#also holy shit their costumes
joeysmuttonchops · 9 months
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[Anima (1994) #10]
you KNOW i love a good tarot symbolism. high priestess is an interesting choice for these two. normally thp is seated in a chair between the two pillar, but here kon and anima are the pillars!
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
ok but why did i cry while watching matilda the musical 
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fear-ze-queer · 11 months
i did not expect to have my heart ripped right out of my chest while playing dlc for a five nights at freddy's game but here we are
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squeakadeeks · 10 months
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I finished all the construction on Pupet and I can't wait to put everything on you have no idea
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jocelynmakenna · 7 months
I'm. I'm fucking broken. I just watched the Loki finale. Loki's journey from the first episode to now. His glorious purpose, to be the king of the gods. He went from being power hungry to just wanting to protect his friends to understanding what a wonderful glorious burden his true role is. To protect everyone and everything. What a character arc. What a show.
And I'm gonna be so fucking mad when the next project fuckiNG RUINS IT GOD DAMN
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HI. HEY. HEY D UDE I FEEL LIKE I'VE HAHA FUNNEY JOKED ABOUT WILLIAM GETTING A GUN BEFORE BUT I DID NOT FUCKING THINK HE WOULD ACTUALLY GET A GUN???? LOSING MY SHIT OVER THIS. literally fucking wild maybe its because its 1am but i am COMPLETELY taken off guard oh my fucking god. please tell me william wisp chainsaws a man at some point in this fucking show. how am i supposed to take this.am i supposed to be normal when william wisp has a fucking shotgun now. angel with a shotgun starts playing. hello. coming to u about this because youre my insane wiwi feelings companion i assume u had a similar reaction LMAOO
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^ literally my face at the last five minutes of 29.
I feel like now is an awesome time for me to give you williams updated season 2 reference art. technically you're not supposed to get this until a few episodes from now but u can have it early. as a treat
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yeah remember how when we were talking about soul eater and i was like "yeah I can't decide whether I want william to have an axe or a chainsaw" THIS IS WHY. my boy he is literally in a survival horror game. he's literally in a slasher movie (<<this is on purpose. I'll send u the trivia in a minute hehe)
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eatacrackerandstop · 7 months
this movie is going to murder me
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incorrectinfinity · 11 months
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sunlightfeeling · 1 year
Fun fact~ Kimura Takuya has played two three bird roles, not just one; this is the lesser-known one
Saiyuuki (2006, Episode 1; the series’ opening scene)
this was a cameo; he doesn’t appear anymore after this
and if you’re still stuck on what the more well-known role is, it’s Howl…from Howl’s Moving Castle
eta: it’s three roles, third one discussed here
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jewishbarbies · 5 months
critics choice being a Barbie sweep in comparison with the sexist bafoonery of the golden globes is so telling
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computer-boy · 4 months
1 11 12 13 17 18 19 23 24 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 49 51 52 62 63 64 65 72 93 88 89 93 94 98. Uh. Feel free to skip some i’m aware this is a lot. i’m curious.
sorry for taking so long, answers are under the cut!! ill try to answer as many as i can lol
heres the link to the post https://www.tumblr.com/sleepy-kitty-boy/743051716942004224/100-homestuck-asks
oo like... around december this year i think. (when you first got into hs)
11. not counting my fav alpha character, roxy! she's so interesting to me i love her (fav alpha kid)
12. cronus. he is a giant douchebag and i hate him (fav alpha troll)
13. dirk and hal. they're fucked up <3 (fav alpha character overall)
17. jade, but i love them all equally. jade a bit more though. (fav beta kid)
18. sollux!!! no comments he's just great i ove him (fav beta troll)
19. uhhhhdhfhdvh i can't chose sorry 😔 (fav beta character overall)
23. oo this is an interesting one!! i think bro. i want to study him Why is he like that (fav guardian) (edit: i changed my mom i like mom lalonde more now)
24. i don't really know. i don't really dislike any of them in particular (least fav guardian)
29. oo!!! either stylla, tyzias, or tegiri. (fav friendsim character)
31. davesprite or erisolsprite (fav sprite)
33. ohoho this is hard ok. either aradave or solkat i think, although i have also recently been swung onto pale erisol which is interesting! can't forget the classic meowrails too (fav pale ship)
34. vrisrose holy shit they're the kismeses of all time (fav pitch ship)
35. arafef or jaketav :) (fav flush ship)
36. im not sure honestly. i gotta think about auspisticism more man i don't have anything. karkat/jade/karkat is pretty funny though
37. erisol or davekat! (fav vacillating ship)
38. jakehal 🔥🔥 (OTP)
39. jakedirk 👎 (NOTP)
40. sollux and roxy are besties and you cannot convince me otherwise (BROTP)
49/51/52. gonna skip these ones bc i legitimately cannot think of anything? it hasn't been that long since i became a fan so
62. i have!! it was really fun and all the characters are interesting and unique in a way that made me really invested in it. the jade/teal car was so fun but also took me like two days lol (have you played hiveswap?)
63. ive played the first two or three volumes, but haven't had time to get around to the rest. someday... the bits that i played were fun though :) getting locked in ardatas basement was an experience (have you played friendsim?)
64. yeah! it was pretty fun. the darker endings especially were great i fucking CACKLED at the terezi one. there were some great notable moments that ill put in the tags to avoid casual spoilers lol (have you played pesterquest?)
65. no. i might but i don't particularly plan to (have you read the epilogues?)
72. feferi's head fins are axolotl gills!! also i think john can play the ghostbusters theme song on piano. he'd find a way. and roxy loves milo. it becomes her drink of choice on earth c i think :) (character headcanons?)
88. ohoho i have so many. holy shit. just a few: dreaming in binary; space cadet (hello, hello, hello, hello); So It's Going [series]; Love Letters in Digital Ink; things that go bump in the night; 12:56 (favourite fanfics)
89. serfuzzypushover, helmtechnician, missbehaviourOuO, beescake and like. a ton of other people (favourite fanartists)
93. voidbound or therapystuck!! highly recommend both. (fav mspfa)
94. about the only thing i haven't thought of about my trollsona :guaugh: probably two daggers, so 2xdaggerkind? no reason in particular i just think it's cool (what your strife specibus would be)
98. dirk, i think. something something plurality (character you relate to the most)
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papaiyatree · 1 year
learning more abt helena bertinelli is realizing that her 1st suit + her year one suit is her best suit
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cafffine · 1 year
ok finally watched the 2021 Cyrano and Peter Dinklage was THEEEE perfect casting I could watch him forever but why did that film have to be a musical ❤️ just do the play y’all it’s a perfect script
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MAC!!! HALLOWED BE THY WEEN!!!! i hope u enjoyed inbox trick or treating :3 i realized i forgor 2 give u a candy when u came to mine!!! so here have a mr big chocolate bar!!! my brother informed me that they do not have these in america. wild!!!!! they r quite good not as good as oh henry bars but still pretty good and i like them a lot :3 i hope u had a happy halloween i dressed up as a kitty cat :3
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OH HELL YES. i love learning about fun new candies... whats inside this one??? its lookin like a twix to me but with mystery lumps on the outside. i am fascinated.
I HAD A GOOD WEEN. we dont get many trick or treaters anymore (sadge) but i dressed up as a vampire bat :] fun and silly and soft bc the kids we do get are like.... little toddlers. so i cant be too scary . also my parents had a halloween party and the 4 of us went as kiss (the band) it was pretty epic tbh.
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asexual-juliet · 2 years
gideon prewitt and iris huang go as sharkboy and lavagirl for halloween i said what i said
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jademight · 2 years
So, Black Adam.
The script is iffy, the kid character is so annoying you want the bad guys to kill him, first half of the movie has to bend over backwards to justify Adam being the Lead, pacing is all over the place, Rock’s line reads are ehhhh (but he does have the screen presence), third act villain legitimately looks like a PS4 character
That being said,
The score is great, movie is so rich with color and powers are portrayed so adoringly and with reverence, costume design is genuinely excellent, it knows its here for a good time and relishes in it, its got the dumbest yet greatest needle drops and out of nowhere movie homages 
A damn good time at the cinemas, 7.5/10 
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