#a quiet reassurance
yuki4amano · 2 months
Timeless love. Chapter 4: Shadows of Deceit
Izuku stood before Yuki, his mind raced with doubts and uncertainties. Why had he given her that note? What had possessed him to ask her to meet him after school? And what on earth was he going to say to her now?
He berated himself for his impulsive actions, wishing he could turn back time and undo the mess he had created. But it was too late for regrets now. His only option was to directly confront the consequences of his decisions.
Yuki's presence before him only intensified his internal turmoil. She looked nervous, her eyes darting around as if searching for an escape route. He could sense her apprehension mirroring his own.
"Hey, Midoriya," she managed to say, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "You wanted to talk?"
Izuku nodded, his expression carefully neutral. "Yeah. There's something I need to tell you."
He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. Instead of confessing his feelings, however, he found himself veering off course, fabricating a lie on the spot.
"I… I wanted to ask for your help," he began, his words stumbling over each other in his haste. "I want to befriend Shinso, but I'm not sure how to approach him. I thought maybe you could give me some advice?"
It was a feeble excuse, he knew, but it was the best he could come up with on such short notice. He hoped Yuki wouldn't see through his deception, and realize the true reason behind his request.
To his relief, Yuki released a sigh of relief, her tense shoulders relaxing slightly. "Oh, um, sure," she replied, her voice softening with a hint of uncertainty. "I'm not good at these kinds of things, but I'll do my best to help you."
Izuku nodded, a sense of relief flooding through him. His plan seemed to be working, at least for now. He would use Shinso as his excuse to get closer to Yuki, to bridge the gap between them and hopefully earn her trust.
While leaving the classroom together, Izuku was plagued by the unshakeable sensation of guilt gnawing at his conscience. He knew he was deceiving Yuki, manipulating her for his own selfish reasons. But he told himself it was necessary, that it was the only way he could protect her from the truth of his feelings.
Deep down, however, he couldn't help but wonder if he was doing the right thing. Would his lies only serve to push Yuki further away, to erode whatever fragile connection they had begun to build? Or would they pave the way for something more, something real and genuine?
As they walked side by side down the empty hallway, Izuku knew one thing for certain: his path was fraught with uncertainty, his heart torn between love and deception. But he was determined to see it through, to navigate the twists and turns of fate until he reached the truth, whatever it may be.
Before parting ways, Izuku took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He turned to Yuki, his expression carefully neutral, hiding the turmoil of emotions raging within him.
"Um, Yuki," he began, his voice slightly hesitant. "I was thinking, since we're going to be spending more time together and Shinso is someone I've been wanting to get to know better, it might be helpful if we could stay in touch. You know, in case we need to coordinate or anything."
Yuki's brow furrowed in confusion, but she nodded slowly, sensing the sincerity in Izuku's words. "Sure, that makes sense," she replied, reaching into her pocket to retrieve her phone.
Izuku's heart pounded in his chest as he watched her, his nerves on edge as he waited for her response. With a small smile, Yuki handed him her phone, already opened to the contacts page.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Izuku entered his phone number into Yuki's device, his fingers moving with practiced precision despite the trembling in his hands. He couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation as he completed the task, knowing that this simple exchange held the potential to change everything.
Once he was finished, Izuku handed Yuki back her phone, their fingers brushing briefly in the exchange. "There you go," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Now we can stay in touch." Yuki nodded in acknowledgment.
As they parted ways, Izuku couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that lingered in the air. But deep down, he knew that this was just the beginning of a journey that would take them both to places they never imagined. And with Yuki's phone number safely stored in his device, he felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty of the path ahead.
As midnight descended upon the city, Izuku transformed into his alter ego, the vigilante known as Phoenix. With purposeful strides, he navigated the shadowed streets, his senses alert for any signs of trouble.
As he patrolled, he encountered various crimes in progress—robberies, assaults, and acts of vandalism. With swift and decisive action, he intervened, using his quirk and combat skills to subdue the perpetrators and protect the innocent.
As Izuku continued his patrol through the city streets, his senses alert and his mind focused, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him since his encounter with Yuki earlier that day. The weight of their impending conversation hung heavy on his shoulders, but for now, duty called, and he pushed aside his personal concerns to focus on the task at hand.
Midnight cast long shadows across the deserted streets, broken only by the dim glow of streetlights and the occasional flicker of neon signs. With each step, Izuku felt the weight of responsibility settle upon him, a constant reminder of the role he had chosen to play in the city's never-ending battle against crime.
As he rounded a corner, his keen eyes caught sight of a familiar figure engaged in a fierce battle with another masked individual. Instinctively, Izuku moved closer, his footsteps silent as he approached the scene.
It was Earsearhead, his class teacher, engaged in a fierce battle with Nocturne, the alter ego of his friend Shinso Hitoshi. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Izuku's veins as he watched the clash unfold, his mind racing to make sense of the situation.
Instantly recognizing the danger of the situation, Izuku moved closer, his footsteps silent as he approached the scene.
Nocturne fought valiantly against Eraserhead, but Izuku knew that his friend lacked the experience to match their teacher's skill. With a heavy heart, Izuku understood that Nocturne stood little chance of winning this encounter alone.
Determined to assist his friend without escalating the conflict, Izuku intervened, not to engage Eraserhead in combat, but to create an opportunity for Nocturne to escape. His movements were calculated and precise as he positioned himself strategically, his focus solely on ensuring his friend's safety.
As the battle raged on, Izuku waited for the opportune moment to act. When the chance presented itself, he sprang into action, using his agility and Quirk to distract Eraserhead and create an opening for Nocturne to slip away.
With a swift nod of acknowledgment, Nocturne seized the opportunity and made his escape, disappearing into the shadows as Izuku held Eraserhead's attention.
Alone now with their teacher, Izuku knew that direct confrontation was not the answer. Instead, he focused on evasion and evasion alone, using his agility and Quirk to stay one step ahead of Eraserhead's attacks.
Despite the tension in the air, Izuku remained calm and composed, his mind racing as he searched for a way to de-escalate the situation. He knew that victory was not their goal tonight; survival was.
As Nocturne vanished into the darkness, Izuku's senses heightened, his focus solely on evading Eraserhead's attempts to capture him. With each calculated movement, he dodged and weaved, his agility and reflexes pushed to their limits as he maneuvered through the narrow alleyway.
Eraserhead's binding cloth snapped through the air, narrowly missing Izuku with each swift motion. With precision born of desperation, Izuku danced around the makeshift weapon, his movements fluid and deliberate as he bought precious seconds, waiting for the opportune moment to make his escape.
With each passing moment, Izuku's heart pounded in his chest, the weight of the situation bearing down on him with unrelenting force. But he refused to succumb to fear, drawing upon his resolve and determination to see him through the ordeal.
As Eraserhead pressed his attack, Izuku seized a fleeting opening, a split-second window of opportunity. With a burst of speed, he darted past his opponent, his senses on high alert as he scanned the surroundings for any sign of Nocturne.
Spotting his friend disappearing into the distance, Izuku knew that now was his chance. With a silent vow etched in his heart, he propelled himself into the air, his Quirk propelling him upwards with incredible force.
As he soared through the night sky, the wind whipping past him, Izuku's thoughts raced with a mix of relief and determination. With Nocturne safely out of harm's way, he knew that his mission was a success, his actions ensuring the safety of his friend.
And so, with the city sprawled out beneath him and the stars twinkling overhead, Izuku disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind only the echo of his footsteps fading into the darkness. As he melted into the shadows, he knew that this encounter with Eraserhead was just one of many in the ongoing dance between hero and vigilante.
For Izuku, evading Eraserhead had become almost routine, a nightly ritual that tested his skills and resolve. With each escape, he honed his abilities, learning from his mistakes and adapting to the ever-present threat of capture.
As he moved through the city streets, Izuku's thoughts turned to the events that had led him to this point. The war against All For One, the loss of his beloved, and his journey back in time—all had shaped him into the vigilante known as Phoenix.
But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remained constant: his unwavering determination to protect the innocent and oppose those who sought to do harm. It was a mission that drove him forward, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
As he navigated the labyrinthine alleyways and dimly lit streets, Izuku remained ever vigilant, his senses attuned to the slightest hint of danger. Though the night held many dangers, he refused to falter, drawing strength from his resolve to make a difference in a world plagued by darkness.
With each step forward, Izuku braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that the road to redemption would be long and fraught with obstacles. But he was willing to face whatever trials awaited him.
And so, with a silent vow etched in his heart, Izuku pressed on into the night, his path illuminated by the flickering glow of streetlights and the burning flame of hope that blazed within him. For in the darkness, he found purpose, and in the shadows, he found strength. And with every beat of his heart, he vowed to continue fighting, no matter the cost.
As Eraserhead watched Phoenix vanish into the night, a weary sigh escaped his lips. This was not the first time their paths had crossed, nor would it likely be the last. The vigilante's presence in the city had become an all too familiar occurrence, one that Eraserhead had grown accustomed to over time.
Though tempted to give chase, Eraserhead knew better than to pursue Phoenix further. Their encounters often ended in a stalemate, with the elusive vigilante slipping away before Eraserhead could apprehend him. It was a frustrating reality, but one that Eraserhead had learned to accept.
With a resigned shake of his head, Eraserhead turned his attention back to his patrol. There were still criminals to apprehend, citizens to protect, and a city to safeguard. Phoenix may have eluded him once again, but Eraserhead remained steadfast in his duty as a pro hero.
As he continued on his patrol, Eraserhead remained vigilant, ever watchful for any signs of trouble. Though Phoenix may have evaded capture for now, Eraserhead knew that their paths would inevitably cross again. And when they did, he would be ready.
For now, however, there were more pressing matters at hand. With a firm resolve, Eraserhead pressed on into the night, determined to uphold the peace and maintain order in a city teetering on the brink of chaos.
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rennyrose · 2 months
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I adore Vivio as well just two very kind but very broken people trying their very best hhhhhhhhhh
But Chyeah one of my fav things about their dynamic is how comfortable they are around each other- esp with Vash being so trusting of Liv from nearly the very get-go
Whether it’s goofin together or having a deep moment, it comes easy to them-
I like the idea that whenever LR are around it means that it’s time to Rest™️ for Vash, mind and heart at peace knowing everything will be alright since they’re there (even if it gets in the way of quality time sometimes)
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zeb-z · 6 months
also okay. Leo voiding and Foolish going “that’s alright I’ll just wait. I can wait. I wait.” like yeah totem boy that’s all you ever do isn’t it. waiting loyally for Vegetta to come back, for his plans to find fruition, for islanders and federation workers alike to take him seriously, for Leo to return now, just like he waited for her before, keeping patience like none other. he’ll wait - that’s kinda his thing.
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yashley · 1 year
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"We just got to watch our girl and make sure... Yeah, it’s fine. It’s totally fine. This is so not a big deal. We're going to be fine. We're going to be great. It's going to be a success."
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beneathsilverstars · 2 days
siffrin post-canon h/c is like "dw you're not actually mean, we love you!" and loop post-canon h/c is like "yes you are mean, and we still love you!"
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soulinkpoetry · 3 months
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A silent reassurance….
Those quiet afternoons where I have your heart next to me, we don’t need words.
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daisychainsandbowties · 4 months
the more i think abt ava, the more insane i become
i’m always slightly in awe of people who can just think about characters. i always have to… i guess situate them in a narrative, and even then as with the vast majority of my thoughts it’s all hidden beneath a veil of 🥰 no thoughts.
i can headcanon but it’s always… here’s a scene. here’s ava with an old gameboy advanced playing pokemon emerald and here’s ava sick begging beatrice to look after her little creatures even though “i don’t think they know it when you leave them alone for a few days ava.” bea getting the saddest look in the world and turning on the screen. sitting in the curtain-drawn dark and oh, oh, this is loving too. it can look like this.
and here’s the moment bea’s in bed next to her, looking almost worse than ava, torn between making more herbal tea and level-grinding so that ava can get a flygon.
and that’s like… here’s the beauty of ava being wild and prone to distraction. ava easily bored and also easily enraptured. and the hand-in-hand of beatrice who’s so patient, so precise, whose silences are soft around ava’s perpetual noise, her voice always there, always free. shouting, laughing, singing, sighing soft into bea’s shoulder and moaning into her mouth.
beatrice a bit in love with the pokemon ava’s collected, sitting at the table while ava tries to make pasta, pretending she’s just being helpful (she needs to be helpful) with the gameboy in her hands. keeps catching herself thinking that they were made, trained, intended for so much more. but no, no, no. this is loving.
it can look like this.
shiny-hunting in the grass. back and forth, the warm smells in the kitchen and ava scraping at the skillet. beatrice thinking of her iron intake, and the way ava looks in bea’s oversize hoodie and a pair of boxers. pokemon and how the person you love makes this photonegative of your needs, your wants, your need and the person you want.
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darealsaltysam · 2 years
im at my fucking limit oh my god atreus running to kratos to hug him after freeing garm and kratos hugging him back and then letting go and then realizing atreus ISNT letting go and NEEDS comfort and continuing to hug him and asking him what happened and not getting mad or impatient and just letting him know he’s there for him and even as EVERYONE berates him for freeing garm kratos steps in and defends him because he understands how unbearably COMPASSIONATE his son is even for an evil hellhound and telling him they’ll fix this together and how he’s not angry and is only happy that he’s safe and and and and and AND AND-
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jils-things · 2 months
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im gonna sleep soon but aaauuhguug bespren acquired + angry norton . hi milo @ttimecode
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yuki4amano · 2 months
Silent Suffering. Subdued Struggle
Yuki sat at her desk, watching as Shiki laid her head down with a grimace, clutching her stomach. The murmurs of discomfort escaped Shiki’s lips, and Yuki couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy. She wondered what it would be like to experience period cramps, to feel the ache in her abdomen that seemed to plague so many other girls.
As Shiki complained to her friends, Yuki’s mind wandered, consumed by thoughts of her own body’s peculiarities. She remembered the countless times she had walked through the pouring rain during her period without so much as a twinge of discomfort. No cramps, no headaches—nothing.
Was she just strong, or had she never noticed her own period cramps? Yuki pressed her hand to her lower stomach, hoping to simulate the sensation. But as the pain grew too intense, she quickly withdrew, feeling frustrated and confused.
Her eyes flickered to Shiki, who continued to lament her pains to her friends. Yuki longed to ask if Shiki was exaggerating or if the pain was as unbearable as it seemed. But her reclusive nature held her back, trapping her in a prison of silent suffering.
The school bell rang, signaling the end of class, and Yuki followed her classmates out of the room with a heavy heart. She made her way to the restroom, seeking solace in the quiet confines of a stall. Locking the door behind her, Yuki finally allowed herself to break down.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with feelings of inadequacy and frustration. She felt incomplete, as if some essential part of her womanhood was missing. The urge to throw a tantrum, to scream and rage against the unfairness of it all, welled up inside her.
But instead, Yuki curled in on herself, whispering reassurances through her tears. “It’s just hormones,” she repeated like a mantra, trying to convince herself that her feelings were nothing more than a trick of biology.
And as she sat there, alone in the dim light of the restroom stall, Yuki allowed herself to grieve for the experiences she would never have, for the pain she would never feel. And though the tears continued to flow, she found a small measure of peace knowing that she was not alone in her struggles.
Yuki took a deep breath, wiping away the last traces of tears from her cheeks as she unlocked the stall door. Stepping out into the restroom, she splashed some cold water on her face, hoping to wash away the lingering remnants of her emotional turmoil.
As she made her way to the cafeteria, Yuki’s thoughts still weighed on her mind. But seeing her friend Shinso sitting alone at a table, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Maybe spending time with him would help chase away the lingering shadows of her sadness.
Shinso glanced up as Yuki approached, his violet eyes narrowing with concern as he took in her red-rimmed eyes. “Hey, Yuki. Are you okay?”
Yuki managed a weak smile, nodding as she slid into the seat across from him. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just had a rough moment.”
Shinso nodded understandingly, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand in a silent gesture of support. “Well, I’m here if you need to talk about it.”
Yuki nodded gratefully, feeling a surge of warmth at Shinso’s offer. “Thanks, Shinso. I appreciate it.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the chatter of their classmates providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation. And as Yuki sipped her drink and listened to Shinso’s stories, she felt a sense of peace settle over her.
As Yuki sat with Shinso, her mind began to clear, and a newfound sense of acceptance settled over her. She realized that her struggles were a part of what made her unique, and she didn’t need to conform to anyone else’s expectations of womanhood.
With a small smile, Yuki reflected on the strength she had gained from facing her own challenges. While other girls may never understand the absence of period cramps or headaches, Yuki knew that her experiences had shaped her in ways that were just as valid.
She didn’t need to envy those who complained of their monthly pains. Instead, she could take pride in her resilience and the friendships she had forged along the way. Yuki was different, and that was something to celebrate, not lament.
As she laughed and talked with Shinso, Yuki felt a renewed sense of confidence wash over her. She may not fit the mold of a typical teenage girl, but she was perfectly content being herself—a girl who had faced her demons and emerged stronger for it.
She was different, but she was also strong, and that was all that mattered in the end.
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zeb-z · 9 months
also something about foolish, who usually sticks around spawn, who builds or fools around, who takes care of his daughter, going off thousands of blocks away to fight in dungeons. to throw himself into the fight again and again. to find something harder to fight each time, to get a reward that he doesn’t really need or want anyway. no leo around for him to worry about, or worry about him in return, after all
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blinkpen · 5 months
what if portfolio day but its as slick and professional looking an image every given non-coward artist can muster of a character they made or have worked on saying "ceasefire now" or "they got money for wars, but can't feed the poor" and clogging the tag to total uselessness with it
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odysseys-blood · 18 days
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literally how i feel any time i read this line. absolutely NOT
i think he's a great mirror type character for the mc depending on how much you draw on the default ra-on and their characterization, but more specifically their feeling of inferiority to solomon (which i take for my mc loyal). both the mc and bael are stuck filling in for a role for a king that neither feels they're well equipped for or were even born to hold and the fact that bael's so used to taking the fall that he's automatically ready to do it for you too is just. man. orz
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iceicewifey · 3 months
if you ever feel like you’re overusing a symbol or emblem on a fanstand, keep in mind that atum has 40+ hearts. give them more.
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that’s her baby brother 💖😭
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 days
Scenario where Yata can't get his baby to stop crying. He's tried everything he has and it's not enough. How does he handle this situation?
That’s the moment he also starts crying XD I imagine after trying himself to quiet the baby he would probably call his mom, if he hasn’t already. I feel like Yata would be unexpectedly good with babies, having two younger siblings he’s used to dealing with crying babies (and at least this time it’s his own kid and he’s not a snotty kid himself complaining about why is his sister crying again). He probably normally manages to keep his kid pretty calm and happy, I feel like he’d be quick to scoop the kid up and bounce the baby a little all come on little guy, quiet down. When the kid won’t stop crying Yata goes to get a bottle and checks if they need a change, just going over the list in his mind of what makes babies cry. When the kid won’t stop though he does start to get a little panicked, like did I break the baby somehow. He tries rocking the kid, he tries pacing with the kid in his arms, he tries singing a lullaby, none of it works. He’s starting to get worried now because what if he did something wrong or thinking that this is because he’s not that smart that he’s probably missing something and now his kid won’t stop crying.
After his moment of panic though he decides okay, gotta be dependable about this, and he puts the kid down for a moment and calls his mom. He’s a little frantic on the phone and imagine his mom telling him not to worry, she knows her son cares about his baby and wouldn’t overlook important things. She makes sure he knows that sometimes kids just cry and you have to just comfort them until they feel better, so if he’s really done anything he just needs to keep at it. They go through the different things that could make the baby upset and even with the baby crying Yata starts to feel better that he’s done all these things. Eventually imagine he’s just cuddling the baby while he’s still got his mom on the phone, muttering soothing things as she gives him a couple more suggestions. Suddenly the baby gives a little burp and then goes from crying to giggling and Yata breathes a sigh of relief. Yata’s mom is all see I knew you could do it and Yata’s like huh, guess I could.
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