#alonso quijano
illustratus · 2 months
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The Mock Serenade (Cervantes' Don Quixote) by Gustave Doré
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gibberinggibberish · 3 months
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I drew the sinners
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couldtheycatchkira · 5 months
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whowouldwininafite · 2 months
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stamps-and-culture · 2 months
Tercera semana del segundo cuatrimestre
El pasado lunes 12 de febrero comenzamos el segundo cuatrimestre de ESPA y ESPAD y hoy comenzamos la tercera semana. Quedan algunas personas rezagadas que todavía no se han incorporado. No lo demoren más porque el curso pasa volando. Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com
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sociedadnoticias · 11 months
Expone estudiante de la UAG investigación en Nueva York
Expone estudiante de la UAG investigación en Nueva York #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #IngenierosCiviles #Egresados #UAG #PabloLemus #Guadalajara #Declaraciónanual @GuadalajaraGob @PabloLemusN @UAG_Oficial
Estudiante de la UAG expone investigación en Nueva York Daniel Reséndiz | Corresponsal Guadalajara, Jalisco.- Christhopher Diego Nicholson Becerra, estudiante de cuarto año de la licenciatura de Cirujano Dentista de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG), presentó una investigación desarrollada en esta institución en el Greater New York Dental Meeting, en los Estados Unidos. El alumno de…
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Would Alonso Quijano/Don Quixote (Don Quixote) be an avatar of the Spiral?
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etherealreaperr · 1 year
Luis y Don Quijote
Vamos a hablar de por qué Luis se denomina a sí mismo Don Quijote y a Leon Sancho Panza.
Empezamos con Luis. Tuvo una infancia difícil y marcada, extremadamente solitaria y pintada por las creencias ajenas. Cuando se reveló contra su pueblo, fue considerado por los pueblerinos como un loco, aunque en realidad su intelecto era superior al que uno podía imaginarse. Don Quijote, también conocido como Alonso Quijano, fue un hombre que al final de su vida se obsesionó con los caballeros, aspirando a ser uno. De hecho, Alonso pensó que necesitaba un nombre de caballero de verdad y así nació Don Quijote. Esto se ve en Luis al intentar romper con las circunstancias en las que había nacido, intentando brindarse valor a sí mismo, procurando ser una persona distinta para que no tener que sufrir dolor.
Don Quijote es un personaje excéntrico e idealista, que sueña con lograr su objetivo, aunque lo más probable es que el fondo sabe que es un simple sueño, como se ve en los momentos de lucidez que tiene. Lo mismo le pasa a Luis, quiere aspirar a algo mejor, a su sueño pero sabe que no queda salvación para él. Que por más que lo intente es meramente imposible pero aun así no puede morir sin haberlo intentando, ¿qué ocurre si al final de su vida consigue convertirse en aquello a lo que había aspirado? Simplemente no podía aguantar más tiempo en ese estado de incertidumbre constante.
Al final de su vida, Alonso se encuentra con la realidad y muere lúcido, pero deprimido. Luis murió habiéndose redimido un poco pero injusta y desamparadamente. El final de los héroes es siempre así. Intentan hacer leyenda para que después sean olvidados de la forma más mezquina y triste posible.
Pasando a Leon y Sancho Panza. Sancho Panza es un vecino del pueblo de Alonso al que se le encomienda vigilar a este. Al principio, Sancho solo está ahí como acompañante, para vigilar sin más, pero con el paso del tiempo, él también cae en las alucinaciones de Don Quijote. Más que alucinaciones: sueños, ideales. Sancho siempre se mantiene un poco al margen aunque cuidando y velando por la seguridad de su caballero. Don Quijote siempre se lanza el primero, con total confianza de que su escudero le protegerá en toda circunstancia.
A medida que El Quijote avanza, podemos ver cómo las personalidades de Don Quijote y Sancho Panza se desdibujan entre sí, es decir, se van pegando rasgos de su personalidad. Luis se vuelve más sensato mientras que Leon se vuelve más soñador y despreocupado. Así pues, lo que al principio parecía una imposición puesta sobre Sancho, terminó siendo su leal compañero y maestro a pesar de todas las rencillas y disputas.
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illustratus · 2 months
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Don Quixote setting out on his Adventures by Gustave Doré
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littledigest · 2 years
Asteroids for the Womanizer vs. Knight in Shining Armor
Players, womanizers, casanovas, smooth talkers, hard-to-resist
Predators, predatory behaviors
Promiscuity, flirtatiousness, fulfilling sensual desires
Romantic or overly romantic; Idealistic or overly idealistic
Chivalrous, gallant, or wanting to be gallant towards others
Not succeeding in becoming a "knight in shining armor"/ideal person
Hanging onto a romantic past (personal past or in history)
Desperate for the attention of the other; doing anything for the other; simp
Where we want to be seen as a hero; where we want to be saved
Our ideal image of a good man; how we overidealize our perfect partner
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7328, 3552, 29391
NOTE: All three asteroids are men or historically male. However, in astrology, I don't believe these have to be gender specific. So many ways these could play out in a chart. See what makes the most sense for you.
Casanova 7328
Named after Giacomo Casanova, a Venetian adventurer and writer
Known for his affairs with women, so much so that his name is synonymous with the term womanizer
Casual love and sex, nothing serious; flirtatiousness, games, short-term relationships
Dominated by sensual urges; passion for the opposite sex
Made sure not to get anyone pregnant
His modus operandi: Save an attractive woman from a bad lover; woman shows gratitude, and he seduces; affair begins; gets bored and tells her he is unworthy; pairs her with a worthy man and leaves
Using every persuasive skill that exists to soften the woman's heart
Values intelligent women but not educated women
Predatory, dangerous, especially for younger women/girls; doesn't go for too easy or too challenging targets
Known for gambling as well
I have Casanova in Capricorn in 5th house square Venus, conjunct Jupiter. This being in Cap in 5th conjunct Jupiter square Venus is giving me gambling vibes...or lots of short-term relationships? Both don't sound like me right now, but between the two, gambling seems more plausible. Had an intense lottery phase for a little while a few years back.
Don Quixote 3552
Named after Don Quixote, a Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes
Alonso Quijano (main character) reads too many chivalric romances and cannot separate fact from fiction
Under the name Don Quixote, he imagines that he is living out his knightly fantasies; feeds into his own delusions
Chivalry is dead; post-chivalric world sees chivalry as useless; hanging onto a romantic past
Don Quixote is in Leo 12th house opposite Mercury. Is it me, or does this placement sound like the character in the novel 😳 ? I wouldn't call myself delusional, but I do romanticize the past a lot, but all that romanticizing mainly stays in my fantasies (12th) in my head (Mercury). I just probably do too much romanticizing and should get back to reality every so often.
Knight 29391
Means a man who served a sovereign as a soldier in armor in the Middle Ages
Knight in shining armor = an idealized man who comes to the rescue of a woman in a difficult situation
Funny enough, I have Knight conjunct Don Quixote. It is also conjunct Pluto. I do idealize Scorpio men more than any other sign.
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also this isn't a critic to the last post cause i'm still in awe on how good it is this is just a pet peeve of mine.
it's don quijote not don quixote
he's alonso quijano not quixano
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lafcadiosadventures · 2 months
the Ruined by Fiction club: mme Bovary, Alonso Quijano, Modeste Mignon, Catherine Morland
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triptychgardener · 1 year
Y'know just when you think you've understood everything there is to know about Homestuck, you realize that Tavros has massive allusions to Don Quixote. -Lives in a literal windmill -Wields a lance -Spends a lot of his time in a state that's considered delusional/fantastical just like Alonso Quijano, with his dreams of Prospit and imaginary friends -Spanish trollhandle while Don Quixote is one of the seminal works of early spanish literature And Don Quixote itself is known for being an early and excellent example of metafiction, with stories within stories being told in the book, which is framed as part historical account where the author at multiple points inserts himself into the story. It just goes deeper and deeper. God.
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matchalilly · 1 year
So you know how Luis loves referencing Don Quixote?
I sat there for the longest time, wondering why it sounded familiar to me, IT'S A REFERENCE TO A BOOK AND A MOVIE (in Luis's case, probably just the book)
Now I read the book back in high school didn't watch the movie till college but Luis has rekindled a memory and I need to hunt the book down again like I want a hardback copy on my book shelf.
I'm also just sitting here imagining that man having a well-worn and very loved copy of Don Quixote, I mean, there's no way he doesn't have a copy with how heavily he references it.
And it's actually cute that he calls Leon, Sancho Panzo, because their banter checks out, and it implies (at least for me) Luis saw Leon and went "yes him, that one will be my squire. I like him."
If you are curious about the books plot...
The plot revolves around the adventures of a member of the lowest nobility, an hidalgo from La Mancha named Alonso Quijano, who reads so many chivalric romances that he either loses or pretends to have lost his mind in order to become a knight-errant (caballero andante) to revive chivalry and serve his nation, under the name Don Quixote de la Mancha.[b] He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthy wit in dealing with Don Quixote's lofty rhetoric often concerning knighthood, already seeming old-fashioned at the time or incoherent to most, and representing the most droll realism in contrast to his master's idealism though at times left being very impressed. In the first part of the book, Don Quixote does not see the world for what it is and prefers to imagine that he is living out a knightly story meant for the annals of all time.
The book was also originally in two parts, and there was (not sure if it's still performed) a play inspired by it ,MAN of La Mancha.
Like I could go on about Don Quixote... if you want me too, I'm sure Luis would enjoy it XD
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And, of course, Leon isn't going to get what Luis is referencing at all. It's going to be nonsense to him, which makes their enteractions whenever Luis references the book, even funnier.
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stamps-and-culture · 5 months
Abierta la matrícula para el segundo cuatrimestre en educación secundaria.
Tanto en la ESPA como en la ESPAD está abierto el plazo de matriculación para cursar el segundo cuatrimestre de febrero a junio de 2024. Acércate al CEPA Alonso Quijano y matricúlate para avanzar en tu formación académica. ¡Tu título de la ESO te espera!
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Aquí, algunos consejos para presentar la declaración anual: UAG
Aquí, algunos consejos para presentar la declaración anual: UAG #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #IngenierosCiviles #Egresados #UAG #PabloLemus #Guadalajara #Declaraciónanual @GuadalajaraGob @PabloLemusN @UAG_Oficial
Consejos para presentar la declaración anual: UAG Daniel Reséndiz | Corresponsal                                                Guadalajara, Jalisco.- Llegó abril, mes en el que las personas físicas tienen la obligación de presentar su Declaración Anual de impuestos ante el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT). Aunque para muchos contribuyentes este trámite representa todo un reto, la…
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