#a company i do not want to support under any circumstances
celestiachan · 2 months
the fact that loreal almost has a monopoly on the cosmetics industry makes me sick. why do they own 44 different cosmetics brands
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pastadoughie · 3 months
incase 1 of you needs 2 hear this :
ai art is shitty and explotative, and while i dont think that neural networks are bad as a concept, they can be done ethically, but at this point every single large company that has ai shit is doing it in an extremely shitty way. art that is posted on the internet isnt yours to steal and make profit off of. you do not get to take the art of unconsenting random internet users, throw it into a shredder, and sell 7.99 a month subscription packadges for people to be able to eat some of the dust it spits out.
while i previously was more lax on people on reposting my art so long as they credited me, i ask that you not fucking repost my art, under any circumstance if you are on a platform that is scraping art, or on a site that is not properly set up to deal with scraping. the only acception to this is commisions where you have explicitly asked me.
this includes tumblr.
reposting without credit is always bad, even if you dont know who to credit. you should under no circumstance be posting artwork that isnt your own without giving people a way to see the artist, and you need to link it in a way that is ACTUALLY USEFUL, give multiple links to multiple platforms, do not use 3rd party link shorteners, include mirrors and archive captures, provide a plain text spelling of usernames for every platform you link to, ask for explicit permission of the artist, opt out of any ai generation tools. or if you are on a platform that does not allow for this do not post it at all, and you have to have all of this very clearly visable and easily readable
if that is too much effort for you then you shouldnt be posting it. with literally zero exceptions.
biological sex is not real and people can do whatever the fuck they want with their own bodies, even if you deem it as "self harm". under no circumstance should you take away peoples bodily autonomy, someone could literally be sawing their arms off for funsie wunsies and i would still say they need to have freedom and privacy, and it is ultimatly THEIR call what they do with themselves.
gender is similarly also not fucking real, people can dress however they want, fuck whoever they want, and use whatever words to describe themself with that they want. and if you think that boys wearing dresses or some shit is somehow harming you then you are ligitimately fucking pathetic. if i fucking ran a political campain saying everybody wearing a scarf was a pedo and a rapist and we need to ban scarfs forever would you fucking vote for me? are you that scared of people being able to? do what they want? jesus.
genocide is bad. regardless of who does it.
regardless of the scale of cruelty, there is nothing that a group of people from a certain state, ethnicity, religeon, ect, can do that justifies murdering civilians. there is never a justification for genocide.
implying, under any circumstance, that someone is somehow evil for their background, appearance, religous beliefs, country of origin, sexuality, gender, ect. is shitty or worthy of violence because of that is, and i cannot stress this enough, fucking disgusting. nazi shit. even.
i do not support zionism. i do not support antisemitism. i do not support racism.
also the iof is actively commiting a genocide. you should donate to a relief fund for people currently suffering from this, as well as call your house and senate members. as have i.
people often times claim that people they dislike, largely minorities, are pedos or rapists or something of the sort. this is something that has been happening for, and i cannot stress this enough. all of fucking history. people were fucking saying these exact points, verbatim, to argue in favor of SLAVERY okay? if you are spouting the exact same shit as fucking nazis and colonizers and slave traders, then consider, you are a horrible fucking person.
you have to be EXTRODENARILY SKEPTICAL when accusing a minority of a serious crime, and spreading information about it. because if a bigot can just say "oh theyre a pedo" and you believe them at FACE VALUE then guess what? you are just as much of a bigot as they are. minorities are people, and people do terrible things, but just like you should be doing with EVERYBODY, you should be actually looking into things before you accuse someone of being a shit person, and often times, you are not knowlagable enough about someone to make those kinds of claims anyway.
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
He's going to be so loved (Pierre Gasly)
You're afraid your children won't have all the love they deserved
Note: english is not my first language. this is another long piece that is about a sensetive topic that I have hopefully depicted with the respect it deserves.
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy, curse words, family issues (reader has cut ties with her family)
"Y/N, chérie, how is little man treating you?", Pascale asked once you opened the door, allowing her and Charlotte, one of your sisters in law, inside the house, "he's a kicker, that's for sure! But he's been good lately, usually just needs me to tell him once and he'll stick to just move around", you giggled helping them with their coats before getting together in the kitchen, "I'm finishing my breakfast, do you want something while I finish? Some biscuits, tea, coffee? Oh, Pierre also made this cake with me yesterday, I had a big craving for it and it turned out really good!", you offered, "I'll have some tea, please. And maybe some cake too, although if Pierre made it, I might start with a small piece and see how it goes from there", Charlotte chuckled as she helped you bring the plates to the table.
The initial plan was to get a few smaller things that you still needed to get, like muslin cloths and such things, but like any other time you had shopped with company, you ended up with way too many bags filled with baby things. When you got home, Pierre had already arrived back from work, meeting you at the door and helping you carry the bags up, "Mon amour, how was your day?", he asked, kissing your lips and grabbing some bags, "it was good, my feet are a bit sore, but I really enjoyed spending time with them!", you exclaimed, reaching the nursery and putting the bags on the floor, your arms opening sp you could hug your husband, "I kept telling them that, as far as I know, there's only one baby here, but they insisted on getting all of this!", you giggled, feeling his hands rub your bump, "Our family is growing and they're very excited, it's just one of the ways they show how happy they are and their support too", he said, kissing your forehead.
To anyone, that would be a simple comment and it would brush them as quickly as it was said. But for you, it stayed playing in loop in your mind. The reminders that you did not have your family by your side came and went since you decided to keep away from them, especially when it came to big dates or important moments, but recently it had been a constant thought.
Cutting ties with your family had been the best decision, there isn't a day that you regret what you did. Having said that, it was still something you wished you could have in different circumstances. To have your mother share her experiences, to show you things from when you were little, to have your father teaching you and setting you set up the nursery and tell you all about your family's customs through the years.
Pierre's family had been incredible like always. They knew just enough about what happened with your family and not only respected it but also supported you in any way they could, taking you under their wing like you were one of their own from the beggining. The pregnancy had been received with massive excitement from everyone, and they kept calling whenever they had the chance, wanting to know how you were and if there was anything they could do to help you and Pierre in this journey. But lately, it had been a bit of a handful dealing with your thoughts.
"Can you grab the bag, please?", Pierre asked once he parked the car, checking something on the car before exiting it and lacing your hands once he got out, locking it and heading to the front door of Charles' place.
They had invited you over for baby Hervé's shower, welcoming you inside while you looked around, "we have a specific chair for you so you can be comfy", Charles said as he pointed to his wife, "she ordered me to do it", he chuckled, "hey! You don't know what it is to carry a baby around! It's hard work, and we both need to rest!", she reasoned with her husband, hugging you the best way you could before she introduced you to the people you didn't know. While they had a lot of friends and family you already knew, Charles' in laws were there too and you hadn't yet met some of them. They congratulated you, easily chatting up about everything and anything while you ate the snacks and drinks being passed around.
Pierre felt his body get a little bit lighter. It wasn't like your demeanor had changed that much in comparison to the last few days, but you certainly looked comfortable and like you were enjoying yourself.
"There's something on your mind, and I have time while they decorate biscuits. So, spill it", Charles noted, sitting next to Pierre on one of the high stools, sipping from his drink while he looked at his bestfriend. "Does Y/N seem off to you? Or has she seemed off to you recently?", he wondered looking at his wife admiring her work of art in the blue powdered sugar icing.
"I mean, she's lost some of her energy, but that's normal at this stage. You can't expect that she is running around now", Charles reasoned, not understanding where he was going, "it's just, I think she's been a little crestfallen, quieter than usual lately, and she hasn't said anything to me in that regard, she's been very quiet. I've tried to get her to talk, but she never says much", Pierre slumped his shoulders, "you just have to take it day by day. It's a lot these days, I'm sure you feel it, too. And they feel it even more. Family and friends are a great help, but there are some things they have to deal with on their own and it's hard to juggle all of it. She'll come to you whenever she feels ready, trust me", Charles patted his back.
You put all the baby clothes you had washed and dried in the hamper, supporting it comfortably on your side as you walked up to the nursery. The room was coming along well, the crib was already finished, just needing to be done with the softest sheets your skin has ever felt, and the rest of the furniture had been assembled whenever you and Pierre found the time to do it. Setting the clothes on top of the dresser, you opened the respective drawers to allocate every piece, taking the time and effort of remembering who had gifted them to your baby boy. Charles and his wife got matching sets so that both of the boys could look alike, Pascale had gotten way too many pieces for you to keep track on, claiming she was so excited to be a grandma again that she couldn't help herself anytime she saw something cute and had to get it.
Without noticing, tears started falling from your eyes and into the small pieces of clothing, marking them and creating a strain on your breath. Breathing in this late stage of pregnancy was already difficult, and sobbing wasn't helping it. You carefully walked to the chair you had put in the room so you'd have somewhere to sit during the night, proving its usefulness now as you tried to manage your emotions.
Pierre came out of the bathroom after his shower, already dressed and towell in hand so he could take it to the laundry room when he heard movement in the nursery. He didn't expect to see you like how he found you, cheeks red and tear stained and a trembling lip while you looked up at the ceiling.
"Hey, amour, what's the matter? Are you in pain?", he walked, throwing the towell on the corridor and kneeling in front of you, holding your hand in his while the other brushed the hairs out of your eyes. "I'm not in pain, I'm okay", you gulped, "but I haven't been feeling good. And I've wanted to talk to you, but I didn't want to bother you, even though you always say I could never bother you, but I'm telling you now, I guess", you blurted, receiving an encouragement nod from your husband.
Sighing, you played with his fingers, "lately, it dawned on me that my family isn't around for this, for me or for baby Alexandre, for us", you began, "and seeing Charles and his wife and everyone for there for Hervé, it got me thinking even more like, everyone was there to see them! To see the mother to be, to support her and congratulate her. And I'm not saying this in a bad way, because I'm so happy that they have it. And I know we have that from your family, I'm not complaining about them either. Everyone has been lovely, but fuck, I won't have my family supporting me. I won't have my father checking up on his little girl after she gave birth or have my mother share her experiences because the thought of having to be in the same room as them chills my bones. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt still, because it does", you cried, the attempt of looking up to stop the tears from flowing failing as Pierre carefully wiped them.
"How long have you been feeling like this, mon ange?", Pierre asked, now holding your face in his hands, "a little while, and the shower just made it a bit stronger, I think. Fuck, I sound like an awful person, I'm sorry", you apologised, "hey, no need for that. It's okay to feel like this, you don't have to feel guilty about your feelings", your husband reasoned.
"It is the best decision to keep away from them, I wouldn't change it for the world. But it will only be me passing down our traditions, and letting him know how things used to be, our language, our customs", you sniffed, wiping your nose on your sleeve, "because I don't want him to not know. It is a part of me that I'm proud of and I'm not letting my parents take that from me too", you breathed out. Rubbing your hands, your husband looked for your eyes, "and we will make sure he knows. Him and his siblings if we are fortunate along the way. I know a few words myself, and I'll help with all the traditions. I'll make your recipes, even if they don't taste as good, I'll teach them about all the holidays you celebrate and that we will celebrate too and I'll support you in anything you decide to do, I promise", he stated, smiling in hope you'd mirror his, the corners of your lips lifting a little.
"I know they're your family, but I'm sure that our little one is going to be so so so loved, he's going to be doted on by everyone", Pierre pointed out, "and we will make sure we do everything we can for that. And you are going to tell me everytime things get too much, okay? I hate to see you like this", he asked, earning a nod from you, "now, how about we sort these clothes so we can finally decide on the outfit he's wearing for when he comes home?", your husband teased you, "your brother gave us this little set he found and I think that's the one, let me show you it", you said, getting up and waddling to the pile of clothes, happily showing you the choice and smiling as you watched your husband's excitement about it all. Your little boy was going to be so loved, and it didn't have to be from a blood relationship.
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shekeepswriting · 1 year
A Little More Heart (2)
[Syverson x Reader]
Word Count: 2821
Summary: You head home after a night at the bar.
Warnings: self-defense related anxiety
A/N: Thank you guys so, so much for all the kindness and support. I was blown away by the responses, and I truly appreciate it so much. So I’ve decided to keep going. I hope you’ll come on this little journey with me. I took the liberty of tagging the people who said they wanted to see more (it didn’t let me add some of you, but I did try). If you’d like me to take you off the list, just let me know!
Previous Chapter
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You focused on taking deep, slow breaths as you walked along the side of the road, debating whether it was worth it to lose what little night vision you had by turning on your phone flashlight. You didn’t love the idea of not being able to see outside of the little circle of light it would provide, but you also didn’t love the idea of being hit by an unsuspecting car. 
You don’t know why you had walked to the bar in the first place. It wasn’t like you. But your cousin had called when she heard you were in town, sounded so excited to meet up with you after her shift at the hospital and promised to pick you up from the bar at 10:00. You didn’t know her very well anymore, hadn’t been a part of her life in a long time, but you’d had no reason to distrust her. 
After lingering in the parking lot for a good fifteen minutes with three calls gone to voicemail, you really hadn’t had any other choice but to start walking. In a town this small, there were no cab companies or ride shares to call. People  relied on family and friends to get them around when they found themselves without a car. And you were short on both.
Just as you pulled your phone from your pocket, headlights pierced the darkness, carving yellowed wedges of light onto the wet pebbledash road. A vehicle was approaching from the way you came. You moved even further off the road into the grass, and the driver flashed their headlights twice, acknowledging you. 
You raised a hand in gratitude as the truck rolled past you, but the light feeling was short lived as it pulled over in front of you. You sighed. 
It should have been a relief, an alternative to your long walk in the pitch black summer night, but instead it called to mind the first two minutes of every crime procedural you’d ever seen. And you really weren’t in the mood to be murdered. 
No one got out, but the cab light turned on, and you heard the passenger side window roll down. You took a moment to weigh your options, kneeling down for a moment in the damp grass as if retying your boot while you slipped the small utility knife out of the sheath you kept strapped around your ankle while traveling. You’d been raised to be prepared for the worst, especially when alone or around men. Anyone who wanted to harm you was sure as hell gonna bleed first. 
You approached the truck with slow steps, keeping your hand angled to hide the knife along the line of your thigh. 
“Now I know you didn’t survive traveling this long on your own by walking on unlit country roads at night.”
You heard him before you saw him, brows furrowed in confusion as you drew even with the passenger window. 
Sy. The guy from the bar. Under normal circumstances you can honestly say you would’ve been happy to see him again. But the current setting had you very on edge and reluctant to let your guard down.
“Not my preferred transportation,” you said carefully, looking him over.
For his part, it seemed like he was doing his very best to be nonthreatening, all the cab lights were on now, and he was leaning over slightly so that you could see his face fully lit and framed in the window. His hands were open, empty, and visible, one on the wheel and the other on the dash. 
“Everything okay? Didn’t see a car broken down, but it’s real fuckin dark out tonight.”
You blew out a breath, hand flexing around the knife handle as you tried to decide how honest to be. 
“Uh, yeah… my ride was late, and I got tired of waiting. Figured I’d get a head start.”
Sy frowned a little, eyes glancing at the rearview in search of other headlights. His fingers tapped restlessly on the dash.
“What are the chances you’d let me give you a ride?”
“Not great,” you admitted. “I mean, I enjoyed hanging out with you, but as much as we talked, we never got to topics like… your stance on murder and body disposal.”
Sy nodded slowly.
“Understood… You could take a picture of me if you want. And my license plate. Text it to everyone in your contacts.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“You’d be okay with that?”
“Hell, I’ll sit in the truck bed and let you drive yourself if that’s what it takes to get you home safely. I’m not feeling too great about leaving you out here by yourself.”
You hesitated for a moment, looking up and down the road again. Still no other cars.
Fuck it.
Sy held perfectly still while you raised your phone and took his picture, sending it to your grandma, useless cousin, sister, brother in-law, and editor for good measure. Your phone’s flash blinded you for a second as you took a picture of the license plate moments later and sent it to the same list.
“You wanna drive?” Sy asked, leaning across the passenger seat to push the door open when you finished. 
“No thanks. Are you armed?”
“No, ma’am.”
You gave a final nod before climbing into the passenger seat. Sy’s brows raised when he clocked the knife in your hand, but he chose not to comment. 
“Where am I driving to?” he asked as you closed the door behind you. 
“My grandma lives down on Azalea. I’ll tell you where to turn.”
“Got it.”
Sy pulled his truck back onto the road, and your leg started bouncing almost instantly. You forced yourself to take a few deep breaths. It was clean in here, at least. Surprisingly so. Smelled like leather and pine, without the help of a green paper tree hanging from the rearview mirror.
Sy’s eyes flickered towards you for a second before returning to the windshield.
“Anything I could be doing right now to make you less nervous?”
“Don’t think so,” you sighed. “Sorry, it’s not that I distrust you specifically, I just…”
“I know. I get it.” 
A few minutes passed in relative silence before he tried again.
“You always carry a knife with you?”
You raised an eyebrow, turning away from the window to stare at him.
“Knives. That’s what you wanna have a conversation about right now.”
He scrunched up his face in a way you fought hard not to find endearing.
“Knew as soon as it was outta my mouth…”
“So stupid,” you laughed quietly. 
“I’m just not used to seeing a woman carrying anything bigger than a pocketknife, is all.” 
“I think you might be surprised. Concealed knives may not be conventionally ladylike, but they make us harder to murder. I think it’s a fair trade.” 
“Making yourself harder to murder… Inconsiderate.” 
That surprised a laugh out of you so abrupt and genuine it made you honest-to-god snort. Sy glanced over at you with a rapidly growing grin of his own as you struggled to speak.
“So fucking rude,” you agreed through your laughter, your stomach giving a little flip as the low sound of his laughter joined yours. 
And just like that, as your laughter faded to giggles and Sy’s to a charming half smile, the tension left your muscles for the first time since exiting the bar. It was back to how it was before, back to glances and smiles and a strange level of comfort between strangers.
You felt kind of…. Well, not stupid. But silly maybe. 
“I’m sorry for, um…” You gestured vaguely backwards, and Sy shook his head.
“Don’t be. Trust me, I get it. You gotta do what you can to keep yourself safe. Not always easy to know what that is.” 
You thought about the silver chain you’d glimpsed earlier. Retired military, he’d said. Of course he’d get it.
“It sucks that you get it,” you said.
He shrugged.
“It sucks that you have to do it in the first place.” 
“Yeah…” you said softly, looking down at the knife you were now holding loosely in your lap. It was too dark for you to safely put it away. You didn’t love the idea of accidentally stabbing yourself in the leg. 
When you lifted your head again, you caught Sy in the process of looking away. Before you could call him on it, you noticed a small pond drawing closer through the windshield. 
“Take this next turn,” you said, pointing. “And it’s the third house on the right.”
Sy nodded, following your directions without comment. 
You smiled a little to yourself as you looked out the window again. Your grandmother had lived in the same house in the same little neighborhood - if you could even call it that - for your entire life. Even with the old globe streetlamps so few and far between, you knew exactly what was out there in the dark night. The road sat high, built up to avoid pooling and flooding with the frequent rains, and the houses sat far back from the road and low enough in elevation that the rooftops were barely even with the street level. The road and the properties were heavy with tall, skinny pine trees, taller than any you’d seen anywhere else. As a kid, you’d have sworn they helped hold up the sky.
Your grandmother’s house sat at the edge of the neighborhood, and a dense forest started at the back of her property line, held at bay by a wrought iron fence that circled the whole yard, complete with a gate across the driveway, blocking access to the patio, carport, and yard. It was the only house in the neighborhood with a light on by the front door, the only house still waiting on someone to come home.  
“You can stop here,” you said as Sy approached the top of the driveway.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I don’t want the dogs to go crazy and wake my grandma up.”
“Okay,” he said, putting the truck in park. “I’ll just wait up here until you make it inside, if that’s alright.”
You gave a nod, reaching for the door handle when he spoke again. 
“And I... Sorry for scaring you. Hope I didn’t make you too uncomfortable.”
“You did everything you could’ve done to make it easier,” you said with a small shrug and a smile. “And for the record… if there were more men like you around, I probably wouldn’t have to carry this so often.” You tapped the hilt of the knife. 
Sy didn’t seem to have any words to add to that, just gave you a slow nod.
The cab light clicked on automatically when you opened the door, and you took advantage of the light, crossing your ankle over your knee and tugging up your pant leg to replace the knife in its small sheath, adjusting your sock and boot to keep it stable. Sy watched the process without comment, finger tapping idly on the steering wheel and eyes lingering slightly on your ankle even after you’d pulled your pant leg back down. He cleared his throat and looked away as you hopped out of the truck. 
“Have a good night.”
“Yeah, you too. Thanks for the ride.”
“Any time,” he said, a small smile crossing his face just long enough for you to believe he actually meant it. 
 You gave one final little nod before closing the door and turning to head down the long driveway. Despite the late hour, everything about it was familiar. The smell of pine and wet concrete. The nighttime symphony of crickets and frogs. The flicker of fireflies far back near the fenceline. You took a deep breath as you approached the gate, drawing the spare set of keys from your bag. You didn’t know how long you were going to stay, how long you even could stay, but if it was “heart” your editor was after, a nice soak in nostalgia certainly couldn’t hurt.
You let yourself in the back door, the same way everyone in your family did. The kitchen light had been left on, and the dogs were already standing there waiting for you, giving soft little woofs of greeting as they crowded your legs. You gave them their required pets and scritches, hushing them as they followed you through the dark house to the front door. You turned the outside light off, watching through the peephole as Sy’s truck drove away moments later. 
As you walked down the hallway to the guest bedroom, you sent the all clear texts, assuring everyone you’d made it home safely. Almost immediately, your phone began to buzz, signaling a call from your editor Bonnie. You took the last dark corner at a jog, closing yourself in the guest room before swiping the screen to answer.
“You’re up late,” you said quietly, feeling blindly for the light switch. “Do you ever actually sleep or do you have caffeine in an IV?”
“I’m always awake when my favorite talent is in mortal danger,” she said matter-of-factly.
You smiled. 
“Favorite talent or least annoying talent?”
The staticky sigh that followed was a very intentional non-answer. 
“You made it safely to Louisiana I assume? And are not currently being murdered by a genetically blessed serial killer?”
“Yeah, I made it fine,” you laughed.
“And the genetically blessed non serial killer is…?”
“Just a local I met. He gave me a ride home when my cousin bailed.”
There was a long silence.
“And…. He didn’t murder me. For which we should both be grateful.”
“Avoiding the details. Interesting.”
“You’re a details kind of woman. The absence is noteworthy.”
“Fine. I met him at the only bar in town, and we talked for about an hour. I left alone. My cousin never showed up. He passed me walking down the side of the road like an idiot and stopped to help. Satisfied?”
“Did you draw him? I bet your readers would love him. Remember that detective you met a few months back? They lost their minds over that handsome face. Half of them wanted you to marry him on the spot.”
“Uh, yeah, I did draw him, but I didn’t keep the picture. It was just for fun. Besides, I wasn’t looking for a story or anything. It was just… bar talk, ya know? Nothing noteworthy.” You tried to keep your tone light, knowing how much Bonnie hated a missed opportunity. 
“Hmm. Well, if you see him again, maybe try and find something interesting there.”
“You asked for more heart,” you reminded her. “Which is not something I’m gonna find talking to a random guy. That’s why I’m at my grandmother’s in the first place, remember?”
“Have it your way,” she sighed. “Anyway, just wanted to check in and make sure you didn’t run into any trouble.”
“I appreciate it,” you said. “I’m okay.”
“I’ll let you get some rest, then. Since unlike me, you still sleep.” 
“Thanks,” you snorted. “I’ll have the draft of the next post ready for you tomorrow.”
The call ended before you could respond, just as it always did, and you were in the process of plugging in your phone when you heard a soft knock.
You peeked out the door to see your grandma standing in the dark hallway, wrapped in her purple housecoat and holding a small flashlight.
“Got up to use the bathroom and heard you talking,” she said in a whisper. “Wanted to say goodnight.” 
You smiled, holding your arms out for a hug. She squeezed you much tighter than it looked like she had any right to, pushing the air out of your lungs.
“Goodnight, Nana. Sorry to disturb you.”
“Nonsense,” she said. “Did you have fun?”
“Kat never came. I think she forgot. I had fun anyway though.”
She pulled back from you with a frown.
“You didn’t walk all that way home did you? Oh, that girl is getting an earful from me in the morning!”
“It’s alright,” you laughed, rubbing her shoulder. “Someone gave me a ride. I sent you a picture. You can tell me all about him in the morning.” 
“Him who?” she asked quickly. “Do you know his family name?”
“No, sorry. He said his name is Sy?”
“Oh,” she said with a deep exhale, her shoulders relaxing. “Well, that’s alright then. He’s a good boy.”
“Yeah?” you asked with a smile, trying not to laugh. 
“Oldest Syverson boy, right? Big beard?” 
“Alright,” she sighed again. “I’ll invite him to dinner tomorrow to thank him. Goodnight, darlin.”
Your eyes widened as she kissed your cheek and turned to head back to her room.
“Oh, I don’t think you need to do all of that! I said thank you!”
She kept walking as if she hadn’t heard you.
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
Thanks for reading, friends! I hope you all enjoyed it. Would love, love, love to hear from you!
Tags: @firstcashheroathlete​ @melissareadsstuff​ @juliaorpll78​ @mrsevans90​ @kajjaka​ @kebabgirl67​ @foxyjwls007​ @luckydiorxoxo​ @just-chirpin​ @deandoesthingstome​ @mindingmyownbusiness​
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ilreleonewikiart · 3 months
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TDIOBCB challenge - day 7:
First Meeting - The Wedding of Prince Viserys and Larra Roagre in the Throne Room
"Many years later, the prince, reminiscing about how he and his wife had first encountered each other, would confess to his children, not without a blush, that even before laying eyes on her, the words Larra wrote during those years were enough to make him fall completely in love with her. He almost dismissed the revelation of her true appearance as playing any significant role in his infatuation. According to Prince Viserys, it was the eloquence and magnetic personality of his then-fiancée that enchanted him to the extent that concerns about her beauty took a back seat. Whether this is the whole truth remains uncertain; however, it is worth noting that the marriage between Prince Viserys and Larra Rogare, though not initially under the most auspicious circumstances, evolved into a great love story that culminated in a long and happy union. If, before the arrival of his promised bride, the mind of the young prince was primarily occupied with the company of beautiful courtesans and high-born prostitutes, from the moment the stunning Lyseni maiden graced King's Landing, no other woman crossed the threshold of the young man's bedroom except her. This continued until her demise in 165 AC. Every ounce of his energy, both physical and mental, from the day of their marriage, was devoted solely to his wife. She, no longer a girl, possessed not only extraordinary intelligence and culture but also breathtaking beauty, affirming the reality that the most beautiful women in the known world indeed hailed from Lys. Their union stood as a testament to the enduring power of love. Still, even if, want to believe him for the sake of historical honesty, I must report the multiple testimonies of some members of the court, present at this marriage at the time, who claim that the newlywed groom, who had never seen his bride before the ceremony, remained anything but indifferent to her appearance. According to them, during the grand entrance of the noblewoman, who arrived in the castle's Sept dressed in an exquisite and lightweight gown made entirely of golden silk that vividly revealed the perfect curves of her womanly form, accompanied by her fifteen ladies-in-waiting, the groom, was so dazzled by her dazzling beauty, that he needed to be supported by his brother Aegon to prevent himself from falling on the spot from sheer emotion. The young prince, who had always been famous for being an easygoing lad, remained dumbfounded in front of her like a statue of salt throughout the ceremony, unable to find the words to express his wonder, to the point that, for a whole minute, he mistakenly recited the marriage formula almost three times before starting to recite his vows correctly. It seems that the young prince was not the only one to be astonished by the entrance of the new princess. The same witnesses claim that even Prince Daemon was amazed by his new daughter-in-law, as evidenced by the widening of his eyes. During the celebration, he went so far as to congratulate his son conspiratorially, calling him "the luckiest man in the Seven Kingdoms."
- from TDIOBCB chapter 1
(warning: these illustrations are inspired by an AU Divergence and have nothing to do with canon (book or tv show) events and are not meant to be reposted outside of their contest)
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cnovelartreblogs · 5 months
So, I was unfamiliar with Monogatari Novels until I reblogged that last post and shared in a Discord server with friends that I'd heard this news and was excited.
I am. far less excited now. They are dicey at best, awful at worst, and I'm definitely going to be watching their releases with a great deal of skepticism.
I don't have time to do as thorough a blog post about this as it really deserves, but I did want to gather in one place the receipts that were shared with me, so that if others didn't know, they could learn more about the company we're dealing with and make their own decisions about whether to buy from them or not.
First: I noticed myself, and thought it was odd, that a place that primarily publishes Chinese fiction would use the name Monogatari, which is a Japanese word. Further, tho I hadn't noticed, it's actually worse: they use a rising sun as their icon, which is. uh. A choice. A pretty fucked up choice, given the history between Japan and China. When this was pointed out to them, they said repeatedly they just didn't know/didn't realize, which is a fucking weird thing for a company that things they have the expertise to translate these books to say about the history of the country they're translating books from. Like. It makes me think they don't actually know jackshit.
They also have a bad record regarding who they're picking as translators and their understanding of copyright law. (I recommend you use the links, the tweets often have more info in the replies)
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(one of those mistranslated lines is so basic that even I, with my less than 2.5 yrs of studying, could have translated correctly.)
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Basically: they are sus af. They've also apparently said on their Spanish-language twitter that they've been lying on their English-language one to appease US fans.
I was really excited a couple hours ago. Now, I'm EXTREMELY wary.
Just...be on the look-out, y'all.
To be clear: this doesn't mean that their subsequent publications will be a cluster. They might have learned! They might be doing better! Or, they might just have picked better, more trustworthy partners for specific projects! I don't want to say "do not support under any circumstances." But I know... I'd rather know all the above than not. And I figured other people would want to know too.
(research shared with permission from the person who shared it with me.)
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salted-bird · 1 year
One of the things I love about Limbus' Abnormality encounters, besides how cool the designs are, is the way the game uses them to tackle the topic of performative empathy vs actual empathy.
You can't just try to fix an Abnormality's core problems and expect it to work. And it's not because the Abnormality will attack you before you get the chance to do anything, rather, following this approach is a consistent way to hit your own party with demerits due to the simple fact that YOU ARE THE ONE HURTING THE ABNO IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Trying to remove the Umbrella Fox's umbrellas is incredibly painful for it because it involves tearing off chunks of its flesh, mimicking the Weeping Toad's cry will cause it to flee because what it actually wanted was someone who would listen, removing the brambles will make the Bride and Groom sad because it means you are destroying their home, giving water to a blazing metal bull obviously isn't going to help, etc.
Your intentions can be good, but as the Umbrella Fox itself puts it, solutions without "forethought" have the potential to be incredibly harmful.
Which brings me to the similarities this has with IRL ableism, and how often body-abled people will tell you to do X thing under the claim that it will help you feel better (or even cure you) without considering the implications of their own suggestions for a single second. Some wonderful examples of this are telling someone with a respiratory disease or injury to just "take a deep breath", telling a person with chronic fatigue to "go jogging, it will give you more energy" or recommending to an autistic individual that they "learn common sense".
I'm sure you can imagine yourself (or know from first-hand experience, sadly) the rest of horrible 'magical solutions' disabled people have to hear on a regular basis, so back to the point, this type of acts share the same kind of impulsive and patronizing empathy as the "help(?) this Abnormality" choices in Limbus Company.
Not only do they not help anyone at all, in reality they are an active detriment to the physical and emotional wellbeing of the target you are supposedly trying to help with the action. In the end, the only benefit obtained is that you get to say you TRIED to help someone, hence the performative part of this behaviour, it makes you look good to others and to yourself by awarding you some imaginary reputation points that mean nothing.
Now it's very possible that you are thinking (or not) something about the lines of: "But hey, I unplugged the electric sheep being sacrificed to fuel a city, and I also sprinkled water on the tree suffering from a drought, I did have success helping a handful of the Abnos!".
This may appear to contradict my logic as described above, but I want you to consider a key difference between the Abnormalities the game does let you help and those for whom trying to do so is an insult. The former group suffers from external circumstances that can be changed through concrete actions, the latter faces permanent issues because of the very way they are.
So on the first camp;
-The Electric Sheep doesn't suffer because it's electric, it's suffers due to being exploited for energy.
-The Desert Twiggy Ghost Tree doesn't suffer because it's allergic to water, it suffers because it doesn't have access to any water.
-Similarly, the Electric Centipede only suffers because people are experimenting on it and you choose how to torture it.
You can liken them to disabled people with low-support needs, whose difficulties would in theory go away once you implement a social model of disability because the problems they face are, as the name implies, mainly social.
Now, contrast this with how for example, removing the brambles from the Rose Thorns Cross involves destroying its very body, and you should notice the theme Limbus is trying to convey through these encounters; Nobody is the same.
Sure, jumping the gun may work sometimes, if the problem is small enough to be dealt with through individual action, but more often than not the reality of what the other person is going through is so different from yours that an attempt to force your own experiences and judgement on them is only going to result in pain, and what's worse, pain for both parties if you genuinely were trying to help.
Which is not to say there's no point in desiring to offer help, my favourite part about how Limbus handles its event choices is that it teaches you a lesson about the value of simple understanding.
Tearing off its umbrellas won't help the fox, but going past its threatening appearance to show that you care by petting it will, the same goes for the gloomy frog that is so grateful to you for listening to its woes that it leaves one of its eyes behind as a gift. You don't need to change the Abnormalities' nature as Abnormalities to make them happy, being there for them and accepting them as they are is more than enough.
I could write more about the parallels between Abnormalities as a group of "non-humans" that go against the general idea of normal while existing solely to be exploited for resources and the way IRL disabled people are exploited by doctors and pharmaceutical companies for easy money while society at large doesn't care, but in the end the message is simple, imagine a world where instead of treating them like children or even complaining about them, abled people showed those with disabilities this type of empathy, the real type.
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its-a-me-mango · 4 months
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yo mango, i found this in twitter(x). a creator in twitter sented this.
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Oh boy, yes this is the response I was referring to in my other post, and I have some things to say about it.
TL;DR: Clarification is nice but it shouldn't be up to the employees to apologise for something that upper management should've taken accountability for anyway. I'm not accepting everything as "fixed" until Celeste says anything else.
Obligatory "we don't know everything so don't jump to conclusions!!!" disclaimer (personally I love jumping to conclusions I love drama lol)
(also my stance on what I'm doing with this account is at the bottom of it so go take a look if you wanna know what I'm gonna do)
Ok first off, let's start positive, good to have some accountability and a bit of clarification on what's happened, considering I honestly thought GLITCH was just gonna keep quiet and hope for it to brush over, having the manager tell their side of the story is a good thing.
That's all the positives I have towards this apology because the rest are all negative.
For starters, why is the manager taking full accountability for this, while yes they made the decision, the higher ups should be taking accountability, at the end of the day Jasmine is an employee of GLITCH. Normally when something happens within a company, the company itself will put out a statement taking accountability for the actions of their staff. This hasn't happened yet, it's not Jasmine's full responsibility for this, there should be recognition from the company of their mistake.
I get if they're taking a while to make a response, but it's not hard to put out a statement saying "hey, we fucked up, sorry". It would be miles better than having an employee put it out IN THEIR FAN DISCORD SERVER OF ALL PLACES, thank got it got reposted because none of us would know others.
Furthermore, what is the main message from this, the main reason for this happening? "Oops I forgot". That's such a shitty excuse, especially for a manager. I completely understand getting overworked as hell, from what I've seen Jasmine is also the manager for a lot of other things at GLITCH, and if GLITCH's Glassdoor reviews are anything to go by, overworking employees seems to be their biggest flaw.
Something like this slipping their mind would be fair and understandable under those circumstances, but that's what upper management is for, it's up to them to make sure people do what they're employed to do, that includes making sure the appropriate messages are sent out, especially for big changes like this. Of course no one likes to have a boss that questions everything you do, but having someone check that all the appropriate messages are sent out is pretty damn important for running a company.
This is ultimately a show of poor management on GLITCH's behalf, had they communicated better not just with Celeste but also with each other, this entire situation would've been avoided.
I don't think this is some catastrophic downfall that can never be resolved, it actually can be resolved quite easily. All it involves is an admission of negligence on GLITCH's side and a proper apology to be sent and accepted by Celeste. Obviously I'm not gonna go demanding such things be made public but treating this like GLITCH's downfall is just kinda silly, this can be fixed.
Yes this is bad, and you should feel upset/angry about this all happening, seeing voice actors being treated poorly and "forgotten" about sucks and doesn't reflect well on GLITCH at all, if you don't want to support GLITCH right now that's completely reasonable, but this isn't worth wishing the companies downfall over. Advocate for change, not carnage.
There is also the possibility that this whole "apology" is bullshit. More comments from SMG2's now former VA have come out about this apology.
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If this is all true, then that's just as bad on GLITCH's side. Ultimately we won't know the entire story until Celeste makes any other comment, however given how taxing this has all been on her, it's understandable if she doesn't say anything now, or ever to be honest.
My love and support goes out to Celeste during this time. I hope she and GLITCH can come to some kind of agreement that allows everyone to move on.
Anyway, so about me now, haiiii
I'm likely gonna mostly hault making SMG4 art for a while due to this, I love this series and I don't like to see this all happen to it, but I care more about treating voice actors fairly and making sure they're given the respect they deserve, if that involves stopping my support for GLITCH for now then so be it. I'm hoping this gets resolved, if that does happen i'll go back to normal, if not thennnnn I'll deal with that when it happens.
I'm still happy to interact with people in this community still, there's a few ideas and pieces I want to make for other people still, things like AU arts and DTIYS's, so I'll be doing that, but as for new SMG4 art and memes, not right now. (lets face if the SMG4 community on Tumblr is so far removed from everyone else it's basically our own series out here lmao)
I'll still draw Mango don't worry, he's basically my persona so I can detach him from SMG4 for now, my silly lil guy isn't going anywhere.
I understand that a lot of people are upset by this and are trying to block it out and carry on as normal. While I understand why most of you are taking that stance, I know a lot of you are teens and SMG4 is a source of comfort for a large chunk of you, please don't just ignore all this happening. I don't even care if you take an inconclusive stance on this, just please don't block it out entirely and pretend it's not happening, that's just not fair on Celeste.
I'll be doing my best to keep up with this as much as possible. I know I've come across as overly critical during all this, but I don't like seeing people act like GLITCH has done nothing wrong and never can. It's ok if a company you like has done something shitty, they do that all the time, but its not ok to let them get away with it and pretend it never happened, that's just covering for their shitty actions. I'm not going to cover for GLITCH's shitty actions which is why I'm speaking up about it and will continue to do so until some kind of resolution is reached.
Anyway I've talked enough, if you're reading haii hello thanks for reading the whole thing , if you skimmed to the bottom I'm shooting you with lasers (/j). We'll see what comes of all this but until then take care. <3
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They're some unspoken rules if you want to survive in no longer human corporation either as a client or a worker.
Try to ignore dazai osamu if he flirt with you or try to convince you to do a double suicide with him, all complaint are to be sent to the Dazai Osamu damage control department.
All ex of dazai should not be given access to the buildings and should be personally relocated to the dazai osamu support group by secretary nakahara, head of accounting kunikida doppo is welcome in the meeting, the same could not be said about dazai.
A special fund should be reserved for any damage caused by secretary nakahara chuuya as well as akutagawa ryuunosuke and yosano Akiko.
The lawyer department should be well funded and be contacted should any problem arise especially if it's damage caused by the like of Yosano Akiko or head of science department kajii motojirou.
You should learn to ignore any stalking, i mean lovingly watching over them by higuchi ichiyo or tayama katai toward one of the akutagawa siblings, likewise the inapropriate behavior of the tanizaki siblings should be ignored for the sake of your sanity.
No one should get hurt in front of Yosano Akiko, the company health inspection should be avoided at all cost.
A fund should be allocated for head of research Edogawa Ranpo sweet craving, the room of the research department should be well furnished with various snacks everyday .
You should ignore the scolding by head of accounting kunikida doppo to CEO dazai Osamu when the later is skipping work or doing his usual shenaningan like edogawa ranpo's snack, kunikida doppo stationary should be well furnished a fund have been alocated to this pursharse.
a well trained group of clerc should be assured that kunikida doppo and nakahara chuuya came to their anger management class and do their meditation assignment , another have to be assigned to osamu dazai and akutagawa ryuunosuke as well as others worker who should go to therapy, a fund have been assigned for any mental scarring or others issue caused to the therapist.
Edgar Allan Poe as well of lucy maud Montgomery should be given access to the building, edgar allan poe in particuliar is given access to the research department, any concern with the company the guild should be adressed to them.
Cat are allowed and encouraged in the office, dog however are not much to secretary nakahara disagreement.
No one under any circumstance should flirt or confess to secretary nakahara for the sake of their financial and mental health.
Foods especially beef should be well stocked for intern miyazawa Kenji as well as sweet especially crepe for intern izumi kyouka and chasuke should be served in the company self service for intern nakajima atsushi as well as curry for oda sakunosuke ( warning as his curry is super spicy it's advised that no one else should touch it).
Co Head of the IT department who share this post with rokuzō taguchi , tayama katai should be allowed to work from home if need came to be, he's also allowed to come with his futon yoshiko in the office.
But what baffle the most anyone who heard or come accross the company isn't even the quirks of the workers but that the company still manage to make records profits in only a few years, it managed to be amongst the leading company in japan and worldwhile.
When the company started to be known others company tried to poach the workers especially kunikida doppo who seem to be done with dazai most of the time, the more shocking refusal was by dazai's hyper competent secretary nakahara chuuya, it's a well known fact that dazai and nakahara are rival and can't stand each others but no matter how much you will offer him he will refuse it .
Both founded the company together and are coined as soukoku in the business world a legendary duo but everyone found that it's best for the sake of your safety and braincell to not wonder about their relationship no one know if they're dating or try to murder each others ( everyone choose to ignore dazai talk about nakahara being his dog for life as well as nakahara virulent talk of hatred because you don't kiss someone that you hate seriously chuuya-san.)
One things is sure is that nakahara is either a miracle worker or have serious problem to be able to support and to be with someone like dazai.
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orangedodge · 4 months
The Sabretooth War is one of the worst events Marvel has put out in many years, and the whole thing is down to Marvel's stubborn inability to recognize that Victor Creed is a D list villain at best, viable only as a personal nemesis to Logan. He is a fine villain when used in that role, but cannot function as a credible solo antagonist to the X-Men as a team under any circumstance.
In theory, we even had a good set-up for a story that played around his limitations. Krakoa is occupied. The X-Men are scattered. Logan had been left rescuing defenseless mutants without any support. Their chosen safe haven is in a geographically isolated location at the mercy of inclement weather. This could have been a fine monster-in-the-house story with only Logan left to protect everyone from a hidden Victor Creed. If having a dozen duplicates of Victor along for the ride was an absolute necessity, we could even keep Laura and Akihiro and make it a family story.
Instead, they waited too long to do this plot. In present day, the X-Men are already reestablished, and are already defending the safe house. Instead of Logan on his own, Colossus is there. Colossus is there! I don't care how many different Sabretooths Benjamin Percy wants to cram the book with. It doesn't matter. Colossus is made of steel. Victor Creed's superpower is having very sharp fingernails. It's ridiculous! All they can do is get uselessly slaughtered because Victor Creed should never, under any circumstance, be used as a villain for the X-Men and this is the kind of hole you dig for yourself as an author when you ignore that.
Worse, Northstar and Aurora, Marvel's versions of the Flash, have a guest appearance. There's no rationale for them to not just light speed their way through the house, knocking everyone out as they go, and saving everyone before any serious danger can develop. Instead, Benjamin Percy (and Victor LaValle...?) call for page after page of gratuitous gore porn as Victor and company slaughter wave after wave of helpless children, while the X-Men very slowly fight their way from room to room. This arc is already being rightfully compared to Wolverine: Enemy of the State. Both stories have a lazy habit of just throwing out more and more bodies--both villain and victim--in an effort to build cheap tension. But as with Enemy of the State, all it does is make the book a chore to read.
This book is scheduled to run for 10 issues in total. There is no obvious justification for it to have not ended in Sabretooth's crushing, humiliating, loss within the first five pages. We wouldn't miss out on anything, except for some pictures of mutilated children that I don't think anyone wanted to see in the first place.
I feel bad for Victor LaValle, the continuation of whose Sabretooth Trilogy was sacrificed for whatever this mess is.
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dr3mvaalmar · 8 months
Together | Kinktober Day 11
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Pairing: Solomon x reader
Prompt: Shopping (sfw)
Summary: Cocytus Hall feels... off. Solomon and the reader decide to go out together to get decorations and groceries. This simple excursion brings the two of them closer than ever before.
Warnings/Tags: None that I know of, besides a sexual innuendo
Author Note: This is from Obey Me! Nightbringer. I haven't got very far in the story so sorry for any mistakes! Also, on another note, I can't believe I've gotten this far into Kinktober/Flufftober. The support means a lot <3
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Cocytus Hall seemed empty and foreboding as I walked and explored the rooms and corridors. There was little to offer after ending up in the past. The antediluvian mansion lacked the homey essence and charm of the House of Lamentation. Not to mention, Solomon seemed somber without Simeon and Luke to keep him company at Purgatory Hall. The drastic change took a significant toll on both of us.
“(Y/n), good morning,” Solomon greeted, handing me a cup of tea as I entered the dining room. I noticed Solomon woke up early this morning for whatever reason. I woke up a multitude of times last night. I noticed his absence beside me and decided to get dressed. I was curious, as he’s been acting slightly aloof lately. A bit detached but also more protective of me. He would go out occasionally or accompany me wherever I may go. It seemed unusual, considering I was still independent like before. 
“‘Morning,” I retorted, grabbing a snack from the kitchen. It was silent but a peaceful silence. I joined him as he sat at the table, and we drank our tea. Solomon held a book in front of him. I couldn’t read the details, but it felt related to our predicament. Even though we didn’t reminisce about what we lost or talked about the circumstances much, there was still a mutual understanding. Words wouldn’t compare to what we truly felt, nor would it help.
“I’m going shopping for dinner tonight,” Solomon piped up as he set down his tea. “I was thinking we could cook Gyudon. What do you think?”
“Sounds delicious. Don’t forget the eggs,” I replied, sipping the remnants of my drink. Solomon looked at me expectantly. I paused, unsure of his hidden request. Then, it hit me. “Would you like me to go with you?” “Is that a question? Of course. I encourage it, even,” Solomon chuckled, getting up from his seat. “I’m going to get dressed. It won’t be long before we leave.”
I nodded my head, watching him leave. I sighed, the chair below me creaking under my weight. I might as well get ready while I still have time. For some reason, leaving Cocytus Hall excited me. Claustrophobia set in the more I lingered in this building. 
After a short while, we convened in the dining room. We both smiled at each other, finding a distraction from the stifling atmosphere. We finally had an excuse to leave, not as one, but together.
“Shall we go?” Solomon asked, holding out his hand. The edges of my eyes crinkled as I accepted it without hesitation.
“Yes, we shall!”
Despite being the morning, the Devildom was always dark and dreary. A cold, brisk breeze swept past us, causing me to huddle up closer to Solomon. On our way to the shops, I walked in tandem with his steps. Absentmindedly, I rocked our interlocked hands back and forth. I was giddy, as we hadn’t gone out together like this in a while. Something often interfered, whether it was business with the brothers or Solomon was occupied with his own tasks.
“Where do you want to go first?” Solomon asked as we neared the plaza. I contemplated for a moment, our footsteps echoing in the silence. Yet, I perked up when I saw a bright sign in the distance.
“Oh! We should look at Hell Depot,” I said, pointing to a large store. Inside was a variety of furniture and home needs. Since Cocytus Hall seemed so empty, maybe a few items would lighten the mood. 
“We can go, but only if you promise not to spend all of our grimm on pretty trinkets,” Solomon teased, squeezing my hand tighter. I laughed as we walked towards the store.
As we entered, I realized the building was much bigger than it looked outside. They had various styles of furniture and lots of materials for projects. It was so overwhelming. Solomon and I perused for a bit, commenting on the various items.
“Look, these drapes are so pretty,” I said, grasping the end of the display curtain’s fabric. “It would give us a little privacy.”
“I agree, especially for the bedroom,” Solomon said with a wink. I felt my face grow hot but effectively ignored his comment. I tried not to let him see me so flustered, but I could hear him laugh.
As we entered another aisle, I squealed with delight as I saw a plushie on one of the shelves. It was Baphomet. Baphomet had a bad reputation in the human world, but here it was a cute mascot. It reminded me of Hello Kitty from the human world.
“Aw, it’s so cute! I kind of want it. What do you think, Sol?”
“You and your love for soft things,” Solomon said, a playful cadence to his voice. “Though I do admit, it does suit you. You’re both quite adorable, aren’t you?”
I tried to respond, but the words left me. I cradled the plushie in my arms, giving it a firm squeeze. It was so cute and fluffy. It would certainly comfort me at night.
“You’re so silly,” I finally responded. I didn’t dare place the plushie back. “Though, it’s so strange that Baphomet is so misunderstood in the human world. Here, it stands for unity, balance, and cuddles!”
“Cuddles, you say?” Solomon chuckled, grabbing the plushie from me. He observed it for a moment, petting the soft fur. He handed it back. “Well, if you’re buying that plushie, should I expect more competition?”
“Oh? Jealous of a little plushie, Solomon?”
“Only if it gets more attention than I do,” Solomon said as we walked away. We grabbed a few items. Just enough where we could carry them all. Then, we decided to grab some ingredients from the market.
There were some street vendors along the way. Solomon noticed my eyes lingering a little longer than usual on each food stand. He ushered me to one of them. In big, bold letters, it said “Hellfire Roc.”
“Would you like to try some?” Solomon asked as the vendor looked at us eagerly. I was hesitant but plucked a piece from the platter while shrugging. I ate the morsel, throwing away the toothpick. Suddenly, a burning sensation engulfed my entire throat.
“Solomon!” I exclaimed, coughing and sputtering. He only giggled, looking very amused while I suffered. My face felt blazingly hot, both from embarrassment and the spiciness. Solomon held up a finger, rummaging in his pocket for something.
“Here, drink this,” Solomon said, offering a flask. I downed the liquid in an instant, relishing the cool sensation. Despite being only water, it seemed to dispel the pain. Was it a literal fire?
“Devildom spicy chicken,” Solomon said, a bit late to inform me now. “Though, I underestimated how spicy it would be.”
“You could’ve said something,” I groaned, rubbing my sore throat. Solomon thanked the cook before we walked off elsewhere. 
“I’m sorry, but you have to admit, it was quite the experience.”
Solomon and I went to the market, finally procuring the ingredients for tonight’s dinner. The more I thought about the Gyudon, the more my mouth salivated. Yet, my stomach felt queasy from the sample we tried.
We gathered everything up in a basket, balancing the already-bought decor with the food. It was a bit of a handful, but we managed. We took everything to the cash register, a demon looking at us a bit too eagerly. This demon had incredibly sharp teeth pulled back into an intimidating smile.
“Hello, find everything alright?” he asked, taking our items as we placed them down. We both nodded. As he got to the end of the line, Solomon started counting his grimm.
“Interesting,” the demon commented. I tilted my head. Solomon didn’t heed him as he placed the money in the demon’s hands. “This is good quality demonus. Celebrating something special tonight or just a regular dinner as husband and wife?”
I tried to maintain my composure, the ‘husband and wife’ catching me off guard. Solomon only smirked before pulling me closer by my waist. I tried to make a sound but groaned internally, deciding to play along.
“Yes, my lovely wife and I thought we’d whip up something special tonight,” Solomon retorted sarcastically, kissing my temple. My eyes widened, and I felt even more vulnerable in public. Why would he do that in front of the cashier??
The cashier looked shocked for a moment before he chuckled, “Ah, you got me there! You two are just too good together. I had no idea. But if you do make it official, remember to drop by and let me know. I do weddings on the side!”
“We’ll keep that in mind. Thank you,” Solomon responded, laughing. We gathered our bags and started on our trek home. After we were out of earshot, I turned towards Solomon.
“‘My wife.’ Really?” I asked, furrowing my brows. Yet, I wouldn’t admit that it made my heart flutter when he said that.
“I just thought I’d have a little fun,” Solomon said with a playful wink. “Besides, seeing you all flustered is always a delight.”
I sighed, feigning annoyance, but I couldn’t hide my creeping smile. The whole interaction had my heart beating rapidly in my chest. Even if it was a simple remark.
“I can’t believe you said that,” I said, a giggle rising from my throat. Solomon’s mischievous grin stayed plastered on his face.
“Well, we’ve been living together, shopping together, and basically doing everything together. From an outsider’s perspective, it isn’t that far-fetched.”
As we walked, there was a comfortable silence. The streets started to buzz to life. The noise was a comfortable backdrop as my mind replayed today’s events on repeat. Somehow, the weight of the groceries seemed less cumbersome. Everything fell into just the right places.
Finally, I mustered up the courage to ask, “Solomon, were you completely joking? Or is there a hint of truth in there?”
“Being with you in these times, the highs and the lows, has brought us closer than I ever anticipated. Do labels matter that much?”
“No,” I admitted, but I secretly wanted to say ‘yes.’ “But the intent, the depth of the feeling behind it. I’m curious about that.”
Solomon paused for a bit, conjuring an appropriate response. Every step of ours seemed like an eternity. At this point, I wondered why it mattered so much to me.
“I might not grasp every nuance of human emotion but what I do know is this: You mean more to me than any title or label. What we share transcends definitions.”
Finally, we arrived to Cocytus Hall as I ruminated on his words. As Solomon opened the door for me, I noticed his gaze soft and tender. It made me feel comfortable. Safe.
Without another word, I hugged him, burying my face into his chest. From today all the way to this moment, I will remember it. I cherished every second and wanted to show how much he meant to me.
“Thank you,” I said, looking into his eyes. Solomon’s hand reached my chin, grasping it before placing a soft kiss on my lips. It was simple and brief, yet it held a power that resonated all throughout me. My bags dropped beside me as I reached up to grasp his hair. It was the perfect end to a wonderful day. I didn’t realize how much I needed for this moment to happen.
“Solomon, you mean more to me than any words could convey,” I told him, wrapping my arms around him. “I just want to be together with you.”
“In every realm and timeline, in every twist of fate, it’s always been you. And it always will be.”
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elizabethrobertajones · 2 months
Frog Time
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I'm so bad at tagging people so consider yourself tagged if you want to be :)
Name: Bounding Frog (redacted roe language name because I forgor)
Nicknames: Frog
Age: 18-22 (ARR-EW)
Nameday: 23rd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: Bi
Profession: She has a summer job working with the hippo riders, although that doesn't pay as well as adventuring, so she's looking forward to Dawntrail and doing more than delivery runs.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: maroon and light pink
Eyes: maroon and light pink
Skin: brown
Tattoos/scars: I headcanon the single choice of tattoos per face for roes are meaningful somehow - I chose coming of age, getting her Adventurer Name, and leaving home, so those were fresh porple swoops over her cheekbones in ARR :D I've only known her as long as she's been Frog and looked like this.
The scar on her nose is from being underhand punted like a rugby ball by an older brother back when she was an orb shaped child. Since adventuring the regular healing has stopped her getting too scarred up from any misadventures.
Parents: Notable members of their remote mountain community, maintaining an important set of Arcanima wards around an aetherically dangerous geological fault. Of course, they're good at their jobs so this wasn't very scary as an upbringing. They're a lovely couple and make a hell of a bowl of soup. All else I know about them is they're very supportive and Frog writes to them regularly.
Siblings: like six rowdy older brothers. She was very spoiled by this squad of bodyguards tbh. (Ignore the previous comment about one of them maiming her, they DO love her even if they saw her as a cannonball under other circumstances.) A couple of them left to be mercenaries, uncertain if for Garlemald - they don't write home as thoroughly.
Grandparents: Probably, tbh. We're getting out of my limited perception of Hellguard culture and history but I think I can say the remoteness of their village is an excuse for nothing too terrible to have happened to any of them :P
In-laws and other: She was sort of starting to think of Edmont as a potential in-law and he began acting like it after Events so she's acquired some without marrying. He DID also adopt Aymeric informally, so now she's courting him it's coming back around!
Pets: Multiple, even not counting animal sanctuary beasties. Some she drops by to visit where they're being looked after once she'd raised them or sheltered them for a while (the baby hippo was donated to the hippo riders thankfully before he got too large and hungry for example). Others live at the free company house getting spoiled by the staff. The free company is named after the baby tapir who is the best and cutest. :)
Abilities: In character, she has yet to find something she isn't good at after a couple of false starts. (ooc is much more of a mess depending on my ability) As an all-jobs all-crafts all-gatherers weirdo she's genuinely alarming to contemplate.
Hobbies: crafting/gathering/fishing is more of a wind down respite than a career calling for her. Canonically she's finished the fishing log... ooc I haven't by a long shot :P She also loves visiting bars and pubs across the world that she's visited to drop in on old friends, or go on foodie tours of places she's liberated. They stole G'raha being a foodie traveller in the dawntrail trailer from her actually.
Kinda always wanted to do a in character review of all the drinking establishments in game.
Most positive trait: determination and everything that went into being strong enough to do the end walk, which did feel like a culmination of all the positive things they ascribe to the WoL. Since she's living the life of box art Meteor with no plot deviations or alterations except what I can put into the downtime and spaces between cutscenes, I can't argue with times when they REALLY show the admirable heart of the WoL.
Most negative trait: She's not going to say no, so if you need a favour just stand near where she wanders by routinely and look forlorn and you WILL get helped to within an inch of your life.
Colors: royal purple, dark reds and deep blues
Smells: fresh baked anything. Probably also the fresh morning smell when she gets up at ass o'clock to do stretches or whatever gross things morning people do.
Textures: G'raha ears >:)
Drinks: black coffee, red wine, milky tea
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: tried it with the Vath and hated it. Still has no idea if Fogweed is a drug or not.
Drinks: socially and merrily with a bottomless liver.
Drugs: nothing harder than caffeine and alcohol.
Mount Issuance: her sweet blue chocobo is called Turbulence and threw off everyone who attempted to ride him before that.
Been Arrested: not outside MSQ run ins with the law
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deskgirl · 8 months
I may as well write up my other AU idea. I’ve been sitting on this one for a while; I knew the foundation but not the direction it should go. I think I have it now.
It’s a time travel AU, but I haven’t seen this specific angle: a young man named Izzy finds himself thrown 300 years into the past and, whether he likes it or not, on course to become the historical figure he grew up reading about as a child—the infamous Izzy Hands. Can he escape his fate?
The idea is Izzy is a young man in present time. He grew up reading about pirates. He knows all their tales. He loves pirates and stories of adventure at sea.
The golden age of piracy is slightly less appealing when a freak storm dumps you 300 years in the past, though.
Izzy struggles to survive. He has nothing. His family is gone. He’s no one. Well no, that’s not quite right. Because he knows full well there’s a historical figure with his name and he knows almost everything that will happen to him. Which means he must, under any circumstances, avoid it.
He finds work, is enlisted or press-ganged into the navy, deserts and has to turn to crime, and finds himself in the company of the one man he feared running into: Edward Teach. Well that’s fine, so long as Ed never becomes Blackbeard, so long as Izzy doesn’t become his first mate, so long as they don’t become friends and sail together, maybe Izzy can circumvent fate.
Except they do become friends, he does help Ed become Blackbeard, and by the time Ed makes him first mate, he decides he can’t escape his future because it’s already set in stone. Or rather, ink.
Knowing what his future holds, Izzy leans into it. He lets the story play out. He accepts that this is just the way it’s going to go and it’s kind of nice to not wonder.
But then Stede enters the picture. He knows about this, too. Knows there’s no fighting it and yet he suddenly isn’t ready. He doesn’t want to lose Ed. He doesn’t want to see them all die. Maybe he can save them all from their fate if he can just get rid of Stede. Maybe the historians got some things wrong. Maybe there’s some fuckery involved. Right?
But the more Izzy fights his fate, the more he ensures it.
Here’s where things change a bit. I had the idea pre-season 2, before I knew the alternate history the show would create, so I went by the real accounts. Which means as far as Izzy knew, Stede Bonnet never catches up. He never finds Ed. So when he does show up, it flips everything Izzy believed on its ear, and he has to accept that either things can change or the historical accounts were wrong. Which means there’s hope. He can save himself. He can save them. That’s his turning point.
The idea ended with him taking Stede and Ed aside and explaining everything to them and telling them how they all die, and they realize it all sounds an awful lot like a fuckery (Blackbeard’s headless body swimming laps around the ship? Come on!) so they proceed to fake their deaths. It’s endcapped by Lucius becoming “Captain Charles Johnson” the author of “A General History of Pirates” and revealing to us that he intentionally wrote the accounts to support the fuckery and this is the “fate written in stone” that Izzy grew up reading.
That’s changed now that I’ve seen season 2, so here’s where my idea goes now:
By the time Ed is waving a gun around threatening the crew, Izzy is tired. He wants it to be over. He tries to circumvent fate one last time and end things on his terms. But that doesn’t take either so fuck it, he’s living. And so does Ed because he can’t die yet either can he? They’re going to be dragged kicking and screaming to the end of their final chapters. So. Whatever fate has planned, Izzy will take the path ahead of him one step at a time without worrying about what comes next. His fate is sealed, but the little things can change. The people whose lives he never read about in books can be spared. He can choose to live with what time he has left in the way he wants to.
He keeps that mantra up until he’s facing down Prince Ricky. He gives his speech as his own eulogy because he knows it is. He doesn’t know quite how it’ll happen, but Izzy Hands vanishes from history after this day and is declared dead by an author writing under a pseudonym (true facts, there’s still debate over Captain Charles Johnson’s identity), so he knows this is the day he dies.
And it happens. But he’s all right with it because he always knew, and he prefers going out on his feet while fucking over the British Empire with his family around him. Beats some cold, damp London gutter, right?
I could leave it there, and that wouldn’t be a terrible end, at least no worse than the show, but as a treat to myself, that’s not where it ends.
Because there’s a storm brewing overhead, not a clear sky like just hours ago. Purple lightning, echoing thunder, the sky starting to let loose just as Izzy says his last words. It’s familiar. Izzy welcomes the rain like an old friend and remembers the first time he was caught in a storm at sea in a little sailboat while daydreaming about pirates.
Then he’s in the forest. Again. He knows what’s about to happen. He knows Ricky is about to turn, to draw, to fire. There’s hardly any time at all. He shifts his weight to the right. The bullet catches a little farther to the left. The pain feels different.
He reaches out for Ed right away. They limp to the ship together. He’s laid down in the spot where he died—will die—may die again. He doesn’t know if he says all the right words in the right order this time, but he tries. He still wants Ed to hear them.
The thunder of his heart is different in his ears and it’s distracting. Stede is there this time, pressing on the wound and cursing him out, telling him that he doesn’t get to go out this way (parallels to Stede’s dream anyone?). Izzy grins through the pain and calls him a twat.
It all slips away again.
The crew is gathered around a pile of earth. They’re quiet and solemn. Stede plants a marker made of drift wood.
“Did we really have to have a funeral for the fuckin’ figurehead?” an irritable voice calls.
“It’s the spirit of the thing,” Stede objects. “He deserves a proper burial. And the Revenge can’t be the Revenge anymore, not if we’re going to avoid the navy. A headless unicorn kind of stands out, don’t you think?”
“Oh good, you do have a basic grasp of being inconspicuous,” Izzy calls from the back of a small cart, laid up against some sacks of food that need to be taken to “The Royal James,” as the ship has been renamed. “Just hurry up before the tide goes out. Or did you plan on running the ship aground yet again?”
“That was one time!”
As an epilogue, we skip ahead five years where we find Lucius in London, selling freshly printed copies of “Captain Charles Johnson’s” new book, “a General History of Pirates” and reassuring a customer that it’s all true from first-hand accounts while sharing a knowing look with Pete from across the print shop.
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Holy shit you on the inbox....... This is so awesome hello.
UHM um this is my oc her name is Melaine. She is a Normal Girl who is a Bug also
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A doctor by profession, a biologist by heart, and a mutant through experimentation. Melaine T. Curatella was a renowed name in medicine, a part of one of the most famous families in the interplanetary system, until some horrid event lead her far outside the bounds of sanity... and now, who knows what she's after, using mutagenics and science horrifically in some far off planet? There's only speculation to be done.
Originally from Promethea, came to Pandora with a mission to help everyone who needed medical assistance, eventually ended up setting up her own hospital for the same purpose (free healthcare W). She is surprisingly rarely ever attacked simply because she is nice to people and as it turns out, even the worst of mercenaries would rather not die because of an unaddressed broken bone. Do not mistake this kindness for tolerance however, because she's more than capable enough to defend herself should a threat arise (Trust me scalpel stabs are Way Worse than regular stabs). Extremely competent in what she does to a scary degree, often being called "the Angel of the Wastes" for it. She could probably rearrange someone's entire skeleton if she was up to it. Deep down she has a lot of pent upanger because of how everything in this planet just is so exploited, so ignored, how everyone is clearly struggling but can't do anything about it because of the ideals that are perpetuated. She hates hates hates hates it so bad and she WANTS to do something too but, where is she even supposed to start right ? Well, "not letting everyone die constantly because of turf wars and meaningless violence" is probably a start.
Gets really passionate about everything really fast. Once she decides she likes or supports something, it would take hell freezing over to make her change her mind. This stubborness and resilience is what allows her to keep moving even throughout the most awful of situations, even in the face of the worst of adversity, she will come out on top covered in blood and permanently changed but she will stand by her extremely strict set of morals or so fucking help me. Melaine has a bad tendency to overlook special case scenarios because of this as well because she really dislikes the idea of being wrong about anything, which is how she feels after you tell her that things aren't just forever set in stone. Probabilities and other such interference don't matter to her, because only one version of every situation exists in her mind. This severely limits her ability to navigate new situations because she doesn't have the proper equipment to understand them, and it frustrates her beyond belief, so she does anything and everything to classify it as something she's already familiar with. Nothing else matters but my understanding of it, my classification, my experience, MY method. This woman would rather spend 5 years on the same argument than admit she maybe miscalculated. Totally not taking after her mom <3
After everything goes down in the story, she has to escape everything and ends up crashing back on her home planet, which is ironic for her giving she said she'd never go back under any circumstances, but I think the circumstance of "My husband is possibly dead and a company wants to take me + our 2 young kids out too just for being associated with him" is kind of a special case. This does not make her feel hopeless as much as it just makes her ANGRY. Injustice runs loose everywhere, with the worst people you've ever seen having most of the power and thus perpetuating it, while you're just getting kicked down over and over after climbing the ladder. It's humiliating, it's awful, and it makes her so fucking mad. This kickstarts her descent into madness and obsession after the concept of justice, something she herself has to do, because clearly nobody else knows how to. No one else knows justice how she does, and therefore, she must be the one to instill it.
Has been fascinated by insects and other arthropods ever since she begun to talk. Most namely, the Praying Mantis. If left to her own devices she would infodump about bugs for days at a time. Their exoskeletons and surprisingly tough claws and their big stupid eyes just captivate her, to a point where almost everything she owns has a mantis pin. This fixation takes a weirder turn later in the story as she attempts to BECOME a mutant version of one, often using several chemicals and other substances on herself to achieve what she considers "the perfect predator form". She's very normal about it and she would never perform any particularly unethical experiments to achieve such a goal. She is not doing it for any nefarious reasons (like say, especialized murder) and would never awaken cannibalistic urges within herself after all that. Don't worry about it !👍
Lookit her <3
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Despite it all, she loves a lot. She is enamored by the beauty of life and understanding it is only her goal because of how much she appreciates every little detail of it as well. She loves helping people and she loves her husband and she just wants to keep loving things but unfortunately the world wants to make her Insane Constantly.
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pixelmensupremacy · 1 year
I just read your writing about Platonic Chris Redfield with Childhood Friend F!Y/n and my heart fucking cried in happiness. I sincerely think that Chris and Leon need a good hug. Like a supportive and loving hug.
Then it hit me. What about...Platonic Chris AND Leon with a Childhood Friend F!Y/n ?
I just have so many brainrots for them in how would they spend time separately with Y/n.
Y/n is being the one that brings warm and well-made coffee to Chris when he is late working with paperwork then just entire time keeps him company so that he would be alone, then when he sometimes naps - Y/n would always leave a little note like "You are the best friend and leader in the world" .
Also Y/n being the one that helps Leon to feel less stressed by always listening to whatever he say and brings him hand-made gifts that always has note like "Thank you for being in this world" or "You worth much more than you think".
I just– I really think they need a friend that would just be there with them after all they went through.
I am really sorry if this is too specific.
Have a great day anyway!
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A/N: Okay, but this request is so sweet. And yes I 100% agree with you Nonny! The boys deserve tons of love.
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Chris Redfield
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🔆 Chris' and (Y/N)'s energies balance out
🔆 (Y/N), being the more fun and easygoing, never failed to break through his hard exterior
🔆 Still, being in his nature and the aftermath of years of traumatic experiences, Chris isn't very vocal about his emotions
🔆 Though that's not a problem for (Y/N), for they know him better than he does himself
🔆 He feels rough after a mission gone wrong? (Y/N) will give him the space he needs and comfort him, when he feels ready to talk about it
🔆 He struggles with paperwork? (Y/N) is already on the way with two mugs of coffee and jokes to brighten up the mood
His eyelids got heavier with every passing second, getting him dangerously close to a state of somnolence, but much to Chris' dismay the paperwork wasn't getting itself done. A deep sigh escaped his lungs; just when he thought he was going to spend yet another lonely night at the desolate office a knock came from the door.
Opening the door was (Y/N), the familiar scent of coffee tingled his nose; a tired smile appeared on his face.
"Your clairvoyant powers are only getting stronger." He joked; giggling at his cheesy comment, (Y/N) almost missed the dim shimmer that appeared in hooded eyes.
"It's basic deduction. I heard snores coming from your office, so I guessed you could use a cup of coffee and some company too." They smiled at him as they handed him the warm mug.
"Of course." He took it, not able to refuse such an offer.
🔆 In instances when they would walk in on him snoring above his keyboard, (Y/N) would leave him a short note and place a blanket atop his shoulders that they bought specially for him
🔆 Claire and (Y/N) are Chris' number one caregivers and supporters even if he likes to believe it's the other way around
🔆 (Y/N) is the type of friend that would accept him in their home at ungodly hours of the night just so they would comfort him when he needs it most
🔆 Chris has a key to (Y/N)'s house and so do they
🔆 Chris is just as willing to accept his friend in his home at any time under all and any circumstances
🔆 Secretly, he is the best cuddler (Y/N) has met in their entire life
🔆 Unfortunately for them, cuddles occur rarely, but that made it so much more meaningful when it happened
"(Y/N)..." His deep voice anchored their attention away from the movie the two of them were watching.
"Yeah?" They urged him to go on, whilst their eyes were still glued to the screen, watching in anticipation for how the movie was going to end.
"I-" He began, but then paused as if he searched for the right words to say "I just want to thank you. For always being by my side."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise, a pleasant one nonetheless. They rose from the comfortable spot they had found on his side to look at him; a soft smile curled the corners of their lips.
"Who are you and where's my Chris?" They jokingly hit his arm, causing him to shy away from them.
"I'm just kidding." (Y/N) wrapped their hands around his upper arm, bringing them closer to him. "I am just as grateful to have you. I can't imagine life without you Chrissy bear." They playfully mocked, causing him to let out a chuckle.
"I thought we talked about this nickname." He shot them with a questioning gaze.
"You better get used to it because I'm not gonna get tired of it any time soon. But seriously, I'm glad to have a friend like you." They wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Chris reciprocated and hugged them back. The warmth and comfort of the hug was a sensation he didn't realize he was missing, but now that he had it, he wanted to cherish it for as long as it lasted.
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Leon Kennedy
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Alexa play best friend by Saweetie feat Doja Cat
🔆 (Y/N) and Leon have the chaotic duo energy that's unstoppable
🔆 (Y/N) is the friend that always hypes him up when he feels his lowest
🔆 (Y/N) is the sober friend that always makes sure to get him home safe and sound
🔆 They are patient with him and listens to all of his drunken rants and comfort him when he gets gushy
🔆 They always leave him a glass of water and aspirin
🔆 They are his unpaid motivational speaker
(Y/N) let out a sigh of disappointment, their hands rested on their waist- they didn't have the energy to have this conversation yet again.
"Dear, how many times do I need to tell you this? You. Deserve. Better!" They clapped their hands after every word, emphasizing each one of them. Leon stood silently on the table; his head hidden in his hands.
"I just thought maybe this time it would've been different." His voice was quiet akin to a child, trying to calm their parent after they messed up- big time.
"Leon, she's not going to change, you realize that? She just likes to toy with you, it's like you're her puppet. Look" They sat across him, their hand taking his "you are a good guy and you deserve to be happy. As much as I don't want to say it well, nothing's going to come out of this."
"You did want to say it." He gave them a puzzled look.
"Yeah, maybe I did, but that's not the point. What I'm saying is that she has no idea what she is missing out on."
🔆 More often than not, Leon experiences stress
🔆 Especially after he returns home from yet another life-threatening mission
🔆(Y/N) always tries their best to distract him from the burden of his line of work
🔆 Most of the times, they succeed
🔆 When awful jokes don't do the job, (Y/N) takes things more seriously
🔆 Spending time with him just bragging about life is enough to make Leon feel better
🔆 But (Y/N) likes to take things further, gifting him things they are sure he will like and can't refuse
Rubbing his eyes open, Leon realized he had fallen asleep on the couch. Looking around the living room, he noticed (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. The coffee table next to him was clean of the boxes of Chinese takeaway, and instead there was an envelope, neatly tied with a ribbon.
Squinting his eyes in puzzlement, he opened it only to see a ticket. Along with it was a letter. His eyes widened.
'The world won't end if you take a break. You can't help anyone if you don't help yourself. You need to relax your mind for once and you need to get it in that pretty head of yours that you are worthy and loved. And I want to prove it you.
So, you better not be late for your flight. See you in Bali.'
Leon shook his head in disbelief; he knew there was no way of talking (Y/N) out of this. With a heavy sigh and a discreet smile, he got up- he had five hours until the flight.
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Regarding your most recent post: I don’t know if this is something you’d be interested in, but you could definitely ask for financial support. You’ve helped so many people and I know we’d love to give back, even if it’s just a bit. Everybody needs a hand up sometimes, especially with something as volatile as farm life
I appreciate this. I have been told by many friends to not always compare myself to others. I tend to think that there are certainly others more deserving and in more dire circumstances with me. I have health and more resources and the ability to work for more hours than others, and I definitely don't sit back on my butt and hope for the best.
My friends and family remind me that exactly zero people would be forced to give me financial support and anyone doing it would do so because they either were helped my me, appreciate my presence or see value in my lesbian focused positivity on social media and in real life. Working on social media and real life work helping those in my community does take time and energy that is unpaid. I would never stop doing any of it unless my need to take on another job/more paid hours robbed me of the ability to put in that effort.
Every time I get something in paypal or venmo from someone on line I am amazed and encouraged by the kindness. The stray cat I found got her vet bills paid in under 24 hours. Someone sent me a little towards my water heater and it allowed me to make a small first payment to the company without skimming some off my propane bill, which gives us heat.
Any time I can take on a little less paid work to write or answer asks and DM's or to assist someone in my community who needs a hand is really a bonus for me because it makes me happy to be able to do so.
My linktree has my venmo, paypal, cash app listed in it. My snail mail address is in my bio. Cards, letters etc are always welcome.
I truly appreciate the platform with which I have been provided to tell my experiences and to hear that of others. I am proud of the followings I have garnered because it is diverse and, in general, well behaved. My expectations of how I am received and how my followers interact is created by my real world experiences. I know on- line is not always the same but I strive for that same sort of environment where nuance exists. And where we understand that our experience might not be that of others but that does not prevent us from talking.
If you enjoy my content, if I have helped you, made you laugh or feel better about yourself or if you want and have the means to support lesbian positivity through my work here is my link tree with Cashapp, venmo, paypay.
Look for new merch in 2023. I don't make hardly any money on it but it does put the word Lesbian out into the world just a little more.
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