#also vegetables i had a yummy salad as well
butchybats · 1 year
Steak and potatoes are literally my savior
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krenenbaker · 8 months
TWST Boys' Food Preferences: Krenenbaker's Rating
AKA: How much does Henry enjoy the guys' favourite and least favourite foods?
From 0: I won't eat it to 10: One of my absolute favourite foods
Note: I'm a pretty adventurous / open eater, so a lot of these have very high ratings
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Favourite: Strawberry tart
Ooh, I do so enjoy a nice strawberry tart! (They're also WILDLY fun to make!) 8/10!!
Least Favourite: Junk food
Well... "junk food" is a somewhat arbitrary category. What counts as "junk food" is up to an individual's interpretation most of the time. For instance, is a slice of strawberry tart also considered "junk food"? For my interpretation of this, I'll give it a 6/10. If there were more specific foods, it may be a different rating.
Favourite: Cherry pie
YES!! However, this depends on if it's sweet cherry pie or sour cherry pie. Sweet? 6/10. Sour? 10/10!!! (it's one of my all-time favourite foods!)
Least Favourite: Raw oysters
Mmmmmm I love oysters! Sorry Ace, but these are a solid 8/10 in my books!
Favourite: Anything with eggs
Little broad of a category there, don'cha think, bud? Anyways, 7/10. Eggs are pretty good! Though they do give me a bit of an ick if the whites aren't fully set when cooked.
Least Favourite: Bell peppers
Oh, bell peppers are rather nice! For green bell peppers I'd give a 4/10, and for other colours, 7/10.
Favourite: Candied violets
10/10!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE floral flavours, and candied violets are just... mmm...!! 10/10!!
Least Favourite: Mustard
Oop, sorry dear. 10/10. I love mustard. I use it ALL the time on so many things! And there are so many different varieties! Sweet, spicy, tangy, herby... It's one of my favourite condiments :)
Favourite: Spicy ramen
8/10! Spicy ramen may just be the best kind of ramen!
Least Favourite: Anything sweet
This is another really broad category... but 8/10. I like most sweet things - you can pass me the things you don't like after you photograph them, Cater ♡
Favourite: Meat
3/10... I could take it or leave it :/ (I do like organ meats and seafood, though... that counts for 2 of the 3 I gave this)
Least Favourite: Vegetables
9/10 - I love veggies! Give me a dish of nicely cooked mixed veg, or a cucumber dill salad, or literally whatever, and I'll be a happy camper! It's another broad category of foods, but I do like most vegetables
Favourite: Doughnuts
I think they're fine, though there are so many sweets I would much prefer. 5/10 (A good sour cream glazed doughnut SLAPS, though)
Least Favourite: Anything rotten
1/10 - YEAH?? I gave a 1 since cheese, wine, fermented foods (sauerkraut, miso, kombucha, etc.), and so on are technically made of foods that have gone off but are delicious, though that's not quite the same as "rotten". But just in case those count... a 1.
Favourite: Pear compote
Sweet, soft, and very yummy! I don't have it often, but I do enjoy it! 7/10!
Least Favourite: Green onions
6/10, I'd say. They're not my favourite, but they're a solid food item.
Favourite: Karaage
7/10. I like it, quite a lot, actually! It's not my favourite food, but it is something that I do enjoy :)
Least Favourite: Health food
Again, a wide variety of foods could fit here, but the "health food" label is especially subjective. It's much the same as Riddle's "junk food" categorization. I'll give this one a... 7/10? It depends on what his definition of "health food" is, though.
Favourite: Octopus carpaccio
10/10! I'm a HUGE fan of octopus (when it's prepared well, that is. It has a horrible texture if prepared poorly), and octopus carpaccio is a really nice and refreshing dish!! Yum!!
Least Favourite: Conger eel
Likely a 6/10. I've never had it, but I do like other types of eel, so there's a chance I'll like this too. I don't know yet, but I'm open to trying it! ^v^
Favourite: Takoyaki
10/10!!! I LOVE takoyaki so, so, so, so much!! Probably another one of my favourite foods!! Again, octopus! It's so tasty!! And combined with the savoury cake, sauces, and bonito flakes??? Absolutely DELICIOUS.
Least Favourite: Shiitake mushrooms
Sorry Floyd, these are a 9/10 :) I ADORE mushrooms! Shiitakes aren't my favourite type (that'd be Lion's Mane), which is why it's a 9 and not a 10.
Favourite: Coconut water
6/10! I like coconut water! It's not necessarily my drink of choice, but I do enjoy it!
Least Favourite: Curry
Apologies Kalim, I'll have to agree with Jamil here... 10/10! I've loved basically every form of curry I've tried, and there is such a wide range of different kinds that exist! Such a good category of food!
Favourite: Curry
10/10 - see above (*´◡`*)
Least Favourite: Dates
Again, apologies, Jamil. 8/10. Dates are a wonderful, sweet fruit :)
Favourite: Homemade smoothies
Apparently, Vil has specific recipes he uses, so I don't know what his smoothies are like. In general, though, I'd say they're a 6/10 for me. Some are really nice, but smoothies aren't my favourite thing to drink most of the time.
Least Favourite: Mayonnaise
I do enjoy mayonnaise - I'd give it a 7/10. It's tasty, and I use it quite often, on sandwiches, in tuna or pasta salads, mixed with other items to make tartar sauce to go with fish, and so on. (fun fact, you can bake with it, too! there are cake recipes which use mayonnaise instead of oil or butter, and it gives the final product a nice moist texture!)
Favourite: Macarons (barbeque)
For macarons, I'd say 4/10. They're pretty, and fun to make, and sweet. But they can be a bit too sweet for me sometimes.
For barbeque, probably 2/10. 1/10 if it's meat on-the-bone. I don't like meat on bones, and am not the biggest fan of most meats in general :/
Least Favourite: Apple pears
Oh, apple pears can be nice! I'll say 7/10. Not too sweet, nice and crispy... it's a good fruit!
Favourite: Liver paté
Honestly, probably an 8/10. It is a really, really lovely food. I don't have it often, but I really like it any time I do!! (Liver paté is actually one of the few pork-based foods I still eat, so I think that says a lot about how much I enjoy it)
Least Favourite: Garlic
Again, I offer my apologies, darling; I LOVE garlic. Lemon garlic shrimp, skordalia, garlic green beans, garlicky hummus, it's all delicious! 9.5/10! It's definitely more of an ingredient than a food unto itself, though... I'm not the sort to just munch on raw cloves of garlic!
Favourite: Sweets
I'll give the same ranking as with the sweet things for Cater: 8/10.
Least Favourite: Raw fish
Naw mate, raw fish is tasty! 8/10!! :D
He doesn't eat, so ?/10, I guess?
Favourite: Ice cream
I personally find ice cream slightly "meh" a lot of the time? I do like a good mint chip, pistachio, or black cherry ice cream, but in general, 5/10.
Least Favourite: Whole cakes
Uhh, how do I answer this? I don't think I'd like a WHOLE cake, so I think probably a 3/10? It'd be nice at first, but terrible by the end! If it's a miniature cake, though, probably 7/10
Favourite: Salmon carpaccio
Another 9/10! Love me some salmon, and salmon carpaccio is a really, REALLY nice way to have it!!
Least Favourite: Black coffee
It's not how I take my coffee, and coffee isn't my drink of preference, either. So, 4/10.
Favourite: Mushroom risotto
10/10!!!! This lad has GREAT taste!! Again, I ADORE mushrooms, and mushroom risotto highlights their flavour and texture(s) beautifully! I love making it, too!
Least Favourite: Lilia's cooking
I don't blame him. 1.5/10. I'll give it a try, but... I don't think it would sit well with me ( ´~`)
Favourite: Tomato juice
9/10 - I really like tomato juice! It's nice to have with a lunch or a savoury breakfast!
Least Favourite: Marshmallows
They're pretty nice! Not my go-to sweet treat, but definitely a good pick. I'd say 7/10
Favourite: Canned tuna
I'm going to give this a 6/10. It's a convenient food item, and generally pretty good. Not the best, not the worst, but you can make some nice dishes with it!
Least Favourite: Nothing
Does this mean he doesn't have a least Favourite food, or that his least Favourite food is not having food? ???/10 for confusing phrasing
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yourmoonmomma · 16 days
That sounds so fun but I hope you’re able to get some rest too! I bet you’re exhausted!
I had a pretty good week, mostly working. We missed the northern lights they were visible here but I didn’t know until I started seeing other people post pictures haha.
I’ve been really tired lately and yesterday was so bad but today ended up being really good. And I’m off tomorrow yippee!
Also Yaki Mandu is just a fried dumpling with meat and vegetables in it I put cabbage, shallot, carrot, and bean sprouts in mine. Forgot to get garlic though so they’re a little bland this time. And I think usually it’s made with ground beef I put turkey in mine though I just like it better :)
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Haha thank you! I actually feel pretty good, idk how I'm not exhausted, but I feel quite the opposite. Attempting to sleep again tonight I fear will not go very well :// The crash & burn will come soon enough I imagine though, and I'll be down for the count for a bit. And if not, I think Jayson will end up going crazy from my incessant chatter that I do after a few days with no sleep, and drag me to the clinic to get sleeping meds lol!!
I'm sorry to hear you missed them! That was the case with all my friends too. I think really only Aimee knew about them, she told me, we got drunk, TOTALLY forgot about them, then went for a drunk adventure and saw them and it like blew our minds haha.
I'm glad today was a good day for you! And I'm sure if you're off tomorrow, it will be good too! <33
Those look SO yummy omg! Do you dip them into anything, or no? Also, you MADE that? I fucked up Jayson's tuna salad sandwiches today. So colour me impressed, lol!!!
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dinneratsheilas · 5 months
Brussels Sprouts Salad with Apples, Walnuts, and Dried Cranberries
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I had purchased a large bag of Brussels Sprouts some time ago to roast with dinner one evening. It was just my husband and myself having dinner, and he does not eat Brussels sprouts!
However, I sometimes make things he doesn't eat because I have a craving for whatever it is, and I had a craving for roasted Brussels sprouts.
After cleaning them I realized I had bought too large a bag so I only used half to roast and stuck the remaining wrapped well in the fridge.
After some time had gone by , and the Brussels sprouts still looked very fresh I decided it was time to do something with them.
Trying to think of some way to get my husband to try them it dawned on me I had never made a salad with shaved fresh raw Brussels sprouts as you see so often today.
My husband does love salad, and in looking at different recipes, I adapted one which included other ingredients he likes, and a tangy dressing, and left out what he doesn't. I threw in some dried cranberries which added even more texture to the crunchy salad.
Since the raw sprouts alone really don't have a strong flavor, especially shaved or sliced thinly, I had a feeling he would be at least willing to try it. Everything about the recipe told me it would be a yummy salad, and a welcome change.
I was correct because he not only enjoyed a serving, he had several helpings. I will definitely be making it again cause I really loved it, too, and even beat him the next day to the leftover salad!
Here's the original recipe below...(with my notes as mentioned above, I omitted the cheese, but added some dried cranberries)
Brussels Sprouts Salad with Apples, Walnuts and Parmesan from Once Upon a Chef by Jenn Segal
1 and 1/2 pounds Brussels sprouts, shredded (Note: I used the slicing blade in the food processor to shred the Brussels sprouts, you could also slice thinly with a knife)
1 large tart-sweet red apple, such as Honey Crisp, cored and chopped (no need to peel) (note: I used an organic Envy apple)
3 tablespoons minced shallots, from 1 large shallot
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon salt ( I use kosher salt)
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped
3/4 cup thinly sliced and crumbled Parmigiano-Reggiano
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and set an oven rack in the middle position
Place the walnuts in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake, checking frequently, until lightly toasted and fragrant, 6 to 10 minutes. Transfer immediately to a plate and let cool.
In a large bowl, combine the shredded Brussels sprouts, apples, shallots, olive oil, vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, salt, and pepper. ( Note: I mixed the olive oil, etc. in a jar and shook thoroughly before adding to the salad ) Toss well.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and up to 4 hours to allow the sprouts to soften and the flavors to marry.
When ready to serve, toss the walnuts and Parmiagiano-Reggiano with the salad. (Note: I omitted the cheese, and added the dried cranberries with the walnuts).
Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary, then serve.
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beccacollis · 2 years
Week Four
The lunch today was very yummy. It was a mozzarella cheese, feta cheese, spinach, and red onion quesadilla. The tortilla was perfectly toasted, so it had a nice crunch to it. For sides there was vegetables and tzatziki. The vegetables had salt, pepper, and greek dressing on them. For dinner today there was steak and potatoes. The steak had good flavor but it was kind of hard to chew. The potatoes were seasoned very good and they fit well with the steak. The salad bar today was also very good. There was chicken and feta so I was really happy. And as always the ranch was amazing. I would give today a 7/10.
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yournewapartment · 3 years
I was wondering if you have any advice for adding more veggies to my diet on a budget? Thank you!
Here are some thoughts for you...
Adding Veggies to Your Diet
Add veggies to meals you already prepare. Add spinach and kale to pastas. Add beans, corn, carrots to soups. Add tomatoes or peppers to sandwiches.
Highlight vegetables you know you like the flavor of, and “hide” vegetables you dislike the flavor of. If you like corn, have that as a side dish. If you dislike kale, hide that in a soup or pasta.
Eat veggies as a snack! If you pack a lunch for work pack baby carrots or cherry tomatoes for a snack. I literally did this today.
Find different ways to prepare vegetables. Roast root vegetables with salt and pepper, marinate vegetables in olive oil and spices, if you have a grill, grill starchy vegetables like sweet potato!
Salads that are overloaded with dressing and yummy things like cheese and bread are JUST AS “UNHEALTHY” AS SANDWICHES! I love a panzanela or ceasar as much as the next person, but you might as well be eating a grilled cheese. I eat those types of salads because they taste incredible. But from a health prespectice, opt for side salads or just eating straight vegetables.
Speaking of that- choose vinagrette or oil oil based dressing instead of creamy ones.
I... I honestly hate salad culture. Salads do not fill me up if they’re just lettuce and veggies. It’s not filling for most people, you need protien! If you’re salading, add some legumes, grains and protein. I once had a coworker who would eat an entire container of salad greens, a whole tomato and a carrot for lunch. She would then spend the rest of the day snacking because she was still hungry!
Try to incorporate a vegetable into at least one meal every day. Once you are able to, start incorporate vegetables into two meals a day!
Adding Veggies to Your Budget
Frozen veggies are just as nutritious as fresh ones, in some cases they can be more so.
But veggies on sale in bulk, and feeze them yourself.
Always refrigerate veggies for maximum shelf life. Sorry Antoni, but tomatoes last twice as long in the fridge!
You can absolutely cut around some mold on vegetables and still utilize scraps. When my tomatoes are starting to look fuzzy I’ll add them to a sauce! You can also blend veggies that are on the verge of going bad and make stews.
Pre-cut veggies are more expensive and have a shorter shelf life. But there is no shame in opting for these if that option is more accessible for you.
Know your hardcore, long lasting veggies. Like carrots, cucumbers, some squash, etc. Whole butternut squash lasts literally forever. I harvested one over the summer and it is still hard as a rock!
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Hello! Your works are amazing and you're amazing, and I hope your doing well! Is it alright to request headcanons of MC/Yuu (gender-neutral) making some yummy boxed lunches for the 1st-years? They all soft bois and need more food 😭, thank you!
Thank you for enjoying my words, and I hope you are doing well too. I am happy to provide food (content) to feed the TW fandom~
I will take any excuse to write about food, it’s one of my favorite things to talk about--so thank you very much for this request!
***Warning: mild spoilers for chapter 3 of the main story campaign.***
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Mise en place~
You made sure to do your research into each of your friends’ likes and dislikes before designing a menu!
You manage to haggle down the prices for some ingredients, but for other ingredients, well...let’s just say you had to pay an arm and a leg.
Other ingredients you had to forage to save on costs! Jade and Rook show you around the forest and mountains, pointing out which plants are edible and which are poisonous.
Rook offers to shoot a moose or something for you to serve, but you politely refuse. Jade, of course, suggests adding mushrooms to your dishes.
You ask Jamil, Trey, and Azul for some cooking/baking tips for the more complicated dishes. They are happy to help--excluding, perhaps, Azul, who grumbled under his breath about your suggestion to serve octopus.
Headmaster Crowely allows you to use the mess hall’s kitchen to do your cooking--isn’t he so very, very kind? All that he asks for in return is to sample some of your dishes...
You slam the kitchen door in his face and lock him out. Then you roll up your sleeves and get to work cooking.
Bon appétit!
For Ace, fried chicken and wild rice (with mushrooms), plus some boiled octopus wieners on the side--just to be a little mean to him.
You also included a small garden salad in Ace’s lunch, but he doesn’t bother touching it until after he has chewed up the octopus wieners while cursing out Azul.
Ace savors the messy slice of cherry pie you managed to stuff into a side compartment in the lunch box for him. He demands for the rest of the pie to polish off later.
For Deuce, omurice with a cucumber and carrot salad (you used cookie cutters to turn the vegetables into cute heart and star shapes!).
You also threw in a few additional chopped up egg omelettes, flavored with mirin and soy sauce. After all, you know just how much Deuce loves his egg dishes! For dessert, you cut some apple slices up to resemble small rabbits.
Deuce is so touched by your efforts and how cute everything looks that he almost can’t bring himself to eat it. He does manage to eventually though, with happy tears in his eyes.
For Jack, blocks of juicy venison coated in a rich demiglaze, served with steamed rice and broccoli. The real star of the show is the meat! Everything else is an accompaniment.
After the meal, there is a brioche roll with homemade pear jam. It has a chunky texture since you chopped up the fruit into varying sizes rather than uniform pieces, but it pairs with the crunch of the brioche well.
Jack humbly thanks you for the meal, says that he hopes it was not too much trouble, and wolfs it down--but he takes his time with the dessert.
For Epel, sandwiches featuring thick cuts of barbecued meat. The meat has been sitting in your special marinade for several hours to allow the flavors to be absorbed and developed.
Along with the sandwiches, you included boiled eggs and a berry medley. According to your research, these foods are rich in protein--so hopefully it helps Epel out!
Macarons are Epel’s favorite food, but it was difficult for you to make such a finicky dessert. The shells kept cracking or deflating...! You picked the best looking macarons to serve, but they still look lopsided and weird. Epel doesn’t mind though--he happily gobbles them up, reminding you that he thinks the taste and nutrition of food is more important than its appearance.
For Sebek, onigiri with a salmon filling! He needs a meal that is easy to eat with his hands so that it does not interfere with his duties...plus, you can’t serve his real favorite dish, salmon carapuccio (in case it spoils).
You added cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, and celery sticks as well--those are relatively easy, non-messy finger foods. Dried fruits for dessert--again, they are easy to eat without much fuss and they suit Sebek’s busy lifestyle.
He bows his head to you and thanks you for the meal. Sebek does not consume the food right away--he snacks on it throughout the day--but he is still eternally grateful to you.
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symphonicspecter · 3 years
Favorite foods/ deserts? To eat or make.
Food food food food food
I love. Mexican style. A burrito bowl or taco salad loaded with stuff is my fave but tbh if you just gave me meat bean and cheese I’d be happy too. Cheap American version like Taco Bell, on the occasion I find a more ”authentic” restaurant that too, homemade, literally just throw me something in this general area of food I omnomnom
And in the same vein, guacamole is amazing, I’ll eat it once its own with chips. I can, make it myself and I’ve been told I make it pretty well, but it’s not one of my favorite things to make. There’s a lot of chopping and peeling and onions making my eyes burn and avocado getting everywhere
Pasta is another general category I love.Mac and cheese, Alfredo with broccoli and/or chicken or plain, spaghetti, ravioli, tortellini..lHOO there’s a lot of pastas you could put in front of me and I’d happily eat it. And which one I prefer just changes! Although Alfredo, spanghetti, and Mac and cheese are ones I make at home more often since other members of my family like those. So if I’m put somewhere I’m more likely to get something different.
Pasta is one of those foods that isn’t necessarily fun to make but it is nice and easy on days I don’t want to do anything involved. Sometimes when the pasta is done I pull out a hot noodle and throw it at the wall and see long it sticks >:3
Pizzaaaa. I usually like classic cheese and pepperoni, but I like cheese too, and more rarely I’ll eat pizza with olives, tomato, mushrooms, and/or spinach! I’ve never had it with pineapple but I’m willing to try it. Pepperoni and sometimes salami are actually the only meats I like on pizza, ham, sausage, anchovies and all that just have a weird texture with everything else imo. And another important thing. Extra. Sauce.
Pizza is a food I would say is one of my faves to make! Sometimes I put the toppings on English muffins, sometimes I make a crust. It’s not too hard to put toppings on and it’s kinda fun to do so, plus I can eat some of it >:3. When I’m at home, my dog likes to get bites of cheese and pepperoni too! .
Can smoothies count? I think they’re fairly easy to make and they’re yummy. This is another food you could give me just about any and I’ll drink it, bc smoothies are usually fruity and there’s not a lot of fruit I’ll turn down. My personal favorite is peanut butter and banana, but ma go smoothies are really good too. .
OOF cheesecake. I dont get to have it often bc there’s not a lot of places that have it, or it’s expensive, and I’m like the one big cheesecake fan in the family lol. I haven’t made one myself, actually! I think it’s not terribly hard though, so now that I’m thinking of it I want to try making one. I like plain cheesecake with chocolate on top (chocolate flavored cheesecake doesn’t seem to taste as much like chocolate as compared to chocolate on top), or plain with strawberry or raspberry on top. Also, every type of cheesecake that I’ve tried from the Cheesecake Factory has been delicious!
Wait omg. Deviled eggs. If I didn’t have to respect that the rest of the family want to eat them too, and save room for other foods I want, I would eat probably all of them at holiday dinners. They’re particularly special fro me bc I only have them on holidays. But they’re really good and I usually eat a couple. .
Ice cream is a favorite dessert of mine, but it’s not a thing I’ve ever made myself. My favorite flavors are chocolate or chocolate with stuff in it, but I also like vanilla with stuff in it, or some flavors use caramel, cheesecake, or sweet cream as a base flavor and it’s good. For stuff mixed in, I like fudge swirl, peanut butter swirl, caramel swirl, cookie pieces, cookie dough, and chocolate pieces. Anything chocolatey that’s easy to chew! I’m not so much a fan of fruit flavored pieces, nuts, pretzels, anything else hard or chewy, or fruit or coffee flavored ice creams. .
I like making desserts like cookies brownies, muffins, and cupcakes! I think mixing all the ingredients together is fun! And tasting the batter. Cakes are fun too…it’s just that I always worry too much that my icing is crappy looking
Ive also found recently that I like making rice and vegetables. Over the last year I’ve tried some different veggie and seasoning combos just to see what’s good, and I think that’s part of what makes it fun.
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tishinada · 4 years
So, in case anyone has some food but has only cooked from set recipes and needs easy to make solutions for cooking with what you have on hand, I can offer a few suggestions (as someone who’s had very little money at times and also had to work around food allergies and sensitivities.)
Odds are that most seasonings are still on the shelf if your stores aren’t stripped completely bare. If you know which ones to get, it can make cooking off the shelf without a recipe a lot easier. These are very generalized and Americanized, NOT at all accurate ethnic flavorings (especially since many large countries actually have dozens of different cultural groups with different food traditions.) This is just to help you come up with ways to cook enjoyable food with what you have available to you.
If you want to give your food a TexMex like flavor, use some combination of: salt, pepper, garlic powder/garlic, onion powder/onion, cumin (you almost HAVE to have cumin for this,) oregano, chili powder, paprika, cayenne pepper (use tiny amounts of this at first.) You can also use cilantro, if you insist :D (I’m one of those that is repelled by the taste.)
If you want a vaguely Italian flavor to your food, use some combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder/garlic, onion powder/onion, basil, oregano.
If you want a vaguely French flavor to your food, use some combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder/garlic, onion powder/onion, rosemary, thyme.
If you want a vaguely Chinese-American flavor, use some combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder/garlic, onion powder/onion, Five spice, ginger, lime.
If you want a generic curry flavor, use some combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder/garlic, onion powder/onion, curry powder, garam masala, tumeric, mustard, chili powder, cumin, ginger, paprika. If your store has an international foods section, you can get a lot of these in good sized bags for a lot cheaper than in the spice aisle (again, depends on just how badly the shelves have been stripped.) Garlic/Ginger paste is a yummy addition if you can find it.
What you can do with these seasoning combinations depends on what you actually have. If you have some fresh veggies, you can cut up some that taste good together and saute in a little oil (with some meat for non-vegetarians) with TexMex, Chinese-American, or curry type seasonings. Serve on noodles (even unflavored ramen will work in a pinch,) rice, tortillas, or even potatoes. Or drain a can of beans to add if you’re making a TexMex style saute.
Soup is a really good way to use up odds and ends of whatever you have on hand. The generic Italian and French flavorings work well here, but so do TexMex seasonings (go heavier on the chili powder and you can make a pot of chili.) I’ve also used the curry-type seasonings and gotten an amazing soup. You don’t even HAVE to have bouillon or broth. You can use just water, especially if you add enough seasonings and there’s a little meat and oil or fat in your soup.
You don’t NEED a recipe for soup or stew. Seriously. Just give a little forethought to whether certain things taste good together. Be cautious with strong flavors like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts at first. Oh, and did you know that you can use some apples in long-cooking stews? They end up tasting a lot like potato.
Generally, you want a bit of meat (if you aren’t vegetarian,) vegetables, and beans or rice or pasta in your soup or stew. And you can use beans and rice together (classic combination, actually,) beans and pasta or even rice and pasta together if you don’t have a lot of any of them. You can also add a compatible can of commercial soup to give the liquid more flavor.
Salads are almost as versatile as soup (though fresh vegetables are probably going to be in short supply.) You can also make casseroles, but those are a bit out of my experience.
If you have tomato sauce, tomato paste, pasta sauce, or pesto, you can saute a little meat in oil with some vegetables (anything that you might see normally in Italian food, from whatever region of Italy) and add seasonings and the sauce/paste/pesto. Again, you can eat this on almost any kind of pasta or rice, but I’ve even eaten some as is with just a slice of buttered toast.
An example of using what you have: I made a chili-type dish a couple of days ago to use stuff up. I sauted a little leftover shredded chicken in a little oil with onion and mushrooms that were just this side of edible still with my seasonings. Then I added a can of diced tomatoes, a can of kidney beans, a can of garbanzo beans, and about half a cup of leftover cooked brown rice. I put the tomatoes and beans in without draining them. Then I added a little water, brought it up to a simmer, covered it (this was a large skillet, obviously,) and then set a timer to check on it every 15 minutes. It was good in about 30 minutes, but was perfect after about an hour. That made enough for two lunches, plus I froze enough for 3 more meals. It wasn’t chili, but it had a lot of the flavor of it, and except for the canned beans, all things I had to use up. I could easily have added chopped sweet pepper, zucchini (seriously, zucchini’s flavor doesn’t intrude on other things, it’s so mild,) potatoes (use extra seasonings because it sucks them up,) etc.
I am NOT a great cook by any means (my mother was far better, as are my daughters.) But I am a creative one, by necessity (and was never great at following a recipe.) Occasionally, I still have a real disaster (but that’s become pretty rare finally, lol.)
If there’s any interest, I can also transcribe some “poor man’s” recipes from a 1940s era Pennsylvania Deutsch cookbook... I’m pretty sure it includes Stone Soup.
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micaelatubo · 3 years
For the rest of you, pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and let’s get at it! So, you write a food blog. First off, virtual high five for that (let’s face it, you’re pretty awesome)! But, back to the topic at hand… Sometimes, no matter how much you love what you do, it can be hard to come up with material. Sometimes you just hit the proverbial wall that is writer’s block, where you find yourself staring at your computer for hours and you just got nothing. Not a single idea.
If life has been kinda ho-hum or I’ve just dry for anything interesting to talk about, then it probably makes the most sense to get started by just writing about the recipe. WhIch is kind of a “duh” moment because we are talking about food blogs. But even though it’s so simple, it can be surprisingly hard. It’s like I sit down, get the recipe in there, have the pictures in place. Now, uh, what do I have to say? Yum. The End.
Well food bloggy friends, this is for you.
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I have yet to meet a combination of ground beef and cheese that doesn’t make the people I live with extremely happy.  They are not unusual in that respect, I know, which is why tucked amidst the salad recipes and salmon dishes, I continue to pepper this blog with dishes such as One-Skillet Cheesy Beef and Macaroni and Grilled Cheeseburgers with Herb Sauce.  Really, let’s hear it for ground beef.  And cheese.  And Cheesy Ground Beef Quesadillas.
Only in this case the candy is ground beef and cheese.
And here, tortillas!  But look, also spinach or kale!  A leafy green can help validate/justify a lot of cheese, says me.  A great way to elevate a beef quesadilla.
This is a perfect answer to the perennial “what to do with that ground beef” question.  You can use ground pork or ground turkey instead of ground beef, if you like, as well.
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Good pasta will have a chewy texture that has a bounce to it when chewed. These are qualities that you cannot determine until the pasta has been cooked but if the pasta wants to stick in a clump after being cooked or has too soft a texture when chewed, you will want to try a different brand of pasta in the future.
Spaghetti are eaten with many sauces, from the classic ragù to carbonara to fish sauces. They are cooked in boiling water from 8 to 14 minutes (depending on the thickness), then drained and topped with the chosen sauce.
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Korean hot dogs are a popular street food from Korea. Hot dogs are coated in batter and deep fried. They are then lightly coated in sugar before finished with condiments of your choice. The sweet and salty combination works surprisingly well. There are also several variations, including a mozzarella dog only filled with cheese (this one is especially popular on social media), and ones that are coated in potatoes or ramen noodles.
Korean corndog is a unique twist on a hot dog prepared by coating a sausage in corn dog batter, dipping it into french fries, then deep-frying the whole thing in oil. The dish is presented skewered on a stick and it is usually consumed on the go.
Hot dog vendors sell them throughout Korea, and there are a few variations, so they can also be wrapped in bacon, mashed potatoes, or seaweed, while tomato ketchup is typically used as the main condiment.
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Japanese take pancakes to new heights. Think cottony clouds of heaven that melt in your mouth! Have you seen Fluffy Japanese Souffle Pancakes (スフレパンケーキ) on social media or maybe even tasted when you visited Japan?
They are fluffy, airy, delicate pancakes that probably look too fancy for a weekday breakfast, but impossible to resist making on the weekend. These pillowy, soft pancakes are a must-try. You can’t miss the fizzy, bubbly sound from the souffle pancakes when you cut them open to enjoy!
Pancakes are comfort food. The happiest comfort food. I’m sure you have many joyful memories of waking up on a Saturday, looking up at a stack of pancakes on your plate. And now as an adult, you are probably like me, always searching and trying different pancake recipes, happily eating your way on a journey to find the perfect pancake.
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Creamy Beef and Shells is a hearty pasta dish that is perfect for a quick dinner for the whole family! It is rich, flavorful, and cheesy and even kids will love it! Creamy Beef and Shells is such a tasty dinner! It is meaty, never dry, and the flavors are awesome! 
The combination of marinara sauce and dairy makes it so yummy. And you get all sorts of savory flavors coming from the aromatics and the different herbs and seasonings.You have protein and carbs in one dish and that makes this hearty and filling. Serve it with a side of veggies, and you get yourself a complete lunch or dinner!
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Ratatouille – we probably all know the famous movie, but have you tried making it at home? Ratatouille is made with thinly-sliced tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant layered into a casserole dish. The vegetables are topped with an aromatic tomato sauce, then baked until the vegetables are tender. It’s super easy to make and one of the most aromatic and delicious dishes ever! I’ve partnered with Pompian to share my smoky and creamy version of this classic French dish! 1
This vegetarian recipe is great as a side dish, too! Try it along with meaty recipes, such as my ‘Grilled Chimichurri Chicken’ or ‘Lemon Herb Salmon’.
There are a few keys steps to follow to make sure your dish is the best!
Make sure to use the freshest ingredients. I love to use locally grown heirloom tomatoes, sweet yellow zucchini and green squash; and Chinese eggplant, which is more mild in flavor.
Slice all vegetables the same thickness! This is super important so everything bakes evenly. Use an extra-sharp knife or madeline slicer to get the best results.
Be patient! Let the dish bake away while you build up an appetite. Then, let it cool for at least 15 minutes before digging in to enjoy.
I love to enjoy my smoky ratatouille with warm French baguette – it’s perfect for mopping up all that amazing sauce!
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Peanut butter and bananas is such a classic combination that always tastes good. 
First, chocolate peanut butter. Automatically a leg up on regular peanut butter. You could also use Nutella. Second, rather than just making sandwiches, I made French toast. The bread is slightly crisp on the exterior, soft in the interior, and heating the chocolate peanut butter so it melts slightly is the best idea I’ve had in awhile. 
Peanut butter and bananas is such a classic combination that always tastes good and chocolate peanut butter is automatically a leg up on regular peanut butter. The bread is slightly crisp on the exterior, soft in the interior, and heating the chocolate peanut butter so it slightly melts is the best. If you’re looking for an easy yet decadent comfort food breakfast, brunch, or breakfast-for-dinner recipe, make this. You can scale up the recipe to whatever sized crowd you’re cooking for.
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This cauliflower steak recipe is served with a rich, creamy mushroom and cheese sauce.   A hearty low carb main dish for vegetarians and cauliflower lovers.
If you are a meat eater, don’t run away from this cauliflower steak recipe!   The delicious mushroom sauce would be divine with a steak or chicken. It’s such an easy sauce to make too and can be ready in under 15 minutes.
Used gorgonzola cheese for this cauliflower steak sauce as I wanted a strong cheese to go with the mushrooms and much to my delight it was on special offer at the supermarket that week.  That may have been my real influence, but I’m sticking to the strong cheese story!   Any other blue cheese would work just as well with this sauce.  
Sour cream was used for the sauce as it has a creamy texture when heated.  If you wanted to use another cream, I would recommend another thick one.  I haven’t tried it, but can’t see why not it would not work.  Add extra cheese for more creaminess perhaps.
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peaches-of-1 · 4 years
Day 10 | On Tip Toes
Black!Reader x Dad!Namjoon
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An excited dark tan little human woke up to their own inner clock and looks around. Mama or Dad must’ve brought them in here after they fell asleep on the couch. Either way, the young girl knew what day it was and excitedly climbed down the pipe like ladder.
She had wanted them painted like the candles in the Kwanzaa display on the special table, but Mama had never gotten to it. Mama was a busy woman and--
Wait, what’s this? There was a camera in the corner of the room. Ah, them again. It was Christmas Day, so of course the aunties and uncles came to visit and set up the cameras while they slept. Sparkling white teeth showed off to the camera and a small hand waved before the roundest face in the world turned to see its only match.
She quickly used her tiny feet to walk towards a face similar to her’s and kneel on the step before the doorway beneath the dark gray sign that read “SANTA’S WORKSHOP” in English and tapped a shirt covered in candy patterns.
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“별자리, Byeol-iiiii. Wake up! Our grown up friends are here.” She notified her twin sister just like any good sibling would. “And it’s Christmas.”
Hazel eyes suddenly sprung open, “Is it really Christmas?” 
A stern nod before adorable yawns left 초승달’s mouth and soon two 3 year old bodies were fully awake to make a heart for the cameras like they usually did when are red carpets with their parents. Then they changed the date on their “color by day” calendar and began to hop around in their pajamas.
“It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!” they were just as excitable as their parents for the holidays.
The two girls then opened their sliding door before holding hands and walking to their parents’ room down the hallway, knowing they were asleep but also oh so ready to wake them up to spend the day together.
However, they got distracted by the white lights that had fallen from the hallway as RapMon trotted beside them. The dog sat next to the wall and let the children enact their little plan before they continued on their way.
The uncle in the green tent decorated like a Christmas tree tried not to laugh too loud as he was the only one at the right angle to see this.
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Dark skin and hair in a green bonnet was held closely by tan skin with dimpled cheeks that were even more noticeable as husband opened brown eyes when wife got wiggly. A parental Spidey Sense of sorts went off in both adults as she turned to face him.
“What time is it?” I asked in a groggy voice as a farewell to all the sleep I would’ve gotten if it were not for being a mother as well.
“Not yet. Pretend they’re still asleep for a few minutes, ok?” Large and protective hands enveloped slightly smaller ones and rubbed the back of them, the gentle touch almost willing slumber into his spouse’s eyes.
I suppressed a yawn before ignoring the door being opened by two giggling little elves. The door was always unlocked in case of emergency such as an early morning boo boo or a nightmare in the late evening. This was neither, thankfully. Simply two of the cutest little girls on the planet launching themselves onto Mama’s and Papa’s soft embrace.
The usual morning tradition of a four person hug and kisses for everyone ensued. Mom to Byeol, Byeol to Choseungdal, Choseungdal to Dad, and then Dad to mom before it reversed. Cross over and then the kids were excited and bouncing up and down once more.
“Mama, Papa! Mama! Papa! Guess what? Guess what?!” The twins said, jumping on the bed and claiming the hug of a parent for themselves.
“What is it?” Idol and father Kim Namjoon asked.
Byeol spoke up, “It’s Christmas morning! We get to open presents now, right?”
Choseungdal looked from her sister’s face to her father’s, “I really wanna open the big red one!”
I gasped in an overexaggerated way, “A gift before breakfast, isn’t our hug enough?”
“No.” She said, honestly.
“Fair enough.” I replied with a giggle while my husband laughed.
Then he spoke up, “Alright, let’s open a present then, shall we? One before breakfast and then we get all~ cleaned up to eat Mama’s yummy food, ok?”
“Ok!” They replied 
“Wait, Choseungdal.” Byeol said, “We have to show Mama and Papa how we decorated RapMon this time.”
The parents blinked and shared a look. This time? They decorated him again? They literally pulled us into the living room to see the white fluffy dog sparkle with glittering Christmas lights. So that was what you heard in the middle of the night. You had decided to ignore it since you had believed it to be a sound from whatever dream you had been having.
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And he was just there smiling like a goofball. Namjoon said that they shouldn’t do stuff like that because it could hurt the dog, and he was too nice to do anything about it. It was a light scolding and more of a teaching moment because no one wanted any sad faces on Christmas. As my husband and I unwrapped RapMon,, Byeol-ie decided to go around and greet all of the aunties and uncles.
They were in Christmas themed tents to help make the young kids more comfortable. The crew of The Return of Superman always came around every once in a while, and it was usually the same ones unless someone was sick or quit or got fired, y’know. Choseungdal had taken a liking to one unnie in particular.
She kissed Camera Unnie on the cheek to greet her while shyly waving to the others. The twins had gained personalities rather quickly according to the family counselor we went to see. Byeoljali...had a more outgoing personality and would often speak up for Choseungdal who was rather non verbal. I had a suspicion that she was like me, and so we were always extra clear in instruction and repeated stuff a lot to make it easier for her to understand.
Byeol was Byeoljali’s nickname. We named her as such since she had light hazel almost amber eyes. Choseungdal was often shortened to Cho-ie.
They were both cheeky sweethearts, though. Both girls enjoyed creative things, so the crafts room sometimes took over the living room. Currently, the girls were not allowed to use rhinestones because it had taken nearly a whole day to get all of them out of RapMon’s fur. The older dog understood that they were only little and they had apologized in the form of treats, so he wasn’t mad.
My two girls sat down after picking out which gift they wanted and I was there with my own camera to take pictures of them opening up their gifts. Luckily, they had similar hobbies, so gifts were easy.
“On three, start ripping them open.” I said. “Ask Dad for help if you need it.”
“Appa!” Cho-ie said. “Help me, please.”
He chuckled and went to sit in between them just in case. I counted to three, and the box opening began. Byeoljali began to open up the gift with raptor like swiftness while Cheoseungdal made sure it was unfolded properly with hardly any rips. Yep, we literally had a moon child. How could we not?
Our love for space and the unknown was mutual, and celestial names were so beautiful.
Cho-ie had gotten a collection of new canvases with a custom easel since the other one was missing a few pieces now. That’s why it was so big: the easel had been set up top of the canvases and already put together.
She hugged her dad and thanked us. Byeol had revealed a new set of paints that included glitter glue too. Maybe it wouldn’t get everywhere if they were in some sort of adhesive already...or it would be harder to get off of furniture. Only time would tell. She sprinted to hug my legs and then did grabby hands for the phone so she could record us.
She didn’t have the best hand-eye coordination or grasp, so I said that our darlings didn’t need to take pictures of us since we already had other adults to do it for us. I just didn’t want another broken phone. Namjoon had gotten us matching chokers that we would surely be wearing out today.
I hugged him and kissed him on his lips, excited to see his expression when he got his gift from me. He opened the bag and gasped, almost in tears as he lifted out the headphones he had been yearning over for the past four months. My husband has said he wouldn’t get them since he didn’t need them and they were too expensive anyways.
He hugged me tightly. Then it was time for coloring the picture of the day while I made breakfast. Namjoon had prepared some stuff last night while I helped get the kids to bed which made cooking much easier. In fact, he had finished making the entire fruit salad and it was wrapped in the fridge.
“Thank you, yeobo! That saves so much time!” I called over to him.
Namjoon just smiled, “It’s my pleasure. I was extra careful too, so no hurt fingers this time.”
I giggled and Christmas music played while I cooked and The Return of Superman got footage for their Holiday Special. My voice sang along as I filled pie crusts with a mix of rice, spinach, and cheese before sticking the first batch into the oven for ~18 minutes. Although he tried very hard, Namjoon-yeobo was still a bit of a hazard in the kitchen. He mixed things very well, though.
Like the vegetables that would become part of our omelettes. I still wasn’t a big fan of omelettes, so I would just be making three for my husband and kids. Also, I knew two of the crew didn’t eat eggs. So a total of five. I glanced over into the living room and saw him handing the girls whatever color they asked for.
Every time he got it wrong, he would say, “I’m sorry, my princess.” and then give them the right one eventually. He soon came over to show me a pictue of our girls in front of their finished mini Christmas tree in their playroom. He took it yesterday and forgot to show me.
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It was so cute. All of the eggs were done, so you cut two of them in half as soon as the timer went off for the breakfast pockets. I gave them a quick call to ask if they washed their hands after coloring. The three looked at each other and ran to the bathroom as I set up the plates and washed my own hands.
I looked at the camera people who were in tents, “What are you waiting for? I didn’t make this much food just for the four of us. Use the one in the guest bedroom.”
They were so surprised and decided to take turns to make sure at least two were recording while the others ate. However, they were family at this point and this was a family breakfast. All of them were to sit at the table and enjoy the homemade meal.
I told them that if their boss had a problem, they could bring it up to me directly. I was a child of four, so I knew how to make a lot of food in a short amount of time and still have it taste good. I had even made a few pockets without cheese because a few were lactose intolerant.
Then everyone was ready to dig in. Namjoon made sure that the two elven twinsies thanked me for the meal before eating. It was a very warm breakfast. It was lots of chatter but still quiet and kind. Choseungdal made sure to feed Camera Unnie a few times, getting a thank you in return. Then it was time for me to clean up while my love got the girls cleaned up, getting them to brush their teeth and all that jazz.
The camera people went back into their tents while one stood in the bathroom doorway to record.
Since Joon was an idol, he was usually very busy doing TV shows and making music and all that stuff. So, he got to spend most of the time directly helping the kids on his days off.
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Once the dishes were in the dishwasher (the first Christmas gift we bought together) and Cho-ie was in her little Christmas dress, I started on making the cookie dough with the mini sous chef. Both Byeoljali and Cheoseungdal were adamant about bringing cookies to Taehyung’s holiday party. He and his huge family held one every single year, and we always attended.
My apple cake was always a hit, so I was bringing that. However, the kids wanted to do something too. I was glad to have the extra help in making cookies. It was a good distraction while Namjoon got ready first. He’d do their hair and pack up the cookies when it was my turn. The apple cake was a family recipe from this cookbook we’ve had since forever. I was stumped five years ago as to what to make since I had been bringing boozy eggnog the last couple of years before everyone started having kids.
Ever since then, I’d make two cakes just so we would have enough. Namjoon always bought eggnog or vanilla ice cream to go along with it. Every year had a theme, and this time it was pearls. I had found the perfect skirt for it and was able to get two of them. The second one were made into child versions for the young ones if they wanted.
“I’m gonna decorate this one all by myself.” Choseungdal said, grabbing the white makeshift piping bag and adding “snow” to the already frosted Christmas tree.
Byeol was decorating a snowman with edible glitter before Namjoon came in to swap places in the kid duty.
“Why don’t we let Mama finish up the rest of these so she can take a shower?” He said and the kids agreed, getting tired of decorating but not eating as the kitchen smelled of butterscotch and chocolate with a hint of gingerbread.
So, I finished up the rest of the cookies and was able to decorate them after they cooled and surprised them with an extra cookie for them each before heading into the shower to get all dolled up. I loved matching with my family so much! It was something we did often.
Namjoon had put on his black pants with pearls scattered about the legs and green oxfords with pearls in the heels. Pearls also lined his black velvet jacket that went over his green sweater. He put on the more simple looking choker out of the set he had just watched me unwrap meaning I got the bowtie one. He was also wearing his red beanie because he knew how much I loved him in it with a simple pair of gold and pearl drop earrings.
I was in my black skirt that reached just above my ankles with my red sweater tucked into it but outside of the green stockings I slipped on to make walking in my pearl adorned red ankle boots easier. With the pearl and bowtie choker, I put on pearl and chain dangle earrings. I decided to wear a green beret as well.
“Don’t forget this, Mama!” It’s the gift me and Choseungdal got you.
“Oh, really? Thank you~” I said and opened the box, smiling when I saw it was a classic Pandora bracelet.
My hazel eyed girl said, “We helped Dad pick out the charms to go on it.”
Then we turned to our kids and asked them what we did most every day, “Who do you want to dress like, Mommy or Daddy?” which basically was asking if they wanted to dress more masculinely or femininely. I was a girly girl most of the time and Joon-ie was more laid back but still well dressed as most Korean men seemed to be.
Choseungdal pointed to her father while Byeol pointed to me. That was that then. Namjoon helped our little girl into matching pearl pants and jacket with a green knitted sweater underneath while I helped our other little girl into her skirt and stockings with a red sweater that was covered in pom poms that were used to make hearts all about the top. Then we helped put them each into pearl studs that they had worn before.
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Namjoon did their hair while I finished up my makeup and we double checked to make sure RapMon was ready to come with. He was by the door waiting for his leash like a good doggo.
“Good boy.” I said and rubbed his head.
The five of us hopped into the car, singing Christmas carols and watching Papa Joon get shy every time a song he sang with the other BTS uncles came on. Sometimes he’ll say which ones he helped to right and we’d talk about that while he two Christmas fairies played make believe in the back seat.
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“Hiiii!” I said with two apple cakes in my arms while The two youngest ones held boxes of cookies.
Hugs upon hugs and bows galore occurred while talking overlapped in the forms of greetings and barking. J-Hope’s husband helped me take the cakes to the kitchen while Jin called for the host and his wife.
The children played with their friends while I was handed some sparkling cider by Yoongi, whose facial hair scratched my cheek a little as he hugged me.
“Long time no see.” He said.
“Oh my god! You’re back from America? Since when?” I gasped.
“Two days ago. I wanted to surprise you guys.”
Namjoon chuckled, “Well, it worked. I’m surprised.” and hugged his dear friend tightly.
He had been working on a bunch of stuff in America for the past couple of years and usually sent gifts for the holidays. A young man with raven black hair and pale skin approached both me and Namjoon and bowed.
“It is nice to see you in person, uncle Namjoon and auntie Y/N. Father has told me a lot about you two.” He had to be about 13 and…
I gasped and looked at Yoongi and back to the kid, “You can’t be 시우. The 시우 I know is this tall, and you’re a whole tree.” I put my hand near my hip.
He giggled nearly at eye level with me, “I am 시우.”
“Oh my gosh~” I beamed. “Well, it’s nice to see you again. What have you been up to? How’s school and your hobbies?”
“I got in a bit of trouble recently, but school is going well. I kept skipping one of my classes since the teacher is super ignorant. He is my history teacher and tried to incorrectly explain the Joseon area to me. I always show up for test days, though.”
Namjoon chuckled, “It seems that righteous rebellion doesn’t fall far from the tree.” and took a sip of his own cider.
Siu chuckled, “I have to choose an extra elective to do outside of school if I don’t want to be suspended, but I’m not really a creative guy.” he pulled at his ear like Yoongi did when nervous.
His father spoke up, “Your auntie here is a pretty famous actress.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t say famous.” I replied, my cheeks getting warm.
“Would you suggest I take acting? It is the only one I have seriously been thinking of doing.” Siu looked up at me with his deep blue eyes that he got from his nameless mother.
I had to nod, of course, “Stage acting is a very good skill to have. Although you’re not lacking any confidence, it can help you feel a bit more comfortable in public spaces. Keeps you accountable too. You have to learn your lines or you let the cast down. More importantly, it is a lot of fun.”
He nodded. Namjoon kissed my cheek and said he was going to check on the kids while I continued my conversation with the young teen. I enjoyed telling my theatre stories, but I am sure Joon was tired of hearing them over and over again.
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Namjoon walked into a curious scene of nearly 10 children sacrificing his moonchild who was tied up with a jumprope to the side of a bookcase like contraption. He could just stare at the kids in various wigs and holiday clothing reenacting something.
Hoseok entered asking, “Why did it suddenly get so qui--”
Taehyung’s second youngest child came in with a bucket of water which Namjoon scooped out of their hands rather quickly, too in shock to say anything.
“What’s going on?” Hobi asked instead.
“Daaaaddd, we’re reenacting Uncle TaeTae’s TV show.” A darling little kid with blonde pigtails reached for the bucket of water. “We need the water to splash on Choseungdal’s faaaceeee. It’s her punishment for fighting on sacred ground.”
The brown haired father shook his head and Namjoon silently walked back to the bathroom to pour the water out while his hyung told the children to use fake water and their imagination instead of real water and to make sure the jump rope wasn’t too tight.
Not exactly the type of parenting the dirty blonde man was hoping for, but as long as they were safe, it was ok. He then recorded the children’s antics for a while to show Taehyung.
Although, it was another Hwarang member that he saw kissing his wife on the cheek.. Do Jihan and her had won favorite TV Couple nearly every year for the past 10, even that time he played a stalker. So the three knew each other well.
“Jihan-hyung, it is nice to see you again.” Joon slapped his friend’s back, making his wife giggle at the facial reaction.
“Ah, yes. Ouch. I’m doing well.”
Y/N giggled, her teeth like marshmallows on top of hot chocolate and Namjoon wanting to sip every last drop of her. Taehyung lifted her up and spun her around all of a sudden.
“You guys are here! I’m so sorry it took me so long to come see you. I was finishing up something for my daughter.” and then set his friend’s wife down.
She kissed him and his wife on the cheek before they hugged Namjoon. The older man had hopped things wouldn’t be as awkward this year since Tae was married to Joon’s ex girlfriend, but she was an awkward girl. She wasn’t sure if it was ok to hug him or if it was better to bow or just shake hands.
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“지현,” I begged, “Please, just hug him or bow. It’s not that deep, fam.”
The three men laughed at how straightforward I was. It was like this every year since Tae got together with Jihyeon, and I was sick of it. I could not care less that she was an ex to my husband.
Jihan put his arm on one of my shoulders, “That is why you are my favorite co-worker.”
I laughed and asked how the kids were doing, not expecting my husband to show me and the others our kids playing “Hwarang” since the youngest ones were now learning how to read and Tae’s children were natural thespians.
“I need to sit down.” I said as soon as it was time to open presents.
The cookies and the cake were hits, and I had my fill of the food that was there. Gifts and friends were amazing. Whatever troubles we had been having throughout the year and were still probably were going on could wait until next year a week from now. Right now, it was time for an outing to the park for the boys’ performance.
It was a medley of all the title tracks they had done throughout the years with the last one being done by the kids that weren’t too grumpy. The boys were idols after all, not even fully disbanding or retiring, just not performing as often as a group.
Jungkook and Jimin with their spouses revealed that they were going to have their first children soon. Jin’s 10 year old asked if she could name the baby, making everyone laugh before it was time to pack everyone up into cars and head to the park.
Namjoon squeezed my hand, “Our kids will be fine. You will do a great job, and I will be there to help you as soon as possible.”
I nodded and he kissed me before going off to perform for his fans. Some older than me and some younger. I was there with the other spouses talking and momentarily checking on the kids who were being watched by the older children. Siu was the second oldest to Jin’s triplets, two girls and one guy who made 14 this year.
When the boys were on stage, it felt like I was 20 again, staying up late nights to watch them on award shows and festivals in the states due to the 15 hour time difference. Sometimes it was like that even when Namjoon and I were dating.
Now I was much older with two of his kids, Cho-ie sleeping on my shoulder and Byeol-ie in my lap. They would wake up soon because this song was their song.
“To my children” Suga and Namjoon said.
“To my stars and my moon. To my children.” Namjoon continued.
“I hope that I’ll see you soon. Your dad loves you no matter how far away and every time I look up at the sky I know you’re looking at the same one, same sun, same moon, same star, same love. Love you. Be home soon, ya don’t give mom too much trouble.”
He wrote a song years ago that was a B-side that got more popular than the title tracks. By that time, Jin already had his kids. Hobi and his husband had adopted their first child. Yoongi was back in the states for this comeback while 11 year old Siu was being raised by his nanny for a bit since the mom left after stealing several things and dumping the child on him.
서준, 민서, and 윤서 said that the children were ready for the stage and got the point choreo down as good as possible. My little elves woke up and yawned, ready to show off their skills. Both of them had gone after the microphone and the paintbrush on their first birthday, and it was no surprise that fate had decided they would be in the arts.
Choseungdal said in her small voice, “I don’t wanna dance today.”
“It’s ok. Do you still wanna go on stage, though?”
She nodded and held onto me as we brought 13 kids on stage to help close out the holiday concert in the park. Everyone went wild as several of them had on noise cancelling headphones since they couldn’t keep their eyes open so long.
The others danced and sang along with their dads having a grand old time. Byeol-ie ended up being carried by Namjoon while I had Cho-ie in my arms. Looking out at all the faces that loved my husband and their father, I recognized a few who had been with them since the beginning. They had kids too now.
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In the car ride back home, our little elves had tinkered themselves out and were fast asleep with RapMon by their feet. I was exhausted as well, knowing the crew of The Return to Superman crew would be back tomorrow for Kwanzaa and the cameras would still be there.
Namjoon took one hand off of the wheel to hold my hand, causing my attention to turn from the hypnotizing city lights that passed by to the comforting fingers rubbing the back of my hand.
“Thank you so much for being the mother to my children. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better.”
I smiled and kissed his hand, making him smile and scrunch his nose, “Merry Christmas, yeobo.”
He giggled, “Merry Christmas, yeobo.”
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kat-feinated · 4 years
My favorite Denver restaurants
How was your week?
My week included being invited to have a threesome with two of my work clients, who are both meth addicts and lost custody of their child due to said meth addiction.
My boss asked me to send the text to her and just replied “FOR GOD SAKE” and I feel like that’s the perfect summary of my year.
Speaking of meth, we finally finished watching “Tiger King” this week. I know I know, that show is so one month ago. But I have a lot of thoughts that I need to share with the world.
1. Did anyone else find Joe really sympathetic and felt bad for him? Yes, I know he’s unstable and probably killed animals and stuff but I found him...endearing!? 
2. Doc Antle is the creepiest ever ever ever. 
3. Jeff Lowe sucks. And his wife is way too young for him. And THE WHOLE THING WITH THE NANNY I JUST CAN’T.
4. The guy with no legs whose name I can’t remember was my favorite character. And just seems so normal. How did he end up there!?
5. I’m proud of Saff for standing up for Joe in the aftershow...everyone else just sold him down the river!
6. Howard Baskin. Howard Baskin singing. Howard Baskin’s wedding photos with Carole Baskin. The show is worth watching just for Howard Baskin.
7. Do I think Carole murdered her husband and fed him to a tiger? Yes. Would I still hang out with her in a heartbeat? ABSOLUTELY.
8. I’m extremely mad that I didn’t come up with “hey all you cool cats and kittens”. And now it’s already over-used.
Do you miss eating at restaurants as much as I do? (Probably not because you’re probably a normal person who has friends and other hobbies). I miss restaurants so much it HURTS. I miss looking up menus and deciding what I’m going to order days before I go. I miss people-watching and commenting on everyone else’s food. I miss kind servers bringing me baskets of bread and drinks that I didn’t make. I MISS RESTAURANTS YOU GUYS.
So, while I’m eagerly waiting for restaurants to start re-opening, I thought it would be fun to share my very favorite places to eat in Denver. Share this list with your favorite Denver local! Or better yet, come visit Denver and try these spots out (and invite me!!). 
Cuba Cuba: This was the first restaurant I tried in Denver, because it’s across the street from our old apartment. It’s located in an adorable blue bungalow but is surprisingly spacious on the inside. For drinks, order their house made mojitos or a pina colada. For appetizers, order the plantain chips with guacamole and garlic sauce (YUM) or the empanadas. Everything I’ve eaten there for dinner has been delicious, but I especially love the coconut shrimp and the chimichurri steak.
Perfect for: a date night or girls’ night where you feel like getting a little dressed up (but you’d be fine going there dressed more casually).
Rioja: This is my mom’s favorite Denver restaurant, and she insists we go every single time she’s in town. It’s located in Larimer Square, the cutest and most charming street in downtown Denver. It’s a bunch of old Victorian buildings that have been converted into restaurants and shops, and the street is decorated with twinkly lights and Colorado state flags so it’s a great spot to get a touristy picture when you visit.
The menu changes constantly, so it’s hard to recommend exactly what to order, but you can’t go wrong with the pasta dishes. They are known for their artichoke tortelloni and it’s honestly the best pasta I’ve ever eaten in my life. Last time we also ordered the tagliatelle and clams which was fantastic. For starters, order the smoked pear and raclette if it’s available-so yummy.
Also, Rioja makes all their bread in house, and it’s probably our favorite part of the restaurant. Waiters literally come around with a giant tray of bread and I always try every single type. The lavender sourdough and rosemary biscuit are life-changing.
Perfect for: when your parents come visit (and pay!) or a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday dinner. It is on the pricey side.
Work & Class: This is probably the Denver restaurant I’ve eaten at the most. Located in the very hip Five Points neighborhood, Work & Class is always busy and does not take reservations, so I would recommend going on a random weeknight vs. a Friday or Saturday. If you do go on the weekend, plan on an hour plus wait-the good news is you’re surrounded by bars and breweries to help pass the time.
Work & Class is a South American/American fusion restaurant, and everything is served tapas (small plates) style, so go with someone you are cool sharing with. They have fabulous in-house cocktails which change seasonally, so definitely order one while you peruse the menu. It’s hard to make food recommendations since I’ve probably tried everything on the menu and have never been disappointed, but some of my favorites include: the lamb, the empanadas, the mac & cheese, and any of their vegetable side dishes.
Perfect for: your group of friends who you’re comfortable sharing with (eating off of each other’s plates!).
Mercantile Dining & Provisions: This is another spot that my mom insists on visiting every time she comes to Denver. It’s located in Union Station in downtown Denver, which is itself a great spot to visit. It’s an old train station (that is still a working train station) but also home to a hotel, an ice cream parlor, a bookshop, a florist, and every other small adorable business you can imagine.
Mercantile serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I’ve had all 3 there), but my mom and I have created what we believe is the perfect system for dining there. We always go on the day she is leaving town, since she can take the train from Union Station to the Denver Airport after our meal. We try to go around 11am, and we order a raspberry muffin. My mom doesn’t even like muffins, but these are no ordinary muffins-not too sweet, perfectly fluffy, moist (I’M SORRY) -just sheer perfection. After sitting and people watching for about an hour, we then order a short rib sandwich around noon, as soon as they start serving their lunch menu (it gets quite busy at this time). SO GOOD. SO TASTY. Plus, the restaurant itself is so cute-it looks like Joanna Gaines designed the perfect black-and-white chic modern farmhouse.
Perfect for: brunch/lunch after a morning exploring downtown Denver, or a quick bite before catching the train to the airport.
Lowdown Brewery: Is it cheating that this is actually a brewery and not a restaurant? I say it counts because they make all their food in house. I don’t always love going to the popular breweries around Denver because they’re usually packed. I’ve never seen Lowdown packed and in my opinion it’s the best brewery in Denver in terms of food and ambience-and the beer is good too!
Not only do they make and sell their own beers, but their menu always features a seasonally rotating list of Colorado beers as well. They have a lot of IPA’s (which I despise but everyone else seems to love). I’ve tried their blood orange wheat, selfish (pale ale), and their blackberry sour and have enjoyed all three. In terms of food, you can’t go wrong with any of their pizzas, salads, or sandwiches, but I personally can’t get enough of their beer cheese dip (served with broccoli, apple slices, and soft pretzel bites-I’M DROOLING).
Perfect for: sitting out on their patio with friends in the warm weather. Bring your dog!
El Five: El Five has one of the coolest views of downtown Denver, not to mention delicious food and drinks and great service. Their sangria is the best I’ve ever tasted, but they have tons of great cocktail, beer and wine choices if that’s not your thing (but also what is wrong with you). For appetizers, try the spreads of the med-a platter of house made pita, hummus, and veggies. For their traditional tapas, I’ve tried and enjoyed the patatas bravas, the shrimp & calamari, and the goat cheese croquettes. Then, of course, you must try their paella. I’ve tried both the Valencian (made with rabbit confit!) and the seafood and would recommend either. Be prepared to log roll out of the restaurant when you’re finished because you will have gained 100 pounds.
Perfect for: a festive date night, dinner with your parents, drinks with your girlfriends-just be prepared for an expensive bill.
Stowaway: I’ve only been to Stowaway once, right before the shelter in place order started, but I’ve been dreaming about it ever since. First of all, it is tucked into the cutest former warehouse-turned-hipster-coffee shop/brunch spot, complete with exposed pipes and red brick walls. I AM HERE FOR IT.
We went on a Sunday morning with some friends who warned us to expect a bit of a wait. Fortunately, the Denver Central Market is just a few blocks away so we were able to enjoy some cocktails and/or coffee while we waited.
When we finally got in, I ordered the Colorful Colorado (an egg dish) because of the 8 million reviews I’d read ahead of time that told me I must order this dish or live a life of unending misery and regret (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration but it was something along those lines). I also split the fruit toast with Joshua because I have to order something sweet and something savory when I go to brunch (I know I have a problem, just leave me alone). Both were so freaking good. I can’t wait to go back soon and try everything on their menu (or more likely, order the same two dishes over and over again).
Perfect for: brunch with your favorite hipster friend.
Linger: This is the one restaurant on my list that I love more for the location/ambience than for the food, though the food is certainly tasty. Linger is located in my favorite neighborhood in Denver (LoHi or Lower Highlands) and the building it’s in USED TO BE A MORTUARY. Like, WHERE DEAD PEOPLE WOULD BE SENT AFTER THEY DIED. I personally find this so cool, and if this freaks you out, you would never know except that I just told you (sorry). It’s very airy inside with cozy mood lighting and exposed brick walls. This is another place that does small plates and they’re all globally-inspired street food dishes-the menu is literally divided by continent (i.e. Asia, Africa). For drinks, order the turmeric mule. For eating, you really can’t go wrong, but some dishes I’ve enjoyed include: the bao buns, the impossible burger persian sliders, the tuna tostadas, and the potato masala dosa. Skip dessert because right around the corner you’ll find Little Man Ice Cream-one of my favorite ice cream spots in the city.
Perfect for: a first date/date night, a girls’ night, or a summer brunch on their rooftop bar.
Snooze: Full disclosure-Snooze is a chain and is not just located in Denver; they have locations across Colorado and in a few other states including Texas and California. That being said, I just have to include it on my list because I believe it is completely worth the hype.
Because there is always a long wait (I’m talking 2 hours sometimes), we always go on a Monday morning when there’s a federal holiday that other people don’t get off, such as Columbus Day. Don’t kid yourself-there will still be a wait, but it will hopefully be closer to one hour. Plus, they give out free coffee while you wait!
I don’t even like pancakes, but I always order the pancakes here. ORDER THE DAMN PANCAKES PEOPLE. You can even get a pancake flight where you can sample three different types of pancakes (I highly recommend the blueberry danish pancakes and the sweet potato pancakes). If I’m in a savory mood, I’ll order the breakfast tacos with a side of one pancake.
Perfect for: brunch with your friend, brunch with family or anyone with kids, brunch with your arch nemesis, brunch with anyone.
Hopefully this list made you excited to go back to restaurants again in the future, instead of depressed! And please send me your best restaurant recommendations! These conversations are what I live for.
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ppmbx · 4 years
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The Philippines will never fail to amaze you. The stunning sights above and under the sea, the culture, the hospitality, the food, and of course, the friendly people willing to welcome visitors wherever and whenever. Spending a night or two on the island-blessed country is not enough when you want to savour all the Philippines has to offer.
The slogan "It's More Fun in the Philippines" brings an important part to convince people how amazing it would be to visit in our country. Because of this, we witnessed the continuous growth of foreign visits to the Philippines over these years, with an extraordinary part being those from western nations.
Here are the key concepts why It's More Fun in the Philippines:
Promotes Philippine Festivals
various festivals have distinct ways of celebration. Tourists can witness those colorful and lively festivals in our country .
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The Ati-Atihan Festival is a Philippine festival held annually in January in honor of the Santo Niño in several towns of the province of Aklan, Panay Island. The biggest celebration is held during the third Sunday of January in the town of Kalibo, the province’s capital.
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Panagbenga Festival is a month-long annual flower occasion occurring in Baguio City. The term is of Kankanaey origin, meaning "season of blooming". The festival, held in February, was created as a tribute to the city's flowers and as a way to rise up from the devastation of the 1990 Luzon earthquake.
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The Sinulog-Santo Niño Festival is an annual cultural and religious festival held on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City, and is the centre of the Santo Niño Catholic celebrations in the Philippines. 
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The Dinagyang Festival is a religious and cultural festival in Iloilo City, Philippines held on the 4th Sunday of January, or right after the Sinulog in Cebu and the Ati-Atihan Festival in Kalibo, Aklan.
Promotes the Filipino Spirit
each country has different characteristics that give impressions to every tourist. Filipinos are friendly, caring, and are always happy.
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Promotes our Best Tourist Destinations
Philippines is the home of world-famous beaches. Diving lovers, marine enthusiasts, and anyone who cherishes nature, Philippines is their best travel destination.
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Boracay is a small island in the central Philippines. It's known for its resorts and beaches. Along the west coast, White Beach is backed by palm trees, bars and restaurants. On the east coast, strong winds make Bulabog Beach a hub for water sports. Nearby, the observation deck on Mount Luho offers panoramic views over the island. Offshore, coral reefs and shipwrecks are home to diverse marine life.
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Palawan, officially the Province of Palawan, is an archipelagic province of the Philippines that is located in the region of Mimaropa. It is the largest province in the country in terms of total area of jurisdiction
Philippine cuisine, though not quite well-known in other parts of the world, mostly consists of tasty and colorful fare made with fish, meat, and vegetables. However, there are a number of dishes whose ingredients are unexpected, or even downright bizarre. One way to amp up your next trip's adventure factor is to try things that are unfamiliar to you, including new foods. Dare yourself to seek out and taste some of the curious fare listed below:
1. Chicken adobo: the famous Filipino dish
Chicken adobo is the most famous and popular of all Filipino foods, known and loved by everyone. It's also one of the best examples of how the country is such a rich melting pot of different historical influences. At its true essence, adobo is a protein (usually chicken, pork or fish) that is braised in vinegar then mixed with other herbs/spices.
Also bear in mind, an authentic adobo is cooked in a heavy bottomed clay pot. This is the like the heart and soul of any Filipino's momma's kitchen! Although when we tried to make an authentic adobo in our Airbnb in Manila, we used a wok instead. The result was tasty, but our friends swear to us that the best way is to use a clay pot for the most authentic flavour!
2. Balut: the Filipino Kinder surprise!
Balut is a developing duck embryo boiled and eaten as a snack in the shell, often served with a splash of vinegar. This is definitely one of the most famous foods to try in the Philippines and certainly the strangest we've ever tried!
Locals swear by it and will tell you what a nourishing and wholesome snack it is. It's just 188 calories for each balut and it contains lots of niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, protein, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
3. Kare Kare: oxtail stew
Kare kare is a stew with oxtail, ox tripes, lots of vegetables, which is flavoured with ground roasted peanuts (or peanut butter), onions and garlic. It's served with shrimp paste ( called “bagoong”), calamansi juice (Filipino lime) and sometimes spiced with chilli.
Kare Kare is famous throughout the whole country. The alleged origin of its name is from the word “curry” – a nod to the influence of the Philippines' Indian community in the Cainta area of Metro Manila. It is thought to have originated from the Indian soldiers who settled in the Philippines during the British invasion.
4. Kinilaw: raw fish salad
Kinilaw is similar to the famous Peruvian dish called ceviche. The word “kinilaw” or “kilaw” means ‘eaten fresh’ in Tagalog. It is a raw fish salad served in an acidic juice, usually kalamansi (Filipino lime) and vinegar. In the Philippines, vinegar is nicknamed “liquid fire” because it cooks the food enough to be digested. More interestingly, vinegar in the Philippines is produced by alcoholic fermentation of coconut water, which is what gives it a sour-sweet flavour.
Just like with ceviche, the acid from the lime and the vinegar “cooks” the meat. Other ingredients usually in a kinilaw include garlic, ginger, onion, pepper and chilli.
5. Sinigang: sour meat stew
Sinigang is another popular Filipino stew. It is meat-based and more sour and savoury in flavour than a kare kare – usually using tamarind (sampalok) as the souring agent. Alternative souring agents include guava, tomatoes or kalamansi.
A traditional sinigang is served as a stew or soup, always served with lots of vegetables like okra, water spinach, (kang kong), daikon (labanos), onions and aubergine (eggplants). Pork (sinigang baboy) is the most common meat for sinigang, but chicken (sinigang na manok), beef (sinigang na baka) and fish (sinigang na bangus) can also be used.
6. Lechon: roasted suckling pig
Lechon is a “suckling pig” in Hispanic traditions. It is literally an entire young pig that has been fed on just its mother's milk (the word for milk in Spanish is leche), which is roasted over charcoal for many hours. Lechon is also considered the national dish of the Philippines. The city of Cebu is considered one of the most famous places in the country for lechon.
Lechon is also very popular across Spain and large parts of Latin America, usually reserved for special occasions. It's one of the many influences in the Philippines from its 333 years as a Spanish colony – from 1565 to 1898.
The leftovers of the lechon are stewed with vinegar and spices and become a delicious dish called paksiw na lechon. Paksiw literally means: to cook and simmer with vinegar.
7. Tapsilog: the King of the Filipino breakfast
Taspsilog is a popular breakfast dish in the Philippines. The name itself refers to the contents comprising the meal: cured beef (“tapa”), fried rice (“sinangag”) and a fried egg (“itlog”).
The beef in a well made traditional Filipino tapsilog is seasoned with a sauce that is a mix of soy sauce, calamansi juice, brown sugar, minced garlic and black pepper. The rice is fried with lots of garlic to give it a strong (and tasty!) aroma. Finally, the egg is usually served sunny side up. To complement a traditional tapsilog, vinegar or pickled papaya (atchara) is sometimes served.
Variants of tapsilog include “adosilog” (adobo with fried rice and fried egg), “litsilog” (lechon with fried rice and egg) and the most unique of all – “Stefansilog” (a Stefan with fried rice and egg)…ok this is just us being silly
8. Halo halo: the best Filipino dessert
This is the ultimate and most famous of all Filipino desserts! Halo Halo means ‘mixed together’ in Tagalog. It is served in a tall glass containing ice shavings, evaporated milk and various small chunks of yummy goodies all mixed in together.
What are the yummy goodies I hear you cry?
Well this includes a mix of boiled kidney beans, chickpeas (“garbanzo”), sugar palm fruit (“kaong”), jackfruit, tapioca, sweet potato, sweet beans, coconut gel, ice cream, guava paste, purple yam and more! There is no one exact formula or recipe, as long as you have a fabulous mix of all of these thrown in with the shaved ice and evaporated milk.
The end result is a tropical, colourful and very tasty mess, perfect for the beach. Every time we went to one of the many beaches in the Philippines, there'd always be a vendor with a huge queue selling halo halos!
9. Buko pie: the divine Filipino coconut pie
I love coconuts a lot – it's my favourite fruit. So a dessert made out of coconuts? My daily staple in the Philippines!
Buko pie is a baked coconut custard pie, the speciality of Los Baños on Luzon island. It has condensed milk added to sweeten it. What I also love is that the coconut meat is also used in the cake. Other variations to the many buko pies I've consumed include the addition of vanilla, pandan and almond.
Buko pie is a recent discovery, entirely by accident by the Pahud sisters from Los Baños, Laguna. One of the sisters returned to her family in the Philippines after working as a maid in the USA where she learned to make apple pies. The sisters tried to recreate the American apple pie, but in the absence of apples in the Philippines, they used another fruit they had in abundance – bukos! The idea took off and became one of the most popular desserts in the Philippines.
Fellow coconut lovers listen up – buko is the word for coconut in Tagalog. Unlike the traditional coconuts which are smaller, slightly hairy and brown in colour, Filipino bukos are much larger, smoother and green. They have a lot more juice inside which makes them so much more satisfying, especially when you want to refresh your body and cool down in the hot, humid Filipino weather. It's also a fantastic source of potassium, sodium, magnesium and iron, which is why the coconut tree is nicknamed the ‘Tree of Life’ in the Phillippines.
10. Arroz Caldo, the Filipino porridge
Arroz caldo is the Filipino porridge equivalent, a popular breakfast dish and comfort food that all our Filipino friends swear by.
It starts out as a sort of chicken soup with rice cooked in water with chicken stock. However, unlike chicken soup, the mixture is cooked for longer until it turns into a thick porridge – this is the arroz caldo! It is then infused with ginger and garnished with toasted garlic, scallions, and black pepper. It is usually served with calamansi or fish sauce as condiments, as well as a hard-boiled egg.
Although arroz caldo means “rice broth” in Spanish, it was in fact based on the congee introduced to the Philippines by Chinese immigrants many centuries ago.
A traditional arroz caldo uses glutinous rice and is slightly yellow in colour. This comes from the addition of kasubha (safflower) or saffron. In the absence of safflower or saffron, turmeric can be used instead.
Other variations of arroz caldo include a French inspired “arroz palaka” where instead of chicken, frogs' legs are used instead (palaka means “frog” in Tagalog)! Another interesting one we discovered was a vegan variant which uses mushrooms or tofu in place of meat.
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Philippines is wonderful country, different kind of people who are generous, very friendly and the hospitable one and especially open to accept, embrace and promote our own culture. As we explore the beauty, the paradise and the hidden treasure from luzon, visayas and mindanao, we will see the real beauty of the Philippines. Different places with different stories, different tribes with different cultures, different personalities. We grew up in this world not knowing there are still some hidden places waiting to discover. I am inviting you to explore and enjoy the true beauty of the Philippines. So what are you waiting for? Halina't magsaya at mag pakasasa mga larawang dika magsasawa, Philippines road to forever beauty.
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usmoonchild · 4 years
How to Cook Quinoa Within 10 Minutes
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I like to see myself as a quinoa master. I have cooked a ton of it for my cookbook. Limited quantities, or parcels on the double, with flavors and greens, or without—I've done everything. The standard quinoa cooking technique began bombing me from the get-go. My quinoa was soft and exaggerated, without fail, and it was driving me crazy.
I took a stab at utilizing marginally less water than expected, which has been suggested somewhere else. It helped a little now and again, however different occasions, I needed to include increasingly more water while the quinoa was cooking. At that point, the evaporate quinoa splashed an excessive amount of the dressing I included later.
Sooner or later, I pondered, for what reason do all the quinoa plans propose covering the quinoa while cooking? My quinoa was totally overcooked and soft, so covering it appeared as though the exact opposite thing I ought to do.
quinoa formula
Bingo! Here's the stunt for consummately fleecy quinoa: Use twice as much water as quinoa, obviously, at that point cook revealed until the quinoa has ingested all the water. The cooking time will differ dependent on amount.
When the water is totally assimilated, expel the pot from heat, spread it and let the quinoa steam for 5 minutes. That is the point at which the quinoa busts open into fleecy quinoa flawlessness, and that is the way to cook quinoa appropriately.
I've gotten many inquiries from you all about how to maintain a strategic distance from soft quinoa, so I simply needed to share. I composed up the full formula and directions for you beneath.
Look down for the full formula, in addition to a short video demonstrating my procedure and 10 of my most loved quinoa plans. For significantly more quinoa motivation, you can see the entirety of my quinoa plans here.
Flawless Quinoa
Creator: Cookie and KatePrep Time: 2 minsCook Time: 20 minsTotal Time: 22 minutesYield: 3 cups 1xCategory: StapleMethod: StovetopCuisine: Peruvian
Figure out how to cook flawless quinoa, inevitably. I've attempted the various quinoa cooking techniques and this one works best. It's anything but difficult to cook fleecy quinoa when you realize the correct method to do it!
1 section uncooked quinoa (for example 1 cup quinoa—any shading will do—you will wind up with three fold the amount of cooked quinoa)
2 sections water (for example 2 cups water)
Salt, to taste (around ¼ teaspoon salt per cup of dry quinoa)
Flush the quinoa: Pour the quinoa into a fine work colander and wash under running water for in any event 30 seconds. Channel well. This progression expels any sharpness outwardly of the quinoa (brought about by normally happening saponins).
Join the flushed quinoa and water in a pan. Heat the blend to the point of boiling over medium-high warmth, at that point decline the warmth a piece to keep up a delicate stew. Cook until the quinoa has consumed the entirety of the water, around 10 to 20 minutes (limited quantities of quinoa will be prepared more like 10 minutes; bigger sums between 15 to 20). Diminish heat over the long haul to keep up a delicate stew.
Expel the pot from warmth, spread, and let the quinoa steam for 5 minutes. This progression gives the quinoa time to bust open into little curlicues, so it's overall quite feathery. Expel the top and lighten the quinoa with a fork. Season with salt, to taste, except if you're continuing with another formula as composed.
SERVING SUGGESTIONS: I love to mix a sprinkle of olive oil and clove of garlic into warm quinoa for additional flavor. Different choices incorporate cleaved new spinach or arugula, or rubbed kale. New herbs or potentially dried flavors are decent, just as ground or disintegrated cheddar, sun-dried tomatoes, hollowed and cut olives, and so on.
Capacity SUGGESTIONS: Leftover quinoa keeps well, refrigerated, for 4 to 5 days. Ensure it has cooled to room temperature before covering and chilling.
The data demonstrated is a gauge given by an online sustenance number cruncher. It ought not be viewed as a substitute for an expert nutritionist's recommendation.
Did you make this formula?
If it's not too much trouble let me know how it showed up for you! Leave a remark underneath and share an image on Instagram with the hashtag #cookieandkate.
Instructions to cook flawless cushy quinoa! cookieandkate.com
Pause, what is quinoa?
On the off chance that you haven't experienced quinoa yet, it is a pseudocereal that becomes close to the Andes in South America. By pseudocereal, I imply that it is grain-like, yet it's in fact not a grass like wheat. Quinoa is articulated KEEN-wah, in spite of the fact that my father likes to prod me by calling it queh-NO-ah.
Quinoa is nutritious—it's loaded with fiber, protein, nutrients and minerals, including manganese, magnesium and folate. Quinoa's medical advantages are actually too long to even think about listing here, yet the key point is that quinoa is strikingly thick in supplements, and worth remembering for your eating regimen.
You can purchase quinoa in most markets nowadays, for the most part in the wellbeing segment or close to the rice. You can likewise purchase quinoa online at Amazon (member connect).
Instructions to cook impeccable quinoa (one basic stunt has a significant effect!)
10 Favorite Quinoa Recipes
This basic quinoa plate of mixed greens is ideal for stuffed snacks!
1) Sun-Dried Tomato, Spinach and Quinoa Salad
"I have made this plate of mixed greens twice in seven days it is that acceptable – simple and heavenly!" – Terri
Broccoli dish, improved with broiled broccoli, cheddar, quinoa and entire grain breadcrumbs
2) Broccoli, Cheddar and Quinoa Gratin
"This was so acceptable! I've been attempting to discover one dish plans that can likewise take care of child and this was great! I was too apathetic to even consider making the breadcrumbs yet I'm so happy I did in light of the fact that it was basic and thus justified, despite all the trouble! I likewise utilized a touch of cauliflower since I had it and it was acceptable in there as well. I believe I'm going to cause this to again and carry it to Easter! It's an ideal more beneficial rendition of a work of art!" – Stephanie
Quinoa dark bean tacos with avocado crema
3) Quinoa Black Bean Tacos with Creamy Avocado Sauce
"This is one of my preferred dishes ever! Adhered to the directions (first time at any point was not roused to transform anything) and appreciated a yummy supper with my accomplice, twice now. He cherished it also! A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing and good karma! :)" – Dessi
Crude Beet Salad with Carrot, Quinoa and Spinach in bowls
4) Colorful Beet Salad with Carrot, Quinoa and Spinach
"THE best plate of mixed greens ever! My better half and I completely love it! I'm offering to my loved ones!" – Jacqueline
vegetable soup with quinoa formula 1
5) Quinoa Vegetable Soup with Kale
"I simply discovered this formula by means of pinterest! I made the soup yesterday and I completely love it!! Never thought of quinoa in soup however this bodes well! I am continually searching for approaches to include protein without including meat so this is extraordinary and my entire family adores it! (I'm an undergrad incidentally, not a mother, on the off chance that you were unable to tell. lol) This soup is incredible for all ages!!" – Maya
Solid and generous Southwestern kale power serving of mixed greens formula - cookieandkate.com
6) Southwestern Kale Power Salad with Sweet Potato, Quinoa and Avocado Sauce
"We made this for supper 2 hours prior and can't quit discussing it! OMG! It was so tasty and brimming with flavor and it was anything but difficult to make. My children cherished it, as well. We as of now can hardly wait to make it again :) thank you so much!" – Tiffany
The best quinoa plate of mixed greens formula, made with chickpeas, red chime pepper, cucumber, red onion, parsley and lemon! This sound quinoa serving of mixed greens makes certain to be a hit. (gluten free, veggie lover, vegetarian)
7) Favorite Quinoa Salad
"Scrumptious formula, Kate. I've been crazing something light and reviving and this quinoa serving of mixed greens hit the spot. This is certainly outstanding amongst other quinoa plates of mixed greens I've made. Your plans never disillusion. Much obliged to you!" – Allison
You're going to adore this brilliant, crunchy Thai nut quinoa serving of mixed greens! It's made with carrots, cabbage, snow peas, and quinoa, hurled in a delectable nut sauce. It packs incredible for lunch. Vegetarian and gluten free.
8) Crunchy Thai Peanut and Quinoa Salad
"Made this for supper today when a companion came over. Indeed, even my four-year-old adored it! He isn't generally into crude veggies, however upon the principal chomp, shouted, "I like this! Definitely, I love it!" and had a subsequent making a difference. We left the cilantro as an afterthought for him. Will make this again very soon." – Lea
This sans mayo quinoa broccoli slaw formula is a pleasant bend on an old exemplary! It's veggie lover and gluten free, as well.
9) Quinoa Broccoli Slaw with Honey-Mustard Dressing
"Three of us finished this formula at a time. It was great! Tart, sweet and crunchy, because of the almonds. It was additionally so natural to make. Much obliged to you!" – Leah
Epic breakfast quinoa including toasted walnuts, coconut oil, cinnamon and dried fruits or cranberries -
10) Cinnamon Toast Breakfast Quinoa
"Made this for breakfast toward the beginning of today, and it's astounding! It's certainly going to be in my ordinary pivot." – Carly
More assets you may acknowledge: 23 make-ahead breakfast plans, 16 plans that pack well for lunch and 20 basic weeknight suppers. You can shop my basic kitchen gear here. Remember to tail us on Pinterest for a constant flow of formula motivation!
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putschki1969 · 5 years
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2019/07/13 Blog post by Wakana 『都内の癒されスポットに行ったおはなし。』
『A story about me going to a healing place in the middle of Tokyo』
I rarely do so but I had lunch at a café. I had some time to spare before a work meeting so I thought I would spend that time in a fashionable café [Ron Herman Café]. Every time I had passed that shop in the past, I always thought to myself that I would like to eat lunch there one day. I ordered a huge Mexican cob salad with vegetables and chicken which came on top of a big tortilla. While I was enjoying my meal and silently mumbling to myself, “ohh, so yummy!”, I suddenly noticed a young boy who was around 4 years old, he was standing outside and had his arms stretched out towards the window in front of me, he was resting his cheek on his arms and giggled while watching me. “Ehh?!” A surprised sound espcaped me and I started laughing. All by myself. It must have seemed strange to the other people in the café, I am sure they were wondering what I was laughing about since I was all alone.  I waved at him (it took a lot courage) but he just continued watching me, I didn’t really know what to do so I just kept eating. *laughs* It is very embarrassing to have a stranger watch you at a close distance while you are eating. I had no idea it could be that embarrassing〜 These are the hardships of having lunch at a fashionable café all by yourself, it’s tough. Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/ He walked off somewhere, that boy who watched me eat while giggling...I wonder who he was... By the way, a video was uploaded the day before yesterday, it shows footage of me visiting "SHARE GREEN MINAMI AOYAMA". They had so many plants lined up there, all just waiting for me, it was a lot of fun〜 I had such a great time looking at all the succulents. There were also some cute plants with pretty leaves and flowers. No matter where you looked, everything was in full bloom, it was a such a healing experience. I took a little break in the on-site-café. I had a katsu-sandwhich and some fries. For my drink I chose something that’s called a cherry coffee soda...? A rare combination of iced coffee and ginger ale. It was delicious ♪ I wanna come here again. Hopefully at a time where they are not cultivating the lawn!
These days I am looking for a very particular long and big cactus. For the longest time I couldn’t remember its name, after being clueless for such a long time I finally decided to do some research, it seems like I am looking for a Columnar Cactus. It stands straight just like a pillar...You often see them in pictures that have a sort of Mexican interior vibe. I often see this kind of cactus at a shop I go to, everytime I walk past it I wanna buy it but unfortunately I have never taken a picture of it.  That’s why I tried drawing a picture for you *laughs*...I guess it doesn’t really look like a cactus, does it? More like a sea urchin? Since my drawing doesn’t do it justice I tried looking for pictures online, here I found some copyright free pictures. THIS, THIS!!! I want it so bad!! Aren’t they beautiful〜 However, these babies love the sun a lot so it’s very important to find a good place for them. There is only one place with a lot of sunshine and that’s my veranda... but I can’t leave it outside during the winter time because it’s too cold...they also do not really like the rain...they will eventually die when there is too much rain. Conclusion: I have absolutely no place where to put it. It is a really sad conclusion .... but I will continue to search for a way to provide the perfect place for it. I really want to have one of these babies in my home *laughs* Since we are already knee-deep in our cactus worshipping, let’s end this talk with the cactus that’s already living with me. This little guy here has very thin spines...in fact, he is the most dangerous among all my children. When I first brought him into my home I had trouble carrying him so I decided to turn him over with my hands. That was a terrible idea and hellish experience. I ended up with spines all over my hands and arms, I needed to pull them out one by one with a pair of tweezers. Ever since then I have a lot of respect for him and watch myself around him (I definitely won’t be touching you anymore!). I hope someday I can get more cactus friends for him〜 Well then, until next time〜⭐︎(*'▽’*)/ *** Wakana ***
2019/07/13 Instagram post by Wakana
「SHARE GREEN MINAMI AOYAMA」に行って来ました。 詳しくはブログで。 動画もあります。
I went to 「SHARE GREEN MINAMI AOYAMA」. Please read all the details in my blog post. There is also a short video. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz2UWTcBoVt/
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artificialqueens · 5 years
The First Day of Christmas (katlaska) - kamylove
<i>AN A belated Christmas thing. It’s a small miracle that they can be together for Christmas, and they’re not going to waste a minute.</i>
It’s a small miracle that they can be together for Christmas. It took some juggling and a lot of airfare, but they’ve got three days, and Katya doesn’t plan to waste a minute. She arrives at the hotel near her parents’ house the morning of Christmas Eve, and goes straight to the mall where she worked in high school to buy all the tacky, disposable decorations left on sale. She hums Alaska’s Christmas Queens songs (because Alaska’s are the best ones, obviously) while she hangs the most ostentatious display she can hang, without incurring a fee from the hotel. She goes to see her family for dinner, and uses their wrapping paper, because she <i>knew</i> she’d forgotten something at the mall, and steals a big roll of ribbon. She’s buzzing with energy and dominating conversation, but they’re used to that. Still, she leaves early; she’s driving even herself crazy, and to be honest she’s a bit lonely, so she goes back to their suite to wait for Alaska’s late flight. Once there she ends up redoing all the decorations, because she’s having one of those can’t sit still days, and she texts Alaska a long, giddy stream of holiday and heart emojis that she’ll see when her plane lands. Then she watches <i>Rudolph</i>, and sends Alaska, one line at a time, The Absolutely True Love Story of Yukon Cornelius and The Abominable, wherein Yukon is a bottom and loves toothy blowjobs, and it’s a myth that the Abominable had <i>all</i> his teeth pulled which is a damn good thing for Yukon, and falling off the cliff is an orgasm metaphor, and … “Making me laugh like that in the fucking airport!” Alaska texts finally. “YOU’RE HERE YOU’RE HERE YOU’RE HERE,” Katya texts back. “Renting the car right now, please put your masterpiece on pause so I can pretend to be a normal human being.” “I’M A LITTLE HYPERACTIVE TODAY,” Katya replies. Alaska sends a heart and a brain. Katya sends a heart and a snake, and then gets a bit carried away with eggplants and a whole lot of peaches. <><><> Katya had texted the key code in the middle of her gay Christmas special text storm, so Alaska punches it in without knocking and wheels her bags inside. She barely gets out, “Merry Christmas, bitch,” before there’s an unholy shriek, a door opening, and a whirl of color barreling towards her. This is not a new thing, so Alaska braces herself while Katya gloms onto her with arms around her neck and legs around her waist. <i>(“Maybe try that with a little less momentum next time,” Alaska had said, right after landing on her tailbone the first time Katya bowled her over.)</i> Thankfully, Alaska’s able to lean back into the wall, instead of falling on the floor. She wraps her arms around Katya to help keep her where she is. “Hi,” Katya says right in Alaska’s face. “I’ve been waiting <i>forever</i>.” “My plane landed early!” Alaska says. <i>“Forever,”</i> Katya insists. She grins. “You look yummy.” “You still have toothpaste on your chin, but I really mi-” And Katya cuts her off with a tongue practically down her throat. “Missed you anyway,” Alaska finishes when she can get a word in. Katya squeals, a little too close to Alaska’s ear, and then apologizes. “I’m just so happy to see you!” Katya says, like she always does. “I love that you’re so happy to see me,” Alaska says, like she always does. They both know Alaska’s just as happy, if better able to contain herself. “Now get down. I’m fucking exhausted, and I’m about to drop you.” Katya doesn’t lower herself to the floor so much as jump, and then she’s grabbing Alaska’s hand and pulling her further inside. “Look what I did!” she says. Alaska follows with a grin, and the grin turns into a shocked bark or laughter as she looks around. The space is full of red and green streamers and garlands, paper stockings and snowflakes and snowmen–one of them labeled “Abominable, A Top (not an accurate likeness)”–and a big Christmas tree sticker on the wall. There’s plastic holly and poinsettia and mistletoe. There’s a three-foot candy cane that seems, worrisomely, to be real, with a ribbon of red, green, and gold plaid tied around it. And there’s a banner that says, “Happy Thanksgiving,” complete with a turkey in a stupid pilgrim hat. “It was on clearance,” Katya explains, waving her arms and pointing to make sure Alaska sees everything. Then there are half a dozen pictures of Alaska on stage, and when Alaska gets closer she can see they have helpful notes like, “I was staring at your ass the whole time,” and “You missed the high note,” and “I’m stealing this wig in particular,” and “Squeeze my boob, baby.” And there’s a brightly-wrapped nativity set that looks like– “Is that <i>chocolate</i>?” Alaska asks. “Dibs on baby Jesus!” Katya says in a rush. It’s all very crazy and very Katya, and Alaska tells her so. “It’s a <i>disastah</i> and it’s so you I want to fuck it,” she says. Katya screams out a laugh and wheezes and manages to say, “I knew you would! I knew you would, that’s why I brought extra condoms!” “You’re so good to me,” Alaska says. “I am, aren’t I?” Katya smiles flirtatiously. “Oh!” She holds up a hand to say stop. “Are you hungry? I have leftovers for you! And pizza!” “The traditional Christmas pizza?” “It’s got lots of vegetables on it. It’s like a cooked salad with cheese! Well, half of it has cheese.” “That sounds a lot worse than it probably tastes,” Alaska says. Katya bounces over to the mini-fridge. In the middle of opening it, she looks back and says, “Oh! I only had salad for dinner! And fruit for breakfast!” “Did you now?” Alaska asks. “I did,” Katya says as if she’s talking dirty. Alaska laughs, and Katya piles her arms full of tupperware and a pizza box. <><><> After pizza (Katya scrapes the cheeseless vegetables off the top and makes sure Alaska’s watching), and potatoes and squash and peas, they settle down to watch <i>Santa Claus Conquers the Martians</i>. They’re only a few minutes in when Alaska, yawning, lays her head on Katya’s shoulder. She sighs happily when Katya pets her thigh, and Katya can tell how tired she is by the way she’s holding herself, melting into Katya’s side. “Sleepy?” Katya asks. “Mmm.” “Want to go to bed?” “Not if you’re not.” Katya smiles. She loves sappy Alaska, and exhaustion brings out the sappiest Alaska. The sofa they’re sitting on looks almost long enough for Alaska to lie down, so Katya moves to the end. She coaxes Alaska to stretch out and put her head in in Katya’s lap. Alaska grumbles, but makes a happy sound when she’s settled. Katya combs her fingers through Alaska’s curls. “Are we growing this out again, or have you just been too busy?” Katya asks.
“Too busy. But I’ve been tempted lately to shave it all off like yours.” She finds Katya’s spare hand and brings it to her chest. “Hey,” she notices, holding it out again so she can see better, “your nails are did!” Katya flutters both hands to show them off. One is a a messy red, one a messy green, and just one thumb is a glittery white she got for $.49 at the mall. “Tell me how pretty they are,” she says. Alaska laughs. “They’re very pretty.” “Really?” “Actually it looks like a hack job you did because you were bored. But they’re gorgeous, because they’re on you.” Katya squeals and goes back to playing with Alaska’s hair. It doesn’t take long for Katya to get bored with the movie and start yawning herself, and Alaska’s already sound asleep. She’s curled up and snoring a little and she looks too comfortable to move, but they’ll both regret it if she doesn’t. “Wake up, bitch,” Katya says. “Time for bed.” Alaska mumbles, “I’ll just stay here.” “No, you won’t. It’ll kill your back.” “All downhill after thirty,” Alaska says, as Katya leads her by the hand into the other room. <><><> Alaska’s dreaming, but she’s also aware of Katya getting out of bed and returning, slightly damp, and it seems like a new dream and a long time before the nose-licking starts. “Wake up!” Katya’s saying. Lick. “Wake up!” Lick, lick. “Wake uuuuuup.” Alaska fights a sneeze and opens one eye. “This again,” she says as she sees that it’s still dark in the room. She not-so-secretly loves her Katya-shaped alarm clock, but she’ll complain about it until she dies. “What is wrong with you?” Katya licks her nose again. “Wake uuuuuuup.” “I’m going to tell your parents you’re defective.” “They won’t take me back. They won’t take me back! You’ve already opened my box!” “Damn,” Alaska says, smiling. “I’m stuck with you.” “You are!” Another lick. “Wake up! It’s Christmas!” “Nobody over the age of ten is awake yet, Kati.” “But I wanted to give you a chance to play with your present before we have to leave,” Katya says. Alaska’s suspicious, but she grins anyway. “You got me a present?” “Of course I got you presents, you idiot. But I really need to give you this one in private.” She starts lifting the covers. “Oh, no, you didn’t,” Alaska says, covering her eyes. “I did!” Katya says. She grabs the hand Alaska has over her eyes and drags it down to her dick, which is decked out in the same red, green, and gold ribbon as the giant candy cane. Alaska pulls her hand back. “I can’t believe you,” she says fondly. “You don’t like it?” Katya shifts so she can press the ribbon against Alaska’s bare stomach. It tickles. “I’ll like it after the sun comes up,” Alaska says, pretending to turn away. Katya stops her and starts poking. “Al.” Poke. “Al.” Poke. “Al. How are you going to write me a thank you note if you don’t at least see if it works?” Alaska can’t fake it anymore. She gives in and cracks up. “I win!” Katya says. “Always. But I haven’t read the directions yet. I don’t even know how to turn it on.” “I’ll download the PDF for you later.” <i>(On New Year’s Eve, once Alaska’s back on the road, she’ll get a text with a detailed diagram and directions written in Katya’s handwriting, and it will make her day. And she’ll write a very dirty thank you note in response.)</i> Alaska laughs and stretches out on her back, pulling Katya on top of her and squeezing her ass. “Sooo,” she says, “I’m getting the feeling you want me to fuck you.” Katya gasps as if she hasn’t been dropping hints for two days. “How did you know?” “Women’s intuition,” Alaska says. “I’m in your head, baby.” She squirms and smirks and says demurely, “I mean, if you’re feeling it today.” “Like you need to ask,” Alaska says. “I’m just going to clean up a bit first, okay?” As she walks away, she hears Katya jump up and start rifling through plastic shopping bags, and decides she’s not going to ask. She’s glad she didn’t, when she returns a few minutes later. Katya’s not looking her way, so Alaska takes a step back to watch quietly. There’s obviously a surprise coming, and she doesn’t want to ruin it. Katya’s bent over, ass in the air, muttering to herself as she yanks a Santa hat out of one bag, and goes back to searching all the others. “Aha!” she says as she pulls out reindeer antlers and a wrapped box that’s just the right size for what Alaska thinks–knows–is in it. Alaska grins helplessly. She loves this lunatic so much. She ducks further back as Katya turns towards the bed, so it really is a surprise when she finally reveals herself. Katya’s laid out on her side, arm raised with a flourish. The Santa hat is on her head, and something suspiciously shaped is underneath it. “Merry Christmas!” she says, and points to her ribbon-wrapped dick. “Maybe I don’t need directions after all,” Alaska says. She steps to the edge of the bed, and Katya kneels in front of her on the mattress. “Take it off!” Katya says. “Take it off, take it off!” “What? My underwear?” Alaska asks, playing along. “That too. But no!” She gestures at the hat. “This, this, this!” Alaska does, and pretends to be surprised at the fuzzy antlers. “A shocking reveal!” she says. Katya grabs the hat and stands up to put it on Alaska’s head. “Hi Santa,” she says. “Do you want to see my shiny red ass? I can light up <i>your</i> sleigh.” “Ruining my entire fucking childhood,” Alaska says. Katya wheezes out a long laugh, very pleased with herself, so Alaska strips off her last bit of clothing, pushes Katya backwards onto the bed, and climbs on top of her. Then she kisses Katya madly, before Katya can say anything. They both moan happily into the kiss, and Katya opens her legs so Alaska can slide in between them. “Oh, my God, that thing is going to drive me crazy,” Alaska says, pulling back while Katya laughs at her. “You don’t like your present?” “This fucking ribbon.” Alaska tugs at it as she kneels between Katya’s legs. “It’s itchy as hell. How are you wearing it?” “I suffer for looooove,” Katya says. Cackling, Alaska tosses the thing aside, and lets Katya pull her head down to continue the kissing. But she’s got other ideas, so she starts moving south, to kiss Katya’s neck, her clavicle, her sternum, while Katya squirms beneath her. She follows the happy trail straight down, tugging on a few short hairs with her teeth, and skips right over Katya’s dick. “You complete cunt,” Katya complains, and thrusts her hips up to emphasize where she wants Alaska’s tongue. But Alaska shuts her up by sucking one of Katya’s balls into her mouth. She hums a random little tune, knowing the vibrations will drive Katya crazy, sucks in both balls, and smiles when she feels Katya’s hand land gently on her head. “Up or down?” Alaska asks. When she gets no answer, she tries again. “Kataya. Up or down?” “Oh, God, <i>both</i>.” “No,” Alaska says, and licks just below the scrotum. “You have to choose.” Katya groans and hesitates for a moment before yanking her legs up and out ot the way. “Good choice.” But Alaska doesn’t move, waiting for Katya to beg, which she does. Kind of. “What the fuck,” she says, tugging at Alaska’s hair. “Why isn’t your tongue in my sphincter yet?” Alaska laughs and traces a line with her tongue and laps at Katya’s hole just once. “Oh, my God, fuck you,” Katya says. “Always in such a hurry,” Alaska says before she starts licking again. She circles and tongues and strokes and gets lost there for a while, listening to all the delicious sounds Katya’s making. Eventually she asks, “Is this enough? Fingers?” Katya takes a minute to reply. Finally she tugs at Alaska’s curls again. “Put,” she says breathlessly. “I need. Mouth.” Alaska keeps her own mouth right where it is and holds up a hand for Katya to suck, and Katya does, hungrily. She shudders as she catches Alaska’s fingers between her lips, and Alaska shudders as Katya bites down. It’s painless, but Alaska says, “Ow, fuck,” anyway, to make Katya laugh. Then she raises her head for a few moments, watching Katya blissfully slurp on her fingers. Her eyes are closed, she’s breathing hard, and she doesn’t even seem to notice that Alaska’s stopped. Blissful Katya, anxiety free and living only in the moment, is always one of the most erotic things Alaska’s ever seen, reindeer antlers or not. She shifts her weight so she can wrap her free hand around her own dick, and licks up all the precum on Katya’s. Then she focuses back on Katya’s ass until Katya writhes and lets go of Alaska’s fingers to suck in a breath. Alaska uses those fingers to circle Alaska’s hole, and the change in sensation makes Katya’s eyes snap open. Laughing, Alaska sits up and asks, “So how are we doing this?” “You <i>do</i> need directions,” Katya says. “Let me rephrase. How exactly would you like my member inserted into your rectum?” “I don’t care as long as it’s inserted.” But then her eyes get wide and she says, “No! I do care! Lap sex!” She pushes herself up. “Come here! Sit here!” Alaska goes happily and lets Katya arange her however she wants. She ends up sitting against the headboard, with crossed legs. Katya reaches over her to get the lube and a condom, hands them both to Alaska, and watches Alaska unroll the latex. There’s a filthy look on Katya’s face as she sing-songs, “I want to see your eyes, and I want burning thighs.” “And I am happy to oblige,” Alaska says. “Always writing lyrics,” Katya teases. She holds her hand out for some lube and Alaska lets it dribble into her palm. Then they’re both slicked up and Katya’s straddling, then squatting over Alaska’s hips, one hand on Alaska’s shoulder and one between their bodies. Katya lowers herself slowly, making Alaska hiss at the tight heat. She meets Katya’s eyes and smiles, and Katya grins back at her. “Nice,” Alaska says Katya closes her eyes and sighs. She starts riding Alaska but stops quickly, her nose wrinkling up. “Okay?” Alaska asks immediately. “More lube?” “Mmm.” Alaska finds it and hands it over, and a few seconds later Katya’s smiling again as she slides down and sits unmoving on Alaska’s dick. She cradles Alaska’s face in her hands and kisses her, and kisses her again. They melt and fuse and grind together, slowly, with Katya’s dick trapped between them, until Alaska can hardly stand it. She wriggles a little, moaning into Katya’s mouth, and when that doesn’t work, she runs her fingers lightly down Katya’s chest, tickling. Katya laughs helplessly, and Alaska shoves her back far enough to grab her dick. “Oh, fuck,” Katya says. “Fuck yes.” She raises herself up, finally, and Alaska takes a deep breath as she slams back down. Alaska tightens her grip and all at once they’re both frantic, giving and taking, grunting and groaning and shivering, and she struggles to keep her eyes on Katya’s face. She wants to remember <i>everything</i>. “Yes,” Katya says. “Yes yes.” Then, “No,” as she shoves Alaska’s hand aside to pump her own dick. The pressure in Alaska’s groin is almost unbearable. “Thighs burning yet?” she asks. “I didn’t even notice!” Katya stills halfway down. “Fuck, fuck, ow, fuck.” But she starts up again anyway, and says, “Ow, ow, ow.” “Want to lie down?” Alaska lays her hands on Katya’s hips and puts some more effort into thrusting, to give Katya a break, but Katya just keeps saying, “Ow!” It’s adorable and funny and hot and Alaska’s so ready. She can hardly hold it in and she pushes up hard, to let Katya know. Katya moans out a long, “Aaah,” and softly touches Alaska’s jaw. “Come first,” she says. Alaska does, easily and breathlessly, her eyes glued to Katya’s. She watches Katya jerk off for a few seconds, then lowers her head just enough to bite one of Katya’s nipples. Then Katya’s groaning and the heat of her orgasm hits Alaska’s stomach. She looks down to watch Katya milk out the last drops and groans at how beautiful it is. “You’re,” Alaska starts, meaning to say something sweet and infatuated. “You’re so-” But she can’t finish, and she ends up smiling stupidly at Katya instead. “No, <i>you’re</i>,” Katya says.
Alaska drags her gaze upwards, and remembers what Katya’s wearing. “You’re a fucking reindeer.” “Thank you, Santa,” Katya says. “I really enjoyed my present, Rudolph.” “Oh, good,” Katya says. “I looked <i>everywhere</i>.” Chuckling, Alaska nudges her aside so she can tie off the condom and toss it on the nightstand. She lies down and stretches out and asks, “What time did you tell them we’d be there?” “Eleven or twelve,” Katya says, yawning. She shuffles around and ends up on her back with her head at the foot of the bed, and snuggles up to Alaska’s calf. Alaska kisses her toes. “So we can sleep a bit more?” “I love that idea,” Katya says. Figuring Katya’s too worn out to move, Alaska hands her a pillow and tugs out the sheet and blanket so she can join Katya at the other end of the bed. She wraps the covers tightly around them both. “Oh, I forgot to give you part two of your sexy present,” Katya says sleepily. “It’ll still be there.” “It might come to life! You never know.” She yawns again, and Alaska feels the exhale on the back of her neck. “Shit, I just gave it away, didn’t I?” Alaska yawns, too. “I didn’t hear a thing,” she says, and clutches Katya’s hand to her chest. <><><> Katya wakes to the sound of the shower. She stretches, looks at the clock, and smiles when she sees the Santa hat perched on top of the bedside lamp. Her head is throbbing, though, for some reason. “Ouch,” she says to herself. “Why?” Because she fell asleep with the reindeer headband on, that’s why. She takes it off and throws it in the direction of the shopping bags, then shuffles into the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth. “Good morning again!” she says to the dark shape behind the curtain. “You’re up!” Alaska peeks her head out and says, “Morning, Rudolph!” Then she hides again, laughing, as Katya tries to pinch her nose. By the time Katya’s done with her own shower, emerging with a towel around her waist, Alaska looks ready to go. She’s sitting in a chair with her legs curled up, reading a book, and she’s got Whitney Houston’s Christmas album playing on her phone. “You’re dressed already,” Katya complains. “You’re not,” Alaska says. Katya flings off the towel with flair and jazz hands. Alaska whistles, which is exactly what Katya knew she would do. Then Alaska tosses her a wrapped box that Katya barely catches. Katya’s spent a lot of time teasing Alaska about her aim. “Sexy present?” she says excitedly. “Sexy present,” Alaska says. “Where’s my part two? Does it involve you staying naked?” “That’s part three, and it’s for later,” Katya says. She looks for the gift she got out last night and forgot. Finding it on the floor by the bed, she hands it delicately to Alaska, because Alaska can’t catch, either. “Bitch,” Alaska says fondly. “Now?” “Now!” Laughing at each other, they both rip into their packages. Katya buys Alaska a different version of the same present every year, but she never knows exactly what Alaska will buy for her. “I knew it!” Alaska says when she sees the plug, which is a heavy and very pretty glass snowman. “It’s gorgeous. Where do you keep finding these things?” “I don’t. They find <i>me</i>.” Admittedly she had to look in every sex shop in Amsterdam before this one found her. “Oh! I’m wearing these today!” “All of them?” “Maybe just one.” The clear box is labeled “Gay Apparel,” and she holds up each Christmas-colored thong in turn, reading out things like, “Fuck Me, Santa” and “Sugar Plum Fairy” and “Taste These Christmas Balls.” “Which one?” she asks Alaska, and holds them all up a second time. “This Candy Cane Won’t Lick Itself,” Alaska decides. Katya smirks at her and puts it on. She strikes a few poses, and Alaska whistles again. “Are you going to wear that?” Katya asks, pointing at the plug. “You’re funny,” Alaska says. “I’ll starve myself if you starve yourself.” “Fuck, I <i>am</i> starving,” Katya suddenly realizes. “Can I have chocolate Jesus?” Alaska reaches for it, and Katya realizes something else. “You already ate a wise man!” “And he was deliciousssss,” Alaska says, stretching out the S, as she hands over the smallest piece. “No fair! He’s three times as big!” Alaska grabs Mary and hands her over, too. “Why am I the one that’s going to hell?” Katya asks. “I’ll be right there with you,” Alaska says. And she starts unwrapping Joseph.
A little while later they’re both by the door, about to leave with their two big bags of presents, when Katya puts a hand on Alaska’s arm. “Wait.” Alaska smiles softly at her. “You don’t have to say it, sweetie.” “But I’m going to, and you know I’m going to, and you’d be disappointed if I didn’t.” “The first two are true,” Alaska says. “The third one not so much.” “Shut up,” Katya says, and leans in for a quick kiss. “<i>Thank you</i>, yet again, for rescuing me from my destiny as the spinster uncle all the kids feel sorry for. And for continuing to let me show you off on holidays.” <i>(“I used to go to all these family things, and I always knew I’d never have anyone to take with me,” Katya had said, the first year they were officially together. “Nobody would ever want to put up with the crazy.” Alaska had cried a little and kissed her and said, “I want all the crazy, all the time,” then complained about ruining the eyeliner she wasn’t wearing.)</i> Katya adores her family; Alaska knows how much Katya adores her family. But Katya spent much longer thinking she was unloveable, and it still makes Alaska’s heart hurt when she remembers. The Katya she first knew, barely knew, her coworker Katya, wanted love so badly but didn’t know how or where to find it, and made up endless jokes about loneliness instead. Blinking back tears, like she always does, Alaska says, “I’m the one showing your off. And I really love your vagina so freaking much.” Katya grins at her, joy overflowing in her eyes. “And I really love your pussy, you bitch.” They walk out the door hand in hand.
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