into his eye, trying to intimidate him, but it didn’t work
“Very well”, he conceded 
He was not going to yield to anything else, he couldn’t, he owed it to you. The meeting went long, they started talking about things related to the realms, and that took him the rest of the day.
When it was finally done, the only thing he wanted to do was to see you. . 
He found you still in your room, more calmed than when he left you, when you hear him come in you stood up from your place in front of the hearth and bowed
“My king”, you greeted, with the voice of a little bird instead of a human
“My love”, you flinched when he called you that, but you couldn’t see his reaction as you still looked down to the floor, not daring to look at him in the eyes
“How was your day?”, you asked, adapted a demeanor similar to the one you had learned to have in Dragonstone, like the one of a personal servant, a handmaid. You didn't really gave a shit, but you had to be cordial
“I just had a very long meeting”, he thought it best to keep you away from the details of his marriage to Floris Baratheon 
“I am sorry”, you wanted him to leave, but you were nobody to kick the King Regent out of the rooms of his own castle. 
He walked until he had you at arms reach, and he caressed your upper arms gently
“Don’t you wish we could take a long bath like we did in Dragonstone?”, he offered, you looked at him, and the coldness in your eyes made him shiver, even though he didn’t show it
“We can do anything you like, my king”, you said, again, your voice so low, so insignificant it squeezed his heart, and he, again, was starting to get frustrated 
“Very well”, he had the maids prepare the bath, and when you were alone in the bathroom, he helped you out of your dress, you just let him, he then undid the braids in your hair and removed your jewelry.
You then undressed him, and even appreciated when he didn’t make you touch him
He help you into the bath, and he got in with you
The bathtub was bigger than the one in Dragonstone, you both fit perfectly together. He grabbed the sponge and started to rub your shoulders and your upper arms, he had a fixation with that part of your body you noticed.
You let yourself be handled by him, touched by him
“I love your hair”, he whispered to your ear, and if you haven't been crying for most part of the day, you would have laughed. You had the same color as him
“Thank you, my king”
“please”, it sounded like he was begging, “call me Aemond”, he sounded pitiful
“As you wish, Aemond”, you whispered. He kissed your shoulder softly, gently, as he fingers greedily caressed your back and your body, of course he wanted you, and now it was your job as his mistress to please him in that way
So you leaned back and let him touch you and kiss you
He couldn’t see you, but bitter tears fell down your eyes, but you managed to not make a sound
Luckily he noticed how tense you were, so he didn’t push you, instead he just helped you get out of the tub, he help you dry and then put on your night dress
“I should be doing this things to you my prince”, you offered, even though you didn’t have the strength to do it
“It is alright”, he got you into bed and then followed you, holding you in his arms, you appreciated the comfort, you just wished it came from someone else rather than him
“I’m very sorry”, he whispered in your ear
“You don’t don’t have to be, Aemond”, you whispered
“But I am”, he insisted, “believe me, I was forced into this”
“You don’t have to give me any explanations”, you sai, broken
“But I do”
“Please My King”
“Call me Aemond”
“I don’t feel comfortable, please, just.. let me call you my king”, you insisted, he sighed loudly, but didn’t refuse you
“I want you to call me by my name”
“But is not proper”, you said, “I am not going to be your wife”, his breathing hitched
“Call me your King then”, he relented, his fingers never stopped caressing your arm
You were lucky he wasn’t making you look at him in the day, he was comfortable with only spoon you
“I will sleep with you every night”, he promised
“You wife won’t be happy with that”, you observed
“I don’t give care”, he said
“Please, don’t make this more difficult that is has to be”, you begged him, the last thing you needed was to make enemies with the new Queen
“You can tell her that”, you didn’t press it
Did you even believe him? that someone made him do it? you believed no one could make him do anything, but again, he sounded so sincere when he said he was going to marry you. 
Anyways, you were feeling so terribly every breath you took hurts. 
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cruciomee · 9 months
Mothers & their first-born son 
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Alicent Hightower & Aegon II Targaryen
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Rhaenyra Targaryen & Jacaerys Velaryon
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Helaena Targaryen & Jaehaerys Targaryen
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Alys Rivers & Aemond Targaryen son
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youraverageaemondsimp · 8 months
The most demanded option from my 500 follower special makes a comeback 🤭
Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader x Alys Rivers
The war had finally ended with the greens winning, leaving only you, you were spared, used as a servant in harrenhal till you caught Alys' attention, making her come up with a devious plan. [dark]
Aegon II Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Aegon never really cared for his niece, the niece who he remembers to be shy and quiet all throughout childhood, now standing in front of him as a grown woman, making feelings bloom in his heart. [dark]
Alicent Hightower x BestFriend!Reader
Queen Alicent Hightower was a lonely person, until you came about in her life, providing her company, she grew obsessed with you, and when she found out that you were looking for suitors, she saw red, and set her plan in motion to completely make you hers. [dark]
Aemond Targaryen x Sister!Reader
As far as Aemond can remember, he had liked you, not in a way a brother loves his sister, no, in a way a man loves a woman, finding out that you were soon to be betrothed to a Tully for alliance, he feels devastated, until he decides he can prevent it, by ruining you. [dark]
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witheredoffherwitch · 6 months
Have you seen the theories about Alys possibly appearing as both Alicent and Rhaenyra in the trailer? I have mixed feelings about Alysmond, but I do find Alys interesting. What are your thoughts on these theories and how do you think Alysmond would evolve if they turned out to be true?
Hi nonnie,
Yes, I have looked through some of the theories floating around - and if someone's not sure what this question is alluding to, here's a Twitter thread for reference. Please note that this post will delve into leaks and potential spoilers, so proceed at your own risk!
Now this speculation is based on the leaks which hinted at Alys using glamor magic to take Rhaenyra's form in her attempts to seduce Daemon. In theory, this would make sense because that one shot of both Rhaenyra and Alicent's look completely misplaced in the trailer. In Rhaenyra's case, she is obviously broken after learning about Luke's death.. and the trailer for most part shows her character in mourning except for that one scene in crown. Some have pointed out that the background looks different from the Black council room at Dragonstone. As for Alicent, her scene by the lake raises questions. As someone familiar with the books, I can't help but wonder if this lake is the infamous God's Eye. If so, what could Alicent be doing there? I must admit, when I first saw the shot from behind, my mind went to Alys...but then they revealed it was Alicent and I became even more confused!
I am not a big fan of this theory because this seems to be heading in the same old formulaic 'femme fatale' trope that we Alys fans were dreading for a while. Many fans believe that the accounts of Alys from the books reek of common misogyny, and we were hoping for the show to avoid falling into that trap. The idea of Alys "bewitching" Aemond comes from their surprise at a Targaryen prince being smitten with an older woman who is seen as nothing more than a baseborn bastard. But, let's wait and see how this plays out in the show. Also as @richardsthirdnipple pointed out to me earlier, both Aemond and Criston hold devotion towards Alicent.. which could potentially contribute to the rift between them over Alys.
Talking about how this might affect Alysmond's story, I am not going to speculate much because the story may still evolve even if they have questionable origins. That being said, most of us Alysmond shippers will still stan these two characters regardless of how their story pans out. While I am still maintaining a healthy caution, I hope that the showrunners will avoid turning her character into Melissandre 2.0.
If any of you have thoughts to contribute, please chime in! I am eager to hear your perspectives on these emerging theories.
That's all! 🤗
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fatum679 · 2 months
I don't understand why people claim Al*s is going to be the only person the !Show Aemond ever cared about. Like we already know he's a dutiful son. He's also very protective towards Helaena (he literally shields his sister with his own body when Rhaenys ruins Aegon's coronation). In addition, Aemond's twisted relationship with Aegon is really interesting. I'd also say he's a father figure to Helaena's kids (judging from their reaction to Alicent, calling for her father Otto ❤️). Imo it will be such a pity if they reduce the realm of Aemond's feelings and emotions to just obsessing over his love interest.
This will not happen, I am one hundred percent sure.
Alys stans says this because she wants to.
We have already seen Aemond in the first season: he takes care of his mother, Helaena, and children. I don't believe he will leave his family. Regarding Aegon, everything is complicated, Aemond demonstrates hostility (?) towards Aegon, there is no brotherly love between them (!). Relationship between Aegon and Aemond: "You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world, we must defend our own" Sorry, but this is a fact. Perhaps everything will change in the second season? I really hope so.
Aemond doesn't abandon his family, not even in the book, I don't believe he did that, I think there's a lot left unsaid and unrevealed. Alicent said: "The city is yours, princess, but you won’t hold it for long. Rats play when the cat is away, but my son Aemond will return with fire and blood" Alicent knew her son better, and she knew that he would not leave her and Helaena. There must be a serious reason.
"Prince Aemond favored an immediate attack upon King’s Landing. None of the queen’s dragons were a match for Vhagar, he insisted"
I don’t like the character Alys, I’m not sure that I will have a different relationship with the show Alys. She looks a lot like Mysaria. I think Alys mur***ed all her children to preserve her youth - that's what you read between the lines.
I can’t support alysmond because I don’t believe in this ship, I don’t believe that there was love between them. Aemond destroyed House Strong, just as Aegon the Conqueror destroyed the family of Harren Hoar. alysmond is a crack ship, as if Harren had a daughter who, after her family was destroyed, fell in love with Aegon and had a child with him (If Helaena had fallen in love with Daemon). Maybe "stockholm sy***ome"? The whole story of alysmond is like a rumor - a rumor that Alys spread to establish his power in Harrenhal. Why didn't she save Aemond if she knew he was going to die and did she love him? Because from Alys’s side, Aemond’s death is an excellent revenge for the house Strong.
I think Alys will manipulate Aemond by threatening his family that she saw them die. I think there will be a deal between Alys and Aemond: he will spare her life, and she will look to the future for him.
I also don't believe Alys's child is Aemond's. You know, it’s very strange that she didn’t contact Aegon to make her son heir and marry him to Jaehaera. Alys called her son king, “kneel before your king,” but did not fight for his rights. Maybe because he is not Aemond's son? Maybe because she used this child, and when she realized that she had lost, she mur***ed him to preserve her youth? There are a lot of questions.
Aemond is a supporter of valyrian traditions “...strengthen the family. Keep our Valyrian blood pure” I don’t believe that after these words he voluntarily decided to conceive a child with Alys Rivers and be with her. Maybe Alys is a hidden Valyrian or Targaryen? (lmao)
It's funny that many of the TG (I'm not anti-TG) love alysmond ship, but condemn demira ship (I don't support daemira and tb) because of the large age difference between Daemon and Rhaenyra, although the age difference between Aemond and Alys is also very large, and this relationship can be called pe... too
Forgive me if you love alysmond and don't take my words if they hurt you, you can support any ship you want. You asked me and I answered you 🙏🏻
Thank you for your question. I hope you understand my English 🙏🏻
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the-death-of-duty · 7 months
Alicent supporting her daughter in-law,
Helaena supporting her sister in-law,
Women supporting each others,
so Mothers of them!
Can't get any better than this 😍
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Must watch the Cabaret 💘
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rheaamma · 9 months
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kckt88 · 6 months
Gēlenka Zaldrīzes II
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Events of Dynasty through Aemond's POV.
(There will be a part III)
Warning(s): Grief, Worry, Anger, Mention of Child Loss, Violence, Choices, Temptation, Drugging, Non-con touching, Dragon Battle, Death.
Word Count: 4600.
Author Note: A companion piece to Courtship/Wedding & Consummation/Bath Time/Arrival(s)/Mother & Father/Petitions & Final Tributes/The Hand, The King & The Dragon/Dragonstone/Blood & Cheese/A Time for Grief/ Rooks Rest & the Silver King/The Gullet/Taking of a City/Harrenhal and the Rivers/The Gods Eye/The Fallen Queen/New Beginnings/Ravenous/Don't Leave Me/Another Plane of Existence & Gēlenka Zaldrīzes I.
But can be read as a one-shot.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Aemond had never been this angry in his life.
He’d woke that morning to find his wife and her Cannibal gone.
She’d snuck away in the dead of night and completely disobeyed his orders.
He should have known better last night when she claimed she wasn’t angry with him, and he let the desire to get his cock wet overrule his usual good senses.
His wife was a damn temptress with her soft skin and pretty moans, begging him to fuck her harder.
There was not much in this world that Aemond would admit to, but he was weak for his wife, she was his addiction. He was a dragon, and she was his treasure.
He stared at the silver band that graced his finger and prayed to the seven that his wife was ok.
She was with her Cannibal; he would protect her.
Trying to be rational and calm was becoming increasingly difficult.
His heart was in his throat all morning, and his stomach was in knots, even as he sat in yet another council meeting, his mind was elsewhere.
If she died, he would take Vhagar and raze Dragonstone to the ground.
Every single one of those traitorous cunts would die screaming, bathed in fire and blood.
He would show no mercy.
When Vaera accused him of caring more for the crown than her, she was wrong.
The crown meant nothing to him without his wife or their son.
Everything was for her and Rhaegar.
As time went on, Aemond had worked himself into such a frenzy of worry that he was close to storming out from the council chambers and mounting Vhagar.
But then, a huge roar shook the Red Keep.
“The Cannibal has returned Your Grace”.
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As furious as he was, watching Vaera beat the shit out of Jacaerys was rather arousing.
She was relentless in her fury, punching every bit of her bastard brother she could reach.
Her reasons for doing so were completely warranted.
Their son, their precious boy had been killed because of a mistake.
No, the strong bastard deserved everything he got.
Eventually he managed to drag a struggling Vaera away from a bruised Jacaerys and ordered the bastard to be thrown in the black cells.
Sitting on the bed, watching Vaera pacing around their shared chambers muttering to herself was rather unnerving.
He expected her to rage, to scream, even to cry. But what she said completely floored him.
“I-I’m with child again” whispered Vaera as she placed a hand gently on her stomach.
Another child?
They were at war. Daemon was responsible for the death of Aemon. Rhaegar was still at risk and now this babe could also be a target to satisfy Daemon’s blood lust.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. It-it must have happened after we argued-“ whispered Vaera
Aemond remembered that day very well, after the events of Rooks Rest and his crowning as Prince Regent, he was spending increasing amounts of time away from his wife and their son.
He claimed it was his duty to the crown and to the realm but the grief over losing Aemon was still so raw and Vaera accused him of caring more about the crown than his own wife and child.
It was their first ever argument, they screamed and shouted at one another until things erupted between them and Aemond ended up brutally fucking her.
“-That’s almost three moons. If you knew you were with child, why did you ask so recklessly today?
Aemond could feel his stomach lurching once again at the thought of losing Vaera.
“Because the war needs to end. We can’t hide behind letters and potential alliances anymore” replied Vaera as she sat on the bed.
In his heart, he knew she was right. The longer the war carried on, the more dangerous it became.
“P-Please don’t let him take another one of our children. I can’t lose another child. I beg you Aemond. I-I can’t take the pain again” sobbed Vaera.
“I swear on the seven that no harm shall come to Rhaegar or this babe. I will kill Daemon. This I promise”.
Aemond wrapped his arms around Vaera and held her tightly.
He hid his face in his wife’s hair, trying to hide his own tears. He had tried to be strong for her. To be a man worthy of the title husband. To be worthy of being a father and he’d failed miserably.
His son, his precious Aemon was dead. He would never in his life forget the sight of Vaera clutching their sons lifeless body in her arms. His once bright eyes, still and devoid of life. His neck split open.
He was going to kill Daemon, even if it cost him his own life. He was going to see an end to his uncle, no matter what.
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Instead of waiting for the Blacks to attack, Aemond decided that he would take the fight to them.
Daemon was said to occupy Harrenhal, he was the most experienced and formidable of Rhaenyra’s supporters, and without him, she would crumble.
In the event of his untimely death and his uncle’s survival, Aemond had made Vaera promise that she would flee with Rhaegar.
His wife was reluctant to agree, but it was for the best.
“I will go to my death content with the knowledge that you and our children will live” said Aemond as he ran a hand over the small swell of Vaera’s stomach.
“D-Don’t die” sobbed Vaera.
“I’ll try not to. But I swear if I do, I will take your cunt of a father with me” said Aemond, as he pressed one last kiss to Vaera’s forehead and headed towards Vhagar.
When Aemond and Ser Criston arrived at Harrenhal, they discovered that Daemon had fled like a coward in the night and abandoned the castle.
Those who remained were some of the last remnants of House Strong including a mysterious dark-haired woman.
Some claimed she was a bastard of Lyonel Strong, a sister to Harwin and Larys, and a wet nurse yet others claimed she was a witch.
Aemond never gave her any thought as she was on her knee’s in the dirt, her hands clasped together in front of her.
His swords grazed her chin as he commanded that she looked at him.
“Your name?”
“Alys. Your Grace. Alys Rivers”
Another strong bastard. Aemonds lip curled in disgust.
Ignoring the instinct to slice her head from her shoulders, he spared her life and dismissed her from his sight.
Instead of returning immediately to Kings Landing, Aemond and Criston decided to linger at Harrenhal.
It would give them ample time to come up with a strategy to deal with Daemon and Rhaenyra.
The former heir had been given a moon to concede her crown and Aemond was determined to see an end to Daemon for his role in the murder of his son and nephew.
What he didn’t count on of course was that damn Riverlands bastard and her attempts to seduce him.
At first, she would linger wordlessly around his camp, staring at him. Inching closer and closer every time.
She claimed she wanted to help, that she could see visions in the flames. She could ensure victory against the Blacks.
Aemond was no fool, such a thing would never be offered for free, and when she told him of her price, he felt sick.
She wanted him to lay with her and give her a child.
This witch wanted to give birth to his bastard.
No. What she was asking for, the price was to steep. Even when she tried using the memory of his dead son against him, he remained steadfast in his decision.
He could never betray his wife in such a manner, she was his entire world. She was his everything.
Even the thought of sticking his cock in another woman, made him feel disgusted.
Planting a bastard in the belly of a woods witch would forever serve as a reminder of his infidelity and stain the babe his wife currently carried within her.
He couldn’t do it. Not to Vaera. Not to Rhaegar and not to his unborn babe.
The witches offer was hastily declined.
But that did not deter her obvious desire for him.
In the coming days, she would appear at his side more and more.
Muttering endlessly about visions in the flames and undecided destinies.
More than once she had tried to touch him, but he recoiled from her each and every time, almost as if it would taint him somehow.
It grew tiresome, and more than once he viciously dismissed her.
However, his heart had grown heavy without his wife and son, he missed them and as the days passed his desire to be reunited with them continued to grow, unable to stand it any longer, plans to return to Kings Landing were made.
But that didn’t stop Alys from making one last ditch attempt to get what she wanted.
She had slipped some concoction into his wine.
He watched her smile as he lifted the cup to his lips, merely pretending to take a sip.
If the witch wanted to play a game, then he would play too and he would win.
Eventually he excused himself and retired to his chambers for the night.
He knew she would come, that she would try, and he would exact his fiery vengeance upon her in return.
Although laying there and pretending to be asleep as she ran her dirty fingers across his body made him remember that night on the streets of silk.
That older whore took what she wanted and here was Alys attempting to do the same.
He had said no, he wasn’t interested. That he wouldn’t pay her price, but still she tried.
He had boundaries and the witch had no issue crossing them.
When he rose from his faux slumber and seized her by the hair, the witch let out a squeal of surprise.
“My prince. I do not understand. How-?” gasped Alys trying to prize herself away from his vice like grip.
“I saw you slip your little concoction into my wine. Tell me my lady what was your intention”.
“I simply wished to satisfy your desires for the flesh” replied Alys.
“I have a wife who’s more than capable”.
“But your wife is not here. Tell me my prince are you not tempted?” whispered Alys.
He would never be tempted to lay with another, sure he had been frustrated being away from the pleasures of his wife’s soft flesh, but he quelled his desire by fucking his fist most nights. His mind conjuring memories of his sweet soft wife on the end of his cock screaming his name.
“But surely-“ whimpered Alys.
“What you told me before. Was that a lie?”
“No, I told you the truth” exclaimed Alys.
“I don’t believe a word you say. You used the memory of my dead son against me, all so you could lure me into your fucking bed”.
He was livid, beyond all comprehension.
“I spared your life, and this is how you repay me, by manipulating me all so you could birth a bastard”.
“All the babes I had before were stillborn. I-I just wanted to be a mother” replied Alys.
“Why me?”
“You are a Targaryen; the blood of old Valyria runs through your veins” explained Alys.
“What about Daemon. He spent enough time here. Did you not tempt him with your lies”.
“He-We indulged in pleasures of the flesh, but his seed didn’t take,” confessed Alys.
Hearing of her involvement with Daemon made him feel even sicker than he did before.
It was disgusting. It was depraved and he would see an end to it and her.
He dragged the struggling witch through the ruins of Harrenhal, past the curious looks of his soldiers and Ser Criston, before coming to a stop at a clearing just past the woods.
Alys fell to her knees and whimpered as she saw Vhagar looming over her, the ground shaking with every lumbering step his dragon took.
His old girl snarled ferociously as if she could feel his own anger radiating through their bond.
“Apologise. I beg you. I saw him in the flames, a boy with silver hair wearing the conquerors crown-“
“DRACARYS” shouted Aemond.
Alys screamed as she was incinerated by Vhagar’s flames.
Aemond watched as her flesh seared and brunt to a crisp, his skin flaking and blowing like leaves in the wind.
The witch was dead.
Suddenly the loud roar of another dragon echoed across the dark sky.
Vhagar answered with an equally impressive roar of her own.
He snapped his neck looking skyward, as Cannibal, Brightfyre and Valaerys descended from the clouds.
His wife was here, something must have happened. She wouldn’t have come here otherwise.
The three dragons circled Harrenhal before landing with a ground shaking thud.
He raced towards his wife’s dragon, pausing as he spotted Vaera helping Rhaegar and Jaehaera to climb down Cannibals wing.
“DADDY” shouted Rhaegar as he ran towards Aemond and jumped in his arms.
“What’s happened?”.
“Kings Landing has fallen” said Vaera, her expression grim.
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Aemond listened as Vaera told him everything that had happened, his brother had managed to escape as had Maelor, but his mother and sister had been imprisoned.
They were worth more alive than dead.
Ser Criston had wanted to return to Kings Landing immediately, but they couldn’t. Even with Vhagar and Cannibal, his mother and sister were being held hostage, and given Daemon’s bloodthirsty track record he wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter them.
No, they needed a plan.
Aegon’s whereabouts were unknown so he couldn’t help.
Larys Strong had absconded with Maelor, so he wasn’t available.
No doubt Rhaenyra’s haste to attack the capital, had been in response to the terms she had received.
No doubt her strong bastard was now freed from his captivity, Aemond only wished he’d done more damage than simply breaking his nose, ribs and leg.
Mayhaps he should have tortured the bastard instead and cut pieces off his body. Let Rhaenyra see what had become of her precious heir.
Now was not the time to lament his failure to properly punish the bastard.
No, he needed a plan to retake the capital to free his mother and sister.
Unfortunately, word soon reached him, that his sweet gentle sister and young nephew were dead.
His delicate sister had taken her own life and his little nephew had been torn apart by a mob of angry peasants.
This had to end.
He ordered a raven be sent to Kings Landing, challenging Daemon to come and face him so they could end things once and for all.
A fight to the death and only one of them would emerge victorious.
Two weeks after he had issued his challenge to Daemon, the silent stillness of the air surrounding Harrenhal was interrupted by the high-pitched shrikes of a dragon.
The challenge had been accepted.
Daemon was here.
“I’m surprised you can recognize honour when you see it, uncle,” spat Aemond. “After everything you’ve done. After you sent assassins to murder my son and nephew”
“All is fair in war. You Hightower cunts took what didn’t belong to you” snarled Daemon.
“Murdering innocent children? Claiming it to be an act of retribution for the death of Lucerys. That’s fair, is it?”
“Couldn’t very well murder my own children, could I? It was so easy to blame you. After all, Lucerys was the one who maimed you with a blade and took your eye. Easy enough to point the finger at you” said Daemon shrugging.
Wait. What did he just say?
Luke’s death. He was responsible.
“I-It was you?”
All those sleepless nights spent wondering how Lucerys died, and it was Daemon all along. It made his stomach turn; his son and nephew had lost their lives because of a lie.
“I didn’t intend on killing the boy, but after I followed him to Storms End and saw you chasing after him on Vhagar, I realised that I couldn’t waste the opportunity,” said Daemon.
“He was your own wife’s son”,
“Not my son though” replied Daemon callously.
“M-My son was murdered for nothing”.
“I wouldn’t exactly it was for nothing. One less Hightower brat is fine with me,” said Daemon.
“Y-Your own daughters child”.
“She is no daughter of mine” retorted Daemon.
“You don’t deserve to be called a father”.
“Tell me boy, who will save her and your other brat after I drive Dark Sister though your skull?” asked Daemon cocking his head to the side.
“If you emerge victorious, I doubt very much that you and your long necked Wyrm would survive an attack from the Cannibal”.
“Mayhaps, but I will not stop until I have rid the world of every last Hightower and green cunt, I can get my hands on” said Daemon boldly.
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They took to the sky on the back of their dragons.
Vhagar against Caraxes.
Uncle against nephew.
If the gods decided it was his time to die, then he would drag his uncle down with him.
Caraxes was faster than Vhagar, and the deadly Blood Wyrm launched his first snapping attack at Vhagar’s jowls, narrowly missing and pulling back as she breathed a jet of fire at him that missed Daemon by inches.
The Blood Wyrm rose high into the sky, hovering just above Vhagar.
Just as he was about to attack, Caraxes suddenly shrieked in pain.
Aemond looked down and spotted Brightfyre.
The youngling dragon had clamped his jaws around one of the Blood Wyrm’s feet.
Shaking his head viciously from side to side, his needle like fangs digging into Caraxes scales.
Aemon’s dragon, seeking retribution for his fallen rider.
Using the distraction to her advantage, Vhagar bared her sharp fangs, snapping at Caraxes and sunk her teeth into his neck, spilling the dragon’s boiling hot blood, putting herself directly in range of Caraxes’ claws.  
Brightfyre quickly released Caraxes foot and returned to the ground. Roaring as loud as he could.
The Blood Wyrm raked his talons across Vhagar’s stomach, splitting her open.
Yet Vhagar was stubborn and despite being in pain she did not let go and in her fury, the ancient battle-hardened dragon sunk her fangs further into the neck of Caraxes.
Refusing to let go.
Aemond could hear Vaera screaming his name from the ground, as Daemon stood in his saddle.
Almost as if he sensed his rider’s fear and distress the Cannibal raised his head and let loose a jet of fire towards Caraxes.
Daemon slipped slightly when he jumped as Caraxes using the last of his strength lurched to the side in an attempt to avoid Cannibals fire and protect his rider.
Aemond could only look at Daemon as he slipped through the air, Dark Sister in hand.
The sword that would have gone right through his remaining eye, missed by mere millimetres, instead running the length of his scalp, slicing his head open.
He let out a furious cry as he raised his own sword and impaled Daemon cleanly through the stomach.
Daemon’s eyes were wide with shock as he grasped at the sword protruding from his stomach before he slipped from Vhagar.
Aemond couldn’t see through the blood that was streaming down his face, as his hands fumbled with the saddle chains.
Caraxes, now dead, plummeted towards the gods eye as a deadweight, his claws still embedded in Vhagar’s flesh.
Vhagar tumbled through the sky, wriggling furiously as she tried to dislodge herself from Caraxes but both dragon’s hit the lake with an immense splash.
At the last moment, Aemond threw himself from the saddle.  
He was immediately sucked underneath the surface of the water.
So, this was it.
This was how he was going to die.
The last thought on his mind, was of Vaera and Rhaegar.
He committed their faces to memory. They were safe.
Then everything went silent.
No more struggling.
Everything was still.
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‘Silver stained with crimson, a sister of darkness piercing amethyst. A last remnant lost to the eye of the gods’.
Alys Rivers prophecy had come to fruition.
Daemon had jumped from his saddle, his Valyrian steel blade raised. Aemond could only panic as he fumbled with the chains that held him to Vhagar’s saddle.
Daemon’s triumphant grin as he raised Dark Sister, plunging it so hard into his remaining amethyst eye that the blade came out the back of his throat.
“I’m here” urged Vaera.
“I-I can’t see. Why can’t I see?”
He panicked, his hands clawing at the sheets.
“We had to wrap your wound, it’s ok Issa jorrāelagon” said Vaera (My love).
“H-Have I lost my other eye?”
Aemond despairing at the thought.
“No, you haven’t” replied Vaera stroking face gently.
Aemond visibly relaxed, his hands releasing the sheets. Everything that had happened came rushing back to him. Daemon. Caraxes. Vhagar.
“V-Vhagar. Where is she?”
“She’s resting near Cannibal. She suffered some injuries, but she’ll be ok” said Vaera.
“T-The babe?”
“Our babe is fine” replied Vaera.
“Rhaegar. Jaehaera?”
“The children are well” said Vaera.
He should be dead. But he wasn’t. He’d been pulled from the waters of the gods eye. He’d been saved. He’d been given a second chance.
After some much-needed rest Aemond found himself siting up in bed.
“I-Is everything ok with Vhagar?”
“Cannibal fetched her some deer, so she’s eating” replied Vaera.
“That’s good”.
He was pleased that Vhagar seemed well.
He knew that she was getting on in her years, and she’d had many riders in her life, and it saddened him deeply to know that mayhaps he would be her last, but he loved his old girl.
She had flown with him into that fight with Daemon and Caraxes knowing full well it could have been their last, but she defended him with furious vengeance, and they’d won.
Dragon and rider side by side. He felt a swell of something close to pride through the bond he shared with Vhagar, and he smiled. His old girl was still here, and she was without a doubt the fucking Queen of the dragons.
“Shall we remove the bandages?”
“Are you sure that’s wise?” asked Criston.
“I need to check the wound-“ muttered Vaera as Aemond awkwardly pulled himself up into a sitting position.
As the bandage slipped from around his head, Aemond grimaced in pain slightly, it felt odd, having his vision shrouded in darkness only to experience a sudden rush of light.
“H-How does it look?”
“The skin has started to heal, and there’s no more bleeding. But it will definitely scar” said Vaera as she inspected the wound on Aemond’s head.
A thin red line ran along Aemond’s temple and disappeared into his hair line. The blood dried and crusted, matting his normally immaculate silver hair.
“How is your vision Your Grace?” asked Criston.
“I can see”.
To say he was relived was an understatement, the thought of being completely blind made Aemond want to despair.
“Daddy” whispered Rhaegar.
“I’m here. I’m ok”
“I don’t mean to rush you but we’ve heard back from Dragonstone-“ said Criston.
“Just after your fight with Daemon, we received word from Aegon. He’s on Dragonstone with Ser Arryk and a small garrison of soldiers,” said Criston.
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News From Dragonstone was that Rhaenyra was dead.
Burnt alive by Sunfyre at the command of his brother Aegon.
After making the necessary arrangements, it was time for them to return to the capitol.
The flight back to Kings Landing took some time as Vhagar was still recovering from her injuries and Brightfyre and Valaerys were still too young to make the flight in one go.
But as the Red Keep came into view, Aemond couldn’t help but feel apprehensive, he wondered how the people of Kings Landing would receive them.
Would they rejoice at their return, or would they boo and hiss? Rhaenyra had been driven out of the Red Keep by rioters, what if the dragons were no longer welcome.
Aemond had Rhaegar sat in front of him in the saddle, his little hands held onto his fathers as they descended towards Kings Landing.
There was smoke billowing from some of the buildings, including the Dragon Pit which lay in ruins.
Aemond exchanged a worried glance with Vaera. What of the dragons chained below?
 “Morghul” shouted Jaehaera happily as a young black dragon descended from the clouds.
“What about-“ exclaimed Aemond looking around wildly only to be greeted with a ground shaking roar as Dreamfyre appeared, her cerulean wings reflecting the sunlight as she glided effortlessly through the sky.
Helaena’s dragon appeared to unharmed and Aemond breathed a sigh of relief.
As the dragons began their descent towards Kings Landing, the sounds of cheering could be heard.
The cheers got louder and louder as the dragons roared triumphantly. The people of Kings Landing stretching their hands towards the sky waving and clapping.
The dragons landed just outside the walls of the Red Keep at their usual resting spot, and Aemond breathed a sigh of relief.
They were home, at last.
After bidding farewell to the dragons, Aemond and Vaera made their way back to the Red Keep with Rhaegar and Jaehaera.
The cheers and applause could still be heard echoing over the stone walls of the Red Keep, which in all honesty had seen better days.
The place was a mess. Rubble, wood, and glass was splayed across the floor.
“Be careful” urged Aemond as he lifted Rhaegar over the broken glass.
“Aemond. Wait” said Vaera.
“What is it my love?”.
“One last time” said Vaera as she took the conquerors crown from her satchel and placed in on Aemonds head.
“One last time?”
“Your Grace” said Vaera bowing respectfully.
“I shall see you properly bend the knee later” whispered Aemond.
“I look forward to it Your Grace” replied Vaera smiling.
“As I’ll ever be” said Vaera holding onto Jaehaera’s hand.
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“Aemond of House Targaryen the first of his name, Prince Regent of the seven Kingdoms and his wife Princess Vaera”.
The few lords and ladies that were present in the throne room erupted into applause.
“AEMOND” shouted Alicent, dignity all forgotten as she ran towards her second son.
“Mother” said Aemond as he released Rhaegar’s hand and allowed his mother to embrace him.
“Oh, my son. Your, ok?” asked Alicent, her head tucked under Aemond’s chin.
“I am well mother” replied Aemond smiling.
“Vaera, my good daughter” gasped Alicent, the tears running down her face.
“Good mother” replied Vaera as she took Alicent’s hand and held it tight.
“Grandmother” cried Jaehaera.
“Jaehaera. Rhaegar. My grandchildren” exclaimed Alicent as she reached down to embrace her grandchildren.
“Little butterfly”.
“Kepa” exclaimed Jaehaera as she ran towards Aegon who was seated upon the Iron Throne.
“I have missed you” said Aegon as he reached towards his daughter and lifted her onto his lap.
“Missed you” shrieked Jaehaera as she hugged her father.
“Your Grace” said Aemond as he approached the Iron Throne and went down on one knee.
“Brother” replied Aegon.
“It’s time it was returned to you my King” said Aemond as he lifted the conquerors crown from his head and held it towards Aegon.
“You have served the seven kingdoms well brother” replied Aegon as Ser Arryk took the crown and placed it on Aegon’s silver head.
“All hail his grace. Aegon of House Targaryen second of his name. King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
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