#panel from anima 10
joeysmuttonchops · 9 months
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[Anima (1994) #10]
you KNOW i love a good tarot symbolism. high priestess is an interesting choice for these two. normally thp is seated in a chair between the two pillar, but here kon and anima are the pillars!
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
Oh, hey, an old self-portrait!
I remember, I used to do a little comic strip for my friends about the perils of working in retail. Obviously heavily inspired by Teen Girl Squad from homestarrunner.com (is that site even around anymore?).
I was making one for Final Fantasy 10, too. All I can remember is Wakka's hair was the same height as his body (and had a little bird nesting in it) and Auron wore a shirt that said "2 legit 2 die". And Tidus burst into tears every other panel, and the Al Bhed (???) language was just everything backwards.
So much is flooding back now. There was a side story where Sin and Anima were dating so Seymor was telling Tidus they were stepbrothers now.
Wow. So many memories just from an old stick figure of me I used to use as a profile pic.
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korkrunchcereal · 5 years
WoW deep dive panel
Lot of class abilities around specific covenants
Lots of cosmetics. Kyrian as example: Angelic wings, halos, also some shadow halos etc.
Vastly changing leveling. Re-scaling. 
Leveling takes too long
Not every level feels rewarding
“Most of you who choose to level in Pandaria do jade forest and half the next zone before you outlevel its 20 lvl band”
Streamline leveling
Choose the story you want
Modernize the introduction to World of Warcraft
Brand new starting zone
1-60 is the new level range
Significantly faster leveling. 60-70% faster to lvl from 1-50.
Can level from 10-50 in the expansion of your choice. Do BfA’s expansion quest and lvl in there.
Your level is scaled to match for current players. 120 > 50, others scale.
New starting zone - Exile Reach. Your faction has learned of a previously uncharted island, sent an expedition. That expedition is missing, so you’re the second wave to find out what happened. Ends with a mini 2 boss dungeon. Storyline is an ogre has captured everyone to sacrifice to resurrect a dragon. 
Brand new players level in BfA.
Existing players can choose exile’s reach or current starter zone. Chromie is in the capital cities to help you choose an expansion to level in if you want. Level in BC, WoTLK, WoD etc. and reach max (50) in those expansions if you want.
Class philosophy
Mostly additive, not as much class changes as Legion brought.
Class defining mechanics coming back:
Paladin auras 
Poisons for all rogues
Curses for warlocks
Class Range:
Different Schools: All mage spells
Different rolls: Priest abilities
Different weapons: shield abilities outside of prot etc.
Iconic Class Abilities:
Raise dead, frostshock, concentration, unholy coil, ursol’s vortex, shiv, hunters mark, summon gargoyle, AMZ, hammer of wrath, hunter’s mark, cyclone, demonic circle, shattering throw as examples.
The Maw:
Access Torghast here. Home of the Jailer. Prison for the worst souls who cannot be redeemed ever. Last few years, everyone that died went to the Maw.
You are the Maw-walker. Able to enter and leave the Maw at will. Why Covenants are interested in you.
The Maw is endgame outdoor zone. Place ruled by torment and terror. Environment, mechanics and monsters bad.
When you do objectives in the Maw, the Jailer will take notice. The more you do, the more things happen. Enemies hunt you, greater aggro ranges etc.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned:
the anchor of the Maw. The top lieutenants and the Jailer are there. 
scaling group of 1-5
As you climb the tower, enemies get stronger.
progress unlocks new challenges and complexity.
First couple floors standard, higher up might be locks, puzzles, traps etc.
Not timed.
Encouraged to explore.
ABC - Always be climbing
The power of anima: buffs per run of Torghast. Some are class specific.
The maw will change over time. Few weeks in as an example, the Jailer will unleash more beasts. Mobs change, rewards change in Torghast.
Torghast rewards runes you bring to the Runeforge. how you make legendaries. Choose what legendary role it fills, what its abilities are etc. etc. Also learn about Frostmourne and Helm of Domination.
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katieskarlette · 5 years
WoW: What’s Next panel
This is the big one!  I’ll be watching the panel on the livestream and editing this post as it goes, so check back for updates.
[EDIT:  Panel’s over, post is finished!]
Ion:  We are not jumping on a ship and going to a land that “mapmakers have mysteriously ignored for the last ten years.”  Ha.  It’s another plane of existence.
The Warcraft Afterlife:  Souls cross the veil between life and death Souls are brought before the mysterious female entity known as the Arbiter All the deeds/misdeeds, aspirations, triumphs and failures are laid bare to the Arbiter, who then routes the soul to one of the Shadowlands’ realms.  Each realm is ruled by a powerful Covenant.
Souls bear with them a vital force called Anima.  A quiet farmer who lived an unremarkable life has only a little Anima, while “Varian, Garrosh and Arthas had a ton.”  He mentioned those characters by name.  Hmmmmmm.
Ion joked about how the early concept art of Bastion was already leaked.
Bastion is home to the Covenant of the Kyrians, aka spirit healers.  “Souls here shed past burdens and seek virtue.”  Uther’s soul is here, and we’ll encounter him!
Kyrian are ordered and purposeful, dedicated to service.
Maldraxxus is ruled by the Necrolord Covenant.  It is the heart of the Shadowlands’ military might who defend the Shadowlands from the enemies of death.  They’re about survival of the fittest, not strictly evil.  Relentless, unyielding spirits go here, including Thrall’s mother, Draka.  It’s like EPL on steroids, aesthetically.
Ardenweald is an enchanted fairy forest.  It’s ruled by the Night Fae covenant.  This enchanted mystical forest is the Emerald Dream’s dark mirror.  It reflects fall and winter, a place of rest and rebirth.  Cenarius’ soul went here after Grom killed him.
Revendreth is a creepy, gothic zone with miasma, soaring castles and dark secrets.  Ruled by the Covenant of the Venthyr.  Flawed and prideful souls atoning for their sins end up here.  You don’t want to end up here, but it’s possible to redeem yourself and move on to another area of the Shadowlands.  We will encounter KAEL’THAS there!  Ooh!  (And, yes, Ion made a “setback” joke.)
Covenants are the four powers of the Shadowlands and are integrated into almost every feature of the game.  Each one seeks your aid, and each offers power and rewards.  Each one has a full endgame narrative campaign, akin to the two factions’ war campaigns in BFA.  Each gives you two active abilities, one of which is class-specific.
Endgame progression system:  Soulbinds.  Bind your soul to a powerful entity in the Shadowlands for unique benefits.  There is no artifact power to grind!  YAY!  Ion says they have learned from the last couple of expansions.  It’s important to have goals to work toward and ways to customize your characters’ playstyle without having it be a grind that is full of pressure and punishing to alts.
Each Covenant has a sanctum that we’ll build up and restore to glory, sort of like Shal’Aran was in Legion.
Covenants will also have rewards of mounts, transmog, etc.  They will give you items for the cloak slot that will give you ornaments like, in the case of Kyrians, a halo or angel wings, etc.
Oribos, the Eternal City is an ancient city that predates memory, and the home of The Arbiter.  Brokers and soul-traders gather here.  It will be the main player hub and sanctuary city.  “Khadgar wanted to bring Dalaran through but we figured there was already a city there, so not needed.”  LOL
The Maw is a mystery even to Shadowlands natives.  No known Covenant rules it.  It’s ruled by a dark figure known as The Jailer, who is like a boogeyman to the people of the Shadowlands.  It’s a horrific prison for the most vile souls.  Nothing has ever, ever escaped. 
In 9.0 the machinery of death is broken, and souls are pouring directly into the Maw without being routed first.  The other parts of the Shadowlands are thus starved of Anima.
“What about Sylvanas’ role in all this?” asks the slide.  Yes, Ion, do tell.
A picture of the burning of Teldrassil got a lot of booing, cheering, laughter and general excitement from the crowd.
“Arthas is dead, I’m sorry.”  SO?!?!?!  So are Uther, Draka and Kael’thas!
The Jailor in the Maw is the creepy silhouette that Sylvanas was facing in the teaser footage.  Sylvanas doesn’t have a master, but her goals align with the Jailor’s.  He’s been feeding her more power lately.
9.0 will start with Scourge marauding across Azeroth, since the Helm of Domination that held them back is shattered.  Azeroth’s heroes make for Icecrown to stop the problem at its source.  We are led by Bolvar, since he understands the Scourge best.  He has one foot in each realm and knows more than anyone about them.
We go from Icecrown into The Maw, and that’s all, we’re trapped.  Nothing’s ever escaped.  “It’s a short expansion.”  LOL!  Actually, we escape the Maw and go on, but it sounds like some lore heroes stay trapped there...for now.  Hmm.
We work with each realm’s leaders and borrow their powers, then choose a Covenant at max level.
However, once you have one character who has reached max level, your alts can pick their Covenant right away before they start leveling.  You can level in any zone, do world quests, etc....lots of choices.  You can work toward endgame progression while you level, reducing the sense that leveling and endgame are two separate games, that what you do while leveling doesn’t matter in the long run.  Interesting.
At max level we return to the Maw, a fearsome zone with freeform outdoor gameplay.  Unlike other max level zones, there are no innkeepers or friendly bases.  You have to be on your toes all the time.
At the center of the Maw is Torghast, Tower of the Damned (the upside-down thing in the sky above Icecrown in the cinematic.)  It’s an endless, ever-changing dungeon for 1-5 players.  As you ascend the tower you earn upgrades that shore up your weaknesses, play to your strengths, etc.  It looks a bit like the choices on each ring of Azerite gear.
4 dungeons to level up in: The Necrotic Wake, Plaguefall, Mists of Tirna Scithe, Halls of Atonement
4 max level dungeons:  Spires of Ascension, Theater of Pain, Sanguine Depths, and The Other Side--where Bwonsamdi is!
Castle Nathria is a 10-boss raid at Revendreth.  Think Dracula’s castle.  It’s a winged raid and “for once you’re not going in through the sewer.”
Core philosophy:  Focus on player agency.  “We want to give all of you a feeling of more control over your destiny.”  It’s something the playerbase has been asking for for years, and they’ve heard the feedback.
Profession updates:  be guaranteed to craft an item with the secondary stats you want instead of having to craft a zillion items with random stats before you get the crit/haste/whatever you needed.
The weekly loot chest is the most hated example of RNG in the game today, according to Ion.  It will now give you 5-6 items to pick from, based on the bosses you’ve used your bonus rolls on, etc.
Legendaries:  Legion legendaries were fun when you had them, but the randomness of obtaining them was a major pain in the butt.  In Shadowlands you’ll be able to work toward building a specific legendary that you want, then a second one, etc.
Shadowlands brings us a return to class identity as opposed to spec.  Some abilities that were made spec-specific will go back to being class-specific, and some that were removed will be returning.  Yay!
Shadowlands has a streamlined leveling experience.  120 characters going into the expansion will be 50 when they go into Shadowlands, and will level to 60 at the end.  Every level will now unlock something and be meaningful, instead of dinging all the time but it being meaningless.
Unprecedented flexibility for alts.  Want to just level in Pandaria?  Do it, then go to Shadowlands.  Skip everything else if you want to. 
Character customization is the focus this time instead of new races.  (YES!!!!!)  Tattoos, body paint, new skin colors (be a Sandfury troll!), undead without visible bones(!!!), horn and tusk options, eye colors, etc.  RACIALLY DIVERSE HUMAN MODELS!  OMG!  THEY LOOK AMAZING!
Every allied race will be able to be Death Knights.
Deep dive into Shadowlands at 11:15 AM Pacific tomorrow.
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jacereviews · 5 years
Review: Hoshi no Samidare
Manga Consumed in English Also known as: Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer
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As an avid manga reader, especially being a massive fan or super-power action stories, not having read any Satoshi Mizukami was a black mark on my record. At the request of a friend, and after a long time coming, I read my first Mizukami manga, starting with his first big hit Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. Running from 2005-2010, Lucifer became prized gem in many manga circles. Let’s Rock. PLOT: High above the clouds in space is a massive hammer. Known as the Biscuit Hammer, it’s a tool of the Wizard Animus to destroy the world. However before Animus can use the Biscuit Hammer, he has to defeat the Princess Anima and her 12 Beast Knights. Rings are show up on the chosen Beast Knights along with the Animal to guide them in their battle. One such person is our main character Amamiya Yuuhi, the lizard knight, with the talking lizard Noi Crezant. However Yuuhi’s distaste for the world leads him to have no interest in its affairs, that is until he meets the chosen princess Samidare, who reveals to him her plan to defeat the wizard so she can destroy the world on her own. Swearing fealty to Samidare, Yuuhi joins the battle to save the world and carry out their secret agenda. The set-up is simple, 13 warriors battle a wizard and 12 golems to save the world, but it’s executed upon quite well. The various golems Animus throws at the Beast Knights plus Samidare and Yuuhi’s secret plan keep the formula from getting stale. It’s also helped along by some strong character development and a real sense of danger. The plot isn’t complex, as the characters are the real star of the show, but it’s still fun and interesting even if it sounds very cheesy. The ending is pleasant and satisfying, it’s a short series but it didn’t need to be any longer. The plot may not be the most ambitious but it’s successful. The only thing I can see bugging people is how the plot will skip over noticeable time gaps where nothing happens. The story takes place over more months than it has volumes, so it’ll speed through slower months.
8/10, while feeling like something out of a cartoon, it’s done in a satisfying way.
CHARACTER: This is where the series really shines. Staring with Yuuhi himself. His character arc is flat out great, while he starts off as kind of a scumbag, we see him influence by the people around him. Breaking the chains of his abusive past and discovering the person he wants to be. The relationships he has with the other characters is a highlight as they impact each other. I want to bring special attention to Yuuhi’s relationship with Noi, as that was particularly nice to see develop. Samidare is another character of note. Though less connected to other characters, her connection with Yuuhi is a major part of the series. Her role as the “Lucifer” combined with her upbeat nature make her quite the engaging character, just kinda wish she had less panty shots. All of the other Beast Knights are rather well written as well, the way they influence and bounce off each other makes the cast the real push of the series as we get into each of their minds and stories, no character is left behind (even if they die before being introduced). Princess Anima was interesting but I felt like she didn’t have enough screen time to really be much. Animus the Wizard, while not the deepest of characters, was incredibly notable for his relationships with the Beast Knights as he was highly present throughout the series and constantly interacted with the main cast, being a real highlight. There’s not many notables beyond that though. Early in the series Samidare’s sister Hisame plays a heavily recurring role and was generally played a big part of the character dynamics of the time but fell into irrelevancy. Sami’s family were important to her story but weren’t much outside of that. Yuuhi’s family played a similar role but had noticeably tiny screen time. More time was spent talking about them than with them. Any other character was entirely background, though background can be interesting, just not in the case of Hiwatari who would literally just tighten the pacing of the series if removed, playing no real role.
9/10, the highlight of the series for good reason.
VISUALS: I was not a fan of the art of this manga. While not terrible it was noticeably rough, many characters breaking down anatomically anytime they weren’t the main focus of a panel. The backgrounds were pretty passable when present, but there wasn’t much if anything to really write home about with art quality. From a design aspect however, it was smartly done. The characters are all unique and stand out, most could pass a silhouette test. The golems were interesting to look at and the stuff in space was all visually interesting. The manga flows and is panelled quite well, with some cool spreads here and there, but they were more for being smartly designed than being arted well. However I don’t find the art to be problematic, I do think some of the moments could be given more punch with some better skill. Color pages also look nice.
6.5/10, smart design feels slightly hampered by weak art.
While not perfect, this is a very solid series. The characters are fantastically done in a story that stays interesting just as long as it needs to. The series is a lot of fun while also containing interesting ideas on connection, recovery, and what it means to be an adult. While I wouldn’t call myself a Mizukami fan just yet, his first big series turned out to be quite a good one, and one I’d definitely recommend to anyone curious.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Cheerleading TV Anime Anima Yell! Premiere Set for October 7
The official website for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Tsukasa Unohana's cheerleading-themed four panel manga Anima Yell! announced today that it is set to premire on Tokyo MX, BS11, and AT-X on October 7, 2018.
  【放送時間決定!!】 そしてTVアニメ『アニマエール!』が【10月7日より】放送開始決定!!放送時間はこちらになります!! TOKYO MX…毎週日曜 24:00~ BS11…毎週日曜 24:00~ AT-X…毎週日曜 23:30~https://t.co/KKhYnppB7L #アニマエール pic.twitter.com/BQaheHcYXU
— TVアニメ『アニマエール!』 (@animayell_anime) 2018年8月28日
  29-year-old Eriko Matsui (Nao Kamiya in The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls) is added as the voice of
Ms. Inukai, the protagonist Kohane's homeroom teacher who helps her effort to establish the cheerleading
club at school. 
【新キャラ&キャスト解禁】 TVアニメ『アニマエール!』、こはねたちの担任、犬養先生役に松井恵理子さんが決定????!!そしてキャラクタービジュアルも解禁!! いよいよTVアニメ放送まで約1か月、チア部5人以外のキャラにもご期待ください!!https://t.co/RkhmJ2BvpE #アニマエール pic.twitter.com/ML3sR15ITX
— TVアニメ『アニマエール!』 (@animayell_anime) 2018年8月28日
  And an advance screening event for its first two episodes will be held at Toho Cinemas Hibiya in Tokyo 
at 16:00 on September 30. The five main voice cast and Matsu will also join for a stage talk show.
Pre-reservation for the 2,000 yen ticket will be accepted on Ticket Pia from 11:00 on September 1.
【先行上映会開催決定】 さらに10月7日からの放送に先立ち9/30(日)に先行上映会開催決定!!第1話2話の上映とチア部5人のキャストと犬養先生役松井恵理子さんのトークショー!!チケット申し込みは今週9/1(土)からとなりますので奮ってご参加ください!!https://t.co/A295qsbiV7 #アニマエール pic.twitter.com/y6P2qz93zQ
— TVアニメ『アニマエール!』 (@animayell_anime) 2018年8月28日
       The manga has been serialized in Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Carat since April 2016 and its
next third tankobon volume is set to be released on September 27, 2018.
  The story centers on Kohane Hatoya, who loves to support people. Two weeks before her graduation
from junior high school, she saw a group of cheerleaders who were cheering baseball teams at the river
area and was fascinated by their performance. Since then, all of the world inside her have been changed.
When entering her high school, she is discouraged by the fact that the school doesn't have a cheerleading
club. But after meeting with Hizume Arima, a member of the club Kohane saw two weeks ago, she feels
it is a destiny and decides to establish a cheerleading club by herself.
  1st PV
  Key visual
TVアニメ『アニマエール!』は鳩谷こはね役の尾崎由香さんをはじめとした今をときめく豪華キャスト陣×動画工房さんによるアニメーション制作で10月放送開始!! 詳細は公式Twitter(@animayell_anime)や公式サイト(https://t.co/WWLjU7P69i)をチェック!コミックスは1,2巻が絶賛発売中です!!(P) pic.twitter.com/L2YosjE0Gh
— まんがタイムきらら編集部 (@mangatimekirara) 2018年7月20日
    Main staff:
Director: Masako Sato (Haikyu! episode director) 
Series composition/script: Fumihiko Shimo (Miss caretaker of Sunohara-sou) 
Character design: Manamu Amasaki (NEW GAME! chief animation director) 
Anime Production: Doga Kobo (Himouto! Umaru-chan)
  Main voice cast:
Kohane Hatoya: Yuka Ozaki (Serval in Kemono Friends) 
Hizume Arima: Yuina Yamada (Michiru Kouda in Idol Time Pripara) 
Uki Sawatari: Mikako Izawa (Moeko Tokita in Wakaba Girl) 
Kotestu Tatezima: Tomori Kusunoki (Llenn in Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online) 
Kana Ushiku: Haruka Shiraishi (Kirie Motoba in Himouto! Umaru-chan)
     Source: TV anime "Anima Yell!" offcial website/Twitter
  ©Tsukasa Unohana, Houbunsha/Anime Yell! production Committee
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picksblog285 · 3 years
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Personal Capital
A Person's Persona
Personalization Mall
The persona, for Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—'a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual'.(1)
Persona is a drop-dead simple way of making sure each character in my story is as accurate as can be. If you write, you need this app. Dave Winston Persona user. Persona – System requirements macOS: Mac OS 10.7 or newer. Catalina supported. Windows: Windows 8 or newer. This Hilton hotel is located in the city center of Jaipur, in close proximity to the CBD. Ideal for business and site-seeing. Check availability. See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
Jung's persona(edit)
The development of a viable social persona is a vital part of adapting to, and preparing for, adult life in the external social world.(2) 'A strong ego relates to the outside world through a flexible persona; identifications with a specific persona (doctor, scholar, artist, etc.) inhibits psychological development.(3)(4) Thus for Jung 'the danger is that (people) become identical with their personas—the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice.'(5) The result could be 'the shallow, brittle, conformist kind of personality which is 'all persona', with its excessive concern for 'what people think'(6)—an unreflecting state of mind 'in which people are utterly unconscious of any distinction between themselves and the world in which they live. They have little or no concept of themselves as beings distinct from what society expects of them'.(7) The stage was set thereby for what Jung termed enantiodromia—the emergence of the repressed individuality from beneath the persona later in life: 'the individual will either be completely smothered under an empty persona or an enantiodromia into the buried opposites will occur'.(8)
Mailsmith mcintosh. 'The breakdown of the persona constitutes the typically Jungian moment both in therapy and in development'—the 'moment' when 'that excessive commitment to collective ideals masking deeper individuality—the persona—breaks down.. disintegrates.'(9) Given Jung's view that 'the persona is a semblance.. the dissolution of the persona is therefore absolutely necessary for individuation.'(10) Nevertheless, its disintegration may well lead initially to a state of chaos in the individual: 'one result of the dissolution of the persona is the release of fantasy.. disorientation.'(11) As the individuation process gets under way, 'the situation has thrown off the conventional husk and developed into a stark encounter with reality, with no false veils or adornments of any kind.'(12)
Negative restoration(edit)
One possible reaction to the resulting experience of archetypal chaos was what Jung called 'the regressive restoration of the persona', whereby the protagonist 'laboriously tries to patch up his social reputation within the confines of a much more limited personality.. pretending that he is as he was before the crucial experience.'(13) Similarly in treatment there can be 'the persona-restoring phase, which is an effort to maintain superficiality';(14) or even a longer phase designed not to promote individuation but to bring about what Jung caricatured as 'the negative restoration of the persona'—that is to say, a reversion to the status quo.(15)
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The alternative is to endure living with the absence of the persona—and for Jung 'the man with no persona.. is blind to the reality of the world, which for him has merely the value of an amusing or fantastic playground.'(16) Inevitably, the result of 'the streaming in of the unconscious into the conscious realm, simultaneously with the dissolution of the 'persona' and the reduction of the directive force of consciousness, is a state of disturbed psychic equilibrium.'(17) Those trapped at such a stage remain 'blind to the world, hopeless dreamers.. spectral Cassandras dreaded for their tactlessness, eternally misunderstood.'(18)
Recovery, the aim of individuation, 'is not only achieved by work on the inside figures but also, as conditio sine qua non, by a readaptation in outer life'(19)—including the recreation of a new and more viable persona. To 'develop a stronger persona.. might feel inauthentic, like learning to 'play a role'.. but if one cannot perform a social role then one will suffer'.(20) Thus one goal for individuation is for people to 'develop a more realistic, flexible persona that helps them navigate in society but does not collide with nor hide their true self'.(21) Eventually, 'in the best case, the persona is appropriate and tasteful, a true reflection of our inner individuality and our outward sense of self.'(22)
Later developments(edit)
The persona has become one of the most widely adopted aspects of Jungian terminology, passing into almost common parlance: 'a mask or shield which the person places between himself and the people around him, called by some psychiatrists the persona.'(23) For Eric Berne, 'the persona is formed during the years from six to twelve, when most children first go out on their own.. to avoid unwanted entanglements or promote wanted ones.'(24) He was interested in 'the relationship between ego states and the Jungian persona', and considered that 'as an ad hoc attitude, persona is differentiated also from the more autonomous identity of Erikson.'(25) Perhaps more contentiously, in terms of life scripts, he distinguished 'the Archetypes (corresponding to the magic figures in a script) and the Persona (which is the style the script is played in)'.(26)
Post-Jungians would loosely call the persona 'the social archetype of the conformity archetype',(27) though Jung himself was always concerned to distinguish the persona as an external function from those images of the unconscious he called archetypes. Thus whereas Jung recommended conversing with archetypes as a therapeutic technique he himself had employed—'For decades I always turned to the anima when I felt my emotional behavior was disturbed, and I would speak with the anima about the images she communicated to me'(28)—he stressed that 'It would indeed be the height of absurdity if a man tried to have a conversation with his persona, which he recognized merely as a psychological means of relationship.'(29)
Jordan Peterson(edit)
University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson, well-known as an admirer of Jung’s work, uses Jungian terminology but reconfigures it into a model that divides the psychological world into the domains of nature and culture. The Great Father of culture is an archetypal force that shapes the potential of chaos into the actuality of order. In this framework, the persona would be the aspect of the personality that has been adapted to culture, more specifically to the social dominance hierarchy. People who refuse to submit to this social discipline or carry the responsibility inherent in having a role in the world remain as undifferentiated potential, known in more Jungian terms as peter pan syndrome, or the negative aspect of the puer aeternus. (30)
Though Jung doesn’t reference dominance hierarchies specifically, the above is broadly in accordance with his conception of the persona as defined in his Two Essays on Analytical Psychology:
Quantum calculator. “We can see how a neglected persona works, and what one must do to remedy the evil. Such people can avoid disappointments and an infinity of sufferings, scenes, and social catastrophes only by learning to see how men behave in the world. They must learn to understand what society expects of them; they must realize that there are factors and persons in the world far above them; they must know that what they do has a meaning for others.” (31)
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See also(edit)
^C. G. Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (London 1953) p. 190
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 197
^Mario Jacoby, The Analytic Encounter (Canad 1984) p. 118
^This is very similar to Sartre's waiter who becomes a sort of machine by denying his freedom and therefore limiting his potential growth
^C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (London 1983) p. 416
^Anthony Stevens, On Jung (London 1990) p. 43
^Terence Dawson, in P. Young-Eisendrath and T. Dawson ed., The Cambridge Companion to Jung (Cambridge 1977), page 267
^Barbara Hannah, Striving towards Wholeness (Boston 1988) p. 263
^Peter Homans, Jung in Context (London 1979), p. 100–2.
^C. G. Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (London 1953), p. 156 and page 284.
^Jung, Two Essays; page 277.
^C. G. Jung, 'Psychology of the Transference', Collected Works, volume 16. London 1954, page 238.
^Jung, Two Essays; pages 161–2 and p. 164.
^David Sedgwick, Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy (London 2006) p. 153
^Stevens, Jung, page 179.
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 197
^Jacobi, Psychology, page 117
^Jung, Two Essays, page 197
^Hannah, p. 288
^Demaris S. Wehr, Jung and Feminism (London 1988), page 57.
^Susan Reynolds, Everything Enneagram Book (2007), p. 61.
^Roberte H. Hopcke, A Guided Tour of the collected Works of C. G. Jung (Boston 1989), pages 87–8.
^Eric Berne, Sex in Human Loving (Penguin 1973); page 98
^Berne, Sex; page 99
^Eric Berne, Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy (Guernsey 1966), p. 79.
^Eric Berne, What Do You Say After You Say Hello (Corgi 1975), page 56
^Anthony Stevens, Jung (Oxford 1994); page 47
^Jung, Memories p. 212
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 199.
^J.B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life, p. 192.
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 197
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1. pl.personas The role that one assumes or displays in public or society; one's public image or personality, as distinguished from the inner self.
2. pl.per·so·nas or per·so·nae(-nē) The character represented by the voice of the speaker or narrator in a literary work.
3. personae The characters in a dramatic or literary work.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(pɜːˈsəʊnə) n, pl
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-nae (-niː)
1. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) (often plural) a character in a play, novel, etc
3. (Psychology) (in Jungian psychology) the mechanism that conceals a person's true thoughts and feelings, esp in his adaptation to the outside world
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(pərˈsoʊ nə) n., pl. -nae (-nē), -nas.
1. Often, personae. a character in a fictional literary work.
2. (in the psychology of C. G. Jung) the public role or personality a person assumes or is perceived to assume (contrasted with anima).
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
anima, persona - Anima is Carl Jung's term for the inner part of the personality, or character, as opposed to the persona, or outer part.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.persona - an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; 'she played the part of Desdemona'
theatrical role, role, character, part
personation, portrayal, characterization, enactment - acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture
heavy - a serious (or tragic) role in a play
hero - the principal character in a play or movie or novel or poem
ingenue - the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play
name part, title role - the role of the character after whom the play is named
heroine - the main good female character in a work of fiction
baddie, villain - the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
2.persona - (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world; 'a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty'
appearance, visual aspect - outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
psychological science, psychology - the science of mental life
Carl Gustav Jung, Carl Jung, Jung - Swiss psychologist (1875-1961)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
nounpersonality, part, face, front, role, character, mask, façade, public face, assumed rolethe contradictions between her private life and her public persona
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
A person portrayed in fiction or drama:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(pɜːˈsəʊnə)N (
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personae (pl)) (pɜːˈsəʊnaɪ)
2. (= image) → imagenf
3.persona grata → personafgrata persona non grata → personaf no grata
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Personal Capital
(pərˈsəʊnə)n (= image) → personnagem
A Person's Persona
public persona → personne publique to take on a new persona → se créer un nouveaupersonnage
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n pl <-e> (Psych) → Personaf; persona grata (Jur) → Persona grataf; persona non grata (Jur, fig) → Persona non grataf
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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n. persona, personalidad adoptada que encubre la verdadera.
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appliancesreviews · 4 years
Gaggia Cadorna fully automatic espresso machine Review
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As know, the Gaggia company was founded in 1948 by Giovanni Achille Gaggia. On September 5, 1938, he received a patent for a coffee machine that made espresso without steam. In 1977, the company began producing household espresso coffee makers. The first models provided pressure using a piston and a lever. Later, they evolved into fully automatic coffee machines with a built-in grinder, dispenser, cappuccino maker, touch display, automatic brewing programs, etc. Further, Gaggia expanded its range with multifunctional steam cleaners, ironing systems and other small kitchen appliances in the premium segment. In 1999, the Italian Saeco bought the company. In turn, in 2009 it was acquired by Philips. Today Gaggia uses its own production line, but often uses Saeco technology in its models. Gaggia Cadorna Gaggia Cadorna series appeared in 2019. Unlike Gaggia Anima or Babila, which actually copy Saeco Incanto and Exprelia, Gaggia Cadorna is significantly different from Saeco counterpart. Of course, the chassis and main components are also almost identical to the Saeco Intelia Deluxe (Gaggia Velasca), but the control panel and programs have been significantly updated. In particular, they use: - a flat ceramic coffee grinder with 10 grind levels. Unfortunately, the new series still uses a mechanical regulator instead of electronics. Read the full article
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stanakatic-spain · 6 years
Canada South: 7 razones de porqué amamos a Stana Katic (2017)
Canada South explica 7 razones de porqué amamos a Stana Katic
Canada South: Los canadienses aman a Stana Katic. La actriz nominada al Emmy que es conocida por su papel interpretando a la Detective Kate Beckett en la exitosa serie, Castle, estuvo durante 8 temporadas en ABC, nació en Hamilton, Ontario, Canadá y creció en el corazón de Illinois. Pero ella ha mantenido ambas nacionalidades y da crédito a su parte canadiense y sus lazos familiares yugoslavos que da forma a sus valores.
La historia tras graduarse en West Aurora High School en Illinois en 1996, Katic volvió a Canadá. estudió en la Universidad de Toronto y luego actuación en DePaul University Goodman School a principio del 2000. “Tuve a muchísimas influencias en mi crecimiento”, me cuenta felizmente en una entrevista hace unos años. “Leí muchísimo, leí sobre Juana de arco, leí sobre Pippi Calzaslargas y todas esas fantásticas aventuras. Y luego… Zorba. Realmente creo en ese estilo de vida. Vivir la vida al máximo.”
Y ella lo hace.
Además de Castle, que trajo más de 10 millones de personas que veían semanalmente la serie cuando se emitía y está en el top 5 en España, Francia, Reino Unido, Italia y Alemania, Katic encarna el espíritu de la mayoría de los canadienses,  flexible y amable. Además de la TV y su papel en películas como CBGB, Big sur, Feast of Love, For Lovers Only, Quantum of Solace… El trabajo de Katic también ha sido un amplio alcance filantrópico, el cual la hace como una notable canadiense, especialmente este año. Aquí hay 7 cosas que amamos de la enigmática y poderosa canadiense:
7. PRESENCIA: 8 temporadas en la televisión no es por accidente y, al lado de su compañero canadiense Nathan Fillion. Pero puedes ver a Stana en la película indie por los hermanos Polish (Mark y Michael), For Lovers Only o incluso en Sister Cities, y puedes ver como su rango de notabilidad como actriz. Ella trae algo raro a la pantalla.
6. PERSPICACIA: Ella piensa más allá y no salta en papeles. En 2017, Katic comenzó la producción en un papel protagonistas para Absentia, un thriller dramático de Sony Pictures Television de 10 episodios.
5. INSTAGRAM: Mira lo ecléctico que ofrece Stana desde humanidad a comida en la popular red social. Ella se acerca a los 400.000 seguidores. La puedes encontrar en @drstanakatic.
4. ARDIENTE Y SIN MIEDO: La compañía de producción que Stana lanzó, Sine Timore Productions, tiene un profundo significado. “Significa sin miedo, sin temor” me contó. “Me gusta la idea de construir una compañía con la intención de no tener límites”.
3. FEROZ DEFENSORA DE NIÑOS: El bienestar de los niños es algo grande para Stana. Ella regularmente visita hospitales y coordina donaciones a un orfanato en India. Y su participación en panel para un festival de niños de República Checa es impresionante. ¿Alfabetismo de los niños? Si. Stana cree que invertir en la educación y cuidado de los niños es una inversión en humanidad. Sigue adelante…
2. CHICA VERDE: Lanzó un programa medioambiental con su compañero de Castle, Seamus Dever, llamado The Alternative Travel Project (ATP). Anima a las personas de Los Ángeles a no usar su coche por un día o más. Fue global y creó un efecto poderoso.
1. PROFUNDIDAD: Durante un viaje a Perú, hace varios años, Stana encontró un chamán. “El me estuvo diciendo que su sistema de creencia es como un rio, cuando el camino se abre, hay un camino para seguir, que debería de ser fácil para ir en una dirección”, me recalcó. “Y si hay problemas en el camino, entonces ese no es el camino para ti. Te tienes que mover en otra dirección.”
“Cuando le escuché decir eso, pensó, Dios, hay muchísimas cosas con las que lidiamos en una base diaria. Y quizás no son cosas con las que tengamos que lidiar, quizás es todo mucho más simple, ¿sabes?, esa es mi manera de tomar decisiones. Cuando estoy explorando mi intuición es como un río. Si se siente bien, me muevo fácil en esa dirección. No hay un debería o no debería. O una lista de pros y contras. Y esa es la manera en la que lidero mi vida.”
Inicio » REVISTAS | MAGAZINES » 2017 » Canada South | Febrero 2017
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abangtech · 4 years
AI 50: America’s Most Promising Artificial Intelligence Companies – Forbes
Artur Tenczyński
Artificial intelligence is beginning to be usefully deployed in almost every industry from customer call centers and finance to drug research. Yet the field is also plagued by relentless hype, opaque jargon and esoteric technology making it difficult for outsiders identify the most interesting companies.
To cut through the spin, Forbes partnered with venture firms Sequoia Capital and Meritech Capital to create our second annual AI 50, a list of private, U.S.-based companies that are using artificial intelligence in meaningful business-oriented ways. To be included, companies had to be privately-held and focused on techniques like machine learning (where systems learn from data to improve on tasks), natural language processing (which enables programs to “understand” written or spoken language), or computer vision (which relates to how machines “see”).
The list was compiled through a submission process open to any AI company in the U.S. The application asked companies to provide details on their technology, business model, customers and financials like funding, valuation and revenue history (companies had the option to submit information confidentially, to encourage greater transparency). In total, Forbes received about 400 entries. From there, our VC partners applied an algorithm to identify the 100 with the highest quantitative scores and then a panel of eight expert AI judges identified the 50 most compelling companies.
“It’s not about creating some magic algorithms,” says judge Anima Anandkumar, a Caltech professor and Nvidia’s director of machine-learning research. “Focus on the problem and impact side.”
Among the notable trends this year: Augmented intelligence, which seeks to help humans do their jobs better and not replace them, is on the rise as the excitement over full automation loses some steam. Self-driving tech startups remain hot; the seven autonomous vehicle companies on this year’s list have raised over $3 billion in total venture capital. Another area to watch: AI applications to discover drugs or diagnose diseases faster. 
In terms of valuation, at least 10 of the AI 50 are valued at $100 million or less, while 13 are unicorns valued at $1 billion or more. Silicon Valley remains the hub for AI startups, with 34 of 50 honorees coming from the San Francisco Bay Area. 
Honorees are listed alphabetically. An asterisk donates valuation data from PitchBook rather than company sources or Forbes estimates. Forbes is always on the look out for promising AI companies. So if you know of one not among our AI 50, please email us at [email protected].
(Note: Online insurance service Lemonade was selected for the list prior to news of its IPO.)
Abnormal Security 
Scans inboxes for malicious emails.
Workflow Software 
Automates IT, sales and customer-service tasks.
AMP Robotics 
Environmental Engineering
Makes robots that identify and sort recyclables.
Anduril Industries 
Builds surveillance systems for national-security purposes.
Software Development 
Helps software developers make machine-learning apps.
Customer Service 
Assists customer-service agents in real time.
Health care 
Discovers drugs with medical potential.
Makes software for self-driving cars.
Health care 
Monitors patients’ health using wearables.
Blue Hexagon 
Detects network or cloud cyberattacks.
Cerebras Systems 
Builds computing chips for AI use.
Customer Service 
Assists customer-service agents in real time.
Software Development 
Develops tools for enterprises to build AI apps.
Software Development 
Makes software for companies to develop AI models.
Produces 3D maps for self-driving vehicles.
Domino Data Lab 
Software Development 
Provides tools for data scientists. 
Productivity Software 
Detects and tracks construction-project problems. 
Productivity Software 
Builds chatbots to automate customer interactions. 
Productivity Software 
Creates data sets by digitizing human actions in factories. 
Embark Trucks 
Creates software for self-driving trucks. 
Detects cloud cybersecurity threats.
Fiddler Labs 
Software Development 
Helps companies build and monitor AI apps.
Genesis Therapeutics 
Health care 
Discovers drugs with medical potential.
Puts self-driving tech into conventional cars. 
Productivity Software 
Analyzes sales conversations.
Database Software 
Turns video footage into 3D maps.
Productivity Software 
Analyzes businesses’ contract risks.
Health care 
Looks for pathogens in blood tests.
Krisp Technologies 
Communication Software
Removes background noise from calls.
Financial Services 
Sells insurance using bots.
Productivity Software 
Assists human language translators.
Productivity Software 
Resolves IT tickets autonomously.
Produces self-driving delivery robots.
Customer Service 
Analyzes customer-service calls.
Makes software for self-driving cars.
Health care 
Discovers potential drugs for rare diseases.
Database Software 
Creates data sets by tracking commercial spaces.
Scale AI 
Software Development 
Helps engineers speed up AI development. 
Shield AI 
Makes mapping drones for national security.
Software Development 
Develops software for enterprises to build AI models. 
Spots cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Productivity Software 
Gives suggestions on how to improve writing.
Builds self-driving trucks.
Health care 
Discovers drugs with medical potential.
Workflow Software 
Creates bots that carry out repetitive processes.
Unity Technologies 
Software Development 
Provides software for app or game development.
Financial Services 
Partners with banks to price loans.
Financial Services 
Offers financial planning and management.
Health care 
Analyzes stroke risk from brain images.
Productivity Software 
Detects and resolves software problems. 
The post AI 50: America’s Most Promising Artificial Intelligence Companies – Forbes appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/ai-50-americas-most-promising-artificial-intelligence-companies-forbes/
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feelingcreature · 7 years
MST3K- Penumbra
In the extended wake of Joel’s actions in Soultaker,  Mike and Crow discuss the nature of robots and humans. Takes place mid Season 10, around 1006. 
        Mike turned the page of his book. It wasn’t all that interesting- just some generic bestseller-type spy novel- but it passed the time. He checked the clock on his bedside table. 2:00 AM (not that the hour mattered much in space) and not even close to falling asleep. Frustrating, but not unusual. At this point, it happened so often he didn’t bother fighting it; just let his insomnia do its thing. He knew he’d regret it later, when the bots dragged him out of bed at 6 o’clock to come see the statue they’d built out of toast or something, but there was really nothing for it. Knowing he should sleep didn't make it any more likely to happen.
         He sighed and turned back to his book. He was trying to get into the tepid romance between the grizzled cop-on-the-edge protagonist and the Chinese dancer who would obviously turn out to be a spy, when he heard the telltale beep and soft fwoosh of his door opening. He looked up from his book, but didn’t see anyone. Mike sat up and leaned forward to get a better view, but whoever it was (the options were admittedly limited) seemed to be hiding.
        “Hello?” he called. No response, but he heard metallic clicking against the floor, like small, shuffling feet. That narrowed it down. Only one other pair of feet on this ship besides his. “Crow?” he guessed. “Is that you?”
         More shuffling, then Crow peeked his head into the doorway.
        “...You still awake?” he said.
        Mike put his book down. “Yeah, I’m still awake. What’s up?”
      Crow moved a bit farther into view, claws resting hesitantly on the doorframe. “Are you sure? I don’t want to bug you if you’re going to sleep.”
       Mike made a mental note of Crow’s unusual courtesy. Normally, he’d just come in and interrupt anything whenever he felt like it. This was rudimentary politeness at best, but for Crow that was significant. It meant he had something on his mind, but hadn’t quite committed to discussing it yet. Part of him probably hoped that Mike actually wasn’t available so he didn’t have to. But, best not to let him ignore the problem any longer, if it bothered him enough to keep him up late like this.
           “Yeah, I wasn’t gonna be asleep anytime soon,” Mike said. “You wanna come in?”
       Crow walked into the room without answering. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, then went over and picked up the Rubik’s cube off Mike’s shelf. He immediately started twisting, ruining the little progress Mike had made on it, but Mike let it lie. Crow had never been able sit still. Especially recently, he needed distracting almost all the time, or he started to channel his excess energy in...less positive directions. Mike much preferred he do something constructive, even if it meant a slight inconvenience. He’d never been able to solve the stupid thing anyway, so Crow might as well play with it.
          He watched Crow fiddle with the cube- looking it over, making a few turns, looking it over again. Mike found his silence unsettling. He used to chatter incessantly, stream-of-consciousness style, when he didn’t know how to start a conversation. Lately he got unusually quiet, instead. A quiet Crow used to mean a scheming Crow every time, but these days it often just meant heavy thoughts were rattling around his head. He’d always been a complex, emotional little bot, but in the past couple of years, he’d become increasingly prone to moodiness. Of course, he had reasons to be moody right now. Throughout Mike’s years on the Satellite, a bot or two would occasionally show up in the middle of the night with some random discussion topic, but they usually visited more out of boredom than necessity. This talk probably wouldn’t be so lighthearted. Mike knew what it would be about. The same thing everything was about now.
         Almost a month and a half had passed since Joel’s return-fiasco. They were all still recovering to some degree- even Mike- but the whole thing had hit Crow the hardest. His rage had mostly subsided by now; at least he'd moved it to boil under the surface, where it caused less outward damage. But Mike knew he was still hurting worse than any of them, and more than he knew how to explain. He was getting better, but slowly, and his behavior was often still erratic. Mike tried to keep a handle on it, but he couldn’t help but worry about him.
         Crow, still playing with the Rubik’s cube, made a sound like clearing his throat. He opened his mouth his mouth to speak, then shut it again without saying anything.
         “Crow?” Mike prompted. “Was there some reason you came in here? Something you wanted to talk about, or…?”
       Crow peered at Mike for a moment. He looked back at the cube in his claws and made another twist. “Well…yeah,” he finally said.
         Mike nodded. “Why don’t you come over here and sit down?” That was what Crow wanted, but Mike knew the bot wouldn't suggest it himself. Way too sissy. He secretly liked to cuddle, but he’d never admit it in a million years, especially not if you used the word “cuddle”.
         Crow trotted over in silence, cube still in hand, and climbed up onto the bed, while Mike scooted towards the wall to make room for him. Crow settled himself against the pillow, and looked over the upside-down book on Mike’s knee.
         “What are you reading?” he asked.
         “Oh. Just some police/spy/thriller thing,” Mike said, picking the book up.
         “Hm. Thrilling?”
       Mike shrugged. “Nah, not really. I’ve read too many like it before. I already know everything that’s gonna happen. So it’s better than, say, TekWar, but that doesn’t really count for much.”
       Crow snickered and kept playing with the Rubik’s cube.
         Mike waited for Crow to speak. He never knew exactly what to do with him. Sometimes he needed a push to get him started, but if you pushed too hard, he’d get defensive, and then you’d never get anything out of him. What counted as too hard a push was highly variable and tough to gauge.
          Mike decided on the gentlest push possible. He nudged Crow with his elbow, and the little robot looked up at him, neon eyes glowing slightly in the dim lamplight.
         “So…?” Mike asked.
         Crow turned the Rubik’s cube, now a hopeless jumble, around in his claws. He took a deep breath in preparation, but let it out as a muffled sigh, instead. “I was just thinking about…I don’t know...” he began. He set the toy down on his lap and stared at the wall in front of him.
         “Do you think we have souls?” he said abruptly, turning his head to look at Mike.
         Mike leaned forward in surprise. He didn’t know what he’d expected Crow to ask, but it wasn't that. “We? Like, anyone?” he asked.
         “No, I mean us robots. Me and Servo, and Gypsy and Cambot,” Crow said, picking up the cube again.
         Mike leaned back against the pillow and gazed up at the ceiling. “You know, I’ve never really thought about it,” he admitted.
        He’d spent more time than he could measure thinking about how the bots worked, and he’d thought a lot about souls at different times in his life. He’d just never put the idea of robot souls in their own category. He’d honestly never questioned their, humanity, for lack of a better word. From the day he met them, he’d considered them fully-fledged people. He’d never had any reason not to. But maybe that wasn’t exactly what Crow was asking.
         He glanced back over at the bot. He was still staring at the Rubik’s cube, but he'd stopped adjusting it. Tense, waiting for an answer.
         “Well,” Mike began, looking back up to the ceiling and hoping he was grasping for the correct idea. “In Latin, the word for soul is anima. That’s the root word for animate, which is like, anything alive, right? And you’re definitely alive, although maybe not by scientific standards.”
       Crow tilted his head. “According to science, we’re not alive?” he asked, with the touch of a scoff in his voice.
         Mike shook his head. “Yeah, you have to meet all these requirements to be classified as a living organism. You guys meet some of them, like you respond to stimuli, obviously, and you kind of have a metabolism. But you’re not biological anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.” In fact, why had he even brought that up?
        “So we’re living, but we’re not organisms,” Crow said, nodding slowly.
         Mike gave a noncommittal gesture. “Something like that, yeah.”
       Crow started twisting the Rubik’s cube again. “But that’s not the same thing as a soul,” he said. “A cabbage is an organism; that doesn’t mean it has a soul.”
       “Hm. You know, Aristotle talked about this thing, about three different kinds of souls," Mike said, not entirely sure where he going with this train of thought. "There's plants, which just grow and reproduce, and animals, which do that, plus they can sense and act in their environment. And humans- well, people- do all that, and also have the ability to think and reason. You guys definitely have that.”
       “Yeah, but a computer can think, and that doesn’t have a soul. Does it?”
       “Well, can it really, though?” Mike asked, still examining the ceiling panels. “A computer brain work a lot faster than a person’s brain, but can it really think, like reason and abstract?”
       “We have computer brains, and we do that,” Crow said softly, clicking half of the orange face into place on the cube.
         “Well, yeah, but you’re more than just computers.”
       Crow looked up at Mike. “So you don’t think we’re just machines?” he asked.
         Mike raised an eyebrow at him. “You guys? Definitely not.”
       Crow looked down at his knees. “So do you think we have souls?” he asked again, with an odd edge to his voice that Mike couldn’t identify.
         Mike watched him for a moment. “Yeah,” he said finally. “Yeah, I do. In fact, I'm sure of it." He didn’t even know why he was sure, but he was.
        Crow turned and stared intently into Mike's face, as if testing his sincerity. Mike studied the bot’s ping-pong ball eyes. They should just look ridiculous, yet somehow they managed to convey more than some people could express even with words. He realized suddenly why Crow had sounded so apprehensive a moment ago- he’d been afraid that Mike would say no.
         The robot finally turned back to his Rubik’s cube. “That’s what I thought, too,” he said. “But, you know, I just…wondered.”
       Mike nodded and stared off at the wall. There was something else, what was it that he'd read, something really relevant, which had explained so concisely what he wanted to say... aha, right. “In Carl Jung's writing, he talked about the soul basically being the personality. If that's true, well, who’s got more personality than you guys?” he said, turning to Crow with a smile.
         Crow looked at him and managed an almost-but-not-quite-smile. It faded as he turned his attention back to the toy in his hands.
        They sat in silence for a moment, except for the sound of Crow clicking away at the Rubik’s cube. Other bits of thoughts bounced around Mike’s head, not quite forming into anything coherent. After a while, Crow spoke again.
         “You know, the reason I was wondering about it…” He paused. “A long time ago, I asked Joel the same question, but he never really gave me a straight answer.”
       Ah. That would explain it. Even if Joel had given him a real answer then, Mike doubted it would be good enough for Crow now. Ever since Joel had ditched them so nonchalantly, anything he’d ever said or done was called into question, in Crow’s eyes. Not that Mike could blame him. If Joel didn’t mean any of that stuff about family and love and sticking together anymore, who’s to say he ever meant it in the first place? If he “didn’t really want to” be with his bots now, maybe he never really had at all.
         “Well, I guess maybe giving straight answers isn’t really his thing,” Mike said, keeping his voice level. Getting riled up would only get Crow started, too, and neither of them needed that.
        “Yeah. I guess so. Dickweed,” Crow said bitterly, twisting the cube with sudden violence.
         “Jag-off,” Mike agreed, giving up on neutrality.
         “Bastard,” Crow added.
       “Hey, you used that one already,” Mike noted with a laugh.
         “I know, but it’s doubly true,” Crow said.
         Mike watched Crow play with the puzzle (which had become a total mess again). “Hey, Crow?” he said, after a minute or so. “Things will get better. I know you’re still angry, and everything... is how it is, but it will get better. It just takes time. Maybe a lot of time.”
       Crow tilted his head to one side, and then then the other. “I know that, I guess,” he said. “But don’t expect me to forgive him or anything,” he added hotly, twisting the cube so hard it threatened to break apart. “If we ever get back to Earth, I don’t wanna see him or talk to him or be anywhere near him. At all, ever,” he finished, and looked up at Mike, as if daring him to challenge that statement.
         “Okay, Crow,” Mike said, holding up his hands in a sign of surrender. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
       Mike sighed internally. If they ever did get back down to Earth, what to do about Joel would be Crow’s decision, not his. He suspected the bot might not feel this way forever, but for now, best to leave it alone. Besides, Mike wasn’t too enthusiastic about the idea of seeing Joel, either. He’d be perfectly fine with it if their paths never happened to cross again. But eventually there might come a time when Crow did want to try to reconcile. After all, Joel had been the most important part of Crow’s life for more than half the bot’s existence. And if that time did come, well, that would be Crow’s decision, too.
         Mike wasn’t sure how he felt about that, though. Joel had proven himself to be an acute a-hole, nothing like the sweet, mellow guy Mike had thought he’d come to know through watching old experiments. But the other bots, especially Gypsy, were certain Joel used to be a wonderful person, so maybe he could be again. Maybe callously abandoning his robot children while trying to manipulate them into believing it was for their own good was the kind of one-time awful decision that would never be repeated. Not that it would lessen the damage he’d done, but maybe he could redeem himself. Mike sighed again, out loud this time. Only time would tell, he supposed. That is if they ever got back to Earth, and ran into the guy again, neither of which were remotely guaranteed.
         “Hey, Mike,” Crow spoke up, pulling Mike out of his (frankly depressing) thoughts. “What was with all that stuff from before? Latin and Aristotle and Carl Jung? Is that what you do all day- study nerdy academics?” he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.
         Mike chuckled a little. “Hey, there’s only so much to do when you’re trapped in space,” he said with a shrug. He certainly hadn’t known any that stuff before being stuck in a big empty satellite for five years. Guess that was one for his very short mental list of good things he’d gotten out of all this.
         “Well, there’s gotta be something less boring than that,” Crow said, carefully clicking a square around the cube.
          Mike laughed again. If Crow was teasing him, it meant he'd returned to equilibrium. “Nah, I can never get too bored with you guys around, even if I wanted to.”
        He put his arm around the little robot’s shoulders. Crow leaned into him just a tiny bit, close enough to touch his side, but far enough away that he could still insist he wasn't really cuddling. Mike held back a grin. The lengths to which Crow would go to prove he was a tough, hardened individual who was too cool for feelings always amused him. Mike knew better, of course, but there was no point poking holes in his façade, if it made him feel safer to have it. Mike pulled the bot a little closer and gave him a playful shake. Crow wriggled a bit in a futile attempt to look bothered by the affection, but quickly gave up and settled for scrutinizing the cube and not looking at Mike.
         Mike picked up the book off his lap, but after staring at it blankly for about 10 seconds, he realized he didn’t actually want to read it. As he closed it, Crow pushed something into his hand. Mike looked down- it was the now-solved Rubik’s cube.
         “Thanks, I think,” Mike said with a laugh.
           “You’re welcome,” Crow said. He shifted slightly from side to side. “Well, I guess I better let you get to sleep…” he said, trailing off..
         “You can stay in here, if you want,” Mike could tell Crow didn’t want to leave- he still felt a little unsure- but again, the possibility of looking like a sissy made him too afraid to ask.
         “Okay!” Crow said enthusiastically. Too enthusiastically, he must have decided, because he added “You know, since I’m here already.”
         Mike nodded. “Right.”
         He removed his arm from around Crow and reached over to his bedside table. He set down the book and the Rubik’s cube and switched off the lamp, while Crow moved his pillow from sitting to sleeping position and flopped down onto it. Mike pulled the blanket up over both of them as he laid back, facing the ceiling. He hadn’t been tired at all before, but now for some reason he was exhausted. Crow scootched over a bit closer and Mike put his arm around him again. His robots really were fascinating creatures. Sure, sometimes he wanted to strangle them, but he couldn’t imagine his life without them anymore. More than anything, he just couldn’t comprehend how Joel could have given them up.
         Mike turned his head to look at Crow. He’d already slipped fully into sleep mode, “closed” eyes and all. That was lot faster than usual- probably wanted to be out before anyone noticed he was snuggling. Or maybe he was just extra tired. Too much philosophy for one evening. Mike turned back and stared up into the dark, listening to the rhythmic whirring emanating from the bot’s torso- almost like the steady breathing of a sleeping human. Every once in awhile there was even a little jitter in the tone, like a snore.
         Where had all the little nuances come from, the things that made them so much more than just machines, like he’d told Crow earlier? Surely Joel hadn’t programmed them in. They weren’t designed; they were natural. All their quirks and idiosyncrasies, all their thoughts, all their feelings- they couldn’t just be bits of data running around in few circuit boards. They were real. What kind of computer flew into a grief-fueled, property-destroying rage because its image of the person it always loved most had been shattered? What kind of computer stayed up late at night contemplating its own soul, and needed to seek reassurance from a friend? What kind of computer would be curled up next to him under the covers because it didn’t want to sleep alone?
         Mike pulled Crow a little closer to his side. The bots must have souls. They were so full of life and excitement- isn’t that what having a soul was supposed to be? They possessed astonishing capacity for both brilliance and stupidity, and vast amounts of creativity, which they used for both. They experienced happiness and misery and everything in-between. They might be a lot closer to miserable right now, but they could, and in all likelihood would, be happy again someday. That was the human experience, the human condition, and the human potential. They didn’t have human bodies, but that didn’t matter. They might be the most human beings Mike had ever known. There was a sad reflection on the state of society and humanity in there somewhere, but Mike’s brain began to protest being used for deep thinking so late at night. He’d have to save those thoughts for later.
         He rolled over onto his side and wrapped his other arm around Crow, who shifted a little and settled against Mike’s chest. He didn’t usually let Mike hug him like this. Tom was pretty open to physical affection, but Crow resisted most of the time. Mike wished he’d give him more opportunities like this to show how much he cared about him. He loved them. He just didn’t know how to say it most of the time.
         Mike considered removing the gold net that was poking into his neck, but thought better of it. He’d learned the hard way a few weeks ago, after trying to do so, that it reminded Crow too strongly of somebody else who used to do the same thing. If he woke up without it, it might bring back more memories that he didn’t want to recall. Mike could deal with the mild discomfort.
He tightened his arms around the robot and felt Crow’s processor humming against his own heart. One and the same, he thought, and closed his eyes.
(A penumbra is the part of a shadow that’s not as dark. In an eclipse, it’s the area that is partially darkened, but closer to the light.)
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kyotakumrau · 7 years
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2017.06.13「落下する月面」 at Tokyo International Forum setlist:
00 intro projection 01 疑似ネクロマンサー 02 leather field 03 襞謳 04 マニエリスムな冷たい葬列者 05 focus 06 艶 07 hemimetabolism 08 されど道連れ 09 死霊のアリアナ 10 vandal 11 グニャ結論。そして血眼。 12 耳ゾゾ 13 黝いヒステリア 14 anima 15 aftermath 16 嬲り
First thing to come to mind with a new stage was simplicity… as much as sukekiyo can do simple. The stage in Hall C is still quite big, but they made it seem more intimate with placing screens around the band, making the space for them much smaller. As a result all members stayed quite close to each other.
But first we were greeted with a curtain hiding the stage with a projection over it. Band members entered when the projection started. From left there was Uta, Mika, Kyo in the middle, Takumi and Yuchi on the right. All of them were set quite deep in the stage leaving the front bare. Kyo had a whole new set up with cameras and microphones and various effectors. He used camera again while standing with his back to the audience and we could see him on 5 screens that were places above the stage. He used this set few times even after the curtain in front went down. During some songs we could see each band member on one screen.
There was a clear panel between Kyo’s new set and Mika’s drum set, most likely to prevent drums from interfering with Kyo’s microphones. It’s always interesting that his drums are not really big compared to other drummers’, but his drumming is definitely quite powerful ;) Yuchi’s equipment also had new additions (but probably already there in Feb/March), with the electronic effect thingy and drum thingy. Yuchi and Takumi were changing their instruments quite a lot (I was on the right side, but I’m sure Uta did the same.
Kyo was wearing loose black coat with two patches with writing: “MAD” over his left shoulder and “VACUUS” on the back to the right. He also had white shirt with black straps, black pants and his usual rings. He wore black lipstick and had smokey eyes, also with some beauty marks painted on his face. For some songs Kyo came to the front moving a mic stand and then he sang looking at the audience. He also danced and moved a bit while holding a microphone. There were some songs when he was pointing at the audience, looking at people’s faces. 
Towards the end of the show the curtain came back down and during the last song there was a visual projection finished with the credits roll. At the end of Naburi Kyo was dancing. The band left quietly followed by the usual piano and fans thanked them with the applause.
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kevindurkiin · 5 years
WATCH NOW: Martin Garrix Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2019
Martin Garrix is about to close out Day 2 of Ultra Music Festival 2019 from the main stage and you definitely don’t want to miss this!
The Dutch DJ took a break from Ultra last year for the first time since 2014, and he’s back this year to headline for the second time. There’s been a rumor going around that Garrix is bringing his ANIMA show to Ultra this year, based on images of his iconic + LED panel during load-in. If that turns out to be the case, then tonight we’ll get to see the Ultra main stage at a level that no other DJ will bring it.
You can watch Martin Garrix from the Ultra main stage below!
Martin Garrix Live @ Ultra 2019
Ultra Live Stream Schedule – Day 2
Opening show: 5:00 PM Mykris: 5:05 PM Cash Cash: 5:20 PM Danny Tenaglia: 6:00 PM NGHTMRE + SLANDER present Gud Vibrations: 6:10 PM G Jones: 7:10 PM Hot Since 82: 7:30 PM Tchami: 7:45 PM Gigantic NGHTMRE: 8:50 PM The Martinez Brothers: 9:05 PM Armin van Buuren: 9:20 PM Jamie Jones B2B Joseph Capriati: 10:50 PM ILLENIUM: 11:00 PM Zedd: 11:55 PM Martin Garrix: 12:30 AM Deadmau5: 2:00 AM Ending Show: 3:00 AM *All times are EST*
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: WATCH NOW: Martin Garrix Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2019
WATCH NOW: Martin Garrix Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2019 published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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katieskarlette · 5 years
WoW Deep Dive
I’ll be watching this panel on the livestream and typing my fingers off.  Check back for updates.
[Edit:  Panel’s over, post is finished!]
Kyrians:  Angelic Soul Guides.  Their job is to shuttle souls from the world of the living to the world of the dead.
Necrolords:  Liches, warlords and spies.  A proto-Scourge vibe.
Night Fae:  Guardians of Nature, Shepherds of the Cycle of Life and Death
Venthyr:  Vampiric punishers of the unworthy.  They break down those who were wicked or prideful in life and build them back up.
Each Covenant has a sanctum.
Covenant abilities:  not class specific.  “Solve a problem without fighting it.”
Night Fae have one called Soulshape:  dash ability, turns you into a spirit fox/butterfly/deer/your pick, and while active enemies ignore you.
Kyrian’s is Unburden:  a dash, slowfall, and reduces your aggro radius
Necrolords have Transcend the Flesh:  out of body experience, lets you go away as an invisible soul for a time, leaving your body behind doing whatever it was doing
Class abilities:  similar to artifact active abilities.
Kyrian mage ability:  Radiant Spark, does damage instantly plus dot, and more damage for other spells for awhile.  Night Fae give mages Shifting Power, channeled AOE and haste buff.  Necrolord’s Contagion Bolt, a damage spell I ran out of time to type about, and...yeah.  I’m sure someone else will screenshot them all.
Soulbinds.  Example benefit is 5% increased crit against targets with lower health than you.  Unlock new tiers of power over time and customize a “conduit” that is basically a talent tree.  Switch soulbinds when strategy demands, just like talents.  Each character you can soulbind to has a backstory to uncover.  Soulbound NPCs do NOT follow you as a bodyguard.
Covenant rewards:  upgradeable mount, backpack-style “cloaks”, weapons and armor, world benefits, campaign quest chain.
It will be possible to change Covenants but it will take time to build your rep with the second one, so it’s not something to do lightly.
Leveling changes:
Current leveling issues: - Takes too long - Not every level is rewarding - Confusing timelines and storylines (the Warchief shuffle, e.g.) - Expansion stories are lost
Goals: - Streamline leveling - Choose the story you want - Make every level rewarding - Modernize the introduction Azeroth (new starting zone)
Updates: - New level range is 1-60 - Every level unlocks something - 60-70% faster to level 1-50 - Choose your story, level 10-50 in the expansion of your choice - New Starting zone:  Exile’s Reach 
Existing characters at level 120 will be changed to level 50, and other levels will scale to equivalents in a similar way.
Character power doesn’t change, i.e. you can do exactly what you are doing now.  Farming old content won’t be impacted.
Exile’s Reach:  new starting zone.  Mandatory for a first character for a new player.  It’s got murlocs, harpies, quillboar, ogres, etc.
Story: An ogre has captured your forces and is going to sacrifice them to rez a dead dragon (I WANT DETAILS ON THAT DRAGON PLEASE--it uses the model of nightmare dragons from Legion).
It ends with a two-boss mini dungeon.
First-time players must do Exile’s Reach as their starting zone, then must do BFA to level 20-50.  This is to help new players feel more connected to the current story and community, having experienced the next-most-recent content.
Your second time through you can pick whatever starting zone and leveling zone you want.  So it basically doesn’t impact existing players, only those starting from scratch.
After your starting zone (or right away if you’re an allied race), Chromie will help guide you to pick which expansion to level in 20-50.
Class Philosophy
They added new stuff with each expansion up through MoP, then got feedback that action bars were too crowded, etc.  They did the WoD pruning with “the best of intentions,” and that freed up room to make Legion artifacts interesting.  In the process of fleshing out the artifacts, however, it became more about spec identity than class identity.
Shadowlands is an opportunity to recalibrate all that.
“We want to fix problems” but they don’t want to change things so drastically that you load up 9.0 and suddenly have no idea how to play your character anymore.  They’ll be adding stuff as you level so the adjustment is gradual.
Specs should “double down” on an aspect of the class, but that aspect is part of all the other specs, too.
Class defining mechanics:  e.g. paladin auras, shaman totems, rogue poisons, warlock curses
“Are there any rogues here?”  *cheers from crowd*  “Not anymore.  You failed the first test of being a rogue, shouting out ‘I’m here!’“  LMAO!
Class range:  different magic schools, roles, weapons
Mages should still be able to use the other two schools of magic (frost and arcane as a fire mage, for example), even if their spec dictates what most of their spells are.
Iconic class abilities:  Raise dead, Frost shock, Consecration, Ursol’s Vortex...and I ran out of time to type the rest.  But they’ll be coming back class-wide, no longer spec-dependent. 
Demonic circle, summon gargoyle, hunter’s mark, etc, will no longer force you to choose one option in a talent tree to get an iconic class ability.
Eyes of the Beast is coming back!  YAY!  Shattering throw, kill shot, ritual of doom, and challenging shout are also coming back.
The Maw
-- A max level zone -- Access point to Torghast -- Home of the Jailer -- A prison for the vilest souls (those that cannot be redeemed), and, more recently, an unjust prison for millions of others--including casualties of Teldrassil and the 4th war.
We are Maw Walkers, who possess the ability to leave the Maw, and potentially save others who are trapped there.
The Maw is dangerous, not just the same stuff as earlier zones with a “deathier” coat of paint.
You can get a debuff “The Jailer has noticed you” that makes some mobs aggro more easily on you, and sends kill squads after you personally.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned:
-- Icecrown-esque architecture -- Scaleable for 1-5 players, role agnostic (Yes, you can take 5 DPS and not have it be a trainwreck) -- Both you and your enemies grow in power as you climb higher -- Progress unlocks new challenges and complexity -- Floors built to encourage exploration -- Not a timed mode, not Mythic+ -- The goal is to climb higher and higher, but detours to seek out Anima are a good idea, too.  Collecting Anima gives you various buffs (more health, more damage, chance to Blind targets on attack, ability to see which enemies carry Anima, make abilities last longer. --Always changing from visit to visit, and also from events (Jailer floods the tower with beasts this week, e.g.) -- Climbing Torghast lets you collect runes to forge legendaries. -- Learn lore on the origins of Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination
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bluebuzzmusic · 5 years
WATCH NOW: Martin Garrix Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2019
Martin Garrix is about to close out Day 2 of Ultra Music Festival 2019 from the main stage and you definitely don’t want to miss this!
The Dutch DJ took a break from Ultra last year for the first time since 2014, and he’s back this year to headline for the second time. There’s been a rumor going around that Garrix is bringing his ANIMA show to Ultra this year, based on images of his iconic + LED panel during load-in. If that turns out to be the case, then tonight we’ll get to see the Ultra main stage at a level that no other DJ will bring it.
You can watch Martin Garrix from the Ultra main stage below!
Martin Garrix Live @ Ultra 2019
Ultra Live Stream Schedule – Day 2
Opening show: 5:00 PM Mykris: 5:05 PM Cash Cash: 5:20 PM Danny Tenaglia: 6:00 PM NGHTMRE + SLANDER present Gud Vibrations: 6:10 PM G Jones: 7:10 PM Hot Since 82: 7:30 PM Tchami: 7:45 PM Gigantic NGHTMRE: 8:50 PM The Martinez Brothers: 9:05 PM Armin van Buuren: 9:20 PM Jamie Jones B2B Joseph Capriati: 10:50 PM ILLENIUM: 11:00 PM Zedd: 11:55 PM Martin Garrix: 12:30 AM Deadmau5: 2:00 AM Ending Show: 3:00 AM *All times are EST*
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: WATCH NOW: Martin Garrix Live @ Ultra Music Festival 2019
source https://www.youredm.com/2019/03/30/watch-now-martin-garrix-live-ultra-music-festival-2019/
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siphen0 · 4 years
What’s up everyone! Welcome to Beyond The Panel. Coming at you today with talk about The God of High School “close/friend”! Let’s call it how it was, “anima/force” last week was a lot to take in. Not a problem in that either, because you have to love a series with momentum. They really wasted little time establishing that the stakes are real inside of the ring and out.
Considering the kind of episode last week’s turned out to be, I thought it was fitting that this week they would take a step back to better address what this all means moving forward. Firstly, that last match certainly set things straight about what we should expect from the rest of the tournament. Specifically when it comes to how far these higher ups are willing to go in order to find this so-called key. It says something when two times now they have been willing to allow fighters who would kill their opponents in the ring, and in front of a live audience. Even after what happened last week, and what is still a problem now with NOX, it makes you wonder just who the bad guys actually are. I know I want to know, because that answer is way up in the air right now.
With that said, there was still one fight to enjoy from this episode. Of course this one would highlight the one other character who seems important to this tournament. I was impressed with this one because he offered a very different style of fighting in contrast to some of the others we have seen so far. A dead style of fighting as others call it, yet at the same time very unique for the ways that the style has been modified to a whole different level. Now where things got interesting with Park was outside of the ring, considering there was when we would discover what makes him tick. I liked seeing that there was someone else out there who is somewhat like Mori. There for the thrill of the fight, and somehow shockingly inspired by the same person for stepping into this world the way that he has. I for one want to see more of Park just so I can see where this nine tails ability also kicks in.
Now how we came to understand the title of this episode was endearing. On of the draw-ins for me has been seeing how this trio comes closer through their pursuits, and the sharing of something they all love to do. Up to this point we have seen how they connect with Daewi, and we have seen how they connect with Mira. And in both cases it was mostly Mori who was reaching out to them. So it was definitely about time that we could see what happens when it is Daewi and Mira who do the reaching out to Mori. Especially when they catch him at a time where he is at his most vulnerable.
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It was a great time too, for the fact that right now they have chosen to begin digging into the mystery that is Mori’s grandfather. I think for those of us who haven’t read the webtoon, it is a point of interest to want to know exactly what happened there that they would be separated. I think we all want to know what kind of enemy is powerful enough to subdue him. That is for someone who seems so hyped up for the kind of power he wields.
Aside from this, they made sure there was progress with the commissioner of the tournament, and they did this side by side with what was unfolding with NOX. One of the bigger takeaways from this episode was knowing that whatever we saw last week was going to just be a warm-up in comparison to what was abut to evolve into a true war. As I said above, my investment lies with finding out just who has the better vision for the world between the people who want to borrow power from the gods, and the ones who think that should not be a thing.
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Overall, there was some big wheels turning in The God of High School “close/friend”, which should keep many of us coming back for more. You come for the action, though it’s the story which keeps you genuinely invested. Without that, these are just a bunch of people fighting for no reason at all.
The God of High School “close/friend” Review What's up everyone! Welcome to Beyond The Panel. Coming at you today with talk about The God of High School "close/friend"!
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