#also how do you write about breasts sexily lol
lace-knots · 4 months
I jumped into bed, and lay down next to her. Her hair smelled like coconut oil and she was warm in bed. I wrapped my arm around her, over the soft, silky pajamas covering her. I tried to tell whether or not she was asleep, as her chest slowly rose and fell.
She gave a little yawn, and shifted her body down, curling herself into the crook of my hips. As she moved, my arm caught on her chest, and I felt her nipple as it brushed past.
I still wasn't sure she was awake. I moved my arm back down, again flicking her nipple, a bit more firmly than before.
Her butt stuck out, pressing into me, and my arm instantly tightened around her. I pressed my face close behind her, against the smell of her hair and the sound of her quickening breath. I moved my arm so that my hand clutched her chest while my elbow was pressing her hip down into the mattress.
I pressed my palm against her nipple and kneaded my fingers into her chest gently. I heard her exhale suddenly, and figured I should say something.
"... hey," she responded.
That done, I pressed my body against hers and started to push and pull, easily guiding her hips and body. I love hearing her squeak when I pinch her breast in my hand and she arches her back to follow my fingers.
I push my other arm under her, grabbing her with both hands and pulling her tightly against me.
Now she's at the point where she's moving on her own. Even if I leave my arms still, her chest puffs out and her ass twitches in my lap. I decide that I've been making it too easy for her.
"Stop moving, babe."
"Unh... okay."
She stays still, and I gently nuzzle my face into her neck as if I was done.
When I start again, I'm more rough with her. My nails dig into her soft skin, and I relish her gasping as I pin her hips down with my arm and grind into her.
God, I love all the things she says. So much of that "Oh - fuck - babe - baby - yesssyesyesyes" that makes her sound so sweet and needy.
I want to make her feel good. I run my hand along her, just above her waist.
"Do you mind if I touch you?"
"No, baby. Please..."
I felt her soft clit under her clothes. I pressed a finger underneath it and started drawing lines up to the tip.
I made the strokes faster and faster. She lifted up one of her legs, and I pushed my arm into the inside of her thigh to spread her out further.
I started drawing little circles right underneath the tip, just how she likes. She's whimpering and shaking and so insanely sexy.
"Oh - babe - babe."
"I remember the first time you called me babe. I was touching you just like this. You really like it, huh?"
She moans and nods, but I really wanted to hear her voice struggling to be coherent.
"Tell me you like it."
I can feel a twitch run through her legs, and her clit suddenly gets harder, pressing back through the fabric against my fingers.
"Yes, baby, I like it s- uh- so much."
"Do you love me for making you feel this way?"
"Yes!! Yes, I love you, you're so good - babe - mmhmm!"
God. She twitched while I yawned and lay back on the pillow. She turned around to kiss me, and I felt a wet spot through her panties as she pressed against my leg.
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borathae · 3 years
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“Somehow sharing each others' biggest insecurities made you feel like you grew even closer, like now that all cards are on the table, nothing can really stop you from experiencing the other in the most intimate of ways.”
~ Requested by one lovely anonie ~
Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader 
Genre: Smut, Fluff, new relationship!AU
Warnings: you are both really insecure about your own bodies, body worship, loving praises, oral (f.receiving), thigh riding, they are so fond of each other :(
Wordcount: 6.4k
a/n: I’m in a sensitive state lately jsjsjs Jungkook owns my entire heart like serioulsy I need to stop writing about him before I have to cry myself to sleep lmaoaooa 😔 lol joking, although seriously ikd what it is about Kookie that brings out my inner, far too cheesy romantic, but jsjsj I can’ heLP IT I JUST WANNA SHOWER THIS MAN IN LOVE ᶦ'ᵐ ˢᵃᵈ
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Ever since you have been with Jungkook, you never really had sex all out in the open. Either you had the lights out, using one single candle as your only source of illumination or if you were feeling especially brave you used the dimmed morning light. And on the rarest of all rarest occasions of having sex with the lights on, you insisted the two of you did it under the blanket. You haven’t been with Jungkook for a very long time. Two months and nineteen days to be exact. You guys didn’t have lots of sex yet, so he hadn't really adressed that weird habit of yours qs of now. You are very grateful for that, but you also knew that the day would come he mentions it. 
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Today was that day. Jungkook had been in a mood the entire day. You were planning to stay the night over at his place - a first - and he had been excited for it all day. Preparing dinner together and a movie night is what you had planned, the perfect cozy date indeed. Jungkook however had not so subtly been horny the entire day. First in the supermarket when he couldn't resist from grabbing your ass in the middle of the isle. Then when you prepared dinner together and he couldn't resist from sneaking his hands up the front of your sweater to rest them on your boobs. Then when you ate dinner and he couldn't resist from dragging his foot up the inside of your thigh with a seductive little smirk on his lips. And now on the sofa when he can't resist from burying his face in your neck and purring all sexily. 
"Mhm you smell so good baby", he murmurs, tickling your skin with the tip of his nose. 
You shiver, eyes threatening to close.
"Jungkook look, that part is so cute. You shouldn’t miss it", you tell him. This isn’t all excuses for you, the movie you had chosen to watch was one of your shared favourite movies. The Notebook. Totally cheesy, dripping with romance and with a sappy ending. It is the perfect movie to watch with him and you want him to experience it with the same enthusiasm you are.
Jungkook hums, hand sneaking under your sweater again. 
"Mhm I know this part already. Just wanna cuddle", he says, caressing your stomach with the tips of his warm fingers. He kisses your neck, just once, but it is enough to make you sigh. 
"Baby come on. I can't concentrate if you keep doing that", you whine quietly, moving your neck away just slightly. 
Jungkook doesn’t care about your complaints. He simply cuddles closer to you and presses another kiss to your neck, a far needier one than the first. 
"Concentrate on me instead", he suggests, dancing his fingers up your torso until he reaches your breasts. You aren’t wearing a bra today, because it is more comfortable like that and boy oh boy does this make Jungkook’s poor little body spiral. He loves it when he has instant access to his most favourite part of your body. And he also loves how your tits look so perky underneath a shirt. Not so almost-too-perfect-in-place like they do in a bra, but all bouncy and slightly uneven and just so perfectly soft. It's so beautiful (and sexy) in his eyes.
He drags his thumb over your left nipple gently until it grows hard. You shudder, head threatening to roll against the sofa at the feeling. 
"Kookie p-please the movie's so good right now. I wanna watch it", you insist. This is more of an excuse by now. You are just scared that he might go so far that there is no way of stopping him. Which means you would have to have sex with him, here on his couch without a blanket to cover yourself up and with the lights far too bright to hide your body in the shadows. Holy shit that would mean he would have the perfect view of your vagina and you hate nothing more than her. 
Jungkook whines, cupping your left breast with more vigour as he leaves a kiss right on the spot under your ear. It is your most sensitive spot and he knows that. He hasn't slept with you for a long time, but this is what he had realised already. It always manages to make you moan and arch your back. Tonight is no exception. 
Just from the sound of your voice he knows that he had won you over. Now it all depends on how good he can turn you on and Jungkook likes to argue that he is pretty good in it. 
"We'll watch it tomorrow", he assures you, meaning the movie which is a mere background noise in his ears by now. 
He sits up just enough so he could cup your cheek and turn your head to kiss you. Your eyes fall closed, fingers falling to his chest to hold onto the collar of his oversized hoodie. Jungkook is a really great kisser, maybe even the best you ever had. Somehow he never tastes weird, always really nice, almost minty, except in the morning but for a peculiar reason you kind of really like the taste of Jungkook in the morning. His lips also always seem to be soft, except for when he comes back from his evening run and they are all chapped from the cold wind, but somehow you really like that because that means that you can kiss him deeply until they are soft again. Kissing him is the best feeling in the universe. Yes universe, that's how great you think his kisses are. 
Jungkook has his arm around you by now  holding you close as his other hand continues fondling with your breasts. Your legs are resting on his lap, knees ever so often stroking over his growing erection. The movie is a mere whisper in your ears by now, the sounds Jungkook makes are far more important. He isn’t the loudest of lovers, almost shy in the sounds he does allow to escape. If you expect loud screams and screeches of ecstasy you are at the wrong address with Jungkook. Little hums, soft gasps, the occasional whimper and quiet moans are more his style. He sounds really sexy if one asked you, especially because he somehow always manages to make them at the most perfect times. Like he wanted to rile you up even more with them. 
Jungkook breaks the kiss so you both could get some air into your lungs again. Your forehead is resting against his, your fingers caressing his collarbones. You are so turned on just from kissing him. 
"Baby I want you", you pant, pressing your body closer. 
"I want you too, but baby?" 
That but made you anxious. It means he is going to suggest something over which you may have no control over. Like him wanting to see your vagina. Dear lord no.
"Can we try something else tonight?" he asks, raising his head to look into your eyes. 
You are almost bursting in nervousness as your eyes meet. You know what he is going to suggest and it scares you already. 
"W-what do you want to try?" 
"I want to see you, all of you and with the lights on", he says excitedly, giving your sides a little squeeze. 
"Ah Jungkook I don’t know…" you look to the side, "do we have to?" 
"We don't have to do anything. I just-" he shrugs his shoulders, "-I would love to see you all naked. It would be so hot." 
"Believe me it wouldn't." 
At that Jungkook furrows his brows in distaste. 
"What? Don't say that", he insists sternly. 
"Sorry", you murmur, lowering your head as embarrassment makes your cheek feel like they are burning. 
"Hey ___ why are you saying that? You are so beautiful", Jungkook says, voice laced in worry. He cups your cheek and tilts your head up. You look between his worried eyes, cheeks heating up even more. 
"Because…" you pause. This is going to be so embarrassing to say, but Jungkook needs to know or else he'll never understand. You take a deep breath and close your eyes. 
"I'm scared that you'll laugh when you see my vagina."
Jungkook blinks in confusion, having wanted to laugh in disbelief but stopping himself in the last moment. This obviously took a lot of courage for you and he would never laugh at something like that. 
"Why would I laugh when I look at your vagina? I bet you look really sexy down there", he says, caressing your cheek with his thumb. 
"It's just that-", you hide your face behind your hands, groaning, "-ah this is so awkward to talk about." You aren’t joking when you say that you wished for the ground to swallow you whole. 
"I won't judge you", Jungkook assures you, voice filled with honesty and fondness. 
"Promise me?" you ask quietly, eyes racing between his'.
"I promise you", he assures you, nodding his head. 
"Okay so…" one last deep breath, "...my, uhm, labias are like very uneven and uhm, kind of stick out and uhm, especially when I'm turned on they get all uhm, weird and uhm yeah."
"And you’re worried that I'd be weirded out by them?" 
You nod your head, lowering your eyes. 
"Yeah", your voice is merely above a whisper. 
"But I won’t. I think you’re really sexy and whenever I fingered you or penetrated you I thought how amazing your pussy feels. I really like your vagina, I mean it", he assures you, strengthening his claim by kissing your lips tenderly. 
His gesture and words make you giggle shyly, shoulders rising to your ears. And yet you still aren't convinced completely. 
"You're just saying this", you murmur but Jungkook shuts you up with another kiss before you can talk even more untrue shit about yourself. 
He lays you down on the sofa, making himself comfortable on top of you as he continues kissing you. He is doing this to distract you from your negative thoughts and honest speaking it is really working. 
It is not long and your legs part slightly and your fingers pull him closer by his neck. 
He is so heavy and warm on top of you, it feels so good. He is like your own personal shield against those negative thoughts and as long as he is on top of you and his body is grinding against yours, they can't hurt you. 
His hand slips under your sweater again, punching it up as he goes. He sighs, cupping your right breast as he flicks his tongue over your lips. Your back arches slightly, heat pooling at your entrance. His touches are like heaven, but goddamn the thoughts still remain. 
"Wait", you push him off of you, "I really don't know Jungkook…" 
"Mhm I understand", Jungkook says, nodding his head in understanding, "well I think you’re really sexy. Feel it", he says, grinding his bulge against your core, "you make me so hard." 
"I know, I know that I do, but ugh", you groan, then shake your head, "it's fine let's continue. I'm just being dramatic", you say, wanting to pull him back onto your mouth but he doesn’t let you. 
"No baby", he sits up, "you don’t have to force yourself to do something you're not comfortable with", he insists, caressing your hips soothingly, "we can watch the movie instead, okay? Anything that makes you feel comfortable." 
"But…" you look to your side, "you're gonna call me crazy, but now that you know my insecurity I feel weird just watching a movie because I feel like you're going to think about my uneven labias the entire movie and imagine the weirdest shapes and ugh I don’t know…" 
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, thinking hard. He even has this deep crease between his brows, he always gets it when he thinks just that extra hard. His fingers still caress your hips, a constant reminder that he was there for you in this awkward situation. 
"Well", he begins, "how about I tell you my biggest insecurity so we're equal and then we can decide from there what we want to do next?" 
"You would do that?" 
Jungkook nods, sending you a reassuring smile. 
"You don't hav-" you start only to be silenced by Jungkook. 
"I really hate my stomach!!" he blurts out, having to take a deep breath afterwards. 
Your eyes feel like they grew five times in size. He hates his stomach? His stomach, one of the sexiest parts of his body? His stomach, that feels so soft to the touch and looks so good when he is taking a shower and water runs down the ridges of his muscles. His stomach that you sometimes caught yourself gawking at when he is wearing especially waist defining pants? It is one of your favourite parts of his body and all this time he hated it? 
"You do?" 
"Yeah", Jungkook lowers his head, "I just really hate it because I look at all the other guys in the gym and they all have those thick muscles and my waist's so skinny compared to theirs. I look like a child next to them", he mumbles, fumbling with the waistband of your sweats nervously. 
"But…" you sit up, placing your hands on his arms, "...I think you have the sexiest stomach and I love the way your waist makes the clothes fit on your body", you assure him. 
Jungkook looks to the side, chuckling nervously. 
"Thank you, I guess." 
"I really mean it", you say, closing the distance between you and him. You sit down on his lap, wrapping your arms around your neck. 
"You're perfect Jeon Jungkook", you whisper, tilting his head up by his chin and then you kiss him with the same neediness he kissed you before. 
Now you are his shield against all those negative thoughts, sitting there on his lap and protecting him of all the insecurity wanting to creep up on him. 
Jungkook sighs, hands instantly finding their home on your naked back. He presses you closer, shivering in the way you play with his hair. He really likes it when you play with his hair. He has a really sensitive scalp and your fingers feel like paradise on it. You had figured that out already and playing with his hair while you are making out became one of your favourite things to do. 
Your kisses turn needier as your bodies press closer. You had started to roll your hips over his growing bulge, eliciting needy gasps and groans from both of you. Somehow sharing each others' biggest insecurities made you feel like you grew even closer, like now that all cards are on the table, nothing can really stop you from experiencing the other in the most intimate of ways. 
Jungkook is the one to break the kiss, breathing heavily as he gazes up at you with blown out eyes. 
"Do you want to try?" he asks, playing with the waistband of your sweats.
"I think I do. Do you want to try?" you answer him, ghosting your fingers over his stomach.
"Yes, I think I do." 
"Okay", you smile, "uhm so…" 
You grab the edge of your sweater and pull it over your head. It ruffles your hair in the process, one shake of your head and it is fixed. The sweater lands on Jungkook floor with a low thump, but you both don’t really register it anymore. Jungkook is too mesmerised by your bared chest and you are far too mesmerised by Jungkook being so mesmerised. You really like your boobs, even if they are a little uneven and when you are on your period a lot more saggy than usual. But you think this is what makes them your perfectly imperfect and sexy tits.
Jungkook likes them too, again if one asked him he isn’t just a fan of them but a whole goddamn aircon. At least that's what he told you one night and it made you laugh so hard you ended up not having sex because nothing in this world was able to stop your wheezing. 
"I really love your boobies", he says quietly, "can I touch them?" 
"Yes you can touch them", you answer him, playing with his hair at the back of his neck.
Jungkook drags his hands up your stomach until he arrives at the swell of your breasts. He cups them almost tentatively, watching your face for a reaction. Your pupils dilate, he could watch it happen. Soft squeezes and gentle rubs. Jungkook is a really tender lover. Passionate too. But he is never rough or overly aggressive. You really like this about him. You like how he always makes sure that you are as prepared for him as much as you could, even if that takes two hours. You like how he always asks before he touches you at a new spot or takes the next step. You like how his hands feel on your body and gow soft his palms are, as if they held all of his fondness for you in them. You also really like how he always seems to improve, as if he was constantly studying your body and remembering your favourite spots for later. 
Jungkook’s breath fans over your skin, his lips mere inches away from your nipple. 
"May I?" 
"Please yes." 
Jungkook flicks his tongue over your swollen bud, mirroring the gesture with his finger on the other side. When this elicits a soft moan from you he finally wraps his lips around it. Teeth, like a feather, graze over your skin. Then a tender suck and a flick of his tongue. 
"Feels really nice", you encourage him, closing your eyes. You comb your fingers through his hair, hips grinding over his lap lazily. 
Jungkook comes up for air, eyes gazing up at you with a sparkle glimmering in them. He litters your chest with open mouthed kisses as he makes his way over to your other breast. Goosebumps rise where he kisses you. It just feels so nice. 
Jungkook repeats what he had done on your other nipple. Slow flicks of his tongue, a teasing bite then a tender suck. His hand is massaging your other breast in the meantime, fingers feeling like heaven on your skin. 
"I really like that", you gasp, soaking through your panties. You grind down on his thigh harder, the movements stay the same but the added pressure sends a shiver through your body. 
Jungkook can feel the shiver, it makes his dick throb in his sweats. He raises his head, hands falling to your waist. 
"Do you like riding my thigh?" he genuinely asks, as this is something you haven’t done before. He helps you with the movements, basking in the way the muscles in your back feel as the tense and relax rhythmically. 
"I do, you h-have really sexy thighs", you say, fingers falling from his hair to rest on his chest instead. With Jungkook’s help the feeling got a lot more intense. It is a numb, hot kind of sensation, one that builds up slowly. It's your favourite type of pleasure. 
"You think my thighs are sexy?"Jungkook sounds surprised. 
"Yeah, so muscular and thick. So sexy", you choke out, another shiver runs through your body. 
Jungkook flexes his thigh, eyes growing big at the way you moaned at the sensation. He repeats what he had done before. You moan, twisting your fingers in the soft material of his jumper. Jungkook feels his dick twitch and his stomach tingle. Another repeat.  
"That's it", you moan, head falling back. 
Jungkook swallows to get rid of all the saliva in his mouth, lips falling open afterwards. 
"This is so hot", he confesses, guiding your hips over his flexed thigh. On your way down he relaxes his muscles again, basking in the way it made you whimper. 
"Yeah", is all you can answer. You can feel how hot and wet your pussy is. This is like nothing you have felt before. 
Thigh riding. It was always a peculiar concept to you. Why would one use another persons leg to get off? What is the purpose of it? Those were the thoughts racing through your mind. Now that you are on Jungkook’s thigh you finally get it. 
"How does it feel like?" Jungkook asks, slightly out of breath. 
"Like warmth and good", you answer him, not caring how weird your sentence may have sounded. 
"Sounds nice", he whispers, continuing with flexing and relaxing his thigh. 
"Mhm", you agree, caressing his chest, "want to feel your skin."
"Should I take my jumper off?" 
"Yeah, if you want to."
Jungkook abandons your waist, you stop moving to watch him strip. He pulls his jumper over his head and throws it onto the ground. 
"Wow", you gush, eyes racing over his chest. You really like how his pecs look. Not too bulky and not too flat, just perfect. Further down his body your eyes lead you. His hands are on his stomach, covering it as good as possible. 
"Oh, Kook", you look up at him. He looks so awkward and embarrassed. 
"I'm alright, don’t worry about me", he assures you, voice croaky in nervousness. 
"Do you want to put the jumper back on?" 
"No I’m really okay, let's just continue", he insists but you shake your head. 
"No baby, you don’t need to do things that make you feel uncomfortable", you say sternly. 
"I'm not uncomfortable just-", he lowers his head, "-a little shy. I, I never told you but the reason w-why I always wanted to have sex in the dark was because I would have felt far too shy otherwise." 
"Wait? So you didn’t even mind that we had sex in the dark?" you gasp, "I thought you were already wondering why I always wanted to have sex in the dark." 
Jungkook’s eyes grow twice in size, mouth falling open. 
"Wait? You wanted to have sex in the dark too? And I thought you were only doing it because you wanted to be nice to me", he gasps, "that explains your reaction of earlier. Wow I'm so stupid."
"No you’re not", you lower your eyes, "truth speaking I was in the belief that you were the one wanting to be nice to me." 
For a moment you stare at the other and then you break into disbelieved laughter. So all this time Jungkook wanted sex in the dark as much as you did. So all this time you were both thinking the other only did it to be nice. 
"I can’t believe that we were literally on the same page without even realising it", you chuckle. 
"Right? That's so stupid", Jungkook agrees, nose scrunching up in a giggle. 
"Yeah, we are both idiots." 
Your eyes meet, there is still a smile embedded on your features. Your hands fall onto his chest, fingers caressing his skin. 
"So, uhm-", Jungkook clears his throat, "-I’m going to take my hands away and please don’t laugh." 
You can feel his heart race in his chest so quickly you fear it might burst through his ribcage. He must be so incredibly nervous right now.
"I won't laugh, I promise", you assure him with a fond smile. 
"Okay so", Jungkook takes his first hand away, revealing his upper stomach to you. He watches your face for a reaction, heart speeding up even more. He doesn’t even realise it but he is panting in nervousness. 
He pulls his other hand away, having to grab the sofa cushion to stop himself from reaching for his stomach again. 
"Wow Jungkook, you have such a beautiful stomach", you gasp, eyes sparkling. 
He giggles, his nerves wouldn't be able to handle all of this otherwise. 
"P-please don’t stare at it, it's so ugly", he whines, wanting to cover it again. 
You stop him however, holding him by his wrists. 
"You have a beautiful stomach Jeon Jungkook. Do not call it ugly", you insist with your eyebrows furrowed. 
He swallows, eyes racing between yours. 
"Now you may not see it that way yet and that's okay but I will not tolerate such language and will make sure that you see how goddamn sexy you are", you say sternly, the fond sparkle in your eyes letting him know that you weren’t genuinely angry at him. 
"O-okay", he stutters, having to giggle again. His cheeks feel so hot by now. 
"Can I show you how sexy I think you are?" you ask, voice a lot softer again. 
"What do you want to do?" his throat is so dry in excitement. 
"Touch it and leave little kisses. Is that alright?"
Jungkook nods, "i-it's okay."
"Okay then", you say and get off his lap, "lie down." 
Jungkook does so slowly, watching you with eager eyes. What have you planned? 
His couch is big enough so he can spread his legs nicely and you can still rest comfortably between them. Jungkook is really proud of his couch, it was one of the most expensive purchases he has ever made. He gets compliments about it by everyone who comes over. You complimented it too and out of all the compliments he had gotten yours felt the most special. 
Your hands travel up the inside of his thighs, sending shivers down his spine. 
"Tell me the second you feel uncomfortable", you say, making Jungkook nod. 
You place your hand on his stomach, eyes glued to his face. He seems a little unsure what to make of the feeling yet. There is unease on his forehead but desire in his eyes. You decide to continue for now, but if those wrinkles on his forehead don’t disappear you will stop. You swirl your fingers over his stomach, up and down and up again. Goosebumps rise on his skin. 
"T-that's nice", he confesses shakily, creases on his forehead becoming less.
"Yeah? How's it feel?" you ask, outlining the muscles along his ribs. 
"Good", he answers you, licking over his lips, "I'm still so nervous."
"Want me to stop?" you suggest, dancing your fingers up and down his faint happy trail. 
"No, it's just I-", he has to groan in pleasure, "-never let anyone do this to me before." 
"And you like it?" you ask, tickling his abs most deliciously. 
Jungkook shivers, legs parting slightly. 
"It's good", he rasps, letting his head fall into the pillows, "so good." 
"Yeah? Do you feel ready for a kiss?" you ask, outlining the ridges of his abs with two fingers.
"Please kiss me", he nods his head vigorously. 
You change your position on the couch. You are resting on your stomach now, elbows on each side of his body and hands resting on his ribs. 
You start off gentle, placing the lightest of kisses next to his navel. 
He sucks in air sharply, holds his breath and shudders. 
"Baby", is all he can say before another kiss to his stomach makes him moan. 
His eyes flutter, his mouth opening and closing. As he told you earlier, he never let anyone touch his stomach before and he wasn’t ready for how good it feels. He really wasn’t. His stomach is so incredibly sensitive. He has had enough years of exploring his own body in the privacy of his bedroom to have figured that fact out already, but holy moly when you touch it, it becomes like twice as sensitive. 
You kiss the spot where his v-lines meet his obliques, sucking on his skin gently as you do. Jungkook’s back arches off the cushion, his chest heaving up in a surprised gasp. 
"Don't stop", he moans, fingers finding their home in your hair. 
Over his lower stomach your fingers lead your lips. Soft swirls, slow kisses and tender sucks. Jungkook basks in the sensations of them. If this is how it feels to be kissed on his stomach, maybe he should consider liking it at least a little bit. 
"You're so sexy", you rasp against his hip bone, dancing your fingers up his sides. 
Jungkook shivers, giggling at the sensation. It made his nipples hard and his skin covered in goosebumps. 
You repeat what you had done before, smiling fondly at the view. Jungkook has his nose scrunched up, lips parted in a giggled moan. He looks so happy. 
"Is that good?" you ask, kissing his hip bone at the same time as you drag your fingers up his sides. 
Jungkook writhes on the sofa, nodding his head vigorously as he swallows desperately. 
"Yeah?" another repeat, "what if I do this to your beautiful stomach then?" you ask, swirling your tongue up the middle of his abs at the same time as you drag your fingers up. 
Jungkook giggles and moans, back arching into your touch. 
"I-I, shit", his voice cuts off as a shudder runs through his body, "baby, feels so good." 
You hum in content and kiss down his stomach again. Your fingers follow and as you stay hovered over his navel they continue tickling his sides. 
"You're so beautiful baby, I can't get enough of your sexy stomach", you whisper. 
"You're making me blush", he confesses, feeling like his chest might burst. 
"Mhm", you kiss his skin, smiling, "so handsome", another kiss, "so pretty", another kiss, "the most beautiful stomach ever." 
"Fuck me please", he blurts out, legs wiggling on the sofa in neediness. 
You almost choked on your spit upon hearing his words. This is the most vocal request he has ever made. This isn’t like him, or maybe it is and you have finally awoken a side in him he was yet too shy to let out. 
"You want me to what?" 
Jungkook’s face heats up, his eyes opening in panic. 
"I, I", he stutters, panicking internally. 
"Fuck you?" you grin darkly, "is that what you want?"
"Yeah", he croaks, nodding his head vigorously, "please." 
"May I pull your pants down?"
Jungkook raises his hips wordlessly and nods. You pull his sweats and boxers down slowly, making sure his dick wouldn’t get hurt. Jungkook sighs when his cock is finally out in the open, standing loud and proud in arousal. 
One heel and the other, then his pants land on the floor. You crawl back up his body, caressing his inner thighs as you do. 
"I want you", you rasp. 
"I want you too", he answers, eyes flitting to your sweats, "can I take yours off too?"
That clears your mind for the briefest of moments. You sit back onto your heels and start fumbling with your thumb. 
"I, I guess you can", you stutter. 
Jungkook sits up, placing his hand on your thigh. 
"Should we get a blanket?" he suggests, the genuine concern in his voice almost making you cry. 
"No that's unfair. You showed me your stomach, now it's only fair I show you my vagina", you murmur and take a deep breath, "I'm just so nervous." 
"That's okay, I was nervous too", he scoots closer and cups your face, "but baby I won’t laugh. I bet your pussy is really, really sexy." 
You gnaw on your lower lip for a moment. Fuck it. You trust Jungkook. 
"Fine", you lay down, "I am ready." 
Jungkook takes your sweats off first, leaving your panties on. He throws them onto the ground and places his hands on your hips. 
"Can I show you how sexy I think you are?" he asks. 
"What do you want to do?"
"Touch it and leave little kisses, just like you did." 
You feel your stomach clench at that. This would be the first time you let someone go down on you. It is exciting just as much as it scares you. 
"Please don’t laugh", you plead. 
"I won’t laugh. In fact how about I do this first?" he says and ghosts his finger up your clothed core. 
"Oh", your legs part, "yeah that's nice."
"Yeah?" he rasps, connecting his thumb with your clit, "may I kiss it?" 
"Sure", you are so curious as to how this feels like. 
Jungkook lies down on his stomach and holds you by your hips. He keeps his eyes connected with yours as he places the first kiss onto your clothed core. Warmth fills your veins, your legs falling open. 
"Oh my god", you gasp and shiver. 
Jungkook kisses you again, moaning in content. The vibrations of it send jolts of pleasure through your body. His tongue darts out, hot and wet it swirls up and down your pussy. A kiss follows, warm and needy. 
"You taste so sweet", he murmurs, voice two octaves lower than normally. He grabs more of your hips and buries his face in your pussy. You writhe on the sofa, whimpering at the sensations. So this is how a mouth on your core feels like. Holy mother of sweet baby jesus have mercy. 
"I want more", you are growing needy. Jungkook stops kissing you, raising his head slightly. 
"Want me to take your panties off and eat you out?" he gives you a smile, "I won't laugh I promise."
"Uhm, okay please can you eat me out?" you ask shyly. 
Jungkook chuckles, eyes filling with fondness. 
"Gosh you are so cute. How could I say no to that?" he says, placing a quick kiss to your core. It makes your hips twitch up. 
"Okay, raise your booty for me", he rasps and so you do. 
Jungkook is nice enough to not look at your vagina as he takes your underwear off, keeping his eyes on your face. He discarts your panties somewhere on the floor and lies back down, eyes still glued to your face. 
"I'll look at it now, alright?" he says, caressing your hips. 
You swallow and take a deep breath, 
"Promise not to break up with me afterwards." 
"I promise not to break up with you", he says, grinning. 
"O-okay", you nod your head, "you can look then." 
Jungkook sends you a fond smile and then his eyes flit to your core. You have to press your eyes shut or else you would have died on the spot. This is so humiliating, any second now and he'll be all like "actually how about we don’t have sex tonight?" 
Except he isn’t, on the contrary. 
"Okay, your vagina is freaking beautiful. I don’t know what you’re on about baby", he says, voice raspy and deep, "also I don’t see any uneven labias here, just my breakfast, lunch and dinner", he says, looking up at you with a playful sparkle in his eyes.
"Oh god Kook", you have to laugh, "don't say that."
"It's the truth", he insists with a chuckle, "your pussy looks like a ten course meal if you ask me", he looks back at your core, "just look at how wet you are, I wanna taste you so badly." 
"Uhm…" you clasp the sofa cushion, "do it", you force out, feeling brave. 
Jungkook wastes no time. He darts his tongue out and flicks it over your clit. 
"Fuck!" you can’t help but choke out, "okay this is incredible." 
"I haven’t even started yet", he says cockily, wrapping his lips around your swollen clit. He sucks gently, making your legs shake on their own.
"Hngngn Kook!" you blurt out, closing your legs around him. 
Jungkook opens them for you, keeping his hands pressed to your inner thighs. He lets go of your clit and starts kissing down your folds. Content little moans leave him as he does, blown out eyes glued to your face. 
"I shit you not, holy fuck", you groan, fingers twisting in his hair. 
If you knew how good oral sex feels like, you would have done it sooner. But then, probably not. Jungkook is the first man in your life, who actually knows your secret and somehow you are glad he is. You don’t think that any of your past lovers would have reacted that lovingly to your confession. 
Jungkook kisses your pussy and flicks his tongue over it, coming up for air afterwards. 
"How is it?" he asks you. 
"Good, so good. Holy shit so good." 
"It's good for me too baby. You have the best pussy in the entire universe", he purrs and then he is back on your pussy again swirling his tongue over your clit. 
The only thing you can do is moan and buck your hips into his mouth. Jungkook growls appreciatively, adding more pressure into his flicks and swirls. 
Soon one of his hands leaves your thigh. He parts your folds with two fingers, teasing your entrance. 
"Yes, please", you plead breathlessly. 
First one finger, then the second, stretching you open most deliciously. His tongue keeps pleasuring your clit in the meantime, the moans he makes adding vibrations most addictively to the whole ordeal. 
Your voice becomes high-pitched, desperate. This is unlike anything you have ever felt before. Sex can feel that good? Another person can make you feel that nice? It's unbelievable and yet it is happening right this second. 
Jungkook curls his fingers inside of you, stimulating your g-spot with such expertise it makes you yelp in pleasure. 
"I'm-", you twist his hair, "-cum." 
Jungkook growls deeply, starting to fuck you with his fingers. He knows this will bring you over the edge. His own hips are grinding into the sofa needily, the view of you making him desperate for friction.
"Jungkook!" you yelp and then your high takes over you. Warm, no, hot. Like an explosion. Those kind of highs you’ve only ever experienced with your vibrator. 
"Fuck", you groan. Jungkook actually gave you such an orgasm. With nothing but his mouth and fingers, he made you feel that good. 
You pull him off of you once his tongue feels painful on your clit. Jungkook pulls his fingers free, licking them clean. 
"I'm a new woman", you chuckle breathlessly, pressing your hands to your face, "god damn", you groan and laugh in disbelief. 
"So you liked it?" Jungkook asks cheekily, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
"Yes, I really liked it", you sigh in content and look down at Jungkook, "you were the first person to go down on me."
"I was?" his eyes grow big, "oh baby, I feel honoured", he coos, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You grin goofily, cupping his cheek. 
"Want me to return the favour?" you ask. Sex, you are talking about sex. Because holy shit you want him so bad. 
"About that", he murmurs, sitting up slowly. His stomach is covered in cum, the sofa too. 
"Did you?" you laugh in disbelief. 
"Hey! Don't laugh, this is going to be a bitch to clean", he pouts, which only makes you laugh harder. 
"Come here and kiss me you big doofus."
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saizoswifey · 5 years
Hi there! I'm in love with your NSFW headcannons! They are so long and detailed and really help inspire me. If you're taking requests could I request and Ikerev Kyle NSFW headcannon?
Thank you so much! I’m so glad they inspire you! Sure thing. Kyle is my favorite so these were a joy to think about lol. 
Under a cut, this is LONG and DIRTY fyi 
{Kyle Ash} {N//SFW HCs} 
He is weak so a lot of positions that consist of him holding you up while fucking you in the shower or against a wall end up failing miserably and you both just end up falling on your asses and laughing.
He’s actually a bit (a lot) of a doofus sometimes and can be hard to catch on when you’re making advances at him. Then when he finally realizes, he is blushing like crazy.
Playful in bed and doesn’t mind being vocal. Laughing during sex is a normal occurrence.
Studies your body the same as he would study a textbook and takes his time to figure out what you respond to the most before attacking it to send you over the edge. 
Light spanking is a huge kink for him. (Him spanking you, that is)
Like any man, he thinks its really hot when you wear skimpy things or when he comes back to his room and finds you waiting in lingerie. However, the little moments where you aren’t trying to be sexy are what turn him on the most. 
When he’s studying and looks over and sees you with your hair messily pinned up, drowning in one of his shirts you’re using as a nighty and peering over a book on the bed…it takes everything in him not to just drop what he’s doing and slowly push you down underneath him on the bed. Letting his hands trail up your shirt to knead your breasts while he kisses you and lets you feel his arousal between your legs. Most of the time, that’s what he does, though.   
Gets a major boner when you wear his stuff. 
Putting on his glasses, wrapping his stethoscope around your neck or maybe you’re just in the clinic and he’s teaching you about things like you’re trying to listen for his heartbeat with it. 
Or you wearing his lab coat. He gets super aroused. And that goes for teaching you as well. If you’re actually interested in what he knows and wanting to gain more knowledge and listen to him teach you things he finds it incredibly sexy and will start to kiss you and get handsy sometimes without even realizing it. 
Wouldn’t even dream of coming inside of you unless you’re in an established and serious relationship. He’s a doctor, after all, he knows how babies are made.
Enjoys teasing the hell out of you. He’ll play with the ribbons of your nightgown, tugging on them playfully and dipping fingers slowly inside to caress your nipples with feather-light touches. Press his knee between your legs and grind up to your pussy while whispering in hot breaths. 
“You look like you’re feeling good, your cheeks are all red. Where do you want me to kiss you? Your cheek? *kiss* “Hm…your neck?” *kiss* “…your chest…” *kiss* “Or……here?” He moves down between your thighs, running a flat tongue over your panties, up your slit and pressing into your clit. “You want my mouth here, don’t you? Say it. Ask me to make you feel good with my mouth.” 
His favorite thing is a late night/all night fuck fests. He’s dragging it out with teasing and foreplay, fucking you all night long and the next morning everyone will think he’s just tired from being hungover as usual but you both will know the truth. He’ll probably send you some knowing looks and cheeky grins over his coffee cup when your eyes meet.
His style of fucking is slow and sensual with random quick bursts where he’s ramming into you as he gets closer to coming 
Like’s to tease you and edge you by going as fast as his hips can go, then slowing it back down again, pressing all the way inside and stirring you up. 
An ass man. Through and through. He loves grabbing it at random when you’re out on dates, when he passes you in the hallway or when you’re brushing your hair or teeth. 
Again, expect some spanking on your ass while you ride his cock or if he’s fucking you from behind. Even when he is eating you out.
 If you’re 69ing expect a few playful bites along with sweet kisses on your ass cheek between him burying his tongue in your pussy 
ESPECIALLY when he is drunk 
He gets super handsy and open when he drinks. He’ll nuzzle up to you and whine desperately for you to stroke his cock. 
He’ll hug you from behind all tipsy and clumsy and start to pull at your clothes with a pleasant hum, placing kisses down your spine and groping hard at your ass 
“Mmm….god, your ass is so sexy,” he lightly bites your cheek as he slips your underwear down your thighs to expose your wet pussy to his hot breath, “I wanna be friends with it.” 
Crush.Him.With.Your.Thighs. He loves eating you out and feeling the soft plush skin squeezing around his head. 
Likes to use you to study, sexily. He’ll lay with you on the bed, place a kiss on a body part and ask you to name it. If you get it wrong he’ll playfully bite you or write it on you with a pen to make you remember. 
When he’s in a teasing mode he’ll slip his fingers inside of you, press his lips to your ear while he finger fucks you and ask you medical questions. To make sure you really were studying.  
“Ahh…that’s my girl, concentrate. Answer correctly and I’ll let you come.” 
SUPER clingy when he is drunk. Expect PDA at the bar in cradle (which, of course, sends Oliver home before he’s even finished his drink). He’ll kiss you and hold you and drunkenly lean on you. Tell you how pretty you are. One time he couldn’t stop staring down your shirt and when he had no problem lapping up a bit of beer that dripped between your cleavage you had to excuse yourselves immediately and rush him home. 
His fucking world was ROCKED the first time you gave him head. It had been a late night at the clinic, followed by an even later night of studying and practically falling asleep over his books. You knocked on the door with a tray of sweets and some strong coffee and he was too tired to know how it led from that to you on your knees under the desk in front of him. Massaging his thighs and removing his belt. His breath caught in his throat when you pulled his cock into your hands and ran your wet hot tongue from the base to the tip. Every tense muscle and tired frustration tight and weighing on his body melted out of him when you started to suck. He didn’t know if it lasted 10 seconds or an hour, but he bit his lip and came down your throat. And the image of you, pulled back from his still hard cock with lidded eyes and hair debauched and a mess from the grip of his hands and his cum wetting your lips which glistened by the faint crystal light….It was one of the hottest fucking things he’s ever seen. And even now when you have to travel or he’s horny in his morning shower he thinks about that and jerks himself off, desperate for even a fraction of the pleasure your mouth can give him 
For someone drunk and careless so often, he’s surprisingly well taken-care of and groomed. He’s super hygenic, as a doctor should be. He smells like betadine or rubbing alcohol or soap, normally. And he is very trim and proper downstairs. He takes care of himself. 
Wasn’t experienced, like, at all, when he met you. You’re his first sexual partner. His life was steered into a direction he wasn’t ready or prepared for and he had no time or interest in being intimate with someone until he met you 
Favorite position is you on top, esp reverse cowgirl as well so he can see your ass move back and forth as you fuck yourself with his cock. He can grip your hips and push you up and down or give you little spanks. It’s also convenient for sitting up when he is close to coming and holding you close so he can thrust into you hard, or push you down to your hands and knees and fuck you from behind while talking dirty into your ear 
Isn’t super big on PDA when he is sober. Also rather against fucking you in the clinic unless he has no other choice. If you’re both going to be stuck there all night, and he has no patients, and there’s an empty bed you both are sleeping in…..he sometimes can’t help but get hard when he’s spooning you and feels your ass press against his cock. He’ll kiss your ear and neck and hike up your skirt to your waist, humping himself against your slit until you’re wet enough and hold a hand against your mouth to muffle your moans when he finally pushes inside of you and starts to fuck you. 
It’s a bit of a secret kink to get dirty with you in his place of work where people might be able to stumble on you guys fucking. But he controls the urge 80% of the time 
A switch with a tendency to dom. He doesn’t mind or object when you want to take the lead in the bedroom, but he prefers to be the one to take care of you and handle things. He wants to be the one to make you feel good.  
Would enjoy using sex toys on you or watching you use them on yourself. Watching you naked, body glistening with sweat as you pant and use a vibrator on your clit to bring you to climax as he strokes his cock faster and faster, torturing himself with the thoughts and desires of plunging inside of you but restraining himself from doing so….he loves it. Butt plugs in you while he fills your pussy with his cock. Or if you ever wanted to try anal, placing a vibrating bullet inside of you while he does so or using a clit suction on you to get you off faster. 
Not shy about moaning, and he can’t help but do so during sex. Mostly when he is close to coming. It’s a super hot, low growl of a moan. His body will shake and he’ll pull you close while snapping his hips up rapidly, moaning into your skin or the crescent of your neck and telling you he’s about to come. 
Would be all for you ordering him around every now and again. Place your foot on his chest when he’s about to climb on top of you in bed. Tell him he’s not allowed to enter you until he gives you a full body massage. Get the oils out and instruct him on where you need him to massage the most. Make him do your shoulders and feet and lower back. Scold him when he tries to massage over your ass. Turn over and let him do your upper thighs, saying more, more, more, until he moves in closer and closer. He’ll cup your pussy, 
“What about here? It feels tense…” he dips his fingers in and out of you, rubbing your clit
“Mmm, yes, there, harder-” 
“Don’t worry, miss, I won’t stop until I am certain you’re feeling muuuch better.” 
He is slender and small but his cock is surprisingly above average length. A jaw-dropping size you would never expect when he pulls his boxers down the first time and it springs forth. Which makes him blush in embarrassment, of course, and he yells at you to stop ogling him like he’s some circus freak. 
That being said, he has seen so many dicks as an army doctor and he understands how he compares, so he always makes sure to take things slow with you and get you plenty wet before he penetrates you 
Also has no problem just getting each other off orally or manually. He thinks it’s so hot to get creative and make each other cum without penetration on the table. 
Rubbing his cock between your ass cheeks as he lays on top of you, or between your thighs from behind as he plays with your clit and sucks on your neck. These are more than acceptable ways to leave him satisfied 
Or just jerking himself off while he licks and sucks your pussy
Sex doesn’t make him sleepy it actually wakes him up. It gives him a burst of energy and gets his adrenaline pumping so a majority of the time he will hold you close and cuddle you after sex, he’ll stroke your hair and wait for you to fall asleep then slip into his PJs and start studying again, until he sees dawn break. 
So so so good with aftercare. He gets really sentimental after sex and he’ll grab your hands and kiss them, and look livingly into your eyes while caressing your cheeks or nuzzling his nose to yours. Lots of pecked kisses between words of devotion as he tells you how much he loves you and how beautiful you are. 
Most of the time he wakes you up early with him the next morning 
He’ll slap your ass  “Wake up doctor sexy, time for work.” And hold a fresh hot cup of coffee out to you 
He knows how much your work together means to you so he doesnt interfere or presume to know what’s best, unless he feels you absolutely need rest and have been working too hard. 
He’ll let you sleep in and when you make it into the clinic with a sour face asking why he didn’t wake you he’ll just say,
 “You looked tired and you’ve been pale lately. Don’t act like you haven’t been up past midnight the last week and a half with your nose pressed in a book. Get a big breakfast and then come back, take your time, doctors orders.” 
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