#a belief i hold near and dear to my heart
bunji-enthusiast · 4 months
One Whole, Became Two
Note || this took me so long to write, but I love this stupid idiot platonically. Chapter three my sleep-deprived folks 👍🏻
WC || 3,312
<(part 1)><(previous part)><(you are here)>
Sypnosis || you bring back a dear old dead heart to a wounded dog.
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If someone ever told you that you would’ve come back to a desolate factory full of death and damnation you would tell them that in what world in which would that happen? You never would’ve heeded their words.
Oh, how wrong you were.
You hated being wrong.
Yet, many things may have happened, some of which allowed you to get in some exercise… you also gained some new friends. They are very near and dear to you, despite the small numbers you retain in your ragtag group of allies. You preferred the terminology friends, you’ve gotten close with Kissy Missy and Poppy, even DogDay too!
Speaking of which, this accursed Playcare was still a little too dark for your liking. You needed more power, more light to go the right way necessary. A light chuckle breaks you out of your thoughts, “A-angel, do you need some help?” DogDay inquired, watching as you had tried to remember which way he had pointed to the medical station.
You shook your head egregiously, trying to affirm your belief as you spoke, “I got it… I swear I know which way it is!” Your shoulders slumped as you let out a defeated sigh, having to hate asking him for help.
Asking for help wasn’t necessarily your most favorite thing in the world, in for the most of miniscule of things. You thought it was ridiculous, insipid to do, in no way would you ever ask for said help unless you really were struggling.
Apparently as of right now, these were one of those moments that you were truly struggling, and it was with directions as well. You couldn’t be any more ashamed, “Could you m-maybe tell me where it was again?”
DogDay let out an amused bark, not merely in making fun of you. He thought you were just cute, the way you were embarrassed, though DogDay will never actually admit this feeling to you. “Okay, Angel, you see that sign over there? It points to the direction of the medical station.” Your large companion points to the sign in question, you sorely cannot miss it no way, his paw was big. Actually, it’s nearly the size of your head.
“Ah, focus!”
The pathway was riddled with broken cobblestone and dirt, but do-able to make your way through. You just hated broken paths, no trouble still.
You nod to let him know you saw it, walking over to the sign that was now a few pacings away from you. The silence had now settled in place for the lack of conversation, it was seemingly getting awkward enough as is. Suddenly, a new voice interjects on the radio of your walkie-talkie.
“Oh there you are! I wasn’t able to connect to you on that side of the dome!” His light voice carried an undercurrent of worry. “No ouchies or lost body parts?”
DogDay raised a brow as you two had continued making your way to the medical station. You nodded your head curtly, as if angling your head to signify you’d explain the kid on the radio at a later time. You spoke out in reply, knowing full well you weren’t in any real danger at the moment, “I’m uh, I’m fine Ollie. Just taking care of a friend, they got hurt… real bad.” A wince left your throat at the tone you carried within your words, you didn’t expect that.
A thought rushed into your head, “Why’d I word it like that? I guess I’m just worried about revealing DogDay to Ollie just yet.” DogDay patted your leg as to reassure you, eyes gleaming as if they were smiling down upon you. 
“Alright, you can introduce me later,” Ollie paused, as if he were hesitating to get the words out of his mouth. As if something was holding him back from doing so, “Take care of them first then I’ll tell you what to do next. See you!”
Then, the radio was now silent. You let out a breath you held in your lungs, sometimes forgetting to breathe reminds you to even breathe manually. An odd habit but nobody will nitpick that for the life of all there is to know and exist. 
An abrupt cough shocked you out of your thoughts, you immediately became concerned for DogDay who had been patiently waiting for your dilemma and conversation to end. You knelt down and checked over his body, “No need to worry.” You lodged his resistance in the back of your head, looking for any external wounds beside the most obvious ones. 
“I shouldn’t have stopped.” You murmur, gently picking him up. There was no way you’d let him drag himself along the floor, not until he was in a better state.
“We’re alright Angel,” DogDay sputtered, you were unimpressed, not phased by his words. “Really… but who was that if I may ask?” 
Steadily, you continued walking–the stupid medical station finally in reach. “Ollie, apparently sometime after I dropped down here he told me he was an ally of Poppy.” You then trailed off, not sure if you wanted to mansplain the entirety of the story down right to when you came across DogDay. Sighing, you begrudgingly open the door to the station.
The room was messy, akin to the state of many other locations in Playcare. But in your modest opinion, you truly did not care about that. You just really needed to fix up DogDay, and he was the focal point of your attention right now. “Angel, you seemed to be incredibly bothered.” 
DogDay shifted on the weight of his body as you began setting him down, if you were being truthful, you couldn’t refute that very fact. Yet you felt too angry to get the words across, “I know, I.. I guess this stupid factory just has me all on edge.”
Then a silence settled into place, as neither of you were unsure of what to say next. Everything and nothing was happening all at the same time. You walked over the ruined carpet, it looked as if it was made in the 1980’s. Some doors seemed to be torn off of it’s hinges, but at least the supplies were barely stolen. There was enough to treat DogDay properly, as much as you can manage within your knowledge anyway.
The hard part would be treating DogDay, (as you unfortunately didn’t have enough knowledge medically) and getting him his legs back so he could walk on his own as well. 
Gently, you opened a door to a closet, full of bandages and gauze. 
“Perfect timing, guess I didn’t need to look that hard.” You thought to yourself, your hands already grabbing the bandages and gauze. A small smile graced your cracked lips, carrying a genuine air with you, “Hey, DogDay I found some supplies. Looks like they left this place pretty untouched.” You waved at him, holding the aforementioned supplies in hand. 
DogDay perked up from where he had been looking at some stray medical papers, most likely files of every patient to come in and out of the station. “Oh!.. Thank you greatly. You really are an angel my friend.” You become bashful at his words, an embarrassed chuckle leaving you as you scratched the back of your head. Standing up you walk back over to the large dog, motioning for DogDay to position himself to where you can get to all the spots correctly.
You sighed, having to take a moment in order to set yourself into focus, this was important. You didn’t want to screw up something so crucial to DogDay’s health, “Ok, This might hurt a little so bear with me.” You warn, crouching down as you laid out the supplies.
“I have no doubt you will do fine!” DogDay encouraged you, settling down to be calmer for you. Fine, yes you can do fine. Okay well enough maybe, you just need to be careful!
Why was this so difficult?
“Stupid brain, Stop giving me all these thoughts!” You groan lowly, setting into place to mend his more major wounds with a contemporary suture. First off, you needed to clean the suture, to which you had quickly done. 
You gently pressed a wet rag to the most prominent area, cleaning it out of any debris that might be left behind in the wound. DogDay was simply listening and quiet upon your actions, clearly a little too impressed for your liking. You swabbed the wound with water then threw away the rag a few meters from you, you internally winced at that. 
Injuries are a major case for you ever since you stepped foot into this factory, you just never expected to be having to treat another person (or toy for that matter). 
“Angel?” You let out a hum in reply, suturing the wound as he spoke. “You seem… incredibly bothered, maybe you should try to talk about it.” DogDay shifted slightly, wincing a little as he had done so. Concern washes over your expression as you went to hold him, he held out a hand to reassure you he was fine.
You sat back on the heel of your foot as you thought about it for a moment, your brows knitted together. It was practically hurting your head, giving you a headache to be thinkin about every little thing that was running through your head.
Your lips pressed together in a thin line, unsure of whether or not to air your concerns. But it seems you weren’t gonna have any other chance to talk about it then right now, you just didn’t wanna dump everything on DogDay all at once. 
Practically would seem like a lot. Far too much to say and too little to be sure of. 
“I guess I’m just concerned over whether or not I really can trust Poppy,” You signal, having a habit of talking with your hands. “And this, Prototype guy… didn’t you say CatNap worships this thing like a god?”
He nods, “Yes, I didn’t join the Prototype. Which is why he had deemed me a heretic.” You frown at his words, nobody deserves that type of treatment. Making it even worse, you would assume the two used to be very good friends. 
“Oh dear,” You echo, recoiling suddenly in embarrassment for voicing something you didn’t realize slipped out of your mouth. DogDay laughs at this, waving his hand as he sits himself upright so as to not slip onto his back, “You are very much correct Angel.” He nods, “If anything, he’s no longer the old CatNap I’ve come to know him as.”
You shrug, a little unsure of the situation right now. Then a thought you finally needed ran across your mind, “Hey, would you happen to remember where your legs are or if… any spare ones laying around anywhere?” You motion around the room as you spoke, voice trailing off as you sat back, and awaiting DogDay’s response. He appeared to be deep in thought, clearly thinking about your question.
“I believe they have some spares in a storage room at this station,” DogDay gestures at the specific door he thought of in mind. “But Angel, I might be wrong. Don’t trouble yourself for my sake beyond this.” His voice strains, as if pleading. 
You chewed your lips, nodding your head once more as you headed to the door of origin. You quietly crept into the room, seeing how dark and dank it was. Slowly but surely your eyes had adjusted to the light. 
“Now, where are you… stupid legs.” You mutter, taking notice of some poppy gas that laid in wait in the corner, not to mention how badly scratched this room was in particular. Probably the work of CatNap or some other toy. On instinct, your legs drove you forward as you stepped into the gas with a gas mask inset upon your face. You certainly didn’t feel like dying from the gas, or passing out for that matter.
You had a debt to pay.
Your eyes wandered aimlessly as you palmed around for the supposed legs, feeling around for each and every inch possible that you might miss. 
Suddenly you felt a fuzzy feeling run up across your arm, you jostled in surprise, a happy squeak leaving your throat when you pick up the legs. “Thank you, sweet baby jesus.” You huff in reprise, feeling accomplished at the place of convenience.
If you could laugh right now, it would be possible, heaven sure as hell wasn’t a place for angels anymore. Not even you, but you still had to follow through, you came here in the first place anyway.
A small sigh left your esophagus as you turned, walking back through as you made careful note not to trip walking back too. 
Something had your mind occupied, demons infested this place. Elliot Ludwig had created this place, and if he so proclaims to want to bring joy to thousands upon thousands of children around the world then why would he permit the experiments. All those children and the elderly… your heart couldn’t help but ache at the mere thought. 
You shake your head to get your mind out of the unilluminated gutter, DogDay lit up upon seeing you in his sights once more. “Angel, you are alright.” He mentions, paw held to his chest as if he were breathing a sigh of relief.  
Your nose was scrunched as you gutted a snort, “You say that like it’s so surprising DogDay.” DogDay shrugs, as if he was now expressing the vulnerability of being embarrassed at the prospect of his own words. 
“Ah I’m just joking with you,” You wave him off, DogDay remains silent at this, not having any thought at what to say back to you. You were right though, he shouldn’t be doubting you for what even anyone in particular is worth. Being freed for what feels like the first time in forever had been leaving him with brand new thoughts, even though he had been thinking and left well alone for nearly over a decade now.
One door closes, infinite more are open. One must beware the foreign class, otherwise you may as well see yourself dead. 
“I truly do apologize for Poppy’s actions… we all mean well.” DogDay begins, trailing off into nearly an inconceivable silence. You set down the legs, to which DogDay is delighted at this brand new aspect, yet still left without room to be uncouth. You didn’t speak at all, pressing between the fine line of the truth and his own words. 
“We must, break the circle.”
“You all are chained, if whatever happened all those years ago were true…” You sigh, rubbing the nape of your neck as you find yourself in an air of awkwardness. “Then I am also at fault for the way you guys are right now.” 
DogDay’s brows drew together, upset that you feel guilty for the entirety of this fortnight. At least it had felt that way for you, you sincerely had lost track of time since your watch had gotten destroyed. You tried keeping up with the time on the clocks you pass by, but you just generally had lost the energy and motion in doing so.
“Hmn.” He muttered to himself, then got up to hug you, which had clearly surprised you as you felt yourself being enveloped and wrapped in a very fluffy hug. You sigh and decompress after a few moments, the shock finally leaving your body.
“Thanks… DogDay,” You motion, patting the fluff resting upon his chest. “I actually really needed that, hugs are a rarity.” You admit, blush burning on your cheeks as you look away from him in a manner of speaking. You hear a chuckle interrupted by a cough, “Don’t thank me, you seemed to really need it Angel. Being exhausted is one thing, but no hugs?”
DogDay drew a paw to his chest as he spoke dramatically, “That is absolutely unacceptable!” Your hand crossed over your mouth, trying to stifle a laugh at what a drama king DogDay was posing as at this very moment. 
“You kinda remind me of someone I know.” You motion, then sat on the heels of your feet as you immediately went back to work in fixing up DogDay. 
“How so?” 
“You're pretty bright, act like a drama king sometimes and you even can be a little mean…” You wag a finger as you see him begin to protest at the mean comment, “I don’t mean like in a rude manner, just like in a brotherly way. You kind of act like a big brother sometimes.” You shrug with a hint of finality, fixing up his other injuries and repairing them with a gentle hand, even if the suture seemed to betray the tremble displayed. 
After silence had continuously settled in once again, you sigh, angling at the fact on what to do in order to mend DogDay’s very obvious injury with his lack of legs attached at the bottom of his torso. For a moment, you meander with the decision.
“Right, I’m gonna try my best to reattach them to you.” You spoke with a benign tone, more so displaying your own distrust of yourself. You hated that, you practically hated everything so why is this any different.
You just have to do it scared. 
Familiarity reigns over your heart as you see his large paw lay over your own hand, you sigh, sensations shuddering your body as you keep yourself calm. You silently thank DogDay as you gesture that you were okay now, you can be fine on your own.
You push the legs to his upper half, just barely enough that it would appear as if the legs were there and back again already. Your hand wanders over to the middle line, your eyes glaze over with forlorn worry taking your very worried brain. You sigh as you begin stitching, taking careful caution as you notice him flinching quite a few times throughout the process. At a leisurely pace, you notice by the influence you had made by taking care of him how much better he looks physically. 
Soon enough, you manage to completely stitch his legs back to right where they belong. “Well done, I knew you could do it Angel!.” DogDay shook with excitement, reassuringly glad at the prospect of being able to actually walk again. You swear you could collapse at the relief, you hold out a finger before you let him get excited any further, “I still need to bandage it all together, extra precaution if you catch my drift.”
Your large dog companion nods in understanding, shifting about so his body parts don't get sore from sitting in one place for too long. 
From before, grace was high in patriarchy, now then you were sure it was something high to fall from. You could climb to the top (bottom to be literal) and rip the Prototype off of his high horse, and free all the surviving toys. 
You shook your head, trying to calm yourself at the buzzing excitement that had resonated deep-seated into your heart. You quickly went to work on bandaging the middle line of his torso, carefully curating it enough so the bandages would cover the stitches completely. 
“There, now we are done and good to go!” You look up at DogDay, offering him a soft smile. “Angel really… thank you so much.” He gestures for you to come closer, so you oblige and go in, suddenly you feel yourself being hugged by unabashed warmth. You yelped as air bloomed across your skin, seeing as you are now in the air quite a few feet off the ground.
DogDay really was hugging you with the whole of his heart, so you melt into his touch, relenting as you found defeat–yet also peace with your furry friend.
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I just want to say that BOTW/TOTK's Zelda is the first version of the character I've ever loved, and I've been a LoZ fan since OoT. It just frustrates me the way some fans lambast her for being angry at Link in BOTW and also claim she was wasted/fridged/sidelined/reduced to "pure sacrificial maiden" and had her adorable nerd personality stripped away in TOTK (also claiming her sacrifice in TOTK is an attempt to validate Rhoam's treatment of her in BOTW). I thought her arc in TOTK was a wonderful continuation of the one she had in BOTW and showed how much stronger she had grown. Poor gal can't catch a break. What are your thoughts?
….I do not know how long of an answer you expected, but I have so many thoughts. So. Many. Thoughts. And boy do I go on tangents when I should be sleeping. Anyway. Here you go :)
For the most part, I hold a lot of the Zelda’s near and dear to my heart! Though, admittedly, it comes from the fandom’s exploration of these characters rather than just purely canonical content.
But Botw/Totk Zelda…. I don’t need any ‘additional’ content or exploration beyond what we see in the games to make me absolutely love and adore her. She is the most developed Zelda and she has an amazing arc— her complex feelings regarding her own magic, the complicated relationship she had with her father, the realistic exploration of her feelings regarding Link and how they went from jealousy and dislike to acceptance and adoration.
I always find that many complex and well developed characters are nearly always wasted on those who cannot look past mistakes (especially ones that set up future developments and start plot lines). Sometimes, people fixate on the moments writers use to cement that yes, this character is in a very low point of their life and the way they cope is not the ‘good’ way to.
The first memory in botw tells us that Zelda is none too thrilled to have Link as her knight attendant and the Hylian Champion. That she’s using him to project her own frustrations regarding her own failures. Which is the very introduction used to draw us in, make us curious about her history and how Link is tied into any of it.
So many just… can’t see past the reason we are shown this memory, nor why her frustrations led her to yell at Link. Because she was absolutely powerless and unlike Link who has had the Master Sword since he was 12, she had nothing to show. And her character is constantly forced to listen to her father, to heed the teachings she was vaguely given through one-off comments her mother and grandmother said. She was forbidden to pursue her hobbies and give it all up for the sake of the prophecy.
And then, to find out that Zelda awakened her powers through love, love for Link who she initially misjudged and mistreated, is so so powerful. Because she had grown to resent the spirits and herself. But Link. She grew to not only care for Link but to fall in love with him. And that instinct, that belief, that faith, that love. That is what sparked the power within her.
Zelda finally heard the spirit in the sword. She understood her part in this fight. For so long she had struggled to find her power, and she awakened it just in time to save Link, but at the cost of everyone else she held dear.
Something I don’t think a lot of people who criticize and hate Zelda understand is that Zelda’s pure and unwavering faith in Link is her drive to make these sacrifices. She knows it will be worth it. Because she believes in Link. And she supports him in whatever way she can. The reason they don’t understand this is because they can’t see past Zelda’s initial emotions regarding Link. They can’t see how she never believed in herself but she always had unflinching faith in him once she got to know him.
Then to see her accept that her magic has been sapped from its constant, draining use for the last 100 years at the end of botw…. It is a powerful moment. She fought so long to have those powers, ones her father berated her for not having access to, but she can finally accept that she can’t hear the spirit in the sword anymore. That’s development.
And for those who think Zelda’s cute adorable nerdiness was wiped from totk obviously don’t have the greatest history of understanding context clues. Zelda legitimately geeks out in the very first opening sequence of totk.
*totk Spoilers ahead*
She goes on and on about the Imprisoning War and the Zonai, taking pictures and obviously ecstatic about the discovery. She finds the Master Sword’s ability to heal itself fascinating. She founded research teams and build a school to further education in Hyrule. She wasn’t just a nerd. She was the Princess of Nerds.
Her sacrifice in ToTK is at surface level the action of a sacrificial maiden. Those who can’t read beyond that won’t understand it any other way. They won’t see how important it is that Fi sought Zelda thousands of years into the past, when in the beginning of botw she couldn’t even hear the spirits. They won’t understand how Zelda’s unflinching faith in Link parallels Link’s unflinching loyalty to Zelda. ToTK is a zelink centered game. Yep. I said it. We all know it’s true.
The entire plot revolves around, get this, Finding Princess Zelda.
Link’s entire motivation behind this game is to find Zelda. That is quite literally all he truly wants to do. He wants to find her. He isn’t there for duty. He just simply wants to find her.
And she is in the past, ensuring Link has every possible thing to help him secure a future for Hyrule. She went from detesting her place in the prophecy, from being forced to comply to her father’s choices, to embracing her role as the Princess of Hyrule and choosing her own way of aiding Link.
Totk gave Zelda the supportive father figure and guiding mother figure she sorely lack in botw. It showed us and Zelda that despite having the things she didn’t have, they still failed. Sonia was killed. Rauru had to sacrifice himself.
Zelda had to sacrifice herself. She was known for being stubborn, perceptive, analytical, and independent. Now she is known for her kindness, her intelligence, her empathy, and her compassion. And she sacrificed it all just to give Link the Master Sword. Because she had unwavering faith he could defeat Ganondorf.
Zelda is a RIDICULOUSLY complex character who has been through so much. But complexity is lost on those who only look for the simple, easy to understand things. So she is bound to have haters.
But for those who can understand and admire that development, we see Zelda for who she is. And if it’s any consolation, so does Link. While this game didn’t officially make zelink canon, they did make it canon that Link stayed by Zelda’s side after the Calamity. Once she was gone, they again made it canon that he would not stop until she was back with him. His Zelda. The one that rambles and excitedly tells Link that so much has happened.
Botw/totk Zelda is so so complex. And for that reason alone, she will have haters. But they don’t know or understand her. Not in any way that truly matters. Because those who do understand her and love her, well, it’s pretty clear that’s the way to go if Link’s main purpose and the entirety of totk tells us.
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infoglitch · 6 months
A dear Pain in the ass sister
(so uh.. I like blackguard.. that's all)
To say Weiss' family was inherently fucked up... Would be a understatement. Constantly at each others throats and either arguing or in the case of their mother, drowning in wine to wash away the pain.
So you can imagine weiss' horror when she received news her twin sister was on a bullhead to beacon to... Catch up apparently.
Weiss, was not all to pleased to receive this info, infact she was quite the opposite. She was INFURIATED to beyond belief.
She was pacing in her teams dorm as she was basically wanting to rip out her own hair at this point because of the rising fury she held in her as one ruby rose looked at her confused as she was gaming.
Ruby: Weiss I fail to see how "evil" sister is going to ruin you.
Weiss: because you dolt, my sister is everything wrong with the world! She's loud, obnoxious, her mouth has spewed so much vulgarity that it would make my father look like a saint. She is TERRIBLE-
Suddenly a knock on the door was heard as Weiss grumbled before going up to the door only to scowl as she saw one jaune arc.
Weiss: arc. What stupid plan do you have to court me now.
Jaune: wait.. how are you- i just- hold on im confused i just saw you at the gate also.. when did you have time to change and wash your hair?
Weiss looked at him before going pale as she immediately grabbing him by his collar.
Weiss: arc I will give as much lien as you want just please tell me you were hallucinating!
Jaune: hold on I'm still confused-
Weiss: ARC, please just say you were hallucinating. Please don't tell me you saw-
Weiss felt her heart plummet into her stomach as she looked to her right and saw her. This woman was a near replica of Weiss down to her cheekbones. Everything except her black hair, her biker attire and her vivid magenta eyes.
Belamere "bleiss" noir givrése. Weiss Schnee's twin sister and the only daughter to bear their father's last name.
Weiss: bleiss.. good to see you too.. dear.. sister
Bleiss walked up to her sister as she bear hugged her which seemed to catch off surprise.
Bleiss: how long has it been since we seen each other? Days, months. I lost count after the man-whore decided to send me to vacuo.
Bleiss let go as Weiss looked at her as she was beaming with a smile on her face as Ruby appeared next to Weiss.
Ruby: i don't see how she's bad.. nor the fact she's apparently your evil twin.
Bleiss looked at Ruby curiously as she leaned in REAL close to observe every aspect.
Bleiss: hmm I wanna say your going for a goth aesthetic but the red pops out which I wanna say is intended but-
Ruby: well hello to you too I guess-
Bleiss: oh right shit apologies.
Bleiss stepped back and stuck out her hand as Ruby looked at her curiously.
Bleiss: i am belamere givrése but my enemies call me bleiss
Jaune: oh that's interesting.. what do your friends call you.
It went dead quiet as bleiss turned around and looked at jaune.
Bleiss: ok.. who the hell are you?
Jaune: im-
Weiss: -less of a pain than you that's who he is!
The twins glared at each other as bleiss narrowed her eyes at her "proper" reflection.
Bleiss: interrupting someone is rather rude dear sister, especially when their introducing themselves. I thought you knew this since father was so focused on making you his doll.
Weiss said nothing but her hand hovered over myrtenaster as she glared daggers at her counterpart.
Weiss: you... take.. that. Back.
Bleiss: oh struck a nerve did I dear sister?~ you always were easier to enrage than winter and bitchley.
Weiss growled at her as she took out myrtenaster as she thrusted her weapon towards her twin as bleiss caught it with her twin axes, Berta and Marta.
Bleiss: hmm seems your fuse is getting shorter by the day-
Suddenly Weiss and bleiss found themselves picked up as Ruby was hold up Weiss with jaune holding bleiss.
Jaune: l-lets calm down everyone!
Bleiss: hey- let me go jackass, no one is allowed to touch me!
Jaune: really sorry but I don't feel like watching a bloodbath, especially when this is the first time Weiss has gotten like THAT!
We see Weiss was basically foaming at the mouth as Ruby carried her into the dorm as bleiss felt jaune let go as she landed before pointing berta at his throat as jaune raised his hands.
Bleiss: ok. One. NO ONE. Gets involved in matters with my family, two. next time you touch me I am chopping off your hands and then you probably tiny DICK.
Jaune and bleiss stared at each other as jaune put his hands on berta as he spoke calmly and softly.
Jaune: look I think I get your frustration, but Weiss is my friend, you two may be family but family don't act like that. So pardon me for making sure my friend is ok.
Bleiss looked at him as something clicked in her head.
Bleiss: your an arc aren't you?
Jaune nodded.
Jaune: what's it to you?
Bleiss: nothing just... Makes sense an arc of all people would act like they know about family.
Bleiss put away her axes as she walked passed him.
Bleiss: I'll be around the campus to check in on my sister. Don't get in my way again, jaune.
Jaune looked at her slightly confused on why she knows his name but he shrugged it off as we end our story here....
For now.
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zoethespiritwolf · 2 years
Sweater weather - Jack frost x female! reader
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Ship: Jack Frost x reader
Warnings: None? Maybe a bit of deprecating thoughts and bad writing, but other than that, nothing more
Genre: Enemies to lovers (kinda)
Fic type: Scenario
A/n: Based on this request. Am I a little obsessed with the trope 'morally grey character turns from villain to hero', especially if it's about ROTG? Absolutely!
Also, this is a relatively short oneshot. Please forgive me, I just got back from a major writer's block so I'm a bit out of practice.
But regardless of that, I truly hope you have a wonderful day and have a friendly dog or cat come up to you to share some love! <3
I never had the heart to tell him that he didn't help when my hands got cold.
Even before all of this mess, he would see my hands freezing and offer to warm them up by placing them in the large front pocket of his hoodie. If it were anyone else, it probably would've helped.
But this was Jack Frost we are talking about. The boy who nips your nose in the winter and brings winter and ice wherever he goes. Who's body is just as cold as snow itself.
And yet I still let him put my freezing hands near his body. Because despite my mind screaming at me not to get attached to him, I still managed to fall for him.
Even now, as we both lay in the deep ravine, both being betrayed and abandoned by Pitch with no way of escaping, he still takes his slightly frost-covered hands and brings them to his pocket.
"Come on," he tiredly sighs, bringing me closer to his body, one of his hands still holding mine in his pocket, "your hands are cold."
"It's too cold for us here," I shifted around a bit, in an attempt to look like the position was uncomfortable, rather than give away that I was nearly freezing to death, "I doubt this will do much."
The boy didn't say anything, just leaned back against the side of the ravine, holding me close, the cold slowly seeping into our bones.
And as the silence enveloped us, I started to wonder - why, after everything that I had done, after betraying you, do you still offer to warm my hands?
That after I made you believe that I was your friend who shared your beliefs, after joining Pitch Black the very second I was offered power, recognition, and the possibility to finally be seen, after helping Pitch bring down and destroy everything that was dear to his new friends, the Guardians, after deliberately betraying him for my own selfish gain... he still tried to warm my cold hands with his body.
Just like none of this happened before.
What do you see in me to offer me such kindness?
"You stole my heart," Jack's words made me jump, startling out of my thoughts as I jerked away from him, "And even after everything you did, after ...."
I could see his beautiful blue eyes darken, they reminded me of black eyes - dangerous, if you were not careful. And just as they darkened and the momentary pause stretched on, I could feel the heaviness in my chest become tighter, my guilt rs=ising up my throat like bile.
"After siding with him, I still can't find it within myself to hate you."
"Because I know you were fooled like I was. And most importantly," Jack continued on, slowly tracing patterns on my cold hands with his thumb before looking up, "Because I still love you."
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idcallmyselfhuman · 9 months
Aether's Reaction to the House of the Hearth
disclaimer: I haven't finished the quest yet so pls spare me if things are alr revealed and I'm talking out of my ass or repeating things already said djfsdgfhfg
There is something I remembered when Lyney and Lynette were revealed to be part of the House of the Hearth.
And that's... Lyudochka. Not even just her, but Trofin Snezhevich as well (Or Alphonso, from the Aranara questline in Sumeru). Before even meeting Lyney and Lynette, Aether was already familiar with how the House operated, at least on the surface.
While it might have been harsh, Aether's open distrust stemmed from a pretty understandable point of view. Here were two friendly faces who arrived just in the nick of time to save them from having to duel a god of a new nation. They could claim all they want that they had no ulterior motives, but it wasn't as if Aether would allow himself to be so naive- it was all too convenient.
As far as he was aware, the House of the Hearth were a branch of Fatui who were no different than the ones he's fought before. Lyney's belief in the Knave and her cause could paint it as good-intentioned as can be in Fontaine, but there's no changing what Aether already knew, and the impression they already left on him. Lyudochka revealing the plan the Teacher had for Inazuma during the war cemented a fact that was difficult to forget.
While the House of the Hearth "rescued" orphans, they also had no qualms with creating them, even seeing it as a net positive to have more of them to train. Even when they claim that they are all brothers and sisters, there was no escaping the truth that there was no place in their ranks for those who do not comply.
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Note: In "The Replacement's Secret" (Inazuma World Quest), it is implied that the "Teacher" is not acting on Arlecchino's direct orders, but his own, as a way to "repay her kindness and build up her prestige." But regardless of how the Knave really viewed the situation at the time, and how Lyney's view on her might hold some merit, it doesn't change the fact that Aether places the blame on the House itself.
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Even Trofin was not spared of judgement, and I think he's the clearest example of why it is so difficult for Aether to just agree to trust Lyney and Lynette just after the revelation.
Lyudochka, from the very beginning, failed to fulfill her role, and enjoyed her "freedom" in Inazuma. Her wish to become her own person won over whatever identity the Fatui had given her, and with help, had this wish granted. Trofin, on the other hand, wasn't quite as fortunate.
Like Lyudochka, he had his own wishes to detach himself from the House and stay as Iotham's big brother, but he could not turn back on the family he already had. It didn't matter that he enjoyed the fake identity he made for himself, because he still had to act the part as a member of the House of the Hearth.
He fulfilled his mission, and was dealt his execution by the hands of Aether because of it.
I say that he is the greatest example of the situation with Lyney and his sister because it shows that in the grand scheme of things, who they are as people doesn't matter. Despite how Lyney keeps telling Aether that he approached him not as a Fatui, but as "Lyney", they are still subject to the demands of the House they are a part of; the House that Aether has only ever observed to have cruel intentions.
It circles back to his and Childe's relationship. Childe has shared information about his family, something that is so near and dear to his heart and has openly welcomed Aether in this part of his life, but they know full well that at the end of the day, they are bound to their affiliations.
if this was already addressed in the game then my bad i literally just finished the part where navia breaks down part 2.
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pragmatic-optimist · 1 year
This week's theme: Rec a fic that starts with the same letter as your username (or, if you like, a part of your username). 
The rules: Tag a fic that starts with the same letter as your username and describe why it's so good / how it has a hold on you. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Please tag @welcometololaland or tag #fic rec friday so they can compile the masterlist.
Okay, so clearly, I can’t read because I chose fics that started with an “S” for my actual first name and not my URL lol. I tried to fix this, but the amount of fics that start with a “P” in my bookmarks is almost nonexistent. So I’m going to just stick with my incorrectness; forgive me. Lola - thank you for always tagging me; I finally managed to post because looking through my AO3 bookmarks made this “easier.” You know how indecisive I am. Lol. I also promise I tried to keep this short, and this is what keeping it short looks like.😂
911 Lone Star
Say You’ll Remember Me: This is a Ryderdie WIP by @myemergence, and I really look forward to more. It’s one of my absolute favorite tropes (Amnesia!) and a canon-divergent AU for 2x9 featuring one of the best fictional couples to ever exist. I love Judd and Grace Ryder so much. Jenny nails the angst in that way where it hurts but GOSH it is good. It’s just *chef’s kiss* and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the journey takes us. 
Searching For A Trail to Follow Again:  Paige’s (@sunshinestrand) fics are classic, butterflies in your stomach, grinning from ear-to-ear, romantic comedies. This AU was so charming and, like all of Paige’s writing, leaves you with the biggest smile on your face because you’re just over-the-moon Carlos and TK have found one another in this story and in all her AUs (again and again and again). Contrary to popular belief among certain showrunners, letting characters just be happy is quality and compelling storytelling, and I’m grateful for fic writers like Paige who know that and give us a slice of that joy. 
So Many Somethings: Rae’s (@iboatedhere) AUs are iconic by now, but this one will always be near and dear to my heart. Not just because it’s the You’ve Got Mail AU and it’s an incredible nod to the film, but also because it was the first fic I ever beta-read for her, and the whole process bonded us. Rae, thanks for trusting me! This fic is remarkable, I love the balance of enemies-friends-lovers and the banter. Oh, the Banter™️. Nora Ephron would be proud! 
Sanctuary: If I had to use one word to summarize this fic, it would be ✨DESTINY✨. Honestly, I think all of Kim’s (@reyescarlos) fics have a destiny vibe to them, you can feel that these two characters are meant to be together, and they will find a way. I loved the first meeting in this one; the tension in the scene was palpable, and Kim’s writing always makes you feel like every interaction is happening right in front of you. She’s magic in that way ✨. 
Slowly Becoming Lovers: I love fics that show us the little moments between Carlos and TK, how they fall in love through the little things, and the way Holly (@morganaspendragonss) portrays that journey in these short vignettes is so so SO beautiful. This is one of the fics I have reread the most, according to the AO3 clicks lol, and there is a reason for that. It is truly lovely. Also, the title is inspired by one of my favorite Ben Platt songs, and fits the story perfectly! Highly recommend! 
Red, White, and Royal Blue
Snowed in? Snow problem: This fic is such a blast to read, lol. I laughed so hard, and I still laugh just as hard when I reread it because the ugh!Hunter slander is top-tier. A direct quote: “Well, I’m not bunking in with Hunter or you’ll be dealing with a murder by the end of the day.” Same, Alex. Same. Forever mood.😂 Add to that, “there was only one bed” plus Rae’s (@rmd-writes) ability to write Sexual Tension™️ x 5467893204858, and this college au is a must-read. Also, THE TITLE. YAAASS. A+ pun. No notes. 
Sink Beneath the Waves: This fic. THIS FIC. You know how in every fandom, there are stories that are essentially required reading, this one by @indomitable-love is one of those fics for me in the RWRB fandom. The love, the yearning, the pain, and the utter joy at Henry’s “I’m into making History.” Getting the chance to see these canon plot points from Henry’s POV is a gift, and I’m so grateful this fic exists for us to revisit again and again. 
I think this has made the rounds already because it is Saturday for me, so consider this an open tag to whoever has fics they would like to share with us! 
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
I am now realizing I don't think I've ever really explained my Succession-Inferno analogy but it is something near and dear to my heart so. Buckle up I guess!
The whole thing is premised on the idea that Logan holds a lot of characteristics traditionally ascribed to the devil in literature. He's an excellent liar (far better than anyone else on the show), he goes out of his way to destroy relationships between other people because he can't stand it when people love others more than they love him, he presents himself as "uncle fun" to outsiders, he actively revels in sowing discord and conflict and betrayal whereas everyone else merely tolerates it. At the same time everyone around him treats him like a god. He deserves all their love, he is The Father who has created all they see, reality is manifested by his will and is simply whatever he wants it to be, he is all-knowing and all-powerful. But because their god is actually. you know. evil. the fruit of his continued power (and their continued worship of him) is nothing but misery and lies.
In Dante's Inferno, Dante goes on a journey through Hell, guided by Virgil. Virgil represents two things: the knowledge of morality necessary to understand what's happening in Hell and avoid being taken in by it, and the moral support and courage necessary to complete the journey. Dante journeys through nine circles that are meant to represent sins of increasing moral degradation. The first is limbo, who's actually just people who weren't bad at all but were never baptized and so can't go to heaven. That's where the pagan moral philosophers - including Virgil - are. After that, it's Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and finally, Treachery. The order is very intentional, and rooted the belief that the early sins (sins of the flesh) are the easiest ones to fall into and ultimately are not as serious as the others - but, they also serve as gateways to the more serious sins. Each circle has sinners being punished in ways that are metaphors for the impacts of their sins. The devil sits in the ninth circle of hell, Treachery, where everyone (including the devil himself) is frozen in ice. The devil has Brutus, Judas, and Cassius in his mouth, and he chews on them for all eternity. Everyone around him betrayed someone they had an obligation to; the worse the betrayal, the closer to the devil they are frozen. The furthest away are those who betrayed their families (Cain); then those who betrayed their countries (Antenor); those who betrayed their guests and those who sheltered in their homes (Ptolemy); and finally, those who betrayed their masters, lords, and benefactors, which includes the three in Satan's mouth.
If Logan is Succession's Satan, then two things follow. First, Waystar becomes a metaphorical Inferno, where climbing the ranks to get closer to Logan requires climbing through the circles of hell and participating in greater and greater moral degradation. I think the character this most applies to, because we actually get to see his corruption arc over the course of the show, is Tom. And his arc, I think, arguably fits with that journey into hell. Season 1 gives us Gluttony and Greed, especially in 1.06 when he takes Greg to the restaurant and gives his spiel about how great it is to be rich. We also get his general obsession with nice things and with stuff, something which the Roys don't have, and something that seems to fade in Tom as his arc progresses. Season two gives us Wrath and Violence (Safe Room etc.), and Fraud (the cruise line scandal coming out). And then finally, at the end of season 3, we get Treachery. And I find it very very interesting that immediately before committing the act of Treachery, Tom asks Greg if he wants to make a deal with devil - something which turns out to mean both a deal with Logan, but also the act of betraying Shiv. Up until this point, you could argue that Greg had been riding along on Tom's coattails on this journey-through-hell - but the line "What am I going to do with a soul anyways?" means that, for the first time, he's actively consenting to what's happening. Sure, he doesn't know what's going on - but the line itself implies that it simply does not matter to him.
The second thing that follows, though, is that while Tom and Greg and the old guard have journeyed down to where Logan is, his children have been there all along. They grew up in a world characterized by Treachery, Fraud, Violence, Wrath, Greed, and Lust. Their arcs aren't about them becoming corrupted; their arcs are about whether they can escape the corruption they've always lived in. Everyone is frozen in that same ice together, but the ways they got here were very different.
Finally, the Virgil character is very important, because he doesn't have a corollary in the Succession half of this analogy, and that highlights what none of these characters have. None of them have a strong moral compass, and even if they did, none of them have the kind of support and moral courage to resist the allure of temptation. This is far more devastating for the Roy kids, though, because they've never had the opportunity to encounter a Virgil, whereas everyone else had to pass through Limbo - where Virgil is - before they could start going through hell. Or, in other words, with Tom et al. at some point there was an active choice to reject the moral compass and reject the moral support, which the Roy kids never had. But once you reject your moral compass it's hard to get it back again, hence why the further you get from Limbo the harder it is to find your way back.
#succession#didnt include this in the main post bc I didnt want it to be too long BUT#I also think there's an interesting tomshiv angle here#where. if shiv has been immersed in this world of corruption and moral degradation her whole life (ie frozen in that ninth circle)#is there really a world where they can be together and tom doesn't end up in that same corruption?#shiv isnt the one who corrupted him. not at all. but her whole world is corrupt and so entering into it is the only way to get close to her#its not her fault he entered into it in the first place bc he clearly did before he met her#but once he marries her he ends up even more committed and its even harder to get out#I also think there's an interesting angle re: dante journeying through hell to get to beatrice#who represents true pure selfless love#BUT he can make it through hell bc he has Virgil. so he DOESNT get sucked into the corruption and he DOESNT get stuck in the ninth circle#and HE gets to pass through the other side of hell and head towards heaven#I have a creative writing piece I started forever ago where tom has to take a dante class in college and over the course of the show begins#rationalizing his choices as part of a journey through hell where on the other side is beatrice ie: love#bc he's so invested in being in this world and his marriage is part of the world#and then finally realizing oh fuck actually im in the ninth circle and there is no beatrice on the other side#there is no redeeming quality here and I dont think my marriage can be saved#and that leads into to the choice to betray shiv#because you're already in the devil's domain and you have no virgil to help you out. what else can you do#not that the situation justifies his actions. but it creates the moral apathy required to go through with it#bc genuinely I do not think he would have betrayed shiv like that in season 1 or season 2#so the question is what about him changed#and I think the progression of his corruption arc is a big part of the answer to that question#not the whole answer but it is important#maybe I'll finish it one of these days lmao
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ex-textura · 2 months
I stumble in through the doors, having been a booping fiend the other day but ah hello! ;D; /)~~
My main/first tav for BG3 was an extremely sunny dispositioned, kind hearted, and optimistic half wood elf man named Hexmen Ziziaurea-Ivadaera, or simply just Hexmen Ivadaera for the sake of not having to write out an extra name ( + he more often uses his father's last name in memory of him!). Hexmen's an Oath of the Ancients turned Oathbreaker paladin who accidentally broke his oath literally at the beginning of his adventures when he unsuccessfully tried to save Lae'zel and ended up killing a tiefling ( ooc-- I was trying to hardcore commit to my actions early on with no save scumming and accidentally did a smite even though I did nonlethal attacks and oh god one of them died). 
After that accident and the Oathbreaker Knight jumpscare, he promptly told Lae'zel through gritted teeth that were barely holding back a panic attack to leave, in which she did. Afterwards, his entire adventure was mildly stressful but he tried his best to uphold his old oath tenets of kindling hope and helping those in need along the way! Astarion wasn't much of a fan of the do-gooder Hexmen, Shadowheart ended up being like a sister figure to him, Wyll is like one of his best friends who's a fellow Baldurian and he ended up finding himself mutually falling for a certain Wizard of Waterdeep! Karlach and Halsin are also dear friends of his, Jaheria felt like a cool aunt friend to him, and dear lord just like Wyll he couldn't get enough of Minsc. I sadly didn't have Minthara on his run, but I do think they'd maybe understand each other's devotions, however they'd clash because of their very different beliefs and such.
Throughout his run, he was mostly Lawful Good that eventually turned into something more chaotic in the long run. 
Before his time in the main campaign, he was a paladin of Lathander from Baldur's Gate! His mom's a full wood elf from the Ardeep Wood outside of Waterdeep and his father was a human man born and raised in Baldur's Gate that acted as a city guard until his untimely death. For a good portion of his early teens through adulthood he was raised only by his mother after his father's passing, and eventually as an adult he was left alone for the most part in Baldur's Gate with his father's side of the family, as his mother went off on a mid-life elf adventure on her own. 
Hexmen had his human grandmother and his best friend, Lumin Sacredlight, a human variant cleric of Tyr and Selune (who is also my multiplayer tav and who his dream guardian was modeled after), for company for a while until he was scooped up by the Nautiloid while on a patrol around the temple he guarded. 
- An additional handful of fun facts are that he did visit Waterdeep here and there when he was younger when he and his mom traveled to the Ardeep Wood to visit his wood elven family! I drew out an entire mini comic before of him accidentally brushing past a young Gale before! However they never formally met and didn't recognize each other when they met during the events of BG3.
- I researched so much DnD elven language for this man and some Forgotten Realms cuisine. One of his favorite snacks to have is Elven Seed Bread!
- He has such a heavy sun motif and despite being an oathbreaker, he still withholds his tenets from being an Oath of the Ancients sworn to Lathander.
- His face scar is from a duel he had with a fellow paladin trainee when he was younger-- that paladin who fought him later became an Oath of Vengeance paladin.
- I have written an ungodly amount of content for this man and have drawn him so much.
- Hexmen ended up falling for Gale! Him and Gale had such mutual pining for a long time until they eventually confessed to each other. I love these two so much-- Hexmen accepted his proposal at the end of the game and additionally moved to Waterdeep with him where they probably have a permanent magic portal somewhere in or near the tower so he can still check on his grandmother in Baldur's Gate often ( and additionally see old friends and etc). I originally thought Hexmen was going to be an Astarion romance until he pulled Gale out of the portal and yeah. Yeah… I would ramble more about their entire romance but I’m afraid that I’m going to write way too much if I get more in detail about it  whE A A
- If he was a recruitable companion, you'd be able to find him face down in shallow river water near the harpies and there would be a whole thing with Tav/the Origin character needing to figure out how to wake him up via magic with arcana checks, CPR with medicine checks, pickpocketing him with stealth checks at the risk of him drawing his sword on you as the movement potentially stirrs him, or straight up just leaving him there and claiming he's dead. 
- I tried to do a tactician run with him, but accidentally killed the owlbear cub due to a bug, and I ended up stopping the run because I knew and felt that Hexmen would not do that in good consciousness nor ever let that go. 
- Hexmen was extremely against using the tadpoles and only used his illithid powers a grand total of maybe three times throughout the entire game. The one time he used them, he thought a goblin was just going to be quiet from his command but nope– UH– they– they died. And Hexmen turned around to the party absolutely mortified at what he had accidentally done. Safe to say that was probably one of the last times he used those powers until the Elder Brain fight.
Thank you for the chance to ramble about m’dude! ;D; God I brainrotted over him for so many months and I love him a lot whEA E A
I love how much lore you have for him omg. I can feel the love from here and it's beautiful.
Also my boy. My man. My precious guy my Auric can commiserate on the paladin struggles. That feeling when you accidentally break your oath and your heart sinks into the floor. Especially when it's something like accidentally deleting an innocent. Gawd. I'm sorry Hexmen but I still believe in your good heart.
I love the slow alignment shift. Did he become more chaotic because of the influence of the tadfools, gremlins that they are? Or was there another influence? Or maybe it just happened organically for no other reason??
HOW DID HE GET CONKED OUT BY THE HARPIES??! Is that where he landed???? My man what are you doing out here xD I want to protect you.
(the owlbear incident was just a bad dream. Never happened. Let a wizard hug the pain away)
Thank you for rambling at me about him I love him! I love a paladin and an oath breaker choosing to still stick to his tenets and maintain his goodness in spite of it all is such a good flavour.
(you can ramble more about their romance I am always eager for Gale love have you seen my blog gimme Gale loooooove)
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aesthetically-meme · 7 months
hey so I may have been up really late one night and wrote poetry from Dusk’s POV (it’s pretty bad but eh it is what it is)
Before I found you,  My world had no light, Only a sea and a sky,  Stuck in an eternal night. 
You sat on an island alone, By a tower that shone in shadows,  Out of curiosity I stayed by your side, And in time, the lighthouse was a glow.
We stood through battles and still you shone, It was us against the world, And we didn’t need it any other way,  But it all did unfurl.
I felt your pain and I wonder if you felt mine,  I tried my best to protect, I stopped the shadow that threatened my only light,  I bore the darkness and did deflect.
But when I woke,  I found that your light had gone, I was far away, cruel universe had taken us apart,  Though far out across the waves, I could see your light like dawn.
I called for it, I cried for it.  I wanted you back, I wanted you near,  My heart had suspended its belief,  As it ached for the times I held you dear. 
But I will return, I will follow your light,  Across the dark skies, and inky seas,  It doesn’t matter how far I have to go,  I will never stop looking for my Twilight.
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↑ live footage of Aes' reaction.
I'm actually so mentally ill about them it's incredible. This is AMAZING. I'm holding this so close ougogugogugihhihhogighuy.... This is so good I'm so in love with this...
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pramuor · 9 months
The Most Beautiful Sunset
For I have long held the belief that solitude is my cherished companion, a realm tailored to my essence. It has been my firm conviction that the intricacies of a heart were not meant for me to embrace. Yet, here I am, transcribing the musings of my soul while the specter of your presence traverses the corridors of my mind.
One may undoubtedly ponder the question of why the term 'sunset' has chosen to dance upon the stage of contemplation within my thoughts. Allow me to elucidate, for when my thoughts turn to you, they unfurl like the petals of a delicate flower, revealing a myriad of qualities that render you akin to the resplendent beauty of a setting sun.
Whenever I gaze upon a sunset, your image gracefully dances through the canvas of my thoughts. Much like a sunset adorns the heavens with its stunning array of vivid colors, you have similarly enriched my life with vibrant and captivating moments since the day our paths first intersected. Just as a sunset's breathtaking palette of colors evokes emotions long forgotten, your presence has rekindled feelings within me that I treasure deeply, and for this, I am profoundly grateful that it was you who stirred these emotions within me.
Much like the reassuring warmth of a sunset's embrace, your presence envelops me in a comforting sense of security and affection. It's an indescribable sensation, an ever-present warmth that floods my being whenever you are near or even just in my thoughts. Like a protective cocoon, you shield me from the tumultuous tides of uncertainty in the world. Your company becomes my sanctuary, a place where I can authentically be myself, unburdened by the weight of judgment.
However, it's not solely the feeling of safety that your presence bestows; it's also the profound sense of being cherished. Your unwavering attention, your innate kindness, your empathetic understanding—these precious qualities make me feel profoundly valued and deeply loved. When we are together, you possess the ability to make me feel like the most treasured soul on Earth, a sentiment I hold dear beyond the scope of words.
The mere presence of your being possesses the power to dispel my anxieties, elevate my spirits, and imbue even the gloomiest days with a glimmer of brightness. It is a rare and exquisite gift you possess, one for which my gratitude knows no bounds.
So, I wished to convey to you the immense significance of your presence in my life, how it instills within me a profound sense of safety and adoration that I cannot find elsewhere. You are a wellspring of solace, happiness, and love, and I am truly fortunate to have you grace my existence.
You, my dear, are akin to the most exquisite of sunsets, a dazzling spectacle adorned with vivid colors and a gentle, comforting embrace, a moment I eagerly anticipate, where I can bask in your soothing presence as the day draws to a close. You see, after the toils and weariness of a long day, all I yearn for is to unwind by your side. Conversing with you, sharing moments together, miraculously dissolves the tiredness, just as the serene aura of a sunset brings solace to my soul.
To, Ynigo. Love, Khaleesi.
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orszemgyorgy · 10 months
Embracing the Cusp of Beauty: A Journey of Faith and Miracles
I find solace in the belief that I stand forever on the verge of something profoundly beautiful. There's a serene assurance that life's intricate threads are weaving together a masterpiece, orchestrated by a higher force. The symphony of existence plays out in its own rhythm, and I take comfort in knowing that every note will harmonize perfectly in due time.
Throughout my journey, I've worn the mantle of a dreamer, with my thoughts often ascending into the clouds, where possibilities bloom without restraint. Skeptics may beckon me to descend into the realm of their reality, yet I remain steadfast in my conviction that the miraculous is attainable, even for souls like mine. The universe, a benevolent ally, whispers secrets of cosmic alignment, assuring me that every circumstance has purpose, and every challenge holds a lesson.
They speak of a yearning for solid ground, for a place to belong—a sentiment I share. But deep within, I sense that this season of being betwixt and between has significance. It is a chrysalis stage, where transformation occurs silently, hidden from the eye but felt in the heart. This sense of incompleteness, of not yet being whole, is merely a prelude to the grand unveiling of the self I am destined to become.
With every sunrise, the promise of adventure flutters like a butterfly's wing, a whisper that my purpose is drawing near, waiting for me to embrace it with open arms. Guided by an unwavering faith, I am assured that all the years of yearning, all the moments of hope, and all the whispered prayers will not dissolve into nothingness. They are the luminous stars guiding my ship through the night, leading me towards the shores of my destiny.
The symphony continues, and I am a humble note within it. I rest in the knowledge that as I dance on the precipice of the unknown, life orchestrates its grand opus around me. In each crescendo and decrescendo, every rise and fall, there is a profound purpose. So, dear reader, let us journey together with open hearts and resolute spirits, for in the embrace of the divine melody, we find ourselves, our purpose, and the magnificent beauty that awaits just around the bend.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
23 - Beliefs Heart
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Part 24
His Golden Princess
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @alanaangie24
Running into Skull rock I halted in my tracks seeing Henry holding his golden glowing heart in his hand standing beside Pan. Gripping my sword in my hands I glared at Pan not seeing Rumple anywhere. He went inside first but no is nowhere to be found. "You trapped him didn't you." I growled seeing a black box on the floor.
"I gave him a choice and he was stupid enough to believe it was true. Now you my darling. You do have a choice stay with me and rule." Pan smirked resting a hand on Henry's shoulder. "Stay here with me and Henry."
Raising my sword up I shake my head no focusing my attention to my nephew. "Henry, he isn't the good guy. If he truly was don't you think your grandfather would be here. Please listen to me."
"I am trying to be a hero just like when you and I ate the posion apple. Aunt Astrid this is my choice." Henry declared shoving his heart inside Pan. "I have to save magic."
Seconds after a green flash of magic blasted all of us onto our backs except Pan. Henry's body fell to the floor while I ran grabbing the black box. I started to wave my hand over it but I clutched my hand into a fist wanting the dang cuff off. Pan lowered himself to the ground so I grabbed my sword stabbing it into his chest near his heart. He grunts but I knew he wouldn't die since being in Neverland makes him immortal like Rumple with his dagger. "Take this off right now or I will rip Henry's heart out of your chest this instant!" I bared my teeth showing him the black cuff.
"Oh my dear, Astrid. You're fire warms my heart. Although a simple please from your beautiful face would have done the trick." Pan smirked where I removed the sword tripping him with his leg. He falls on his back before I pressed my sword against his throat making him choke a little.
"You've got exactly three seconds, Pan. Give me my magic back right now!" I bared my teeth until he grabbed the cuff ripping it off. I get blasted back and hit Neal causing us to both fall on our backs.
Pan levitates himself up in the air smirking down at me where Neal helps me to stand on my feet again. "It is a joy to know that one follows the light and the other falls down into the darkness." He flies off where I get dizzy falling unconscious in Neal's arm dropping my sword in my left hand.
Blinking my eyes opened I lifted my head up seeing that I am laying on one of the beds below the ships deck. Someone spoke gently grabbing my shoulder. "Astrid, you're alright-" I cut them off raising a fire ball out of my right hand releaved to have my magic back in my control. I met the gaze of Neal staring at me.
Closing my hand the flame dies when he starts speaking again knowing I won't hurt him. "I'm glad to see your awake. Emma was worried about you."
"How's Henry. Did Pan get away?" I asked grabbing his freehand in mine instantly.
Neal shakes his head helping me out of the bed and onto the deck with everyone else. "He's safe. There's something I need your help with though." At my feet sits the black box that Rumple was trapped inside. "I need you to open it."
"How will that work for me. I thought that only works through blood magic." I explained raising a brow to his son who hands me the black box.
"Look you and my father had this weird soulmates bond thing at least that's what Henry told me before all this happened. So I think you should be able to free him. If not I'll do it." Neal steps back where I waved my freehand over the box. It opens revealing a string of red smoke that transformed into Rumple's form.
Rumple gasped throwing his arms around me and Neal immediately. "Bae. Astrid." Neal hugged his father back. "Papa."
"I told you I wasn't gonna hurt the boy." Rumple told him intertwining his hand with mine.
Neal nodded making me pout my face. "I know, I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me Pan was your father?"
"Because I didn't want you to know I was as bad a father as he was. Because we're both the same; me and him. Because we both abandoned our sons." Rumple looked disappointed at his son until I smacked him upside the head with a glare.
His son hugged him happy. "No, you're not the same. You came back for me, Papa."
"God you're alright. Now we can save dad from the dreamshade arrow poison that struck his chest." My sister wrapped her arms around me in a gentle hug. Wrapping my arms around her neck I smiled until I registered her words.
Eyeing my parents and my sister in annoyance I throw my hands up in the air frustrated. "I'm sorry why am I the last one to know everything exactly. When was someone going to tell me dad might die!"
"Astrid honey - all that matters now is that we can be a family-" I smacked my mother's hand that reaches out feeling betrayed that they weren't going to tell me.
Dad looked to me with a sad expression when I don't go to hug him. "Save your reasons the three of you. I guess the second child doesn't get the special secrets treatment like the first huh."
"What's wrong?" Neal's voice breaks the intense silence that had fallen over the pirate ship. Whipping my head over my shoulder I saw Rumple's face which was concerned before he grabbed my hand teleporting us inside one of the bunkhouse rooms. Pan has a hold of Henry trying to take his heart.
Rumple waved his hand creating the black magic trapping Pan inside. "Blood magic works both ways, Father."
"I can't wait until we're home and we don't have to worry about him anymore." Laying my head on his shoulder he draped his arm over. Kissing my forehead and teleporting us back up top with the others.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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soupbender · 1 year
I'd love the see the notes for Bad Fortune AU, on Tumblr or AO3 or wherever! Even a bulleted outline can be very entertaining 👀
I love your drawings about the AU where Zuko is a fortune teller!! Thank you for making them!! - AnonFisio
SORRY FOR REPLYING TO THIS SO SO LATE i am trying to finally shake off my hiatus a bit… and okay my notes are thee most confusing thing like even i barely understand looking at them now. but i do have a little segment of the first chapter written in that same document so im including that below:] if i reorganize the notes i may post them sometime since i will never ever finish this particular au tbh 😭
The midwives track rain-wet feet into the delivery room. Outside, the clouds are swirling so dark they blend into the night sky, thick and unforgiving, highlighted only in passing with the full moon.
These are not the proper conditions for a royal birth. Funny, how the heavens do not care about that.
(Or, perhaps, they do. Perhaps that is worse.)
It is nearly dawn by the time Ursa cradles her baby. She lies on a pillowed ledge by the round window, overlooking the gardens. Wind and water whip at the just-blooming flowers; scatter the fragile leaves. There is not a hint of thunder in the sky. No lightning cracking through the stars.
Zuko’s skin is cold as rain against hers.
The sun bursts over the horizon line just as Prince Ozai breaks into the room. Ursa holds Zuko tighter to her bare chest and privately wonders what it would be like to have a husband who she would hold her child out to. Who she would trust to cradle him.
Ozai barely glances at the boy before announcing, “The doctor will prepare a solution. The child will die peacefully.”
“No, please,” says Ursa, thinking she rarely says anything else these days.
Ozai considers, “Fine. Out of my mercy, he shall be left upon a cliff face. If the Spirits—“ here he raises a mocking brow, unimpressed as always in his wife’s belief in such things— “see fit, then the boy will be taken in by some other wretched soul.”
Ursa had not wanted the child, had not wanted the husband, had not wanted the marriage. This is a poorly-kept secret. But with Zuko pressed to her now, her heart speeds at the idea of leaving him (a feeling that will reoccur in her life, but thankfully she is no prophet and does not know this.) “What do the Fire Sages say?”
Ozai’s lip curls, “A reading, that’s what you want?” He gestures to the puddles in the grass, the overflowed pond, “Even I could spout that nonsense with omens like these. Clearly, he shall be no bender. He was not even born under the right stars.”
Here lies the center of the problem. Every member of the royal family has been born by the sign of the Dragon—Ursa had learned, upon her arrival at the palace, that the wedding time was very planned. It made her a little sick. Maybe it was this same sickness which had carried through her pregnancy, maybe that is why the child has been born a month too early. Maybe that is why he has been born a Rabbit—a sign of kindness. Of virtue. The same sign, incidentally, as his mother.
An embarrassment to the royal name.
“Let the Sages tell it,” Ursa begs, a choking sensation rising in her throat, “please, my dear. At least—consult the Firelord first.”
It sends a chill down her spine, the way Ozai’s eyes land on her, the gaze somewhere between wrath and disgust. But it unnerves her nowhere near as much as the way he looks at Zuko.
“You must already know,” is what he says. The words are quiet, gentled by pity. He says them only to her, carefully lowered that her husband looming in the corner might not hear.
Ursa gulps, considering pulling her baby right to her heart and running fast from the Head Sage.
“Get on with it,” Ozai snaps.
The sage’s eyes flick between them, panicked, before he collects himself; before he focuses on Zuko, asleep in his mother’s arms, this child cursed by his very birth. This child born too early and too cold. This child born with clouds over his head; without sun; without spark. Without any great glory. This child whose only piece of luck, it seems, is in being born at all.
“The level of prowess he will reach with bending is… unclear,” he announces, and Ursa’s heart drops to her stomach.
“He’s a bender?” Ozai asks, too calmly.
The sage’s eyes flash, frown deepening, recognizing the awfulness of his own honesty when he replies, “…It is unclear.”
“Roku’s granddaughter,” Ozai scoffs, “the result is just as worthless as his bearer.”
Ursa does not sob. She holds an eruption behind her throat—kept at bay, lock and key. She holds herself inside herself. She holds her heart with hedge cutters.
“But,” the Sage puts in, “he may yet have other talents. I foresee the possibility of a… truly glorious future for him.”
Ozai snorts, “The mightiest non-bender is still a non-bender. It’s a stain upon the royal name.”
“What other talents?” Ursa asks, except it sounds more like begging.
“A special ability,” the Sage answers, “unlike anything the Royal family has seen before. It could be the difference between the Nation’s victory or defeat.”
It is an act of courage, however meek, that the man looks her husband right in the eye when he speaks. That he emphasizes the sentence with care.
Ozai lets out a low, exasperated growl. It is an act of begrudgement that he says, “The boy has six months to spark.”
It is only after the prince and the sage leave that Zuko starts to cry.
“Good job, Zuko,” Ursa mumbles, half-mad and half-asleep, “Good job, darling.”
In a month’s time, the Fire Sages will lie about the date of Prince Zuko’s birth. In a month’s time, the entire nation will celebrate Ozai’s heir. In a month’s time, no one outside of Caldera will know the truth surrounding the little prince’s birth.
In six month’s time, Ursa will feed her son a spoonful of ground fire-flower. She will hate herself as she brings him coughing ash to her husband, as he hums his approval of his firstborn bender.
In nine month’s time, Azula will be born a dragon. The sunlight will reflect off Ozai’s sharp teeth, and only then will Ursa realize that he did not smile once the day of his son’s birth. Now here he is, bathed in midday light and summer heat, grin closer to a shark’s than a father’s.
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riarevenge · 2 years
45. Do you put any value in the idea of “virginity”? Do you think there’s a specific sexual act that makes someone no longer a virgin or is it more general sexual contact? Was/is losing your virginity a big deal to you?
no i don’t put any value in it bc i think it only leads to shaming ppl, especially women and i think people out far too much emphasis on virginity. whatever anyone thinks of as losing their virginity is valid to me, im sure it’s different and personal for each person :) it was a big deal in the sense it wasn’t 100% consensual but the time i consider my first (my first time i count) was not a huge deal to me
49. If you have a nickname, where did it come from? Did you choose it, did someone else, did it naturally form?
i have a lot of nicknames that just stem from shortening my name, diabla was a common one among some of my mates for a while, some family members call me dede bc that was what they called my grandad, just in general i have a lot of random ones from random mates for random reasons :) even this username is inspired by one
60. What are you afraid of? What are your worst fears? Are you afraid of any of the following - the dark, fire, heights, being alone, people, spiders, snakes, blood, drowning, or death?
gonna skip past the really deep dark fears except maybe a fear of abandonment but my worst fear, or one of them at least is being buried alive 🫠 i don’t like planes bc im claustrophobic, spiders are a massive no as well and i lowkey do not like the deep deep ocean
85. What memories would describe as your “core” ones?
most are very near and dear to my heart so i prefer to keep them to myself but hugging @zalimaaa for the first time, watching the world cup with my grandad, when i was really little i had this little green elephant toy that made sounds and had glowing red eyes and i remember getting that like it was yesterday, anything from travels, holding my baby cousin for the first time <3
93. What are two facts about yourself that are true, but seem contradictory? Or two beliefs you have that seem unlikely to exist together?
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h0liestt · 2 years
This is more of a ramble post, less kin and more personal life, but it still relates to my kin experience in a sense.
I used to discuss going into a spiritual path extensively on this blog, but I decided against it during the pandemic. I’m not certain where I stand religiously speaking, and I don’t think uncertainty is something I want to bring with me whenever working. I’m going into psychology now, to research heavily stigmatized disorders and hopefully be able to help erase many of the stigmas.
I suppose I’m still a Christian (still believe in God, still hold a lot of my beliefs and philosophies) but I’ve definitely taken a different path. I don’t care too much to get into it here, but I also am not certain all in the same. Sometimes I think about converting to Judaism, but then I worry that I’m not dedicated enough and that I wouldn’t be able to make it through the whole process. I’ve been considering this conversion for years, but only seriously within the past two. I’m not sure where this lands me, but I’m trying to take every day as it comes. I have differing feelings on my angelkin memories (especially realizing that I have DID, and knowing that I may or may not have been the host that was around when this blog was at it’s most active) and they’re vague to me these days. I still hold that identity near and dear to my heart, though, as it brought me a community I didn’t have in real life.
Anyways, my religious philosophies essentially hinge on treating people with kindness and respect, unless they are trying to destroy you for the mere “sin” of existing.
In which case, grind their bones to dust.
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khwabb · 4 months
Sealing Bonds: Top 10 Promise Day Quotes to Celebrate Your Closest Relationships
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There's a special day during Valentine's week dedicated to making solemn promises to your near and dear ones. On Promise Day, we express our unwavering commitment to our loved ones, strengthening the bond we share. Extraordinary relationships deserve promises that are profound and eloquent - these quotes can provide the words to voice those deep, genuine emotions.
While you contemplate each quote, bear in mind that these promises extend to relationships beyond romantic love. Your family, friends, and everyone else who holds a special place in your heart also make wonderful recipients of your promises this Promise Day. So, let's explore the top 10 promise day quotes to celebrate your closest relationships with grace and sincerity.
1. A Promise to Eternal Love
"I will love you with every beat of my heart, and for every sunrise we share together. Nothing shall keep us apart." -Anonymous
2. A Promise to Cherish and Treasure
"I promise to cherish and treasure every moment spent with you, for in this ceaseless tide of time, we are each other's shelter." -Anonymous
3. A Promise to Uplift and Support
"Consider my promise as strong as a steadfast oak, for I will be by your side to uplift and support, as together we weather life's storms." -Anonymous
4. A Promise to Encourage Growth
"With love, I promise to encourage you to explore, to grow, and to take on the world, knowing confidently that you will always have a home in my heart." -Anonymous
5. A Promise to Trust and Believe
"My unwavering belief in you, coupled with my trust, is a promise you can count on. Our bond is built on these foundations – unshakeable and enduring." -Anonymous
6. A Promise to Share Life's Joys
"Hand in hand, I promise to navigate through both calm seas and raging storms, sharing in the waves of joy and moments of despair, and always sailing onward together." -Anonymous
7. A Promise to Friends Turned Family
"Cherished friend, I promise to welcome you into my world, share in your laughter and tears, and be the family we choose at every bend in life's road." -Anonymous
8. A Promise to a Sibling
"As siblings, we're tied forever. I promise to be the guiding light in your life when you're surrounded by darkness and the anchor that keeps you grounded in times of high winds." -Anonymous
9. A Promise to Stand by Your Side
"I promise my presence as steadfast and constant as the Northern Star, for with each trial and triumph, I stand by you, unwavering and true." -Anonymous
10. A Promise to Yourself
"In moments of doubt and uncertainty, I promise to give myself gentle guidance and steadfast courage, as I weave the rich tapestry of my life." -Anonymous
These soul-stirring Promise Day quotes represent deep-seated emotions that echo across the vastness of time and strengthen the bonds of love. Use them as a token of your commitment or as inspiration to craft your heartfelt promises, capturing the essence of your relationship. Remember that the most enduring commitments need not be grand gestures – sometimes, a simple reassurance of love, trust, and understanding can be all your loved ones need.
If you embrace diverse perspectives and celebrate all the relationships in your life, these quotes can hold paramount importance. The promises we make today are akin to tiny seeds that grow and bloom into the exquisite gardens of our closest relationships. So, spread joy and create connections that last a lifetime by sharing these tender Promise Day quotes with your loved ones.
Let this Promise Day be a reminder of the beautiful and potent power of words, for our relationships are indeed built on promises that we seal with every uttered word. Be mindful of these promises and nurture them to unfold their true potential.
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