#also i'm a yearning lesbian
startingfires · 5 months
so when does it start
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technicoloryuri · 3 months
girls holding hands on rollerskates, reblog if you agree
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piosplayhouse · 8 months
Guy yuri finals is bingqiu versus hualian I'm sorry tgcfers but there is a correct answer to this and if you still want to give hualian a chance I'd better only see ONE, maximum, piece of propaganda about how "they're yuri because the 800 years of yearning!" Some of us yurists believe in UHAULING and HARD PHYSICAL GIRLSEX
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edwardallenpoe · 1 month
Me: *having a good day*
My feed: here's a video of a black woman retwisting her wife's locs!
Me: *suddenly violently I'll with need* I gotta lay down
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danili666 · 4 months
Y'all know what would probably fix me? Watching the fear street trilogy with a girl
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sonofwhales · 2 months
I know this is an extremely specific request but does anyone have a teenage sapphic romcom set in a summer camp?
My aro ass is yearning for romance while at the same time missing my summer camp friends from last year (I swear we were THE found family) and I need a movie or something
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captainrufflebanger · 2 months
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Cut my hair short back in February and now it's grown out into a mop but I can't decide whether to cut it or let it grow out again
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songsofsappho · 1 day
I'm getting very close to the end of my journey with laser removal (today might have been the second last session??), and boy I'm glad to be doing it but that shit horts.
Like damn, can I get some aftercare? You're burning the follicles out of my skin.
Or can I at least get a nice dyke to coddle me when I get home 🥺?
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lyxchen · 18 days
Feeling very gay yearning right now
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dalsoriyam · 1 year
honkai women make me fold.
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arklay · 2 years
i found a fc for reina.............it's been 84 years
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hotdyke-hardstyle · 5 months
💞new year new blog makeover💞
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serenelygraceful2 · 1 year
I am once again squaring the circle of "my first experiences being queer was realising I was attracted to men as a teenager" and "the way that I am perceived now is that my attraction to men is 'straight' and my attraction to women is gay" and nobody can stop me
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
honestly as a butch, i just gotta say it: that "chivalrous knight in shining armor" crap is objectifying as hell and it's not fun, cute, or validating to apply to us, it provides a burden for us to bear, it makes us paranoid, tired, weary and feel like we're being reduced to a stereotype, or like we're being forced into a mold.
i'm not a knight just because i'm a transmasculine person who looks tough and can theoretically protect femme queers. i'm literally just standing here, being transsexual. i'm not inherently "chilvarous," i don't have any obligation to protect people just because i adopted the label "butch". what if i'm weak? what if the butch needs to be protected? what if the butch is disabled, traumatized, or just scared? i'm a wheelchair user.
why can't femmes protect their butches? why does it always have to be the butch being the chivalrous knight in our yearning posts and poems? why do we have to weave a performative ass narrative of the masculine partner swooping in to protect their defenseless feminine partner? how the HELL is this progressive or subversive at all? this is literally reinventing the binary.
the way the (white) cis lesbian community treats its butches is alienating as all hell. we are not here just to protect other people. we are not inherently protectors. we are not all strong. we are allowed to be weak. we are allowed to be scared. we are allowed to be hurt. we don't HAVE to protect our femmes, if we like femmes at all. not every butch is attracted to femme people in the first place.
butch isn't a lifestyle, it's not a set personality type. it's not a specific set of actions; it's just queer masculinity, that can be expressed by a multitude of queers for a multitude of reasons. it's not one specific set of traits. masculinity is not just found in protecting others and acting tough, it's also in being soft, vulnerable, weak and tender.
just let butches be people, don't turn us into objects before we even get out of the gates. all of this removes the human element of being butch. if the queer community can't afford that, we can't get it from anywhere, because we sure as hell aren't seen as humans by cisheteronormative society.
don't force me to see myself as a knight when i'm the one who needs help just because i'm masculine, or just because i'm a man.
butches need help, too.
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Trying desperately to tell if I have a crush on one of my friends right now
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the-faggot-brackets · 7 hours
Round 1, poll 1
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@its-arson-time @gayoticbeing
propaganda under the cut
- "i dont even change my url for pride because my name is in it and im already a faggot"
- "aroace lesbian is pretty cool"
- "he/him lesbian call me the convention breakerrr"
- "im also on my period so like. pls"
- "transmasc"
- "pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls"
- "i will draw you a little guy if you vote for me"
- "i have a diary entry which is 20 pages of yearning and pining for a girl i'd never talked to we just made eye contact a few times"
- "i used to pretend to be percy jackson in the playground with my friend who pretended to be annabeth chase and we used to pretend to be dating"
- "also some guy accused me of having a crush on a boy when i was 9 and i beat him up
- literally called GAYotic being
- "Uhhhh I’m still friends with my ex and we’re really friendly and we still hang out despite breaking up 6 months ago"
- "when we were dating we literally looked at apartments together (we were 15)"
- "genderqueer as fuck no one knows what my next move will be"
- "like. Almost every post I make is about liking women or being gay"
- "my first date with my ex girlfriend we baked cookies and listened to Boygenius"
- "I had a “boyfriend “ for 3 days on holiday when I was 12 and I didn’t touch him or anything I just asked him out so he’d play football with me"
- "I had a 6 (maybe longer) year obsession with my primary school best friend who was homophobic"
- "when i was a kid me and my friends kissed at a sleepover and then made a pact never to tell anyone"
- "also i'm on my period and it makes me sad. so. vote for me."
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