#absinthe father
briannacarmel · 1 year
I made a spotify playlist featuring as many DIY music scene friends as I could think of!
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Ft. @hoitytoityofficial, @lokeigh, @xahferd, @ritualsofmine, @luhansihadin, Crywank, Ash Bricky, Autumn Sky Hall, Absinthe Father (pictured with me above), +MANY more!!
Listen here:
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deadkot · 2 years
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it was a pun that i wanted to put on a shirt so i drew this, but then i thought that it’s a good band name
and apparently there’s a band that’s named like that. nice! their music is lovely, kinda has indie coming of age movie vibes imo
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totalposer · 1 year
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maroon-rouge · 1 year
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Absinthe Father at Sour Milk
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waheelawhisperer · 10 months
Worst Arknights Parental Figure Tournament Round 1: Kjera vs. Absinthe's Father
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Absinthe's Father (no image available): Cop.
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nenestansunsthings · 8 days
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proper drawings another time. this is the vibe rn though
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friendlyorange · 5 months
So my boyfriend and I always kinda make up improv raps in the car (even to songs that aren’t rap songs) because we’re fucking losers and once I was listening to this like… pop synth song called Deinde by Absinth3 and we were both kinda jamming to it and all of a sudden he throws out this fucking bar
“Drinking absinthe, feeling abstinent”
When I tell you I almost had to pull the car over because I was laughing so hard I was fucking crying bro
And ever since I’ve just repeated it in my head like multiple times a day like every time I have a “it is what it is” moment I’m just like “drinking absinthe feeling abstinent let’s go” like this man doesn’t even know that fuckin bar has been swirling in my head for nearly a month lmfao I just needed someone to know how much I love him like jesus christ he is so goddamn funny
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atticofbogsandbugs · 10 months
Hats off to my dad for just creating his cursed brainchild, “the salmonellier,” an occupation in an alternate universe wherein foods such as Chicken McNuggets from the 1950s are valued more the older they get, just as with alcohols
“This 1953 Chicken Wing, going for 2,000, with Exquisite Fungus and a luxurious green hue”
This is what we talk about
This is why I am how I am
Blame him
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weebsinstash · 4 months
losing my mind over the idea of Lucifer being swerved every time by an oblivious reader. He “casually” drops how he used to pull wives at the drop of a hat and reader just goes “that’s great Lucy ☺️” and wanders off while bro is going through the stages of grief
I just love the idea of like, a Reader who GENUINELY IS oblivious and isn't trying to troll him by any means, you ARE just completely unable to fathom this man is coming on to you or legitimately means the things he says.
You're sitting there after Husker made you a tequila for the first time and you're sipping on it and Lucifer's just plopping down in the next stool over, "there was once a time in the past I shared a tequila with a woman, and, well, let's just say 9 months later my daughter Charlie was born!" and you reply without any hesitation at all, "yeah! you know, this is my first time trying tequila but I think it's really nice, although everything Husker makes me is pretty tasty so I've been trying lots of new stuff recently! like the other night I had my first shot of absinthe with Alastor and the taste was so--" and Husker is FACEPALMING and Lucifer is... honestly I think it would be really cute if he ADORES when you show your interests and passions when you start ranting about stuff, so he's like, even when he's mentally gritting his teeth with frustration, he'll be sitting there watching you doe eyed for as long as you want to talk, entertaining any of your long winded tangents or rapidly changing conversational topics
Ugh... you don't understand... the allure of being a tiny fragile human and he's. Well also tiny but he's this ancient inhuman creature who's also just A Silly Loving Family Man. Like. He's ALL POWERFUL. He can pull you into a singing dancing musical where he can make whatever he wants appear, he CAN basically warp materials and reality however he pleases, like... just...he's the small full package who probably HAS a full package if you know what I mean 😏 don't even look at me but characters like him n deku got me thinking about being fawned over by cute guys who are shorter than you but can absolutely easily overpower you without breaking a sweat and are more hung than nature should really allow
Seduction can be a fine line between sexy and cringey and can you imagine he says something to you that just, it just does NOT land. He's got you on your back in your bed and he's above you, with his hand directly under your chin, and he purrs that he wants to plant his seed directly in the fertile soil of your garden and you just LAUGH IN HIS FACE, like "BITCH WHAT?!" Like you CRUSH HIM, FATALITY, man is suffering psychic and emotional damage, you are chipping away at his health bar as you sit there "Haha, you're so goofy Mr Morningstar 🤣 you always know how to make me laugh" and he's HUFFING and laughing in frustration, "OKAY, let's try this again! When I'm done with you, Charlie might have a new sibling on the way!"
"Awww thank you! Charlie's already like a sister to me but I'm glad you're seeing it literally 🥰"
Can you imagine it. The ultimate cockblock. Giving him the ultimate swerve, hitting him with the ultimate grand slam, "YOU'RE LIKE THE FATHER I NEVER HAD" like, how can he possibly stick his dick in you now he knows you see him as YOUR DAD 🥺❤️ He can't VIOLATE his BABY (or can he 😳🤔)
Can't stop thinking about Reader who is completely unaware that this man is unhinged levels of Down Bad until the very moment he's wrestling you down to either fuck you or have a full on love confession. You're just goofing around and palling around and occasionally giving him hugs where you smush your titties or whatever in his face because he's the perfect height and you love to tease him and, then, to YOU, he's 'suddenly without warning' trying to kiss you, say all these passionate things to you, putting his hands in places they've never been before--
I'm still hung up on... the idea of Lucifer impregnating the Reader and you have your little you know cute apple womb tattoo and. I just know he'd be fussing and cooing and like ANNOYING levels of lovey dovey, baby talking your belly before you're even showing. He'd wanna get married with a big fancy flashy wedding to show you off. He'd wanna announce to all of Hell he has a new spouse and want everyone to fear/worship/respect/adore you. He's making this baby SO MANY GIFTS with his own two hands, you have no idea. Duck themed cribs, duck themed onesies, duck themed ducks, he'll make it all! In fact he'll make too many! But, still not enough to satisfy him! Everything has to be perfect, for you, for the baby, for his growing lovely family!
I dunno. Don't expect me to be normal about the fact the man can shapeshift either... he's about to slither right into my incognito tabs...
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heartcosmicsoul · 16 days
For women who are tied to the moon, love alone is not enough. we insist each day wrap it’s knuckles through our heart strings and pull. the lows. the joy. the poetry. we dance at the edge of a cliff, you have fallen off. so it goes. you will climb up again.
You rare girl, once again, you have a body that belongs to no lover, to no father, belongs to no one but you. wear your sorrow like the lines on your palm. like a shawl to keep you warm at night. don’t mourn the love that is lost to you now. it is a book of poems whose meters worked their way into your pulse. even if it has slipped from your hands, it will stay in your body.
You loved a man who treated you like absinthe, half poison and half god. he tried to sweeten you, to water you down. so you left. and now you have your heart all to yourself again. a heart like a stone cottage. heart like a lover’s diary. hope like an ocean.
-Anaïs Nin
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morallyinept · 9 months
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Pedro Boys & Cocktails 🍹
More Pedro Boy fun! I've not included measurements because we all like our drinks at varying strengths, so you can tailor make them to your liking.
Drink responsibily folks! 🥴
Also, check out Drinkingpedro on IG for some amazing original drinks, inspired by Pedro & his characters. The account is super fun! Give them a follow. (This was some of my inspiration for this Pedro Boys Cocktail ramble.) Cheers! 🖤
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Francisco Morales - 'The Morales Muff Diving Experience' - Crown Royal whiskey, peach schnapps, peach puree, sour mix, lemonade. Open your legs, hermosa. Standard Heating Oil cap optional.
Oberyn Martell - 'The Skull Crusher' - Freshly squeezed blood oranges from Dorne (or your local grocery store if you're unable to sail to Westeros), vodka, lime juice, cointreau, blood orange pulp to top. You know, crushed brain chunks.
Ezra - 'The Wordy Birdie' - Vodka, tequila, white rum, gin, cointreau, lemon juice, simple syrup, Midori, soda water. Served with a case of looted Aurelac gems. Tastes even better with one arm - tingly. Loquacious rambling guaranteed.
Joel Miller - 'Molotov Cocktail' - Empy bottle, handkerchief doused in flammable liquid of choice, or whatever is avaliable when the world has gone to shit. Ignite. Launch at clickers. Watch them go boom. Instant mushroom soup. Nom.
Dieter Bravo - 'The Bola Hair Hold' - Brandy, vodka, absinthe, gin, whiskey, blackberry liqueur. Shake it all up and hope for the fucking best, although you will probably die. Make sure Bola is avaliable to hold your haaaaair as you weep into the fetid toilet bowl.
Javier Peña - 'The Loredo Legspreader' - Gin, lemongrass, lemongrass syrup, fresh lime juice, red Thai chilli to garnish. Serve with a cigarette and a sour resting bitch face. Sweaty pink shirt optional.
Marcus Moreno - 'The Upstaged Father' - Cherry vodka, lemonade, blue curaçao, coconut vodka, mango rum, grenadine, simple syrup, crushed ice, orange slices to garnish. Drink alone in a corner, daydreaming about your heyday as leader of The Heroics, before your 11 year old daughter stole your limelight. Bitters optional.
Pero Tovar - 'Black Powder' - Dark rum, dry vermouth, blackberry liqueur, splash of lime juice, blackberries to garnish. Serve on dry ice for that smokey effect. Then betray your closest friend.
Max Phillips - 'The Bloodsucking Bastard' - Chambord raspberry liqueur, cranberry juice, Prosecco or sparkling wine. Don't worry, these vamps don't sparkle. Vodka. Splash of lime juice. Place on a post-it note and serve to your boss. Brace yourself for imminent fangs.
Marcus Pike - 'The Boyfriend Cardigan' - Vanilla vodka, passion fruit liqueur, passion fruit puree, lime juice, vanilla simple syrup, Prosecco or sparkling wine. Serve to your sweetheart FBI boyfriend, the, very, very goody cop. Although, give him a few of these and then play some good cop/bad cop. It's cuffin' season afterall.
Comandante Veracruz - 'The Guerilla Freestyle' - Dark rum, Campari, orange curaçao, simple syrup, pineapple juice, freshly squeezed lime juice, pineapple wedges and leaves to serve. Use to barter for your freedom. Or not, whatever.
Din Djarin - 'The Space Daddy' - Gin, maraschino liqueur, Crème De Violette, fresh lemon juice, crushed ice and edible glitter for the swirly galaxy look. Might need to remove your helmet when consuming. Keep away from The Kid. This is the - hic! - way.
Silva - 'The Ol' Western BJ' - Irish cream liqueur, Kahlúa, Amaretto, whipped cream to top. Serve in a red bandana covered shot glass. Drink naked from the waist down.
Agent Whiskey - 'The Unfortunate Cowboy' - Bourbon whiskey, Southern Comfort, lemon and lime juice, watermelon juice. Do not operate mincing machinery whilst under the influence. Tuck your lasso in. Watch your step there, cowboy.
Dave York - 'The Suburban Murder Daddy' - Mezcal, sweet vermouth, Campari, soda water, splash of lime juice, orange peel twist to garnish. Drink quickly to tie up your loose ends. Try not to lose an eye in the process.
Javi G - 'The Paddington' - Fresh, warmed milk served in a glass. Marmalade sandwich on the side. Alcohol free. It's past Javi's bedtime. Sssh.
Maxwell Lord - 'The Booty Clap' - Amaretto almond liqueur, Alizé Gold Passion liqueur, Hennessey Cognac. Shaking your booty like this whilst drinking is compulsory:
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Pedro Pascal - 'Purple Rain, d'uh' - Vodka, gin, blue curaçao, splash of cherry sourz, grenadine, lemonade, lemon juice. Try not to blub whilst dancing in the purple rain.
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This ship is small but all of it is ours.
The Black Sisters introduce their youngers to all kinds of vices as a tradition. Better it happens when a family member is nearby, than alone or with strangers. "Peasants," says Bellatrix. "People who can't be trusted because they have all to gain from our downfall."
Bellatrix drinks with Andromeda, with the absinthe stolen from Cygnus's study. She forces her sibling to drink more than she could ever handle at 14 but it's all to teach her a lesson. Better she teaches her sister than someone else.
Thus, it's Bellatrix who holds her sister's hair as she weeps and chokes on her vomit, face down into a toilet the morning after. A couple of years pass, and Bellatrix is telling Andromeda to hold her eye open as she administers a few drops of potion, from a vial she shares between herself and the Lestrange brothers. When it hits, she's there when Andromeda tells her she wants to chase the stars.
Bellatrix lets her.
She smiles, watching Andy put herself between three Slytherins — back pressed to one of them, a hand caressing the other in front, and eyeing the last one with an easy hunger; no one dares to say anything because Andromeda Black is there, dancing, swaying and letting herself be held. She's not theirs but for the night, they're hers. Bellatrix is there when she falls back down. She's there when Andromeda tells her she never wants to feel like that again, that it wasn't her, and she feels terrified of what it means to truly lose oneself.
Narcissa watches Andromeda mix herbs in her room as she sits on her bed. Curious. She's seen their mother do this before after a fight with their father, forgetting to close the door to her sunroom, as a young Narcissa, watches her lean into a smoking pot and inhale the fumes that dance out of it. Now — she watches Andromeda grind the same six herbs, motions calm and practiced. She beckons her little sister closer and pulls her warmly, gently, to her side. "Lean forward and take a deep breath," she tells her. Forever wanting to please Andy, she does as told. It smells like burnt rubber but she keeps that thought to herself. Andromeda leans in to do the same just as Narcissa feels her body slowly lose feeling of gravity, swaying lightly soon enough. With a hand on her arm, Andromeda leads them both to her bed, motioning for Narcissa to lie down beside her. She throws herself into the mattress, mind going numb. She can hear Andromeda tutting fondly, pulling her into her arms.
"I think you breathed in too much. Don't worry, this should be nice. I do it all the time." Her eyes have since been shut but just before she slips into a semi-conscious haze of peacefulness, she feels the press of her sister's lips on forehead. "Sleep, my darling star."
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totalposer · 1 year
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yanderepuck · 2 months
Fun facts I've learned about Van Gogh by doing my own research and by tour guides in the Van Gogh museum:
Started art bc he thought it was easy
Does NOT understand how the postal system works and that it takes time for a letter to be received (he got to Theo's house before his letter, thus surprising them that he arrived and is moving in)
He also tended to burn his mail after reading it
Tried to take art classes but the moment he got bored he did what he wanted
The Japanese that's painted around The Plum Tree is an address to a brothel
Man offered his severed ear to a prostitute
Was an art dealer and hated it
Dropped out of school 3 times
Went to school to be a priest like his father but failed the final test and didn't try again.
Theo couldn't sell a single one of his paintings
Only signed the paintings that he liked
Thought that the Potato Eaters was his best painting ever, but art critics say it is one of the worst paintings
He painted 50 portraits as of peasants and chose the best 5 to put in the paintings and they were still considered awful
Gauguin didn't consider him much of an artist because Vincent couldn't paint from memory/imagination. He had to look at something in front of him
Was one of the first to use tube paint and was looked down upon for it
Theo had to pay Gauguin to move in with Vincent
Drank a LOT of absinthe
Was a regular at brothels
Nearly married a former prostitute (Theo and parents were against it and their relationship ended after 18 months)
Theo wrote to him more than he wrote back
Had no kids himself but had two kids named after him (Theos child and the Prostitutes child)
Loved Japanese art
Didn't want to romanticize peasant/poor life which is why many of his paintings didn't do well
Took a drawing class where they did 0 painting. Did a study with a skull and Vincent went "fuck it" and painted it which was absolutely not allowed in the class.
Was never actually diagnosed with anything, but modern day professionals have diagnosed him with 'manic depression' 'schizophrenia' and 'epilepsy'. But since these were made after he died they cannot be 100% confirmed.
This man was wild tbh and every time I learn something new about him it's wild
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waheelawhisperer · 10 months
Worst Arknights Parental Figure Tournament Round 2: Huai Tianpei vs. Absinthe's Father
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Huai Tianpei: Abandoned his daughter so he could follow his dream of getting really good at Tekken.
Absinthe's Father (no image available): Cop.
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pinkandpurple360 · 28 days
I’ve wanted to ask, if you were the writer and you (unfortunately) had to make Stolitz cannon, how would you have rewritten it? Starting from ep 1 season 1? Or in general how would you have rewritten Stolas?
Hi anon!
Oh well the first thing I would do…massive tone change. It would definitely not be this deep melodrama of angst and betrayal, but far more lighthearted. And comedic. Spoilers they don’t end up star crossed monogamous married soulmates, not even close. They’d be close friends with a strong bond. Who may occasionally sleep together if they feel like it. And with other people. That’s basically as deep as it gets in the romance department. But that’s exactly how they like it, in fact both surprised that the other doesn’t demand more than that. I’d also have it be that stolas gets one focussed episode per season. His only song is ‘We* will be okay’ to Octavia.
First off, stolas and Blitzø make a trade with the grimoire, but one that is not sexual in nature. He completely allowed Blitzø to steal the book, finding his clumsy breaking and entering method very entertaining. He was just that bored. The ruckus blitzø, a “clown” disguised assassin in truth, caused at octavias birthday party made him laugh for the first time in several centuries (yes in this version he’s ancient and immortal) so he simply looked the other way when the theft occurred. “Sir! This imp has your grimoire in his possession!” “Say do we have anything stronger than this wine? I cant think on a sober mind. Fetch me some absinthe if you please?” “But sir!” “Absinthe! Unless you are doubting me?”
In my version stolas is the precautionary heir himself. And Via is her child self. This is why stolas is so negligent to his duties, he’s nothing but a figurehead. Symbolic. He knows how unimportant he truly is. Both parents love Via, but find it hard to connect with her because of her circumstances as the “extra” precaution and their arranged marriage. In my version at the start stolas still has his kind side, but is arrogant, afraid to show that side, and he is misogynistic towards his wife who is always “upset for no reason” I think stolas’ plain inability to read the room or people’s feelings pretty funny, so I’m keeping it in. He says things like “I’m sorry…that you think I owe you an apology Stella” she threatens to hire a hitman but doesn’t have the heart to go through with it. Ah but neither of them are violent towards the imps. Because. Ew? My version of Stella is actually a person. She gets enraged, abuses alcohol, suffers post partum depression. It takes some time before she and stolas become on good terms again. They decide to separate amicably in the end, their bickering having no real bite behind it and just becoming banter.
Plot: Stolas allows Blitzø to use the Grimoire, in exchange for offing a specific demon in hell or human target on earth, once a month. He also returns the grimoire for when Stolas needs it for a ceremony, so that nobody can suspect it’s misuse. This is in secret, training him for the ultimate target of all, Paimon. So that stolas can reach the throne and have a reason to exist in his own view. Nobody can suspect the innocent stolas of targeting his father whom he “loves” dearly. You never know if his moments of kindness or madness are a facade or if they’re real. He’d have a lot of references to Hamlet in my version. The occasional sex is nothing but a cover story for Blitzo coming over, sometimes stolas oversells the cover story. It becomes real once the two of them get a bit too carried away after celebrating one of their hits going perfectly.
In my mind stolas is completely insane but in an eccentric way. Strikers assassination attempt was a complete ruse, the one who hired him was none other than stolas himself to test Blitzøs skills and to introduce him to angelic weaponry. Yes he hired a hitman on himself. Stella was a red herring. In a tragic sense he knows he could have died but values his own life so little, that he wouldn’t mind. “I just wanted to see what would happen” is his explanation. Blitzø gets angry with him over this, for messing with/scaring him, and reminds him that even though he doesn’t love stolas that way, he still has a daughter who would cry over him. This inspires stolas to actually start trying to form a connection with Via. This is an aside but I find the accelerated aging trope fascinating (think Jake the dogs kids or Renesmee from twilight) so Octavia ages twice as fast as a human would before it pauses around 21. Stolas takes her to LooLoo land at 17 because she was literally 8 years old like, 4 years ago. That’s why it’s so difficult to parent someone like that. And why he and Stella still baby her, they can’t keep up with her rapid maturing. But stolas refuses to hire a full time nanny, he wants to do it himself. His own ‘father’ was his imp butler, when this butler died of old age it really effected him. He doesn’t want that for via.
With Blitzø, they form a bond built on mutual trust, push and pull, fun, empathy, occasional lust, but the fun is at the heart of it. Stolas is extremely ignorant about sexual innuendo, and Blitzø is very flagrant about it but stolas never knows what the hell he’s taking about. So blitzø has to challenge himself to use non raunchy humour. This is one of the many ways they start to change eachother.
Polyamory ✨ tragically, stolas knows this cant be a forever relationship, he doesn’t want to give up immortality, and he knows Blitzø would never want to be a consort. Stolas doesn’t even want that either. He thinks marriage is stupid nonsense. Him and Stella are swingers as is custom in Goetia families (a secret custom that is). And Blitzø is in love with more than one person. Having hate filled spicy trysts with Striker, an on and off again relationship with Verosika, and an unspoken thing with his friend fizzarolli, the court jester, that’s currently platonic but more intimate than any other relationship (aka terrifying).
Stolas says this mans bombastic love life is better than any telenovela and gives him plenty of material for erotic novels. (I’ll admit the romance novel author idea is a clever one I had a similar idea)
I think my stolas version is demi sexual and possibly aromantic. I just find it more interesting that way. Another idea I had was stolas as a dusty librarian who blitzø is in unrequited love with. This version of stolas is completely aroace, sex repulsed and all. Giving them a tragic angle and some fun conflict. They find each other fascinating, the flirting is only one way, and stolas helps Blitzø find someone right for him. (Spoilers it’s fizz because you know me) I just find it so much cuter if Blitzø is the one who is the real hopeless romantic and even though stolas doesn’t have romantic urges outside the fiction he enjoys, he finds it fascinating from an outside perspective. Maybe even subvert the ‘repressed’ angle to say stolas was repressing his asexuality to make people like Stella and Blitzø happy.
And yeah, twist! Paimon is executed during the revolution. Stolas abdicates as they move toward a democracy. His kind nature and changed ways allow him to actually be elected by the hellborn, giving him all his wealth and power back..causing him to have learned absolutely nothing and still being a spoiled brat but!! at least not a deeply racist one 😔 but please don’t use the word impish in your next novel owl boy.
That was so fun!!!
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