#also disclaimer i like. adore my job. it still makes me feel like this
alexanderpearce · 2 months
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self-portrait as early iron age girl forced to work office job (2024)
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ooeygooeyghoul · 7 months
How to make a child model in Anam/Ktisis!
Disclaimer: I am NOT an expert in the use of these mods! I'm still very new and learning the ins and outs of them! This method worked for me, and maybe there are better ways to do it, but I'm just explaining how I created my baby Shiun. If you know of a better way, or have any tips and tricks, please feel free to comment or reblog with your advice for the sake of other gpose newbies! :D Link to Ktisis's download page | Link to Anam's download page Guide and Tips/Warnings below the cut! Hope this helps <3
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Summon your partner in crime. So first off, I equipped my summoner job stone and summoned my trusty companion, Carbie.
2. Add your Carbie to your actors. Open up Anam and add your carbie to your list of actors, by clicking the plus sign at the top of the menu next to your character's name (remember that with Anam, you can only edit appearances OUTSIDE of gpose). Click on the little button labeled "Carbuncle" to add them.
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3. Turn your Carbie into a person. With your Cabie selected, go to the "Import NPC" at the bottom right and pull up the list. Find an NPC that is the same race as your desired character and select it. In this example, I just chose the first au ra NPC I saw in the list. (You can also directly choose your desired race in the customize menu and start from scratch, but I just do it the Import way, lol) ⚠️As far as I've experienced, it's a 50/50 chance on whether or not you can alter the age of your character's actor directly. Every time I've tried this, it breaks the model and never works the way it should. For simplicity's sake, I've always just used my friend Carbie.
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4. Change the age of your new actor. Now if you look at the top left of the Anam window, there's a series of dropdowns next to "Race."
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What you want is the bottom right menu. Click it and you'll see "Old," "Normal," and "Young." Clicking "Young" will turn your carbie into the child version of the race it's currently disguised as!
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5. Customize and boot up gpose! Now you can customize them to be the adorable mini version of your beloved WoL/OC!! The bones are compatible with Ktisis and should be as easy to manipulate and pose as adult models. If you use the Carbie method as I have in this explanation, you can simply hide your main model in the default Gpose menu for pictures.
Some things to keep in mind! ----
⚠️Not every race has a child model. The only races that have child models are:
au ra - male & female
hyur - male & female
elezen - male & female
miqo'te - female only
⚠️It is very likely that the models will break or look a little funky when you first spawn them. They have a very limited number of faces, and a limited number of available hairstyles. If you choose an option the game does not have, it will create some... interesting results. Most other customizations beyond skin color, hair color, and eye color will also likely not work (tail type/length, jaw type, etc.).
Left: invalid face selected --- Right: invalid hairstyle selected
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Usually, faces 1 & 2 are the only viable options, and hairstyles 1-5 are okay. (Note: the pictures of the hairstyle icons will NOT match the hairstyle on the model.)
⚠️Clothing is also fairly limited! I'm not sure what dictates what child models can and cannot wear, so as far as I know, it's just a game of trial and error. You'll know immediately if an article of clothing isn't compatible lmaoo. Hats... rarely ever work...
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✨Don't forget that you can save your model's data! When your model is customized to your liking, click "Export" at the bottom right of the menu to save the data to Anam. That way, you can load the appearance immediately without rebuilding it every time!
It's a mixed bag of what will and won't work on the model. My best advice is to experiment and play around with it! It took me a little bit to figure all of this out, so hopefully this silly little explanation helps out all the other new gposers out there :)
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask! I'll do my best to help! I may edit this as I go to correct things and/or add onto it!
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buginateacup · 2 months
Thoughts on the new Megamind movie and series
Hello friends it is Bug review time!
I have watched the new movie and show all of one time each. I'm gonna talk about what I liked, what I disliked and some thoughts on the new characters and places where there are cracks in the story to drive a roadtrain worth of fanfic through
A disclaimer before we begin, I am thirty or forty years old and I am not the target audience for this shit. I love Megamind and am a hardcore Megarox shipper and also a world building focused fiend. The original definitely had a broader age bracket appeal but this is a show aimed at something like 6-12 year olds. Therefore for better or worse they had to simplify and audience surrogate the shit out of a lot of this.
Megamind vs the Doom Syndicate
To be honest I think you could skip this and go into the new series cold. It's not a movie its a movie length pilot. It was fine and it definitely smacked of Studio Interference going "But you have to explain and set everything up!" (spoilers you don't). The Doom Syndicate is fun if very kid friendly and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them. Behemoth and Knighty Knight are my pals and Pierre Pressure and Lady Doppler are my catty bitches.
The dialogue was good but the pacing felt lopsided. It really felt like they were retreading things that happened in the original movie, especially Minion's entire arc which he just went through two days ago? They did a good job with it but still!
Stuff I loved
FAKE EVIL DATING - I wish they'd shown them actually having to pretend to evil date. But of all the things I thought I was going to get it certainly wasn't that! (So much fanfic y'all. So Much Fanfic).
All of the Doom Syndicate calling out that Megamind and Roxanne obviously have A Thing and neither of them dealing with it well.
Roxanne just casually hanging out in the Lair and also taking charge. that's my girl! Also she's a complete morosexual and she and Megamind deserve each other.
Mayor Roxanne. I didn't adore HOW they did it, I think you could tease a whole season (or an exceptional fanfic) out of Roxanne finding herself not only bored of her job but dealing with the trauma of "Every time I look at the camera I see Hal beyond it and maybe I have some issues with that" and wanting to make changes.
Megamind's Bedroom! There was a sound like a million fanfic writers crying out in glee.
Minion and Roxanne being bros!
Minion out of his suit! It was creepy yet adorable!
The Mayor being useless. When you are used to having a hero who solves every problem, why wouldn't you have a useless Mayor? (I like that he comes back in the show)
The Doom Syndicate in general. They had a good range of designs and were at their most fun when bickering together.
Mr Cuddly Snuggles.
Stuff I didn't love
It felt like a retread of a lot of things that happened in the original movie. Which it has been 14 years so fair, but also if you're going to set something two days after the events of the movie, why make it a photocopy of the original?
Everything that Keiko was doing in the movie that could or would have been done by Roxanne if we were still going via the original characterisation (Roxanne broke into an entire villain's lair right after Megamind took over the city but Keiko's the one with the bat???).
Megamind just spent a whole movie going on about how he didn't share the spotlight and it caused a rift with his oldest friend (again) but sure, we couldn't do this without you small child we just met an hour ago. Its pure audience surrogate and YoU CAn'T bE mEaN to CHiLdrEn! but it makes the pacing feel even more lopsided that this can be so rushed when the whole Minion thing (and not even touching on the whole Bernard issue) got all the attenion and sure we'll just shove this in as well.
(This is the part where I admit parentification of characters is a MASSIVE squick for me and anytime I read about people wanting to make Megamind and Roxanne Keiko's new parents it makes me want to throw up in my mouth.)
Also Exposition voicing the "I was bad but you showed me I didn't have to be" is sooooo not for me. One thing the original movie was extremely clever about was showing how privilege and wealth played a part in Megamind and Metro Man's eventual roles. Megamind wasn't just a bad guy, he was raised in a prison, totally othered, looked different to everyone else on the planet and sent to the naughty corner even when he tried to do things right. While Metro Man was a white western male fantasy who landed in the lap of luxury and even his bunker is a monument to himself.
This was totally discarded for the new movie and I think its the poorer for it, simply because it was such a SMART and SUBTLE thing that is actually relevant.
Again, for kids. Not aimed at me. But I still think it does a disservice to kids not addressing that whole very important aspect.
End result: It's been 14 years since we got any content and I will take it for what it is, a movie length pilot of Baby's First Megamind for a superior tv show. An opportunity for a thousand gifsets and Roxanne running somebody over with a firetruck. If you're watching to get something out of it you probably will. I will be writing 12394393487 fanfics about Megamind and Roxanne actually having to prove they are dating to the Doom Syndicate.
Megamind Rules
Definitely better quality than the movie (I'm not going to talk about the animation etc because frankly the answer should always be pay your animators better and give them more time).
LOVED Megamind just breaking into Roxanne's office. Nice to seee some things never change. LOVED the Bodyswap episode (again, so much fanfic). LOVE LOVE LOVED Megamind and Roxanne laying on the kitchen floor together. We did not get enough scenes of them alone together.
LOVED Christina Christo, tired adults just trying to get their jobs done is my JAM and CREAM and SCONES and I love her (also why I loved Roxanne in the original). Loved her and Minion hanging out in episode 5. They need to be buddies more.
LOVED Roxanne wanting metal tickets for Megamind, everything about them having a shared history and interests filled my heart with glee.
LOVED the shot of Roxanne aiming the degun, Mucho sexy.
Loved Roxanne and Lady Doppler havign a history. How come we got more about tha than we did Megamind and Roxanne?
LOVED Megamind and Roxanne bonding over old kidnappings.
Ep 3 was heaps of fun. Doctor Doughnut was silly yet joyful. and I appreciate the Go Fish gang appreciation of his evil laugh.
The move from news reporting to streaming is actually a reasonable thing to happen, but I wish they'd delved into it better from Roxanne's side of what the shift away from traditional reporting and media meant for her. Social media and news have changed A LOT since the original movie. Again its one of those rich seams that fanfic exists to delve into.
LOVED the cockroach episode, but a missed opportunity for YOU RAISED A CHILD (TWO CHILDREN!) IN JAIL HOW ABOUT WE EXPLORE THAT A LITTLE MAYBE??
I guess we just...have a giant Minion in the lake now?
LOVED the Doom Syndicate just hanging out. Lady Doppler is me, sitting on a bench drinking tea.
The cliffhanger is a cliffhanger because they wanted a cliffhanger. But so help me if Roxanne isn't working from the inside in the next 8 episodes I will riot.
Megamind. Learning to be a person is right. Every time he got to be one on one with another character he became more himself. Every time he was one on one with Roxanne I was riveted.
Roxanne. My girl! They sidelined the shit out of her in this series! Sure she went off and got herself top job (Megamind and Minion calling her "Your majesty" was for me specifically) but so much of what made her a fun character in the movie (complete lack of fear in the face of villainy, her banter with Megamind, her willingness to just break into a villain's secret lair to find shit out got pushed onto Keiko and it left Roxanne with nothing to do. I don't know what they're planning for the future but I could see Christina taking over as Mayor eventually and Roxanne joining the crime fighting crew.
I HATED every time they called her Roxie, that was set up as an unwelcome nickname in the movie so I don't know why they backflipped on it here. HOWEVER I am prepared to accept it on the basis it made Megamind saying "Roxanne" in episode 8 that much more impactful (though they still could have used Miss Ritchi).
Keiko. I love Keiko as a character? But I hate her role in the show. She's the audience surrogate and the "Kid Relatable" for the kids to latch onto and they had her Exposition Voice in the DS movie what was actually much more cleverly crafted and characterised in the original movie. As a person she's cool and I like having her in the show I just wish it wasn't at the expense of Roxanne. They could have kept her as streaming socials girl and still left the investigation/danger to Roxanne and it would also have meant more time to explore what the Megarox relationship could be building towards/developing from.
I cringed all the way through Keiko dealing with the Doom Syndicate because it was telegraphed from a mile away such a tropey Kid Approved plot. I LOATHE making the tension about characters who have fucked up needing to admit they fucked up when its way more impactful to have them fess up immediately and put all the tension into how to solve the problem.
Machiavillain. He looks like a cunty Barbie villain and I love that for him. I assume we have to be getting the other 8 episodes at SOME point because otherwise that's a lot of Adam Lambert for not a lot of payoff.
Minion/Chum. ALSO learning to be a person and I have always had a soft spot for him. Showing that he has about as much sense as Megamind is a delight.
Christina Christo. I love her and I love that she and Megamind are constantly arguing for Roxanne's affection. Probably my favourite new addition.
End result: It's very Studio Approved For Kids! Enjoyed the show a lot more than the movie length pilot. Needs more Roxanne. Needs 10000 more game nights with Minion's electroshock orgasm ball.
Megamind was and is a PARODY of the superhero genre, break more rules! Don't just plod through the studio approved plot points! Having the original movie be all adults was actually really refreshing because you could get a lot more out of subtle shit without having to spell it out. One of my biggest peeves and the cause of a lot of fanfic is why is shoving Megamind into the hero role any better than shoving him into the villain role? Let him go be a mad inventor without having to save the city! Let him be a crime fighting villain!
And finally, so help me if Roxanne isn't front and centre beside Megamind where she belongs in the next season I will start biting.
All of the evil fake dating. Make them have to fooool the Doom Syndicate. Make Roxanne need to stay over. make it only one bed. Make kisses with Megamind where they haven't even talked about the Bernard thing yet and they are both so messed up about it. (Fun fact! I wrote a fic with this premise way back before the show was even announced.
We're still fooling the Doom Syndicate and oh no they want to help plan the wedding.
We're still fooling the Doom Syndicate and oh no now we're actually getting married.
Roxanne actually dealing with her issues after the movie and why and how she goes into campaigning for Mayor.
Megamind and Roxanne breaking in the mayoral office (obviously).
Filthy sexy bodyswap shenanigans
How did Roxanne figure out Megamind's ticklish spots?
10 thousand character driven Roxanne hanging in the Lair moments
10 thousand Megamind hanging on the couch in Roxanne's office moments
A highly charged Roxanne and Lady Doppler bitter evil exes interaction (just for you @ejga-ostja)
Doom Syndicate shared public workspace office. Or just some random person going in to use the printer and constantly getting dragged into lackeying for them.
Metro City Meme War
An actual introspection on the move away from traditional news media and how it impacts Roxanne's decision to seek a new career.
Christina and Roxanne eat doughnuts and bitch about municipal planning
A Christina POV watching Megamind and Roxanne flirt/have awkward moments/dance around the Thing via a crack in the office door
A Christina and some other person in city hall epsitolary fic told via emails reporting on Megarox developments to the person running the pool and slowly getting more invested in these morosexuals getting together.
Megamind coming to find Roxanne for game night and finding her sacked out on the couch because being Mayor is HARD and napping on the floor beside her because being a hero is hard too
An absolute fuckton of hypnosis kink
Roxanne using her mayoral powers to address the fact that Megamind and Minion were raised in a prison and NOT ON MY WATCH THERE WILL BE REPERCUSSIONS AND WE ARE GONNA ADDRESS SOME SHIT
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starry-eyed-steve · 4 months
Sandra's Fic Wrapped 2023
Hello <3, it's the last day of 2023, and I wanted to give some love to all the amazing fanfics I read this year. Each one of the people mentioned here is so talented, and everyone should check out their entire work.
(Disclaimer: all fics mentioned are Steve Harrington x reader)
Here are my top reads from this year (in no particular order)
Wildfire by @curiositydooropened (completed series, enemies to lovers) This fic has one of the best world building, I need this to happen in s5, actually. Doesn't shy away from discussions of ptsd and overall, it was so well done. I still have to finish it, but I know Amanda did an amazing job with it. <3
Glitch by @munsonsreputation (series, friends to lovers) This fic is just so cozy and cute. Reader insert felt like a very well-rounded character. You will love all the interactions with the other characters. It's just so well done. <3
whip it! by @schoopsahoy (one shot) This fic was cuteness overload. Loved the confident reader insert, and overall, the character dynamics were so well done, esp Steve and the kids <3
don't think twice, it's alright by @hawkinsquarry (part of a series, hurt/comfort post s4) I think this is one of my fav hurt/comfort pieces I've read this year. The interactions between reader and Steve are so tender. Overall, this was perfect <3
Into Open Flames by @kurokoros (completed series, established relationship, horror, set after s2 canon divergence) This fic has amazing world building. The original monster is so terrifying and well done that I was on the edge of my seat all the time. I adored Steve's character so much, kinda wish the show would have handled his character that way instead of what they did in s3/4. Overall amazing writing <3
confetti by @slashersteve (series, single!dad Steve) My favorite single dad Steve fic out there. I still haven't read the latest part, but I had to mention this series. It's amazing. The characters feel so real, and you'll fall in love with Steve's daughter <3
become the sun by @headkiss (one shot, strangers to friends to lovers) This was probably my favorite summer fic. I adored the small beach town vibe. Overall, that was such a cute read. I still need to read this year's Christmas fic, which I know will be great because last year's was amazing. <3
the view between villages, part one: good bones by @sattlersquarry (completed series, choose your own adventure, s3) Listen this is one of the most creative works I've read. The amount of work that was put in it is insane. You play an active part and get to choose how your story ends. This was such a fun experience <3
the swindling of steve harrington’s heart by @stevebabey (one shot, strangers to lovers) This was such a cute fic, like Steve asking for dating advice in the Hawkins Post was just sweet. I loved all the interactions between him and the reader. If you need a pick-me-up, this is your fic <3
and they were roomates by @sunshinesteviee (one shot, friends to lovers) This fic was just so cute. I loved Robin being kinda in the middle of this and sick of their bullshit. Overall, amazing writing and a quick read if you are feeling down and need cheering up <3
almost paradise by @hawkinsindiana (completed series for now, ST rewrite covering all seasons) I said it so many times, but this is one of my overall favorite stories. Kinda wish we had the reader character in the actual show because it makes so much sense. The writing is amazing, I even shed a few tears towards the end. I can't wait to see what's in store for s5. Also, check out the various blurbs that go with it. There is so much work being put into this, and it deserves a bit more love. I'm gonna re-read the whole thing next year. <3
steve zombie!au by @luveline (compilation of blurbs and one shots) This is one of my fav AU, I can't just choose one thing, so I linked the entire masterlist Their relationship is just so special. I love the world building and the other characters. It's amazing <3
no good at waiting by @familyvideostevie (completed series, sorta enemies to lover farmer market au) This is one of my fav series, and we got such cute blurbs this year from this universe. It has such a cozy vibe to it, great world building and characters. <3
Any Way Out by @hairrington (one shot, angst, ex boyfriend Steve) This fic was a mix of heartache and comfort. Nadia is one of my fav Steve writers out there so everyone check out her entire masterlist. <3
some kind of muted blue by @thecreelhouse (one shot, dark themes, deals with things like ptsd) This was so devastatingly beautiful, I loved that this fic explored Steve's felings so much, something we don't get to see in the show. This was just amazingly written <3
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Maknae Line + ARMY = Power Dynamics (Pt 2)
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We love them and they love us right back. It's what makes the ARMY/BTS relationship what it is, and it is genuine.
It is also a power imbalance.
Less of one, these days, but it is still there. And WE HOLD THE POWER. We LOVE THEM. We are the driving force behind BTS' success. We hold their actual paychecks in our hands.
That's... a lot. A lot of love. A lot of paychecks. And a lot of power.
And it lends itself, unfortunately for both us and them, to a lot of abnormal behavior. OH WAIT LET'S READ THAT DISCLAIMER AGAIN
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In my last post I said that BTS is a safe place for ARMY to explore sexuality.
Never has been, never will be, because ARMY was never designed for that. We are not their safe space. Not if they're straight, even more not if they're gay or bi or pan or heaven forbid gender non-conforming.
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They accept us as we are because they love us, but we are under NO OBLIGATION TO DO THE SAME FOR THEM. And... as a general rule, ARMY - OT7 ARMY, anyway - doesn't. But also we do. And don't. Very confusing, ARMY reactions.
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Hell, when have they ever had TIME to grow into healthy, normal adult sexual relationships? They lived together until some of them were nearly 25, FFS. Well beyond college age for Seokjin and Yoongi and well into it for the rest of them. That they seem to be reasonably well-adjusted is a credit to them and their partners, should they have any. Again, the hyungs have excelled, here. Mainly because they've never really HAD "dating scandals", which: ARE THE STUPIDEST IDEA OF A SCANDAL.
Literally how stupid is it to be upset that a famous person who is an adult human might also be (gasp, clutch pearls, die) having sex? Out in the world adulting like a whole adult WITH PEOPLE? And yet, ARMY gets like that sometimes.
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See also Koreaboo, Dispatch and other publications we don't like
And before you say "not ALL ARMY" let me just remind you that "not ALL men" is the exact. same. statement. "Not REAL ARMY is like "not REAL men."
Which: granted and I don't entirely disagree, but I'll just say that people who identify as ARMY behave this way and rest assured that both BTS and BigHit are aware -- and market for it.
You're mad, now, maybe and I get it, so let's move on and not beat ARMY to death, k? I do feel like that for the majority of us, all we feel for Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung is simply love and support. Misguided support, sometimes, but love and support nonetheless.
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So imagine you're a young man - still a boy in many ways - and you are living with and surrounded by beautiful, legitimately stunning, other young men. And maybe you've had time to examine your own sexuality and maybe not but Namjoon has WOW THIGHS and guys are naked and girls were kind of cute but also very weird anyway, bros just make so much more sense and then
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A wild Park Jimin appears. Geeky, until he dances and then it's a gaspy thing that happens. Also: THIGHS. And, um, an ass that won't quit also biceps and a sweet heart and a big brain and, well. Shit. Anyway he dances. And you wanna dance, too. Your assigned role is to be yourself, pretty much, as long as you're good at everything. Don't act too too happy to see him, all right?
OR... you're the wild Park Jimin and you stumble gaily forward into a whole new life and you see the biggest pair of doe eyes you have ever seen... and he's the got-damned maknae. Kid's a prodigy. From Busan. He's a complete turd 90% of the time, and your JOB is to play the gay buff boy who adores him and gets routinely rejected. OH SWEET JESUS WHY.
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LORDT. You see where this is going. The unattainable baby, far too young to do ANYTHING meaningful with, and in the meantime there are other guys just shirtless wandering around like a whole Min Yoongi exists please excuse me I devolved overnight I apologize anyway where was i?
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Taehyung. Oh thank the gods, he's safe anyway. Fun, a little wild, definitely attaches to people. Accidentally brilliant (he didn't even have to audition) and a little eccentric and interesting, and he's a 95 liner - CHINGU! - and they go to the same school and and and. He's savvy - he lost his Daegu satoori immediately to fit in. Asked his friends to take good care of his slightly older hyung. Partner in crime, pretty voice, pretty eyes, a slinky dork of a dude who... maybe doesn't have his sexuality 100% locked down but is well-versed in skinship. Lots of skinship. Lots and lots of skinship. Gonna be a star, that one.
Let the glowups commence right along with the narrative.
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They're a marketer's homoerotic slightly underage wet dream.
To be continued...
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panda-writes-kpop · 10 months
Rating How Delulu You Are Based On Your Bias (GG Edition)
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun. Please don't take any of the jabs in this with sincerity - my sense of humor involves teasing that can be seen as mean at times, but I promise that I have no malicious intent. Although this shouldn't be needed, I would rather not end up all over Twitter, Tiktok, or whatever else. I'm also not going to tag this because I don't feel like bringing unknown attention to myself. We cool? ❤️ please don't cancel me. I just like to have some fun as a silly teen girl yk
Anyways, I can't believe I'm 19 🥹 it feels weird that this is my last year as a teen, but I am kind of looking towards my 20s. Thank you all for not only supporting my blog but also me as a person.
That's enough of the sweet and nostalgic things - it's time to get started with what you came here for. 😌😉
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- like a solid 6/10
- always good to be a little delulu
- honestly thought y'all would be higher bc of the things Minji says
- 7/10
- can't tell if y'all are delulu for SuA, delulu for SuA being with Siyeon, or a bit of both
- valid any way you slice it bc she's hot-
- ♾️/10
- "siyeon's my wife-" no babes you need therapy there's a difference
- simply touching grass will not do the job, rolling down a grass hill and inhaling some just might do the trick-
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- 4/10
- okay listen y'all are just chill and I love that about you
- and I respect the few fully dedicated soldiers to this women, you deserve nothing but the best 🫶
- 8/10
- you understand that you have no endgame with her but you still think she's your girlfriend 🤔
- a chill kind of delulu
- 100/10
- if y'all have seen those tiktok edits you know exactly what I'm talking about
- "She could run me over with her car-" SEE A THERAPIST (i would let her do worse 🤭)
- 8/10
- you think she's your girlfriend but she's not, I'm sorry :(
- she takes the best selfies and has legendary photocards so I don't blame you at all for the delulu
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- 6/10
- Her dancing skills and stage presence makes us all a little delulu tbh
- her stans are chill tho and only come out of the woodwork for comebacks or her individual promotions
- 2/10 or 10/10
- okay listen Lia biased people either are completely grounded and down to earth or are a permanent resident on delulu island
- I am the latter 🫣 but it's LIA COME ON
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- she can't be everyone's wife, you guys, you're not married to her. GET HELP
- I have yet to meet a non-delulu Ryujin biased person and yes that includes myself 😌
- 9/10
- a rare breed but you all are DEDICATED to this women
- I don't need to recommend therapy but you all are slowly getting a little too close to that line-
- 4/10
- I'm so surprised that this isn't higher because have you SEEN YUNA?!?!?
- SHIN YUNA MY LOVE I ADORE YOU 🥹🫶 Don't worry I'm delulu for you any day of the week 😌
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- 10/10
- Repeat after me: YOU. ARE. NOT. MARRIED. TO. THIS. WOMAN.
- but it's Jisoo so I don't blame you 🤷‍♀️
- 8/10
- definitely delulu but you're not as vocal about it
- you're mostly busy trying to fight off this 24/7 shitstorm that people fling at her, and I respect the grind 🫡
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- 1000/10
- consider journaling as a hobby and stop writing your fantasies on the internet. I BEG OF YOU- (this is also a self call out 🫣)
- "I bet she-" How about we NOT go there?????
- 100000000000000/10
- Again, consider journaling as a HOBBY instead posting on the internet
- there's so many of you that the delulu is uncontrollable, so that's why the ranking is so high
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purecantarella · 2 years
Need A Little Sweetness
happy yeji day my lovelies!! i hope you're all doing well and i know its been a hot minute since yall seen me but i am 90% that through this semester i died but here we are HAHAHAAH now lets celebrate this adorable little kitten's birthday, shall we? hwang yeji x reader disclaimer/s : none, this is floof. i dont think i even cursed, give her an award AHAHAHA
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also this gif made my heart stop yall
You worked at a café, a rather popular one at that. It was often packed with tons of customers, men, women, and everything in between but you never batted an eye on it. It didn't really bother you as long as it didn't take away from your job.
You weren't blind to the fact that they all came for you.
The shop was crowded filled to the brim with customers, as it always was, while you manned the machines behind the counter while everyone made attempts to catch a glimpse of you. Flipping levers and filling cups with a big smile on your face, all of the people in line swooned over you.
"Macha Frappe for Jae...!" You called out through the rowdy crowd, the same smile etched onto your lips as the man walked up to the counter with a heavy flush. "Here you go, sir." You offered to his shaking hand.
"U-Uhm, I wanted to ask if..." You quirked a brow at him curiously, tilting your head to the side, kind eyes slowly urging him to finish his thought. Instead, he shook his head before quickly bolting out of the door. Your eyes widened but again, you didn't really pay it any mind, shrugging it off before returning to your duties.
"Y/n." The firm voice of your manager before he signaled for you to come to the back. Soft groans fell upon the lips of those waiting for their drinks. You giggled before turning to your manager, offering him your full attention with enthusiasm. "What's up, boss?"
"Look, you know how you took a leave last week?" He paused to gauge your reaction. When he saw you nod slowly, he smiled at you sheepishly. "Well we're going to need you to make up the hours you missed." As you opened your mouth to complain, the older man gave you a glare, warning you.
were a full-time student in college with no work experience and hardly cent to your name.
The day seemed to drag on longer than usual, minutes began feeling like hours, and you were there until closing time, midnight. More customers came and went, some of which made attempts to ask you out but you were simply not in the mood to deal with strangers being interested in you. It had just been a lot.
There stood a tall figure, her features almost completely covered by what she was wearing. You could tell she was an idol with her entire ensemble. But it wasn't uncommon especially at this time of night. At this point, it didn't really phase you.
"Good evening." You greeted with a tired smile.
"My managers haven't exactly had my best interest at heart." The idol noted while leaning up against the bar, her hand lifting her cup up to her lips. Your gaze trailed up to meet the woman's eyes, for the first time since the shift began, you pushed the textbook out of your hands.
The corners of your mouth pulled up slightly. A dry chuckle emitting from your throat before you gave Yeji your full attention. "I get that..." You trailed off, disappointment still evident in your eyes. The singer looked around the shop, little to no one was there.
It wasn't often it happened when you were on shift, but it wasn't impossible. "If I pay for another drink would you like to join me?" She asked with a soft, sweet smile.
You turned your head
"...Fine..." You muttered begrudgingly, before turning back around. "Smile, Y/n." He reminded in the same firm tone that filled you with so much anger and frustration.
Your manager had long monopolised on your popularity and politely encouraged you to take on more shifts because of it. As much as you'd like to leave instead, you begrudgingly stayed. After all, you were a full-time student in college with no work experience and hardly cent to your name.
The day seemed to drag on longer than usual, minutes began feeling like hours, and you were there until closing time, midnight. More customers came and went, some of which made attempts to ask you out but you were simply not in the mood to deal with strangers being interested in you. It had just been a lot.
As sun fell and the night washed over the sky, business slowed down a bit. The café was almost abandoned, you were the only one left to man the register and make the drinks, your manager had left you to close up.
To fill the empty time, you'd pulled out one of your textbooks, rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes as you leaned against the counter for support. Your mind was no longer processing the heavy information you were being fed. A frustrated groan left your lips as the bell of the front door rang, and you shot up immediately.
There stood a tall figure, her features almost completely covered by what she was wearing. You could tell she was an idol with her entire ensemble. But it wasn't uncommon especially at this time of night. At this point, it didn't really phase you.
"Good evening." You greeted with a tired smile.
"I'll take a dark roast, please. Thank you." She muttered, her voice sounding as worn out as you felt. You nodded quickly before setting the machine up. As you waited for it to heat up again, you looked at the young woman who stood in front of you.
You recognized her, she was one of those girls from Itzy. You didn't keep tabs on them but you did know their faces. Hers in particular, Hwang Yeji, was an absolute vision to you. You cleared your throat before speaking, a part of you curious about her presence so late. "It's not often I see idols at this time without their members or their managers..."
"My managers haven't exactly had my best interest at heart." She paused to fiddle with her fingers. "I guess I just wanted a break from them."
A dry chuckle emitting from your throat before you gave Yeji your full attention. "I get that..." You trailed off, disappointment still evident in your eyes. The singer looked around the shop, little to no one was there. "Whenever I pass, this place is usually booming. Slow night?" She asked curiously.
A soft humming behind you took your attention, alerting you that the machine was ready. You gave her a single nod before turning to make her order.
"It doesn't happen often but I suppose nothing is impossible..." You replied, sliding the coffee into the singer's hand. For a minute there's a lull in the conversation "If I order another drink would you like to join me?" She asked with a soft, sweet smile. You looked at her in amazement before you giggled uncontrollably.
"Your smile is just radiant..." She muttered before cupping her hand over her mouth. 
The smile on your face brightened as you poured yourself a cup of the dark, warm liquid. You took a sip, never breaking eye contact with the young idol. "So miss Leader, tell me about yourself."
"You're a fan?" Yeji asked with a quirked brow as she leaned forward, challenging you with a wide grin.
You pretended to think for a moment, looking up to really sell the act. Your gaze returned to the singer's amused expression. "Not really... but maybe that'll change."
The night flew by without either of you realizing it. Empty hours usually spent watching the clock were replaced with laughter and endless conversations. It was the happiest you'd truly felt while you were in your workplace.
"Yeah, then Yuna said—" Before Yeji could finish her thought, her phone began to vibrate violently making her face color drain. Quickly, she pulled the phone up and stuffed the device into her pocket. "I have to go, my managers realized I got out."
She began to fidget for her wallet but placed your hand over hers, lightly restraining her. "The company you gave me is more than enough for a couple coffees." You smiled up at her, as your hand remained over hers.
Yeji smiled down at you apologetically before dashing down the street. You smiled down at your hand, the warmth still lingered, making butterflies escape in your stomach. You giggled to yourself.
'You don't meet women like that all the time...' You thought before turning to turn off the machine and prepare to close up for the night. The memories of the night keeping you smiling the entire time.
The next few days were rather uneventful, so much so that you simply couldn't get Yeji out of your head. Every now and then you stay a little later at night, much to your fanatic customers delight, to potentially catch a glimpse of the singer again. Much to your disappointment, she never returned.
You'd supposed it truly was a once in a lifetime experience, one that seemed to be completely one-sided.
It was another late night, a surprising amount of people were still present. You deduced it was because they heard that you were staying later recently. With each customer, your energy began to diminish.
"Good evening, welcome! What'll you be having...?" You trailed off looking down at the monitor of the register, faux smile still very much present.
"Oh I'll have a dark roast with an extra shot of Y/n?" The familiar voice said in a hushed tone before peeking their eyes out from under the cap she wore. Your eyes immediately brightened as you stared at the singer's covered face. "Rather forward of you, don't you think?" You teased, the grin on your face never loosing its shine.
Yeji merely shrugged, the grin on her face still prominent. She cautiously looked around before whispering, "I'll wait for them to clear out...then can I take you out?" The singer asked with a twinge of blush coating her face.
You smiled shyly, before nodding. The crinkle of her eyes grew smaller as she nodded and slipped a bill for the coffee. Half an hour passes before your co-worker comes in as per your request so you can escape the job quicker.
You both met up in front of the café, which garnered a few disappointed looks from your loyal customers.
You looked at her with an amused expression, arms crossed as you neared the taller woman. "So why'd you come back, Hwang Yeji? Couldn't get enough of the coffee?"
Yeji giggled before moving to stand beside you as you both made your way through the cold Seoul night. "Nope, work's been bitter enough..." She paused to look down at you, nudging your side gently. "I wanted a bit of sweetness this time around."
You smiled up at her shyly before you began to talk the night away again, like you had before. Excited to see where the sweetness would take you.
yeah i dont know what the last line was but here we are HAHAHAHA i hope that you all enjoyed that and Yeji day as a whole!! i'm gonna try and comeback with a few more fics in the next few days, granted i don't get dogpiled on by work but it's pride month next week so i hope to have some fics out by then since it is important to me and to a lot of people!! i hope you've all been keeping safe, my lovelies 😊 i'll see you vv soon, keep safe, and i love you all with all i can give 💖 - r
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K-pop Discography Deep Dives: TXT
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. All this to say, for the love of god, I’m a sleep-deprived student and I don’t have time for internet hate, so don’t kill me. With that being said, enjoy!
Here are my credentials: yeah…none. I think the amount of TXT songs I know can be counted on one hand, and besides one, they’re all singles. But like with BTS, I’ve been a K-pop fan for four years and I figured that it was about time I make an effort to give them a try. It’s funny; I feel like with every girl group I cover I’m like “well obviously it was July 2017 because Joy had red hair” and with every boy group I’m like “um…are there seven or eight of them again?”
But I digress. TXT was formed in 2019, by Big Hit Entertainment, with five members (and yes, it’s five, I googled it, I promise), Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Heuning Kai, Soobin, and Taehyun, and they’ve been pretty popular since then, which is an achievement in and of itself, coming from an agency best known for the biggest boy group of all time.
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They debuted with double title tracks, the first of which was Crown. With the somewhat moodier image they have now, I didn’t expect to think their debut so adorable, but that’s definitely the word I’d use. Despite them being a 4th generation group, the way this is shot, the bright colors, and the comic book drawings remind me very much of late 2nd, early 3rd gen, which hey, I’m not complaining. The song, fittingly, is upbeat and bubbly, very much pop with some synthy influence. Overall, I liked it, as a 2nd and 3rd fan, but something about it doesn’t leave that much of an impact on me. Maybe it’s that I’m not the biggest fan of very young-sounding music, and this is a little too reminiscent of Chewing Gum by NCT Dream for my liking.
Cat + Dog is also from this first EP, and basically all of the comments I had for Crown repeat here, though I did like Crown more. I know that this is more me than the song, but something about this one just…creeped me out?, in a way that Crown didn’t. I know that they were young when this came out (between 16 and 19), but they’re acting like they’re 10 and it’s a bit unnerving. From the EP The Dream Chapter: Star, I liked the calmer but still poppy beat of Our Summer, though I wish it was a little slower to stand out from the other songs in the album more.
Run Away is a song I’d already heard from TXT, but I like it more in the context of their work thus far. It’s still pop, still full of that youthful energy and hope, but leans into an ethereal and nostalgic feeling, and overall feels a lot more suited to them as older teenagers. It has some good humor, and both its Harry Potter references and its message of running away from the monotony and cruelty of the real world with your friends turns it into something universal.
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From The Dream Chapter: Magic, I enjoyed the odd percussion and the melodic chanting in New Rules, the gentle vocals in Magic Island, and the sweet love story between childhood friends in 20 CM. My favorite was probably Can’t We Just Leave The Monster Alive, for the interesting trope deconstruction and its encouragement of taking your own path in life.
Can’t You See Me starts with some interesting almost-stop-motion in its ruffling pages, and I couldn’t decide where I thought it was going to go. At first, it combines both the young love idea of Crown and the themes of magic and isolation from the world from Run, which work pretty well, but it soon devolves into something resembling a cry for help with its unusual structure and odd vocal fry segways. It leans very into ethereal, while speaking about the dark side of a friendship gone bad. It took me a couple listens to make up my mind, but I do like this one.
From The Dream Chapter: Eternity, I had two standouts in Fairy of Shampoo and Maze In The Mirror. Fairy of Shampoo (despite the odd name) feels a bit like floating with its citypop synth and jazzy background, and I wish it’d been promoted as a special single instead of Puma. Maze In The Mirror is another song here that was written by the members themselves about their time as trainees, the difficulties they faced, and their friendship. As I’ve said before, some of my favorite songs in k-pop are this kind of acoustic, genuine b-sides that convey such honest emotions, so of course I loved this one.
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Blue Hour’s very calm vocalizing and acoustics caught me off guard before the synths I was expecting came in, and I found myself nodding my head. Like with Run, I appreciated the brightness and humor here much more than I did in the first couple of songs because I thought it was better balanced here without overdoing it on the aegyo. It’s not a world-changing song, but I did have a good time with it and it made me laugh a few times (especially with that cowboy hat because what on earth were they thinking).
Minisode 1: Blue Hour reminds me a lot of BTS’ ON album, down to having a song about COVID (in this case the aptly titled We Lost The Summer), which I can’t bring myself to actually critique because of how sweet it is, though in the year of the whoever 2023 I wince to remember 2020. Besides it, I loved the airy vocals and video game esque synthy production on Ghosting and the anthemic chorus in Wishlist.
0X1=Lovesong was another song I had already heard of TXT’s, because I happen to be a fan of Seori, who’s featured on this track, and I have to say that my biggest gripe with the track is that she’s just not featured enough, but that’s really the only criticism I have of this one. I confess that I love this song, and it was actually the reason I wanted to do this review. Remember how I called Wishlist anthemic? Well, clearly I don’t know the meaning of the word, or didn’t until I heard this song. It takes TXT’s youthful energy and pairs it with a full on alt-rock ballad. It feels like a follow-up to Run with its immaculate roadtrip energy, and though the verses are a bit slow, that chorus is just a knockout and just makes me want to be a kid again, grab my best friend’s hand, and run for the goddamn hills. Probably won’t be lighting a car on fire, though, sorry.
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Far be it from me to dissuade from some extra drama, but LO$ER=LOVER…well, it’s giving full on “when I was…a young boy…my father took me into the city…”. No but really, I want to think that this level of ridiculousness is some kind of intentional My Chemical Romance parody, because it’s honestly hilarious. It has some of that anthemic quality that I so loved in Lovesong, but that great build-up in the front half of the chorus is just undercut by a lack of payoff and the abject silliness that is “I’m a loser, I’m a loser, lover with a dollar sign is a loser.” I think that I would like this more if I was sure that the joke is intentional, but I’m honestly not sure that it is. Either way, they’re clearly having a lot of fun with this, so it’s tough to dislike.
From The Chaos Chapter: Fight or Escape, I have a lot to talk about, since it’s such a long album. Firstly, I already knew the chorus of Anti-Romantic due to its popularity, but I liked it more in context with the rest of the song. No Rules (which I assume is a follow-up to New Rules) has a great beat and in my humble opinion, there’s never enough disco. MOA Diary, a song for their fans, is very sweet and I can totally see it being a crowd favorite at a concert; I loved the harmonizing. Dear Sputnik was probably my favorite though; it’s another song written by one of the members and has an excellent alt-rock drive that totally should’ve made it be the single instead of LO$ER=LOVER.
Good Boy Gone Bad had me wincing before it even began, because the title already hints towards more non-self aware drama. And it turns out my instincts were right, because while LO$ER=LOVER is so ridiculous it’s basically camp, Good Boy Gone Bad just had me rolling my eyes and wondering not why the good boy had in fact gone bad but why I had to hear about it. Also why Yeonjun was driving a motorcycle in a faux fur coat, but that’s a story for another time.
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From the EP Thursday’s Child, which is the second “minisode”, I liked the intro Opening Sequence more than I expected, mostly due to the charisma in their vocals, which really do the heavy lifting in such a minimalistic song. I also enjoyed Trust Fund Baby (give it a chance, I know the title doesn’t inspire confidence), again due to the strength of their vocals and the emotion they carry, when singing a song about a relationship that’s ended due to poverty. This is overall a very melancholy EP, a sharp contrast to Blue Hour’s optimism. Even the more synthy Thursday’s Child Has Far To Go isn’t totally upbeat, but as an album closer, it does hold a little hope that things won’t always be bleak and ended up being my favorite.
Sugar Rush Ride is, thankfully, a return to the synthy, ethereal, upbeat sound that has become TXT’s signature for its verses and pre-choruses, but for some reason opts for a very simple whistling hook and an incredibly jarring anti-drop chorus instead of resolving its great build-up. The bridge, likewise, feels harsh in what’s otherwise a calm song, and honestly, I find this song more disappointing than I would if it used a style I hate throughout, because I really enjoy the greater part of it…but I just can’t get past that chorus.
From The Name Chapter: Temptation, there’s three b-sides I want to talk about. Devil By The Window is a fully English song, which normally I would complain about, as I often do. But this one’s actually really good; it’s tense, attention-grabbing, and has a very taut arrangement. Also, this is probably me reading too much into it, but the chorus is giving me such queer energy (“I met the devil by the window, traded my life, temptation touched my tongue, spread the wings of desire. He’s whispering ‘give up, don’t you put up a fight.’”). But…c’mon guys, maybe I’ve missed something, but last time I checked straight people don’t get seduced by random devils of the same gender standing near their window, but hey, how should I know?
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Besides that, I also liked the acoustic guitar in the pop-rock Farewell, Neverland and the chill vocals here as they sing goodbye both to a childhood lover and to childhood as a whole. Tinnitus (Wanna Be A Rock) pleasantly surprised me with its Afro-pop influences, because it’s not a common pairing in k-pop and I was surprised by how well it works here. Also, apparently some of the members wrote both of these, so kudos!
Do It Like That is an English-language collaboration with the Jonas Brothers, and between its very mainstream pop sound, the English, and its beat, I admit that it gave me war flashbacks to Dynamite. Here is where I invoke my disclaimer of: Dynamite is not a bad song (see my way-too-long BTS review for a whole two paragraphs of thoughts on that), but k-pop doesn’t need to try and replicate it. I know that this is totally down to my own bias, because Do It Like That isn’t a bad song either, but I won’t be returning to whatever concerningly white void they filmed this in anytime soon.
Back For More is another English-language collaboration, this time with Brazilian singer Anitta. I was preparing myself for another paragraph of disclaimers and having to do some overly dramatic sighing, but actually, I liked this! It feels like any other TXT single with its disco influences and catchy beat, just in another language, as it should be. I also appreciate that they collaborated with a Latin pop star, who sings in both English and her own language too, which made it feel less like a cop-out. The first time I heard this one, it was the shortened version that they performed at the VMAs, but the longer version with the bridge really elevates the song and I’m glad I watched it. It’s not my favorite but I’m not going to throw a tantrum if it comes on.
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Chasing That Feeling is from their latest comeback just a month or so ago. I was feeling optimistic from the first verse’s beat, although after being burned by Sugar Rush Ride, I was still a bit wary. But, thankfully, Chasing That Feeling does what it predecessors didn’t do: it delivers, with those head-bopping synths, citypop influences, and electronic background. I admit that I wish it had a bit more of a climax and went against the grain, but it’s hard to not be won ever when a song’s chorus starts by saying “I’ve turned my back on heaven” and telling fate “come on and kiss me”.
The Name Chapter: Freefall is another full length album, so I have a lot of highlights. I loved the exploration of a harsher version of rock mixed with metal in the teen angst driven Growing Pain, which their voices were surprisingly suited to. I also enjoyed the vulnerability and slowing rising vocals in Deep Down’s pre-chorus, the acceptance that “life is not a fairytale” but is still worth living in Happily Ever After, and the moody Skipping Stones, which tells the listener not to be too hard on themselves, because what they’re going through will pass. I think that Skipping Stones was also written by the members themselves.
So, I enjoyed this more than I expected! I confess that I did expect something similar to BTS, which is probably unfair given the fact that besides having the same company, they have nothing to do with each other. Calm down, I’m not laminating my stan card just yet. I’m not a MoA, but I think that I could probably consider myself at least a casual fan after this. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe the next comeback will absolutely blow me away.
My Top 5 songs are Lovesong, Run Away, Thursday’s Child Has Far To Go, Dear Sputnik, and Maze In The Mirror, with Skipping Stones as an honorable mention. TXT gets an 8.75 out of 10 from me, which, again, is a surprise for both of us. I do love synth, rock pop, and disco, and I’m excited by the fact that they’ve already written a bunch of songs. Here’s hoping that they keep getting better and they end up getting as much creative freedom as some entirely self-produced groups.
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We’ll be covering a girl group next week (that was supposed to be a one parter but accidentally became two posts long, oops), so stay tuned! Tschüss!
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
🔥🔥🔥🔥 of course, some beyond evil hot takes 🔥🔥🔥🔥 but also, what is some controversial opinion that you have about something entirely mundane :^0
ask me ask me ask me baby (Disclaimer: I started writing this, then had dinner, watched an episode of Bros on Foot, then had a shower and now I'm pretty exhausted (thanks rona + bad health). So my answers may seem a lil disorganised... they most likely are) Oh, gosh. I don't think I have that many opinions that are actually controversial when discussing be. But I shall still give it a go. I going to put a break here 'cause I really didn't know when to shut up. Also, sorry Iva but I feel like my answers are things we've already spoken about. So, I don't think any of this is new information to you 😩 TL;DR: Dong Sik and Joo Won shouldn't be represented by one aspect of their character. They're more complicated than that. (Including a mundane opinion at the end) (please excuse any weird funny business in this post (writing, grammar, spelling, clarity), we're trying our best here at Lamps HQ)
i. We as a fandom baby Dong Sik too much. I love Dong Sik. I adore him. He has seen and experienced far too many traumas, and I want nothing but good things for him in his future. What happened to him and his family when he was 20 was a tragedy that could have been avoided if the system (which should be in place to aid victims) wasn't systemically corrupt. He was beaten by police officers whilst in custody. He was framed and belittled, degraded, and humiliated. (the trauma he experienced is so layered and would take a lifetime for him to unpack and get closure from).
It almost completely ruined his life and future prospects, and it would have been done if Nam Sang Bae hadn't come in with his lvl 100 guilt and tried to make up for his actions. Dong Sik tried to make the best out of the awful circumstances that befell him and I sincerely admire him. Not everyone is as kind and loving as Dong Sik.... But but but... Buuuuut that doesn't absolve him of his actions. He murdered someone with his bare hands and allowed the system that was once put against him to be used in his favour.
Police officers shouldn't be murdering civilians. full stop. Yes, he was emotionally compromised- technically it could be seen as self-defence, but an unconvicted man, a suspect, was murdered and Dong Sik didn't face repercussions. Nam Sang Bae skewed the evidence so Dong Sik didn't get into trouble. Dong Sik took a year (?) off work after that event and to "help" him recover, Sang Bae got Dong Sik transferred to his substation (which Sang Bae had been demoted to as a result of one of his rookies dying on the job. Although, it wasn't deemed much of a punishment considering he was so close to retiring anyway). All the while, Dong Sik feels justified for his actions (as he did when he moved Min Jeong's fingers). (Screenshots from the translated script book/author's notes doc)
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I think it's best that when discussing and exploring Dong Sik's character, we remember that he is a man capable of murder. He is a murderer. (Do I blame him for what he did? No, not really. I can see why he did it. Objectively, I fucking love it for the narrative lol). But yeah, he isn't a guiltless sweet baby angel who never did anything wrong in his life. (DISCLAIMER: obviously jokes are just jokes. I love them and I never want them to stop. I am super guilty of participating in this line of joking and I'm not about to stop any time soon. But when discussing DS in serious conversations, we shouldn't erase his history. By doing that, we are devoiding him of agency and retribution (which is one of the main arcs/themes of his character development)).
ii. Joo Won is autistic and people need to stop calling him stupid. I will die on this hill, I don't care. I fully encourage everyone to bully Joo Won, because, well, he fucking deserves it. I know that bullying him is a hilarious love language the fandom has developed and I fully participate in this pastime. I honestly love it. Yes, he has done a lot wrong and shouldn't be absolved of his sins (that being said, we should allow him the space to learn and grow. We should learn to forgive whilst still keeping him and ourselves in check). But where I draw the line is when people outright laugh at his characteristics/actions which are derived from the fact that Joo Won is coded as autistic.
I know not everyone is going to be particularly versed in neurodivergent symptoms and that is completely fine. I even didn't fully clock Joo Won being autistic the first time I watched the show- I "labelled" his actions as a result of one) his obscenely privileged upbringing and two) the fact that he (imo) has some degree of OCD (which is a type of anxiety disorder). Then it hit me one day that he is soooo autistic. A few examples (I'm too ill to list each one or go into full detail): 1- People say that he's a bad detective. Which, ugh. 2- That he should have seen the "obvious" signs that Dong Sik wasn't the killer earlier. This sentiment completely ignores the timeline of the show and the fact that the viewer is provided information that Joo Won doesn't have access to. And it also removes Dong Sik's accountability for being purposely obtuse and antagonistic. 3- the whole (very minor) narrative that joo won is lame because he has terrible people skills (or something along those lines, I can't quite remember the tags I read as it was a while ago). This one, in particular, ties in with Joo Won's autism coding. With a (relatively sound) understanding of what autism looks like in male adults, to me, it would seem that a lot of what Joo Won does (speaking bluntly, getting easily confused when provided a lot of information during an intense situation, overwhelm, struggling to gauge people's emotions/tone, being very black and white, hyper focussing on a topic of interest, struggling to adapt to new social environments, masking, issues with food and sensory stimulation, etc) can be credited to autism. Perhaps I'm connecting dots that don't exist and am projecting an ideal onto his character, but as someone who grew up with multiple friends and family members who are neurodiverse (and is neurodiverse myself), I can see so many similarities between Joo Won's actions, thought processes, and mannerisms to that of a person with autism.
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^ (credit) here is an overview of some characteristics of autism in adults (obviously, it's a complex topic which differs from person to person. But I can definitely connect many of these examples to joo won's character and actions). [I feel like I could say a lot more about this subject, but it would be distracting away from the original point. I have thoughts on Joo Won masking and how he struggles to mask around Dong Sik]
How does this relate to Joo Won being "stupid"? One may ask. I will try to explain it as best I can (even though I don't fully have my answer planned out). Labelling Joo Won as stupid, as a stuck-up nepo baby who did nothing for the storyline, or just a useless dolt that needed Dong Sik to spoon-feed him, completely misconstrues the source material. Joo Won is intelligent, hard-working, determined, stubborn, foolish, annoying, pompous, proud, narrow-minded, snobby, short-sighted, dedicated, loyal, loving, persistent, and perceptible to change (and even more than that). We wouldn't have a story if Joo Won was stupid. We wouldn't have a conclusion if Joo Won was stupid. Downplaying Joo Won's intelligence and chalking up his characteristics as something that makes him less-than does a complete disservice to his character as well as his importance within the story. Beyond Evil is a story with TWO leads. It's not the Dong Sik show. I can NEVER subscribe to the act of bringing one character down in order to hold another up. Dong Sik is not this all-seeing, all-knowing, flawless character. If he was, he would have never been framed for murder, he wouldn't have been stuck for 20 years, and he wouldn't have needed help in uncovering the truth. He needed Joo Won (and Ji Hwa, Jae Yi, Jung Je, Ji Hoon, Du Soo, Sang Bae, etc). Without Joo Won, he may have never found out the full truth of what happened to his sister (as how many people in his life had a part to play in the traumas he faced). So, I think it's about time that people start to recognise Joo Won as a neurodivergent character (and stop giving him a hard time for not seeing signs that WE were given), as well as stop downplaying him. Kim Soo Jin, Sim Na Yeon, and Yeo Jin Goo created such a multi-dimensional, complex, flawed character with good and bad qualities, it does a disservice to their creativity and hard work when one belittles Joo Won down to one descriptor. Dong Sik and Joo Won aren't just the idiot and the downtrodden. They're more than that and fan interpretation shouldn't rewrite the facts of the show.
Anyway... there's a point in there somewhere... I think... I have no idea if I managed to construct a reply that makes sense. I don't think I fully relayed all my thoughts on this particular matter, but we live. tbh, I feel very icky when an autistic character gets labelled as stupid or useless. It gets on my nerves and if it wasn't obvious, I am pretty protective of Joo Won (maybe I shouldn't be, but... well... here we are!). Also, as a note: I don't expect anyone to agree with my opinion that Joo Won is autistic. But yeah, I was going to include more "controversial" opinions for be, but I have already said way too much. This post reads like a rant - which it probably is - and I don't want it to ruffle anyone's feathers. It's not an attack, it's just my opinion.
As for the mundane opinion: iii. kiwis are the scum of the fruit world. They're nasty and a lot of effort to eat (considering they don't taste great), and their texture is gross. But I do think their furry shell is pretty neat, even if it makes my skin cruel. (idk why this was the first thing that came to mind lol)
(sorry Iva. Maybe one day I will learn how to give short answers😂🫣)
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astrolionking · 1 year
Barnacles x Kwazii Headcanons
I have a few that have been in my head for awhile so here ya go!!
[Disclaimer: most of these don’t make sense in the context of the canon series, if you see my art, I’m mostly referring my designs and such]
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When they got together, it kind of came together naturally. They both knew they had feelings for each other after awhile of being around each other so it only made sense for them to become a couple already
Kwazii made the first move. While the two were having a calm, relaxing day together, Kwazii kissed Barnacles. And it just felt right. So Barnacles kissed back and that was the start of their relationship
Kwazii is obviously the clingy one. Like, he can handle not being around Barnacles if either/both are busy but when they’re both available for each other, Kwazii just clings to him. Barnacles is sitting doing some mundane work? Kwazii is on his lap. They’re in bed? Kwazii is tiny but he WILL be the big spoon.
Barnacles loves kissing Kwazii’s hand. Kwazii loves receiving them and loves giving Barnacles kisses on the lips.
As you can probably tell, their love language is physical affection. But also Barnacles’ love language is also words of affirmation
Kwazii hardly gets flustered but when Barnacles compliments him wether it’s for finishing a mission or just looking nice, Kwazii is silently having a gay panic
They’ve been married for awhile. They got married a little around before Peso joined the Octonauts. It isn’t too obvious they’re married because they can’t wear their rings too often because of their jobs so Barnacles keeps them safe somewhere
Barnacles proposed first and Kwazii shot back with a “YOU BEAT ME TO IT!!” It was a fun time
Bianca teases Barnacles constantly abt liking someone cause he once said he’s never getting a partner… when he was, like, 14. (He’s Demiromantic and Gay, he at first just thought he didn’t like anyone lol)
Bianca was so ready to welcome Kwazii into the family, she was ECSTATIC to find out her brother was finally getting married
Orson and Ursa definitely call Kwazii their uncle. The first time they did, Kwazii nearly cried
Calico Jack was definitely accepting of Kwazii and was happy knowing his grandson found someone (and Kwazii nearly cried when he told him. Kwazii’s relationship with Barnacles DEFINITELY made him more emotional /pos)
Barnacles loves to make Kwazii a flustered mess cause he just looks so adorable that way! Kwazii always tries to look as professional as possible but then Barnacles said the most out of pocket Not Safe For Children thing ever… and Barnacles is like “Hm? What did I say? :)” like a jerk (affectionate)
If they’re having a severely hard time mentally/emotionally— maybe Barnacles isn’t in the right headspace, Kwazii is overstimulated to the point of shutting down, etc— they’re immediately at each other’s side. They don’t try to make the other feel better, they just let them feel their feelings and when they’ve gotten through them, they then try to look for anything to help.
Kwazii is a jealous husband, he sees someone getting a little TOO comfortable around his Captain, he threatens— I mean— passive aggressively tells the person to keep a safe distance.
Kwazii is protective of Barnacles and it’s obvious. But people don’t realize Barnacles is much more protective than Kwazii. You don’t know what he’s capable of if you hurt Kwazii. Barnacles is very sweet but this mf is still a polar bear with polar bear strength.
Sometimes Kwazii feels like Barnacles deserves a better partner. Kwazii just feels inadequate. Barnacles is careful and thoughtful while Kwazii is irrational and reckless. But Barnacles argues that’s why they’re so perfect for each other. Kwazii helps him learn to just not overthink things and Barnacles teaches Kwazii that sometimes you need to be careful. And when Kwazii does something stupid, Barnacles doesn’t mind keeping him out of harms way. All in all, they teach each other balance.
Barnacles knows Kwazii’s favorite spots to pet. Specifically, if Kwazii needs to calm down, Barnacles subtly pets his ears and he’s calmed down
They have arguments here and there and luckily their rooms are in a far part of the Octopod so the others don’t have to hear it most of the time. The fights aren’t major but they do have moments of saying the wrong thing and having to be alone for a bit. Kwazii is usually the one to stay the wrong thing but he apologizes (after giving Barnacles some space) and tries his best to fix it.
Kwazii is Transmasc Non-binary but he didn’t tell Barnacles when they first met. How Barnacles found out was when he accidentally walked in on him changing and saw the chest scars. Kwazii was horrified and as scared Barnacles was going to get mad at him or something. But obviously Barnacles told him not to worry and that he has the same scars (he’s Transmasc also!) + practically everyone in the crew are gay and/for trans… and safe to say Kwazii cried so hard bc he was always so scared to come out to people until that moment.
Barnacles loves to slow dance so Kwazii indulges him and they have sweet moments alone together
Witty banter is a must in their relationship. They love to fake argue and tease each other
Despite being married, Kwazii still has the habit of calling Barnacles “Captain”. On duty? Fine. But off duty, he still has issue calling his husband by his name or a nickname
Barnacles calls him nicknames like “sweetheart”, “darling” etc. And ofc Kwazii is a mess when he does that. Meanwhile Kwazii, terrible when it comes to words, calls Barnacles “matey” when tryna be romantic. And he wants to fall into a volcano afterwards lol
Double dates with friends? You bet. Dashi and Tweek? Peso and Shellington? It’s a fun time!
As for kids? They never really thought about it. Barnacles obviously loves kids and is very good with them. Kwazii is… okay with kids. But as for having kids of their own, who knows? Maybe some day they’ll settle down and raise a kitten or cub and teach them everything they know! They’d be good parents.
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hecckyeah · 7 months
Hi so you don't have to if you don't want to but. I'm curious about your thoughts on all the main characters of The Rookie. So, on a scale of one to ten (ten being you would die for them and one being you really dislike them) where would you rank the main characters (and anyone else you feel like talking about!)
DUDE are you kidding me?? I don’t think you understand how much I would LOVE to subject my weirdly specific opinions about The Rookie onto unsuspecting followers. Fair warning: this could get lengthy. I have a Lot of Feelings.
(disclaimer: I’m only rating the main characters that have stuck around until/are new in season 5. there are just too many temporary ones to keep track of everyone)
starting off strong with my best dude, my main squeeze… John Nolan himself.
Solid 12/10
1 point off for his current taste in women (see Nune, Bailey)
BUT a million 3 extra points for being the straight shooting square golden retriever dad we all know and love 🫶 He (along with Grey) is the most constant, reliable entity on this show and I really appreciate that about him. I think season 5 had so much potential in watching him grow and learn in a teaching role, but unfortunately the writers did him dirty. Between teaching Celina and dating Bailey (neither of whom have solid relationships with any other main character) he felt isolated from the rest of the team and therefore weakened; the opposite of what he’s been in seasons 1-4. I hope it’s something they change going forward. That said, I still adore this man. Nolan my absolute BELOVED
Lucy Chen
TEN out of TEN. This woman owns my heart, she’s way too good for this world, too pure. If the sun and the moon were one person, they would be Lucy Chen. I absolutely adore her tenacity, her scrappiness in a tough situation, and her insightfulness not just in her job but in all her relationships and especially with herself. It takes a quality person to have so much self awareness, and she is the master of that. Also she is a CINNAMON ROLL and we LOVE her for it. Top marks all around, no notes.
Tim Bradford
Bradford my BELOVED. Minus .1 point for making me low-key hate him in the first season by being such a hardass, but ultimately a million points for being just an all around really solid character. His characterization is spot on: consistent, layered, intriguing, sometimes surprising (coaching little league?? who would have thought), and the most fiercely protective and badass-est of them all. I LOVE how we get little glimpses at his softer side, mostly around Lucy but even with random kids and his sister and occasionally the rest of Mid-Wilshire. Him being Angela’s man of honor was ICONIC, and it seriously fit his character so well. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes ;) I didn’t expect him to steal my heart like this but here we are!
Nyla Harper
Honestly? 8/10
I think she’s incredible and has the potential to be a really complex character, but something along the way fell flat. It's almost like the writers got scared of pushing the envelope with her too much. One of my absolute favorite scenes with her was that first time she quickly went undercover as Crystal in the laundromat and scared poor rookie Nolan half to death. We just haven't seen her like that in her element anymore, and her character feels shallow for it. Such a bummer, because she's awesome!
Angela Lopez
Also a good, solid 8/10.
I think her character has been WONDERFULLY done. She balances being the badass cop with being a no-nonsense, protective mother and wife. We get some really amazing insight into her backstory and a lot of her quirks (the part with her apartment being so messy made me feel SO validated lolll). I absolutely adore how close she is with her coworkers, especially Jackson and Tim. It feels natural and real, coming from years of trust and experience. I think where Nyla has fallen flat, Angela has really shined (shone? shin? lol). She's one of those that I wouldn't label as my favorite, per se, but I'm never mad when she's onscreen :)
Wade Grey
Grey, my man! 7.5/10
Listen. This man has almost retired at least thirteen times over the course of the show, and I'm pretty sure it's his insane dad instinct telling him to stick around and watch over his kids crew. He's predictable (in a good way), steady, unflappable... all the things a good sergeant should be. I love the subtle character development he's been through, mostly regarding Nolan and how he was so skeptical at first but now believes in him more than anyone else, basically. I love him for the glue that he is for the team, but he's not on an I would die for him tier. I'm honestly surprised he's lasted on the show this long lol but we LOVE Sergeant Dad around here
Wesley Evers
8.5/10, no hesitation.
Wesley is an ANGEL. I can't believe he and Lopez work so well together, but that just shows his incredible depth of character. He's a rich kid turned almost-philanthropist, who just wants to help people through his skills as a lawyer. He's real, with raw emotions guarded behind a wall of professionalism, that only slips once in a while... but when it does, it's heartbreaking. Ugh he's just SO good. A very very chewy delicious character, as some would say. I think there's a level of relatability with him that I've really become attached to. Incredible dude. Need more of this guy.
Aaron Thorsen
Amazing. 6/10
I think I feel sort of disconnected from Aaron, just because he's very much a background main character, if that makes any sense? His training was kind of breezed over, and so much of his introduction to the team/audience was based on the murder accusations and documentary that I feel like we never got to know the real Aaron aside from being rich and going through a tragedy. Kind of ironic and meta, eh? That said, I love him, he's absolutely awesome, and I REALLY hope he's okay :(
Adorable. 7/10
I LOVE that they kept Tamara around after her first appearance. I love how much of a literary foil she is to Lucy. They’re opposites in a lot of ways, and she serves as that little sister figure, there for Lucy to protect and care for, but also she allows us to see the main cast and the police station through younger eyes. I think she’s a fantastic character, adorable and lovable despite all her Gen Z apathy.
Quigley Smitty
Plus 1 point for being comedic relief once in a while. Hard dislike. This dude is a waste of screen time.
Bailey Nune
I just. I WANT to love her, I really do. But as a character she’s just incredibly shallow. She’s disconnected from the rest of the team, and while I can see the value of having a main character who doesn’t work at Mid-Wilshire and isn’t a lawyer, the showrunners really dropped the ball with Bailey. She and Nolan have zero chemistry. It all feels extremely forced, that they’re pushing Nolan into a relationship simply for the sake of him being….in a relationship. And it pulls him away from the team, so we don’t see as many quality interactions with him and Chen anymore, even though Lucy is on record saying that the three OG rookies were inseparable. It also limits his interactions with everyone else, especially Bradford and the detectives. And it really hurts the quality of the show, with Nolan being the main driving character and all. Not to sound crass, but it almost would have been more poignant if Bailey died in the Rosalind tank and we had to watch Nolan grieve while still training Celina and walking her through her own lasting grief about her sister. It would have thrown a healthy wrench in the story, in my opinion. But aside from all of that, I wish I could like her…..but I just can’t.
WOW yeah so this has been initial thoughts on the main characters of The Rookie with yours truly 😂 I might come back and add a little addendum to this with some other thoughts, but for now!! this is what I’ve got!
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deliicacymercy · 1 year
Hey! Can you tell me more of Angela? In any universe or all! I adore her!
ily mousey- BUT YES! I can tell you about ALL the Angela's!
NOTE: Very long character descriptions below! I want to make sure to get all the info dumping out of the way!
Also, disclaimer: I have a section called "Now look at it, its got anxiety" and this is more for the touchy subjects that are only referenced. Nothing that would warrant a trigger warning but I want to make sure that its transparent about my intention with the character, relationship, or story.
Let's go chronologically and begin with TRANSFORMERS G1!
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Angela Winters is a woman in her mid-20s, who just happens to be the daughter of a ex-Military General. She was childhood friends with Spike Witwicky, until her family had to move due to her fathers military job. She began transitioning when she was in high school which continued into her college years. When she grew up into an adult and went to nursing school and by the time she finished up schooling, this would be when the Autobots and Decepticons have come to Earth.
Her father's new organization that relied on allegiance to Megatron and the Decepticon cause, one of the deals that were made was a "political" marriage between his daughter and any Decepticon.
Literally Megatron could have picked anyone - even the grunts, but choose Starscream. Just to fuck with him. This was definitely one of the moments where he almost jetted off from the sheer audacity of it. But, from the brute force of Megatron, stayed put.
Angela and Starscream had brief meeting which- was really bad. Starscream immediately denounced her and Angela couldn't even say one word without being interrupted by more declarations on she is "inferior" to him.
When the actual wedding began, of course the Autobots came to the "rescue" which led to Angela reuniting with Spike. He was very surprised to see his childhood friend which may have ignited a brief romance. This was short lived as, strangely, Starscream retrieved Angela claiming her as his "property".
After this, the two were officially "married", Angela and Starscream were able to live their lives separately. Sometimes Angela does attempt to contact or meet with Starscream, but these efforts are futile. However, when Angela is rumored to be seeing someone else - he is immediately territorial. Horrible dynamic.
Inspiration: Because G1 is so campy, fun, and unhinged - I really wanted to do a typical Saturday morning cartoon plot where there is a wedding. And, honestly a Decepticon wedding sounds so hilarious that it had to be Starscream as the punching bag for the episode.
Now look at it, its got anxiety: This is relationship is not a healthy nor even, a romantic relationship. Starscream treats Angela horribly in this universe. To keep true to the G1 Starscream, he does not like humans and he is disgusted by them, and this arrangement would infuriate and humiliate him. The only time their relationship was amicable was in private moments where Angela would attempt some kind of friendship, but these moments were fleeting, as Starscream wouldn't give in fully. He hates how now they are forever intertwined, especially when he is taunted by Megatron, or Autobots about his "human girlfriend." Just another kick to his ego, which causes even more resentment when she's around. Angela does not have feelings for Starscream, as she also gets her self-worth kicked around from the mistreatment.
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Angela, a teenage girl who simply has too much power. She thinks she's better than everyone and is above the rules and consequences.
Her relationship with Starscream is not romantic but it is toxic friendship.
NOTE: She's still in development as I'm watching the show currently.
Inspiration: Honestly, I was thinking- there isn't enough women in Armada besides Alexis- who is also involved with Starscream....but she's fucking 11. LOL So, I have made a Armada!Angela where she is this bratty teen who is a direct parallel to what Starscream could be. I thought storytelling wise, it would be interesting to explore a verse where the roles were switched since he becomes a hero while she will follow in line with his original incarnation.
Now look at it, its got anxiety: Unfortunately she deals with a lot of personal issues, whether that is with her identity and with her inferiority complex. The direction I am taking her story looks like it might be tragic.
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Angela Winters, the ex-reigning Miss Michigan pageant winner. She is in her mid 20s and has been modeling professionally for a few years. Her dream was to be Miss Michigan and be crowned, which she achieved, albeit briefly.
Her past is hefty and mature in themes so I will have to go into it in a more "content warning" way. However, I can say that she has been able to achieve this high end life style of pageants and going to University due to having more wealthy, and older boyfriends paying for her. She would skip out on them once she was able to stand on her own two feet, especially once she won the state title.
Her prize was a cash prize that would set her up for success and a lovely new place all to herself! Her independence and happiness has come all at once!
During the first week of her reign, she was wrapped up in a sticky situation with Headmaster, as he tried to steal her away to be his girlfriend. However, during this altercation, Starscream had come seeking revenge on Masterson for stealing his body. Headmaster made his escape so Star grabbed Angela as leverage to lure him out.
During her imprisonment with Starscream, she had successfully manipulated his clones and his underlings, specifically Bruticus, to give her greater accommodations. She even convinced Starscream after a week to have her be an "international" security risk- so instead of seeking revenge from a dork, why not trade her for something you really need?
Angela played her cards right and Starscream was able to trade her off to the Autobots and the American Military. She was relieved to be back home and not destroyed by some Decepticon, and was ready to resume her life of luxury.
However, due to her imprisonment, she had to relinquish her crown due to not "fulfilling her reign." This caused her great distress as she had to return her prize money and title, and due to her age, she could not compete for the title again the next year. She was at the bottom of her life - her family abandoned her a long time ago and she abandoned all her friends when she began modeling. Angela was ridiculed in the news and she was outed by her former lovers. She became a hot topic and She had no one to lean on for this dark moment in her life.
This led to her wishing for nothing more than revenge, and mostly an outlet for her anger and resent- so she went back to Starscream swearing loyalty to him in exchange for a chance for her to have Earth for herself when he becomes Leader of the Decepticons. She had proven to be a valuable asset but she would become indispensable after she offers herself to Cybertron as Earth's Official Liaison.
Sari Sumdac had presumably had the role of Liaison, but she did not want the intense responsibility involved. So, Angela recalls her downtrodden circumstances and was able to be granted the position as full-time Earth Liaison after Megatron's defeat. This allowed for Angela to weaponize their incompetence when it comes to humans and give Starscream more advantages in seizing Cybertron with his own armada.
Sari and Angela became close, almost in a way where Sari thought of Angela as a role model.
During this liaison job, she would have many romantic interactions with other Cybertronians. This, somehow, would upset Starscream as now their partnership was getting more complicated.
There is a lot to their relationship and I will need to elaborate more on them later~
Inspiration: The original Angela, as in, it all began with her! I literally wanted an adult human woman in the show since there was zero. That's pretty much it, she was suppose to be a generic, very kind young woman who modeled - then after 4 years, she got worse. Now we are here!
Now look at it, its got anxiety: Her story is more "mature" than the other Angela's in terms of sexual liberation as well as agency.
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Agent Angela Winters, a woman in her late 30s, and former assistant of Silas. She was a double agent, working for National Security.
Once MECH was disassembled and Silas was officially out of commission, Angela decided to take matters into her own hands. Due to her affiliation with the National Government and her awareness of the Autobots and Decepticons, she was able to create a contract that would include the small politics that revolved around Starscream - who she deemed as a easy target to neutralize the overall Decepticon AND Autobot threat.
Starscream became high profile to Angela as she believed that if she was able to establish a trusted-beneficiary relationship with the mech, then once she assisted with the Fall of Megatron, ending Starscream's reign would be easy. Thus neutralizing the threat before it becomes an national and international issue.
Due to her affiliation with Silas, she had to prove her worth and trustworthiness to Starscream and later on to Megatron. She declared her motives as being cowardice - she claims to believe the Autobots are weak, and humans are naturally weak to Cybertronians, thus Angela wants to be on the winning side without enslavement, regardless of what happens to the rest of humanity.
This would be a lie as Angela is the one fighting for humanity.
Due to her cold and calculated nature, Angela had been impressive. Starscream would have Angela become a sort of intellectual confidant - and unfortunately for her, an emotional one later.
Angela does not feel anything for Starscream, but he develops an attraction toward her that is misplaced in how he wants to impress her.
If Knock Out were to call this behavior out, Angela is quick to dismiss it as a misunderstanding, even though she is well aware of Starscream's feelings toward her. She simply thinks it would do nothing but impede her goals and cause unnecessary road blocks.
There would be a brief moment where Angela believed Starscream was "cute" - during the introspection into what Starscream really wants - in the midst of him being hailed as the Leader of the Decepticons, there was Angela acting no different than she is already. His fantasy was that she remains the same as she is now, someone that he wants to impress, even as a Leader.
She would not reside on the Nemesis as she had a covert location she stayed in outside of town.
Inspiration: The 2nd incarnation of Angela made, and the idea of her came when I realized that Prime is a show that takes itself very serious with its themes, so I wanted to reflect that in a new Angela. She has become stone cold compared to her counterparts.
Now look at it, its got anxiety: Not much content warning about her past the fact that Angela is a former interrogator for "High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group" (HIG) which is a FBI, CIA, and DoD agency specializing in Terrorist Interrogations.
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Angela is a teenage girl who has had a fascination with these new Cybertronians she's seen on Earth, and this interest becomes something she desperately wishes to have a part in.
One day, a offline Starscream practically crashes near her and luckily she had collected a piece of the All Spark earlier and was able to revive him.
Starscream discovered that he can not transform to fly back to his Decepticon base, thus ensued a 3 hour complaining session which - honestly, did not annoy Angela as he trauma dumped, and she believed she was making a friend.
She develops a crush on the Decepticon as they have these Earth mini adventures, that allow for Angela to discover things about herself and her crush.
NOTE: This story is more or less just a original story but I'm using Cyberverse!Starscream.
Inspiration: Teenage Starscream gets a teenage Angela. Also I was listening to the Little Mermaid soundtrack and thought djsfaljk A tiny Angela would love to be "a part of their world"-
Now look at it, its got anxiety: This universe focuses more on Angela's transition cause she unfortunately is going through the motions of being misunderstood and alone through it. I just want to focus on the innocent nature of their relationship, so I'm keeping the story focused on it as more of a "Angela's crush" story. Also, just going to say now, this is not a ideal relationship nor is it healthy - they are not endgame, just a experience that Angela needs to have to discover that no matter how much she wants and craves companionship, doesn't mean she needs to settle for someone who treats her terribly.
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Angela is a older woman in her mid 40s, she is serving life in Federal Prison due to her involvement in the War with an association with the Decepticon's.
During the war, she was a hired soldier and was apart of a human division with the Decepticons to handle the Autobots human counterparts. She was an Ace on the battlefield so her involvement caused many human causalities, even an Autobot causality that Angela caused singlehandedly, making her a notable threat.
Her role prior was a bounty hunter with her brother, and international weapons smugglers.
Angela and the rest of the human Decepticon division were also apart of the coup planned by Starscream to usurp Megatron after the war was won.
She is now known in modern forum as the "Woman Who Loved A Decepticon" due to the nature of her and Starscream's relationship being made public in court documents during their trials. She regards these comics and pop culture references to her as "reductive" due to the nature of painting her involvement in the war as a "love blindness" than something more complex to keep the war as something simple to comprehend instead of multifaceted.
This relationship that was developed between her and Starscream had formed over a mutual attraction before the War ended. This was noted in court documents as beginning around the time that Angela proved she can take down an Autobot on her own.
Angela was noted as hostile and dangerous during her hearings that at one point she escaped and was armed with a hostage before she was apprehended by an Autobot.
She was separated from Starscream for 10+ years, the last conversation they had was before the War officially ended as both were hopeful. At that point, it was assumed the two were in a relationship.
Angela would spend the next 10+ years in Federal Prison, where she would try to escape but be put in solitary confinement for two months at a time, causing irreputable damage to her mentally.
She was allowed to see a psychiatrist and be evaluated, which she did not see until 8 years had passed and she realized that she will rot in prison. The war was over...truly over. There's no rebellion or anyone coming to get her to finish off where they left it. It's over. And this is her life.
She confided to the psychiatrist her fears, doubts, and dreams. Her mental state was called into question as she was developing symptoms that would get worse over time.
When G.H.O.S.T started to work with Mandroid, Angela was brought in to their prison facility where they kept other Decepticons. Her mental state has diminished significantly and she was able to be used for the nefarious plans for G.H.O.S.T.
She was technically reunited with Starscream but she was...different. Very different. She was dangerous before but this is...
G.H.O.S.T used Angela individually to apprehend Dorothy, but Angela was subdued just from the shock of how many kids she had. Something that Angela confided in her Psychiatrist that she desperately wanted. Her mind started to become infuriated at Megatron and she set her intentions to take him offline herself. With this mental battle taking place, Angela was able to be subdued by Dot.
Dorothy made secret arrangements that instead of taking Angela back to prison or G.H.O.S.T. that she would be taken to a hospital to help with her mental detoriation.
Inspiration: I loved the fact that the show began AFTER the war, so I wanted to create a character that was directly affected by the results. Also to go more indepth with the effects of Megatron's betrayal.
Now look at it, its got anxiety: This is a character whos information will need to be content and trigger warned about beforehand because she does go into topics of mental disorders and effects of long-term solitary confinement on the human psyche.
WOOOOO! HERE'S ALL THE INFORMATIONS ON MY ANGELA'S!! Except IDW, but that's because I need to read WAAAY MORE to get that one right, but thank you all who read these in the mean time!! QWQ
If you have any questions or want interactions, just send me an ask or DM me!!
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void-tiger · 1 year
please tell me more about the fic where Ke/th doesnt get to be a paladin again, i keep seeing shit like how the team abandoned/failed Ke/ith and should have apologized to him when it was literally the opposite (i am sorry but the team almost DIED because K/ith fucked off to run off with the Blades, werent for Kuron entering Black they would have actually died, i do not understand how anyone can see this and say the team was in the wrong/Ke1th was in the right, and still be considered a team player let alone a team leader is beyond me. Really really sorry about salt in your askbox)
No worries! (Although, disclaimer: I had to set aside my voltron fics for a bit ‘cause I can’t work on them without getting salty, and too much salt is bad for you. So they’re…curing, I guess. I’ll stop with the bad salt jokes now XD)
But short answer? Keith’s their comfort blorbo, and it’s incredibly easy to have that become “can do no wrong ever it MUST be EVERYONE else!” and…not recognize that kneejerk bias. Ask The Real Fandom Olds TM who’ve participated in fandom culture since the 80s and 90s and that’s a key issue with Current Fandom and especially younger fans (ie, probably our generation and younger.) Add in that a lot of us online trend (in my antidotal experience) towards having untreated anxiety or depressive symptoms and/or undiagnosed neurodivergent brain wiring that an individual might’ve not quite learned how to cope with yet (and many come with emotional regulation symptoms) in addition to…human brains really just Don’t stop developing until mid20s regardless of someone’s birth gender and brain development is particularly chaotic and…well.
That’s a recipe for a volatile fandom, and since the VLD Characters in particular were geared towards Teens or Teen Nostalgia? [Comfort Blorboing Intensifies.]
Now, in one fic series Idea, Keith DOES become the Red Paladin again, but he has to work for it. Really work for it. Like, the Team is still incredibly hurt that he left and never really apologized for ditching them before THAT Scene where Jiro is forced to step in s4. I think I have in my notes somewhere [coughs] prolly a random post or very buried DM to a friend that Red Lion finally outright takes Keith for a joy ride (much like Blue and Black did with Lance and Shiro) and literally has him bouncing around in zero g and gforces until Red’s really willing to accept him back as Paladin. (Also it makes me feel better.)
[tags: blackbox verse, rewrite the stars, blackbox, veeladee fixit. Note that some of the older posts especially I’ve probably discarded. But I do my best worldbuilding thinking aloud, and hey. It’s fanfic. Who gives af about spoilers? Not me.]
But, in Blackbox verse, I wanted Jiro to have his very own Lion…and the Sincline Meteor is right there. Plus, y’know. Fixing-fixing. Making as much work as I felt like since it was intended to be a series, anyway.
Buuut, that’s not the fic idea you asked about.
The one you asked about is actually a Redo of The Black Paladin’s episode following alteanroyals’ prompt of “what if Shiro’s the one who fights the clone, and the clone gets to just come home. Have his own name.” Because, c’mon. The visuals would’ve been incredible, and Josh Keaton and Studio Mir adores Shiro and Jiro even if the EPs and arguably NONE of the writers (even the better ones trying to patch job before bailing out) gave a shit about Jiro as his own character.
So. Back to Keith.
He actually tries flying Black Lion, same as the (egh) canonical episode…and…
WHOOPS. He gets lasers shot at him for his efforts (hA HA~)
Allura steps in, and has a battle of wills against Black Lion, then realizes that what has Black so torqued is Keith tried to dominate the Lion. (Imo? The only reason why Keith could fly with Black in s2-4 was because of the bond they both had with Shiro. “Help me help you.”) And well. Allura’s learned a thing or two: trying to dominate a Lion does NOT work. She learned that for herself with White Lion, she’s now realizing that’s why Black Lion accepted Shiro as it’s Paladin over Zarkon at all. So Allura changes tactics, senses Shiro’s Quintessence still inside Black Lion nearly two years after he vanished, and calls the others in. They do a reverse-balmera ceremony via their voltron bonds and pull Shiro back out—in his OWN body, tyvm.
And well. Remember how it’s technically a “Shiro vs CloneShiro” prompt? Yeah, they fight. (I’ll try not to have them totally wreck the place. All Shiros are Good Shiros.) And when Black Lion comes for them now that the Lion can get a clear shot? Red Lion also comes.
Because Keith isn’t the only character who holds the needed qualities for a Red Paladin. (Reactive instincts, laser focus, loyalty, but often emotionally volatile.) Jiro does too. And unlike Keith, Jiro stayed even when he “no longer” had a Lion to fly from his POV, and he struggled with the rest of the Team to adjust to Lions that no longer suited them in the wake of Shiro’s Absence. So Red chooses Jiro and flies to him. (Black would’ve saved Jiro, too, even though Jiro wasn’t Black’s true paladin. But seeing a Lion accept him, and further proof that he’s not just a poor copy but his own person and even a Paladin in his own right?)
[gemini fic, shiro vs jiro]
Basically, in starting writing and continuing to ruminate on ideas, I realized that Gemini works best as a single fic, so having Firm Consequences make more sense. Other tidying up?
-Allura and the Paladins take the Castle and immediately head out for the Altean Colony while Shiro (and Black Lion at Black’s literal insistence) go after Jiro. (And with Shiro here to lead and analyze + Convenient Recap/Alternate Explanation, Pidge is able to shut down the virus far earlier before it makes the Castle truly dead in the water.) Haggar never gets her claws into them.
-Keith formally leaves the Blades. He had a family, and he turned his back on them. Those relationships won’t be what they were before (ie, symbolic in losing his Red Paladinship), but this time he’s willing to put the work in to repair their trust in him. Meanwhile, the Blades never were going to help him find his mother intentionally no matter how many times he sacrificed his life for them, and his life and the lives of all the other Blades ultimately meant very little to Kolivan and the Blades as an organization. He surrenders the knife to Krolia, and walks away if Team Voltron will let him stay. It not, he can do better good with the Rebels. (Infiltration was Pidge’s thing, anyway. He’s the showy diversion maker.)
-Lotor returns to Orionde. But when he faces the Ancients and White Lion again, he stops attacking and running from his sins. He sacrifices his full life force, and the Drained Alteans revive fully restored. The tragedy his family caused and he ended up perpetuating ends with him. (That does leave…y’know. The Galran Empire without an Emperor. But hey. IF I finish this fic, that’s potential sequel material, baby!)
…anyway. Point is, Keith Antis put a bad taste in my mouth, but the point of “Keith loses Red” wasn’t to punish Keith (okay…maybe a little. But that was still mostly Black blasting lasers everywhere. For catharsis.) The point was, “There are consequence, and while some relationships can be repaired or make new ones with the same people after you’ve hurt them, others can’t. You lose them. It’s important to put in the work, but it’s also important to accept loss and endings, especially after you’ve fucked up.”
And well. I felt that Keith Losing Red, Jiro Gaining Red made things narratively tidy.
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jasshandssssss · 4 months
Disclaimer: I wrote this at 12 AM and the writing style is a joke I don’t actually talk like an old british man irl. but enjoy anyway if anyone ends up seeing this :)
I’ve watched the movie “Ratatouille” with my full attention only twice in my lifetime. Once in late 2022, and the other time being today, New Years’ Day in 2024. New year, new me, so I decided to see if my thoughts of the movie had changed over time. And indeed they did.
When I first watched the movie, I thought it was mediocre. A tad bit disgusting, myself being ratphobic. I’m scared of any and all creatures, whether they be dogs, cats, rats, or humans. Some I find adorable from afar while others I straight up despise. Rats were the latter. It didn’t help that Remy wasn’t the most likable character. Of course, like any main character in a story, he went through development as the movie progressed, but right off the bat, I didn’t find him likable on a base level. Disliking the main character definitely didn’t help me like the movie more. I really didn’t find any of the characters very lovable, and for the first half of my rewatching of the movie, I was in a state of frustration. But we’ll talk about that a bit later. For now, let us tackle my original thoughts of the movie, starting around a year ago.
Apart from what I already said, I often had the shallow criticism of, “But rats are disgusting! I wouldn’t want one anywhere near my food, much less preparing it with its own grubby paws!” And while I still feel this way, I will not let this thought get in the way of my ‘enjoyment’ of this movie, because of course, that is all it is: a movie. The fact that it is a piece of fiction also allows me to excuse the fact that off the top of my head, I can recall the main cast causing at least 2 major car crashes within the movie, which is slightly alarming but it is there for exaggeration and comedic purposes, and no real harm was done.
However, there is a particular instance of ‘exaggeration’ done to advance the plot that did cause me quite a bit of emotional distress. This was near the end of the movie, when Remy had gathered his rat clan in the kitchen to help him. Or specifically, when the health inspector was captured.
Now, both Skinner and the inspector were captured during this sequence, but Skinner had already played a major antagonistic role in the movie that made it so the viewer didn’t really sympathize with him in his circumstances of being captured by rats. However, I felt terribly sad for the inspector. The poor man was just trying to do his job. He walked into the restaurant, expecting to be greeted by the sight of a normal, human staff, and expecting to just debrief them of the details of his inspection and get on with his work. However, as soon as he walked in, he was in for a fright. He saw at least 100 rats gathered in the kitchen area, and as any reasonable person would, immediately left the scene. He tried to get in his car, escape the frightening sight he had just witnessed, but then a team of rats covered his car as he was attempting to leave. I can’t imagine the amount of horror I would’ve felt if I were in similar circumstances. I don’t even think I would’ve lived! I would’ve died from fear at that point. But outside of camera view, more inevitable horrors happen to this health inspector. The rats eventually somehow make their way inside the car, and find a rope to tie him up. Being tied up against your will would already be an unpleasant sensation as it is, but by an army of rats? Oh, the horror! They tie him up, and drag him through the pavement, probably causing him pain, and throw him in the kitchen’s closet, unable to even cry for help! The only fellow humans he even sees during this entire sequence are supporters of the rats! Oh, the betrayal he must have felt! Anyway, the thought of what this poor health inspector might have felt made me feel distressed, which significantly lowered my enjoyment of the end of the movie.
Now that my thoughts of the health inspector’s misfortune have been covered, let us move on to my feelings of the characters as a whole. As I mentioned earlier, I did in fact feel frustration about the characters in the first half of the movie. Let’s talk about the most important one first: Remy.
One thing that annoyed me about Remy at the start of the movie was his view of rats and humans. He was bothered by his family’s ‘stealing’ of garbage, and proposed that if they were stealing anyway, why not steal more quality food? He also claims that unlike the rest of the rat clan, he doesn’t hate humans.
While he and his father are having an argument about the ‘stealing’ of food is wrong, his father’s argument is, “If it’s garbage, no one wants it! Why would it be stealing if no one wants it?” And I couldn’t have said it better myself! Why is Remy so agitated by the clan’s supposed thievery if they are not harming anyone with their actions. Garbage is food that has been thrown out, and forsaken by its owner. Forsaken, meaning that it no longer belongs to anyone. So if the rats take it, they aren’t even stealing from anyone. It really isn’t stealing Remy, if you’re smart enough to read books and be a master chef, maybe you should have a brain and understand that fact too.
Remy is supposed to sympathize with humans. He advocates for them, and believes they are not as bad as his family makes them out to be. But his actions don’t reflect that at all! In fact, he is going against humans compared to his family. His dad wants to continue life as it is, living in the ceiling and eating garbage, staying out of humans’ ways, just how they’d want it. Whether this is from a place of hatred for humans or not, it still keeps both parties happy, doesn’t it? It’s not as if rats dislike their lives either, the only unhappy person is Remy in his clan. Everyone else is content living away from humans, eating garbage scraps and doing nothing very productive. Humans are happy too, not having to see rats or deal with them trying to interfere in the human world.
But Remy wants to break this. He’s the one who sneaks into the old woman’s kitchen, and then causes the whole chandelier incident in which the ceiling falls through, and reveals the sight of the hundreds of rats to the old woman. I’m not on the woman’s side here, by all means, she was entirely irrational in resorting to shooting the rats with her guns, even when she thought she was just dealing with 2 rats. And she continued to chase the rats outside as they were obviously leaving and going far far away, still wanting to shoot them for whatever reason. I dislike the woman as well, but her life was much happier before Remy ruined it, and the same goes for the rest of the rats. They were able to relocate and go back to the same lifestyle as before, but it was a hassle for everyone. The peace of everyone’s life was ruined, simply because of Remy’s selfish desires.
This was my thought process during the first half of the movie. However, as the movie went on, I started to empathize with the rat, even growing to care for him just slightly. I realized that his desire might’ve ruined everyone’s lives, but he never had bad intentions. He just wanted to follow his dreams. And I guess that’s what any average person should take away from the movie, I was just a bit too negative to realize it at the start. But I still stand by my original frustration. Remy could’ve been more reasonable when it came to his whole “thieving” ideal, and I still believe his ideals were wrong.
I don’t have much to say about Linguini as a character. All his actions were understandable, and during his fight with Remy, I understood both sides. I understood his frustration with Remy, because despite Remy doing many helpful things to him, it is still Linguini’s life, and he should be able to control it. However, Remy was feeling neglected, and he felt his efforts to help Linguini weren’t being appreciated and repaid adequately, so I don’t blame him for his actions he took in the heat of the moment; his actions to invite his entire family to steal from the pantry. Any person feeling that amount of anger would make a rash, irresponsible decision in the heat of the moment. Well, maybe not any person, but I would, so I can empathize. I’m very petty like that.
Colette was likable as well, and although I thought it was kind of stupid of her to let Linguini kiss her despite him sounding like a total madman, I understand that love makes people crazy. Yknow, don’t blame me, love made me crazy if it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right. But Linguini acting like a madman before his kiss with Colette brings me to my next point.
The second hand embarrassment I felt during this movie was a lot to say the least. Linguini’s stumbling around while being controlled by Remy, his awkward speech before Ego’s arrival, his stuttering while trying to explain to Colette about “the little chef”. Skinner also gave me a lot of embarrassment, with his muttering about the rat, especially when he was talking to his lawyer. Of course, the viewer knows what both characters are going through, but the other characters don’t. And when you ponder that fact and try to imagine how they must’ve felt while interacting with Linguini, you can’t help but cringe at it.
Abruptly jumping topics again to my last point, I absolutely despise one character in this movie. It’s not Remy (surprisingly), since I have grown fond of him. It’s not Colette because I find her very attractive and I would in fact date her. It’s not even Linguini despite him being a talentless fool (I’m joking) (Or am I?). It is none other than…. Emile.
Emile? You know, Remy’s foolish, stupid, trouble causing, brother? I absolutely despise this rat. Remy’s actions are understandable. Remy’s father’s actions are understandable as well. Everyone is understandable… but Emile. He’s just… the most despicable character in this entire movie by far.
At the start of the movie, he even said: “Why do I do what you tell me to?” in relation to following Remy despite not wanting to do it. It’s already established that he’s stupid. If you don’t want to do it, just don’t do it, it’s that easy. Later, he’s unable to get off the chandelier in time which causes it to fall, bring the entire ceiling down, expose the rat clan’s spot, and ultimately force them to leave. I know I earlier blamed this event on Remy, but Emile is at fault as well.
Then for around 40 minutes, we don’t have to see Emile again for a while, and thank god for that! But he comes back, and he’s still stupid, too stupid to acknowledge Remy’s culinary genius. And of course, despite the fact he doesn’t care about Remy’s culinary abilities, he does the action that makes me despise him most: he starts bringing all his friends over to the restaurant so Remy can smuggle them food. Why, Emile, why? Why are you this stupid? He keeps bringing more and more people each time, and making Remy smuggle more food to them. If they’re content eating garbage anyway, why would you make Remy do it, huh? Emile frustrated me the entire movie and also significantly degraded my watching experience.
Now that I have vented my frustrations, I also have to compliment the movie. The art, the animation, the colors and the picturesque scenes are all quite lovely, and the style was very comforting and pleasing to the eye. Audio wise, I have to admit that “Le Festin,” the most recognizable song from the movie, is a masterpiece. I’m actually listening to it while writing this review, and I find it quite enjoyable.
If I had to rate the movie out of 10 as a whole, to me personally, “Ratatouille” achieved a 6.5/10.
I really have changed between my first viewing of this movie and now. Before, although it was mostly in jest, my criticism was shallow and unreasonable for a fictional children’s movie. Now that I have seriously (or somewhat seriously) analyzed the movie, I realize that most of the characters (except Emile) are likable, and while the plot may not be to my taste, it was engaging enough. The music and the visuals of the movie are also cozy, and it is overall a nice story with an admirable moral. Anyone can cook, indeed.
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crehador · 1 year
parting thoughts on amatsuki (anime)
so first of all bonten is such peak character design we need to go back to this
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yaoi hands shoujo legs makes a man go [whistle noise]
secondly WHO is that motorcycle guy who is somehow not toki’s dad
long and short of it is the anime leaves me curious enough to add the manga to my planning list but probably not curious enough to read it anytime soon
this was an absolute delight to watch, and even though it came out in 2008 it made me nostalgic for early 00s studio deen nonsense (which sounds like a dig but i mean that affectionately)
it’s not the most unique thing but it reminds me that i like this flavor of shoujo fantasy, specifically portal fantasy, way way way more than the generic ecchi isekai that proliferate today
actually not even just shoujo, i was thinking of fushigi yuugi specifically but on the shounen side of things yyh and even bleach to a certain extent fall under that “we go to another world but in like a cool way” umbrella so basically
when and why did this good shit get replaced by such mediocre isekai!
(obligatory “i’m an isekai hater but everyone should watch fabiniku” disclaimer)
anyway amatsuki boasts an overall likeable cast of characters, toki can be a bit insufferable at times in the way a lot of protags can be but overall i found him to be idealistic yet still endearing
shinonome has a banging character design too and so does kuchiha except i’m SORRY she has to lose some points for the hair scarf thing i CANNOT stop thinking about how scratchy that would be
(that said she IS adorable and definitely best girl material, also the ot3 vibes between her and shinonome and toki were off the charts)
also one more gratuitous bonten gif bc PEAK
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ofc yeah i’m biased bc of a certain voice actor factor (suwabe) but honestly when did the morally ambiguous pseudo-mentor types stop looking like this and start looking like boring ass gojo instead (sorry to the gojo girlies your man has nice eyes but otherwise looks as interesting as a communion wafer)
but in all fairness i shouldn’t be comparing shoujo aesthetics to shounen ones so anyway moving on
the human vs ayakashi conflict stuff can be found anywhere but i think amatsuki does a pretty good job of executing that classic trope, though the vr stuff (at least in the anime) doesn’t really seem to play a role beyond providing the portal to the other world which eh is fine and all but might have been cool to see it be more relevant
all in all i feel like amatsuki would be a nice hidden(?) gem for anyone who enjoys older series (not even sure if it’s a hidden gem or if i just never heard anything about it personally) but would probably be a miss for anyone who isn’t into that
which is to say it was certainly a hit for me
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umbramatic · 1 year
Trust The Fungus
This is a review ramble thing of The Super Mario Bros Movie (the 2023 one, not the one from 30 years earlier the title is joking about, but more on the 1993 one later). There will be spoilers.
(You will see me using the word "cringe" a lot in this. Disclaimer: I do not actually believe in cringe culture at all in the slightest in ANY form, it's just a useful shorthand for a special sort of deep revulsion within the soul. Anyway.)
So like, we all went into this expecting cringe because Illumination, right? The animation studio that peaked with their FIRST MOVIE, Despicable Me, and has put the low in lowbrow ever since. The animation studio who actively animates on the cheap for profit margins. Those guys. 
But I, to start, want to report there are minimal amounts of cringe! Sure, "look at us, we're adorable" was cringe in the trailers and it's cringe here. Sure Mario hating mushrooms was a specific flavor (mushroom flavored?) of unnecessarily ironic that made me roll my eyes a bit even when the REST of the unnecessarily ironic humor didn't. But overall, it was good! Honestly I genuinely liked this movie a lot! 
You probably haven't heard of Monster Hunter: Legends Of The Guild, a low-budget animated Monster Hunter movie Capcom quietly pushed to Netflix when the live-action one turned out to be shit. I always thought that one wasn't that great as a movie on its own but unlike the live action one was fantastic at actually being a MONSTER HUNTER movie - sort of an inverse of the Dark Knight Trilogy's modern "good movie bad Batman movie" reputation. This one is honestly quite similar, even though I at least personally think it stands on its own better than Monster Hunter: Legends Of The Guild does. 
A large part of this is one of the movie's biggest strengths: the fanservice. And no I don't mean "Princess Peach in a bikini" fanservice. I mean THE LORE. There is soooooo much Mario lore here, and Nintendo homages, and different characters popping up left and right. 
Every time I saw a reference or cameo I, like many, was like
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And that in a way being the main draw over the plot and characters WOULD be kind of a bad thing but it's just so much fun and there's so many of them I don't care. On a related note everything's so on brand, it again genuinely feels like a MARIO movie. We all know Nintendo's kind of the Disney Lite of the video game world in terms of being overly controlling - lost ROM sites and fan projects and such sure are testament to that huh - but here it kind of worked in their favor because they very obviously kept Illumination in line. You can bet your bottom dollar that Shigeru Miyamoto poured over every frame of this movie and if there was something he didn't like it got the Paper Mario treatment. 
Granted, we do start the movie with the Mario Bros living in real-world (if Nintendofied) Brooklyn, a take Nintendo is still apparently okay with despite Odyssey kinda sorta retconning it, and we see the Mario Bros having JOBS and a (a VERY Italian American, can confirm) FAMILY and it all feels akin to my gender and body dysphoria (Charles Martinet is Mario's dad though, that's really cute) but also it makes sense for the story they're trying to tell and it doesn't last long. 
I should talk about the cast. I was pretty chill with how everyone did. Sure they shouldn't have been stuntcasted this fucking hard in the first place. Sure Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong took some growing on me. Sure I have noted Sociopolitical Problems with Crisp Rat and they should have cast literally anyone who is less Problematic(tm). Burt everyone did fine for what they were. 
(Also say what you will about the Ironic(tm) humor, despite that kind of stuff Mario and Luigi's relationship feels real and genuine and I am here for it. I'm normally not THAT into same-gender sibling relations because that's not what I grew up with and NOW the gender situation is complicated but c'mon, they were cute.)
Also Jack Black got to sing. That alone made this movie worth seeing for me. The music was SUPER good when it's stuff like Bowser's singing and the cool remixed Mario tracks. The licensed music was a lot less necessary and in one case apparently replaced a perfectly good Donkey Kong remix  and almost all of it could have been cut... Aside from the I Need A Hero sequence, that was inspired. 
Speaking of Bowser. I like that they basically nudge nudge hint hint at Mario and Peach being an item but never actually do anything about it (just like the games!) whereas Bowser is UNDENIABLY horny on main for Peach and sees Mario as competition (also just like the games!) . Speaking of the references, they even use Bowser and Peach's Odyssey wedding outfits, which is cute. 
(Also can we make Girlboss Peach game canon please?)
This movie does have a sense of... "This world operates on video game logic. We will try to explain it but we will not JUSTIFY it" and I think that's neat. At first I thought that was a factor as to why this movie was less popular with critics than fans, but I went with my mostly non-gamer family (more on them later) and not only could they follow it fine, my mom told me after the movie she understood video games and video game logic BETTER after seeing this movie so I dunno. 
I will say. For a movie that is trying to distance itself from and replace the 1993 one as much as possible there are a lot of funny parallels. The Brooklyn origins leading to a secret portal beneath the city, Bowser's minions trying to isolate and strand our heroes, having One Toad In Particular help our heroes, the funky ass cars/karts, the princess of choice being more serious and also an isekai victim, the final fight being taken BACK to Brooklyn...  It's amusing. 
But overall I had fun. I want to see it again. I went to see it with my family and they enjoyed it too. Though if I had a nickel for every time a video game movie I saw on my birthday with my family that had a wedding scene that gets memed on by said family due to an upcoming wedding in said family I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice. Damn. Now I want Hollywood movies for every major Nintendo franchise that hasn't gotten one. And by "major" I mean "important enough to get into Smash". ROB and Game And Watch movies when? (More seriously I want Zelda and Fire Emblem and full-length Pikmin movies. God please.)
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