#alopecia areata
gayaest · 9 months
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Chibis of my original characters! 🌈🩷
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jeffa--cakes · 1 month
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they will have unfortunate genetics in the hair department
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sheliesshattered · 3 months
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agheaven · 1 year
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I Don't Let It Stop Me
American Girl Magazine, September/October 2009
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bass-alien · 2 years
the thing that terrifies me the most about having alopecia is that I’ll go from having perfectly healthy hair to having a huge bald spot within a matter of just a few days and it really fucking sucks
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bubblemami · 1 year
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Originally published on Oxygen TV, September 30, 2016. (Prior to their pivot to true crime.)
Written by: Jasmine 'Jazzi' Johnson
Titled: Black Girl Bald: The Truth About Living with Alopecia as a Black Woman
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No Calvizie mp3 DCS di Autoipnosi DCS vera e professionale
BLOCCA  LA CALVIZIE DA SOLO  con AUTOIPNOSI DCS scarica subito potente audio mp3 DCS dal titolo:
  #calvizie #alopecia #alopeciaareata 
 stoppa la perdita dei tuoi capelli e fai ricrescere i capelli dove sono caduti... NON DEVI CREDERE DEVI SOLO FARE C’È chi fa e chi non fa SOLO A TE LA SCELTA 
 - NO CALVIZIE Con questo audio mp3 DCS di autoipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale, dal titolo: NO CALVIZIE tu guiderai la tua mente a trovare la soluzione al tuo problema! Avrai, se segui le istruzioni alla lettera e senza perdere tempo, la soluzione alla tua calvizie ! I tuoi capelli sono come le foglie di un albero in autunno che cadono e perdono valore e forza a seguito di emozioni negative e del tuo passato negativo. Ricorda dopo l’autunno e l’inverno c’è sempre la primavera e come sono caduti i tuoi capelli così la tua mette può farli ricrescere grazie all’auto ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale, come è successo a tante persone in Italia e all’estero. Non credere al dr Saracino ma alla potenza della tua mente che puo’ fare il miracolo della tua stessa mente, guidata dal giusto metodo DCS! Con No Calvizie finalmente troverai il rimedio al tuo problema e solo con parole ad hoc, ad arte ed esclamerai wow! Ora puoi scegliere: o AGIRE subito e cambiare tua vita o continuare a camminare con le gomme sgonfie e senza benzina, senza energia, senza entusiasmo, in tutto cio’ che fai e farai! 
AVVERTENZA/Disclaimer Si consiglia di non utilizzare questo prodotto audio mp3  DCS mentre siete alla guida o state utilizzando macchinari pericolosi. Questo prodotto non si sostituisce a trattamenti medici o psicoterapeutici o psicologici ove questi fossero necessari. Se siete a conoscenza, diretta o indiretta, di un vostro disturbo medico o psicologico, vi preghiamo di consultare il vostro medico di fiducia per essere messi in contatto con un professionista qualificato della salute per la vostra specifica problematica. L'utilizzo di questo audio/video mp3 DCS è riservato ai maggiori di 18 anni. I minori possono usufruirne solo sotto la supervisione e responsabilità di un adulto. Il gestore  che gestisce il marchio DCS, Dr Claudio Saracino,  non si assume alcuna responsabilità su eventuali disagi o danni direttamente o indirettamente causati da un uso proprio o  improprio di questi audio mp3 DCS di auto ipnosi DCS  Vera e Professionale ne' per i risultati conseguiti da centinaia di persone nel mondo. - - - -
  #calvizie#calvo#capelli#chioma#rimedi#follicoli#calvizie#autoipnosidcs#ipnosidcs#dcs#drclaudiosaracino#mp3dcs#rimedi#soluzioni#ciocche#parrucchie#parrucchieri#trapianti#autoguarigione#autoterapia#poteredellamente#magiadellamente  #calvizie #capelli #alopecia #ipnosidcs #autoipnosidcs #drclaudiosaracino #ipnosidcslosangeles# mp3dcs #ipnosi #autoipnosi #ipnosiregressiva #ipnosiregressivadcs #autoguarigione #audiodcs #ipnologiassociati #meditazione #yoga #autoaiuto #meditazione #benessere #benessere360 #mentecorpo #autoconsapevolezza #mindset #mentalita #discipline alernative #olismo #miracolidellamente #magiadellamente
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Question: if a guy has alopecia areata like Victor Zsasz from Gotham and gets bitten by a werewolf, does their wolf form have fur? Or are they hairless werewolves?
Please share your thoughts; it’s for a story and I like to be as accurate as possible.
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womentiespoolhouse · 2 years
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(via Friday Vibes: Taking Big Risks)
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alocord · 2 years
I made an Alopecia discord
Hello all!
I made a community for people with alopecia (of all kinds) to get together, get support, talk about living with the disease, share memes, and other things like that. Hair loss can be hard sometimes, who says we have to cope or live with it alone?
If you wish to join please interact with this post (so more people will see it because tumblr’s algorythem does not seem to like me lol) and click the link below. I am also open to suggestions for server improvements to make it both a more welcoming/easier to use place.
Here is the link for those who wish to join.  
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ganitsoni · 2 days
Exploring the Best Hair Regrowth Treatment in Hyderabad
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Losing hair can be distressing, but finding the best hair regrowth treatment can restore confidence and self-esteem. In Hyderabad, a bustling city known for its medical advancements, various options are available to address hair loss. This article delves into the top hair regrowth treatments in Hyderabad, providing insights into effective solutions for hair restoration.
Understanding Hair Loss: Hair loss can occur due to various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and lifestyle choices. Understanding the underlying cause of hair loss is crucial for selecting the most suitable treatment option. Whether it's male or female pattern baldness, alopecia, or thinning hair, seeking professional advice is the first step towards regaining a full head of hair.
Exploring Treatment Options: In Hyderabad, several hair regrowth treatments are available to address different types of hair loss. These include:
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP therapy involves extracting platelets from the patient's blood and injecting them into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. This natural and minimally invasive procedure can improve hair density and thickness over time.
Hair Transplantation: Hair transplantation involves harvesting hair follicles from donor areas and implanting them into balding or thinning areas of the scalp. This surgical procedure provides permanent results and can restore a natural-looking hairline.
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): LLLT uses low-level laser devices to stimulate hair follicles, promote blood circulation, and encourage hair growth. This non-invasive treatment option is painless and can be done in-office or at home with handheld devices.
Topical Treatments: Various topical treatments, such as minoxidil and finasteride, are available to slow down hair loss and promote hair regrowth. These medications work by blocking the hormone responsible for hair loss and stimulating hair follicles to produce new hair.
Choosing the Right Treatment: When selecting the best hair regrowth treatment in Hyderabad, it's essential to consider factors such as the underlying cause of hair loss, treatment effectiveness, safety, and affordability. Consulting with a qualified dermatologist or trichologist can help assess individual needs and tailor a personalized treatment plan.
Seeking Professional Guidance: Before undergoing any hair regrowth treatment, it's crucial to seek professional guidance from a qualified healthcare provider. A thorough evaluation of the scalp and hair condition can help determine the most suitable treatment approach for optimal results.
Conclusion: In summary, it's important to find the right hair regrowth treatment in Hyderabad to restore your hair and confidence. Dr. Venus can help you with personalized treatment plans. Contact Dr. Venus to start your journey to regaining your hair today.
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gayaest · 9 months
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Rawiya — her name means “storyteller”. She loves nature and mori kei fashion, and enjoys sunsets! 🌾🐛👒🧸
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blogmmmonteiros · 3 days
Desvendando os 6 Tipos de Alopecia e Suas Soluções Comprovadas para Mulheres
Vereadora tira peruca na Câmara para rebater ataque nas redes sociais. Cris Monteiro (Novo) protestou, na última terça-feira (23), contra ataques que vem recebendo, relacionados à sua aparência. Durante sessão na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, a vereadora tirou a peruca e afirmou que sua foto foi publicada no perfil de vereadores do PSOL. Monteiro revelou que sofre de alopecia, uma doença…
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whostamera · 10 days
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1 year ago vs today 😊
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her-mem0ries · 16 days
Jun 2023
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millarosen · 1 month
Tips to Stop Alopecia Areata Before It Gets Worse
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Alopecia areata, also known as an autoimmune disease, causes rapid hair loss in patches in different body parts. Both children and adults can become victims of this disease, and you need to consult an experienced dermatologist for the treatment. Read More...
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