#also they kiss
habken · 3 months
okay but hear me out. bakugo and aoyama stuck in a broken elevator together. what happens
fast, loud, incompréhensible french, québec vs france who will win
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mgsdays · 1 year
tianshan... are dating... like I knew that they were dating but they are DATING they are together mo is putting in the effort at school because he wants to do better by he tian (a guy he is dating), mo is being openly more affectionate and feeling more comfortable in his skin even around others who could potentially see because what he's feeling for he tian is changing him, it's taking a weight off his ahoulders, it's setting him free. and he notices that he tian is trying to take care of him (in the way that he tian knows how) and mo accepts that affection because he LIKES he tian (a guy he is dating) and wants to give he tian what he tian needs (in this case, praise, because he tian would die for acceptance from mo). Mo notices all that and gives he tian what he tian wants, even if he's low-key making fun of he tian in the process, because he tian has done that for him a million times, and because mo wants to let some of the anger that he had been holding onto go and he wants to allow himself to be the teenager (in love) that he is and he wants to care for he tian back (he tian being, again, a guy mo is in a relationship with because they are DATING). like???
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asbestos-11 · 10 months
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hiiiiyaaa look at the besties ^^
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neonlitlesbians · 9 months
Darcy pokes around inside the city's database. Rat does its best to keep them both sane.
this is the longest short story i've written so far, hope it characterizes darcy in a way i haven't yet written down
cw: mild digital cosmic horror, a near-death experience, and bad sleeping habits
[Warehouse den. Darcy is typing on hxr computer, craning hxr neck and staring intently.] [Rat opens the back door and comes in.]
Rat: Evening. Darcy: Hiii! R: Whatcha up to, cutie? D: Well, since my first little experiment [Darcy's disembodied right hand flies up and pokes Rat in the cheek], I changed my focus a bit. See this? [Points to the third of hxr four screens.] R: [Takes her jacket off and tosses it to its usual spot next to the mattress.] I do see that. Map? D: Sorta! I'm poking around in some of the city's more exposed local networks. It's a visualization of everything I've found. R: Oh, did you wanna watch that old DVD tomorrow, then? D: Yeah, this will probably keep me up a bit. R: No worries, babe. [Stretches her arms. Loud pops and cracks ensue.] I'm fuckin' tired, so. [Leans over to kiss Darcy on the cheek.] Goin' to bed. Don't strain your eyes too much. D: Good night! R: [Flops unceremoniously onto the mattress.] Night. [Darcy continues working. And working.] [Shx probably should have gone to bed a little while ago.]
> {Another day.}
R: You want pizza? D: Hm? [Hxr eyes don't leave the screen.] Oh, sure. Did you order yet, or— R: [Raspy chuckle.] It's already here. [Clears a spot on the table to set the box.] D: Thank you! [With a third disembodied hand, deftly pulls a slice from the pizza.] R: Ooh, learned some new tricks, huh? D: Yeah. Feels good to be able to multitask. [Pulls up something new on the second screen. Leans in a little closer.] R: [Sigh.] [Rat fidgets a little. Darcy doesn't appear to notice.] R: Babe? D: [Gaze remains stationary.] Hm? R: You gonna be like… done anytime soon? D: With what? R: Your datamining. Could you like, take a break? D: Once I'm done with this server, sure. R: Er- sure, I guess. I don't wanna break you out of your focus, but… [Trails off.] D: But what? R: You're a little distracted lately. D: Aren't I always? R: I don't mean the ADHD, I mean sleeping. Are you getting enough sleep? D: … R: When was the last time you stood up? D: Calculating… [Eyes go fuzzy for a moment.] Eighteen hours, twenty-seven minutes, fifty-five seconds. R: Gxrl, get up. [Darcy has no arms, so Rat gently pulls hxr back from the chair and turns hxr to face her before standing hxr up in front of her.] D: Hey, er- D: Mmmf. [Rat kisses Darcy on the mouth.] [The pizza lies forgotten.]
>> {Another day.}
[Rat sits on the floor close to one corner of the desk. Darcy sits at hxr monitors, as before. Four hands now dance across the keyboard and with a few small devices on the table.] R: How's it going? D: Too much just to jot down and record. I might have to dive in myself. R: Is that really, like, worth it…? D: Well, it's experience instead of feeling. I should learn a lot more. R: [yawn] Dangerous. Weren't there warnings about malware and stuff? I don't have a computer brain, but— D: Fair, but I'm at the end of things I can reach on my own. There's a lot more I need to just aim my whole brain at. You know? R: [Shakes head.] Not really R: I should probably go to bed. Gonna drag you with me, you know. D: One dive? I'm not tired yet. It won't be long. R: You need sleep. D: It's just a test dive. I know I shouldn't go too deep. R: [Grumble grumble.] Fine. I'm yanking you out if I need to, though. D: Of course! [Presents the necessary cables.] Jack me in, babe? D: You're gonna need to stay awake, sorry. Safety. R: [Shakes her head vigorously, like a dog getting out the rain.] I'll live. [Rat jacks Darcy in.] R: I can't keep taking care of you, you know. R: You know I can't even take care of myself. R: Darcy? D: Preparing to restart… [Hxr eyes go static.] R: Fuck. [Rat buries her head in her hands in exasperation.]
[Darcy's consciousness flits about the network, rifling through digital file cabinets and peering inside recycling bins.]
>so much to see!!!! holyshit 0_0
>whats this? "TransactionsRecords"
>woah >whats this over here? "BlueprintsRecords"
>what about this? "BirthsDeathsRecords"
>thats >thats a lot of >files >whats this? "BirthsDeathsRecords"
>er >thats >a lot of >births and deaths >oh >oh wow >w >ww >whats this? ACCESS DENIED
Validating… ACCESS GRANTED "BrainRecordsLogs"
>what >like >what kind of brain Validating… NetworkClusterSystem.Core3.Brain
>i >whose brain NetworkClusterSystem.Core3
>thanks >what else is in NetworkClusterSystem NetworkClusterSystem.Core1 NetworkClusterSystem.Core2 NetworkClusterSystem.Core3 NetworkClusterSystem.Core4 NetworkClusterSystem.Core5 NetworkClusterSystem.Core6 NetworkClusterSystem.Core7 NetworkClusterSystem.Core8 >stop >stop it
>so thats >just# >just one. >ju##st one core >of
>iv# been >ive been up too long @_@ i should come back later >get me out of here Preparing to restart…
. .. … D: [Gasp] D: I'm b- Rat? [Rat is sprawled over Darcy, hugging hxr like a stuffed animal. Tightly. It's asleep.] D: …
{Another day.}
D: Be right back. [Four of Darcy's hands rest on the desk. Hxr other two hands jack hxr in. Hxr eyes go static.] [Rat sits on the floor, her arms wrapped around her legs and her head buried in her knees.]
[Time passes.] [It's quiet, save the buzz of computers and lights.]
[Rat looks up.] R: You comin' back any time soon…? [Rat stands up.] R: Darcy…? R: How far down in there… R: Darcy? [The buzz is quieter from Darcy than usual. Shx's still jacked in, but hxr body is colder.] [It looks like hxr eyes are fully dark.] R: Darcy? [Upon closer inspection, there is static. It's faint.] R: Darcy. R: You there? [Rat wraps its arms around hxr.] [Darcy's breathing is barely detectable.] R: Darcy. R: Gxrl. R: You done? R: Darcy? [Rat shakes hxr lightly. Darcy does not react.] R: Aren't you usually done by now? [Rat kisses hxr cheek.] R: Come baaaaack. R: Darcy. R: Hello? [Rat shakes hxr a little more vigorously.] R: Stop playing with me, gxrl. [Rat kisses hxr on the mouth.] [Darcy is unresponsive.] R: I know you're in there. R: Or in the computer, or whatever. R: Can you hear me? R: Can you hear me?! R: Darcy! R: Come back!! [Rat hugs Darcy tighter. It strokes hxr hair over and over.] R: Come back, bring my gxrlfriend back. R: Bring my gxrlfriend back!! [The tears won't stop.] R: Come back! I know you're there! [Rat's voice echoes through the empty warehouse. She's the only one who hears it.] [She breaks down.]
[Time passes.] [There's a buzz and a shower of sparks. The main jack ejects itself.] [There's static.] D: [static] D: ##. D: # .. r D: … rra D: ##t? D: i [Rat is still clinging to Darcy. Its nails are digging into hxr skin.] [One hand brushes Rat's hair to the side.] D: you D: oh [She's asleep.] D: t D: tea D: rs D: im D: # s###o D: rr#y
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momoccake · 1 year
imagining a little asa and denji in my brain encouraging me to go to work tonight cus i like money but my mental health is so pisspoor but also i rlly like Money and would like to buy things and not be broke
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trashy-greyjoy · 4 months
really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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catmask · 10 months
my mom loves to lie and like she always swears she was NEVER homophobic or anything to me as a child “i even have a gay work friend” but a really funny memory resurfaced recently where i asked if i could use birthday money i had to buy a rainbow flag when i was like ??? 7?? because i LOVED rainbows. and she said no that means something Evil and god will hate you . so what did i do. but ask my grandmom for a rainbow sweater for christmas and proceed to only wear that sweater for three years when it got cold because i didnt like the idea that god hated colors and i wanted to challenge him
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lemonlurkrr · 11 months
hyperfixation sucks I think just a little too hard about a guy who isn't even real and I could start crying any second
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hinamie · 2 months
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surprise it's yuri!!!in 2024
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pokimoko · 11 months
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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ash-and-starlight · 7 months
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humble contribution
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mcmissileproof · 9 months
favorite hobby when I'm driving is to catch someone trying to climb up my back bumper while I'm going a completely reasonable speed and just slowly take my foot off the gas. you seem upset, brother. why don't we slow down and enjoy the view awhile
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suiheisen · 11 months
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forget about elon musk vs mark zuckerberg. i need to see yoshiki fight elon musk.
update: x japan has released its first single in eight years. to further shade elon musk. this is a thing that happened.
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malinaa · 7 months
if i think about the hunger games in peeta's perspective i WILL start sobbing
#imagine you're a boy who's going to die. you're in love with the girl you've been watching from afar. you know your fate.#you just want to help her‚ but then there's the announcement and she's here in front of you‚ kissing you‚ risking her life for you and you#think‚ i could live and i could love. you think she loves you when she hands you the berries‚ when she puts them in her mouth.#then you both survive and you go back home and nothing is real anymore. you have nothing. no family. no friends. no love. just an empty#house. a drunk for a neighbor. the love of your life walking into somebody else's arms. you think‚ i survived the games. i could survive#this. and you also think‚ i should've bit down on those berries‚ should've felt the juice burst before i died.#and then the third quarter quell announcement rings in your ears and you think‚ she will live and i will die as i should have in the first#place. the girl you love kisses you on the beach and somewhere you heart stirs and your mind revolts and you savor every touch she has ever#given to you‚ in front of the cameras and off. because you are a tribute and you are always being watched and snow's presence looms and#you think‚ i know she cares. but you get taken. you get drugged. you get tortured‚ your mind altered. the girl is a mutt‚ a murderer. she's#everything you despise‚ your mind stirs. your heart revolts. you gain more awareness but cannot distinguish reality from fiction and you#have never known katniss' love. the war ends. you heal. you come home. you plant primrose for her. years down the line‚ you grow in love#more than you thought possible. but some days‚ you cannot tell fiction from reality so you ask the love of your life‚ you love me.#real or not real? and she says‚ real‚ and kisses you.#and you sigh and kiss her back and revel in this. a home. a life. a love.#lit#the hunger games#everlark#otp: real or not real?#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#text#tais toi lys#thgpost
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dunmeshistash · 8 days
One of the things I really appreciate about Dungeon Meshi is how the text is so clearly full of love for animals. Like the true kind of love Laios feels for the monster where he wants to know everything about them, but most of all he respects them and loves them as animals.
One of the chapters I can't stop thinking about is the one about Anne the Kelpie. It's kind of impressive how well it illustrates the different kind of love people have for animals. And how someone that loves an animal isn't necessarily an animal lover. If that makes sense.
When Senshi calls out Anne what he says is "Don't worry Anne's Harmless" but she isn't, she's a wild animal.
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Marcille immediately reacts positively about it thinking it's cute she accepts the treat Senshi has for her. And hers and Chilchuck's reaction to Senshi wanting to cross the river on her back is more surprise while Laios immediately realizes how bad of an idea it is.
But Laios is the animal monster lover so how come when he finally is faced with a "docile" monster he doesn't react positively like the others? Marcille even calls him a monster. That's because Laios loves monsters, and Senshi loves Anne.
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I've seen this attitude around me several times, where people love a specific animal but what they love is their idea of that animal, they don't really know them because they don't love the animal part of them.
It becomes a "this one is special because I love them" that can quickly become an issue for the animal as much as it is for the person. It's something unfortunate I see time and time again irl.
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Anne wasn't wicked, Anne wasn't mean, Anne didn't trick him. Anne was a wild animal and Senshi loved her as Anne but not as a kelpie.
She acted on instinct, maybe she did love Senshi in the way kelpies can love, but animals are still animals and must be respected and treated as such. Climbing on top of Anne's back was the equivalent of putting your arm inside a alligator's mouth, the mouth is gonna close because that's what they're designed to do.
The real life equivalent I see the most of "I love this animal but I don't love the animal part of them" is with dogs. If you insist on loving an animal without acknowledging they ARE an animal they might hurt you, you might hurt them, it will only end in grief.
The best way you can love an animal is by understanding they're an animal.
That is all to say I don't mean that the love Senshi felt for Anne wasn't real or that it's all his fault. He couldn't have known with the information he had and unfortunately it came down to the worst outcome.
I just love dungeon meshi dearly.
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tooquirkytolose · 2 months
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~The Most Beautiful Woman in The World~
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