musiquesduciel · 1 year
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April 2023 Moodboard
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katelevelsup · 1 year
Nighttime Skin routine!
Good evening, lovelies! I’ve been hesitant to post about my nighttime skincare, as it’s still a work in progress. This post will include unedited, makeup-free pictures of me. 
When I was 27, I very suddenly went from having clear skin, to having adult acne. 
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This definitely shook my confidence. 
First I tried a benzoyl peroxide facial cleanser, which, sadly, didn’t touch the problem. Next I tried adapalene gel, which helped a bit, but not enough. 
So I turned to the online dermatology service, Apostrophe. The dermatologist who helped me was kind and responsive, and always listened to my concerns. I recommend Apostrophe as a starting place for anyone struggling with their skin. We tried a few different treatments. Unfortunately, neither the antibiotics nor the spironolactone were right for me. The 0.025% tretinoin cream cleared my skin up a little more, but I needed a stronger dosage, which, unfortunately, Apostrophe doesn’t prescribe. 
Then I turned to another telehealth service, Nurx. The doctor there was also absolutely lovely, and, unlike Apostrophe, they accepted my health insurance. Here, I was prescribed 0.05% tretinoin. 
This had much stronger side effects than the weaker dosage-- peeling and photosensitivity-- but it has also been the most effective treatment yet. 
Here’s my current routine:
I always like to start with a clean slate, but without leaving my skin feeling stripped. This is my favorite evening cleanser. 
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It removes my sunscreen and makeup without drying me out. While my face is still damp, I apply a few drops of this. I’ve found that it minimizing peeling. 
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After waiting for my face to completely dry, I apply the aforementioned tretinoin. 
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It’s a little rough to start with, but it’s been miraculous! 
And this is where I currently am in my skin journey. 
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lily-123815 · 8 months
Lazada ลาซาด้า ประเทศไทย รายการนำเข้า เกาหลีใต้ Aronian Healoine มาสก์กรดไฮยาลูโรนิก10.10 ร้านค้าใหม่เปิดแล้วและส่วนลดมากมายรอคุณอยู่!
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phonemantra-blog · 9 months
Epiduo Forte: A Breakthrough in Acne Treatment Acne, a common skin condition affecting millions worldwide, can be more than just a physical concern—it can profoundly impact one's self-esteem and confidence. In the quest for clearer, healthier skin, individuals often seek effective solutions. Epiduo Forte, a topical acne medication, has garnered attention for its potential to combat acne and restore confidence. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of Epiduo Forte, exploring its effectiveness, benefits, and proper usage. Whether you're considering Epiduo Forte or simply curious about acne management, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions. Acne and Its Impact [caption id="attachment_60248" align="aligncenter" width="732"] epiduo forte[/caption] The Acne Dilemma: Acne, characterized by pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads, is not merely a cosmetic issue. Its physical manifestations can lead to emotional distress, affecting one's self-image and quality of life. Understanding acne is the first step in addressing its impact. Common Symptoms: Acne often presents with symptoms such as: Pimples (papules and pustules) Blackheads and whiteheads (comedones) Inflamed and tender skin Scarring (in severe cases) Emotional Toll: The psychological effects of acne can't be underestimated. Individuals with acne may experience: Lower self-esteem Social withdrawal Anxiety and depression Impaired quality of life The Importance of Treatment: Given its physical and emotional toll, effective acne treatment is crucial. While various treatments are available, Epiduo Forte stands out as a viable option for many. Introducing Epiduo Forte A Closer Look at Epiduo Forte: Epiduo Forte is a topical acne medication that has gained recognition for its efficacy in acne management. Comprising two active ingredients, benzoyl peroxide, and adapalene, it takes a dual-action approach to combat acne. The Power of Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide, a trusted acne-fighting ingredient, is known for its ability to: Reduce inflammation Eliminate acne-causing bacteria Unclog pores Adapalene's Role: Adapalene, a topical retinoid, complements benzoyl peroxide by: Promoting skin cell turnover Preventing new acne lesions Enhancing overall skin texture Availability and Prescription: Epiduo Forte is available by prescription. A dermatologist or healthcare provider can assess your skin condition and recommend Epiduo Forte if suitable for your needs. Effectiveness and Benefits Epiduo Forte's Effectiveness: Epiduo Forte's effectiveness in treating acne is a result of its potent combination of benzoyl peroxide and adapalene. Here's how it works: Targeting Acne at Its Root: Benzoyl peroxide penetrates pores, eliminating acne-causing bacteria. Adapalene prevents the formation of new acne lesions. Reducing Inflammation: Benzoyl peroxide reduces inflammation, helping to alleviate redness and swelling associated with acne. Preventing Future Breakouts: Adapalene's cell turnover-promoting properties prevent new acne lesions from forming. Benefits of Using Epiduo Forte: Significant reduction in acne lesions. Improved skin texture and tone. Enhanced confidence and quality of life. Proper Usage and Application Using Epiduo Forte Effectively: To maximize the benefits of Epiduo Forte, it's crucial to follow proper usage guidelines:  Start with Clean Skin: Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry before applying Epiduo Forte. Apply a Pea-Sized Amount: Dispense a pea-sized amount onto your fingertip. Using more does not enhance results and may increase the risk of side effects.  Apply Sparingly: Gently apply Epiduo Forte to the affected areas, avoiding contact with eyes, lips, and mucous membranes. Gradual Introduction: Begin with once-daily application, preferably in the evening. Gradually increase usage as your skin tolerates it. Use Sunscreen: Epiduo Forte may increase sun sensitivity. Apply sunscreen daily and avoid prolonged sun exposure.  Patience is Key: Results take time. It may take several weeks to notice significant improvement. Consult a Healthcare Provider: If you experience severe side effects or concerns, consult your healthcare provider.  Potential Side Effects and Precautions Understanding Potential Side Effects: While Epiduo Forte is effective, it can cause side effects. Common side effects may include: Dryness Redness Peeling Mild burning or stinging When to Seek Medical Attention: Discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider if you experience: Severe irritation Allergic reactions (rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness) Signs of infection (pus, increased redness, fever) Precautions for Safe Use: Avoid contact with eyes, lips, and mouth. Do not use on sunburned or eczema-affected skin. Inform your healthcare provider of any other skincare products you're using. Frequently Asked Questions 1. Q: How long does it take to see results with Epiduo Forte? A: Results vary, but improvement may be noticed in a few weeks. Continued use is essential for optimal results. 2. Q: Can Epiduo Forte be used for all types of acne? A: Epiduo Forte is typically prescribed for moderate to severe acne. Consult your healthcare provider to determine if it's suitable for your acne type. 3. Q: Can Epiduo Forte be used with other skincare products? A: It's best to consult with your dermatologist before combining Epiduo Forte with other skincare products to avoid potential interactions. 4. Q: Is Epiduo Forte safe for all skin types? A: Epiduo Forte may not be suitable for individuals with sensitive or eczema-prone skin. Consult with a dermatologist for personalized advice. 5. Q: Are there any age restrictions for Epiduo Forte use? A: Epiduo Forte is typically prescribed for individuals aged 12 and older. Consult your healthcare provider for specific age-related recommendations. 6. Q: Can Epiduo Forte be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? A: It's essential to inform your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as they can provide guidance on safe skincare during this period. 7. Q: What should I do if I experience excessive dryness or irritation with Epiduo Forte? A: Reduce the frequency of application and use a gentle moisturizer. If irritation persists, consult your dermatologist. 8. Q: Is Epiduo Forte available over-the-counter? A: No, Epiduo Forte is available by prescription only and should be used under the guidance of a healthcare provider. 9. Q: Can I apply makeup while using Epiduo Forte? A: Yes, you can apply makeup while using Epiduo Forte. However, choose makeup products suitable for sensitive or acne-prone skin. 10. Q: How can I prevent acne scars while using Epiduo Forte? A: Avoid picking or squeezing acne lesions, as this can lead to scarring. Protect your skin from sun exposure by using sunscreen. Conclusion Epiduo Forte has emerged as a powerful ally in the battle against acne. Its dual-action approach, combining benzoyl peroxide and adapalene, targets acne at its root, reduces inflammation, and prevents future breakouts. The benefits extend beyond a clearer complexion; Epiduo Forte has the potential to boost your confidence and enhance your quality of life.
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drpedi07 · 10 months
Adapalene Drug
Medical information for Adapalene on Pediatric Oncall including Mechanism, Indication, Contraindications, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Interaction, Hepatic Dose.
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personalcare-nheal · 2 years
The blog shares information on Adapalene, nicotinamide and clindamycin phosphate gel along with their possible uses, side effects and methods to use this gel. However, make sure to consult with your doctor before using this gel. Despite this, get more health and fitness-related updates on Personal Care N Heal.
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deadlittledogs · 3 months
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THE WAY IT JUST KEEPS ON GETTING WORSE LMAO…….. me when I was fresh faced and healthy: this is great and all but have we tried being anorexic for 3 years and then getting cystic acne…? let’s do that actually
I want to…. kill everyone? especially my dermatologist who just keeps saying “adapalene” over and over again despite it never working. finally she just gave me Metronidazole which is a… rosacea cream…. okay I guess…
I just want to look………… normal……….. and not weirdly skinny and all pimply and weird….. I want to have me a freaking glow up. I’M 25 NOW, JESUS. You’d think I could at least be 100 pounds and not covered in lesions by this age. I think I’ll try to take my spiro again and just deal with the horrible woozy feeling. I’ve already been off of birth control for almost 8 months now and it hasn’t gotten even a LITTLE bit better so I guess it’s just……… like this now lel…… DRASTIC MEASURES MUST BE TAKEN????
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funkervogt · 5 months
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I actually have so much hope for this bitch. She does not sting at all
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revelations-mp3 · 4 months
Should probably go to a dermatologist instead of figuring shit out myself LOL
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roseseafoam · 3 months
One of my besties gave a surplus tube of her prescription tretinoin… biggest changes so far have been increased dryness and an aversion to abrasion (I shaved my face last week and needless to say she didn’t appreciate that). I really want to say I’m already seeing improvements in texture but that’s jumping the gun at barely two weeks…
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musiquesduciel · 1 year
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First Impressions: After the terrible week I'd had with my skin on tretinoin, I purchased the Laneige Cream Skin online on Sephora on the night of April 3rd. It may be one of the fastest purchases I've ever made. On simplifying my skincare routine on tret, I was getting sick of the lack of skincare I owned that I could use in my morning regime. I knew I'd seen this bottle on the internet every so often and I was fascinated with the toner + moisturizer concept (along with the minimalist beauty of a packaging) but I mainly purchased it to use as a toner in the mornings (but the added moisturizing benefits don't hurt either). It's pricier than what I usually go for, but I knew I just had to get something that I could incorporate in the mornings and has great reviews.
Usage So Far: I started using it since the day of its delivery, April 5th, after I got home from work and dinner and washed off my makeup. I use it in the morning after dampening my face with my Avene Spring Water. I find for water-based products, it's easier to spread it on a wet face. I wash my face every time I return home from the outdoors and I've been stepping out quite a bit since this arrived, so I've been using it a multiple times a day. Loving it so far. I'll write a detailed review once I finished the bottle.
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haldanare · 1 year
absolutely hate that all acne treatment info start like: your skin produces too much oil so blah blah blah oil buildup = acne, and im just sat over here with my dry ass face covered in acne spots and no help
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onlinebuyhome · 2 years
Acne Treatment Differin Gel, 30 Day Supply, Retinoid Treatment for Face with 0.3% Adapalene.
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adapalene gel 0.3 Clears breakouts where they start (Deep in pores) and prevents new acne from forming, which ultimately restores skin's texture and tone.Differin works differently than other Acne treatments by normalizing skin cell turnover and effectively.If you want to take any other product then search differin adapalene gel 0.3.
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scientia-rex · 5 months
Best Things I Have Bought
I'm not sure how successful I will be in remembering all of it, but I'll try. These have all been game-changers for me, in a variety of ways. If teen me had had access to all of these, I would have been a vastly happier person.
This one is long, so I'll put in a cut.
-outlet timers. Not having to go around and manually turn off lamps at bedtime? Amazing. I bought these but you can and should get some that have a grounded outlet with three prongs so you can attach good extension cords to them.
-famotidine. aka Pepcid, it's the safest option I currently know of for managing acid reflux. I get nauseated when I get acid reflux, so this is a necessity for me.
-T-Gel shampoo. The only one that keeps my husband's insane dandruff under control. Coal tar shampoos smell peculiar, but are totally worth it if they work. For my hair, I like anti-dandruff conditioner--I apply it to my scalp and my other conditioners to the length of my hair. After bleaching my hair, I use Olaplex 3 to prevent more severe damage; the difference is very noticeable.
-white vinegar for a laundry rinse. I get horrendous contact dermatitis and adding this in the "fabric softener" cup in my washer keeps things from making my skin burn.
-on a similar note, all Oxy laundry booster. Doesn't make my skin burn but does make stains and smells noticeably better than detergent alone.
-Aquaphor. If you have eczema, nothing helps like Aquaphor, unless it's hydrocortisone ointment (the same white petrolatum base as Aquaphor but with hydrocortisone) or a prescribed steroid.
-Bissell Stomp 'N' Go pads. I have stomped. The stain goes.
-Prune puree. A packet a day keeps the chronic constipation at bay. Less volume to consume than prune juice and, in my opinion, slightly more palatable.
-Chinotto is a bitters-based beverage that I discovered by accident really helps my chronic nausea. I've tried other brands, and San Pellegrino is definitely my favorite. Tastes weird at first, but when heavy-duty ginger ale doesn't ease it, Chinotto can. And when that doesn't work, I have Zofran (ondansetron) my doctor prescribed me for the nausea I get with migraines, and that's an effective anti-nausea agent for more than just migraines.
-"You Just Need to Lose Weight (And 19 Others Myths About Fat People)" by Aubrey Gordon.
-rolling laundry cart. Doesn't have to be this one but if you CAN roll your laundry to and fro from the machines, do it.
-"Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft. If you Google, you can usually find a free pdf floating around.
-"The Vagina Bible," by Dr. Jen Gunter.
-satin scrunchies. Wet Brush. Terry cloth lined shower cap. AOA terry cloth hair turban (way, way better than similar ones from drugstore).
-stretchy work pants.
-bra liners. For large-chested people who tend to get sweaty underboob, this is a life-saver.
-Goo Gone.
-Dr. Scholls medicated foot powder and the Earth Therapeutics tea tree oil foot spray. The foot powder works for super long days and the spray for lighter days.
-Reflective heat pad. I use this on my car seat in the winter and I am so happy for that every single chilly morning. I've repurchased it... once or twice? now.
-Retin-A. I used to use Differin, which is adapalene, the most potent retinoid available over the counter, but the switch to prescription-only Retin-A has been very noticeable. Decreased wrinkles, clearer skin. More inclined to flake and burn but it's worth it for me.
-Red LED therapy. Near-infrared stimulates collagen production in the skin. The only other thing that really does that is retinoids. I bought the Omnilux mask, which is certainly high-end, but HotandFlashy (a YouTube content creator) did a great comparison of different masks available by specs and this was the best at the time. The difference is noticeable within days. I've tried other, lower-powered masks, but what made me make the jump to high-end was that I got the Dennis Gross red LED eye mask for crows' feet off eBay and I was like "holy shit, this is better." And Omnilux is better still. It makes sense, since they were the OG of the models that have been in dermatology clinics for a couple of decades now.
-AOA foundation has been at least as good at my TooFaced foundation, and it's like 1-2 bucks instead of 40. There are light, medium, and deep shades, each on different pages; I'm linking to light because that's what I use. The lightest shade works for me, and I'm basically translucent.
-AOA VitaGlow tinted moisturizer is absolutely my go-to for lighter coverage days.
-AOA PawPaw blending sponges. Best out there and also the cheapest.
-(do not buy any of the AOA eyeshadows. Total waste of time, zero pigment. I've tried repeatedly and they're just garbage. The highlights are generally fine though.)
-Direct acid foot peels. The calluses come off. Just don't do it when you have ANY open wound on the feet, because it's acid and will sting like hell.
-blendercleanser solid cleanser for blending sponges and brushes. Actually a) gets them clean and b) rinses out.
-PureWine wine wands. I let these puppies sit for three minutes in a glass and suddenly I can drink red wine without migraines or hangovers. Fucking miraculous.
-Dustbuster. Holy shit it's amazing for ADHD peeps. Small thing bugging you? Can't get yourself to bust out the "real" vacuum? USE THIS.
-Crocs. Don't @ me. I wear a black pair around the house and for garden chores and they make my feet happy. Salonpas patches and/or BenGay for a topical when you're sore--topicals are great pain relief.
-Vibrating neck pillow. Don't need it right now? Wait until your next head cold. Vibration clears sinuses.
-PooPourri. I love not having to smell poop. This, and similar products, work pretty well by trapping scent particles in the oil layer instead of letting them evaporate into the air.
-Electric snow thrower. I can't manage a large, heavy snow blower and I don't want to deal with a gas engine. This little guy helped me clear my large driveway in 3-4 hours instead of 12.
-The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan.
-Handheld home IPL for hair removal. I ordered this exact one and I like it. You can get these on eBay or Amazon for cheaper sometimes; just make sure you PROTECT YOUR EYES during flashes. Targets pigment in the hair bulb so lighter skin and darker hair work better, and deeper skin tones may burn.
-Lanolin chapstick. Makes all other chapsticks I've used look like garbage.
-Steam eye masks. ShopMissA sells these and you can find them on a lot sites; shouldn't cost more than about a dollar per mask. I ended up buying an electric eye mask because I wanted to treat my dry eye and that just felt more environmentally responsible, but I love falling asleep with these on and I can't do that with my plug-in mask.
I think this is where I'll leave it--I've gone back quite a ways in my shopping history across multiple sites and thought about my daily routines--but if any of these problems torture you, these are my suggestions.
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pradame · 5 months
what skincare steps should dry skin with breakouts follow? and what affordable brand products do you recommend?
1. Double cleanse with a gentle cleanser
2. Hydrating calming serum (hyaluronic acid)
3. Moisturizer
4. SPF
at night, if your skin can tolerate an active try a cleanser with a low percentage of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, then go in with hyaluronic acid & moisturizer.
3x a week night only, use a retinoid
affordable skin care for dry acne prone:
-La Roche-Posay Toleriane Hydrating Gentle Cleanser
-La Roche-Posay Effaclar Micro-Exfoliating Astringent Face Toner
-La Roche-Posay Hyalu B5 Pure Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum with Vitamin B5
-La Roche- Posay Hyaluronic face cream
-La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer | Daily Moisturizer Face Cream with Ceramide
-Differin Soothing Moisturizer
-Differin Oil Absorbing Moisturizer with SPF 30
-Differin Adapalene Retinoid
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kxowledge · 4 days
What's your skincare routine currently?
I actually spent the other week taking stock of how my current routine was working and deciding if I needed to change anything, so I have a lot to say on this
Wash face with water
(extra step for wintertime) Avène thermal water
Serum with antioxidants and niacinamide: just switched from facetheory Colloidal-C Anti-Redness Toner, which I got in hope of reducing redness (did nothing for me) back to facetheory’s Cera-C Pore Reducing Toner, which actually makes my skin look great. It has 5% niacinamide and a vitamin C derivative, which is what I want – I just would like extra perks (anti-redness). An alternative I’m considering is the Isntree Onion Newpair Gel cream.
(extra step if my skin is feeling very dry i.e. what I use during winter) hydrating serum: I’ve just finished Avène Hydrance Serum which I found very hydrating though too light weight (i.e. not good for winter for me) and honestly it lasted so little that I won’t buy it again. My go to instead is snail mucin: Mizon’s Snail Repair Ampoule (best formula but not so much product, what I’m currently using); or COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Essence (best bang for your buck, though my pump was really bad)
Alpha-arbutin: most recent addition to my skincare & it seems to be making a difference when it comes to discoloration (PIE). I’m using Beauty of Joseon Glow Deep Serum, mostly because this was the only product I could find here in Norway.
Caffeine for my undereye: I’m using The Inkey List Caffeine Eye Cream – while I can say it’s infinitely better than what The Ordinary offers (because why would you use a dropped for something that goes around the eyes!!), I can’t tell if I’m seeing results or not, despite using it for almost three months. Maybe?
Moisturizer: Eucerin 5% Urea Repair, my holy grail of all time. I buy this by the litre. Since I entered my mid-20s, my skin has turned dry. Combined with drier winters and the heating I have to put on to survive winter, this is the only thing that makes my skin stay intact.
Sunscreen: probably controversial, but I actually don’t wear sunscreen everyday, as the amount of light I get is ridiculous (though I do in the summer or if there is snow). Over the past year, I tried several ones and my top two choices are Beauty of Joseon Sun Relief (cannot fault a single thing and I found it to be good value for money based on how long it lasted me) and Isntree Onion Newpair Sunscreen (jury is out on whether the onion extract actually helps me, but I found the texture to be perfect for me and it actually ensures I apply a proper amount since it’s not too runny)
Dr.Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment: amazing!! This has been so far the only thing that helped with redness. I haven’t worn foundation in a year and it’s only because of this. I don’t even think it’s that expensive because I spent 30£ for a 50 ml jar which lasts me six months of daily use. Love it.
My routine is the following:
Double cleanse: I’ve been liking a lot the Beauty of Jonseon Cleansing Balm – so far the best cleansing product I’ve tried. Micellar water is a no for me, as I don’t like using cotton pads. Oils are mostly ok as an alternative, with iUnik Calendula Complete Cleansing Oil being my failsafe (but it doesn’t remove 100% of my mascara).   Next, I use a foaming cleansing gel. My go-to used to be Neutrogena Clear & Defend, but it keeps being sold out, so I’m now using  CeraVe Blemish Control Cleanser. It works fine. My main criteria here is price tbh.
facetheory Exaglow serum: the daily base, with tranexamic acid, liquorice root, and a vitamin c derivative, this in combination with whatever active follows has helped me reduce my hyperpigmentation so so much
An active (see below)
Moisturizer: Eucerin Urea repair, again.
Actives is when things get more complicated, because I rotate weekly between (combinations of) them
Differin (adapalene): game changer, I tolerate it very well and I recently increased it to three times per week  + Azelaic acid: I love it and over the years I tried so many different products (available in Europe). I find that for me 10% works just as well as 20%. Usually, a higher price tag gets you better texture (i.e. less grainy) but not better results. Isispharma Metroruboril was very smooth, but a more basic one works just fine for me – hence why I keep going back to The Ordinary’s 10% one. It’s not an area where I feel like I should be spending a lot.
Kojic acid: I’m using Dermaceutic’s Radiance, which works fine in combination with my overall routine. + Retinol: bit of a controversial combination, but because I’ve been using retinols for so long, this works fine. I’m using A313, which is v gentle. I bought it in Paris and it has a too thick texture in my opinion, so once I finished the tube I’ll go back to my fave L’Oreal Revitalift (amazing fragrance, great texture, very hydrating too)
An exfoliant: while some of my products have small percentages of lactic acid in it, so I never felt the need to have a dedicated exfoliating step up. However, I thought I could benefit from it and started using  facetheory’s Glycolacsal which has glycolic acid (8.5%), salicylic acid (1%) and lactic acid (0.5%).  I use it twice a week and it’s really good.
In addition to all of this, twice a week I do a face mask with benoxyl peroxide in the shower which helps tons to keep acne at bay BUT is infinitely better than using the cream, which has bleached all of my towels. The cream used to be a must in my routine but now that overall my acne is under control, I don’t need to use it as often.
This ended up being extremely long, but I love skincare and I feel like I learnt so much about my own skin and how to work with it and what products work in the past few years. I’m testing new things but in a calculated manner. And I don’t know. Skincare is nothing static and the whole process of figuring things out can be fun (and necessary).
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