#also the fanart I see is from what mutuals reblog on dash
burnt-toast-life · 2 years
The way I’m very borderline into MLP
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spacedykez · 2 years
So You Want To Watch Lifesteal
It’s happened. You’ve been seeing your mutual/followed blog reblog posts about this SMP called “Lifesteal” that apparently has some sort of gay clown? You’re intruiged. Well, couldn’t hurt to check it out, right? Maybe the gays got to you. Maybe you’ve seen the crystal demon. Maybe you’ve just seen some sick art. Whatever it was, you’ve seen something that prompted you to go “huh. maybe i should check this thing out!”
Now you’re wondering- so how do I watch this thing? Where do I start? What’s it about? Never fear! You’re in exactly the right place! Here’s the post that will walk you through how to get started watching this Lifesteal SMP thing (and maybe joining in Tumblr’s collective brainrot).
What Is Lifesteal? Let’s start with the basics. Lifesteal is a Minecraft SMP- okay. Maybe not that basic. I’m sure you know the drill. So what’s the “thing” with Lifesteal, then? What’s it all about?
Lifesteal’s premise is that when you die, you lose a heart off of your permanant health bar. This one!
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Now here’s the twist that makes it fun: when you kill another player, you get their heart. So if you’re both on ten hearts, and you kill someone else, their healthbar will drop to nine and yours will increase to eleven!
This is why you see so much heart imagery in fanart, and why if you see screenshots/watch videos, their health bars are rarely at ten hearts. Pretty simple, right? 
Yep, mostly. Some other things you should know about the life system are that players can choose to “withdraw” their hearts, which means they remove hearts from their health by choice. They appear as nether stars in a player’s inventory. This feature is typically used for trading hearts (although usually a little more... violent) and giving hearts to allies- hearts can be stored and thrown like normal items, and a player can use the item to add a heart to their health bar (the item will vanish from their inventory).
And of course once you reach zero hearts, you’re banned from the SMP. That’s it, it’s over. Unless someone chooses to revive you. That’s pretty rare though, so mostly 0 hearts = death! 
But in the cases where players are revived, it’s with the use of a special item that looks like a beacon, crafted with 4 nether stars, 4 hearts, and an elytra. Hearts in this case can function like nether stars- you can use 8 hearts and an elytra to craft the beacon. It’s very expensive, which is why it’s not used often.
Okay, great! So where do I start watching? So first, you’ll want to know that Lifesteal has four seasons so far- no! wait! don’t let that scare you off! please come back! Phew, okay. You’re still here? Alright! I was just about to tell you that you don’t have to watch them in order, don’t worry! You can start on Season One, but you really don’t need to. Most people start on Season 3 for The Gays™️ or Season Two for Clownpierce.
The most common recommendation you’ll see for new viewers is to watch Clownpierce and Branzy (yes, they’re the gays your dash won’t shut up about). Branzy doesn’t appear until Season 3, though, and he only has 6 Lifesteal episodes (find them here). Clown’s been here a bit longer, and you can find his videos here. Oh, and here’s the s3 branzypierce playlist.
What’s Branzypierce? Branzypierce, also known as Clownzy, is the ship name of BranzyCraft and Clownpierce. They’re the most popular ship here in the fandom, because it’s basically canon. I wish i was joking. Just. Click this.
But if you’re not interested in just Clown and Branzy, or you’ve already watched them and looking to find more people to watch, then keep on reading! There’s plenty more below. Before we get into it, if you want a list of s3 events and how to watch them, look no further than this post. And keep in mind, most Lifesteal videos are self-contained enough that you can watch them without prior knowledge! You almost don’t even have to watch anyone’s series in order from what I’ve found.
Starting us off, just. Ashswagg. Communism and God. I really can’t explain him to you just please go watch it. It’s only three videos I promise. 
Okay, okay, now go HERE to find more channel recommendations. I would link them below, but it’d just be copying the post. my personal advice: rekrap for escapes, clown for pvp, parrot for strategy, yeahjaron for minecraft farms, reddoons for capitalism, ashwag for communism/god, and branzy for the gays! have fun!
Side note: I would not reccommend you start with this, but if you want to here is all of S3 in order!
And oh, hey! Exclusive, just for you! Here’s a quick post with other fun duos besides Branzypierce!
What about Season 4?  You may have noticed that all the links led to S3 playlists. Good job! That’s because S4 has just started and there’s not much content. Before you get into S4, you should know there’s a new system implemented that limits the armor and tools players can get- info here. 
Now how to watch it? The s4 playlist, or go here! It’s got everything you need. There’s not much so far, though, so I wouldn’t try to watch it if you’re just looking to get into Lifesteal in general! Watch s3 to get content!
Do any of them stream? Yes! Not all of them do, but there are a good few Lifesteal streamers. First up, ItzSubz has Something going on over there, so go check that out. And Don Turnt streams Lifesteal fairly often. Not sure if any of the others stream regularly, but here’s the list of all their channels!
Alright, so where do I go for Tumblr content? Woo, you’ve been dragged in! You’ve checked out a couple videos! Now please, step right up to a list that is rapidly growing as Lifesteal skyrockets in popularity here on Tumblr!
Looking for incredible art? Our two main dedicated and amazing artists are @kishdoodles and @ghostpajamas​, who are probably responsible for dragging most of us here (/lh! thanks guys! you’re awesome!)
If you have questions or want to know more about Lifesteal, I’d reccommend Ghost and @branzypierce​, who I will never stop promoting as our resident experts. I’ve heard @rendogdomesticated​ also knows quite a bit, especially when it comes to Subz!
(a/n: please add onto this list! the four users i’ve linked are the blogs i know of who i see posting Lifesteal content and who know more in-depth information about Lifesteal. I will add more blogs to this list, and I’m very sorry if I missed anyone!)
That’s it, folks! I’m sure more information will be added to this post as is needed! Anything I should add? Let me know!
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after-witch · 8 months
Omg don’t mind me, I was just looking through your masterlist and I really needed to tell you how much I liked the way you formatted and put everything together. 🥹 Tbh it gave me some serious nostalgia for old fansites from the 90’s and early 00’s, especially with some of those titles I peeped! The only thing you’re missing is a few low quality jpegs lol aaaaand I may or may not be pining for Geocities now, which I’m absolutely going to blame you for xmdmdsmw
But no in all seriousness, I’m so glad a mutual reblogged that Hisoka commission you posted and I was able to catch it on my dash. I’m going to take some time to further peruse your masterlist tomorrow but please know that I’m super excited to read more of your works! I’m very impressed so far!
oh thank you for such a nice message!!
LOL thank you. I miss old anime fansites... custom headers (with or without fanart drawn by the 15 year old webmaster) for every link, endless quizzes, the weird text emoji things, rambling from the webmaster on every page with many dubious stories to try to faux brag about things, characters talking with the webmaster...
I can see it now for my masterlist, really:
These are my Chrollo fics I hope you like them my teacher saw me writing them and was like "I think you could get this published!!" ^^;;; Chrollo: "There are a lot here. You seem a bit obsessed with me." Shhhhhhh and I'll give you a nice book to read later. Chrollo: **annoyed sigh** Fine.
I weep. Nostalgia and cringe perfectly mingled...
I had some Geocities sites, but for the life of me I can't remember what they were about now.
Also NGL my masterlist is several months out of date but I am forcing myself to get that updated this weekend, lol.
But ahh I'm so glad you liked my Hisoka fic! I hope you find other stuff you like! \o/
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thecourtjester12 · 6 months
I saw some people doing a like, end of year appreciation post to all their mutuals, so, I thought I'd do one!
Fairy! You were my first moot! You post a lot about things you love and that's great! Even if it's not always something I'm also into, it's still fun to see on my dash! And I'm excited cause you're excited! :3 (It's also nice to see random things on bats like facts and just pictures of them! They're very cute creatures :3 (unlike giraffe weevils...tho I love those funky things!! XD))
Ellery! I tend to see a lot of stuff related to being neurodivergent and Aroace related things! And I love seeing that! You also have been slowly dragging me back into my love of Invader Zim with seeing you post stuff on it!!! Its great tho! Cause we both have things we like that overlap and get to see cool stuff this way!
I mostly see reblogs from you, but you reblog a lot of cool stuff I wouldn't have seen otherwise in the fandom! And it's always a treat when you do post stuff about your Au!!
Sketch! I spam you a lot with reblogs and likes, but you do the same to me! Its mutual spamming and I love that! :3 I love interacting with you and seeing all the cool ideas and drawings you have for your many Au's!!!! And just getting to add my silly little comments in on stuff! (like...Eclipse and the...garlic bread boots thing...) And you are the single handed reason for an ENTIRE Au!! (I am very fond of the Au as well XD)
Salem! We mostly interact in the StarBench Server, but its always fun to talk with you there! And see your comments on stuff others share or are talking about! And you reblog cool stuff!!!
Catt! Its always cool to see what you make and I love seeing your little snippets and drabbles! You make so much stuff with just...really sweet and heart warming vibes and I just LOVE it!!! (I may perhaps be...thinking of talking with you about something a bit like a collab in the future.....mayhaps...)
Cryptid! My newest Moot! And one of the people who have unofficially adopted me (and everyone else) in the Plushverse server! (no clue if the silliness applies here as well XD) I love seeing your art and how much its changed!
And to all of you!! Some of you are writers, some of you are artists, some of you are both or neither and instead appreciators! And for those who create, I love everything you make! All y'alls Au's and ideas and fanart! And those who don't I love your comments and appreciation and enjoyment of the things others create!!
All of us are in the DCA fandom and maybe other fandoms too! And its so fun to share and see what each other posts! I hope you all had a good year and I appreciate you all!!! <3 /platonic
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raining-anonymously · 8 months
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genuinely? post a LOT. post all your infodumps and theories and doodles, even if you don’t think they’re that great. tag them with every relevant tag you can cram on there. (it feels obnoxious, but people WANT to see your art. as long as you’re not tagging unrelated stuff like people do on instagram, you’re good.) follow everyone who posts things you think are cool. reblog tons of stuff from other people in the fandom and leave tags/comments. interacting is scary, but listen:
do you know how rare it is these days to find people who say words on here and don’t reblog with no addition or just leave a like? if someone i don’t know leaves nice tags on one of my posts i’m bound to at least check their blog out briefly.
i categorize my fandoms by tag mostly for blacklist convenience, but this also means anyone who enjoys one post i made on the topic can click that tag and see EVERYTHING i’ve posted on it. including reblogged stuff. when other people do that and i see their blog has a lot of recent stuff for whatever i’m into, i’m likely to follow them back. of course, most people don’t follow as liberally as i do (900something people iirc. i don’t know most of the people on my dash haha). and even i don’t click on every blog that interacts with me. so if you don’t get a follow back, don’t be discouraged!
other tips- having a tag for your art or original posts can make it easier for people to find it. i have an art tag, #drawing anonymously, with what i believe is every art piece i’ve put out here. even the ones i don’t like at all. obviously it’s your right as an artist to take down anything you post, but you never know whose day might be made by what you deem your worst works. besides, this gives potential mutuals the ability to find more stuff by you that they’ll then reblog, sharing your work with OTHER potential mutuals. and boom, your network grows.
another thing that helps is joining fandom discord servers. it can be hard to find a good one, but even if you’re not getting much of a reaction, this is a place designed to drop your art, infodumps, writing, theories, what have you. use it. and if some stranger is rude about you sharing your passion, you can simply ignore them or wait for your lovely mutual to go “erm aCTUALLY that’s what this channel is for :/“ on your behalf. and that way you’re exposed to the art and ideas of people who you haven’t seen on tumblr, too!
now, i’m no expert. i’m just a neurodivergent blogger who’s had a single post consisting entirely of screenshots break 1.5K notes. but this is what’s helped me personally get attention (and make friends!!!!!) on here. and hey - i’ve got a TERRIBLY over-the-top tagging system and people still follow me back now and then so i must be doing something right.
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Favorite mutuals you love seeing on your dash? :DDDD
Dawwww sheeeeeesh. I thought of a lot of people, actually. (And sorry to everyone else who I might have forgotten to mention on here. You’re all very wonderful but there’s too many bruv. I’m sorry. 😭🙏🏽)
First of all, I love seeing my wife, Lhester (lhester), on my dash because she always reblogs so many things that make me laugh, and I have to reblog them. ❤️(And some unhinged things, but I won’t go into specifics LMAO). Li-Li (iwasneverth3re), because she always posting some HOT ASS GUN FANART. 🔥 Like thank you for the eyegasm, my fellow Gun simp/wife. 🖤 Sunny (x-xsunlightx-x) and Day (lalaland123456), because every time they post they always be arguing with each other over the most weirdest things through their Ask box (like Sunny bringing in a new lab rat and Day being hit on by many people 💀) and it makes me LMAOOOO every time. 💕 Hyusolk (hyusolk) and Jann (bigdealno5), because they’re both very cute whenever they interact with each other. 😭💜 (I enjoy seeing Hyusolk creating beautiful artwork as if they came from a movie and seeing Jann’s creative and aesthetic posts of different Lookism characters 🙌🏽). Adrien (spaceyflowers) because their tags on their reblogs are SO FUNNY LMAOOO. I crack up whenever I see Adrien’s reblogs. Also, their WONDERFUL WRITING. 💙 I follow their writing blog (spaceyflowerswriting) and let me tell you… I love how they’re very detailed and accurate when it comes to writing as Lookism characters. They never miss when it comes to their POVs, and I respect that. 🤝🏽 Sam (slimesam), because I love seeing her artwork. Ever since that beautiful fanart for Rendezvous, I always look forward to what drawing she had completed every week. 💚 Now she’s my manager, so she keeps me in check with her reblogs. 😅 (sorry Sam for my behavior recently LOL) I also appreciate her for being a huge fan of my story as well. A true avid fan 🙏🏽✨ Ria (qawcamiz), because I enjoy reading her writing too! 💗 Very descriptive and I became a fan of her writing ever since she sent that little story thing of Gun x (Y/N)… 😳 And I always look forward to her updates. June (gintokilindo), because I love their headcannons so much. They’re such a creative writer as well, and I love the fun topics that they write about for each character. Very accurate as well! 💝 Rina (lokislytherin), because oh my god. Her writing is SO ARTICULATE AND DETAILED!! Like, she’s so smart. I love reading her mini analyses on characters, headcannons, and reblogs of various writing-related posts. 💓 Gin (fan-of-chaos) because she’s always so supportive and positive when it comes to re-blogging from different posts. She shares a lot of funny and pretty Lookism posts/artwork 🧡 ALSO I LOVED HER “Trip to the Mountains” HEADCANNONS, ESP THE GUN AND GOO ONE. That one got me 💀💀💀 Micha (leekeira/Misaki), because she’s my fav dongsaeng 😊🤍 I am a fond of her new sketches and her cute fanfics, and she has grown a lot in her blog. It’s like watching a little sister grow up in front of you. 🥲💞 Mrs. Kang (dgragoon) because I admire how open she is with talking to people and her reblog threads are always funny to read, including her updates. Cracks me up every time 😭💛 And recently, skullsmashr and Ruth (moonok3). Like… holy shit. I’ve never talked to ANYONE SO UNHINGED IN MY LIFE. Ever since I saw her own chapter reviews, I’m like “This bitch really got the same sense of humor as me.” ✨ BUT ALSO SHE’S A DEMON LMFAAAOOOO (jk love ya sister even tho you a bad influence on me 💖) And Ruth! Recently, she posted for the first time of a sketch of Gun x (Y/N) and her drawing was so pretty!! It gave me butterflies. 🦋 And the reblogs she posts got me feeling dead inside because it’s mostly me, her, and Skullsmashr being IDIOTS. 💀💀💀💀But she’s too kind, and I appreciate her being a fan of my story since Day 1 and I’m glad that I get to finally talk to her more on here! 🤎 (if you see this Ruth, remember the hotline, ok? 👀)
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luthwhore · 11 months
Could you share a post or make a post about some tumblr etiquette/ rules for me to give for a mutual, please
i know i've reblogged some posts about them before but i'm having trouble finding them 😭
one of my favorite tumblr historian youtubers, @strange-aeons, has a video about tumblr etiquette and how to set up a blog here, though! the video is a little long, but she has some really good information advice there!
just a few personal tips, though:
make sure to add an icon and set up your profile a little bit! you don't necessarily need to add a header, turning it off is fine, but just having a blog title and some basic info about yourself is usually good.
make sure you go into your settings and turn of "best stuff first" and "in your orbit" if you want your dash in chronological order and to only see people you follow.
download the "xkit rewritten" app. it's available on both chrome and firefox and it will add a lot of quality-of-life features that make tumblr more user-friendly.
when you tag an original post with something, people can find your post by those tags. it's generally considered bad etiquette to put hate for a character/ship in that thing's tag. also, make sure to only tag relevant tags as well, because at best you'll annoy people and at worst you'll get reported for spamming.
reblog content that you like, ESPECIALLY fanart and gifsets. because tumblr isn't algorithm-based, likes don't do very much to boost content.
tagging reblogs does NOT show up in the tags and is primarily for organizing your own blog. you can also use the tags for commentary or jokes -- think of "conversational tags" like talking to your followers.
adding content directly to a post on a reblog (rather than tagging) is usually something people reserve for thoughtful additions to the post, like meta or in-depth conversation. basically ask yourself: would someone reblogging this from me want to reblog this with what i have added? if not, it might be better left in the tags.
use the filters & the block tool if there's content that upsets you and you don't want to see, especially if you're into fandom content and go in the tags a lot.
use the queue! this is one of the best features on tumblr. because people tend to use the dash in chronological order, if you want to reblog a lot of content -- esp if you're reblogging a lot of content from one single user -- using the queue will spread out your reblogs so that you're not flooding the dash.
don't censor yourself by putting letters/numbers/punctuation in the middle of words for sensitive topics, because this prevents people from filtering these things. usually, if you want to tag something for being sensitive content, it's best to tag it with "#[topic]" or "#[topic] cw"/"#[topic] tw" so that people can block these tags.
i'm sure there's more but these are the things that come to might off-hand!
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matchamenace · 1 year
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I posted 880 times in 2022
That's 880 more posts than 2021!
38 posts created (4%)
842 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 648 of my posts in 2022
Only 26% of my posts had no tags
#fave - 71 posts
#fanart - 34 posts
#lovely mutuals - 31 posts
#matchamenace - 29 posts
#halloween - 26 posts
#matcha blogs! - 22 posts
#shane madej - 19 posts
#fall - 18 posts
#spooky season - 18 posts
#matcha asks! - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#everytime i think about him i get the weirdest mixture of joy and sadness and i just wanna curl up in a ball and cry and/or possibly vomit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Who is your stranger things tumblr bestie :)
Oh man I don't have just one bestie, but the peeps I'm closest to are probably:
Of course there's plenty of other blogs I adore that I just haven't interacted with as much, but perhaps one day that'll change 😌
7 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Got covid booster #2 this morning. Already starting to feel cruddy. 😭
8 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
OH THANK GOD- MINE TOO 😭 I don't know how I ever tolerated light mode in the past ahaksks
8 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
Fuck, Marry, Kill
AHSHSJDJDJDK OKAY!! Kill Murray for sure (he's one of my least favorites, sorry not sorry 🙈) Fuck Hopper 😜, Marry Steve 😘
Ok this actually wasn't hard at all lmao. Just very telling... 👀
11 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Who are some of your favorite Mileven blogs and why? Let’s spread some positivity and smiles on this fine Friday🌻🐛🌼 then tag 3 other blogs to keep the smiles going.
Oh goodness!! Let's see here agsjsksksk
@dxncingwithastrxnger ABSOLUTE KING 👑🔥🔥🔥 Nothing but good vibes and the fluffiest fics and headcanons you'll ever read!! 🙌 They put SO much thought and care into their posts and are just such a pleasure to interact with 😋💕 Honestly my go-to if I'm looking for lighthearted, feel-good content. (ILY ALEX!!!!!!!! 👋)
@purpleangelsele ACTUAL CINNAMON ROLL ✨ (Sweet with a hint of spice 😎👉👉) Probably one of the friendliest people I've met online lol! Doesn't matter what I post, I can always count on Sel to give me some sort of engagement and I fkin love it!! 🤣 As for their content it's mostly fun and cute headcanons, but they definitely don't shy away from the occasional hot take or petty post 😌 Tons of personality. Great sense of humor. LOVE THEM!!! 💜💜💜
@mikes-pineapple-pizza Incredibly articulate and astute observations!! 🙌✨ Has a knack for breaking down a variety of ST topics (including, but not limited to Mileven) in a way that's intelligent, but also very chill and unpretentious. Idk. Their content just really speaks to me and I think they're super cool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Fr tho, this person could make a podcast just analyzing anything in the show and I would EAT IT UP!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
@claire-de-lune Ah man the duality of Claire.... 🤣🤣🤣 Deliciously petty, but simultaneously has some of the sweetest and unique headcanons to offer! 🥰 A VERY passionate Mileven defender who won't take shit from nobody, but an absolute delight to have on your side 😜💕
@lenorahills @fricchead @rllybritrlly @pumpkingface BITCHIN' ARTISTS!!! Each have such cute and unique illustration styles, and it's ridiculous how excited I get everytime they post new content asksksk 🙈💕 As an artist myself, I could not recommend them more 🙌
Anyway I think I'm gonna end descriptions here, but here's some other Mileven blogs I adore:
@truessences @teafiend @flamingfalcon3 @bcyoureallthatmakessense @pjo-fan17 @elsmike @crisperia @reganx2 @mikewheely
It definitely doesn't end there, but I'm feeling lazy today, so I sincerely apologize to anyone I might've excluded! I still love and appreciate you all!!! 😘
25 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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You have wandered into the crimson forest, pt. 2
Decided to make a new about me! I said that I'd changed my name a while ago and I did, so I decided to take this time to update things around here.
My name is Lex, but you can still call me Mason or opt for Vladislav (Vlad for short). This blog is comprised of posts I think are cool/cute/unhinged/funny and original posts. I reblog art and that sometimes includes furry art (I have mutuals that put furry art on my dashboard sometimes and I like that shit) and fanart (mostly Half-Life stuff).
What I want out of being on Tumblr is honestly a mistery, I'm just out here. I like to think I'm a little funny so follow for mild funnyposting.
My favorite type of music is prog metal and prog metalcore, with a touch of djent in there. My favorite bands are Jinjer, Periphery, Opeth and A Sense of Gravity. I also like pop (Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, Britney Spears) and EDM (Crystal Castles, Alice Glass). I like screaming a lot (the metal kind). Oh, and there's some artists I really like that I don't know how to categorize (Kim Dracula, Jazmin Bean). I'd like to be in a band at some point doing vocals.
I really fucking like Half-Life. Like really. If you want me to I can narrate the entire story from Half-Life 1 all the way over to Half-Life 2 Episode 2. I also am a huge fan of Portal and speedrun Portal 1. Under the cut is my latest Portal Inbounds run (257th place as of writing this)
I write fanfic sometimes, you can find that stuff under #writing and #fanfiction. Sometimes there'll be a poem and original fiction here and there.
Under the cut is my tagging system and some alt codes for myself (though you can use them as well). This post will have all the tags because Tumblr's search feature is dookie.
All the tags that use "Mason" as a first name will be changed to "Lex" in the near future. The name change may be reversed as I'm still seeing if I like Lex.
#mason speaks his mind — Original posts.
#mason does vocals — Currently don't use this tag much, I used to post singing clips and what I thought were safe fry screams. Please don't listen to the screams. Please.
#mason takes meds — Inactive tag that I once used to report on how my psych meds were affecting me.
#lyric posting — Sometimes I just feel like posting lyrics and sometimes I like to go back and see those posts.
#important — Legal things and things to look at when feeling down.
I have a dreamcore/liminalcore sideblog which is @abaddon-of-secrets. I don't use it a lot at the moment but there's still stuff there. I also have a ventblog but I don't want anyone seeing that shit.
Hex codes for special characters:
2003 ->  [EM SPACE]
2013 -> – [EN DASH]
2014 -> — [EM DASH]
201A -> ‚ [SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK] (comma for tags)
Post that leads to alternate dashboards
Portal Inbounds run (no video only demos)
Portal Inbounds run with video (2min slower than my current PB)
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.(ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
I already had one of these asks, which means i get to talk about More stuff!
1. My snake, Buddy! I've had him for almost a year now, he's a little garter snake. I've had quite a few snakes, and like all the rest i just kinda ~assigned~ him a random gender because I have no need to figure out biologically what he is, he is cute snek and that's all i need
2. The big revival of the fnaf community that Security breach gave us! I've been in it for a long time, and usually only revisit when we get new content, it drifts onto my dash, or i get uppity and fuss with my newgameau (which i talked a lot about on one of my now defunct blogs, longmasluck, which yes that was supposed to be an mlp blog but i started tossing any media i talked about that wasn't TF onto there
3. In general, ecology! I'm sure we've all learned a bit in science class, but it's so complex and imo school should teach more of it so we know the importance of "annoying" animals like coyotes and wasps! You also learn about why deer sometimes eat baby birds and how the DDT stuff affected birds of prey so badly.
4. In the wake of SB quieting down, a bunch of the accounts i was following on tiktok immediately went into the ROTTMNT stuff, which I think is essentially the TFA of teenage mutant ninja turtles. I saw a lot of interesting fanart and aus on there! (And well seeing nuclearjacks's account dragged me into TFtok on there as i had been on tumblr lol)
5. My/our cats! We've got three cats with Very different personalities, and 2/3 are entirely my fault on getting them lmao. The smartass cat, the dumbass cat, and the meanass cat (in order of most age to least age) they're all menaces but they're my menaces and I would cut anyone who threatens them🥰
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eddiemunsongf · 2 years
different anon here lol. enough people who like billy/find him interesting ignore this aspect of his character so i feel like i have to ask. are you someone who recognizes that billy's actions towards lucas in s2 stemmed from racism? i feel like it was pretty obvious subtext but a lot of non-billy haters ignore that and it makes me uncomfortable so i just wanted to check.
yes, i think we are supposed to read billy as racist. that was my read on him when i first watched s2, with no exposure to fandom. i much prefer the fanon billy to what i see on screen.
i think the fundamental problem with billy (as relates to fandom) is this: it seems to me like the duffers were just like ‘wouldnt it be fun if we just put all the 80s bully cliches into one guy?’ so in s2, hes a) a straight-up racist AND b) intensely self-hating homoerotic AND c) he’s lashing out because his home life is abusive. and i think the problem is exacerbated because even though those first two points are fairly obvious imo, they are entirely subtextual.
this leads to a situation where people who deeply related to or empathized with points b & c (and maybe missed a) get online and express that and get called horrible racists. some of them, in turn, erase that part of billy’s canon because it’s uncomfortable and doesn’t fit into the character in their hearts, which is, ironically, racist.
however, i think it’s worth taking into account that this is a show that essentially soft-reboots every character every season. because of the unstable nature of billy’s characterization in the canon, i think it’s perfectly legitimate for a fan to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. i’ve seen some beautiful interpretations of billy in fanon. i really root for that guy. i don’t really see him on my screen, but i like seeing what people do with him on my dash.
i appreciate that you came to me with the benefit of the doubt. i hope this answer is satisfactory. billy is not My Guy, but i have billy mutuals, and i’ll continue to post billy stuff whenever i like the stuff. if it makes you feel better, you can rest assured that i understand the guy in the show is racist, and the guy i’m reblogging is a more of a hive mind fantasy of a different guy in the same skin. my favourite piece of billy fanart is him on the beach with max, sun tanning comfortably in a speedo. i like that guy. he does not exist in canon.
also, for any of my followers reading this, i’m not really anti-anyone. i think anyone can take any character and play with them like a barbie inside their minds. i don’t see the harm. if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to unfollow now. 
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
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hello all! milk here! this is an indie, private, & highly selective roleplay blog for tartaglia/childe from genshin impact. i am completely caught up with the archon quest, so this blog will not be spoiler free (i will tag if i mention leaks, though). if i'm not here, you can find me on one of my other blogs: @impishsensei @blastintriumph @muryonokansei @yuujitheevessel please be sure to read my rules before interacting/following. 
GOOGLE DOC || INTEREST CHECK (wip) || PLOTTING CALL (wip) || pinned credit | fanart for icons credit (1), (2), (3)
i’ll place my rules here as well for ease of access for mobile users. they’re located under the cut! 
i will interact with mutuals only. if i follow you, i want to interact, so do not hesitate to send me asks or im me with plot ideas! i'm willing to roleplay with ocs, and characters from other series. for personal blogs: please do not follow/like/reblog my posts. doing so will result in an immediate block. i’m okay with one-liners, crack, multi-para, novella… everything! feel free to send in any ask memes if we haven’t roleplayed before. i’m duplicate friendly.
if i haven't replied in two weeks and i'm not on hiatus, that means i probably lost our thread or it’s sitting somewhere in my drafts and I haven’t noticed it, so please message me to remind me about it. i drop roleplays sometimes out of a loss of interest but please do not blame yourself. it is always a personal thing that has nothing to do with anyone else as a roleplayer. i’m always happy to start/write more regardless of dropping previous threads.
Don’t god mod. My character is mine, and yours is yours. Little things to move the thread along are fine with me, but don’t kill Childe without even checking if that’s fine with me first (ask memes that call for it are an exception though, of course).
where RP is concerned i heavily prioritize chemistry. for now, my blog is multi-ship, so any relationships my muse develops will take place in separate verses unless stated otherwise. that being said, i absolutely love shipping but i think childe (the way i portray him, at least) is kinda difficult to ship with romantically so keep that in mind.
DON'T involve me with drama OR send messages telling me to reblog callout posts or anything like that. i don't care for getting involved with petty roleplay drama. if it's something actually serious, i've already seen it on the dash and taken note. seriously, i will hardblock, anyone that pesters me with this nonsense.
There will be NSFW content on this blog so if you’re uncomfortable with that just blacklist the the following tags, as i tag all my nsfw posts with the following: “cw nsfw”, “nsfw //”, and “( nsfw. )”.  Feel free to ask me to tag anything you need tagged.  I am 26, so if a roleplay should ever come around to it I will only write smut with partners that are also of age & that I feel comfortable writing smut with. If you’d rather not roleplay smut publicly, I’m cool with continuing roleplays on discord. I’m also open to just private RPs (not necessarily smut) on discord too, just ask/lmk you’re interested!
Given that Childe is a morally gray character, I will not stray away from this nature of his or soften it in the slightest. Even though he is a playable character in game and a friend to the traveler, he is still unapologetically a harbinger and doesn’t show remorse for his actions. I will approach writing his character with this mentality. Additionally, I will cover dark topics. There will be mentions of murder, blood/gore, toxic/unhealthy relationships and so on featured on my blog. I will of course tag what I feel needs to be tagged. 
I ask that minors DON’T follow my blog. I don’t want to be the reason anyone sees something inappropriate for their age. If you’re a minor & I accidentally followed you, let me know & I’ll unfollow you immediately. 
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mcrmadness · 2 years
There's this weird pattern about the trends among my mutuals, what comes to movies and tv shows. Almost weekly there will be a tv show or movie that (almost) every single one on my dash is talking about, hyperfixating even, but of which I have never ever heard of before.
And then for once when I find something new tha I really like, I never see anyone talk about it. Even the tags are often very quiet or everything is just shippy fanart or fanfiction that I don't really care about.
Take "Wednesday", for example. I just watched one video (by someone from my country) and she talked about it becoming SO popular it got more views than some of the most popular shows on Netflix, and that everyone is talking about the show. But where exactly??? Not on Tumblr, for sure. I think I have seen just ONE mutual reblog about this, all the other posts I have dug up from tags which is always a hazardous zone for someone like me who doesn't care about the shippy posts using a website that lives from and for shippy posts.
Is it that my likes are just so different from those I am mutuals with or follow on this website, or is this series really another one to the list of Tumblr-unpopular tv series and medias? Not once have I seen it even on the trending page. Right now there is everything from fanfiction to who knows what but absolutely nothing I'm interested in.
I'm also wondering if it has something to with Tim Burton, I know there's a huge anti-Burton movement here on Tumblr. I have seen call-out posts but tbh I have never understood a single allegation in those, nor have I ever found any proof for why those would be real. Imo they are just another set of Tumblr-type callout posts that are not based on facts but just on opinions and possible misunderstandings of people who just happen to hate a celebrity for personal reasons and somehow manage to lure more people in cos reading comprehension and source criticism is not a thing that exist on Tumblr.com...
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harpywritesfic · 2 years
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Writing Sideblog AO3 Twitter
I write Ironstrange fics. Current wips, request info, my tag system and more are below the cut!
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You can also find me on AO3 and Twitter!
A bit about me: I'm chronically online because I have no job. I'm twenty, just sort of pathetic. I’m an atheist and whenever I say god, you can replace ‘god’ with ‘Andrew John Hozier-Byrne’ and it will work as intended. I’m always tired and I like to spend my free time in bed or on my computer.
Policies (harpy's house rules):
18+: I do post about smut and make some truly awful dirty jokes. Not that I’m really bothered if minors follow me, it’s more of a, yknow, do what you want just don’t tell me sort of thing. Curate your own online experience.
Tagging (@-ing me): go for it! I oscillate between seeing every post on the dash and not being active for days or weeks. If you want me to see something, tag me! I’d appreciate it.
Related works: I welcome fanart, podfics, playlists, anything inspired by my fics! Yes, even other fics! Just please, please, PLEASE tell me so I can see it, because I can guarantee you it would get me higher than a line of coke. I don't even need to try coke to know it would, because the fact that someone would be that inspired by my writing is just insane.
Constructive criticism: If you ask first and word your criticism politely, I'm open to receiving it. Otherwise, no thank you! Writing fanfic is a hobby, whether I'm enjoying myself is more important than making a masterpiece.
Spam-liking: go for it! Reblogs are much appreciated but I won't be offended if you don't!
You can also reblog anything I post. I say things because they’re funny, it’s all fair game. If I don’t want it reblogged I’ll turn off reblogs.
Messaging: feel free! I don’t bite :) tumblr messaging sucks, so if we're mutuals, we can move to discord instead!
Please know that I’m neurodivergent and my brain works in mysterious ways. You might have to tell me if I’m being annoying or if I’ve said something that bothered you. I’m not so good at reading social situations, and I would rather you say something than not! You won’t hurt my feelings, and I’d hate to upset someone by accident.
Requests are currently closed!
The requests in my wips are from October 2022 and I have yet to write them, so I'm not taking any more at this time. I have a dreadful time working on anything that I'm not really excited about (damn my dopamine deficient brain) and I'd rather not disappoint when your request becomes one of my fifty unfinished wips.
I’m not comfortable writing (subject to change):
character death
AUs (mostly)
Tags I use: 
#harpy's fics (my fics)
#harpy's wips (snippets and progress updates)
#harpy overshares (personal life, shitposts, that sort of thing)
#harpy's storytime (funny stories i have)
#source: me (memes and such made by yours truly)
#nsfw and/or #mdni (anything I’m not comfy w minors interacting with)
#fanart, #fanfic, #gif, #comic panels, #prompts, #reference, #events, etc. These are just here for me to remember tbh.
At some point I need to go through and tag all my pet-related posts. I love my pets.
Updated 5/15/24
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Well, it's been two years since Hazbin Hotel entered my life. Time to reflect on how my experience with it came to be.
It's a long one btw.
I have to confess that without Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, I would've abandoned this blog (and only mode of social media) some time after Steven Universe and SPOP ended.
Back then with a minuscule number of followers (around 69 at the time) in mid 2020 I thought for a long time that if I reblogged art which had a few notes it wouldn't have made a difference compared to popular users reblogging the same art. I was also reluctant to reblog popular fanart back in the day because if my very few followers had possibly seen and liked/reblogged said art why should I bother doing so? Back then I was attempting to make shitposts, plot guesses, and new episode titles & summary reports and hope that people would see and like it.
But back when there was drama surrounding Hazbin Hotel and its creator (which still persists to this day sadly) I initially stayed away from it, worrying that I may end up possibly liking it and have feelings of shame and fear (from people who would be surprised and pissed if I talked about it in a positive way on their dash). But the urge to see the pilot grew more and more stronger every day (especially when during that time I was enjoying Thundercats Roar as a guilty pleasure). So one day I decided to check the video and judge it for myself.
And it pulled me in.
Its world, aesthetic, characters, and humorous lines & moments got my brain working like crazy to imagine which demon would do this and what happens when a sinner did that and how society in Hell (especially comparing Pride to the other rings) and Heaven would be like in a regular day.
Initially it became my guilty pleasure but gradually it became my unashamed fixation, with Angel Dust as my main blorbo. And when it came to reblogging art I first had the Hazbin posts set to private and sandwiched between SPOP fanart before deprivatizing them when they're in the second page of the blog (or close to it) so it wouldn't shock followers. But then one day I decided to just reblog them out in the open (nowadays it's just queuing them) no longer having the fear of shame looming over me. It also led me to reblogging fanart of other blorbos (mainly Aaravos and Horde Prime). Being in a small fandom on this site with the fanart-reblogging along with the memes and incorrect quotes and other shitposting I've made relating to the Hellaverse (and The Owl House the next year) slowly but surely I gained new followers (and even mutuals) which made time spent on this blog worthwhile. I'm almost back to the 420 follower mark as of this writing.
And in two years I've went from 5 posts in drafts to 1000 in 2020 to 2000 in 2021 to 7000+ this year! Packed with fanart. Some popular while others haven't reached the 100 (or 500) note mark.
So in a span of two years I went from an insecure nobody to at least a somebody who's somewhat still insecure. All thanks to Hazbin Hotel.
So thank you @vivziepop , for your work. Can't wait to see what the future brings for your two shows. But I'll be patient. Get well soon on your break.
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rainbow--skies · 2 years
If I moved my fandom posting from my sideblog onto here would you guys care. For reference I usually post my current main media related interests which are:
Keeper of the Lost Cities (Book series, a lot of my mutuals on this account also post this anyway)
Warriors (Book series, it sucks and I hate it but also it brought me a lot of joy when I was younger and I love the characters and wish canon cared about giving them satisfying narrative arcs as much as I do)
The Magnus Archives (Podcast, the majority of this site knows what this is anyway I think because I see it on my dash a lot and some of the most popular posts about it have tens of thousands of notes)
Flicker (Roblox game like two people on this site care about that I barely even play anymore and just like the characters of)
And occasionally some other stuff but nothing that’s like commonly DNIed on here or anything. Everything is tagged well so if I’m being a little too annoying reblogging like 12 pieces of fanart of the same characters in a row or a piece of media is triggering for you you can filter it out.
The only downside is any original posts won’t show up in the tag again because I am still shadowbanned but I’m working on getting that lifted anyway and also people on this site will give notes to anything in those tags if the fandom is big enough because I’ve gotten notes for the randomest bullshit posted at 12 AM before just because I put it in main tags so maybe that is a blessing.
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