#aka Eddie breakdown fic
daffi-990 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday 📝
Me: oh yeah the Eddie breakdown fic will probably only be about 5k
Also me: is 6K into said fic with the end not even in sight 😅
Gotta love when a fic gets away from you haha. Anyways, I was going to share this snippet yesterday but opted for the Buck/Taylor one instead cos it felt more of a tease. This one … I really like the dog metaphors I used in the fourth paragraph and really want to share it with you. Enjoy!
“You planning on moving in?” Eddie jokes as Buck walks into the lounge room with his stuff.
Buck laughs but there’s not much humour behind it. “Uh maybe?” Buck dumps his suitcase on the couch and turns back to Eddie. “Taylor and I we- we broke up.” He spreads his arms to the side in a what can you do way, huffing when he drops them, the sound of his hands hitting his jean clad thighs loud in the silence that his news has brought.
Eddie’s face remains neutral, but his eyes flicker with emotion, the briefest flash of hope lighting up his irises and Buck wants to pause time, to take a moment and ask Eddie what it means. Is it the same hope that beats inside Buck’s own heart? Clawing at the cage of his own making every time Eddie’s touch or gaze lingers for too long to be brushed under the veil of friendship. But just as fast as the hope appeared it’s gone again, concern now etched all over Eddie’s face, his eyes also holding a small sentiment of relief.
Buck knows Eddie has never been a fan of Taylor’s. From the day she sauntered into the firehouse after they’d rescued her, Eddie’s hackles were up, like a dog when someone is unwelcome in their territory. He’d bared his teeth but Taylor had claws and wasn’t so easily deterred. At Buck’s insistence, Eddie had pulled back, grumbling and growling, and when Buck had announced they were dating, Eddie’s growling died down and he became impassive, making sure to be polite to Taylor when she was around. Buck has always suspected though that Eddie took his issues and dislikes about Taylor to someone else, needing to snarl and gnash about the interloper but not wanting to upset Buck.
Eddie has none of that reservation anymore, the news of Buck’s breakup unlatching the muzzle that’s kept his best friends bark quiet for too long.
“I’d say I’m sorry you guys broke up, but I’d be lying.” Buck snorts at Eddie’s honesty, the other man grinning sheepishly before his expression turns more sincere. “I am sorry you’re hurting though. I know you loved her. God knows why.” An incredulous look crosses Eddie’s face that Buck doesn’t think he meant to make and for some reason it sets Buck off, laughter bubbling out of him.
It doesn’t take long for Eddie to follow, his laugh such a wonderful and welcomed sound after last night. It’s a light among the darkness, a sign that Eddie is still here and fighting, not lost to him in the pain of his past.
No pressure tagging: @jamespearce9-1-1 @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @wikiangela @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @the-likesofus @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @princessfbi @puppyboybuckley @athenagranted @sibylsleaves @shortsighted-owl @shitouttabuck @spotsandsocks @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @donationwayne @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @lover-of-mine @captain-hen @bekkachaos @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @mellaithwen and anyone else wanting to share something, be it fic, art, gif, music .. whatever you want ❤️
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formosusiniquis · 4 months
the bells, the joy (together in darkness)
Robin Buckley & Steve Harringto WC: 11963 | T | Tags/Themes: hivemind, Post S3, Scoops Troop Friendship, Nonbinary Steve and Robin, Blink and you miss it Steddie and Buckingham pre-slash AKA It's the Stobin Hivemind fic y'all! thank you very very very much to @spectrum-spectre for beta-ing this for me!!
Steve has never done LSD before. Which is the kind of statement his father would call ‘qualifying’ and ‘implies other kinds of wrongdoing, Stephan.’ Like the time he’d said he hadn’t smoked anything other than cigarettes that weekend. Apparently the ‘that weekend’ was a qualifier that got his very small pot stash flushed, and forced him into a second transaction with Eddie Munson in as many weeks.
Yeah okay maybe there were worse things, as far as punishments go.
Qualifying or not though, Steve has never done LSD. Not after the weekend he spent reading the supposedly true diary of a supposedly real teen that had been left on his bed. Like mother, like son, his father had sneered when he'd caught Steve curled up with it, like the whole plan to keep him from becoming pot-addled and destined for the gutter, or whatever, hadn’t relied on his gossipy nature.
It was mostly stupid, the book, but Steve figured it didn’t hurt to stick to weed. The stuff about that he knew for sure was totally fake.
Except now, he wishes he maybe knew a little bit more about what LSD was supposed to feel like. So he knows how to portion out blame for his current state. It’s currently 50% Upside-Down-Shit and 40% Russian-LSD-Shit and 10% Concussion-Shit, but if he’s being fair he’s blamed the Upside Down for about half of everything that’s gone wrong in his life since 1983. He’s willing to acknowledge that maybe the blame breakdown should be readjusted for this one.
“Hey Robin?” Trauma changes people, makes you want to stay close to the people who are changed the same way you are. Robin had shown up at Steve’s house the Monday after everything, trumpet case and duffle bag in hand. Apparently, she had walked from the school where she was supposed to be catching the bus to Band Camp, like she does every year. Apparently, when you undergo traumas heretofore unexperienced by any teen ever, Russian torture and flesh monsters, it’s okay to skip Summer Intensive to move in with your new best friend without telling your parents. Apparently, if you’re the kid that the Band Person, Director, wants to keep happy because in addition to the billion and seven languages you can play any instrument with a mouthpiece -- except trombone, slide positions, Steve had pretended he knew what that meant -- then you can just leave school to deal with your ‘mall fire smoke inhalation’ at your ‘aunt’s house’ instead. Apparently this is fine and Steve doesn’t need to worry about any angry former hippies beating down his dore because ‘what they don’t know won’t hurt them.’
So he can call out for Robin, without raising his voice because he knows she’s there. Somewhere in the house, the weight of it changed now that someone else is in it with him. He can call out even though he’s pretty sure she’s holed up in his Mom’s library on the ground floor, because he can feel her in the back of his brain and he knows she’ll hear him.
Drifting in an unfocused middle distance, he can imagine Robin. Curled up, she knows she’s been called for but isn’t in any hurry to comply, Steve will wait. He's fine with waiting, at least for the five minutes it will take for her to finish her chapter. He can see her, slotting her bookmark in place and sitting up straight for the first time in hours. She stretches, uncurls from the window seat that Steve also favors, gently sets the book down before letting a foot dangle and brush the floor to actually stand. And she leaves the library. She starts to feel closer, her presence looming stronger in his brain and Steve aware of himself in his own body. Then he hears her feet on the stairs.
“What is it, Dingus, did you know your Mom has a whole collection of French books? I’m in the middle of a bunch of lesbian short stories.”
“Yeah, she speaks it, not sure why.” He answers absently, “Have you ever done LSD?”
“I’ve had half a pot brownie and gotten way too high before.”
That’s not really the same thing, Steve thinks.
“I know it’s not really the same thing, Dingus, I was using it as a framework.” She flops facedown on the bed beside him, wiggling into what he’s started thinking of as her side. A lucky coincidence that she prefers to be tucked in on the side closest to the wall. Probably because she’s never seen anything burst out of one.
“Okay don’t think that, cause now I’m never going to be able to sleep again, I don’t think you’ve got enough space for us to pull your bed into the center of your room.”
He can see the way she imagines it. His bed, an island in the center of the room floating in a sea of plaid. Something about it is even more unnerving than if it stayed up against the wall.
“Not a good look.” He doubts anything will come from the walls again anyway, the Upside Down has proven to be surprisingly adaptive; it doesn't seem to attack in the same way twice. It makes it harder to be prepared, but he’s less worried about not being able to protect Robin in the middle of the night.
“Savior complex. Your mom has psychology books down there too. What does she even do?”
“Reads mostly. Do you think there’s anything down there about LSD?” He doesn’t think this is normal.
“Nice leap, Steve, I don’t think there are many drugs that link your brain with your coworker.” She says coworker, but he feels friend. Even that concept isn’t enough to describe the depth of warmth and affection that he feels wash over him as she thinks.
He lets the silence hang for a second, thinking but not sure what yet. His thoughts are slower to arrive and more jumbled in these early days post-concussion. His right hand curls, his fingers flex. First and third finger tap, then one and two, then none, one and two, and two, and none.
Robin’s knee jostles the bed as her leg bounces just a little.
“I think something else happened to us.”
“Wondered how long I’d have to tap your fingers for you before you got there with me.”
Read the rest on AO3
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donationwayne · 3 months
current word counts of all my future buddie wips I’m writing on and their extremly brief synopsis’ 😇
Since I can’t post any fics until I get the internet situation sorted I’m make a silly little post about my WIPs
bobby adopts teenage buck au: 12.2k
eddie is in the army and buck is a firefighter (no one knows buck is married w/ a kid): 13k
fic where the 118 meet buck parents who expose all of his dirty laundry: 1.8k
sick fic where buck isn’t feeling well but goes into work anyways: 2.2k
PTSD!Buck post season four (aka Buck had the breakdown he needs to process his emotions) 😌❤️): 10k
response time (cute au where buck is a probie who hasn’t told anyone he’s married yet): 860 words 💀
Aubs (me) cancelles marget buckley fic (I just wanted to have some fun and make buck extra angsty im sorry ) : 6.9k
Maddie and Buck reminisce on bucks hs emo phase while the 118 stare on in horror: 674 words
another fic about me hating bucks parents and making hom angsty: 788 words
ultimatum: buck has a mental breakdown when his parents come to town for a visit (aka buck knew about Daniel all along) and he’s given an ultimatum that hurts him by someone he trusts: 15.5k
Daniel lives au (buck goes to foster care): 5.3k
Travel vlog (aka depressed bucks travel tapes are discovered after he goes missing): 3k
bamf!seal au (buck was a seal who worked secret ops and had to breakout his training when a call goes awry surprising everyone but eddie): 10.4k
TikTok au: 36 words 💀
Secret (another angsty buck au I’m sorry):
The baby Buckley home videos (when Maddie and bucks favorite uncle passes away a box of home videos from their childhood is delivered proved snapshots into the Buckley siblings lives as children: 2.6k
Buck and Eddie met overseas before the 118 (Bobby is looking for someone to even out A shift, along comes Eddie. Aka I fuck the timeline bc I can for a Buckley family reunion): 3.8k
buddie timeline change (eddie doesn’t join the 118 until after the firetruck bombing, buck still saves Christopher): 349 words
Numb: another buck breakdown fic I’m sorry I love to see my baby gurl suffer he just gets me u know : 180 words
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bvckandeddie · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @devirnis ❤️
How many works do you have on ao3?
if we include both of my ao3 psuedonyms (which we are, otherwise this would be a very boring ask meme) i have 14 works!
What's your total ao3 word count?
561,661 😳
What fandoms do you write for?
i’ve most recently written for 9-1-1, but i’ve also written for Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Top five fics by kudos:
reality strikes, so bring back the night (ATLA)
That Midnight Sky (ATLA)
swords of fate, pride of heart (ATLA)
i could (never) give you peace (ATLA)
what a heart can do (9-1-1)
Do you respond to comments?
i try my best, yes!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
no angsty endings, god bless 🫶
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh gosh, i don’t know. they’re all happy! i suppose That Midnight Sky because i really put sokka and zuko through it in that one, lmao.
Do you get hate on fics?
uh, yeah, lmao. just once! one of the very first comments on hurt locker was someone who was very unhappy with the decisions eddie made throughout that fic. i think maybe they just didn't understand the concept of POV storytelling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you write smut?
i let much more talented writers than me fill that gap in the literature!
Craziest crossover:
not really a crossover in terms of ao3 categorization, but maybe the Mr. & Mrs. Smith AU i wrote for buddie?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don’t think so, but i do know that i could (never) give you peace is on goodreads somewhere. wish it wasn’t!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! someone recently translated i could (never) give you peace into russian! super, super cool.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES, i co-wrote the amazing fruity beverages with megan aka @engagedzukka aka @crosspin. brainstorming that entire universe and collaborating with such an incredible writer was so fun, and it was a huge highlight of 2021. (hi megan ily 🥰❤️ can you believe we wrote that over three years ago???)
All time favourite ship?
my evergreen relationships that i could go find a fic for at literally any time are stony, arthur/eames, and spirk. buddie though…there’s something really special with them 🥹❤️
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i started a really angsty fic last summer when i was in a bad mood (lol) where eddie and buck kind of knew about the potential of what they could be together. after the lightning strike, eddie was ready to take that next step, but then buck got together with natalia. i kind of just wanted eddie and buck to yell at each other a little bit, y'know? exploring their relationship breakdown was really cathartic for me at the time. with the direction the show is taking now, i don’t know if it’s something that i’ll finish. it seems like the fandom has swiftly moved on from that era of the show, and fair enough. we’re all on the bucktommy train now, right? choo choo! 🚂
What are your writing strengths?
i love writing dialogue!!!! i love writing dialogue so much!!!! it's so snappy and boom boom boom, y'know? all of a sudden i have 1k written and life is amazing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
i really hate inner monologue. i’ll write it, because it’s integral to the story, but I’m never like, oh my god, i’m so thrilled to be writing this inner monologue stuff right now, lol. let’s get back to the meat and potatoes of the story, people! dialogue!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i do not know another language, so i tend to steer clear of it, because i know how google translate fails us all.
First fandom you wrote in?
ha. ha ha. the mortal instruments by cassandra clare. i still get occasional favourites on my clace and malec stories from fanfiction dot net. i didn't even FINISH the clace one! anyways.
Favourite fic you've written?
this is hard! i can't pick just one! TMS holds a really special place in my heart because it was the first idea for a story where i was like, wait, i think i could actually write this and finish it. and then i did! and the zukka fandom was so fucking sweet and kind about it.
i’m also really proud of what a heart can do because i was nervous about writing an original child character and i worried i wouldn’t be able to do the story justice. but the reception has been incredible! i genuinely cannot believe i wrote that fic in between doing research and writing my thesis. how did i do that?!?
one fic that i really, really love is swords of fate, pride of heart. i wrote that fic in like, a week. it was insane. the fic is so ridiculous, and it was so fucking fun to write. whenever i get a comment on it, i usually go back and reread a portion of it and i'm always a little in awe of my past self. like, yeah, i wrote that.
this was so fun to do!! tagging @captain-hen @wildlife4life @shitouttabuck @colonoscopys @eddiebabygirldiaz @traumabuddies @try-set-me-on-fire @hattalove and @kananjarus if you feel like it! my activity feed is super messed up rn thanks to that ‘first base is/second base is’ post lmao so i’m really sorry if i missed anyone or if you’ve been tagged already 😭❤️
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racerchix21 · 3 months
Current WIPs
- Drunk Men’s Actions are Sober Men’s Wants: The team went out for drinks and Eddie may have admitted that he was in love with Buck. Or maybe Buck admitted it first. Either way they don't remember it and now the teams giving them a hard time for it
- God Bless the Broken Road : Eddie Diaz comes home, gets married, has a kid, gets divorced, goes to therapy, falls in love with his therapist (kindred spirit former Seal Evan Buckley) and gets a Dom he didn’t know he needed. (baby girl Eddie fic I’m writing for @sammysouffle)
- Untitled Crossover (Teen Wolf & 911): Buck and Eddie get called upon by old friend Derek Hale and Derek’s boyfriend Stiles Stilinski to help deal with a supernatural caused fire in the preserve. Eddie finds out he’s a supe in the process and finally admits he’s just a little in love with Buck
- Greggs: Eddie has a breakdown and finally tells Buck more about Afghanistan and why he’s so squirrelly when it comes to sex. (aka Eddie has trauma and Bucks a really good boyfriend) posted 2/24/24
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
WIP tag game
Tagged by @hippolotamus @wikiangela @jamespearce9-1-1 @lover-of-mine @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
I have so many folders it's hard to choose, and at least 30% of them going to be deleted, but here is latest/favorite wips of mine:
1. Buck wears skirts/dresses (forgive your stupid writer mama, baby, I'll come back from war to you)
2. You left me (aka secret fic)
3. Criminals smut
4. Sequel to royal fic (Buck owns his king a ride)
5. Sometimes it takes a baby
6. Chris and Buck in danger 7s
7. Crossover with top gun
8. 7s Buck breakdown fic
9. 7s buddie in danger together
10. Good girl Buck and his daddy
11. Have you moved on?
12. Buck is being wooed by a good guy
13. Preggy Buck 5b
14. Buck sold his life for Eddie
15. Crane fic
16. Enemies to lovers singers au
17. We do it all in the wrong order (I wouldn't change a thing) or Vegas marriage
Tagging (sorry if you did it) @daffi-990 @jeeyuns @devirnis @eddiebabygirldiaz @jesuisici33 @pirrusstuff @giddyupbuck @rainbow-nerdss @aspecbuddie @callmenewbie @monsterrae1 @buddierights @mandzuking17 @fortheloveofbuddie @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @cowboybuckleys
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bingebuddie · 5 months
My Writing Journey
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So, I have always wanted to write in some way. Whether it be music or books/stories. I have an overactive imagination and I know I should be putting pen to paper so to speak.
My current obsession is #buddie from ABC's #911 and I decided that I was going to pop my fan fiction bubble last year.
This is where Sidways came from. It started out as a way for me to be creative and get myself actually doing something about a passion project of mine. When I asked other writes for advice, they always tell me to just write... and that's what I did.
It its current state #sidways is over 300,000 words. It is spread across 5 Arcs.
Sideways can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3373597
The intention behind this was for me to show my take on how Buck and Eddie get together. It has since morphed into something else, and I love everything about it. I am incredibly excited to tell the rest of the story there.
I have the next three arc's outlined, and I am in the middle of writing the sixth arc.
The feedback and support I have received here has encouraged me to expand myself a little. I had a few ideas for one shots or self-contained stories and those can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3574324
In the midst of that, I had some brain rot around a shapeshifter/magical AU. The series is called Shifted and the first Arc is Nevermore. The outline for this is 47 Chapters. 15 of which are already on AO3 and can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3747124
I have another 8 or so chapters ready to upload, but I have been a little discouraged by this as it took a lot of work to research and such and has received the smallest interactions/hits/feedback of anything I posted. It's probably going to sit on the back burner for a little while.
Buddie WIPS:
Relationship Goals - In an effort to rebuild their friendship, after their new relationships fail, Buck and Eddie join a local hockey team with some of Buck's old Seal friends. This is already 20ish pages and closest to being complete.
Stolen - A stolen kiss changes everything between Buck and Eddie. This Angst fest is somehow super soft.
The Ties That Bind - Buck breakdown fic.
All I Want for Christmas - Think Scrooged and It's a wonderful life but BUDDIE... I wanted to have this done for the holidays... maybe for next year...
Original Work...
Series will be called Find A Way, first story is From The Ashes.
This is where Wes and Cole come from. It has elements of Urban Fantasy/Para Normal Romance/Sci Fi/Action Adventure. Trying to balance out how much of this I keep here and what elements are lifted into Sideways has been fun but frustrating.
The number of outlines, Plot points, threads and such I have around Wes and Cole... could fill volumes of books.
I want to start 2024 off with a bang... so By Your Side aka Sideways Arc 6 is coming soon...
I should have documented my first year of writing better, but I didn't. I aim to do better in 2024 and plan to document here on my blog.
But I will say, I am proud of what I have accomplished this year as a writer. I went from have 0 words written to having 418,813 words published and 158,000 hits on AO3.
Let's see what 2024 brings!
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lover-of-mine · 10 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday!
I was tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @cowboy-buck @honestlydarkprincess and @watchyourbuck thank you babes <3
Due to public demand aka the poll that actually ended in a tie, I'm writing the Buck breakdown fic, so here's a bit more of the crash. Other snippets here here and here.
Buck is only vaguely aware of the wetness dripping down his arm and the force of the rain hitting his face. He doesn't know when he took his helmet off or where it is. He can't even register the wail of the ambulance sirens next to him.  It all sounds as if his head is underwater. Everything has been narrowed to the members of the 122 trying to cut the driver's door open. Waiting for the moment someone will tell him if Eddie is alive or not. Waiting for him to be dragged out of this moment right before his world gets shifted on its axis.  It's why he doesn't register Hen calling his name until she squeezes his arm, stopping in front of him.  "Buck, baby, we have Eddie," she says, eyes kind and forever too knowing, seeing right through him as he shifts his unfocused gaze to her, "you need to go with Christopher."
I'm gonna tag @bucks118 @housewifebuck and @alyxmastershipper if they feel like it.
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deadwright · 2 years
hey!! sorry to bother but I was wondering if you have read any steddie fics at all or that you enjoyed..... I am very afraid of going into the tag without guidance and wanted to ask if you have any recs (I follow very little people in the fandom) !! :o) thank u anyways hope u have a good day
hello bestie! you're so right tbh i'm fighting for my life in this tag, but here are all the steddie fics that i really like so far (under the cut):
You Children Of Today (Are Children of the Grave) by CaptainHoney (E)
Fall Forever (and Never Look Behind) by CaptainHoney (E)
aka @grandmastattoo: chief steddie understander and purveyor of incredible fics and playlists. this series is my top favourite ever!!!!!
Promethean by CaptainHoney (E)
the tags say dead dove do not eat but boy did i FEAST
Whole Lotta Love by stereobone (E)
one of my favourite writers, all their fics are fantastic. speaking of:
Keep It for Me by stereobone (E)
i'm going to blame the full sobbing wailing breakdown i had over this on the fact that my wedding is also coming up, but who's going to believe me? certainly not me.
Some Things Cosmic by stereobone (E)
this got me in my feelings so bad oh my GOD i would do anything to make this real
Play It Right by stereobone (E)
every little character detail of this is just. i could chefs kiss until my fingers bleed about it all.
You're the Driver, You're the Road by stereobone (E)
Are You Flagging? by soidade (E)
one of the most popular steddie fics on ao3, if not thee most
stereoscope by seraphy (E)
just finished this one and woof! heavy on the delicious steve angst. i love when stranger things fics dive into the endless trauma so this one got me good.
make a deal with god by mcalpines (T)
SO very funny, one of my favourites ever!
Easy, Easy, Easy by judasofsuburbia (E)
what can i say, i adore a deeply comforting happily-ever-after future fic.
misgiven by palmviolet (T)
another good stranger things writer, their current wip has me hooked (more on that later)
Mutual Future by knell (E)
another funny one! i love when men are stupid <3
The Worst Mixtape Ever Made by nbfutureboy (M)
songfics can be so hit or miss, and this is an absolute hit. embarrassing for me that i genuinely love all the songs on the titular mixtape though.
Lovesick in Loch Nora by red0aktree (M)
this is beyond my wildest dreams. i laughed, i sobbed, i screamed myself hoarse with sheer feeling. GOD. IT'S SO GOOD PLEASE I'M A WRECK
A Sign of The Morning by ToEdenandBackAgain (M)
full of delicious steve whump and obliviousness in spades. also the reference letter part made me WAIL with joy
the summer of '85 series by ToEdenandBackAgain (T)
horniest T rated fic i ever did read but steve in that little sailor outfit was truly life-changing. also feeling vindicated as a mint chip appreciator
don't start (too late) by Ark (E)
AIYAAAAAA THEY'RE SO SWEET AND IN LOVE. also absolutely cemented my belief that steve harrington was born to suck and fuck
meet me in the middle of the air by kirkaut (T)
it's a wip with one chapter up as i'm posting this but holy shit i love it so far. everyone sounds like they're supposed to and i canNOT resist steve whump, it's like ambrosia to me
to live my own way by Macellarius (E)
this is exactly how the the rest of the show should've gone. duffers LET HIM GRADUATE GODDAMMIT
STRIKE TEN. by oaseas (T)
me handshake emoji eddie since our shared toxic trait is letting steve get away with anything just because he looks so cute in his little sailor outfit
smoking guns (hot to the touch) by fivecenturiesverse (T)
did not expect to start weeping about the power of friendship at 2pm on a workday but damn this really got my ass. love in all its forms is so good ;-;
Some Cupids Kill With Dice by horrormoviebarbie (T)
this fic makes me want to put on a slutty little outfit and run through the streets screaming about it like a town crier. young dilf steve/teacher eddie MOST concept of all time. all this to say that it made me feral and though it's a wip i'm already rereading it weekly
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you by greatunironic (E)
i need you all to known that i actually screamed and cried so hard that i yartzed while reading this. a stunning rollercoaster of emotions, and the perfect end that i will carry with me further than canon could ever hope to go.
We are Stardust, We are Golden by idiopathicsmile (M)
between steve's insistence that simon and garfunkel are in love and him casually knowing the lyrics to a black sabbath song, this fic really is the Try Not To Fall In Love With Steve Challenge (EXTREME MODE)
I Made A Fire by emchant3d (E)
fear is fading fast by amiparanoidmuch/p1013 (E)
funny, hot, absolutely STELLAR fic that make me yell and squawk into my pillow every few lines. WHERE is robin's milkshake for outstanding wingmanning
Lunge to the Maximum by BoudicaMuse (E)
a truly EXCELLENT pwp feat. the scoops ahoy uniform? hey now hey nooow this is what DREEEEAMS are made of
The Road Goes Ever On by bookscorpion (E)
road trip! wip but it's already lovely, with that slow, nostalgic americana vibe.
The Shire is NOT on Fire by kissesforcas (E)
not since supernatural 8x11 larp and the real girl have i cared this much about a renfaire. steve and robin giving huge dean and charlie energy (deeply affectionate)
Have I Found You, Flightless Bird? by kissmejusttokissme (M)
Red Eye by alinafewwords (T)
obligatory coffee shop au but make it genuinely good!!! wip as i type this but i'm already so unbelievably excited for the updates
Do You Mind? (will you mind?) by GreenQueenofClubs (E)
absolute concept of all time. this fic was so good it scrambled MY brain and it took me an embarrassingly long time to even type this coherently
Sanctuary by SpicedSage (E)
very very cute, absolutely nailed the eddie voice
throw me one by Adure (E)
men are so stupid uwu
Paper Thin by idiotslantern (E)
oh i YELLED out loud when-
like a heartbeat drives you mad by creature_from_the (E)
deeply hot and so good i wish i could read 100k more of it
We Should Just Kiss (Like Real People Do) by OonionChiver (E)
sweet baby jesus and the grown one too...........it's a LOT but woof what a journey. heed the tags on this one fr
STEVE'S FIRST BRUISE by cairparavels (not rated)
spidey!steve is maybe the best thing to happen to me this year
I've seen your face before, my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am by HMSLusitania (M)
time travel fics in general are always baller and i ADORE the concept of this, i would love to see more of this universe
Not So Bad by outofmygourd (M)
It struck me deep (it brought me to my knees) by Gorgeousgreymatter (E)
don't go wastin your emotions by kissesforcas (M)
Orta Recens Quam Pura Nites (Newly Risen, How Brightly You Shine) by AidaRonan (M)
all i need from you (is all your love) by wearing_tearing (M)
Meet Him On The Main Line by nbfutureboy (T)
ink you up by Adure (E)
nightswimming by heartofwinterfell (T)
hold me now, i need relief by ToEdenandBackAgain (M)
there's a clock in my head (is it wrong? is it right?) by cloverspies (T)
Eddie Munson's Vampire Mixtape by Springandastorm (T)
just so long it don't mess up his hair by lagardère (laurore) & MissAntlers (T)
Dying of love but it's okay by prufrocks (E)
You Can Cook? by Zigster (E)
we're just kids in the dark by FagurFiskur (T)
Skull Rock Era by chattrekisses (E)
the space between by amiparanoidmuch/p1013 (E)
steve harrington's six step guide to getting the guy by oaseas (T)
AND NOW. A collection of fics covering my favourite concept of all time: TIME LOOPS!
the lathe by palmviolet (M)
wip for now but updates pretty quickly. steve pov time loop done SO well i dream about it at night
I can't save us, my Atlantis by kissmejusttokissme (T)
i believe this is the first steddie time loop fic i read, so this one is very dear to me. please check out the next in the series as well, the aftermath is brutal and so so interesting.
pulling your strings by Thorinoakentwig (T)
looooove this one also, another steve pov
and it all comes down to you by heartofwinterfell (M)
finally, an eddie pov! and it's so good too i'm a huge fan
you are going to die in your best friend's arms (but he won't let you leave like that) by oaseas (T)
dustin pov, which is absolutely genius because he's the only one who could've handled it this well. also the family bonding in this is SO sweet, and i love seeing steddie from an outside perspective.
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daffi-990 · 5 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz. Thank you lovely 😘 xx
Coming at you with more from when your heart releases, you won’t fall to pieces aka the Eddie breakdown fic (from Buck’s POV). I’m having a wonderful time writing this fic .. especially the Taylor/Buck breakup which I wasn’t expecting to dive into so much, but the story wanted to take me there so I followed.
Prev snippet here
“I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t know what else to say, doesn’t know that there is anything else to say. He is sorry. Not for loving Eddie, he’ll never be sorry for that, but he is sorry he stayed even after figuring out his feelings. It wasn’t fair to Taylor, or to himself.
Taylor wipes at her eyes as she swallows thickly. “Me too.”
Buck doesn’t know what she’s apologising for. Maybe for also staying when she figured out Buck would never, could never, love her, not fully. Not when his heart beats to the rhythm of Eddie Eddie Eddie.
“You should go. Best not keep your family waiting.”
He doesn’t know if she meant it as one last dig, a finger in the bullet wound she’d left earlier, but all it comes across as is resigned, defeated. She knows when Eddie calls, Buck will come running, that not even 30 ft of mud will keep him from trying to get to him. And she knows why.
There’s nothing else he can say to her, thinks that even if there were, she probably doesn’t want to hear it right now. Maybe when their wounds aren’t so fresh, when they’ve had a chance to hide away and lick them clean, they can try and talk.
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @jamespearce9-1-1 @watchyourbuck @puppyboybuckley @spotsandsocks @monsterrae1 @lover-of-mine @wikiangela @wildlife4life @weewootruck @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @princessfbi @athenagranted @sibylsleaves @shitouttabuck @shortsighted-owl @devirnis @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @fcntasmas @glorious-spoon @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @housewifebuck @hoodie-buck @homerforsure @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @captain-hen @clusterbuck @bekkachaos @nmcggg @steadfastsaturnsrings @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @tizniz @mellaithwen @missmagooglie and anyone else who wants to share ☺️
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mojowitchcraft · 6 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
Words and Fics
184,210 words posted on ao3 Plus about 7.7k getting posted today for Bat Eddie Ch. 4 Plus like 30k for Frat Boy Steve that hasn't been posted Plus 10k for a holiday fic I need to edit So approximately 230k written in 2023
23 fics worked on
16 fics published (series, one shots and multi-chapters)
1 multi-chapter finished (Strawberries & Cigarettes)
2 multi-chapter started (Living in a Lunar Spell aka Bat Eddie & We Part To Meet Again)
I haven't been keeping track as well as @loki-is-my-kink-awakening (thanks for the tag btw) so I'm not quite sure when I wrote the most
Ao3 Fic breakdown
Out of the 16 fics I posted:
3 multi chaptered fics
4 'one shots' in the Night Drives Series
1 'one shot' in my Y2K Steddie series (Valentines follow up to a Christmas fic I wrote)
8 stand alone one shots
Top 10 Fics by Kudos
Prisoner of Your Love (694) [Night Drives Part 6]
You Made Me Feel Shiny and New (610) [Night Drives Part 7]
Between The Velvet Lies (450) [Night Drives Part 8]
Hazy Shade (438) Based on this art by @toktopus-art
Power To Charm (399) [Night Drives Part 9]
It's A Match! (343) Tinder/Sexting fic
Must Hate Mondays (264) Garfield Fic featuring a ton of art!
Strawberries & Cigarettes (244) Multi-Chapter Post S4 fluff
Am I Your Fire? Your One Desire (184) Y2K Steddie Valentines fic
Your Hand In Mine (179) Tumblr prompt fic
My fandom fic events in 2023
Discord Server Valentines Fic / Art Exchange
Steddie Week in May (kinda?? I didn't do all the prompts)
Steddie Big Bang - Posting now!
@steddieholidayexchange Posting Dec 18th
@paradimeshifts7 One Shot Exchange posting Dec 20-24th
Upcoming Events for 2023
Discord Server Valentines Fic / Art Exchange
@strangerthingsreversebigbang March-April Posting Period I'm doing two fics for this!
Hopefully nothing else cause I want to FINALLY finish and start posting Frat Boy Steve aka Acta, Non Verba
Rules & Tags below the cut! Check out Ebs post, they got way more detailed than I did!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either. Tags: @mixsethaddams @grandmastattoo @sourw0lfs @transmascsteveharrington @kwills91 @thefreakandthehair @toburnup @bifuriouswaterbender @cranberrymoons
As always if you see this and want to do it consider this your tag!
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queerdiaz · 2 years
Tumblr media
Tagged by my beloveds @dickley-buddie and @imsupposedtobewritting tysm babes! ❤️❤️❤️
Here's a bit of a s6 spec fic aka the beginning of Buck's breakdown.
The feeling of deja vu is overwhelming. He's at a new place, what's supposed to be his new home, – although he supposes it's his new old home given the fact that he used to live here – and once again he's injured and having to use stupid fucking crutches. At least it's nowhere near as bad as his crushed leg, but it still fucking sucks. 
He just wants to crawl in his bed in his new room and sleep forever. 
A low whistle coming from behind him breaks him out of his thoughts. 
"Nice place." Eddie says, entering the house as he looks around. 
"Yeah, you wouldn't have known back when there were five twenty-something guys living together." He tries to joke, but the humor in his voice sounds too detached. 
He looks around the house as well and instead of the sense of wonderment and hope he felt just a few days ago when Jason offered it to him, he feels…dread. 
This is his life now. What a fucking joke. 
What was he thinking trying to make a year of possibilities? As if that would be the cure to his unhappiness. He was a fool. And now he's stuck with this house. 
"Buck? You okay?" Eddie asks. 
Buck looks away, not being able to handle those soft and warm brown eyes. He can't…look at them right now. 
He clears his throat. "Yeah. I'm good." 
"Buck." There's his stern dad voice. And then a hand on his shoulder. "Look at me." His voice is softer, soothing. 
Buck does as he's told. 
"What's wrong?" 
Everything. "Nothing." 
Tagging: @halosdiaz @midnightsdiaz @elvensorceress @kitkatpancakestack @gayhoediaz @loveyourownsmiilee @prettyboyandthekid @adventuresofprettyboyandthekid @eddiediazisascorpio @jacksadventuresinwriting @whumperific and anyone else who wants do this!
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extasiswings · 2 years
Tagged by @tripleaxeldiaz to name five favorite fics from my own, so! Here goes!
graveyard whistling (and why things hurt)
Buck’s hand touches his shoulder and Eddie inhales sharply and comes back to himself. His eyes flick back to the phone—the screen now dimmed and black—then settle on the counter next to it as he swallows hard.
“You okay?” Buck asks quietly.
“She died today,” Eddie replies. “And I forgot. I forgot that it was today.”
[In which Eddie and I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Grief.] 
about love
“This is not a love story, but love is in it. That is, love is just outside it, looking for a way to break in.”
[Or: Christopher grows up, Eddie has feelings about it, and Buck finally gets them all on the same page.]
[This is one of those little things I wrote ages ago during the S3 hiatus and I always forget about it but it’s really quite sweet.]  
dream of some epiphany
Evan Buckley is lost.
It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door.
Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name.
Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
[Letter writing pre-canon AU, my beloved.] 
ripping all the skin from off my bones (have mercy)
Eddie can’t sleep.
I don’t even think about him anymore, that’s what he said months ago when he landed in the ER with a panic attack. I don’t even think about him anymore.
Not a lie.
Not the truth either. But not a lie. Not quite.
He doesn’t think about the sniper. But he thinks about the shooting. He has hours every night to replay it over and over now that he can’t seem to block it out, the lightning strike of a bullet slamming into him, the icy numbness of bleeding out on hot asphalt.
And Buck.
Buck’s mouth, his face, his white shirt, splattered with blood, eyes wide in shock and horror.
What are you afraid of?
[Aka the 5B Eddie Breakdown “head empty, just vibes” fic that gripped me by the throat and demanded to be written.]
of men and of angels
For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known. - 1 Corinthians 13:12
Eddie Diaz learns a lot as a kid.
Boys aren’t soft.
Boys don’t cry.
Boys don’t kiss boys.
As he gets older, he realizes that everything has exceptions. Boys can be soft sometimes. Boys can cry sometimes. And some boys kiss other boys.
But Eddie likes kissing girls. And since he likes kissing girls, that’s the end of the story.
Isn’t it?
[Or: the one with all the repression]
And a bonus WIP:
Stuck on Fast Forward (Throw Away the Blueprint) because I’m having far too much fun with post-S5 FWB Buddie.  
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steddiekinkmeme · 2 days
First and foremost, be kind and respectful to others! There will be zero tolerance of harassment/hate/anti behavior in this blog and the AO3 collection. You will be blocked from participating if you are engaging in hate/harassing behavior. Prompts are not obligated to be filled simply by virtue of being submitted. Multiple fills can be submitted for one prompt And remember, fiction is not reality. *Please remember not every tag/kink/side pairing is endorsed by the moderator, those that participate in the kink meme, or even the original prompter.
Yes! But all prompts/fills must have Steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson) as the main or centric pairing. Other pairings can be featured, but Steddie must be involved in some way, even if they are not romantic or sexually involved with one another (ie asexual, aromantic, platonic friend-fic, enemies, one dead and one alive, etc.) Steve and Eddie just have to be the main two in the story.
Please go wild. Want two Kas Eddies to smooch fae fem Stevie? Go for it. Want kid Steve to be friends in an apocalyptic future with centuries-old cyborg Eddie? Do it. Did Erica and Dustin somehow cause Eddie to get cloned fifteen times and every copy only has eyes for Steve? More likely than you think.
NSFW and SFW prompts and fills are accepted. Please respect the original prompts and do not involve any hard no’s from the original prompter. Kink meme doesn’t necessarily have to involve a kink or even sexual content.
Fills can be posted anonymously or not. Please be sure to specify in your submission if you want to be anonymous or not.
We are using the ratings system that AO3 uses. For a more detailed breakdown of the ratings and how they are used, please read this.
General audiences. The content is unlikely to be disturbing to anyone, and is suitable for all ages.
Teen and up audiences. The content may be inappropriate for audiences under 13.
Mature audiences. The content contains adult themes (sex, violence, etc.) that aren’t as graphic as explicit-rated content.
Only suitable for adults. The content contains explicit adult themes, such as explicit erotic scenes, graphic violence, etc.
The nastiest of the nasty. The kinkiest of the kinky. The hardcore, will have people side-eyeing you kind of content. *Note: If something you tagged the fic with qualifies for DD:DNE (ie hardcore sexual/violent content with a G or T or even M rating, then the prompt/fill will be posted with DD:DNE: attached. You will be messaged with a request to update this tag or to explain why you think it does not deserve the upgraded warning before anything is posted. (Anonymity if requested will of course be maintained!)
Please use our submit page to submit a prompt. PROMPT SUBMISSION: Anonymous: (Y/N) Prompt Link: (Link to Original Prompt) Characters: Ships (if any aside from Steddie): Kinks/Tags: Hard No’s (things you don’t want fills to include): Rating (G, T, M, E, DD:DNE):
Please use our submit page to submit a fill to a prompt. FILL SUBMISSION: Anonymous: (Y/N) Prompt Link: (Link to Original Prompt) Fill Link: (Ao3 Collection, Tumblr Link, Twitter Post, Bluesky Post, etc) Characters: Ships (if any aside from Steddie): Kinks/Tags: Rating (G, T, M, E, DD:DNE):
No RPF aka Real Person Fic. (ie Joe/Joseph, Joe/Joseph/Dacre, Joe/Natalia/Joe, etc.) NO STOLEN FICS. Double prompts are advised against for the sake of keeping the blog as clutter free and easily searchable as possible. *Per Tumblr guidelines: things like noncon, cannibalism, murder kink, and anything gratuitous involving the younger ST characters (El, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Will, Suzie, etc) will be tagged DD:DNE by default. Appropriately thorough tagging will be expected in the AO3 collection if submitted. Bestiality and sexual prompts/fills submitted of the younger ST characters will not be accepted. NO IMAGES or LINKS TO IMAGES will be allowed.
0 notes
hbyrde36 · 11 months
🖤Wip Weekend🖤
No one tagged me but i'm working on all of my wips this weekend, so have a snippet😆
If you see this and want to play, consider yourself tagged and go for it!
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
 That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
PSE aka sad eddie
the it was all just a dnd campaign au
Anita Blake - Guilty Pleasures but its steddie
unnamed spicy six summer challenge one-shot
(from chapter 8 Caught in the Undertow <PSE aka sad Eddie>)
Steve had almost forgotten about the box, had only vague spotty memories of the night everything went in there. He remembered getting home from the hospital, the night Vecna’s bats almost took Eddie from them. The rapid fading of adrenaline causing him to stumble and fall as he entered the empty house.
Robin had begged to stay with him, and God would he have loved that, too have someone there, to not be alone. But he didn’t think he could have the breakdown he needed to have in front of her. He told her he was fine, that she should be with her parents.
He remembered crawling on hands and knees to the small bathroom on the ground floor. Tears blurring his vision as he threw up what little was left in his stomach. He dry heaved for what felt like hours before collapsing onto the cool tile.
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piratefalls · 2 years
Do you have a list of buddie fics for Eddie calling buck “baby”? Cause I would sell my kidney for one of those.
this might be my longest rec list so i hope it’s even close to what you wanted. after a word search of more than 500 fics, all of these contain a moment where Eddie calls Buck “baby”. some of them are parts of series/universes so watch out for that. there’s also a bonus list at the end. and a companion list is here.
the light's been out though, baby by hattalove
He still gets stuck in it sometimes: the absolute silence after the shot, and time so, so still in that endless second when Eddie’s eyes met his. When the air turned cool against the skin of Buck’s face because there was something else, now, something warmer, sticky in his eyelashes, pooling at the corner of his mouth. Staining him in a way that will never, never come out, all in the time it took to remember how to breathe again.
It didn’t happen fast at all. There are days when Buck wakes up and thinks it might still be happening.
And Eddie is—Eddie won’t—Eddie—
or, six months after the near-fatal shooting of a member of the LAFD, footage of the incident surfaces on social media.
Treated Like a Necklace by sirencalls
There are these collections of moments that never escape Buck’s notice, a pattern of behaviors and wants and almosts that have Buck wondering if maybe… maybe Eddie is holding something back from him.
Drowning in Dreams (You're My Raft) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
In which Buck sleeps his way into a relationship with Eddie, but not in the way you'd think.
voracious by annabeth_writes
adjective • having a very eager approach to an activity
“I believe I said something about blowing your mind, in fact,” Buck said, a slow grin forming on his face.
“You do,” Eddie practically growled, his dark, heated eyes staring up at Buck defiantly. “Every day, Buck. Every damn day.”
The smug grin fell from his lips as thoughts of holding back flew out the window because, really, how could Buck not kiss him after that?
work our way up to the bottom by prettyboybuckley
It’s not like Eddie has anything against the idea of bottoming, you know? He’s not as repressed anymore, he knows that being a top or a bottom doesn’t add to or take away from his masculinity.
It’s just that with the way his and Buck’s dynamic works, bottoming has never even come to mind. Buck loves getting fucked and Eddie loves the way he can make Buck gasp and cry and fall apart.
But lately, his head’s been a little elsewhere.
OR: Eddie decides he wants to try bottoming for a change
tell the whole wide world and this room by hattalove
"I talk a lot. It’s probably not fun to sit through for something you’ll just instantly forget."
Eddie tilts his head. “Who’s forgetting?”
in which we learn about fermented milk products, discover that dolphins are sex fiends, and realize that sometimes, it really is all about knowing and being known.
with every heartbeat i have left by iriswests
Buck and Eddie were expecting to have a little girl.
When their baby girl is born a baby boy, instead, Buck is suddenly confronted with everything he’s been ignoring since he learned about Daniel every time he looks at his son.
or; buck and eddie have a baby boy, and buck spirals a little bit
i'm begging for you (to take my hand) by sirencalls
Buck hadn’t wanted someone to tell him that he’s in the right, that it’s not his fault. Because everything with Daniel sure as hell feels like it’s his fault. He tells himself that if his genes would have been just a little stronger, if they would have matched just a little better, then maybe his parents would have loved him.
(AKA the breakdown after 4x05 that Buck deserved to have.)
look into your heart and you'll find love by soyxunxperdedor
It starts after Eddie’s Abuela breaks her hip.
Not an auspicious start, and certainly not a sexy one, but after Buck introduces him to Carla he’s so damn grateful he barely waits for the door to shut behind her before he’s crowding Buck up against the kitchen counter and dropping to his knees.
Eddie falls into a friends with benefits relationship with Buck, and then he just keeps falling.
i'll be your family by eddiesdiaz
“Buck?” Chris says, pulling him from his thoughts. He lets out a big yawn, wriggling around under the covers until he’s comfortable.
Buck couldn’t wipe the adoring smile off his face if he tried. “Yeah, buddy?”
“I know what I want you to get me for Christmas.”
“You do, huh? What is it?” Buck asks.
“I want you to be my dad,” Chris says easily, like it’s nothing. Like he didn’t just tilt Buck’s entire world on its axis. “Well, my other dad.”
where the lights burn low and you're only mine by allisonRW96
“He doesn’t dance with Eddie. He deliberately doesn’t dance with Eddie. Buck knows he could crook a finger at him and Eddie would follow him wherever he wanted to go, but as much as he wants that, there’s something else he wants a little more.
Tonight he’s craving that flash of heat that he sees every time he reaches past Eddie to touch someone else. The urge he knows that Eddie has to grab his hand and say, “My turn.” The way he’ll sit, looking for all the world like he’s patient and in control, waiting until they get home to come unraveled. Buck doesn’t want to wait. Buck wants to unravel Eddie now.”
Or: Buck has a thing for Possessive!Eddie Diaz. But when teasing goes too far and feelings get hurt, he needs to make sure Eddie knows exactly how he feels about him.
baby, say you'll always keep me by hattalove
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and the darkness behind his eyelids takes on a white edge. “Be good. Nice to be married,” he yanks on Buck’s t-shirt, “best friend.”
Finally, Buck takes a breath that sounds off somehow, but he laughs too, and that sounds normal, Eddie thinks. A normal laugh.
“Sure, Eds,” he says, and there’s his hand in Eddie’s hair again, a puff of breath on the crown of Eddie’s head like Buck leaned in to press a kiss there and then stopped, but why would he stop—“I’ll marry you if you remind me tomorrow.”
or the one in which joking about being married to your best friend is all fun and games, right up until you realize that you're not laughing.
Open Your Eyes Love by Bluejay141519
Buck doesn't know how he got here. He doesn't even know where 'here' is, all he knows is that his head hurts, he can't move, and there's voices on the radio telling him that they know him.
But Eddie.
Eddie is coming for him.
All the Rumors are True by sirencalls
Chim laughs. “Yep. Spill it, Diaz.”
And Eddie looks over at Buck, drags his eyes down Buck’s broad chest and small waist until he’s staring directly at his crotch, picturing what he knows is underneath. The length of it, how pink it gets when he leaks, how much come it pumps out when Eddie fucks him over the edge.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, clearing his throat. “Yeah, it’s true.”
call you home by ashavahishta
"He’s like, so pretty sometimes I can’t believe he’s real?” He’d rambled once, so tired at the end of shift he was basically drunk with it.
“I’ll take your word for it,” Hen had said patiently, and patted him on the shoulder. “I like girls, remember?”
 “He’s built like a Greek god with the face of an angel,” Eddie had argued, a stubborn set to his mouth like he was determined for Hen to believe just how gorgeous his husband was. “Even you couldn’t resist that.”
Or: "Eddie Diaz drinks his 'I fucking love my husband' juice for 6,000 words." OR "5 Times Eddie Told The Firefam About Buck and 1 Time They Actually Met Him".
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove
She turns to Eddie and says something else, but Buck is busy fighting the headrush he gets at the sound of Ana Flores calling Eddie and Christopher 'the boys'. Like they belong to her already.
God, what’s wrong with him? What is this?
or, eddie cooks, chris domesticates a slug, and buck tries to figure out why he hates his best friend's girlfriend. to everyone's immense shock and surprise, it goes badly.
some kind of superstition by youbetsya
“So, what do you think?” Eddie asks after sitting quietly across the table from Maddie for entirely too long.
After several more moments of painful silence, Maddie finally looks up. Her smile is impossible to read. “It’s gorgeous, Eddie. Really.”
He sighs and plucks the ring from her hand. “You hate it.”
“No! No, it’s a beautiful ring. And I’m sure Buck will love it.” She places a comforting hand on top of his. It’s not that Eddie thinks she’s outright lying, but he’s known her for long enough to recognize when she’s not telling the whole story.
OR: The universe strongly disagrees with Eddie's proposal scheme.
Eyes On Mine (So Deep Inside) by sirencalls
The last time Buck was naked from the waist down and fully erect in the middle of Eddie’s bathroom had been a lot more fun than whatever the fuck this is, Eddie behind him jerking him off to keep him hard as Buck tries to mix the molding powder into the water without spilling it all over their counters. It’s late Friday night and Chris is asleep down the hall, both of them making sure he was out before locking the bathroom door behind them and opening the discreet cardboard box. Buck has been keyed up since he got the delivery notification, and he’s finding that it’s really difficult to focus on getting the mold set up while also getting his cock played with.
“How the hell does this company expect me to—to do this?”
Eddie hums into his neck, dropping a kiss as he brushes his knuckle underneath the head of Buck’s dick. “Probably with a lot less mess.”
Save a Horse, Ride a by HMSLusitania
Buck and Eddie go line dancing.
I wanna feel you (I want it all) by annabeth_writes
“Did you do what I asked?”
Fingertips stroke a light touch over the back of his thigh as he stifles a low whine.
“Yes sir,” Buck says, letting his eyes slip shut.
It’s all too easy to submit to Eddie’s touch. His body knows it well. Trusts it. Loves it.
call me by your name by ipretendtobesane
5 times someone calls buck 'diaz' not knowing he was married and the 1 time they call eddie 'diaz' too
I Did It All (To Make You Love Me) by sirencalls
Honestly, Eddie is just trying to find the pair of boxers he knows he left here last week.
Ever After by ElvenSorceress
He’s so gorgeous. He’s the most perfect thing to wake up to. They woke up together. Tangled around each other. They slept naked. They’ve kissed many times now. They kissed and touched and made love for the first time and he’s never been loved like that ever. No one’s ever wanted him more than they wanted the sex with him. But it felt like Eddie did. Like Eddie does.
Buck curls his hands around Eddie’s arm and reaches up to touch his face, almost afraid he’ll touch nothing and this might disappear. But he hasn’t disappeared.
There’s stubble beneath his fingers. There’s warmth all around him because he’s being held. His heart is rushing, sprinting like it can’t arrive fast enough. “You’re really here,” he says, more to himself, in awe that Eddie’s curled against him. There’s an arm around him and he’s holding onto it. He held Eddie all night.
Sweet morning sex after their first night together because they are so in love and soft for each other.
all that we need by not1_2write
When Buck buys a Powerball lottery ticket he doesn't think much beyond his need for change to air up his tire. He forgets all about the ticket until word spreads that the winning ticket was sold in LA and hasn't been claimed yet and pretty much dismisses it. After all, there's no way he won the lottery.
Turns out no, he really did win the Powerball, to the tune of 295 million dollars and just in time for Christmas. He's going to make sure the 118 has the best Christmas of their lives. And just maybe he'll have a good one too.
Games and Theory by Blink_Blue
Eddie's not looking for serious. He just wants casual, easy, and uncomplicated.
Buck has been in love with his best friend for two years. Does he take his sister's advice and confess his feelings? Nah, Evan Buckley always has to do things the hard way.
the dancer's dance by withoutthetiger
"They make it less than a mile before Eddie points to a bar with a half-full parking lot. It’s early enough that they’ve beat the Saturday night crowd and it’ll be nice to carry on an actual conversation while they have a drink or two. It feels like forever since they’ve gone out like this, and Eddie thinks it nearly was, the past year a more complicated challenge to their friendship than he could have imagined.
But Eddie’s been back at work for a few weeks now, Bobby welcoming him back without hesitation, and spring is on the horizon, a change that feels especially important this year, even if Southern California seasons hardly matter at all.
And this night with Buck – well, maybe it’ll change something, too."
Set in the spring of 2022, after Eddie is back with the 118.
Brace for Impact by sirencalls
Sure, it was probably, most-definitely a joke. And sure, Eddie is his best friend who knows Buck would never actually get mad at something like that. He’s joked about Eddie’s ass once or twice after all. But despite all that... Eddie spanked him. In the middle of the station where anybody could see, where anybody could ask questions, Eddie Diaz walked up and slapped his ass.
life like a face between your palms by hattalove
Buck knows Eddie like he knows the sun will be coming up on the two of them in the morning, hugging the line of Eddie’s shoulder even through the blinds.
And still, somehow, Eddie finds ways to surprise him.
in which eddie is sweet, and buck is a little undone by it.
beneath my mother tongue by archerincombat
He sits bolt upright in his seat. Jee-Yun squeals at the sudden movement. “Holy shit,” he says out loud, simultaneously praying that it doesn’t become one of those words his niece repeats until it loses its sparkle. “I told Eddie I loved him.”
Jee-Yun laughs. It feels a little like she’s mocking him. “Dee,” she agrees solemnly, placing a tiny hand on Buck’s cheek.
Or: Buck goes home to Pennsylvania. It's more familiar than he wants it to be.
i'm here (i’m yours for the taking) by farfromthstars
“Everyone!” Around forty heads turn, and Buck shifts on his feet uncomfortably at the attention. “This is my old friend Buck and his husband, Eddie.” “Uh,” Buck makes, turning to Eddie with wide eyes. Eddie's looking just as stunned. “Connor, I think you got–” He cuts himself off when Eddie wraps an arm around his waist.
at the winter wedding of an old friend, buck and eddie pretend to be married to each other. the plan has no weaknesses, obviously, not even mistletoe or anyone’s secret feelings…
the voice under all silences by lecornergirl
Buck’s so caught up in his thoughts that when he reaches the top of the stairs and sees Eddie on his bed, he thinks it’s a particularly vivid mental image. But then Eddie lets out a noise, a breathy sort of moan, and Buck knows he can’t be imagining it because he’s never heard that sound before.
Which means Eddie is actually here. Eddie is kneeling in the middle of Buck’s bed, eyes closed, one hand around his cock. His bare chest glistens with a sheen of sweat, catching the early-afternoon light filtering in through the window; under the skin, his muscles shift in time with his slow, sure strokes.
Sucker for Praise by sirencalls
Eddie loves eating Buck out, loves how responsive Buck always is. He just isn’t sure how it would feel the other way around. Eddie has bottomed for Buck before, taken his cock and come on it and loved every second of it, but this feels... different. More intimate, a little dirtier, and something he isn’t sure if he would even enjoy.
But like most things, Buck convinces him by begging for it.
unlaced by soyxunxperdedor
The whole thing had gotten away from him a little bit.
It all started a month ago, when Eddie had figured out how hot Buck found him in nothing but a jockstrap, and he’d thought, ok, but let’s take it up a notch.
Eddie wants to do something special for Buck's birthday
You Can Only Get So High by allisonRW96
"He can’t stop staring at his shaking hand. It started in his fingers, but Buck can feel it tremoring up his arms and an awful familiar feeling flickers to life in his chest. All cold claws and nasty whispers reaching out to clutch at his heart."
Buck crashes hard after sex. Eddie helps him through it.
it's nice to have a friend by colonoscopy
Just two dudes holding each other under the kitchen table. Laughing about an orgy with a crab involved and being in big, fat, gargantuan love.
but your face is still my favourite view by wafflesofdoom
“You’ve got a photo of me in your wallet.”
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie shrugged, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world that he just – carried a photo of Buck around in his wallet, as though Buck’s entire world wasn’t spinning at a thousand miles per hour as he tried to process the fact that Eddie loved him enough to carry around a photo of him in his wallet.
or - the one where eddie takes a polaroid of buck and keeps it in his wallet, and buck finds out.
must be some kind of twist, I could get used to this by soyxunxperdedor
He doesn’t remember much from last night, even less after the fourth or fifth tequila shot. So he certainly doesn’t remember bringing someone back to his room.
He steels himself for the lancing pain and cracks his eyes open.
Oh. Oh no.
This is either really bad or… Well, not really good, but just. Not really bad, and that’s probably all Buck can ask for it to be.
Because Eddie is in his bed, Eddie’s arm is wrapped around his waist, Eddie’s legs are tangled with his. And he has no idea why.
bonus: they both say it
and longer by far by farfromthstars
Eddie’s been married once, and after Shannon asked him for a divorce and then died before they could do anything about it, he figured that was it for him. One marriage with all its ups and downs is enough for a lifetime. Granted, he didn’t think he’d fall in love with Buck and be lucky enough for that love to be returned.
Everyone seems to expect Eddie to propose to Buck any minute now, which is annoying because Eddie doesn’t want to get married again. He's sure of that. Or is he?
look straight ahead if you like it slow by hattalove
“This gets you going, huh?” Eddie grins, propping himself up on his elbows so he can move higher on the bed, reach the pretty pink bow of Buck’s mouth. “Devotion? You being it for me?” He stretches up toward Buck’s ear, whispers: “Monogamy?”
the house is empty. they're in love. you can probably fill in the blanks.
let me stay there awhile by withoutthetiger
"Maybe it all could have started as soon as they were done yelling at each other in the middle of Bobby and Athena’s backyard, their friends and family sneaking suspiciously far away while Buck and Eddie crept closer to the truth, everyone else having figured it out long before.
Or it could’ve happened in the wake of a house fire that very nearly claimed the lives of two fathers and their pre-teen son, the 118 arriving in time to save them all, and Buck and Eddie left staring at a grateful family and their own latest reminder of why they shouldn’t wait any longer.
But if Eddie looks back someday, he’ll realize it was never going to begin with anything other than this, a quiet question and an easy smile from his best friend, a man who can be eternally patient when it matters most."
A little (long) exploration into the beginning of Buck and Eddie's relationship, in which Eddie learns that his sexual pleasure isn't only allowed, but also very thoroughly encouraged.
A Life in Your Shape by thelightwitch
“I’m not talking about the team,” Eddie says, and his voice sounds oddly quiet. “I’m talking about me and Chris. We’re your family.” “I appreciate you saying that, man. But you don’t mean it… not the way I want you to.” “How do you know?” Eddie asks softly. “Because.” Buck looks up, and Eddie’s warm brown eyes are so close, practically inviting him to get lost in them, the way they do every time Eddie gives him his undivided attention. “Because you mean it like I’m your best friend and I’m Chris’s favorite babysitter. And I love being those things, but I want more. I – I wanna be an actual family.” “Okay,” Eddie says slowly. “Okay, let’s be an actual family.”
In the aftermath of Red's death, Buck and Eddie find their way together.
this savoir faire by hattalove
“So literally just—ask him,” Hen says. “With words. Say ‘hey, Buck, we’ve been functionally living together for years, want to actually move in’?”
“No,” Eddie tells the tabletop.
“I’ve gotta say,” Chim says and, by the sound of it, puts away the magazine he wasn’t reading. “This seems like a crisis of your own making.”
“How?” Eddie says, into a patch of something sticky they should probably wipe up before Bobby gets here.
“You’re the one who wants to ask him to move in via meme.”
or, the one in which embracing the meme life turns out to be more complicated than eddie expected.
like sleep to the freezing by yawnralphio
Eddie feels bad about taking his anger out on Buck.
flash like a setting sun by playedwright
The universe has a fucked up sense of humor as far as Buck’s concerned. It took it’s sweet time leading him down the road that would eventually root him in Los Angeles with an acceptance letter to the fire academy in his hand, but all of that had been well and fine since it got him here eventually. Buck can roll with the punches better than most, so long as he’s given the opportunity to land on his feet.
It stands to reason that the universe was a lot more straightforward leading him to realize he was—is—in love with Eddie Diaz.
Buck just wishes the universe had been a little more subtle about it.
or, the one where the universe is screaming at buck and he's refusing to listen
a moment's peace by iphigenias
"Honey, I'm home," he calls softly, toeing out of his boots and tucking them into the cubby by the door next to Buck's worn old trainers with the soles splitting away. He rounds the corner to the living room and feels the last five hours wash right off his back at the way Buck smiles at him from the shitty yellow couch they’ve been meaning to replace: tender and tired and easy, like it's no effort at all.
fool for you from the bottom of my soul by spinningincircles
They’re in the far corner in a roped off section, with a printed out sign and everything: The Spouses of the 118 Club.
(“That’s what you’re calling this? I’m a spouse of the 118 too you know,” Buck says, absolutely not pouting about it.
Maddie shrugs from the passenger seat of Athena’s car. “Spouses and Non Blood Relatives of the 118 then.”
Karen leans in from the back seat and honks the horn. “Let’s go Diaz!”
“I’m coming!” Eddie shouts as he walks through the front door and down to the driveway. He stops next to Buck, using his shoulder for balance as he slips his shoe the rest of the way on. “We can switch off,” he says quietly. “You can go next month.” He straightens up and smiles brightly at Buck, kissing his cheek before getting into the backseat. Maddie hands a flask back to him and blows a kiss out the car window as they back onto the street.
Buck’s still not pouting as he waves them off.)
don't wanna break you (never gonna forget) by withoutthetiger
"Eddie hasn’t said a word since they stumbled into the locker room and Buck doesn’t really expect him to, not after their last call and the way Eddie will be reliving what they’d found at the scene long after it should have become a memory. Losses on any of their calls are terrible, obviously, but the trauma of this one has landed heavily on Eddie’s shoulders and his body is likely to curl under the weight of it for a while. They stay quiet while changing into their street clothes, and when they’re ready to go, Buck nods a goodbye for them both, follows Eddie out of the station, and leaves work behind to drive them home.
At the first red light, Buck looks over, but Eddie just shakes his head.
'Not yet.'
And it’s fine – it really is – though Buck slides his thumb against his wedding band as a reminder that Eddie’s silence is no longer a cause for concern, only a way through it. He nods to himself and turns on some music, just loud enough that failure isn’t the only voice Eddie hears."
Set a handful of years in the future, written for the prompt “Is this okay?”
waste this night away with me by soyxunxperdedor
Given all the general angst it took to get them to this point, Eddie hadn’t quite expected just how fun being with Buck was going to be.
It probably says a lot about his past relationships, but to be fair he and Shannon barely got serious before a positive pregnancy test turned it all on its head, and the thing with Ana—
Well, anyway, Eddie just didn’t realize that relationships could actually be this emotionally fulfilling while also being this fun.
And it’s never more evident than when they’re having sex.
so come inside and be with me by evanito
He knows he can’t let it go—let Buck go. When he invited Buck into his life—his home, his bed, his heart—he did so with the knowledge that he would never let him leave. Him and Buck are a forever thing. Nothing’s going to change that.
Except, maybe, for the fact that that Buck isn’t here.
(or: dough is made. questions are asked. sex is had.)
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