#also the movie tried to be funny and failed miserably every time
saviourkingslut · 5 months
no but watching napoleon with a bunch of historians and my principal supervisor was there and they were like what did you think about the movie and i said i had my eyes closed for parts of it bc it was so boring and they were like 'what!' and i had to backtrack like a madman vs my daily supervisor being thoroughly unimpressed by the movie like i was and spending 10 mins with me talking shit about it
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started watching A Murder At The End of the World and i'm only like 4 minutes in rn but oh my fucking god, they already did the impossible, they made synthesizing a literal audience not only not annoying but actually intriguing and effective. holy shit.
#james talks#james watches stuff#a murder at the end of the world#if you're new here or have never consumed any media: synthesizing a literal audience is one of the most annoying things anything can do#it is at best distracting and at worst condescending and grating bc it assumes and assigns audience reactions and interpretations#and it also REEKS of a lack of faith in the material itself to be able to speak for itself#most of the time it's done for no real purpose and the few times it has a narrative purpose it's done awfully#even a movie i ADORE like SCREAM (1996) was not immune to this.#the one single flaw in that movie to me is Kenny repeating the 'behind you' joke. not only is it not funny the second time but it's—#synthesizing the audience by making the characters an audience to the same movie as us and telling us how we should be reacting.#another movie that tries to do this and fails miserably is like Halloween: Resurrection which tries to make some commentary—#on media as exploitative entertainment and the audience as willing participants and equally culpable in the continuation of trauma but the—#execution of it is absolutely horrible and that's even beyond how bad the rest of the movie is.#every time the characters are watching the same media or there's an actual audience in the media it's literally never gone well—#at least as far as i have experienced. but this is the first time a literal audience in anything has actually worked bc it's like—#right in the opening and it's the audience actually getting invested in the story so THAT audience responding the same way actually WORKS#actually borderline genius tbh
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fluloa · 1 year
my headcanons for the sully family
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- has an apron that says ‘kiss the chef’
- has thought about getting an ear piercing and would like to
- always itchy, like will be constantly scratching at a random part of his body during a casual conversation
- had a loner phase when he was in middle school
- doesn’t like fuzzy things, he hates the texture and the way it feels on his skin, gives him a bad type of goosebumps
- adhd. said what i said
- flexes his big dad muscles every chance he can get (good for him tbh)
- finds it so relaxing when neytiri plays with his hair
- is a big purrer, to the point where it’s embarassing and he HATES it but he can’t help it
- cries every single time he watches the start of finding nemo
- hates watching reality tv
- loves watching reality tv
- bites off her toenails (sorry not sorry)
- really likes apple juice
- loves the song cover me in sunshine by pink, every time she plays it, lo’ak screams out in agony
- a sad beige baby mom
- makes weird faces when feeding babies and does the sound ‘nom nom nom’
- loves cats. jake got one for her for her birthday and he doesn’t think she’s ever seen her happier
- wine lover and proud (especially with these little shit of a kids)
- has a collection of perfumes and jewellery that she only touched like once or twice. poor girl just forgets about them bc of all the stress she’s holdin
- the type of mom to demand every kid’s room is clean when somebody is going to be over. lo’ak is always the one to say “they won’t even be coming into our room!”
- lo’ak gets a whooping for that
- asks jake for his old band t-shirts
- loves water parks and will say weeee when going down the slides
- lets tuk put makeup on his face. but that stopped after she used some cheap shop makeup on him and he got an allergic reaction from it
- sometimes he wears belt with his jeans and it is funny
- always forgets to knock before opening doors. once caught jake butt naked and has never been the same again
- his favourite color is purple but he says it’s blue so that people don’t make fun of him
- loves playing laser tag even though he sucks ass at it
- he’s a fan of marvel and he’s always first at the cinemas when a movie comes out
- likes to skateboard. surprisingly very good at it since he’s only used it like ten times since he got it for 12th birthday
- for some odd reason, he really likes helping neytiri out with grocery shopping? also a guilty pleasure to pick out some of his favorite snacks and being the perfect little son that he is, neytiri always says yes
- brushes his teeth DAY AND NIGHT without a skip
- definitely plays my singing monsters
- had a monster can collection phase (will not admit to it although)
- that being said, had an ‘indie kid’ phase and begged norm for a couple of unused cds so she could paint them
- listens to mitski and lana del ray and flexes it to people and attacks them if they say they don’t know who they are or they don’t like their music
- wants her septum pierced but by neytiri’s words, “i’d rather die.”
- does her own hair, hence why it’s so messily beautiful
- neytiri cuts her hair though, as much as she doesn’t like to admit it
- would really like a tattoo, but neytiri has said no obviously
- tried asking jake for the tattoo, but jake was terrified of neytiri’s expression so he said no
- then tried to do a stick and poke and it failed miserably (rejected from her skin a week later)
- weirdly insecure of her nose, sometimes she likes it, sometimes she doesn’t
- jumps on the trampoline with tuk until she’s passed out from exhaustion
- plant lover. like seriously has a dozen in her room and will panic if she hasn’t gotten the time to water them for a day
- plays mortal kombat and has an addiction to it. will yell out fatality when putting neteyam in a headlock
- begs neytiri for waves (she always says no, thank god)
- has got led lights in his room that are stuck to the wall with shitty sticky tape. you can easily see it, too
- always facetiming tsiyera but half of the time she doesn’t answer
- the type to lick chip dust off of his fingers until the last speck is demolished
- has a pet fish and secretly adores her, her name’s shelly and will go into deep detail if you ask about her
- favorite food is doritos and takis
- was a ‘all girls are the same’ type before he met tsiyera
- wears his worn ass jordans religiously
- has a pink ipad
- makes her own fake youtube tutorials on said ipad. kiri sneakily watches them when she’s sleeping
- can do an impressive amount of tricks on the trampoline and each time she learns a new one she yells out, “DAD!!! DAD, DAD, DAD, COME WATCH THIS!!!! DAD!! DAD!! DAD!!!!”
- her heart broke when jake with a few drinks in his system decided to jump on the trampoline on a party night and ended up tearing a massive hole in the middle of it
- has a CRIPPLING obsession with slime and neytiri absolutely hates it. always searching up ‘how to make slime no borax no glue’ and always makes a mess of wherever she makes it
- SHE LOVES DISNEY and her favorite princess is moana
- begged neytiri to let her dye the ends of her hair purple. neytiri used one of those ten washes dyes in a box and didn’t bleach her hair before because “no way am i putting bleach in my daughter’s hair” when it didn’t work because tuk’s hair is literally pitch black, she cried
- she literally loves the low space buns hairstyle and will forever ask neytiri to do it for her. but will end up crying because of how hard neytiri pulls her hair (it’s not even that hard)
- has a huge collection of squishmallows (jake got her them all)
- doesn’t actually like chocolate but loves candy
- the type to bounce on neytiri and jake’s bed to wake them up
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Rank every Graham Chapman character in Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" out of 10 based on their smashability and give reasons why please?
Hey alright, here we go! (I'll try to get the right movie this time lol)
Chairman - oh my gawd yes yes yes 10000/100 I LOVE this look. what a GIRL. BOSS.
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Fish No. 1 - 10/10 this is literally a fish (would not smash wtf, it's fish)
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Doctor - 1000000/10 my unhinged headcanon is the universe nerfed Graham to be in Python and not a doctor because the world wasn't ready for this lol
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Harry Blackitt - 8/10 I can't give full marks, I'm not sure why, I just can't. He is definitely one of the Python characters of all time!
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Wymer - 1000/10 wahha yes schoolboy Graham (bonus Jonsey!) they are cute 🥺
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Hordern - pretty great, he's giving George MacKay in 1917 imo 100/10
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General - 100000/10 not The Colonel, but he'll do
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Cole - He has a book he would quite like to read, 100/10, we stan literate Graham!1!11!! (sorry for the single-pixel photos)
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This is actually very adorable, 10000/10 (also bonus babygirl in pic 2)
Bruh - no words (10000000/10)
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why this man is an icon.
Eric - ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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maybe he's a heathen, maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline
sorry i am down bad what can i say (please slice me up eric!)
this is the best he has ever looked on camera and I stan by it
also bonus terry g. in pic 2
Guest No. 1 - 100000/10 the 2nd pic is literally mfw Mr. Creosote (i like this suit very snazzy)
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Arthur Jarrett - crazed man about to die, 8/10 I guess?
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Geoffrey - haha funny family man tries to shoot death and fails miserably (A for effort) 10000/10
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Tony Bennett-esque Singer - its xmas in heaven, what can I say, 10000/10
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Also, here is rugby dude who is definitely Grey but is not listed as an official character on the film's wiki page! (10000000/10)
Sorry it’s a wash every time I rank Graham but this is the home of the #1 ✨🪖The Colonel🪖✨ stan so you get what you ask for I guess (thanks for the asks btw)
okay i'm wrapping it up now, thanks to those who stuck around for the entire post!
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
Hey! Can I please get Baji x reader Prompt 14 - Scary movie for the Halloween prompts
Thanks so much! 🤍
hey love! thank you so much for requesting! tbh, I was hoping I’d get this for Baji cause uh I CAN SEE IT
I literally loved writing this. No joke, I smiled the whole time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
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reader is gender neutral!
character pairing: baji keisuke x reader
tw: cursing
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Baji isn’t a fan of scary movies. As surprising as it is for you, your usually unfazed boyfriend never can handle horror movies. He always has trouble with jump scares, and the general paranormal side of things. He’s fine when it comes to true crime, but the moment he enters the supernatural side of things, he becomes a little kid again.
He’s that type of person. But still, no matter how many times he panics while watching a scary movie, he always insists on watching one every Halloween. And what would you know, he’s doing just that now.
“C’mon Y/n! I won’t get scared!” Baji whined, shaking your shoulders. You just rolled your eyes and sighed.
“You said that last year Baji”
“Well, that was last year, and this is this year” he retorted. “I’ve changed. I don’t get scared now.” You couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“As if” you chucked. “There’s no way we’re watching a horror film.” Baji glared at you and began shaking you faster.
“Please Y/n! Please!” he began. “Don’t tell me you’re too much of a…pussy?”
You froze, glaring at him, while Baji just grinned. He really just played that card on you. Unfortunately, that in your mind that meant if you said no, he could tease YOU for being too scared—even though it was the other way around. You desperately wanted to say no to him, but he would never stop teasing you if you did. Plus, Baji, once again, has his heart set on this. He’ll never take no as an answer.
There is truly no way out another horror movie, is there?
You once again sighed, rubbing your temples. “Fine” you groaned. “But you better not kick me in the face again.” Baji just laughed, immediately running towards the TV.
“Fuck yeah!!” he yelled, pressing the on button on the remote. “I’ll choose the movie; you got get the snacks.”
“Whatever” you mumbled, heading towards the kitchen. You had a feeling you were going to regret this, but there was no winning that argument. For now, all you could do was swallow your feelings of dread and let Baji do his thing.
Oh, how much you’d come to regret that.
It took only a couple of minutes before Baji began getting scared. Don’t get me wrong, he tried to act tough, but he failed miserably. And well, he ended up clinging onto to you like the world was ending. To you, it was amusing in a way. Not only did you get to see Baji get scared, but you also saw him absolutely eat his words. It was funny…until the movie reached the climax.
The moment the climax happened, Baji lost his mind. And unfortunately, somewhere in that, he got so scared that he picked up the TV remote and chucked it at the TV, effectively shattering the screen.
You turned to the side, only to see Baji backed up to the very back of the couch—as if he was trying to get away. His eyes were wide with fear, and his face completely drained. He looked at you with pure horror, clearly being beyond scared of the movie.
You sighed and stood up, before you crossed your arms and glaring at Baji. “I thought you weren’t going to get scared”
Baffled, Baji tripped over himself. “W-well, I didn’t think the movie would be like that”
“Mhmm”, you muttered, turning away. Your lips were tightly pressed together to stop yourself from smiling. After all, it was always a little amusing to see your big, strong, always unfazed boyfriend so scared. It really did make him look like a kid again.
“I’m serious! I can handle scary movies…just not that”
“I don’t know about that”, you began, a smirk plaguing your lips. “I think you’re just a wuss”
Baji gasped, immediately jumping to his feet. “How dare you!” he began, acting offended. “I’m not a wuss, I just don’t like that movie. Besides, who in the world would think that’s good?”
“I do”
Baji looked at you, clearly judging you. “What is wrong with you?”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. At first Baji laughed with you, but the moment you stretched and began wandering away from him, Baji panicked. He jumped and immediately began chased after you, grabbing your wrist.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he questioned, shaken up. You looked at him, confused.
“To bed?”
Baji gasped, startled. “You’re leaving me?! You can’t leave me now!”
You chuckled. Sweetly, you reached your hand up to his face and brushed some hair out of his eyes, which still very much held fear. “It’s getting late Baji and we’ve got school tomorrow. I HAVE to head home and go to bed.”
In an instant, Baji somehow became even more pale. A cold sweat broke out on his face and his grip on you tightened. “You’re going home now?”
“No! You can’t”, he yelled. His voice now held pure fear. “Please stay here tonight. I-i…”
“Baji?” you questioned, cupping his face. “What’s wrong?”
He turned his head away, avoiding your gaze. His grip on you tightened all that much more, clearly desperate for you to stay. “I’m scared.”
Oh, how much will power it took to hold back your laugh. You wanted nothing more than laugh in his face and tell him ‘I told you so’. But as a good s/o, didn’t. Instead, you just gave him a sweet smile and a kiss on the cheek.
“Well…”, you began, sighing. “I guess I could always borrow one of your blazers tomorrow"
A sigh of relief escaped Baji, before he pulled you into a hug, a tight hug. His face buried into the crook of your neck, and he cuddled deep into you. “Thank you”, he sighed, tightening his grip. “Thank you so much.”
“Anytime, babe”
That night was spent with little sleep. Between having nightmares of your own and comforting Baji through his, you both got barely any sleep. You both were zombies the next day. Still, you had to admit, if you had to, you’d do it all over again.
Sure, you regret watching the scary movie, but being able to spend the night with Baji, and comfort him in a time of need was something you’d do again in a heartbeat. After all, you loved him and you would do anything for him. He truly was the love of your life.
And trust me, next year when Baji begs for another scary movie, you’ll be sure to bring this up. After all, you have to be sure he isn’t going to live this down.
He was the one who said he wasn’t going to be scared, right?
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masterlist || reblogs are very appreciated <3 || thank you @angels-aesthetic for the beautiful dividers!
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evil-ontheinside · 1 year
Byler Week Day 4: Summer Love
Mike knows stargazing is supposed to be romantic.
Everyone says it! Movies, songs, people, ask anyone and they’d tell you: Oh, you want to do something romantic with your boyfriend? Have you tried stargazing, perhaps?
Well, maybe Mike hasn’t actually talked to anyone about it. It’s not like he can actually go up to people and ask for date activities for him and his boyfriend. Not to mention that it would feel like cheating anyway.
Now that he had prepared everything and they’re actually doing the stargazing and all---including midnight snacks and blankets and everything, he watched a lot of movies in preparation for this---Mike can’t help but think that there should be more to this.
Lying outside in the dark while it’s still fairly warm is all nice and well but Mike is ready to fall asleep at this point and Will sounds like he’s already halfway there. And if they fall asleep now, they’re going to wake up outside to old Patrick yelling at them to get off his lawn, ignoring the fact that this hill is not in fact his property and the severe lack of lawn.
And if they don’t, the sun will probably scorch their skin off before they get woken up by literally being burned alive. And how is Mike supposed to explain to anyone that he managed to give Will severe burns without looking like the biggest asshole ever if he can’t mention that this was supposed to be a very romantic date that he planned for literally two weeks every day and practically drove himself crazy with? Not that he wants Will to get sunburned to begin with! Will got burned more than enough for a lifetime, and he wouldn’t want Will hurting in any way, shape, or form if he can prevent it.
But he can hardly wake Will up now, not when he looked really tired earlier and told him that he didn’t sleep well last night. Even if Mike is getting a little cold after he gave all the blankets to Will who looked cold earlier and Mike can’t have Will be cold on a date that he planned, Mike would rather die than see Will shiver next to him.
Also, Will looks really comfortable, which is unusual because, for some reason, Will always sleeps in very strange positions when Mike is around. They haven’t had too many opportunities to sleep in the same room since they got rid of all the supernatural bullshit they had to deal with but every time it did happen, it looked like Will might break his neck any second. One time, he even managed to slide halfway off the bed they were sharing---which was a whole different kind of nerve wrecking---and Mike had to hold onto his arm and drag him back up so he wouldn’t hit his head on the floor. And then Will gave him a black eye with his elbow and started freaking out when he woke up the next morning (that part was actually kind of funny but Mike still couldn’t open his left eye for two whole days).
Though Mike’s arm started to go numb a good ten minutes ago with Will’s head lying on his shoulder and upper arm and also kind of crushing the rest of it with his weight. But if Mike had the choice between letting Will sleep and losing his arm he wouldn’t even have to think about it. He’d cut his arm off if Will needed to hug it to get some decent sleep.
Mike can’t help but scrunch up his nose in disgust at the image. Why on earth is he thinking of Will cuddling his cut-off arm?
“Mike.” Huh. Maybe Will isn’t as asleep as Mike had thought. “I can hear you think.”
“Sorry.” Mike tries to clear his head and fails miserably. The image just won’t leave his head and also drags some other images out of the debts of his memory that he would like to forget about now if possible. Will squeezes his hand a few times and suddenly his thoughts are back to Will. For the first time in two months, their hands together don’t feel sweaty and he doesn’t hate the warmth that transfers from Will’s skin to his.
Summer is the worst.
“Don’t apologize,” Will says and shifts onto his stomach and off Mike’s arm to take a look at Mike’s face. He must see something he doesn’t like---is it the freckles? It’s probably the freckles. They’re so much worse in summer and they’re everywhere. Mike remembers trying to scrub them off his face in second grade and wishes he had tried harder---because he frowns and drags Mike’s arm up from beside him to squeeze his hand again. “What’s wrong?”
For some reason, Mike’s eyes tear up at the question. He stares determinedly up at the sky and threatens them in his head for a few seconds before he takes a quick look at Will and looks back to the stars.
“Summer is horrible for relationships,” he says, which isn’t quite what he meant to say but decides is true enough. Summer sucks because it’s hot and sweaty and even sitting close together is too much most days and even at night, Mike finds things to complain about.
Will smirks, amusement in his eyes, and Mike is ninety percent sure he knows what he’s going to say next. “Are you sure? Your face told a different story when we went to the pool two weeks ago.”
Yep, he knew it.
“Shut up.” Mike mumbles and threatens the heat on his face just like the tears from earlier. He’s less successful this time and Will grins at him with glee. Mike could point out that Will had reacted much the same when Mike had let himself be dragged toward the water and out of the protective shadow of a tree but he already ruined the day enough, Will can tease him all he wants.
But Will’s face sobers up too soon and he pokes Mike’s cheek two times, prompting him to talk.
“This date sucks.” Mike wants to take his words back when he sees Will frown again.
“Why? I think you did a great job.” Will drags some of the blankets over Mike while he talks and shoots Mike a look when he tries to drape it back over Will’s shoulder. He folds one arm over Mike’s chest and rests his elbow right next to Mike’s ribs on the blanket. Mike wants to poke at Will’s cheek when he rests it on his hand, so he does.
Will smiles and bats Mike’s hand away.
“It’s too hot or we’re too tired or we’re not alone and this date could’ve been so much better and now I’m making it even worse by complaining.” Mike takes a deep breath and watches Will’s arm rise with his chest. Will smiles, eyes fixed on the skin just underneath Mike’s eyes before he starts to trace a finger over Mike’s cheeks. His smile grows a little, maybe it wasn’t the freckles after all.
“Remember date number seven?” Mike does but Will doesn’t give him time to answer. “We got soaked in the rain and you got almost hit by a tree during the storm and I started crying because I thought I ruined the whole day after I almost poked your eye out with a spoon.”
Mike tries not to grin too wide at the memory because looking back at it, and even in the moment itself if he’s being entirely honest, Will’s face in the moment had been hilarious. Until he started crying of course, because Mike hates when Will cries.
“You had to comfort me for ten minutes and you said that I couldn’t ruin anything no matter how hard I try. I don’t think a little heat is going to ruin a whole date for us.”
Will’s face looks calm and happy, even though the only thing that separates them and the hard ground is a thin blanket and he’s still brushing a finger over Mike’s face and his wrist must hurt a little where his head rests on his hand.
“You sure?” Will nods and brushes his fingers over Mike’s eyelids.
“Yep. Now go to sleep. I got us covered.”
Mike opens his eyes again when he feels Will shift and chokes on a laugh when Will pulls a whole alarm clock, batteries and all, out of his bag and places it above their heads.
“You brought an alarm?” Mike almost can’t get the question out between the mixture of laughs and coughs and Will grins his widest grin yet.
“I knew it would come in handy,” Will says and Mike calls bullshit immediately.
“Of course, you did.”
“You think I’m lying?” Will challenges and raises his head to look down at Mike from above.
“I think you’re full of shit.”
Will laughs, loud and unrestraint and maybe they should keep a little quiet if they don’t want to invoke Patrick’s wrath in the middle of the night but Mike couldn’t care less.
If he gets Will laughing like this, can the day really have been that bad?
Mike watches as Will buries his face in Mike’s shirt to smother his laugh and not wake up the whole of Hawkins.
He watches as Will’s shoulders shake and he rubs a hand over his eyes to wipe away tears of laughter.
He watches as Will gifts him his biggest smile and decides that the day could’ve been a lot worse.
@bylerweek2023 thank you for organizing this event and week and you put so much work into it! And your tags were so nice to read, so thank you so much for doing all this! <3
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hawkeyebj · 1 year
no okay i will let myself talk about top gun for a second. as a treat. keep going if u don't want my deranged thoughts. this actually turned into 10% top gun and 90% a strange horrifying glimpse into my psyche.
this has been eating me alive since [checks letterboxd account] april 29th. you know when you watch something and even partway through it you're like. 'oh. oh no am i like. gonna latch on to this?' and you're right. the silly little movie or tv show or what have you is :) not just a silly little movie anymore. it takes a hold of your braaaaiiiiinnnnnn. and its fun to get obsessed w/ something again, but also. sometimes it is something you are embarrassed about so you're like. are u serious. this? anyway this is me w/ top gun 1986. it is me with maverick in particular. also with icemav. however seeking out fan content to fuel this has been difficult sometimes bc every time i come across something that is like "uwu tom cruise <333" my first reaction is to recoil bc actually tom cruise, if anything, scares me lmao. he is not baby to me in any way. but that motherfucking gay ass stupid pilot he plays? baby. baby boy. my fucking poor little meow meow of the month. and i HATE myself for it. but i cannot shake it. i have kept this to myself for a month, and i actively tried to like not lean into it but i have failed miserably. got me bookmarking icemav fics on ao3. giggling and kicking my feet watching silly little edits. writing fic ideas that will likely never see the light of day. pilot boys i looooooove you and i hate it. and i mean obviously. top gun is a v popular movie. not weird to like it. what is weird is the things going on in my head about it. i wish i was exaggerating about the stupid amount of grief this has caused me. i will be alone in my own room and start berating myself out of embarrassment and like. it's not that serious babe. but also i would die before admitting this publicly. and it's not even that it's particularly niche or that i'm alone bc i can see that there actually is an active fandom. but i am just so like. judgemental but only to myself about anything and everything and it includes the things i like. i can do nothing without beating myself up about it first and it is exhausting.
anyway can you believe i knew next to nothing about top gun other than that it was some movie that a lot of people have seen/liked up until this year? blissfully unaware. it's funny (and agonizing) to me when i get an interest like this that i'm so embarrassed about. like it doesn't happen super often but it's like. yes i'm thinking about this all the time. no i will never talk about it. last time this happened to me i had one (1) freak who was on the same wavelength as me and we co-wrote over 500k worth of fic that we shared with no one and wrote purely for our own amusement. it was the best time of my life. i need another freak like that and i will never find one. not to turn this shameful rambling into something sappy but we lost touch after that and i miss the fuck out of her. [redacted] if you are somewhere out there you are so important to me and i'll never experience that again i am sure. no one else is ever going to have the same niche interest with the same niche [redacted] kink and write for it fervently together with me for over a year again. that will not happen so thank you for being special. i will always be chasing that level of narrative connection.
if you miraculously read this and thought i was even somewhat normal beforehand. sorry. it gets worse
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I grew up with Lindsay Lohan and have such a soft spot for her despite everything she’s been through/done. The Christmas movie was cute, very Hallmark and she carried the movie. Oh and Tad + Ralph’s unexpected chemistry. I want a sequel about the two of them lol. She still has the charm and comedic timing, and her press junket shows that she’s committed to her comeback this time. She was a consummate professional and every interview is such a joy to watch or read. The bloopers at the end were almost better than the actual movie, hopefully her next movie (she has a multi movie deal with Netflix) is a comedy!
It’s also funny to see someone rocking the vibrant red hair, dramatic extensions and eccentric 70s inspired fashion after watching Elta fail miserably at it for years.
I think it's beautiful to watch someone re-emerge from the ashes. We can all make mistakes and doesn't matter how far you fall you can always rise again. She didn't go for something trashy and instead tried to create some Christmas magic so I deeply apreciated the movie. It's very light hearted and relaxed and I absolutely adored the little girl who played the daughter of the man she falls for, she looked like an angel. Movie could have been written better but, overall, it was very cute.
Danneel needs to stop emulating other people and get her own personality, also 70s aesthetic should not be her thing, she doesn't have the presence for it. Does she not have a mirror? Also, her trashy extensions always look like they haven't been properly cared for in ages. Besides, she's not even a natural redhead and red isn't the ideal color for her. I always wonder why her stylists don't give her appropriate feedback and my only conclusion is that they must deeply resent her guts.
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
i'm really glad youre liking it!! i wish i could say the same for me :( im on bridge to the turnabout right now and i really havent enjoyed it too much. i do appreciate the extra content it has though. do you have any favorite episodes or bits
-aa anime anon
hmmm the bloopers are amazing. me and theo quote them whenever we get to them (but we're watching the subbed version, soooo)
in terms of like. actual quality AGAIN THE SEASON 1 OPS ARE INCREDIBLE AND THE BEST THING TO COME OUT OF THE ANIME LIKE. THEYRE SO GOOD!!! i love the flashback episodes too. also the keychains miles and nick have?? it's giving the same energy as the chess piece they added in the p5 anime (which royal pretty much stole w akechis glove) and i love that. also that they included larry more? not a fan of lotta erasure but ill take larry appreciation any day
in terms of funny bits, uh. maya telling franziska that being a dick wont bring her dad back made me laugh WAY HARDER THAN I THINK IT WAS MEANT TO. and the airbending objections are really fun and cool and good and i could talk about how cool and good they are but that would be a waste of time because we all know theyre really good so. also the larry impersonating miles bit in turnabout goodbyes was iconic. actually i love the additions to turnabout goodbyes???? like its not the superior version but i think its really fun that they took some liberties for the anime version. its what the movie TRIED to do and failed miserably on (dont get me started on the movie)
anyways i GET why you wouldnt like it like. its a bit trash honestly. i just like some perfectly good garbage what can i say. i genuinely enjoyed almost every second of dual destinies and the persona 5 anime is really funny to me i love terrible terrible content.
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ncwhereman · 1 year
secret santa again :) this feels like pen pals
the long answer is great, i love hearing how people got into their favourite artists :') i also really love the beatles and got into them kinda the same way as you - i wasn't interested for a long time/thought they were boring and overrated, until i saw get back and realised they were funny, inspiring, and deeply talented (to name a few things) and like you i was obsessed after that! before get back i'd only heard their early/overplayed stuff, but listening to post-rubber soul era showed me how good they are. i was the same as you and listened to nowhere man for ages thinking this song is doing something to me, but i think listening to them makes life a lot better.
you really have great taste in music :-)) im also stuck in the 60s-70s side of classic rock, mainly late 60s-early 70s, apart from the beatles it's a lot of the rolling stones, the who, led zeppelin, jimi hendrix and fleetwood mac. also lana ♥♥ i had a lana phase right before i got into classic rock! i saw you said you're listening to marianne faithfull and cilla black - could you recommend some songs to listen to?
and apart from music really being my main interest atm (help) i also love cooking, baking and hiking, and i collect stuff like records and film cameras :') what other hobbies do you have?
sorry this turned into an essay! have a wonderful day 🎅 -srs
hi! no worries, i love getting long answers too!
so we have pretty similar taste in music! i'd love some recs on all five you listed, but i can say i love films based on the who's tommy and quadrophenia, and my favorite songs by the stones must be paint it black (i think i listened to it even way before yesterday lmao) and ruby tuesday! and i'm not too familiar with the others- i only watched a part of led zeppelin's the song remains the same when i caught it on tv, and a jimi hendrix live.
i haven't listened to much of cilla and marianne yet tbh 😭 you might know these songs already bc they're pretty popular, but i can totally recommend anyone who had a heart and love of the loved (it's a lennon-mccartney!) by cilla. marianne has covers of john's isolation and harry nilsson's don't forget me, and also as tears go by, written by keith richards and mick jagger! there's also a hullabaloo episode where marianne sings it, presented and inteviewed by eppy 😭
oh i love collecting too! ever since i got into classic rock and discovered local record shops that hardly have anything besides classic rock i'm very much into vinyl! got my latest one just today. i also draw, try writing things but not too successfully, and my biggest interest besides music must be films! (so collecting film cameras sounds super fun!!!) atm i'm into 30-70s movies mostly.
since your main interest is music, do you play any instruments? i tried to learn piano but i fail miserably every time 😭 what are your favorite films? and to get back (pun intended) to the beatles, what are your favorite albums/songs by them?
0 notes
clickairadio · 2 years
CAIR 73: The Secret to Creating a Passive Income As A W2 Employee !!
In this episode, I have the opportunity to sit down with Christopher Nelson. A technology executive out of Silicon Valley who's figured out the secrets to helping you achieve passive income as a W-2 employee.
Grant Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of Financial Investing Radio. So today I have in the house with me, Mr. Dr. Why don't want to call you. Sophisticated, brilliant. Christopher Nelson is in the house here with me today. I love his subtitles technology executive real estate investor, author, podcast hosts and inventor of the space station. Was that right? Or did I get that right?
Christopher I think you may have stretched on the space station. But I you know, space has always been a dream of mine. Right? I am a low tech tech technologist, a bit of a geek. So yes.
Grant Excellent. Excellent. Well, okay, so let's start with that. technologist geek. What does that mean? What? Tell me about your background?
Christopher Yeah. So So my background, you know, interestingly enough, I started with just a love of technology, right? You know, I heard some people tell stories, the other day of how I think exploring and wanting to take apart, you know, televisions and, you know, anything remote controls, understand how they worked. And I just was fascinated, especially as the computer age started taking off. What can we do with these? So, you know, my thought was, I wanted to go to university and I wanted to learn how to become a software engineer, so studied very hard. And then when I went to my first internship junior year, with a large database company, and I was by myself working on this code, I started going crazy. I started thinking, what am I going to do? Like, I, I love this, I do not like this. And it was actually in a job fair that I met somebody who, who had a similar major who was working in technology consulting, he said, Hey, there's different things. It's not all you have to be a software engineer, I solve difficult technical problems with people moving businesses forward. And so that really, I mean, hit a lot of cylinders for me and took me off into technology, consulting, which is where I started my career.
Grant That's awesome. I love that background. i It's funny, I didn't know that about you. I had a similar journey. I come through the technology world. But I ended up bouncing from doing my first startup right out of college. Because when you come out of college, I don't know if you know this, but you typically have all the answers, right? So so I jumped, I jumped right into startup, I'm gonna go solve these world problems. Clearly, everyone's having struggle with course, I failed miserably on my first startup. So then I jumped into the technology consulting world with back then one of the big six, you know, in Chicago doing some technology work. But yeah, it's funny, I jumped to the people side of it, also. And that, that was liberating for me, because if I spent all the time just and I love I still code today, don't tell anybody. But I use it as a tool to keep my brain active. But if I had to read every day, all day, I think I'd go crazy.
Christopher Right? And, you know, it's, I actually tried to now actually take that message to people, kids graduating from college is the fact that you can actually be involved with technology. And it doesn't have to be this one way like we see, you know, again, media, movies presents this one view, but there's a lot of other things that you can do. And I found that it was great start to my career, to really get me launched. Give me a ton of skills. Give me a great background, because I did I went to work for Accenture, right that came out of one of the you know, the big six became the big four. Yeah, it was, you know, one of the big four back in the day. Well, well, we're constant names. 
Grant Yeah, I did. KPMG. So there you go. Yeah, technology. There we go. Wow. Okay, which office were you located? Where were you?
Christopher At San Francisco. I mean, I felt like that was a great opportunity because I while I was doing the tech consulting thing I did want to work for high tech, like I wanted to work for companies that were really, you know, moving the needle. And that's actually set me up. So about eight, nine years into my career, I realized that I had this great experience. And this is what I call in my book, Your career capital, which is a combination of your education, your experience and results. And I realized I could actually go trade this for equity in startup companies, because like you said, I've been working for these tech consulting companies, I got that figured out, right? Well, I went to work for my first startup, abject failure, right, I found myself and then a year nursing and Ulster having a bad boss. And I didn't know how I got there. But taking a step back, and I think a lot of us figure out pass through failure. And so I don't think we should fear that. And I realized I did not look like I did not think like an investor with my time. Like I'd been, you know, in the in the stock market investing since, you know, the 90s. But I had not thought like an investor with my time. So went back, put together a due diligence criteria started work in my network, what did people recommend? The next company I chose employee for 17, at a company called Splunk, in 2011, and up IPO in 2012, and it turned out to be a big win for my family.
Grant Yeah, that's absolutely cool. Yeah, Splunk, boy, they have done a great thing for the industry. It's funny, united, similar routes, I, after I did my KPMG route for a number of years, I had this itch to get out to Silicon Valley. And so I was chatting with this startup company out there. And, and I said, my wife, you know, I'm just gonna fly out, you know, we're in Chicago, the time's gonna fly I just checked, probably won't do this, right. Uh, probably, but I just gotta go check them out. And of course, I get in there. I'm talking with them. And after several hours of whiteboarding and brain, brain exciting things, they go, do you want to, you know, come join us? And I'm like, Oh, I think the answer is yes. You know, and I remember being on the phone in the little conference. You know, maybe my mind's changed. You know, I think we're switching. We're moving out here. Yeah, I did several startups out there as well. And those course weren't much different. So you know, you need to have that first one that kicks you in the teeth, right? And it's like, okay, wait a minute. You do, you do?
Christopher And I think sometimes, right? It is, you know, those those learnings that help like anything else, right? I mean, this is where I'm trying to now build this thesis and conversation around, it's an investment of your time. So sometimes you go, you get skin in the game, and it's not the right thing. But then does that mean you stop investing altogether? No, you go and adjust your lens and you you go, and you get feedback, and then you go, and you do it again. And maybe this time you say, I'm just gonna, in my head, I may sign a four year contract, maybe let me just do two years, see what's there and track it as they go along. You're going to also be looking at those quarterly meetings, when they're giving readouts a lot differently, you're going to look at the market a lot differently and say, What can I do with my time?
Grant So I think that's one of the cool things that I noticed about you when I was reviewing your profile. And it was this, it was not just let me go after doing this startup. But it was to leverage what I'm getting out of this either equity opportunities, but to move it into some passive opportunities. And I think that was, for me a real Aha, like, you know, earlier in my career, I wasn't even thinking that right? I'm doing the various startup companies. I'm like, go, go, go, go go. And you think you've got all this endless energy. And at some point, you think that way, but what I love is a year connecting the dots from take that energy and translate it into this passive mechanism that's going to benefit you. So I don't want to steal your thunder. But talk more about...
Christopher Well, well, what led me to that is it was actually that first IPO. So all of a sudden, you know, I'll never forget that day was you know, April 18 2012. Phenomenal day. And but the most memorable moment wasn't this big party, the fact that it went out double what we thought it was, was when I went home that night, my pregnant wife is sitting there, she asked me two questions. She says, When can we get the money and when can we buy the house? And I had no answers. And I literally went into the next room and started emotionally, you know, falling apart a little What I didn't realize is I was experiencing what's called a sudden wealth event, which is sudden wealth syndrome, which is a psychological syndrome that when you have these things you feel lonely, depressed, stressed out. If you're not prepared. You're not and I wasn't like I'd fought so hard to get there like most of us do. I wasn't prepared aired in so what I found grant is that many people aren't prepared like they like and I literally have been interviewing a lot of people from my book a lot of technology in place. And they will. I heard Mark Cuban say like you have to work for equity if you want to get ahead or, you know, I heard Gary Vee or somebody, Robert Kiyosaki gives them the idea that they want to be an owner. They go get it, and then that's it. They stop. And so my experience was okay, now we got this. I was okay. How do we now start getting this? You know, because I was tired during the six month lockout period, over 90% of your wealth and a single stock. I'm telling you, man, like I ate a ton of Tom's during that time, like you do. Yeah. Yeah. So it was really been this plan of, you know, how do we start moving it into something passive? How do we get it to that, you know, Kiyosaki goal. And so as we were doing that, as we were, you know, scouring the earth in the Bay Area, trying to understand it, we started getting exposed to real estate syndications, we started getting exposed to crowdfunding. And we realized that we had to get sharp on the math, we need to really understand how to do diligence, how to, how to invest. And, you know, we went on a journey of where we figured out how to start getting some skin in the game that, you know, was something that we could afford that we could afford to lose, and start really understanding those types of investments. And as we started seeing more and more success, other people started raising their hands, because we were very excited, we would talk about what we're doing. We always feel, you know, with our children with our friends, we should talk about careers and money. Like we should just have the conversation in an appropriate way. Not in a braggadocious way. But in a What are you doing? What are we doing? Because if we don't talk about it, you know, like you do here? Yeah, we don't do anything is people who sit on it. Yeah. Yeah.
Grant You do, you do sit on it. Absolutely. So. So tell me about I think I saw something that you wrote. "From No Dough to IPO". I love that.
Christopher Yeah. And so this is, this is the first book that I'm writing. And it's really going to be a playbook on how to tech employees think like an investor when trading their time and talent for equity. Right. And I want it you know, you said it grant like, nobody gave us the playbook. Right, we had to go in there. And we had a trip over our own shoelaces, you know, get beat up, figure this thing out. I you know, I have interviewed people in my network who have done three or four IPOs serially, I've interviewed people that have never done anything pre they've all been in post companies, and they get these companies public, and they take them from, you know, 500 million to a couple billion dollars. And they've gotten tremendous wealth, already liquid the whole time. And I've turned it around and put it into a framework so that w two employees can really be time investors and say, you know, for myself, I had lost a small business. That was my side hustle, I was broke in, I realized I had to go and work for startup companies if I wanted to get ahead. And I think many people are trying to figure out, how do they leverage their skills, their time and their talent to do that? I wanted to put it out into a book that says, here's how you actually set yourself up. Here's how you negotiate for the equity. And then once you get it, what do you do you need to plan protect, and then you need to start producing passive income.
Grant So that framework that you've alluded to, and obviously it's in your book and what it is that you provide in terms of services to others? Sure. In that framework, how far does your organization get involved in terms of taking people through that and applying it as a good go all the way through into the real estate piece itself? Or tell me more about that?
Christopher Well, so I mean, the book is really launching the education platform. So right now the book is really the key anchor, we are looking to follow with some online training that people can do. And we're considering some coaching programs. But yeah, I mean, getting back to the origin story is that this this endeavor started from us doing done for you investments for technology employees, my wife and I who were actively investing in, you know, multifamily in ATMs and mobile home parks. We were asked by our friends to help start creating some vehicles for them because they wanted the success they didn't want to go put it together. So that's how Welford capital was born five years ago was in in an effort to help technology employees and you know, we're the lead investor, we're leading with our families dollars, we're creating a model portfolio that's based on where we've taken our tech equity and how now we've put it to work in real estate with our my wife and I shared goal the goal of getting to $300,000 of passive income a year.
Grant Yeah, that's awesome to get to that. Point, what's the trajectory? Like? And I? I'm sure part of the answer is how much you're putting into it financially. But in order to in order for someone to get to some, I guess what I would call, in fact, I was watching on your YouTube channel use an interesting phrase I'm looking at right here. It was something like, yeah, you wanted to get to a point where your passive income could overcome your W two income, you made that video. So I realized that's gonna vary by person. But yeah, sure range like, Is it A, is that a two year or five year journey? What does that look like?
Christopher Well, I think to your point, Grant, it depends on, you know, how much you can deploy, I really think that it is a five year plus journey. For most people, I think that if you have if you're sitting on a ton of dry powder, right, if you've had, you know, a couple of exits, you know, still it's gonna take time to deploy that capital. Right. And this is what I tell people is, if you walked in, you know, with $10 million, you would not want to put that into a single real estate investment, because then you're going to have the same thing you should if you're sitting in the single tech stock, you're gonna be not diversified. Right? So I think on average, it's, it's, it's a five year journey to really start making some impact. And this is why, you know, I want to go upstream to people earlier in their careers thinking about it, because my honest belief is that if I can free technology employees from having to work for a W two, many of them still want to make an impact. And this is the conversation I love having is if you didn't have to work for money, what would you do? You know, eight out of 10 tech employees don't say I'm gonna go travel the world, they'd be like, I want to solve this problem, or I want to fix that problem. And that, to me, is is really powerful in our community, right, as a technology employees is how can we unleash that power, and allow people to do the impact work and not be focusing just on the survival work?
Grant So I have a fundamental question for you, when I saw that your focus was on the tech space employee. I'm assuming this could apply to any sort of w two employee? Or is there something about what you're doing that says, This is really relevant to a tech space employee?
Christopher Well, so the reality is, is, you know, I want to be able to speak into my people, my focus, my niche is focused on technology employees that I really understand, I understand, you know, their concerns, I understand, you know, you know, how it is, it's a very high paced, fast paced lifestyle. And so, in. So that's where, like, my writing my books, and everything is very much focused on how do I help these people and try and pay it forward, if you will. Now, on the real estate side, it's interesting that I've been very focused on technology and plays in helping them however, different people relate to the story, right? I mean, I have people that come in and say, Oh, I've I've gotten equity, it hasn't been in tech. Can I invest with you? Of course, you can, you know, or, interestingly enough, I had a jockey that reached out and wanted to get a call and said, I actually won this big stakes race. That was my big one. And I went through the sudden wealth event, I really related to what you were talking about that, can I invest with you? And so of course, I'm open to everyone participating in our investments, but I just feel really nobody feels sorry for somebody who goes through the sudden wealth event, right, you know, works in an IPO, all of a sudden, you get a multiple seven figure, payday, nobody feels sorry for them. But those people still struggle. A lot of us, myself included, didn't come from money, had no idea what to do with it. Yeah. Right. And so it's really, you know, in my mind that I want to really help and lean back into my community, because as I mentioned before, like I think that that community, financially independent will actually then turn around and bring some huge benefits to to everybody.
Grant I can relate with that, I grew up milking cows and hauling hay. So yeah, that was that was that was the foundation of that. So I'm interested in your thoughts around because one of the cool things I saw that you did was you're helping people think through their career paths, and with everything that's taken place with COVID and the impact to the workforce and and even what people are expecting from their jobs today and how that changed. The mindsets changed. How is that impacting the things that you're doing?
Christopher Well, I think it's creating more opportunities, right? I think coming post COVID I mean, it was in the middle of COVID. I ended up going back to work for another technology company. I had a very interesting offer. And it was for an all remote company that was built all remote they came it was developed all remote in 2011. And it had an An amazing trajectory and amazing story. And it was important for me to really experienced that because I think that the future of technology employment, while I know a lot of people are being brought back into the office, I think it will truly, ultimately become hybrid, that where you're going to have office time to connect, you're going to have a lot of home time. What this allows for, you know, I think certain roles, certain specialized roles is the ability to make tech money and live in the low cost, you know, income or a low cost of living areas. Yeah, that wouldn't change. It is in this to me provides opportunity to what to save more to invest more, right? There's this whole concept of people talk about lifestyle by design, well, what if you designed your lifestyle to invest more, and I mean, this is what, you know, really motivated us to leave the Bay Area, come to Austin, Texas, in 2017, where, at that point, we got in here at a much lower price point, we are able to sell our house in the Bay Area, get some single family homes and this home, so we're able to now more passive income, right, but lower our overall cost of living so that then we can invest more, I think there's going to be more of that type of opportunity. I think that, you know, there, people are going to be able to have much more flexibility in that geography, which I think creates more overall opportunities.
Grant Yeah, definitely see the the change there with that. And in fact, having so many people shift and move around the country right now you see this sort of exodus from some of the coasts, you know, coming in to the Central part, companies, large companies that we've seen, of course, moved out of places like California and such, you've talked about in your material that I reviewed, on your YouTube channel, some of the reasons to invest in real estate, and why you picked that as an avenue for doing this. There's obviously lots of places certainly crypto which has, of course, been kicked in the teeth, you know, recently, but, but why why real estate, he touched on that.
Christopher I would say the most compelling reason right now, to be investing in real estate is the income by like, a lot of, you know, asset classes do not provide, you know, to me, there's there's the construct of a investment that says I made for income. Income to me is not a growth vehicle that says I'm going to take your money and expand it know, an income vehicle, like real estate, or like what we used to have in the bond market, you know, pre 2008 is, I am going to preserve your capital, potentially increase that, and I'm going to give you returns on top of that. I think that real estate is the place where then you have a hard asset behind it, that again, gives you you know, those those multiple benefits, I know that, you know, four ways to make money in real estate, right, there's the cashflow, there's the appreciation, there's the equity pay down, and then guess what the tax benefits as well, right? We know that we need a lot less real estate money to duplicate w two or where we want to be with w two income because of the fact that we don't need as much because you get a lot of the depreciation, you really get, you know, good tax planner going there. You know, you can you can reduce that. But this is where, you know, I don't see any other vehicle right now that's going toe to toe that can preserve capital and put cash in your pocket.
Grant Yeah. What are your thoughts about current trajectory, you know, around interest rates and potential soft landings of the real estate market? Is that create any concerns for you?
Christopher I mean, it definitely creates concerns. I mean, I think that a lot of the the increase in interest rates has slowed down a lot of the transactions on the real estate front. I know that for, you know, multifamily, you know, partners that we have here in Central Texas, you know, there's just a real long pause, like, where's this going to land? And I know, a lot of, you know, investments that were in process, you know, now have have stopped because, I mean, just negotiations because the rates are moving so quickly. I do believe that, you know, this increase in interest rates will do what, you know, the government is looking to, which is going to slow down, cool it off, prices are going to have to start ratcheting down to excuse me move the market forward. But however, in real estate, there are opportunities to buy I know that I'm very bullish right now in the mobile home market. I know also in the self storage market, there still are a lot of opportunities because the fact that those industries have not been standardized, let's say like multifamily, or a lot of you know of some other commercial properties as well, there still are real buying opportunities there. And so I think if you stick to the fundamentals of Buy low, get something that's cash flowing very well, there, then is the opportunity to still make money.
Grant Is there a particular asset class real estate that you enjoy more than the others and mobile homes? Is the multifamily? Do you? Is there a particular place people should start, you know, when they think about this?
Christopher Well, I mean, I think everybody should start with with the fundamentals. So there's a, a book that I recommend to everybody, it's what every real estate investor needs to know about cash flow by Frank gallon le, and it's a math book, and it gives you the fundamentals. And you go online, you get a spreadsheet, and you understand the math, not complicated, but that's where everyone should start. And it gives you a breadth of asset classes. For me right now, I am bullish, and my partners and I are acquiring in the mobile home park space because of the fact that it's a scarce asset class, scarce meaning that's in high demand. And for the demand, they're not making any more. So that means that if you look at, you know, I have a chart that I share with people that the net operating income of mobile home parks has been steady up into the right since before the year 2000, because of this whole thing that, you know, when you have a scarce asset class, that is going to force appreciation. The other thing is, you know, there's there's a lot of inefficiencies, and a lot of, you know, mom and pops that are baby boomers that are looking to get out right now. So, you know, with a good operations team, there's, there's a buying opportunity. And I do want to I think one of my partner said the other day, and I love this piece of advice to say when when times are good, you want to be in affordable housing, when times are bad, you really want to be in affordable housing. Well said, yeah, right. I like that. I literally wrote it down. As soon as it says, I go, that's gold, that isn't that is good.
Grant I picked up that wealth word is a verb. That's one of the things that I discovered in reviewing what you're doing. Tell me more about this verb. And what I mean by that is, I'm trying to relate it to those that are listening, where they may or may not be in the tech space. But let's say you're in the tech space, and they're early in their careers, and they're thinking, How do I get started? What do I do next? What's the verb? Right? What's the action that I should do? What I start doing differently?
Christopher Well, and so the whole concept is always be moving towards wealth. And this is always just having your eyes and I do have spec. So you know, having your investor lens on. And so I think that, if it's in your W-2 job, you know, it really is then how can you work for equity? How can you get a piece of ownership and this, you know, I call it Kiyosaki is bridge, like he doesn't call it out in his book, because he sort of has, you're the employee and the owner over here, there's this gap. But equity when you're able to get, you know, again, can that be in technology companies? Sure, could you, you know, I know people work in private equity companies, they get staked there, you know, and other public companies, you can too. But if you're working for equity, and you have salary, you know, a bonus, and you have this equity, what I always tell people, then you can live on your salary, you can party with your bonus, and you invest all your equity, you know, that then gives you this additional capacity to be able to start investing. And then, you know, as you and I both know, on the investing front, it's how do you stay diversified? How do you have a portfolio that's fit for your lifestyle, and you have goals, and you're working on it? And to me, you know, in my wife and I created this word, you know, sitting around and trying to think of how can we create this word that really encourages people to just be thinking about moving towards wealth, which could be your health, right? You want to be taking care of your health, you want to be taking care of your mind, you know, because wealth to us is an abundance of resources. And that can be you know, energy, it can be, you know, a network, right networking with people is moving towards wealth. So, that was really the spirit behind it.
Grant That's awesome. I love that now if someone wanted to learn more about you and your organization, what you're providing where do they go? How do they find this?
Christopher Well, they can go to Wealthward.com. That is my core website where they can go learn more about what we do and get time on my calendar. They want to understand what we're doing in the mobile home park space, that is ThriveCommunity.fund. There they can go see a free webinar of you know, really how we're, we're, we're really doing something very really interesting in that space and have this blue ocean concept. And then tech careers and money talk. That is my podcast I'm recording episodes gonna be launching in September. But that's tech careers and money talk where, you know, like yourself, I'm facilitating this conversation in the corner of tech careers, you know, and really, there'll be a Tuesday episode. That's all about how you build and grow your career. How do you go from individual contributor to manager, there's going to be a lot of strategy, there's going to be a lot of interviews and use cases, then Thursday's money day, right? We want to bring in stock options, lawyers, what do you need to be looking for when you're negotiating for equity? How do you generate passive income? How do you buy houses in high cost of living areas? Right? We want to really speak into all the problems and challenges that people have and in hear from people who've been successful.
Grant What a fun journey. I look forward to listening to what you're doing on your podcast. That's really awesome.
Christopher Well, yeah, and I mean, it sounds like, it sounds like you're gonna be a guest too, because little did I know about your secret tech background. Like I think we got some, some stuff to talk about.
Grant Oh, yeah. Like I said, at the beginning, three in Silicon Valley sold them all IBM acquired one of them. So I spent some time as an executive, they're definitely bounced out of that world.
Christopher Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah, I'll be on the other side of the mic. I'll be asking the questions. There you go.
Grant That's right. Good stuff. Christopher, this has been a pleasure. Any last comments you'd like to share with our listeners?
Christopher Well, I think, you know, what I always like to share with everybody is just the fact that, you know, if you ensure that you are taking time, energy capacity to focus on this building your wealth, I think there's a true opportunity to, you know, live a life that is sustainable, and you can actually design it yourself. So that's my encouragement.
Grant Why don't they teach this in school?
Christopher Well, they may soon enough, I'm I'm working on that curriculum to say.
Grant I think you're the one to put that curriculum together.  So that's right. Yes. Hey, thanks for joining everybody. Thanks for listening to this episode of Financial Investing radio and until next time, reach out to Christopher Nelson.
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FIR 154: The Secret to Creating Passive Income As A W2 Employee !!
In this episode, I have the opportunity to sit down with Christopher Nelson. A technology executive out of Silicon Valley who's figured out the secrets to helping you achieve passive income as a W-2 employee.
Grant Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of Financial Investing Radio. So today I have in the house with me, Mr. Dr. Why don't want to call you. Sophisticated, brilliant. Christopher Nelson is in the house here with me today. I love his subtitles technology executive real estate investor, author, podcast hosts and inventor of the space station. Was that right? Or did I get that right?
Christopher I think you may have stretched on the space station. But I you know, space has always been a dream of mine. Right? I am a low tech tech technologist, a bit of a geek. So yes.
Grant Excellent. Excellent. Well, okay, so let's start with that. technologist geek. What does that mean? What? Tell me about your background?
Christopher Yeah. So So my background, you know, interestingly enough, I started with just a love of technology, right? You know, I heard some people tell stories, the other day of how I think exploring and wanting to take apart, you know, televisions and, you know, anything remote controls, understand how they worked. And I just was fascinated, especially as the computer age started taking off. What can we do with these? So, you know, my thought was, I wanted to go to university and I wanted to learn how to become a software engineer, so studied very hard. And then when I went to my first internship junior year, with a large database company, and I was by myself working on this code, I started going crazy. I started thinking, what am I going to do? Like, I, I love this, I do not like this. And it was actually in a job fair that I met somebody who, who had a similar major who was working in technology consulting, he said, Hey, there's different things. It's not all you have to be a software engineer, I solve difficult technical problems with people moving businesses forward. And so that really, I mean, hit a lot of cylinders for me and took me off into technology, consulting, which is where I started my career.
Grant That's awesome. I love that background. i It's funny, I didn't know that about you. I had a similar journey. I come through the technology world. But I ended up bouncing from doing my first startup right out of college. Because when you come out of college, I don't know if you know this, but you typically have all the answers, right? So so I jumped, I jumped right into startup, I'm gonna go solve these world problems. Clearly, everyone's having struggle with course, I failed miserably on my first startup. So then I jumped into the technology consulting world with back then one of the big six, you know, in Chicago doing some technology work. But yeah, it's funny, I jumped to the people side of it, also. And that, that was liberating for me, because if I spent all the time just and I love I still code today, don't tell anybody. But I use it as a tool to keep my brain active. But if I had to read every day, all day, I think I'd go crazy.
Christopher Right? And, you know, it's, I actually tried to now actually take that message to people, kids graduating from college is the fact that you can actually be involved with technology. And it doesn't have to be this one way like we see, you know, again, media, movies presents this one view, but there's a lot of other things that you can do. And I found that it was great start to my career, to really get me launched. Give me a ton of skills. Give me a great background, because I did I went to work for Accenture, right that came out of one of the you know, the big six became the big four. Yeah, it was, you know, one of the big four back in the day. Well, well, we're constant names. 
Grant Yeah, I did. KPMG. So there you go. Yeah, technology. There we go. Wow. Okay, which office were you located? Where were you?
Christopher At San Francisco. I mean, I felt like that was a great opportunity because I while I was doing the tech consulting thing I did want to work for high tech, like I wanted to work for companies that were really, you know, moving the needle. And that's actually set me up. So about eight, nine years into my career, I realized that I had this great experience. And this is what I call in my book, Your career capital, which is a combination of your education, your experience and results. And I realized I could actually go trade this for equity in startup companies, because like you said, I've been working for these tech consulting companies, I got that figured out, right? Well, I went to work for my first startup, abject failure, right, I found myself and then a year nursing and Ulster having a bad boss. And I didn't know how I got there. But taking a step back, and I think a lot of us figure out pass through failure. And so I don't think we should fear that. And I realized I did not look like I did not think like an investor with my time. Like I'd been, you know, in the in the stock market investing since, you know, the 90s. But I had not thought like an investor with my time. So went back, put together a due diligence criteria started work in my network, what did people recommend? The next company I chose employee for 17, at a company called Splunk, in 2011, and up IPO in 2012, and it turned out to be a big win for my family.
Grant Yeah, that's absolutely cool. Yeah, Splunk, boy, they have done a great thing for the industry. It's funny, united, similar routes, I, after I did my KPMG route for a number of years, I had this itch to get out to Silicon Valley. And so I was chatting with this startup company out there. And, and I said, my wife, you know, I'm just gonna fly out, you know, we're in Chicago, the time's gonna fly I just checked, probably won't do this, right. Uh, probably, but I just gotta go check them out. And of course, I get in there. I'm talking with them. And after several hours of whiteboarding and brain, brain exciting things, they go, do you want to, you know, come join us? And I'm like, Oh, I think the answer is yes. You know, and I remember being on the phone in the little conference. You know, maybe my mind's changed. You know, I think we're switching. We're moving out here. Yeah, I did several startups out there as well. And those course weren't much different. So you know, you need to have that first one that kicks you in the teeth, right? And it's like, okay, wait a minute. You do, you do?
Christopher And I think sometimes, right? It is, you know, those those learnings that help like anything else, right? I mean, this is where I'm trying to now build this thesis and conversation around, it's an investment of your time. So sometimes you go, you get skin in the game, and it's not the right thing. But then does that mean you stop investing altogether? No, you go and adjust your lens and you you go, and you get feedback, and then you go, and you do it again. And maybe this time you say, I'm just gonna, in my head, I may sign a four year contract, maybe let me just do two years, see what's there and track it as they go along. You're going to also be looking at those quarterly meetings, when they're giving readouts a lot differently, you're going to look at the market a lot differently and say, What can I do with my time?
Grant So I think that's one of the cool things that I noticed about you when I was reviewing your profile. And it was this, it was not just let me go after doing this startup. But it was to leverage what I'm getting out of this either equity opportunities, but to move it into some passive opportunities. And I think that was, for me a real Aha, like, you know, earlier in my career, I wasn't even thinking that right? I'm doing the various startup companies. I'm like, go, go, go, go go. And you think you've got all this endless energy. And at some point, you think that way, but what I love is a year connecting the dots from take that energy and translate it into this passive mechanism that's going to benefit you. So I don't want to steal your thunder. But talk more about...
Christopher Well, well, what led me to that is it was actually that first IPO. So all of a sudden, you know, I'll never forget that day was you know, April 18 2012. Phenomenal day. And but the most memorable moment wasn't this big party, the fact that it went out double what we thought it was, was when I went home that night, my pregnant wife is sitting there, she asked me two questions. She says, When can we get the money and when can we buy the house? And I had no answers. And I literally went into the next room and started emotionally, you know, falling apart a little What I didn't realize is I was experiencing what's called a sudden wealth event, which is sudden wealth syndrome, which is a psychological syndrome that when you have these things you feel lonely, depressed, stressed out. If you're not prepared. You're not and I wasn't like I'd fought so hard to get there like most of us do. I wasn't prepared aired in so what I found grant is that many people aren't prepared like they like and I literally have been interviewing a lot of people from my book a lot of technology in place. And they will. I heard Mark Cuban say like you have to work for equity if you want to get ahead or, you know, I heard Gary Vee or somebody, Robert Kiyosaki gives them the idea that they want to be an owner. They go get it, and then that's it. They stop. And so my experience was okay, now we got this. I was okay. How do we now start getting this? You know, because I was tired during the six month lockout period, over 90% of your wealth and a single stock. I'm telling you, man, like I ate a ton of Tom's during that time, like you do. Yeah. Yeah. So it was really been this plan of, you know, how do we start moving it into something passive? How do we get it to that, you know, Kiyosaki goal. And so as we were doing that, as we were, you know, scouring the earth in the Bay Area, trying to understand it, we started getting exposed to real estate syndications, we started getting exposed to crowdfunding. And we realized that we had to get sharp on the math, we need to really understand how to do diligence, how to, how to invest. And, you know, we went on a journey of where we figured out how to start getting some skin in the game that, you know, was something that we could afford that we could afford to lose, and start really understanding those types of investments. And as we started seeing more and more success, other people started raising their hands, because we were very excited, we would talk about what we're doing. We always feel, you know, with our children with our friends, we should talk about careers and money. Like we should just have the conversation in an appropriate way. Not in a braggadocious way. But in a What are you doing? What are we doing? Because if we don't talk about it, you know, like you do here? Yeah, we don't do anything is people who sit on it. Yeah. Yeah.
Grant You do, you do sit on it. Absolutely. So. So tell me about I think I saw something that you wrote. "From No Dough to IPO". I love that.
Christopher Yeah. And so this is, this is the first book that I'm writing. And it's really going to be a playbook on how to tech employees think like an investor when trading their time and talent for equity. Right. And I want it you know, you said it grant like, nobody gave us the playbook. Right, we had to go in there. And we had a trip over our own shoelaces, you know, get beat up, figure this thing out. I you know, I have interviewed people in my network who have done three or four IPOs serially, I've interviewed people that have never done anything pre they've all been in post companies, and they get these companies public, and they take them from, you know, 500 million to a couple billion dollars. And they've gotten tremendous wealth, already liquid the whole time. And I've turned it around and put it into a framework so that w two employees can really be time investors and say, you know, for myself, I had lost a small business. That was my side hustle, I was broke in, I realized I had to go and work for startup companies if I wanted to get ahead. And I think many people are trying to figure out, how do they leverage their skills, their time and their talent to do that? I wanted to put it out into a book that says, here's how you actually set yourself up. Here's how you negotiate for the equity. And then once you get it, what do you do you need to plan protect, and then you need to start producing passive income.
Grant So that framework that you've alluded to, and obviously it's in your book and what it is that you provide in terms of services to others? Sure. In that framework, how far does your organization get involved in terms of taking people through that and applying it as a good go all the way through into the real estate piece itself? Or tell me more about that?
Christopher Well, so I mean, the book is really launching the education platform. So right now the book is really the key anchor, we are looking to follow with some online training that people can do. And we're considering some coaching programs. But yeah, I mean, getting back to the origin story is that this this endeavor started from us doing done for you investments for technology employees, my wife and I who were actively investing in, you know, multifamily in ATMs and mobile home parks. We were asked by our friends to help start creating some vehicles for them because they wanted the success they didn't want to go put it together. So that's how Welford capital was born five years ago was in in an effort to help technology employees and you know, we're the lead investor, we're leading with our families dollars, we're creating a model portfolio that's based on where we've taken our tech equity and how now we've put it to work in real estate with our my wife and I shared goal the goal of getting to $300,000 of passive income a year.
Grant Yeah, that's awesome to get to that. Point, what's the trajectory? Like? And I? I'm sure part of the answer is how much you're putting into it financially. But in order to in order for someone to get to some, I guess what I would call, in fact, I was watching on your YouTube channel use an interesting phrase I'm looking at right here. It was something like, yeah, you wanted to get to a point where your passive income could overcome your W two income, you made that video. So I realized that's gonna vary by person. But yeah, sure range like, Is it A, is that a two year or five year journey? What does that look like?
Christopher Well, I think to your point, Grant, it depends on, you know, how much you can deploy, I really think that it is a five year plus journey. For most people, I think that if you have if you're sitting on a ton of dry powder, right, if you've had, you know, a couple of exits, you know, still it's gonna take time to deploy that capital. Right. And this is what I tell people is, if you walked in, you know, with $10 million, you would not want to put that into a single real estate investment, because then you're going to have the same thing you should if you're sitting in the single tech stock, you're gonna be not diversified. Right? So I think on average, it's, it's, it's a five year journey to really start making some impact. And this is why, you know, I want to go upstream to people earlier in their careers thinking about it, because my honest belief is that if I can free technology employees from having to work for a W two, many of them still want to make an impact. And this is the conversation I love having is if you didn't have to work for money, what would you do? You know, eight out of 10 tech employees don't say I'm gonna go travel the world, they'd be like, I want to solve this problem, or I want to fix that problem. And that, to me, is is really powerful in our community, right, as a technology employees is how can we unleash that power, and allow people to do the impact work and not be focusing just on the survival work?
Grant So I have a fundamental question for you, when I saw that your focus was on the tech space employee. I'm assuming this could apply to any sort of w two employee? Or is there something about what you're doing that says, This is really relevant to a tech space employee?
Christopher Well, so the reality is, is, you know, I want to be able to speak into my people, my focus, my niche is focused on technology employees that I really understand, I understand, you know, their concerns, I understand, you know, you know, how it is, it's a very high paced, fast paced lifestyle. And so, in. So that's where, like, my writing my books, and everything is very much focused on how do I help these people and try and pay it forward, if you will. Now, on the real estate side, it's interesting that I've been very focused on technology and plays in helping them however, different people relate to the story, right? I mean, I have people that come in and say, Oh, I've I've gotten equity, it hasn't been in tech. Can I invest with you? Of course, you can, you know, or, interestingly enough, I had a jockey that reached out and wanted to get a call and said, I actually won this big stakes race. That was my big one. And I went through the sudden wealth event, I really related to what you were talking about that, can I invest with you? And so of course, I'm open to everyone participating in our investments, but I just feel really nobody feels sorry for somebody who goes through the sudden wealth event, right, you know, works in an IPO, all of a sudden, you get a multiple seven figure, payday, nobody feels sorry for them. But those people still struggle. A lot of us, myself included, didn't come from money, had no idea what to do with it. Yeah. Right. And so it's really, you know, in my mind that I want to really help and lean back into my community, because as I mentioned before, like I think that that community, financially independent will actually then turn around and bring some huge benefits to to everybody.
Grant I can relate with that, I grew up milking cows and hauling hay. So yeah, that was that was that was the foundation of that. So I'm interested in your thoughts around because one of the cool things I saw that you did was you're helping people think through their career paths, and with everything that's taken place with COVID and the impact to the workforce and and even what people are expecting from their jobs today and how that changed. The mindsets changed. How is that impacting the things that you're doing?
Christopher Well, I think it's creating more opportunities, right? I think coming post COVID I mean, it was in the middle of COVID. I ended up going back to work for another technology company. I had a very interesting offer. And it was for an all remote company that was built all remote they came it was developed all remote in 2011. And it had an An amazing trajectory and amazing story. And it was important for me to really experienced that because I think that the future of technology employment, while I know a lot of people are being brought back into the office, I think it will truly, ultimately become hybrid, that where you're going to have office time to connect, you're going to have a lot of home time. What this allows for, you know, I think certain roles, certain specialized roles is the ability to make tech money and live in the low cost, you know, income or a low cost of living areas. Yeah, that wouldn't change. It is in this to me provides opportunity to what to save more to invest more, right? There's this whole concept of people talk about lifestyle by design, well, what if you designed your lifestyle to invest more, and I mean, this is what, you know, really motivated us to leave the Bay Area, come to Austin, Texas, in 2017, where, at that point, we got in here at a much lower price point, we are able to sell our house in the Bay Area, get some single family homes and this home, so we're able to now more passive income, right, but lower our overall cost of living so that then we can invest more, I think there's going to be more of that type of opportunity. I think that, you know, there, people are going to be able to have much more flexibility in that geography, which I think creates more overall opportunities.
Grant Yeah, definitely see the the change there with that. And in fact, having so many people shift and move around the country right now you see this sort of exodus from some of the coasts, you know, coming in to the Central part, companies, large companies that we've seen, of course, moved out of places like California and such, you've talked about in your material that I reviewed, on your YouTube channel, some of the reasons to invest in real estate, and why you picked that as an avenue for doing this. There's obviously lots of places certainly crypto which has, of course, been kicked in the teeth, you know, recently, but, but why why real estate, he touched on that.
Christopher I would say the most compelling reason right now, to be investing in real estate is the income by like, a lot of, you know, asset classes do not provide, you know, to me, there's there's the construct of a investment that says I made for income. Income to me is not a growth vehicle that says I'm going to take your money and expand it know, an income vehicle, like real estate, or like what we used to have in the bond market, you know, pre 2008 is, I am going to preserve your capital, potentially increase that, and I'm going to give you returns on top of that. I think that real estate is the place where then you have a hard asset behind it, that again, gives you you know, those those multiple benefits, I know that, you know, four ways to make money in real estate, right, there's the cashflow, there's the appreciation, there's the equity pay down, and then guess what the tax benefits as well, right? We know that we need a lot less real estate money to duplicate w two or where we want to be with w two income because of the fact that we don't need as much because you get a lot of the depreciation, you really get, you know, good tax planner going there. You know, you can you can reduce that. But this is where, you know, I don't see any other vehicle right now that's going toe to toe that can preserve capital and put cash in your pocket.
Grant Yeah. What are your thoughts about current trajectory, you know, around interest rates and potential soft landings of the real estate market? Is that create any concerns for you?
Christopher I mean, it definitely creates concerns. I mean, I think that a lot of the the increase in interest rates has slowed down a lot of the transactions on the real estate front. I know that for, you know, multifamily, you know, partners that we have here in Central Texas, you know, there's just a real long pause, like, where's this going to land? And I know, a lot of, you know, investments that were in process, you know, now have have stopped because, I mean, just negotiations because the rates are moving so quickly. I do believe that, you know, this increase in interest rates will do what, you know, the government is looking to, which is going to slow down, cool it off, prices are going to have to start ratcheting down to excuse me move the market forward. But however, in real estate, there are opportunities to buy I know that I'm very bullish right now in the mobile home market. I know also in the self storage market, there still are a lot of opportunities because the fact that those industries have not been standardized, let's say like multifamily, or a lot of you know of some other commercial properties as well, there still are real buying opportunities there. And so I think if you stick to the fundamentals of Buy low, get something that's cash flowing very well, there, then is the opportunity to still make money.
Grant Is there a particular asset class real estate that you enjoy more than the others and mobile homes? Is the multifamily? Do you? Is there a particular place people should start, you know, when they think about this?
Christopher Well, I mean, I think everybody should start with with the fundamentals. So there's a, a book that I recommend to everybody, it's what every real estate investor needs to know about cash flow by Frank gallon le, and it's a math book, and it gives you the fundamentals. And you go online, you get a spreadsheet, and you understand the math, not complicated, but that's where everyone should start. And it gives you a breadth of asset classes. For me right now, I am bullish, and my partners and I are acquiring in the mobile home park space because of the fact that it's a scarce asset class, scarce meaning that's in high demand. And for the demand, they're not making any more. So that means that if you look at, you know, I have a chart that I share with people that the net operating income of mobile home parks has been steady up into the right since before the year 2000, because of this whole thing that, you know, when you have a scarce asset class, that is going to force appreciation. The other thing is, you know, there's there's a lot of inefficiencies, and a lot of, you know, mom and pops that are baby boomers that are looking to get out right now. So, you know, with a good operations team, there's, there's a buying opportunity. And I do want to I think one of my partner said the other day, and I love this piece of advice to say when when times are good, you want to be in affordable housing, when times are bad, you really want to be in affordable housing. Well said, yeah, right. I like that. I literally wrote it down. As soon as it says, I go, that's gold, that isn't that is good.
Grant I picked up that wealth word is a verb. That's one of the things that I discovered in reviewing what you're doing. Tell me more about this verb. And what I mean by that is, I'm trying to relate it to those that are listening, where they may or may not be in the tech space. But let's say you're in the tech space, and they're early in their careers, and they're thinking, How do I get started? What do I do next? What's the verb? Right? What's the action that I should do? What I start doing differently?
Christopher Well, and so the whole concept is always be moving towards wealth. And this is always just having your eyes and I do have spec. So you know, having your investor lens on. And so I think that, if it's in your W-2 job, you know, it really is then how can you work for equity? How can you get a piece of ownership and this, you know, I call it Kiyosaki is bridge, like he doesn't call it out in his book, because he sort of has, you're the employee and the owner over here, there's this gap. But equity when you're able to get, you know, again, can that be in technology companies? Sure, could you, you know, I know people work in private equity companies, they get staked there, you know, and other public companies, you can too. But if you're working for equity, and you have salary, you know, a bonus, and you have this equity, what I always tell people, then you can live on your salary, you can party with your bonus, and you invest all your equity, you know, that then gives you this additional capacity to be able to start investing. And then, you know, as you and I both know, on the investing front, it's how do you stay diversified? How do you have a portfolio that's fit for your lifestyle, and you have goals, and you're working on it? And to me, you know, in my wife and I created this word, you know, sitting around and trying to think of how can we create this word that really encourages people to just be thinking about moving towards wealth, which could be your health, right? You want to be taking care of your health, you want to be taking care of your mind, you know, because wealth to us is an abundance of resources. And that can be you know, energy, it can be, you know, a network, right networking with people is moving towards wealth. So, that was really the spirit behind it.
Grant That's awesome. I love that now if someone wanted to learn more about you and your organization, what you're providing where do they go? How do they find this?
Christopher Well, they can go to Wealthward.com. That is my core website where they can go learn more about what we do and get time on my calendar. They want to understand what we're doing in the mobile home park space, that is ThriveCommunity.fund. There they can go see a free webinar of you know, really how we're, we're, we're really doing something very really interesting in that space and have this blue ocean concept. And then tech careers and money talk. That is my podcast I'm recording episodes gonna be launching in September. But that's tech careers and money talk where, you know, like yourself, I'm facilitating this conversation in the corner of tech careers, you know, and really, there'll be a Tuesday episode. That's all about how you build and grow your career. How do you go from individual contributor to manager, there's going to be a lot of strategy, there's going to be a lot of interviews and use cases, then Thursday's money day, right? We want to bring in stock options, lawyers, what do you need to be looking for when you're negotiating for equity? How do you generate passive income? How do you buy houses in high cost of living areas? Right? We want to really speak into all the problems and challenges that people have and in hear from people who've been successful.
Grant What a fun journey. I look forward to listening to what you're doing on your podcast. That's really awesome.
Christopher Well, yeah, and I mean, it sounds like, it sounds like you're gonna be a guest too, because little did I know about your secret tech background. Like I think we got some, some stuff to talk about.
Grant Oh, yeah. Like I said, at the beginning, three in Silicon Valley sold them all IBM acquired one of them. So I spent some time as an executive, they're definitely bounced out of that world.
Christopher Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah, I'll be on the other side of the mic. I'll be asking the questions. There you go.
Grant That's right. Good stuff. Christopher, this has been a pleasure. Any last comments you'd like to share with our listeners?
Christopher Well, I think, you know, what I always like to share with everybody is just the fact that, you know, if you ensure that you are taking time, energy capacity to focus on this building your wealth, I think there's a true opportunity to, you know, live a life that is sustainable, and you can actually design it yourself. So that's my encouragement.
Grant Why don't they teach this in school?
Christopher Well, they may soon enough, I'm I'm working on that curriculum to say.
Grant I think you're the one to put that curriculum together.  So that's right. Yes. Hey, thanks for joining everybody. Thanks for listening to this episode of Financial Investing radio and until next time, reach out to Christopher Nelson.
Thank you for joining Grant on Financial Investing Radio. Don't forget to subscribe and leave feedback.
  Check out this episode!
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enamoured-x · 3 years
Sweet Release | Part 2
Angel Reyes x Reader
Summary: Things don’t go as planned when you attend Ez’s party. 
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Angst
Word count: 4.8k
Excerpt: “Your salvation and your destruction kneeled before you, ready to prove to you how deadly the mix of the two was. Your angel on his knees ready to sin.”
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*gif is mine!
a/n: thank you for all the love on this mini series! With that being said there will be a part 3 and it will be the final part! Enjoy! (part 1 can be found here)
Part 2
One long fucking month. Since the day you left Angel at the clubhouse with his come leaking out of you, you had been a wreck. Honestly, you were proud of yourself for holding it together so well when you broke the news to him. Maybe because you knew eventually you’d break. You were a mess. Hating Angel for what he put you through, hating that he led you to walk out on him in the first place. He tried calling every day for the first two weeks and then it simmered down to a call every few days. None of which you answered. For some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to block his number just yet. You still cared for him, still wanted to be able for him to reach out if something was wrong as long as it didn’t pertain to your failed relationship. You didn’t want to talk about how stupid that logic was because you knew keeping his number was because a part of you still wanted it to work. 
You played with the idea of maybe. But you couldn’t tell him that because you weren’t sure. You put yourself through all of his shit already and if he was going to do it all over again if you gave him a second chance you’d kill him. It would kill you. With that being said, you were going to let this play out. You knew you were supposed to get over him, knew you made a choice that day to end it with him. But a girl could dream that he’d make some grand gesture to win you back like in the movies, but this wasn’t a movie and Angel definitely wasn’t the romantic male protagonist. 
“Angel’s a mess.” You glared at Ez for bringing him up. You ignored his comment and sipped your coffee. You and Ez still kept in close contact over the month, sharing funny videos and checking in, just the usual stuff. Today he invited you to hang out and catch up since you hadn’t seen him since that day and you had agreed, happy to go somewhere that wasn’t work or your home. Happy to see your friend again.
“How’s pops?” You asked, trying to get the topic off Angel. You weren’t here to talk about Angel, he made his bed and now he could lay in it. If you were open to the idea of giving him a second chance, and that was a big if, he would need to do a lot more than having Ez tell you how miserable he’s been. You had been a wreck long before you broke up with him, he deserved to know what it felt like. 
Ez sighed and didn’t bring up Angel again, “he’s fine, he sends his best.” You nodded, making it a point to stop by soon and say hi, just because you and Angel broke up didn’t mean you couldn’t be friendly with his family still. They were practically your family. 
Ez twiddled with his coffee cup and you sighed. 
“Go ahead.” You told him, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair. The outside seating offered you a breath of fresh air you desperately needed when talking about the one and only Angel Reyes. 
He stopped his movements and looked up at you, “what?”
“You obviously either have an opinion on the breakup or you told Angel you were meeting me and he asked you to tell me something for him. Hell, maybe you only asked to hangout with me to deliver a message. Whatever it is, spill it, Reyes.” You knew Ez enough to know when something was on his mind or when he was holding back. This was one of those times. You weren’t exactly mad at him for it but after your grief died out, you were just confused about Angel. You knew you made the right choice at the time but it didn’t mean you still didn’t miss him. It didn’t mean you were over him. 
Ez held his hands up, “I swear I just wanted to see you. No secret motive. If Angel wants to work things out with you, he can do it himself, I'm not his messenger.” You sighed. You knew he was telling the truth. 
“There’s something you’re not telling me.” He was still holding back. He may not be there for some ulterior motive but there was something. 
“You know I’m getting patched in…” He trailed off and you nodded your head. You were excited for him when he told you the news a few weeks ago. Ez had put all his time and effort in the club and he was finally going to become an official member. He deserved it. 
“The club is throwing me a party.” He stated and you shook your head. 
“No.” He scoffed at your answer and sat up. 
“Come on, you have to come. You don’t have to talk to Angel, just stay with me the whole time.” He begged. You groaned at the idea. 
“Ez, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s the best idea.” Showing up to the clubhouse just a month after you broke up with Angel and fucked him in the middle of it was probably not the greatest idea. 
“Please. You’re my only friend outside of the club, I want you there.” Ez’s brown eyes pleaded with you. You were his only friend and as that friend you owed it to him to show your support, even if it meant having to see your ex again. 
You bit your lip and Ez smiled, knowing he had you. 
“Fine, but I’ll be glued to your side the whole time you’ll regret asking me to come.” You pointed at him and he laughed. 
“This should be fun.”
You should’ve taken that as a warning. 
You hated the fact that you were putting effort into what you were wearing to the party. Trying on basically all the clothes in your closet. You figured if you were going to see Angel you had better make it good. Eventually you settled on a simple red summer dress, flowy enough to be innocent but short enough to showcase your legs. You opted for some white sneakers with it, deciding that you were definitely not going to dress up to this thing, Angel or no Angel. Either way, this night wasn’t about him or you, it was Ez’s night and you were going to be there to support him. 
Your nerves got the best of you when you pulled into the packed scrapyard, Chucky directed you where to park and you took a deep breath before stepping out. The party was already in full swing, people scattered outside and around the fire, already drinking and having a good time. 
“Hey, you made it.” Ez said as he walked up to you as you made your way toward the clubhouse. You had yet to spot Angel and you were thankful for it. 
“I told you I would come.” You pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and then led you inside. 
“Thought you might back out last minute.” He shrugged. You were about to say something when you saw him. The man who had taken up space in your mind this past month. The man you left after reaching one last high with him. He was laughing at something Coco said, his smile not reaching his eyes. You could tell that what Ez told you had been true, that he was miserable. He looked good, just not all there. Both men were standing against the wall, what stirred jealousy in you was one of the club hang arounds to his left touching his arm. You swallowed hard, you forgot that before you and Angel got together, he was a hot commodity amongst Vicky’s girls. Now that he was off the market, you were sure the women were jumping at the chance to share his bed, they probably already had. Lead filled your stomach once again. 
You were about to turn to Ez to take the beer bottle from him when Angel finally looked over and stopped in his tracks. Gone was the smile and in its place was shock. You stared back at him, into those dark brown eyes you loved so much. Seeing him stung more than you cared to admit but you held strong. 
“You good?” Ez’s words snapped you out of your trance and you turned to him, finally taking the bottle from his hands. 
“You didn’t tell him I was coming?” You asked him as he led you over to take a seat at the bar. He looked guilty. 
“If I had he probably would’ve been by the gates waiting for you. Figured this was better.” You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Hermosa, haven’t seen you in a while.” You turned around to face Bishop. A genuine smile lit up your face and you got up to hug him. He graciously accepted, giving you a tight squeeze before letting you go. Bishop was always so kind to you, always so supportive of yours and Angel’s relationship. 
“Hey, Bish. How are you?” 
“I’m doing good. How are you? Which Reyes brother are you really here for?” He teased you and Ez chuckled. Obviously the club knew about yours and Angel’s split but he still welcomed you with open arms despite it. You were thankful for it. 
“Very funny, but I’m here for Ez.” He laughed and placed a kiss on your temple before excusing himself. 
“Is he still looking over here?” You asked Ez, bringing the bottle up to your lips and taking a sip of the cold liquid. You welcomed the alcohol as it sat in your stomach. 
“Yup and Vicky’s girl does not seem too happy about that.” You felt a sliver of satisfaction run through you. But Angel wasn’t yours, you made that clear. So you had absolutely no right to be jealous, you had no claim over him anymore. At least not in that way but with the way you felt his eyes on your body, you knew you still had some sort of pull over him. He had that same pull over you but tonight was not the night for that. 
“Let’s get you drunk, Eziekiel. You deserve it.” You changed the subject. You weren’t going to sit here and talk about Angel who was a few feet from you during Ez’s party. No, you were going to celebrate the man of the hour. Your friend, arguably your best friend. Also arguably your only friend. 
“Sounds good to me.”
Ez was a bit tipsy but not nowhere near drunk after many rounds of beers and a few shots. You on the other hand kept it to three beers and then opted for some water, not really one to drink all that much. That didn’t mean that you weren’t having fun though. Coco had eventually came over to talk to you during the night and you were glad none of the men held any animosity towards you. It felt nice to see them again and you could honestly say you were glad you came. 
“Six o’clock, mamas.” Coco said and nodded behind you, you were turning around completely ready to see Angel. You were surprised he hadn’t tried to get your attention sooner seeing as how he still tried to contact you weekly. But it wasn’t Angel. The man who now stood in front of you was a stranger, albeit a very handsome stranger who was part of another charter by the patch on his vest. He was tall enough to tower over you, his dark eyes pulling you in. He ran his hand through his raven black hair and smiled at you, even with his facial hair you could still see prominent dimples. 
“Hello, sweetheart. I’m Jay. And you are?” He stuck his tattooed hand out for you to take and you took it into your own. Jay was a tall glass of water, honestly a wet dream. Just not yours. But he could be. At least for tonight. A rebound wasn’t a terrible idea but you guessed there had to have been some rule about finding a rebound at the party of your ex boyfriend's brother’s party while he stood just a few feet away. You still introduced yourself nonetheless. You were a bit too distracted to notice Coco and Ez had left you to your own devices. 
“So, what brings you to this party?”
“I’m a friend of Ez’s.” You told him. You swore you could still feel Angel’s eyes burning through you, you had felt it since you locked eyes with him. Whether he was giving you your space or he really didn’t want anything to do with you tonight, you didn’t know. But judging by the same girl who was still trying to get his attention, you figured he wanted nothing to do with you tonight if it meant him getting laid. 
“Hmm,” he looked you up and down and you shifted under his gaze. You were kidding yourself if you actually thought you’d go through with a rebound. Especially with a Mayan. And you were kidding yourself if you thought a rebound was going to help. As if it was going to magically make your feelings for Angel disappear. As if sleeping with a stranger was going to give you that release you needed again, no, only Angel could do that. You hated it. 
“So, this party is dying down, I was thinking maybe you wanna get out of here?” That was extremely forward, all he knew about you was your name. But who were you kidding, guys like him didn’t care, hell, you’d be lucky if he even remembered your name. You were just about to turn him down when he trailed his hand up your thigh skimming just under your dress. Your eyes widened at the gesture and you shoved him off you and backed up.
“Woah, what the fuck.” You hissed quietly, not wanting to make a scene. He laughed.
“Oh, come on. You're not here for Ez, you’re here to get laid.” What the fuck. You were about to tell him off before a hand wrapped around your waist and a warm body pulled you into his side. You didn’t even have to look to know who it was but you looked up anyways. Angel. Your damn angel.
“You touching my girl, homie?” He asked him, ice in his tone. You were surprised the guy wasn’t on the floor already, Angel’s girlfriend or not, he didn’t like people touching you if you weren’t willing. Maybe he knew punching a guys lights out right now was no way to win you back and it was definitely not needed at Ez’s patched-in party. 
“Nah, man. Sorry, I didn’t know she was yours.” You scoffed.
“I’m not anyones.” You weren’t going to cause a scene but you hated men like this, men who thought women were just objects. You felt bad for the girl he would somehow convince to go home with him. 
“Get fucking lost or we’re gonna have a problem.” Angel told him, fingers tightening on your waist. Your skin ignited at his touch, at him being so close, at his cologne infiltrating your senses once again. It all felt like home. You hated it. The guy held his hands up as he walked away mumbling curses under his breath. Before you could say anything to Angel, he was whispering in your ear. 
“We need to talk. Now.” He didn’t give you room to argue as he led you down the hall and into his dorm room, closing the door. You didn’t like this. You didn’t trust yourself to be alone in a room with Angel right now. Give it another month or two then maybe, but right now? When your breakup was still a month fresh? No. It was dangerous. Angel turned to face you and you crossed your arms looking anywhere but at him, not wanting to look into his eyes. Not wanting to lose yourself in him. 
“What do you want to talk about?” He laughed bitterly, shaking his head. 
“Us. You coming here dressed like that.” He motioned to your dress.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Angel. What’s done is done.” You explained, biting your lip. Seeing him one foot away, eyes locked on you, it was a bit too much. One month was not nearly long enough to get over Angel Reyes. Hell, you didn’t think any amount of time would be sufficient. He was a damn drug, one you couldn’t stay off of.
“So you came here to torture me? Rub it in my face? I fucking miss you and you come to my clubhouse and act like everything’s cool? Act like I didn’t mean shit to you?” He was angry, that was easy to see. But you could tell his tone carried a deep hurt, one he was desperately trying to contain. Your heart ached. You wanted him to hurt, at first. But now seeing him, seeing the desperation and anguish in his eyes? This wasn’t what you wanted. You didn’t like hurting the people you loved, even if they hurt you. 
“Angel, that wasn’t my intention. Ez asked me to come and I wanted to support him. I’m not trying to hurt you.” You explained, stepping closer to him. That was also dangerous, you should be on the other side of the room, not a few inches away from him. 
“Too fucking late.” He ran his ring cladded fingers through his hair. 
“What do you want me to say, Angel? You hurt me, you didn’t make time for me. Our relationship was over long before that day.” It was the truth. You subconsciously knew your relationship was over with Angel before you had officially broken it off. You were just too scared to admit it to yourself, too desperate to hang onto the hope that he’d actually show up for you. But he never did and you knew it was time. 
“I know, I fucked up. I know that. But what you did that day… that was cold.” You chewed on your bottom lip. Part of you did feel bad for giving him a false sense of hope that day, using him for your release and then dropping him. But you needed to end the relationship on a high note, end it with a sweet goodbye and not a bitter storm of curses, in the end it was all just bittersweet. 
“I just… I needed you, Angel. I had missed you so much and I needed something…” You couldn’t find your words but you knew he knew what you meant, even if that day hurt like a bitch for him. He stepped forward, making a move to grab your arm but you backed up and shook your head. 
“Mami, please…” He begged, this time you went still as he grabbed your arm with one hand and cupped your cheek with the other. Your body buzzed to life at his touch, like Angel flipped a switch and you were back on again, like you were just being dragged through life this past month on auto pilot, like he had finally given you the reins back to your body. 
“Angel…” You were weak, your wavering voice gave you away. He leaned forward, his lips grazing yours slightly, his warm breath mingling with your own. You felt giddy as he surrounded you, as he invaded everything you were once again. And when he pressed his lips to yours, you melted into it. He licked along your lips and you opened your mouth, tongues sliding against each other. You moaned into it and grabbed onto his vest, trying to steady yourself at this heady feeling he gave you every time his lips were on any part of you. His hand slid to your waist and you had half a mind to snap out of your daze. You pulled away and he craned his neck, trying to chase your lips. You pushed on his chest lightly, wanting him to stop. 
“No, Angel, we can’t…” You couldn’t get hurt again. You couldn’t just fall back into him just for him to keep you at home waiting up for him and waiting on his call, and when neither came you’d be right back where you started. 
“Querida, I love you… I need you.” He whispered against your cheek. Hearing him say those words only made your heart ache worse and only made you want him more. It was damn confusing. You wanted him but you couldn’t put yourself through that shit again. 
You knew what he meant. I need you. He didn’t just need a release, he needed you. Just like that day you broke up with him, you needed him to give you that high but you quite plainly just needed him. 
“Fine. Let’s fuck and then go our separate ways.” You said, pulling him in for another kiss, needing the distraction. Not wanting to think about how fucking stupid that offer was, how fucking stupid you were. Sex wasn’t going to do anything but fill your base desire, it wasn’t going to give you back that piece of your heart that was ripped away from you when you left. He didn’t let the kiss go on more than a few seconds, pulling away, confusion and despair written all over his face. 
“Fuck me, Angel. We need it.” You stated plainly. He shook his head and backed up from you. 
“No. I need you.” His words pricked another pain in your heart. 
“Then take me.” You offered. You were sure you had lost your damn mind. But you wanted Angel, maybe it wasn’t exactly the way you wanted him but you’d take it. 
“Fuck no. That’s not what I want.” You sighed, he wasn’t making this easy. Because it wasn’t what you wanted either. Yeah, you were desperate to feel him inside you again but it’s not truly what you wanted. 
“That’s all I can offer.” Your words came out softer than you planned, sadder. He scoffed, running his hand down his face. 
“You want a release, mami? I’ll give you one, but you’re not getting my dick. I can’t… I can’t be inside you without wanting to stay there. Can’t give you that if I know you’re just going to leave again.” You weren’t sure what he was offering. But it didn’t matter because he was more upset than he had been just a few moments ago. 
“Angel…” You shook your head not knowing what to say. Fuck, if he fucked you right now you wouldn’t want him to go anywhere either. But that wasn’t your reality. The reality was that he fucked up and sex didn’t fix it the first time and it certainly wasn’t going to fix it this time. 
“I’ll make you come on my tongue, and then you can walk out that door but you’ll walk out knowing only I can take you to heaven.” You swallowed hard at his words as he crowded your space again. Your breath hitched as he pulled you into his chest, making you look into his eyes. 
“I’m not going to stop. Not gonna stop calling, texting, not gonna stop until you give me another chance to prove to you how much I fucking love you. But right now, I’ll give you what you want. Even if it kills me.” And with that he slid to his knees. Your whole world stopped at the confession, at him kneeling before you, ready to worship you in a way only he could. The sight of him on his knees, the rush you felt as he trailed his hands up your bare thighs, it was like no other high you had ever felt. Your salvation and your destruction kneeled before you, ready to prove to you how deadly the mix of the two was. Your angel on his knees ready to sin. 
His lips trailed up your thighs and you threw your head back, steadying yourself by placing your hands on his shoulders. His warm breath getting closer to the place you needed him most had your core clenching around nothing, had you squirming, waiting for him. 
“Fuck…” You breathed out as he lifted your dress to get his mouth right on the skin above your panties. You bit down hard on your bottom lip as you felt yourself getting wetter at his teasing. His lips skimmed your stomach before he forcefully yanked your panties down, a contrast to his gentle and slow movements. You gasped at the action but before you could react further, he buried his face in your pussy, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder in the process. You yelped at the sudden intensity, at his wet tongue sliding through your folds and flicking against your clit. 
“Oh god.” You cried, grabbing onto his hair and grinding yourself into his face. He let you, following your movements, never relenting, never taking his mouth off you. Heaven. He wasn’t wrong, only your angel could take you there. 
“Missed your taste. Missed you.” He mumbled against your slick. He said the last part so quietly you almost didn’t hear him, but you did. You heard him and it stung but the pleasure he was also giving you was overpowering your thoughts on his confession. 
“Feels so good, Angel.” Your words spurred him on as he trailed his tongue to your hole, fucking you. You whined at the intrusion and rolled your hips and pulled his head in deeper. You were drowning again, or flying, or possibly dying. It felt too good, felt too sweet to be anything but something so fucking dangerous yet so damn exhilarating. 
You were so lost in your pleasure you almost didn’t notice the door open, Angel obviously didn’t, head still buried in your pussy. The head that peeked around the door was the same woman who had been trying to fuck Angel all night. Her eyes widened at the sight and you should’ve felt embarrassed, but all you felt was that satisfaction again. Angel was here with you, on his goddamn knees for you. Pleasuring you and wanting nothing in return. At your mercy. Your head clouded with need at the thought, not because he was here with you and not some other woman but because he���d only ever do this for you. 
You moaned a little louder and the girl snapped out of her shock and displeasure as she awkwardly closed the door. 
Now that she was gone, you were once again focused on your man. Not your man. Angel said this would kill him, he didn’t know it was going to kill you too even if you got your release. 
“Gonna come…” You cried as he flicked your clit with his tongue. You were yanking at his hair, which only made him moan and made for a sweet vibration on that bundle of nerves. You rolled your hips against his face faster, nearing the edge. The sounds his tongue and your slick were making were enough to put a porno to shame and it only brought you closer. 
“Come, let me take you there.” Heaven. You could see it behind your eyelids, could fucking feel it as your orgasm finally shot through the surface, taking you sky high. You let out a litany of curses mixed with his name, eyes watering at the intensity of your high. Earlier you didn’t know if you were flying or drowning, what you realized now was that you were flying and drowning. A mix of gasping for air while simultaneously flying right through it. 
Finally you caught a breath as your climax started to fade, Angel still licking his way through it with gentle strokes. You whined as you finally came down, finally came back to this world. He lapped you up slowly and then placed a small kiss to your clit before pulling away and looking up at you. Your breath shook as you looked into his eyes, as he kept your gaze and laced his fingers through yours. You let him. Not having the energy to fight him. He knew what this was, he said it himself before he dropped to his knees. It made you feel slightly less guilty about only taking and not giving. 
He finally got to his feet. You saw the tent in his pants but he adjusted himself and cursed under his breath. He didn’t seem to care about that though as he looked at you. You didn’t like the look. A look that held a lot of promise. His beard was slightly damp from your come and your core throbbed at the sight. He licked his lips as if he knew what you were thinking about and took your face in his hands. 
“Forgive me.” He whispered, desperate again. You knew what it was. He said he’d get you off, nothing to it, but of course there was a small part of him that thought you’d change your mind after another orgasm. 
“No.” Your words stung him, you could tell. But his face hardened and you thought he’d pull away. But instead, he stroked your bottom lip with his thumb.
“You will.” And with that promise he was walking out the door, leaving you more confused than ever. 
Taglist: @starrynite7114​ @xladymacbethx @fear-less-write-more @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @glimmerglittergirl @vicmackeybullshxt @miss-nori85 @blessedboo @kalimont83 @ctrlbitch​ @angelreyesgirl​ @langiinspirations​ @lilac-tea-time​ @melancholymelanin​ @-im-fantastic-​ @withmyteeth @isisafrofairy​ @elektriknachosss​ @krysiewithak​ @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @mental-bycatch​ @smurfflynn​ @blackmissfrizzle​ @arination99​ @bucky-iss-bae​ (if you want to be removed from the taglist for this fic pls let me know!)
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Sleepover (Collab with @lozzypoz321)
Sebastian Stan x f!teen!co-star!reader, MCU Cast x f!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: fluff, crack honestly
Description: You and the MCU cast have a secret sleepover on set.
Warnings: language!!
A/N by morizoras-cave: this was even more fun than the last fic, loz is so so funny and so so talented and i just feel so comfortable writing with her :) also so many… bad things… happened while we wrote this. I mean it was chaotic.. I hope you enjoy its LONG
A/N by @lozzypoz321​: this was so much fun to write and I loved it!! Honestly you do not want to know what happened behind th scenes because that was a m e s s. Vic is suck and amazing writer and deserves so much love! Hope you enjoy!!
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“Kid, open the door!” your head snapped to the door of your hotel room. You recognised Sebastian’s voice coming from outside. “Open up!”
“I’m coming” you yelled, padding over to the door and opening up. Sebastian and Anthony stood out there. They looked oddly child-like as they stood there with their sleeping bags and dressed in pjs. You snorted. “Well, hello to you too!” 
“Don’t laugh, N/n, this is serious.” Anthony said as you walked out, you also dressed in your marvel pjs and with a sleeping bag in hand. Although, you thought, it was hard to take him seriously when he was dressed in Winnie The Pooh slippers. 
“Whatever you say, man.”
The entirety of the marvel cast had planned a sleepover on set. It was very secret, apparently. You didn’t know the full story, but they had seemingly asked the directors if they could have an onset sleepover and they’d refused, so someone had to steal a key. It was a whole process, but nonetheless you found yourself on the way to set at around 10:30. 
“Is anyone bringing snacks?” you asked. You, Seb and Anthony were walking down the street. You could see the set already. “Damn, I hope so” Anthony mumbled and you all continued walking. 
When you got there Elizabeth was standing outside, holding the door open with what you assumed was the stolen key. She ushered you inside. “You’re late and for some reason I’m not surprised.”
Inside all the others were already waiting, the entirety of the cast. Notably, you could see that Robert, Scarlett and Mark had created a pillow fort, and were hiding out in the coziness with a bag of popcorn. 
“Welcome, late-comers!” Robert greeted you dramatically, standing up in his Iron Man onesie. “You’ve missed the pizzas. You know, because you’re late!” 
“It’s fine, we already ate. Which is why we’re late,” Sebastian pointed nodded to Anthony. You nodded along.
Everyone sat down on a large stretch of couches, blankets and pillows, where Elizabeth had placed a projector pointed to an empty wall of the set. You sat down with Tom (Hiddleston), Sebastian and Mark. It was a rather weird thing to see so many grown men and women (that you had previously had respect for) in their most colourful pjs, but you supposed it was on you to expect any differently from this cast of people. 
Chris (Evans) had picked a movie and, unsurprisingly, he picked Iron Man 1. Robert protested for about two seconds, before he let everyone shower him in compliments because that movie was so damn good. “Okay okay, I guess we can watch it if we really have to”
Scarlett lightly laughed and pressed a button on the projector to start the movie after placing the disk inside that Chris (Evans) had brought from his collection at his house. “Where’s the snacks?” You heard Chris (Hemsworth) loudly whisper to Scarlett who sat next to him. 
“Ooh do we have popcorn?” You quietly asked Sebastian who nodded and reached across Anthony who was laid next to him to retrieve the salted popcorn that Mark had gotten just for you as he was in charge of the snack committee. Chris (Evans) silently got up, after making sure nobody noticed him (except from you), and crawled across the room in his rapunzel pjs on his hands and knees to reach Robert who was now on the verge of unconsciousness with dribble falling from the side of his mouth. Trying to be discreet, he raised his hands scarily behind him, gaining everybody’s attention in the room except Robert, and suddenly pounced on him in a playful manner. 
The man leapt up without warning with wide eyes the size of dinner plates and held his hands up as if he was doing karate in a mode of self defence. Everybody in the room burst out laughing at his reaction, Chris (Evans) reaching for his left pec as he leant back on his knees in a full on belly laugh. “You looked like you were a 6 year old girl” Scarlett laughed out and shook her head towards the man, who was now grumbling as he sat back down on his spot with an abundance of blankets by his side. 
“All the snacks are gone” Anthony exclaimed to the cast, making Tom (Hiddleston) look up from the screen and ponder “well we could do something that doesn’t require food” he suggested, making everyone look at him to continue. 
“I mean, we could play hide and seek?”
“Oh!” You exclaimed excitedly, one of your first inputs of the night “I’d love to play hide and seek! My dad used to do it with me all the time!”
Your happy demeanour made them all smile as you began explaining how he would hide next to you while your brother tried to find both of you. “Well it’s settled then, we’re playing hide and seek!” Chris (Hemsworth) announced in his Australian accent, before you could be told twice, you jumped up and grabbed Sebastian's hand before racing out of the room, not even giving anybody a second glance. 
“Woah, where are we going?” Sebastian chuckled, following your rapid footsteps. “Don’t worry about this, Seb, I’ve the perfect hiding spot!” It was a little bit embarrassing to admit, but every time you entered a new place, you thought about the best hiding spots (in case of an unwarranted game of hide and seek). 
You pulled Sebastian into the costume room and shuffled awkwardly into the back. There, you found your masterful hiding place. It was a vent, but not a small one. It was big. Sebastian looked at you in surprise. “Not bad, Y/n.” 
You popped the cover right off, catching Sebastian off guard. “I unscrewed it back in February,” you explained and jumped inside. Sebastian seemed to want to question you further, but instead just shrugged to himself and followed you inside, closing the vent cover behind him.
“This really is the perfect place,” he mumbled, voice echoing slightly in the vents. It was pretty cold, but stable. “And hey, didn’t you say that your dad used to hide with you?” He asked while looking around the airy place. “Oh, um, yeah” you said sheepishly, just now remembering the moment in the other room. 
“Um- I-I mean, not that you’re my- Like, my dad-” you stammered, blushing at the awkward moment, “Like- My dad is my dad- You’re just- I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to make this awkward, I just-”
“Shut up!” Sebastian hissed suddenly. You looked at him, taken aback. He was staring out the vent covers, and then looked back at you with a grin. He pointed to it silently. Your brows furrowed, and you looked out. You saw Chris in the room, hand holding a flashlight while aiming it around the room, trying to find a sign of anybody. You held your breath. 
“I know you’re in here! I can smell your fear!” he yelled trying to act scary. Meanwhile, he just looked kind of goofy in his Disney princess pjs. You saw Sebastian beside you, trying not to laugh. His face was contorted into a forced frown, but a smile still crept up the corners of his mouth. Seeing his face, you started feeling the urge to laugh too. 
You both laughed silently, trying so hard to not give away your position to Chris. You were failing miserably. 
“I will find you!” Chris said again, and this time Sebastian let out a laugh, immediately clamping a hand over his mouth. His eyes widened and so did yours. Chris stopped moving, snapping his head around furiously. “Who was that? Where are you?” 
You saw the moment Sebastian decided to give up on hiding, as he just suddenly started laughing like a maniac. You did too, both of you clutching your stomachs. Chris scoffed and tore the vent cover off, revealing the two of you laughing uncontrollably. 
“Come on, guys, it wasn’t that funny!” Chris sighed, but he was wrong, it was definitely that funny. You guys went back to the movie room. Robert, Tom, Scarlett and Anthony had all already been found.
“Welcome to the losers!” Tom grumbled. You both sat down with him and chatted while waiting for the others to turn up. The next was Mark, who had been hiding under a table, and then Elizabeth who wasn’t even trying, but was somehow second last anyway. 
Then came the waiting game. Hemsworth, the biggest of you all, the goofiest, and seemingly the easiest to spot, was still at large. Chris was hopelessly searching, but came back every ten minutes with a more and more depressed look on his attractive face.
“I can’t find him!” he admitted finally. There was a collective sigh, and then everyone started searching together, simultaneously calling out “Chris! The aussie one!” Eventually you did find him, crammed behind a couch uncomfortably. 
When you finally did, Anthony (as well as several others) seemed to have only grown hungrier, and the need for snacks was larger than ever. “I swear to god if we don’t find food right now I may just quit the job” Anthony swore and huffed as he crossed both his arms over his chest. “That seems a bit dramatic but okay” Scarlett laughed as the ten of you rounded a corner in the building to only come face to face with an abundance of vending machines that everyone used at break and you all had seemingly forgotten about. “Woah” Tom said, impressed at the arrangement. 
“Food galore,” Elizabeth expressed and was the first one to walk towards, closer to the arrangement, leaving the rest of you by the wall with your jaws dropped. “If I’m sick, don’t blame it on me” you quietly expressed, making Mark laugh from his spot next to you. 
Trying not to seem too excited, Anthony ran forward, eyes following each and every item of edible food and drink. “I think you better hurry up” Tom commented from his spot the furthest from you, noticing the way Anthony and Chris were now eyeing your favourite type of chips. 
“Umm yeah, that sounds like a good idea”
You, Robert and Sebastian immediately went over to the vending machine that was holding doritos, lays, and other classic chips. “Um, about earlier,” you mumbled to the Romanian man as Robert began to shake the machine with force, hoping something would fall down “I didn’t mean it like that” your cheeks flooded with embarrassment as the memory came flashing back to you.
But before you could start apologising even more, he stopped you and sent a reassuring smile your way “don’t worry about it Y/N, I know what you meant.” He gave your shoulder a small squeeze, before going back to watching Robert yelling at the Doritos to “fall out, you big pussy!”
Before Chris (Evans) and Tom could come over to your side of the room to be responsible adults and make a rational decision, Chris (Hemsworth) had already come bounding over to you and kicked the glass where the chips were held behind. He put full force behind the kick, so it shattered and fell loudly with a crash to the ground. 
“Erm. Good idea?”
For no reason at all the situation was just funny to you, so while everyone in the room was stood still shocked (apart from Hemsworth who rocked back and forth on his feet sheepishly) you began to laugh. “What’s funny? You could literally cut your feet if you move!” Tom exclaimed with wide eyes, “you can’t get hurt we need to return you to your mom the same as we got you!”
Without warning Chris (Evans) ran over to you, making sure to carefully avoid the glass panes. “I’m not getting sued for this shit” he muttered as he picked you up and brought you over to a corner, which was a safe distance away from the wreckage.
“Alright, this has gotten out of hand,” Mark ran a hand through his hair, as he surveyed the broken glass on the floor in distress. Elizabeth nodded. You made eye contact with Scarlett and Anthony, who very clearly didn’t share the same concern that Mark and Elizabeth did. You all giggled quietly. 
“But uh, let’s take advantage of the situation, eh?” Chris (Hemsworth) pulled a couple bags of doritos out of the broken vending machine, “Free doritos?” He shook the bags playfully. There was a moment where people seemed to question whether they prioritized their dignity of the free doritos, and it’s fair to say that a large number of them chose the doritos. 
You all went back to the movie room, collapsing on your mattresses and blankets, with your snacks. But before any of you could begin to focus on the movie once again, a sudden gasp broke out from across the room. “He has the last bag of Doritos!”
“No I don’t” Hemsworth was quick to deny Elizabeth’s claim but everyone could see the full bag that he had attempted to stuff under his blanket. All of a sudden, Scarlett leapt out of her sleeping bag, trying to reach the chips before he did, but unfortunately all the gym workouts he had been going to (or yoga lessons you weren’t really sure) were paying off, as he held the woman at bay so he could grab the snack and hold it far out of her reach.
“Give it” she grunted and tried to reach past his grip and take the chips for herself, but before she had a chance, Chris (Evans) jumped up from his spot over by Tom and snatched the bag from him, holding a victorious grin on his face. Chris (Hemsworth) pouted angrily at his costar, not bothering to fight back as he knew it would be a losing battle (he was captain America for Christ’s sake). But you had a trick up your sleeve, you wanted those chips and you were going to get them whether it was the last thing you did.
Picking up the pillow beside you, you held it up as a shield as ran forward as fast as you could, taking in the confused expression Chris held in his face before you smashed into his stomach, knocking the air out of your lungs but unfortunately, not his.
He chuckled deeply as you smashed back into the wooden floors groaning as the pain surged through you. “I don’t think that worked as well as you thought it would” Mark commented from his comfortable spot on his mattress. 
“No, it really didn’t”
The movie ended, and slowly but surely people started going to bed. There were yawns and stretches around you all bundled together on the floor. You too found yourself growing tired, stuffing yourself into your sleeping bag and getting comfortable. 
“Goodnight!” you murmured and those who were awake mumbled it back drowsily. You distinctly heard Sebastian mutter back to you from his sleeping bag “shut up, I’m tired”. You chuckled for the last time that night, as soon sleep overcame you. 
Then, at the the buttcrack of dawn, a scream came from the nearest entrance: “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK-” 
And that was the inspiring story of how body searches became a daily routine on set, so the Russos could make sure no one had gotten their grubby hands on an extra key.
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906 @tamayakii​
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anxious2dsimp · 3 years
Everything He's Not | Iwaizumi x GN! Reader | Short Fic
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Flavour: Angst (Reader x Cheater!Oikawa) to Fluff (Reader x Iwaizumi)💔→☁️
Reader: Gender Neutral!
Format: Short Fic (alternating between two sides of the story, y/n and Iwa's)
Part: 1 out of 2 (read part 2 here)
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Y/N, has dated the very popular Oikawa Toru for a while, through him becoming friends with his group. However, little do they know about a certain stoic ace's feelings for his best friend's s/o. When Oikawa screws up big time, will Iwaizumi's true feelings finally show? And what will Y/N do when everything goes down?
Warnings: Cheating, cursing, breakups, basically Oikawa x Reader angst turned into Iwaizumi x Reader fluff.
A/N: I wrote this for myself a while back but I edited it into a gender-neutral reader insert on a sleep-deprived whim (sorry if there are any mistakes, feel free to let me know!) Ik it's very random, but hopefully someone likes it :)
Your POV
Dating Oikawa Toru was definitely different from what you expected; at first you were weary about the volleyball star, but after giving him a chance you started to see the real him. Yes, he was the captain of a powerhouse’s Volleyball team and had a ton of fangirls, but really he was just a regular guy with dorky interests and an alien obsession, which was the side of him you fell for. It wasn’t all great, dealing with his fangirls was rough; luckily you were safe being from another school, but they’d take any chance they had to try and gain Oikawa’s interest, flirting with him as he did the same back, not with bad intentions, it was just his personality. It did slightly annoy you, but you knew he was clear that we were together and wouldn’t take things further, he was just keeping up his image, and he promised you that was all.
Since your Karasuno friends didn’t particularly like your relationship with the setter (though they did respect it), you two hung out with his Aoba Johsai friends; that’s how your friendship with Iwa, Makki, and Mattsun started. You all became good friends, so they all helped you keep Oikawa in line while at school (especially Iwaizumi). Since you got along so well your friendship became its own thing besides Oikawa, and before you realized it, you and Iwa were such good friends that you chatted almost daily on the phone.
You don’t know what exactly made you bond so much, maybe you were similar in the sense that you were both used to being lowkey, keeping things together behind the scenes; regardless, you both enjoyed each other’s company. That Tuesday afternoon was one of those days, Oikawa had something to do at school, so Iwaizumi invited you, Makki, and Mattsun over to his place to wait for the captain like you usually did since it was the closest to the school.
So, you just chilled like always, laughing and playing video games, talking about whatever came to mind. While you were in the middle of a Mario Kart match, you heard the front door of the apartment open, “(y/n)-chan! I’m sorry for the delay~” the brunette said in a sing-song voice.
“Hi to you too, Oikawa,” said Makki, poking fun at him, to which he just rolled his eyes and walked over to the couch. “Aren’t you gonna give me a kiss?” Oikawa asked standing in front of the screen, causing all four of you to start yelling at him to get out of the way, making him pout. “One sec, Toru-chan,” you said, biting your lip while focusing on keeping your first place intact for the last lap. The setter just giggled and got out of the way, walking around the sofa to stand behind you.
Iwaizumi’s POV
‘Eyes on the screen Iwaizumi,’ the ace told himself as he tried to focus on the game, attempting to ignore the way Oikawa kissed (y/n)’s neck while they played, trying to get their attention but failing miserably other than a giggle here and there. Iwa could tell by the way their (e/c) colored eyes pierced the screen that they wanted to win. The boy could see why his best friend liked them, unlike most people (y/n) actually treated Oikawa like a normal person, which definitely got him going. It wasn’t just that though, you all became such good friends because they’re smart, funny and beyond kind; but that’s all you were, friends. So why did it make him moody to see them be all couple-y?
After all, they were together while he was just the friend, the one who kept the fangirls off Oikawa so (y/n) didn’t have to worry because he couldn’t do it himself. Even though Toru was Iwaizumi’s best friend since they were kids, he couldn’t help but think that his friend wasn’t the greatest boyfriend. However, that was the same reason why he couldn’t say anything either, after all, they made him happy and vice versa, so he just kept telling himself to keep his damn eyes on the screen.
Luckily for him, the game was soon over so you all ordered takeout and sat around talking. “Yo, (y/n), there’s this new scary movie on Netflix, we should watch it this Friday night,” Mattsun stated, stealing one of Maki’s fries and throwing it in his mouth. “That sounds fun, but I can’t Friday! Karasuno has a friendly match against a few Tokyo schools this weekend so we leave Thursday after school,” (y/n) explained with a sweet smile, Iwaizumi’s eyes casually wondering over to Oikawa to see him looking upset.
‘Ugh, here goes,’ the spiker thought to himself. Lately, Toru had been restless and uncomfortable because according to him, his s/o was slipping away from him. Oikawa had somehow managed to convince himself that Karasuno had made it their mission to get their manager (y/n) to stop liking him and had been getting increasingly dramatic and jealous lately for no reason.
“But I thought we were going to hang out this weekend,” Oikawa whined as he pouted at his significant other, trying to seem jokingly disappointed though his best friend could tell he actually was upset. “Babe, we literally talk every day and we hung out all this past weekend, and today,” (y/n) said taking his hand.
“Plus, you have friends too, Shittykawa,” Hajime said, trying to get his friend’s mind out of that dark place since he knew he was more prone to make stupid comments when it was there. Oikawa didn’t drop it, insisting on how they were talking less as (y/n) continued to explain that school had been busy and how he also had responsibilities that took up his time. They eventually got him to shut up, but Iwaizumi couldn’t shake the concern that he was being too stupid, and it felt like he was getting closer and closer to making a mistake.
Your POV
You had to admit you did feel guilty when you told Toru you were leaving for the weekend, it was true that you had been way too busy with school and that neither of you had much free time, but you knew that your feelings for him were still strong. So, that Thursday after school you were happy and excited to hear that the trip had been postponed and you’d actually travel on Saturday morning because Sensei had a very important meeting on Friday afternoon. With the change of plans, you decided to go surprise your boyfriend, and it already being late in the afternoon, by the time you got to his place he would be home.
As you got off the bus by his place and got closer to his house, the sun beginning to set, a couple by a small park caught your eye, causing a soft smile to appear on your face. That park was always where you two would hang out when you wanted to be just the two of you. Walking closer, however, the smile quickly disappeared as you realized the “couple” was none other than Oikawa himself with one of his persistent fans he told you not to worry about. ‘Maybe they’re just hanging out as friends,’ or at least that’s what you told yourself as you squinted and kept walking.
Picking up your pace you got closer, now being able to see their faces more clearly in the dimly lit park only to watch them kiss, the girl’s arms around his neck while Oikawa’s hand slid up her thigh. You didn’t know what to do, so you just stood there in shock as silent tears began to fall down your face. Almost as if you were in a trance, you reached into your pocket and took out your phone, dialing his number as you saw the brunette react.
He looked down surprised at his phone screen as he scooted apart from the girl and picked up the call as if it was nothing. “Hey beaut-” he started to say before you cut him off, not having the strength to hear his happy tone. “How could you?!” you sobbed angrily into the phone as his face became anxious. “What’s wrong babe?” How could he try to play it off as if he had no idea?
“You lying, cheating, son of a bitch! We’re over,” you yelled angrily, hanging up right as his eyes met yours. You were close enough to see the horrified and heartbroken expression on his face, but before he could say anything you turned around and just ran. Grabbing the straps of your backpack you sprinted back down the streets, your vision blurry with tears as your (h/c) hair was pushed back by the wind. It was only when you were back at the bus station and were sure that Oikawa was nowhere to be seen that you stopped and realized; you didn’t know where to go next.
You could go to your Karasuno friends, but you weren’t in the mood to hear “I told you so” and couldn’t go home to not worry your family. As you sat there and looked at the screen blankly, tears continuing to fill your eyes, a notification appeared. ‘Hey loser, how’s the trip going?’ you read as your eyes looked at Iwa’s name by the message. He was your best shot, you were close and he wouldn’t judge, so without opening your phone again and ignoring all of Oikawa’s calls you jogged over to Iwaizumi’s place.
After ringing the apartment and hiding your teary and now out of breath voice in the intercom, Iwa’s mom buzzed you in, and once you got to his floor you were greeted by Iwaizumi looking concerned, more so once he saw the state you were in. “(y/n), are you ok?” Iwaizumi asked as he walked over to you, hugging you as you hid in his arms and sobbed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to go. It’s Oikawa,” you explained as he nodded and got you inside. He made some tea and brought it with you two to his room, both of you sitting on his bed. “Ok, what did Shittykawa do now?” he asked as he looked up at you and handed over a warm mug. “D- did you know h-he was cheating on me?” you managed to stutter out between sobs, trying to sound collected but being embarrassed by your inability to do so.
“He- wHAT?!” His reaction startled you, and when you looked up from the cup and saw his horrified, furious expression it made you feel less like you were overreacting. “I- the trip got postponed to Saturday morning, so I went to surprise him to his place and saw him in our bench making out with one of his fangirls,” you explained, watching as Iwa’s face became angrier and angrier, realizing how you don’t think you’ve ever seen him like this, “I’m sorry I came to you, I know you’re best friends.”
Iwaizumi’s POV
Seeing them like this was already painful, but learning what Oikawa did was too much, Iwaizumi couldn’t believe how his friend could do this to (y/n). The spiker had never cared when he did stuff like this or worse than this to his fangirls. After all, he thought, they were the ones stupid enough to be blinded by his charm, but he never fathomed Oikawa would be able to do something like that to someone as great as you. “What? Hey, don’t even dare apologize,” he stated firmly as he took both mugs and set them by the bedside table, hugging (y/n) tightly and feeling them snuggle into him as they cried. Seeing them like this killed him. ‘Fuck Oikawa,’ he thought to himself, ‘if before I had stayed out of the way because they were good for each other that’s no longer the case.’
“I’m so sorry he did this to you; I should have stopped him. If I had known I would have, I should have been paying more attention,” the ace rambled into (y/n)’s hair as they cried softly, getting angry at himself before being interrupted by them pushing themselves away from him gently to look up at his face. “Why are you apologizing as if this was your fault? Iwa, he’s the one who’s an asshole, not you,” they stated, wiping a tear from their face.
“Because,” was he really going to say this? Screw it, here goes nothing, he told himself before continuing, “I knew you deserved better than him, but I convinced myself he would be different with you because I saw how good you were to him, and how happy you looked.” (y/n) just looked at him, mouth slightly ajar as they seemed to process what the boy had said. He couldn’t take the silence anymore so to avoid the blush he felt was beginning to appear on his cheeks he asked; “so did you dump him?” They nodded, looking down at their cup of tea as they chuckled and replied; “on the spot, over the phone.”
Iwaizumi chuckled back, releasing some of the nerves; “serves him right.” They smiled weakly at his comment and absentmindedly ran their fingers through their hair, My god were they gorgeous, Hajime thought to himself, only then realizing it was the first time it was just the two of them in his room, suddenly becoming self-conscious. Calm down, he told himself while taking a deep breath, looking over at (y/n). 'They just broke up with their boyfriend, being here with you is their last concern,' or so he thought. “Do you… want to watch (favorite movie) and eat ice cream?” the spiker suggested after thinking for a moment, he knew that was their favorite movie, and ice cream helps get over jerks, right?
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
we’re just like kevin bacon!
prompt: for @bricksatanakinswindow​ ‘s halloween writing challenge! this was initially inspired by "mortal enemies accidentally showing up in matching costumes every fucking year" but once i started writing it kind of snowballed from there and i ended up with this lmao
ship: jj maybank x fem!reader
word count: 4.6k+ (i think this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written lol)
warnings n stuff: childhood enemies to lovers, swearing, mention of underage drinking, halloween shenanigans, makin' out, smut (not too explicit but i still think it's spicy enough to need an 18+ warning), jj and the reader being cute lil nerds and quoting movies back and forth, the author blatantly using some of her personal favorite movies/shows as inspiration for costumes, the author also making her opinions on ghostbusters clear (instead of the human trash can peter venkman, stan the adorable dork known as ray stantz for clear skin)
a/n: this was hella fun to write and i already have so many more halloween fic ideas bouncing around in my head (it's spoopy season, y'all!). title of this fic comes from guardians of the galaxy 😊
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Of three things in life you were certain.
One, you loved Halloween more than any other holiday of the year; after all, you and your twin brother Mason were born just after one AM on October 31st so you could say a penchant for all things spooky was in your blood.
Two, Sarah Cameron was your best friend. Being neighbors your whole lives, the two of you were thick as thieves and spent almost every day together, much to the annoyance of both your brother and hers; as much as you loved Mason, sometimes you wished Sarah was your twin instead of him and you knew without question the blonde girl would trade Rafe for you in a heartbeat (with little to no guilt, in fact.). 
And three, you absolutely hated JJ Maybank. You'd been at the top of each other's shit lists ever since you were both six years old, when he made fun of you for the stutter you'd had back then and you dumped a full milkshake over his head as payback, and even as time passed and you grew out of your stutter, your disdain for the blond pogue only grew stronger. He was infuriating, plain and simple, and the mere mention of his name made steam come out of your ears. 
The boy was just good at being annoying and seemed to love pushing everyone's buttons, yours especially, and always found ways to get under your skin without fail every single time your paths crossed (which was way too often for your liking, but running in the same friend group made it hard to avoid each other). It became an unspoken thing, the great Y/L/N-Maybank feud, with both of you trying your hardest to piss the other off until one of your mutual friends or your brother broke it up and pulled you to opposite corners of the metaphorical ring to take a breather before the next round.
You'd never admit it but deep down you kind of liked it. You liked being at the center of his attention (granted, it was antagonistic in nature but it was attention all the same), his bright blue eyes following your every move whenever you were within his sights and you liked that you were in his thoughts even when you weren't around, a fact proven to you by the tiny notebook Kiara carried around in her pocket recording how many times he mentioned your name. Knowing you lived rent free in his mind brought you an embarrassingly high level of satisfaction that you'd absolutely deny feeling if anyone ever asked, just as you'd deny the fact that he lived rent free in your mind, too.
...At least for most of the year. Everyone, including JJ, knew that to you Halloween was a damn-near sacred time. He knew never to mess with you during the weeks leading up to the holiday and definitely never on the day itself, lest he want yet another milkshake dumped over his blond head. He knew that, the whole damn island knew he did and yet...somehow, some way, he managed to get your blood boiling every. single. year. And you, like a masochistic idiot, let him. 
It all started when you were twelve.
You, Mason, and your friends were finally old enough to go to the annual youth party held on the sprawling lawn of the Island Club, an event you'd been looking forward to attending every Halloween since you were eight. Of course, you were excited for the dancing and games and food but the thing you couldn't wait the most for was the costume contest, a chance to show off your skills and prove to everyone on the island that Y/N Y/L/N was the undisputed queen of Halloween.
So what if your hopes were a little too high (considering you were only twelve and going up against kids ranging from your age to fifteen), you were still gonna give it your all; you spent weeks perfecting not only your costume but your brother's as well with your mom, helping her cut fabric and sew zippers, styling wigs and painting props until everything was perfect. 
"Oh my God, Y/N!" Sarah, dressed as Cinderella, yelled from the passenger seat of her dad's SUV when they swung by to pick you up. "You look amazing!"
"So do you!" You said, slipping into the back seat in between a miserable-looking Rafe as Sarah Sanderson ("I lost a bet," he explained with a scowl) and Mason, holding your mini R2-D2 on your lap. Was it kind of cheesy, dressing up as the most iconic twins in movie history? Probably, but you really didn't care because Leia Organa was a total boss bitch and Mason was practically over the moon that he got to be his ultimate silver screen hero and swing around his very own lightsaber as Luke Skywalker.
"The Force is strong with you two." Ward joked, earning an eye roll from both of his children as he drove to the Island Club to drop you off. Rafe immediately disappeared into the crowd to meet up with Topper and Kelce and the three of you went off to find your own friends, skirting around the edge of the party toward the snack tables, also known as the most likely place for them to be.  
You spotted Kiara first, looking like an actual princess in her Tiana costume and waved, smiling when she waved back and beckoned you over as she said something to Pope, dressed as Albert Einstein, that made him start laughing hysterically.
"What's so funny?" You asked, reaching between them to grab two handfuls of pretzels and immediately dropping one into your brother's outstretched palm, careful to keep the sleeve of your white dress away from the bright orange-iced cupcakes on the table. 
The two of them exchanged a look that instantly made you realize something was Up™ but before either of them could answer, Mason asked around a mouthful of pretzels, "Where're Tweedledee and Tweedledum?"
"J, why didn't we think of that?" John B's voice came from somewhere over your shoulder and when you turned to face him, you nearly dropped both the droid cradled in the crook of your elbow and the snacks in your hand. Not because of John B and his hilarious Chewbacca costume but because of the fact that JJ Maybank, the one person you hated the most on the whole entire island, was dressed as Han freakin' Solo. 
"Yikes." Someone muttered behind you -it sounded like Sarah but you weren't really sure- and Mason nearly choked on his pretzels as he tried and failed miserably to keep himself from laughing. 
"You've gotta be kidding me." You huffed, rolling your eyes as JJ crossed his arms and glared in your direction, blaster hanging from the holster on his hip.
"Listen, Princess, I'm not too happy about this, either."
"Oh, shut up, you nerfherder."
"Who you calling-" Mason and John B cut in and pulled you both in opposite directions before either of you could turn it into a shouting match, your brother physically grabbing you around the waist and carrying you off while the latter caught the back of JJ's vest and dragged him away. Despite their best efforts to keep you apart, you ran into each other more times than you could count and spent a minute or two squabbling like cats and dogs each time until one of them intervened once again. It was childish, it was immature, and it was fun, even though you'd never, ever admit it. Ever.
You didn't win the costume contest that year in the way you'd imagined at all. Still, first place in the group category was a win in your book and it felt good, even if one of the members of your unintentional Star Wars posse was someone who tested every bit of patience you had. The four of you split the cash prize and you went home 25 bucks richer, stashing it away for next year's costume and pushing the thought of accidentally matching with your mortal enemy from your mind. 
You had no idea this thing was only just beginning.
The next year, you let Sarah and Kiara convince you to match with them and the three of you rolled up to the party as the Pink Ladies -you as Rizzo, Sarah as Sandy, Kiara as Frenchy- only to run right into the boys, your brother included, dressed as the T-Birds. John B, perfectly in character as Danny, immediately whisked Sarah off to dance while Pope, the most adorably awkward Doody you'd ever seen, went to grab some snacks with Kiara, leaving you stuck with the bane of your existence as, of course, fucking Kenickie (Mason, as Sonny, dipped sometime before then without you noticing). The two of you spent the whole evening glaring at each other and hurling insults back and forth at breakneck speed, more in character than either of you'd ever want to acknowledge and for the second year in a row, you won first place in the group costume category.
At fourteen, you went as Princess Buttercup and JJ showed up as Westley, fake sword in hand as he followed you around all night like an annoying fly, sarcastically drawling "as you wish" every time you so much as glanced in his direction. Your brother, dressed as Inigo Montoya, nearly pissed himself laughing and you wanted to snatch both of their prop swords and shove them up their asses. You came in first again in the group costume contest and begrudgingly split the prize three ways. 
At fifteen, you worked hard on a Dr. Ellie Sattler costume from Jurassic Park, he strolled in as a disheveled Dr. Alan Grant with mud splattered boots and tattered clothes, and you really regretted not taking the offer to be the Tai to Sarah's Cher and Kiara's Dionne. Once again, Mason laughed so hard his face turned red and you were tempted to grab the sword he was holding and beat him over the head with it, not just for laughing at you but also for the completely atrocious Jack Sparrow costume he wore. To your absolute horror, you and JJ won the contest in the duo category and you wanted to melt into the ground when they called you onto the makeshift stage to collect your reward. 
When you were sixteen, you and your friends "graduated" to the party held for the older teens inside the club itself. With costume rules a little more lax than they were for the younger kids, you decided to go as (an only slightly sexy) Janine Melnitz, complete with a prop telephone you answered every so often with a loud "Ghostbusters, whaddya want?!" much to the embarrassment of Mason, who was once again dressed as Luke Skywalker, this time in the fatigues he wore while training on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back.
You strutted into the party in your heels and pencil skirt only to nearly fall flat on your face when you caught sight of JJ in a terrible black wig and glasses, proton pack strapped to his back and 'Spengler' printed on the front of his jumpsuit. Your brother winced when you all but screeched "Again?!" right into his ear and grabbed your elbow, dragging you over to an empty table and depositing you into an open chair.
"There's no way this is a coincidence anymore! He could've picked Venkman, with all the womanizing and lowkey being a creep and thinking he's God's gift to mankind? It would've been the perfect choice! He's not nearly adorable or dorky enough to be Stantz or sassy enough to be Winston-"
"Jesus, you have a lot of feelings about Ghostbusters," Mason muttered, rolling his eyes when you shot him a withering glare.
"Shut up! Listen to me, there's no way in hell Maybank randomly decided to be, out of alllll the 'Busters, Egon fuckin' Spengler, okay? He had to have somehow known I was coming as Janine and did it just to piss me off!"
Your brother heaved a deep, heavy sigh that made you want to smack him and fixed you with a deadpan stare. "Or, have you pulled your head out of your own ass long enough to think that maybe you're just becoming...predictable?"
You really did smack him then, hard on his exposed shoulder and he yelped, scowling as he rubbed at the red mark you left behind. "Ow! What the hell, bitch?!"
"Don't you dare call me predictable, you dickhead! I pride myself on my costumes being very unique and unexpected -you know, out of the box!"
"Hate to break it to you but they're not really out of the box if Maybank shows up in a matching one every single year." He said with an infuriating, shit-eating grin, patting your shoulder before straightening the plush Yoda strapped to his back. "I'm gonna go get some food, wanna come with?"
Still miffed at his comment, you shoved his arm away and glanced down at your lap, ignoring your brother's sassy "your loss" as he headed toward the snack tables. Not even a minute passed by before his empty seat was taken and you groaned when you looked up to see who it was, your eyes meeting a pair of bright blues behind tacky, oversized glasses. 
"Hi, Janine."
The two of you sat in silence after that, watching the dancing crowd under the flashing neon lights and sparkling disco ball until you saw him turn to face you out of the corner of your eye.
"Why Janine?" 
"Huh?" You turned to face him, too, one eyebrow raised in a perfect arch as he gestured toward your costume.
"Why did you dress up as Janine, Y/L/N?"
"I've always liked her sassiness and 'I like to play racquetball.'" You offered a casual shrug of your shoulders and carefully stuck a finger under your wig to scratch an annoying itch above your ear. "Why'd you pick Egon, Maybank?"
"He's my favorite." He answered simply with his own shrug, shooting you a genuine, real smile that you, for who knows what reason, found yourself returning without a second thought. "Smart, hilarious -plus, 'I like to collect spores, mold, and fungus.'"
For the first time in your life, your eyes rolled out of amusement and not annoyance at something that JJ Maybank said and, to your complete surprise, it kind of felt...right. "Really? I'd have pegged you for a Venkman stan."
"Are you kidding? He's the worst!" 
Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think you'd sit across from your hated enemy, not only having a civil -hell, downright enjoyable- conversation but actually smiling right along with him, laughing at his jokes and doing your best to ignore the sudden flutter in your stomach each time you caught sight of his slightly crooked teeth when he grinned. You didn't even notice when your brother returned with Kiara, dressed as Moana, at his side and two heaping plates of snacks in his hands until his chair scraped gratingly across the hardwood floor. 
"Kie, are you seeing this? Pigs must be flying 'cause they're actually smiling at each other." Mason said, cackling as Kiara turned to squint out the window.
"Yeah, I think I see one or two soaring around out there." She giggled and sent a mischievous wink in your direction. With your face feeling like it was on fire, you flipped them both the bird and took off, disappearing into the crowd and leaving all your traitorous, confusing thoughts about JJ behind with the boy himself; it was Rafe's last party at the Club and he owed you a dance anyway, but even as your best friend's older brother, cute as hell in his Thor costume, playfully twirled you around the floor to the Ghostbusters theme song, you felt more than your partner's blue eyes on you.
To no one's surprise, you and JJ won the duo category for the second year in a row and when you joined him onstage to collect your prize and didn't feel like you'd rather die than be up there by his side, you suddenly realized you were only certain about two things in life instead of three. 
At seventeen, you were confident you and JJ wouldn't be matching for once (after last year, though, you were kind of thinking it wouldn't be that bad of a thing). You'd gone cult classic for your costume, pulling inspiration from your mom's favorite move, 1999's The Mummy, and put together a screen-accurate Evelyn Carnahan in her iconic black dress, including a handmade Book of the Dead and matching key. You blackmailed Mason with pictures of him, drunk as a skunk and dressed in your Janine costume from the previous year, and got him to go as Jonathan, complete with a pith helmet and prop bottle of The Glenlivet.  
But, as always, JJ managed to surprise you. You literally ran right into his chest and if it wasn't for his arms instantly wrapping tight around your waist, you would've bit it hard.
"Whoa, careful there," He said, one hand keeping you close while the other moved to help you hold the book in your arms. "'The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you wanna be messing around with this thing?'"
Of course he'd make the perfect Rick O'Connell, you thought as you playfully raised one eyebrow and curled your fingers around the strap of the gun holster draped over his shoulder. "'It's just a book. No harm ever came from reading a book.'"
Mason was a little too in character as well as he dramatically rolled his eyes and wandered off, muttering "puh-lease" under his breath and shooting Sarah a conspiratorial wink that you didn't see. The blonde girl glanced between the two of you -arms still around each other and identical smiles on your faces- and grinned. The party flew by in a blur of movie quotes, laughs, and more dances than you could count and by the time you made it home, 50 bucks in the pocket of your dress and another group costume win under your belt, you were almost positive you never actually hated JJ Maybank in the first place.
Now at eighteen, you pulled out all the stops for your last party at the Island Club. You'd spent the last few months slaving over your costume, sewing custom pieces, hand-crafting your prop, and spending way too much money on body makeup and a wig but when you saw the final product in the mirror, you knew it was all worth it. You were ready to slay the competition this year and take home first place for the final time.
Mason, indifferent as always about the contest but willing to do anything to keep those pictures from seeing the light of day, didn't protest one bit when you forced him into the matching costume you'd made for him -in typical Mason fashion, he liked that he didn't have to wear a shirt and could show off his muscles- and spent a few hours perfecting his makeup.
You felt on top of the world when you walked into the party that night as Gamora, a replica of her Godslayer sword in hand and skin painted a perfect shade of green, followed by your brother as Drax, already flexing for anyone and everyone looking his way. The rest of your friends came to win as well: John B and Sarah as Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, Kiara as Eleven, Pope as T'Challa, and, of course, JJ as Peter Quill, Baby Groot perched on his shoulder and twin blasters at his hips. 
"Lookin' good, Gamora!" He called over the music, shimmying his way over to you with some dance moves that would impress Star-Lord himself.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Quill." You replied in a sing-song voice, even as you took his outstretched hand and let him pull you into the crowd of bodies hopping up and down to some terrible EDM beat under the twirling disco ball.
"It got you out here with me, didn't it?"
You rolled your eyes and hooked the sword to your belt before stepping closer and draping your arms around his neck, twirling your painted fingers in his hair. "Just remember, 'I know who you are, Peter Quill. And I'm not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your pelvic sorcery.'"
You should've known you spoke too soon the second you saw the spark in JJ's eyes that all but screamed 'wanna bet?'
And that's how you found yourself in the middle of the single hottest make out session you'd ever had the pleasure of participating in an hour later: back pressed against the locked door of someone's deserted office, legs wrapped tight around his waist and his hands hooked under your ass, both your sword and his blasters abandoned on the floor at his feet, and he was either a sinfully good kisser or trying really, really hard to blow your mind.  
"I'm not gonna end up green after this, am I?" He mumbled against your mouth before trailing his lips along your jaw and you breathed a laugh, tightening your grip on his hair.
"This is professional makeup, dumbass. It's gonna take more than some kissing to smudge it."
"I'm down for some smudging if you are." 
You pulled him back for another kiss in response and gasped into his mouth when he walked across the room, one strong arm reaching out to sweep whatever was on the desk to the floor before setting you down on it.
"Confident, are we?" 
JJ smirked at your breathless question and the way you hooked your ankles around the backs of his thighs to pull him closer. "So is that a yes to the smudging?"
"Just shut up and kiss me." 
He did -very well, you might add- and you kissed him back, untangling your hands from his hair to slide them under his jacket instead; you helped him push it off his shoulders and it had barely hit the ground along with poor Baby Groot before your fingers were tugging his shirt from the waistband of his pants.  
"Someone's impatient." He teased, leaning back just far enough to let you pull it over his head and toss it somewhere behind you.
"Someone doesn't know how to stop talking." You whispered your reply low in his ear and then trailed your lips down his neck, smiling in satisfaction at the tremble in his voice when you kissed the purple mark you'd left behind earlier.
"N-never was very good at that." 
"'You should've learned.'"
"'I don't learn, it's one of my issues.'"
One of his hands gripped your wig, pulling your head back a little roughly -you'd have so been into that if it had been your real hair he pulled- and you winced at the way the bobby pins holding it it place tugged painfully at your roots. "Ow, not so hard!"
"Wait, what the fuck? I thought you were wearing a wig!" 
"I am but it's still pinned to my actual hair!"
"Sorry, but how the hell was I supposed to know that?"
The sight of JJ's face slowly turning red made the butterflies in your stomach go haywire and so you just shook your head, mumbling "don't worry about it," before pressing your lips to his once again. He was gentler this time with the pulling and you dug your nails into his bare shoulders at the thrill of his mouth against the exposed column of your throat, leaning back further and further until you laid flat on the desk.
His fingers had just unbuttoned your pants when your phone started to ring from your pocket, blaring the Star Wars theme you had set as your twin's ringtone. 
"Mason's timing is impeccable," JJ said sarcastically, chuckling as you clamped a palm over his mouth and answered the call.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Jesus, no need to be pissy!" Mason loudly replied over the applause crackling through the phone's speaker. "I just thought you'd like to know that we just won best group costume with Maybank. Again." 
The blond winked at the mention of his last name and pulled your hand away from his mouth, pinning it to the desk beside you with one of his while the other started tugging your pants down over your hips.
"Oh, that's cool, Mase-" You inhaled sharply when his lips touched the edge of your underwear, so close to where you wanted him most but at the same time so far away, and your fingers held your phone in a white-knuckled grip. "But I-I'm kind of in the middle of doing someone -something!- right now."
"Smooth," JJ said, not even trying to be quiet as he released your pinned hand to finish pulling your boots off, along with your tight leather pants that he casually tossed aside. "And I knew you weren't green under these!" 
Your laugh quickly turned into a gasp when his fingers hooked under your panties and pulled those off, too, and the touch of his tongue against the skin of your inner thigh sent white-hot lightning racing through your veins; the phone slipped from your grip, falling with a clunk onto the desk as your fingers tangled in his hair and he lifted one of your knees over his shoulder.
"Okay, I'm hanging up now! I already know you're getting laid but I don't need to hear it." Mason's loud grumble drifted up through the speaker and if you weren't so preoccupied with the boy between your thighs doing some downright wicked things to you with his mouth, you might've noticed that your brother didn't actually sound that grumpy before he ended the call and your phone's screen went dark, right as you lost control of your voice.
"Fuck me."
"Funny, I thought that's what I was doing?" You felt more than heard his response against you and a shiver ran down your spine when his bright blue eyes flicked up to met yours in the dim light of the office.
"You know what I meant, Maybank."
"Trust me, Y/L/N, I know. Question is: where do you want me?"
You tugged on his hair, grinning wolfishly at the way his eyes fluttered closed and a low moan rose from his throat. "Everywhere in this damn room, starting right here."
"I was hoping you’d say that.”
- Back at the party, Mason looked up and met Sarah's gaze, both of her eyebrows raised expectantly as she asked, "Well?"
He took his time slipping his phone back into his pocket before giving her a quick nod, grinning triumphantly when she immediately burst into gleeful giggles.  
"Yes! I just knew they had a thing for each other! Mortal enemies, my ass."
"I think that was the very first time in my sister's life that she didn't give a shit about the contest." Mason said and reached over to snag a cookie from her plate, chuckling when she pushed his hand away from the chocolate chip ones and toward the peanut butter. "We couldn't have pulled this off without you. I mean, making sure they showed up in matching costumes every year? Genius, Sarah. Absolutely genius." 
The blonde girl grabbed her own cookie with a wink. "Think they'll ever figure it out?"
Your brother just threw his head back and laughed. "I hope not! I wanna save that story for my best man speech at their wedding."
taglist: @sinkbeneathwaves @cordeliascrown @maysbanks @jjpogueprincess @jiaraendgame @alexa-playafricabytoto @sexualparkour @agirlwholovescoffee​ 
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