#again I'm so not ready for her to perform live again in over two years. there might be tears since her voice is just so beautiful
sarahplantarthe1st · 9 months
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amaranthineghost · 2 months
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lando norris x reader
a little over half a year later when the season ended, they haven't found their way back. At least not on purpose, but the universe knows better than them
authors note: I was thinking of making a happy ending, but not everything always ends up that way </3 after this, I'll work on two max imagines and then I'll see what I can do while I'm on spring break
part 1 found here
IT’S BEEN EIGHT MONTHS since she last spoke to him.
two hundred forty-three days since she last saw that sad look on his face in the rear-view mirror as she drove away from the past she half-wished was her future.
five thousand eight hundred thirty-two hours since she last felt his touch, his arms consoling and unwilling to let her go and yet she still left.
three hundred forty-nine thousand, nine hundred and twenty seconds since the peak of his performance at the beginning of the season. now she watched as he tried and failed to be what he once was. maybe not a winner, or a champion, but he’d had her, which was practically equal.
but now he had lost her.
now she watched as the season came to an end. poor performance after poor performance after poor performance where not all races ended in crossing the finish line.
she never stopped watching, yet she could never reach out, and neither would he. he was always going to be ready to accept her back into his life, yet he knew she needed time.
but she didn't know if she could do it again, though at the same time she kept eyeing his life in envy because part of her wished she could live the way he could without being bothered by the media. part of her was jealous he could live his entire life in front of a camera and be so nonchalant about it.
scrolling through his socials, they still followed each other and it caught people's attention. she read through countless tweets, theories and rumors of their relationship still carrying on behind the cameras, and though she partly wished it to be true, she hated that it wasn't. the fans still wished, and she would too.
the random appearances in the paddock had come to an end, unfortunate for the fans who loved whenever she’d show up in support of her boyfriend, turned ex.
because now all she did was stay within the confines of her apartment building, shielded from the possibility of running into lando. she couldn’t handle bumping into him when she still felt as fragile as glass. she felt like she would shatter if she saw him again, no matter how much she wanted him back.
but living in monaco means you're bound to run into someone from his circle of life.
it felt bittersweet because she wanted him back so badly, to have him hold her in his arms and tell her they’d make it work. but it’d never happened, and truthfully, she hoped it never would. because she knew that if she saw him, she wouldn’t go running back into his arms as if making it work again was the easiest option. because really, if she saw him, she would run, not towards him but away, and she dreaded the fact that he would let her.
he’d watch the love of his life run from him rather than to him and be totally fine with it. because he knew that when the time was right, she would find him again, or he would find her, and only then she wouldn’t run from him.
but he feared for the day that he would realize that she was never coming back to him. he feared for the day where he would realize he shouldn't have let her go.
and he hopes for the day, though it may never come, where she does find the right time to come back to him. he prays for the day where he would make the right choice he should've made the first time.
because in the infinite universes that are said to exist, even if she never returns in nearly every one, he hopes to live the one where she would.
but he knows that if there's a universe where she comes back, even after his idiocy of letting her go to begin with, there's also one where this could've been avoided all together. a universe where he didn't have to watch her pack her bags while shuddering with sobs.
a universe where he wouldn't have to go without her for eight months, where his performance improved when she attended grand prixs.
the one he'd rather live with her than without.
it was unsure when they would ever see each other again. they'd gone this long without seeing the other, who's to say they ever would?
it was chilly in the streets of monaco, contrast to the usually warm, sunny climate the area was known for. she wore a thick coat while she walked down the sidewalk, past the seasonal market with nothing more than her phone, wallet and tote bag.
she needed to get out, to think. she couldn't stand being trapped in the box of her apartment surrounded by nothing but reminders of him. not that it was a bad thing.
she couldn't take another second overanalyzing the helmet he had left for her. she knew it was part of his plan to have her back. to make her want more helmets dedicated to her, which he continued to do despite her not being with him. she'd be lying if she said his plan was failing.
the hoodie, probably tied into the same plan, covered in his damn cologne he knew she couldn't get enough of. it had faded over time, becoming replaced with the smell of her instead. she didn't know what to think of it.
she considered purchasing that same cologne again, drowning the fabric in its fragrance. it wouldn't be the same.
she felt like she could breathe easier with the winter air rather than the stale air of her apartment. sure, she could've stepped onto the balcony, but it was always nice to find a way out of her apartment complex.
hands stuffed in her pockets, she wandered around aimlessly at the shops that lined the streets and stalls set up to buy from.
riddled with things that caught her eye, she couldn't help but stop at nearly every stall. it took an incredible amount of self control to not buy everything she wanted. she didn't have lando by her side to buy everything.
this was her life now. she had a job that she could do from home and it paid her rent. it was enough to live off of while she completed her last years of school before she started a career for herself. tiny little trinkets seemed good in the moment, but she knew long-term that it’d eventually hurt her financially, and besides she didn’t have that much space in her apartment.
she didn’t know how much time had passed. everything was a blur as she mindlessly walked on. she hadn’t noticed when she bumped her shoulder into somebody’s chest, and she had immediately begun to apologize.
“i’m so sorry, i wasn’t looking where i was—lando?” she recognized the curly-haired guy in front of her as she stood there frozen.
“hey, long time no see,” he spoke slowly and warily, looking her up and down at the changes of her appearances that occurred over the last eight months.
“uh—what are you doing here?” she questioned, stuttering over her words just slightly as she looked at him tensely.
lando looked around with a brow raised, hands in his pockets while he answered, “uh, i live here?”
she nodded, “right.”
the air was awkward as they stood in a tense silence. people ushered around them, occasionally bumping into them. they hadn’t known what to say to each other because they weren’t expecting this impromptu meeting.
“how’ve you been?” he broke the silence.
she nodded again, “fine, and you? i saw that your season wasn’t too good.”
he grimaced softly at her words, “yeah,” he scratched the back of his neck, “just some technical issues.”
the silence was back and more deafening than the first time, standing awkwardly looking at each other didn’t help.
again, he was the one to break it, “could i buy you a drink?”
“isn’t it a bit early for alcohol?” she questioned, looking at the brightness of the sky before her gaze settled back down at him with a weird look.
he scoffed, “i mean the coffee shop down the street,” his voice was a half chuckle as he began walking, leaving her to follow.
“well, you’re unpredictable these days,” she fell into step with him as they walked side by side in silence.
it took all of two minutes for them to arrive at the coffee shop lando had mentioned. they could smell the aroma from a ways away, the door left open to let in the cool breeze.
the shop was warm and cozy, most tables were occupied except for a few scattered around. she reached for her wallet to buy herself a coffee, but he quickly shut it down.
“it's my treat,” was all he said before he walked up to the counter with his card in hand to order as she took the two seater by the window, setting her bag down on the ground. she watched the world from where she sat, the people walking by.
groups of friends, pairs that weren’t quite at the stage of being a couple, or the single person walking by every so often. all without crossing paths. it seemed crazy to her how so much could change because of a stranger on the street.
looking back to where lando stood ordering, she wondered what her life would’ve been if they hadn’t met. they wouldn’t have traveled the world, stayed out late on rooftops, or partied in clubs despite her hesitancy. he wouldn’t have dedicated nearly his whole career to her because she was forever a piece of him.
she realized how much she had meant when she saw just how much of her he still kept. he wore shirts with printed pink bows, the one gold bracelet he wore among the silver and fan bracelets given to him by her and he never took it off. the way he styled his hair in the way she taught him, the matching rings they still wore, the references of her personality on his helmet for every race rather than a specific track, her name on his car.
her name on his car.
her name printed in pretty cursive across the top of his steering wheel and the halo for him to see.
he still managed to include her in his life despite her absence because he considered her his lucky charm. having reminders of her anywhere he could would always manage to boost his spirits, but only her presence would boost his performance.
the chair across from her pulled out with an uncomfortable scrape of the legs against the floor. she grimaced slightly, but it quickly disappeared when she refocused on the hand that slid a mug filled with hot coffee to her.
clearly they were going to be here a while, judging from the mug and not a to-go cup. she watched the steam swirl into the air as she softly blew on it while lando sat across from her with his beverage of choice. she also noticed the chocolate-chip cookie in a paper bag he held.
he remembered her love of sweets. she took a sip of her coffee. he remembered her order to the finest detail. he still remembered.
“thanks,” she spoke quietly before taking another small sip of the hot beverage. it slightly burned her tongue and throat as she drank, but she didn’t care to notice.
she was sitting across from lando norris, the one person she had been hoping to avoid this whole time, and now she’s sat with him at a coffee shop they used to frequent when they were dating.
“you’re welcome,” he muttered, his saddened eyes unmoving from her face, watching every expression of hers unfold. “so, how have you been?”
“you’ve already asked that,” she stated simply.
“i mean,” he started, leaning forward with his arms crossed against the table, “how have you really been? i don’t believe for a second that you’ve been fine when i‘m barely holdin’ it together.”
she sighed, taking another sip and grimacing at the burn, “it’s been difficult, but i know it was for the best that we broke up.”
he nodded in response, his fingers circling the rim of his mug as he stared into it.
she spoke up again, saying the words he dreaded to hear, “and i think it should stay that way.”
his shoulders visibly dropped and he bit his cheek before he looked back at her with colorless eyes, “but—” he began when she hastily cut him off.
“i need you to let me go,” her voice cracked as she spoke and tears filled her eyes as she avoided his gaze, “you have to let me let you go, lan.”
“please, don’t make me do this,” he begged, leaning forward again with a look that could make her change her mind in a second.
“please, don’t make this harder than it already is,” she shook her head as the tears began to fall, “in another universe, it might’ve been me and you, maybe the circumstances would've been in our favor, but not in this one.”
“it’s just right person, wrong life.”
“i’ll find you in our next lifetime then,” he promises, his eyes brimming with tears. he tried his best to hold back, for her, “i promise.” he tried to remain strong, for her.
“I know you will.” she said simply, smiling through her tears as she pursed her lips, sniffling as she played with her fingers. “y’know, i'll always be your number one supporter, lan. i'll still cheer for you, just from behind a screen. in that other life, i would come to your races.”
“but even in this one, i'll still celebrate your first win, your first championship. i'll vote you for driver of the day, even if you’re dead last.”
he chuckled sadly at the last part, the corner of his mouth twitching with a smile, “how will i know for sure you didn’t get bored of watching me race?” his hand reached across the table, his tan slightly faded and his rings cold.
she rolled her eyes softly, “you’ll know. i promise.” she laid her hand on his, the last somewhat intimate touch they’ll ever have with each other because after he watched her stand, pocketing the cookie he bought. he watched her through the window as she walked into the crowd as if their paths never met.
he watched with tears in his eyes, silently crying as he watched the love of his other life turn her back on him forever. he let her.
because if there was one thing he knew how to do, it was letting her go.
part of her wanted him to chase after her, wipe her mascara-stained tears just like that regretful day in their old apartment because part of her still wanted him in her life. she wished she could still go back sometimes.
he wished she would just come back. he wanted to experience life with her, he wanted to win with her, be a champion with her.
but he lived in the wrong universe, and he was unsure if he'd ever see her in this life again, in the way he wanted. they would bump shoulders on the street, looking longingly for just a second as they ushered by in a hurry. not looking back, but never forgetting how much they had meant to each other for the time they were together.
how crossing paths, even for what seemed like the shortest time to them, changed the trajectory of their lives forever. they would subconsciously look for qualities of each other in the people they moved onto. telling stories to their kids and grandkids about the other in regretful tones because they wished it was the kids they had together that they could tell the story of their relationship to.
because now they were just strangers, she was just a name he would forever keep on his car, and he was just an old lover turned stranger she would send flowers to after every podium and win until he would retire.
taglist (found here): @slut4lrh @taylorslovesswifties13 @leclercdream
proofread by @foreveralbon <333
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entername322 · 6 months
One weird day
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 11644 words
Next part
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Highschool, such a mixed bag of memory and experience. For you, entering highschool has been very, scary. Not because you heard about how shitty it is. Mostly because you're not ready to grow up so fast. It felt like just yesterday you reached middle school, now you had to live to highschool, and prepare yourself for college?
"Stop dozing off idiot"
A sharp pain on your arm wake you up from your crippling mid life crisis, well, quarter life crisis. "Damn it I don't like highschool", Hearing your words Yuri just rolled her eyes on you. "We haven't even reach school for our first day stupid" You shake your head, "And I already hate feels good man"
"Come on we're gonna be late for our first day" Feeling the tug in your arm you tried to fight her only to fail miserably. "Bro we still have half an hour left for our 5 minute walk", Disregarding your complain Yuri grabbed your arm and made you sprint the rest of the way to school.
"Bro, you look smaller than before vacation", Your best friend, Jin greeted you when he saw you walk in the school grounds with Yuri dragging you. "Fuck you, did you grow again?" He nodded proudly, "Fuck yeah, 189 cm, soon I'll be in the NBA" Yuri rolled her eyes at him. "Heh, keep dreaming dumbass" Jin turned to the girls that's holding you. "Yeah, yeah, nice seeing you here too Yuri, I think you grew shorter", Jin have a thing with death, he likes to tease them by pissing Yuri off. "Damn it, bro help me"
Such a shame, he was so young too. Walking away from the crime scene you went to find your class. 1A, none of your friend is here. Of course you have two friend, one is dead the other killed him.
"Why you leave me bro, et tu brute?", Your ears tingle hearing that name. "Stop it with that name" You don't hate it, it's just weird. "Can't, your performance was too iconic", You left Jin to his injuries as you get in class and put down your bag.
Far back seat, next to the window, the anime protagonist seat. Except, the windows are tinted, a way to make sure the sun doesn't get in the students eye. And the view doesn't get to their mind. You heard Yuri loud footsteps chasing after Jin who bolted out of the area. As Yuri went pass your class she saw you and walked towards you.
"I'm in the same class with that idiot", How does she know? "How did you know?" She sighed, "I checked the announcement in the group chat", Ah yes, the group chat for all the new year students, you didn't read it.
"Idiot", Yuri slapped your head. "Damnit Yuri, go back to your class", She slapped your head again, "Class haven't started yet"
"Jin talked shit about your fatty arms", A bait, a bad one. "Woohoo, Brutus is getting karma" The classroom turns to a colloseum filled with your classmate cheers as Yuri is deconstructing your whole body with her punches. "I'm sorry", You let out a small whimper as she let you go. "Tchhhh", She snorted before leaving you to bleed out from your injuries.
"Hey Brutus, don't step my back when I'm paying attention in class okay?", The guy in front of you tried to befriend you. "Actually Brutus stab Caesar in the front so that he knows that he got betrayed" You don't mind getting new friend. "Oh yeah, fix your glasses when you do that", You're not wearing any. "Here use mine"
Watching the glasses he offered you stare at him silently before taking it. "Ackkshually, Brutus stabbed Caesar from the front to gloat over his dead body to announce his betrayal", He laughed at you before giving you a fistbump. "Perfect, I'm Doyoung"
"I'm-", "Brutus, I know", Seems like you made new friends on your first day.
You glanced at the entrance seeing, an angel. "Who is that?", Granted, you're not the most social person in your middle school, but you are sure you never saw the girl that just walk in. You would've remember someone that pretty.
"New chick, the guys went ham yesterday at the group chat trying to stalk her", Your friend seems to be in daze. The girl looked around before taking the seat next to me. "Act cool brute", You are acting cool, Doyoung isn't.
"I hate that name", Not really. "It suits you", It doesn't. "How", Doyoung just shrugged at you. "It just does", Brutus is not your real name, but it seems the name has already stick.
"Alright everyone, quiet down, get to your seat", Your homeroom teacher silent the class before starting the day, the year, the highschool life. The first class is math, and of course, you don't understand a single thing.
"Alright, let's have an exercise, complete this paper in a group of two please", Ah yes, making group, something you hated. "Brute", Doyoung turned to look at you. You wanted to say yes, but then you glanced to your right to see the new girl is looking around.
"You want to pair up together?", Bros before hoes, since you've only met Doyoung today, like 2 hour ago, he's not your bro just yet. "Uhmmm, okay", She nodded meekly.
Doyoung just stare at you with disbelief before his mouth formed a smile and he shake his head. "I'll get you for this", He mouthed with a smirk before turning to his other friend.
The teacher walked around giving the paper and hand it to you after asking who my partner is. The room got a bit noisy for a second with the sound of tables and chair cluttering as everyone combined their desk to work together. You looked at your new partner before using some geture to ask if she wants to merge desk. She nods so you moved yours to her.
"I'm Minju", She sound shy. "Hey, just call me Brutus, that's what everyone call me anyway", You don't know why you said that but you don't mind the rebranding of yourself. "Right, let's see the exercise", It was a ten question exercise all of which is our of your range.
"It's pretty easy", God hand you help using an angel called Minju. "Full disclosure here, I'm pretty stupid, so I'm sorry but I might be a dead weight", You're an idiot but not scummy. "No it's okay, I can help you", She tried, she really did.
"Listen here Min, I know you meant well, but I think we need to pause our tutoring session. There's not much time left and I already feel bad for dragging you down. You should finish it so you don't get your grade fucked up by me", Saying that made you cringe a little. She has helped you study a little but you just told her off to finish the assignment yourself.
"No it's fine", She waved her arms trying to convince you. "I really feel bad, I already drag you down with being your partner now I have to tell you to finish it off yourself but I really think you should just prioritise your own grade. You can write my name off the assignment", She looked at you for a second.
Oh fuck did I piss her off?
"Sorry, I-i-i-i'll finish it then"
Shit I pissed her off.
You just sat there quietly as she finish the whole assignment. As she finished, she didn't write off your name before handing it to the teacher.
"Sorry" She shake her head, "It's fine", It's probably not fine, for your pride. "It's fine really, I don't mind", She reassure you. "Now you make me feel worse", You accidentally gaslight her. "I don't mean to, it's really fine", She looked concerned. "I'm hurt" Now the position has turned, "What do I do to make you feel better?"
"Uhhhhhh, make me buy you lunch for payment?", Smooth, even Doyoung glanced from the side giving you a thumbs up. "I, okay then", Sweet, you just made another friend, doubling your friend size in the first day already.
"15 more minutes, if you finish your assignment already just raise your hand and I'll take it", Minju nervously opened a book and start writing. "What you doing?", You don't mean to snoop around, you're just bored. "Oh, nothing, it's nothing", She hurriedly close it before looking at you nervously.
"Sorry, don't mean to intrude"
"It's fine"
"You say that alot"
"Nah don't be, I'm just curious that's all"
"Oh well, ask away"
Bonding time I guess.
"Where are you from?", Kim Minju, recently moved to Seoul, no friend in the school or the city. Likes photography and watching K-drama. As the class ended you went to the bathroom.
Getting a few moment of quiet Minju opened the book she hide from you earlier. It's a diary, where she wrote almost everything that happened in a day. You, been in the school since kindergarten, had a friend named Yuri who likes to, 'send you to god' occasionally. Likes reading and watching movies or show. Not very smart, pretty self aware and open about a lot of stuff.
Your favourite food is honey fried chicken and a strawberry smoothie. Likes cookies and sweet stuff as well. Hobbies include reading and spending the day in bed. During your attempt to know more about Minju you actually spend more time talking than her. Something Minju appreciate since she get to know more about you as well. When you returned Minju immediately closed the book and throw it to her bag.
"Well, should I move back?"
All the other classmates left their table and chair still merged while chatting. You don't want to make her uncomfortable so you asked if you should move. "No, it's fine", Alright, more bonding time. "Okay then, do you know what's next?", You obviously don't know or care about it, but you want to make some chitchat. "The class? From the schedule it seems like Korean?"
"What schedule?", You said confused. "The one in the group" Oh yeah, the group, are you even in it honestly? "Oh, I didn't read that", Carefree and ignorant about school. Minju made mental note for later.
The Korean class was fine, the teacher doesn't mind the seating position and just start handing out essays for us to analyse. "Are you having problem?", Minju think you're an idiot, not in a demoralising way, but in a concerned way. "No, I'm fine, look", She was throughly surprised seeing how through and detailed your comment was. "Oh right, you like reading", Good at literature, another mental note for her.
"Yep, it's I've read more fictional than not but it still have the same rule more or less", Minju seems intrigued. "What's your favourite series then?", You're surprised she's curious about it. "Mistborn, although I loved a lot but that one is the one I find myself revisiting often", Avid bookworm, another mental note. "Oh I like it too, although I haven't really read the second era", Minju like to read, in fact both of you spend the rest of the period to talk about some of your favourite series.
Once the first break came around you still busy talking to her about it. "Bro", Jin announced his arrival with a thunderous roar. He raised his eyebrow watching Minju. "Sup, meet Minju, she's new around town", Proudly, you show off your new friend. "Hello, I'm Jin", Oh, Jin is pulling out his flirting smile again. Yuri squinted at Minju for some reason.
They exchanged greeting, then both of them take the empty seat in front of us. "What's up with the seating here?", Jin said looking around, "Math, they had us do some assignments in a group of two", Yuri immediately know what you did. "And you burdened her by teaming up with her?", Yuri pinched your hand, Minju saw it and frowned. "It's fine, I really don't mind", Yuri still glared at me before smiling at Minju. "Sorry about this idiot, you should be careful he might drag you down", Jin saw a chance and took it, "That's right, if he cause trouble just call me and I'll take care of him"
Minju doesn't like your friend, she thinks they're demeaning you too much. So she grabbed your other hand. "It's really fine, I helped Brutus in math he helped me in Korean earlier", Yuri look at her hand grab which cause some unpleasant feeling in her stomach. "Brutus? You really want to take that silly name?", Jin laughed.
"Listen, some rebranding needs to be done okay?" Such a cheesy name, you rather find it quite funny. "It sounds silly", Yuri find it annoying, mostly because how you got the name. "I think it's pretty funny", Minju find it to be quite cheesy but it's right up her alley.
"Goddamn Brutus already being fight over by two goons", Doyoung came back with his friend. "Doy did you turn this idiot to Brutus?", Jin and Doyoung know eachother from basket you believe. "Perfect name honestly", Perfectly cheesy, "Don't you fucking call him that", Yuri glared at him, "Come on now don't kill me"
You see Yuri's head vein started to pop. You grabbed her hand that's pinching you. "Come on now Yuri, don't be rude to my new friend", You tries to defuse her anger. "Friend, I'm still mad at you for leaving me at math" Doyoung whoped his head dramatically. "Are you good at math?", He smiled at the argument. "Touche, I'm Doyoung by the way, nice to meet you", Jin stare at Doyoung seizing him up. Do note that he doesn't do that when Minju grabbed your arm.
"Oh hello, I'm Minju", Doyoung stare at the two hand you're holding right now before smiling at you. "Very smooth Brute", You stop holding the two girls hand. Minju find it to be unfortunate, she likes how warm your hand is. It's another thing she should add to her diary. Yuri hate it and happy that you let go. That's what she admits even though she felt some disappointment in her heart.
"Sorry guys, we need our seats back", Jin and Yuri reluctantly get off and left the class. "See you at lunch, Brutus" Jin peaced out. "Don't sleep in class again", Yuri is acting like your mom. Minju doesn't like her, she thinks she's too controlling. The word abuser has come up for her to describe Yuri.
Minju is a vixen trying to play with your heart. Yuri doesn't like her, she thinks Minju is up to no good. She kept a mental note to watch her.
"So, your friends seems.......", Minju struggled to find the right word. "Rude?", You helped her, "I was gonna say blunt, but yeah" She smiled. "I mean, that's just how they are", You're all young, politeness is not a thing yet. "You've known them for long right?", She needs to know more. "Well me and Jin know eachother around middle school. He just hangout with me sometimes" Jin doesn't seems like a bad person, but Minju would rather avoid him seeing the visible interest he has on her.
"Yuri, well we're neighbors, like her home is literally next to mine. We've been buddy since we were 3", For a moment Minju imagined what it feels like to have a friend like that. She felt jealous.
I want that, a childhood friend that's always been there for me.
The next period is English. You and Minju is good at the subject. You because you read some English novel, Minju because she's just perfect like that. So during the period you just talk to her some more. An enjoyable experience for you and Minju. Once the lunch break rang you grabbed her hand.
"Let's go to the cafeteria, before it got full", Minju happily grab your hand and hop with you to the cafeteria. "You want some tteokbokki with fried chicken?", Minju was busy enjoying your hand holding and stayed quiet. "Alright", You take her silence as an agreement.
When you wanted to lay she insisted that you alread repay her with the Korean essay but you shut her down by giving your money to the cashier before she can. "Really you don't need to do that", Minju seems kinda cute when she grumbled doesn't she? "Nonsense, come on let's find a place to eat", She has the same idea as you to sit at the corner of the cafeteria.
"Brutus has a new girlfriend already", Someone yells, "Hell yeah bro, on the first day too", Another follows. You're not sure where you get the attention from. It's mostly because the guys was already watching for Minju ever since they saw her in the group chat. Seeing her with you they felt a little dejected, but it's not like they are in a rush. It's only the first day after all.
"Goddamn I never been this acknowledge ever since, well ever", Do you mind it? Kinda. "Yeah, me too", You looked at her with a 'really?' face making her surprised. "Come on now look at yourself", Minju liked your compliments, she never liked being complimented by guys before. "Thank you", She said with a proud grin, "Alright diva", You two laughed as Jin joined you.
"Fuck I hate math, he took so long to teach now the cafeteria is already full", Minju decided to sit a little closer to you to discourage Jin from making a move. "Well, you won't get your food faster by sitting here", Thankfully you accidentally sends him off. "Fuck you", Just like how he come, he goes without explanation.
"What's our last period?"
"Hmmm? I think history"
"I hate history"
"Hahahaha, I thought you'll love it, Brutus"
"Since when does our history teach about the wacky Roman empire"
"Well, you got a point there"
As much as Minju is enjoying the lunch with you, it doesn't last long as Yuri came by. "Move Udon", Yuri is very persuasive, especially when she used her knee on your ribs. "Can you just drop that name already, and there's space there", She doesn't care so you reluctantly moved.
The seat was two seater facing eachother, but since all three are you small as a stick it fits. Minju is next to the wall but she doesn't mind since you get to be very close to her. "Mom wants me to buy some milk and eggs so we're getting a detour on our way home", Yuri feels the need to say that in front of Minju for some reason. "Feel fre to do so, I'm gonna go home and-", She denied your request with a slap to the head.
"That's not very nice", Minju grabbed your head. Some because she's concerned for you, some because she wants to feel up your hair. "Hey, mind your business princess", Yuri feel a weird agitation seeing Minju is caressing your head. "No way I'm letting you abuse your friend like this", Oh no, Yuri vein is popping again.
"Hey, I know this guy ever since I know how to walk, don't snoop around our friendship", Yuri grabbed your hand again. She hate it don't think that she want to hold your hand. In fact she's done it a thousand time already, so don't think anything weird is going on.
"Are you okay?", Minju disregard the angry Yuri and turned to you. This act of disrespect is not gonna slide so easily. "Hey, back off", Yuri glared at Minju, "You first, you're making this place feel small, and we got here first" Yuri rolled her eyes. "It's probably because you're fat", Minju doesn't seems to got hurt over it, she just smiled. "Hmmm? Is it? I guess you are too small to make a difference anyway. By the way are you sure you didj tleft your height in middle school?", Maybe, making 2 friends is s little too much for your new day.
"Girls please, can't we just have a normal lunch", The two looked at you with a frown. "Please?", They sighed but didn't let you go. "Are you okay?", Minju is running her finger through your hair.
Fluffy, can I keep holding on to it.
"I'm fine Min, thanks", She sighed and let go fo your hair. She will find a way to hold it later. "Yuri, can you let me go", Yuri glared at you, she's holding you to keep you safe. Yeah, that's all. "Yuri please", Knowing her for a while you know how to make puppy eyes that she just can't refuse. She can't refuse it because she felt pity seeing you so desperate. Obviously it's not because that look always gave her a heart attack.
"Fine", The two of them have some staring competition here and there but they don't cause any more trouble with you. Jin never came back to your table, you didn't look for him either. You're too busy to make sure no world war happened in the table.
"You shouldn't sleep at the next class Udon. You're in highschool now, the teacher won't be as lenient as before", Yuri scolded you, "I'll be fine", Since you all finished your food you drop down your hand which Yuri took to pinch, and hug. No not hug, she's locking it so you won't take it away.
"It's okay, if there's something you don't understand just ask me", Minju smiled at you and grab your other hand. It's nothing but skin on bones, she needs to change that. "Tchhh, the teacher can teach better"Yuri have a point. "Sometimes a little lesson from your classmates can help you better", Minju does not agree. "A smart one" Yuri scoffed, "Thank you"
Yuri's furious burning gaze and Minju's cold sinister gaze fight over eachother with you in the middle of it all. Yuri  then grabbed your hand tighter, pulling to between her boobs.
Oh fuck that felt good. What? No focus Yuri.
"Don't trust this girl, she's playing with you", She whispered in your ears. For the first time, your childhood friend that's basically your sister has turned into a, woman. Minju frowned and pulled your hand, so much so that you almost fall to her. Reactively you put down your hand to keep your balance. Minju felt disappointed until she saw your hand is between her thighs. With a mischievous smile she immediately wrapped it with her soft pale thighs.
Hmmm, I should move a little bit to the front.
Thankfully for you she didn't. "You know I think since you pay for my lunch I have a debt for you, what if I buy you some smoothie on our way back"
Fuck her thighs is so soft and smooth. Fuck since when did Yuri have such big boobs. FUCK WHAT IS HAPPENING.
"Girls please, let's get to class", Minju showed Yuri a triumphant smile making the latter frown even deeper. "Oh yeah mom is cooking some quiche tonight, come and join us for dinner okay", You love quiche, you don't love it when it's used against you. The two then send eachother glare yet again before the bell rang. "I'll see you later after school Yuri, come on Min time for our last period", Reluctantly the two of them let go of you. You were also reluctant of leaving their embrace. Min didn't let go of your hand much to Yuri dismay. As you two walk into your class she stick out her tongue to Yuri behind your back.
Fucking whore.
The history teacher told us to return our table to the previous state. Minju looked at you separating from her with a sad face. You're not stupid, you see what's brewing between her and Yuri. It's just, weird. Yuri have been your friend for so long you're practically inseparable. You've slept together, spend holidays together. Bath together when you were a kid. Yet today, she seems to find something new about herself regarding you. The changes has happened around late middle school already.
How she always try to protect you, how she doesn't like when other girl tried to group up with you. She's did not deter them from you, that part is on you with your edgy phase. Sometimes you would think about the future, and she will always be there. You think today, she was forced to confront that feeling seeing someone so pretty is around you. You can practically see the change in her mood the moment Minju came to comfort you after she hit you. It's like her whole existence is being tested.
Minju on the other hand is very pretty. Like pretty to anyone standard, but for you, she's the picture perfect manifestation of  beauty. Everything about her looks checked every box in your type. Then there's her personality. Kind and caring, patience too remembering she let you burdened her in math. Not to mention, she's actually a bookworm like you, how many girls you met actually have the same taste in book?
Her current situation is also perfect.
New girl in a new school, new town even remembering she said she just moved in nearby. A secluded girl who seems to be the perfect girl for your type. How many guy would kill to have this exact chances. While you were thinking this, your two friend is also thinking about the same thing.
Minju liked you, she felt a certain familiarity with you after one day. Just like how she's perfect for your type you're also, well, passable for her type. Personality wise, too early to judge but seems promising. Hobbies and interests, perfect fit. Looks? A little too skinny but she don't mind, helping you. More than that, she projected her old memory to your current friendship with Yuri. She wants to protect you, she wants to make sure you never go through what she did. Of course, she's reading too much into it, but she doesn't know that.
Yuri is in turmoil. Somehow, today, your smile seems very different than usual. Your touch seems way more warm. Your stupid smell is also lingering in her mind. She is angry at you for making her feel that way, distracting her from class. Yet above you, there's Minju, someone she's throughly furious at. The new girl just moved in and suddenly got all close and friendly to you? Minju is up to no good, that's the consensus Yuri has reached. She needs to stop Minju, she won't let her hurt you. She might be covering her anxiety of losing you with some stupid reasoning, but she doesn't know it.
The day ended, as Minju was pacing up her things she saw you is ready to leave. No, she can't let you leave yet, you're gonna be taken to the hand of that abuser. "Wait", She grabbed your hand. She has grow fond of the feeling from your soft hands. "All okay Min?", The little name he got for you made her believe that your friendship is already a strong one. "Can we, go walk together?", Inside you is two wolf. One want to spend more time with Minju and solidify your first day friendship. One doesn't want to be in the middle of war again.
"Sure, where do you live?", The former won, the latter screamed that you will regret this with it's last dying breath. "It's just down the street actually, 5 minute walk", Seeing you accept, Minju immediately grabbed her things and put it in her back quickly.
"Let's go", Minju speed up for two things, one she doesn't want to make you wait, second she sees other guy is trying to talk to her. In order to deter anyone from making a move she wrapped her arm around you. A gesture, you appreciate very much. The two of you walked out your class to see Yuri is waiting for you. The gesture isn't as appreciated as before.
"Minju want to walk home with us", With you, she wants it with you. Yuri's face contorted before grabbing your other hand and start dragging you out of the school. "Yuri slow down", You tries to stop her. "Mom need to make her quiche you're gonna make her wait too long", Yet feeling your hand yanked Yuri back, a painful feeling starts to stab her heart.
"Calm down first, Min where's your house?", Minju gloat over Yuri's visible turmoil. "It's down this street, right in that corner, that one", You can actually see her house from the school, it's on the way to your home and right after the convenience store. "Oh perfect, that's on the way home, come on let's get some milk and eggs", Minju smiled to Yuri who is frowning.
The three of you made your way to the convenience store. It was supposed to be milk and eggs, but Minju seems to have a shopping list to fill. "What are you doing, we need to go home", Yuri doesn't like that Minju is holding you up.
"Sorry, I just need a dark chocolate bar", Minju continue dragging you through 5h3 store. "If you really sorry let go of him and go find it yourself. It's faster", Minju stared at Yuri for a second before looking at you. "Ehmm, go find it Min, we'll wait at the cashier", This time, it's her that went to a turmoil, making Yuri smile victoriously. Minju hurriedly scurry off while Yuri dragged you to the entrance.
"You need to stop talking to her", You look at her confused. "What? Yuri are you insane?", She grit her teeth hearing you,"She's up to no good, I just know it", Yuri hate seeing your confused face.
He doesn't know, I need to protect him, I can't let him get hurt because of some whore trying to play with his heart.
"Yuri, we just met today, I'm getting to know her. She's nice, funny, beau-" She doesn't like it, she doesn't like hearing you praise Minju. "You don't understand", She might yell the last part too hard. Seeing everyone in the streets turn to her all the blood on her body start to rush to her face. "I, let's talk about it later", The second wolf was right, you will regret this.
Not long you saw Minju walk out to you. "Sorry for taking too long", Her smile, it's quite pleasant to look at doesn't it? "No problem", Your smile is also quite pleasant to look at, according to her.
"Look, try this on", Minju bring out a sunglasses and put it on you. "You buy a sunglasses?", You laughed fixing it's placement on your face. "I don't know, it looks cool", It's also at a scammy price. "Ughhh, come on, you've stalled us long enough", Yuri pulled you to walk again.
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You felt Minju tugged your other arm. Looking back at her you see she has her phone out and took a picture of you. "Huh?", You're not really sure how to respond to that. "Oh no, you look cute when you wear it", Oh, you actually managed to spend the day with her without blushing once. Until now. "Hahaha, the glasses is really good on you", Another picture of you, looking away while the blush is creeping up in your face. "That's your house right? Bye bye", Yuri was squeezing your hand seeing Minju is flirting with you. "Okay, see you later oppa", Since when did you become her oppa? Both you and Yuri was pondering that question when Minju walked into her house.
"Alright, see, she's nice", Yuri just grimaced at you. "Take that sunglasses off", Oh you still wearing it. "Oh fuck, Minju", You ran after Minju while Yuri is squeezing your hand even harder. "Awww, Yuri stop it", She didn't, so you just continue walking in defeat. "Minju, your glasses", Minju walked out of her house again. "Keep it, I didn't buy you smoothie today", Is this gonna be a war between you and her? "Come on take it back", She shake her head while smiling mischievously. Damn does it pierced your heart. "If you don't like it, you can repay me tomorrow, good bye, see you later", She winked at you. Oh yeah this is war, of kindness and favour.
Yuri is fuming, "Alright see you tomorrow", You immediately drag Yuri with you. This time, the chance of murder is actually high enough to be a possibility.
During the walk Yuri can't stop hugging your arm. Her finger occasionally pulled on your jacket, her nails sometimes sinked to it piercing to your skin. "Yuri you're gonna make me look like a cat attack victim" Your hand tried to held hers making certain feelings wells up in her. "Shut up", You shut up.
Yuri dragged you into her house, against your will. "Yuri, don't kill your boyfriend on your first day of highschool", Her mom laughed seeing you two. "He's not my boyfriend", Yuri screamed while putting the groceries on the table before dragging me down to her room.
"Yuri, what is happening to you?", You rubbed your arm. "What is happening to me? You were the one who act like a stupid boy being overdosed by hormone chasing a whore like her" You felt your anger raise hearing her say that. "Yuri, Minju is not a whore", Your cold voice surprised Yuri which she hide by more yelling. "Yeah? I see how she acts around you, she put your hand between her legs just to tease you, she's a fucking whore", For the first time in forever, you actually got angry to Yuri.
"She's not a whore and I don't appreciate your fucking jealousy ruin my new friendship" Yuri's face contorted at your words. "What jealousy are you talking about idiot, you think I did this because I'm jealous of her?", Yuri felt her hand shaking, of all the time you scolded her you've only fought back a few times, enough to be counted in one hand. Yet now, out off all the time you could've fight her you choose today. "Listen, she's a-"
Hail Mary this shit.
You reached out to hug her. You know Yuri doesn't like physical touch. Ever since you two were 15 she stopped hugging you or holding your hands. She become self aware about her own sexuality and stop the physical touch between you. So today, seeing her so touchy with you, it might require drastic measures to calm her.
Why did you never hug me again? I've been missing your touch.
Yuri take a deep sniff of your body. If not for today she might forget how it felt. Your little skeletal body feels so warm and, calming for her. "Yuri, Minju is a nice girl, and I want to befriend her. Relax okay, she won't take me away from you", Your voice seems so calming, since when did you have such a deep voice.
Oh god, I am falling for him. All those time I denied him from any physical touch. I was rejecting my own feelings. Mom is right, this is my boyfriend. And I won't let that fucking whore get him.
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As you were waiting for her to respond you felt a sharp pain on your chest. "Yuri", You pulled away from the hug only to find Yuri is already hugging you tight. "Acckkkk, Yuri stop", She let go, looking at you with..... Ecstasy.
"I don't like her, at all", Maybe hugging her was a terrible idea. "Yuri please-" She cuts you off with a finger to your mouth. "But I'll let you befriend her, for now", Well, not, a terrible idea?
"Thank you", She doesn't like hearing your relieved sigh. "On two conditions", No such thing as a free meal. "One, if she got touchy or flirty with you then I'm calling it off", Oh no, you realised you force her to confront her feelings and accept it. "And two, we are sleeping together", Still hugging you, Yuri felt your heartbeat rises, something she take pride off.
He's so nervous, that means he like me too. Oh god I was so stupid, if I would just let us continue our antics we would be married by now.
"What?" Your voice break a little. "We're sleeping together again, at my house, at your house, I don't care" Yuri sinked her head to your chest. "Yuri you know we can't do that?", You can, but you need to make up an excuse. "Why not?", Yuri suddenly whined like a kid making you very surprised.
"Because we're already grown ups", She frowned before grabbing your arm and pulled you downstairs. "Mom I'm sleeping with oppa", Two girls make you their oppa today. "Oh? That's a quick change, okay honey have fun", Yuri smiled happily before dragging you back to her room.
"Yuri, since when am I your oppa" The whole thing is so confusing. "Since now, get on the bed, we're having a nap", Without waiting Yuri throw you to the bed and jumped on you.
"Yuri" You tried to sat up. "Ssshhh, go to sleep oppa, I'll be right here, I'll keep you safe", Out of your expectations she reached in and kissed your cheek. Something that scares you, also arrouse you a little. "Don't be so nervous oppa, I promise I won't bite again if you play nice", That's a lie, she will bite you again, but later. "Yuri, I need to change my clothes and- ackkk", What a nice boyfriend, you gave her the chance to bite you again now. This time, it's on your neck. Despite you flaunting your limbs she doesn't stop until she's finished.
"There, that'll look good on you, oppa~~", Your hand reached out to grab your neck, feeling the stinging pain as you touch it. "Did you leave a mark?", She just giggled before putting her head on your chest again. "Yuri" Yuri pulled back your hand and sleep. "Enough oppa, it's been a long day, get some rest", She put her finger on your lips, and you feel she will put another thing on it if you keep resisting. Reluctantly you lay your head down, closing your eyes."Good night oppa, my oppa"
As you and Yuri is having a nice, platonic sleeping session, Minju is busy writing down her diary. All the detail she notices from you. All the funny feelings she has for you. She printed out the picture she took of you before and glued it to the diary. Writing and writing on, she didn't realised she's taken 16 pages writing just about you. The day already settled as the sun sets. Your two pictures is hanging on her desk. The realisation kicked in like a truck.
It's love at first sight. That's right, he's my soulmate, oh god I'm so lucky. So what if he's a guy, love doesn't care about sexuality or gender.
She quickly stripped out the name she have for you at her diary entry. The title of your page turned from 'First friend' to, well you know, 'Boyfriend' obviously.
I need to make some brownies for oppa, I can call him tonight, I can meet him again.
First thing she needs to do, is help you gain some weight.  You're perfect as you are, but she's scared you might break your bone from a falling leaves. Founding a new motivation her small elegant steps echoed around the empty house.
Around 5 PM you woke up, seeing Yuri is biting your chest. "Yuri", Surprised by your voice Yuri looked at you with an excited smile. "Morning oppa", Without warning you felt a soft pair of lips pressing up against yours. The kiss was so gentle, you almost didn't believe it was Yuri who's kissing you.
I'm kissing him, I'm actually kissing him, oh oppa how much I wished I never reject this feelings.
The kiss ended the polar opposite of how it started.
Slowly you two pulled away from eachother.
Your forehead still pressing up against eachother.
Your soft breath intertwined with hers.
Yuri was staring at your lips, her hand reached out to grab her cheek and her thumbs gently caressed your lips.
Her eyes darted upward to see your are in a daze.
"I love you oppa"
She whispered so quietly you felt like she was just breathing normally.
"Oppaaaa, I love youuuuu"
She hummed it as she pulled up.
"I, I don't know Yuri"
Intoxicated by the kiss and her own delusion, Yuri find your answer to be a cute reaction to hide your embarrassment.
"It's okay oppa, you can answer me later"
She came down again to give you a peck on your mouth.
"I need to take a shower"
Surprisingly Yuri let you go.
"I'll see you at dinner oppa, mwah"
She kissed your neck sending tickling sensation through your body.
You ran to your home, your loud footsteps drawn your sister attention.
"Where did you go?"
You saw her spawend in front of you.
She was just standing there, you actually got so much in your mind that you didn't realise it.
"I was just, with Yuri"
That's the usual explanation you had for her, now it felt so different for you.
"Ohhhh? I see, go take a shower then, and button your chest"
You looked down to your chest to find it riddles with lipstick mark.
"I need to go"
The only thing you heard from her is the echoing laughter that will haunt you in your dreams tonight.
You looked at yourself at the mirror, your mouth is so red that it might be mistaken as a cherry.
A cold shower, a really ice cold shower is exactly what you needed.
After finishing up your shower you saw a text from Minju.
"She wants to meet? Tonight? Fuck"
You tried to come up with some excuse.
The problem is, she can see that you're typing, so she called you.
You screamed, yet you answer anyway.
"Hey oppa, I was sorry for stalling you up earlier, so I thought I'll make it up to you"
Think fast cowboy, if you say no, it will mean that Yuri might discourage Minju tomorrow.
If you say yes, you might have a your lifespan shortened.
"I, don't know, I still owe you for the sunglasses"
"Hehehe, it's okay, you look good in it, come here oppa"
The Hail Mary strategy from before failed.
But it won't fail twice in a row right?
"Okay, I can see you now"
"Perfect, see you here~"
You have 2 hour till dinner, you get dressed and ran downstairs.
"Noona, I'm going out, I have dinner at Yuri, and, probably gonna spend the night there"
Your sister smiles at you.
"Okay, have fun, don't forget to buy condoms, in fact I still have it from the last time my boyf-"
You are not taking three hail Mary strategy today.
You ran off to Minju's place, the moment you got at her fence you saw her walked out the house.
"Hey oppa, come on"
She grabbed your hand and hurriedly pulled you inside.
Her house, is big, you didn't realised it before since Yuri is tearing your hand apart while Minju is tearing your heart.
"Look, brownies"
The smell of freshly baked brownies made your stomach grumble.
"You made this?"
"Yep, I learned baking for a while now, come on sit, I'll prepare a plate for you"
She sat you down at the living room couch.
Looking around, this house looks expensive as fuck.
The wood walls, the high ceiling, the black marble kitchen counter.
Minju really is a princess.
She came back with a plate of brownies and a glass of, vanila smoothie?
"I know you like strawberry smoothie but I only have vanilla, I'll buy some strawberry tomorrow"
God damn the Minju option is getting more and more enticing.
"Dig in oppa"
She sat next to you and hugged your arm.
You noticed her outfits, a thin white shirt with a red side stripe pants.
No bra, and her short is pulled up so high you might be able to take a glimpse to her-
Brownies, yeah, you're eating brownies.
"Thank you Min, you really don't have too"
She smiled seeing you eating her brownies.
It was really good, you never really buy any brownies outside the store one so this homemade brownies taste heavenly.
"You want to go out with me oppa?"
You felt a piece got inhaled to your respiratory system making you cough.
"Come on slow down oppa, I still have a lot more for you"
She laughed seeing you coughed up the brownies before swallowing it down.
"Here, drink this"
She take the smoothie and you sip it.
It's a very enticing option really.
"Min, we just met today"
A fair argument.
"We're soulmate oppa, I feel it the moment we've met, I love you"
A strong counterpoint, mostly because of her face, and body, and voice, and brownies. It's a bit unfair for you isn't it?
She crawled on top of you, putting her closing statement to the argument.
"Sssshhhh, don't be scared, time doesn't matter. We're getting together sooner or later, so just starts now"
The second part of her closing statement is her soft lips pressing up against yours.
If the aggressive and impatient Yuri had a super soft and gentle kiss.
The gentle and elegant Minju have a passionate and aggressive one.
Her tongue slitehered into your mouth, pulling yours to a fight.
You weren't sure if it's because your mouth is still coated by the brownies and smoothie but her kiss felt so sweet.
Minju looked at you with a lustful eyes.
"Stay the night oppa, I want to spend it with you please"
"I, I have a dinner with Yuri"
Why did you say that?
Minju felt annoyed, that's right, annoyed, not angry.
She find Yuri to be a non competitor but an annoying flies between you two.
"Please oppa? I'll make you a tasty dinner"
Ah shit, what now?
"Are you, free after dinner?"
It's an acceptable term.
"Okay then, when is your dinner?"
"In an hour"
"Then we have an hour"
You didn't have to ask for what because she returned back to kissing you.
As much as you were enjoying her kiss your mind is pulling out a plan.
You need more time to make your decision.
So you have to make this two girls have a ceasefire until you made up your mind.
You pulled away from her aggressive kiss.
She frown at you, oh no, she's so cute.
"Aren't your parents gonna be mad when they walked in seeing us?"
"Oh, my parents doesn't live here"
"Yeah, they bought the house for me to stay in during highschool"
A princess.
She lay down her head to your neck, to find, something.
"This wasn't here before"
Her cold finger touch the bitemark Yuri gave you.
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"Yeah, something happened"
As she raised her head you can feel the temperature dropping down below 0.
"Oppa, I really don't want to ruin your mood by making you break your relationship with her. But if this is the kind of relationship you have with her-"
"It's not, it's complicated okay?"
Minju is not satisfied with your answer, but there's another matter to deal with for now.
She leaped to your neck, and bite it.
The hickey from her felt, sensual, mostly because she's grinding on you.
"Min I need to go"
You hear her growl before she let go of your neck.
"Come back soon okay oppa? Don't make me wait too long"
"I promise it won't be long"
She smiled happily and gave you another kiss before seeing you off.
You opened your phone to see Yuri has been calling you non stop.
Gritting your teeth you ran to her house.
Her parents look at you surprised.
"Yuri just went to get you in your house"
"Oh I was from the convenience store, I'll go get her"
Let's try to calm her down before dinner with the parents.
"Where were you"
Yuri bolted to you the moment she saw you walk to your bedroom.
"I'm sorry I wa-"
"With that whore"
Her grip tightens on you.
"Yuri after-"
"She even marked you, oppa you were cheating on me?"
"Listen Yuri, I need you to come with me after dinner okay?"
She looked at you angrily.
"I need to talk to both of you"
"There is nothing to talk about, we belong together, we're already together since we know how to walk and we will still be together until we die"
She shake your body while her eyes got teary.
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"Listen, Yuri, can you just, listen to me for once"
Within Yuri mind, a thought is forming, the thought is that she's losing the fight.
It hurts her, it hurt her very much, it's so painful she might just break.
"Why, why oppa I know you for so long already, why did you have second thoughts already? Just because of some girl you met today?"
"Yuri, I just want to make sure"
"Fine, I'll make amends with her"
You're not really sure what she meant by that.
"Thank you Yuri"
Yuri will have you in her life, she will make sure you're not taken away from her, even if she has to compromise with a whore.
Your hug managed to calm her down.
"Yuri, are you crying?"
She answer with her muffled sobs.
"Yuri... Calm down"
You caressed her hair as she hugged you.
"Oppa, don't leave me"
"I won't Yuri, I won't"
"Don't leave me"
"I won't"
"Yes Yuri?"
You keep answering her as she calm herself down.
Yuri like the way your finger ran through her hair, it's so comforting.
It's decided, she will have to compromise, anything to keep you in her life.
"Yuri let's fix your hair"
You don't want her parents to start asking questions.
A smile formed on her face seeing you wipe her tears and brush her hair.
"I think that's good enough, let's go"
She didn't move, her smile was frozen in place so is her body.
"I love you oppa"
"It's okay, come here"
She reached out to pull you for a kiss.
So soft and slow, especially compared to Minju's kiss from earlier.
"Let's go"
She whispered before pulling you to her house.
"Bye you two, don't forget to use protection"
"We will unnie, bye"
You glared at Yuri who's smiling happily.
"Ah there you are, well come on, dinners ready"
Yuri grabbed your hand and intertwined her finger with yours.
Her parents smiled seeing her actions.
You two sit next to eachother while facing her parents.
"So, what happened between you two"
Her mom is smiling curiously while her dad, he just doesn't care.
"I'm dating now"
"Good for you sweetie, and you too darling, you two are so perfect together"
"Thanks mom"
Yuri kissed your cheek while you're just sitting there eating.
"Dad aren't you gonna congratulate me?"
"No, you two are meant to be anyway so it's just the matter of time"
Yuri's dad is an absolute apathetic, her mom is a gossip girl, how did Yuri become an MMA fighter?
"How was your first day in highschool?"
"Everyone called oppa Brutus now and he just force them too"
"Really? Because of that drama?"
You can't really eat properly since Yuri is busy cuddling with you, at the dinner table, in front of her parents.
"Yuri, sweetie, why don't you take your boyfriend to your bedroom, you two seems like you need a room"
Her mom said as we finished the dinner.
"Me and oppa is going out for a walk, see you later Mom, bye dad"
Yuri and I walked to Minju's place.
"What is she doing here?"
Minju's open hostility made Yuri answered with her own. However she managed to keep herself calm.
Be patient, I need to be patient for oppa.
"Can we get in?"
Minju carefully eyes Yuri before grabbing your free arm.
The three of you sat at the living room, the two girls refused to acknowledge the existence of the other one.
"Listen, I know, you two are in love with me"
"I love you more, we're soulmates"
"I know you longer oppa, we are already meant to be together"
"Shut up, now, Minju, I know you for one day, Yuri, we've been growing up as friends, until today. So I can't make a decision yet"
"What decision, we are soulmate oppa"
"Shut up, oppa is talking"
The two exchanged glare for a moment.
"I need sometimes okay? I need time to make my mind, and I want you two to have a ceasefire until I made my decision"
The two doesn't like your proposal.
"How long"
"A month at least"
"No, a month at most"
Minju is very unpleased.
"Oppa, I need to talk with Minju"
"No, you two gonna kill eachother"
"Oppa, just leave for a second, I promise I won't kill her"
Minju stare at Yuri cautiously trying to gauge her intentions.
"Fine, wait in the kitchen oppa, you can watch us from there"
Reluctantly you left the two girl to their own devices.
Yuri and Minju stare at eachother for awhile.
"Share him"
Minju definitely didn't expect that.
"I'm not losing him, and I don't like to gamble, so share him"
"Are you stupid? Why would I share him when he's already mine"
"Because you might also lose"
The two stare at eachother angrily.
"We're soulmates"
"Does he know that?"
"I will make sure he does"
"I know him long enough to know he's not believing those kind of things"
"You know him for so long yet he still thinking about me, the girl he met in the first day"
Yuri felt her patience is slowly draining.
"Just share him with me, we can get a piece together"
Minju is not stupid, she knows the possibility of her losing you is a 50/50.
Yet she still doesn't trust Yuri.
"Why you want to share him? You're antagonising me the whole day and you want to make peace with me?"
"Because he's conflicted. And I know, if he chooses you it will hurt, so much I might lose my mind. And if he chooses me, he will feel hurt for hurting you that I might also feel guilty"
Those thoughts has also went through Minju's mind.
"You're scared aren't you"
"Of course I am"
"To me?"
"My whole life I've known him and you come in and managed to threaten my position in the first day, of course I'm scared"
For a second, Minju realised, Yuri might not be as bad as she thought.
"Awwww, are you insecure?"
Minju patted Yuri's head making the latter frown.
"Don't do that"
"Hehehe, you're just a timid little girl aren't you, I'm sorry for scaring you"
"Minju stop it"
"Fine, I agree, I'll share him"
Seeing the changes on Yuri's face Minju felt a little relieved. Yuri might be a good partner to have as well.
She's cute, pretty, also when she got all embarrassed like this it make her heart flutter.
"Let's set up the ground rule then"
"Fine, we're the same priority, no main girl or something like that"
"That one is acceptable, second is group chat. I don't want any private chat between us and oppa. Everything need to be said in the group chat"
"That's, acceptable too I guess. Then you can't have too much date. If we both have two date and you took him out in one you can't have another one after I get one"
"You read my mind cutie"
"I'm not cute"
"But you're blush is so-"
"Stop it, another one is I want a budget limit on our dates"
"Oh come on, I want to pamper him"
"I can't keep up with your money, look at this house, you're definitely rich"
"I am, and that's okay cutie, he will still love you even though you won't be as rich as me"
"Fine, guess I'll just have to take him to dates with my family and parade him as my boyfriend"
"So the spending limit, let's say, 100 thousand won?"
"Are you insane?"
"Ughhh, fine, how about this, I won't take him to super expensive place, and we don't buy him anything. Our gifts need to be made by ourself"
"Good, I like that"
"Butttt, I want to buy him some new clothes, I want my boyfriend to dress well"
"Ughhh, his wardrobe is so bad"
"Hehehe, shopping trip with us then"
Minju hugged Yuri making the latter develop a smile.
"I'm looking forward to work with you, Minju"
"I'll be looking forward to work with you too, Yuri"
You are watching this weird interaction and was completely baffled seeing the two girl hug.
Ah shit I made them gay and fell for eachother.
Then the two of them turned to you with a creepy smile.
The wolf you pick has changed sides and tell you this is a bad idea.
"Oppa, come here"
You're not sure which one called for you.
Slowly you walked back to them.
Once you're close enough Yuri grabbed you and sat you down between her and Minju.
"Alright oppa, we will have a ceasefire"
Minju draw around your chest with her finger.
"Good, I promise one-"
"Forever, because we don't need to fight for you anymore"
Yuri start nibbling on your arm.
"We are sharing you, aren't you happy oppa?"
It would be a lie if you never thought of the harem option. It would also be a lie if you think that the option is a genuine option to take. Yet, it's also a lie, if you say you're not excited right now.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I can't believe you're actually second guessing yourself for a girl you just met today oppa, bad oppa"
You felt a sharp pain in your shoulder as she sank her fang to it.
"That's okay oppa, I won't make you have the painful responsibility to hurt one of us, so we compromise"
Minju kissed your cheek.
"So first of all oppa, you have to love us equally"
"That's right, we are also using a group chat for now on, no private chat between us"
"Then, we will keep track of how much date to make sure it's fair", Notes, you need notes. And maybe some water splashed to your face. "Are you two, actually, serious"
The two of them looked at you, stare at eachother before attacking you. The two of them wrapped one arm around your neck locking it in place. Then they kissed your cheek. So synchronized, so creepy. Of course you're overwhelmed already so you're not feeling the desperate self preservation your brain is trying to send off.
"You're our boyfriend now okay?","Our oppa" They are synchronized now. "Okay, okay, okay", The two are ecstatic with your response and giggles before they bite your neck.
"Ahhhh, girls", Your moan of pain only made them even more excited. "Who kiss first?", Yuri raised her hand in response, "Rock-paper-scicors"
Yuri won and get the first bite of your lips. The lips of her new boyfriend. Minju is watching you with smiles all over her face. Once Yuri had enough fill she slowly parted from you, her mind is in a daze. She tried to inhale as much as your scent. "You're so shy when you kiss Yuri, so cute", Minju smiled.
"I'm not cute", The sight of your tomboyish childhood friend turning to a tomato is too cute. "You are kinda cute", You supported Minju's words. Yuri hide her face letting out a squeal before dropping to your chest.
"Hehehehe, my turn", Minju crashed her lips on to yours. Her passionate kiss only seems to get rougher as time went on. Your tongue and lips turned numb at the end. Minju is happy with how meek you are, such a perfect boyfriend.
As you two pulled away you saw Yuri is watching you two in a daze. "See? That's how you kiss cutie", Yuri frowned. "I'm not a horny bitch like you" Yuri pouted, "Really? Our boyfriend seems to like it"
She turned to you who's still in a trance. "Oppa", Yuri pouted making you wake up from your daze. "Yuri it's fine", Doesn't convince her. "Here, let me teach you" Before any of you can react, Minju grabbed both of Yuri's cheek before kissing her. Oh boy, it's getting harder and harder, you know what it is.
As they parted you see Minju is smiling at Yuri with a mischievous smile while Yuri was in a trance. "On second thought, your soft kisses are also enjoyable, good job cutie", Minju's hand let go of Yuri and wrapped itself around you. The two of them slowly came to hug you and stay quiet for, an hour?
"It's late already, we should go home", You don't want to go home, but things might escalate if you stay. "Come on, sleep with me, I want to sleep with oppa", Minju tightened her hug on you. "I told mom I'm going to sleep with oppa tonight" Yuri looks conflicted if anything, "So do it here, with me too" Minju said. "How though, I can tell mom I'm sleeping at oppa's place", You opened your phone to check if the coast is clear. "Then, I should ask Noona"
"Who's Noona", Minju squinted her eyes angrily. "My Noona, my older sister", They still have their jealousy trait, that's good to know. "Oh that's fine then", She smiled and turn to cuddling you again. You see your sister already texted you that she's leaving for the night so I can use the house.
"Oh? Should we move to your bedroom then oppa?", Minju whined at Yuri in response. "Here is better, I'm living here alone", Minju said making Yuri raised her eyebrow. "What?" Minju then smiled confidently, "Yep, mom and dad buy me this house for my highschool life", You hear Yuri curse under her breath but you can't make out what."Okay princess, but oppa's house is also empty, and that way I can also show to mom I am sleeping at oppa's place"
"Empty?", Minju turned to you. "Oh yeah, my parents passed away a while ago", She looked at you with concern and guilt. "Oh baby, I'm sorry",Well, a kiss always a good way to cheer someone up.
"We should go out to a date this week"
"Three of us"
"Of course cutie, I won't leave you"
"Let's go to the park again"
"Let's, go to my place, because I'm tired"
The two of them smiled and kissed your cheek. "Let me put on something more covering clothes then", Minju let go of you and skipped away.
"She's such a vixen", You tuned to Yuri who's doesn't seems to be mad."Yuri?", She turned to you, "I don't mind it, but she's too flirty, she might try to take your virginity oppa", This, is going to fast no? "I mean, Minju is a bit more, brazen? But I don't think-", She put her finger on your mouth to shut you down. "She will give you your virginity, and so do I, the question is who will take yours"
Alright, how do you tell them you're not a virgin anymore. "I'm back, let's go", Minju is wearing a baggy sweatpants and jacket. "Right, let's go", Maybe they don't need to know.
The three of you walk back to your house, you slipped Minju in while Yuri tell her mom she's sleeping at my place. "Hmmm, this place, smells just like you", Minju was looking around your bedroom with lusty eyes. "I miss sleeping at your bed again oppa, come on"
Yuri is definitely thinking about something other than sleeping. You lay on your bed with the two girls hugging you. Minju take off her sweatpants and jacket turning back to the previous very open and very thin outfit. Yuri actually changed as she went to her house earlier to a big oversized t-shirt that cover her mini pants.
"Oppa, this bed is so comfy, I can't believe you've been sleeping here with him this whole time"
"Hehehe, childhood friend advantage"
"Ssshhh, let me sleep"
"Yuri, you're thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yeahhhh, oppa, we want some goodnight kiss"
Minju jumped on you and start making out with you. She pulled your hand in between her crotch and start grinding on it. "That's unfair", You hear Yuri whined.
As you are busy kissing Minju you felt Yuri pulled your hand inside her t-shirt. "Rub it baby", Minju moaned, you comply and starts rubbing her pussy through her pants making her moan.
Your other hand was led to Yuri's bare tits. "Squeeze it oppa", You comply again and made her moan. This continue for sometimes before you felt the wet pants Minju is wearing pushed itself onto your finger.
"I'm coming oppa", She pressed her forehead to your temple as she whispered in your ears. You saw her body quivered for a moment before slumping down. Yuri the jumped to your free mouth and start to get her own kiss. Your hand travel down to her pussy and starts doing the same thing you did with Minju. Your other hand travels up to start massaging Minju's breast.
Just like before Yuri started quivering and pressed her head to your neck. "I'm cumming oppa", She screamed, thankfully your house is empty.
"Oh my god, that was great"
"Yeah, we should repay the favour now"
The two of them look down to your erect cock."So big","So warm" The compliment only made you even hornier.
You felt one of them grabbed it through your clothes making you moan. "You're so hot when you moan oppa", Who said that? "Let's get this out of the way", Who said that too?
Feeling your pants being pulled down your cock got free from it's cage and the cold air washes over it. "Follow me cutie, I'll lead you", Okay that one is Minju.
You felt two sets of hand grabbed your cock, their warmth made your precum leaked."Slowly, go up and down" Minju take the lead as Yuri followed her, "Okay", Fuck the feelings of being jerked by two different hand is something else.
"Are you enjoying this oppa?"
"Yuri focus on your rythm"
The two girl continue their sensual and slow Handjob. Minju then come to whisper in your ears. "Can you cum for us oppa? I promise I'll drink it", Oh fuck, "Oppa, cum please, for me", Yuri followed her and made this whole experience a little too much for you.
"It's squirming"
"That means oppa gonna cum, come on oppa, cum all over our hand"
Can't keep up any ore your sperm shoot out, Minju closed off the tip just in time to make sure it doesn't spray anywhere. Looking down you see Yuri is also doing the same, making their hands covered with your sperm. "So warm"
Yuri whimpered. Minju smiled before licking her hand."Minju?" You hear Yuri's questioning tone, "So sweet, you taste amazing baby", Seeing the ecstasy on Minju's face, Yuri did the same, and start sucking on her own fingers. "Hmmm, it tastes good oppa"
The two of them went down to your cock and started licking it, getting any excess cum off of you. The sensation send your cock back to it's glorious form. "So vigorous, Yuri, follow my lead"
Minju climbed down to get to a more comfortable position, Yuri followed suit. "First, you kiss it", You felt Minju thick lips pressing up against yours. Then Yuri's soft pair of lips pressing up against the other.
"It smells so good"
"I know right? Now you start licking it"
The two started licking around your shaft giving some ungodly feeling.
"Now, watch me first", Yuri moves to the side before Minju started swallowing your cock whole.
"Whoa", Yeah Yuri, whoa, you did not expect Minju to be so good at this. The feeling of her throat massaging your cock while her tongue reached out to lock your shaft and balls is too good.
"Yaaaa, my turn", God damn Yuri looked so cute when she's pouting. Minju let go of her mouth before moving aside. "Now, first you need to try with the tip first Yuri"
Yuri was inexperienced, for like 30 second before she start giving you deep throat as well. "I'm so proud of you Yuri"
Minju get down and start sucking on your balls. Needless to say, as you're still sensitive from the ejaculations from before, you didn't last long.
Minju pulled Yuri up to only have your tip in her mouth while she use both hands to jerk you off. "Come on, cum oppa, cum all over cute Yuri's mouth"
Your hips bucked forward and start spraying your sperm to Yuri's inside. As your ejaculation subsided your cock fell limp to your crotch.
"Open your mouth Yuri, learn how to share", Yuri opened obediently and Minju's tongue slitehered to Yuri's mouth before they kiss. You see Minju's tongue scooping out your sperm into her own mouth occasionally. Then the two parted way, a loud gulping noise can be heard before they let our a satisfied moan.
"Thank you oppa"
"It was nice oppa"
The two gave you a kiss to the cheek before slumping down to your chest.
"Fucking hell, you two are, dangerous", The two giggles before they let out a sigh. Your breath and heartbeat seems to synchronize with them as your consciousness start to slip away.
It's been a long day.
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inuyashaluver · 4 months
I love jealous fanfic, so right now, I'm obsessed with Felicitas Rauch right, and you and her go out on a date and the waiter is flitting with you and ask you questions and all that stuff and at the end of the night woth felicitas get quite angry, that waiter ask you out and you can do that every with the ending but I think it would be quite funny. Thank you, and I love your work ❤️
the waiter - felicitas rauch
felicitas rauch x reader
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description: in which your girlfriend takes you out to dinner on your anniversary and the waiter seems to take an interest in you
warnings: swearing, suggestive, german in bold italics!
a/n: hiya!! thanks so much for the love and request, hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
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you and your girlfriend, felicitas are very much enamoured with each other. everyone knew it, as did you and your girlfriend.
you two had been together for over 5 years, living together in germany absolutely smitten for each other.
you’re a sports journalist, having made the big move to germany from australia about 6 years ago. you had been learning german for a large portion of your life, you were relatively fluent but it still made you extremely nervous to interview people in their native tongues.
it was after a loss for wolfsburg that you and felicitas laid eyes on each other for the first time. she always dreaded interviews after defeat, she rolled her eyes when she got pulled for media.
but when she saw your pretty face on the pitch nervously shifting your weight between your feet, she perked up. she was excited, but you were a little tense, especially when you saw the gorgeous player smiling charmingly at you while she got mic’d up.
“hello” felicitas smirks, holding her hand to you for a handshake. you smile brightly at her, taking her hand and shaking it firmly. “hi, big fan” you say shyly, the girl in front of you raises her eyebrows amusingly, “well it’s very nice to meet such a pretty fan” she winks, your knees almost gave out.
“you guys ready?” your cameraman asks, cutting your interaction short. you give a curt nod, smiling at the girl who gives you a reassuring smile, almost implying you’d continue the conversation after your duties.
“hello everyone! (y/n) (y/l/n) here with the amazing felicitas rauch” you smile at the girl and she smiles back, waving to the camera before focusing wholeheartedly on you. she was entranced.
“despite the unfortunate loss today, you played amazing, a definite favourite in my opinion.” you talk directly to her, holding eye contact with the girl was hard but the way she’s smiling so softly at you made you feel a newfound confidence you haven’t had before.
“well that’s good to hear” felicitas laughs, moving her body slightly closer to you, you smile sheepishly and continue . “how are you feeling about the team’s performance overall?”
she nods at your words, “i think we played really well, even though we lost. but it’s nothing we won’t bounce back from, i think today we all made mistakes and that’s okay. the other team played better today and we’ll come back better” she shrugs, smiling at you while you listen intently to her words,
“we are definitely looking forward to the next match, thank you for speaking to us today” you smile at her, she places her hand on your arm quickly before letting it hang back to her side.
“it’s been an absolute pleasure” she smiles back at you, waiting for the camera to be turned off.
“thank you again, felicitas,” you attempt to shake her hand again but she experimentally pulls you into a quick hug. “no worries, and please, call me feli, i hope i see you around” she grins as she pulls away, you can feel yourself a little warm.
“yeah, me too, feli” you breathe out, she smiles and waves at you, walking off to the change rooms but not without looking back at you and checking you out.
and she did in fact see more of you, you were at every game and it made both of you giddy. every time she saw you, she’d pull you into a tight embrace, each one longer with every interaction.
she made an effort to hang around after each of your interviews to chat, sometimes lasting over an hour of just getting to know each other.
and after a little while, she knew you liked her, your pink cheeks telling her everything. and so, she asked you on a date and laughed when you instantly agreed. the rest is history, now living together in germany absolutely in love.
it was your 6th year anniversary, you and felicitas were heading out on a special dinner date to celebrate. it took her everything in her power to let you actually leave the house, you looked absolutely beautiful. when you walked out into the living room to an awaiting felicitas, she swore her heart stop at seeing you.
“my god” she mumbles, she hides her face in her hands and leans back on the couch, you smirk a little and move to sit sideways on her laps. “you okay, baby?” you tease, placing an arm behind her neck, she takes her hands off her face and wraps an arm around your waist,
“mein liebling (my darling)” she breathes out, kissing your cheek repeatedly as she pulled you closer. “you’re absolutely beautiful” she says in awe, taking in your appearance, her heart fluttering at the thought of you being hers.
“you look beautiful too, geliebte (loved one)” you smile brightly at her, brushing a piece of hair off her face, both of you had pink cheeks, truly endearing how after 6 years you’re still so shy around each other.
“should we skip dinner?” she smiles suggestively, giving your thigh a gentle squeeze, you chuckle and give her a gentle kiss on her lips, hearing immediate protests from your girlfriend when you pull away.
“no, let’s go” you say cheekily, pulling her up from her seat and receiving a half assed glare from the girl you loved so much. “beauty only gets you so much” she sings out, teasingly pulling you close to her, lips grazing gently. she smirks at seeing you tense up, she knew how much she made you nervous and she loved it.
you both made it to the restaurant, lovesick smiles evident on both of your faces as you sat down. you both engage in conversation, hands interlaced over the table as you talked.
“this place is very romantic, feli baby,” you grin, resting your head on your free hand while you look at her, “only the best for mein ein und alles (my one and only)” she scoffs proudly, giving your hand a gentle squeeze as you chat about the ambience.
though, the moment is ruined when your waiter for the night makes his way over.
“hello, ladies, i’ll be your server for the night, can i get you anything to start with” the waiter smiles, only looking at you with a hungry gaze. felicitas immediately raises her eyebrows at watching you completely unaware, you were focused on her, your hands still intertwined on the table.
“maybe just some wine for now?” felicitas suggests and you nod at her with a smile, looking up at the waiter to see him already looking at you. “i’ll get that for you right now” he winks at you and you look slightly shocked, was he flirting with you right now?
the waiter walks off to get your wine and felicitas begins to giggle. you look at her in surprise, “looks like someone’s got a little crush” felicitas teases, you instantly roll your eyes and sit back in your seat, your hands separating causing the girl in front of you pouting slightly.
you were about to say something until the waiter comes back, “here you go, beautiful” he smiled charmingly and it made you feel sick, you smile kindly at him, thanking him and dismissing him but he doesn’t move.
“let me pour it for you, pretty girls shouldn’t pour their own wine” he smirks, pouring your glass first before quickly doing felicita’s, you not rejecting the offer had your girlfriend feeling a twinge of jealousy but you were genuinely in shock, not knowing what to do in this situation.
the waiter leaves for a moment and you nervously sip on your wine, felicitas narrows her eyes at you challengingly. “he’s friendly” she grits out, her jaw clenched as she takes in your appearance. “yeah” you cough out, quickly averting the conversation as both of you talk normally. until the waiter comes back and takes your order.
“excellent choice, you’re a woman of good taste” he winks when you recite your order, you freeze up and look at felicitas in shock.
“yes she is” she coos at you, she was furious, she tells the man her order and reaches for your hand again, you happily and very quickly take it. apparently this meant nothing to him because he flirted with you the whole rest of your time at the restaurant.
felicitas surprisingly let it continue, teasing you everytime he would leave. she’s not worried about it at all, but she is jealous. she knew you loved her more than anyone so she didn’t think that much of it, until you were about to leave and he slipped you a note with his name and number on it before walking away but lingering nearby to see your reaction.
“you’re fucking joking” she laughs in disbelief, promptly taking the paper and ripping it before throwing it on the table. the man’s eyes widen as felicitas pulls you up from your seat and pulls you close by your hips. she presses you into her, kissing you passionately, making you lightheaded when she slipped her tongue into your mouth.
she smiles against your lips when you whine into her mouth, wrapping your arms around her neck to pull her closer. after a few seconds she parts from you, giving you a playful slap on your behind before grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the restaurant, making an effort to walk in front of the waiter and winking at him, kissing your temple as she walks you out. “my pretty girl” she says proudly, no ounce of insecurity evident in your voice at seeing your desperation for her.
you give her a shy smile when she pulls you to the car, opening the door for you and rushing off to the driver’s side. as soon as she’s seated, she pulls you into another fierce kiss, pouring out all her pent up frustration into it. she pulls away with a teasing tug on your bottom lip between her teeth, placing a hand on your thigh as she drives you both home.
“it’s very cute that he thought he had a chance with my girl” she chuckles, giving your thigh a squeeze.
“i only want you, feli” you breathe out nervously, she looks at you briefly with a smirk, “oh, i know, baby” she teases, ready to get you home as quickly as possible so you know exactly who you belong to.
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liked by lena_oberdorf and 44,232 others
feli_rauch: meine bessere hälfte (my better half), 6 years and counting xx
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yourname: my baby!
↳ feli_rauch: you’re the cutest
↳ yourname: yeah, the waiter thought that too
↳ feli_rauch: you are on very thin ice right now
↳ yourname: i love you?
↳ feli_rauch: mhm
319 notes · View notes
lives-in-midgard · 7 months
We Were Happy
(Musician AU Part 4)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: You and Steve experience some happy moments together but there are also some bad decisions made.
Word Count: 1970
A/N: Hey everyone! This is part 4 of my Steve musician AU! I really hope you like it even though I'm a little bit sorry for the ending! The divider is made by @firefly-graphics.
Part 3 | Part 4
Masterlist | Musician AU
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It’s been almost two weeks since the pictures of you and Steve appeared on the internet. At first, you were both worried that it would affect your dating life, but that wasn’t really the case. Steve made a post on his Instagram. A picture of the two of you from behind, in the caption he simply added “My Love” and a heart emoji. Some people were being rude, others were supportive and happy to see Steve happy. You were both happy that there were more good comments than rude ones. Bucky, Sam and Clint have also been very supportive of you both. They were always very happy to see you and enjoyed your company. Even if Steve was a little distracted at times because of you. That’s why you decided not to come to all rehearsals, even though you had time. You didn’t want to be the reason why they wouldn’t be as good as they always were.
On this day it is going to be the festival in Coney Island. You were at your apartment and decided to meet Steve there. You were sitting on your couch writing something on a piece of paper when you heard a knock on your door. You got up, headed for the door when you realized that you forgot to hide what you had just written on the paper. But it will only be Yelena picking you up for the festival, so it’s alright. When you told her about it, she immediately wanted to come with you. You opened the door and greeted her with a hug.
“Are you ready to leave?” She asked.
“I just have to get my bag.” You said and walked to your room. You quickly found the bag you wanted to choose and walked back into the living room. When you opened the door, you saw Yelena sitting on the couch, looking at what you had written earlier. You quickly walked over and took it from her hands.
“Hey, I wasn’t finished.” Yelena said and you placed the paper under some magazines that were lying there.
“This is a new one, right?” You nodded and Yelena smiled.
“Does Steve know that you write songs?” Yelena asked and you sat down beside her. You started writing songs almost a year ago. Sometimes it takes you a while to finish one, and sometimes it is really easy. You really enjoy writing songs and doing something creative in your free time. You never thought of performing them, not only because you think you’re not a good singer, but also because you’re afraid of singing in front of an audience. You haven’t told Steve about your hobby yet because you were afraid of his reaction and if he would like your songs.
“No, I haven’t yet.” You confessed and Yelena shook her head.
“You should definitely tell him. I think Steve would really like your songs.” Maybe he would, but you were still afraid about his reaction. After a while you decided to drive to the festival. Yelena drove, so you could drive home with Steve later. When you arrived at the festival, you looked for the stage where they would perform. When you both found the stage, there were already a few people standing in front of it. You came closer and decided to wait there. After a while the place became more and more crowded. You looked at your phone and sent a message to Steve.
“Good luck, Stevie.” It only took a few seconds to get a message back.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Can’t wait to see you later.” You smiled and couldn’t wait to see them live again. It’s been so long since you’ve seen the band live, and now it feels so different. Instead of just a small group of people, there was now a large group of fans there. And when the band came out, they were shouting and screaming. They held up posters they had made and had big smiles on their faces. As they walked out, Steve immediately looked for you. When he saw you, he began to smile, and you smiled back. You heard Yelena chuckle next to you, and you began to blush. You watched them perform and listened to their songs. It was such a good feeling to dance and sing a to their songs again.
After the Midnight Rockers sang their final song, they waved goodbye to the fans and Steve blew you a kiss. When someone behind you screamed, you and Yelena had to laugh because this kiss was clearly for you. While the other people were still standing in front of the stage, you and Yelena made your way away from the stage. Steve texted you that he wants to meet you at the Wonder Weel. When you and Yelena arrived there, Steve wasn’t there yet. So, you waited for a while. After a few minutes you saw Steve and the others walking towards you. You ran over to Steve, and you hugged each other. After you pulled away from the hug Steve gave you a gentle kiss. While you two were having a moment Yelena greeted the others.
“You were amazing.” You said and looked at the band.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” Steve said and the others also thanked you. Then you all went on a few rides together until Yelena had to go to work. After a while there were only you and Steve left, so you decided to go to the Wonder Weel. It was very romantic because it was already getting dark outside. You had a really great time there with Steve and talked about some of the memories you both shared there. You also took some photos of him and some fans, they were really kind to you. When it got cold, Steve gave you his jacket and you walked to his car. He drove to his house, and you had a chilly evening together.
The next day there were some pictures of the two of you circulating on the internet again, but you didn’t really care. You enjoyed your time there with Steve and that’s all that mattered.
You weren’t much in your apartment over the next few days. You only went to work and then Steve picked you up and you spend some time together at his home or sometimes Bucky, Sam or even Clint came over. You watched movies, cooked together, he played songs on the piano and sometimes you went for walks together.
But this day was a little different than usually. You were currently reading a book, and Steve was sitting next to you trying to write a song. You looked over at him a few times and could see that he was struggling. You wanted to ask if you should help him or tell him that you write songs, but you weren’t sure if you should. After a while he groaned and put everything on the desk. You looked over at him and Steve really looked frustrated. You put the book down and decided to help him.
“I have an idea.” You suddenly said.
“An idea for what sweetheart?” Steve asked and reached for your hand.
“To help you find inspiration.” You said and he began to smile. You stood up from the couch and walked to the door. You put your shoes on and saw that Steve was still in the living room.
“Come on, let’s go.” You screamed and he giggled. He walked over to you, leaned in and kissed you. Once you were in the car, you turned on some music and drove off, not really knowing where you were driving. You drove around having fun singing with Steve by your side, and you ended up stopping at a beautiful place and watching the sun go down.
Before you drove back to Steve’s house, you drove to your apartment to get something. While you quickly went to your room, Steve made himself comfortable on your couch. When you came back, you saw him reading your new song. When he heard your footsteps, Steve looked up.
“What’s that sweetheart?” You completely forgot that you left it in the living room before you went to the festival a few days ago.
“Oh, umm. It’s …. it’s a song I …wrote.” You stumbled nervously. Steve stood up, placed it on the table and walked closer to you.
“You wrote this?” Steve asked with a smile.
“Yeah, I know it’s not that good but yes, I wrote it.” You were still nervous, but when Steve took your hand, your nervousness disappeared.
“What are you talking about, that’s so good y/n.”
“Really?” You asked and Steve chuckled.
“Yeah, I love it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Steve asked.
“I don’t know. I guess I was scared of your reaction.”
“You don’t have to be scared of me you know that, right? And this song is really amazing.”
“Thank you, honey.” You said and you kissed each other.
“Why don’t you publish it? You don’t have to sing yourself if you don’t want to.” Steve asked after a while.
“I don’t know if I want that yet.” You said and Steve was really understanding about that.
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A week has passed since Steve saw your song. You just came home from work and looked at your phone for the first time since you started working. You checked Instagram and when you saw the new post of the official page from the Midnight Rockers you were confused because Steve didn’t tell you anything about this. There was a new post saying that there is a new song going to be out tonight. When you saw what the song is called, you were shocked because it was called the same as the song you recently wrote and Steve saw.
Did he really take your song without asking you??
You had to call him. You wanted to dial his number when suddenly there was a knock on your door. When you opened it, there was Steve standing right in front of you.
“Steve what is this?” You asked and showed him your phone. There wasn’t time for a hello or a hug, you needed to know if this is really your song.
“I can explain it, I really can.”
“So, it really is my song?” You said full of anger but also sadness. Steve made a few steps closer to you, but you made two steps back. A sad expression was to see on his face.
“Yeah, it’s…it’s yours.” He finally admitted and you had to look away.
“But I can explain it.” He continued.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me. Please just go. I need some time to think.”
“But- “Steve began.
“No but, you just took my song without asking me. I even told you that I don’t want my songs to be published right now and you said that it’s okay. And now you did this. You …. You stole it” You almost shouted at him, and you could see how hurt he was.
“I’m just really disappointed in you Steve.”
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Please don’t call me this. Please just go Steve.” You said and could feel that you were going to start crying soon.
“Please, leave my apartment now.”
“Okay.” Steve mumbled and walked out of your door. When he closed it, you immediately began to cry.
You could see in his eyes how you hurt him with your words. But Steve knew that you didn’t want other people to hear your songs yet and said it would be okay but then he just took it for his band. You couldn’t believe that Steve would ever do something like that. If he had asked you if he could use it, you might have said yes.
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@jamneuromain | @magnificentsaladllama | @armystay89 | @marvelogic | @rogersbarber | @eviebuggg | @nicoline1998enilocin | @nekoannie-chan | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll
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bleach-your-panties · 8 months
💙🩵16. entertain + swimming pool with armin arlert💙🩵
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💙black/poc!fem!reader. modern!au
🩵part of my 28th birthday event.
💙requested by @rheawolf, another long-time supporter of mine! thank you, love! 
🩵featuring @ ejthedon from @chrollohearttags rapper/influencer au. thanks again, love, for letting me use him! 
💙nsfw 18+. mdni!⚠️
💿: humble - kendrick lamar
💿: swimming pools - kendrick lamar
**all music and artists' likenesses belong to them!**
🤍2.6 k words
See, Armin is very good at hiding details when it comes to surprising you with gifts and dates. 
For your birthday this year, he went all out with getting the two of you front-row tickets to the three-day music festival that Drake and 21 Savage are headlining. Kendrick Lamar will be there on the last night, also, and you're so fucking pumped to see him live. 
As you sit in the beauty salon getting your hair, nails, toes, and eyebrows done (all courtesy of Armin, of course), you excitedly texted your best friend to tell her about your plans for the next couple of days. 
bestie boo🫦🤎:  girl, you're so lucky. i wish  my man was thoughtful like armin. 
you: mhm. he's really the best. 💗
Once you were finished, you texted Armin to pick you up. It didn't take him long to pull up in his ocean-blue BMW. 
"Baby!" You ran and hopped on him. He hugged you to him, pulling your legs around his waist to secure you.
"Hey, dove. Be careful, you don't want to mess up your beautiful nails, do you?"
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(Just picture your Zodiac sign)
Sighing softly, you knew he was right. Still, you nuzzled your face into his neck, inhaling his Armani cologne.
"Just happy to see you, that's all…" 
He smiled and rubbed your back. 
"I know, baby. I'm happy to see you, too. Come on, I've got a surprise for you in the car." 
Armin carried you over to the passenger seat and opened the door. You gasped once you saw what was laid out on the seat.
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"Armie!" You cried as he let you down back onto your feet. He just chuckled and watched you scoop the bills up neatly to put them inside your wallet.
"What am I supposed to do with all this?" You asked rhetorically, knowing that he wasn't going to take it back by any means.
He shrugged. "Buy yourself something nice and put the rest in your savings. I don't know, baby, do what you want with it. It's yours." 
Tears pooled in your eyes. Armin's so good to you. Sometimes you wondered what you'd done to deserve someone like him.
"Thank you so much, Armie. You always make my birthdays so special." Sniffling and wiping under your eye, you were careful not to mess up your lashes.
"Aww, you're welcome, dove. Anything for you, and you deserve so much more. Let's go, so you can start getting dressed for the concert." 
Nodding happily, you picked up your bouquet of roses and set them in your lap so you could sit down. 
The first two nights of the concert were amazing, but it felt like they passed by way too quickly. 
Drake and 21 Savage were phenomenal, as well as the other artists that were featured. Armin and you were turnt up all night long; drinking, dancing, just having yourselves a grand ole time. 
Now you're sitting in your hotel suite getting ready to go see Kendrick. Seeing him perform and then spending the rest of the night with Armin will be the perfect ending to your birthday weekend. 
"Baby, what do you think of my outfit?" 
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You did a little spin in the mirror as Armin raised one blonde eyebrow.
"I love it baby, but-"
"I know, I know what you're going to say, but it has shorts underneath it, daddy~"
This caused a little smirk to cover his lips.
"Oh really? Come here and let me feel then.."
You just giggled and playfully swatted his hand away, but Armin grabbed your wrist and pulled you on top of him as he reclined back on the bed.
"You won't have to worry about any creeps trying to cop a feel or anything."
Armin rolled his eyes. 
"I won't have to worry about that anyway, baby. Nobody has any fucking business putting their hands underneath your skirt unless they want to get knocked the fuck out."
He moved his head up to kiss your lips passionately, moving his hand down like he planned in order to feel underneath your skirt.
"Nobody but me…" 
Your eyes closed involuntarily as Armin's fingers traced up your plush ass cheek, stopping to squeeze the soft flesh.
"Mmm, babe…if we don't hurry and leave we're going to be late…" You moaned softly when he began pecking your neck with quick, wet kisses.
Chuckling to himself, his cerulean eyes gazed up into your brown ones before scanning over the rest of your face. You know that look.
He's turned on.
He laughed harder at you for moving off of him and attempting to tug him up off the bed.
"Okay baby, I'm coming. I wouldn't make you miss your big night."
"Yay! I love you! Come on, the Uber is probably already downstairs!" 
"Alright, dove. Lead the way…shit." 
Armin was going to have a time walking with this hard-on, and you walking in front of him in that tiny ass skirt wasn't helping whatsoever.
(A/N: Bold italics is Kendrick rapping. Regular italics is Armin rapping.)
"How y'all doing tonight?" 
The crowd roared as Kendrick came out on stage.
You screamed at the top of your lungs, Armin right along with you. 
"That's more like it! Come on, everybody stand up!"
His first song was DNA, which never failed to get you hype.
Followed by Complexion, m.A.A.d city; Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe, Alright, LOVE, Loyalty, and Poetic Justice.
It all seemed to zoom by as you and Armin danced and sang along to every song.
"Alright, alright. I'm getting ready to close the night off, but let's turn it up one more motherfucking time!" 
Kendrick hollered and the crowd responded in kind.
"Nobody pray for me, it been that day for me, way, yeah yeah!"
You and Armin, much like the rest of the crowd were jumping up and down like maniacs as you belted out the song lyrics. 
Kendrick began moving around the stage as he rapped, coming close enough for you to brush your hand against his pants legs.
You pulled your hand back and stared at it as if it were made of gold.
"I'm never going to wash this hand again." 
Armin just snorted, thinking of how much more impressed you were about to be.
"Ayy, I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances. Finesse a nigga with some counterfeits, but now I'm countin' this-
-Parmesan where my accountant lives; in fact, I'm downin' this, D'USSÉ with my boo bae tastes like Kool-Aid for the analysts."
While Kendrick continued on, Armin turned you to face him. You looked up, as his six foot frame easily towered over you.
"Girl, I can buy yo' ass the world with my pay stub. Ooo, that pussy good, won't you sit it on my taste buds?"  
Warmth flooded your cheeks and made your neck itch as Armin rapped to you. He licked his lips and kept his eyes trained on your face. 
"MY LEFT STROKE JUST WENT VIRAL!" Rang out around you, but you were still trapped in Armin's azure gaze.
"Right stroke put lil baby in a spiral." 
He grabbed your hand and twirled you around, making you giggle.
"It's levels to it, you and I know. Bitch be humble, sit down. Be humble, sit down. Be humble, bitch, sit down. Be humble, sit down." 
"Who dat nigga thinkin' that he frontin' on Man Man? Get the fuck off my stage, I'm the Sandman. Get the fuck off my dick, that ain't right. I make a play fucking up your whole life." 
"I'm so fucking sick and tired of the Photoshop. Show me something natural like afro on Richard Pryor. Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks." 
Armin was really feeling himself as he rapped to you with his natural poise and charisma. 
He was looking so handsome in only a simple, black U-neck tee, gold chain, and diamond studs glimmering in each ear. Light-wash ripped jeans adorned his long, lean legs, ending in a simple black pair of low Air Forces.
You were starting to forget all about Kendrick with Armin looking at you the way he was and snaking that sneaky hand back around your waist to rest just above your ass.
When the song ended, Armin kissed your temple and turned you back to face the stage just as Kendrick began to speak.
"So, I've been told that we have a birthday in the house tonight. A Miss Y/n L/n?"  
Your pupils immediately grew two sizes and you tried to turn to look at Armin, but he kept you still and faced forward by gripping your biceps. 
"Speak up, baby. So everyone can hear you.." Armin whispered into your ear as Kendrick knelt on one knee to extend the microphone out to you. 
"T-that's me…I'm Y-Y/n…" You spoke timidly into the microphone. That made Kendrick smile. 
"I'm glad you came out to see me tonight, Miss Y/n. I think my good friend will also be glad that you came." 
His good friend? What was going on here? 
Nothing else needed to be explained as EJ walked out with a microphone. He dapped Kendrick up while you just started screaming like a maniac. 
Both of the men on the stage laughed as they watched you turn and throw your arms around Armin's neck and kiss all over his face. 
"Why didn't you tell me that we were seeing EJ, too?!" He laughed when you began playfully hitting his chest. 
"If I told you, it wouldn't have been a surprise!" 
Armin helped you up onto the stage when EJ motioned for you. 
"Alright, let's continue this birthday party then! Do you have anything that you want to say, baby girl?" He held the microphone out to you. 
"I…I just love you…" 
EJ chuckled. 
"I love you too, sweetheart. Happy birthday and thank you for being a devoted fan. Let's go!" 
EJ kept you on stage with him the entire time as he performed all of your favorite songs. Armin even came up and the three of you danced, rapped, and sang together. 
After the concert, you and Armin went backstage with EJ and had drinks with him, Kendrick, and the other artists that had been a part of the festival. 
After the meet-and-greet, you were sent home with a gift basket full of autographed memorabilia. 
"I had such a great time tonight, Armie."
You sighed in content as you sank down into the warm, bubbly water of the indoor hot tub.
Armin reclined next to you, wet hair stuck to his forehead in dripping strands. He looked so damn good like this, and after all he'd done for you tonight, your folds were slick with your desire for him.
"Yeah, baby? I'm glad you did, sweet girl." 
He grabbed your waist and pulled you on top of him, sitting you right on top of his hard dick.
You wrapped your arms around his neck just as he sat up to press his lips against yours. 
Armin gently held your neck while his tongue rubbed against yours. He sucked on your bottom lip, top lip, and each corner of your mouth.
"Mhmm…shit, girl." He grabbed a handful of your ass and smacked it hard. Your fingers moved to his neck to play with his chain while your wet breasts squished against his hard chest.
i think that I’m feeling the vibe
i see the love in her eyes 
i see the feeling the freedom is granted 
as soon as the damage of vodka arrived
this how you capitalize, this is parental-advised
and apparently, i'm over-influenced
by what you are doin'
i thought i was doin' the most 
til someone said to me
"Baby?" You asked innocently, still twirling his chain in your fingers while you stared into his deep ocean-blue eyes.
"Yes, my love?" 
You moved your hand from his neck to trail it down his side and over his stomach. His dick twitched underneath you, making you grin. 
"Why aren't you inside of me yet?"
Armin's eyes widened for a brief second before they became slanted, a devilish grin splitting his soft, pink lips apart, showcasing perfect, white teeth.
His hand on your ass began moving your bikini bottoms to the side. You watched him suck on the opposite hand's thumb and move it down to your top, pushing the triangle-shaped fabric to the side so he could rub his spit over your nipple and make it harden in the cool air conditioning surrounding you.
"Take it, daddy. It's yours." 
Armin cussed under his breath, moving his eyes back and forth between your beautiful face and hard nipples.
"Shit, baby girl. Don't have to tell me twice." He smirked at your use of his words from earlier and sank you down on his cock with one push of his hand on your ass.
nigga, why you babysittin' only,
two or three shots?
imma show you how 
to turn it up a notch
first you get a swimming pool 
full of liquor, then you dive in it
pool full of liquor, then you dive in it
Armin bounced you sloppily on his dick, making the water slosh around every which way in the hot tub.
His movements were usually more precise, making sure that he angled his dick just right to hit your G-spot, but right now he was drunk as fuck and just trying to fuck into you hard and fast enough to make you both cum.
“Armie! I’m close!” You whined, holding onto his neck with your legs wrapped tightly around his thighs.
“Oh yeah, I am too, dove…s-shit. Hold onto me, tight.” 
You were about to ask why, but Armin stood to his full height and pulled your legs around his hips. 
“Armin! I’m going to fall!” You panicked/moaned as he bounced you on him harder and harder. If someone were to walk in right now, they’d get quite the eyeful.
“Hush, I wouldn’t let you fucking fall. Drunk or not.” He smushed his face into your neck and inhaled your sweet scent before biting down on your neck. With one last hard thrust, Armin came inside of you. 
It was so much that it began to leak out and down your thighs, but he moved to sit down on the steps leading out of the tub so it wouldn’t drip into the water.
“Forever the gentlemen…” You panted, pressing your cheek against his while you rode out your orgasm.
“Always for you, my love. Happy birthday.” He smiled and kissed your lips, holding you close to him.
i wave a few bottles then I watch em’ all flock
all the girls wanna play baywatch
i got a swimming pool full of liquor
and they dive in it
pool full of liquor, imma dive in it
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squadxx4392 · 3 months
"Hold Me." Huskerdust fic - 1218 Words
Honestly, when Charlie announced a guest-wide karaoke night, Husk should've known at least part of what was going to happen.
The two had been dating for over a month, now, talking a long time before then.
But when Husk realized Angel was up and getting ready for a song, he couldn't help but be enthralled.
Sure, he'd heard Angel sing, but it was never really a romantic song.
The intro was a few seconds long, but Angel eventually started singing quietly.
"Finally, a new side of me.." Angel started, eyes closed, concentrating on the song he was singing.
If Husk wasn't already drawn in by Angel getting up in front of a few of the guests sitting around in support, he was most certainly enthralled now.
"Turned a new leaf underneath my tree."
Angel's voice sounded like honey.
It was breathtaking.
"I now see life's a beautiful dream. Gives me strength, gives me all in a year. Of disease. I have thrived," he continued. "Lucky me."
A realization hit Husk. He'd known Angel was working on something, scribbling mindlessly on papers while they were lounging around in Angel's room after closing.
He remembered catching glimpses of words closer to the beginning before Angel turned the paper away from him, grinning and saying he'd have to wait to see what it was.
And now he knew what Angel had been working on.
And it was so worth the wait.
"Push me, pull me, write my story. Give me my rhythm, my rhyme."
Charlie and Vaggie were sitting at the bar with Husk, Charlie watching like a giddy school-girl and Vaggie was watching him in (poorly) hidden amazement.
"I break my cycles, endless spirals. I just wanna trust what is mine," Angel sang, opening his eyes and glancing at Husk, catching his eye and smiling.
To Husk, Angel looked like an artist excited to share their first song with an audience, the song being so worth the wait and ensuring the guests were drawn in as if he was a siren.
"If the sun's in the sky. If the day follows the night. If the clock's still keeping the time. Then you're on my mind," Angel sang, closing his eyes again.
Husk felt his breath hitch and his heart skip a beat.
Angel was made to be performing, but not in the way he had been.
This. This is what Angel should have done from the beginning.
Husk could feel his expression softening as he leaned against the bar, arms crossed.
Everyone in the hotel was listening with rapt attention, and where there would have normally been scattered claps and whistles for other participants, everyone was silent.
Even Nifty had taken from chasing a roach with her needle to dropping it all and sitting at the foot of the sofa in the parlor with the other residents.
"The silence that we share. My heart was ill prepared. I oversimplified," Angel continued, opening his eyes again and scanning around at everyone. "When it was do or die."
Angel looked at Husk again, singing as he looked deep into his eyes.
"Kiss me, hold me, that feeling is holy. Nobody's loved me like you." Angel extended an arm out at him and Husk blew him a soft kiss, Angel pretending to catch it and hold it close to his chest. "Ah, life moves too fast, to get stuck in the past. But I do, I do."
Angel's voice was powerful. Yet it was so soft.
Husk didn't know how he'd been living without the soft singing Angel was doing at the moment. He'd love to be able to listen to this for eternity.
Although, that wouldn't be enough time, either.
"I think I take more than I give. Kinda shit but it’s how I live," he sang, the speed getting faster than the slow pace it started with.
Husk felt a pang of sadness run through his chest.
Knowing what he did about Angel, it hurt that Angel thought of himself like that.
"Be stuck 'til my conscience has outgrown me. I'm dumb enough to do the math. 'Cause life comes, life will pass."
If it weren't for Alastor and Lucifer coming back bickering, Husk would have been put in a trance.
But the looks they started receiving from Charlie because of their noise made them stop and pay attention to what was happening.
They quietly found a place to sit down and Husk glared at them before turning his attention back to Angel.
He couldn't help but think of how Angel was a perfect name for the man in front of him.
"So I try not to get attached. Don't know what story I'm supposed to buy, if we see God's face when we look in our eyes." The entire hotel seemed to be still, not a soul in there barely breathing.
"If your life will start in the moment you die, or if it's all worth the tears we cry," Angel continued. He'd closed his eyes again, and he looked like the most beautiful person to grace anywhere in Husk's eyes.
Husk was smiling softly, and he could tell his pupils were probably extremely dilated.
"Still live life like I'm on a mission, every damn day is all about ambition," he sang, face still smiling as he sang but his face visibly sadder, or at least that Husk noticed.
"Scared I'll turn out to be just a normal guy. Wonder why I'm only grateful when I'm high." Husk knew what he meant. Used to, Angel would be high any moment you'd see him, except for when he slept in the early hours of the morning.
They were still finding his old stashes anywhere they looked, but Angel was always surprised when he'd be confronted.
He'd been sober for a long time now, so apparently he'd forgotten all about his older stashes of drugs he'd been taking.
"You make a choice and don't look back. What's strong enough will stay intact. There's more to life than what is fact," he sang, seeming a little less sad, a lot more vibrant than he had been for a bit.
"The things we love can never last, it hurts too much, that's why I laugh, like sand slips through an hourglass."
"I'll hold onto the life I craft, so one day I can give it back," he sang, ending the song as the outro to it played and he stepped away from the microphone as he flashed a smile to the guests.
An uproar of cheer came from the audience as Angel stepped down for the next person to go, and he sat down at the bar across from where Husk was standing.
"So, you enjoy the song?" Angel asked, gratefully accepting the drink Husk made for him without asking.
"It was great, Angel," Husk said, taking a sip from his bottle.
Angel smiles, leaning on his hand.
"Wanna leave? Go lounge around up in one of our rooms for the rest of the night? I've got work, so I can't really stay up much longer," Angel asked, downing the rest of his drink and standing up.
"Yeah, let me close up and I'll be right up," Husk said, smiling as Angel got up and let Charlie know he was going to bed.
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skzhua · 1 year
Got It (Lee Minho x Reader)
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Genre: Choreographer!Lee Minho x Dance Captain!Reader, female reader, fluff, slow burn.
Word Count: 5,532
Warnings: Slight cursing, drinking.
Summary: Nobody seems to be fond of the new choreographer, but he does seem to grow fond of you.
A/N: I had no choice but to included Itzy and the Hwang siblings cause, man, I love those two groups together. And yes, I am well aware they are not real siblings but let me live my dream, thank you. :D
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30 minutes. That's how late you were, 30 minutes. In your 20 years of living, never once were you late to a dance practice, especially not the first of the season.
Last summer, you finished first in 3 categories – female solo, duet and female group – and it was your best year so far. You've been dancing since you learned to stand on two feet and anyone who had eyes could recognize you are talented. Very much so, your previous dance coach and choreographer had promoted you to dance captain a few years ago. You took your role so seriously, you would stay late in the dance studio only to practice. You even started to throw small parties here and there in order to bond with your teammates.
That's why you couldn't believe it when you woke up to a message from Yeji that practice had started 10 minutes ago. You were so glad you lived near the dance studio, but with getting ready and bringing your practice bag with you, 20 minutes had passed when you finally walked in the room. The 7 pairs of eyes stares at you as soon as you opened the door and you smiled sheepishly, embarrassed.
"Hey, guys..." you said, in a small voice.
"Where the hell were you? I called you 5 times and sent so many texts, and you never answered!" Yeji yelled out, walking to you as the sweat was dripping on her face. "We are dying here without you!"
"Dying? What do you mean?" you asked, confused as you looked over to your other teammates for an answer.
Felix spoke out as he looked down. "We have a new choreographer."
"What? I thought Miss Park was coming back again this year."
"Nope." Ryujin continued. "We have Mister Lee Minho, now." Almost instantly, the door behind you opened revealing an handsome man, around your age. "Talking about him..." she trailed off.
With the looks of a prince, the lean body of a professional dancer and doe-like eyes, he still gave off an intimidating presence. No wonder the crew seemed almost scared of the man. However, you were not the kind to be threatened by any authority figures, even less a new dance coach. You have seen every types, and this Lee Minho didn't phase you in the slightest.
"I suppose you are Y/N." he said in a stern voice.
"And I assume you are Lee Minho."
"You're late."
"I know."
"I would have expected better from our dance captain. Are you sure you deserve this title?" he pondered, almost challenging you.
"I'm certain, yes."
"Don't be late again." he simply sighed before walking to the front. "Alright guys, now that stretching is done, shall we start reviewing some moves from last year? I want to see your level before determining what style I want to work with you all."
With that being said, one by one, you offered your best performance in front of the new coach. Once you all passed, he required for you to dance as a group. After being done, he dismissed you all, saying he'll figure out what style he'll go for and who seems to be the strongest dancers among the crew.
Taking a sip from your water bottle, you and Chan started to gather your things to leave afterwards.
"He's making us sweat like crazy! It's even worse than when I go work out. I'm already sore!" the man complained like a child.
"It's harsher than with Miss Park, but I think he's good. He seems serious and knowledgeable about dancing, I'm sure he'll do good to our group." you defended.
"Y/N, he literally embarrassed you in front of everyone."
"And so? He knows how to discipline people, that's good I think."
Yeji frowned at your statement as she joined in the conversation. "You like having a strict coach?"
"How am I supposed to improve if I don't have someone to push my limits?"
"She might just like Mr. Lee." Chan teased but you simply ignored him while the others responded with more teasing and laughter.
As you were all leaving the room, your name was called out. To no surprise, Minho was the one asking for you. You let the others know you'll join them afterwards before making your way to Minho.
Minho took a minute to observe you. He had noticed your talent, there was no doubt you were, by far, one of, if not, the best among the crew. He had seen so many dancers, he knew for sure how to spot a great one. However, you had something intriguing. Unlike the others, you understood how having pressure only helps to improve.
"I might have to take my words back, you surprised me today."
You nodded you head in acknowledgement of his compliment. "Thank you, and so have you. Rare it is someone who has this much authority on a group on the first practice."
He laughed at your remark. "I know how to put people back to their place."
"I'd like for you to arrive in time next practice. I like to be punctual, so please don't make me wait."
"I'm not late usually. It's only because you started at 8 and we used to start at 9." you explained, but he didn't seem to accept your justification.
"Well, get used to it. 8:00am this Thursday. On time, please."
You nodded rapidly and he dismissed you. When you stepped out of the building, Yeji, Chan and Hyunjin were waiting for you as they were discussing. Hyunjin noticed you quickly and hurried to you.
"What did he want?"
"He asked me to not be late next time, that's all."
"I don't like him, he nags you when you're literally the most well-behaved among us." Hyunjin pouted as you started to walk towards your usual ice cream shop.
"He nags all of us, though?" Yeji pointed out to her brother.
Hyunjin ignored her as he opened the door of the shop, allowing you all to enter the place. The fresh odor of sugar mixed with a fruity scent made you smile, especially after you spotted Jeongin at the counter. You have come to the place so often, it was inevitable for you to bond with the young cashier. As you kept showing up at his workplace, he had started to give you some discounts.
"Jeongin!" you exclaimed while making your way to the ice cream display.
"Hey guys! The usual?"
"I think I'll have strawberry sorbet this time." you answered.
"Same." Chan said.
The siblings took their usual ice cream cones and Jeongin was quick to make your orders. You savoured your sorbet while the others engaged in a conversation you were, frankly, not listening to at all. Instead, your mind wandered off to your interaction with Minho. It was so odd. There was an obvious respect between the two of you, but you felt as if he was testing you. Even the few remarks he made throughout the whole practice, they had a hint of challenge in them. You couldn't help but feel intrigued by him. How was it going to be this year with him among the group? You'd have to wait and see.
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Three months had passed since that first practice. As promised, you were never late again. In fact, you were always the first one to get there, arriving about 10 minutes beforehand. Minho seemed to be the early type too, because he was always there in advance as well. The first time you arrived at the same time, it was rather uncomfortable. Neither if you spoke while you were stretching to the music Minho had put. As time passed, you started to converse with one another. It could be about dancing, about the weather, about food, even about his cats. Somehow, you always had something to talk about. The more you two talked, the more you got to see his crazy side. Believe it or not, Minho might be the craziest person you know. The man carries bundles and is a literal cat mom... what can be any weirder than this?
You and Minho were getting along perfectly, but you couldn't say the same for the rest of the group. Felix was apparently too "energetic", Yeji needed to improve her angles, Jisung wasn't taking Minho's comments seriously enough, Chan seemed to be tired and needed to focus (which was true, honestly, the man needs to sleep), and Ryujin and Chaeryeong were apparently talking too much. As for Hyunjin, he seemed to be the only one who had nothing Minho could see as wrong. This dynamic was no fun for anyone, but you really saw it as an opportunity to push yourself to the best.
Today was no exception, except for the fact the championships were coming in the next few months and Minho wanted to make sure everyone was prepared.
"I made sure to be registered for every category, and I mean every single ones." he stared at the crew intensely for a moment before taking out a list from his phone. "We have male and female solos. I think Hyunjin would be a great fit."
"I can do it, yes." Hyunjin nodded and Minho seemed satisfied.
"Y/N? You did last year. How do you feel if I suggest Ryujin instead?"
"She can do it." you said nonchalantly.
Of course, you would have loved to have a solo again, but you truly believed Ryujin deserved her moment. She was an incredible dancer, after all.
"Great." Minho noted before continuing. "For the male and female trios, I noted myself, Felix and Hyunjin. As for the girls, Yeji, Ryujin and Chaeryeong." he looked up to see nods of approval from everyone. "We have male and female groups as well, and mixed which I think is obviously going to be all of us. I have female duos... How about Chaeryeong and Y/N?"
You were more than impressed. Usually, you would have the dances displayed and choose yourselves who would do what. Minho chose to assign the numbers himself, but he did so amazingly, and thought out of everything. From who matches the most with who, to their dance styles and their level.
"I'd like to see Chan and Jisung try for the male duo. Y/N?"
You perked at the mention your name and exchanged eyes with Minho. "Yes?"
"You're on duet duty with me. Sounds good?"
"Great. We'll dedicate half an hour of our practice for the group number. For the remaining hour, you can all go practice on your own. I'd still appreciate it if you can come see me once in a while to keep me up to date with how things are going. I have a few songs suggestions already, you can stay afterwards if you want to hear them. That'll be it for today. Thank you for your work! And Felix?"
The boy stepped forward, with a small and scared smile displayed on his face. "If I see another TikTok dance or anything of that sort, I'll be sure to beat your ass."
Felix gulped as Minho dismissed everyone. Soon enough, he hurried to you, enveloping you in a hug.
"Felix, the hell?" you said, startled at the sudden embrace.
"I don't get why you like this guy, have you seen how he bullies me?"
"He has a good point, though... Imagine doing the Renegade dance in a competition."
"See? You're even defending him!" he cried out, Jisung patting his back to comfort him.
"I think he needs to rest a bit, sorry for the bother." Jisung smiles apologetically before taking Felix out of the practice room.
You laughed at the two and were about to follow behind them. Yet, you stopped on your track. You turned around to see you were, once again, left alone with Minho. You remembered how he mentioned he had songs suggestions for the dances, and you were curious to know what he had chosen.
"Can I listen to the songs you picked?"
Surprised to hear your voice, he jumped a bit as he noticed you were still in the room. He nodded slightly and walked to the speaker and selected the playlist he made.
"Do you want to hear one in particular?" he asked.
"Our duet."
Looking back at his phone, he clicked on a song and soon later, a sweet ballad filled the room. No lyrics, only music. When you started to familiarize yourself with the soft tone, it gradually turned into a beat with a hint of bass in it. It was intense, sensual almost. When the song finished, Minho looked at you, expectedly.
"I know it might be a bit... too much?" he said, while his ears were slowly turning red. "But I thought it could fit our styles. I work a lot with smooth body movements and you're mainly a contemporary dancer. I just thought it could-"
You chuckled at his flustered face as he kept rambling about why he chose this song specifically. "Min, it's okay. I like it, I think it suits us well."
He nodded, reassured. "Okay, good... Umm... Do you want to listen to any other ones?"
"Why not?" you smiled warmly.
With that, he showed you the other songs he thought of for the dances and even that part of him impressed you. You commented and suggested other tracks yourself. You didn't know it, but it was at this moment that Minho realized he liked you. And I mean, like LIKE you.
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"How is it going with Minho?" Chaeryeong asked, once you finished your dance for the fifth time already.
"The duet? I don't know, he's a bit busy with choreographing his dance with Lix and Jinnie. He said he knows we can choreograph and learn ours quick, so he focuses on the others for now."
"That's good, but that's not what I meant."
You looked at her curiously and she invited you to sit down with her. "Then, what did you mean?" you asked as you sat in front of her.
"You KNOW what I mean..." she insisted and it took you a few seconds to understand where she was going with this.
"You're saying bullshit."
"Oh, come on! You're the only one he doesn't nag."
"He does nag me."
"No, he suggests new techniques instead of pointing out your weak points. You always stay behind to talk with him after practice is over and he smiles at you. He SMILES!! Also, why the hell did you choose a sensual dance with him?"
Your cheeks reddened quickly and you shook your head at her bold comment. "It's- it seemed fitting for our dance style." She gave you a look and you sighed, letting yourself lay on the floor. "We just get along, what do you want me to say?"
"That you are actually in love and you're just hiding it from us."
"The fuck?" you sat up right away. "I only talk to him when we practice, I can barely say I'm friends with the guy. Besides, you know I don't date."
"Yeah, and what a shame! Seungmin and I are even happier together, it could be the same for you."
You quickly changed subject, replaying your song once again to practice. As much as you wanted to deny it, you hated how right she was. How she pointed out perfectly your crush on the older man. He wasn't much older, 24 years old you learned. Surprisingly, that only added to your attraction to him. You hated how handsome he was, how good he was at dancing, and how easily he could make you laugh with his idiotic self.
You couldn't allow yourself to make a move. What if you get rejected right before the championships? It would only make things awkward. Even without the context of the competition, it was a bad idea overall. You had to suppress those small feelings, and quickly.
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"... 7, and 8."
As soon as Minho was done counting, he separated himself from you. At first, it was easy to hide his attraction to you. But as time passed and practices were more frequent, he knew his humor was only a way for him to restrain himself from letting you know how beautiful he thought you were. He almost cursed himself from making this dance so intimate with you, the ending being a close embrace with your faces millimeters apart.
"You dropped me... again." you pointed out, even though you knew you didn't need to say it since Minho was already aware of his mistake.
"Sorry..." he mumbled, eyes stuck on his phone to rewind the song to the part he kept messing up. "Again." he simply said, positioning himself to be ready to lift you.
However, you didn't cooperate with his orders and you walked to the speaker to turn it off. Minho looked at you, and scoffed at your actions.
"What are you doing?"
"You're clearly not focused and you're definitely overworking yourself. You're here 24/7, do you even have a life outside of here? A girlfriend to get home to?" you surprised yourself at the question, but glad you made your point known.
"I'm fine, I swear. And I don't really date, nor do I have many friends."
"You have your cats." you pointed out. "And I'm sure Soonie is in need of Minho cuddles."
"He sleeps in my bed, I can assure you he has enough cuddles."
"My point IS" you exclaimed, starting to get frustrated with the man. "you need to take a break."
"Says the one who happens to be here the most after me."
"Then, how about we both take a break?"
You didn't even let him answer and you grabbed his wrist to lead him out of the dance studio. Ignoring his protests, you were quick to bring him to a small convenience store close by.
"Do you like instant ramen?"
"Who doesn't?" he replied. "This is ridiculous, though. We really need to work on that move and-"
"Shut up, Min. Choose whatever you want, I'm paying."
He protested once again, but you shut him up and he finally grabbed a cup of noodles. You sat at the table installed outside after you poured boiling water in your bowls. Minho was the first to start eating and, seemingly, he was hungry as he smiled, satisfied at the taste.
"So? Was I right?" you asked, smiling at the sight of his full cheeks.
He nodded and swallowed his food before speaking. "I have to admit, I do need a break."
"There you go!" you laughed. As you kept eating, you started to have some doubts regarding the championships. "We have a month left."
"Do you think we're ready?"
"Everybody's been working hard, even Jisung stopped messing around. I'm sure we'll do great."
"I know, but I meant you and I. You did drop me a lot today. And the ending, you're the one who insisted on posing for a few seconds. But you didn't do it today. Did I do something wrong?"
Minho's eyes widened in panic, as you kept questioning yourself. "Oh my god, no, stop that! Like you said, I'm exhausted and I need a break. That's all, you did nothing. And I dropped you, yes, sorry again. Still, I think it's the first time today I make this mistake. I was simply distracted, we'll be fine."
"Okay, if you say so. You can skip tomorrow if you need to rest, you know?"
"I can't do that, who's gonna manage the group, then?"
"I'll do it. I've known them for a long time and I'm dance captain, after all." you bragged.
"Right, my bad, Mrs." he rolled his eyes. "Fine, I guess the cats will be happy to have a full day with their mama."
You judged him silently, taking another bite of your food. "You're weird."
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Minho stared at his phone, no reaction, freezing as he read the message again. You? Y/N? You were inviting him to one of the dance crew parties? He knew about those night gatherings, of course. He just assumed he'll never get to go to one since pretty much everyone except you and Hyunjin seem to despise him. It seemed like things had changed.
You felt bad for him, he was always excluded by the others. This was going to be your last party, before leaving for the competition the next day. You thought he had to come to this one, at least. He's the reason why you all have worked so hard, after all.
Minho : are you sure?
Y/N : 100% sure
Minho : okay then.. do you want me to bring anything?
Y/N : your handsome face and your usual goofy self is enough
Minho was red all over his face as he read the message you just had sent. How can you be so bold with this type of comment?
Minho : not even alcohol?
Y/N : i have enough to satisfy everyone, don't worry about that
The next day, everyone got there in the late afternoon; Jeongin being invited as well, your brother Changbin intruding himself in the group and Chaeryeong brought Seungmin along with her. Ryujin didn't forget to invite your school friends, Yuna and Lia. The only person missing was the one you were looking forward to see the most.
The evening was starting to settle in and you haven't done much other than talking and catching up. When 7pm hit, the doorbell rang and you stood up immediately at the sound.
"Someone is eager to see Mr. Lee." Felix teased and you sent him a death glare in response.
You walked to the door and opened it only to see Minho, casual clothing replacing his usual sport attire he had on during practice. He looked good.
"Am I too late?" he asked.
"Nah, everyone got here a bit early. Come in." you stepped aside so he could walk inside and everyone greeted him warmly, to your surprise.
When you told your friends you invited Minho, they were all reluctant to the idea. After all, they only knew him as strict and mean Mr. Lee.
The night was going well. Minho included himself a lot within the group, even Jisung seemed to have taken a liking to him. The more people drank, the messier the party was. Soon later, you changed the music for a calmer tone and you went back to chatting and laughing.
"Should we play a game?" Felix suggested, much to everyone's excitement, except yours.
You knew your friend better than this. He gave you a knowing look, confirming his intentions.
"I think I'll just watch you, guys."
"Y/N, come on! You're no fun... You always play, usually." Yeji tried to convince you.
"Oh, so you play often?" Minho asked, curious about the party-like version of yourself.
"She probably has kissed everyone in this room. Except Changbin, of course." Chan exclaimed.
Minho frowned at this revelation. He would have never thought of you as this type of person.
"You should play, then." he said, which caused the whole room to agree with him with screams and laughs.
You ended up agreeing. It's just a game, after all. Right? Ryujin was the first one to go and she asked Chan truth or dare. Chan, playing it safe, chose truth.
"Did you like someone in this room and never told them?"
"No." Chan laughed. "I see you as siblings, it'd be too weird for me." Disappointment filled the air as Chan moved to the next person. "Jeongin."
"Boring." Hyunjin booed.
"Have you ever gotten in trouble to get us an ice cream discount?"
"Surprisingly, never, but I think my boss knows. He just never said anything. Okay, Felix."
"Kiss Hyunjin."
"Come on, we did this one last time too." he whined, disappointed at the dare.
Nonetheless, he walked to the tall man and gave him a peck. It was probably the 100th kiss they've had already because of this game, it didn't hype up the group much.
"Y/N." Here we go... "Truth or dare?"
Neither were good for you. Were you going to either kiss him or risk him knowing about you months-long crush on him? With that in mind, the safest option seemed obvious.
"Kiss Minho... for 10 seconds."
Your eyes widened at the request. You expected the kiss, but not the duration. Oh, how much you hated Felix at this instant. You turned to look at Minho, his expression blank. You couldn't guess what he was thinking, and that made things worse. Ignoring the whistles your friends made, you got closer with Minho as you put your hands behind his neck.
"Are you okay with this?"
He was not. He was terrified, but he wasn't going to say this to your face.
"It's a game. Besides, I'll get to see how much of a horrible kisser you are." he teased to diffuse the tension, and you could only roll your eyes at his joke.
You took a breath and closed your eyes as you approched Minho's face. Soon, you felt your nose touching and his warm breath of your lips. Somehow, this seemed to have provoked something in Minho as he brought his hands to the sides of your face and quickly closed the gap separating the two of you. The kiss was deep, needy, almost like it was something that he couldn't have waited for any longer, and neither could you. The kiss deepened even more when he opened his mouth slightly, allowing you to slide your tongue in. You knew the others were probably howling in joy, but you couldn't hear them. Your sole focus was on Minho, on the butterflies you felt in your stomach. At this point, you knew the 10 seconds had already passed, but you were still kissing each other. You could say you were disappointed when Minho finally pulled away. His eyes had lust in them as he stared right back at you, your faces still close. In embarrassment, you coughed and looked away from him.
"Alright.. um... Chaeryeong? Truth or dare."
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Last night ended awkwardly, to say the least. Minho avoided your gaze as much as you avoided his, barely saying goodbye to you as he left your house. Yeji stayed over for the night and you were literally screaming in embarrassment. The poor girl had to endure your complaining, your whining and your drunk behavior all night long. Luckily, the ride to the competition was a few hours which allowed you to sleep in the bus you reserved especially for the occasion.
Even in the vehicle, it was awkward. While Minhlo sat at the very front with his new friend, Jisung, you sat at the back with Yeji and Felix and Hyunjin sitting in front of you. You fell asleep in a matter of seconds once the bus drove off, allowing the three others to speak about THE event.
"Looks like you, girls, had a good night of sleep." Hyunjin said sarcastically, staring at your tired face.
"Felix Lee Yongbok, I blame you for this " Yeji glared at the boy.
"Can you really blame me? I thought they would confess or something. Not this." he shook his head.
"Yeah, well now they have a freaking duet to do."
"The duet isn't until the last day. They'll have time to figure it out."
Yeah, you didn't figure it out. Avoiding each other during the day, only focusing on the dance during the group number, avoiding his gaze as he did the trio number, not speaking to each other when everyone went out to eat to celebrate at dinner... It was an interesting first two days, let's say.
By the end of the second day, you both have managed perfectly fine with not talking with one another. However, this situation seemed to weigh on one person in particular.
"Y/N, we need to talk!" he exclaimed as he bursted into your room without any warning, making you jump.
"Jisung, what the fuck? How did you get in?"
"I asked Yeji for your other room key. Now, listen to me." he said sternly, approaching you. "Fix things with Minho, already. I'm glad him and I get along now, but all I've heard about for the last 48 hours was him complaining about you. Go fix your man."
With that being said, he simply left without letting you answer. You found yourself dumbfounded by his sudden outburst, too stunned to react. Not even two minutes after, Yeji walked in, her room key in her hand.
"Jisung needs to stop stealing our stuff, it has become a real issue." she rolled her eyes before plunging onto her bed.
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Even with Jisung's request, you still haven't talked with Minho about what happened. As you expected, the duet was announcing itself to be a disaster. Already dressed and backstage, you exchanged looks with the man himself as he stood at the same spot opposite to you. Even though he was in the dark, you could see his features clearly. Ethereal, you though. You have rarely seen him in this kind of attire; a loose shirt with black pants and makeup that hid the tiredness of his eyes. His hair was neatly styled which gave it some fluff. You never thought you could find him more attractive than he already was. Behind his good looks, you still saw the hint of sadness and nervousness in his eyes.
The signal for you to come on stage was heard and you positioned yourself in the middle of the stage, Minho doing the same. As he place himself behind you, you turned around to say something, but he stopped you right away.
"Focus." he whispered. "We'll talk later. Good luck."
You nodded at his words and on cue, the smooth ballad you grew familiar with started to play. The beginning of the dance was slow, graceful. Minho had amazing bodg control as he moved smoothly next to you. As rehearsed, he grabbed your hand before making you spin and stepped back to observe you. When the beat started to turn slowly into the sensual style, the dance shifted from an innocent and soft one to a powerful and intense performance, filled with passion. Minho's moves were precised and his facial expressions couldn't be better. He had so much charisma, you melted only with a small glance at him.
Not losing your focus, you kept going, until it was the moment Minho was supposed to lift you. Strangely, he still hadn't managed to do it properly, and it worried you even more because of what happened at the party. Growing more anxious, you allow yourself to look at him in search of reassurance. It was no surprise for you when you found his eyes staring right back at you, still the passionate facial expression plastered on his face. With a small nod, he took you by the waist and lifted you at the right angle, maintaining the pose for a bit before dropping you, only for you to land back in his arms. He held you in his embrace, his face close to yours, just as planned. Only this time, it ended with what you have been wanting to do for months. He closed the proximity between the two of you and finished off the duet with a kiss. Taken aback, it took you a second to process what he was doing before you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss.
At this moment, it was as if you didn't need to speak about what happened anymore. You both knew that you wanted each other other, that was all. The cheers from the crowd snapped you out of your trance and you pulled away before bowing at the crowd. Minho held onto your hand tightly and smiled at your glowing face. When you arrived backstage, he didn't lose another second before he kissed you once more.
"Okay, okay! That's enough, lovebirds." Chan said, tapping on your backs.
You separated yourself from Minho and rolled your eyes at Chan. Minho pulled you back into his embrace again and hugged you tightly.
"I think you guessed it by now, but I like you a lot." he said softly.
"And I think you guessed as well, but I like you too." you laughed. "I'm sorry for the party."
"No, I was the one who was being weird about it. I'm sorry."
You hugged him tighter and pecked him lips quickly. You stared at his eyes more attentively this time and his ears turned red as you admired him.
"How does a date sound when we get back home?" he asked.
"Sounds good to me."
He leaned in for another kiss but you stopped him.
"Wait." you said and he gave you a confused look. "So am I a horrible kisser?"
He looked up for a bit to think, and then spoke. "Hmm... I might need to test it out more than once to make an accurate evaluation."
You scoffed at his answer. "So you evaluate my kissing as well as my dancing now?"
"You got it." he answered with a smile and went for another kiss, much to Chan's disgust.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored
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Copyright © 2022 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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fallingforel · 1 year
98 with alex turner, please!
A/N: hey my lovely of course I will do this for you. as always requests are open and you can find everything you need to on my blog masterlist which is linked and pinned at the top of my profile anwhooo... on with the show.
PROMPT 98: "I won't let anything bad happen to you"
words: 862 words
How did I get in this position in the first place I hear you ask, well I'll tell you. I had joined my boyfriend Alex and his band on tour for the first time. And all of us were sick and tired of doing the same thing in and out every night, arriving in the first city in early hours of the morning, breakfast, sound check, lunch, quick fag break, back inside to make sure everything runs smoothly, performing, going out for a quick drink and then back on the tour bus for midnight to travel to the next city and then doing it all again the next day. It had all become boring for all of us so we begged and pleaded the bands tour manager for a couple of nights in one city which after much breakdown (fake tears and a bit of the dramatics) from me, the tour manager had given us an extra day to explore.
so after the show we went out into the streets of paris, went to a nightclub and then went to one of the lovely girls that I had met that night's flat but her boyfriend had come home early and he didn't particularly like albeit strangers in his house (which is understandable) so now I was currently having to jump off the balcony of this girls flat, before the boyfriend had come back and we couldn't exactly go down into the lobby because we needed a fob from the girl to let us out and the boyfriend was going to be arriving into the lobby. So the quickest way was jumping down from the balcony, to be fair it wasn't a very high jump maybe about 3 to five feet as she lived on the first floor, I could've done it sober, which was exactly the issue. I had downed about 5 sambuka shots on top of the aperol spritz so safe to say I was as drunk as an uncle at a family gathering.
"DOVEY?" Alex shouted up from the balcony. "YES?" I replied to his question and deemed pet name from the night we met. "DO YOU TRUST ME?" "YES!" "SO JUMP I PROMISE I'LL CATCH YOU IT HONESTLY ISN'T THAT HIGH, COME ON DOLL" "Fuck it" I say before I jump and flail my arms about and land straight into Alex's arms.
"see it wasn't that bad, told you I'd catch you" "and you did, didn't doubt you for a second, I mean it when I say I trust you completly Al" "And I mean it when I say I won't let anything bad happen to you. over my dead body, I'd die for you y/n/n" "okay calm down the dramatics boy, someone has had a few too many" "says you, 'AHH! I can't jump It's too high.' it was more like two feet in the air, You'd easily jump that if you were sober y/n" Matt pipes up from besides us.
"VOUS AVEZ BESOIN D'Y ALLER, IL ARRIVE PAR L'ARRIÈRE. EXÉCUTION RAPIDE" the girl said from up the top, it got me alarmed as I was partly french, having grown up here for the first 16 years of my life and always talking to my parents in it.
"what did she say dovey?" Alex asked in a whisper from beside me into my ear. "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! JUST RUN" I say before taking off and everyone following.
I had ran all the way until the tour bus was in view. "What the fuck was that back there y/n?" Matt asked, half out of breath, running up to me before stopping to my side. "her boyfriend was coming round the side, think he heard her shouting and the music from the apartment, we had to run before he got us, french men are scary. I grew up here remember I know exactly what goes on."
Is all I say before I'm disappearing into the tour bus bathroom to get ready for some rest.
Making my way to Alex's bunk, I climb up and make myself comfortable under the duvet settling down waiting for Alex to come back. Which he does within 15 minutes of me getting there. "makes a nice change doesn't it?" he asks before he settles down and pulls me in for a hug on his chest. "what does?" I ask. "not doing the same thing every night, I liked the chaos tonight. Have to remind you to put the dramatics on when we get to sheffield, need to show you where I grew up, seen as you're showing me where you grew up tommorow" "yeah just say the words and I'll do it anything for you baby" "okay dovey, lets get some sleep now. gotta rest that alcohol off got a packed day tommorrow" Is the last thing we say to eachother before we start a new day in france, this time closer to where I grew up.
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ali-r3n · 2 years
Take Five
Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Eddie has an Upside Down induced panic attack during a performance with Corroded Coffin
Based on this idea that I sent to @jadeylovesmarvelxo check out their story
Hurt/Comfort and Fluff
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Eddie's fingers fumbled on the strings of his guitar as he played Master of Puppets with his band.
"Are you sure that you want to add that to the set list?" Y/N asked cuddled with her Metalhead boyfriend as he prepared for a show.
Since the events of Vecna, the Upside Down, and his near death experience with the Demobats, the group managed to go back to their somewhat usual lives. Eddie's band, Corroded Coffin, had started to develop a decent following and was able to afford performing at bigger venues than just the Hideout. Y/N was so proud of them, but she wasn't sure he was ready to revisit the song that he used as a distraction that fateful night.
He nodded. "Yeah. It'll be fine."
She didn't look convinced, but she dropped the conversation. The last thing she wanted was to rain on her beloved boyfriend's parade.
Cold sweat beaded on his skin as his chest felt tight. The crowd faded and was replaced with the darkness of the Upside Down.
His bandmates yelling his name and the crowd's confused murmurs fell on deaf ears, replaced with the screeching of Demobats.
Y/N noticed the far off look on his face from where she stood in the wings. Without hesitation, sh ran on stage to him. She cupped his pale, clammy face and ran her thumbs over the apples.
"Eddie, Baby. You're okay. You're safe. You're not in that place anymore, Baby. Come back to me, Eddie."
"Y-Y/N," he whimpered.
"I'm here."
"I can't breathe."
She took one of his ringed hands and placed it onto her chest.
"Its okay, Honey. Just breathe with me, okay?"
He nodded.
"Ready? One, Two, Three...Breathe in." She inhaled deeply which he mirrored. "One, Two, Three...Breathe out." She exhaled, he exhaled. "Again."
They repeated the process until the tightness in his chest eased and he calmed down. He closed his eyes which welled with tears. He ducked his head and buried his face into her shoulder. She hugged him and ran her fingers through his hair.
Eddie sniffled. "I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Baby," she reassured. "Do you want to keep going or take a break?"
"A break. I-I need a break."
"Okay." She looked over at his Bassist and mouthed 'take five'
He nodded and announced it to the audience as she led Eddie off the stage.
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Eddie took a seat on the couch in the green room. He covered his face with his hands and doubled over.
Y/N grabbed a bottle of water for him and walked over to sit beside him.
"Fuck!" he groaned, his voice muffled by his palm. "It's been a year. I should be over this by now."
She placed a hand on his back and rubbed it to help comfort him.
"Eddie, there's no timeline for it. Healing isn't a race. Its a marathon."
He moved his hands and clasped them in his lap. "You don't think it makes me weak?"
"No Eddie. I think you are so strong. You are still your lovable, goofy, nerdy self while dealing with something so traumatic."
He swallowed past the lump in his throat and looked over at her with wet eyes. "I don't feel strong."
"That's okay. You don't have to. Its okay to not be okay."
He curled into her and rested his head on her chest. Her steady heart beat comforting to me. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"I love you, Sweetheart."
Y/N pressed a kiss to his hair.
"I love you too, Ed."
Eddie Munson Taglist:
@seros-bitch @eddiemunsons-girl @m-i-1-0 @lunar-flwr @winchester-angel @angelbbygrl @madnessismylover @cherrybean1116 @edwardjamesmunson @3ternalreal1ty
@meaganjm @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfavbitch @fangirling-4-ever @zzokks @mattymurdocksbitch @fillechatoyante @luvbug4728 @doll-in-the-walls @ches-86 @shenevertricks1831 @urlocalhippie2029 @celestair @ruinedbythehobbit @purple-storm
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad @livslifeonline
Stranger Things Taglist:
@valeriiecameron @maruushkka @rainbows-dreams @april-foolish
Stranger Things (Billy excluded) Taglist;
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lalalenii · 1 month
For the past year and a half, I really struggled taking care of myself, especially when it came to cooking. I used to live with an elderly roommate who unfortunately was hospiced due to her COPD about two years ago and died shortly after. I lived with her for over five years, and from the beginning, we had a very close relationship that felt more like family than anything. I cooked almost every night. After coming home from work, I used the time in the kitchen to unwind, I loved trying out new recipes and navigating my vegetarianism and her weirdly specific food preferences. I liked the physical work of it and the act of service it let me provide, especially during covid and when she kept getting sicker.
After she died, and I moved to my own place I stopped cooking. It was probably for a multitude of reasons. Grief I didn't recognise as such, my relationship hanging on a thread and all the energy it took from me. Me having to navigate living on my own for the first time, navigating a household on top of my 40hr week + 5ish hours for my side job, but sadly probably also that I tend to feel more motivation when I perform tasks for anyone other than myself. Even though I knew that I enjoyed cooking, I just rarely did it. Instant noodles and ready meals, ordering takeout... it just all felt so much easier. I was also away from home a lot so buying groceries would often result in them going bad.
So for the past 1.5 years, I frequented the pretzel stand at my local train station a lot. I got breakfast and/or lunch there multiple times a week. So often, that the people working the stand would recognise me. There was this elder Turkish woman, who had a really kind face and was always nice, even though she probably gets paid jack and has to get up at 5 or something. But seeing her always kind of made my day. I always walked away with a smile, feeling a little bit better about everything. She was so unpretentiously optimistic, a hard worker and as far as I could tell always nice to her colleagues. She always greeted me and wished me a nice day. Until one day, she told me that tomorrow would be her last day.
I was really touched that she considered to let me know. Let me know that she wouldn't be part of my routine anymore, despite us never exchanging more words than "one spiced pretzel please" "that would be 1.50" "with card please" "thank you have a nice day" "you too!"
I hadn't actually planned to go get pretzels again the next day, but I just had to, and I also took the opportunity to tell her how much her kindness meant to me. That I saw her kindness and that I appreciated it and that her smiles made my day better.
That was that. The following week she was gone and I went about my life, buying pretzels, struggling through my job and my relationship. I saw her every once in a while helping out at the stand – I was so elated every time and even if I didn't buy pretzels I made sure to at least wave at her in passing.
Months later, things changed. I gathered the courage to quit my job, to uproot my life. It was a risk but it paid off. My commute changed. From one hour to 25 minutes – what a luxury. My commute also now runs in a completely different direction. I take the underground to the town over and then get onto the bus. The added free time from the shortened commute is such a relief and while at least I manage to pack lunch every day now I'm still not very settled in, so I hit up the local bakery for some breakfast. I always get the same thing and after the salesperson stopped asking whether she can snap the cheese pastry in half to make it fit into the bag when I came in for the fourth time this week I decided I needed to change it up. I didn't want to become the cheese pastry girl. So on Friday, instead of the bakery I went to the local pretzel shop. I didn't even think about it too much. It's really the only other option near the station I switch to the bus. I was in a hurry to catch the bus, hoping that the woman and her child before me wouldn't also go into the shop, because if I missed the bus I'd have to walk and I'd be later than intended.
So I walked in. And what happened next honestly felt like the most stupid and clichéd movie scene. I did an actual double take. Because there behind the counter was my lovely, elder Turkish pretzel sales woman. I didn't even consider she just switched to another shop, I assumed she retired or did something out and only helped at the other stand occasionally to cover shifts or help out during rushes. But there she was, in all her glory. And when she saw me, we both laughed. It felt so ridiculous. We have no connection besides her selling me pretzels but the familiarity she brings into my life and into my morning routine was such a comfort. I don't know how she sees me, if she has a lot of customers like me but I do know she recognises me.
"I work in the neighbourhood now" I said as I stop laughing and she bags my regular order. "I'm stationed here now" she says and I tell her I'm happy to see her. I genuinely mean it.
"See you on Monday then," she says cheekily and although I was planning to cut the habit of getting breakfast at the bakery I make a promise to myself to stop by at least once a week. For the god-awful addicting spiced pretzel and for the kind woman who makes my day brighter without even meaning to.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 9 months
Dream of Modron
(Eris x mysterious female)
Word count: ±900
Warnings: none I think
This short Eris' drabble was inspired by @erisweek2023 prompt "Dance"
I'm very sorry for my English 🫣
This week was really busy, so I hardly managed to write this. Hopefully you'll like it despite of all the mistakes I've made.
And the hardest part of the story? The speech! I'm the last person who'd ever give any speech and it seems it's impossible for me to write one too.
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Eris decided to check on preparations for upcoming Autumnal equinox's celebration. He worked on it for the past two months and now there was only 1 hour left before it starts. As he walked around the clearing where it'll be held he inspected five tall piles of dry wood prepared for bonfires.
After that he moved to the tables. Servants assured him that the tables with food and snacks made of apples, pumpkins, chestnuts and other autumn fruits and veggies, would be ready on time as the last plates and trays should arrive any minute.
Before returning to the palace to get ready himself, he also checked the decoration, podium from where he'll speak and even the stage for musicians. All seemed to be ready.
Satisfied he returned to his room to take a shower and change to already prepared clothes. Last look in the mirror and he moved to the table to go through his speech quickly one more time. As the time came closer he could hear cheerful voices from outside. The crowd started to gather. It's time.
Approaching his podium he could see people gathered around, waiting for him to start the celebration. Making sure his mask of a fearless high lord is on its place, he took his place on the podium. There was a buzz in the crowd as all eyes turned to him. Calmly Eris surveyed people in front of him. He waited until everybody was quiet. Then he cleared his throat and started.
„Welcome to the annual Autumnal equinox's festival! Last year was really hard on us. War took too many lives and we also lost our high lord, my father. But we made it. We survived. Thanks to you all our country is safe once again," he paused to look to everyone in the eye.
„Despite of everything, nature was generous to us this year too and gifted us a lot of food, fruits and vegetables," he gestured towards the full tables set up along the edges of the clearing.
„Usually we celebrate Autumn equinox to give our thanks to the nature, but this year is little bit different. Let's take advantage of this feast and celebrate our victory and life itself as well. Let the party begin!“
With last words he left his powers rumble around, setting the bonfires on fire. Crowd cheered loudly. Then priestesses on the other side of clearing took over the attention and performed their usual rituals and offerings. When spiritual part ended, musicians took up their instruments and crowd split into dancers and onlookers.
A satisfied grin settled on Eris's face as he took in the scene in front of him from his small podium. Everything went smoothly, exactly as he planned it.  Unfortunately he couldn't stay longer and enjoy the results of his hard work. There were some high lord's matters that needed his attention. He waited until he was sure people were enough distracted. But when he was about to sneak out, he noticed a girl dancing around one of the bonfires. In the moment he forgot everything else.
It wasn't her look that caught his eye even though it wasn't bad too. She had big green eyes, waist-length auburn hair, quite lovely face with few freckles on her small nose and cheeks. She was rather smaller with slim and graceful curves.
It was her dance that impressed him. Her movements were precise, confident, elegant and as wild as the flames behind her. She radiated  tremendous energy that attracted him. It reminded him of Nesta's dance just with one difference. This girl was way better. If Nesta was a queen of dance, this girl was goddess.
Before he knew, he was already strolling through the crowd, every step bringing him closer to her. He stopped few meters from her with arms crossed on chest, openly gazing at her with smirk plastered on his face. The smirk that she shamelessly reciprocated. It seemed as if she was dancing just for him making eyes on him every time she turned his way.
Biting down his lower lip he watched her for few minutes enjoying the view before joining her. She eagerly accepted his hand and together they swirled around the bonfire in a wild vortex of dance. Fire filled his veins fuelled by the warmth and flexibility of the flesh under his fingers. A wild grin spread across his face. They hadn't spoken a single word, but neither of them minded.
Eris lost track of the time and his surroundings. At that moment there was only her, the music and the fire for him. He didn't feel tiredness nor thirst or hunger. His body was drawn to hers, his lips only few centimetres from hers. Suddenly she stopped. Eris blinked and looked around.
The night turned into dawn, everybody had already left. Looking at the empty stage where musicians stood before, it was clear that the music must have stopped playing a long time ago. Only embers remained of great bonfires.
Surprised he turned back to the girl, but she was gone too. He looked around in confusion. Except of him there were only wisps of early morning mist rolling across the clearing.
He sighed. He didn't even have a chance to ask her name. Tired he returned back to the palace and crawled into the bed.
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morningstarinc · 1 year
Because Faith is Mine
Eva never had much faith in anything. Christianity had let her down. But one night, her friend invites her to a "Ritual" where they are sequestered by Papa Emeritus for a unique proposal. Eva's life begins that night, she hits the road with Papa and the Nameless Ghouls, power struggles ensue, sexual favors follow, and three ways are had. Eva finds meaning in life and it turns out he wears a mask, oh, and happens to be a demon rockstar from hell.
First work, I'm looking for critique on writing style, etc. This is a tester for an unrelated novel I am working on. Any help is appreciated and I hope you enjoy the fantasy.
Chapter 1
God. There was no god, or rather, if there was, what had he ever done for me? Never had any of the thousands of prayers whispered over the years been answered. At this point in life, I had begun to consider that there was no such thing as a higher power. Until I received an invite to something called a “Ritual.” A girlfriend of mine had invited me to a show, I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was always down for a night of fun, though I had to admit, the thought of a “Ritual” had intrigued me. My friend Grace and I had grown up in extremely religious households, so it was just natural that the two of us were drawn to one another with our rebellious tendencies. Grace was currently pacing the living room of my small apartment.
“Evangeline Flewelling! We need to go! We're going to miss the show!” my friend yelled at me. “God dammit Grace, you know I hate my fucking name, I'm almost ready,” I yelled back to Grace. “Oh, pardon me Princess Eva, would you mind hurrying your ass?” she rebuttled.
I settled for a vampy chiffon crop top with long puffy sleeves, slung my purse across my chest, and stomped out of my bedroom in my black chunky heels. Grace ran to the car demanding that I walk faster. Maybe I was nervous, who knows, something felt odd in the air tonight and it made me hesitate with every step. Strapped into the car I pulled our destination up on my phone. “So, what should I be expecting at this ‘Ritual’ exactly?” I asked Grace as she sped down the highway, swerving around other vehicles. “Girl, it's everything!” She squealed in excitement. “Alright, well that tells me absolutely nothing...”I replied with a laugh.
“Ok, soooo, think sexy guys and girls wearing masks and all black while rocking out to satanic metal worship music?” she said with an uptick of her voice. “Jesus, so it’s a cult?” I asked sardonically. “No, no, no it's not a cult, it’s this satanic pope named Papa Emeritus, he goes around to different cities performing ‘Rituals’ and sharing their stories. Look we're just going to a concert Eva; you always overthink things. Just relax and have fun tonight. It's going to beeeeee, let's say, spiritual,” She finished with a wink. I inhaled deeply and shook my head and replied, “Whatever you say Grace, I'm in your hands.”
We pulled up to the Arena in the next town over. Every parking lot was overflowing with cars. I had no idea this “Ritual” was going to be so popular. Grace was giving me the lecture right now about how we should have left sooner because she knew parking would be an issue. I try to calm her, but my attempts are clearly futile. We settle for a spot a few blocks from the venue and Grace takes off at a run-walk speed screaming over her shoulder for me to ‘hurry the fuck up.’
“Bitch, I swear to Satan if I miss Kaisarion I'm going to murder your face!” Grace says in a panic, I know she’s joking but the people walking behind us most definitely did not think she was joking. I picked up the pace a little bit and we finally made it to the Arena. Once again, Grace was freaking out for nothing, people were still making their way in for the show and the opening act was still playing. Grace grabs my hand, and we head straight for the front of the stage.
“Oh, hell no Grace, you know I hate the front, I don’t want to be smooshed!” I plead with her. Grace turns to face me, grabs my cheeks and looks deep into my eyes. “Trust me Eva, you're going to love this show, just calm the fuck down,” she says as she stuffs her pen in my mouth, I take a deep puff. The herbal taste fills my mouth and lungs, I breathe out deep and remember that tonight is supposed to be fun. I smile between her palms, and she releases me only to pick up my hand and continue dragging me to the front. We waited there for what seemed like an eternity, and thankfully I had used the restroom.
The opening act plays their last song and everyone around us is vibrating with excitement and its contagious. The room is filled with fog and the lights are dim. Suddenly the lights went out and guitars began to play. Curtains drop and the lights come on and figures cloaked in black stand on the stage. I have to admit, I gave an initial chuckle of amusement but watching them stalking across the stage with their guitars was more than enough to sway my mind. They wore black masks connected to hoses with two small horns atop their heads. They were dressed in tattered black military suits which gave a striking silhouette.
I wasn’t prepared for what happened next, a man in a skeletal mask ran onto the stage and began to sing. It’s hard to describe the way I felt in the crowd. I felt safe. Everyone was on the same level of excitement, and the more the crowd's excitement grew, the more the bodies on stage had to give to the crowd. The sound of the guitars coursing through the air, the boom of a cannon, drums pounding, lights flashing, and the masked skeleton singing, it was just as Grace had described it, Everything.
I was drawn into the crowd and began to dance and jump to the music. Grace was beside me going ape shit. She grabbed me by the neck pulling me close to her lips. “What the fuck did I tell you! Isn't this fucking awesome? she yelled into my ear. I turn to her and yell back, “is that the guy you called Papa Emeritus?” pointing to the masked skeleton man. She nods to say yes.
I turn my focus back to the stage in time to see the man named Papa is standing so close to where Grace and I are in the crowd. He looks down at us and tilts his head. The song is ending, and he finishes the last verse. Papa began to speak to the crowd.
“How are we doing tonight children!” Papa yelled, the crowd erupted in cheers and fists went flying into the air. “Good, Good!” Papa replied. “Then put your fucking fists in the air!” The masked man yelled into the microphone and the crowd obeyed. The next song took off and I turned my focus to the figures in all black roaming around the stage. I tapped Grace’s shoulder, tearing her away from the show. “Who are they supposed to be?” I yelled into her ear.
They're the nameless ghouls! They're kind of like Papa’s henchmen, I think? They're sexy as fuck!” she screamed, leaving my ear ringing. I watched as one of the ghouls stalked forward. I could have sworn he was staring at us. He stopped and stood a few feet away, staring. His head fell to the side slightly and he stood stoic as his hands slid over the strings of his guitar. I briefly imagined what it would feel like to have those deft fingers touching me. It’s as if the other ghouls picked up on it because soon three ghouls were standing before me staring. It appeared as if they were whispering to one another, and suddenly they broke apart, retreating to different sections of the stage.
Grace was staring in shock, she grabbed my hand and yelled into my ear once more, “I can't believe that just happened, they were totally staring at us!” She released me and began to dance and sing again. I turned back to the show. I have to admit, I found myself lost in the beauty of the ghouls. Their striking uniforms, their bold masks that border terrifying, the way they prowl. Yet they had a lightness to them too, they were playful on stage and had a way of controlling the crowd.
I began to understand what everyone was so worked up about. This was something I could truly get behind. A group of people gathered to worship satanic metal music together free of judgment. No one is angry, no one is hurting, everyone is on the same page, just here to celebrate and have fun. I began to think about my childhood. Growing up in such a religious household had certainly left its mark. Sometimes I felt a pull to darker things. I had spent so many years trying to fit into the mold my parents made for me. But I just couldn’t do it. I wanted more freedom for myself than that.
So, I broke away. I had always considered myself an atheist, Christianity didn’t cut it for me so why believe in anything? But I could believe in this, I could believe in Ghost and what they stood for. Another song began and this time Grace pulled me close to tell me it was called “Mummy Dust” and that the ghouls go crazy during this song. Not really understanding what she meant I just shrugged it off.
Papa was running around the stage singing and tossing his mic, keeping the energy high at all times. The ghouls were prowling around as usual, when one of them approached me again. The song began to slow. The ghoul was tall and slender, he stood in front of me stroking his white guitar. I watched as he let go of the guitar to run his hand along his cheek, dragging two fingers across his tongue. My pulse quickened and I felt my lips turn into a grin. I was loving this, just like Grace said. The ghoul kept running that hand all the way down his chest and to his guitar where he began stroking. And to his “climax” cannons erupted and confetti fell everywhere. I was so blown away by what I had just witnessed and extremely turned on by it.
Everyone was so distracted by the confetti, and I soon realized why, raining down from the sky was what appeared to be dollar bills. I snagged one out of the air and examined it, it appeared to be fake and had information regarding joining the “Clergy” to become a “Sister of Sin.” I barely had time to stuff the bill in my pocket before I felt myself being pulled backward. I felt a cold bar drag against my back before realizing that I was being pulled over the guard rail by a security officer in all black. I glanced behind me to see that Grace was in tow as well. I was relieved to not be alone in this situation. I didn’t have long to wonder what Grace and I had done wrong to be removed by security, when I glanced up, the same ghoul that stood before me touching himself was walking along the stage as security dragged me away. The last thing I saw before being removed through two double doors were the ghouls staring and Papa waving at me, the crowd still distracted by the confetti and fake money.
Once behind closed doors the rather large and muscular security guards sat us down and explained that Papa had requested a meeting with us. Grace squealed in excitement while I stood there confused. Why would the lead singer of a metal band want to see the two of us? It’s not like Grace and I are anything special. A woman came to the room to offer us a beverage while we waited for Papa. The woman wore a skintight black maxi dress with a black chiffon veil draped behind her head. She was adorned in all kinds of silver jewelry and was absolutely gorgeous. She introduced herself as Sister Katie and explained that she was a member of the Clergy and was herself a Sister of Sin.
I of course had no idea what was going on, but Grace was going ape shit next to me. She briefly explained that Papa Emeritus was a Demonic Preist. His mission in life was to tour around the world accompanied by his band of Nameless Ghouls to spread the word of the Clergy. She also went on to explain that her job is to take care of whatever Papa needs.
“So why are we being sequestered Katie?” I asked sarcastically. “Sister Katie,” Grace corrected me. “Ah, sorry, Sister Katie...? I amended. “It’s alright,” Sister Katie replied shaking her hands fervently before continuing. “You’re being summoned likely because Papa saw something in you tonight and he needs that something,” she went on. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, the three of us turned to see Papa Emeritus enter the room in his blue sequined vest. He threw his hands in the air.
“Ladies! Welcome, I am so glad you have chosen to join me for a chat.” He spoke. I found that comical given the fact we were dragged in here, but I kept my mouth shut. I was actually interested in what he had to say. Papa’s head tipped to the side, and he looked confused. “You do know why you’re here? Don’t you?” he asked. I folded my arms taking a deep sigh, “I know we were dragged here by two security officers before the show was even over.” I spoke evenly playing that I wasn’t enjoying this bullshit. Deep down I felt curious, I felt a pull, as if something big could happen from this one encounter. “Ah, I see,” Papa said as he shrugged and looked dejectedly at the floor before once again throwing his hands up in the air. “A simple misunderstanding! Please, please,” he said as he gestured to a modern sofa and chairs in the middle of the room.
I took a seat and Sister Katie made her way to a minibar against the wall. She began working on drinks, Papa interrupted my gaze by sitting down just across from me in an armchair. There was something comforting in his presence. I felt as though I could bare my soul and that nothing I could ever say would scare or startle him. I could feel something seeping into the depths of my soul. But I needed to know why we were here so I waited in silence for him to continue.
Papa broke the silence as soon as Grace took her seat next to me, “Ladies, are you familiar with my mission with the band Ghost?” Grace’s hand shot in the air and Papa smiled, “Yes, cherub?” he asked. Grace took a big breath in, “Ghost is a metal rock band preaching the freedom of Satanism and guiding people to being better human beings.” Grace stated confidently.
Papa nodded, “Ah, yes, yes my cherub, but we are also so much more than that. We fight for freedom, womens freedom, sexual freedom, freedom of expression, we accept all.” Papa continued. Sister Katie had returned to the party and sat a tray of beverages down on the coffee table between us. Four champagne flutes sat infront of us, bubbling with a red clear liquid. I waited until Papa grabbed a glass and took a sip before following suit. Grace was already sipping her drink.
“Sister Katie, could you please bring in the Ghouls my love?” Papa asked glancing over his shoulder at Sister Katie, she nodded taking a small curtsey before leaving the room. So, now was the time we would get to see the Nameless Ghouls up close. Now this I was excited for, something about them up there on stage got me fired up. One of them did more licking than anything else on stage, so needless to say I was more than intrigued.
Papa cleared his throat, “Ladies, you seemed to have quite the effect on my Ghouls. They spent most of the night on stage in front of you! This is a rare quality, you, see? My Ghouls are very, shall we say, mischievous. They require, supervision you understand, yes?” Papa waited for us to nod in response. He kept explaining, “The Sisters of Sin are some of the most prestigious members of the Clergy you, see? They are the Matriarch, they are the ones that keep us together, the ones that keep us running. We very much so love and respect our Sisters of Sin. Ghost has begun to pick up in popularity, with that means more touring. My Ghouls have been on the road before but never this long, I fear they may need more guidance.
I am recruiting Sister’s to train with the band. I have some ideas regarding our show. I would like to see our Sisters of Sin represented on stage. Yes, I want our Sisters of Sin to not only watch the Ghouls and ensure they behave, but I would like to see Sisters dancing and singing on stage with us. My Ghouls were enthralled with you two tonight, and it struck me, this was a sign. You two are perfect for the band. And so, without further ado, ladies, will you join us, will you join the Clergy to spread the freedom of Satan's way?” Papa was beyond excited at this point. He sat and waited in anticipation.
At that moment the door opened and Sister Katie walked through followed by one after another Nameless Ghoul. They seemed to come in all shapes and sizes. The first to walk through the door was a tall male with a runner's body, I recognized him as the one that liked to lick. Grace nudged my rib and whispered and pointed “that one is Alpha, but I like to call him Fire.”
The Ghouls were dressed in head-to-toe black. Now that I was closer, I could see that their masks were incredible, they appeared to be some sort of post-apocalyptic gas masks with small horns protruding through the top. The next through the door was a woman with a perfectly curvy body, one I would have killed to have. She walked in and took a seat on the arm of the chair that Papa sat in and began to play with his hair. Next through the door was a larger male figure with a stocky build, his sleeves were rolled up and I noticed he had several pieces of silver jewelry adorning his fingers and wrists, he seemed bold. “That was Beta, but he prefers to be called Aether. He’s second to Alpha in command of the Ghouls.” Grace whispered quickly.
Lastly through the door was an athletic built male with broad shoulders, strutted up to the other Ghouls taking his place behind Papa. “Thats Rain, he’s the Bassist, and the sexiest in my opinion.” Grace said louder than a whisper this time. She quickly turned red and began fidgeting in her seat. Papa chuckled. “Where are the other Ghouls?” Papa asked.
Alpha’s voice came through his mask deep and rich, it sounded almost otherworldly, “They’re currently indisposed Master” The other Ghouls chuckled under their masks, all except Aether who lightly smacked Rain on the back of his mask. I swore I heard a deep groan from under Rain’s mask. Papa cleared his throat snapping everyone back to the conversation at hand. “See ladies, this is why I need you; I need someone to keep my nameless Ghouls in check.” Papa pleaded with us.
I was looking at Papa but Alpha stole my attention as his tongue slowly came through his mask licking his lips, I felt a shudder deep in my stomach, or perhaps deeper than that. Finally this close, I could see that the Ghouls wore black scarves over their mouths during the show, but now they had them pulled down exposing what appeared to be human flesh. So, Grace was wrong, they weren't otherworldly beings, they were just people in masks.
Grace screamed yes so loud my ear began to ring. The one called Alpha had not yet broken eye contact with me. I stared back at him, he tilted his head and suddenly this felt like a pissing contest. So I tilted my head in return and to my surprise, I said “yes.” I saw a smile form on Alpha's face and Papa shot out of his chair. “Hail Satanas, Sister welcome to the Clergy and welcome to the band. While I am saddened by the fact that not all the Ghouls are here to witness this moment, I know they will be excited to meet you as soon as possible.” Papa said walking around the table to embrace both Grace and me. He snagged both of us placing a kiss on each of our cheeks before turning to leave the room. “Sister Katie will arrange your transportation tomorrow, we hit the road at dusk for Illinois!” Papa hollered back at us shutting the door behind him.
Sister Katie had already made her way to us and embraced us both at the same time, “Welcome Sisters, I am so excited to have you with us!” she said. Let’s get your information and then you ladies can head home to get your affairs in order. I will arrange your ride tomorrow. Remember, dusk.” she finished.
As we exchanged information the Ghouls had taken over the couch. I glanced back to see them lounging. Aether sat in the armchair, while Alpha sat on the sofa. I was slightly surprised at the fact that Rain had his head resting in Alpha's lap but I figured they were a tight group. The female Ghoul, whose name I had discovered earlier, was Cirrus, she was sitting on the top of the couch playing with Alpha’s horns. They seemed drawn to him; I suppose that’s why he was called Alpha after all.
Sister Katie had taken down all of our information and we finally parted ways. Grace and I left the building in a daze. I felt as though I had no recollection of what just happened. My mind was buzzing with the impossibility of the situation. Grace and I had just been asked to babysit the nameless Ghouls while performing with the band Ghost as backup dancers and singers. Fuck, what if I couldn’t sing?
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can't handle this right now ~ bo burnham
word count: 1721
request?: no
description: after five years working behind the scenes, he's overwhelmed with his first show back and she helps to calm him down
pairing: bo burnham x female!reader
warnings: swearing, panic attacks
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Despite his struggles during his second comedy tour, Bo loved performing live. When he first went on tour, he loved the thrill of performing and the audience reactions to the bits he worked so hard on. The bits were another thing he loved about performing on stage; he loved coming up with the bits for his shows. Sometimes the writing was almost better than the performing.
When Bo started experiencing panic attacks before, during, and after his shows, it was a no brainer for him what to do: he had to give up performing live. It was the best decision for his mental health. He had to put that first over his career. It was a bittersweet decision to make, but it was a necessary one.
It wasn't like he was giving up all together. He continued to work behind the scenes - directing, writing, creating in other ways. He acted a few times, too. In a movie that was nominated for an Oscar, even. He was still doing well for himself without the live performing. Although, he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss being on stage.
So, during his time off stage, he started working on dealing with his panic attacks. He found the resources, got professional help, even tried to ease himself back into live performing by performing for a very small audience. With a supportive team on his side, especially his long time girlfriend (Y/N), he felt like he was ready to return to what he loved the most.
At least, he thought he was. But then the night of his return performance came.
He had saw the crowd when his van arrived at the arena. They were lined up going down the block, many of them decked out in merch from his previous tours or their own homemade stuff. He could hear them when the arena doors opened and the place began to fill. Hundreds of voices, hundreds of bodies, all filing in to see him.
It was a mistake to peak out at the audience. Most people were still arriving or were in line at the merch kiosk, but there was still enough people in their seats to make Bo's chest tighten and his palms start to sweat. Hundreds of eyes looking at him, boring into him, expecting him to entertain them.
It was getting hard to breathe on top of the tight chest and sweaty palms, and his vision was starting to flatten. All well known signs of something he thought he'd never have to go through again. And of course it had to happen right before his comeback show.
He jumped at the sound of someone saying his name. He turned to see (Y/N) stood there, looking at him in concern. He knew he must've looked like he was freaking out. He was never good at hiding his panic attacks, especially from her.
(Y/N) reached a hand out to him, but didn't touch him. She knew that if he was touched during a panic attack without wanting to be touched it would make the attack worse.
"Come on," she said. "Let's get some fresh air."
Bo gladly took (Y/N)'s hand and allowed her to lead him away from the stage. The sounds of hundreds of voices began to fade away the further out they got. She led him to the back entrance where he had come in some time ago. The cool air and the silence besides the sounds of distant vehicles engulfed him right away. He felt his chest untightening slowly, opening up his lungs so he could gasp in much needed breaths.
He leaned against the brick wall of the arena, lifting his head to the moonlit sky.
"I can't do this," he said, his voice shaking. "I thought I was ready, but I'm not. I can't go out on that stage in front of all of those people."
Her hand was still in his, running her thumb along his knuckles in a soothing manner. "It's okay. If you don't think you can do it, then you don't have to."
"I can't back out of this now. I can't let all those people down."
"I'm sure they'd understand if you said the show had to be cancelled because of your mental health. Alternatively, we could tell them you got a very serious injury and had to be rushed to the hospital. I can push you down the stairs so it's not a lie if you want."
Bo laughed, which released the last of the tension in his chest. His vision was returning to normal, so when he looked over at (Y/N) he could actually see her smile, her face lit with a mixture of white moonlight and yellow arena lights. Her smile and the feeling of her hand in his helped to ground him completely.
"I thought I could do this," he said, sadness engulfing him suddenly. "I worked so hard to fix myself. Five years I was away. Five fucking years, and this is still happening."
"For one, you don't need to be fixed. That would mean you're broken, and having a mental illness does not mean broken," she started. "And two, I know you've worked hard to try and help yourself, but the truth is there's no way to completely rid yourself of these panic attacks. It's something you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. All you can do is work on the ways you deal with these things."
Bo squeezed her hand before pulling her into an embrace. She placed her head on his chest and he rested his chin on the top of her head. She often joked about being intimidated by his height, but Bo loved how much shorter she was than him. He loved having these moments where he could wrap his arms around here, completely engulf himself around her, and just hold her to him. He loved feeling her head against his chest, feeling her heart beating against her chest somewhere around the lower stomach area, her body warmth between his arms.
He loved her. That was the long and the short of it. Bo loved (Y/N) more than anything in the world. He didn't know where he would be at this point in his life without her constant support of him.
"What if I go out on stage and have another panic attack?" he asked, his voice so quiet he was sure it had drifted off into the night.
"If that happens, then you look over to the sides of the stage, and you'll see me," she responded, lifting her head from his chest so he could hear her more clearly. "And we'll do some of those breathing exercises that you learned about. Together."
Bo pressed a kiss to the top of her head, taking in the familiar scent of her shampoo as he pressed his nose against her hair.
"You're way too good to me," he said. "I'm such an asshole, there's no way I deserve someone as kind and loving as you."
(Y/N) giggled and kissed his cheek. "That's not true. You're only sort of an asshole, and even though you are that doesn't mean you don't deserve love and support."
"I guess I just need a reminder of that sometimes."
"Well, I'll remind you as often as you want."
Bo was about to lean down to kiss her lips when the door swung open suddenly. Bo's manager stuck his head out and saw the couple stood together.
"There you are!" he said. "You're on in five!"
The door swung shut again and the feeling of dread returned.
(Y/N) gave him a squeeze, causing him to look down at her. "You're going to do great. I believe in you."
He smiled and kissed her before the two of them decided they better get back inside.
He could hear the audience again as they approached. His breathing became heavier again, but the feeling of (Y/N)'s hand in his kept him more grounded this time around. He didn't want to ever let her go. If he could, he would've dragged her on stage with him just so he could hold her hand the entire performance.
She gave him another kiss and whispered, "You're gonna be great" in his ear before letting him go. Bo swallowed the fear that was building up inside of him as he house lights went down and the audience cheered in excitement. He tried to focus on that - the excitement and happiness for his return - over his own terror.
When the pre-show video ended, Bo took the stage to an uproar of applause. Before he even started any of his bits, the audience was to their feet and applauding him. He looked over at (Y/N) in the wings, who was smiling brightly at him and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back at her and finally got the crowd to quiet down so he could start the show.
Any ounce of fear or panic he was feeling had suddenly melted away.
The show went amazing and by the end of it Bo felt like he was floating on top of the world. He took a bow for the second standing ovation of the night before walking off stage where his crew was waiting to celebrate his amazing comeback. The cheering from the stage was mixed with the cheering of his manager and the backstage crew, but he managed to tune it all out when his eyes landed on (Y/N).
He took her into his arms and kissed her passionately, ignoring the fact that there were so many other people around them. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, getting onto the tips of her toes so that she could reach him.
"I told you it would be okay," she said.
"You did," he agreed. "And you were right. You're always right."
(Y/N) playfully gasped. "Someone get that in writing!"
Bo laughed and lifted (Y/N) off her feet. She exclaimed in surprise and giggled as Bo started to carry her away. Over his shoulder he called, "I'm taking this one back to my hotel room! No one come looking for us for the next 12ish hours please!"
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omegapossum · 3 days
Just realized I never posted this oops.
Anyways… POV: I hadn’t watched Sing 2 yet and was headcanoning.
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking ForHELLO! It is I, Mario Nick the weirdo! You may also know me as LuSilveira, NickSilveira, or just the weird Sing fanfiction writer who opened his inbox for requests and then... died. I promise to tend to requests received in near future, and by near future I mean I'll try my best not to deliver them with 5 years of delay. BUT ANYWAYS...
I have already concocted my own theories, took a million screenshots from the trailer to analyze them, and here goes nothing. Spoilers if you haven't seen the trailer/first movie, boring if you don't like mile-long texts.
– I'm gonna take a leap of faith and say that Ash is both:
a. HUGE Calloway fan;
b. Is spending the biggest part of the movie with him.
I also feel it in my heart that they have more in common than what may first meet the eye, but I'll tend to that in a moment's notice. The same goes for my feeling that Calloway was hinted at in the first movie – whether in an outdoor, poster, CD or book cover, anything. I just spent the last two hours trying to find it, but Sing delivers a lot of information and only so much meets the myope's eye.
But anyways, on the based theory itself. For "a", we have both the scene in which Ash tells Buster that Calloway is a recluse and the scene in which the two of them first arrive at Calloway's hideout. That could be a subtle hint that, at some point, she tried finding him/getting an autograph from him, ended up just outside of his mansion, and the rest is history. Since Ash doesn't strike me as being beyond mid-20s, you could also throw some feels in there and say child Ash adored Calloway, perhaps even went to one of his shows' with her parents, and was heartbroken when he shut himself away from the world. Not to mention the very fact that the ONE song we see Ash singing in the trailer ("I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For") is a Bono (aka Clay Calloway) song, so I believe it's safe to say they'd go with that. Perhaps some wordplay with "U2" is in order too. My money's on "Eel2" and I'll laugh myself silly in the movies if it happens. Anyways, moving on.
As for "b", I believe the biggest hints at it are in the fact that in every scene that Ash and Calloway share, they're alone. Even when Ash and Buster finally make it to his hideout's gates, Buster's nowhere to be seen just in the followup scene. Could be one of those cases in which Ash stayed behind to convince Calloway to go while Buster got the rest of the performance ready. I particularly believe this is the case because look just how comfortable she is around the place:
She's literally bringing him a cup of tea in this scene, while in this other (taken from the Spanish trailer):
She seems to be standing in his mansion's staircase when he joins her.
Likely the very staircase to the right here. Not to mention the piece of advice Ash voice-overs Calloway during the trailer and the fact that Ash rides in his motorcycle, too.
Miss-it-if-you-blink frame, but it's there. Whatever happens in the movie, seems that Ash will be the one who convinces Calloway to perform again. I'll wrap this up saying Bono either isn't getting a solo, or does a solo AND a group performance. Something like the end of the first Sing movie but, instead of gathering around to bow, they gather to sing together. Now, my poor friend Phoenix is probably tired of hearing how much I wish this song is "Do They Know It's Christmas?", but to say I completely adore this song is an understatement. I'll be able to rest peacefully for the rest of my life if I get a rendition of "Do They Know it's Christmas?" with Bono+Sing cast. And I have my own weird thinking process for coming up with the idea. The original rendition was performed by several artists, including Bono, Elton John (aka. original singer of the song Johnny performs in the first movie) and George Michael (who also has a song heard in the first movie). The 30-year anniversary rendition was performed by some other several artists, including Bono and... Sam Smith and Seal (who both had their songs performed in the first movie). Bit of a stretch, I know, but I think it'd be rather ironic (and just make sense!) to have the cast ensemble to sing this timeless classic, not to mention that Bono voices a character himself. It'd be the perfect opportunity! "Do They Know It's Christmas?" is also a song about hope and giving hope, which seems to fit the Sing franchise just well.
Summing it up... if I call it, I'm simply posting "BAND AID'S BACK!" all caps as soon as I leave the movies. Moving on now.
– Soundtrack analysis
The first movie has opened a precedent in which the songs performed somehow relate to the characters' arc (like Johnny's "I'm Still Standing" relating to him ditching his father's gang to follow his dream and Ash's original about freeing herself from her abusive relationship). Odds are the same happens in the second movie, so here I go.
As far as what meets the ear, we have "There's Nothing Holding Me Back", sung by Johnny, and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", sung by Ash, System of a Down's "Chop Suey!" blasting from Ms. Crawley's car, and "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys. At first sight, it seems like Ash's song is the flagship of the movie, since it plays in every dramatic scene from the trailer and even ends it (not counting dramatic relief robot-Gunter scene), so I'll start with that.
The original rendition of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" was performed by Bono (with U2) and is a hard rock song. Ash's version, however, is slow-paced and almost lullaby-ish. Now, with just a trailer, it's hard to tell if it picks up pace during the performance, or if it stays slow-paced (this second option is particularly more appealing to me; I always thought the song could be better if it wasn't so loud and I already LOVE Ash's rendition). But the song in itself talks about someone who has faced many hardships and yet hasn't, well... found what they're looking for.
Could either mean that the cast hasn't found something about themselves yet, either individually (whether that's the courage to do a tricky act, in Rosita's case, the courage to dance, in Johnny's case, or any other hardship to be faced by them) or as a group (seems like, as it happened in the first movie, there will be some asynchrony between the cast), could be a hint at Calloway's backstory, or it could even be a lesson to the watchers themselves; as in, we need to face all the hardships of life until we get where we want to be.
– Nooshy's age
Ah, yes. The age headcannons. I live for them, so here are my two cents.
I'm reading far and wide people headcannoning that either Nooshy is a teenager or a full-on literal child. While I do think it's possible she's a teenager, I still think she's an adult, possibly around Johnny's age (I HC him being 21) or even a bit older. And my sole reason to believe that is the way she speaks.
– Johnny's scenes
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braveclementine · 25 days
Chapter 15
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖉 different when I woke up and over the various weeks. There was no Hagrid on the grounds. Dumbledore was no longer sitting in the high seat. Even though McGonagall was supposed to have taken his place, his seat was left empty. Madam Pomfrey had stopped visitors from coming to the hospital wing. Fear was spreading through the castle like wildfire. I had stopped hanging with Harry and Ron and Ginny as much, isolating myself from people. There was no more Quidditch, private lessons, or clubs.
I had contented myself with being by myself unless in class. I spent my days studying in Hagrid's cabin. It was abandoned, Fang enjoyed the company, and I could be in peace here. There were some times I didn't even go back to the castle and just stayed in Hagrid's bed overnight.
On some days, I performed Hagrid's tasks that I'd been used to helping with. I tended to the hens- Hagrid hadn't had times to get new roosters- pulled the weeds in the garden, and other miscellaneous things.
My visions seemed to have been backed-up over the winter and were now reacting. I was getting visions every hour. Usually, it was stupid stuff like Draco in potions telling Snape to apply for the headmaster position. Or that we were still getting exams. Nothing extremely important.
The forest also became a sanctuary and I started spending a lot of time in there, exploring, taking notes, finding new places and discovering which trees held fairies and Bowtruckles and so many other things.
A letter from dad came. Sadie found me reading a book on the floor of Hagrid's cabin. It was a new book, one of the Muggle books that Trang had sent me for Christmas. I looked up and took the letter from her beak.
"You can stay in here for a little bit if you'd like." I offered. "It's nice and cozy, just stay high enough, I don't know how Fang will react to you."
She flew about the room and settled on the back of the chair while I opened and read dads' letter.
Dear Elizabeth, I'm getting worried. I haven't heard from you for a long time. I've heard rumours from the school. Is it true that Dumbledore was removed? What is going on, you haven't told me nearly anything since Christmas. If I don't hear from you soon, I will approach the Professors. I'm sure they'll tell me something. Love, Dad P.S. I'm worried, did I mention that?
I sighed, setting the letter aside. Pulling parchment out of my bag and I grabbed my Fwooper quills and started writing to dad.
Dear Dad, I haven't been well. I don't mean I've been sick, just a bit depressed. Cornelius Fudge took Hagrid away because he doesn't have any other suspects for the Chamber of Secrets being open again. Did I mention that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened? I don't know if any of that has made the news yet. It's horrid. Yes, Lucius Malfoy got the twelve Governors to sign a piece of paper saying Dumbledore was to be removed. McGonagall's headmistress right now. Hermione was one of the victims of the chamber. The mandrakes are almost ready though so they should be up in a month or so. I miss her. I suppose I haven't been my cheerful self as much. I got caught up with boys for a time period but I quickly shed that part of me so I could focus on schoolwork. Quidditch has been canceled which was horrid luck because we might've won the cup this year. I've been spending a lot of time in Hagrid's cabin. I haven't slept in my dorm in some time. I feel safer in Hagrid's cabin. Whatever the menace is, it's in the castle, not out of it. It kind've feels like I'm living on my own almost. I didn't realize how lonely it can be, living alone, and it makes me miss you all the more. I still have Harry and Ron but it's just not the same. But, I'm just trying to press on and only focus on grades. I know you've been asking for sketches so I included some. These I drew in the Forbidden Forest. I've met a nice centaur called Firenze. Sometimes I talk about philosophy and the stars with him. (I've known him since my first year actually). Stop being worried, I'll be quite alright. I just hope Dumbledore and Hagrid come back soon. Right, well, I'm off to go to the Forbidden Forest again. I found a nice patch of purple and pink flowers that I want to draw and color before the sun goes down. I miss you horribly too. Much love, Elizabeth
I quickly tore a couple of drawings out of my sketchbook and used a shrinking spell so that they would fit into the envelope. Then, I sealed it and poked a small hole through it. I found some nuts for Sadie to eat while I tied the envelope to her leg.
"Is that okay?" I asked softly as I tied it tightly to her leg. She hooted softly and bobbed her head up and down. I gave her a sad smile, and smoothed her head feathers. She ruffled her head and nibble my ear.
"Safe flight Sadie." I whispered, kissing her head. "I'll get you some treats when you come back, okay?"
She hooted again and flew out Hagrid's open window. I closed it after she left and grabbed my sketchbook and went out to where I wanted to go.
I got back at dusk and headed up to the castle to eat. I ate with the subdued Hufflepuffs (nobody talked to me). Then, I headed back out to Hagrid's cabin. I closed the door behind me, put food in Fang's bowl, turned off the lights, made sure the window was tightly closed, and laid down to fall asleep.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌, I got dressed and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast and then made my way to Transfiguration. I dully transformed my two rabbits into slippers and was reminded of Sushi who was at Trang's parents house right now. I wished that he was here with me. The wish made me transform my slippers back into rabbits so I could pet them. I felt some of the depression wash away as the rabbits licked my face and cleaned themselves.
Then, Professor McGonagall had to walk us to Herbology. I trailed behind, not watching where I was going. Professor Snape had led the Gryffindors there as well. I didn't even notice if he'd left or not as I filed into the Herbology greenhouse.
I absentmindedly went to a random station so that I could start working at pruning Abyssinian Shrivelfigs. I usually got a whole plot to myself because I did more than any of the other students working together.
I did notice through my stupor however, that Ernie and Hannah were talking to Harry. I supposed that Ernie had apologized. I finished pruning twenty Shrivelfigs before the class was over and Professor Sprout awarded me with 15 house points. I thought it was a bit generous but then again, without the Quidditch match, the houses had to make up for lost points.
I left the greenhouse and caught up with Harry and Ron since we were going to Defense Against the Dark Arts together.
"Hello Elizabeth." Harry said, somewhat cheerfully as I approached.
"Long time no see." Ron said, sounding a bit grudgeful.
"Sorry." I apologized, not feeling sorry at all and also sorry at the same time, "I realize I've been a bit distant. I haven't been a very good friend recently."
"It's alright." Harry said, sounding earnest. Perhaps he thought that if he said the wrong thing I'd stop hanging around again.
"It's not." I said, matching his friendly tone. "But thanks for saying so. I'll be much better after this is all over. To bad we can't pin it on Draco. . ."
We took our usual spots in the back of the classroom. Ron asked me what sorts of creatures were in the Forbidden Forest. I wasn't entirely sure why he was asking but I answered, "Well, there are centaurs, who are very distant creatures. Always treat them with the highest respect. There's also unicorns, though they're quite shy of humans. Bowtruckles, fairies, imps, all sorts of things."
"Any. . .bad things?" Ron asked nervously.
"Sure," I said, pulling my Muggle book out of my bag so that I could read it throughout class. I found that Gerald's Game certainly took my attention away from Lockhart's foolishness. "There's Gytrashes-"
"What are those?" Ron asked.
"They're a spirit like animal. Most like a dog or wolf." I answered, flipping the book open. "The only thing that drives them away is light. They'll hunt in packs and eat you."
Ron gulped nervously, "What about werewolves?"
"Only on a full moon." was my answer.
"Anything else?" Ron asked.
I sighed, looking up from the sentence I'd read about three times now, trying to find my reading groove. "Perhaps. It's a large forest and I haven't explored all of it."
Ron opened his mouth to answer when Lockhart bounced into the room, practically radiating with cheerfulness. We all gaped at him, even me, lowering my book to stare at him. (Though I must admit my expression was more in disgust than anything else).
"Come now. Why all these long faces?" Lockhart cried, beaming. "Don't you people realize? The danger has passed! The culprit has been taken away-"
"Says who?" Dean asked loudly.
"My dear young man, the Minister of Magic wouldn't have taken Hagrid if he hadn't been one hundred percent sure that he was guilty." Lockhart said in a tone as though talking to a young child who didn't know anything.
"Oh, yes he would." Ron and I said together, much louder than Dean.
Lockhart turned his attention to Ron. I was starting to feel my blood boil. This class was useless anyways, why had I come in the first place? "I flatter myself I know a touch more about Hagrid's arrest than you do, Mr. Weasley." Lockhart said, sounding satisfied.
I got up from my seat, my chair screeching. I ignored all the shocked looks, grabbed my bag, and strode out of the room. It was official, that was my last class for Defense Against the Dark Arts this year. I stopped by the Great Hall, filled my bag with food, and walked out of the castle.
There were other students out and about on the grounds today. The older students who had free periods. It was a nice day, warm, and also it seemed safer outdoors than in the castle. I strode close to the Forbidden Forest and then slipped inside the cabin that I was starting to call home.
Fang's barks were loud and I quickly filled his dog bowl with food. He ate away messily while I closed the curtains and ate at Hagrid's table myself. Then, I pulled out my Transfiguration homework and started on it.
I worked late into the night, ate some fruit for dinner, made sure Fang's bowls were full, made sure the windows were locked, the curtains were pulled, and then turned out the light, and climbed into bed.
𝕬𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙, 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔𝖓𝖊 entered the cabin, which woke me up, and I rolled over quickly to grab my wand as the lights flashed on.
"Elizabeth?" came a shocked, but familiar voice.
"Harry?" I asked, shielding my eyes from the sudden light.
"What are you doing here?" We all asked at the same time.
"I've sort've lived here since Hagrid left." I said, sitting up, feeling all embarrassed. "I feed Fang and do some of what Hagrid would've done if he'd still been here. Now, what are you doing here?"
"Ron and I are going into the Forbbiden Forest." Harry said, laying his invisibility cloak on the wooden table. "We're going to follow the spiders."
I nodded, pushing my hair back and tied it into a ponytail. "Good lead."
Fang bounded up to Harry. "C'mon Fang, we're going for a walk." Harry said, patting Fang's leg. "D'you want to come? You'd be a good guide."
I shrugged. "Sure, I've got nothing better to do." I grabbed my wand off the table. I had a onslaught of visions as I grabbed my journal and then left it on the table. Alright, we were going to be running for our lives tonight.
I turned the lights out in the cabin and followed Ron and Harry out of the forest.
"Lumos." Harry said. His wand light up like a Muggle torch.
I did the same.
"Good thinking." Ron said. "I'd do the same but it'd probably blow up or something."
I giggled and felt my heart lighten. I'd forgotten how much I loved Ron's stupid jokes and comments.
"So, Elizabeth." Harry said as we searched the grass for spiders. "Is this why you've been so distant?"
I nodded and then remembered that it was dark and we were looking down at the grass. "A bit. I've been really upset about Hagrid and Dumbledore of course. Lockhart's getting on my nerves. I have no Quidditch or private tutoring sessions. My only sanctuary now is Hagrid's house. Plus, since all the attacks happen in the same place, I've assumed I'm actually safer in Hagrid's tiny little cabin."
"Wow." Harry said.
"I know it's not fair and it's extremely selfish." I continued, feeling guilty. "After all, everyone's going through the same thing as me so I shouldn't be reacting so badly."
"No." Harry said, sounding just a little awed. "I've felt real horrible about the whole ordeal. I just never thought about leaving the castle and staying anywhere else. Quite frankly, I don't think I'd have the guts."
I blushed with a bit of pride. Harry thought I was brave!
I scoffed, "You're extremely brave Harry. Think about last year."
Harry said nothing as he found the spiders and we started following them. Fang scampered around the three of us, sniffing tree roots and leaves.
"You've been in here a lot, right Elizabeth?" Ron asked hesitantly. I knew he was frightened of the forest.
"A bit." I lied. "Okay, a lot. Though I've never gone far in this general direction. I prefer the lighter part of the forest near the Centaur camp."
"Perhaps you should lead then." Ron said. "Plus, you know the most spells."
I shrugged, not scared at all. Though I would've liked Firenze to accompany us. "Sure."
I led the way, keeping my wand low to the ground so that I could keep track of the spiders. We were getting into the parts of the forest that were unsafe, I could feel it. It was extremely dark- much darker than I 'd ever been in. The centaurs lived deep in the forest too, but the trees were never this close. At least we were still on the path. . . until the spiders left the path.
I hesitated.
"What d'you reckon?" Harry asked breathlessly. He'd just jumped back onto Ron's foot because Fang's nose had touched his hand.
"We'll be fine." I said, keeping my voice cool and collected. I left the path all the time and technically, the spiders were a type of path. "C'mon."
We moved much slower now. We had to move through the thick trees and hop over tree stumps. I also had to crouch more often to find the trail of spiders and then lead in the general direction. After some moments, we started to travel at a downward slope and I was starting to regret coming.
I could be sleeping. I complained in my head. For some reason, sleeping made me think of Professor Snape, and I quickly returned my thoughts to the mission.
Then, Fang let out a great booming bark. All three of us jumped.
"What?" Ron nearly shouted out. I noticed he was gripping Harry's elbow very hard.
"There's something coming." I whispered, holding my wand a little higher.
"Sounds like something big." Harry said nervously.
We listened very carefully and I lifted my wand higher. The sound was coming towards our right and I turned slightly to that direction. Was it a pack of Gytrashes? The wand light should've scared them off though. . . No, it couldn't be Gytrashes because there was the sound of snapping branches. Gytrashes were spirits, they didn't make such noises.
So what was it?
"Oh, no. Oh, no, oh, no, oh-" Ron was whispering frantically under his breath.
"Shut up." Harry said frantically, starting to panic a little. "It'll hear you." Well, at least he still had some common sense.
"Hear me?" Ron asked, his voice extremely high. "It's already heard Fang!"
"I don't think it's dangerous. . ." I said slowly, starting to walk towards the sound. I had a good feeling about this.
"Are you crazy?" Harry hissed.
I reached the top of the hill and quickly ran back down again, making Harry and Ron panic, and start to run in to the opposite direction "Wait!" I shouted, "Come back."
I stopped and turned back around as the car flew up the hill and stopped up there. It's head lights glowed brightly, showing up the entire area.
"It's our car!" Ron cried in relief.
Ron and Harry came back, nearly running up to the car. Fang however, had run into a thorn bush so I went over and helped him out. Then, I joined Ron and Harry by the car.
The car was completely empty on the inside. The sides of the car were scratched, dented, and smeared with mud. I supposed that it had been exploring the forest on it's own. To bad it hadn't flown back to Mr. Weasley although I supposed it may be a good thing for us.
"And we thought it was going to attack us!" Ron said. He seemed much happier than he had only moments earlier. "I wondered where it had gone!"
I hadn't. I tried thinking about it as little as possible. Perhaps after the end of the year I would go and deposit about 300 Galleons in their vault as repayment. I wondered how much Mr. Weasley had been fined. . . had the newspaper mentioned it? I'm sure I could find a copy of the article somewhere.
"We've lost the trail." I heard Harry say from behind me. "C'mon, let's go and find them."
Ron didn't answer and I looked up from studying the car. His eyes were fixed on whatever was behind me and his face was full of terror. My heart stopped, and then sped up, and I went to turn around to see what it was.
I was suddenly picked up and I shrieked out in terror. I didn't struggle (because the drop would've done some serious damage to my body), but moved my head around to see what had grabbed hold of me. Large. Spiders.
I whimpered softly, terrified. I had forgotten how much I hated spiders. I closed my eyes, feeling the swaying motion as the spiders carried me. I would've scrunched my body up in a ball to protect myself if I thought it would've helped. Instead, I shivered with nerves and fright, my eyes squeezed tight and feeling like I might be seasick. I'd never been a boat before, I'd never seen the ocean before but I was fairly certain that this was the sensation that sailors called seasickness. I could hear Fang squealing and barking and fighting to free himself.
We were in the spider's clutches for about twenty-seven minutes before we reached a place where the darkness was lifted. I peeked one eye open, noticing the shift in light behind my eyelids. I looked upwards in shock. There were no more trees and the stars shone through, bright and fierce. I looked down at the ground, both eyes open now.
There was a hollow, the kind that would've been in a story book. The kind of hollow where you would set up a cottage and a little garden and never be bothered for years. But no one in their right mind would set up a little cottage here. There were hundreds of spiders as large as horses, waiting. There were many spider webs too and I shivered. Imagine getting that in your hair!
But this would've been a nice place to draw. I looked around, hoping to soak in details to draw when I got back to the cabin.
The spiders closed around as the three spiders (one was carrying Harry and me) slowly made their way down into the valley. The one carrying Harry and I dropped us onto our knees.
I heard the spider say, "Aragog! Aragog!" It was hard to understand the spider because it had to click its pincers to speak.
From the domed web, a spider came up out of the gigantic hole. I stared in shock and horror. The spider was nearly the size of a small elephant. He was obviously very old. His eyes were milky white, a sign that he was blind. He also had gray fur mixed in with his black hair.
"What is it?" He asked, his pincers clicking as he spoke.
"Men." the spider said simply.
"Is it Hagrid?" Aragog asked, moving closer. His eyes wandered randomly.
"Strangers." A different spider said, dropping Ron onto the floor. The third spider followed suit, dropping Fang- almost delighted to drop his squirming package. Fang ran and cowered between Harry and I. I put a hand out on his head to comfort him.
"Kill them." Aragog said, sounding a bit fretful. Perhaps he was worried why Hagrid had not come and visited in a while. "I was sleeping. . ."
Understandable. I would want to kill anyone who woke me while I was sleeping too. Yes, yes totally understandable. . .
"We're friends of Hagrid's." Harry said suddenly.
The pincers in the hollow went wild and then quieted down.
Aragog paused. "Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before." he said slowly.
"Hagrid's in trouble." Harry said, his breathing seemed very shallow. "That's why we've come."
"In trouble?" It sounded as though the aged spider actually cared about Hagrid. Maybe. "But why has he sent you?"
Right! Why the hell had Hagrid sent us?
Harry, I realized, was still sitting where the spider had dropped him. So was Ron. I was standing. I wondered if I should be sitting. I decided not to move.
"They think, up at the school, that Hagrid's been setting a- a- something on students. They've taken him to Azkaban."
Aragog clicked his pincers madly. I wondered if he knew what Azkaban was. It was like applause, I realized. That's what the sound reminded me of. "But that was years ago." Aragog said fretfully. He really was worried. That was sweet. "Years and years ago. I remember it well. That's why they made him leave the school. They believed that I was the monster that dwells in what they call the Chamber of Secrets. They thought that Hagrid had opened the Chamber and set me free."
"And you. . . you didn't come from the Chamber of Secrets?" Harry asked, sounding a bit confused.
"I!" Aragog cried indignantly. Yep, we were going to die. "I was not born in the castle. I came from a distant land. A traveler gave me to Hagrid when I was an egg. Hagrid was only a boy, but he cared for me, hidden in a cupboard in the castle, feeding me on scraps from the table. Hagrid is my good friend, and a good man. When I was discovered and blamed for the death of a girl, he protected me. I have lived here in the forest ever since, where Hagrid still visits me. He even found me a wife, Mosag, and you see how our family has grown, all through Hagrid's goodness. . ."
Awww! So maybe we weren't going to die!
"So you never- never attacked anyone?" Harry asked, his breathing a bit deeper.
"Never." The old spider croaked more calmly. "It would have been my instinct, but out of respect for Hagrid, I never harmed a human. The body of the girl who was killed was discovered in a bathroom. I never saw any part of the castle but the cupboard in which I grew up. Our kind like the dark and the quiet. . ."
I gave a start and looked at Ron. The girl had been killed in a bathroom?
"But then. . ." I turned my attention back to Harry. "Do you know what did kill the girl? Because whatever it is, it's back and attacking people again-"
The spiders interrupted, clicking their mandibles angrily and shifting their many legs. I shivered and looked about me nervously. My hand immediately went into my pocket where my wand was at the moment. We were totally dead.
"The thing that lives in the castle, is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others. Well do I remember how I pleaded with Hagrid to let me go, when I sensed the beast moving about the school."
"What is it?" Hagrid asked, a bit urgent and yet, a bit excited.
The spiders hissed. "We do not speak of it." Aragog said angrily. "We do not name it! I never even told Hagrid the name of the dread creatures, though he asked me, many times."
Harry got to his feet, helping Ron up. The other spiders were closing in and I drew my wand, keeping it pressed closely to my body. Aragog was back away into the domed web.
"We'll just go, then." Harry called desperately to Aragog.
Aragog answered slowly, "Go? I think not. . ."
"But- but-" Harry seemed to be racking his brain for an excuse to not die.
"My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid, on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat, when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Good-bye, friend of Hagrid."
Harry and I spun around. The spiders were closing in. I reacted quickly, shooting spells as the spiders all around us. They backed up a little but I knew it was hopeless. There were too many of them, Ron's wand was broken, and Harry was drawing his much to slowly.
I shot spell after spell at the spiders. If I could keep us alive long enough. . .there! There was the loud noise. I turned, expectantly as Mr. Weasley's car came down the hill, headlights glaring, horn hoking, knocking spiders aside. It screeched to a halt in front of us and its doors opened.
I kept shooting spells while Harry dived into the front seat, yelling at Ron to grab Fang and for me to get into the car. Like I didn't know that the car was the safe place! I made it into the passenger seat, slamming the door behind me. Ron tossed Fang into the car and before the doors were even shut the car was driving away. I clutched the arm seats and closed my eyes, my heart pounding.
"Are you okay?" I heard Harry's voice asking.
I nodded, feeling that if I answered, I may throw up, and I didn't think the car would react kindly to that.
"That was quick spell work Liz." Harry said again.
"Thanks." I murmured.
The car stopped at the edge of the forest and we all climbed out. Fang shot off back towards Hagrid's cabin. I made sure my legs wouldn't collapse underneath me and I made my way back to the cabin as well. I certainly wasn't going to be staying here tonight. I gathered up my things while Harry came in and grabbed the invisibility cloak.
"Going back up to the castle?" He asked.
I nodded, "I can't stand the idea of staying out here alone. I retract my earlier statement. It might not be safer out here than in the castle."
Harry laughed but it sounded strained. He went out to check on Ron and I checked on Fang. He was alright and I covered him with his blanket. I double checked the food bowls and then turned the lights off and headed outside.
Ron was violently sick in the pumpkin patch and I cleaned up his mess with my wand. I certainly wasn't going to work on the garden with vomit in there.
"That's exactly Hagrid's problem!" Ron said, continuing a conversation that they'd been having. He thumped his fist against the wall of his cabin. "He always thinks monsters aren't as bad as they're made out, and look where its' got him! A cell in Azkaban! What was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out, I'd like to know?"
"That Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets." Harry said, clutching the invisibility cloak in his arms and motioned me over so that we could start walking under it. "He was innocent."
Ron snorted. I supposed that he didn't find Aragog as an innocent case.
"Riddle got the wrong person." I whispered out loud. We reached the castle and stopped talking. Harry pushed open the large front doors and we slipped inside. There were many sentries walking about and we had to take it slowly. I slipped out from under the cloak as we approached one of the corridors near Hufflepuff common room.
I made my way carefully through the hallways, turned the last corner before the common room, and bumped into Professor Snape of all people. I fell backwards and would've fallen to the ground if he hadn't caught my arm and pulled me back up again. The pull was so violent our noses touched.
"What are you doing out of your dorm!" He hissed angrily.
My tongue twisted. He was still touching my arm. He quickly let go. "Are you mad?" He asked, still extremely angry.
"I- um-. . ."
"What!" he glared at me.
I took a deep breath, feeling strangely defensive. "I've er- been sleeping in Hagrid's cabin." My cheeks turned red.
Professor Snape stopped being angry for two seconds and asked in surprise, "Why?"
On the defensive I said, "I think better there. I don't know, it's peaceful there. I feel less lonely when I'm there. Safer."
"You're lonely?" He repeated, sounding a bit confused. My cheeks flushed red again.
"It's not so bad." I muttered.
We stared at each other for a moment. Then he said, "Go to bed Elizabeth."
"Aren't you going to take house points from me?" I asked curiously, as he walked past me.
"No. Go to bed- Now."
Confused, I slipped inside the Hufflepuff Common room and headed up to my dorm. I set my bag down by the bed and collapsed on it, fully dressed, kicking off my muddy shoes. I fell asleep quickly, feeling that something horrible was going to happen. . . and soon. 
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