#also its none of your business
wren-kitchens · 16 days
im annoyed and a little pedantic so can i just say as a blanket statement
queerbaiting is when the promotion for a FICTIONAL STORY intentionally hints towards two characters having a romantic relationship, without any intention to follow through in the show, in order to get queer people watching without discouraging the homophobic enjoyers of the show
queerbaiting is NOT:
a celebrity who you think is queer because theyre gnc or they have a 'vibe'. that is a real person and they cannot queerbait
two friends of the same gender pretending to flirt with each other for fun. those are real people and they cannot queerbait
a show with two characters of the same gender who are canonically friends that YOU PERSONALLY think would be better in a relationship. that's not bating, that's shipping, and subject to opinion
there are more but those are the main examples of people misunderstanding what queerbaiting is and being mad at something that isn't actually a problem
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divine-swag-summit · 1 year
update 2: yeah im definitely gonna have to postpone this tournament until may
things are,,,, bad and i don’t think i can handle running the tournament right now
ill probs be ok enough by then to run the tournament, plus ill be on summer break
so uhhh expect some kind of update after may 16
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“A lot of the things that Harry’s experiencing, I knew and understood,” Mescal shares.
“The party culture side to Harry is like a tool that he uses to escape, but in terms of queer culture and in terms of learning…I have a proximity to that in my own life, so it didn’t feel like that part of it wasn’t necessarily eye-opening or anything to me personally.”
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dabeth-is-dead · 2 months
Working in retail teaches you a lot about how much the public sucks, but the most surprising to me was just how common it is for people to feel entitled to personal medical history. I wear a knee brace at work to stabilize my kneecap for long shifts, and usually at least one customer asks, "What happened to your leg?" And thinks that that's an appropriate question for a stranger. The weirdest part to me is that if I tell them I was in a car accident (I'm a strong advocate for lying to customers about yourself) they leave that interaction continuing to believe that it was totally fine, but if I answer with some variation on the truth they suddenly get very uncomfortable. Like, sorry I've got an incurable genetic disorder instead of something cool like a tiger attack. Maybe questioning someone's health shouldn't be on your list of small talk topics if you're not prepared for the answer to possibly be upsetting, just a thought.
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barbatoskisser · 22 days
Whoecer cooked this pizza tonight deserves millions of dollars
Real rn
I love whoever they are this is the best pizza ive had in years (i usually dont eat pizza nor like it)
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absentmoon · 9 months
label discourse is the most baffling thing innthe world to me like its only going to ever be relevant on the internet.don't be so weaksauce that someone using pan bothers you . Is life not so hard already. and youre making it harder for yourself for what
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no-thanks-bro · 8 months
Went out with some people I didn't know all that well, and I'm still just so shocked about how negative they were all the time. I live in a pretty hick part of the world and I'm not all that unused to negativity or the devil's advocate, but these girls would almost constantly have something bad to say about someone else every time they spoke. So-and-so's a slut don't you think she's a slut? Look at that guy, he's so cringe! Ughhh I hate this and this and this and this 😠😠😠😠 and I just. Idk, maybe I didn't realize how easygoing I was? I just don't get it! No wonder you're unhappy when you spend all your time talking about how awful and unhappy the world is, especially when all you're doing is being mean to people who've done nothing wrong!
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rohirric-hunter · 15 days
I don't remember if there was anything about this in the EU and I haven't read any of the Disney stuff, but based on the movies alone I don't really get the impression that the Jedi really discouraged members from having relationships with their families that much. Like if they really, seriously wanted to keep their kids away from their families then you'd think they would change at least their last names when they took them in but they don't. Obviously it's not super common but there's no indication that it's not allowed. As for Anakin specifically, while I'm not at all defending the way the Jedi council decided to handle the issue of his mother, I'm also willing to bet he never asked to see her. Asking for things probably wasn't, like, allowed when he was a kid (you'll notice he asks his mother for things but never Watto, even things he really wants), and it would just never occur to the Jedi Council or to Obi-wan to provide the necessary reassurance to try and counteract that. (That's not malice on their part, just ignorance.) Like genuinely I would put money on it that no one on the Jedi Council knew he was that upset about his mother's situation. Again, they probably should have done something about it anyway, but we're talking social ineptitude here, not active malice. And by the time he learned to ask for things that he wanted and assert his needs and desires that particular issue was so old and deep-rooted that he had already subconsciously convinced himself that the answer could never be yes.
Like I realize that I am reading a lot into the text here but to me it seems just as likely that a victim of extensive child abuse and dehumanization had learned very well to never ask for things as the Jedi having this weird aversion to children knowing their medical history.
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epicdogymoment · 10 months
once again rubbed the wrong way by friends who unintentionally reveal that they dont really engage with my masculinity in any real way and see me as nonbinary (female-lite)
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lightros · 9 months
yes i’m a sex-averse ace.
no you don’t need to know my opinions on vampires, werewolves, the venom symbiote, spiders-
don’t worry about those. aces can have a little spice. as a treat.
or a lot of spice. don’t worry about it.
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i'm kind of new to the whole misgendering gerard stuff with girlgerard but i have seen thekidsfromyestergay 's posts constatly she/her-ing gerard but they say it's a joke. i don't know if it is funny to me or not... is that like normal? again i'm new to mcrblr
Several big mcr blogs on here she/her Gerard constantly, so it's become super normalized. But these blogs seem to always have a whole list of excuses including that its a joke, the gay she, and that Gerard is a actually a trans woman and to not use she/her is actually sooooo transphobic. In any case it's weird to constantly use the wrong pronouns for someone, or to label them in a way they don't want. (For reference Gee said on twitter his prns are he/they, and that's what Marina Toybina uses for him as well. Gee also said they don't use labels. They choose not to.)
Idc about an offhand girl joke or comment, but when thats all you use, or the thing you use the most its a problem. Jokes are meant to be funny, i don't see how addressing someone with pronouns that aren't theirs just because they dress more feminine is a joke or funny.
People deserve to have their name, pronouns, gender or lack thereof, all that, respected. None of us are Gerard or anyone else, therefore we can't know how they feel on things unless we're directly told. We only know what he has said, and to ignore that in favor of how we or any random person on the internet sees him is disrespectful to Gerard Way as a human being.
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
dysgraphic artiƨts risɘ UP!!!!!
#raise your pencils!!!! and erasers. to fix the backwards letters 😔#sorry still thinking about my weirdness with my art professors. yknow a lot of em have been really pushing us as#students to make our personal identities a major part of like our 'brand' as artists#which. well from an art history major perspective thats a very contentious and nuanced topic. i love a lot of artists who live this way#and i think its great seeing my peers who focus on identity thrive. but also as an fine arts major (double major fool LOL)#i keep getting pushed by teachers into like. specific '____ artist' identities???#specificaly woman artist. which is a little bizarre because im a bit fat and a bit gnc so im generally like. ungendered? in day-to-day life#(which doesnt actually matter to me directly that much honestly LOL people tend to view me as like. buddy? buddy or pal.)#(not man. not woman. not anything human. sometimes i remind people of a beloved dog. which. hkdsahjk thats its own can of worms)#(a can of worms that also doesnt matter much to me directly because im a wannabe furry who chose to be the dog when playing house as a kid)#(LOL so um. well. theres that) but yeah i dunno i dont really consider myself a woman artist. its been. shockingly (and sometimes luckily?)#irrelevant to most of my life and experiences and art (although dont get me wrong misogyny is very real and very present) so i dont#have a whole lot to say about it from an art perspective. you could also call me all kinds of things. a queer artist. a mixed race artist#again technically correct. some aspects more visible in my work than others. but also very technical. i focus on race a lot in in my#art historical work but i dunno how much my drawings have to say. except that i keep making too many mixed ocs LOL#i dunno i just think my professors gotta focus that energy away from tokenizing me and over to supporting like actual#capital W Woman artists capital Q Queer artists capital A Artists of Colour who are doing far more interesting things than I#far more thought out and engaged in these topics directly. i just kind of stumble into my art blindly and confused <3#sorry that was a long tangent WHAT IM SAYING Is despite all that: i do consider myself a capital D Dysgraphic artist#i think its an unmovable constant of my art and the way i draw and the way my hands move. the untrained eye doesnt seem to be as aware#of it directly. but those who are familiar can probably see it. the dysgraphia LOL if not just from whenever i write a letter or number#half of them are busted and frantically fixed HDKJSDJDS but its in all my art. if u can see it <3 ive been trying to embrace it#dygraphic artists raise your pencils indeed!! and throw away the eraser!!! make the legibility of your words everyone elses problem!!!#what does that say? what is that sketch? none of my business! none of your business!! its the business of my hand and the pencil alone#motor skill and spatial issues take the wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel
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termagax · 3 months
are roadhog and fish an actual in love exclusive couple or are they just fuck buddies or fwbs or whats their relationship . How would they label it if at all
they probably wouldnt label it at all. if i had to describe it it would be lifelong codependent situationship. theyre not exclusive neccessarily but there is kind of an unspokenish understanding that theyre each others #1 forever. they do love each other and are In It for life they just arent ever going to have a real conversation about it
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zhalar · 10 months
hate that i have to come out. i hate that!!! i hate that if i want to experience a modicum of gender peace for these upcoming two years i have to tell my new teachers that im nonbinary and would like to use [this name] even though none of my official papers have it on them, and probably wont, cuz its not A Name that i can confidently believe will pass the naming convention.. laws... of this country. I HATE THAT I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO PLEAD MY CASE AND EXPLAIN MYSELF. im trying to construct this message that i’ve got no idea will even be read or noted just to have it in my student record somewhere that “hey im SOOOO sorry but if its not a problem to you i would love to feel like a human person even on a name-basis during my studies and im MORE than fine to be otherwise (mis)gendered as long as its not a problem to YOUUUUU also i know that my legal name is literally on show in every school email and profile so whatever i say here matters none cause everyone will only see that clearly gendered name and not give a flying fuck about this “”nickname”” im trying to get going since its not my LEEEGAAALL name but thats also so fine with me if i could Just get the clear to sign my emails and whatsapp messages with my preferred name thankyouuu :)” 
sorry im always complaining here it gets ANNOYING. im mostly trying to get my own brain straight about this matter. uhggh BUT ITS SO AWKWARD TO WRITE THAT MESSAGE. i dont want to explain myself but i also dont! want! to make a scene!!!! im so pissed off at myself for not opening my DAMN MOUTH when the group-wide introductions happened this week. shoulda just bit the bullet and said ive got [this] name in official papers but would prefer to be called särmä. literally could feel the nerve escaping my body when it came to my turn. fucking hell
(EDIT ive calmed down. i didnt send the message fuck this noise, im just gonna hope that i’ll get it out face to face this next week [biting through glass])
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sugarglider-s · 2 years
anytime someone implies that romantic and platonic are set in stone categories determined by anything OTHER than the people involved for what their relationship is, I lose my mind
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cloudspots · 1 year
like re last post i see it happen with jhw too actually but ESPECIALLY ysa. i think on  a lot of levels orv fans suck about ysa including people who really like her but reduce her down to. nice girl whos a bit bitter about it. you knwo!? theres so much more to her than just that. shes a major character for a reason.
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