#also as another thing: alice getting to actually have a relationship with her dad.. :')
zehecatl · 1 year
... Alice/Duchess au wherein Alice ends up at the Casino, and it's more of a political intrigue than an action adventure thing
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
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Abby Anderson head-cannons/ relationship HC’s
An: this is like my modern Hc! Only the cannon in game apocalypse version
Tw: nsfw towards the end
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Humble about her title in the WLF
Goes to the gym twice a day, once in the morning once at night plus gas break days once or twice a week
High Proteine girly
Knows Damn well that the gay girls at the WLF thirst over her
Will keep Alice after hours sometimes just because
It’s literally cannon her and manny have competitions for who do what in the apartment
Is a perfectionist
If your in a relationship she’ll take you to the gym and make you try to lift her weights
Actually really likes to cook
If she wasn’t a solider she would of became a medic like her father
Has a shitty green thumb, can not keep a plant alive if her life depended on it
Speaks Spanish to a small degree bc of manny
Once her and manny had hooked up with the same girl — NOT TOGETHER I meant like Abby hooked up with someone THAT FUCKING SCIENTIST first then manny ended up hooking up with the same woman later on down the line.
Makes the worst jokes ever but ppl laugh bc their to scared to offend her
Street smart not book smart
When fall comes around mannys dad still celebrates dia de los Muertos, being that manny and Abby are close manny invited Abby one year to celebrate with them and they made an ofrenda for Abby’s father
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Relationship wise she’s actually really caring
You and Abby met most likely in the WLF, whether it’s from you helping her on an assignment, nursing her to health in the infirmary or her helping you with the animals you two just met at the WLF while helping one another
You of-course had heard of Abby multiple times but you.. this was Abby’s first time meeting or hearing abt you and shit she knew she was heads over heels in the first moment you met
Abby spent months deciding over if you were actually into her or not — one night after you two got drunk together Abby confessed and one thing let to another you two decided to plan a date
Abby freaked out like actually leg shaking anxious breath worried if she would fuck up.
She did, the day of the date she had bailed on you due to being put on an imporant assigment by Isaac
After wards she found you had a small argument with you before finally kissing you
That’s how you two ended up together
(I’m writing a fic abt this btw wait for that coming soon 😈🙏🙏🙏🙏)
She’s the type to find you souvenirs while she’s out patrolling
Will make deals with the gardeners to get you a bouquet of flowers
Every Saturday she kicks manny out and sets up the apartment so you two can have a date, doesn’t matter if your fighting and not on speaking terms you two always have the date Abby makes sure, once you Didn’t show up and Abby actually picked you up- threw you over her shoulder and carried you to the apartment
Most ppl when they write smut for Abby is alays like she’s fucking the ever living daylights out of you and calling you names but personally I don’t think Abby would do that (not that’s there’s anything wrong with those fanfics I eat that shit up everytime)
I think Abby is more of a soft lover. She takes her time and whispers sweet nothings, she’ll tell you how perfect you are and how you were blessed by the goddess of love herself
She can get a little rough though, she’s the type to while nuckles deep into you she’ll praise you for how well your doing
She’s a switch, she loves to make you feel good but also wants to be told how much you love her and her body esp her muscles
Abby’s not submissive though it’s just not her style
Went into an abandoned mall once and found a Spencer’s that’s where she managed to find a strap on
She doesn’t really like to use it since in her opinion it takes away from the experience, she doesn’t really like the fact that you want to get off on something that isn’t her
Would never let you use the strap on her tho lmao
Once Owen had drunkly said something to insult you and Abby decked him right then and there mel and manny made her apologize the next day
Insanely protective of you like I said previously she would deck Owen for just insulting you (I also don’t like Owen bc he sucks for cheating on my babe Mel)
If you two argue which is rare Abby’s stubborn but after a while she’ll force you to talk to her. She’s also gonna make you come to an agreement with her and actually communicate how you feel
GODDAMN ABBYS ASS IS FAT sorry I’m watching the remastered version of tlou2 while writing this 😭
Abby’s heavy on communication like she refuses to let one of you go to bed angry
She swears that your the most beautiful person she’s ever met
Abby will go on rants about her dad and tell you silly stories
Your the most important person to Abby and she makes that very clear— if you do patrols she refuses to let you do dangerous patrols only east already cleared areas or only if your with her so she can protect you
Deep down Abby’s scared to loose you like she lost her dad
Every night before she lets you go back to your apartment to sleep or if your sleeping over Abby will give you soft kisses and tell you how much she loves you before letting you go
That’s its 😝
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nadival · 22 days
HOTD(Imperfect rant)
Bassiacly what i said it should be longer, imo the first half of Season 1 should be at least the ENTIRE season one and the second half should be season 2.
Also the characters should change WAY more. I mean show Rhaenyra acts like a kicked puppy, she's not politiacly savy, basically everything that happens is because of other characters. She's always asking Viserys and Daemon to fix her problems instead of doing things herself and kill Vaemond herself like she does in canon.
She has her moments sure but she's so inconsistent, and why the fuck is she and Alicent still tryna fuck one another?
The fact that Alicent isn't the evil stepmother and an actual IMPORTANT member of Team Green is its separate problem, I mean let women be evil! She's not supposed to be sympathetic! She's a usurper! She's a schemer! She loves her children but even that has its own problem, cus she doesn't do shit to defend them or raise them properly. She loves Aemond and honestly, he's like Team Green's one redeeming quality(Ewan I'm looking at you), honestly so far he's been rather cool except by the end when he REGRETS killing Luke! I mean the fuck he literally spent YEARS wanting revenge, and yet they made him regret it, it sucks! The deleted scene was WAY better, I mean almost all deleted scenes are better than the ones we got. Daemon comforting his kids after Laena's death, Daemon mourning Visenya and Viserys, basically any deleted Daemon scene is better than the one we got.
Also why the fuck is Daemon CHOCKING his fuckin wife? I get it he's a borderline psychopath but he loves with all his heart or hates with his entire being. I get that he felt bertrayed by Viserys for not telling him the prophecy and losing Visenya, but he should've like raged at the wall or something.
Now onto other things like Rhaenyra X Alicent what the fuck is that about? I mean they're just Laena X Rhaenyra from wish, and it's a pathetic attempt at making Alicent sympathetic(Read above for what i mean).
On the topic of Laena she is the cousin of Rhanerya and in the shwo the two are "close" however we aren't shown any of their relationship. Then she eventually married Daemon and has children with him. One conversation with Daemon, and then one with her daughter, shows us that she is a strong character with lots of potential. Moments later she takes her own life via her dragon.
Yet in the books we are told much more and it could've been much more meaningful, her death could've been much more meaningful.
However we barely know Laena and she just becomes a side character for Daemon, and a useless one at that. They could've shown us who she was, how she raised her kids with Daemon, and then in classic GoT fashion, ripped our hearts out by killing her in a dramatic and Dragonriding way. Remember, she had claimed Vhagar, the oldest and largest living dragon. But that wasn’t enough to earn her some screen time?
Now after Laena's death. Laenor shouldn't've decide to abandon his grieving mother and father after the death of his sister while also murdering someone in the process. That turned a sympathetic character into someone I honest to god hope suffers forever. The face of Rhaenys when she thinks her son died is gut wrenching. Also why the fuck is this Rhaenys actually fighting for Rhaenyra? She belives she had her son killed?! Also protray The Greens better, not whitewash them literally have them be better characters and make them make sense. The fighting pits doesn't make any sense, this is the guy who drank and raged endlessly after his son died and yet he has his kids fight in pits? The fact that he's a rapist doesn't make his character better, in fact it makes things worse. It was very forced, and made just for shock value. He can be a perverted asshole but that doesn't mean he's a fuckin rapist.
More on Aegon have him actually spend time with Sunfyre and his family, with his kids, i'm not saying he has to be Dad of The Year, but the reason he Usurped Rhaenyra was because he was scared for his family. Also let the greens present their actual arguments(Great Council, Bastards, Daemon, fear for their safety etc). Allow Ser Criston to crown Aegon and convince him to take the throne.
Als portray Helaena like a human and Mother, have her have a couple of scenes with Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor it would've been a great way to contrast her character pre and post B&C. While also humanizing the children and making it matter. Also on the topic of children if you're gonna have The Green and Black kids be friends, show the hatred growing on both sides.
Now for Rhaenys and Corlys have them be way more sensible, I mean why the fuck are they supporting Rhaenyra? In the books it makes sense but here they believe she killed their son! Also if they're gonna support her, make them especially Rhaenys more book-accurate. Also, why are they pitting Rhaenys against Rhaenyra? In the books she was RIDE AND DIE for Rhaenyra like she was the first to go to war, she was the strongest supporter of Rhaenyra's claim. Also don't have that fucking staring scene with Rhaenys killing people in King's Landing just to NOT kill The Greens, which she definitely should've and BookRhae would've shouted it loud and proud! Oh and make her Black haired Goddamnit!
I have much more complaints but this is just a rant bye!
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francesminos-tt · 5 months
modern au where the Targs are an influential and obviously famous family (they're like the Kardashians LOL and everyone wants to know about every aspect of their lives)
after the death of Viserys, the media exposes several dirty secrets of some family members and the rivalry of years even after the marriage of targ/velaryons boys, has not extinguished the fire and hatred between Rhaenyra and Alicent.
Rhaenyra and Alicent hate each other, but they are intelligent women and had the brilliant idea of making a reality show so that people could follow the day-to-day life of the Targaryen/Hightower/Velaryon family and realize that there is no war there.
Joff was "raised" to marry Daeron. From an early age, it was explained to him that this was a duty he had to fulfill, just like his older brothers. At first, he found the idea, it wasn't fair, but gradually he came to terms with it, especially because his older uncle was so charming, so handsome and kind. Joff quickly fell in love and was suddenly excited about the wedding.
but to Joff's surprise and disappointment, the wedding was a disaster. on the couple's honeymoon, Daeron refused to have sex with Joff and made his contempt and anger at the union very clear. in front of the cameras, they are the sweet, couple in love , they are what teenagers call relationship goals, but when they are alone, Daeron doesn't even bother to pretend that Joff exists. Just as he's good at faking a passionate smile for Joff when a paparazzi is around, he's also good at treating Joff with coldness and indifference.
It's not surprising that, some time after getting married, Daeron has a mistress and doesn't make a point of hiding it from Joffrey.
When Rhaenyra and Alicent announce the reality show, they make it very clear that now they all have to pretend 24/7, and this makes Daeron FURIOUS, because now he has to get rid of his mistress, adapt his daily routine to spend more time with Joff and, above all, SHARE the same room.
I want to ask you to write something with these ideas, please. whatever you want!
I like modern nepo bbism 😝
The two matriarchs of Targaryen/Velaryon/Hightower family called an emergency meeting in the dining room. The room was so spacious that it was better called hall rather than room. There was a long table in the middle, made of the best mahogany and lined with the most intricate carvings of the Targaryen dragon sigil.
Alicent and Rhaenyra sat at the head of table and waited for everyone to arrive. Frist came Jacaerys, always the dutiful son, followed closely by another dutiful son, Aemond, with Lucerys trailing behind his one-eyed uncle/husband.
Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow at Alicent, as if showing off her victory that among the first ones to arrive, there were two of her sons. 2-1. she won.
Alicent rolled her eyes in the same elegant way she did most things. She was renowned for looking down upon others without them even realizing. Her message couldn't be clearer. Wait and see. The game wasn’t over yet.
Next to come were the twins, Baela and Rhaena, in their full glamor. Then, to everyone’s surprise, Aegon was the next, with blood-shot eyes and greasy hair, hangover as he always was. Aegon was typically the last to arrive, if he ever arrived at all, but today, by some miracle, he not only showed up on time, but also had a few minutes to spare. The miracle soon turned out to be his sister wife Helaena. The somewhat unworldly woman was instructing her children, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, to push their dad to the dining room, while holding her new-born son Maelor in her arms.
“Morning, mother, sister.” Helaena greeted Alicent and Rhaenyra with a sincere smile, causing the two solemn faced matriarchs to smile with her. Helaena was among the few things that Alicent and Rhaenyra actually shared the same opinion. Both of them adorned her.
Now the score was still to Rhaenyra’s advantage, 4-3. If Alicent had to argue, she would say that her grandchildren also counted, the score was actually 4-6.
Daeron and Joffrey hadn't arrived yet. It was unusual. The couple was always the least of their mothers’ concerns. Joffrey was a wild soul, but he was not irresponsible and he valued family more than anything. That was why he married Daeron without struggle, and had never caused any trouble after the marriage. Daeron, on the other hand, was a tricky character. He appeared to be the gentlest and most reasonable among his siblings, never got drunk and passed out on the pavement like Aegon, never chased his nephew down in a car race in the middle of the day and like Aemond, and he wasn’t as unworldly and aloof as Helaena. He was charming, polite, chivalrous and above all, a damn good actor. It was no secret in the family that he and Joffrey’s marriage was nothing more than a political union. Daeron played his part as a caring husband, but when the cameras turned away, he was the coldest and most indifferent person in the world.
“Did your little brother finally stab my little brother in his sleep?” Aegon elbowed Jacaerys, who was fiddling with his phone.
“What do you mean?” Jacaerys said half-mindedly, “They don’t even share the same room. Their rooms are at the opposite wing of the house. There is no chance Joff can sneak into Daeron’s room and stab him without waking up everyone.”
“Well, fine. Whatever you say, Sherlock.” Aegon made a face. Jacaerys was all about logical thinking, while Aegon was allergic to logic.
“Maybe stabbing will do them good.” Lucerys said thoughtfully, twirling a strand of curls with his finger, “It certainly did me good.”
Helaena instinctively covered Jaehaera’s ears and urged her husband to do the same with Jaehaerys. Thankfully little Maelor was asleep, so it wouldn't hear anything inappropriate.
“Shut up, Luke.” Aegon groaned, “My children don’t need to hear your twisted bedroom preference.”
“What makes you think I plan to talk about my sex life?” Lucerys rolled his eyes, “I am a very private person, you know. I have no intention to share my wonderful bedroom experience with my dear husband.”
“No intention my ass.” Aegon retorted, “Everyone on this planet saw you blowing my brother on the balcony, LIVE.”
“It was a good show, wasn’t it?” Lucerys chuckled, not a single ounce of shame on his face.
“Lucerys.” Aemond spoke for the first time since he entered the dining room, “Enough.”
The seats of the long table were strictly arranged, with Rhaenyra’s children on the right and Alicent’s Hightower clan on the left. It had been the norm since they were still kids, and it had remained so even after the Targaryen/Velaryon marriage. Thus, Aemond was now sitting across Lucerys, his lone violet eye fixed on his mischievous husband. Aemond the one eye was a formidable figure in the business world, but he didn't really talk much in the family. Normally he would let Lucerys take charge of the bickering, since Lucerys was far better at making Aegon speechless than him, but he made sure to intervene whenever Lucerys had gone too far. Now was an example.
“Sorry, uncle.” Lucerys batted his eyelashes innocently at Aemond, “I will be a good boy from now on.”
Aemond’s expression softened, his tightly pressed lips relaxing just a little bit as he reached out to smooth Lucerys’s fluffy curls.
“Good. Cross the line again and you will be punished.” Aemond said in his usual soft but intimidating voice, his thumb brushing against Lucerys’s jaw.
Aegon groaned again and shut his eyes. Why had he done to deserve this? Why couldn't he just sleeping his hangover away on his luxury bed?
Joffrey showed up before Lucerys and Aemond could change the dining room into a porn set. The youngest Velaryon looked a bit worse for wear. He was wearing a pair of thick rimmed glasses, hiding his reddish eyes and the lower part of his face was covered by a mask. His hair was a mess, and he was in a set of ridiculous fluffy pajamas.
“Sorry I am late.” Joffrey said, his voice muffled by the mask.
“What takes you so long, little Joff? Have you picked up furry kink?” Aegon joked.
“Are you feeling better?” Rhaenyra asked after throwing Aegon a warning stare, “Sorry to wake you this early. I’ve told Doctor Gerardys to check on you later today.”
Joffrey had been struck down by the flu three days ago. He had spent the past three days on bed, but fortunately, today his fever finally broke. He still suffered from a pounding head and upset stomach, and he was shivering even with all the layers on, but he still nodded to his mother.
“I am better now, mother. Don’t worry.” Joffrey didn't take his usual seat, instead sitting down at the far end of the table to avoid spreading the virus.
“Where is your husband?” Alicent asked, even though she knew Joffrey couldn't answer her. One of her wonderful, or rather, annoying, traits was that she was able to ignore the blunt truth even if said truth was stuck right under her nose. For example, she knew too well that Daeron didn't give a damn about Joffrey, but she still pretended that nothing was wrong.
“No idea.” Joffrey replied, “Haven't seen him for a week.”
Rhaenyra scoffed. It was no secret that Daeron was seeing someone outside marriage, a young model from the Reach. He kept his mistress in a separate mansion, and he actually spent more time there than in the family estate. Rhaenyra hated her half-brother for neglecting her son, but Daeron was such a good actor in front of the cameras that any action she took would only end up in the biggest scandal ever. She could even imagine the headline, ‘IS THE PERFECT COUPLE A LIE? Targaryen’s biggest secret uncovered’.
Speak of the devil. Daeron walked into the room in his usual casual but classic clothes, crisp shirt, tweed vest and trousers, paired with leather oxfords. He looked well-groomed as he always was, clean shaven with slightly gelled hair, a sharp contrast to his flu-struck husband.
“God, did something bad happen? Are we going bankrupt?” Daeron murmured after browsing the room, “Why is Aegon already here?”
“Because I am actually a family man and I listen to my beautiful wife.” Aegon retorted immediately, “Unlike you, who chose to stay with his gold-digger mistress, little brother.”
Daeron shrugged, neither the word gold-digger nor mistress seemed to offend him. Joffrey always found it peculiar that how come his very existence was enough to offend his otherwise very well-tempered husband?
“Since everyone is gathered, let’s go down to business.” Rhaenyra cleared her throat and addressed the crowd, “Before you ask, Baela dear, Daemon is with the little ones, so he cannot attend today’s meeting. He fully agrees to my plan, by the way, which I will explain to you in a moment.”
“We are doing a reality show.” Alicent spoke, “All of us.”
Everyone seemed to be confused by the idea. Aegon was half-way yawning, his mouth opening to an ‘o’ like an idiot; Aemond quirked an eyebrow, the one on his blind side, which meant he was properly surprised; Helaena seemed to be the least affected, rocking Maelor in her arms as she hummed softly to the baby. On Rhaenyra’s side, Jace looked up from his phone for the first time today, having a silent conversation with Baela using eye-contact; Lucerys actually stopped stroking Aemond’s hand for a moment, but recovered soon enough; Rhaena looked genuinely pleased, for a reality show would definitely help her influencer career. As for the remaining two, Daeron and Joffrey, despite their strained marriage, their reaction was exactly the same. Reluctant, to put it lightly.
“Reality show? Who the fuck wants to watch us lying around and do nothing?” Aegon was the first to question, “It is the most narcissistic thing I have ever heard!”
“Actually, everyone wants to know about our lives.” Lucerys replied, “We are like the royal family of Westeros. No offense, Baela.”
Baela waved her hand dismissingly. She was a political activist, a firm believer of democracy and equal rights, so it was natural that she condemned the idea of royalty with passion.
“None taken, Luke.” She said before turning to Aegon, “Actually, cousin, I think you are the only one here who doesn't have a proper job. No one is going to lie around and do nothing except you.”
“Hel doesn’t have a job either!”
“I run a charity fund and also work part-time as an interior designer, husband.” Helaena chimed in.
“Since when?!” Aegon shrieked like a little girl, “You betrayed me, Hel!”
Helaena only shrugged, breaking a cookie into half and handed them to her twins respectively.
“There will be cameras 24/7.” Rhaenyra raised her voice, “I need all of you on your best behavior. We need to show the world that we are a functional family. No fighting, no scandal, no bullshit, understand?”
“We are anything but functional.” Aegon murmured, “They call us the incest clan.”
“The shooting will start one week from now, but the tech team will arrive tomorrow to set up the cameras.” Alicent said, ignoring Aegon as she always did, “You have one day to hide anything you don’t want the whole realm to know.”
Everyone turned their eyes to Lucerys and Aemond, but the couple seemed to be unaffected by the gaze. Lucerys helped himself to a chocolate cookie, while Aemond took a sip of his tea. For some reason, they all thought Lucerys and Aemond’s room would be some sort of sex dungeon, even though no one had actually seen it.
“You need to stay in the house for the duration of the show, my dear.” Alicent turned to Daeron, who was sitting next to her, “Take care of your lady friend.”
Lady friend was certainly a nice way to put it. Everyone knew Alicent was referring to Daeron’s mistress.
“Don’t worry, mother.” Daeron smiled to his mother warmly, “I will take care of everything before tomorrow.”
If Joffrey didn’t know his uncle better, he would say that Daeron was sincere. However, he was not that innocent boy who had fallen in love with his gentle and polite uncle anymore. He could see from the slight downturn of Daeron’s lips that the blonde was holding back his fury. Of course Daeron would be furious. He had made it clear that he couldn’t stand Joffrey at all.
“It’s tiring enough to pretend we are in a loving relationship for the media.” Daeron claimed one time after they had come back from a charity red carpet event, “I don’t want to put up with you in private too. I need room to breathe.”
Joffrey’s reaction to Daeron’s words was to leave the room as calmly as he could, but in fact, he was so embarrassed and hurt that he felt like crying. He hated himself for even hoping that Daeron might see him differently one day. He had abandoned hope that Daeron would ever love him back, but at least they didn’t have to be enemies. He hoped Daeron wouldn’t avoid him like a disease one day, but it seemed he was too naïve to hope so.
“This is all. You can stay for breakfast, but I would advice you to go through your things and make sure nothing inappropriate is lying around before the camera team arrives. This show is our biggest PR so far. No one screws up.” Rhaenyra made the final speech before sitting back and gulping down a full cup of tea.
Joffrey stood up first, murmuring an apology as he left the room. He had no inappropriate things to hide, but he couldn’t stand Daeron’s disgusted stare anymore. He rushed back to his room, shut the door, ripped off his mask and took a deep inhale. The room was spacious and decorated in the coziest way. Helaena helped designed it for him, but unfortunately, the king-sized bed only had one occupant so far. He was supposed to share this room with Daeron, but Daeron had spent only one night here. The next day of their wedding night, Daeron went back to his old room and made no intention to come back.
“Open the door.” There was an impatient knock, followed by Daeron’s even more impatient voice, “I don’t have time to play games with you.”
Joffrey only had time to put his mask back on before the door was pushed open by an annoyed Daeron. Daeron frowned as soon as he stepped into the overly heated room. The flu made Joffrey so cold that he had to switch the heater to max and put three layers on himself to stop shivering.
“Why is here so stifled?” Daeron complained and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.
Joffrey thought the reason was obvious, but he still answered his husband’s question.
“I am cold.” Joffrey said, “It’s the flu.”
“God. Now not only do I have to share a room with you, I also have to expose myself to flu virus.” Daeron crossed his arms, making no attempt at hiding his displeasure.
“You don’t have to share the room with me if it annoys you so much.” Joffrey said in a flat voice. He had learned to be unaffected by Daeron’s obvious loathing. He had no idea what he had done that made Daeron hate him so much. He was raised to be Daeron’s bride, a union made upon Joffrey’s birth. The Targaryens had been going through a hard time back then, so Rhaenyra and Alicent had to join force to fend off the snakes that wanted to devour the Targaryen fortune. As a show of good faith, they betrothed their youngest children at the time, Daeron and Joffrey. For Joffrey, his fate was set at birth, but for Daeron, who was three years older, he had lived the first three years of his life as a free man until he was forced to accept his fate. Joffrey doubted Daeron remembered those years, but Daeron always used it as an excuse to mourn his freedom.
“Haven’t you heard what my mother and my half sister said? The reality show will follow our lives 24/7. I have no doubt that they will sneak a camera or two in our bedrooms. What will the public think if they find out we sleep in separate rooms? Our public image will be ruined.” Daeron ruffled his curls frustratedly, “I can’t afford to be seen as a hypocrite. My career will be screwed.”
But you are, Joffrey thought. Daeron was the most hypocritical person Joffrey had ever known. He was all caring and in love with Joffrey in public, always keeping his arm around Joffrey’s waist, sneaking a quick kiss from time to time, and making sure to go to Joffrey’s important games. However, in private, he made it clear that he could not stand the sight of Joffrey. He was so reluctant to even speak to Joffrey that he mostly communicated with Joffrey via e-mails. How could someone be so fake? How could Daeron whisper loving words to his ear in one second, and look at him with disgust in the next?
“We will be at the bottom of the attention list.” Joffrey said, “People are more interested in Lucerys and Aemond’s sex life or even Aegon’s drunken nonsense than us. You can say we sleep in different rooms because I don’t want to spread my flu to you.”
Daeron considered the idea for a moment. It was a good excuse, actually. Once Joffrey recovered, he could find other excuses like going on a business trip or something like that. Hopefully by that time, the public would be too shocked by their siblings’ drama to notice them.
“Fine. I will have some of my things delivered to your room to keep up the façade.” Daeron said, his mood visibly lightening a bit from not having to share the same space with Joffrey.
“What are you going to do with your lady friend?” Joffrey couldn’t help but ask. He was always curious about Daeron’s mistresses. Yes, Daeron had more than one mistress during their marriage. What did they have but Joffrey didn’t that made Daeron rather stay with them?
“None of your business.” Daeron replied coldly, “I will take care of my business, and you mind your own. Do not think I didn’t notice that you are getting along with my ex-military uncle quite well.”
For a second, Joffrey was lost. What did Daeron mean? Uncle who?
“Are you accusing me of having an affair?” Joffrey asked disbelievingly, “How dare you? I’ve never done anything unfaithful-”
Joffrey couldn’t continue, for a sudden coughing fit made it impossible for him to speak.
“No? I have sources telling me that you have been spending a lot of time in the gym, even when it’s off season. I never know another football player who is as dedicated as you.” Daeron scoffed, “Who knows what you are doing in the gym where my uncle happens to work at?”
“I broke my ankle in the final, for fuck’s sake!” Joffrey was so angry that he felt dizzy, his vision blurring and his ears ringing as if someone was playing trumpet in his head, “I am doing my reheb! Just because you are a cheater, doesn’t mean I am too! And leave Gwayne out of this.”
“Well, whatever you say.” Daeron shrugged, “But let me make one thing clear. I am not a cheater. We are never together, nephew.”
Joffrey had to hold on to the bedpost to prevent himself from stumbling. He felt like a fool. Daeron was right. They were married, sure, but they were never a couple. Daeron never touched him except for the fake kisses and caresses for the cameras. Joffrey had no right to accuse Daeron of anything. Why he kept forgetting how much his husband hated him? Joffrey wished he had never fallen in love with the cruel man in front of him.
“I’ll admit, my uncle is good-looking. And properly blonde. You like blondes, no?” Daeron flipped his silver curls as if laughing at Joffrey’s despair, “I won’t blame you if you decide to screw him once in a while. I can even give you some tips about how to keep an affair hidden.”
“Get out.” Joffrey squeezed the words from his teeth, “Get out of my room. I don’t want to see your face.”
“That makes two of us.” Daeron turned to leave as if he had been waiting for Joffrey to kick him out ever since he entered the room, “Take some pills for the flu, all right? I don’t want you to cough to death.”
Joffrey didn’t know Daeron’s last sentence was more of a mockery or worry. He didn’t care, though. He cursed himself for showing his weakness to Daeron. No more. He would not lower himself to that. If Daeron decided to be cruel, the least Joffrey could do was not to care.
The show was a success, much to Rhaenyra’s relief. The polls just skyrocketed. More than 30% of the entire Westeros population watched the premier of the show, and the numbers were looking strong five episodes in. People were excited to see the inside the famous Targaryen estate, the Red Keep. How big and luxurious it was. Its current occupants, the Targaryen/Velaryon/Hightower gang was even more interesting than the mansion itself.
Aegon was, surprisingly, named the most loved Targs on the show so far. Jacaerys replied the Instagram post with a short Congratulations and a clown emoji. Baela was the darling in the lesbian community, even though she never publicly confirmed her sex orientation. Rhaena’s social media account gained another 500K subscribers since the show had aired, and counting. Aemond didn’t get much screen time, for he was a busy businessman, but Lucerys made it up by sharing his erotic, intense, heartbroken, and overly romantic tale of how he and Aemond turned from nemesis to soulmates. Even Aegon the younger and Viserys gained their own fan base by making cute faces at the camera. Just as Joffrey predicted, the camera seemed to ignore them for the most part, which was really a huge relief for both. There was one scene in episode two that captured Joffrey and Daeron emerge from two different rooms, but Joffrey’s excuse was enough to satisfy people’s curiosities. Daeron giving him a gentle morning kiss and making him tea helped, too.
Joffrey had succeeded at avoiding the camera’s attention so far, and perhaps that was why he became slack as the shooting went on.
“Thank you driving me home, Gwayne.” Joffrey smiled to the man on the driver’s seat.
“No problem. I need to pick up something from Alicent anyway.” Gwayne replied, taking a turn at the end of the road and entering the Red Keep estate.
Gwayne Hightower was Alicent’s brother, the only son of Sir Otto, the powermonger of Old Town. Instead of working for Hightower Inc., Gwayne chose to join the army after taking a gap year between high school and college. He finished his degree in the army, and had an honorable discharge last year. He now worked as a therapist specializing in sports injury and recovery. Joffrey got familiar with the man after his ankle surgery. For a world class football player like Joffrey, ankle injury was the trickiest one. If he didn’t recover properly, he risked losing his position in the league and the national team. Joffrey was still young, so he could not let that happen. Fortunately, Gwayne was very helpful in his recovery, and Joffrey had actually made huge progress so far.
Joffrey couldn’t help but notice the resemblance between Daeron and Gwayne. They were both blonde, Gwayne’s hair color a bit deeper than Daeron’s, and so did his eyes. Gwayne had grey blue eyes compared to Daeron’s light violet ones. They were both good-looking with board shoulders and toned arms, but behind the handsome faces, their character couldn’t be more different. Gwayne was gentle and patient, never forcing Joffrey to do anything even if Joffrey was having less productive day. He complimented Joffrey’s strong will and endurance, never implying anything about brunette being somehow inferior. Most importantly, Gwayne was sincere. Joffrey didn’t have to think about his every move in front of Gwayne. Unlike Daeron. Joffrey never knew which of his words might antagonize his Daeron.
“Are you feeling better now? Your voice still sounds funny.” Gwayne pulled the car over before turning to look at Joffrey, “I know some drink recipes to relieve sore throat, but I am sure your doctor has better approach than me.”
“Doctor Gerardys is great, but he only gives me pills.” Joffrey chuckled, “If you know some magic potion, please, I am all ears.”
“I can make them for you.” Gwayne suggested, his eyes gentle and his voice gentler, “Or I can send you the recipe and you can make it yourself. It’s mostly lemon and turmeric.”
“Why don’t you find me in the kitchen after finishing your business with Lady Alicent?” Joffrey suggested, and that was his first mistake. He had completely forgotten about the reality show. He only asked Gwayne to stay because it just felt so good having someone caring for him.
“Okay.” Gwayne nodded after a short pause, reaching out to tuck Joffrey’s scarf tighter, “Let’s go, then.”
Joffrey’s next mistake was letting Gwayne park near the front door. He should have been wiser and chosen to enter the keep from the one of the side entrances. There were cameras swarming the front entrance, and inevitably, Joffrey and Gwayne were captured entering the keep by the cameras. Joffrey’s third mistake was failing to expect the media’s craziness. That was why he was so shocked to find that he was condemned as a cheater by the public after the next episode aired.
Another blonde in the relationship? Is our perfect couple a lie?
It was a lie from the beginning, but Joffrey had never expected he would be the one to expose the truth.
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agentravensong · 7 months
i've had a fic in my drafts for multiple years now (first version of it is from shortly post witch in the web) about paul becoming something of a surrogate dad for hannah (or, more accurately, just beginning on that journey, and then the events of tgwdlm happen). and now i have an idea for a similar story that i think i'm even less likely to finish, so i'm gifting it to tumblr:
bill becoming grace's new, better dad (potentially leading to, depending on how much you want to balloon the scope, the full ccrp gang (minus ted, for timeline reasons we'll get to shortly) becoming psuedo-parental figures for the full npmd protag gang)
to start: bill and grace. i think we can all agree that grace deserves better parents, right? well, there's one reason i think bill is the prime candidate to step into that role for her: they're canonically the same denomination and go to the same church. meaning that a) bill has seen this girl once a week for probably her whole life, so he's got to at least know her a little bit by now, and b) grace probably has a baseline level of respect for and willingness to listen to him, at least compared to any of the other ccrp adults (who are all different denominations).
them having their church in common gives them a starting point, but we also know just how different bill is from grace's parents (for one, he has no problem with his daughter being gay and dating). so being around him could give grace another perspective on life, one she wouldn't be so easily able to dismiss out of hand. there's a chance, however slight, that grace might actually believe him when he shows her there are other ways to be good. other ways to Be.
i guess there's also the possibility that grace's family (and thus grace) could secretly despise bill for not adhering to their version of their denomination's beliefs? but i still think it could work given the right circumstances.
what would be those circumstances, you ask? here's what i think:
the workin boys timeline, post workin boys (gals).
think about it: bill was there, and he has to know grace was there, since she's the one who Dealt with hidgens. imagine being him, and going to church the next sunday, and seeing her there. you'd be at least a little concerned about how she's doing, right?
now, answer me this: do you think grace's parents would be at all equipped to give grace the emotional support she would need after that experience? do you think they'd react at all rationally when they found out about this whole thing?
do you think grace would be able to fully keep up appearances the next time she went to church, after smiting someone in the name of god?
which is to say, i think bill, for as obtuse as he can sometimes be, would notice that she's not okay. and knowing how much he misses alice when she's not around, and how much he always worries for her... i think it's a fair jump to make that bill's fatherly side would start coming out. that he'd offer to be there for grace, and maybe start looking into her family on his own.
and grace, after a short while doing her best to hold things together on her own, cracks, and decides to take him up on that offer.
i think bill would have to do some more developing himself in order to really help grace, because we do see in his relationship with alice that familiar strain of overprotectiveness, even if it's much less dominant than in the chasitys. in that respect, i think setting a version of this idea in the watcher world timeline could be easier, because bill goes through some serious development there... but overall i find that version less interesting for grace, so instead, bill is gonna have to learn the longer way.
it would take a while for bill to start getting at the heart of how grace got messed up by her parents. but i think, with enough time — and maybe some help from a certain social worker and his specially gifted (girl)friend, if we say this timeline is one of the better 50% — he could get there.
now, i mentioned the other npmd teens up top. for the sake of this story, i like imagining that ruth actually survived; she hid when hidgens started murdering and he didn't get to her before the curtains went up. so she gets to be here! yay!
but, uh. none of them are doing too hot. obviously a ruth who lived through that would be traumatized; it might even ruin her love of theater entirely. ritchie saw it all, and i figure ruth wouldn't come out of hiding until after it was all over, so there were a good few minutes at least where he genuinely believed his (maybe best) friend was dead.
and, pete... he wasn't there, but, ya know. he lost his brother. so.
all the kids need help, is the point. and if bill is starting to look after grace, then it's basically inevitable (heh) that he'd start seeing some of ritchie (since he and grace were already kind of friends in this timeline, and i can imagine them developing a trauma bond in the aftermath of the event) and then, by association, ruth. i can even imagine him encouraging grace to hang out with them more as part of her healing, and then they could start having hang-outs at his place, and... plus, i figure the other ccrp adults probably at least vaguely knew about ted's younger brother, so bill doing at least one courtesy check-in on pete makes sense. and pete is friends with richtie and ruth, so, it all comes together!
and at some point, if bill is gonna end up helping out all these teens to some extent, it'll probably become part of his small talk at work, and that's how, if you wanted to, you could get the other adults involved. like, we know paul has babysat for alice before, so i think bill could probably convince him to help out here too... eventually. i mean, it's not like he'd ask him to take them to a musical, given Everything. if paul has started pursuing something with emma, then she can be here too! and charlotte... well, i don't know if we know anything about her opinion on children, and i don't want to stereotype her given she's the only woman of the group. but she's at least generally a nice person; i think she'd be willing to help out when she sees bill starting to get overwhelmed.
which basically just leaves the question of how steph gets involved. my answer: she hears about what happened, then learns that pete's brother was one of the casualties, and through some combo of feeling obligated and having a spark of an interest in pete, reaches out to him to ask how he's doing. so she gets pulled in through him. with this set-up, tho, i figure she probably wouldn't be a major player (though she definitely also deserves a better parent... that can be its own story).
to kind of wrap this up, the point of this whole story concept is that bill accidentally gets a second daughter, figuring out how to be a better dad in the process; and grace, on the precipe of entering adulthood with some fresh trauma, gets a real chance at salvation. a chance to be, relatively, normal. or, whatever she wants to be when free of her parents' expectations and religious standards. anything else for any other characters is a bonus.
(there can also be some alice — bill drama when alice next visits and starts noticing how much bill is devoting himself to this girl that isn't even his daughter. drama that, eventually, results in the two of them becoming closer, and grace getting an honorary older sister!)
(also remember that duke and holloway can be here helping with the kids, if you want them to be. and why wouldn't you?)
like i said up-top, i have no plans to actually write this. y'all can take it and do whatever you want with it. i just hope at least one other person gets something out of this bain blast i had :D
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volturiwolf · 2 years
Dandelions - A Paul Lahote x fem!reader Story - Part 2
A/N: For some reason, the letters wouldn't show up at my "goth rave" theme, so I had to change all letters to purple, paragraph by paragraph.
Part 1
Taglist: @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @venusdelaroix @morganaah @paisley-37 @idkanymor3e @b-tchymoon @patychieffi @pinkdragonfandream-blog
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(Y/N)’s POV
I would have never expected Bella would become the middleman between Paul and me. Though I got why Paul would end up asking her to help: besides being the link between the wolfpack and the Cullens, she was also the only one whose thoughts were safe from Edward. I, on the other hand, had to actually try hard to not think about Paul, so Edward wouldn’t know what was about to happen and give me away to my parents.
Bella was also my cover for going out of the house. I just had to tell my parents I wanted to go with Bella to Port Angeles, somewhere away to clear up my mind and not think about the upcoming battle that was putting my family in danger. The weather was ideal: sunny and warmer than the previous days, just before the snowstorm that was expected up in the mountains.
Mom did not like this at all - she still didn’t trust Bella enough to let her alone with her 16-year-old daughter, but dad was more than excited. He liked Bella a lot, because, even if she didn’t look like it, Bella held a chaotic energy similar to Emmett’s. It was like dad had finally found his own sibling within the Cullen family to match his energy with, just like mom had Jasper, and Alice had Edward.
Everything was settled and arranged, so Bella came to pick me up with her truck on a beautiful, sunny Saturday, and we drove up north, towards Port Angeles. What my parents or any of the Cullens did not know was that, instead of continuing straight ahead towards Port Angeles, Bella turned to the left, driving straight towards La Push. 
We made a deal that she would drive us to La Push so I could meet up with Paul and she could spend some time with Jacob, without having Edward take her car apart again. Mom made sure to check the truck thoroughly; she didn't want me to get into an accident with “that old thing”. 
Bella was quiet throughout the drive to La Push. I wondered if she regretted driving me up there, or if she was worried about Edward’s reaction if he found out that she went behind his back.
“Hey, thank you for driving me up here. Don’t worry about Edward. He will come around eventually. He cares about you too much to ever get mad at you.”
“Honestly, I’m not really worried about Edward.”
I raised an eyebrow at her. “Then why do you seem perplexed and ‘deep in thought’?”
“I’m confused as to what I’m going to do with Jacob. He is a great guy and I love him, but…”
“But you love Edward more?”
“Exactly! Jacob’s a great guy and I don’t want to hurt him, but I can’t go on like that. I feel like his expectations for our relationship are not what I want them to be.”
“Then tell him how you feel. He may not like it, but you don’t have to please everyone or do anyone any favor. Do what you want with your life. If you want Edward, tell the truth to Jacob. If he loves you like he claims he does, he should understand that and move on. He surely has to move on. It’s been..what? Like over half a year that he’s been actively after you? And another year before that that he was trying to get closer to you? That’s creepy, and tiring, for sure.”
Bella smiled a bit. “Thanks, (Y/N). You seem to understand me pretty well.”
“Oh, please. I grew up watching Edward drown in his misery. You seriously are the only thing that has ever put a smile on his face. He won’t ever truly get mad at you, no matter what you do or what happens. But this is a two-way relationship, not a three-way, so you have to make sure your message gets across.”
Within a few minutes, we had finally reached La Push, and Bella drove us straight to - what I assumed was - Emily and Sam’s house. The house was smaller than the house I lived in, but it felt like a home, warm and welcoming. It was also surrounded by woods, and all these elements together made the house look like the perfect place to live.
Bella parked beside a silver jeep that looked a lot like dad’s jeep. Before we even stepped out of the truck, most of the pack came running out of the house, having heard us already. When we stepped out completely, they grimaced, most probably because we ‘reeked’ of vampires. Paul came out last, looking more reserved but still smiled widely when our eyes met.
Bella greeted everyone quickly, before she and Jacob walked out, towards the beach, probably to talk or fight - I didn’t know which was more plausible at the moment. I had never been around here, so it was awkward, to say the least. Everyone seemed really friendly and welcoming, especially now that they were in their human forms, but I still couldn’t fully let myself enjoy the moment and the company of the wolfpack and their imprints.
With the exception of Seth, who was only a few months younger than me, I was the youngest person around, and I didn’t know how to connect with the others. I used to hang out with Jared, Paul, Embry, Jacob, and Quil, and a year ago, our 1-year difference wasn’t an issue. But, after their transformation, it looked as if they got too old too quickly, physically and mentally. And it’s been only months since then.
I didn’t know what I was doing here, so, after the initial introduction to everyone I didn’t know - Sam and Emily, Kim, Seth, and Leah - I sat down on a couch, having nothing to do or say, just fiddling with my fingers, waiting for Bella to come back. 
I felt the couch sink next to me, and I turned my head to look into Paul’s eyes. All the nervousness suddenly washed away, and I felt my heart beating faster.
“Are you feeling okay?” There was a small worry in his quiet, calm voice. I just nodded in response. “You know, you don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to. I can drive you back home whenever you say so.”
“No, it’s not that. I want to be here, with you and the others. I just don’t know if we’re still on good terms with everyone, and I don’t want to upset them unnecessarily. Plus, my parents don’t know I came here, at least not yet. I don’t know what they’ll do to you if you drive me back home, and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” 
Paul only mumbled an “Mhm”, before he took my hand and encouraged me to stand up. I followed him, away from the living room and the kitchen, walking out of the back door which oversaw the woods nearby. He calmly walked me through the forest which was cooler and more humid than the house, and it brought me an instant sense of calmness.
Paul turned to look at me. “Feeling better now?”
“Much better,” I replied with a calm and quiet voice.
Paul turned around to sit on a boulder that was covered with moss and lichens, as he patted the spot next to him for me to sit. I smiled and took a seat beside him. 
In this part of the woods, you couldn’t hear anything but the rustling of the leaves, as the wind blew in between them, and a few owls hooting and cooing. Every sound that came from the house or the surroundings was muted by the woods around us. It was stupefying, and I wished we could stay like that, but I had many things to say to Paul.
“I’m sorry for how everything went down last time. My parents overreacted. They usually do. They are overprotective of me, even when it’s not necessary”, I told him, bouncing my right leg and fiddling with my fingers once again, as I usually did out of nervousness.
“I’m sorry about how I reacted. I knew they would try to protect you from me. They are your parents after all. But I continued the whole thing, attacking your father and family. I am sorry about that. Truly.” I now looked at Paul whose eyes were apologetic and kept a deep sadness in them.
“You know, I saw how my dad attacked you first. So, there’s nothing to apologize for. You defended yourself, and your family defended you. You don’t have to feel sad or guilty or whatever it is you’re feeling about it.” I coyly and slowly put my hand on his, feeling his warmth, as electricity moved briskly through my body. He looked at me, now smiling, and his hand embraced mine in return.
"You know, I'm really glad you came. I didn't know who I'd have to talk to, to bring me in contact with you. And when I asked Bella, I was worried about how she'd react or what if she told your family. I'm not gonna lie, I was scared they were gonna lock you in a cell or something and never let you out until you're old enough to become one of them.", Paul chuckled as his imagination was running wild, and I laughed along with him.
"Well, you definitely have a wild imagination, so we'll get along just fine,” I smirked. “Also, I don't know what you heard about vampires but they don't have cells where they lock people. Or vampires. At least, my family doesn’t; I don't know about the Volturi, but I'm pretty sure they do have dungeons. They must have. And…you're wrong about the "me becoming a vampire" part." I chuckled awkwardly, as I expected him to ask why.
"Why? Are you not going to become a vampire? Isn't this what your family does? Turning people into vampires?" Paul was confused and so clueless about what was really happening inside my family.
"No, they don't. Grandpa - Carlisle - only turns people he deems they should be saved and turned into vampires. He doesn't go out randomly biting people. He…He feels damned, and he wouldn't wish that upon anyone who has the chance of living a normal life."
"I don't think I get it. In my mind, vampires just bite and turn others randomly. I can’t imagine choosing specific people to turn into one of them. Can you elaborate on that?"
“Well, Carlisle, just like Edward, feels like being a vampire — it’s like a curse that condemns your soul; you’re a lost cause, God hates you, and all that stuff. Even when he was bitten, Carlisle hid under sacks of potatoes because he didn’t want others to hear him screaming in pain. When he finally turned, he tried to starve himself, because his nature told him to kill people, but that was just not him. And when he had the chance to save others, he studied medicine, because he wanted to help. And when he found Edward, Esme, and Rosalie, he saved them because they were dying. And he transformed Emmett when mom brought him to Carlisle because he also was dying. Carlisle would never bite a person unless he simply had to, to save them.”
“Well, still, I see your point, his point, but he still bites people. He doesn’t give them the chance to choose if they want to be saved or not.”
“You’re right, and that’s where the guilt begins: he thinks he saves someone who eventually may not want to be saved. That was the case with my mom. She didn’t want to be saved; she wanted the pain to go away, but she wanted to die because she was feeling guilty when she shouldn’t have. When Carlisle bit her, the pain was unbearable for her, and she wished she was dead. She was wishing she was dead for a couple of years; that was until she met dad. Mom had never tried human blood, and when she found dad mutilated by a bear, she said there was something so familiar with him that she felt like she had to save him. She said she reminded her of Henry, her best friend, Vera's son.”
Paul grimaced. “Ehm, that sounds weird and creepy.”
I laughed at his remark. “Well, to her, it felt like she could finally have a piece of normality with Emmett like Vera naturally had Henry. But mom now couldn’t have children, so dad somehow managed to bring some normality to her now immortal life. Before he came to the family, everyone was moody and awkward, and uncle Edward was brooding as always. But Emmett was goofy and careless, and he seemed to be the only one who actually enjoyed the vampire life. He brought life to a family of dead people, and mom never stopped loving him, no matter what he did to - unintentionally - upset her.” 
Paul raised one eyebrow. “What did he do to upset her?”
“Simple things that dads would do, like tossing me in the air, but imagine using the strength of a vampire like Emmett, or even sticking me to the wall with duct tape, so he could "watch me" and play “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” at the same time.” 
By now, Paul was laughing so hard that he literally rolled off the boulder, and I could only watch him with amusement. “It wasn’t funny. It was tragicomic. I was less than 2 years old! Mom said she tried her best to pull the tape apart without hurting me, and it took her weeks to make sure I wasn’t traumatized or anything. But, honestly, I didn’t even remember it. Alice, Jasper, and Edward told me everything.”
Paul sat straight, now leaning against the base of the boulder, and turned to look up at me.  “You had quite a childhood, huh?”
“You don’t say. So, what about you? What’s your trauma?”, I looked at Paul whose happy face suddenly frowned.
“Well, I had a harder childhood, if you may.” He looked forward, lost in thought.
I slid down the boulder and plopped down beside him. “I would like to hear it if you’re comfortable sharing.”
Paul sighed, before taking a deep breath. “I’m probably the only one of my pack mates who wasn’t born in La Push. I was born in Tacoma, and I only came back here when my parents divorced. I was 8 years old and didn’t really understand why they had to divorce. For years, I thought it was my fault they did; that I caused them to fall apart and hate each other, and yell, and finally divorce. It was quite recently that I started coming to terms with the fact that it wasn’t my fault; it was just the fact that my parents fell out of love with each other, and divorcing was the best thing they could do for both themselves and me. And it was okay they did. It was the right thing to do.”
It was weird hearing Paul being so self-aware and so mature, but it was also refreshing, and it made me feel a deeper attraction and connection to him.
“I didn’t know anyone around the tribe personally. I wasn’t close to Sam or Jared growing up. It took me several years to start hanging out with Jared, Jacob, Embry, and Quil, and I still wasn’t fully open to them. I was an asshole sometimes - well, most of the time, mostly because of my anger issues, but they still hung out with me, and it was nice having them around. And then you came around and it was weird having you around, but, after a while, we all wished you could spend more time with us, stay for sleepovers, and such.” He looked down at his feet.
I touched his shoulder, trying to show him that I felt the same. “I know. I wished I could, too. Still wish I could.”
Paul huffed, laughing a bit. “You know, the first time I ever shifted was when I found out you left town, back in September.”
“Why?” I was genuinely unaware of Paul’s first transformation.
“I thought you left; that you left me, forever. Some time after meeting you, I thought I liked you, and when you left, I knew I liked you. A lot. And you left without any explanation, and I didn’t know why you left, or where you went, or if you’d ever come back. I had all these images of you in my head, and then I pictured you leaving me and I was so desperate. Day by day, I got angrier and angrier that you left as if you didn’t care about me, and that was when I first shifted: with your image on my mind.”
Something inside me cracked, just with the thought of what Paul had been through the past few months because I wasn’t there. I wasn't going to lie: I had a great time with my parents, but I still missed my friends, especially Paul, who was almost always on my mind, as I wished he was there with me, enjoying all these moments together.
“Thankfully, I had Sam and Jared to calm me down and try to contain my anger and sadness. The thought of you never coming back again was the only thing that fuelled my transformations, because, at some point, I thought it was my fault that you left. And then I learned about your family and I was angrier at you for being the enemies’ daughter. I’m gonna be honest: I didn’t know if I wanted to see you after that; I wasn’t sure if I had the mentality and the emotional stability to see you again. I wanted to see you, but something inside me was telling me to be careful, not because your family could hurt me at any point, but because I could hurt you. I was scared of myself not being able to control my nature and attacking you. It would kill me if I did anything to hurt you. And that was before the imprinting. Now, I’m even more scared, but your presence alone somehow has managed to calm me down.” 
I leaned against him, placing a small kiss on his cheek, as I leaned my forehead on the side of his head. Paul sighed again, but it sounded a bit more optimistic, as he wrapped his arm around me and brought me closer.
We stayed like this for a few hours, enjoying each other’s company without saying a word. It was peaceful and calming, and it seemed like nothing to an outsider, but, to me, it felt like I felt every powerful and positive emotion so many times more intense than I had ever felt. It was the simplicity of the nothingness we were experiencing together that was so fulfilling and made me feel complete.
It must have been around 9 or 10 p.m. when Paul told me that it would be better for us to get inside, as it was getting dark and a bit chilly. Of course, Paul didn’t mind the cold and wouldn’t object to hugging me to keep me warm, but he was worried as it had been hours since the last time I ate. 
So, he quietly led us inside, where there was only Emily, Sam, Bella, and Jacob left, sitting around the table. Paul and I sat next to each other, and Emily smiled at us, as she put two plates full of food in front of Paul and me. I looked at her, questioning how she knew.
“Sam and Jacob heard Paul getting worried about you not having eaten, and thankfully, the boys had left enough food for the two of you. Everyone else already ate, so don’t worry. Eat while it’s still edible. Enjoy!”
Emily went to sit on Sam’s lap, but she still looked closely for my reaction to her cooking. I grabbed a bit of everything on the plate and took the first bite. The flavors just popped into my mouth. I closed my eyes, trying to enjoy each separate flavor: sweet, salty, spicy, and sour, all together mixing harmoniously. I had never had such a tasty home-cooked meal; my family, not being able to decipher between tastes, served bland food most of the time. 
I tried to take up cooking so I could cook for myself, but my mom was constantly scared I’d hurt myself. That’s why I could only cook whenever she wasn’t around. I loved her, but her overprotectiveness was getting in the way of my normal life - the kind of life she always wanted for herself and me, as well. 
I tried not to think of my family right now, but it was impossible. Even within this small group of people, I felt so comfortable, and it felt like I was home, even after such a short time knowing the others. It was Paul who made me feel so comfortable and like I could trust the others, and there was a warm and fuzzy feeling inside me. I didn’t want to leave, and I was surprised my parents hadn’t called me yet, asking where I was.
As if on cue, my phone started ringing. I picked it up from my back pocket to see it wasn’t my mom, it was actually aunt Alice. “Alice? What’s up? Why are you calling me?”
“(Y/N), tell me the truth. Are you with the wolves? Are you with Paul?”
I looked at everyone around me. “Why? What’s happening?”
“Tell me, are you? Rosalie and Emmett won’t get mad at you. They aren’t mad at you.”
I looked at Paul, sighing, putting my phone on speaker. “Yeah, I am with Paul, Bella, Jacob, Emily, and Sam. Will you tell me now?”
“Oh, thank God! Can you please stay there? On the reservation, I mean.”
We were now all looking at each other. “Why? Can’t I just come back home?”
“Well, we’re all going out tonight to fuel up for the battle, and we think it’d be better if you stayed on the reservation, where you’ll be safe. Bella, too. It’d be better if you both stayed there. Then, in the morning, Jacob can bring her to the field, and the plan will resume from there, okay?”
“Yeah, I guess, but we didn’t ask Emily and Sam beforehand. I don’t want to get between their feet.”
“Nonsense!” Emily spoke up, “We’d be happy to have you around.”
“It’s arranged, then. Thank you, Emily. Thank you, Sam. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night!”
“‘Night, Alice.” I hung up, looking at my phone for a few seconds, biting my lip out of habit.
Why did Alice ask me to stay on the reservation? The call was totally random and unexpected, but I guess, if it wasn’t for the vampire army roaming around the area, they would have let me stay alone at home. Still, staying here was much better than going back home, so I was happy about that. Plus, I didn't get yelled at for lying about going to Port Angeles. Yet.
"So, I guess I'll be staying here tonight." I shrugged, looking at Emily.
"Or..", Paul shrugged, too, "You can come and stay at my place for tonight. If you want to, of course, I won't pressure you to accept."
"Uhm, I don't know, Paul. I mean, I'd love to, but what about your dad? I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Also, I did tell Alice that I'd stay here, but if you're all okay with that, I have no issue staying at your place for the night."
"Trust me, my dad won't have any issues. He's… actually been meaning to meet you ever since I told him about you. He may or may not be at home anyway, so, either way, we should be good. Don't worry, I'll be by your side if things get too interrogative."
I let out a nervous laugh, my face cringing a bit at the idea of having to start a whole conversation with Paul's father who I had never met or heard of before. But I still wanted to stay with Paul, at least for tonight, where I could feel safe and secure while chaos ensued around.
"Okay, let's go." I smiled reassuringly, pushing my chair back and standing up. Paul's face lit up with a smile, and he followed suit. I hugged Emily, then Sam, then Jacob, and Bella. "It was really nice meeting you, guys. Bella, I'll see you soon. Thank you for bringing me here." She smiled widely in response, and we held each other's hand for just a couple of seconds, before Paul and I finally walked out of the house.
We were walking beside each other until Paul sped up a bit just to get to the car before me and open the door for me. His little awkward moves and face were adorable. He was clearly nervous, but he was also really trying to hide it. I thanked him for opening the door for me, and I tried to climb into the car but had difficulty doing so. I wasn’t as graceful moving around as my vampire family was.
"Please, let me help you." Paul wrapped his arms around my hips, lifting me effortlessly, and helping me sit on the front passenger seat. As soon as I did, he closed my door and ran around his car to get in the driver's seat.
Paul had an innocent excitement, like a child waiting for the little treat they were promised. He was nervous, but his smile was vibrant and it warmed my heart. I smiled, too, out of instinct. Paul turned to look at me, as he held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed his hand and in return, he caressed mine before he pecked it. It was such a subtle but meaningful kiss, and I felt my heart skipping a few beats, then speeding up quickly.
I had never seen the "stubborn-but-sometimes-smiley" Paul get so excited and nervous over anything. He turned to look back towards the road as we drove off, and I couldn’t help but stare at him. He now had a calmness on his features that seemed so natural and unpretentious, like he was finally calm and collected for the first time ever. I felt so empty and so full at the same time; empty because I was completely numb and lost, looking at Paul’s perfection; full because I felt so happy, calm, and secure with him beside me. 
Nothing mattered: not the feud between the Cullens and the wolves; not the battle with the newborns tomorrow; not even the constant threat of the Volturi. Only Paul. Only Paul and I. It was weird to think of Paul and I possibly getting together - because, despite the imprinting, we hadn’t really talked about what we really were. But, just the thought of actually being with Paul got me excited. I liked him from the beginning, so knowing he liked me too was just unreal.
All my life I was surrounded by vampires who raised me and wanted to protect me. Now, I also had werewolves wanting to do the same thing. Though this time, it felt like the wolves and the imprints could be my escape to a world of reality. Yes, they were still supernatural beings, but they held a humanity within them and they showed it too. They were the warmth and care I needed, and they felt like a newly found family; one that seemed normal; one that didn’t have to pretend, or move around to fit in with the humans.
The intensity suddenly scared me. I was used to being unconditionally loved by my parents, but to have someone else actually love me unconditionally, with the purpose of being - eventually and most likely - in a relationship with them was suddenly worrying me. Unfortunately, I didn’t go unnoticed by Paul, who stopped the car at the edge of the road and turned to look at me.
“Hey, hey! Are you okay?” His hands grabbed my face gently, and his eyes, full of worry, started examining my features to find the tiniest indication as to why I was suddenly feeling off. “I can feel your worry. What is happening?”
“Yeah, I just… I just don’t know. Don’t you feel like all this is too intense? Like I heard about the mate bond before, but the imprinting also seems like…a lot. Too many intensified feelings, and all that.”
Paul let go of me, and leaned back into his seat, looking saddened. “You regret all this, don’t you? You regret being my imprint.”
“No, I don’t!” I grabbed his hand, and he turned to look at me as a reflex reaction. “I do not regret being your imprint. It was a relief actually because I liked you all this time and now, I get to have you like me back. I just hope you like me because of me, not because of your genes, fate, or whatever says you have to like me.”
“(Y/N), I liked you before the imprinting. I have liked you pretty much since I met you. It wasn’t hard to like you. You always looked so happy and you were always so nice to all of us.” Paul took both of my hands in his and lowered his head to peck them lightly. “I am lucky to have you as my imprint. Because, honestly, I wouldn’t wish for anyone else in my life. I know it sounds intense and all that, but we can be as slow and uneventful as you want. If you want us to be just friends or friends who secretly like each other I have no issue with doing whatever you want, and being whatever you want us to be.”
"I guess…that's all I wanted to know." I smiled, looking back at Paul. 
His eyes were shining, and there was an infectious glow on his face that was coming from within. He didn't stop looking at me for a second, and I felt so attended to. I finally felt the attention of others on me - I felt Paul's attention on me, and it felt amazing, almost heart-stopping.
It felt natural when I leaned forward to peck his lips. He responded immediately, as his hand caressed my cheek. It felt like all the butterflies in my stomach exploded at once, and I felt my heart stopping for just a second. My mind went blank, and my heart sped up, beating loudly in my ears. 
Even when we leaned back a bit to take a breath, our lips were still hovering over each other's, foreheads leaned on each other. We were still looking at each other. It wasn't an awkward moment; on the contrary, we felt so connected to each other in a sort of magical way. 
I laid back on my seat, and Paul took my hand in his, giving it a few pecks before he started the engine once again. He drove steadily, probably wanting to get us to his place without getting into any trouble in the meantime. There was still the danger of the vampire army lingering in the air, though none of us spoke a word about it, not wanting to ruin the few moments of peace we had together.
I felt my eyes getting heavy and I decided to close them just for a few moments. The seat was comfortable; the car was warm - probably mostly because of Paul. It wasn’t difficult to fall asleep within a minute, and so I let myself enjoy a few minutes of sleep before I had to get out of the car and go sleep on an actual bed.
The next time I opened my eyes, I was laying in a stranger’s bed, with the hall’s light being the only thing lighting up the room just enough for me to be able to see around. I turned around to see I was lying there alone; Paul was nowhere to be seen. I panicked a bit but quickly collected myself. I was used to living - and sleeping - in an eerie silent house, so why was that any different?
I slowly got out of bed, and walked out of the room, through the hallway. I looked around a bit for signs of someone sleeping in one of the rooms around me. When I didn't find anyone, I started slowly walking down the stairs, careful as to not make a sound.
The staircase was directly across from the living room, and I could clearly see Paul sleeping on the couch now. He was laying across the furniture, part of his legs sticking and hanging out of it. I laughed to myself but I was also worried he'd have back pain or something later.
I walked towards him, as he moved around a bit, probably having heard or smelled me. "Paul. Hey, Paulie," I tried to shake him a little, "Hey, you better head to your room, okay? You need some good rest. I'll sleep on the couch, okay?"
Paul slightly opened his eyes in response. "No, (Y/N)." His voice was raspy and made my insides shiver. "You'll stay in my room. I'll be sleeping here, okay? You need a good night's sleep."
I sighed. I knew how stubborn he was and how he wouldn't let me switch places with him, no matter how much I'd try to convince him. The couch, though rather short for Paul, was big enough to sleep two people. So, I just went for it, and slowly climbed onto the couch and into Paul's arms.
He was taken aback a little, but he quickly relaxed and wrapped his arms protectively around me. His embrace was really warm and welcoming, in contrast to my parents' and family's cold arms. It was so welcoming and warm actually that it didn't take too long before I fell asleep once again.
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nemovanilla · 2 months
tell me everything everything everything
wait when did you send me this????? My mobile NEVER tells me when I have asks and I just opened desktop to make a shitpost...
anyway. yeah, I originally got the idea six years ago and revisited it about three years back. (This answer is extremely long and theres a fair bit of violence in here.) It has completely transformed since the inception lmao. It starts out with these two kids, Liam and Alice, 14 years old, who hear a screech, almost? And they wonder if its supernatural, or secret tech, or whatever, and when they go looking a portal opens up and takes them to another universe. The political climate is really horrible, and there are these mass burnings where the government just takes a whole bunch of people into one area and sets them all on fire. This rebellion saves their lives and is like, "hey, you look like these two missing noble kids, would you like to go undercover for us?" and they agree. So they go around the country, help repair industries and meanwhile do some snooping. They find out that their missing predecessors were hermits since their parents were assassinated (their dad found out he wasn't their bio father, that was actually a foreign spy, and hired an assassin to kill him and his wife in their sleep. Nobody except the two kids knows this) and they totally went off the deep end. They ended up employing the previous minister of tech and science to build them a new set of computers that would be unhackable, and he does. They gradually become even more fucked up and they make him build a server that is even MORE unhackable, and he does that too. A little while later, he is also assassinated. Fast forward a few months, those kids go missing.
This information is known to three people; Alice, Liam, and the new (undertrained as a result of the last guy's sudden death) minister of tech, Tshweu, who cannot for the life of them crack the server open. But they know they need to, because they found info about the rebellion (which was established SINCE the disappearance of the noble kids) on the computers. No one else has been in the computers since their disappearance (as far as they know).
Alice and Liam used to be best friends when they were kids, but something (this is not revealed until the last volume so I'm not saying it here) happened between them and now there's a lot of animosity. Liam is implied to have had an ED but he is doing (relatively) okay now, and is trying to repair their relationship. Alice still openly hates him and isn't having it (except, obviously, as the book goes on she gets over it and her mental health starts to improve despite the circumstances).
There is also famine, so they go around the farms, and find out that the drought is a result of the neighbouring country building a dam over the lifeblood-of-this-nation river, with the intent of choking them out. 100 years ago, it was a really powerful country, but they refused to sign a bunch of treaties that were actually capitalist/imperialist tricks. Now 99% of the world hates them, the borders are closed to almost everything, and they just barely have enough to support themselves. UNTIL this dam started being built--now things are getting dire, but not quite there yet.
War is also brewing on the borders with the aforementioned neighbouring country, so they go to the military camps, under the pretense of defending the nation, and snoop around their military tactics. When they finally get back into the capital, all they have to do is open the server and actually organize the overthrow. Lucky for them, the president wants to organize a party/meeting with the other global leaders to show off how far they've come and to hopefully start fixing their international relations. Literally like ten seconds before the party starts (Liam, Alice, and Tshweu are all mandatory attendees since they're a part of the govt.) Tshweu finally manages to open the server-- and they have to leave exactly then. They figure, whatever, it'll be here when we get back.
Throughout the entire party, Alice cannot stop thinking about this server. She knows something is wrong, she knows the answer to all these inconsistencies and outright lies (there are a lot which I have glossed over--the burnings being associated with a terrorist org by the civilians, for one) is on the thing. She manages to convince Tshweu to tell her how to get in and she leaves the party to check it out.
She finds a series of journal entries left by the noble kids, and the last one says (more or less, I haven't written that part yet) "We're going to the rebellion's base to explain the plan to our forces. Our father will meet us there. Will update with further info."
So basically, their parents' death caused them to realize the corruption of the system, they then established the rebellion and placed their bio father at the helm. They were working as spies inside the govt, but their bio dad got jealous of their power, lured them into a trap, and killed them (I should mention, he was a spy for an america proxy. His original job was to cause political instability in the region. He does this well). He then kidnapped Alice and Liam, set up the mass-burning and framed the govt, so he could use them in a vulnerable state, manipulate them into being his perfect soldiers. And in the end, he gets exactly what he wants. The overthrow is successful, and now the terrorists have taken over from a halfway-decent govt (that definitely did have flaws, don't get me wrong).
Alice tries to tell Liam what she found out, but he doesn't believe her. Despite all his talk of repairing their relationship, he turns his back on her at the one time when she actually needed him. He chooses the terrorists, who he still thinks to be the saving grace of this country, over her. She deserts with another soldier, a middle aged woman named Ariel who happened to overhear (she was actually very high ranking and was starting to wonder about some things herself) and at the end, Alice shoots and kills a soldier (allegedly in self defence) without hesitation. End of volume one.
There are three books total. It only gets darker, and neither Liam nor Alice turns out to be a good person. She goes trigger happy and he becomes a dictator, more or less.
Its basically one giant metaphor for colonialism and imperialism, and kind of like a warning/explanation/play-by-play of the immediate and long term effects of fascism. AOT was my main hyperfixation when I was coming up with the plot and I took a lot on inspo from them (but let me reassure you! The women have their own personalities!) I have written it up to the military district arc, except there is one really big scene in the middle I skipped beccause I haven't finished doing the research. I hope to have my first draft fully penned by the end of summer. Right now it sits at roughly 35 000 words. By the end I'm hoping to reach 80 000 (after revisions and editing).
Thank you for asking!! I hope you read it all... sorry if it was really long. This is my life's work and I'm passionate (writing this book kept me from killing myself for two years. It has a special place in my heart). I really hope to publish it one day, and it's a pipe dream of mine to become a famous author that has interviews on talk shows and such. I have ideas for other books too but they're not nearly as detailed.
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harryissuchalittleshit · 10 months
You all know it’s time for headcanons:
Alice would sing while she was pregnant with him, one of her favorite Beatles songs (Something) and it was the song she sang to him as a baby to stop him fussing
He and Harry were playmates the second they were born, and James often joked that Neville was much to big or old to play with Harry
Mad-Eye always had a real soft spot for him and enjoyed how calm and quiet Neville was when he held him
In fact Mad-Eye kept in contact with Augusta to keep up on how Neville was, Augusta was always honest but a bit kinder in her writing
Neville has memories of watching Alice paint and playing in the garden with Frank, even if their slightly faded
He also remembers them dancing in the kitchen, both of them singing purposely off tune to the wireless
The night the DEs came to the house, Frank had quickly pushed him into the hall closet and locked the door, he had heard all of the screaming and torturing
He knew it was all over when he could open the door, Frank’s magic was broken forever
Alice stared at him with blank eyes and never sang or spoke or painted again
Living with his grandparents came with a lot of rules, but his grandfather was a lot more relaxed about them than his grandmother
He could always escape to the garden if he needed too, and often he did despite his gran’s annoyance
After going back for his eighth year, Neville joined the Aurors and was the first to get promoted (along with his partner Susan Bones)
He had started dating Hannah too the first summer after leaving Hogwarts
Becoming an Auror made his gran proud, but once all the DEs were collected, he decided that he was done
He and Hannah got married in a quiet ceremony with just their friends and family, Harry was Best Man and Susan was the Maid of Honor
He accepts a job at Hogwarts and shortly after his twins are born
They named their kids after their parents: Allyson Collette “Ali” Longbottom and Franklin Adam “Frankie” Longbottom
Neither of them take up herbology like he did, but Ali is so talented in Charms and transfiguration, while Frankie is amazing at Potions and flying
Hannah leaves them when the twins start at Hogwarts, but the twins have their friends to help them get over the pain and Neville moves them into his parents old house that next summer
He’s actually happier as a single dad than when he was married to Hannah, and he’s not the only one who’s marriage fell apart
Luna was always his friend, but they grow closer commiserating their failed relationships and one thing leads to another
Their son Augustus is born a few months after his gran passed, he’s named after her though they usually just call him Gus
It’s strange to have a house full of teenagers and a newborn, but it ends up being more helpful than not
Gus ends up taking after Neville and Frank, loving to get his hands in the dirt and making the world a little greener
Neville is quite happy about it
Read: Plants (let’s garden together)
A Neville Longbottom character study that takes us through the war and after
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
your rosebud series is always so delightful to read, i'm happy to see new stuff for it! would you mind dropping some thoughts and headcanons about what an older cedric would be like? perhaps even his role in the dance of dragons? thank you so much :)
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A/N: this is who I've always pictured when I picture older Cedric, and yes the period is VASTLY different, but just humor me, okay? Louis hasn't done anything medieval period yet. I also did go overboard with this one and added Otto's two other children, Lia and Theodore.
Okay, so let's play with timelines and The Dance happens much later in Cedric's life, because the timeline I have he'd be 8 years old (his siblings being 6 and 3 years old) when it actually starts, and is 10 when it ends. He does live, and so does Rosebud and his other two siblings, since Otto is forced to send them to his brother in Oldtown to protect them with his family.
Older!Cedric Hightower:
Cedric is exactly what Otto and you hoped he'd be: an intelligent young man with excellent martial skills. He grows to have his father's brain and his mother's looks. Girls at court swoon whenever he walks into a room, often finding excuses to speak to him during balls and feasts, and begging their fathers to arrange betrothals. Cedric is flattered by the attention, and it definitely boosts his ego during tourneys, but he isn't a womanizer or a whoremonger.
His is the apple of your eye. You'll admit you're weak to his charms, and give into any demand he wants. If Cedric says he wants another horse, Mama makes it happen. If Cedric says he wants new armor, Mama gets it made right away. If Cedric said he wanted to storm Casterly Rock and take it for himself, you'd muster up an army for him (of course, Cedric would never do that lol He's actually on good terms with Tyland's nephews).
An excellent swordsman, as his father hoped. He's even gifted the family Valyrian sword on his eighteenth nameday, Vigilance, which he wields with pride. He was trained personally by Ser Criston and his nephew, Aemond, also powerful swordsmen.
Still loves horses. Aside from his childhood stead, Summer, he has two more: Willow, a mare, and Gunthor, a male mustang. He claims when he has his own holdfast or keep, he'll have a larger stable. He often tends to his animals himself instead of leaving when with the stable master. He also likes dogs, having four dogs he takes hunting with him whenever he goes: Jasper, Buttons, Daffodil and Agnus.
Speaking of hunting, he actually enjoys it. Not for the killing part like some psychos in this series, but because he gets alone time with his dad and he likes the pride it gives him when he eats something he personally acquired, not given to him. He also enjoys being outdoors, whether hunting or walking through the gardens.
He loves his half-sister, Alicent. They have a cute, banter back and forth relationship. Alicent often feels isolated and stressed out in the castle, which is where her family swoops in to ease her worries. Whenever someone speaks poorly of her, Cedric lashes out and defends her honor. It's the same with any family member, since he loves them very much.
He doesn't like Larys Strong. Valuable as he can be, Cedric doesn't like people who deal in secrets and lies; people who "make things happen" by any means necessary. Perhaps that's just the honor instilled in him, or because he doesn't like how close Larys is to Alicent.
His role in the Dance runs alongside Daeron's since he goes to Oldtown with his mother at the start. He doesn't have the benefit of a dragon, but he does have the benefit of a strategic mind and winning people's support/allegiance. He does participate in battles, does accompany his nephew to the battles at Tumbleton, and sadly witnessed Daeron's death which crushed him completely. He and Daeron became very close during their time in the war.
After The Dance, Cedric and his family remain in Oldtown at Hightower. He marries a girl from The Westerlands, and has two children of his own.
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Older!Lia Hightower:
Lia is the second child of Lord and Lady Hightower. A true lady, she is gracious, elegant, and very pretty. Considering one of the most beautiful girls at court, she has a string of admirers constantly asking for her favor at tourneys, a dance at balls or even a few minutes of her time. She's actually quite annoyed by it, because much like her mother did, she knew they only saw her beauty and nothing else.
Lia is more than her looks. She's very interested in science and plants. As a child, she often brought books into bed and fell asleep reading them. As a young woman, she's seen going in and out of the library with different books and scrolls. She's currently interested in astrology, and discovering more about the stars in the sky. It's considered unusual for a lady, but you support it.
Growing up, Alicent is the older sister of her dreams. They spend lots of time together, and she is even her cupbearer at small council meetings. Otto doesn't particularly like this, but Alicent is the queen and wants her sister to know how kingdoms and houses are run.
She learns things from you too. She learns all courtesies and womanly arts from you, which she doesn't find boring at all. Like stated, Lia likes to learn new things and that includes the gender-specific ones.
Even though Lia doesn't show much of an interest in boys, there is one boy she likes: Tybolt Lannister, Jason Lannister's son brought to court to squire for his uncle. Cedric and Theodore often tease her about her crush, and you think it's sweet. Otto, however, is the overprotective dad who always happens to appear whenever Tybolt is around her.
The one thing her and her father do disagree on is religion. Lia is that time's equivalent of an atheist, whereas her father sets store by The Seven. She's seen what people will do in the name of religion, and believes no such gods would want their followers to shed blood in their names. Plus, her logical mind just doesn't allow for blind faith in beings she can't see or hear.
During the Dance, Lia is married off to a Redwyne lord to make alliances for the battles to come, but said lord is then killed shortly after their wedding. She's then betrothed again to a Fossoway, which was a nice union until her husband dies before their marriage even happens. She's really in Oldtown with her family during most of it, until she's sent to King's Landing as a hostage. There, she marries Tybolt Lannister in a secret wedding ceremony, and goes on to have four children in subsequent years.
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Older!Theodore Hightower:
Baby boy. Cinnamon roll. Good boy. These and many more describe Theodore "Theo" Hightower, the third son of Lord and Lady Hightower. Peaceful, he is least likely to lash out in violence or anger immediately. He often brings joy and laughter to somber situations, and likes to cheer people up when they're upset.
Spends a lot of his time with his male friends from court. This isn't very unusual for a boy his age, but you've noticed the fast friendship he developed with Osmund Waters, a bastard boy who works in the armory as the blacksmith's apprentice. (A/N: yes, it is Finn Wolfhard fancast lmao). He and Osmund train together, go into the city together, and Theo always begs to bring him to hunting parties or travelling with him.
Theo has a deep interest in knights, fairytales, and songs. He is the artist in the family: he learned to play various instruments, inherited his mother's singing voice, and also paints in his spare time. He often paints a lot of the wooden shields Osmund brings him to design, mostly because they make more money if people learn the Hand's son painted it.
Otto thinks he should be focused on more "beneficial" things like politics and stuff like that, but you support your son's passions. Especially the ones your husband is very much blind to.
He has good relationships with most of his family members, but he's closest to Helaena, his niece. She's soft and gentle like he is, and they enjoy being in each other's company. They know they won't be judged or discouraged by one another, and they just click in ways they don't with the rest of their family.
But, just because he's gentle, doesn't mean he won't fight. Not very strong or big like Cedric, he is a great archer. Think Katniss Everdeen level of good. He most definitely had his moment when he outshot everyone in an archery competition, his arrow splitting the arrow of a Tarly boy who thought he had it in the bag.
The bow and arrows his father's gifted him are his most prized possessions.
So guess what he's doing during The Dance: yep, leading archers from long distances. When enemy draws closer, he can fight with his sword but still able to fight with his bow and arrow. He eventually is taken out of battles when he's mortally wounded during a battle, having taken an axe to the thigh/leg area and crippling him for life. This sorta works in his favor, because since most of what he likes to do is done sitting.
When the Dance ends, Theo joins the Citadel to become a maester. He goes through the ranks until he's given a chain and a house to serve alongside a mentor: House Tyrell, his mother's family, where he becomes closer to his aunts and uncles, as well as his grandmother, Jalissa.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
adding more to the idea of modern!fmo reader and aemond: aemond is jealous af of the relationship his gf got with his brother and her boy bff (ser quinton my sweet lil meow meow) while simultaneously being the one that’s actually cheating😃
Ok now I’m just gonna do headcanons for modern!fmo bc I’m bored and love the idea (sorry this is long 😭)
-reader and Aemond meet through their moms rather through reader befriending Helaena (let’s say Alicent and reader’s mom are Pilates babes and go to the same studio)
-reader’s mom gushes about how her daughter goes to [insert rich people school], and Alicent is like shut up! one of my boys goes there (meanwhile reader’s mom knows this bc she religiously stalks Alicent’s Facebook)
- Aemond is a English major, with a minor in marketing, reader is studying biochemistry with a focus on plants/plant reproduction.
- they meet at a party Alicent throws for helaena getting her masters or something like that
- the first year of their relationship actually goes well. It’s basically the honeymoon phase, and both their moms think they are geniuses for making this happen
- in this universe, reader knows alys exist from the jump. And she’s like “oh your bestie is a pretty older woman yay 😃😃😃”
-reader is certain something is going on, but Aemond gaslights and lies to her. It isn’t until she finds some ummm.. intimate garments that she knows she does not wear. She’s almost positive alys left them on purpose. This is break up number one
-Aegon and reader become close after aemond, ever the coward, sends his brother to get back some of his stuff. They bond over liking the same obscure rock band
- funnily enough, quinton and reader meet through Helaena in this universe. The entomology major (hel) and the geology major (quinton) work closely at their school
-Aemond and reader get back together at a Christmas party. Aemond promises he’s not even in contact with alys anymore (another lie).
-quinton can’t stand Aemond. Thinks he’s so pretentious with the hair and the poetry (yes he writes it for reader). Aemond thinks quinton is just kind of stupid lmao
-Aegon is the one to tell reader that he def is still fooling around with alys again. Second break up
-this causes a bit of tension between Aegon and aemond.
-reader is certain she is done with Aemond. Then she finds out she’s pregnant :/. She honestly goes back and forth between keeping the baby
-eventually she breaks down and tells him bc she’s scared. Aemond, despite reader’s wishes, tells his mom. He’s scared too :(. Alicent, our queen, is like I’ll take you to the clinic if you want 🤷🏽‍♀️. She loves her kids but she had Aegon young and gets it’s not for everyone
-in the end, reader decides to keep the baby. Daella Targaryen is born 9 months later. Aemond and reader have a very beautiful, expensive sort of shotgun wedding. They have it when daella is a little over a year
-quinton, very drunk, confesses his love for reader in a voicemail she gets during her bachelorette party. Things get awkward for them after that :(
- things are actually kind of good considering the circumstances. They’re young but they also have way more resources than people in their peer group. By this point, reader is working part time at a laboratory trying to cure different illness through plants. Aemond works for his dad’s company
-eventually Aemond convinces reader to stay home with daella. Hints at maybe wanting another baby
- everything is fine, till reader finds texts. She’s not one to snoop but she sees heart emojis and is like “since when does my husband use emojis”. Texts going to and from a “A ❤️”.
-she starts to wonder if all those work trips are actually for work.
-reader takes daella while Aemond is away one weekend. They visit Aegon or uncle egg to daella. Aegon, a practicing defense attorney, is like “babe I can get you a good family divorce lawyer. We will milk him for everything.” 😭😭
- reader hires a p.I immediately, gets all the proof she needs. Pictures, calls, emails. This has started back up since daella was born.
-things get really messy when their half sister, Rhaenyra wants to do a merger deal with another company and their family one. As viserys declines in health, there becomes a struggle for power between Aemond and nyra
-Aemond begs reader to hold off on the divorce till they handle things. She agrees but they start to live in different houses. She plays the waiting game… but through all this craziness she realizes she hasn’t had her period
-alaric targaryen is born, and reader struggles with ppd. She feels a bit trapped. Her parents are telling her to stick through it and give Aemond another chance
-in the end, they end up separating for some time. They coparent, and things are pretty tense. Reader tells Aemond that alys is not allowed to be anywhere her kids or she will go back to get sole custody.
-one of the weekends they are doing a swap, Aemond breaks down and tells her that alys cheated on him. He actually apologizes and for a moment reader thinks that door is still open
-BUT.. she gets an text from a number she doesn’t recognize
Hey it’s quinton. Long time no talk. I was thinking we could get coffee the next time you are in town x
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transboysokka · 6 months
What Am I Doing With My Life:
Chris watches Twilight New Moon for the first time
Okay “”new moon”” this must be the werewolf one then
These violent delights have violent ends omg don’t ruin a good quote Bella
Girl where are you is this the handmaids tale
Anyway she’s looking good
Suddenly having a delayed reaction to the end of the last movie when Jacob is like “my dad paid me to tell you to break up with Edward” like lmao what was that
Daddy Charlie
Nice to see an evolution to their relationship though
Also thank GOD the terrible blue color grading seems better
Digital cameras lmao remember when
Do her friends just like avoid Edward lol
Anyway the real reason Edward won’t turn her yet is he wanted her to be legal first
Oh no “Jacob” and the pushing her hair behind the ear
Hey aren’t dreamcatchers Ojibwe in origin
Alice and Bella are crushing on each other
Wait what can jasper do does he have any discuss ability or
Not to ONLY be nitpicking but usually Romeo and Juliet is part of the grade 9 curriculum in most us states, not grade 12
Oh my goddddd is that good omens guy, I’d know that nose anywhere
Bella’s gonna hurt edward so bad isn’t she lol
Her wanting to be a vampire is already getting so annoying though
why is she having a midlife crisis about being 18 like come on
Damnnnn they can’t even control themselves if she gets a paper cut like RUN girl
Wait is Edward like… a Christian? Lol tragic and awkward
He’s like “u wouldn’t be sexy to me if u were a vampire”
Nice (not) to see the terrible music streak continues into this film too
That shitty truck is my favorite character in this
Why does Edward keep dressing Like That
Lmaoooooo “I love you forever” “we’re skipping town, see u”
Definitely just dissociated a minute and came back like “WHY am I watching this??”
She fell asleep in the woods and now everyone’s looking for her lmao
Okay one decent song so far across two movies
Why is she so in love with Alice
Why is she so pathetic
Charlie is just Done tm and like same
“It’s just not normal, this behavior” TELL IT CHARLIE
Jessica is so real
Keep talking to Alice soooooo gay
So was Jacob NOT a werewolf at the start of the first movie? Is that what these suddenly buff comments are about?
I’ve said it before but lautners voice is SO annoying and it’s just bc it’s my hometown accent lol
Another bad song
“What’s up with you and age?” Seriously
God this weird ass edgy act
Oof three way movie date with child Jacob and awkward ass school guy
Wow this guy must be puking for a long time
Wow Jake chill Jesus
Wtf did he like JUST become a werewolf
Why is it raining for drama and sexiness
What was with all the Romeo and Juliet in the beginning… there was like apparently no thematic reason for there to be that big of a push for it
Anyway yeah Jacob doesn’t believe in shirts anymore clearly
Is this whole franchise just a gay metaphor
What is he trying to get her to remember??
Lol “it’s a huge secret” *guy gets angry and wolfs out in front of bella*
But WHY do they all need to go around shirtless lmaoooo
And why did Jacob have to cut his hair about it
Such a gay metaphor oh my god
One more good song
Oooh a good song fading into a bad song
LISTEN I know they gotta pay rpats but these weird apparitions are so overdone
Yeah this wolf thing also sounds dangerous…. Like you change if you get angry??? RED FLAG!!! REDFLAG REDFLAGREDFLAGREDFLAG
Are any of the other movies gayer than this bc if so I gotta watch them when I was maybe planning not to
Bella’s super dumb
Oh her girlfriends back
Or is this a trick
Oh lolol
Why would she just give up Jacobs secret like that lmaooo
Fuck I gotta keep watching these movies just to see what keeps going on with Bella and Alice
Wtf why would Edward call them and wtf is going on why is he so dramaticcccc
The Romeo and Juliet tie ins are coming back I’ll give credit where it’s due. Wasn’t expecting anything to actually come of it lol
They won’t even let him die lmfao he went all the way to Italy for that??
So suddenly Alice can see everything the fuck??
But can she see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch
EDWARD WHY are you so goddamn dramatic
Definitely would not have expected this aesthetic from a twilight movie. It’s very action thriller
BRUH they are so confused about each other
I liked this move so much better than the first one so far and I now realize that it’s because Bella and Edward were apart for most of it lolllll
Edward put your damn shirt back on
Wow such Vampiric Council vibe
Oh yeah right why CANT Edward read Bella’s thoughts did we ever talk about that
Wow damn van helsing blood????
Damn why does EVERYONE have to be so dramatic
Oh this old song and dance again Bella just BE a human damn
What if Edward and Jacob and Bella all just fell in love together huh what then, problem solved
idk man I’d be so bored if I had to live forever with the same partner lol
wow I can’t believe I’m a nearly 30 year old man who wants to know what happens next
Like is this shit GOOD no but now I Gotta Know
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acircusfullofdemons · 11 months
Questions: 1,, 4,, 18,, 19,, 20 for the Para Motivation Ask Meme please !! (ෆ ᴗ͈ ω ᴗ͈ ෆ) I’’d like to request Neil and Ozzie,, but you can do the paras you’’ve most recently been daydreaming about if you’’d like !! ( ◉ ω ◉ )
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[ ASK GAME ] || (I'm pretty sure you meant the para relationship ask game lol) Funnily enough Neil & Ozzie WERE the last paras I daydreamed about!! They were doing kinky sex while I was working and uhm I think Neil might be ace?? We'll get back to that at some point. But I'm also gonna do Alice from @fractured-fables since I drew her earlier & also Emory bc there's now a sign at work that looks SO MUCH LIKE HIM it makes me loose my mind.
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1.) What’s their relationship with their parents like? Is there one parent they’re closer too than the other? If your was raised by a different caretaker, what is their relationship like, and how does your para feel about the absence of their parents in their life?
Neil: Technically doesn't have parents as he was treated as an experiment since the minute he was born. However, his father was a scientist at Arcaynis (the organization that's experimenting on people). He willingly subjected his own son to horrific experiments, but thankfully(??) Neil didn't know this. He doesn't really have any parental figures, and kinda wished he did. Maybe he wouldn't be so fucked up if someone held him a little bit as a kid.
Ozzie: His father was very abusive, but thankfully his momma was always ready to defend him. He is a very big momma's boy and yknow, I think they still talk sometimes. He probably sent her some of the money he stole when he was a villain.
Alice: Does not get along with her parents. Well. Its complicated. She loves them, they love her, but they don't really "get" her, if you catch my drift?? Objectively speaking, they're fine parents, just probably not the best for Alice. HOWEVER, Phineas becomes like her second dad/uncle/older brother figure in Wonderland, and those two understand each other SO WELL. Funnily enough, they actually hated each other when they first met! Both for good reasons but nowadays you'd never know. Also did you know some people ship Alice & Hatter romantically??? They are Wrong. So very wrong thats her dad!!!
Emory: His "backstory" gives him parents, but they're also dead and desperately need to be buried bc they're rotting corpses are stinking up the house. He doesn't really consider them his "parents", anyway. Technically, he doesn't have any, and he's perfectly fine with that. Still, Theia likes to call him her son sometimes which is kinda funny so he allows it and humors her by occasionally referring to her as his mother.
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4.) Who was your para’s childhood best friend? When and how did they meet? Are they still friends?
Neil: Dahlia!! She was the daughter of another scientist at Arcaynis, but not an experiment. Neil loved her, she was quite literally the ONLY good thing in his life. Dahlia wasn't supposed to sneak into wherever Neil was being kept, but she was curious. And stubborn, because she kept coming back almost every day! Eventually, she was encouraged to interact with Neil to observe how he reacted to certain stimuli. Unfortunately, he accidentally killed her while he was escaping Arcaynis. He often wonders what it'd be like if she lived — would she be proud? He almost idolizes and romanticizes her/her existence. It's kinda creepy.
Ozzie: Ozzie was a very shy, soft spoken, and introverted kid. He was bullied a lot for being a teachers pet / being smart. It was rough, but Nora Osborn took pity on him and helped Ozzie gain some confidence during high school! I have not introduced her yet (bc I. keep forgetting to) but Nora is Ozzie's wife! Canonically she had roughly 8 minutes of screen time and died but I haven't fully decided on what I wanna do with her in MaaC yet. But she does exist, and Ozzie loves her dearly.
Alice: Her best friends are Dorothy and Wendy!!! They've been bffs for varying years, but all met during early childhood. I think they all just met on the playground one day, yknow how little kids are lol. And yes, they're still friends today! I call them the "iskeai girls" bc they all get transported to other worlds lol.
Emory: OK so technically Emory never had a "childhood", he's an ageless being that sort of just...exists. but uhm I guess we can say Ketrill?? Ketrill was created by Theia so they spent a lot of time together. They're kinda like brothers.
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18.) How important are your para’s various relationships to them? Do they cherish the people closest to them? Does their support system keep them going? How about strangers? What are their feelings about humanity as a whole? Is it easier for them to live those closest to them vs humanity as a whole?
Neil: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. He has never had friends/family/ANYTHING before escaping Arcaynis, so he'll cling to anything he can stick his claws in. He learns to balance different relationships (as well as the types of relationships) as time goes on with the help of those around him, but by GOD was he, uh, a bit of an obsessive stalker towards practically anyone he met the first few years of living in society. As for humanity? It sucks. Shut that shit down.
Ozzie: Oohh, he's a sappy mother motherfucker that loves his friends and probably believed in the power of friendship when he was younger (he still kinda does sshhh). He has mixed views on humanity but like, he's human too so he doesn't want it totally gone.
Alice: Depends on the person tbh. Earth? Forget them tbh. Wonderland? THAT'S HER FAMILY!!! Yes all of Wonderland is her family now lol that's her HOME. She loves it there and genuinely considers it her home, she'd live there always if given the option. She thinks humanity on earth sucks but Wonderlandians got smth going on trust her on that.
Emory: So looking at it now I think Emory is only close to like, 5 people total. That's it. I don't know if he'd consider them a "friend group" or a "support system" but he does care for them, which is saying something, as he doesn't really get close to people. I don't think he really has an opinion on humanity. Like it exists. That's it. He doesn't really...care??
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19.) How does your para realize they care about someone? Is it instantaneous, or a slow realization? Are they dense, or maybe realize once it’s too late that there was something there?
Neil: He's...a little dense. To everyone else, it's so fucking obviously because he's trailing after the person like a lost puppy and is borderline obsessed with them. But he probably won't realize how much they mean until someone either points it out or he looses that person.
Ozzie: It creeps up on him. He knows he cares about someone, its the level/extent of it that surprises him! Like he thought Neil was just a good ally/coworker until something innocuous happened, like maybe he saw the other sleeping and then BAM! Head over heels in love. Incredible, really.
Alice: I feel like Alice is similar to Ozzie, she knows she cares about those around her, I guess sometimes she just forgets HOW much she cares. Or sometimes its hard to care, with all the shit they've been through/have going on. She tries her best to make sure those she loves feel appreciated, though.
Emory: Imma be honest...he doesn't get "close" to people. He's an Interdimensional Demonic Cat, The Librarian. He records everything, narrates all of it. So getting close to those he is observing...he doesn't like it. He was close to Delilah, and she died. He was a little too involved with False Moon, and they're pretty traumatized. By FF/LIW he's kinda keeping his distance. Anyway! He knows pretty quickly when he genuinely cares about someone and not solely because he wants the "story" to continue. And he will deny it until the end of time, because God forbid a kitty experience love!!
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20.) How does your para expresses their feelings of care/love to others? What’s their love language (giving and receiving!)
Neil: Gift giving!! He gives very weird gifts, though. Honestly he's kinda like a cat bringing its owner dead animals?? Like uh thanks buddy but what am I supposed to do with this exactly. He very much likes receiving physical contact. Hold him. Please.
Ozzie: Quality time!! He likes taking people out to museums and aquariums, those type of places, and seeing what they point out. He also likes receiving quality time. Literally all you gotta do is exist in the same room as him he is so easy to please.
Alice: Acts of service!! She'll get your groceries! She'll paint your roses! She'll die for you! Literally!! She likes receiving words of affirmation. Tell her she's doing good. Please. Don't actually she'll break down and sob.
Emory: Physical contact. I feel like that's a typical/standard cat answer. Yes he does express love like an actual cat would. He likes receiving quality time. Just spend some time in his library, he'll appreciate it a lot.
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la-pheacienne · 2 years
On Alicent: I totally agree that the show should’ve leaned into her spite. They could’ve crafted such a strong character who felt victimized and just tried to be a good person and do what she thought was her duty only to realize it didn’t mean anything and getting ANGRY about it. I totally agree with what you’re saying, but I think it makes her interesting because people like her do exist. People who just accept victimhood and could help themselves but for one reason or another, they don’t, which frustrates the people who love them. I don’t feel bad for her because I think she’s a poor helpless baby, I feel bad for her because she has the means to grasp power but feels more comfortable playing the victim. She wants the power, hates the idea of being powerless, but she’s scared to grasp it. She’s in a bind.
I think her crying when Viserys died could mean a lot of things. People have complex relationships to those who have mistreated them. Dany named one of her dragons after her abusive older brother. There could be a Stockholm syndrome factor. I imagine she loved and resented him in equal parts because if she didn’t love him, she would’ve gone mad. I personally like to think she was crying not because of sorrow because he died, but because she knew what his death meant. She would be forced to truly grapple with power and take action, which she hates. I can’t speak to what the writers or the actress wanted (the actress said that she was told to portray Alicent as a woman for Trump but that she chose deliberately NOT to do that) but that was my takeaway.
Oooooh you're making some great points here and I hope you read this despite the late reply. You are actually "forcing" me to dig much deeper into the character of Alicent, in the beginning I was more indifferent.
"people like her do exist [...] People who just accept victimhood and could help themselves but for one reason or another they don't, which frustrates the people who love them". That's actually extremely accurate. Yes there are people like that, passive and terrified, without backbone, and it's frustrating fo everybody else to see how much they are willing to put up without fighting back.
"she has the means to grasp power but feels more comfortable playing the victim" yes, totally. She doesn't want to challenge her father so she just stays there watching everything around her like she's in a play.
You also say that Viserys' death "forced her to truly grapple with power and take action, which she hates" and I agree with that take. That's probably why she was crying.
So, since I agree with you on all of that, why don't I have more sympathy for her?
Well, the first reason is already hidden in the question, it's simply because all this arc is inspiring me to do is to have sympathy for her. That's why. All this character represents is an archetype of someone we should sympathise with. Literally, nothing more. They present this character and they tell me "feel bad about her, she's so miserable, she's so passive, she doesn't want to challenge her dad, she wants to break free but she's too comfortable in her current status so she never does anything to challenge it, look at her suffer through everything that comes along, again and again and again, feel bad about her and then feel bad some more because her life was horrible and her end was equally horrible". And that's literally it. What does she do in the story? Nothing. Does she have an impact in some way? No. So, she's there just to make me feel bad. Okay I feel bad. How many times can I feel bad before it becomes repetitive and frankly boring?
The second reason is also simple : the reasons why I'm supposed to feel bad for her are not that important. Ok she was a child bride. She actually wasn't according to the show timeline but the fans and writers of the show seem to have forgotten that, collectively, so let's just agree to ignore show canon and book canon and say that she was a child bride and her husband was old and ugly and disgusting. Ok. I feel bad for her for that. But in a medieval setting, almost all women go through the exact same thing. So she suffers a fate that almost all women suffer in her era, there is nothing narratively exceptional here, the only difference is, she is actually the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She is actually extremely, EXTREMELY privileged with enormous power, despite her inferior position to her husband. Also, as I said before, there are a lot of legendary female rulers who were child brides and didn't choose their husbands. So is it really going to make me paralysed with pity? No, sorry.
Third reason is that the reasons why I'm supposed to feel bad for her don't make sense in the narrative. Sexually abused? By her disabled servant? No? This is entirely ridiculous. It contradicts basic logic. Believing Viserys changed his mind after watching him drag his dying body to the Iron throne to defend the only heir he chose, after spending years with no contact with reality? Feeling forced by fate and destiny? Lol no? Suddenly panicking for Rhaenyra's fate after preparing a coup for like 20 years? Which is it? You want to prepare a coup and usurp the heir or you don't want to prepare a coup and usurp the heir? I mean you have to choose. Either she actively usurps the heir or she has an interior conflict but ultimately takes Rhaenyra’s side and betrayes her daddy. But she has to DO SOMETHING. She has to stand for something. She doesn’t. She doesn't even believe her son is fit to rule. Her arc is all over the place, so I don't know how to feel.
Forth reason is the most obvious one : we had more potential in the book version, we know it could have been so much better and we don't get that which is a huge disappointment. If they had followed the source material, none of the first three reasons would exist. We would have had a consistent character, with impact in the story, that is not there just to make us feel bad, that makes sense in the narrative. In that character they could have so easily added the negative backround of a wife who lives a miserable and limited life, while keeping all the other points that make the character engaging. It could have been so easy and organic and much better frankly than the version of “oh look at this character just going through shit without doing anything to help herself again and again”. Sure people like that exist, she is relatable, but this is not Gilmore Girls. This is a fantasy history-based greek tragedy-wanna-be show. Being relatable is not exactly a good enough trait for a character. What you're looking for is exceptionalism (not in the political american sense of the word). There has to be a reason for me to be interested in the characters, they have to have some exceptional traits in them. Exceptionally bad, or exceptionally heroic/ambitious/courageous/cunning/ruthless/cruel. People that prefer relatable comfort characters should watch Gilmore girls. So what if people like show!Alicent exist? People like book!Alicent also exist, and they are more interesting in the narrative. So why not just choose the book version?
Well, because of political agenda. The final reason. It’s the writers’ political agenda  that distorts the source material to make a story of torture porn basically. Sure they have limited the sex scenes, but it’s still torture porn. Evil men torturing poor women again and again and again. This poison transfers to Rhaenyra as well. Well, this is just boring, best case, not to say misogynistic. The other part of the political agenda is (team Black) Targaryen hate. The imperialistic entitled rulers that feel superior all the time. They are clearly the ones who are treated unfairly in this story, so what do we do? We create a doormat character that suffers because of them so that people don’t sympathise with the Blacks too much. Let’s just completely fuck up the narrative and the meaning of the story just for that. Let's erase a canon sapphic couple (Laena and Rhaenyra) and put the queerbait that is Rhaenicent in its place, merely for that. That kind of political agenda doesn't inspire me to root for the character.
Honorable mention : the deranged stans that are on drugs 24/7. Do I need to elaborate on that? This is a whole separate post, the fact that the sole reason they stan her is because she's a traditionally attractive feminine submissive self-insert, like a comfort food that validates their Targaryen hate and hides their obvious internalised misogyny. This is not exactly the character's fault, this is a meta take on the reasons why some people are obsessed with her which ultimately makes me sick of Alicent herself.
Disclaimer : in this post I'm taking into account the best version of Alicent possible. I'm not even raising the point of her internalised misogyny (jealousy for Rhaenyra's sexual life and freedom etc), her arrogance (refusing to marry her daughter to Jace), her obsession with religion (being furious and outraged and disgusted because a woman had kids with a man that is not her husband is not exactly a likeable trait), her self-righteousness ( believing that everything she does is for justice and not for her ass) : I'm not even talking about all of that, I'm actively choosing to ignore that and explain why I don't feel bad about a character who is literally created just to inspire empathy and pity.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.72--Episodes 15-16
I have watched through S7E16; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Flynn’s Barcade. Love me a TRON reference. Those movies were brilliant.
—Also, now I know that Hook apparently plays pinball.
—Woulda been funny if Rumple had the high score on Galaga. Can I really see him playing video games? Probably not. Would it be funny anyway? Yes, yes it would.
—I adore Drizella’s fashion sense. She’s very chic. The miniskirts are fun, and they’ve got cute patterns and different textures. And I love how she wears black tights and black shoes together, it looks great.
—I don’t think I really believe that she could fend off a killer like that, but as long as she and her sister get to be together in another world I can excuse the bogusness that got them there.
—Zelena’s last name being West in Hyperion Heights is almost as stupid as Belle’s last name being French.
—The second episode 15 ended, I galaxy-brained and realized that Nick/Jack was Hansel. I’m glad I’m finally getting back my intuitive touch—I should hate for it to be predictable, but I feel honestly brilliant whenever I accurately forecast a plot twist in this show.
—Having a piratey adventure was fun. Even if most of it was fake. Also, it was really considerate of Hook to set up that entire venture just to help Henry find a ring he thought was worthy of Cinderella. I didn’t think about it before, but it must be hard for him to be compared to original Hook. He’s a good guy in his own right, though, and it’s about time Henry figured that out.
—Hook is totally gorgeous with his hair all wet and sticking to his face. Storms look good on him.
—Considering Davy Jones was a pirate, wouldn’t it be fun if Hook was like a long-lost legacy of his?
—Rumple telling Henry that Henry Mills was his favorite character in the book was sweet. Sad, too, because he had to skirt the truth, but he was still trying to bolster his grandson’s spirits, but it was terribly sweet.
—Actually, it’s really sad how so many people have to keep the truth from the others around them. Regina can’t talk to Henry mother-to-son. Zelena can’t tell Robin the truth, even though it’s hurting their relationship. (At least they know they’re mother and daughter, though. That’s a bonus.) Even Lucy has to keep secrets from her mom and dad, despite the fact that she’s trying to either get them together or keep them apart. And Rumple has to withhold the truth from Henry, *and* he knows that Alice is Hook’s daughter and he can’t tell, even if he does try to help their relationship along.
—Rumple gluing the teacup back together made me sad.
—It’s hilarious that Hook made Alice get a job because she ate everything in his fridge.
—The string of lights in Tiana’s food truck being chili-shaped is awesome. I wonder where, if at all, one could find those fr?
—Alice is adorable. I love the way she pronounces beignets. You know what, I don’t have all the details on their relationship before the curse, but it would just slap if Alice and Robin broke the curse with True Love’s Kiss.
—Gosh, Rumple’s even kinda got the bi sitting thing down.
—I love that Rumple is committed to being good now, even with Belle gone. That light in him is beautiful.
—See, it’s nice to see Regina being happy in her relationship with Dr. Facilier, but I don’t even trust him as far as I can throw him, and honeys that ain’t far.
—I want neither Henry nor Zelena to kick the bucket. That would be 0/10, not at all cool.
—Regina was wearing a real gorgeous pair of magenta boots. I like about half of her new wardrobe, and those boots totally make the list.
—Maybe Henry and Cinderella should stop focusing so much on whether or not the signs are telling them to be together, and instead take a good long think about why they want the signs so desperately. I mean, I love soulmates and destiny and that kind of stuff, but sometimes you have to get off your keister and get it done yourself.
—Pardon me for saying it, but this season has got me feeling some kind of way about Hook and Rumple. A shipping kind of way, if you catch my drift. I don’t care if it’s a popular opinion or an unpopular one, but their dynamic is pretty different in this season, what with Rumple being good and Hook not remembering that he hated Rumple back in the day, and they’ve got some tension but they also get along pretty well....Idk, if you don’t like it, then feel free to ignore this particular opinion, because it’s only one of many I have and it’s not exactly the kind of hill I want to die on, but I do find myself enjoying this new perspective.
Little off-topic, but today I watched episodes of 7th Heaven and ER with Raphael Sbarge (Dr. Hopper) in them, and boy am I living. He’s just been cute his whole goshdarn life, hasn’t he! (Tho it kinda threw me for a loop the first time I saw him without glasses.) I’ve gotta find a way to watch Star Trek: Voyager, because he’s in like five episodes of that, and I just adore him. And, as an added bonus, the episode of ER that came on after the one with Raphael Sbarge had Eion Bailey (August/Pinocchio) in it, which is yes.
Also, I’m annoyed at Prime Video, because I would love to watch The Full Monty (my mom even said she would watch it with me) but it’s only available for pay. It bothers me how we pay for streaming services, in order to get access to a whole load of stuff, and then there’s still stuff locked behind a paywall. I guess it’s a better business model, but still. And yes, I would be watching that movie for Robert Carlyle and Robert Carlyle only.
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marlasomething · 1 year
(my) Mag a Day Special Feature: The "The Admiral” Protocol
Hello there!
Here is the thing: I am participating in the "a mag a day" idea by @a-mag-a-day which is BRILLIANT and I decided to do "statement a week", rolling dice with the characters and fears that were ftw that week in the episodes I have listened. But, then, I thought...what if I made some special features for when each season finishes? AND THAT IS WHAT I DID INDEED. Yeah, publishing after the whole thing...heheh. AND TODAY SUPERLATE SORRYYYYYY The format is similar: roll dices for characters, main Fear, etc. But they are all going to be different interpretations of who Sam and Alice might be and how they "enter in contact" with TMA's universe.
For season five I've got Celia  and The Admiral to be featured(ish) and "The Hunt" as "The Baddie". Also, the relationship between Sam and Alice is 'siblings'. We get a human Admiral bcs I just love the concept!
As usual, please do forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
CW: police violence (and it gets real for a sec there), swearing, mentions of very bigotted attitudes, family loss
Also on AO3!
Working with your sibling can be hard. At least, that was the theory; but Sam thought otherwise.
Alice wasn’t their biological sibling. Actually, they had only met when she was five and, they, four. Sam’s parents had passed away after going to a concert by a band weirdly called Grifter’s Bone . Actually, what they had done was to kill each other when they had arrived home, while Sam hid inside a closet, where Adelard Dekker (Alice’s step-dad) had found them.
Alice didn’t know her biological parents, but she didn’t care. She was happy as the as-regular-as-possible raised offspring of a supernatural…hunter? No; not hunters. That had certain… bad connotations , as both of them had learned as years went by.
Now, following on their father’s steps, they were going to join The Magnus Protocol, a team investigating the remains of the once infamous (now completely gone) Magnus Institute.
Excitement didn’t begin to describe how both siblings felt, especially since they were also going to be working with Admiral, Alice’s best friend and Sam’s crush. He was the child of a pair of well-known academia supernatural-inclined researchers, that hadn’t been together for quite a while, but had remained friends.
Actually, if the higher-ups allowed it, they would be supervised by Admiral’s step-dad, Martin.
However, this would all won’t start happening until the moment they were allowed to leave the police station they were being detained for…
…accidentally elbowing a cop.
Sam couldn’t have just simply come up with that shit by himself. Apparently, the little offence had been too much for the man, who was currently retaining both siblings for it. Alice hadn’t even opened their mouth, but it had been enough for the man to decide she was a menace too. Sam secretly believed it was for how their sibling was much bigger than the copper himself, so he must have felt threatened and decided to be the bigger man in the most pathetic way possible.
Just as they were going to say something; the man they had harmed so very badly and another person twice his size called them.
It didn’t look good.
 Sam had to admit; it wasn’t the first time they had visited the alleyway behind that police precinct; they had once had to pee at very late night hours and found it the perfect place to do so (they would never regret it).
However, in that precise moment, with two armed men pushing both of them against a wall…
“Sam” Alice whispered, their voice trembling.
“What?” they replied, in an even lower tone.
“They are not holding guns”.
They looked better at them, just to realise their sibling was right: they weren’t in possession of any firearms. Their hands had just simple morphed into a darker colour (almost petrol-black), with a size far too bigger for the rest of their body…expect for their shoulders and teeth .
Their malformed bodies run towards them, as they screamed very human, very typical, a thousand times heard before, words of hate and prejudice. Alice, even if she was much bigger, dogged them without any issue, but Sam’s weak body didn’t react on time and felt as the impact of something that should have been a simple fist directly crushed his stomach.
“Motherfucker!” Sam wanted to yell that. Hell, Alice wanted to, for certain. Still, it was no other than his attacker, as he had been stabbed in the back with a corkscrew.
There was only one person in the entire universe that would do that.
“ADMIRAL!” both siblings yelled.
The young man smiled, his father’s dark-green eyes shining for a second with relief of seeing them in one piece (more or less), before they turned graver again as he moved towards their attackers, an analogue tape-recorder in his hand.
“I have recorded everything you have said in here and, trust me, if I drop this in a newspaper…Or, if it actually exists, in a precinct that really does the job they are meant to… There is no way I have modified it: you will be in thrown to the street in no time. Also, you are already on that god-awful app of TikTok; it had to serve for something good, I guess. Now, leave us, we are late for work and, please, don’t go away while yelling any slurs at me; I am a mixed non-white-at-all queer nerdy boy with a strange name and divorced parents, both currently in same-gender relationships: I have heard everything , a couple of literal monsters are not going to top any of it”.
As he finished talking, he took Sam’s hand (and their pulse accelerated for a moment) and the three of them rushed away.
“Yes, yes. Now, hurry, I am about to piss myself . Do you really think this old thingy works?!”
 Celia was quite comprehensive with their delay. Apparently, since the first time she had been in contact with The Magnus Protocol had been when she had been around seventeen, The Magnus Institute was still standing back then, and came in to give an statement about a ghost that had been haunting her house.
“It didn’t scare me, but I wanted my own money because I was going through a rebel phase and…yes, I came to a public institution with little to none founding in that moment and almost force them to give me money after, theoretically, coming in for their help…I cannot complain about other people’s first days…but…it won’t happen again, alright? I don’t care how famous your parents are in the spooky-verse”.
The three of them nodded, though Sam couldn’t stop thinking about those policemen, about how it felt as if their pre-existent monstrous soul had been used to feed upon by some… thing .
Somehow, he was certain this wasn’t the end of their relationship .
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handelplayssims · 1 year
Another morning of rising with the work-from-home alert. Today we work-from-home! We got attending a deposition and filing court documents. But first, even more laundry. I wish I had a better sense of how full hampers are rather than just eyeballing them. And once more, Markus is starving. He shall be satiated with green beans.
Attending disposition and we return to bills. 7,414 of them. Seems me deleting a lot of decorative gardening did help a bit, but that’s still a huge chunk. Also we can petition to repeal a NAP! Now, I can see why Juiced Community got voted in, just glancing over at the Eclectic Artists Household but eeeeeeh. Don’t want to see everyone dazed all the time. But first, work! After food. Speaking of which, Markus is able to actually spend some time with his blocks. Low fun need and all that. And then I struggled with lots of routing stuff for Markus and this garden salad. Bah. And with all that done, it’s time to take our son with us to go and chat with other households about this NAP!
So NAP repeals require you to canvas a neighborhood to ask “HEY SIGN MY PETITION.” Thankfully, there are actually loads of people within this neighborhood to ask about repeal signatures before I go and try to pull in other people Meredith knows. First Eclectic Artists, which I do not expect many signatures from. Oh but, Markus is sleepy so let’s send him to daycare. Take him off my hands! No from Erwin Pines, one from Alice Martin, one from Mark Eggleston, and one from Leslie Holland. ...honestly it sounds about right that Erwin would be the only one who wouldn’t give his signature, paranoid as he is. Also I sent the Geeks that Meredith knew of and had her talk up Simeon to them. Let the fellow Geeks find each other and make friends! Now we move onto Meredith’s former home and talk with the Banks! We only need two more votes, let’s see if the other households are co-operative. No dice with Tyson Banks so over to the last home. In which, we nab the occupants dinner for we ourselves are hungry too. It was awful though so...welp. No dice from Sabina Slade as well. But we found out she was a snob so once more, we talk up Simeon to her! Guy’s going to be overloaded with friends. Three out of five is a good start though. Only two more left to repeal this. But for now, we sleep!
Neighborhood Watch!
Jade Edding in the Edding household is now a Coffee Stain Remover in the Barista career.
Christian Fuentes in the Fuentes household has died. Cristian stayed in the sun a little too long and overheated.
Ah. RIP. Someone was a friend of you so I know to say RIP.
Henford-on-Bagley: The Ota household has moved in.
Again, short days. Let’s continue onwards! So we finally have time for Meredith to focus on her wants and whims and first things first, is to chat with George Cahill. Oh boy! Let’s bring Markus’s father over! ...anyway, she finally found out what George’s career is. Being a get-away driver in the Criminal career! IT’S ARGUMENT TIME! Wait, first let’s ask about NAPs. Those odds will likely lower once we have that argument. No dice. Anyway, ARGUMENT TIME! Ooo, she won the argument! Time to suggest better career paths! Ha! We got the “I don’t think I know you well enough to have this conversation.” Their relationship has dropped down to acquantences after George broke off their romantic relationship.
But instead of working on their relationship, we have Markus instead approaching his dad. He saw that he was playing with some sort of toy (-ahem- a voodo doll) and showed his! Playing and getting his imagination up. Nice! It was then that George headed off. Bye for now George! Meanwhile, Meredith’s second whim is to make 1000 Simoleaons. Which, nice but I have plans. So instead we work on smaller woodworks. And as for Markus, we have him roam around the house looking at things.
And then the Finchwick Fair started up! Honestly, Meredith seems like the type to just go and visit, even if she doesn’t have the room or space to keep her own farm animals. She would be a farm gal, if her lot size allowed for such huge objects like cows or llamas. Don’t even think I can squeeze a chicken in here. Markus is all set up with toys, and I remembered to bring a potty. Let’s go!
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Henford-on-Bagley’s fairs are to showcase your farm products. Like a lot of small county fairs! Though, naturally, I was more interested in the games and some of the rides as a kid. ...I didn’t trust all of them. Naturally, this one is a lot more scaled back, as it simply has the wool and llama showcase. Alas.
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SHULK!? From Xenoblade? He’s a llama guy!? Anyway, I had Meredith pick up a lot of stuff from the nearby gardening and grocery stalls. ...might want to hold off on doing that a lot because HO BOY MY MONEY. I then wanted to look around and see if there was anyone I wanted her to be social with. No one immediately stood out expect the garden shop owner Agatha Crumplebottom. ...quite a few of the Henford-On-Bagley residents were taken by Grim and his watchfullness so a bit of the character has been lost, alas. Anyway, we found out she’s another snob so ANOTHER FRIEND FOR SIMEON. All the friends for Simeon.
...Henford-On-Bagley does have an errand system and I would consider doing it...but hmm. Meredith is real tied up with her work. Anyway, I had Meredith look at a llama and had her talk to Shulk. Markus’s needs are getting low so he’s heading back home. And by home, I mean daycare. Another geek found! This time I’m directing Shulk Erwin’s way. She found out he’s good! Finally! Someone to befriend on her own terms! I attempted to have them play a game of foosball at the bar, but alas, he went home. Meredith was hungry so a meat pie was ate and then she was sleepy so time  to return home. Also Markus got skill level 5 thinking at the daycare. Wooooo. Bedtime and also-
Neighborhood Watch!
Brindleton Bay: The Saito household recently moved out.
Trenton Shaprio in the Shapiro household has died. Trenton was so angry he burst into flames and died.
Strangerville: The Slade household moved out.
Hibye then!
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