#also i hope that kushina part
mixelation · 2 months
i guess this is canon to mutagenicity in that it's an AU i ave where minakushi are alive but: i headcanon they're narusaku shippers (NOTE: this is not actually a narusaku premise)
okay. so in canon we know kushina told naruto he should find a girl "like her" to marry (who knows what that meant???) and also minato's first question upon meeting sakura was "is this your girlfriend." so i think we can conclude that both of them have ideas about naruto dating and what that should look like (although note i won't write them as assholes to their own kid, so they're okay with naruto going with something besides from their Ideas as long as it makes him happy)
anyway. in mutagenicity, naruto still likes sakura in a very kiddy-crush way. he admires that she's intelligent and he likes her hair. he likes when he gets a glimpse of inner sakura.
so from his parents' POV, from ages like 8-12 naruto is always talking about how sakura-chan is THE smartest in class, and how he catches her secretly laughing at his pranks even though she pretends to be a teacher's pet. around ~10 he starts sighing over how pretty her hair is, and also 10 is around the age where sakura breaks up with ino and her Feral Mean Girl act becomes more apparent and naruto thinks this is SO cool.
kushina is absolutely smitten with the idea that naruto likes a girl with weird hair and that he's defensive of people making fun of her face. she thinks sakura's personality would be a good balance for naruto. she likes the gumption of sakura being from no-name clan and deciding her rival is the yamanaka clan heir. she ships it, okay. naruto should go for it. kushina wants a daughter-in-law ASAP.
minato is a little more level-headed, but he thinks naruto's crush is very cute. he does hope sakura will give naruto a chance. he ALSO feels weird about putting them on the same genin team.
kushina, heart eyes: YOU'RE PLAYING MATCHMAKER???
minato: no, the.... the simulations for potential teams..... indicated this is the best combination.....
kushina: BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE!!!!!!
except it takes like six months and then naruto stops talking about sakura with hearts in his eyes. like he's FRIENDS with her and still talks about her a lot. but there's a clear shift in his attitude towards her. the crush part of his feelings is weaker
naruto: y-yep..... my crush on sakura......
he dates hinata briefly in his teens and kushina is like "??? WHAT HAPPENED TO SAKURA, WHO IS THIS?" (minato: who is THE HYUUGA CLAN HEIR?) eventually they break up and naruto is like "actually i think i am gay" and kushina is like ".........but can sakura still be my daughter?"
she gets sasuke as a second son, which is awesome, but like. she wanted to braid hair.
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 months
Wait wait wait. I was going through your Team Uzumaki tag after already scrolling through your recent posts.
You have A:TLA and LoZ linked into the Naruto verse.
All it needs is that our Foxy demon is Yoko Kurama.
Maybe he was the OG Gremlin, the Sophisticated Sassy Gremlin… but then he was collateral in Hashirama and Madara’s war against each other and sealed in Moto, and foxes are not meant to be alone, and the isolation drive him mad, so he fought against being resealed in Kushina… he just wanted freedom… but no one would hear his screams.
Fast forward, and his current Holder is so warm to the core of his soul that he feels the warmth on his fur and now he hopes, and dreams of finally escaping.
And then he finally gets to speak to another person, and he can feel Naruto’s affection for his Kits, and for his Precious People. And the madness begins to fade as he finally gets warmth and kindness and he is soothed back to that sophisticated gremlin that he is.
And thus why Naruto is good at growing plants, and after Kurama regains his sanity, his plant growing skills are almost parallel to the Mokoton.
And why he is all in for the Kits trolling Uchiha, because a part of him will always blame Uchiha Madara for his sealing.
OH god yes that would be a fantastic connection to make. Also can I just say that a Naruto with THE Yoko Kurama as a formative influence? Terrifying.
Plus the Kits trolling a dark-haired broody little shit with strange eyes and a habit of setting things on fire? Ah Kurama really does miss Hiei sometimes
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moumouton4 · 1 year
How'd Itachi react if y/n is out with her friends till 10 pm or so?!? Would he be chill about it? Worry? Call her frequently?
His Reaction To You going Out With Friends Till 10 Pm || Itachi Uchiha x readerk
A/n : That was really fun to write ! Next one is a Death Note x Naruto request
Warnings : None just fluff, maybe a slight mention of jealousy
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 692
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If you are a member of Akatsuki it might be a bit complicated to see your friends again if you are a nunkenin ( renegade ) so we'll put that aside
Honestly he trusts you, he knows that you are a strong kunoichi and that if there was any problem, which he doubts, he knows that you will manage like a boss
Except that the fact that he trusts you doesn't mean that he trusts the other jerks that you might meet on your way
After that, it doesn't stop him from walking around your house if you're late compared to the time you planned to come back
He sighs a lot while looking at the clock showing the late hour, he gets up leaving either his drawing or his reading on the side and starts to walk in circle in the living room sighing from time to time looking at the time when he passes again in front of the clock
He pulls lightly on his long straight hair, not knowing if he should let tie it up or untie it, thinking of all the bad things that could happen
Maybe he'll go outside discreetly just to check that everything is okay, but he'll stay away from you because he knows that if he doesn't, you'll feel his presence that you are so used to
On the other hand, he will never dare to pick you up earlier than expected or to put inappropriate pressure on your friends, boys or girls
He wants to give you this freedom, even if you stay out past 10 pm
Of course nothing stops him from texting you to ask if you're okay, if you're planning to stay longer or if you want him to pick you up if you're drunk or just feel like it
Because he would never mind taking care of you
If by some strange chance the events with Itachi and the Uchiha clan happened and he stayed in Konoha, or if you just lived in the village and never of this happened
He would have real anxiety about your safety in view of what he knows the village is capable of doing. An dif they were to do anything yo you their only excuse would be that you are with - one of the last - an Uchiha
So he would ask you to leave armed in case of trouble reminding you that he is always just a phone call or a scream away
Itachi would also have serious jealousy problems this time with your friends 
Well yes because you grew up with Naruto, who considers you as his big sister and is therefore always physically close to you which tends to annoy your boyfriend
Or the fact that he always drags you into his group of friends and they are all different from him in every way, more open, funnier, more smiling and it makes him self-conscious
But there are worse than Naruto, and it's Kakashi and Gai who you spend most of your time with since Kurenai was pregnant the little time you spent with her was now given to your two friends, much to Itachi's dismay
His jaw always clenches at the mention of their names and he can't stop his eyes from rolling when you call Yamato, Tenzo
But after all you didn't do anything wrong he knew that you were faithful and that your friends were jerks - hey ! - but they were respectful
But all his stress and jealousy disappears when you come back with a smile on your face and the first thing you do is to kiss him and tell him how much you missed him and that you wanted him to be part of it
To your surprise, today he said that he'll gladly come on your next outing
You squeal with joy and jump into his arms - a bit like Kushina when she learns that Minato is going to become Hokage
Oh boy what did he just do, what did he get himself into
The next outing is clearly going to be something that will be remembered
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🎄🎃 Again my requests are open 🎞🎟
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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mr-fear · 11 months
Missing Nin AU: Designs! (Main Three)
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(Best boyfriend in the world did the lineart and coloring of my sketches! Massive thanks to him!!)
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I'm so excited to finally show you all the AU I've been working on for the better part of the past two years!
Basically, in this timeline (divergence), Rin survives the chidori to the heart thanks to the chakra of her tailed beast (Isobu) and his ability to heal her from the otherwise fatal wound. (I know this has been done a million times before, but hear me out-)
Obito also stays around long enough to see Kakashi wake, and as Obito berates Kakashi for "killing" Rin, they both pick up on her heartbeat and race to save her, setting their issues aside in the pursuit of potentially saving her.
With this, they find the nearest village (other than Konoha) and force their way in, seeking help. When they're denied, Obito threatens everyone's lives in order to get Rin treatment. And unsurprisingly, it works.
Rin recovers slowly, but once she's okay enough, they all skip town and remain in the forest to get their bearings and avoid being forcefully brought back to Konoha. The three are all flagged as Missing Konoha Nin. (Although Obito is technically left as unidentified since he was pronounced dead years back-)
And through the years, they become notorious wanted criminals in the bingo book. Rin is forced to stay under Obito's protection as going to Konoha would cause her to not only die (As far as she knows) but to destroy her home as well. Kakashi stays as he feels indebted to Obito as much as he may disagree with his perspective at times. And Obito leads them all, instilled with Madara's ideology and the want for a better world. But this time, he's doing it entirely his way.
They also pick up some other nin in need along the way, but they come later, so I'm gonna hold off on information for a bit when it comes to them.
As for Minato and Kushina, they eventually figure out who each of them are and are absolutely devastated that all three of them would turn against their own village. They pursue them when they can and as often as they can, but they can never truly catch up.
TLDR: Rin barely lives through getting a Chidori through the heart, so Kakashi and Obito band together to save her. They do and then run off into the woods to work things out. The three of them become missing nin before eventually ending up in the bingo book.
OKAY ENOUGH RAMBLING. (Honestly if you read all of that, thank you. It means the world to me!!) I hope everyone enjoys it, though! I had so much fun designing!!
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whetstonefires · 7 months
I hope you're having an excellent day 😊😊😊 What about Wei Wuxian as Naruto?
Thanks! It was pretty good. I organized my embroidery floss and took advantage of being alone in the building to dance around like a maniac for about 20 minutes. My cat hated it. My knees aren't sure they approve either.
Wei Wuxian as Naruto has a lot going for it right out the gate. Orphaned sunshine boy protagonist types, now we're cooking with propane. They're even both fox coded!
However, at the risk of stating the obvious, if Wei Wuxian were Naruto he wouldn't be Naruto anymore. That is. Fundamental to Wei Wuxian is that he is brilliant and talented and he damn well knows it. He would excel without effort in ninja school--not as much as he did in Jiang Sect unless he unlike Naruto was still getting personal mentoring in honor of his late father, but still.
Difference is, when this Wei Wuxian slacks off in class and the teacher tries to embarrass him, if he reels off the correct answer and then reinvents senjutsu from first principles in a creepy-sounding way for a lark just to show off, the teacher is not going to think that he's just like his annoying late mother. (Though he'll still have one. Kushina and Cangse Sanren are fairly similar Dead Mom archetypes too.)
The teacher is going to think things like, no real child would say that shit and I'm expected to teach the monster fox that killed my family basic ninjutsu I hate this I hate this we're all gonna die.
So basically this Wei Wuxian gets his Yiling Laozu reputation mod as part of the starter pack. I don't think he'd handle it super gracefully! But not the worst, either.
Not even as badly as he did in the actual version, probably, on account of he doesn't know his own dark secret. So he can't self-isolate to protect it. Though him pulling away from people once he does learn would be cool.
He'd probably have forged slightly stronger social ties rather sooner than Naruto did, even if he was just as neglected and radioactive; Wei Wuxian doesn't care what people think of him nearly as much as Naruto does, but in some ways he's a more genuinely social person, and he's got much better social intuition, so it's easier for him to figure out what people want and either do that or not do that on purpose.
He'd have at least a bunch of casual friends. Mostly civilians, and other kids from ninja school whose parents told them not to play with him but they did anyway.
Wei Wuxian cannot do therapy no jutsu. He does not have that ability to confront and exist with emotional discomfort or that intensity of interest in what is going on with other people.
He does however have some level of Friendship Beam Attack (the plot to some extent hinges utterly on how effectively it hit Wen Ning) and it would presumably be more effective, in a shounen context.
But that's the thing, Wei Wuxian isn't really built to confront shounen manga style problems. Or, well, he is, but he's overbuilt for them; they're his bread and butter. One of Naruto's key motifs, early on at least before we got into the heavy power creep, is not being a genius.
Wei Wuxian, by definition, is a genius. He is the kind of guy who walks up to shounen manga sorts of problems scaled to what ought to be his level, handles them, and goes 'what, like it's hard?'
Wei Wuxian is designed to be destroyed not by external threats but by his own loyalties, politics, and lies. (Which was a point of confluence with Itachi I didn't really touch on because the flow was so different lmao.)
He's also, otoh, designed to be destroyed. Naruto is designed to start off artificially low and climb steadily up toward heaven. (Ymmv on how this worked out but he sure did escalate.)
You have to pick which schema to apply when performing the fusion--I mean, it's not either-or, the whole deal with Wei Wuxian is he goes through the entire arc of a tragedy and then comes back to life and stars in a romcom. These things can superimpose and stack. But there are structural decisions that have to be made early.
So anyway, Wei Wuxian as Naruto is not going to enter the Genin Team phase of life with the same priorities, even if he has largely conducted himself about the same way hitherto. 'Proving himself' so 'people will accept him' is not a motive that works for this character--you basically have to give him actual precious people earlier just to get him to care about attaining ninja rank at all.
Otherwise he would probably much rather loaf his way through his teens stealing jutsu and making trouble. Which is the well-adjusted reaction to the idea of becoming a child soldier, like. He likes recognition but 'showing off' is a reason he does dumb fun things, not difficult high-commitment ones. He's like if Shikamaru had ADHD and no parents.
Being twelve is going to make him dumber, but I can't see it making him not the kind of person who stops caring about his marks in school if the teacher is hostile.
If Wei Wuxian here isn't acting out of appreciation for the Hokage raising him, or something like that, you have to give him a practical motive to enter military service like 'Konoha stops supporting orphans out of the public purse at thirteen so he's got to get some kind of job and ninja is the least boring option' which. Is significantly less like either Naruto or Wei Wuxian in terms of reasons to do anything, and starts getting into solidly OC territory.
The whole fact that Konoha's worldbuilding centers around an attempt to move away from decentralized clannish social organization and promote the idea of shared, communal social institutions and (in theory) civil society, and the ways this does and does not work out for people especially considering it is still a relatively small military dictatorship, honestly interfaces super interestingly with how, in Mo Dao Zu Shi, one of the underlying challenges backstopping all character choice is that there is no feasible alternative to the clan system, and you have to pick a family-faction to depend upon and submit yourself to, or face the world with no safety net.
Like. Huh.
.....Kishimoto is honestly unusually-for-shounen well-grounded in the genres he's riffing on tbh, for all my bitching there were some very good reasons his work found such success; I would have liked to see what kind of story he produced without the insane pressures of the Weekly part of Weekly Shounen Jump. I wonder if he'll ever publish again. For all I know he already is lmao.
So anyway, however we manage it we get Wei Wuxian on his genin team with like. Lan Wangji and Mianmian or whoever. Actually that's hilarious. Yeah, make it lwj and lqy, both of them so done with his shit.
Setting up some wild role-reversal here--Lan Wangji being the one to go Away and Wei Wuxian asking him to stay? Or Naruto-person leaving into the dark, and Sasuke-person remaining and calling for him to come back? Either way. Getting some inversion. Tasty.
Where does this leave Jiang Cheng, though? Because in a lot of ways Uchiha 'Deuteragonist by Editorial Mandate' Sasuke is straddling both roles.
In many ways Wangxian is much more like if Naruto had an endgame romance with Neji. Which is a great ship tbh, I saw very little of it back in the day?? In a series with a smaller cast or with less Sasuke Creep (not sasuke being a creep, it's like power creep) it would probably have done numbers.
...Naruto going away for that timeskip really limited his opportunity to make connections in the village huh.
I guess it depends on the kind of narrative you're trying to put together. On one hand, you can do Jiang Fengmian as the rather-more-involved Third Hokage, with Jiang Cheng as an aged-up Konohamaru kind of figure. And then Jiang Yanli is standing in as both Iruka and. I know I know the ramen guy's name. Ichiraku. Soup! XD Emotionally significant soup!
But with a different backstory than either lmao. Kurama very possibly killed Yu Ziyuan in this universe, though I can't visualize her as a midwife.
[[[Why do I have so much Naruto lore on tap, there is no life value in knowing Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife was at ground zero of the Kyuubi attack because she was the expert overseeing Uzumaki Kushina's childbirth a;kdj;lafdks. I do not remember the things I was actually studying in high school nearly this well.]]]
(Actually Jin Ling is Konohamaru and Jiang Cheng is aged-down Asuma. But whatever.)
And in this case Wei Wuxian's genin team is Lan Wangji and Mianmian under idk who. Lan Qiren, possibly, although he seems more the Ebisu type. Lan Xichen? (It's not like he can serve as a plausible Itachi. Can you imagine.) Actual Kakashi, possibly; we can't replace everyone with mdzs characters; the cast sizes don't square.
Kakashi training Wei Wuxian is very funny to think about. He deserves this.
Or on the other hand for a different pacing and focus, the genin team is him, Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Yanli under Jiang Fengmian, who dies sometime after or probably during the climax of the chuunin exams. And Sarutobi stays Hokage, and probably doesn't die during the chuunin exams. And we aim for a Naruto/Neji kind of romance storyline lol.
What is the Lan Wangji equivalent of Neji exposing his caged bird seal in front of god and everybody and ranting (it is very unclear at what effective volume though you'd think the proctors would have shut him up if he could be heard from the stadium seating that shit was sedition) about his traumatic backstory and the deep injustices in his family's system of hierarchy? I'm gonna say Not That.
Wei Wuxian versus Lan Wangji important ideological-conflict bonding duel in the Chuunin exam finals sounds excellent though.
Either way Wei Wuxian is going to get much more thoroughly involved in the ugly ninja politics than Naruto ever did, and he's going to hate it so so bad and at least temporarily lose so so so hard. A likely story element is he becomes troublesome enough he winds up having to flee the village ahead of a scheme by Danzou to (fatally) rip the Kyuubi out of him and implant it in some thoroughly conditioned ROOT kid.
Maybe Wen Ning?? Idk. I'm mostly saying this because Wen Ning 1) canonically gets Victimized and Transformed and 2) shares some notes with Sai. And this means he's leaving, in part, for Wen Ning, which ties into some plot and character stuff from their original narrative. You could make it work.
Also him taking the replacement human sacrifice with him when he books it would be hysterical.
Anyway he's branded a missing nin and it is, canonically, illegal for him to tell anyone who doesn't already know about the kyuubi thing, so both Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji are appropriately what the fucking fuck and receive no adequate answer. This is a workable plot element.
Either the Jiangs or the Lans are the Uchiha, here, which has its own story value, lots of fun to be had. Gotta engineer a way he's protecting Jiang Cheng--does Danzou want to make him the jinchuuriki? Is Orochimaru or his replacement making a play for Jiang Cheng's bloodline limit, whatever it is, fun if it's eyeballs, and Wei Wuxian bargains to give him a jinchuuriki instead? Hmmm.
You want an inside and an outside threat, the obvious viper and the political spider, so you can silo information and make sure nobody entirely knows what's going on.
If it's Jiang Cheng who's assigned the role of bloodline limit macguffin, I have the very wicked urge to cast Yu Ziyuan as some combination of Itachi and Obito. Very Vader kind of effect.
Jin Guangyao as Kabuto, excellent, I need that innocent smile and those torture skills. This may require making Jin Guangshan much smarter than he really is just to fill out the ranks, or again you can keep Danzou as himself.
Tsunade is amusingly enough occupying an overlapping Baoshan Sanren and Wen Qing position; given one of them impersonated the other that time you'd have to do something with that. She's also got some Yu Ziyuan vibe up ofc. Tsunade just contains an entire franchise's supply of girlboss tbh.
Who could possibly stand in for Jiraiya, nobody, but at the same time. Wei Wuxian (with internal sapient asshole nuke) apprenticing under Jiraiya of the Sannin sounds like enough problem-creating goofy jackass genius clown energy in one place to open a singularity. That's too much. No narrative could survive.
Anyway someone please feel free to write this, I am intrigued but also will 100percent never ever put in the time it would take to realize any version of this concept.
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kyogre-blue · 3 months
Hey so, I wanted to let your know that I really love your Naruto: Dashing Rescue fic. It's one of my all times fave time travelling fic. I still have the tumblr tag followed lol it's a lil reminder to self to reread whenever I come across it in the 'followed tag' section
I don't ever if you ever confirmed that it's abandoned work or not, I was wondering if you had anything to share about naruto rescue? Maybe your thoughts while writing it or scraps. Maybe not, it's been years also
Anyways, the main purpose was that I wanted to let you know that I really love your writing and a lot of your old works (oh khr too! but esp Dashing Rescue). You were an author that made me smile whenever I see your name as a teen learning about fandoms and searching out fics. I really enjoyed reading a lot of your works!
(Dumb me refresh the page before sending so I had to retype that twice and ahh I realised this got long. My bad)
Wow, that's really nice to hear. I'm glad that you enjoyed those fics! Looking at the dates, it's been almost 10 years since I posted that particular one... hard to believe.
Time travel has always been one of my most favorite fic tropes, and Naruto was really great for those because we had so many time periods, each with their own cast. The possibilities were endless.
For Dashing Rescue, I can see I posted three parts. I dug up my old doc, but there isn't much in it past those. I think I considered part 3 a good stopping point, though it looks like I wrote about a page of part 4 and outlined a few general ideas after that. I'll add that under the cut, in case you're curious.
Aside from that, the only thing I recall is that was using the movies for material and visual inspiration, but that part was probably obvious.
Anyway, thank you again for this really sweet ask. I really appreciate it ^o^
Title: Dashing Rescue
Part IV: Sand and Black Iron
Summary: AU, time travel. Finding himself in the past, Naruto has so far managed to hold back the tide of the Third Shinobi World War. That proves increasingly difficult as the Sandaime Kazekage goes missing. 
“Thanks for agreeing to see us, Jiji,” Kushina said, bowing deeply in complete contradiction to her impolite way of addressing the Hokage — she had picked it up from Naruto. Next to her, Minato did the same. Both of them spared a glance at Sakumo, who was also waiting in the Hokage’s office and greeted them with a friendly nod. 
“This is about Naruto, isn’t it?” Sarutobi guessed, setting aside his brush to give them both his full attention.
It had been two years since Naruto became an official member of the Uzumaki clan, and thus Konoha. That time had been plenty for the Sandaime to start feeling like he was going grey under his hat. 
Especially after Naruto took off for Suna a few months ago and refused to come back, despite the many diplomatically worded but rather displeased messages Sarutobi received from Suna. He just hoped that whatever this was didn’t turn out to be an international incident. 
“Yeah,” Kushina said bluntly. “He, uh, sent me a message.” 
Or rather, he and Kushina had set about abusing the fact that they held two halves of a single bijuu, which could communicate with each other regardless of distance or circumstances. Kurama had been nothing resembling pleased at being used as an elaborate communication system, but agreed to relay urgent messages in exchange for Kushina changing the form of confinement she used on her half. She still had no idea how Naruto managed to sweet-talk the bijuu into it from his side. 
“The Kazekage’s disappeared,” Kushina relayed, “but Naruto thinks he has a lead, and he wants help tracking the person responsible.” He had been increasingly evasive about what exactly he knew or at least suspected, and why, but Kushina didn’t mention that. Naruto got like that sometimes. 
Still not used to these sorts of things, especially stated so baldly out of nowhere — the Kazekage, really? — Sakumo choked a little, but quickly swallowed his surprise. The Sandaime simply closed his eyes and sighed. International incident didn’t begin to cover it. 
“With the Kazekage has gone missing, it’s naturally a very urgent request,” Minato added. “I might be able to expedite the journey there, if I can be assigned to the team.” 
Kushina nodded sharply. “And I can file the mission request for him,” she offered. 
“There is no need for that,” Sarutobi said, forcing down the urge to massage the bridge of his nose. “I will offer our services to Suna as a peace gesture.” 
“Who will you send?” Sakumo asked, as he finally processed what he had heard. 
“Sakumo-sempai, perhaps you could…?” Minato suggested. After all, there was no doubt about who possessed the best tracking skills in the village.
Sakumo shook his head. “That would be a terrible idea. They hate me there,” he summed up. “I was on the Suna front during the Second War, and…” 
There was no need to continue. That was where Sakumo gained his fame — and notoriety, upon a path of corpses. He didn’t regret what he had done for Konoha’s sake, but war bred hatred in a vicious cycle. Back then, he had been the same, hating his enemies for what had been done to his comrades and paying back with the same in turn. 
“Sending me would be more like a declaration of war than a peace gesture,” Sakumo concluded.
“It would not send the correct message, and would be a complication in itself,” Sarutobi agreed. “Unfortunately, most of the others who would be my second choice are out of the village and won’t be able to return quickly enough. Do you have a recommendation, Sakumo?” 
Frowning, the man looked out the window across the village. There was more at stake than first appeared — a situation like this, involving a Kage, no less, could easily deteriorate quickly and violently. So far, they had just barely managed to avoid the outbreak of another war, but the balance was delicate at best. If Suna faltered, it wouldn’t take Iwa long to strike. And then...
On the other hand, this was Konoha’s chance to build a strong alliance with Suna. It would put the Suna council, and possibly even their Kage, in Konoha’s debt. They would be able to present a united front against Iwa, and further strengthen their position with Kumo as well. 
A chance to bury the ills of the previous war…
“Kakashi,” Sakumo said, startling the others. “I recommend Kakashi.” 
“Sakumo, are you sure?” Sarutobi asked, his brow furrowing as he sat forward and studied his old comrade. 
“I’m sure. Kakashi has been a chuunin for four years now. He lacks experience, but his skills are top notch. His nose rivals mine, he’s observant and analytical, and he can call on one of our summons to assist him,” Sakumo explained.
The pride was clear in his voice. Minato, as Kakashi’s jounin teacher, nodded in agreement, though he also still appeared surprised by the choice. 
“And… This is our chance to bury the grudges of the past. We have to take the first step. What better way to prove that we trust Suna and are serious about this alliance?” Sakumo smiled. “And I trust Minato and Naruto to keep him safe, should something go wrong.” 
“...I won’t let anything happen to him,” Minato promised, recovering first. 
Sarutobi took several moments longer to consider the suggestion. Finally, he nodded. “Very well,” he said. “Then I will dispatch Minato and Kakashi to Suna in all haste.” 
“What? I want to go too! We’ll be a four-man team then!” Kushina protested. 
While Sarutobi tried to think of some subtle way to tell her that the Kyuubi jinchuuriki wasn’t going to be allowed off into a foreign village, which could very well turn unstable at any moment, all without letting Sakumo know the situation, Minato quickly spoke up, “I don’t think I could take you that far,” he said apologetically. “Kakashi and myself will already be difficult…” 
Kushina eyed him dubiously. Even though she was one of the few who understood the theoretical underpinnings of Hiraishin, she didn’t have the experience to judge how much and how far Minato could teleport. 
Theoretically, Hiraishin’s chakra cost depended on the size and weight of what he was teleporting, though there were some specific caveats regarding distance and the placement of the seals — it all depended on how you went about it.
Kushina was right to distrust him. Minato might have still been able to manage another person, but at least this way there was a legitimate reason for her to stay in Konoha. 
But she didn’t call him out on it. “He better come home after this,” she said instead. “It’s been months.” 
Minato nodded sharply. “I’ll bring him back once we’re done.” Even if it meant a quick ambush. 
“I’ll let Naruto know you’re coming,” Kushina said, and both the young jounin took their leave. 
Left alone with Sakumo, Sarutobi shot the other man a considering look. “Are you sure about this?” he asked. “I have no doubt Minato and Naruto will protect him to the best of their ability,” and that ability was really quite impressive, “but you don’t have to risk Kakashi on this. We can send someone else.” 
///////The Third World War was put off, but relations are rough, especially when the Kazekage suddenly goes missing. (Minato is eighteen, Kakashi is ten, and Naruto is twenty one.) 
Naruto knows that the true cause is Sasori. He talks to Chiyo and takes off, with Minato and Kakashi following. Chiyo suggested that Sasori would have gone to the old Rouran ruins.
Naruto asks Sakumo to make Konoha into a village that never abandons even one of its people.
Naruto arrives 21 yrs pre-series, 25 yrs pre-Shippuden, 10 yrs before he was born.
Part I, Kumo's kidnapping attempt Minato, Kushina — 13 Kakashi — 5 Naruto — 16
(Part II — 3 years in between)
Part III, Sakumo's mission Minato, Kushina — 16 Kakashi — 8 Naruto — 19
Part IV, Kazekage abducted Minato, Kushina — 18 Kakashi — 10 Naruto — 21 Sasori — 15
Kannabi Bridge, old timeline Minato, Kushina — 20 Kakashi — 12
Kyuubi attack, old timeline Minato, Kushina — 22 Kakashi — 14
Title: Dashing Rescue
Part IV: Bare Your White Fangs
Summary: AU, time travel. 
The Third War almost breaks out when people with bloodlines start to go missing, 
Pakura from Suna, Gari from Iwa, Toroi from Kumo, and Mei from Kiri.
Obito gets kidnapped by Hiruko, Orochimaru's childhood friend and assistant. 
Orochimaru is disgraced for his support and participation in the research.
Title: Dashing Rescue
Part V: Rose-tinted Dawn
Summary: AU, time travel. 
Jiraiya gets word of his old students being in trouble and asks Naruto to look into it. It's Madara confrontation time. 
Minato and Kushina get trapped in a genjutsu world where Naruto is their son, and blond. It's really weird for them.
Because the third war never happens, Minato is not nearly as famous. Orochimaru is not a Yondaime candidate either. Instead, Sakumo takes it.
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rosedragonblast · 4 months
Naruto!Akatsuki AU. Part 1
I've seen a lot of art on Pinterest and got inspired by it for another AU Timeline.
What is Akatsuki were successful in kidnapping Naruto? Specifically, Obito.
Naruto is born on October 10th. This day is stressful for everyone involved. Nurses, chosen jonin. The gates are sealed, Kushina goes into labor. It's difficult, yet she endures it, knowing she is about to meet her child.
The happiness is cut short by a cloaked figure. Obito, who Minato recognizes only as an Uchiha, holds their son hostage. When Minato pursues the kidnapper into the woods, Obito makes sure to break the seal around the cave. Ninetails, who feels the seal going weaker, finally breaks himself free. Obito takes the beast under control, chasing Minato away.
He tries to find the kidnapper, but the only thing he can do is stop the tailed beast from destroying Konoha. Kushina is in no state to fight, yet she tries to. Minato hides her sway, catching the tailed beast bomb like he did in canon. Kushina, restoring some of her strength, pulls the beast away from the village. Obito standing in the forest, doesn't see any alternative to catching the beast other than catching it under his control and sealing it into the infant.
Making himself a lot weaker, but successfully performing the endeavor with sharingan, he disappears into the forest, leaving Minato and Kushina devastated, and Konoha ruined from the attack.
Obito raises the child in secrecy. Carefully collecting other members of the newly formed Akatsuki with Pain, he slowly gets himself a reputation of an insignificant childish parent figure for Naruto. He behaves quite kindly towards the child. Yet, it doesn't help that he is surrounded by people who are definitely not the best influence on the child.
Naruto grows up to be quite a bit more sadistic in narute. He doesn't torture humans on his own accord, but doesn't hesitate to strike back. He slowly makes use of his powers, while also making use of his Uzumaki heritage and keeping the tailed beast at bay. Kurama and Naruto are not on good terms, but this time, the junchiriki is the one to torment his inner beast. Naruto likes his control over something so powerful.
Obito encourages his behavior, making sure that Naruto is confident in his abilities. Many Akatsuki members treat him with caution at first, but Naruto soon proves his wit, intellect and power. Some of the members, even Orochimaru, at some point experience Naruto's rage on them. Obito only rewards him for such feats.
Growing up to be powerful, arrogant and smart, Naruto becomes a valuable member of the Akatsuki. Making use of his own chakra control and powers of the biju, he becomes a sought after criminal named Red Demon.
Sasuke, who grows up to be a member of Konoha police force, is sent on a mission to search for this fugitive. Villages, getting concerned, sent combined powers of their jonin to try and stop the advance of this criminal.
Ninja meet a large group of Akatsuki in a field near the Land Of Fire. Sasuke looks up at one of the buildings, seeing a face, too familiar to him.
Fugaku and Minato are working closely with each other, ensuring the safety of their people. Sasuke, inevitably knowing Minato quite well, sees terrifying similarites in this face.
—What is your real name, Demon? — Sasuke yells, looking up at the fugitive with sharingan.
He laughs, looking down with a toothy smile, showing his large eyes and fangs.
— Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki. I hope you'll remember that when I'll her a chance to kill you, Uchiha!
They fight like no one else on the field. Sasuke ends up with quite a bit of burns on his body. Naruto has a large cut over his eyebrow and forehead.
Sasuke reports back straight to hokage, his voice trembling as he stands before his father and his chief. Minato, listening to Sasuke describing the criminal and saying his name, freezes, and looks extremely disturbed by the end of the report. Sasuke mentions Naruto looking similar to Minato. Hogake asks for confirmation of this, and, when Sasuke reassures that he saw it with his own eyes, Minato puts his face in his hands, silently bumbling to himself.
Sasuke becomes a primary figure in the investigation about the Red Demon. Minato wants to hear every word from every mission and detail he gets.
Sasuke meets Naruto again, near the Kumogakure. They try to kidnapp Killer Bi, but it fails miserably. Naruto only watches as his comrades try to stop joined forces os villages. Naruto straight up laughs and refuses to help.
Until Sasuke shows up. He sees the Uchiha and smiles, moving towards him with unbelievable speed. They clash. Sasuke sees a lot through his eyes, including the sealed Ninetails.
Barley being able to escape, Sasuke immediately reports back to Minato with this information. Confirming all his suspicions, Minato makes a new order for catchu the Red Demon alive and brining him back to Konoha for significant ransom.
Many try, all fail. When Sasuke finally decides to go for the capture by himself, Mikoto is worried sick. She tries to stop her son, but only encourages him to go and be done with is as soon as possible.
They meet in the Valley Of The End. Their fight is much like their first one in the anime, with 15-year old Sasuke emerging victorious. He falls from injuries and exhaustion, but succeeds in his task. Him and Naruto are transported back to Konoha.
Naruto is unwilling to bend under any circumstances. Minato visits him, unbeknownst to Kushina, who still thinks her son missing. Naruto says nothing to his father, only bowing his head down each time he enters.
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wispforever · 2 years
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yes Please
kakashi’s mom was part of the Inuzuka clan. he got his dog-centered jutsus from her side of the family, along with his keen sense of smell.
he would sometimes be tasked with tending to an infant/toddler Naruto, seeing as he was the 4th hokage’s student and watched over kushina while she was pregnant. Naruto remembers kakashi’s anbu mask, but doesn’t realize it was him. Kakashi never tells him (I also hc that this is why, in ep 177 of shippuden, little naruto is drawn to the mask at the shop that resembles kakashi’s anbu mask)
being team 7′s sensei pulled kakashi out of suicidality. the kids gave him a new reason to look for hope and to get up in the morning. he found that he wanted to take care of them, and to do that, he had to take care of himself
kakashi bears a grudge against minato for what happened to his team, but he’d never say so out loud 
he totally babysits for team 7 once they’re adults and have their own kids. he’s that uncle that’s like uwu baby goes in the puppy onesie for nap time, and simultaneously the uncle that says how old are babies before they throw kunai
it takes kakashi quite a long time to get close to people (look at how long it took for him and gai to develop a healthy friendship). However, kakashi is handsome, and he attracts a lot of attention from people. part of the reason he wears his mask is to minimize unwanted romantic/sexual advances, which make him uncomfortable bc of his fear of intimacy
when gai is away/out of commission, kakashi keeps an eye on his team, and vice-versa. He gets along best with tenten because she reminds him of sakura (and she’s the easiest to talk to). Neji is manageable bc he and sasuke have the same brand of emo backstory and clan lineage rage. Lee has so much energy, kakashi worries about keeping up, but Lee is like a little gai, so he’s secretly super endeared
because his father committed suicide and kakashi himself has dealt with suicidal ideation, he is very sensitive to signs people might be thinking of ending their lives. He keeps a close eye on any friends he thinks might be having trouble or are going through a rough patch. this is sometimes accurate and sometimes irrational 
having white hair is a trait of the Hatake clan
another mask headcanon (bc I’m of the opinion that he wears it for a number of reasons). seeing as kakashi has been less apt to take of his mask in front of others as he’s gotten older, I think it’s likely that kakashi’s shyness about his face is a subconscious manifestation of guilt around what he’s done and failed to do as a shinobi. He has imposter syndrome and feels he doesn’t deserve his fame and praise as the copy ninja bc of what happened to his team as well as what he did in the anbu
he’s got insomnia. when he can’t sleep, he reads or goes to spend the night at gai’s house
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tsukuyomii45 · 8 months
Got some more headcanons of my Uchiha Ghost AU. It’s about this Obito’s personality. I like to hear your thoughts on it…
Tobi is very sarcastic and he has a devil may care attitude. He simply doesn’t give a flying fuck. I’ve seen Swagkage’s Leave Obito Alone video, and he mentions that Obito has a dark sense of humor and just memes around. I just wanted to showcase that part of his personality in this AU.
During a fight, Tobi would sometimes make fun of his opponents. Tobi during his fight Rin, Kakashi, and Minato would roast the shit out of them because none of them can hit him because of his fucking kamui ability.   
Tobi would call Kakashi by his last name, Hatake. Tobi would sometimes insult the anbu shinobi for being a porn addict. But he does sympathize with his former friend, and would sometimes question how Kakashi continues to be himself after all the loss and trauma he has experienced.  
Tobi would call Rin, jinchuuriki. Tobi would find her new found mischievous nature annoying. But he would find it hard to be mean towards Rin because of her friendly and caring personality. As much as he wants to deny it, Tobi still has feelings for her.
Tobi would call Minatio, 4th hokage. He would call him a poser under his breath, because of the jacket Minato wears. As much as he resents the man, Tobi is happy and proud that his former sensei was able to achieve his dream of becoming hokage. 
Tobi doesn’t fuck with Kushina. When they first met years after Tobi tried to kill her, Kushina pretty much threatened the masked man. 
Kushina: If ever tried to hurt me or my family again… You’ll be a dead man.
Tobi: (nervously sweating in terror) Yes ma'am.
Tobi doesn’t mess with her for 2 reasons.
He knows Kushina personally from his time as Obito, and he knows not to get on her bad side. (her really bad side he hopes he’ll never meet.)
He feels guilty for what he almost did 2 years ago, how he tried to take the tailed beasts and use them to destroy the hidden leaf village. 
If he’s not being a sarcastic troll, Tobi would be quiet most of the time. As much as Tobi acts like a complete jackass. Behind the mask, he still is a kind and caring person who is just broken by loss and trauma. That’s why either acts like a jerk or doesn’t talk much. Obito doesn’t want to get reattached to his former friends, because of the fear of losing them and turning back into a monster he almost became. He’s afraid of his clan’s curse of hatred coming back.
Tobi also somewhat resents his former team. He resents Kakashi for almost failing to keep his promise, he resents Rin for trying to kill herself, and he resents Minato for not being there to save Rin or himself. But as much as he resents them, he also misses his former friends, and just wants to be with them again. But he can’t because of his fears. So he uses his resentment to act like a jerk in order to push them away. But eventually he does open up a little to them.
Not bad. I wouldn't say I have things to add, all I can say that this works out.
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x-authorship-x · 11 months
so I guess this isn't really relevant or interesting but I was thinking about the seals Inoichi got from Minato for his secret room and I was wondering how they survived the kyuubi attack? are the seals integrated in the walls themselves or on paper so Inoichi could/can put them up himself? and if they were integrated in the walls was the T&I building in a part of the village that was lucky and stayed untouched (or not attacked enough to be destroyed)?
Also did other friends of Minato and Kushina get seals, scrolls or something from them too like Inoichi?
(btw this is literally a showerthought I had the other day lmao😭😅 it's probably not that exciting to answer, I was just thinking of the people Minato and Kushina were friends with bc in canon Kushinas friendship with Mikoto was only mentioned in that oneflashback and it never mattered... like no one had anything to hold on too from them and so on [it's probably bc of how the story is told but it just bothers me that they were supposed to be so important/great when they lived but then were never mentioned at all]) Also did Hiromi know Kushina?
Hope you have a lovely day💜
Hey Sisdiss!
Don't worry, I'm happy to talk about anything in my fics etc ☺️ however I'll split the answer up because I don't want to just word vomit and not make any sense haha
1) Inoichi's Office: so the vault is actually a vault. Like a real vault, seperate from the bricks and plaster etc. Think:
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But obviously the size of an actual room. It's engraved, which is where Kushina was invaluable... I like to think of Minato as being the erratic paper nin because Jiraiya was such a hair-brained tutor whilst Kushina was taught in a more well rounded way, including fuinjutsu with different mediums, and she helped him engrave his special Kunai so that's how they started dating, IMO... Also I like the idea of Kushina in a forge with her chakra chains whilst Minato is like an obsessive bookworm haha
In my version of Konoha's village planning, T&I is in the same 'Quarter' as the hospital, which was untouched by the Kyuubi attack, so the building has remained intact the whole time. However, if T&I was destroyed, the vault would survive and be reinstalled in the new office. If Nagato levelled Konoha, Inoichi's vault would survive because Kushina is THAT good. Shisui's not wrong in thinking the vault is the safest place in Konoha, it's basically a nuclear bunker.
2) Kushina and Minato's friends: frankly - and I agree that it's mainly the fault of the way the series was written - these two ended up feeling like the kind of people that everyone has lovely things to say about... After they're gone. When they were alive, you could count their real friends on one hand. And there's a very good reason for this, tbh;
Kushina: she was, like, 10 when she came to Konoha and we know she struggled to adjust. She probably left a lot of her childhood friends behind, she was introduced to Mikoto through their parents, and she clashed with missing her own culture AND not adjusting instantly to Konoha's culture. Konoha is.... clique-y and Kushina was very boisterous about being proudly Uzushi AND Uzumaki. It's like going to killer-in-training school with a foreign princess who has made it clear she hates it here- oh wait, that's not a metaphor.
Adding in my HC that the Uzumaki are Matriarchal and the canonical fact that Konoha treats it's Kunoichi like SHIT, you're looking at Kushina not being very... Social butterfly. She's got Mikoto and that's it, at school. Outside of school, she definitely spends all of her time with Mito and family, and she spends a lot of time with the Fuinjutsu Guild... But there's distance there. Kushina has left home, where she's the Kage-equivalent's daughter (Mito's her great-aunt) BUT was surrounded by family + home... to a place where the social distance between average Konohan people and an 'Uzumaki Princess' isn't being respected but IS being respected by Uzushio-migrants etc. So Kushina is pissed because she's clashing with the Konohans BUT kept distanced from her own people except for, like, Mito, Tsunade, and Mikoto. Add in the turmoil of being a Jinchuuriki down the line and Kushina is known by everyone but close to very few.
Minato: he starts off as literally nobody. He's like a faceless kid in the BG of main character shots, the ones the artists do really quickly so he looks kinda trod on. He's an orphan and he has a last name... To a civilian clan that's completely cut off from him. He grows up in the orphanage and goes to the academy with nothing of his own. Minato is hollow-cheeked and dirty-fingernailed and Naruto is so, so, much like his father in more than just colouring, it's tragic. But Minato is a bookworm, he only has his brain to rely on, and he's got average chakra, no heritage to speak of.
So he studies, he claws himself upwards with a warm smile and a silenced voice. He's nobody, no friends in school, until they're old enough to be doing exams and suddenly he's the top of every class. No one knows who he is, craning their necks for the so-called Rookie of the Year- and Jiraiya is given a team, team seven with the usual Rookie who is a no named orphan. Jiraiya isn't built to be a teacher but Minato doesn't have a clan or family to complain about teaching methods and fairness. By the time he's built a life for himself, how is he going to make friends? He's friends with his colleagues. Inoichi, Shikaku, Chouza, he's tentative allies with Fugaku, he's done time in ANBU (he's fast, Jiraiya taught him fuinjutsu because that's what Jiraiya is willing to talk about, and he's useful but not irreplaceable... Of course Minato was ANBU) and he knows Sakumo, promises to tutor the war hero's son, gets an apprentice, starts making more and more waves...! Becomes Hokage, takes his guards under his wing because, well, he sees them more than most people and that's how you make friends, right?
It's lonely at the top but it's fucking lonely the whole way up there as well when you come from nothing and few see you until it's too late.
So... No, I don't think Kushina and Minato had a lot of friends 👀
3) Sealings presents: considering that ^^ unintentional rant (😅), the few people close to them both would have presents, I'm sure. Raidou inherited all of Minato's notes, Mikoto probably has almost all of Kushina's personal effects but 90% is sealed up for Naruto (fuck you, Sarutobi). I imagine that Mikoto's blades all have engravings for sharpness and strength and chakra conduction in them... Let's say that Shikaku's shogi board was also a gift from Minato, just a nice normal board 🤷 I haven't thought too much about it, tbf
4) did Hiromi know Kushina? Absolutely, Hiromi was the ANBU tattooist for decades before her husband popped off the mortal coil and she renovated his leather shop. She would've been prominent in the Guild, which is unfortunately on it's very last legs these days. It's literally dying of old age, the art is losing a lot of traction in Konoha (everyone wants a big exploding Jutsu, or they give up after learning a barrier seal... No one wants to devote three decades to an apprenticeship with half that time spent mixing ink or smelting fine silver trinkets or embroidery because that's not battlefield glory 🙄) Hiromi was one of Mito's 'inner circle', the first Uzushi who immigrated alongside her when she married Hashirama, so she would've known Kushina quite closely from her arrival.
Phew! Sorry for the rambling, hope this makes sense~
Have a great day too 💖
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heirscrchd · 15 days
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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" I didn't spend all of my life developing medical technology to the point I can create life from a handful of donated cells and organ tissue to be belittled for my childhood crush. " Karin grunted, raising a fist, more than ready to tussle if it did come down to that. While she wasn't physically strong, no doubt with her chakra reserves due to her heritage she could easily out-stanima almost anyone in a fight. Not to mention she knew the weakest points of the body one would have to hit to cut off their ability to fight.
Dispising when people boiled her down to an unhealthy attachment she had in her earlier days Karin had taken strides in advancing her intelligence and understanding of human genetics. To the point she could nearly replicate organs and yes, create entirely new people through the process of donating DNA from various people. Her most successful experiment using some of her own in hopes they would inherit her healing abilities which would allow the child to grow outside of a host body.
" So next time you get hurt don't think to come crawling back to me, I'll find better use of your parts than saving your sorry ass. "
Yeah yeah, I know. It's *karin*. but listen, I wanted to give her more justice because the fact she is of the Uzumaki Clan I feel like is not addressed enough??????? shes at least distantly related to Naruto and they just never fucking bring that up. But she also can fucking summon the chakra chains at elast int he final battle area, which those things can fucking hold down tailed beasts--- Kushina was able to do that right after giving fucking birth when in her argably weakest state.
Karin meanwhile not only has immense chakra pools to draw from but she can heal herself. SHE WAS STABBED THROUGH MULTIPLE VITAL ORGANS. AND SHRUGGED IT OFF LIKE IT WAS N O T H I N G and even was able to afterwords (or before maybe??????) save Tsunade's life AND STILL WASN'T EVEN TIRED IN THE SLIGHTEST.
like, the creator had to make her boy-crazy because ot herwise she'd be a fucking menace. And while boruto i know isn't entirely canon, i still like to think she's capable of the things she did there. WHICH IS LITERALLY CREATING A HUMAN-ISH PERSON FROM A TEST TUBE. SHE CAN RECREATE LIFE WITHOUT THE NEED OF MALE OR FEMALE PRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND GROW IT OUTSIDE OF ANY INFLUENCE OF NEEDING A BODY--- THATS FUCKING HUH??? WHY IS THIS NOT TALKED ABOUT??
but yeah i like her.
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
Hope you're having a good day.
I can't remember if I sent this kind of ask already and if I have then I'm sorry and you can ignore this. I've seen fanarts from SS, where they make sak**a look like kushina, they would style her hair in the same way as her and draw her w the same hair length as her as well. I also remember some sa*k**a stan had said that pinky looked like mikoto while sasuke didn't.
My ask is why do they say that and compare pinky to their mothers? Forget the part that she doesn't look like them in the slightest. I've never understood why? Yea, sorry if I've taken up your time.
Why? Damage control. Sasuke and Naruto are orphans. Their characters are heavily influenced by the element of familial bonds or lack of them. Where Naruto and Sasuke's one on one interactions often are dramatically underlined with the notion of familial attachment and seeing how Sakura plays no part in it, and because Sakura made a negative impression of herself right in her introduction where she insulted her own parents and idiotically continued to shittalk about one orphan in front of another, which triggered Sasuke who then proceeded to set her straight in no uncertain terms, her fans try and concoct headcanons to correct it. Her character gets a lot of flak because of chapter three, and her stans find it difficult to defend her actions, so what they do is this other stuff, the ones you mentioned. Yes I know, it's pathetic.
Naruto is shown to be especially enamored by his mother, who even in his limited contact with his parents, seemed much more connected with his mum, Sasuke also was closer to his mum than his dad. And even though Sakura has never been portrayed by Kishi in a familial capacity to either Naruto or Sasuke or anyone (for Naruto, it was always Sasuke and Iruka, for Sasuke it's his own family and Naruto who reminded him of them), her stans try to prove the opposite with utmost insistence so that Sakura can also get some familial validation in a manga where most characters are defined by their relative familial bonds, which she simply doesn't have in canon. The opposite, if anything, lol.
Kushina and Mikoto are also good looking women, and Sakura stans would obviously compare looks because her whole fandom is defined by superficial notions, just like Hinata's. Their stans are immature and embarrassing like that. Just like their favs.
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team7-headquarter · 8 months
I was thinking how to arrange the events of the Diamond Girls au, now that I've decided that Madara is not in the frame and neither is anything related to Kaguya.
First of all, that means Akatsuki is free to be a group searching for peace within all nations and doesn't have to play the villain role, while able to still play as the antagonists. I want it to be less extreme than in the manga/anime, but still show the conflict of violence in the search for peace.
Rin is alive, right? So I like the idea of Obito still snapping and joining Akatsuki, because he wants to fix the world and make it a better place, for Rin, for Kakashi. But if Madara isn't controlling him, then who killed Minato and Kushina? Who is playing the puppeteer?
Well, we know about the Uzumakis genocide and we know Konoha was planning to do the same to the Uchihas, so I said okay, why not go directly to the point and make the big big conflict of the Diamond Girls au about how the Hidden Villages like their clans strong 'til they are strong enough to overrule them and their authority.
I said from the beginning that I want the au to focus on the normally invisible parts of the story. I don't want to tell the story through the main events, like Naruto unraveling the thread of Konoha's corruption and realizing the depth of his Konoha's betrayal to the Uzumaki clan, or like Sasuke agonizing over the political tension regarding his clan and the fact Itachi joined Akatsuki.
If the hypocrisy of the Hidden Villages is the main problem, I can also do cool things like frame Orochimaru assassination of both the Kazekage and the Hokage in a grey light. It was murder, yes, but he also took the lives of two of the most corrupted leaders around. I can make the Konoha Council try to frame Tsunade as part of the conspiracy along with Orochimaru, allowing Danzo to become the next hokage, forcing the Uchihas to go after the last Senju and her apprentices or go all against Konoha, which would justify their later destruction. I can even twist the story and involve Jiraiya in all of it, 'cause Akatsuki helped Orochimaru and Jiraiya unknowingly had played the part helping Nagato, Yahiko and Konan escape. A real mess.
I can depict the conflict of Sasuke realizing he doesn't want to be a cop 'cause he doesn't want to blindly follow orders, he doesn't want to feed that oppression machine. I can finally involve Naruto with his Uzumaki heritage and say Konoha killed Minato because he wanted to restore the Uzumaki clan in Konoha and I can do justice to Kushina, the woman who knowing the stakes, decided to hide clues for her son to find, decided to build him a whole spy network and a trust circle he could lean on when the time came. Even if they killed them, they could not defeat their son.
And in the middle of it all, our girls.
Hinata having no room to do anything else but turn into politics and struggling to find the words that would help her survive. Ino shouldering the weight of being the heiress of her clan but refusing to let it be all she is, refusing to allow a job to become her life. Tenten being forced to marry Neji so no one can touch her and hating it as much as Neji does, not because they don't love each other, but because they hate how people reduces Tenten for it, while also enduring the Hyuga treatment, rooting and plotting on how to dismantle the structure of that rotting clan with Hinata. Sakura realizing that being a medic with a good heart is something really dangerous in a world full of violence and malice, worse even when she's the spiting image of the woman Konoha has wanted to break or kill now for many many years; she doesn't have the pedigree of a clan, Sasuke and Naruto and Kakashi can't protect her if they are fighting their own battles, she can only run and hide in Suna with Chiyo and hope for the right moment to come back and help her friends fix the whole mess (meaning try to keep them alive as the fight the system suffocating them).
But more than anything, I want the readers to notice how no one really looks at all these girls in Naruto, and how perfect is that set up for a story of political intrigue.
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narhinafan · 1 year
So it's now official
They termed it as the Part 1 Finale and they also announced a mini series with 4 eps by September.
Although I suspect it may be related to the Narutop99 poll short story, I'm still hoping it's something about the Blank Period (Post Shippuden, pre Boruto), especially for the Uzumaki family 🙏🙏🙏
If there is a mini series I am hoping it is either about Minato and Kushina or Uzumaki family as well. After all Minato should be the clear winner of the poll when all the cheaters are removed.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
Prompt: Team Minato being the best battle trio maybe 👉👈 (ship or not idc)
so funny how i was like “yeah short prompt ideas thx!” and then wrote 3.7k words that are largely unedited <3
this also ended up being rin-centric on accident because i just wanted to develop her and succumbed to my one weakness: insane worldbuilding! so sorry i’ll draw and write soem more obkkrin to make up for it 😭😭
there’s implied ship in this but it’s not stated so that’s up for interpretation
Their teamwork wasn’t always impeccable.
Obviously, it couldn’t really have been considered teamwork before Kannabi and Rin’s near-death. They attempted improvements after Kannabi, but nearly fell apart after Rin’s sacrifice.
But, in the end, it all worked out. Should it have? Probably not. But it did, and they were all alive, and Minato never left them alone on missions anymore because they all saw the tremors that shook him after they returned from that plateau.
After that, they devoted all their time to working together. It wasn’t an easy process, because Kakashi was incredible at rejecting attempts at inclusion (he was the only constant at the two incidents, he said one night by the fire. Rin had thought that was it for their team until Obito had stared at Kakashi like he was stupid, causing him to finally look up. “So?” he said, scratching at his chin. “I don’t care.” Kakashi had tonelessly responded with, “You probably should,” and Obito had simply shrugged. “Prob’ly. Well I’ve never been that good at like.. caring for myself n’ stuff, so. There.” And if Obito was anything, it was brutally honest, and Kakashi knew as much. He didn’t reject their invitations as much after that, and Rin could only hope he was happier with them).
Obito was a social butterfly, so he had no problems making friends with either of them. His issues lied in regaining his coordination, with new body parts and Sharingan and all. So it was several months of not being able to come on missions while his teammates advanced ahead of him faster than he could keep up with. But Obito had always been determined right after brutally honest. He spent his down time on chakra control, growing his reserves, and studying chakra natures until he was back on his feet.
Rin’s issues for the longest time had been in feeling incredibly inferior. Once Obito had rejoined the team, practically a brand-new ninja, she had suffered a huge blow to her confidence. Kakashi worked so much better with Obito offensively, and she fell more to the sidelines.
It had taken her a while to accept that her strengths simply lied elsewhere. Where Obito was all explosive firepower and frightening brute strength, and Kakashi had a mind sharper than her most treasured kunai and the speed to match, she was their support. She could mend a six-inch gash in less than a minute, so long as they didn’t mind the scars. She could feed them chakra on the rare occasions they needed it, and off the battlefield, had listened to Obito’s venting more times than she could count. And she had learned to become content with this, because without her, they would fall apart.
Which is why she had no idea what to expect when facing her “true self” at the Waterfall of Truth.
Kushina had recounted facing the part of herself that resented the ninja world for destroying her home, nearly taking her husband’s team from him twice, and rejecting her as a kid simply for her hair color. The world was unfair, is what she’d said, and she had to accept that. It wasn’t easy, and of course she still struggled with it today, but she’d committed herself to making a change in the world to combat this.
Rin felt that she had a fairly true sense of herself, so she had no idea what to expect. Would it simply be her worst fear? It couldn’t be, because she’d know it was fake.
They stopped at the shore of the small pool, Obito and Kakashi each sending her a reassuring smile. She could do this, easy.
When she stepped into the spray of the water and settled on the small island, she didn’t expect the burst of chakra from ahead.
“You’re wasting your time.”
She gasped and looked up. Herself, but not.
“Kakashi and Obito are here to support you, but that’s not their role. They should be on the front lines. Konoha’s going to be destroyed by Kakuzu and Hidan should you stall here any longer.”
Kakuzu and Hidan, a strange pairing set on killing Minato and Kushina for their bounty. And Rin on some level, knew that Not-Rin was right. But all the same, “I’m not. I have to be here to learn how to work with Isobu so we can save Konoha.”
“You could just summon his powers to yourself,” not-her said, rolling her eyes. “Seriously. This is a waste of time.”
“It’s not. I can become stronger.”
“Stronger than the nine-tails? Who’s inevitably going to die because you all aren’t there?“
Less than a second later, Not-Her fist collided with her face and she was sent flying out into the water, Kakashi and Obito standing above her.
They fished her out while she groaned, cradling her nose and trying not to cry. “Sages,” she spat, scrubbing at her face once she was on steady feet.
“What happened?” Obito asked, a firm hand on her shoulder. She could feel his tension and anxiety, and wondered if maybe Not-Her was right. Maybe she should go back.
“I just…we need to go back,” she said, rubbing her eyes. “I mean, I can just like…draw on some of Isobu’s power. There’s no need for me to go through all this training, and by that time it’ll probably be too late and Konoha will be destroyed or something—“
A sharp pain shot up her foot and she yelped, turning and swinging at the culprit. Kakashi caught her fist of course, and looked her dead in the eye. “You’re not trusting yourself,” he said, releasing her hand and foot. “Or us. You need to do this, it’s probably the only way we can win.”
“But why when I can just draw on Isobu’s power?” she asked, jerking herself free from their grip. “It always works out fine that way!”
“Because we need a defensive player,” Kakashi explained calmly. “Kushina and the Kyuubi are offensive. So are all the jonin, and their defenses wouldn’t even stand a chance against Kakuzu.” Kakashi met her gaze evenly, as did Obito next to him, and said, “Trust me on this. Please.”
She studied them both warily, then shook herself and sighed. “Fine. I’ll try one more time,” she said, pushing past them.
“Trust yourself!” Obito called after her, and then they disappeared and she was met again with herself.
“Look, I’m not a genius strategist like Kakashi, so I don’t have any idea what he’s planning, but I’m going to put all my trust in him for this. And I’m going to trust myself to finish this process.”
She held up a hand to silence her other self, frowning in disapproval. “Is this the scariest thing I’ve probably ever done? Yeah. I—I’m terrified of everybody dying because I took too long. But Kakashi seems to think that what I want to do won’t work, and he’s asking me to trust him, so I’m going to.” She sucked in a breath, hoping her other self could decipher the words out of the word vomit that had become the end of the sentence.
Her other self looked shocked, then shrank away. Sensing this was not a good outcome, Rin sucked in a breath and held out a hand. “I could…use some support with this, though. Together? As a whole?”
Her other self froze, then stepped forward. Hesitantly, she took her hand and said, “I’m sorry for punching you in the face.”
“It’s okay, I think I needed it,” she responded shakily, and the hand in hers disappeared and her teammates were in front of her again. They looked concerned, curious. That was quickly replaced with terror when she fell to her knees and hunched over the grass, a full-body shake wracking her body.
“I’m so fucking scared!” she whisper-yelled as soon as they were at her side, and sunk into Obito’s side where he was kneeled next to her. “I did it,” she reassured. “But I’m soooo terrified.“
“We all are,” Obito said, grabbing her hand. “But we’re determined, too. We’re gonna make it back in time.”
“Speaking of,” Kakashi said, picking anxiously at the metal plate on his glove. “Like, now.”
On the way back, Rin attempted contact with Isobu. To her surprise, it worked.
Little one, he rumbled.
I need your help, she thought back urgently as they leaped through the trees. My village is about to be destroyed.
And why should I help you humans?
Because we need it?
A strange feeling stirred in her gut, one that was familiar after recent events, and she laughed aloud.
Did you not see me just face the worst part of myself? I mean I know that whatever you’re feeling probably doesn’t compare to what I had going on, but still. I went through that for you. Is it fair to ask the same?
I’ve only been imprisoned and used by you humans. And I can’t help but be wary of that Uchiha boy.
Obito? Why?
I’m able to be controlled by Sharingan. Should things get dire, there’s a real possibility that you sacrifice yourself, he pulls me out, and I’m to do his bidding of dealing with whatever threat you’re dealing with.
Ouch, that bites. So Rin had nearly sacrificed herself once because of Isobu; that’s how he viewed her?
…fair enough.
Well chances are we won’t have to do that if you help us, she argued. Kakashi has a plan, and it involves me using your powers to defend everyone.
What would I gain from helping you?
They were nearing the village. I don’t have time to bargain.
Freedom. The want for freedom coursed through her veins and Rin shuddered, nearly losing her footing.
You want to be free? Silence. I’m not sure how much I can get you. But I’m willing to fight for you if you help me with this. And tell you what, Kushina probably is too.
Contemplating silence. Then, I will allow you some of my power so I may see what you plan to do with it.
I hope your judgement is well, Rin thought back, smoke and dust in view now.
They had wisely drawn Kakuzu away from the village and were now battling him out in a clearing of fallen trees. However Hidan was still a presence in the village, wreaking general havoc among the people.
Kakashi was quick to action, his tanto in hand as he dropped from the sky. An orange book fluttered into the air and Obito rolled his eyes as he teleported it to Kamui, turning both Sharingan to Rin.
“Are you ready?“
“I sure hope so,” she murmured, taking off after him. She worried for Kakashi, but trusted he could handle himself if he didn’t call them over.
Kakuzu had yet to take out any jonin, but they all stood exhausted and injured on the sidelines.
“Help them later,” Obito said, landing next to Asuma, who stood with his blades and a determined expression. “We’ve got it from here,” Obito said, and Asuma stepped back with a quiet, “Thank the Sages.”
Four creatures of swirling mass stood before Kakuzu, each with a mask painted a different color.
“Each one is one of his ‘hearts.’ They use a specific chakra nature according to their mask color; red is fire, purple is wind, yellow is lightning, and blue is water,” Asuma explained, patting Obito on the back. “Good luck.”
“Awesome,” Obito said, and ran forward. As a close range fighter, this should’ve been an easier battle for him. But the second he was in range, the hearts reared back and spit their respective natures at the ninja. He was first bathed in a blast of fire, expanded by the wind from the heart with the purple mask.
Without thinking, Rin slammed a hand to the ground, chakra sprinting towards Obito’s position. He crouched down, preparing a mud wall to block the fire, but stopped when the ground before him exploded and a wall of coral shielded him from the flames. The fire wrapped around the dome but didn’t touch Obito, and the coral was only let down when the fire ceased.
Isobu? Rin thought in awe, and sensed a nod from the beast inside.
Grinning, she stepped forward and analyzed the scene. Obito would be able to dodge any physical attacks with Kamui should it come to it, but sparing use of that would be best. Since Rin’s natural water affinity was now boosted by Isobu, she could probably take down the fire mask. At least.
“I’ll work on the wind mask,” Obito called to her, then attacked it head-on, forcing its focus away from Rin.
Rin faced the fire mask, which seemed to vibrate in place with energy. As soon as she shifted her stance, it readied a fireball, throwing its head back.
This is your chance! Isobu yelled at her, and sent the same coral-creating chakra down her pathways. When she slammed her hand to the ground, coral once again exploded into the air, but this time in the form of vines that wove their way around the form of the creature; not touching, however. As soon as it faced Rin to release the jutsu, the coral vines tightened to a crushing hold, one speeding from its neck to the mask and breaking it clean in two.
The form melted away with a withering screech, and the coral retreated.
Now she had Kakuzu’s attention. The man directed his other two natures at her and she froze, unused to direct conflict. How was she going to beat them? The lightning mask was far too fast for her coral to catch, and she wouldn’t be able to touch the water nature with the former still alive.
Don’t touch the water nature’s jutsu unless you want to get electrocuted, Isobu said to her as she dodged a spray of water. Then, she noticed one of the lightning nature’s hands on the side of the water’s. She grimaced; this was going to be an issue, if it was feeding the other chakra like Isobu had said.
So she needed to separate them, then. She could try that.
She formed a few quick signs, then clapped her hands together, releasing a gust of wind that blew both natures back a few feet. They were no longer touching, which meant she could take damage from them individually should she need to.
Behind the natures, she saw a mud wall go up, then a burst of wild flame. She could only hope that was Obito’s doing, because just that brief moment of distraction had lost her one too many important seconds.
The lightning bolt struck true, and she cried out in pain, collapsing to the ground. Isobu hurt inside of her as well, and for a moment, she felt the doubt of herself creep in.
She’d helped, but by how much? Would Konoha be able to make it out of this? Minato and Kushina?
Water! Isobu groaned inside of her. His thoughts pointed towards the water mask urgently.
Well, that didn’t make sense. What would water do to a water nature?
Still, she had no better ideas. So, she drew on some of Isobu’s gifted chakra, formed a single staggering hand sign to channel the chakra, then directed it at the water mask.
It was turned away, focused on Obito while Rin was immobilized, so it didn’t see the blast coming. It was hit, then suddenly it was being electrocuted as well, screeching out in pain as it writhed in place.
“Obito!” she yelled out, and her teammate appeared in the air above the nature, striking a kunai into the mask. The mask of the lightning nature broke simultaneously from the same treatment, a kunai dropped from somewhere in the sky, and she collapsed, still seizing and breathing hard.
But now Kakuzu was their enemy, and she couldn’t leave Obito to face him alone. She forced herself up, wincing at her muscles’ protest, before she was forced back down by a gentle hand.
“Heal yourself first,” Kakashi instructed. He ran over to Obito, some invisible message being . He was missing his flak jacket and headband, she noticed, but was otherwise uninjured.
She did as told, laying back and channeling her own chakra throughout herself to help her muscles recoup. As she did, she observed Kakuzu’s power; a strong earth affinity, and insane physical prowess. He was just as fast as Kakashi and could easily keep up and even overpower Obito’s brute strength. They were evenly matched as it stood.
Until Obito’s punch was caught not by Kakuzu’s hand, but by several thick wires that split from Kakuzu’s body. Obito tried to jerk his hand away but it was no use. The wires flung Obito away, into the trees surrounding the clearing. Kakashi cursed and dodged away, but the wires only kept following.
Now was her chance to intervene, Isobu urged. Right. She mentally reinforced her belief in herself before she body flickered in front of Kakashi, drawing on a new power which she questioned briefly to Obito.
You want to fight for your team, was all Isobu said. Rin raised her hands and the wires were deflected by the hardened shell that materialized on her arms.
“Yo, Rin,” Kakashi said, somewhat concerned and…awed?
She looked behind her, curious as to what he was talking about, only to find herself covered in a white cloak that split into three different “tails.”
“Oh,” she said, then grinned. “Sick. Thanks, Isobu. I’m gonna negotiate like hell for your freedom when we win this.”
Approval radiated from within her and she reached back to help Kakashi to his feet.
“I’m not sure how to defeat him now,” her teammate admitted, brushing his clothes off. “But he definitely controls them. We’d have to like…incinerate him, or something equivalent.”
Destroy him on a molecular level, Isobu said. I might have something that can help with that, but it can’t be used around so many people without hurting them too.
“We need to draw him away,” Rin said, just as Obito reappeared next to her, unharmed. “Or can we get the other jonin away?”
“On it,” Obito said, already flashing signs at Genma, who began directing people away.
While he worked on Kamui-ing people away, Rin and Kakashi defended them from Kakuzu’s constant onslaught of attacks. Their defense was certainly something, consisting of Kakashi body flickering the two of them from place to place while Rin blocked the wires with her new chakra.
“Clear!” Obito shouted from behind them. Isobu immediately began channeling chakra towards Rin’s fist, inwardly urging her to attack Kakuzu.
Punch him as hard as you can, he rumbled, and Rin grinned, deflecting one last blow before she removed herself from Kakashi and sprinted forward. The chakra materialized in the form of a massive clawed fist, in similar shape to Isobu’s. “Oh, sick,” she muttered before leaping into the air, tucking her legs to avoid the grip of wires, then angling herself to strike Kakuzu down.
He staggered, unbalanced, and chakra exploded from Rin’s core. She landed, letting it flow, watching as Kakuzu suddenly jerked and shouted. The wires seized and fell from their position, flopping uselessly to the ground.
Shockwaves, Isobu said. Or, some form of them. These are concentrated enough that it should hurt.
“Smart,” Rin murmured, turning away. Kakashi and Obito had disappeared, likely to Kamui, and she could see why. The dirt rippled and shook with the force of the power, and even the trees on the opposite side of the clearing creaked and groaned.
After a few minutes, Kakuzu fell. To be safe, Rin knelt down and checked his inner bodily functions to make sure they really had all stopped, relieved and a little disturbed to find that all the chakra pathways had been severed.
Obito and Kakashi reappeared next to her, Kakashi looking a little more worse for wear than before.
“What happened?” she asked, concerned and pressing green hands to his chest and head to check for irregularities.
“Some asshole was too slow to catch me before your jutsu went off,” Kakashi grumbled, hugging his middle. “I only got hit for a few seconds, though, so I’m fine. Just dizzy.”
Obito stiffened when Rin turned a harsh glare on him, raising his hands placatingly.
“Well I’m just glad you’re both okay,” Rin finally sighed, then turned to Kakashi. “How did you end up defeating Hidan?”
“Shikaku helped me with that,” Kakashi said. “He’s immortal, but can’t do much when he’s chopped into little bits.” He shrugged, and Rin huffed a small laugh.
“Right. Well, I have to negotiate a certain Tailed Beast’s freedom with Minato, and probably go help out in the hospital afterwards. I better see you there, Kakashi.”
“I’m perfectly fine with Isobu being freed so long as he poses no danger to us,” Minato said, “but is there any way we can form some sort of alliance? It would be really helpful to have him around when needed.”
I wouldn’t mind that, Isobu said. But only in serious situations like today. I don’t want to be called on whenever I could/ be used.
“Oh, of course. Me and Minato will be the only ones able to call on you,” she explained. “You won’t have to worry about that. And you can still refuse, but uh…I’d rather it not come to that.”
“Then it sounds like we’ve come to an agreement?” Minato asked hopefully.
“I think so,” Rin agreed, smiling at the approval from Isobu. “I’ll release him so he can return to his dimension outside of the village. Thanks, Minato.”
The Hokage nodded in return and she walked out.
Out on the plateau where she’d first experienced Isobu’s power, she released him. He nodded his thanks before disappearing into his own dimension, leaving the plateau empty once more.
She didn’t see Kakashi in the hospital, unfortunately, but all that meant was she had to march over to his house after healing everybody else and help him there. Obito was already there, in the middle of replacing a warm towel for Kakashi’s head, the warm scent of his family’s cooking wafting through the house.
“I can’t believe you made me come all the way here,” she grumbled with no real malice, taking the towel from Obito so he could return to the kitchen.
“Maa, maybe I did it because I wanted you here,” Kakashi replied, throwing an arm over his eyes.
Rin huffed a laugh and began her search for what needed to be regulated. “Yuck, you really are wiped out, getting all mushy like that.”
some worldbuilding notes:
ninjas probably generate pure water when using jutsu, unless they’re using prexisting water. pure water does not conduct electricity. but i think that an experienced ninja with an earth and water affinity could create water w minerals and stuff so that it does conduct electricity.
kakuzu’s water heart probably collects and stores prexisting water for battles where it needs to team up with the lightning nature.
with isobu’s chakra, rin probably generates salt water over pure water, which is why she was able to electrocute the water nature.
ummmm yes i’ll be drawing rin in the cloak dw i love her she’s best
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punk-pandame · 1 year
thought i'd give a general update on what i'm up to. haven't been posting a lot lately- being sick and tired tends to limit productivity after all lol- but that doesn't mean i stopped writing or drawing! i've been working on bits and pieces of a lot of things when i have the time and energy. i am still drawing or writing something for everyone who's helped with nova's vet bills at a slow and steady pace while i deal with some health setbacks. thank you all for your patience and generosity. it's appreciated more than you know and we're getting closer to paying it off!
a few people have asked for process pics/videos, and lemme tell ya, i *tried* okay XD i tried to do like a process video but it stressed me out so much i couldn't draw, and stopping to take screenshots or videos as i go along really throws me off my rhythm. so right now, this sketch practice page is about as close as we're getting to a process from me. if you bounce around the page, you can tell for the most part what i drew first and what i drew later; the later stuff is way better (peep that old man asume at the bottom as an example lol, i'm so proud of him). the point of this one was just to get used to a new brush and figure out what i want various styles to look like, from super cartoony to more realistic.
[ID: a greyscale sketch page by Punky. The character faces featured, from left top to bottom right: Iruka, Kushina, Chouji, Temari, Kurotsuchi, Hinata, a teenage Shizune, a teenage Kisame, a sickly Nagato, Orochimaru with a snake tongue, a black Shikamaru, an older Konan, Tenten, an older Anko, Tsume, Itachi, Genma, Shikaku, Ino, an older Ssume, Yamato, Shino, and Kurenai. Random objects also pictured are: Kakashi's Icha Icha Paradise book, a scroll, dango, a fan, a shuriken, Zabuza's Executioner's Blade, Sasuke's sword, and a piece of narutomaki. End ID]
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monthly recaps have als fallen to the wayside for a while now (sorry!), so i wanted to share with you all my goals for 2023 instead:
- draw a comic: i've always loved comics but never actually learned how to draw them, so i've been reading tutorials artists i follow have put out over the years and learning more about comics in general.i think they're a valuable form of art, and would be a perfect way for me to mesh some of the stories i'd like to tell with scenes i want to draw. hence sketch practice
- start including fanart with my fics: this is likely going to be partially dependent on what i'm learning about drawing comics, but also provides an opportunity to throw in the kinds of pieces i already do. i'm already fixating on the writing, may as well include art, right XD
- finish louboutins. we are so close to the finish line besties i just don't wanna deal with emotions right now hahaha. i only got like two chapters left for it, and the emotions will be resolved i promise!
- get to the chuunin exams arc in tto1us
- start updating 1-800-FAKE-NUMBER again
- yes i'm insane and i'm doing kinktober again for 2023 BUT not 31 individual fics like. half that at *most*. i'm not gonna overdo it and it's all gonna be silly rarepairs. more details in a few months.
- that big art project i wanted to finish in 2022 didn't pan out but i'm not giving up! hoping to finish by the end of this year and have it ready for 2024, but if not, push it another year. i'll release more details if i manage to get close but i am promising nothing lol
-if the inspiration is there, do some more high school series drawings that i never finished.
i hope you're all well. i have not forgotten about you all. i love you, and thank you for your continued support even through the silence <3
be the first to get updates and see new stuff, view exclusive ficlets and drawings, request commissions, and more on my patreon and buymeacoffee!
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