#alex blake headcanon
carsonsbackwardscap · 6 months
What's the word again?
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GIF by @storiesofsvu2-0
Alex Blake (x reader?) Summary: Alex finds out asexuality is a thing! Word Count: 1.818
author's note: asexual!Alex is my new roman empire. first time writting Alex so I'd really like to read your thoughts! not a lot of romance this time, but ther is some fluff. Alex and reader are sweet and I enjoyed writting this so there might be a ch2 idk.
What’s the word again?
Alex knows how to socialize. She’d learned the rules a long time ago; catalogued and memorized the expected behavior to each specific social situation as she handcrafted her own guidebook to human interactions. Some things changed here and there over the years, but mostly she did fine. Alex Blake knows how to socialize.
That doesn’t mean she has to like it.
She especially dislikes it when it comes to teenagers. Something about that particular age group always has her on edge, as if she’s about to get caught on a lie anytime. She’s not quite sure what she would be lying about, though.
Arguably, social interactions weren’t her strong suit, but she did just fine most of the time. Being so good with words certainly helped. The fact that she stopped caring so much about what other people thought of her helped even better.
She could hold her own with people her age, most of them having grown up on the same social environment and signing off on the same silent agreements of social interactions she unwillingly did. Kids could be unpredictable, but they had a genuine and straight to the point attitude she found easy to bond with, always enjoying her time with the tinny humans who had yet to learn all the unnecessary red tape. But teenagers? She had a tough time being around teenagers when she was one of them.
And it seems it didn’t get any easier now.
Which is why she was currently standing in an empty bathroom, staring blankly at her reflection as she tried to drown out the sounds of the party going on outside.
The university she was teaching at since she left the bureau had organized a week of immersion in the college experience to last year high school students of all over the state. For a week, they were no longer high school kids, but college students. Which might have been a great experience for them, but for Alex? Not so much. This farewell party marks the end of what had to have been the most overwhelming week of her career as a professor.
At least it’s almost over… She thought as she washed her hands one last time before heading back, a task that would’ve been a little bit easier to accomplish if a certain psychology professor had managed to show up on time for once.
Not that Alex had any right being upset about it, she hadn’t exactly told Y/N how important her company was, that she provided a source of safety and familiarity crucial to surviving gatherings like this one. Y/N knew the week had been less than pleasant for Alex, but she didn’t realize her presence had been the one thing keeping Alex afloat on more than one occasion.
“Figured I would find you here…” The teasing but gentle words pulled her from her thoughts.
“Punctual as ever, I see.” She shot back with an amused glint in her eyes, Y/N’s mere presence already brightening her mood.
“Please, you can’t make an entrance if you arrive before everybody else.” As Alex chuckled, Y/N held out her hand. “C’mon, assuming you’ve been here since the start, only about half an hour longer and we can ditch.”
They made their way back to the party and closer to the table filled with snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. As Y/N poured them both a glass of orange juice, Alex whispered, “You don’t have to leave just because I want to, I know you enjoy having them around.”
“Even I have had my fill.” Y/N puts on her most over the top grimace. Alex doesn’t buy it for a second. “But, yeah, they’re pretty fun.”
“How has any of this been fun to you?”
“They are teenagers!” She gestures excitedly to the room. “They are a whole subculture on their own. Then there are subcultures within the subculture…”
“Nerd.” Alex teases, if only to spare her from how cute Y/N looks when she’s starts rambling.
“Said the linguistic professor.”
“Fair enough.”
“It did surprise me that you don’t like them. Sure, to me they’re an endless source of entertainment, but I thought you’d be at least interested. I mean, if you pay attention, you can see it’s almost as if each group has its own vocabulary…”
“Yes, and I understand not one of them.” Alex lets out a nervous laugh as she remembers the countless times she’d felt lost among her temporary students. “I feel really old saying that.”
“You should.” Y/N deadpanned, earning a harmless slap on her shoulder as Alex rolled her eyes and redirected her attention to the group of high school students they were supposed to be interacting with.
Y/N wasn’t wrong, though. Alex did find the diverse ways the teens talk to and about each other rather interesting. It’s just… she would appreciate it a lot better with she didn’t have to participate. A particular incident has been hunting her thoughts for the past couple of days, and it just happened Y/N was one of the best – and only – people she could talk about it with.
“If you’re done judging me…” She sees Y/N mouthing a never, but just rolls her eyes and keeps going, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you about.”
She pauses for a second, not sure how to word the question properly. She’s curious but doesn’t want to overstep. Maybe she should have just googled it. Y/N is the kind of person one can ask pretty much anything to, as long as it’s in good faith, she never takes offense. It’s one of the things Alex loves about her. That and how Y/N always knows when to prompt her further and when to wait and give her some time, as she’s doing right now, quietly sipping on her drink as Alex gathers her thoughts.
“Do you know anything about asexuality?” Y/N nods and Alex thinks she might need to give her some context. “I overheard some of the kids talking about it and I am curious as I don’t think I ever heard of it before and I’m pretty familiar with sexual diversity…”
“Yeah, it’s a slightly smaller group within the LGBT+ community. There are nuances to it, but the definition is pretty straight forward, I guess, it’s the lack of sexual attraction to other people.”
She had figured out that much, being a linguistic and all. She doesn’t need a dictionary. She is not sure what she needs. She needs to talk about it, needs to understand. She needs to know what it is about that word that has her feeling like her word is about to crumble.
Alex knows her frustration is misplaced, though, so she tries to communicate better.
“Could you explain it to me a little better? How does that work?”
“Are you asking the psychology professor or the LGBT advocate?” Y/N smiles at her and she feels a bit of tension leave her body.
“Both?” She smiles right back.
“Well… Let’s start with what you already know. Think of asexuality as something separated from homo, bi, hetero… as in it’s not exactly about who you feel attracted to, but about how much or how often. An asexual person would experience less or no sexual attraction regardless of gender. They could feel no sexual attraction at all, they could feel some sexual attraction depending on the context or they could even feel a  lot of sexual attraction just not often. Am I making sense?”
“In theory…” The answer slips past her lips without much thought, Y/N looks at her questioning and Alex tries to come up with a better one. “I just didn’t know this was a thing that happened.”
Y/N just hums in agreement.
Isn’t that how everyone feels? It’s what she really means to ask. She is not ready for that answer, even if she already knows it.
Silence falls over them again, but this time the thoughts running around Alex’s mind are darker. The conversation somehow leading her to what felt like a lifetime ago, when she’d first discovered that there were girls who liked girls and that she’d been spending way too much time admiring her best friend’s beautiful eyes. The feeling somehow so similar and yet so different. Terrifying in a whole new way.
“It’s okay, you can ask. It’s you and me.” Y/N’s gentle reassurance snaped her out of that train of thought.
“Is it a condition? As in a psychological disorder?” She didn’t know what answer scared her more.
“No. I mean, it could be resulting of trauma, sure, but then most of our sexual preferences are, to some extent.”
“Fair enough” Alex felt her body relax once again as she decided that the time for spiraling out would come later, now was time for answers. “Psychological explanation, please.”
“Good old sublimation, I suppose. Libido being channeled somewhere else.”
“Simple like that?”
“Simple like that.”
 Alex nods and doesn’t say anything for a while. They stand shoulder to shoulder in comfortable silence watching the crowd.
“Has it been half an hour yet?”
She doesn’t miss how Y/N failed to check the clock.
“Yeah. Let’s get you home.”
The ride to Alex’s house was a short and quite one, Alex lost in thoughts as she looked out the window and Y/N more than happy to let her be, well aware there was something deeper about Alex’s “curiosity”.
“Could they fall in love?”
“Of course. Sexual and romantic attraction are two completely different aspects of the human experience. They can be correlated but aren’t necessarily.”
Alex nodded and hummed contemplatively, before turning her head to look at Y/N and giving her a smile.
“If we can have sex with people we don’t love, we can love people we don’t have sex with.” She shrugged. “I just always assumed we all felt the same thing, you know?”
Sensing Alex was in a better mood, Y/N jokes, “I mean, think about it, you go months without seeing your husband and you’re fine. I go one week without sex and I’m crawling up the walls.” Her expression of horror against the very idea making Alex laugh. “We are all different, some of us just like to have words for it.”
Alex is linguistics professor.
Y/N parked in front of Alex’s house and turned to look at her.
“I have a few articles I could send you that might help you understand it all a bit better. Some online blogs as well, could be nice to have a more personal perspective.”
“I would like that, thank you.”
“I’m also here to talk. About anything. Anytime.”
Alex chuckled. Y/N knew her way too well in such a short time.
“Send me those links, will you?” She winked at Y/N, who just shook her head and smiled at Alex’s stubbornness.
Alex all but ran over to her door. She had a lot of reading to do.
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nightmarish-fae · 1 year
shenanigans, headcanons & puns with @storiesofsvu and @whiteberryx
alex is great at dirty talk because she's a linguist...a...*cunni-linguist*
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storiesofsvu · 20 days
Alex Blake SFW Alphabet
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Alex Blake x reader warnings: none really, some sexual situations talked about. SURPRISE! Two things in one day! a WIN. I thought maybe sitting down and doing some headcanons from templates might help get the ball rolling on creativity so you might see a few more things like this pop out this week! <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alex is relatively affectionate, especially around friends or in private. She wants to make sure her friends and partner know that they are cared about and just how much. She doesn’t shy away from a squeeze on the hand, hugs or quick kisses in public. At home with you she’s very touchy, a hand on you as often as possible, curled up on the couch with you while she reads and you watch tv. She also shows her affection by picking up little treats for you whenever she’s out during the day. Whether it’s a candy bar added to the grocery order, or a post card from a city the BAU has visited recently, she loves having something to give to you when she gets home.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
First and foremost, she’s loyal. Once she knows you, and trusts you, trusts her gut that you are a friend, she’s always going to have your back and make sure to help you with whatever it is you might need. I like to think that she’s a pretty friendly person and isn’t afraid of striking up conversations with strangers in public. She’s someone that has lots of ‘regular’s’ that she runs into during her errand running and the like, ya know what I mean?
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hear me out: Alex is the biggest snuggler. She adores it, especially after a long day of either teaching or profiling. It’s quiet, soft, tender, the easiest way to show affection without having to move and it literally releases endorphins to make everyone feel better. She loves being sprawled on the couch and having you slotted between her legs, either propped up on her chest while you read together, or curled around her so she can play with your hair. At night she loves being tangled up in your limbs in bed, simply holding each other as you fall asleep.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Alex has been there done that. And she kinda always thought that was it for her, she’d had her love, had her marriage and now was married to the job. Until she meets you and realizes that there’s room for more than one great love in each life. She doesn’t particularly want to get married again, knowing all the extra ordeals that go along with that, but she’ll happily commit to a life partner, and lbh, if a ring and a party make you happy, she’ll definitely go for it.
I like to think Alex is a very clean person. Like, not overly wiping down every surface with Lysol constantly, but her apartment is always clean and tidy. There is almost always a coffee mug on the coffee table in some level of half drunk, but that’s about it. Her dishes are dealt with right away, things don’t get left out, everything has a home and is almost always in it. You do often tease her about her “clutter” being the pile of books that somehow seems to move from room to room (and they’re always all together in said stack, it’s never one or two moving around). Cooking wise she’s good. Nothing extravagant. She knows the basics and usually sticks with that. Though she also does really enjoy finding a new recipe to experiment with at least once a month.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
(I’m ngl. Part of me really wants to say she would like, just ghost and disappear without continuing communication. Cause.. she literally hates conflict, vanishes on her family and peaced out on the BAU without an actual goodbye.. LOL)
BUT, our girl has more respect for that when it comes to people she’s romantically interested in, even if that has faded. It’s going to be quick, a rip the band-aid off situation and she’ll likely do it at your place so that it’s private and she can leave quickly once it’s done and you have some privacy to grieve alone.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
One of these days I’ll remember that this is down here and not cover it under D, LOL. So, as stated, she doesn’t necessarily care for marriage again, but if she was to find love again she’s fully committed to it and will love you for the rest of her life. She *might* consider marriage if it’s an absolute dealbreaker for you, but it’s usually something she’ll bring up on the first date or so, so you both know from the start and the likelihood of her running into it down the road when she’s fully in love and invested isn’t as likely.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Listen, when this bitch isn’t dealing with unsubs, she is the most gentle fucking soul on earth. She is Mother. She is tender, loving, caring and just so sweet. Her touch is always soft, fingers trailing across your skin, drawing patterns on it while she listens to you tell stories. She’s generally pretty gentle and tender in the bedroom as well, she prefers to praise, overstimulate or edge, teasing with her words rather than physical pain. If you ask she might experiment a little bit more into that pool but she doesn’t like to inflict pain.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Alex is a hugger, even if it’s just a small, quick one to say hello/goodbye while she drops a kiss to the top of your head. If she’s been gone for a while she yearns for a longer, deeper one, truly sinking into the embrace, wrapping herself tightly around you as she tucks her head into the crook of your neck. Her hugs are always full of love and affection and a way to kinda say what’s on her mind without actually having to say anything. Like, you literally cannot tell me she doesn’t give amazing hugs.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
For a linguist, she’s not great with words when it comes to feelings/conveying things properly in relationships (both romantic, and platonic). So she’s gonna show you that she loves you before she actually says it. She also knows that other ways of showing love can mean more than the simple words of saying it, it shows that she actually really means it rather than just throwing the phrase around a lot. So she’s not someone who does say it a lot, she prefers to keep it for the moments when it really does mean a lot, or the extremely private, intimate moments in the dark as you’re falling asleep together.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Alex is another one of those insecure jealousy types. She’s confident in herself and in your relationship, but you are a little bit younger, and she can be more introverted. So sometimes seeing you out with your friends flitting around like a social butterfly she wishes that she could be more like that, or more social, especially when it comes to your group of people. She’s not one to make a scene about it, but there has been more than one occasion where she’ll approach you, press a soft kiss to your cheek and say she’s going home, feign an excuse of being tired or not feeling great and *insist* that you stay out and have a good time.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are soft, tender, and only for you. They can definitely be fiery in the right situation, but she uses kisses as a primary way to express her love. She loves to kiss the top of your head, your cheek, the tip of your nose, the back of your hand, and of course your lips. When she wants to make you absolutely melt, she’ll wrap herself around you from behind and trail kisses up and down your neck until you’re putty in her hands and practically dragging her into the bedroom.
She loves you kisses no matter where you kiss her. There’s something about the little grin on your face before you leave a kiss anywhere on her body that absolutely gives her butterflies and makes her blush, even to this day. Alex has a particularly soft spot for the way you’ll kiss her inner thighs before going down on her.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Loaded question my dude.
Alex is incredibly good with kids. She loves being around them and will happily spend an afternoon running around the yard with JJ’s boys, even “suffering” through cleaning up, bath time and adores reading them bedtime stories. She’ll always offer up babysitting services for her friends and absolutely adores getting to be “Auntie Alex” but it always leaves her drained and full of a sense of missing out, especially as she watches her friends’ kids growing up and hitting milestones and she simply yearns for getting to see her own son do the same.
And to follow up with that; no she doesn’t want to have any other kids. Of her own or adopted. She knows that she would be absolutely terrified from the moment of conception that everything was going to go wrong again. She knows she would be a helicopter parent and be obsessively overprotective and every time the kid so much as coughed her mind would go straight to the worst case scenario and she knows she can’t handle that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Her mornings are relaxed, both work mornings and weekend mornings. The only difference is having to say goodbye on workdays (and getting up a little earlier). There’s the morning paper, followed by the morning crossword, coffee of course and breakfast.
On the weekends those things generally all still happen in bed, or curled up on the couch with a couple of fuzzy blankets while you enjoy the quiet of the morning, the sun getting brighter, birds chirping outside and each other’s company.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are fun, a little more spirited, more laughter and fun sprinkled in there as you wind down from the day, likely accompanied by a glass of wine or two. Dinner is likely cooked together, even if together means one of you cooking while the other sits on the counter and keeps them company. There’s music playing through the house, stories of your days/weeks told and plenty of stolen kisses while you’re waiting for a pot to boil or timer to go off.
Evenings are spent either on the couch or out in the back yard on the fancy furniture, lounging together while you read, watch tv, or catch up on work. Alex adores the nights that you scoop up one of her books of poetry and climb into her lap so she can read to you while playing with your hair.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Homegirl keeps a lot pretty tight lipped. There’s a lot she’s going to keep to herself and it’s going to have to actually be asked specifically to her before she’ll bring it up. She’ll mention that she was married before, she likely still has a decent relationship with James so that comes up pretty quick. But otherwise it’s a little thing here, a little thing there and there’s likely still some things you don’t know about her when you’ve been together for years.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She’s got the patience of a fucking god. Alex doesn’t do angry, she can do frustrated, or annoyed, but she really doesn’t get that angry often. And if she does she’s going to bottle it up and save it for work when she can/needs to take it out on an unsub. If the two of you get into it and things are starting to explode into something where things might be said that you don’t really mean, she’s always the one to hit pause, put a pin in it and the two of you both walk away and cool down so you can sit down and discuss the actual issue at hand later on.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
With her brain?!?
Of fucking course she’s remembering like, 98% of the things that you tell her, hell, even the things you don’t tell her. She’s just got a way. She caught the way your eyes lit up at the sight of a molten lava cake being taken to a table when you were out to dinner and the next time you were having a rough day she ordered one delivered. She borrowed your phone once when hers was dead to use your Spotify and discovered which artist you had on repeat 24/7 and of course got tickets to their concert for your birthday. You always stole a particular sweater of hers on cold days and you felt bad, giving it back after a day cause it was so cozy and she needed to be warm too so she bought it in five other colours for both of you to share.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
The moment that she knew she was in love with you. It was something small, domestic, just quietly and intimately sharing the same space for hours on end. Maybe the first full weekend you hadn’t left her apartment and seeing you move through her space with no issues, making yourself at home and she knew that she liked her home a hell of a lot better with you in it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Alex is the perfect amount of protective. She knows you can take care of yourself and never wants to be overbearing, so she lets you live your life when you’re apart. However she is the one to always make sure you’re attentive when you’re alone at night, that your car door is locked as soon as you’re in it, if your apartment doesn’t have a security system when you meet you better bet that she’ll make you install one. She insists that anytime you’re out with your friends you call her to come pick you up when you’ve had too much to drink. If you’re out together and she can sense that you’re uncomfortable because of the idiot hitting on you, she’s gonna wrap an arm around your waist, press a kiss to your cheek and get you outta there as quickly as she can.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Regular dates not so much, but if she’s been out of town for a while she makes sure to plan something nice, it’s never anything crazy or over the top, but an excuse for you to dress up a little bit so she can take you out for a nice dinner. Anniversaries are always sentimental for Alex, there’s flowers, time spent together likely at home with a homecooked or take out dinner before the night is spent in the bedroom. Gifts for big days are always similar, they’re things that you’ve talked about loving, or something that’s rare, hard to find, something you mentioned in passing a couple of times that she happened to come across. Or homemade presents, ones made with love instead of bought with money.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Overworking FOR SURE. It’s pretty often that you have to wander into the home office well past midnight and drag her to bed. She’ll argue that she ‘only has one thing left to do’ but will thank you beyond belief in the morning. She also has a tendency to work through her meals, something that only got worse once she was at the BAU, so you’ll always make sure she has lunch packed, and if she’s teaching you’ll swing by to have lunch with her.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Alex isn’t overly concerned. She’s always professionally put together, makes sure she looks good in that sense, but make up isn’t something she delves into too much, and she’s never going to think about going under the knife for beauty things, she’s just going to hope she ages gracefully.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Hmmm….. No. I think that she would be fine. She’s always been a pretty independent person; she spent a lot of time apart from James and she never had too much of a problem with it. She doesn’t need a partner to feel secure and like she’s a whole person, she’s all that on her own. She’d also thought she was going to be single forever post divorce and had no issues with that, meeting someone new was just a happy coincidence.
X = Xtra (A random head canon for them.)
I can’t think of anything totally random so you’re getting something canon related. Her and Strauss were in the academy together and they definitely fucked or were in some kind of relationship that obviously didn’t end well. She also had a little crush on JJ, whether she realized it or not.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She’s not a fan of dumb people, and we’re not talking like, college dropouts, she’s fine if you didn’t go to post secondary school. We’re talking plain logic, street smarts. If someone has zero interests and thus nothing to ever educate themselves on, she’s not into it. (like, this could be some insanely smart thing that like, Reid is into, or it could be something like different strains of weed, she does not care, just use your brain for something). Even worse than that to her is people who *play* dumb. She’s got zero patience when it comes to that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Has a nightly routine that she sticks to every night, no matter what. If she’s on the road, up late, whatever, she absolutely always has to brush teeth, wash her face, apply some minimal skin care, turn down the lights and read at least a small chapter before she can go to bed. She likes to keep routine and normalcy and this really helps with that.
@svulife-rl rl @clarawatson @hbkpop @momlifebehard @itisdoctortoyousir @temilyrights @alexxavicry @evilregal2002 @ladysc @dextur @disneyfan624 @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @lex13cm @happenstnces @whiteberryx @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @emobabeyy @theclassicgaycousin @leftoverenvy @bigolgay @daddy-heather-dunbar @regalmilfs4me @scorpsik @riveramorylunar @h-doodles @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @s1ut4nat @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @tommyriddleobsessed @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @ara-a-bird @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @nachofriess @cx-emerald-cx @momily
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thatsadfem · 1 year
Criminal minds sexuality head cannons
Spencer: obvious bisexual. definitely did something frisky with ethan and elle
JJ: bicurious. loves her husband but has had some suspicious thoughts about a SSA emily prentiss (she would never act on them tho, she loves her family)
Derek: also bicurious. woman lover but he is such a hoe that he has definitely considered getting down with a guy (also maybe reid has popped into his head a few times)
Emily: lesbian. obviously
Hotch: probably straight but he has had some gay thoughts that he doesnt know what to make of
Rossi: man's is very straight, but he probably experimented with men when he was young (lmao)
Luke: this man is so bisexual it hurts. he is very uncomfortable when he is with men but thats because he is super inexperienced
Tara: total lesbian.
Gideon: honestly, probably a demisexual man. he wouldnt know what demisexual means but i cant imagine his bird loving ass being super into sex
Elle: likely bicurious. for a "totally straight" girl, she spends a lot of time at lesbian bars
Alex (Blake): straight but she is no. 1 ally
Kate (Callaghan): i dont know whether it's because i'm a lesbian and i like having lesbian characters but kate is a lesbian in my eyes
Matthew: heterosexual man who loves his girlboss wife
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Hazbin Hotel character references in logo
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darkimpala1897 · 2 months
Buck and Bucky wedding would be pure chaos I'm just saying.
Bucky would walk down the aisle to 20th Century Fox Fanfare, because he's Bucky.
Hambone, and Douglass would do drunk karaoke.
Brady would be the one crying the entire time and I mean the entire time.
Blakely would be trying to sleep with the groomsmen.
DeMarco snuck Meatball in, who ate everything.
Rosie would have the best speech ever.
Crosby would have a drunk speech.
Bubbles would embarrassingly dance around, making everyone question who invited him.
Curt would be spilling all the embarrassing stories, he definitely knocked down either the wedding cake or ice sculpture or both well screaming "I'm Irish" at the top of his lungs.
Dickie is trying to clean up Curts mess.
Quinn lost BabyFace, and Bailey within five seconds somehow.
Winks and Ken are just filming the entire thing.
Kidd and Harding are just old man dancing together.
Helen is wondering why she came.
Sandra and Marge are also questioning why the fuck they came.
Murphy and Fredkin are literally the most chill ones, but Murphy eventually gets so drunk that he starts taking off his clothes.
Smokey is making sure nobody gives themselves alcohol poisoning, he ends up herding everyone home like drunk cattle.
Stormy is just embarrassed to know these people.
Daniels, Jefferson, and Macon were dragged to this shingdig by DeMarco who said "It'd be fun." And fun was one way to describe it.
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call-me-oracle · 1 month
barbara gordon in battle for the cowl tp
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mariskalover88 · 8 days
If someone could write me a smutty smutty alex blake x reader fanfic but with so much fluff at the end it’s crazy and very my girl my girl my girl energy like my man my man my man. That would be amazing.
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fannish-jam · 7 months
I am only three episodes into season eight and I have already adopted the autistic Alex Blake headcanon.
Let me explain:
Firstly, her first moment in the show is her explaining the etymology of the term 'nice'. it is established that she is a linguistics professor, but nobody who is neurotypical begins with that.
her general demeanour is quite monotonous. I don't think I have seen any of the team's replacements have a very limited arsenal of facial expressions- even Prentiss, who replaced Greenaway, has a wider range of expressions than Alex Blake.
in s08e03, when Reid is explaining the different criteria between Asperger's (*gag*) and "classical autism" Blake leans back and asks him, "Well, how about you?" to me, this implies that she can tell that Reid is autistic (which at this point isn't even subtext it just plain ole text!) or that she has been assessed before (that is just my theory.)
same episode, after she apologises to reid for insulting him, Blake tells him how she prefers people being straightforward instead of sensitive and skirting around the situation, to which Reid agrees by saying how he is the same way.
this is just my interpretation and I will expand upon it the more I watch this season. so far, I really like dr Blake!
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flaminghotjareau · 1 month
criminal minds astrology headcanons:
emily: we know she’s a libra and though at first i would’ve seen her more as an aries, i can see the libra too (but yeah she’s definitely the aries/libra axis to me)
jj: taurus 100000%
garcia: aquarius (with maybe a pisces moon or mercury and some fire rising idk)
elle: capricorn
tara: sagittarius (she’s giving me major mutual sign vibe)
kate: gemini
alex: virgo (maybe scorpio rising?)
seaver: scorpio (or any water sign tbh)
reid: pisces
morgan: leo
hotch: cancer
rossi: virgo (or gemini, something mercurial)
gideon: scorpio (i’m not very inspired ngl but it could fit)
my asks are open if anyone wants to discuss this!
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smartycvnt · 4 months
Can i get Valentine's Day date with Alex Blake hcs please?
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Alex cancels her class scheduled for February 14 months in advance
Valentine's Day isn't particularly important to her, but she knows that you love it
The morning is spent eating heart shaped pancakes and watching a romantic movie of Alex's choice because you know that she's putting up with a lot for you
The two of you have a light lunch while you're out shopping together
You buy Alex a special, first edition poetry book and a couple of other little things you see while you're out
Alex waits to give you her gifts until the two of you are out for dinner
She got reservations at a fancy restaurant and hired a small ensemble to play your favorite classical pieces while you enjoyed your dinner
After dinner, the two of you went back home, and you sat with Alex while she showed you her favorite poems from the book
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amekeii · 3 months
Criminal Minds Characters as Cocktails pt.2
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JASON GIDEON - ABSINTHE absinthe | sugar cube | cold water
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ELLE GREENAWAY - SIDECAR cognac | triple sec | lemon juice | orange twist
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ALEX BLAKE - CHERRY MANHATTAN rye whiskey | dry vermouth | angostura bitters | maraschino cherry juice
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TARA LEWIS - SANGRIA red wine | licor 43 | havana rum | fruits
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MATT SIMMONS - YOGURT SOJU lychee soju | yakult | sprite
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LUKE ALVEZ - PENICILLINE scotch | honey ginger syrup | lemon juice | candied ginger
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Criminal Minds - Alex Blake dating a single mom (Headcanon)
Alex Blake/Female Reader
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: +400
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She was surprised when, in the middle of your second date, you revealed that you were a single mother of a seven-year-old boy. Alex may or may not have choked on water, you thought she would run away or be awkward around after that, but she cracked a huge smile and asked all about him. The linguist couldn't wait to meet him. After a few weeks of officially dating they finally met, a rare day off from BAU turned into an amusement park ride. Despite the initial serious impression she gave, Alex won him over quickly, the two bonding like a nail and flesh.
- She looks serious and strict on the outside, but she is a total plush around him. He has her in the palm of the hand and found this out quickly at the amusement park when Alex paid for all the tickets for the rides they wanted to go on, accompanied the kid on all the toys and won the prizes for the tents you wanted;
- A natural mother. Ethan was the light of her life until he was taken from this world by circumstances, completely shattering the linguist's life. But when she looks at your son Alex sees a bit of her own son in him, it just warms her heart;
- 100% present, she tries to be at all of the boy's appointments and help him with anything he is interested in, once she even coached him to a soccer game. Both ended up with sprained ankles and a few scratches;
- Alex loves to teach, it's so completely natural to her she doesn't even see when that happens, she accidentally taught him Portuguese and other languages and it was worth seeing your shocked face when the boy suddenly started communicating in the language. "Eu te amo, Mamãe!" (I love you, mommy!)" he said running to hug you when you got home from work, they were making dinner and you stared at her in shock as he hugged you, she just smiled winking;
- Family programs become her favorite activity to do on days off from work, you often go to movies, parks, and homemade dinners prepared by the three of you on Saturdays. Alex openly says that she loves this routine;
- In the future, after you get married, she intends to officially adopt him. Alex already considers the boy as her son, but she wants him to know how much he matters to her, and if you have more children together, the kid should not feel less loved or appreciated;
- Alex is the stepmother type proud mom, seems to be in his life since birth how natural the relationship flows and is extremely proud when someone immediately concludes that he is her son, even more so when someone says they look alike. Because you can bet, he will become a mini Alex Blake.
(literally one of the first things I wrote and a random headcanon I found in my old notebook, so it's not long and I don't think even much quality, sorry)
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storiesofsvu · 9 months
Alex Blake Domestic Headcanons
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who reaches out to new neighbors
Both of you, but to different extents. Alex is friendly, approachable, would help a neighbour out if needed. She likes to know the neighbours physically closest to her, especially if she’s out of town a lot. Somone to keep an eye on the mail piling up, water the plants, feed a pet kinda thing but I do believe she normally keeps to herself. You’re more the one who spends more time getting to know neighbours, talking over back yard fences, what starts as friendly small talk morphs into inviting over for a coffee or a drink.
who remembers to buy healthy food
This one is going to go more towards Alex. She’ll do weekly grocery trips making sure the fridge is stocked with healthy things that can easily and quickly be whipped up into meals. If she’s been away on a case, once she knows they’re officially headed home she’ll set up an order to be delivered/curbside pick up to make sure she’s not stuck eating more takeout once she’s home.
who remembers to buy junk food.
It’s a mix of both here, but it’s more likely you picking up a thing or two on the way home/whenever the cravings hit. There’s likely some frozen goodies for the deep fried cravings that live in your freezer, ice cream and the like.
who fixes the oven when it breaks Alex is definitely going to try. She’s determined and will likely fix it to a point, or fully if it’s an easy fix, but she knows better than to fuck with shit that she doesn’t fully understand/know esp when it comes to things that can burst into flame so she’s gonna call a professional for something like that.
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s).
Alex strikes me as the early riser, she likes to take her time in the mornings to be fully awake and alert before heading into work. In that time she enjoys her coffee, makes breakfast, reads the paper, and feeds the pets/plants. It’s part of the relaxing morning routine that she’s got in place.
who wakes up earlier
LOL. Oop. Covered that. Alex is the early riser. Though on the weekends she really enjoys her sleep ins, especially if it’s after a long case. She loves slowly waking up, limbs tangled together with yours, rolling over and pulling you tighter so she can sleepily pepper your skin with kisses, happy smile on her cheeks as the two of you fall back asleep for a bit. (and of course those slow morning sex days are just top notch)
who makes the bed
Whoever’s out of it second. I like to think that Alex had a very strict self rule about always making sure the bed was made to start her day off on the right foot, the first thing crossed off her to do list. She’s gotten more casual about it over the years, but the first time you stayed the night and left the bed not fully made it did make her eye twitch a little bit.
who makes the coffee
Whoever’s up first. It’s one of the first things either of you do in the morning if it’s not set up to auto brew the night before. There’s also likely multiple pots brewed throughout the day, switching off to decaf on non work days to make sure neither of you is staying up all hours of the night.
who burns breakfast
That one’s on you. Alex knows her way around the kitchen fairly well, she’s got a great amount of variety of dishes, recipes and meals to cover breakfast, lunch and dinner. I like to think she enjoys cooking, her own little personal time in the kitchen to hum along to music and forget about everything else going on while she focuses on the food. She likes cooking for people, there’s always love cooked into her food and naturally that makes it taste so much better.
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
Alex will always search you out for a quick goodbye, a little kiss on your forehead before she leaves off onto whatever task she has at hand. If she’s leaving for a case/an FBI work day she’ll always make sure for a longer, more personal goodbye in case she ends up out of town for a week or more. You’ll usually swing through the living room/her home office when you’re running off to the store/running errands, or even if you’re meeting a friend for lunch you’ll ask if she needs/wants anything and almost always bring a little treat back for her no matter what her answer is.
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home
If it’s been a while there’s a very excited happy hug, warm kisses, the kinda hug that you can just absolutely sink into each other’s embraces and melt into each other. They’re usually silent, letting the other person just enjoy being back home and around you again, followed by an evening relaxing on the couch, half tangled in each other’s arms as you catch up or sit in comfortable silence. If it hasn’t been a while it’s just a casual little “I’m home” called through the house when you get home.
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
Alex accidentally formed a habit of stealing pens from the local precincts, hospitals, wherever to bring back to you. She didn’t realize she’d pocketed a pen the first time and when she was home and you asked for one you made a comment that it was neat it was labelled NYPD. She liked the playfulness of it and made a mental note to swipe something on each of her cases.
You’re the one who brings home treats more often. Both when Alex has asked and whenever you feel like it. It’s usually some form of chocolate/candy. If it’s earlier in the day it’s definitely alongside a cup of specialty coffee in alex’s favourite flavour.
who picks the movie for movie night
You either switch back and fourth or there’s some kind of competition/game that the winner gets to pick the movie. Alex enjoys the little bit of competition, it brings out the silly and fun parts of life that are sometimes lacking from her day, making both of you laugh along the way.
their favorite kind of movie to watch
 You usually both agree on things, and swap around between genres regularly to keep entertained and attentive.  While Alex enjoys documentaries, older and foreign movies she also finds certain types of stupid comedies rather enjoyable, especially when she just wants to shut her brain off for a while.
who first suggests a pillow fort
You know what. I’m going with Alex on this one. She can tell that you’ve had a crap day/week, it’s finally the weekend and she wants to make sure that you forget about what was bringing you down and give you the ultimate comfort. It’s very likely that by the time you get home she’s either made something easy and comforting like grilled cheese or placed a takeout order and the wine is ready to be poured. She’s also likely dragged every thick fuzzy blanket and pillow out into the living room, maybe even inflated the air mattress. She’s going to persist even if you think it’s stupid at first, she knows that roping you into building a fort will have you cracking a smile in no time. And the rest of the night is going to be spent curled up in each other’s arms drinking wine and eating ice cream.
who tries to distract the other during the movie
Depends on the day. When it’s you it’s usually more that your hands happen to be wandering without realizing it, trailing up and down Alex’s leg, or playing with the hairs at the back of her neck until she’s riled up and can’t help but pounce on you. When it’s Alex it’s because she’s been thinking about devouring you all day and doesn’t want to wait through the entire movie to get to do it. She’ll likely pull you into her lap, or curl around you from behind, spooning you while her hands slowly roam your body, slipping under your waistband or up your shirt until the movie is forgotten and the room is nothing but moans.
who falls asleep first
You do. Alex likes to read before bed and it slowly becomes a routine that at least a couple of times a week she’ll read to you until you’re asleep in her arms. Some nights it’s a fiction book you’ve been working through, other nights its poetry, sometimes in a different language that you might not understand but you’re never going to complain about hearing her speak another language.
who is big spoon/little spoon
It varies, Alex is usually the big spoon, or on her back with you curled around her while her hand soothes up and down your back but there are nights she just wants to be held. Or times you wake up in the middle of the night searching her out in the bed without opening your eyes, finding her curled up on the other side of the bed so you happily wrap around her back, nestling into her neck to fall back asleep.
@svulife-rl @clarawatson @hbkpop @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @itisdoctortoyousir @temilyrights @alexxavicry @evilregal2002 @ladysc @dextur @disneyfan624 @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @lex13cm @prentiss-theorem @happenstnces @whiteberryx @heidss-blog @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @emobabeyy @1974-sp @theclassicgaycousin @kalixxh @leftoverenvy @bigolgay @daddy-heather-dunbar @regalmilfs4me @scorpsik @riveramorylunar @h-doodles @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @s1ut4nat @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @tommyriddleobsessed @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @ara-a-bird @originalbrunettecharacter @baubeautyandthegeek
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Happy Kinkmas 22~ Alex Blake xFem Reader
Happy Kinkmas 2022!!!
Heyyyy. So this is a kinkmas blurb for Alex Blake. Let me know if you want a pt. 2... I may write one anyway lol. Readers be advised lol. Oh and I included a pic of the lingerie set which I was imagening, but imagine whatever please your fancy.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, implied sex, implied fingering, bondage kink, implied degrading kink, praise kink, clothing kink, implied overestimation, possession kink, blindfold kink, body kink, Alex being knee-wobbling, sorry if I missed any lol. just be advised
632 words... 
Enjoy (;
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It was Christmas morning and Alex awoke in an empty bed.
You were missing, maybe you were in the kitchen? she thought.
She lazily made her way to the kitchen in her house and found you in a trench coat, making breakfast. 
“Well hello there” Alex groggily stated, startling you as you were making bacon. 
“Hey! Sorry, did I wake you? I thought we could have a Christmas breakfast spread!” you exclaimed, your face lighting up to see Alex
To be completely honest, Alex looked like a fucking goddess in the mornings from her posture, to her morning voice, to her gentle, sleepy touches.
Alex walked over to the coffee machine to pour herself a cup.
In doing so, she chuckled in her knee-wobbling groggy morning voice “What’s with the trench coat?”
You looked at her mischievously and wiggled your eyebrows in anticipation, “Its a surprise for after breakfast...”
She came up closer to you and partially whispered, “But what if I don’t want to wait till the end of breakfast...?”
You grinned, “Well that’s too bad, cuz you will. Plus, you don’t even know what the surprise is...”.
Before you could stop her, Alex darted to unslip the loose knot you had on the trench coat, causing you to yelp in objection.
Alex just stood there breathless as it was revealed what was under you trench coat.
You had bought a white two piece lingerie set with a kind of garter strap esque style. You grinned and blushed even more as Alex just stared at you. 
“Breakfast can wait.” she decisively said, lust coating her voice. 
“Or even better” she purred, “You can be my breakfast, my love” at that Alex licked her luscious lips the tiniest bit and you nodded vigorously in agreement, turning the stove off and leaving the food to follow Alex into the bedroom.
“You have no idea what that does to me, sweetheart” Alex swooned.
You took a step closer to her and her bed, “Tell me. God, please tell me” you begged, already feeling your neediness building quickly.
Alex’s eyes were filled with lust and heat as she came into your space and up to your ear, “Well for one, I want to tie you to this bed and just tease you for hours for wearing something so promiscuous... On the other side, I want us to make each other cum in every human way possible until were both shaking and can’t walk... But most of all, I want to fuck you into the mattress with biggest fucking strap I have until your pleading, no, begging, to cum over and over again, with my hand on your throat the entire time...”
Alex lustfully groaned as she continued in a low growl, “I wanna humiliate and call you filthy names, I want you screaming my name so that everyone in the neighborhood knows who you belong to, I want your pussy aching and so sensitive that a single flick could send you over the edge, I wanna spank you for being such a bad girl for buying this filth and doing this to me, I wanna cuff you to the bed, blindfold you and tease you all day until your a whimpering, begging hot mess...”
All you could do was whimper in response. “That’s what you do to me, when you wear something like that” Alex tauntingly growled.
You had never seen her like this, but you loved it. 
“So, what’s it gonna be, pet” she basically spat. 
“Yes, God yes!” you exclaimed.
Alex immediately pushed you onto the bed and climbed on top of you. 
“Then it’s gonna be a long day” she darkly chuckled.
As she began to tie up your hands to each side of the headboard she chuckled again, “Christmas? More like Kinkmas...”
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darkimpala1897 · 2 months
Happy Easter! So here's....
Masters Of Air crew and Easter egg hunting.
Bucky: Stole all the "special eggs"
Croz: Got only like ten eggs, said he was fine. He wasn't.
Buck: he watched like a parent, hands on the hips and everything.
Murphy: opened the eggs well still hunting them.
Blakely: opened the eggs, stole the candy and proceeded to put it back.
Brady: only found Blakelys unfill eggs.
Hambone: thought he could eat the plastic eggs, someone had to explain to him that he couldn't.
DeMarco: Brought Meatball, saying he wanted to hunt eggs.
Douglass: stealing eggs from everyone elses baskets.
Kidd: hid them the night before, made sure that they'd be finding eggs until the next year.
Lemmons: Helped everyone find eggs, mostly because he could squeeze into pretty much anything.
Rosie: Spent all night filling the eggs.
Winks: Saves eggs for Lemmons.
Quinn: Checks in every spot that nobody thought of.
Bailey: Found no eggs mostly because he was making sure Quinn didn't get himself lost.
BabyFace: Got extremely hyper on the candy, and he ran around for about two hours afterwards.
Smokey: Complained because he kept finding eggs in his office till New Years.
Harding: Giving everyone hints, terrible hints but hints.
Bubbles: Helped Crosby find eggs, but somehow he himself ended up with the most.
Stormy: Planned the whole thing with Kidd and Rosie because he's the weather guy.
Curt: Complained about Bucky stealing the special eggs, because he wanted one.
Dickie: Stole a special egg from Bucky, for Curt.
Fredkin: Said he wasn't going to join, because it's for kids. That lasted ten minutes.
Macon: Got invited by DeMarco, had a absolute blast.
Daniels: He brought dinner for afterwards, but he ended up joining helping DeMarco and Macon.
Jefferson: Watched from the sidelines, drew visual hints to help Harding.
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