#a body in the bookshop
freddieslater · 1 year
I’m reading A Body in the Bookshop by Helen Cox (I haven’t read the one that comes before it because I’m an idiot and didn’t realize it was a series), and I can’t help but think that if there was a series adaptation that Perry Fitzpatrick and Anneika Rose would be perfect for Halloran and Charley respectively.
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goatbeard-goatbeard · 7 months
I like to think of the Bentley and bookshop as straight-up possessed, like Crowley and Aziraphale don’t quite fit in human corporations so they end up having some extra body parts
that’s not an angel thing by the way. humans are a tool-using species, my possessions are part of my body too
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yvesdot · 6 months
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Queer stickers for Bookshop Santa Cruz to sell before and at my event on January 4th! If you're not in the area, you're welcome to DM me and I'll try to get you a quote for whichever designs you like in whatever quantities + shipping. These are primarily based on vintage LGBT pins with input (see: TS reference) from BSC staff. More below the cut!
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More photos coming of these in particular shortly! I'm especially proud of the one inspired by Richard Fiala's iconic shirt comic. I just got the second order delivered, so it'll take a moment to get them all lined up and photographed nicely.
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darlingsomeone · 6 months
Hold up.
If the Bentley is “Our car” and is full of sentience and opinions and is likely a real Jesus, what does that mean about “Our bookshop?”
It’s come back from disaster, rebuilt by Adam while he was full on God-Mode.
What is its power and place in this second coming business?
They both survived fire. Adam just Ordered Aziraphale and Madam Tracy to be 2 separate bodies again. He was on such a roll he making bodies and controlling the world, bringing things back good as new but better.
Oh hell no.
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iantoharkness-jones · 9 months
"Those are new." (1x06)
When you consider that Crowley knows the location of every item in Aziraphale's bookshop. OMG!
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many-gay-magpies · 10 months
so often when i see people's' interpretations of "genderbent"/female aziraphale they just feel so wrong to me and i couldn't pinpoint why until i realized its because they all make her ridiculously sweet and femme and delicate. and in my heart of hearts i just KNOW "fem" aziraphale would be the most sophisticated old butch you've ever seen.
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pefkaes · 4 months
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27.01.2024 // here's an update from my life: i'll soon be starting my PhD. while i'm incredibly anxious about it, i'm also looking forward to encountering new places, people and experiences.
this blog has been hibernating for a long time. while i've used it mostly to document my travels and life while studying abroad in the past, i think i'll transform this blog completely to trace my journey through academia and as such, it will mostly be a studyblr. i need the Aesthetic™ to motivate me through the burnout, depression, anxiety and imposter syndrome that will undoubtedly accompany me through my PhD journey.
i'm not sure how often i'll update this blog and i don't want to make any promises. but i do intend to build this one up and hopefully be consistent with it.
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birlwrites · 10 months
not about harry potter, but do you watch good omens?
and if so, thoughts???
i have perhaps an. unhealthy level of emotional investment in good omens
(psst there are ~4 days left of the official graphic novel kickstarter if anyone hasn't pledged who wants to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dunmanifestin/good-omens/description, it just hit its last stretch goal, THERE IS AZ FELL AND CO BOOKSTORE MERCH AS ADD ONS)
what are my thoughts? let's see. the ending of season 2 makes perfect sense as the second part of a trilogy but it still hurt me deeply and if aziraphale doesn't do the apology dance in season 3 i'll lose my mind. also if he does do the apology dance in season 3 i'll lose my mind. basically if there is season 3 and aziraphale is in it--
loved the conversation between nina and maggie and crowley at the end of s2, i watched it for the first time with a massive jane austen fan who was THRILLED the second he heard even a *reference* to her in the show (so naturally the ball was the absolute High Point of the season)
at the end of s1 it's basically explicitly stated that The Big One is heaven and hell vs. humanity so i'm intrigued to see what's going to happen in s3 to that end
i don't think the metatron actually wanted crowley to be reinstated to heaven, he just wanted to drive crowley and aziraphale apart and figured that offer would do it (and that it would sell aziraphale on the idea of changing heaven from the inside as Something He Could Actually Do) - i also am intrigued by how god's going to factor into all of it bc as we see with job god's totally down to fuck around with everyone (likewhatmaggieandninaweresaying) but in s1 god was basically just functioning as narrator and had that one conversation with aziraphale - so if god's going to become more active that would be fascinating, but i am also very interested in how exactly the metatron fits into all of this and the degree of control/influence there
i like the idea that muriel was memory wiped like they were going to do to gabriel (~institutional problems~) but i'm not sure how supported it is by the narrative - i don't know anything about muriel the angel like. biblically, or even if that's a biblical angel, so maybe if i knew more i'd have a more confident opinion afjslgkhjskdf
jon hamm in season 1 made me want to punch him in the face every time he showed up on screen and in season 2 i was delighted by basically everything he did. what a guy
i also desperately want to know if anathema heard about any of the events of s2 and if so what she thought of All Of That, so if anyone has like. fic recs for something of that nature let me know afjlskhgljskdf
and finally: crowley
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steelycunt · 1 year
just bought three new BOOKS because i had 10 quid worth of credit from my loyalty card and also a gift card i got for christmas...there is nothing quite like it!!
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ineffablebookgirl · 2 years
Rewatching Good Omens and I just noticed that Adam has on his bookshelf the same Richard Crompton books that Crowley-as-Aziraphale notices in the restored bookshop.
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widevibratobitch · 7 months
#tw ed#saw a picture of myself from when i was *checks notes* at my fucking worst with my ED but that meant i was also Thinner.#i really should Go Back huh. maybe if i did i wouldnt feel. Like This.#it'd prolly mean id start losing my hair again which. not a big fan. BUT.#if i was really dedicated i could also lose my period which. huge fan. that was one of the best things that ever happened to me tbh#i could have it all back. maybe i could even get farther than the last time. all it would take is uhh feeling utterly fucking miserable#having no energy for the most basic stuff let alone singing and thinking about nothing and i mean NOTHING but calories 24/7.#but hey. maybe i could like. lose 5 kg for my troubles and then gain back twice as much when i decide again that i just Cant Live Like This#totally worth it huh#anyway. i miss hating my body A Little Less and people being Nicer to me and everyone telling me how good of a job im doing#and encouraging me to keep going. and i miss the sense of Accomplishment and the Pride and the Not Feeling Disgusting#or at least Making Up For It by just. not eating lol#cause like its not like im actually much better mentally am i lmao clearly im not. only now im both miserable AND fat.#obviously ill never be s/kinny let alone as s/kinny as my friends. ill still look like a glitch in the system and a mistake next to them.#but if i have to be miserable anyway i could at least be. less f/at about it right. maybe then ill be worth something <3#...and other delusions you keep cultivating because there's something deeply and inherently wrong with you#my new bestseller coming soon to your nearest bookshop dont miss it its only $free.99!
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aloyssobek · 1 year
Less of a bad brain day today (shockingly enough) and more of a why tf are my limbs tingling kinda day
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a-b-riddle · 1 month
Can’t stop thinking about poly141 who get so wrapped up in their own bullshit they begin to neglect reader. So you leave 🤷🏼‍♀️
It wasn’t a big deal at first. You understood that their jobs were intense to say the least. You own a bookshop, which in itself was exhausting, but you understood how they could get carried away with work.
You had excused the many delayed returned texts or missed FaceTime dates when they were deployed. When they came home, they almost always made it up to you. Showering you with attention and quality time.
But the past two returns home have been… different.
Usually at least one of them made a beeline to your shop or your loft if it was too late in the evening. You always held your breath when it was just one of them.
“They’re okay.” Was the usual answer. “Everyone made it back okay.” It was only then that you could melt into whoever’s hands you were in.
After one of their recent returns home you had voice to Price that you didn’t appreciate several days passing after they came back and no one had bothered to tell you. He had snapped. Arguing that a mission doesn’t finish just because they land back on soil. There was paperwork and debriefing to be done. If and when they wanted to see you they would.
He didn’t apologize until later. Crawling into your bed, using one of the keys you had given them. Blaming the stress. How they had almost lost Johnny for the reason of his outburst. What else could you do but forgive him?
So you had given them space after that one. Not holding it against them to decompress before seeing you.
The next time was the final straw. Solidifying how little they cared about you and how much power you had given them.
Johnny had come in around 7 one evening. He was dressed nicely, for civilian standards. You were reading a book on the couch when he had let himself in. You were wearing on of Simon’s sweatshirts and panties. He took you in for a moment before scooping you up.
He fucked you absolutely stupid. Adamant on having you cum on his tongue, his fingers and his cock. You were only able to bask in the afterglow of him filling you up before he started pulling his pants back on.
“What are you doing?” There were times that you would practically need a crow bar to get Johnny detached from you just long enough to relieve yourself. You had gotten many a UTI courtesy of Mr. John MacTavish.
“Dinner with my family tonight.” He explained by the time he was already buttoning his shirt. “The youngest just graduated and ma’ feels the need to go all out.” Now came the tie. Johnny was actually wearing a tie. To go to dinner. “A fancy dinner in London.” He huffed. “Meanwhile I’m out scufflin’ with bloody fuckin’ terrorists and I get a pat on the back.” He gave you a peck on the cheek before heading out the door. Promising to call you later.
You just sat in your bed. Still naked. Almost in shocked. He had fucked you and just… left. You were close to a panic attack as you called Simon.
Simon wasn’t the one to cuddle and coddle. But there was something so soothing at the sound of his voice or even how his heavy body felt perfect laying on top of you. Yes. Simon wasn’t the time to lift you up with words, but he was your own security blanket. Just having him close helped.
“Can you come over?” It wasn't unusal for Simon to be the one to come later in the evening. Insomnia was a bitch to deal with and you could sleep through the sounds of whatever he played on the tv. Most of the times you were content laying your head on his lap as he ran his hand along your head as if he were petting you. It was a bit cringe, but it knocked you out every time.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. The low timber of his voice already calming you.
“Johnny came over.” You sniffled. “He just fucked me and left.”
“Not surprised.” He scoffed. You could almost see him rolling those deep brown eyes of his. “If you wanted to cum, I’m happy to come over and help.”
For whatever reason, that only seemed to make you more upset. “You’re not listening.” You said, trying to spell it out for him. “He left. Like didn’t even stay and cuddle just left. Fucked me and left.”
“That’s why you’re calling me crying about?” He almost seemed… annoyed.
“Yes!” You said, nearly snapping. All of the tension from the last several months coming to the surface. “I’m not just a warm body to keep a bed cozy until you assholes decide you need to get one off.” Assholes. You called them assholes. “This isn’t what we agreed to.”
“Johnny is Johnny.” Simon tried to defend, not really caring to continue the conversation now knowing that you weren't in any sort of physical harm. “He wanted his dick wet and from the sound of it, that’s what he did. Don’t hold it against him because he had other things to do.”
“It’s not just Johnny leaving.” Your throat felt like it was tightening. A telltale sign you were close to crying. Whether from sadness or anger you weren't entirely sure. “The only time any of you want anything to do with me anymore is to fuck.” You missed date nights and lunches. You missed texting any and all of them about your day, about theirs. About new books. You had been trying for months to tell them over dinner one of your books got picked up. Yours was being traditionally published.
None of them had bothered to even try penciling you in.
“You got yours.” You heard the popping of a can top. Simon was settling in for the night. Once he popped a top at home there was no getting him out. He wasn't coming for you. “I don’t understand what you’re bitchin’ to me about. Yeah, in the beginning we indulged ya a bit? Dressed you up, took you out. But you should have known spreadin’ them legs of yours wouldn’t end with one of us puttin’ a ring on your finger.”
You didn’t know what to say. What could you say? These were the men that pursued you. Initially, individually, but when tensions became to much they offered a solution. All of them. Four times the attention, of the affection.
Four times the love.
But also four time the neglect. Four times the amount of heartbreak and disappointment. Loving all of them meant putting yourself in a position to let each of them hurt you in their own way and they had.
John's constant state of snapping at you as if you were one of his men.
Johnny swinging by as if you were just a fuck buddy. Not even bothering to give a peck before leaving.
Kyle essentially ignoring you for weeks now. Ghosting you for hours or having to cancel on date nights last minute or claiming that he really did forget that the two of you had planned to meet for lunch.
And now there was Simon. Telling you that all you meant to them was what was between your thighs.
Spreadin' them legs of yours wouldn't end with one of us puttin' a ring on your finger.
None of them ever intended on making this into something more. That much was clear now.
You didn't know what to say to Simon. You couldn't think of a witty retort. You couldn't find the proper insult to whirl his way. You couldn't convey just how much his words had hurt.
So you did the only thing you could.
You hung up.
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ofknowlcdge · 7 months
when your angel crowley is unsure what he does but always comes around just about every day to help with the bookshop that azazel happened to open.
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methamvitamins · 9 months
Over The Counter
It rained all day today
as I stood underneath my busted umbrella, frayed wires
disjointed like the legs of an upturned spiders
thin plastic stretched inside out
I’m standing in the garden and the rain trickles down my back
down my legs, I feel it between my toes soaking through my socks
this small, miserable island loves the company of the rain
drip drip dripping down my nose, the back of my neck
I’m smoking the rest of my hash, compliments of Tom from down the pissah
The finest hash in Greenford. Apparently. Absolute pisstake.
he’s not a pisshead but he’s always down at the local like it was church
divorced, loves his son - nasty cunt when he’s pissed though
it’s not even the piss he worships
the pint glass is the pew, the open air carries his hymns of yearning,
searching for a way to fix his life, to move on,
the conspiracy theories won’t help that Tom fucks sake
so I’m smoking his shit
the house is empty, I’m blasting that loud and narsty heavy rock music
it seeps out through the cracks of the windows, the border between my world and the other
my neighbours must hate me
the shit is weak but it momentarily affords a lifting of my disposition,
staring out into the grey of the garden, eyes momentarily resting on the mound,
the aftermath of where I buried my dog I miss the poor cunt
A shave, a shit, I’m undressed, steamin, the tub has been filled
and I wish for my flesh to slide off the bone in molten rock, pulled-me
my face is attractive…ish, my hair is a pain in the arse
knotted and tangled curls, it could be tougher but it could be easier too
everybody says I look like Lenny Kravitz, my mates think it’s the nose ring
I think it’s slight racism
I look frumpy? I feel frumpy. I feel grumpy and dissatisfied, unmotivated
and lazy
was always a lazy child, it never mattered if I was captain of the basketball team
never mattered if I could run a half marathon
can’t be arsed to wash the dishes damn fucking right
I see myself in a flesh coloured bin bag, nobody to take me out, I jiggle too much
my mother ensures I eat, despite inspiring my not wanting to eat
I am not a mother.
I love her so dearly it breaks me sometimes
Sliding in feels like how I want death to feel like
smooth, easy, hot, painful, like a real good orgasm - feel it in your spine in your joints
I let the water wash and fall over me like I’m a sinking ship, nobody to come down with/on me
I feel my body, the curves of my thighs to underneath my crotch, the sparse hair that grows under my arms
the water pulls back on my wrist as I push it forward, making me work to feel my skin under chewed callouses and chipped nails
a form of self comfort because it is just myself that will over to myself physical comfort
where I desire lips I must substitute with my index and middle fingers as I trace a path down my torso, over and under mounds of skin and flab, my stomach, discolourations of stretch marks
a scene of a storming sky, lightning bolts etched onto my flesh
I want to feel sexy but touching my sex only reminds me what I am to anybody but myself
an empty vessel to be filled with the desires of beholding eyes
I’m black but I ain’t black, ya dig?
Like, I ain’t Dikembe Mutumbo but I ain’t Stephen Curry either, I’m like a Malcolm
or a Lenny
I’m the good type of black; black enough to dehumanise, fair enough to admire
I know the type, you look way too young to be double my age and you love it
I bet you keep it tight, gym leggings or tight jeans, this is what my eyes tell me
you might even forgo the SPF, a bit of sun might make it look like you just got back from Spain
I can see a ring on that finger you are now currently trying to run up my arm whilst I am
“just trying to do my job darlin" (I hate myself)
God you are so sexy, how do you keep so relaxed? Her husband must be preoccupied with stocks or some shit
did you know, making over fifty grand (very low ball, let’s be generous) a year makes the decadence of fucking your posh wife in your dinky little Kensington apartment (London is expensive!) so attractive that, instead of going home and giving your wife that arse-up-tits-over-the-balcony-oh-so-good-loving, you’ll probably end up staying back after work with your cock in hand too busy getting off to the idea of that whilst working on making an extra ten grand by the end of the next financial year? the fuck do I know?
I know that this woman clearly doesn’t get fucked enough to not realise harassing the help is a bad idea
I’m the help aren’t I? I’m not staff, I’m a mulatto male whore allowed to live inside with Massa —
his wife loves to make eyes with me from across the table, accidentally dropping her shit
losing her shit
bumping arse onto my hardening resolve
I am so uncomfortable. but you love it though yeah?
cursed with good looks and blessed with fair skin
I would like to feel sexy but I cannot flex my aggression because that would be suicide
dropped as easy as I am picked up
reaching climax was meant to centre my passions but here I am
filled with more anger than love
watching from the ceiling as my cum drips off my hand and into the rocking bath water
Feeling like this body is not mine feeling in desperation for a part of me that feels like me
a shudder and a deep exhale
When they look at me are they really seeing Lenny?
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