#ad free spotify for mobile
taintedco · 7 months
Ad free spotify
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Are you wanting ad free spotify but fall short of paying it every month or just don't want to pay it?
 Don't worry! There is a mobile app just for that. 
It is called X manager and basically it overrides the code for spotify to make it seem like it is paid. 
No more having to pay or wait for ads and skips. This is amazing and if there happens to be an update, all you do is uninstall spotify and reinstall it using the app and wha la, it is fixed. 
We are thinking it only works on Android at the moment but they are working on an iOs app.
I use it currently and have no complaints. I do not see a reason to have to pay $10 more since my student plan ran out when I can find something like this to fix it. 
Get it here! 
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dreamsy990 · 1 year
love how free spotify used to be like "heres two ads and now heres 30 mintues of song" and now its "heres five ads and one (1) song". love how i cant play the one song i want. love how i would probably be better off using any other service but the desktop version is good enough that ill put up with the terrible mobile version that barely qualifies as a music service.
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minnichan · 1 year
Tagged by @greighish , thank you!
Rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from Spotify or the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks.
I mainly listen to music on youtube or stuff I downloaded on my phone illegally, not sure what best fits that spotify on repeat playlist but youtube has compiled a winter recap 2023 playlist so I'll shuffle that I guess?
Zhu Yilong's performance of 谢谢侬
Kalafina - Kantankatan
Zhu Yilong - Life's Important Events
Zhou Shen's performance of 达拉崩吧
Chen Xueran - We Won't Be Falling
MDZS audio drama version of Wangxian.mp3
Lion from Macross F (never watched it but it's part of my karaoke playlist)
Within Temptation - The Reckoning
Reol - Gokusaishiki
Zhu Yilong, Yang Enyou - Planting Stars (I usually skip the first 30 secs of random kids singing lol)
Tagging anyone who wants to share!
Also funny thing about my winter recap, I don't know what's that private video at 6th place??
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sexhaver · 2 months
can you tell us all the plugins / ad blockers you use
on desktop, uBlock Origin (NOT Adblock Plus! they sold out years ago! they literally take money from advertisers to make sure their ads get through their filters!) and SponsorBlock for Firefox. if you still see ads on youtube specifically check out this page. if it's green, then the problem is with your specific installation and you should check out this reddit megathread. if it's red, then tough luck, wait a few hours for uBlock's crack team of hackers to catch back up in their constant arms race with Youtube.
for Android, get ReVanced Manager from here and use that + an .apk download of the latest Youtube release (just google "youtube apk") to patch yourself together a version of the Youtube app that acts like you paid for Advanced even though you didn't, which means no ads. also, side tangent, that's where the name comes from: originally it was just "Youtube Vanced" because it was "Advanced" without the "ad"s. then the Vanced team got slapped with a C&D for being dumbasses and minting NFTs of the Vanced logo, which was literally just the Youtube logo, so ReVanced rose from the ashes to continue its legacy. oh also there are a shitload of boxes you can check off during the patching process and one of them just integrates Sponsorblock for you, so that's nice.
i should also mention here, for no reason in particular, that the Vanced Manager app lets you patch a number of other apps in the same way, removing ads and adding "premium" features without you having to pay. one of these apps may or may not be Tumblr itself.
as long as you're fucking with your Android, download xManager and use it to get ad-free Spotify without paying for it. iirc the app auto-downloads the apk for you but it's been months since i last fucked with it so i might be misremembering.
honorary mention goes to NewPipe for being a way easier to install alternative to all of the above if you don't care about logging in. it's an alternate frontend for youtube that lets you watch it ad-free right out of the box. the main drawbacks are that the UI is a little ugly (especially compared to the official/ReVanced version), you can't use Sponsorblock, and it doesn't sync with your Google account (this could be a plus for you if you're big into privacy but personally i like having my likes and watch history synced across desktop and mobile). although now that i just did some research to make sure i wasn't talking out my ass, it looks like the original dev is working on a forked version of the app named Tubular that does have Sponsorblock and is apparently trying to get google account stuff working, so that's cool. oh and it can also browse/play Soundcloud ad-free, if you still use Soundcloud in 2024
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jennyfromthebes · 2 months
Hey! I wanna talk for a sec about the Live Music Archive. If you're a tMG fan who's on here you probably already at least know about it, but for anyone unfamiliar I want to do a quick post talking about what it is and how you can listen!
The Live Music Archive is a collection hosted by the Internet Archive for audio recordings of concerts. Specifically, the LMA hosts, with permission from the band, user-contributed recordings of concerts. Some fans will go to concerts with recording gear to take a full audio recording of the show and then upload it to the archive under the band's collection. As of writing this post there are almost 450 live tapes uploaded to the tMG LMA collection!
There's a few ways that you can listen to recordings on the Live Music Archive. The webpage works pretty well both on desktop and mobile browsers, and that's what I typically use. You can also listen on web without having to make an account on the Internet Archive, which is convenient for browsing. I also use the webpage to download mp3s of favorite tapes to my phone, so that I can listen to them in my local music player.
However, if you don't mind making a free account and prefer the convenience of something more like Spotify, you can also listen to anything on the LMA via the Taper's Section app for Android or the Live Music Archive app for iOS! (Obligatory disclaimer that I use an Android and can't personally vouch for the iOS app, but afaik they have similar features.) The apps have the same functionality as the webpage in a more streamlined mobile-friendly interface, plus things like notifications when there's a new tape added to a collection you follow and downloading in-app for offline listening. The Android app also has a tab for tapes from today's date, there's often at least one (there are FOUR for today!) and that's a really fun way to find tapes to listen to.
If you're looking at this going, wow, that sounds really cool but there's so many tapes that it's a little overwhelming to get into this, don't worry! I'll leave you with a couple recommendations. As mentioned above, I like to listen to shows from the current date. Another fun way to find shows is looking for a specific song - you can go on the wiki and it'll list every show at which the song has been played live, and then just search until you find one of them that has a tape on the archive. Lastly, a few specific favorite tapes of mine:
- 2014-06-15 has the entirety of Taboo VI: The Homecoming played live + one of my absolute favorite performances of both Woke Up New and The Best Ever Death Metal Band In Denton.
- 2015-06-01 is the only time Straight Six has ever been played live and it's interestingly pretty different from the EP version, plus a phenomenal back to back Spent Gladiator 1 & 2.
- 2021-08-06 was the first show after the band started playing concerts again post 2020, and it has a really incredible energy and a phenomenal setlist.
- 2024-03-01 is from the recent run of solo shows, this one was at Grace Cathedral and the ambience is truly truly incredible, it feels so ethereal.
Please feel free to add any additional notes or some of your own favorite tapes to the post as well! Happy listening!!
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nitw · 9 months
hey friends if you're like me and you don't wanna pay for music but you also like the customization and social features of spotify, here's what i use to bypass the limitations!!
spotx on github is a modified version of the desktop client that blocks all ads, and has several optional features like hiding podcasts from the homepage if you just use it for music, and blocking automatic updates to avoid incompatibility. it's currently only available on windows, but all you need is to have the official spotify app already installed!
and here's a modded apk of the mobile app for android! i've been using this for months and i believe it's safe, the only slight annoyance is that you HAVE to manually reinstall the latest version when it updates, but it'll notify you. just make sure you DON'T already have the spotify app installed - it doesn't override any features, it's an entirely seperate app.
i don't know what the alternative would be for ios so if anyone has one, feel free to let me know and i'll add it to the list!
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stroebe2 · 8 months
spotify free on desktop and spotify free on mobile are two different apps. spotify on mobile is basically unusable except if you enjoy being tortured by purposely loud ads every 2 songs played, promoting the most obnoxious songs and artists currently recording, most you've never heard of but still are getting placements in major playlists and these ads somehow - surely nothing to do with money. but also you can't skip songs and are forced to listen to your playlists on random, with sometimes the algorithm deciding that your playlist isn't long enough so you MIGHT be doing this on purpose to listen to the music you actually want to listen to. worry not, for spotify will just add random shit to your queue in between songs from your actual playlist. it's a torture program designed by swedish intelligence to make you hand over 10 bucks to finance their operations, which are funding the Joe Rogan Podcast, true crime paranoia inducing content, the Hyperpop playlist, and various "industry plants".
on the other hand, spotify free on desktop is seemingly the same as spotify premium except you get an ad say, every 10 songs or so. you can listen to in order or random or whatever. you can skip songs. sound quality is okay. it's either this or fakeish 320 kbps with premium anyways, you're not probably gonna notice the difference except if you're a nerd. i think the desktop app is the lure to make you fall in with the swedes and succumb to the sirens of Big Streaming, all so you can access the same 10 songs you're currently listening to BUT offline AND on your phone while you're running errands! they've designed this shit so well. congratulations spotify
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captain-acab · 6 months
Do you have a more up to date link for a hacked spotify for android? I found your post from 2022 but the link doesn't have a version that's up to date with the version of spotify I have.
Thanks 💚
Not exactly. I actually don't use the hacked Spotify app anymore. I prefer Spotube, a free open-source app that interfaces directly with the Spotify web API. It also let's you download songs and albums directly, which the hacked app didn't do!
Overall Spotube is more stable, trustworthy (because the code source is open and community-audited), and will never be at risk Spotify patching the hack or disabling your account for violating terms of service, because it uses 100% legal software.
(P.S. the first link leads to F-Droid, an alternative app store for free, community-driven, open-source apps. That's where you can also download NewPipe, my favorite ad-free youtube app.)
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cboffshore · 6 months
Well, less than twelve hours after wondering if I should make it: it's here, the official playlist for On Sea, Sunlight, and Sky! Cover art and everything, too.
Since Spotify doesn't allow track-by-track notes to be added, I've included commentary on each included song under the cut (as well as their names and artists so anyone who's not on Spotify can go look them up). If you're short on time, the most important thing to know is that order is not important here, as this is a rough collection of songs that either inspired or act as parallels to the series. You know, for when you want the energy of the fics without actually reading them.
Before the notes: here's the full cover art. I sourced all the illustrations from free art websites and Google listings, then edited them together and did some minor color correction in Sketchbook (on mobile, too!). I tried to go for a scrapbook style look, so I hand-cut each piece out with a rough eraser for a papery feel, then added text that I formatted in Canva, pulled the background out of, and textured.
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Now: the tracklist and commentary!
"Escape Route" by Paramore: Given Nya's MO of GTFO throughout the series, I thought this would be a nice capstone track. I especially love the lines "Not quite a victory to run from your problems/But it's the only plan that I got, the only plan that I got" and "Where I'm going is everyone's story" in a meta kind of way. Where she's going - or trying to - is indeed this entire story.
"The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic! At The Disco: Three out of four entries in OSSAS take their name from "Kaleidoscope Eyes," a bonus track from the same album as this one that's not on streaming services (although you can find it on YouTube). In the absence of the title track, I picked "Mona Lisa" for its ethereal opener and ominous guitar work. I also adore the line "A lonely speaker in a conversation/Her words are swimming through his ears again" for the prologue of IICT(OSC).
"Small Cuts" by The Brobecks: This is where "It Doesn't Take Much (To Cover Up Small Cuts)" takes its name from. I think the themes of covering up pain while wanting someone to acknowledge it works very well for that particular fic, but also for the series as a whole. My favorite OSSAS-ish line in this one is "She will leave you deaf and bewildered/Oh, how she floats like a butterfly, stings like a killer."
"Visitation Of The Ghost" by The Brobecks: From the same album as "Small Cuts," this is a delightfully spooky track (and if you want extra drama, go look up the "fancy studio version"). The second verse is especially relevant for reasons I'll try to articulate in the finale of this year's installment, if all goes well, so pay attention to that one ;)
"GLOOMTOWN BRATS" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: This track brings us three for three on Dallon Weekes songs, and there's more where that came from! A brand-new release, this song is a panicky, funky track that acts as a nod towards Nya's canon distrust towards overblown luxury and Nadakhan's veneer of gentlemanly behavior.
"Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things To Do Today" by Fall Out Boy: It's loud, it's fast, it's snarky, it's bitter - this is a song to run away to. Take a look at that chorus, the chunk with the bridges and the piss, and tell me otherwise. This might be a personal thing, but the swell of the volume between the verses and the choruses makes me think of swooping ocean waves.
"Playing God" by Paramore: At its core, OSSAS is a power struggle. This song exemplifies that with its own hefty dose of Nya-aligned snark and poignant venting. I especially like the pairing of the lines "Next time you point a finger, I might have to bend it back or break it off/Next time you point a finger, I'll point you to the mirror" as a character analysis of both Nya and Nadakhan (as a bonus, this line will become very relevant in the IICT(OSC) finale - and not for the reasons you think).
"Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met...) by Panic! At The Disco: Another one from the album that kicked all this off, this is yet another spooky, dreamlike track, with an undercurrent of lost love and regret that serves Nadakhan especially well. (For him, I think it's fun to take the shouted "And I regret never letting you go!" out of the song's context for the IICT(OSC) opening sequence.)
"mirrorball" by Taylor Swift: Something a little softer and solidly out of the 2000s alt rock scene, this song works nicely for the introspective sections of the series, especially when it comes to how Nya processes her situation. For that, I really like the line "I'll show you every version of yourself tonight/I'll get you out on the floor" and the general quietness of the track.
"Look Who's Inside Again" by Bo Burnham: This one is pretty specific to IICT(OSC) and actually almost gave the fic its title! It ultimately didn't, but I think it's still a good fit. If I listed every line that fit the story, I'd be writing out the whole song, so do us both a favor and go play it once or twice.
"Hold Me Like A Grudge" by Fall Out Boy: Yet another snarky one that I particularly like for both Nya and as a tongue-in-cheek reference to Nadakhan's constant physical contact despite the fact that he's growing to resent her and his own failings (literally holding her like a grudge). Nya is nothing if not a "full-time problem". (Also: the bass line on this is incredible.)
"Carry On" by Coeur de Pirate: This song actually inspired the post-Seabound Nya fics I wrote a while back, so it's a Nya song to me now. In the context of the newest series installment, I love the line "The light of the sundowns/On my fate" as a little bit of foreshadowing.
"YES MOM" by Tessa Violet: This one is unadulterated independence, power posing, and self-confidence - that is, Nya every time she kicks off some new menace behavior. "Push me down and I bounce right back/Trampoline and it's in my past/Rising like a phoenix, making fire from the ash" is a FANTASTIC sequence for her, in both the context of her little successes in this series and her origin as Samurai X.
"The Carpal Tunnel Of Love" by Fall Out Boy: Surrealist Wentz lyricism at its best, I chose this one for the underlying themes of relationships that are apparently destined to never work (like the one Nya's trying to avoid) and the sheer energy. I especially like the Wentz screaming section in the middle, and the lyrics for that part are pretty relevant - although unintelligible, so you might want to just look them up and read them on your own.
"Say Amen (Saturday Night)" by Panic! At The Disco: The music video for this one inspired the combat sequence in IICT(OSC). Aside from that influence, I think the lyrics that swing from wild confidence to existential despair are a great fit for the tone of this series.
"bury a friend" by Billie Eilish: I love that this one opens with a series of questions that range from simply wondering what's wrong with someone to wondering about what happens after death. If that's not a fun fit for Nya's arc in this series (we'll get to the death thing eventually, don't worry), I don't know what is. Again, there's a nice sense of bitterness in here, as well as those ominous male backing vocals muttering "Careful" and echoing the lyrics here and there.
"Choke - Acoustic" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: Both versions of this track are awesome, but I like the gentle, almost taunting creepiness of the acoustic style in this one. The entire song is about hating a place, which I think is appropriate given the fact that Nya's trapped with someone she hates for the first three fics on the timeline and with memories she hates for "Small Cuts." In IICT(OSC), she loosely considers burning the Temple down as a means of escape, but finds that she can't, which lines up beautifully with "If I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate/To smile while you suffocate and die." And, in true Weekes style, there's another little commentary against undeserved wealth that works nicely with Nya's disdain for her situation.
"Absinthe" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: As of IICT(OSC), beverages are a major plot device, which plays nicely with 'Whatever they give you, stop drinking it down!" and the title of the track. If "Choke" is Nya's TLDR opinion of the situation, "Absinthe" is Nadakhan's - but we'll get to that in the finale.
"Modern Day Cain" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: Last IDKHOW track for a while, I promise! And I hate that I keep saying the finale is going to make a lot of these make sense, but if it's true for one song, it's true for this one, which did inspire some of what I'm working on for the final confrontation.
"The Calendar" by Panic! At The Disco: This one is only here for the lines "There is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends" and "Anticipation's on the other line, and obsession called while you were out" as very thematically-appropriate lines. Also, a straight bop.
"Patches of Sky" and "Path of the Eclipse" by Coeur de Pirate from Child of Light: A little instrumental break, these are two of the pieces I keep on my default writing playlist. Ominous and optimistic in equal measure, I think these two fit OSSAS well.
"Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes" by Fall Out Boy: This one is an absolute goldmine of lines that could work for either of the series leads. For Nya, I really like the repeated "Boycott love! Detox just to retox!/And I'd promise you anything for another shot at life/Imperfect boys with their perfect ploys/Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy!" For Nadakhan, I like (well, not LIKE like, but I definitely think it works) the slightly stalkerish and somewhat paranoid "Little girl, you got me staring odd/Or was that just a telescopic camera nod?"
"Time To Dance" by Panic! At The Disco: This one is perfect in ways I can't articulate succinctly, although I do want to say I love the detached and kind of panicky sarcasm of the opener as a summary of the overall series mood: "Well, she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor just for the attention/'Cause that's just ridiculously odd/Well, she sure is gonna get it!" There's also some desperation in there that works very well for every failed escape attempt or revenge plot.
"Leave Me Alone - Piano Version" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: Surprise, more IDKHOW! The lyrics on this one are pretty straightforward - read it as an insulting monologue being hurled at Nadakhan if you'd like. I chose this one for the lonely, vaguely-frightened vocals over the stripped-down piano backing.
"Boy Division" by My Chemical Romance: I like this one for its high energy and fight scene vibes, but most importantly, look at those lyrics - don't they read as someone lamenting a situation they put themselves into? I think that works well for what I've done and plan to do to Nadakhan in this year's installment and any future ones.
"To The End" and "It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's a Fucking Deathwish" by My Chemical Romance: Songs from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge automatically get Skybound brownie points for all the gore and the wedding theme. "To The End" reads as a mockery of Nadakhan's marriage plot; "Deathwish" is a fun examination of resilience and, well, revenge - I adore the line "I'm taking back the life you stole/This hole you put me in wasn't deep enough, and I'm climbing out right now/You're running out of places to hide from me!" as a general summary of what Nya's doing the whole time.
"F.T.W.W.W." by My Chemical Romance: Again, excellent action sequence energy here; this is what flipping the bird would sound like if it made noise. In the context of Skybound and this series, I really appreciate the line "The heart you got, it ain't the one you need."
"Karma" by Taylor Swift: Listen, this entire series is an excuse to flip the script on Nadakhan and let Nya take a crack at the whole "read your enemies and then use their flaws to beat them to an emotional pulp" tactic, because frankly that's a cool narrative device. Here's where "Karma" works best: remember the line in "Wishmasters" where Nya, with little other comment, tells Nadakhan that he'll be sorry? That's this song. There's a sort of "I know you're about to get your ass beat" energy, a sort of wink wink from the singer that subtly pokes the subject with the knowledge that only one person here is in the right.
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specialability · 6 months
Since I've seen some bad "convert to firefox" posts here is the setup I use to only rarely see ads on desktop or android:
Firefox (or Firefox Beta, or Firefox Nightly if you're feeling spicy)
ublock origin
That's it.
Firefox blocks third party cookies and trackers automatically by default, you don't need any additional add-ons for that & they will just slow down firefox. ublock origin (not the plain ublock, not adblock plus) has many filters you can select from the settings and you should go through and add whichever seem to make sense for you. for example, if you're in Germany or visit German-language sites often, there is a filter for that specifically. if you ever do happen to see something you don't want to see on a site (it doesn't have to be an ad) you can remove it with ublock origin. ublock origin will block ads in spotify and on youtube in the web browser. if you use add-ons to make youtube better in other ways, disable their adblocking features or they may interfere with ublock origin.
blockada is a mobile app that blocks ads in apps before they even reach your phone. you will only find the subscription option app on the app store, but if you search their website and click download there is an option to download Blockada 5 which is free and works fine. if you have iOS you have to buy the subscription version, I don't use iOS so I can't offer you alternatives. some of your apps may break when blockada is turned on. you can whitelist those specific apps in blockada or try to figure out which specific url needs to be whitelisted. However, it can't block ads in the youtube app. So...
NewPipe is a youtube replacement app. It does all the things you can do in youtube but faster and better and doesn't show ads.
aside from that, if you want to keep your stuff secure the number 1 thing you should be doing is using randomized unique passwords with a password manager. there's one built in to firefox. it even syncs across devices.
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desolationlesbian · 2 years
Explaining to my friends that I don't get a spotify wrapped because that only works on the mobile app and I am so opposed conceptually to the idea of experiencing advertisements or paying for anything that I exclusively use spotify via internet browser which in combination with adblock means I get infinite free music with no ads whatsoever. However it does freeze sometimes when it knows there should be an advertisement but fails to play one but you can just press play again and it's fine, also at the end of the year I do not get a fancy little stat thing. I'm not jealous. I will not change
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polkadotsunshine · 10 months
how i pirate music
i'm seeing old posts hating on spotify circulating again, so i'll describe how i listen to music without paying for streaming
discovery through cracked spotify
i discover a lot of music through cracked versions of spotify. i'm in a number of circles that do music shares and i stream recommendations a few times before i decide to download anything
i use the spot x modified client on my desktop: https://github.com/amd64fox/SpotX/. be sure to cancel your spotify subscription and remove your payment information before logging into any cracked version of spotify
these websites come and go, but you should be able to look up "spotify apk" and find a one button installation. you can get an up-to-date safe link by visiting the database in this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ApksApps/comments/pcy1io/apksapps_official_megathread_apksme/
i don't want to put anything weird on my work computer, which uses mac os, but if i control the music through my phone, then select my mac as the audio output device via spotify, i can listen ad free. here's the feature if you've not used it before: https://support.spotify.com/us/article/spotify-connect/
downloading music
file share
i download almost everything with soulseek, a p2p file sharing program: http://www.soulseekqt.net/. first you'll make a directory of music that you already have (say, from bandcamp) and soulseek will broadcast that to the world. you can then search other people's files for music you want and download it there
i use the torrent client deluge: https://deluge-torrent.org/ and get my links from https://www.1377x.to/. you should use a vpn when torrenting; i happen to use surfshark because it's cheap. it is not perfect and if you want to torrent stuff there's better guides out there explaining how to do it safely
paying, but sticking it to the man
i buy more music now than i ever did when paying for streaming. i personally just use bandcamp, but i know people who use/rip CDs and other physical media. it's nice to support small artists and to upload big artists onto soulseek so other people can find it
audio quality
downloaded music is likely going to be higher quality than streamed music. if you don't know anything about audio quality i'd recommend downloading 320kps mp3 files. you can add a minbitrate filter at the bottom of your soulseek window. you've probably heard of FLAC before, but if you want to see how deep it goes, look up DSD or SACD
listening to downloaded music
i use foobar2000: https://www.foobar2000.org/. it's designed to be modular and customizable, so it takes a little fiddling to get running. to start using it, i recommend: making a playlist and adding a file location of all your music (which should be your soulseek up and down directories). you can later make playlists of specific albums and tracks. then, look online for components like a theme or last.fm scrobbles if you want that kind of thing. last.fm scrobbles can be a great way to discover new music
foobar2000 recently released a mobile version but i haven't tried that yet. i use vinyl music player for no reason in particular: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.poupa.vinylmusicplayer
final notes
this isn't about doing music better; i just happen to like doing things this way. i still hang out and listen to my friends' cytube on loop. i blast nightcore on youtube. the goal is to listen to music and have a good time so do whatever is best for you
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thishadoscarbuzz · 30 days
287 - Harold and Maude (w/ Katie Walsh) (70s Spectacular - 1971)
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The 70s Spectacular continues with critic and podcaster Katie Walsh joining us to discuss 1971 and Hal Ashby. After making his directorial debut with The Landlord after a career as an editor (including an Oscar win for In the Heat of the Night), Ashby returned to the director's chair for what might be the film that became his signature. Harold and Maude cast recent comedy breakthrough Bud Cort as a death-obsessed, disaffected youth who falls for a free spirit who just so happens to be 60 years older, played by recent Oscar winner Ruth Gordon.
This episode, we talk about Ashby's prolific career in the 1970s, where Harold and Maude would be his only film without Oscar nominations. We also talk about Gordon's three screenwriting Oscar nominations with her partner, Vivian Pickles' underpraised performance as Harold's mother, and the musical contributions of Cat Stevens.
Topics also include T-Mobile ads, the secret hotness of Norma Rae, and Charlie Chaplin's honorary Oscar win.
The 1971 Academy Awards
Apple Podcasts
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ottertooferswriting · 8 months
BG3 NPC-Oc's
Something I haven't seen much of (if any) yet in the BG3 fandom is Oc's that aren't Tav's. There's so much love for some of the NPC's that we all wish we could romance, (I'm looking at you, Zevlor, Rolan, Dammon ect) and such a wide variety of side quests and little interactions you can do with the existing NPC's that it feels like almost every playthrough you discover one you didn't realize you Could do something with.
The sheer breadth of the game leaves plenty of wiggle room to just...add your own. Romanceable, potential new companion, a flesh out to an area you wished you could have done more with in one particular area of the map?
So....my question is what kind of NPC Oc would you all make?
Disclaimer: There's a healthy dose of indulgent creative liberty with my NPC's quest triggers\backstory think of it as a What If for the game not something meant to fully mesh 100%.
Here's mine:
Name: Micarbryn (Mica to friends\lovers) She\Her pronouns.
Seldarine Lolth Drow: Notable Features: Unusual eye color for Drow, Scarring across left side of face, partial left ear, artificer mobility aid covering left elbow down to fingertips disguised as a gauntlet. Age:300
Class: Artificer: Alchemist\Fighter: Psi Warrior Cross Class.
Romanceable\Companion addition: Yes: Poly Options with Halsin, Astarion, Shadowheart
(more details under cut now with added character pictures!)
Location in game: Underdark
Quest triggers: Freeing suspiciously intelligent runt phase spider from trap who offers to take you to "The Crafter" for a reward.
Stumbling on cache of coded paperwork in locked chest (pass an INT or WIS check to decode) that gives location of a safehouse "The Den".
Siding with the group of masked\disguised raiders that attack a Drow settlement to free a group of slaves.
Stage 2 (addition to camp) quest trigger: Coming back to the Den to trade only to find it raided, speaking with a survivor (or dead body) informs you that Mica was taken to Moonrise.
Freeing\Finding her along with the tiefling's and other captives at Moonrise offers a quest line depending on what kind of run your doing:
"Good" Run: Waking to find that she's snuck off in the middle of the night while still near to critically injured and Halsin has followed her.
Durge Run: Waking to find her hovering over you with her chains wrapped around your neck, (succeed on a STR or CHA check to convince her not to kill you)
Approval actions: Persuasion: using your charms to better your situation, Intimidation: dealing with upstarts or enemies, Deception: protecting your companions\allies, and Kindness choices, Ie: Helping the Mycanoids, Tieflings, Barcus Wroot, the deep Gnomes ect (you can ask for compensation but following through is key)
Disapproval actions: Unnecessary cruelty in dialog or actions, making promises you wont keep, choices that allow others to be exploited or their secrets outed.
Discoverable backstory:
Her family was secretly not affiliated with Lolth, their right of passage for its daughters on their coming of age birthday (100th) they have to find a good act to do to better the life of someone other Drow would deem lesser. Mica was on a trip with her mother to another city and saw a captive Halsin, turned to her mother and answered 'I know what I want for my birthday'. It then became her sole responsibility to make sure he was freed without it tracing back to her family as a test of her skills. 
Family’s fall from grace and her subsequent journey to becoming a sort of Robin Hood meets Powerloader (my hero) meets Captain Amelia (treasure planet) happens roughly fifty years after she freed him (In "Good Run" Durge style run is a different timeline with other...options >:3) next time she sees Halsin is in Moonrise.
Did a quick creation of an approximation of her current age of 300 and what she looked like when she would have first met Halsin at 100. And also have a spotify playlist
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That's it for now, I may do some fic snippets of her, maybe look for some art....
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emita-ita · 7 months
TLDR; I installed the "Distraction Free Youtube" extension on Firefox on my Android with this guide. Now my feed looks empty (no reccommended videos/shorts -> no distractions). No doomscrolling. Also I listen to music on shuffle while using other apps!!
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Listen to music on shuffle, while using other apps, while your screen is turned off. For FREE 🤯 no ADS
Highly customizable, choose to hide your youtube feed, next up video reccommendations, comment sections, the dreaded Shorts, and much more!
It shows at the top of your notifications making it easy to stop and resume.
No more doomscrolling!
No more paying Spotify!
You don't feed into big corporations greedy industries <3 you live a calmer life while rejecting capitalism 🧡🧡🧡
It's a biiiit more sluggish than the app. Music plays perfectly but sometimes video is laggy.
Everything is smaller scale since it's the desktop Youtube webpage on your mobile screen. Have to zoom and move around, hard to click small things if you have trouble with that. sorry :(
Steps and Quality of Life Tips under the keep reading 💙
Step 1
Follow this guide! I reccommend to follow it on pc for more ease (not necessary). Don't add the Google Translate extension like the guide, add "DF YouTube (Distraction Free)", its logo is a black square with a white triangle.
It looks very cumbersome but trust me it's done under 10 minutes! My replies and ask box is open, please please ask for help I'm very happy to help!
Step 2
Important, when you use Youtube on Firefox it redirects to the mobile web (m.youtube.com). The extension doesn't work with this. You need to click the three dots to the right of the website URL, and click "Desktop site".
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Quality of life tips
Extension and Add-on mean the same thing btw!
Click the three dots (like the image above) and click "Add to Home screen". Hold and drag it somewhere. This creates a shortcut! Yippie! Now we have completely replaced Youtube ♥ You can do a shortcut for each of your playlists 🤯 wow
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The music plays perfectly, but the videos are sometimes sluggish. (Other times they're fine!) Probably just refresh.
You can put the Firefox search bar on the top if mine is ugly to you lol
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yurinullification · 4 months
It's honestly kinda impressive how much Spotify has fucked up the free user experience on mobile all for the sake of profit. Ads literally every 2-3 songs. Can't go back in a song once you've started it. Can only skip like 6 times an hour. Shuffle is literally the only option and if you try to shuffle an album it randomly interjects a bunch of other songs that aren't on it like it's genuinely almost completely unusable which I suppose is kinda the point
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