#also aside from birthday gift funds
doodlestab · 10 months
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COMMISSIONS OPEN! 7/20/23-8/03/23
It's that time of year again! Commissions have been opened from now until early August. First come first serve, one commission per slot (however, multiple slots may be claimed at the same time).
Mech, furries, NSFW, ship or fandom art all O.K.!
If you are interested, you may email me at kiwonx @ yahoo.com, or DM me through tumblr's messaging system. Payment will be made through paypal, further details on how to pay once a slot has been claimed.
If you enjoy my art but don't wish to commission me, please help me out by reblogging this post to share the word!
Thank you for your time :3!
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Hi welcome to random things that I think the Reverie characters do, including their listeners but I'm really tired and can't remember all the pet names given.
(and this time I'm gonna proofread it. <- that's a lie)
Jacob - he's already a goofy dude with his whole red flag business. But aside from that, he doesn't like those mint things that Olive Garden gives you. (Totally not self projecting) and instead chooses to toss them to other tables without alerting the patrons eating at that table.
Jacob's listener - they don't like the color blue gray that mold is. You know that color? Yeah they have a violent reaction when they see it. I'm talking about swearing like a sailor, throwing a shoe at whatever had that color, ect. Their assistant wore a color similar and they locked him out of their lab until he changed. They want funding to develop a super weapon against the color.
Dion - he constantly puts the box of cereal on top of the fridge. No one knows why he does this, he just does and he refuses to explain. It's very frustrating.
Bodyguard - he doesn't finish movies. He will watch almost all the way through but at the last ten minutes he exits out of the movie claiming boredom. Also infuriating.
Bunny - they leave mugs and cups out. Once they're done, they will just set it down. Sometimes they use it again the next day depending on the previous contents. They always claim that they'll use it again, but more often then not they complain they can't find it before grabbing something fresh. Dion is constantly and rightfully complaining whenever they blame him for the cabinet where they keep the cups and mugs being empty.
Gage - he always buys gag gifts. He also buys genuine gifts but he won't give it to you until a week and a half after your birthday or whatever. He waits so you think his genuine gift is the joke one.
Bug - they can't match their socks for the life of them. Like every time they get a new pack of socks, they somehow always wear mismatched ones. They don't know how it happens but they say opposites attract. It's making people think they do it on purpose. They don't, that's just copium.
Neo - Neo can get competitive. Like reeeaally competitive. This foxy boy will quite literally nearly cause himself injury to "win". He has to open the door first because then he won the race to. (he hides it behind being polite but thats not his main focus) he will eat his food the fastest, nearly choking on it. He will win cuddling even if it's the last thing he ever fucking does.
Darling - they have canine behaviors. Which doesn't seem like a big deal. Until they're sitting in front of a closed door complaining and knocking on it because they're curious. Or when they sprint away full speed with something in their hands (or mouth) that they shouldn't have. Or that they have a specific spot on the couch or bed or table or floor or counter or fridge or blanket or chair that is their spot and no one else can be in that spot. Or when they grab things that smell like people they care about (most often Neo when possible) and just carry the items into common or public areas. Sometimes the person is still attached to the item.
Desmond - he has a bag of bags and a box of boxes. No one knows why since he barely uses them, but everyone is too scared to ask.
Newbie - they obsessively dig holes. And they don't refill them. They've gotten told off a few times for just leaving holes in the work yard but they just can't stop. They also regularly send pictures of the holes to Desmond like "LOOK WHAT I MADE 💪🤩" what he doesnt known is that this was in his front yard 😈
Law - he gets really into princess tea parties. Like, intense. He knows all the drama between the dolls and sometimes he'll try to instigate more drama. These tea parties have extensive lore now. Also he religiously watched great British bake off.
Sweets - They collect pumpkins. And hear me out on this. Every fall they go with Law and his kid to a pumpkin patch. Photos are taken and Law lets his kid get one pumpkin to bring home. Sweets never grew up with that kind of opportunity so one of these trips they decide to try it. And now they have a pumpkin. Suddenly their eyes are opened and it's pumpkin everything! They get several pumpkins each year. They have pumpkin decor they decorate with. Pumpkin (the color... Or pattern) clothing. Pumpkin spice becomes like crack. They really really like pumpkins. Just wait until they find out about the glory of fresh pineapples... Their home will look like a swingers without them realizing it.
Casey - he can't be allowed to go into Michaels. Not because of anything necessarily bad, but he just loses any and all impulse control. He'll go in with the intention of just getting a few things and suddenly he renewed his membership, has three signs, four fake vines, two picture frames, and seven full rolls of ribbon. (He originally went in for tye-dye for a date idea with Honey. He forgot to buy it and now needs to go again. He'll end up buying the materials to make a DIY wreath)
Honey - dating a florist is fun. But they now have flowers everywhere. Some are in pots, some in vases. Some are pressed between the pages of a book. Some tied in colored mesh baggies for sachets (I think that's the word I'm thinking of) and placed in their dresser drawers. It makes their clothes smell of the flower. They sometimes forget to change them out and next thing they know their clothes smell of rotting plant and need to go through the wash. But they're happy to have it, officially handing out the little gifts to even random strangers they meet in the street.
Cyril - he collects action figures. I have an angst hc connected to this, but I want to keep this fluffy for the most part so I'll just leave it at that.
Rival - they get heated if someone peels off that plasticy cling cover wrap thingie. The one that is placed over device screens or something? Yeah they're obsessed with that shit. If you peel it off before they can they will give you the silent treatment until they get the chance to peel it off something again.
Roman - Dissects pinecones. This dude will find the pine cones that are opened up and will meticulously start to pick the shards (?) Out and try to create towers with them. He'll never admit it but he's traveled back in time to find the same pine cone and repeat the process if he messes it up.
Pip (I think that's what the listener is called?) - they throw cotton balls at people they don't like or people they want to get the attention of. No one knows how they just have a bag or pockets full of cotton balls but they do. And they will throw one at your head with the force of a thousand spartan warriors.
Ellis - They really really like black out poems. (Those ones where you color over a sheet of text to only show certain words and create a poem out of it) which can be a problem considering where they work. The urge to just grab a book and start making a black out poem is so strong. They need to keep their hands busy for fear of giving into the urge.
Ellis' listener - they try to catch the dust that you can see floating through sun rays. The ones where if you stare long enough it's like you're hurtling through space and the dust is the stars. Anyways, they like to catch that shit and present it to Ellis. Ellis humors them and "thanks for catching the stars for me"
(and the tag because I'm slowly getting less scared of being perceived but mostly because Altair is so fucking nice omg and therefore it makes it a bit less scary. @reverieaudios )
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tamberlanecomic · 9 months
August Newsletter
I have a LOT of updates to share with you, so let’s dive right in!
Art Fight
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I participated in Art Fight last month and had an amazing time drawing for folks! Thanks to everyone who drew for me too, it was really fun! You can see all of my “attacks” on my Art Fight account here.
View All Art
I plan on doing a few more attacks after the Kickstarter book madness has passed. I’ll keep you apprised!
New Art
Aside from Art Fight, I’ve been quite busy on the art front in general. Here is a birthday gift for my mom, a drawing of one of the art dolls she made named Maud Marvel, the aged but agile avenger.
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Here’s a badge for my friend Peek, who is the very same Peek as the one in Tamberlane!
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A Patreon commission for Scott
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And finally, a patron commission for Whyaylooh!
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Kickstarter Status
We just dropped a huge update on the Kickstarter with some extremely exciting news! You can read it here! Or you can get the highlights here: 
As it turns out, due to wanting to really make everything the best it can be, we've wound up taking a *lot* more time than we initially budgeted for. (Kickstarters. Amirite?) We spent all last month completing final edits and creating supplemental bonus content, such as Q&A illustrations as well as the Trissol dictionary.
In addition to the brand new Q&A questions we've illustrated, we also went back and edited/redrew the original Q&A's from Chapter 1, like this one:
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Here’s Tamberlane signing “Abroad” and “family”
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I also drew a handful of headshots to use for the annotations in the Omnibus. Here's an idea of what a page of annotations looks like:
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I mentioned we're wanting to make this book the best it can be, and we've been making a (hopefully) final QA pass on all of the pages. I'm absolutely thrilled as we've been doing everything from smoothing out speech bubbles to tightening up characterization…
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...to bringing dialogue in line with current lore!
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However, as a result it’s taking a lot longer than I expected, meaning that books will likely not arrive until November. I promise it will be worth it though, we’re taking a lot of care and pride in delivering you the best possible product, so we appreciate your understanding!
Important Kickstarter News
The long and short of the news is we have a new printer we’re working with that will allow us to do large runs of the Omnibus and Chapter 4, and reprints of Chapters 1-3! That’s another reason why the delivery date is delayed. But as a result, we’re able to put more money into the quality of the books and pay out some bonuses to the team.
For more information about our new printer, see the Kickstarter post!
We’ve also just closed our Backerkit shop! Even though it turned out we didn’t need to hit $95k to do reprints, the extra funds will definitely help us out. Thanks so much to everyone who grabbed something and helped us reach our goal!
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read all of that! Have a great month!
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theinstagrahame · 6 months
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More amazing games this last couple of months! Mostly from crowd funds, but with a couple of birthday gifts and the first installment of Zine Club in the mix!!
Here's a breakdown with some "why I wanted to check 'em out" hype!
DCC - Sailors on a Starless Sea: I recently got a copy of Dungeon Crawl Classics, and asked folks in the Plus One Exp Discord for recommendations, because I'd seen a few of 'em talk about DCC. This had at least two people recommend it! So, I'll be skimming it.
Emerald Templars: I was initially intrigued because of the South American creators and focus of the game, and can't wait to explore it further. The art and the overall quality of the book look great, and I definitely love seeing Fantasy stuff that's not Euro-centric.
Lichoma: Billed as a "meatpunk" game, I really needed to know what that meant. It's a dark, violent and interesting game with some neat mechanics (at least per the stream I watched).
Convictor Drive: This hit crowdfunders around the same time as the Dark Souls 5e came out, and I think while the Cowboy Bebop RPG was crowdfunding. So I was on a kick of really wanting to see more Japanese games get translated and brought stateside, which this was. It's an exosuit procedural super-detective kind of game, which intrigued me, even beyond the JP angle.
Overisles, Inspirisles, and the Shaping Deck: This one I'd been aware of for a while, having gotten Overisles in a Bundle years ago. It's an RPG that uses American or British Sign Language as part of the mechanics. It's supposed to help you learn ASL or BSL, and I've always been curious about those languages. The books are gorgeous, and they came with a pin and 2 really beautiful booksmarks
The Wizards & the Wastes: Big fan of Snow's work in general, but what got me (aside from the Howl's Moving Castle touchstone) was the ability to use art you already own (books, poems, music) as a focus for your character's magical abilities. It's a really gorgeous book and I've been wanting to bring it to a table. I also really love the mechanic where you bring someone from outside the game in to solve disputes.
Crush Depth Apparition: Spooky submarine horror is a good concept on its own, but I was also excited because it just looked so stylish. Plus, another thing through Snow's store, so I was into it.
Girl by Moonlight: Sailor Moon but make it Forged in the Dark. I'm in! Partner and I have been watching the original Sailor Moon. I've been playing and enjoying Beam Saber, and I kind of love the way FitD games deal with character growth.
Wreck this Deck: The pitch is: You trap demons in a deck of cards, and actually mark the cards as you go, creating a neat artifact of play as you go. So after a few plays, you have this really ominous deck of cards, some of which are super messed up or even missing. It's a rad idea, and I'm looking forward to messing up a $3 Bicycle deck.
Guys in Chairs/Spin The Bottle: This is part of the Zine Club shipment for the month, but I'm also a big fan of Dillin's work. I heard them play Guys in Chairs on Party of One, and it's a great game.
1978 - The Night They Came Home (and a Trick-or-Treat bag with rollable tables because why not): I backed this before I ever saw Halloween, but having gotten into those movies this past spooky season, I'm really into this. 2-player game where one of you is the killer, and the other is the person trying to run.
Fox Curio's Floating Bookshop: This looks beautiful, pastoral, and I love a good spiral binding. It's a journaling RPG about someone who runs a bookshop that floats up and down the river. It's super cute and I love it.
Nasty, Brutish, and Long: Friends at the Table put me in a revolutionary action mood, but I also really like the work that Not Writing Games puts out. Also been on a bit of a FitD kick lately (as previously established). I'm also going to pass by making jokes about the name.
The Corrupted: The other half of the Zine Club shipment for the month. I've heard extremely good things about this, and zombie horror is a fantastic genre in general. So I'm hype to dig in.
Hark! Says the Frog Magus: When this was first announced, I was bummed because I'd just lost my job and wasn't sure I'd be able to justify a purchase. So, a friend preordered it as a birthday gift (same friend later got me a different gift because they're a monster). Sin's work in general is rad, and this is adorable but also a great adventure, so I needed it.
I will take a second to highlight these two!
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They came from the Plus One EXP Zine Club, and the sticker did too! And it's such a rad thing. A monthly subscription that brings some zines to my door, supports indie creators, and keeps the lights on for a community I care about. All Wins all the time.
I also received the expansion for Return to Dark Tower. I haven't really played Covenant yet, but I'm excited to try it out, because it adds some rad new models and some cool new classes, and a whole bunch of new skulls for the Tower.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Multiple accounts / Multiple purchases
The goal is to purchase as many copies of Like Crazy digital versions as you can between now and 11:59pm EST Thursday.
You can use the same billing address, because many different people can live in one dwelling.
But you need to let stores think you are a unique person with each purchase. That means a new email and a new payment method each time you check out with 1 digital product, or up to 4 physical products (and then you're done).
If you used an email and a credit card LAST week on the BTS US Store, you can use it again THIS week one more time. New week, new you. But that is only true for BTS US Store, not for iTunes or Amazon, for example.
Besides, just one more purchase isn't going to help Jimin stay in the top 10, or even the top 20. So please try to keep going with at least another, if not more, purchases of the digital title track.
For example, I have 6 gmails. I also have a personal BoA debit card (also linked to PayPal), a personal Amazon Prime credit card (linked to Amazon), a personal emergency BoA credit card, and I bought 4 $20 VISA prepaid gift cards from my local grocery store.
I keep it apples to apples. One email and one card act as one Roo persona; another email and corresponding card act as another Roo persona.
I then use these emails / cards / personas to make purchases and swap through free trial streaming platforms on Spotify, YouTube, Apple, Amazon, and Pandora. (In any given day, I become a "new" ARMY every 4 hours.)
For my fellow visual learners, here's a spreadsheet of how I buy things as separate Roo personas:
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I am now tapped out of all funds I personally set aside for Jimin and my birthday so if I buy more tomorrow, I will need to go back to Jimin Funds.
Your task today if you are a US or PR ARMY with a US or PR address is to obtain funds (either your own different card[s] or through a funding account on Twitter) and to purchase at least one more bundle of all 5 digital versions of Like Crazy at a minimum.
One extra purchase today amounts to the same effort as 1.5 days of nonstop streaming on a premium account. We are out of time, so shop til ya drop!
Love, Roo
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jaskiersbard · 1 year
okay but if you're buying the game new isn't it giving her money even if it isn't technically yours...
Probably. Let’s be totally honest here: the game came out on PS5 and some other consoles back in February - despite people claiming they’d boycott, and the fact the game was out on only a few consoles, it sold something like 12 million copies in two weeks and made $850 million. At this point, I think it’s safe to say attempting to boycott it didn’t go very well. Do I think that every person buying the game supports JKR? No, not really. I think many people have found ways to justify it, and yes, I’ll own up to being one of them because I’ve been saying it’s technically a gift from the parents at the school since it was paid for using their gift card to me.
For me, my whole point in not buying anything officially licensed or firsthand is that I don’t want my hard earned money going to her. I don’t know how else to explain it: it’s this pride issue, the idea of the money I’ve made whilst helping children learn to grow, being given to her to fund her hatred. I suppose because the gift card isn’t my own money, as such, in my head I made the excuse. I also do not intend to discuss my gameplay online, and I’m not going to use my twitch or any social media sites to stream or promote the game in any capacity.
(Just as an aside, I originally was NOT going to use the gift card to buy the game; I was fully intending to use it to get God of War: Ragnarok… and then for my birthday, my dad came up with the bright idea of buying GOW:R for me as a present…
On that note, at Christmas one of my colleagues bought me a heat change Hogwarts mug - I didn’t tell her I didn’t support JKR, because it was a gift and the fact is she put thought into it because she’d seen my tattoos and gone “ah Megan must like Harry Potter”.
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
If Valerie like sweets, is she good at baking (not cooking) just baking.
oh she any good with money?
and about tha…1st and 2nd Gen Potatoes: Where do they place from sting to waste their money on the money scale
Ok, first, she's mainly a connoisseuse, so she mostly likes to taste. But she and Kara have made a fair amount of basic and one or two complex desserts so she has most of the basics down. She can make something simple but to get something up to her standards, she has to actually buy it from a professional.
The girl passed college economics before puberty hit. Pretty sure she knows her way around a budget. Heck, she even did Kara's taxes last year.
As for the others...
Aru: Impulsive af and blows most of her cash on stupid stuff. As an adult she eventually sto- PSYCH, she still does it on occasion and it annoys Aiden and Abha to the point where she's been reduced to allowances well into her 40s.
Mini: On top of everything. Conservative shopper that only buys the necessities...by her definition that means having a medical wing built into their house. The woman has tried to get Priya to wear headgear but she's been using the same phone for over 20 years.
Brynne: Responsible spender everywhere that isn't a restaurant. But if the place sells anything edible, there goes her wallet and the restaurant's inventory. Hira and Ghata can't remember the last time they ate out without the place shutting down for a month afterwards...
Nikita and Sheela: Nikita's mostly the responsible spender and Sheela would regularly go to her for tips. After all, you need to be smart with your resources when making top of the line clothing lines. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop them from spending the price equivalent of ten Gucci bags on a tea set they saw in the mall window.
Kara: Read several books on home management and is now smart about spending. Especially conservative about it because even though the Sleeper gave her whatever she wanted, the man was still intimidating. Valerie still struggles to find her a gift for holidays and birthdays because she never wants anything!
Aiden: Responsible spender and manages the house budget...with help from Abha. He's smart, but only she is able to figure out the accounting numbers during tax season. Luckily, thanks to their combined efforts, they haven't gone bankrupt even with Aru buying limited edition LOTR merch every month.
Rudy: As a king, he has countless advisors giving him financial advice... none of which he listens to because Mini forced him to learn how to manage money with her so he doesn't make the common mistake of dividing his kingdom and causing it to collapse in on itself...also it's just the responsible thing to do! It's best this way. If she didn't keep an eye on his spending, he'd probably be in alleys spending most of the royal funds on straws. What? They were bendy with stripes!
Abha: Like I said, she helps Aiden with the taxes and can handle her money well. She's got a monthly budget with some funds set aside for... important things (and by important, she means The Latest Mystery Novels)
Priya: As crazy as her habits are, she's actually got good street smarts when it comes to cash. We're talking Toph Beifong going through the Fire Nation streets making bank good! While Abha is good at organizing, Priya actually knows how to get a good deal anywhere, including the Night Bazaar! You should've seen her the time she got a flying carpet for a quarter!
Ghata: She tries to keep her spending on the essentials like the good noodle she is. She's like Kara, scared to buy things, not because she's scared of her parents, but because she's trying not to waste money. Unfortunately, she's actually gotten more lectures because she almost never tells them when she actually needs something! She actually went barefoot to school for a week before Hira checked her drawer and found all her socks had holes in them!
Suru: He's still working on understanding the concept of money. No literally, he doesn't get why currency is a thing. Something about how everyone should just get what they need whenever they need it, but I'm sure it's nothing the capitalists need to hear. Let's just say he's still learning.
Sydney: A human calculator (ignore the part where they're a robot). Can calculate prices of anything like the dad from Everybody Hates Chris and can make quality decisions about purchases.
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cure-fanventure · 2 years
==> Be that dude
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Ah yes, there he is. This dude. What a tool.
Your name is AXEL ROSEAH and you HATE that your father named you after some OLD MUSICIAN, mostly because you DON'T LIKE MUSIC. Thankfully, there happens to be a vintage VIDEO GAME CHARACTER who is also named Axel, so you tend to tell people you were named for him instead. This causes NO END OF ANNOYANCE to your FATHER, but you view that as an added bonus. Messing with the GENERAL is somewhat of a hobby after eighteen years.
Speaking of HOBBIES, yours mostly pertain to OUTDATED SHIT. You're a big fan of OLD GAMES and OLDER MEMES, as well as ANCIENT RELIGIONS. Even your Pesterchum handle, anKing, is a reference NOBODY GETS ANYMORE. Aside from your SWEET GAMING RIG, your room is taken up almost entirely by BOOKSHELVES, which are filled with religious and mythological texts. Many of them are ORIGINAL PRINTINGS, thanks to the General's MANY CONNECTIONS, as well as his high-capacity CREDIT CARD, which you swiped a clone of years ago. You even have a page from the GUTENBERG BIBLE that you found at a pawn shop.
Today is a VERY SPECIAL DAY, because one of your girlfriends is TURNING EIGHTEEN, and you got her what you consider to be an AMAZING GIFT. She's absolutely in love with the idea of LARPING, but due to her DISABILITIES, she's never gotten out of the house to actually do it. Before your BACK INJURY, you were a BIG FAN of it yourself, so you're hoping that this NEW GAME lives up to all the hype.
Your rig is, of course, state-of-the-art. You can't stand wetsuits, and shunt tech is still a few years away even within the military, but you found a nice work-around using wired neural feedback patches, colloquially known as an N-Patch. They're basically EKG stickers on crack; they take data from the game and use electrical impulses to manipulate your sensory cortexes into feeling, smelling, and even tasting if you're into that sort of thing (which you totally are). You don't like to think about how much the setup cost, but the General is rich enough that you don't actually give a shit. It pays to have access to a black budget with zero oversight; there's nobody who outranks your father, nor has higher security clearance, so there's really not anyone to oversee the funds. The General doesn't even bother to check the statements on his personal card; it's all handled automatically by his account at the treasury, and he's on duty so often that he wouldn't remember whether or not you'd owned any given thing before he left. Asshole.
Anyways, it's time to get cracking on the birthday gift. You open up your computer, log into Pesterchum, and proceed to have these two conversations that we've seen already.
Sitting alone in your room cackling to yourself over an 80-year-old meme is exactly why people think you're a tool, but man, that was so worth it. You're really glad you programmed that raspberry function into Pesterchum. After a few more moments of laughing alone, and kind of lamenting that you haven't got a salad, you open Pesterchum back up and ping your frenemy.
-- anKing [aK] began hassling deadliestWallflower [DW] at 09:45 --
aK: hey doofus
aK: whaddup u arthur piece of shit?
DW: Ax Handle.
DW: The Fuck Do You Want?
aK: what, a guy can't say hello to his girlfriend's best friend on her birthday?
aK: vera's birthday, not yours, obvi
aK: come to think of it I don't actually know what yours is
aK: when did you crawl out of that test tube again?
DW: Up Yours Dude.
DW: Also The 13th Of April, You Missed It By Like A Week.
DW: Again.
aK: that's what you think, dora winifred, check the mail room
DW: The Mail Is Already In, But I Will Go Look To Humor You
aK: i can always enjoy another solid chuckle at your expense
aK: did you get it?
aK: hello?
aK: kite?
aK: kite?
aK: you know i really miss that hotmail messenger from when we were kids
aK: I could totally use a pig shaking its ass to some funky jazz right now
DW: You're A Really Impatient Piece Of Shit, You Know That?
aK: you were gone forever! i counted.
DW: Well I Would Have Been Quicker
DW: Only Some Motherfucker Decided To Use Twenty Layers Of Paper And Tape
aK: can one be a motherfucker if one doesn't know ones own mother?
DW: That Is Literally The Plot Of Odysseus's Tale Is It Not?
aK: wait you've read homer?
aK: i didn't know you could read
DW: Harry Potter? Really?
aK: hey, YOU'RE the one who picked it for movie night
aK: it happens to be just old enough to meet my vintage meme qualifications.
aK: anyways what do you think of the gift?
DW: You Know, It's Times Like These I Remember Why I Actually Tolerate You.
aK: you tolerate me because you're crushing hard on vera
aK: why don't you just admit it?
DW: Why Don't You Shut The Fucking Shut Up?
aK: ooh, layton, nice one
aK: anyways you're welcome.
DW: Yes, Thank You. A Hard Copy Of CURE Is A Very Thoughtful Gift.
DW: For Once.
aK: well as nice as it is to fuck with you, you have a skype date to attend to
aK: i won't interrupt, don't worry.
aK: also grow a pair and fucking ask her out already!
DW: My Dick Is Still Bigger Than Yours Ax Handle
DW: Or Should I Call You Hatchet?
-- anKing [aK] changed their mood to RANCOROUS --
-- anKing [aK] ceased pestering deadliestWallflower [DW] --
You don't know which you hate more: the fact that Kite's got a bigger dick than you, or the fact that you know she's got a bigger dick than you. Gods-damned no good razzle-frazzin alcohol. After a few moments of thinking, you settle for hating Kite in general. Yeah, that’ll teach her.
Chac Chel’s spotted ears, you really hope this isn’t turning into some blackrom shit.
Whatever. Time to get this game on lockdown. Grabbing up your VR set, you start sticking N-Patches all over your body, choosing to forgo the one for your tongue this time - you don’t think you’ll need to know what a shale imp tastes like - and boot the initialization file. While it instals, you take some time to flip through The Lesser Key of Solomon. After about an hour, a pop-up asks you to set your fetch modus and arm your strife specibus. Scrolling through the modus options, you eventually land on Ouija, which catches your attention. In the comic, Aradia used it to have the spirits of the damned pick her items for her. You wonder how the game handles it, and there’s only one way to find out, so you select it for now.
Switching over to the strife specibus selector, you’re greeted with a fancy HUD showing various objects in your room with colour-coordinated outlines, highlighting how useful any given thing would be for use as a weapon. Unsurprisingly, your copies of The Key of Solomon and Tripus Aureus are tinted black for “use at own risk”, and a few of your other books are labelled “hazardous”. The only things that are a safe blue are your Swiss army knife (which you mostly use for the nail file) and your cane. Since you’ve actually trained - at the General’s insistence - in hapkido and bartitsu, it’s a pretty clear choice. You pick up your cane, a nice Lebombo piece from the General’s trip to Madagascar, and confirm your selection on the HUD. After a few seconds, a small card appears with the outline of a cane and the label “canekind”, and a stack of five blank squares spread out across the bottom of the display, next to the image of your ouija modus. These must be your captcha cards.
Deciding to give it a whirl before you launch the main client and get into some serious gameplay, you pick up your Swiss army knife and one of the cards glows. The knife disappears from the HUD, and your first blank card flashes with a ghostly image of it before disappearing into the ouija logo. Sure is fancy of them to have the game make it look like the knife has actually been-
Wait a second. You heft your hand, and feel a distinct lack of weight. You close your fingers around the knife you should be holding, and feel nothing but air.
What in the fuck?
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goldenlilium-ocs · 26 days
June 4th, 1994.
Tomes and Scrolls was always quieter in the Summer months. Most Hogwarts students had already forgotten about studying for the year, especially with the final task of the tournament coming up. And anyone else usually walked out again when they saw Mattheo standing among the books.
Which was where he stood now, flipping through books in the second-hand section. He liked how books could transport you anywhere. Most importantly, far from where you physically were. He liked the peace and being left alone. His friends would never bother to follow him in here. Apparently, literary passion didn’t align with their reputation.
Once he’d made his selection, Mattheo tucked the leather bound classic under his arm and made his way to the front of the store to pay. His inheritance was still a way away, but his aunt was generous with the funding she sent Mattheo to school with. It was easy to save money when he had nobody to spend it on. It was as he emerged from the shelves that he realised he wasn’t alone. It wasn’t often that there were people almost as tall as him around, and then there was the awful hair and yellow striped scarf stood in front of the gift section. 
“‘Scuse me,” He tried to brush past, expecting the other boy to move aside like everyone else did. How foolish he was to forget that Cedric Diggory had a nice guy complex and better social skills than the Slytherin.
“Sorry,” He chuckled. “I’m shopping for my girlfriend. Her birthday’s coming up soon. Thought I should get something, in case I don’t win. Turns out people who give so much are the hardest to shop for.”
Mattheo fought the urge to roll his eyes. He wanted to pay for his book and put as much distance between himself and Diggory as possible. He also didn’t want Juliette to recieve some stupid gift she wouldn’t even like. He would do her a favour. Anybody else would. That was what Mattheo told himself anyway as he turned to study the shelves Cedric had been studying. His first thought was that most of the products were expensive and a little tacky. What use did anyone have for an ‘I love you’ teddy bear? She wasn’t fucking five. Personalised inkwells were just a stupid way to say ‘I love you but not enough to get anything meaningful’. At least it satisfied Mattheo a little to find one thing Diggory sucked at. Valentine’s Day must have been a miserable affair.
He picked up a few bits and bobs, only pretending to put effort into studying the products, but then his gaze caught on a flash of silver and blue. A necklace with a spherical moonstone pendant.
Diggory had followed his gaze and reached out, lifting the necklace from its stand. Mattheo clenched his jaw, reminding himself that he wasn’t supposed to be getting involved in this. “This was made for her. She’ll love it.”
Yes. Because I know her. “Girls love that stuff.”
Cedric chuckled, but he didn’t agree. A classic gentleman. “If I win, I’m going to buy her the world. Until then,” He dangled the pendant in front of them before setting it back in it’s box. “Thanks for the help. I feel like I owe you now.”
Mattheo tried for a joking laugh, hoping it didn’t come across as a scoff. Just don’t hurt her, then we’ll be even. “Don’t screw it up, I guess. And you should probably win that tournament.”
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prnanayarquah · 2 months
Tina Ketewa shows love to Aboom Special School
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/tina-ketewa-shows-love-to-aboom-special-school/
Tina Ketewa shows love to Aboom Special School
In a heartwarming gesture of generosity, budding media personality Tina Ketewa marked her birthday not with lavish parties or extravagant gifts, but by extending a helping hand to the Aboom Special School in Cape Coast.
The social media influencer and radio presenter chose to celebrate her special day by donating to support the school’s students and staff, demonstrating her commitment to making a positive impact in her community.
The Aboom Special School, located in Cape Coast, caters for children with various special needs such as autism, down syndrome, and dyslexia among others. The school was established in 2006 and currently has about 163 students aged 4 – 34 years. The school runs both the regular and vocational modules where the children are taught skills like baking, sewing and beadmaking.
The school currently runs daily due to a lack of boarding facilities. However, they still strive to serve the pupils with hot meals daily. Over the years, the school has faced numerous challenges in meeting the needs of its students due to limited resources and funding constraints. The donation consisted of food items like sacks of rice, a box of cooking oil, a box of tomato paste, bags of water, boxes of biscuits and some detergents.
“I wanted to do something different for my birthday this year,” said Tina Ketewa. According to her, this is something she has always wanted to do. She decided to solicit funds from friends, family and well-wishers to enable her to embark on this project. “I was amazed when I got people on social media sending in contributions,” she continued.
The donation from Tina Ketewa will greatly ease the burden of securing foodstuff for the preparation of meals, allowing the staff to channel their limited funds into securing other important teaching and learning materials needed.
Aside, from the presentation of the items, Tina spent some time with the children, dancing and making merry. She also encouraged them not to look down on themselves because they were born different. “Never look down on yourself or feel sad because you are different. You are perfect just the way you are and God loves you,” she said as a way of encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness.
She praised the teachers for taking up such a Herculean task and implored them to be extra patient in dealing with them. The school’s principal, Madam Mary Osei, who received the items expressed her profound gratitude to the birthday girl and prayed for God’s continued blessings upon her life.
This might be her first solo donation but Tina Ketewa has always been passionate about children and helping the needy. She has volunteered severally on projects dedicated to helping the less privileged in society and is actively involved in various charitable initiatives, particularly those involving children. She believes everyone can make a difference no matter how small.
Tina Ketewa, who is currently the co-host and producer of Asaase Cape Coast’s “Rush Hour” made the presentation on Friday, 23rd February 2024 together with her colleagues from work including Mr. Jimmy Kutin who is the Branch Manager for Asaase Radio Cape Coast. He commended her for undertaking this laudable project and also promised his support to any future projects she decides to embark on.
(By: Maame Adwoa A. Mensah)
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nothing0fnothing · 2 months
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This is the exchange that absolutely blew my mind when I saw it.
I'm sorry what? She is fantasising about a time when she is dead, and beyond the grave can manipulate the relationship between her son and his own child.
That is fucking wild to me. I've never seen a level of separation from reality and a love motivated solely by the desire to control put as plainly as this.
The commenter is edging fairly close to the line on this one, but generally has a kind sentiment. Suggesting she keep kind letters and a fund open for her unborn grandson, in hopes that in a few years the family can reconcile while he's still small and he can have everything she intended to give to him.
The problem is, this only works if OP intends to make it better, to behave herself and show regret, apologise for her past actions and be soon allowed back into her sons life. This is not OPs plan. OP has a "it's my way or the highway" mindset. She doesn't want to apologise and move on, she doesn't even want to be in her grandsons life, not if it comes with rules and boundaries being laid down by his parents.
She even dismisses the (kinda) sweet suggestion that she put aside what she'd spend on birthday and Christmas gifts every year into a mini Trust for her grandson, citing unspecified "problems" it may cause. I'm not sure how quietly putting aside some money would cause problems, but maybe its more about painting her son and his wife as unreasonable instigators of this conflict than any actual concern for how her behaviour might stir the pot. No, the real problem is putting aside money takes effort and putting an account in her minor grandsons name means relinquishing control once its entered the account. Why do all that when she could just put in no effort and have all the control by asserting where her money goes after she's dead?
"That way he will see he had a loving gran who was kept away from him." She's not even trying to be subtle. The point in leaving her entire inheritance to her grandson is as a "fuck you" to her son. In her mind this is the perfect way to sew discord in their father/son relationship. If she's not allowed to do it with her words because she's no contact, and she's not allowed to do it with passive agressive gift, she'll do it with her Will. Yanno, so that while her child is grieving and making arrangements and picking out her casket, he also has to worry about how to have the "some mummies aren't good mummies and mine was one of them" conversation with his young son. How thoughtful.
"It's about making it official so he knows" no, it's about pulling strings of the people around you. The massage is clear, if her son won't have a relationship with her on her terms, she's going to put him in a situation where he will have to explain the abuse he endured from her to his own child. The child isn't even born yet and she's trying to find ways to weaponise him.
She's even calling it a 'contingency plan', because she knows if her son just bent to her whims she wouldn't be doing this. It's a 'contingency' because she'd much rather be allowed to invade her grown sons boundaries, disrespect his wife in her own home and have unfiltered access to their children. But, if that can't happen, fucking with her son from beyond the grave will have to do. How twisted?
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
2010. Brie Charles was a sperm donor baby and the biological daughter of Bruce Springsteen. She had been born into wealth with her mother being a hedge fund manager and her father the owner of an investment firm. Bruce and his wife, Patti knew that her parents had been trying to get pregnant for over a year. He privately discussed with his wife if he should offer to donate his sperm. It was something he wanted to do for them. She decided to allow him to do it.
Nine months later, he was holding the baby he helped create. She had been born on January 7, 1992, with a head full of brown hair and brown eyes. Her umbilical cord was cut by her father, then she was put on a table and was examined to make sure she was healthy. Once it was determined she was healthy, she was cleaned up, wrapped in a warm towel, and had a hat placed on her little head.
Once she was able to express herself with more than just crying, they found her to be a happy baby. The only thing she hated was tummy time, where she was placed on her stomach and had to try to lift her head. Her neck couldn’t take the weight of her head for too long and she cried in frustration until she was flipped over to her back. Her parents gave their daughter love and attention. She was the miracle baby they had been waiting for!
Her parents remained close friends with Bruce, Patti, and their three kids: Evan, Jessica, and Sam. Elliot and Evan were born around the same time, so they often played together. Her parents were also close friends with Rita Wilson and her husband, Tom Hanks; and Dorothea, and her husband, Jon Bongiovi. Their kids grew up together and were close friends.
One of the things she loved doing was performing! She was put into dance classes, voice lessons, and piano lessons. At school, she regularly performed in talent shows. When she was twelve, she got up in front of the whole school and performed I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston. She loved the attention she received while on stage and she needed more of it! Her mother had studied music as a child but gave it up to focus on her school.
With talent in her genes, Bruce could see her becoming a performer like him. Her parents set aside money that she would inherit when she turned twenty-five. Her current savings was over one and a half million dollars. The only stipulations were that she didn’t get pregnant while in high school, graduated high school, and didn’t become a spoiled brat.
So far, she was fulfilling those requirements. As an allowance, she was given five thousand dollars a month for personal use. She used the money for shopping, eating out, Starbucks, her hair, vacations, and other expenses. Her parents paid her bills, rent, and utilities, so she could afford to spend as much as she wanted. For her sixteenth birthday, she was given a brand new Mercedes Benz G Wagon in silver. With a silver interior.
Her eighteen birthday was held at an eighteen-plus club, where she and her friends danced until early in the morning. They gifted her a Tiffany necklace for her high school graduation from Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, as well as a five hundred dollar gift card to Saks Fifth Avenue to buy whatever she wanted, on top of her monthly allowance.
Yes, they gave her whatever she wanted. They also taught her the importance of giving back and helping people who were not as fortunate as her. Every Christmas Eve, they served meals to the homeless and they regularly donated their used clothes. They made it very clear if she became spoiled or entitled, everything she had would be taken away. She would also be sent to New Jersey to help Bruce and Patti do work on their farm for free.
She liked going out to different clubs on the weekends and she was known as an heiress by the media. But she was a different kind of heiress. The kind who would give a homeless stranger her jacket to keep warm or something to eat. She was humble, down to earth, and didn’t stumble out of clubs drunk every night.
Her parents had done a great job at raising her and they were proud of the woman she was becoming! It was at a Hollywood party where she met Mike Shinoda. They introduced themselves and started talking. He found her to be interesting. She had a witty sense of humor, an impressive vocabulary, and could swear like a sailor!
He invited her to hang out with him and his band members while they recorded their new album. Yeah, that would be awesome! They exchanged phone numbers and she shared her Instagram handle, brielikethecheese. It was public, so he found it easily. When he got home, he was tired from socializing all night. The only reason why he had gone was for networking. He and his band were always looking for new artists to collaborate with, though they chose more indie artists.
He got dressed into his pajamas: a t-shirt and boxer shorts before brushing his teeth and getting into bed. His phone was right beside him on his nightstand. He didn’t have an Instagram account, though he and his band thought it would be a great way to connect with their fans. After putting her handle into google, he found it easily. She had hundreds of followers already. He scrolled through her pictures.
brielikethecheese: Bonjour, Je ne suis pas très doué pour me présenter. Je m'appelle Brie Charles.
Her posts were either in French or English. He didn’t know French, though he was fluent in Japanese. His little brother, Jason was able to speak Japanese, French, and Spanish. He thought she was beautiful and he wanted to spend more time with her. Would he ask her out? It was something he was thinking about, though he wanted to make sure she was eighteen years old first.
When she got to the studio, they exchanged a hug. She was then introduced to his band: Joe Hahn, Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Chester Bennington, and Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell. They all thought she was beautiful in sweatpants, a cropped t-shirt, and an oversized flannel shirt. Her long brown hair was braided into pigtails. They guessed she was at least eighteen or nineteen years old. They were all involved in relationships, except for Rob and Mike.
She had been out running errands when she decided to stop by. How was the party the other day? It was a whole lot of nothing. She had gone to get out of her apartment. Her father also highly recommended going.
“He has a mindset to form connections with different people, even when they are balding older guys who just want to talk politics and sports. One of them asked me when I was ten what I thought about the current president. I was like, I have no idea of what you’re talking about.”
They laughed.
“Or the stock market. Anyway, it was a whole lot of nothing. Until Mike saved me from boredom.”
“Did you grow up in Agoura Hills”, Rob asked her.
“Yeah, I did! Right on Fairview Place.”
“What are your parents names?”
“Camille and Henri Charles.”
She was his neighbor. No fucking way! He got up and hugged her. The last time she saw him, she was yelling at him in French because her dolls were not listening to her. They laughed. How old was she? She was around four or five years old years old. He didn’t know how he could help her. After that, he joined Linkin Park and was unable to see her. She invited him over to hang out. Yeah, he could do that!
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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soletlunasims · 1 year
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The semester wraps up with Ares at an A GPA as always. She comes home just in time to celebrate her birthday with the family and Gunnar. She tries to limit her talk of school as to not wear her family out. They have a good time. Ares was also gifted full access to her trust fund. 300,000 simoeons. "And you also have full access to the Palette family Britechester home!" Chip said with a big smile.
The night of Ares birthday, she helps pick up before calling it a night when she enters the living room to see Gunnar, with a suitcase packed, by the door.
Ares: "Oh. Are you staying the night? We've never had a sleepover before. Which... I'm kind of surprised since my dads love you so much." She laughed.
Gunnar laughed nervously, "No... Uh. This... This is your stuff."
Ares turned to see Chip walk in from the kitchen, Caleb right behind him. They both had big grins on their face.
Ares looked at Chip, puzzled, "Dad?"
Ares looked at Caleb, puzzled, "Dad?...."
Chip chuckled. Caleb winked, " I think he's got a surprise for you, Honey."
Ares looked back at Gunnar. "Oh... Oh....okay. Is this okay with everybody?"
Chip shot Gunnar a knowing look and nodded "You're an adult now, Ares. You can make your own choices."
Ares stayed quiet for a moment before breaking the silence. "So.... Where are we going?"
Caleb came up behind Ares and whispered in here ear. "I think that's part of the surprise, Dear."
She turned to hug him. Chip joined their hug and kissed the top of her head. "We are so proud of you, baby girl" said Chip. "Go have fun!"
With that, Ares was off with Gunnar to see what he had planned for the rest of her time off from school.
-A Few Hours of Travel Later-
Gunnar: " aaaaannnd, we're home!"
Ares looked at a cabin in front of her as she got out of the car, "Home?"
Gunnar started to unload luggage from the trunk "Well. My home...... I bought a home.....a cabin, to be more specific..... Surprise!"
Ares eyes lit up, "Gunnar.... Wow. That's amazing! How did you...?"
Gunnar stopped her, " It honestly wasn't all that much. My family may be big but my dad's life insurance granted my mom a little extra money that she divided between us kids. She also had a decent job so she was able to set aside some more for all of us. I still have to pay it off. It didn't cover everything but it came close."
Ares directed her eyes back at the cabin. "Wow..... And you're gonna live here all by yourself. Cabin in the woods. I wouldn't be able to do it."
Gunnar hesitated when she said that, his cheery demeanor dropping slightly, "yeah... Well."
The two of them get inside and put their stuff by the door in the hallway.
Gunnar: "I'll give you the grand tour and then I'll make us something to eat."
The two of them made their way around the cabin which wasn't much to look at just yet. Gunnar only had a few pieces of furniture including his bed and two spare beds in what he was referring to as the 'guest bedroom'.
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Gunnar led Ares into the open plan living area. "This room is what I like to call the Livitchening room. The living room, dining room and kitchen. Convenient and cozy."
Ares smiled brightly. "I'm just so impressed by your initiative to start living on your own."
Gunnar tried not to noticably wince at the phrase 'living on your own'. "Yeah..... It'll definitely be an experience.... So, anyway. You hungry? I can make us a late night snack."
Ares shook her head. "Mmm.. not particularly. I did snack on the way here. It is pretty late though. Long drive. But...... Weirdly, I'm not that tired.
Gunnar took a moment to think. "Hmmm.... Oh! I know something we could do." He laughed.
Ares squinted her eyes at him. " Uh..... Mind sharing with the class?"
Gunnar ran out of the room. He ran back about a minute later with a pillow up over his head. Ares shook her head, her eyes growing wider as Gunnar approached her. "Gunnar. No. NONONONONOOOOOO!"
She ran away as he chased her around until she found herself in Gunnar's bedroom, eyes scanning around for a place to hide or.... "The other pillow" she whispered.
Ares got up on the bed, blocking her body with the pillow, anticipating Gunnar's impending arrival into the room. "Come oooouuuttt", Gunnar lilted. " I know you're in theeeerrrreee". Ares could hear the floor creak near the bedroom door. She tried to stifle a giggle but to no avail. Gunnar burst into the room. He ran towards the bed and jumped up on it. "I have you now!" He started pelting Ares with the pillow but she blocked every blow with her own. Gunnar eventually tired himself out, leaving him open to attack. Ares gave him a determined look "See, now that's a rookie mistake." She lifts her pillow over her head....
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Gunnar put his pillow up in front of his face, waving his other hand in surrender. "No. Wait! I give up!". Ares chortled at him "You should have thought about that before you chased me all the way in here." Ares reeled back preparing for a finishing blow but she knew Gunnar would be expecting that. Instead, in one swift motion, she dropped the pillow behind her and launched herself toward Gunnar.
Gunnar was caught off guard "uh whaaaa?". Ares started tickling Gunnar's sides. He started laughing uncontrollably. They both laughed for what seemed like forever and when they stopped they just looked at each other until it got uncomfortable. Ares cleared her throat. "Well... I am definitely tired now. Heh. Guess I should..."
Gunnar looked away and nodded. "Yeah, uh, me too..."
Silence filled the room as Ares got up and left. Gunnar fixed his bed, ignoring Ares as she walked across the room. Ares said goodnight before she closed the door behinds her.
Gunnar threw himself back on his bed. He put his hand over his face. "Fucking stupid"
That's when he was jump scared by the loud sound of the door being slammed open. "Ares? What? Is someth....." Before he could finish that sentence, Ares pressed her lips into his. She started taking his shirt off. Gunnar pulled pack. "Ares... S... Stop. What are you doing?" Ares continued by moving Gunnar's hands to her stomach. She moved his hands up under her shirt, under her bra. She leaned in to his body and whispered " I need you, Gunnar."
Gunnar was in shock. This is what he wanted, it was true, but, he also wanted this to be real. He pulled his hand from under her shirt and looked her in the eyes "Are you sure you want this, Ares? I mean really truly?". Ares said nothing. She just nodded as she undid Gunnar's belt and slid her hand into his boxers. There was no turning back. Ares had flipped a switch and Gunnar gave in to his primal instinct.
The night was filled with passion that had been building for a long time now. When all was said and done, they laid with each other, cuddling silently until they fell asleep.
-The Rest of Ares Break-
Was spent in similar fashion. The guest room remained empty other than as a closet for Ares belongings. She spent her nights in Gunnar's bed, cuddled up close to him.
On the final day before she went back to school, they both sat down for breakfast. Ares marvled at the spread Gunnar had laid out. "Wow! You made all of this?" Gunnar nodded as he was finishing a bite of his bacon. "I found a liking for cooking... Mm. And gardening. I'm hoping the next time I get to make you breakfast, the tomatoes and peppers in your omelette should be from my garden." Ares looked at Gunnar with stars in her eyes. She took a bite of her Omelette. It made her happy dance in her seat "Shoooo good!". Gunnar chuckled, "I'm glad you like it, Sweetie.". Ares almost choked on her food. Gunnar looked up at her. "You okay?" He handed her a glass of water. Ares took a sip and nodded "yeah. I'm good."
They sat in silence for a while. Gunnar finally pepped up. "All done? I can get your plates for you." Ares nodded, "Thank you...". As Gunnar got up from the table and headed to the kitchen sink, he inquired to Ares about a few things.
"Bags all packed?"
Ares nods, "ah, yeah.... Yep."
Gunnar rinses the dishes. "Cool. Good. We can head out here shortly to get you on your plane."
Ares: "Sounds good."
Another bout of silence filled the cabin. The two of them gathered all of the bags and put them into the car. They double check for anything Ares may have forgotten. Twenty minutes later, they were on their way to the airport. The car also had an eerie silence as the two headed to their destination. That is until Gunnar broke the silence:
"so you're staying in Britechester until you finish your degree, right?"
Ares nods, "two more semesters and I'm a free woman." She stretched her arms up and over her head.
"Ah" Gunnar chuckled, "Hey.... Uh. Where do you think you'll be moving to when you graduate?"
Ares: "Oh, I'm not entirely sure yet but I'm looking into moving to San Myshuno. A lot of opportunities for campaigning. A lot of impressive people to win over so I can eventually run for president."
Gunnar chokes, trying to hide his disappointment from Ares. "Such lofty goals you always set for yourself. You really are something, Ms. Palette"
Ares: "I try, ya know.". Ares nudged Gunner and laughed.
Gunnar chuckled but he was heartbroken.
-The Two Made it to the Airport-
Just in time to say goodbye. They hug right before Ares heads over to the terminal to board the plane. Gunnar couldn't resist the urge and he let his heart speak before his brain could catch it.
"I love you"
Ares pulled away slightly. "Mhmm.... See you later, Gunnar. I'll call you."
Gunnar pulled away and let her go....
-Back in Britechester-
Ares was enjoying all the accomodations of living off campus in the family owned house, including hiring a butler. She went into her first two weeks of the new semester with a renewed sense of self. "I'm literally killing it!" She thought. During this time, she practically ignored Gunnar. She was trying to keep her goals at the forefront of her mind. She realized that letting him occupy her thoughts was not a productive use of her time. By week three, though, she was forced to slow down due to getting some sort of virus. For about a week straight she was nearly forced to bed rest. She had to take her books into her bed and take all advantage of when she was feeling somewhat better to work on term papers and presentations. After a week, it wouldn't let up. She was getting fed up so she made a doctor's appointment.
When she was at the doctor's, she told them all of her symptoms to which the doctor noded slowly and proceeded to make assumptions:
"uh huh.... And tell me Ms. Palette. Are you, by chance, sexually active?"
Ares laughs, "Not recently. Not since about 3 weeks ago.... Oh.....oh..... Shit."
Doctor: "So we aren't trying for a baby, it seems. Well, okay. Do not panic yet. There are many other reasons you may feel this way. We are going to do a blood draw for a few things. We will call you with the results in about 4 hours. In the mean time, try not to stress too much, okay?"
Back at home, Ares bit her nails feverishly waiting for the call. Eventually the phone rang. Her heart felt like it was trying to escape her chest.
Doctor: "Hello. Ms. Palette?"
Ares: "Yes, this is her."
Doctor: "Hi, yes, so I have the results of your blood sample right here. So everything looks good. You are very healthy. There's some odd structural make up in your DNA but it seems to be benign whatever the case may be. The thing that's important here is that your blood pregnancy test came back positive and so we need..................."
Ares ears started ringing. Did she just here that right? This wasn't happening. She was incapable of listening to the woman on the other end of the phone. Her brain went on autopilot.
Doctor: "So will you be okay to make your first prenatal appointment for the 10th?"
Ares: "yeah"
Doctor: "okay. Very good. We will see you then Ms. Palette."
Ares hung up. She stared blankly at the wall for a minute before she burst into tears.
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"I have ruined my life."
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bridgeportbritt · 2 years
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The Grand Duke and Duchess of Umbrage Host Charity Birthday Party for Duchess Rose outside Creeksbrey Palace
Happy Spring SimDonians! It looks like the SimDonian Royal Family could not wait to enjoy some nice weather. The first sign of sun and we see a lovely child’s birthday party setup in front of Creeksbrey Palace where the Grand Duke and his family resides.
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To celebrate the birth of their youngest daughter, Duchess Rose, the Grand Duke and Duchess threw a charity event. In attendance were children from the Umbrage Orphanage along with various members of the Royal and Noble families.
We saw members of the Van Zandt, Del Rossi, Yancey, and Banks Nobile Families were in attendance along with Duchess Elena and her daughter, April.
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The affair was quite casual which is not usual for the SimDonian Royal Family aside from Grand Duchess Bria who is always dressed to impress (even if the dress is not exactly royal standard). Of course the birthday girl, who wasn’t too pleased to have so many people crowding outside her home was dressed up in a lovely Madlen gown.
Although it’s still getting dark early, that didn’t stop the crowd from singing “Happy Birthday” to the Young Duchess who blew out the candles on her birthday cake with the help of Grand Duke Emmitt.
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After the cakes were blown out, the little Duchess grew up before our very eyes! Little Rose looks like a perfect mix of her father and mother. She spent the rest of the day eating cake and jumping in the Barbie bounce house with April Lockwood. We’re excited to see her grow into a lovely little lady. One that happens to be 4th in line for the throne!
The event not only was a great time for the children from Umbrage Orphanage, but also raised funds and gifts for the children. It was certainly a fun and generous event. 
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To commemorate Rose’s birthday, Creekbrey Palace also released a new adorable portrait of the Young Duchess. We see a good mix of both the Grand Duke and Duchess! Happy Birthday Duchess Rose!
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hobidreams · 4 years
october 1865.
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you never thought you would smile like this again, but here you are. and here he is, by your side.
pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: fluffy fluff words: 5k 😳 contains: historical au, chuseok date!, eunuch kim!, so much cuteness, guest appearances hehe
moonlit throne index. this is drabble 13. start from the beginning?
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“How do I look, mom?”
Standing before the mirror, you nervously smooth the delicate sash of the pink hanbok for the hundredth time, careful not to lean down too much and dislocate the floral ornament carefully pinned in your hair. There have been doves fluttering in your stomach the entire afternoon; you don’t know if you tied this correctly or if your hair is braided right, and you can’t ask any of your nearby neighbours for fear of discovery that your plans are different than theirs tonight. Mother would know exactly what to do and what to say to make you feel at ease. But want you want most is for her to see you all grown up like this. Finally able to properly wear the outfit you coveted for so long, and hold your head high in it too. You think she’d be proud.
You manage a smile as you run your fingertips along the edge of the ornament, a gift from mother on your twelfth birthday. It’s almost been a year since her passing, and you still miss her more than anything. But you also know now that the best way to honor her is to be happy, and to carry on her work, her legacy. So far, you’ve begrudgingly won a few scraps of respect from the male physicians, and it’s a start.
“I hope you’re doing well up there,” you say, letting your gaze drift out the window to the beaming Chuseok moon, hoping the wind might take your words and your love all the way to her.
“Hey. Are you ready?”
You are grateful that the door is closed because the way you snap to attention is frankly embarrassing.
"Yes, just a moment, seja-jeonha!" you say in a nervous half-whisper, half-exclamation as you allow yourself one last glimpse at the mirror. This is going to be fine. You're going to be relaxed and have a good time, even if you are sneaking out of the palace with arguably the second most important person in the country.
Putting on a smile that hopefully looks effortless, you pull open the door and practically gasp out loud at the sight of him.
It's perhaps the first time you've seen the prince out of the traditional royal robes. It's an excellent disguise -- the clothes of a young yangban lord, done in a deep-dyed scarlet that contrasts his usual navy. A cinched belt fastens the coat deftly, juxtaposed against the dragging, silky sleeves beside it, making him seem somehow more elegant in the way he holds himself. Completing the look is the gat that sits atop his head, its wide-brim tilted low so it covers enough of his face that he wouldn't be recognized, at least not to anyone who spared him a passing glance (not that they would know his face to begin with). The gat strap hangs low in front of his chest, the intricate beading betraying just how truly expensive this hat is. He is, in short, unfairly, unfathomably handsome.
You are forever grateful that you chose to dress up; if nothing else, at least you will look suitable standing next to him, at least for a night.
If Yoongi thinks anything of your outfit, he covers it with a slight cough, his cheeks faintly reddened from the cold. “Good. Come on. We have to be quick.”
You nod, following him out into the night air.
With swift steps and strategic maneuvering, it doesn't take you long to reach one side of the imposing wall that separates palace from town. There, you find a familiar face waiting for you.
"Good evening," Eunuch Kim says with a bow. He’s wearing a different, muted set of green robes and donned a gat as well. “As you instructed, the select guards have been informed to keep quiet, and all else has been taken care of. Let us go."
He likely insisted on coming, as one of the caveats for your illicit excursion. You don't mind, since this isn't the first time he's had to do such a thing, always so worried about his rebellious, stubborn charge. You watch as he lets Yoongi go past first, then gestures for you.
“You look lovely tonight, uinyeo-nim,” Eunuch Kim says, and you share a small, furtive smile that feels like he’s cheering you on. Then you step past the official gates, feeling so acutely the pattering of your pulse because this is truly happening.
For the first handful of minutes, you remain both terrified and anticipatory that you'll be snatched back by the royal guard and accused of kidnapping the prince or something equally ridiculous as being on an actual outing with him. Beside you, Yoongi doesn't seem to have these worries as he walks by your side (though still a respectful, proper distance apart), letting his arms slightly swing while he kicks up dust with his slippers.
Just as you're wondering if you're being an awful companion and not making conversation, he says, "haven't been outside the palace in ages."
“Me too. It's… a little strange, having all this freedom to roam and do what I want. Even if it’s just for a night.”
“I'll say.” Yoongi makes an exasperated noise. “There are too many rules in that place. Can't do anything without being watched.” He gives a minor tilt of his head towards your chaperone, though it's more a tease rather than actually spiteful. Eunuch Kim, for his own sake, pretends not to see or hear the jab.
You smile. “It's for your safety, seja-jeonha.”
“So they say. But they'll regret it when I die of boredom first.”
He rolls his eyes and you laugh, and the palpitations in your stomach ease just like that.
As you draw ever closer to the town, the harmony of string and wind instruments crescendo and build with the jubilant chatter of the townspeople. It's getting to you in the best of ways; you're becoming so elated at the prospect of the festivities that you start to speed up, soon practically rushing towards the town square at a pace that forces Yoongi and Eunuch Kim to run to follow.
At the base of the square, your entire face brightens with the wondrous sight unfolding before you. There are people everywhere. Some down celebratory alcohol, others munch on sweet treats, and more still singing along to the traditional folk tunes with robust vibrato, regardless of whether they’re on key or not. You can’t find a single frown amidst all this mirth, and that’s just the way you like it. It’s overwhelming: the sights, the sounds, and the mouthwatering smell of something delicious and fried.
Yoongi eventually jogs up to you, forced to inhale a few quick breaths to refill his lungs. “Are you that hungry?” He asks, the corner of his lips curling up.
Oh god, you just made the prince run.
"No...! Not at all! I’m deeply sorry, seja-jeonha. I got too excited, didn’t I?”
“Not at all. Shall we get something to eat first then?”
You avert your eyes, though you really haven’t had dinner tonight. “No, please. Let us do what you would like.”
Yoongi grins as if it is of no consequence. “What I want? Well, then, I want to go this way.”
As is his habit, he begins to walk in the direction he chooses without notice, though this time he has to weave through the people that crowd the area. His disguise is working well; he is largely ignored as he passes, leading your little group all the way to an open alleyway where stalls line each side, lit up with lamps and vividly colored banners.
A twinge of sadness squeezes your heart as you look at the spread. You faintly remember a decade ago that there used to be a full row of assorted delicacies and sweets for purchase; now it’s mostly merchants with tables of books and hairpins, food becoming too scarce for most to sell with the grain shortage, even if they need the funds. Still, everyone seems to be doing their best with what they’ve got.
Sudden shouts ring out right beside you, nearly blowing your ears out with how loud they are.
“Jeon! Freshly fried shrimp and fish jeon for sale!”
“Hot, hot, hot nokdujeon over here!”
“Gaah!” you exclaim, eyes wide. You wouldn’t be surprised if the monks up the mountain heard about this jeon! When you turn to see who the hell is making all this commotion, you’re met with the scowling faces of two men, glaring furiously at each other in-between tending to their sizzling pans in adjacent stalls. The bearded one looks about seconds away from giving the other younger man a good smack with the fishing rod leaning on the wall behind him.
Said younger man gives a snicker. “No wonder my sales are beating yours. Why would anyone want your shrimp when they could have my delicious mung beans?”
“Say that again, if you dare.”
“Why would anyone want your gross shrimp when—”
“Yah, you can take your beans and shove them right up your nasty sokgot—”
“Excuse me,” Yoongi cuts in between them with a smirk. “I’ll take two orders of each. Preferably not ones shoved anywhere.” He drops coins on both counters, more than enough to cover the food.
“Ahem.” They levy two very similar glares at each other before beginning to package the orders for consumption, switching to polite honorifics in the process. “Yes, sir!”
“Right away, sir!”
They work deftly, obviously very practiced in the art. Neither of them drop so much as a crumb, even though they seem to be racing.
"My lord, here is your order," Fish Jeon says, only to be roughly shoved aside by Mung Bean in a rush to hand over the goods first.
"Please enjoy, sir!"
Yoongi takes the round and crispy nokdujeon, all wrapped in parchment paper. His amused chuckling makes you feel a little warmer, a bit fonder than you should. Especially when he then promptly passes the package to you.
"Seja--" You cut yourself off before you make the mistake. "Um. My lord, this is for me?" You ask, even though you're practically drooling at the scent.
"Did I give it to someone else? Eat."
He turns, hands off one of the assorted jeon plates to Eunuch Kim behind him, who accepts gratefully with a bow.
You, and your stomach, don’t need to be told twice. After blowing on the golden batter, you take a generous bite, accidentally smearing a bit of it on your cheek in the process but god, it tastes incredible. Mung Bean may be loud, but he clearly doesn’t tell lies. You have to hold yourself back from inhaling the pancake whole, instead savoring each nibble on your tongue.
“Come on. Keep going before the crowd grows,” Yoongi says, urging you forward with a jerk of his chin before biting into his own pancake. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile this much before, and it’s with slight regret that you tear your eyes away to look where you’re going.
From behind you as you start to walk, you hear, "Jungkook, you brat, shouldn't you be more respectful to your elders?!"
"Whatever, hyungnim. Nokdujeon! Better-than-his-fish nokdujeon!"
There is a very distinctive thwap as you move into the merchant area.
The first booth you come to belongs to a woman that you recognize, selling the latest romance novel by a rising author, Taehyun. She recognizes you too, waving you over with enthusiasm. “Oh, hello! We just received this last week. A tale of forbidden love between a yangban lady and a fisherman! Full of tension and…” she lowers her voice conspiratorially, “more than a few kisses!”
“Do people actually read things like this?” Yoongi mutters, staring at the covers.
“Huh? No! Well, hah, I certainly don’t!” You hope your face looks plausibly innocent. “But thank you,” you turn to say to the woman before hurriedly walking on before she can expose your ruse. The prince doesn’t need to know about the precious books you keep in a secret stash in your room. A lady can’t only study all day, right?
(You make a mental note to come back to town and pick up a copy later.)
Down the row you go, reluctantly finishing off the pancake on the way. Yoongi hands you the entire second plate of jeon not long after. “I don’t want it,” he says, watching you brighten at the prospect of more food. He does end up stealing a piece of shrimp from within your grasp later, throwing it casually into his mouth before you can even react.
The next display to really catch your attention is one laden with delicately handcrafted ornaments, pins, bracelets, and perfumes. “Wow!” You gush, leaning over the table as you try to calculate how much money you brought with you because you want it all, even though you rarely have the occasion to dress up. Still, you want at least something as a keepsake, to hold your memories of this precious day. Yoongi stops and waits for you; you forget it should be the other way around.
“Oh my, Eun-a-ssi? Is that you?”
What? You look up, breath hitched.
“Oh, my apologies.” The woman behind the booth is elderly, her hair grey, eyes wrinkling warmly as she smiles. “My mistake. My eyesight isn’t what it was. You… look a lot like a woman I know. I haven’t seen her in a long time now.”
“Eun-a… Eun-a was my mother,” you murmur. “She passed away last year.”
The woman’s eyes widen as she clutches her hands to her chest. “She did? Oh… Oh no… I’m so sorry, child. Then you must be—” She thinks for a moment, then says your name. You nod, and a small smile slips back on her lips, though now tinged with sadness. You know the feeling. “My name is Hong Sook-ja. I used to live right here in town with Eun-a-ssi, until all those years ago when she moved into the palace and I moved to the countryside. Your mother used to bring you into town for Chuseok and we got to know each other then. These days, I just come back every once in a while to see my granddaughter and great-grandson, so I must have missed the news.”
“It’s alright, Sook-ja-ssi. Mom lived well,” you say, ignoring the twinge in your chest. Any glimpse into mother’s life before she had you fills you with a certain homesickness, alongside the joy. “She was happy. And I’m sure she’d be happy to know that you are living well too.”
“Good. Good. She deserved happiness.” Sook-ja sighs, letting the information sink in. Only after one last kind smile does she finally seem to notice Yoongi standing beside you, trying his best not to intrude. “Now, is this handsome lord your companion? Perhaps your betrothed?”
“N-No!” You immediately cry, not wanting Yoongi to misunderstand, to think that his rank could be dragged so low as to match yours. Sook-ja should know that these class lines, even between yangban and cheonmin, are not so easily crossed. But the mischief in her gaze seems to suggest she doesn’t care much about that. “No, we’re just out. Together.”
“Yes. Out. Together,” Yoongi echoes, just as the door behind Sook-ja starts to open with a noisy creak.
A young woman dressed in a pretty hanbok steps out of the house with a smile. “Grandma, are you interrogating the customers again… Oh, hey! Kim-nim!”
All three of you turn your heads to look at Eunuch Kim, who couldn’t look more surprised at the woman’s appearance if Yoongi started growing a tail. He flusters, stepping back as if that could protect him. “Ahh, Chun-ja-ssi…! You’re, um, here! And you look, wow—” He almost drops the last piece of jeon altogether. “I was not expecting you to be here— I mean, not that I was thinking of you being elsewhere— Uh, not that I think about you that often—”
“This is my granddaughter,” Sook-ja explains, saving the poor man. “Chun-ja. She and her son, Han-jae, are the best parts of my life. She’s so clever, she can even read and write, you know!”
Chun-ja flushes under the praise. “My grandmother likes to exaggerate. But it’s very nice to meet you both,” she says, bowing in greeting as Sook-ja excuses herself, exiting through the same door.
Yoongi is once again smirking. “So, how do you know Kim-nim?”
“Mm, it was about two years ago? I was helping one of the merchants bring grain into the palace. Kim-nim saw me struggling with a particularly heavy pot, and so he helped me carry it. Since then, we chat for a bit every time he’s in town on an errand, and exchange the occasional letter! When he remembers to write me back, that is. Though his letters are often so lovely that I don’t mind the wait.” Chun-ja offers Eunuch Kim a grin that he can’t quite return with ease.
Yoongi has to work hard to keep his face relatively straight as he says, “hmm. So that is why he’s always disappearing from the palace with those weak excuses? And using all that ink? He always said it was for something important.”
“Seja— My lord! Please!” Spare me, Eunuch Kim’s wilted expression pleads. You have to hide your amusement behind a hand, lest you burst out with inappropriate laughter.
Once again, Sook-ja comes to the rescue as she shuffles out of the house, holding two familiar objects that make your eyes light up. “You’re both in luck. I knew we had a few extra this year, even after that rascal great-grandson of mine ruined a few with his roughhousing. He’d still be causing trouble if he weren’t off with his friends right now.” Sook-ja sighs. “I wish my grandson were still around to scold him. But anyway, I’d be happy if you’d take them!”
“Wish lanterns!” You exclaim, taking the lightly orange cloth contraption with glee. “Oh, I haven’t seen these up close in years.” The palace celebrations don’t usually include them, leaving you to try and catch the sight of the tiny, almost imperceptible lights floating into the sky from so far away. You’ve always loved the thought of the lamps surging towards that boundless sky, endlessly drifting, free to follow the wind.
“Do you know how to start it?” Chun-ja asks. You shake your head. “Let me show you.”
As Chun-ja explains the mechanisms behind the lantern to you, Yoongi reaches for his coin pouch. “We must give you something in exchange.” Yoongi produces several mun coins that are at least five times the lanterns’ actual worth, and tries to give them to her.
Sook-ja pushes his hand away. “No, no, it’s a present!”
“I insist.” Yoongi tries again, only to be rejected, again. He wonders if she would be so obstinate if she knew who he really was. (Probably yes.) “Alright… What if I take another item from the table to make it a fair trade?”
“Stubborn, aren’t you?” Sook-ja bursts into laughter, her belly shaking beneath her skirt. “Fine. Take your pick!”
Yoongi barely scans the accessories; he snatches up the bracelet you were looking at before and tucks it into his jeogori with a secret smile. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Sook-ja says warmly, before her smile dips down conspiratorially. “It’ll look good on her. Anyway, have fun! Enjoy the night.”
“I’m sure we will.” Yoongi shifts his attention to you. “All done? Then let’s keep going.”
“Yes, my lord,” you say, happily clutching the lanterns. “Thank you so much, Sook-ja-ssi. Chun-ja-ssi.”
Chun-ja beams. “Our pleasure. I hope we see each other in town again soon. And Kim-nim, don’t forget your letters!”
“Yes, of course, I will. I mean, I won’t. Forget, that is. Uh, I’ll write. G-Goodbye.” Eunuch Kim bows twice in quick succession before hurrying after you two, trying his best not to look back for one last glimpse of what he’s left behind.
You continue your wandering through the rest of the festival, marveling at the sheer strength of the wrestlers and then the elegance of the dancers. Absently, you wish this atmosphere could stay in place forever, and that everything else could just vanish into the smoke and ash of the burning campfires, but you know too well that life is a balance. And right now, with the prince’s silky sleeve pressed almost right against yours as you walk past a chorus of singers, the scales have temporarily tipped in your favor.
Eventually, all your wandering takes you to almost the outskirts of town, to an area you visited before with your mother. It takes some squinting but you eventually recognize the obscure path among the bushes, and immediately gesture towards it. The prince has shown you so much tonight; you want to return the favor, especially since his steps are beginning to slow. “This way! Please come with me.”
“Are you sure this is safe?” Eunuch Kim calls. “We cannot let anything happen to our lord!”
You start down the road. “Completely!”
It’s been so long since you last took these steps, but it all comes back to you effortlessly as you take the lead. It takes a few minutes, just a few, to reach the clearing you seek. And it is exactly as you remember it — the nature growing with a wild, greedy virility, the oddly shaped rocks studded in the dirt, and the reflecting pond, its water rippling from the drag of the autumn wind across its surface. There is no one here, which is exactly how you expected it to be.
“Here it is, seja-jeonha.”
“It’s quiet,” he marvels, and steps further in. He stops at the edge of the pond, staring not down but out, at the reflection of the full moon in its depths.
“I thought that you could use a change of environment. You look a little tired.” At this point, you know him well enough to tell that the neutrality of his expression shows subtle signs of weariness.
“The noise. It can be overwhelming at times. I’m not used to so much of it, usually. But I like the songs.”
You nod. “I understand perfectly! That’s why mom took me here in the first place. It used to be her secret spot when she was growing up.”
His arms shift, sleeves brushing the sides of his jacket. “She was a kind woman.”
“Very much so.”
You feel the breeze swiftly pick up, weaving through the strands of hair that have come loose from your up-do. The curling leaves around you rustle with welcome relief, bathing in the atmosphere, the rare tranquility of such a beautiful evening.
“Shall we float the lanterns?” You suggest after a spell.
“Sure.” Yoongi indicates for Eunuch Kim to bring the lanterns over. “Matches?”
Eunuch Kim fumbles in his robes for a few seconds before he realizes with a start that they’re just not there. “My apologies!” He bows. “I must have left the matches back at the booth!”
Yoongi sighs. “Too distracted by Chun-ja-ssi, hm?” Eunuch Kim flushes. “Go get them then.”
“But to leave you alone—”
“I’m not alone.”
Eunuch Kim looks between the prince and you a few times in rapid succession, his thoughts evidently as wavering as his eyes. He finally lands back on the prince.
“…Understood. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
You both watch him go, the quick pace of his steps no doubt brought on by anticipation.
“I can’t believe he’s been involved with a woman without any of us knowing,” Yoongi says, his tone betraying his real fondness.
“It’s sweet.” You smile, wondering if Eunuch Kim will ever manage to stop the stuttering long enough to actually tell Chun-ja how much he appears to like her. He is a mature man with most aspects, but apparently you’ve happened upon his one sole weakness. “But… He’ll probably be gone for a while. We won’t be able to light the lanterns.”
“I thought as much when I told him to go.”
“Well, it’s nice to take a break.” You don’t mention that you’d probably go anywhere and do anything, even if it’s just sitting around waiting, if it was with him. Instead, you look down at the pond, the water stilling enough for there to be a slightly blurry reflection of yourself awaiting below. “Hm. The water’s gotten a bit murkier these years. It used to be clear enough to see perfectly in. But it’s not so bad! Come look!”
Yoongi does. His pale face, all dark eyes and that rough, obvious scar, appears beside yours.
You fully intended on saying something else but that thought falls clear out of your mind when you realize just how undone your hair has become in all the bustle of the celebrations. I look like a mess, you think in a panic, hurriedly feeling for the strands to tuck them back. You’ve only managed to get one side fixed when a rock comes flying out of nowhere, plunging into the water with a noisy thunk! It disturbs both your reflections and wrecks the temporary mirror as cold droplets splash back.
“Hey!” You cry, leaping back from the pond to Yoongi’s grin. “What was that for?”
He has the audacity to look innocent. “Nothing. Haven’t you ever skipped rocks?”
“That was more a throw than a skip,” you grumble, checking your skirt as you hope it didn’t take too much damage. Thankfully, only a few drops actually landed on the precious fabric. “But yes, I love skipping rocks. Properly.”
“Here then.” You open your palm at Yoongi’s behest and he drops a stone into it. “Show me how to do it properly.”
You accept the challenge and plant one foot behind you, staring down a point in the middle of the pond, angling your arm as you position the stone in your hand. You most definitely look the part of an expert as you let the thing go. It shoots towards the water at a rapid speed, whooshing right through the air like a tiny bullet as it hits the surface at the angle and then proceeds to instantly sink to the bottom like, well, a rock.
Yoongi’s raucous laugh is no less than a roar, his entire body wracked with the exertion as he practically doubles over. He only gets louder when he sees the embarrassment on your face, the absolute mortification.
“I never said I was good at it…” You mutter, deciding to try a second time. This rock plummets right down to the watery floor too, refusing to save you even a little bit of face.
Yoongi’s settled into an infuriatingly smug look. “So, you can’t actually skip a stone. But you still love doing it?”
“That’s right.”
“Why?” He effortlessly makes a single skip before his pebble capsizes.
“I have a theory.” His curiosity piques at that; a turn of his head. “That it’s not up to us if the rock skips or not. Even if we have all the technique in the world,” you pick up another stone, “if the wind just happens to blow a bit harder, or if a fish from beneath disturbs the rhythm, or even if the tides themselves decide to surge up… It’ll fail. Or only skip the once. But—” You clutch the rock tightly in your hand and feel the weight, the cold, steady shape. “But if we wish hard enough. If we just keep trying every time we have the opportunity again and again…” This time, your rock is truly flying as it smacks the rippling water and skips a miraculous four times before finally dropping into the deep. “The universe might just make it happen.”
“…Or you need more practice.”
You shrug. “I’d rather believe that there are some things in the world simply out of our control. But that we can still hope for those things to shift, to change for the better if we never give up.”
Yoongi falls silent, staring at the ground through his downcast, delicate eyelashes. Maybe you said too much, you think. You didn’t mean to ramble. It’s just something you’ve thought about often. For these past months, it’s been the only thing keeping you going on the hardest, loneliest days. But you’ve made it. You’re still here. And by some miracle, he’s right here with you.
(You think maybe this is happiness.)
“I like that.” His eyes flick up to meet yours with an intensity that says he’s listening. He’s contemplating your thoughts and taking you seriously. He rubs the back of his neck, scratching at an invisible mark. “It’s a good theory. I… I understand it.”
There’s a weight to those words that you feel in the pit of your heart. A pull that draws you to him like the reckless tides towards his moon – a gravitational longing to know what truth vibrates beneath. You wonder if he feels it too.
“Seja-jeonha, I’ve returned!”
Eunuch Kim comes rushing back into the clearing, wielding the packet of matches. You both turn to him, letting the moment be whisked away with the wind whipping past the emerald robes, though you keep it safe in your memories. The eunuch has brought ink and brushes too, for you to write your wishes on the fabric itself. Increases the chance of their coming true, or so the legend goes.
After a few swishes of the brush, it doesn’t take long to light the fires. Your darkly inked characters are lit up by the flame, flickering staunchly beneath the opening as you each clutch a lantern in your hands and look at each other.
“What are you wishing for?” Yoongi asks.
“For more jeon,” is your reply, followed by an easy laugh that he echoes.
Then you let the lantern go as he does — two firebirds soaring side by side into the twinkling night.
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a/n: *cue Can You Feel the Love Tonight playing softly in the background even though it hasn’t been invented yet*. hope you’re all enjoying sweet Yoon 🥺
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notathingjustthere · 3 years
Not This Time
A/N: Honestly this feels incomplete and dry but I got frustrated arguing with myself lol. I wanted to post something today, because if I keep pushing it off I will never post anything so here it is. I’m trying.  
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Word Count: 3525
Summary: Ransom oversteps a boundary and cannot seem to accept the consequence of you ignoring him permanently.
The rude interruption that graced your morning, would leave drained for the rest of your day. Your blurred eyes slowly zeroed in on the small scraps of confetti that would eventually cover the floors of your bedroom. The popping sound had woken you up in alarm, and the frown that graced your face said enough. 
The evil faces that turned up in your bedroom were painted in glee, whiles they wished you a happy birthday in unison. “And who’s cleaning that up?” you groaned, naturally reaching for the phone on your bedside table and squinting when the brightness assaults your eyes.
It was only 9:23 in the morning, the alarm was usually set for 11:30 on your weekdays, but you tended to snooze till 12:15. You weren't a morning person and your friend Lizzie knew this when she pleaded on your behalf, arguing that 10:00 was a far more reasonable time to wake you up. Mila, your other friend had disregarded the input of course. 
As of late your weekends were more often than not reserved for sleep, this one being no different. Monday would be a holiday so the next 72 hours were intended to be spent alone in your house, at least that had been the plan. You had been feeling more dull than usual, and even your restocked liquor cabinet failed to excite you. 
The brunch set up in your backyard was very much up to par with your tastes.  It felt pointless to change so you still wore your pajamas, after washing your face and complaining about the time. Your friends had gone all out for the small gathering, hiring quite the eye candy of servers. Each one waited at the table, ready to help you girls to your seats. 
Your eyes lingered on one of the men a bit longer than intended, and the unexpected wink sent your way forced your eyes to look elsewhere. Mila jerked at your elbow, before wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at you. You had rolled your eyes before bursting out in laughter, enjoying the rest of your late morning meal with your two best girlies. It had been a while since you saw your friends, so you were glad, to say the least
Unlike you, Lizzie and Mila grew up accustomed to a lifestyle that only old money could provide. They didn't work as often as you did, which made it harder to fit into each other's schedules during the week. You did not grow up poor per se, but when compared to your friends, you could have been perceived that way. Your mother was a professor at Brown University, a fairly successful woman you thought. 
You had found your own definition for success, living comfortably and content with yourself,  as you often described it. Working in a high-level position for a growing green energy company, you took pride in your resilience. Many of your years were filled with uncertainties but finally, you had made something of yourself. The full ride to Harvard was where you met Lizzie and Mila, never expecting to develop a long-lasting relationship.
The cell you kept for personal use remained ignored after Lizzie dragged you out of bed that morning. The ringer was often placed on silent, resulting in poor communication habits with your friends. It was noon before you thought to check your device, the notification centre being flooded with messages and alerts. 
Most you assumed were birthday wishes from people you hardly talked to anymore and some that you were only associated with because of status. They meant very little to you, but the sham thankful replies you sent were only to keep face. 
A particular contact had occupied your thoughts for the past two weeks. The spam of messages you left open yet unread grew steadily. You were intent on ignoring him for as long as you felt necessary. He was not important enough to ruin your mood this weekend, or so you thought.
The last bits of sparkling wine settled nicely in your stomach, your chest feeling warm and tingly. You appreciated the quality time spent with your friends but it was time to resume back to your initial plan for the weekend. Lizzie and Mila had their own plans and intended to make your day as lively as possible. On any other day, you’d be down for a good time, but as of late you felt out the mix.
For gifts, Mila had opted for this beautiful emerald green bag from Bulgar. The serpent’s head-shaped clasp suited your corporate persona, which she admired. Lizzie gifted you a pair of Prada boots that she felt were suitable to your tastes. 
It was 6 pm when the two informed you of the private room they reserved at a club. Lizzie’s boyfriend would attend, including two other guests, you were well acquainted with. You weren’t interested at first but eventually caved in at the last minute thought of letting loose and having some fun. 
Your ringer silenced another phone call, it was his 86th one since last Friday. You were impressed with his persistence, figuring he would have given up by now. Newer messages had poured in, none of which you spared a glance until the last message he sent in.
“Fine, if this is how you wanna play it” you read. 
The spat you had gotten into with Ransom, had been your last straw. He was quite the specimen, but a prick at that. The trust fund baby had been spoiled his whole life, and couldn’t seem to handle not having his way for once. 
The relationship that brewed between you both could only be described as complicated. It had taken a lot to manage and handle the baggage he brought with him, but you both had balanced each other for a period of time. Now, you were bent on moving on, trying to convince yourself that you were over him, as he also tried to.
It was at Mila’s charity event that you would officially meet the douche, having only heard of him before. The free champagne helped soothe your nerves that night, as you often would be riddled in anxiety. It was an art exhibition, and you’d gotten roped into a conversation with the famous Harlan Thrombey, discussing a painting you knew a thing or two about. 
That was when Ransom had walked in, interrupting the conversation. You had turned away, fiddling with your glass as you patiently waited for them to finish whatever it was they were briefly discussing. Harlan turned to you, and introduced Ransom, before announcing that he would have to leave you shortly to give a speech. 
At the time Ransom didn't really catch your eye, you avoided making eye contact as you usually would with new people and had missed the way he looked at you. He wanted you in his bed for the night, and you had indulged him likewise. You were gone by morning that day, never being one to wait for the usual awkward boot out. 
Maybe you didn't notice it at first, but his face had begun popping up at your usual spots more and more. You’d run into him at a coffee shop where you often scheduled meetings with prospective clients. There were a couple more hookups here and there before he asked you out to dinner five months down the line. That was almost three years ago. 
Neither one of you talked about making the relationship official until you initiated the conversation. You had been on multiple dates, including the occasional family dinners his family hosted. You never did like attending them, but Ransom had wanted you at his side. You both spent a lot of time at each other's homes, and soon enough it wasn't just for the sex. 
He’d thought of you as his home and maybe you did too. On most days you preferred to have your space, but as of late you missed his not-so-subtle touches whenever he’d pass by you in the kitchen. 
That didn't seem to matter now, because you would never admit it out loud or to yourself. Ransom on the other hand loved being in close contact most of the time. As much as he denied the fact, you’d let him pretend the cuddling sessions during movie nights were due to the lack of space on the couch. 
You never got accustomed to Ransom’s lavish tastes. He’d been quite the spender on gifts and more times than not you insisted that he return most of his purchases. You could appreciate expensive things, but much rather make those purchases yourself. 
He only ever did demand that you keep a particular gift, one you’d almost given back after learning of its monetary value. The personalised bracelet with his and your initials on it had been your favourite. Not once did you ever take it off, and even now you still wore it after two weeks of ignoring him. 
It all started when your boss confronted you about an offer he didn’t expect you to decline so quickly. He insisted that you take your time to reconsider, and you had been confused, having never heard anything about it. You were suspicious of Ransom, almost immediately, but thought to give him the benefit of the doubt. 
At times he could be controlling, something you’d catch once in a while when you paid attention. There would be discussions about it, but oftentimes things got brushed aside as petty jealousy or mindless over-protectiveness. This time, you couldn’t and wouldn't let it slide. 
It was at dinner time when you decided to break out your thoughts and bring something up. You wanted to avoid confrontation, knowing he’d probably try to lie to your face or react in a way you were not ready to handle. He asked about your day as he usually would, and you took the chance to talk about what your boss mentioned, unaccusing of course. 
He played along with your confusion for a while, looking unimpressed as you went on. The contract would require your stay in China for two years, assisting in project management at the company’s main plant. Two years seemed long, and you could understand why the news was not exactly exciting. You had merely mentioned that you were considering the offer when he cut you off.  
“Well that's stupid, is this some kind of joke?” Ransom's response was expected but you had hoped he would show remorse more if anything. You frowned, arms folded when asking him to elaborate on how he was feeling
“I mean, you're gonna leave me for two years? What am I supposed to do, just wait for you?” 
“I would hope so, considering all that we have been through to make this work?”
“Come on, really?” he chuckled darkly, “You think I would wait?” 
“Why are you acting like this? I thought at the very least you'd pretend to be happy for me before reacting this way” you moved your hands in a way that emphasised your point. 
“Oh like you don't know that I declined the offer.”
The sigh you let out was deep. There it was, the confession you wanted out of him. You hated being lied to more than anything and were very disappointed he played along with your little act for even just a little bit. 
“I mean, but what did you expect? That I wouldn't find out about something as important to me as this?” 
“So what, I’m not as important?” he tried changing the topic.
“You know that's not what I mean, and you don't get to play the victim here. I-i don't get it with you, I’m always understanding, so why can't you return the favour”
He turned silent, which you thought was disappointing considering he had so much to say before. The anger you were trying so hard to settle down began to rear its ugly head.  It was a couple more minutes of silence before he opened his mouth to say something.
“You didn't think I’d find it suspicious that your boss was transferring with you?”
Your brows furrowed in confusion at that. Jonathan had not mentioned anything like that and you knew Ransom didn't like him, especially after a particular encounter at your office. 
He had shown up at your job unannounced a year ago to surprise you for your birthday when he saw the arrangements of flowers that decorated your office. Ransom did not look impressed at the scene, and knowing he would never partake in such a gesture you ruled him out. It wasn't until you noticed the card attached to one of the flowers that read out your boss's name.
“Great Job closing that deal, and a happy birthday! - Jonathan.”  
As if on queue the head of the department walked in with smiles, asking if you enjoyed his gifts. He rambled on about not knowing what you would like, so figured he’d get a little bit of everything.  
“She hates flowers,” Ransom had cut in without hesitation, your eyes widening at his remark. Leave it to him to make the inappropriate gesture from your boss even more awkward. 
“He’s not wrong, but I really do appreciate the sentiment. Thank you” you had given him a kind smile, trying to save face. You couldn't remember what happened after that except Jonathan leaving and your boyfriend silently fuming as he walked over to your window. 
You turned your attention to him, raising an eyebrow as if to question his behaviour. You were not angry with him, this was a rare moment where you actually appreciated his blunt tongue. Hopefully, your boss would now relent in his not-so-subtle advances. 
But that was a long time ago, and frankly, it didn't matter because he was focused on the wrong thing at hand. He had invaded your privacy then lied about it by not saying anything. 
“First of all I got this promotion because I worked my fucking ass off, I don't know what Johnathan has to do with anything.” you decided to defend yourself. Whatever it was that he was insinuating didn't matter because you weren't having it.
“Yeah, you fucking worked your ass off alright. You've got him so whipped that he even gets you flowers” 
You gasped, and it wasn't so much that the words hurt you, but rather the fact that he’d been clearly harbouring this since that day. There was not much you could do about unsolicited gifts that you never accepted in the first place. Besides, after Ransom’s visit, your boss had ceased all efforts. 
“Do you actually hear how insane that sounds? What the fuck was I supposed to do about that?” You reasoned, the calmness in your voice was long gone. 
“Quit” he was so arrogant and entitled. 
You scoffed,  “Well I’m sorry, but some of us actually have to work, to earn a living” the tone you took to, spoke well for you.
“I can take care of you, you know that” 
“That sounds nice and all, but I can’t depend on a man who’s never worked a day in his life.” There it was again, the silence.  
“You don't even seem sorry, and you've yet to apologize” the disappointment was evident on your face. 
He rubbed his hands over his face, his nose flaring up in annoyance, “I did what was best for us”  
“No, you did what was best for you” you started but had lost your train of thought. 
“You still don't fucking get it, do you? It's one thing to not want me to leave, but it's completely different when you think that you get to make decisions for me.” the words spewed out. 
“I'm tired of trying to reason with you Ransom, okay? We are done”
It wasn't even a second after, before he grabbed your arm, tightening his hold on you and yanking you towards him. “We are not done until I say we are” 
For a moment there he scared you, he had never put his hands on you like that, at least not outside the bedroom. Your stance did not falter when you yanked your arm away from him “Don't you ever put your hands on me again.”  
The initial shock had long subsided when you decided to speak for the last time. “Let me remind you, that you're that one that begs me back every single time! But not this time, I'm tired of you. T-tired of your shit, the jealousy, childishness, everything!” Those were your last words before your tearducts gave up. 
It was the first time he had ever seen you actually cry. Occasionally he would witness you shed a tear or two, like when you’d receive a wrong order of what you wanted, or something equally as petty.
 He tried to come closer in an attempt to comfort you, but you pushed him aside then turned away. He decided to walk out then and there, leaving you to deal with your own sorrows. 
You remember that day so vividly, and each time the memory replayed you did something to distract yourself. Much like you were doing right now at the club with your friends. The boost that alcohol gave you, left you chatty but numb. 
The buzz had you going for a while, completely indulged in a game of pool with Mila who was effortlessly schooling you. She could not let you win, not even on your birthday. It was the commotion at the door that drew your attention to Ransom arguing with the security guard and Lizzie's boyfriend, Dan. 
“Look dude, she doesn't want you here. Come on don't make this difficult” you didn't realise it but you had made your way towards Dan’s voice, not really processing what was going on. It was the sound of Ransom's knuckles punching Dan in his nose that woke you up from your little daze.  
“I said get out of my way” Ransom tried to push his way through.
“Ransom” you yelled out.
His head turned towards you rushing to Dan who held his nose up in pain. You apologised profusely as you checked his injury, thankful that nothing was broken or bleeding. You turned to your ex-boyfriend annoyed, ready to talk his ear off until you remembered you didn't care anymore.
“If you think this is how to get me to talk to you in good grace, then I don't know what to tell you,” you said, pointing behind you at Dan and Lizzie.
“What do you want? ”You sighed frustrated, after signalling the security guard off. He really wasn't making this easy for you. His hands had twitched before when you held Dan’s face to inspect his nose. He knew better than to make things any worse than it already was. 
“Look, so maybe, I have stuff to work on, and maybe we can both work on this”
“Mmm, you think so?” you asked rhetorically. It took him two weeks to come to this conclusion, and you noted how he did not start with apologies. He wanted to skip out on the guilt, but you wouldn't let him.
He tried to get closer to you, wanting to feel you against him and to reminisce in the sweet warmth he missed so much. You allowed him to, and for a moment you revelled in his familiar body heat as well, ignoring everything else around you. You let go of him after a while, distancing yourself to make it easier on you.
It took a lot to keep your composure, a part of you wanting him back but knew much wouldn’t change if you did. You took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself to relay whatever decision you had made. You were right about one thing, Ransom would always beg you back. Never-ending the cycle of broken boundaries, possessiveness, and jealousy. 
“Look Ransom, I couldn’t give you another chance even if I wanted to” you sighed loudly. “I-it goes against my principles, and that's all I have right now. So please, just leave.” you pleaded.
Ransom’s eyes hardened, he wouldn’t back down. This time you noticed the speck of regret in his eyes, but to damn with his jealousy. He didn't want this to end, and he hadn’t meant for it to. 
“Come on, don't be so stubborn, Y/N. I love you, is that what you want me to say? I’ll do anything just say the word” 
You smiled with hurt in your eyes as you looked at him. The words didn't mean much to you when his actions suggested otherwise. It was the insincere note in his tone that made it easier, but maybe he had meant it. His eyes were much more expressive than his words could be, not that it changed anything.
You simply shook your head no, looking down at your hands and playing with your fingers. 
“No, you don't” 
The cheap trick at making amends, would not coax your forgiveness, not this time.
Thank you for reading :) 
A/N: My  sister requested that I put her in the credits for her lil two cents in some of the dialogue, so here she goes. 
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