Asgard Academy
Year 3: Part I
[ Index ]
"Before we go, let's go in real quick to tell Ma and Pa."
Fenrir immediately blushed but followed her inside without skipping a beat. Embla was reading the newspaper while Reynir eyed the scrambled eggs. "What happened, sweetheart, didya forget something?"
"Yeah, to tell you Fenrir and I are dating now."
Reynir turned off the stove before walking up to Fenrir and offering his hand. He was positively beaming. "A fine young man, no doubt."
Embla pinched Fenrir's cheek gently. "Oh, sweetheart, that’s great news to start the day! I need to call your siblings to tell them."
Artica was also beaming, her cheeks flushed. "Alright. We're heading out."
After getting their new helix piercings (two black surgical stainless-steel hoops) into place, they wandered for a bit until they reached the capital’s central park, which was more akin to a giant garden. Artica found them a nice, secluded spot next to a large pond, which was still in the process of thawing. They were sitting in front of one another, their faces very close. The simple intimacy of that gesture gave Fenrir goosebumps.
"There’re two ways to kiss, I guess,” she said, returning to the conversation they had earlier. “One like last night, just gently…"
He was not entirely listening, thinking precisely of the kiss she gave him before they fell asleep. It had felt so warm… Her lips were pink, bright, and soft. Ignoring they were moving because she was still talking, Fenrir leaned forward and pressed his own on hers. Artica immediately froze, completely flustered. This was not their first kiss, as stated, but definitely the first one Fenrir gave her on the lips.
He pulled away with an embarrassed smile. "Like that?"
She nodded in silence, feeling her chest tightened. His eyes looked particularly bright right now, with the shy blush on his cheeks making it more evident. Artica leaned into him, touching foreheads. Their feelings flutter for a bit, happy to finally do so openly.
The Black was busy putting away materials used during class when she noticed Levina was still in her seat, staring out the window. Even though Malik had insisted on giving her a thorough breakdown of the current situation regarding the Asgardian National Football team, she had barely acknowledged his ramblings, preferring to stay silent. Artica had a vague idea why but decided to leave her undisturbed. Levina was probably not in the mood to deal with her anyway.
“Congratulations on your relationship, Miss Reynirdóttir,” the Blue suddenly said, turning to her.
What a perfectly awkward way to start this terribly awkward conversation.
“Are you angry, my lady?”
"I am discouraged, yes, that all my efforts led nowhere," Levina replied. "Yet I knew the challenges. I knew you were around."
Artica gave her a lopsided smile. "Pardon?"
"Neither of you saw it, it seems, but I did. Mister Sannfridsson did too, I believe. A premonition of deeper affection, if anything."
The Black let out a nervous cough, unsure of what to say. Levina always spoke in an elaborate manner, everything going through Artica’s head sounded silly in comparison.
“True, I didn’t think much of it when I befriended him. Even so, I wouldn’t say your efforts led nowhere, my lady. Feelings are unfixed little bastards, but they make your heart stronger.”
“Stronger? Why would that be?”
Artica took Malik’s seat, staring at the whiteboard. “Well, sometimes we feel attracted to people who have less-than-desirable aspects. Maybe they are self-centered, or lack confidence, or are just physically unattractive. Our heart grows stronger when we can see beyond that and appreciate them as a whole, rather than the sum of the individual aspects.”
“You do know you are implying we learn to ignore negative aspects?”
“Ignoring them doesn’t make your heart stronger. Understanding them does. After you do, the feeling changes. It may go from reproach to sympathy, for example. Besides, you speak as if your actions had no impact, but you helped the kid from up north feel less like an outsider by going to the Street Market, and the theater, and the arcade.”
“No, you are mistaken; he suggested the arcade. I am not particularly proficient at such activities, you see, and found it rather underwhelming.”
The Black nodded. “In any case, your feelings had an impact on him, even if not the desired one.”
“How would he know? I never said them out loud, and there is no point now.”
“A poet (1) once wrote that ‘unsaid sentences do not mean unfelt emotions’. If you choose to state those feelings, I’ve no issue. If you’d rather keep them to yourself, they’re still valid.”
Levina let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose with both annoyance and contemplation. “Either way, that is two Academy years that I will not get back in that sense.”
“Hmm, I don’t know, my lady. I feel like I’m having a premonition right now,” Artica replied, picking up her things. She waved goodbye as she passed the senior at the door.
‘What is the hold up, Levina? Are we not going to the theater?’ Vaike signed, a little concerned.
‘Yes. My apologies. I got held up by an unfixed little bastard. Shall we go?’
"Can I ask for a favor?"
"Would you consider…" Fenrir began, brushing her bangs away. "...not covering your face this time?"
"I don't… want to embarass-"
He stopped her by joining their foreheads. "We promised, right?"
She closed her eyes. "Yes, to be kinder to ourselves…"
"Then please don't say, or think, you’re embarrassing. You’re not, and I don’t think that, in any way."
"W-will do."
"Thank you," Fenrir leaned close and kissed her right on the scarred cheek. His golden gaze was fixed on hers. "I just really like to see your face brighten up when we go to the hunting gear shop, y’know?"
Later, on their way home, he noticed Artica’s hands were quite cold, trembling slightly even though she was wearing both a sweater and a scarf. Since there was no wind blowing on the train platform, Fenrir took off his fur-trimmed coat and slid it on her shoulders. She turned around with concern, which he immediately dismissed.
“The north gets way colder at this time of year, okay? It’s fine.”
Artica took off her gray hand-knitted scarf and wrapped it around his neck, before wrapping her arms around him as well. “This’ll have to do until the train arrives.”
Fenrir hugged her back with a kiss, and both shamelessly hoped it was delayed.
"This is my partner, Artica," the boy said, carefully curating his words, tone, and body language. "I would appreciate it if you gave her a warm welcome to the city manor of the Northern Wolf."
XXXX and his four staff members side-eyed each other. Some were mildly surprised; some were deeply annoyed. Eleven uneventful years had passed where no outsider had set foot in their manors without previous, carefully calculated planning.
XXXX had never considered the whiny, sad child under his care to be of interest to someone, much less enter a formal relationship with them. Sure, they'd seen the girl here and there, but considering her appearance, it was difficult to imagine why the boy would want her around.
In any case, she was a small bump in XXXX's overarching plan. As long as she witnessed nothing that would make her complain to other, more dangerous parties, there should be no issues. After all, the boy didn't expect anything from them, so there was nothing to mess up.
Just a few more months to go until their scheme was complete. Largely ignoring her, just like they had largely ignored him for over a decade, would be a walk in the park.
“May I ask something personal, sir?”
“You don’t need to call me ‘sir’, my lady. My own name is more than enough.”
“There is no need for you to use formal language with me either… Sannfrid,” Karianne said, a little nervous. Even though she and Bud had been partners for over a year, being alone with his father had been a rare occurrence.
They managed to squeeze in a small celebration in Rúri’s schedule, between her Coming of Age ceremony and a well-deserved vacation. Karianne came over to help Bud take some of the decorations to the Viking Tiger city manor and found herself drinking coffee with Sannfrid while the older twin changed clothes.
“If it is not too nosy of me, would you tell me how you met Artica’s parents?”
The man scratched his chin. “Huh, what an unusual question…”
Karianne said nothing, sipping her coffee in silence.
“After deciding to adopt, I went to every workshop, read every book, and volunteered for every activity the Adoption Center had to offer. I memorized everything, determined to give this baby boy the best life possible from day 1… but by day 3, I felt miserable.”
Sannfrid stared melancholically into his cup.
“Whenever he was not nursing, he was crying. I think Bud went to sleep out of exhaustion, not actual need. Even I knew that was unhealthy, but I just couldn’t figure it out…! So, on day 3, we went to the park. I was sitting by the lake (he was still wailing in his stroller), thinking if maybe it’d been a mistake; dreading that I’d deluded myself into believing I was actually a good choice for the kid, when I saw a couple walking by. The man had a sleeping baby drooling over his shoulder, just a few months older than my own… I swallowed all my pride, walked up to them and asked ‘How’d you do that?’”
The girl with magenta eyes raised her eyebrows.
“You can imagine the puzzled look on Reynir’s face,” Sannfrid laughed. “Embla didn’t even say anything, she just went over to the stroller and removed a few of the million blankets I wrapped around Bud. He immediately started to calm down. I was stupefied. They later explained this was their third child, so they had it more or less figured out… To answer your question, I met them because I had a baby boy, and I didn’t know how to take care of him.”
“I did not expect that to be the answer. Somehow, I thought you knew each other from before.”
“Not really, no. I’ve seen them around, as we lived in the same part of town, but never really talked to them until that day. And well, after that, we spoke every day! With time, we even took turns babysitting the kids, and the family of two that I had hoped for expanded to seven in the blink of an eye.”
Karianne smiled. “Was it hard to manage them?”
“Bud and Artica? Yeah, absolute gremlins those two. He stole her toys, she gulped down his food, they both got jealous when we picked the other up,” the man sighed. “It was only after they started going to school that they sorta calmed down, and stuck together more… Is there a reason you ask?”
“Ah… When Syd told us about his brother, I could not help wondering what kind of life that boy had lived until now. Sometimes, my mind (and my gaze) would wander towards him, asking myself what his family life was like,” she explained with a hand gesture. “Over the next few months, it became clear that part of it was right there in class with me. Then I had the chance to meet the rest of you and well… I am just grateful.”
Sannfrid put his hand on hers. “I’m grateful too; all I ever wanted was for him to be happy. I think that so far, we’re all helping him do just that.”
When Bud entered the room, both his partner and his father seemed to rub a tear away before facing him with a bright smile.
Last summer was great. For the first time in his life, Fenrir had friends to enjoy it with, and thoroughly invested every second of his break having fun with them. He had hoped this summer would be even better, now that he had somehow managed to get a partner.
They’d done all kinds of things, and visited all kinds of places, both in group and by themselves. They even managed to buy tickets to the concert they were looking forward to! The three hours in line had been definitely worth it.
This, however, was his favorite part of the day: taking a nap.
Fenrir woke up first, and immediately wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth. In front of him, Artica was facing his way, asleep. Her right hand was on his left, and he couldn’t help giving it a soft squeeze. One of her eyes half-opened, shining bright in the dark.
“Hm? Did I oversleep again?” she asked drowsily.
“No, but it’s around the time you wanted to wake up.”
Artica rolled to the left, right into his arms. “A shame, I wouldn’t mind staying like this a little longer…”
He wouldn’t mind staying like this forever. Fenrir hugged her tight, taking in the fruity perfume. After all, since they had started dating, he noticed he slept better during their naps than at night, by himself. For understandable reasons, Artica didn’t spend whole nights with him (yet), but when she did decide to leave late, he knew he would rest better without fail.
He sheepishly wondered if this is how his parents felt when they were dating.
"What is it?"
"N-nightmare. Can I s-sleep here tonight?"
"No," the man replied at once, his hand on the door handle. "Stop being so needy."
The child wasn't crying, but his eyes were already irritated. "There was a bear… Papa’s and Mam-"
"I don't care. Go back to your room."
He didn't move from the spot, tears now running down his cheeks. "Please."
"Did I fucking stutter, boy? No. I can’t believe they left such a whiny boy behind. Not very good parents at all."
“Not true! They w-were the bestest!” the child cried back, sniffing loudly.
“They either taught you to be strong, or weak. Which is it?”
Confused and hurt, the child returned to his bedroom without another word. That was the last time he ever asked his guardian for any kind of support.
Many years ago, just a month after turning six.
Another endless argument with XXXX regarding some stupid shit that neither truly cared about. Holed up in his room, Fenrir expected it to be one of those nights where he would pretend to be dead and forget everything and everyone, listening to music above the recommended volume level in the dark. It was a miracle, honestly, that he heard the knocking on the glass door.
Artica was outside with an aggravated look on her face. “Is everything okay? Are you okay?”
“What are you doing here?”
“I’d just thought I’d return the books you lent me, but I heard the yelling, I was worried… Are you okay?”
Fenrir didn’t have the strength to pretend. “No, I’m not. I-”
He choked on his words.
“I feel so miserable and powerless, like it’s always raining on me… I miss the mountains, where I could find peace, even if I was unwanted at that house too,” Fenrir was on the verge of tears. “I'm not by myself anymore, so why do I feel so alone?”
Artica put her bag down and embraced him with a caring, gentle hug.  “It’s alright. I’m here with you. You aren’t alone."
They stayed like that for a while. She rubbed his back gently, wishing nothing more than the wisdom to help him. “Would you come with me?”
“Where to?”
“You'll see when we get there. Why don’t you bring your music player? Oh, and a blanket. It’ll be really cold at this time of night.”
Not sure what was going on, but hungry from someone’s attention, Fenrir did as she asked. They left quietly and started a thirty-minute walk into the woods. Artica held his hand the whole time, guiding him through the wilderness he hadn’t explored yet. Before Fenrir realized it, they reached the summit of one of the nearby hills; there was a clearing with a spectacular view of the sky. And what a view, with an electric green flowing gently into the night.
“Beautiful, right?” Artica said, inviting him to sit next to her. “I know they're common enough, but there's something about the Norðrljós (2)…”
Fenrir sat down, staring at the sky. She pulled the blanket out of her bag and covered them both, then huddled close to him. Artica rested her head on his shoulder. “I hope that, at the very least, you find some peace and company here…”
Fenrir leaned his head on hers, feeling a little better. Like a wound which was still open but had stopped bleeding. He took out his music player and offered her an earphone.
Okay, he’d done this before, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right? Still, as the new Karate Captain, Bud could’ve done him a solid and gotten someone else for this. Fenrir eyed the Year 2 student he was supposed to have the exhibition match against.
His name was Mime, from the House of the Singing Eagle, and was in the same two clubs as Syd: Music and Karate. He had pale orange hair and deep red eyes, but despite those harmless looks, Fenrir had noticed it was quite difficult to anticipate his moves. He was not particularly confident in winning this match.
Right now, though, he had other concerns, like the untamable lock of hair on his forehead that never stayed put! It was taking forever for it to grow long enough to be combed back with the rest of his hair, and Fenrir was running out of options to keep it back. That was, until a voice spoke right behind him.
“You really need to get a headband or something,” Artica observed, fiddling with the end of her braid.
“Oh! I thought you were still in the Archery exhibition... Yeah, I should, but it’s no use now.”
“I wrapped up as quickly as I could,” she said, finally pulling something out of it and reaching towards him to pin the lock neatly against the rest of his hair with a bobby pin. “There.”
Their faces were so close, he could feel the warmth of her body. A whistle rang in their ears, indicating the end of the first exhibition match, and this tiny moment of intimacy.
“I’ll get going.”
“No, wait!” Fenrir said, grabbing her hand. “Can I… Can I have a good luck kiss?”
“You don’t need good luck,” Artica replied before leaning in smoothly. “But you can have the kiss anyway.”
Bud gave them a moment before clearing his throat. “Alright, alright, that’s plenty of luck from you. Move along.”
As Artica was walking away, she bumped into someone coming into the changing rooms. It was one of the fencing members; specifically, the one that always wore a green handkerchief on their arm during matches.
“My apologies, my l- Rú-?!”
The older twin had barely turned around when Artica got snatched into the changing room. The door slammed shut loudly.
“You can tell absolutely NO ONE. Is that understood?” the Blue said the moment Artica opened her mouth.
The Black was taken aback. “Wha-? Why not?”
“I do not wish others to know this truth, and that should be enough to do as I ask.”
“But you’re the Green Knight!”
“The what now?”
“The Green Knight!” Artica repeated, pointing at the handkerchief. “The mysterious fencing club member that never removes their headgear during matches!”
“Now you know why. Please.”
The Black nodded, somewhat startled to remember that no matter how long you’ve been friends with someone, there is always a side of them that is unknown to you.
"Congratulations! You are going to be a father!" Karianne announced, and almost everyone at the table struggled to not spit their drinks.
Bud frowned slightly at the other’s reaction. His partner brought a box from the next room and presented it to him with a smile. After removing the lid, Bud picked up its contents
"Oh, thank the gods it is a kitten," Syd said, still a little pale.
"Of course it is a kitten, dear, what are you even saying," Karianne replied with a dismissive gesture.
"I knew it was; K's been talking about this for weeks. I'm guessing Dad finally confirmed he's not allergic?"
"Certainly, darling. I would never make a move before ensuring his safety and consent."
Rúri, immediately smitten with the creature, extended one finger to rub its tiny head. "Does it have a name?"
Bud and Karianne looked at each other. She spoke first. "It is not my kitten, so I only have a suggestion."
The older twin, perfectly aware she usually gave food-related names to everything, felt the need to ask. "Yes?"
"'Espresso'! As he is small and black."
Her purebred competition horse was called 'Mac n' Cheese Kariannesson the Third', so this was an improvement. Bud nodded. "I’ll take that into consideration, K. Thanks for the little guy. Would you take a pic of us?"
Karianne grabbed her camera and immediately obliged. The resulting polaroid showed him carrying what looked like a black hole, as the kitten showed no recognizable features besides its bright eyes.
Bud stared at the picture and suddenly remembered reading an article about pigments and coatings. "I'm gonna call you Vanta (3)."
“You’re being so mysterious about this gift!” she said, covering her eyes. “Waiting for everyone else to leave and all that.”
Artica heard him open the cardboard cylinder Vaito brought with him to the birthday lunch and then presumably unfurl its contents to set them on the table.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
There were two things in front of her; one was a small, dark purple box, and the other a poster-sized, coat of arms-styled illustration of a massive stag facing forward atop of a rocky hill, with the night sky behind it, and a bright full moon strategically positioned between its antlers. Artica was speechless.
He then opened the box and showed her the content; a thin, silver choker in the shape of antlers.
“Fenrir… this is too much.”
“Too much what, exactly?” he asked, a little startled. “You don’t like them?”
“I do like them. I love’em! But it’s… too much for me…” Artica replied, fidgeting with the corner of the poster. “Anything simple would’ve been fine, I’m a sim-”
“Yeah, I know, you always say that… but I wanted to get stuff that was beyond things you like, something that is meaningful to you. Stags seem to be it, yes? So, a choker, which reflects the majesty of their antlers, and a custom coat of arms, that showcases their strength. Both qualities you share with them, in my humble, unbiased opinion.”
Sheepishly, the Black went to him and hugged him tight. “Thank you. I really do love’em.”
She then turned around and pointed to the poster. “What about the moon, though?”
“What about it?”
“Why? Isn’t heraldry super intentional, with all bits contributing to an overall meaning or reference?”
Fenrir cupped her cheeks with his hands. “It represents your big, beautiful, bright, silver eyes; they are like the full moon on a clear, winter night.”
"Wow, that was a very cool answer. You nobles always know what to say."
He remembered the first time she said that to him and couldn't help smiling. So much had happened since, and yet, Fenrir hoped it was just the beginning. After a few moments of gazing into each other’s eyes, they kissed.
Embla, who was watching TV with Reynir in the living room chuckled lightly. “Woah, he pulled that one off really well.”
“I know, right? Even I felt flattered, and he wasn’t talking about my silver eyes.”
Her therapist had been thoroughly impressed during their latest session, when Artica reached out and petted the dog’s head for a bit. It had been a medium-sized one, though, unlike who she was petting now.
"Who would've thought a wolf would help me get over my fear of dogs?" Artica said while scratching Ging's chin.
Fenrir froze on the spot, the color drained from his face. "Wh-what did you just say?"
"Oh, c'mon, did you really think I believed he was a Saarloos Wolfdog?"
He made several non-descriptive hand gestures, but said nothing. Artica let Ging rest his head on her shoulder.
"I've gone hunting with Pa and B since I was a kid. You really thought I couldn't tell?"
"I- Well, you never said anything."
"The day I met him, I told you he looked one-of-a-kind… You casually shrugged it off."
Fenrir nodded vaguely. "I didn't say he was a dog that time, just that it was unlikely there was a dog like him in Central Asgard…"
Artica gave him that one. "In any case, if he really was your pet, you'd be a terrible dog owner."
"What? Why?"
"He has exactly one bowl, and for water only. You don't feed him or walk him."
"Of course I don't, he's a wolf! Ging doesn't need any of that from me."
"My point exactly," Artica replied, victorious.
After a while, they returned to Artica’s house for lunch. As she was sweeping, the Black raised her voice. “Hey, Fenrir?”
“Do you really not want to do anything else on your birthday besides the Coming of Age ceremony?”
The Blue, who was washing the dishes, spoke without turning to her. “Uhh, I dunno… Why? Do you have something in mind?”
“No, not really, but I mean, if you want, we can put something together. It doesn’t have to be very elaborate. At what time is the thing at the Palace?”
“Around noon, I think? I have yet to hear more from them.”
“How about a small dinner, then?” Bud interrupted, coming back from taking out the trash. “Artica can do her famous baby back pork ribs.”
Fenrir immediately turned around at the sound of that. “You can?”
She raised her eyebrows, a hint of pink in her cheeks. “If you want, yeah. They’re nothing special, though, so don’t think it’s a super fancy recipe or something.”
“But it’s good.”
“Very,” replied Bud with a cocky smile. “Meat falls right off the bone.”
Fenrir’s mouth started watering. He turned to her. “Would… Would you cook that, if we have a small dinner for my birthday?”
Artica didn’t have a reason to decline, but the puppy eyes he gave her would’ve been too powerful to even try. “Yeah, no problem! I’ll get everything going while you are at the Ceremony-”
“What? No, you’re coming too. I didn’t tell you?”
“Traditionally, there must be at least two Heads of House present who agree one is worthy of the title-”
Bud snorted. “And you’ve got three. Piece of cake.”
“No- I mean, I don’t know. A very humble request was extended to the Viking Tiger, Celestial Horses, and Guarding Swan, but I completely understand if they decline.”
Artica gave the twin a look when he snorted again.
“And as the Lord-to-be, I am allowed to bring one or two guests to the Ceremony so I would be really, really happy if you would attend.”
Puppy eyes again. Artica seemed all troubled, and for a moment, Fenrir thought she would just say no, but the concern that came out of her mouth was regarding an entirely different matter.
“Shit, I don’t have anything to wear to an event with the fucking Princess of Asgard!” she muttered, frowning.
Embla, who had been folding clean laundry in the living room, entered the kitchen a few minutes later. “We couldn’t help overhearing. Don’t worry about that, sweetheart. I know just the person to ask.”
As she said that, Reynir handed her the phone, from which a voice was speaking. “Yes, Mother?”
“What are you dressed as?”
They shared a smirk.
“I am the Big Bad Wolf,” Fenrir answered, adjusting the ears on his head.
“And I am the Huntress,” Artica added, turning around to show her bow strapped to her back.
“That is quite clever. You are just missing a Red Riding Hood,” Rúri said with an impressed look on her face.
“Oh, we have one,” the Black said, nudging him to pull back his fur-trimmed coat and show a small hand-knitted doll strapped to his belt.
“Did you four manage to get all the costumes you wanted for the Vetrnaetr carnival (4)?”
“OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!” an imperative voice ordered as Karianne appeared round the corner wearing a deep red dress with elaborated heart patterns on the shoulders and sleeves. The twins were right behind her, arguing about something.
“No. We had them made for the occasion,” Rúri answered, adjusting the cat ears on the bright purple wig. She was blinking more often than usual. “These contact lenses, though, I cannot seem to get used to them.”
Her usually blue eyes now showed electric pink. It was easier to appreciate the Alice in Wonderland theme they were sporting once Syd (March Hare), Bud (Mad Hatter), and Karianne (Queen of Hearts) finally met up with them.
“Onwards, dear subjects, to the sign-up table first, and then the ale stalls!” Karianne indicated to her friends.
“As you know, your graduation ceremony will take place at the end of the school year, during the morning. It will include a speech, and the delivery of your graduation diplomas. Besides your school uniform and the commemorative pin (design is not final), there are no other dress code requirements.”
Their overseer cleared their throat before continuing.
“In the evening, the masquerade will honor and celebrate your achievements in these past three years. Just as the ceremony, it will be held in the Academy’s Great Hall. This event requires formal clothing (those of you considering dresses should keep the length no shorter than your knees). Dinner will be s-“
A hand shot up, preventing her from moving on.
“Professor, you described it as a ‘masquerade’. Would you please explain further?”
“Ah, it seems I was about to skip that. Thank you, Heimrik. Yes, it is tradition for the graduates to wear a half-mask that covers the upper portion of their faces. Those of you with a family crest, your masks are to represent the sigil in the coat of arms. For the rest of you, you are free to choose a symbol from Asgardian culture and/or wildlife, as long as it does not overlap with one of your classmates’ family crests.”
“Does that mean we have cat privileges?” Bud whispered into his brother’s ear. The younger twin repressed a laugh.
“Please make sure to fill out the survey you were given at the start of today’s meeting by the end of the week, so we can send in the order for the half-masks as soon as possible.”
Once again, Heimrik’s hand shot up. “Professor, are we allowed to invite non-Academy students to the masquerade and, if so, do they require a half-mask as well?”
“Yes, you may invite one person who is not a graduate nor an Academy student, and yes, they do. In your survey, you will find a checkbox option for ‘external guests’. A more generic, but still tasteful mask will be crafted for them.”
The meeting continued with a deep dive on food, decoration, and music, among other topics. Overall, it seemed graduation day was going to be quite the event.
Ever since she won the tournament, Artica’s popularity has understandably increased.
At the Academy, she had been selected as the new Archery Captain, and students felt the need to high-five her frequently, chanting ‘Silver-Eyed Hawk’ whenever they spotted her in the halls. Even as they wandered around the city, people would randomly walk up to them and ask for a few words.
This had boosted Artica’s confidence greatly. Fenrir was happy for her, truly, but couldn’t help feeling annoyed at the frequent interruptions. The Street Market was probably the most tedious of all places, with so many people packed in the same narrow streets. Some even had the gall to flirt with her, even though their helix piercings were clearly visible!
“They only talk to you because of the tournament, you know?” Fenrir said after she politely turned down the most recent of those attempts.
“Excuse me?”
“You know it’s true. Before, they wouldn’t even give you a second glance.”
“What! It’s the truth! People have fancies like that!”
“What’s wrong with you?” she asked, visibly irritated.
Even though her hands had curled into fists, Artica just took a deep breath and started walking towards the plaza, where they would meet up with their friends. Fenrir followed her closely, both now exchanging heated words and escalating the matter, to the point where people around them started staring, intrigued by the lover's quarrel.
“I don’t even understand why you’re suddenly bothered by this. Are you jealous?”
“No! And it's not sudden! We can’t have peace and quiet anywhere now! You think I like being stared at all the time?”
Artica stopped dead in her tracks. His words flew right at her like a dagger and landed between her shoulder blades.
Fenrir didn’t even notice; his train of thought was somewhere else. “Obviously not!”
“That’s a lot of shit to say for someone who spends all their fucking time at someone else’s house!” she spat angrily, turning around. “Can’t even have some peace and quiet in my own home!”
That dagger lodged itself in Fenrir’s heart and was the only thing that prevented him from saying anything else.
“Hey, hey, that is enough,” Syd suddenly intervened, pulling Artica’s arm. Neither had noticed they’d reached the plaza, nor that their friends had heard most of their exchange.
“I’m outta here,” Fenrir declared, pulling the hood of his fur-trimmed coat over his head and walking away.
She too departed soon after, politely declining Rúri’s invitation to come with them to a nearby coffee shop.
“I have never heard her like that,” Karianne said, twenty minutes later, sipping her tea. “Arguing, I mean. I have seen her angry, but never arguing.”
“That’s because Artica dislikes arguing,” Bud replied. His black coffee remained untouched. “She’d rather return to the subject later with her head cool but whatever sparked that hit her too close to home, I guess.”
Artica collapsed on her bed, covering her face with a pillow. “Obviously, even Fenrir’s fed up with it. I’m the one stuck with this scar for the rest of my life. Why did I think it wasn’t going to be an issue?”
Just a twenty-minute walk away, Fenrir was sitting alone in his room, all curtains closed, and listening to music in the dark at a higher volume than recommended.
“I am jealous; I should've just admitted it. Why can’t I think before I speak like a normal person? And… She’s right, I’m always invading someone else’s home because I don’t have one.”
Reynir already knew something was wrong because Artica returned earlier than expected, and immediately went to her room without saying a word. However, this was his third child, and he’d already learned the hard way that it was better to wait for her to come to him, rather than asking questions at the wrong time.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Do you prefer how I looked before the bite?”
“There’s nothing wrong with how you look now. I don’t miss your face without the scar.”
Her eyes filled with tears. “I do.”
You try getting your face bitten the week before joining the single, most pompous academic institution in Asgard, at sixteen! Polar had yelled over the phone when he tried to ease her worries.
Of all the things that hung over his teenage daughter's head, this was the one he disliked the most. There was no easy way to fix it, physically or emotionally, and sometimes the only thing that felt right was holding her in his arms and gently rubbing her back.
"Sweetheart. Whatever happened today will pass, okay? And while it does, we'll be right here with you."
Class was uncomfortable as hell.
This year they ended up all in the same row, which was great, but right now, Syd wished his seat was not exactly between Fenrir and Artica. They weren't hostile or snappy at each other, like Bud and Karianne occasionally were, but it felt just as bad.
It was gloomy, awkward, and quiet; like sitting between two tombstones. During lunch, Fenrir would go elsewhere while Artica ate with the rest in complete silence. After speaking with them individually, it was clear they were not actually angry at each other, but deeply aggravated, and too embarrassed to talk about it.
“Just apologize, if you believe it’s necessary,” Bud had told her.
“Of course it’s necessary! I said something horrible to him! I just… don’t want to argue again.”
“Then don’t. Apologize for what you said, and if he starts to argue, tell’im what you used to tell me. ‘We can’t have a conversation in that tone. Come find me when you’re ready to talk’. It always worked.”
Artica hugged him close, thankful for his support.
“What if I fucked up real bad?”
“I think we both know that is a given in this case,” Syd replied. “However, no matter what you have done, an apology is always the first step to sort matters out.”
“I was talking about other people, you know? About how they’re fair-weather friends because she’s the current tournament winner… but it came out wrong, as usual. After replaying it in my head, I realized it sounded like I was talking about her…”
“Then tell her that. Apologize, and explain yourself. I am sure she is eager to understand, and to resolve this.”
“Thanks for hearing me out,” Fenrir said, bumping Syd’s shoulder with his fist.
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry You don't know how lovely you are I had to find you Tell you I need you Tell you I set you apart (5)
The concert was packed, as expected. Everyone was singing along with the band, raising their colorful lights in the air in what looked like a sky full of stars.
Even though they’d bought tickets with seats, none of them were there. Both Artica and Fenrir were walking around, trying to find the other. He replayed his apology in his head over and over, trying to make sure he didn't miss anything. She rearranged her words every few minutes, frequently worrying it was not enough to convey the full extent of how sorry she felt.
Tell me your secrets And ask me your questions Oh, let's go back to the start
Eventually, they found each other. He had the gray scarf wrapped around his neck, while she had the hoodie’s arms around hers. They thought the same thing: ‘If this is it, I should return this, and if it's not, I want them to remember how much they mean to me.’
Nobody said it was easy It's such a shame for us to part Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard
The music, the crowd, the lights. Everything suddenly went silent, and only they existed in the world. Those few seconds felt like entire centuries, and without fully realizing it, they ran to embrace each other. Tears ran down their faces as their gazes met.
Artica spoke first. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for getting mad and not paying attention to what you were trying to say."
“I’m sorry because I always blurt things out right away, and can’t take a moment to make it clear,” he replied, holding her tight. “I didn’t mean that about you. I was an asshole.”
“I didn’t mean my words either. I know why your house is not your home, and I’m sorry for being an asshole.”
They joined their foreheads, quietly sobbing in relief.
“You know I don’t mind your scar, right? That time I said it was one of my favorite things about you, I meant that. I still do.”
Artica leaned into his hand as he cupped her left cheek, closing her eyes.
“Thanks for saying that…” she paused, and then opened her eyes again. “We all gladly welcome you in our home, anytime, because now it’s yours too, no matter what happens between us.”
Fenrir let himself shed a few more tears. “Thanks for saying that, and for letting me into your home. It’s the first one I’ve ever had.”
Tell me you love me Come back and haunt me Oh, and I rush to the start
The rest of the concert was exactly what they hoped it would be; a wonderful, enjoyable time with their kjæreste.
(1) Tyler Knott Gregson
(2) “Northern Lights” in Icelandic.
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vantablack
(4) Vetrnaetr: “Winter nights”. The end of the harvest season (end of October), which meant that it was time to use the meat of the farm animals and start hunting. It’s also a night to reflect and honour ancestors, as well as the goddess Hela. The veil between the worlds is thinner during this night. https://winternightsfestival.com/about-vetrnaetr/
(5) The Scientist, by Coldplay
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californianedgeworth · 3 months
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Maya's! she's one of my go to characters to draw because it's easy for me
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kristoph: the law is perfect. it’s absolute.
klavier: you literally manipulated it to get away with murder
kristoph: yeah, the exploits are perfect too. for me. and my crimes.
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
Are you an AA battery?
(get it? Because you're aro and ace? Sorry I'm not funny)
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Face reveal!! Felt cute might delete later
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alien-ally · 5 months
Where's gee? Badminton championship? Can she come for a second? i think she can fix it.
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k00kiecrumbler · 2 years
I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off ( me & you ) - fall out boy
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I just wanted to put that because I missed putting songs in my posts...
anyways, um still monke brain...even though I'm torn between the rt cowboy voice and the guy who voiced Godot in the anime [ and by that, I mean the English dudded] .
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lynnesgalaxy · 2 months
To that generous anon!!
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bhaalsdeepbat · 3 months
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Astarion refers to the other spawn he intends to create as his children and I personally HC it more like his consort spawn eventually plays the role of brood mother to whoever the favored "children" are for eternity. like they recreate a fucked up family unit. romanced player and the children have to compete for scraps while he spoils whoever his romance partner is. and the cruelty of it is that Astarion's consort has all the gifts to be in the sun, but Astarion now wants an eternal night for all of the children he intends to make (and force to live in the shadows).
#bat rambles#and like thats so poetic right?#he will burn down the world and make it so there ISNT anyone else beside Tav/Durge/Romance Partner in the world#just cattle and children cloaked in neverending darkness#also when i say poetic the entire thing is a tragedy#like it's so tragic to give tav/durge/his romance partner that gift to retain that part of their humanity#then make the world hospitable to normal spawn#i am team AA still remembers the budding love he felt but#it's a ghost of a memory and he thinks he's above all that now#but he will pretend to show love in small doses#just enough to keep them wanting more and keep them under his thumb#and the memory of what he felt corrupts with him as he shifts closer and closer to evil alignment and he becomes more and more possessive#and he does spoil tav/durge bc they'll always be his favorite#but it's more like they were the first pet and will always be the most beloved#but he does have other pets he is fond of but like#and like that love he felt for tav/durge made him feel too vulnerable so he has to make them feel so small#as small as he felt when he was cowering behind them#bc he won't ever let himself feel that small or let his edges feel that dulled again#it's about the corruption of the feeling for me#you sacrifice 7007 people to suffer in the hells for eternity#you're not gonna get off scott free#and i think the corruption of the love he feels - the love he used to manipulate tav/durge into helping him ascend - is like#just a tragic & poetic price to pay#bc it wasn't even inevitable bc he could have just ascended and not paid any price#but tav/durge/whoever was supposed to be his pillar and keep him grounded when he is tempted by his vampiric nature#bg3 headcanons#bg3#astarion#ascended astarion
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your-local-granny · 2 years
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they make me very happy
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How dare the american astronomical society change all my spellings of 'vapour' to the american spelling
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plugnuts · 1 year
yeahh, it was a math exam so I didn't do great, but at least I passed. And it's ok the apple is already stuck on my frequent emojis too LOL, I'm making a mark I guess. I've got some books here I've been wanting to read so I'll probably do that for a while, anyway hope you have/had a good night! (depending on when you see this) ~ 🍎
A pass is a PASS my guy!! I’m proud of you! Maths is a bitch to deal with even to those who like the subject, so the fact that you passed is a WIN! And dude HONESTLY these exchanges of ours really said to our recent emojis:
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And HELL yeah my dude!! I hope you enjoyed your reading, or if you’re still reading then you should probably put it down- but I’ve had an okay day!! Heavily infected with the tired sleepy but doing good :D I hope you’ve had/are having a great day yourself! 🍎
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  Uh; I think my grapes got too much Gamma radiation. (AA battery for scale.) #HulkGrapes
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franzizka · 2 years
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rillian4e · 8 months
Scara with an s/o thats completely insatiable out of nowhere
Like before his s/o would be tired after maybe 3 rounds? But on one random day theyre like supperrrrrr insatiable
As in its been 10+ rounds and they still want more hehe
Scenario please!
Ooh, I like this! Thank you for the ask, anon🫶
cw: nsfw fem!reader, penetration, use of degrading petnames, rough, sub!reader, dom!scaramouche, dacryphilia, spanking, not proof read.
Scaramouche was amused, he'd never have thought that you, his s/o who usually was completely spent after 2-3 rounds, became so needy. Not to say that Scaramouche is complaining, it's quite the opposite. He found that arousing, incredibly so.
It has been so long since you two started, you couldn't remember what orgasm this was, nth, eighth? It was all blurry as only the desire of release overwhelmed your senses entirely. Your legs draped over Scaramouche's shoulder as he fucked himself into your abused hole, "Hhnn... You're— so, so needy today, what's gotten into you? Nevertheless, let us see when you finally break." not registering his words as his cock hitting your sweet spot was all you could think about, you had been hot and bothered all day long for him, it was until after you two returned within the confines of your home that he finally caved in, punishing you for acting so needy when you were in public.
It certainly surprised him, he was a puppet, he could go on for days but he was used to being done after a few rounds and then cleaning you up afterwards, this though was a pleasant surprise to him. He saw it as a challenge to try and see how long it will take till you break. One of his hands reaching to play with your chest, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, twisting and biting the bud, your body was all the more sensitive.
When he sees the tears well up in your eyes, he smirks, pushing himself even deeper inside your hole. His hand rubbing small circles on your swollen clit before spanking it, making you cry out, your legs trembling from the overstimulation.
Soon you found yourself cumming all over his cock, when Scaramouche thought you'd be all exhausted and beg him that you can't take anymore, but it was the opposite. "Mhhf~! Aa-ah! More...! More, please..." the words that reached his ears made him grin, he is going to give you just that. "You want more, yeah? Seems I'll have to fuck you dumb till you can't even speak, you want that, huh?" He laughed when he saw you nod, your cheeks a rosy hue, your cunt squeezing around his cock even more. Of course, he couldn't just deny his sweet little darling, could he?
After all, you were so obedient, taking him so well... He had to give you what you wanted, and so he did. The room filled with wet, squelcing sounds of skin clapping, his cock buried deep inside your used cunt, you don't remember how long it's been, you feel as if you can't take anymore but want even more, Scaramouche only cooing faux sympathy at you, telling you how you can take it and how you wanted this. "Hm, is my little whore already tired? No? Well, you will be when I'm finished with you." you were tired, yes, but hearing his words only made you wetter, the way he manhandled you with no care excited you, you will definitely want more of this in the future, even if you cannot walk days after.
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cyberfreaky · 11 months
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“c’mere.” jake would be sat in his chair, patting the empty space in his lap. your eyes would light up with curiosity, hungrily gazing over the pitched tent in his loincloth.
you’d walk over leisurely, climbing onto his lap and straddling his lean thighs. you’d purposefully position your clothed heat over his bulge, providing a delicate amount of pressure on your pulsing clit. jake would notice immediately, smirking in response as his large hands roamed down to your ass — giving it a rough squeeze while pulling you closer.
“need me to take care of you?” he’d asked, amber eyes glazed with lust. you didn’t even have to answer, the subtle gyrating of your hips against him did all the talking.
it wasn’t long until you were bouncing eagerly on jake’s length, filled to the brim with nothing but him. your face was nuzzled into his neck, arms wrapped tightly around him as his bulbous tip kept continually hit your sweet spot. “aa..angh!” you’d cry lewdly, the slaps of wet skin echoing throughout the hut.
jake would lean back smugly, watching you work desperately for your orgasm. “that’s my girl.” he’d grunt, raising his hand and slapping your ass as he massaged the fat of it in his palms. he’d guide your movements, meekly helping you lift yourself up and down his thick cock. “so fuckin’ pretty.”
his hungry gaze fell on your plump tits, his cock twitching inside you as he watched them bounce in tandem with your bucking hips. he’d lean down, taking one of your hard nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the nub. the new sensation caused your body to jolt forward, your eyes rolling back in your head. choked moans left your mouth as you fucked yourself on jake, your thighs beginning to tremble uncontrollably. “o-oh..my god!”
jake chuckled against your chest, his lips trailing up your body and peppering kisses across your collarbones. the flat on his tongue dragged across your skin, connected by string of spit as he littered you with faint love-bites. the prospect of marking you officially had crossed his mind, but he tended to settle on hickeys in fear of hurting you. but seeing you like this, bouncing like a bunny on his cock, gave him the crucial urge to do it. the idea of anyone even thinking of having you in this way was enough to drive him over the edge.
you’d feel jake’s lips ghost over your neck, his pupils almost dilating at the suppleness of your skin. he could feel your release nearing, the way your movements grew lazy indicated you were minutes away from gushing all over his lap. “doin’ such a good job, sweetheart.” he’d whisper softly, hoarse groans escaping his throat as you clenched around him. his possessiveness became apparent as he began to thrust up into your dripping pussy, an overwhelming pleasure engulfing you completely. “want you t’cum with daddy, okay?”
“y-yes, daddy..fu-fuck!” you’d mewl, a string of obscenities leaving your lips as jake’s fingers showed your tender bud some attention. you’d given up completely on bouncing, now allowing jake to rut into you as your body slumped against his chest. you bit painfully on your lower lip, arms wrapped tightly around your mate’s shoulders as the coil within grew tighter. “m’gonna cum, i..i’m so close.”
“i know, baby.” jake would pant, his hips slamming up and bottoming out in your cunt with each, sloppy thrust. “m’gonna fill this pretty pussy up.” he’d grunt breathlessly, wasting no more time before sinking his canines into the skin of your neck. you’d squeal in surprise, keening into the pleasurable pain as it heightened your arousal even more. the way jake’s tongue flicked over the bruise and lapped up the drawn blood was devilish — officially marking you as his. “yr’my girl. only mine.”
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— all rights reserved © cyberfreaky (2023) do not repost, translate or copy my work without given permission.
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rainylana · 2 years
“Pinky promise.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: you can only keep it in for so long without him knowing how shitty your life had been, and when the dam breaks, he’s there to help.
warnings: reader’s parents are getting divorced and has siblings, mentions of unhealthy eating habits and exhaustion, angst to fluff, talk of panic attacks, reader has a breakdown:( language.
a/n: hey there:) i know! it’s been a while since i posted and i’m sorry for that. i just didn’t feel like writing. but here i am:) it! i missed you all!:))) drop by in my inbox for any requests or questions or anything! i’d love to hear from you<3 i’m really happy with how this turned out and i hope you love it as much as i do! it tugs on the heart strings:)
@phantomxoxo @imdoingbetternow @eddiemania @eddiemunson @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @rovckwell @delilahtaylorsverson @aa-li-yah @ches-86 @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @kellysimagines @blowing-mikey @underthebatcape @lillianofliterature @noturmom15 @supercalifragilisticprincess @tripthlightfantastic @edzmunsonswife @itiscj @hearts4laura @livasaurasrex @mic429 @avobabe87 @flowers-and-tsukki @lexthemess21 @nothisispatric @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @fvcking-gxddess @kneelforloki @actuallybarb @justaproudslytherpuff @no0neknowsm3 @cosmic-lavender @your-starless-eyes-remain @bellasfavoritesweatpants @antigoneidk @averysblog @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @chaos-incorp @kaqua @softyutae @ahzysauce @imangy @ultimate-sdmn-trash @fionnthebandersnacc @imabadarsebard @catherinnn @cheri86
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Eddie didn’t know how bad it was. And it wasn’t because he was oblivious or not smart enough to see. You were just that good of an actor. You truly knew deep down that he would not berate you for feeling the way you did, but the last thing you wanted to be was seen as an unstable girlfriend just looking for attention. But things really had been bad, and it all seemed to pile up on each other.
You found yourself getting mad at little things, your anxiety ticking away like an explosive ready to detonate. Your dreams were plagued with nightmares that lasted all night long, and damn it, you just found it hard to get up in the morning.
But Eddie, the poor boy, didn’t have a clue about your struggles. You kept up a smile at all times. You laughed and played your part like you were supposed to. Just because you were having a difficult time didn’t mean you had to bring down his party, or anyone else’s, for that matter.
It’s just your parents divorce was finally getting to you. You were happy they were calling it quits, as were your siblings, but the days up until it’s finalization was brutal. The fighting and screaming was endless and your siblings were scared and didn’t understand. You couldn’t concentrate in class and you failed a test that you’d thought you were going to pass. You were having panic attacks almost on the daily. You spilled grape juice on your white socks. It was just one thing after another.
Of course, Eddie did know about your parent’s separation, but any time he brought it up, you chalked it up to him believing you were taking it well. You were a good actress. Today however, your dam would break, because you could only take so much.
“You didn’t bring me a surprise snack today?” Dustin’s big eyes widened in a playful sadness that quirked your lips up in a smirk. “But you always bring me a surprise snack! What else am I going to have for dessert!”
“You’re cleaning out my girlfriend’s pantry, Henderson.” Eddie’s chair tipped backwards as he threw a pretzel at his friend across the cafeteria table. “Can’t you bring your own shit?”
“Sorry, bud.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, looking in your empty lunchbox. “If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my stuff too.”
Eddie internally frowned and scooted his snack over to you, pointing so you could eat. Gareth was rambling on about the movies playing at the cinema that weekend, so you didn’t speak to interrupt him, but you smiled softly as you picked up a pretzel. The cafeteria buzzed with loud conversation, making your head hurt worse than it already did. You weren’t eating as well as you should be, and you knew that wasn’t benefiting your mood, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to.
You felt guilty for being dramatic. You were being dramatic. Others had it worse, that was always what you told yourself, so there was no reason to wallow in your own misery. But god, all you wanted to do was lay your head on the table and plug your ears so hard that they bled and you wouldn’t have to hear a sound.
So instead, you forced yourself to smile and eat, leaning over to squeeze Eddie’s hand while Gareth continued holding the talking stick.
Your fingers were tapping anxiously against the steering wheel of your vehicle, head thrown back as you tried not to loose your shit. It was almost seven o’clock in the evening. You were parked outside of the school debating whether or not to go inside to find Eddie. Tears were rolling down your face, nose stuffy and crusted from your previous meltdown.
Your little sister came to you crying again, talking about how she’d overheard your parents screaming about who was going to have custody. It was the same old tune between them. You didn’t worry about custody, but the kids did, and that didn’t make it right. They were too young to hear that kind of thing and if absolutely broke your heart. She’d cried in your arms until she fell asleep in your bed, and then you broke.
It was just so stressful. Every little thing seemed a million times harder to accomplish. Simple tasks seemed almost unbelievable to approach. You just wanted a good nights sleep. You didn’t know how you ended up outside of the school, but Eddie was there. It was hellfire night, and damn it, you just couldn’t take it anymore. You needed him. You tried to wipe your tears as best as you could, wrapping your flannel sleeves around your torso as you scurried into the school. You had a quick walk to your step as your heart beat loudly in your ear.
Just the sound of his voice was enough to calm you, and you leaned against the door to take a few deep breaths and to wipe at your face. You began to regret coming over. He was having fun. His voice was loud and booming, the puppet master commanding his puppets to follow his every wish. You were about to ruin it.
Everyone’s eyes looked up when the door creaked open, and a wide smile beamed onto Eddie’s face at the sight of you. “There’s my princess!” He clapped his hands. “Come on, come on, we’re just getting started.” He waved you over.
The lights were dim enough that he couldn’t see the emotions on your face. You dug your nails in your palm was you walked over to his throne, smiling your best at the boy’s greetings. When you got to Eddie’s side, his free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he shook dice in his other hand. You had a lump in your throat that continued to build.
“Eddie,” You said softly, your voice cracking as you looked down bashfully. “Can I talk to you?”
He peeked up a little but didn’t look at you fully. “Yeah, baby, just give me one second.”
You melted more into his side, bringing up your fingers to naw on. You felt like you were going to faint. Your eyes began to burn and you squeezed his shoulder. He laughed loudly at everyone’s dismay at the roll of his dice. He looked up at you to see you laugh, but he wasn’t met with that. His eyes narrowed and his lips parted at the sight of your tearful eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He panicked, scooting back in his chair.
Your face crumpled and you shook your head, crossing your arms shamefully in embarrassment. You looked so small and you hated yourself for it. He grabbed your elbows and scanned over your face, gulping in his own anxiety.
“Y/n, hey-” He looked over to the door across the room, and he cupped your cheek and turned you around to guide you to privacy.
Once he shut the door, leaving the guys confused and whispering back and forth, he turned around and stepped toward you. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He frowned deeply, voice an octave higher in concern.
You only buried yourself in his arms, sobbing in his shoulder like a little girl who couldn’t find her parents. Ironic.
“Hey, hey,” He wrapped his arms right around you. “What happened? What’s going on?”
It felt so nice to be held by him, like all your problems were going to melt away like snow in the spring. “Everything.” You blubbered against his jean jacket, his chin tucked aside of your head. “It’s everything, Eddie. Everything’s falling apart.”
He squeezed you tighter when you let out a string of wincing sobs, eyes narrowed in confusion at your sudden breakdown. “What’s falling apart, baby? Talk to me. Tell me what happened.” He rubbed your back soothingly.
You pushed your face into his chest so you didn’t have to breath, squeezing your eyes shut and your nose scrunching up where it hurt. You shook your head, whimpering, and he rocked you softly as he held the back of your head.
“Did someone hurt you?” He spoke with a protective tone.
You shook your head quickly. He didn’t need to start anymore fights. Your head pounded from the lack of air you allowed yourself, and Eddie’s eyes narrowed when you gulped loudly. He gently pulled you away and widened his eyes at your pale face. “Take a breath, baby.” He cupped each side of your face.
Your waists ghosted each other’s and his elbows nearly touched your shoulders as he held your face, wiping away tears as you sniffled and carried on. “I’m sorry.” You spewed, sobbing in his grasp.
“No, no,” He shook his head, whispering softly with a breath. “Don’t. You’re okay.”
He waited a minute for the color to return to your face, holding and softly rocking you as you tried to control your emotions. He wiped away each tear and tucked away strands of your soft hair. Once you began to calm down, you could barely look him in the eye.
“It’s my parents.” You blinked down to his stomach. “They’re fighting.”
“Fighting?” He rubbed the space behind your ear.
“A lot.” You forced out with a shake in your voice. “Like..like all the time and the kids are scared.”
Eddie’s heart swelled when you wouldn’t look at him. This sudden admittance about your family was shocking. As far as he had known, it was going smoothly.
“Bethy is worried about who’s going to custody over us,” Your eyes burned and you pressed your hand against your face, sobbing. “Eddie, all they do is fight. It’s constant and- and I don’t know how to make the girls feel any better. I feel so guilty and it’s- it’s not my job to make them f-feel better. Mom and dad should be doing that.”
Eddie rubbed up and down your arms as he listened to you, soft brown eyes pierced with concern and worry.
“And i’ve been having panic attacks.” You burned shamefully, barely looking up at him through wet lashes. “I keep waking up in the middle of the night just- just terrified and I don’t know why. My heart races so fast and I feel so..so freaked out and it scares me so bad.”
You wrapped your hand around his wrist, his thumb circulating your brow. “I can’t eat and I just- I just feel so tired all the time. My grades are slipping and I don’t even have fucking energy to take a shower.”
You covered your face with your hands and looked up to the ceiling with a groan. “And I spilled grape juice on my socks.”
It took Eddie a minute before he could figure out his next move. You didn’t blame him. You dumped a boatload of information on him when he’d fully believed everything in your life was peachy keen. He sighed deeply in guilt before he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into him.
“Fuck- baby, I’m so sorry.” He sighed regretfully, burying his face in your shaking shoulders. “I didn’t realize things had gotten so bad.”
“It’s not your fault.” You sank into him. “I’m the one who’s been keeping it from you.”
“Why?” He kissed your temple, rubbing up and down your back.
“I didn’t want to bother you with my..well, my shitty life. I don’t want you to worry about me.”
Eddie pulled away to lift your chin up toward him, his eyes looking into yours. “You’re my girl, y/n. I’m always going to worry about you. I wish you would of told me about all this. I would have helped you.”
“I know.” You whimpered shamefully. “I’m sorry.”
“Quit that.” He gave your head a little shake, rocking your waist gently. “You have nothing to apologize for. You just need to tell me these things, okay? If you’re suffering then I want to know about it.”
God, he was amazing. You felt foolish for not letting him take care of you sooner. You blushed and leaned your forehead on his chin, groaning softly as your tears dried. “Why are you so perfect, Eddie? I’m an ugly mess.”
He ignored your statement with a roll of his eyes, shifting his weight and moving to lean against the cement wall, allowing you to fully and comfortably relax against him. “How long have you been having panic attacks?” His legs were kicked out slightly, yours atop of his as you cuddled his chest.
“A few weeks.” You said with a shameful mutter. “I thought I was having a heart attack at first. I got so close to going to the hospital.”
Eddie closed his eyes in disbelief. “Jesus, baby, I’m so sorry.” He hugged you. “Please, promise me you’ll let me know when you start feeling that way, please? I hate that you’ve been suffering alone.”
You nodded and held up your pinky, Eddie’s chest vibrating with an amused chuckle. He brought up his hand and wrapped his larger, callused finger around yours and gave it a gentle shake. “Pinky promise.” You kissed the tip of his finger.
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