#ahhhhh dies
m00ngbin · 5 months
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timetodiverge · 3 months
You kids BETTER BEHAVE or Ma will wave The Screwdriver at you again!!
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hailzdacat · 7 months
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Hes so cute when he's annoyed/mad
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autumnaurora · 2 years
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classic autumn aurora slime shenanigans! i drew another one when artfight started but the fuckin person like signed up for a team then never checked their artfight which sucks so no permission for me. anyways this characters is by salvi_nova on twitter so yeah.
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jamestitskirk · 2 months
spock erasing kirk's memory in 3x19 while he's asleep has so much implications. Is this the first time he's done so? If not, then how many other memories of kirk has he erased because kirk expressed wanting to forget? Is kirk the only person he erases the memories of?
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firstfullmoon · 9 months
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Diane di Prima, “April Fool Birthday Poem for Grandpa”
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warden-melli · 2 months
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tru-daddy · 10 months
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The way this is implying Ramattra is projecting his feelings into how he makes his robots behave??
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your-ne1ghbor · 1 month
Wish 2023 could have been the next Prince of Egypt and here's why:
@chillwildwave reminded me of Prince of Egypt because of their recent post on a villain song rewrite/reimagined.
So I just wanted to say that both are pretty similar in terms of most of the plot and modivations for the character, and the fact that Wish could have been just as good as prince of Egypt, but yk, they butchered it. The 2 movies COULD BE very similar in a good way(if one was done properly)
So lets get started!!!
(this will be a brief overview of both films since I know you guys dont have all day so here)
Background on the Prince of Egypt
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Prince of Egypt is an musical adaptation from the story of Mosses from the bible.
So in the movie/story, all the Hebrews are enslaved by the Pharoh of Eygpt. One day, the Hebrew's population started to grow, so to prevent a revolt, the Pharoh sent out his troops to slaughter all of the newborn children by tossing them into the river where they are eaten by crocidiles (this scene was told in the begining and dream sequence of the film. The begining song is called Deliver Us)
Mosses's mother, not wanting her newborn child to face the same fate as the other children, sends her child in a basket into the river "So he Can be free". God protected him from all of the fates the river brought and by fate, landed at the Pharoh's castle, with his wife taking him him.
Mosses grew up under the impression that they where his biological parents and brother to Ramisies (yes my spelling is bad help) until he heard a song that his sister sang (yes he has biological siblings) that his mother sang to him when she brought him to the river. Insert a song and dream sequence, he learns to what Pharroh did those years ago with the Hebrews. And we get a cold chilling response from his "father" : Oh dear Mosses. They were only slaves.
So with this revelation, he realizes how badly they treat the Hebrews. Then, one of the soilders continued beating an old man, so to protect him, Mosses accidently kills him. Mosses wonders the desert, and comes across some travelers. Mosses was welcomed and he learned about God and putting his life "Through Heaven's Eyes". Later on, he gets a message from God for him to go and free the Hebrews from Pharoh. He goes back, expecting his "father" to be the one still in charge, but realizes that it was his brother Ramesies who had taken up the Mantel. His brother is over joyed to see Mosses, but Mosses only asks him to free the Hebrews (After A BANGER: Your Playing with the Big Boys Now). He says no, but it was only the start of the rage of God. Through a sequence called: The Plagues, the ending being all the first born children dies, and only then, he lets the people go.
(Not spoiling the ending since it is a good movie)
Alright thats an overview of Prince of Egypt, now lets look at Wish
Background on Disney's Wish 2023
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Okay so the plot is about a guy named Magnifico creating a kingdom where your dreams can become a reality after his home/family was destroyed and he knew how dreams can be destroyed. Kinda why he built the kingdom.
The protagonist, Asha is hoping to be the king's apprentice because she wants her grandfather's wish to be granted since it hasn't been granted yet.
Through some crazy shinanigans, Magnifico says no to Asha because her grandfather's wish to inspire people could cause a revolt. Asha is destroyed by this and complains about it to a plushie-AH uh star (I am not calling that thing Star it is forever gonna be plushie). And the plushie comes down to earth to cause chaos (UM HELP ASHA FREE THE WISHES haha...)
Through some boring parts of the movie, Magnifico opens a magic book and becomes....the villain...
( ̄。。 ̄)...
He starts eating wishes by first eating Asha's mom's wish and he gets stronger but he is mainly after plushie sooo yeahh (the wishes do not boost his powers in any way it is basically like a drug it makes him happy lol)
He then catches plushie and Asha. And through the power of song, he is defeated. Asha becomes the fairy godmother and plushie returns to the sky.
(Yes I spoiled the ending because since the movie doesn't earn my respect, just like how Disney does not respect it's audience in a mature way anymore)
How are the Stories similar?
Its kind of simple really, just mainly hinging on the fact that the villains needs to let something go.
For Mosses' case, it is his people, the Hebrews.
For Asha's case, it is the dreams and hopes of Rosas.
However, Wish butchered this so bad that it is kind of ironic in a sense. It was already hard enough to go brief and in depth as I can with Wish because of how bare bones it is.
So some similarities they share is a corrupt overlord (Pharoh and Magnifico) holding something close to them. When threated, however, they react in different ways.
Pharoh puts more work on the Hebrews while Magnifico kinda does nothing??? Eat the wishes I guess after he opens the book is close enough.
Mosses modivation at the start was to make his brother laugh, hense the line in plagues "Once I thought the chance to make you laugh, was all I ever wanted". To freeing his people underneath the corrupt ruling.
"A kingdom should never be built up on the backs of slaves".
Asha's modivations are similar to Mosses, but also not at the same time. Her modivation at the start is legit: "Lets become an apprentice so I can get my grandfather's wish granted" to "oh he wont grant the wish and most of the wishes wont be granted so lets free them all."
It felt like they wanted to lean into the idea that Magnifico is an awful ruler or pratically most of the plot in the Prince of Egypt, but as I established in my brief overview of Wish, he was not a terrible person. He only got worse because of Asha going haywire for not getting what SHE wanted. And I said in the begining of this blog, "The 2 movies COULD BE very similar in a good way(if one was done properly)".
Wish could have been the next Prince of Egypt with just a different concept in mind. It felt like that clearly in the deleted scenes like this one right here:
We learn that he crushes dreams (which is their life source in this version) when people oppose him.
This could have been explored, if they didn't decide on "It would be cooler if everyone liked Magnifico".
How so?
Well, think of Ramisies before the scene where "all the first born children will die". When Mosses is trying to reconsile with him and change his mind, all he does is: "My father had the right idea of getting rid of YOUR people...AND I WILL FINISH THE JOB". And we get a terrifying shot of all the Hebrew children getting tossed into the river. Showing his stubborness. This scene right here:
Skip to 3:19 for that scene
What if he get that scene with Magnifico? And change the context?
So lets say, Magnifico takes wishes and either changes them to fit what he wants ( @annymation's idea) or granting ones that are dangerous since the good wishes gives him more power (in my old draft), or we don't know what he does with the wishes, just that he takes them.
Lets go with we don't know what he does with the wishes (so that for anyone who is making a rewrite on wish can just insert their ideas on what they do with the wishes).
In perspective, everyone is living miserably. Going by the same routine, time and time again, with no passion or goal in life. We can say that the trade is: You give up on your dreams for a roof over your head. If we apply that, a lot of parents can sympathize with the people's situation. Many of them have families, or children to take care of. Of course you want your children to be safe from harm, just that you will suffer the cost, and soon, your children will. Its a heart breaking situation since the world is a very dangerous place, and as I said, parent's will do anything to protect their kid "at all costs" (haha see what I did there) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So what about Asha here? Well it changes the context to her modivation. She wants her grandfather to experience that spark he did as a teen and to see him finally be happy and not so miserable. SO of course she will want to learn what Magnifico does with the wishes, and applies for apprenticeship.
Now lets skip ahead, to where it could be "Mosses and Ramisies before all first born die" part. Perhaps learning about the wishes inspired Asha to form a revolt. The people are now fighting back and they want to be free more than ever. A scene between Asha and the King, where the King knows what Asha wants, but he is too stubborn to give the wishes back. Even put in the perspective of plushie, he sees it as a threat to him, and depending on what he does with the wishes, can make him need more of the people's wishes more than ever to end plushie's life. You can also say that both the king's men or higher class of overlords (if there are any you decide!) and the people are taking it too far and their fight is causing so much destruction. Both are sympathizing with the situation at hand and suffering because of it (in different ways ofc), but we know who is in the right here. Asha tries to reason with him, and perhaps, Magnifico finally will end it. It can be literally anything, and you can even pull A PRINCE OF EGYPT, where he kills all the newborns or something.
And for proof that this could work, a few weeks ago, I remembered the song: YOUR PLAYING WITH THE BIG BOYS.
The song, felt like a threat. You either comply, or something bad will happen. You are also nothing in context to them since they are all power hungry overlords. You are an insect and they are giants. They'll walk all over you since you are insignificant to them and nothing important. And I applied it to Wish, and it fucking works Disney, YOU SON OF A B-
Anyways, I made a small animatic of it. Not done ofc, I come up with ideas way more than my modivation and time to make or finish them. And it was only "YOUR PLAYING WITH THE BIG BOYS NOW" part since idk I just imagined that scene more vividly lol
o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
If anything, you can say that they make an image of a dragon to scare Asha (and star boy but they dont know that) to make them do what they want and fall in line with what everyone in Rosas does. They can't transform into one, they just use their talent in magic to show off pretty visuals to scare people. (LIKE PRINCE OF EGYPT)
And it works. Star Boy is horrified and he now realizes how bad the situation is. If these people gets his powers, EVERYONE IS AT RISK. PEOPLE CAN DIE BECAUSE A STAR GOT TOO CURIOUS OF EARTH AND HIS GENEROSITY LEAD HIM CLOSER TO HIS DOOM AND THE DOOM OF ASHA'S PEOPLE. This horrifies Asha because you can say, she still believed that these people can change. In my version at least, Asha is adopted into the royal family and is a sucker and more forgiving to them since THEY ARE HER CARETAKERS. And when realizing that EVERYTHING SHE KNEW ABOUT HERSELF AND THE KINGDOM was a lie, she had HOPE that perhaps they can change because of her. But they didn't. Her parents saw her as, "You're against me? Fine then. You will suffer just like your real parents did." But they don't harm her here. My idea was, is that this was a threat to her, to the kingdom to Rosas. "You don't obey, you will suffer concequences. But, you were our daughter, we cared for you, this is just a phase, she will get over it and be more compliant later. But for now, Rosas will suffer because of you." This gives depth to the situation and slightly sympathetic traits given to her adoptive parents. They grew attached to Asha, but now? Her rising up? It is outrageous and they take offense to that lol.
It is very similar to the original and it is slightly intended since I love those songs way too much hehe (✿◡‿◡)
Anyways, thats why I think Wish is almost the next Prince of Egypt. I do firmly believe though, it has more similarities with Hunchback of Notre Dome, and I also love that movie for it's own good too
But this was just an oppertunity to show how bad Wish is compared to other classics like this movie, but it also clashes with Hunchback of Notre Dome, so if you wanna see the similarities with that just let me know hehe
now ya'll have a good day or night (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
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higgs-the-god · 2 months
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resident-rats · 8 months
Seeing Luis’ death again was so heartbreaking until the camera cut to Krauser doing his little jog away. Literally started laughing hdhdhdh
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captainsupernoodle · 1 year
absolutely fucking SCREAMING about molly and kingsley and laudna and ashton and the difference between waking up after a completely life-destroying event (aka DEATH) alone vs abandoned vs surrounded by people who love you
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angelesse · 3 months
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[ CANCELLED ] angelesse 30+ followers event ✩ !
dividers by essie :3
info + prompts under the cut
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hi hi hi everynyan ✩ thank you all sososo SO much for everything ! you all r amazing and i ' m grateful for all of you :3 i wanted to do this event just for fun , so there ' s no pressure ! you don ' t have to participate if you don ' t want to ✩ ! you can do icons , graphics , layouts , or whatever you feel like doing :3 this event starts february 22nd or O2/22 , and ends O3/03 ( extra days incase you forgot or didnt have time one day )
prompts below , tag me and use #anglesse30+ on your post so i can see , like and reblog ^_^ !
[ CANCELLED ] day O1 : a character you relate to or a character that reminds you of someone
[ CANCELLED ] day O2 : a character edited in a different aesthetic than what they ' re associated with
[ CANCELLED ] day O4 : your favourite character edited in relation to your favourite song or a character you hate edited in relation to your least favorite song
[ CANCELLED ] day O3 : a character edited in an angelic theme or a devilish theme
[ CANCELLED ] day O5 : free day ✩
[ CANCELLED ] day O6 : a character you envy or a character you feel sorry for
[ CANCELLED ] day O7 : a character that reminds you of me ✩ !
with that out of the way , could idol also get a promo ?@i43furi @cluvunies @magnoliawriter @m-lancholy @kiochisato @essthereal @reddenedz + anyone else interested ( send ask to be removed ^_^ ! )
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silkythewriter · 2 years
could I request hcs for king dice and the devil (seperate or poly is fine!!) with a gender neutral reader who really likes physical affection, but gets flustered/shy when they actually get it? just something cute and fluffy if you can! no worries if not :]
King dice and the devil with a S/O who really likes physical affection but gets flustered when actually getting it!
Summary: king dice and the devil (seperate and poly) with a gender neutral reader who really likes physical affection, but gets flustered/shy when they actually get it!
EEEEEEE I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH SINCE IM THE SAME >///////< also I’ll be doing it separately! And together! So first I’ll do each character separate and then at the end I’ll make it poly! Thank you for the adorable idea anon!
Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes! And sorry if they are OOC!
Daily song suggestion!
Warnings!: none!
Fandom: cuphead/the cup/mug brothers
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💜King Dice🎲
He doesn’t just let anyone touch him so count yourself lucky, it shows how special you are to him and how much you matter!
I feel like he’s the exact same just better at hiding it! He loves to tease you about it but he’s still a gentleman while doing so!
Loves wrapping his arm around your waist while you two are close or just walking some where! And when he sees you all flustered it just makes him pull you closer
When the cup brothers get him really pissed off in a particular day he usually goes to you for comfort, like cuddling,just hanging out with eachother,or doing skin care together!
he loves to see how flustered/shy he can make you in a short amount of time like a small game between you two he finds it adorable when you can barely last a few minutes-
He likes to hug your from behind outta no where and start complementing you which makes your really flustered he can tell by how silent you are 💀
He knows you like physical affection most of the time so whenever he isn’t serving the devil or doing other things to capture the cup brothers he loves to hold you! Or just chill out in eachother s arms!
I feel like while cuddling he likes when you lay your head on he’s chest while he plays with your hair or just talks to you about his day or his new plans /schemes
Overall he just loves your reaction he finds it adorable probably will abuse this power so beware 💀
❤️‍🔥 The Devil ❤️‍🔥
He is more brutal with teasing and will not hold back in public this man will do the absolute most just to make you shy/flustered in the worst time possible
Loves wrapping his tail around whatever body part he can reach like your leg,arm,waist,etc! He also loves pointing out your blushing mess of a face as you try hiding it
But forbid he sees someone else making your flustered or teasing you about it there’s already smoke already coming out of his ears as he banishes them to the deeps of hell so Thats a warning to anyone else who does 💀
I feel like he’s kinda like a cat ya know, purring,fluffy,etc so like whenever you guys are cuddling or something he’s always purring it’s really cute but he’ll never admit it
 He likes to brag to his little demon minions about how only he can make you feel that way ( at least he believes so It’d be better to just let him believe that 💀) and how he loves your expressions when he randomly hugs you or holds you waist etc
He’s careful touching you though cause of his sharp nails he doesn’t wanna accidentally scratch you or hurt you so he might be a bit careful about it
He’s almost anywhere you are unless he has serious business to do but other then that he’s stuck to your hip, doesn’t really care who’s watching or where you guys are he’s just gonna embarrass you by holding your waist or whatever makes you the most flustered infront of anyone
Depending on your height he likes to rest his head on yours and if your tall he’ll just lay it on your shoulder!
Overall a big tease I mean it’s kinda expected but other then that his pretty chill!
✨💜King dice + the devil❤️‍🔥
R.I.P you cause your face is gonna be heating up every few seconds while with these two
They team up to tease you by one flirting and the other Hugging you etc so good luck too you
I feel like they would plan together what to do to get you flustered but King dice has saved you multiple times by calming down the plans
They are a menace to you and anyone around you 💀
The devil usually takes the lead while king dice follows along helping move the plan along while the devil does the big parts
They mix well together at least with a third person in the relationship because it balances everything out
They love cuddling you to death randomly they basically snatch you from whatever your doing and just cuddle you-
They both abuse their powers together so look out for that-
They both try one upping each other while flustering you it’s kinda like a game ( like said in the king dice section!) sometimes they take it to far but they know when to stop
Overall they both balance eachother out but still love making you overly flustered without a word they both love you a lot!
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Hello! I am so sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes! I was taking a bit longer on this one then I wanted too so I didn’t have time to read over! But absolutely loved the adorable request! I hope you enjoy!
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chirpsythismorning · 4 months
The more I discover about Wings (1927) the more I need it to be used as inspiration in s5
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joelsteinfeld · 4 months
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