#also i made $20 lmao
cadaverette · 8 months
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successful first day of helping my best friend w her shop ^-^
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deeva-arud · 6 months
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Deeva Årud - Club Wear Voice Lines
When Summoned: Lights dimmed, tension building up… Are you ready to feel our rhythm? Summon Line: Playing music with friends is fun, I’m glad to be here even though I’m starting to feel a bit nervous.
Groooovy!!: We’d be delighted to see you at our next show. Spotting a familiar face among the crowd is always nice. Home: “Let’s rock and roll”, as some would say. Home Idle 1: I joined the Pop Music Club on my second year. Perhaps it’s quite a drastic change from my previous club but… it’d be a lie to say I’m not enjoying my time here. Home Idle 2: Most of the time I’m the one suggesting we should practice, but somehow Lilia, Cater and Kalim always distract me with all these unknown snacks and gadgets. Sometimes I have the feeling they do it on purpose… Home Idle 3: I need to warm my hands, it’s hard playing an instrument when they’re cold. Home Idle – Login: *humming Piece of My World* Ah- sorry, I didn’t see you there. Can I help you with something? Home Idle – Groovy: I’ve been playing violin and other instruments since I was a kid. My family has always had a connection with music and I’ll gladly continue this legacy. Conveying your thoughts and feelings through sounds is quite satisfactory. Home Tap 1: My first concert with them? Since it was the first time I’d be playing in front of many people, I knew I’d have a hard time trying to look at the audience. Cater noticed and told me to look at him so I could feel less overwhelmed… Let’s say I didn’t expect him to be so literal. His clones substituted the audience because no one came to see us. Home Tap 2: Hm, my violin? Indeed, it’s not the same one I use at Mostro Lounge. An electric violin is more suitable for the club’s activities. I’m surprised you noticed it. That means someone’s been paying too much attention to the musician playing ambience music… That was a joke. Home Tap 3: Kalim and I joined the club in the same year so I got to see how much he’s improved his drumming technique. It’s impressive. Certainly, Lilia’s been an excellent teacher to him. Home Tap 4: I like the idea of having customized masks for our performances. Maybe I should mention it once we have enough funds. Home Tap 5: I recently accepted to do some vocals just for our club sessions. You can come see us, but please refrain from telling everyone else. At the moment, I only feel comfortable singing for a few people. Home Tap – Groovy: When it comes to a band like this many wouldn’t think of a violinist, but that actually gives songs an interesting feeling, don’t you think? Duo: [DEEVA]: Ready for a shocking performance, Cater? [CATER]: Ready as ever, Dee-chan!
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majorkphob · 25 days
At the end of all of this, we’ve found that Kipperlilly Copperkettle is neither our perfectly prim feminist icon nor our irredeemably evil pariah. Rather, Kipperlilly Copperkettle is just another…. Complicated Woman.
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chaoticentitled · 1 year
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local bard fucks up a social interaction so badly the dm doesn't even ask for a charisma roll. more at 8
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #132
Peter loses so many backpacks, Tony starts numbering them like his suits: "backpack mark 5," "backpack mark 13," "here you go kid, backpack mark 49."
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whoblewboobear · 1 month
At this point Wednesday and Thursday are the highlights of my week like I’m vibrating with excitement when I know Wednesday at like 7 something I’ll be sitting down to giggle at my favorite show like I- 🤧
I don’t always watch d20 seasons as they’re airing but for fantasy high, it gets so woven into my schedule when a new one drops 👏 like not to get super sentimental (I’m absolutely going to in a read more. Plus the season is ending soon and I’m emo about it but also just excited in general to get all the answers) but this season really means a lot to me. Absolutely none of them will see this (thank god) but the intrepid heroes & BLeeM mean so much to me. They made a show that is so funny and beautiful and kind and so stupid at its core and it just goes to show how lovely they are. The impact they’ve made on the actual play community is so huge. For me a lot of actual play was very intimidating to get into because of huge backlogs or the kinds of stories being told weren’t for me but goddamn, d20 just hits on so many levels. In part due to the storytelling and also just holy shit everyone at the table shows up and cares so much about who they’re playing and their place in the world and the story they’re helping be told. It’s just 🤧💖 I hope one day I’m half the dnd player that Brennan, Emily, Lou, Murph, Siobhan, Zac, and Ally are. They truly inspire me so much.
**TW For SA, trauma, mental health + personal shit etc under the cut**
I stopped watching d20 for a long while. Give or take a year or two? I know it was around the zoom season era. Me and A guy I was really close friends with bonded over dnd and d20 and it was one of the main things we had in common. The night he SA’d me we were watching FH S1 from the beginning. And I think that kinda.. like I didn’t watch d20 because it brought up a lot of thoughts of him and that night and just so much ptsd.
D20 was my favorite form of escapism during hard times and it really sucked to lose that for so long. When d20 Junior year was announced I decided it was time to get back into the show because I missed it and I loved it and I couldn’t let him make me so scared that I never went back to what gave me so much joy. I introduced the show to him in the first place, I could reclaim.
I watched freshman year after I dropped out of art school because my parents and I couldn’t afford another loan and I was really lost. It took my mind off a lot of it thankfully.
Sophomore year aired when I started going to community college. I had a night-time psych class that would end about half an hour before the streams would start so it gave me motivation to get through it because I had something to look forward to after. Now junior year is airing while I’m dealing with a lot of health stuff + depression + job stress (now that I write it all out, both college stresses passed and I did end up getting a decent-ish, albeit very shitty job in graphic design, so I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, this’ll pass)
I don’t know if they’ll ever do a senior year/graduation season but if they do, I’ll be there still excited and brimming with joy and anticipation for more d20 Wednesdays to come. 💖
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garthyobsessed · 1 year
I'm irrationally obsessed with Garthy O'Brien, especially their voice, so I made a compilation of literally every word they speak in FHSY and PiroL. Enjoy!
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sea-buns · 9 months
i wanna say it was in episode 3 after the boxing match when i was struck with the intense need to savor every second of mentopolis.
the mental image of a conrad driving with so much reckless abandon that the car is like half off the ground as it speeds away, hunch and dan bumping around in the backseat on either side of ivana who in comparison looks bolted down to the seats, money flying out and trailing behind them as justin hangs his head out the window...
all i could think was "oh this is the best." like the best. and while i do agree that 6 episodes is a perfect length for the season, what with them running at the speed of thought and all, i could also fully see them working with a 15-20 ep season just as smoothly.
and i don't just mean that as "this season would have been better with more eps" cuz tbh i don't think it would have been better, so much as it just would have been different. they could never make anything more and i'd still be satisfied. what i'm saying is that i think it'd make a great length as a second season.
which would be a great opportunity for brennan to flesh out the world elias lives in, while also allowing for more in-depth character development from the pcs.
this first season could act as a prologue to the world of mentopolis. and then the second season immediately kicks off with elias dealing with the aftermath in some way. maybe witness protection wasn't enough and now he's on the run from gobstopper industries. or maybe it was but now he has to learn how to adjust to living as a person with needs again after being alone and overworked for so long.
and as he navigates this new relationship, the attention from the press, the looming question of what now what next— we get to see how our prefrontal pis are doing as their lives were also flipped upside-down by this change in elias' life. cuz regardless of how positive and welcome a change may be, there is still a rather difficult adjustment period as you attempt to decipher where your place is in this new-normal.
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moonstruckdraws · 3 months
Sage & Luci
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As said before, I want this to be a QPR & I spent a while relearning what I already knew to double check myself lol. I still find these to be so fun because of the flexibility this kind of relationship has & I'm excited to explore it.
Sage is the more physically affectionate out of the two
I just love size differences lol. Luci isn't really one to ramble unless it's to rant, but she does it with Sage. She feels like she can say anything to her & Sage will being paying attention to everything. Sage is quite the bubbly person, but often enjoys listening to people instead of speaking.
Nicknames! Luci doesn't like romantic pet names. She either cringes or feels dead inside when addressed that way. In an ask Helli made to me, I said that Luci likes drinking floral teas & then it came to me; Sage addresses Luci by whatever tea she drinks that day. I thought it was so cute!! Luci would get tea from Bao's tea shop every so often & would probably be where she & Sage meet up. On days that Sage is either late or days Luci comes into the tea shop without planning on meeting up, I think it'd be funny if Sage just bursts into the shop to interrogate Bao on what tea Luci drank that day lmao.
Sage is gloooowing. I just wanted more color on the page lol. But moths are attracted to light, so when Luci learned Sage is bioluminescent, she was beyond excited & thought it was so cool. Seeing the colors & brightness made Luci come up with nicknames for Sage. She calls her a nightlight, at first in a joking manner before it stuck.
I think it'd be best to talk about Luci's view & opinions of romance, and then her & Sage's partnership so imma do that-
I don't believe I've said this fun fact yet, but Luci watches romance shows & movies practically constantly. If someone wants to watch anything romance, Luci will have a recommendation. She started watching romance because of the relationships around her. I think it's not a secret that Luci is friendless & isn't exactly the best at socializing. Her interactions with people or reselling/buying others' stuff, shouting at said customers when they tick her off, or hating people (cough Pico & Todd cough). The only time she gets along with others is during DIGG concerts (another fun fact is that she's a giga fan of them) when jamming out with people in the crowd. So, as said in Luci's introduction post, she meets Bao by going to his tea shop after being extremely heated. Making Bao her first friend. Of course, that leads to her learning Bao & Pico are together. The only other people in a relationship she'd know of would be Warren & Hypno, because of Repo. It'd leave her puzzled on the subject of a lover. She knows people date & get married & all that, but actually knowing people who are is a shock to her. Like knowing something exists but not really registering it until you've seen it in person. While trying to wrap her head around it, she sees a show playing on the TV Repo left on, it being romance. She'd take this as an opportunity to figure this strange concept & it turned into her binging and watching a bunch of them. Through watching romance is how she'd find out things that were cringe or confusing to her, & things that peaked her interest. (I think she'd just ask Bao straight up, "Why the f*ck are you dating?" That'd probably be her reaction to the news lmao in the sense of "Why Pico?" but also just "Why?")
Repo never talked about romance with Luci unless she asked, and with the lack of people she's around, she never dealt with being questioned on her interest in others & having that expectation of needing to find someone. So that kind of relationship has never been on her mind. What she's interested in, from all the shows & films, interactions she's seen, and by pure description has been the intimacy of those close relationships. It's more of a second thought that might appear time to time when watching romance that'd linger. But aside from that, she doesn't care for any of the rest.
Luci is not an affectionately giving partner that likes receiving attention. With the way she's raises & how she views Repo, she always liked getting attention. The way she grew up also made her not the most considerate person in the world unless it was for Repo (later on others), so she isn't the most showy with affection. She shows affection with others, aside from Repo, by just her presence. Even if she just doesn't talk, her being there with someone is her way of showing care. Sage loves expressing her affection through words. She may not talk as much in a conversation, but when giving praise or compliments, those are likely to make that person be in a good mood for the rest of the day. She likes making people feel good, it's a reason she's an herbalist. She manages to say all the right words & takes pride in that. They do standard cuddles & head resting and is pretty much all they do. They like to go on outings, Sage more than Luci, or just sitting around doing nothing. But they do have this thing with holding hands. They hold hands a lot when doing just about anything, but Sage would always reach for Luci's second pair of arms. And that Luci would never be the one to let go of hands, it'd always be Sage who'd have to do it & I just thought it was sweet lol.
okay that's enough rambling for me lol
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filmnoirsbian · 9 months
Wait are u vegan???? What’s that like?
No but I'm a lactose intolerant vegetarian so it's pretty much the same except you'll pry real eggs from my cold dead fingers
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4ggravation · 1 year
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(typed out version of the speech bubbles bc my handwriting is hot garbage)
first panel
kaeya: it is pride month, albedo. you know what that means.
albedo: huh? what?
second panel
albedo: do you want us to like. run gay investigations? what?
kaeya: ...
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setacin · 2 years
have YOU ever wanted a customizable pocket size bdubs right inside your very own screen? well look no further than THIS BDUBS DRESS UP PICREW I MADE!!!!!
featuring (most of) his minecraft skins and a few outfits i found on pinterest, you can now give your scrunkly boy as much or as little swag as you desire. 
please read the do’s and don’ts in the picrew description but other than that have fun !!!!!!!!!!!
(here’s a taste of what it looks like!!) 
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feral-teeth · 1 month
Spommy week 2024 - prompt “Florida”
Enjoy the drabble i made for the prompt a few week ago when I first heard of spommy week and got inspired by the prompt for the second day - Florida! Hope this gets me out of my writing posting hiatus to post something silly - maybe this could become something more one day!
I was inspired by @funeralroast to post this! And thank you to the creators of this and the rarepair smosh server for everything and for inspiring me everyday <33
“What are you doing here?” Spencer gasps as the hot chocolate cup that was warming up his hands in the hot weather flips back all over him.
Tommy gasps. “Oh shit! Im so sorry! mean… wait what are you doing here?” He recognizes those eyes anywhere.
They were both visiting their small town that they grew up in for the annual Christmas in summer jingle jangle stockings and crazy fun times fairytale lighting nighttime Christmas tree hanging stockings and hanging wreaths ball Christmastime but not actually Christmas because its summer jingle ball jangle ball Christmas bulb bash thats actually not during the winter because its more fun to have Christmas in the summer as well, but we also have Christmas during the usual time in the winter, so its more fun that way and we get more of the Christmas spirit all year round.. festival ball bash and they would never miss it.
Until both Tommy and Spencer decided to move out to the big city of LA and New York, both big seperate worlds that decided that they could work there instead of help out at their family farms against their seperate parents better interest.
The apple sauce farm and the chicken coop farm, the first owned by the Bowe family and the second by the Agnew family.
They didn’t really know why they separately decided to get on a plane and make their way all the way back to their family home, but they did.
Maybe it was the way Tommy’s mother’s voice sounded different. Older. Sadder than last year when he couldn’t make it. She wasn't trying to hide her disappointment this time.
It was the same for Spencer. His father had called him with a gruff voice, begging him to come back in his own cold way.
“We miss you son. The chickens miss you.” Which was weird for an Agnew, so he was on the next plane over.
His father had cancer, and didnt know how to tell him. So he didnt. His mother had to tell him. Over a zoom call. How sterile.
“Oh so youre here for the…” they both repeat the dumb long ass title in synch for the event that they were pulled back into celebrating because it was a bad omen to not say it every time you mention it or else a bad Christmas. Or something. So they would always say the entire thing, no matter how much time they had to wait, or if they were ever running late somewhere. Like all of those dumb Hallmark movie titles.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
I wish more people understood that Sega / Sonic Team carefully scrutinizes and approves every single issue of the IDW comics before they get printed and release, down to characters' facial expressions.
This isn't like the wild west of the 90s where people like Penders were allowed to do whatever they wanted. Scripts and storyboards are sent to Sega for approval multiple times for every issue. And the IDW team has to make the requested changes before it can print. One example that has been specifically mentioned was when Amy hugged Sonic in the "Chao Races and Badnik Bases" arc. Evan originally drew a little blush on Sonic's cheeks. Sega said "no" because Sonic doesn't show that much vulnerable emotion, and so Evan had to revise the panel to remove the blush. The oversight is that finite. Absolutely NOTHING gets put in the IDW comics that is against Sega or Sonic Team's ideas for their characters and brands. Like it or hate it, but that's simple fact.
So when you hear, "Sega wants to bring the comics and games (and potentially the shows) under the same canon umbrella" — yeah, it makes sense! Because while Sonic Team might not be crafting the comics themselves, they ARE overseeing their creation and are approving every story beat and facial expression contained within. They know exactly what is happening in the comics, are actively working to keep them in line with the current vision for the Sonic brand, etc. If they're working to keep them in line with their current vision for the games anyway, why NOT tie them all together? Especially when the comics have helped bring a new generation of kids to the franchise (similarly to how the movies did) while also being compliant with the games (unlike the movies). It just makes sense.
I understand that people who are perhaps more used to stories about what the Archie comics were like in the 90s might have reservations. But for good or for ill, the IDW comics are a completely different beast, despite having a lot of the same crew. I'm not saying Sega are overbearing evil overlords who don't let the IDW team have any fun (personally I think it's clear the team has a lot of fun working on the comics), because hell, they let a zombie pandemic arc happen. But I am saying that nothing that happens in the comics happens without Sega's express approval, right down to whether Sonic is allowed to blush when Amy hugs him or not. You still don't have to like the comics, everyone has different tastes and that's cool. But just know that the comics are Sega-approved panel by panel, so if you have an issue, take it up with them. Ultimately, they're the ones who get final say.
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archersartcorner · 1 year
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Drew and took these pics a while ago but never posted them!! The OG Zac PC, and the special lil guy that initially appealed me to Zac’s characters :)
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What a guy :-)
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moregraceful · 2 months
i was gonna watch the vgk-dal game to bandwagon the stars but then i realized that if i have to see hertl in that jersey even once it's literally my last day, and also mike grier's last day, on planet earth, so.
#KELLY MCCRIMMON I HOPE THE CEILING FAN FALLS ON U#pulling a dq and telling people to just throw me off a bridge honestly#i usually try to have a value-neutral position on teams idc abt but the hertl trade made me blacklist every possible variation of the#team's name and lb and every associated tag so. sorry. lol coming out of my cage and i'm not doing fine#i wrote robo/nick s instead#2.3k and nothing happens in it#they literally go drink boba and yearn for manju but the manju shop is closed#also have been given some valuable feedback. there are cities in which people recognize hockey players in the wild?? that happens in#quebec??? god imagine seeing and recognizing nick suzuki in the grocery store i would just leave#imagine seeing a shark in the grocery store i would not even notice i'd just be like get out of my way you're blocking the kombucha#so i have to do some rewriting anyway bc a chunk of the fic is like has nick suzuki ever been recognized in his life. answer: yes!!!#i assume robo is not being recognized by non-hockey fans anyway lol dallas has american football baseball and basketball#the city got other concerns#i always laugh when canadians are like isn't hockey one of your big four sports 🤨#i'm like. tiers of american sports: 1: college basketball and college football. 2: football basketball and baseball. 2.5: hockey#u could put connor mcdavid in a grocery store and people would be like get this guy's ass out of the fruit section he's killing the vibe#i spent 20 hours at church over the weekend guys and i refused to read or answer a single email from anyone associated with church#all day bc i was like i need a break from you people. but people started texting me instead i was like ....#didn't read or answer those either lol#i was gonna refill a queue tonight but a i just spent 45 minutes on these tags b i saw a picture of trea turner that got me in my 🥺#c was writing a touching tribute to manju and hot guys of which there are none in san jose (hot guys. there's plenty of manju#in san jose)#and now i am like. am i crazed enough to have an opinion on 150 posts in one hour??#let's find out lmao#fresno oilers.txt
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