#Wren and Martin High School
poojaadhikari2308 · 2 years
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aroaceinaerospace · 5 months
since it's the start of a new year and I'm a bookworm, I figured I'd share some of the aspec books I read in 2023. I've added any of the big content warnings I can think of as well as a link to the books on storygraph where there are more in depth content warnings.
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Wren Martin Ruins It All by Amanda DeWitt follows the titular character Wren Martin during senior year of high school as he becomes student council president and fights his vice president to try and get the school's Valentine's Day dance shut down. Wren is very much an externally grumpy person who becomes much more loveable as you get to know him and see the reasoning behind his grumpiness. Rep includes asexual main character and an aromantic side character, and note this book is a romance.
Is Love The Answer by Uta Isaki is a coming of age manga following Chika as she tries to find the answer to who she is and explores her identity. This book is full of aro and ace rep with different life experiences. CW for aphobia and attempted SA.
Just Lizzie by Karen Wilfred is a middle grade book following Lizzie in how a science class assignment helped lead her to an understanding of her asexuality. At the same time, Lizzie is having to adjust to a new home and changes in what was once familiar and safe. CW for aphobia, harassment.
*note: these books cover some triggering topics in different parts of them, including racism, SA, aphobia, and more
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Ace and Aro Journeys by The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project (TAAAP) is a really great overview of aspec identities, it gives more time to aro identities than a lot of other books, and provides quotes and information from people on various parts of the spectrums. This book brings in some intersectionality, though it is more broad than a deep dive.
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality by Sherronda J. Brown, which has been my favorite read. This book is fantastic if you're ready for a deep dive into intersectionality and some deeper history on asexuality. This book, despite being very short, is a much heavier read content-wise, but it is very thought provoking and will stick with you. Each chapter gives you content warnings up front for the materials that will be addressed in the chapter. Personally, this book has been my favorite book on the subject and I intend on reading it many more times to capture more of the nuance.
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💋 That's SO Fetch!: What To Read After Watching Mean Girls
🩷 Good morning, bookish bats! I actually have a weird, complicated relationship with Mean Girls. After reading Queen Bees & Wannabes, my mother didn't let me watch the 2004 film, as if THAT would somehow protect me from the realities of middle and high school (WOW, feeling old writing this now).
👠 Yet somehow, I CONSTANTLY ended up around people obsessed with the movie (and we love Tina Fey, so, I can't blame a single person). Right before the mess of 2020, I even had the luck of seeing Renee Rapp perform as Regina on Broadway, and WOAH. It was everything (and my little, late-in-life bi heart has a whole new appreciation for it). Funnily enough, my parents and sister were with me, and my mom thought nothing of it. It's been a while since I've done one of these posts (namely because of the strike, though I have a few sitting in my queue), so I figured now was the perfect time. Here are a few books to consider reading if you love Mean Girls!
💋 Wren Martin Ruins It All - Amanda Dewitt 🩷 I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston 👠 Queen Bee - Amalie Howard 💋 Royal Scandal - Aimée Carter 🩷 Diary of a Confused Feminist - Kate Weston 👠 The Revenge Game - Jordyn Taylor 💋 The Night in Question - Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson 🩷 The Way You Make Me Feel - Maurene Goo 👠 Rivals: American Royals III - Katharine McGee 💋 The Favorite Sister - Jessica Knoll 🩷 Fat Talk - Virginia Sole-Smith 👠 Freaks, Gleeks, and Dawson's Creek - Jennifer Keishin Armstrong and Thea Glassman 💋 Queen Bees & Wannabes - Rosalind Wiseman 🩷 Gossip Girl - Cecily Von Ziegesar 👠 Pretty Things - Janelle Brown 💋 How Not to Be Popular - Jennifer Ziegler 🩷 Some Girls Are - Courtney Summers 👠 Pretty Little Liars - Sara Shepard 💋 Tiny Pretty Things - Dhonielle Clayton and Sona Charaipotra 🩷 One of Us is Lying - Karen M. McManus 👠 The List - Siobhan Vivian
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ash-and-books · 7 months
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: From the author of Aces Wild: A Heist comes a hilarious and compassionate romantic comedy for fans of Casey McQuiston and Netflix’s Love is Blind!
“My mouth still hurts from all the smiling.”—Sonora Reyes, National Book Award Finalist
Now that Wren Martin is student council president (on a technicality, but hey, it counts) he’s going to fix Rapture High. His first order of business: abolish the school’s annual Valentine’s Day dance, a drain on the school’s resources and general social nightmare—especially when you’re asexual. 
His greatest opponent: Leo Reyes, vice president and all-around annoyingly perfect student. Leo has a solution to Wren’s budget problem—a sponsorship from Buddy, the anonymous “not a dating” app sweeping the nation. Now instead of a danceless senior year, Wren is in charge of the biggest dance Rapture High has ever seen. He’s even secretly signed up for the app. For research, of course. 
But when Wren develops capital F-Feelings for his anonymous match, things spiral out of control. Wren decided a long time ago that dating while asexual wasn’t worth the hassle. With the big night rapidly approaching, he isn’t sure what will kill him first: the dance, his relationship drama, or the growing realization that Leo’s perfect life might not be so perfect after all. 
In an unforgettably quippy and endearingly chaotic voice, narrator Wren Martin explores the complexities of falling in love while asexual.
Who knew trying to get rid of a Valentine's Day dance would lead to possibly falling for your rival. Wren Martin wants to fix Rapture High and the first thing he wants to do is to get rid of the school's annual Valentine's Day dance that drains all the school's resources, the only issue is that his opponent is Leo Reyes, vice president and one of the most perfect students who gets under Wren's skin. Wren is asexual and wants nothing to do with the Valentine's Day dance but Leo offers an alternative to Wren's budget problems, he'll get sponsorship from Buddy, the anonymous "not dating" app that has been sweeping the nation. Wren agrees but he hates the dating app, yet when he is convinced to try it he suddenly finds himself befriending and possibly falling for his anonymous match, yet he is also spending more time with Leo, his supposed enemy who he is realizing he doesn't really know outside of the supposedly perfect image he has of him. Wren is struggling with working through his feelings and trying to understand dating while he is asexual yet his feelings are growing and Wren is going to have to face the chaos of it all, that is unless he ruins it. This was a fun and cute rom com about an asexual individual discovering his feelings and dating app shenanigans. This was a cute time and I think it's a quirky overall enjoyable read.
*Thanks Netgalley and Holiday House / Peachtree / Pixel+Ink, Peachtree Teen for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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from within the hawkins lab: ellsie van hauten, the darling genius pianist/hawkins’ queen
the basics
full name: ellsie wren van hauten
alias(es), if any: ells, siesie, wren, van hauten, and number four
nationality: german american
age: 19
date of birth: 14 april 1966
hometown: hawkins, indiana
current location: hawkins, indiana
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
romantic orientation: panromantic
sexual orientation: demisexual
occupation(s): hawkins high school student/hawkins high school alumni, hawkins high student body president, musical prodigy, assistant store manager and clerk at hawkins music and record, hellfire club member, student at yale university, and leader of the hollow knights d&d club at yale
the physical appearance
faceclaim: skyler samuels
hair type: curly
hair color: blonde
eye color: blue
height: 5′6″
weight: she says it’s a secret
build: petite and slender
top ten on her personal playlist ( both canon and modern )
dream on by aerosmith
escape by metallica
kashmir by lez zeppelin
anesthesia ( pulling teeth ) by metallica
wish you were here by pink floyd
cirice by ghost
the other woman by lana del rey
goth by sidewalks and skeletons
mary on a cross by ghost
k. by cigarettes after sex
the story behind her
april 14, 1966 was both a blessing and curse to arthur and lisette van hauten, their daughter entered the world early into the morning. at an early age, ellsie was regarded as heavenly, being much like heaven and the angels hidden behind its’ gates. she grew up along side elder brother, lance, whom she throughout childhood often read lord of the rings and the hobbit with. very commonly she would watch her brother drawn or paint with their mother during their early years of childhood. her intellectual capacity made her an obvious target for what was soon to come. at a young age, she went missing, seemingly just disappeared overnight and not to be seen again. posters of her plastered the town of hawkins. the girl lived through the horrors of the hawkins lab, going through the hell that would change her life and eventually subject her to such brutality and violence never seen before. she was one of very few that was fortunate enough to escape the lab the night the massacre happened. narrowly escaping with her wits and her life. while her parents were overjoyed to have their little girl back, it was difficult for her to carry on a life that was some semblance of normal. the lab haunted her dreams and waking life, so her seeing a professional became the norm as her life carried on. anything to take her mind away from the trauma she had sustained, though it’s clear that she does not harbor any ill will towards doctor martin brenner.
one of her fondest memories is from when she was quite young. as her father’s political career started to take off, he began hosting public events where he would be able to meet members of the community. this event in question was a barbecue that happened during the summer months, when ellsie was about four or five. she recalled sitting at the playground and playing around in the sand when she was approached by a young boy. he had messy brown hair,  bandages on his knees, and bruises on his legs and arms from playing outside. he introduced himself and said his name was steve. this would start a lengthy childhood friendship between she and steve harrington, whom she would often call ‘stevie’. luckily, he didn’t live too far from her, which made it easy for them to play together. steve would usually end up at her house when his parents would go out of town and they would spend their time playing out in the sun and in the creek behind her house. crafting dandelion rings for each other and causing minor mischief when they could, but usually they weren’t much to worry about. she was very happy and content with this friendship that they had, whether it was sitting inside reading a book together or her brother coming outside and hosing them down with water from the house, she was very happy to have such a close friend. the two were practically an inseparable little pair and were happy to just play and be left to their own devices, her parents trusted them not to get into any sort of trouble.
german is commonly spoken in the van hauten household, often between ellsie and her mother. lisette, her mom is from a german speaking family from switzerland. her mom was a foreign exchange student and met ellsie's father, arthur on her exchange in hawkins where arthur was born and raised. her parents were high school sweethearts and were shortly married after her mom returned to the states. ellsie grew up learning german and speaking it with her mom. her dad doesn't know the language, but he has an appreciation for it. she and her mom usually speak in german when her dad isn't around so they don't have to try and translate for him when he is around. it's hard to tell that ellsie holds any sort of traits since she doesn't have an accent like her mom. english and german are her two main languages, she someday hopes to conquer other languages like norwegian and others that hold similarities with german dialect. she also wants to visit where her mom grew up since members of her family still live in the homestead in switzerland. it would allow her to get to know her family more. her father and mother frequently take trips there, mostly to bring her aunt astrid home with them for extended periods of time.
this just goes into further detail about how and why she came to end up in the lab; at a young age, she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly known as sle or just lupus. it’s an autoimmune disease primarily characterized by inflammation, somewhat like arthritis, but it’s more severe and has many effects on the body. commonly it is diagnosed anywhere between fifteen and forty five years of age and tends to be more prominent in women. there is no cure for the disease, but there are medications around to help treat it to control the symptoms. her symptoms started to spring up when she was around six or seven years old. it started with the butterfly rash that would cover her face then the fatigue, constant fevers, inflammation, and occasional seizures followed. panic settled in on the family as they chased answers and looked for a doctor to help treat her, hopefully get her back to a life that was somewhat normal.
their search brought them to doctor martin brenner who claimed that he could treat her and possibly cure her, which was a lie given that there aren’t any known cures for the disease. however, her parents didn’t know that and were willing to hand her over in turn that he would just help their little girl. she was only six years old at this time and didn’t quite have a grasp on what was happening or know anything about her surroundings. this is how ellsie became a lab rat. fortunately for brenner, lupus can cause from brain diseases and damage, which enabled him to study it at the expense of ellsie’s freedom. she was labeled as 004 upon being properly introduced into the lab with the other subjects. now i realize that four was canonically one of the ones who bullied eleven, but for the sake of ellsie’s canon, this is not the case. none of the subjects were exactly her friends, but she often could seen with eight ( 008 ), ten ( 010 ), and eleven ( 011 ), the three that she felt the most comfortable being around. during her time at the lab, she always constantly seemed to be on edge. especially around peter/henry creel, who unbeknownst to her was 001. usually she was constantly displayed as wanting to go home, she missed her parents, her brother, and good childhood friend, steve harrington. frequently she would get in trouble for playing hide and seek and just hiding away in general. peter would typically find her, lightly reprimanding her and telling her that she would get in trouble with papa for doing it. when in reality it just provided her a small escape from this brand new life of hers. 
it became increasingly clear that ellsie had became one of peter’s favorites, not that she ever got in trouble but it was clear that he favored her. he told her to hide that day, that day everything went wrong. as the massacre at the lab unfolded, she ran, initially having hidden under the bodies of those who had died. she remembered picking her way through all the death and carnage that surrounded her. when this happened she was twelve, not quite having an understanding of death and why this was happening so suddenly. while running to try find an exit and therefore means to a way out before she too perished alongside everyone else, she stumbled across one of the scientists who was in pretty rough shape and on the verge of death. due to her familiarity and trust she had forged with him, she stopped and tried her best to prevent him from dying. unlike some of the others, he was there purely to study the psychological portion of the experiments, someone who very disagreed with the ethics behind the projects happening within the sanction of the lab’s walls. he had actually been working on getting some of the kids out of the facility and back to their freedom. in passing, ellsie recalled him mentioning that he had a young son back at home and a wife that he loved dearly. this is one of the reasons why she had to try and save his life. she had been applying pressure to one of his many wounds to prevent further bleeding when he had grabbed her hand to stop her, handing her his security card. in his final moments, he requested to see a happy memory of his son and wife one last time and that she run. she fulfilled this last wish and walked him through a happy memory that showed him his wife and son. the scientist died in her arms and she immediately knew that it was a moment that she would never forget. blood on her hands to linger there for all time.
her lungs burned as she ran away from there that day, glad to be free of the hell that had kept her chained there. she reunited with her parents and spent a good while in the hospital so that she could be checked out thoroughly. this is when she started to reconnect with people that she had once been so close to. it was easy to keep the pain behind closed eyes and closed doors, leave people blind to it and unaware of what had happened and what was going on. knowing that she couldn’t just disappear and act like she wasn’t there at all. she just longed to be normal again, to be like everyone around her, but she knew that it had been far out of her reach than it ever had been before. it hurt, but she chose to just bury it and keep it where no one could see it. the lab left her with heavy trauma to recover from, often having nightmares about the events there. this stress led heavily to flare-ups related to her disease and she was shuffled around to see doctors almost constantly and she began to see a physiatrist. it would be a long road to recovery and even now she hasn’t fully recovered from everything. for a short while she was in contact with kali, but eventually she lost that contact that she had and just went on with her life as if nothing happened and she wasn’t concealing some big elaborate secret.
during elementary school, ellsie befriended nancy wheeler, barbara holland, and tabitha elwood. they were among the first of few that she came to trust as her life carried forward. later reconnecting with both of them during middle school, after she managed to escape the lab. for obvious reasons, she was insistent upon wearing long sleeved clothing to cover up the set of numbers inked on her wrist. a well kept secret. if not long sleeved clothing then her mother covered it up with concealer and foundation, anything to keep it from being readily visible by others. after an accident that paralyzed her mother from the waist down, ellsie became a dedicated caretaker of her and was usually seen aiding in pushing her mother’s wheelchair through the grocery store and various other places, often bickering with her brother about who got to do it. anything she could do to help, she did it, no need to be asked first, she just went straight ahead and did it without prior request. her love for music flourished when her parents gifted her a harp that had belonged to her late grandmother. she learned how to play the instrument and with ease. after learning to play the harp, she moved onto playing the piano which easily became her favorite instrument. beethoven along several others being her favorite composer, the first songs she learned to play were in fact written by him. all of her instrumental experience is in fact self taught, she learned how to play on her own and didn’t have any sort of teacher.
eventually she became engrossed in fantasy, reading books like the hobbit and the fellowship of the ring, it acted as a rich escapism for her along with music. her room is adorned with drawings that her brother made per her request and she’s extremely attached to them. reading books is what sparked her love for writing her own music for the instruments that she played. many of her songs are named after fictitious places or characters that were seen in the stories that she read. of course, this would later start a love for dungeons and dragons, which is something that she would keep fairly quiet, naturally holding a concern towards how she’d be perceived by other people. with her parents not really having any religious alignments, they didn’t mind at all when she picked up this brand new hobby of hers. it was even more so kept hidden when her father became the county commissioner which kind of put her in the spotlight and in the center of attention, especially when his career took off as a local politician. soon enough, ellsie was showcasing her natural talent for playing instruments to the public and community, becoming akin to a local sensation. branding her hawkins’ darling, this inevitably put a lot of pressure on her, but she played the part anyway. arthur did run for indiana state senator soon enough, which kept her dad and mom fairly absent later on and left ellsie to her own devices fairly frequently, meaning that she either ended up at the harringtons or the wheelers. so, she started to play music more intensely, playing instruments just came naturally to her and it made her happy. it was an outlet to put her emotions into regardless of the mood she was in. almost in a way it helped ground her to what was real so that she could focus on what was important.
high school took a turn for her. seeking professional help for her trauma no longer seemed to be working, this is when she started to use illegal substances such as marijuana to help her escape the pain. it was either bought by her with the use of her father’s money, that or her father bought it for her and easily covered his tracks. she joined band, partaking in both marching and pep band playing the flute, while acting as the piano accompanist for the school’s choir. ellsie sat back and watched her life slowly change around her, just trying her best to be at peace her intellect was shown through her grades and she became the girl that no one could touch, giving off dark and brooding energy. not only did she join band, but she partook in the hellfire club, playing dungeons and dragons. when everything started to happen following the disappearance of will and barbara, she found herself becoming involved and following the group to help solve everything that was happening. ellsie became notably emotionally distant as things around her began changing and barbara going missing and dying was the first of a lot that started to shove her and push her. it became increasingly clear that she had no means to cope with what was going on as the severity of her illness began to kick back up and continually interfering with her day to day life, trying hide to move with the tide when she inevitably just could not. her body was weak and she just wanted to get through high school so it could all be over. there were periods of time where she just wasn’t seen by anyone for days before she finally resurfaced. burnt out and trying to make peace with her broken pieces. a shadow of the girl that she once had been. just a girl trying her best to live with her illness and the tragedy born around her. often falling asleep in her closet on difficult nights with music playing. this however didn’t stop her from successfully running as hawkins high school student body president. the queens of hawkins, fulfilling that by being incredibly popular and just by who she was related to. she graduated the top of her class and was the valedictorian.
not sure what to expect when she got to yale, ellsie put together a dungeon and dragons campaign during the summer between her senior year of high school and her freshman year at yale university. long hours were poured into it and she buried herself in the materials to put something together that would absolutely blow everyone's socks off. it was to be a thorough and calculated endeavor on her end. upon arrival at the university's campus, she came in contact with some members, but it turned out the club didn't exactly have a leader and no one had come forward to pick up the pieces so the club was in shambles. with this campaign ready, ellsie felt it was her responsibility to help the club get off it's feet once more. the beginning was a bit rough, but soon enough the club was booming with activity and new members were joining and conveying their interest in the happenings. with the help of her players club earned it's official name 'hollow knight's club'. her first campaign lasted a semester and the second one acted as a sequel to the first. her summers are spent putting together new content and new campaigns filled with amazing surprises. so don't be surprised if she asks you to take it for a spin. she is always looking for ideas and is happy to hear input and pointers from others. especially considering that she receives letters from her fellow club members on any ideas they have on what they want to see next. she got a huge full sleeve tattoo to cover up the 004 on her wrist from her time in the lab. it was drawn out by her brother, it covers the back of her hand and goes up to her shoulder. the design consists of smaug coiling around her arm and the gaps are filled in with various scenes from the hobbit and the lord of the rings.
ellsie is a music major at yale where she participates in the school's orchestra among other things. during her study there she has been able to learn how to play some new instruments, much of her experience lays in string instruments. the instruments that she can play are the harp, piano, guitar, bass, violin, cello, flute, and clarinet, among others, but those are the most notable out all that she can play. she began collecting records and cassettes of her favorite bands and artists at a young age, she has an expansive collection that is kept in multiple places around her bedroom, both at her home in hawkins and her apartment in connecticut. more often than not, she can be seen laying in obscure positions on the floor while she writes music, commonly on her stomach or on her back in a corner of the room with her legs propped up against the walls. she likes to call it her creative genius doing it’s work, when it just helps her focus better and keeps her from pacing about the living spaces that she occupies. strawberry ice cream is a bonus during these sessions as it is her favorite, so she uses it as a reward for herself while she’s working on the task at hand. she has many books filled with hand written sheet music that she keeps and plays. this sheet music is not limited to the piano and in fact has written pieces for some of the other instruments that she is capable of playing. though a vast majority is written for the piano. ask her to write or play a song for you, she will absolutely do it with zero hesitation, she is secretly a people pleaser.
her return to hawkins during spring break was under unfortunate circumstances since her health started to decline and she knew she needed to be back home if it were to grow worse. there’s a corkboard with hospital bracelets pinned to it in her bedroom, one was added to it upon her arrival back home. it’s a sad sight, but it was kept in hopes that ellsie could overcome the worst of it and strive for the most normal of a life she could get. days are spent indoors pondering what it is she wants to complete before her life ends, especially with the severity of her illness, the likeliness of her living past thirty hangs above her head. she keeps to herself pretty heavily, not openly seeking her old friends out, content to just live in the background to see everyone live their lives. she worries a lot about people seeing how bad things are getting for her, so she tries her best to hide it. though, she is no stranger to when there is something going on. something is happening, she can feel it, as if it’s haunting her. the lab isn’t there anymore, it can’t hurt her, but wounds and memories are reopened to the past that keeps her prisoner. the memories she walks, they are not her own, who’s are they then? an open door that can’t be shut, not anymore at least. it’s open and moving back and forth in the wind. walk through the door and see what lays beyond it. “four, wake up.” there she is, sitting in her closet, blood dripping from her nose again. the lights are flickering and it’s hard to tell if the world is the waking one or if she’s trapped in a dream. the therapist’s office doesn’t feel the same anymore, it presents no familiarity. she looks out the window and suddenly she’s looking into the two way mirror in the rainbow room at the lab. “angel of death. you are a bad omen, guiding people to happiness before inevitability of death.” delusions and delirium. hopefully, one day the darkness will subside and it will be okay again.
the telekinesis is a given, something that’s kept as a secret and hidden away like it’s something that’s going to jump out and bite the next person that gets close. though she is most noted for her ability to walk through the memories of other, whether they are conscious of it or not. it functions a lot like eleven’s ability to find people, except ellsie doesn’t need to necessarily be blindfolded. all she needs is some of classical music playing and for the people around her to be quiet if any are present. when it does it’s work, she finds herself in a backroom type of setting that is just filled with hundreds and thousands of doors, usually she ends up in the general vicinity of what she wants to look at. the door is opened by her and she can go inside and walk through the memory and watch certain events happen and try to find what it is that she may be looking for. that being said, she can’t directly interfere with anything happening, she is just an observer getting to view. sometimes she does encounter a situation where a door is locked for any reasons or other, she still can find a way to open it without leaving the door permanently open so that it can’t shut. most close after she exits them and moves onto the next one. she primarily does this with her own memories, especially if she is feeling down or anything like that so she tends to visit memories that make her happy. though as of recently, she has been able to subconsciously do this while she’s sleeping. who’s memories she’s visiting? she can’t say she knows.
ellsie is very intuitive and excellent at reading people that she’s around. that being said, she definitely isn’t the kind to pry and purposely get herself into everyone else’s business. she’s quite easy to befriend and can be chatty if given the opportunity, especially if it happens to be something that she’s incredibly interested in. come be her friend and let her spoil you!
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highcastlcd-a · 2 years
“i’ll embrace the rough and rugged edges of life.”
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from within the hawkins lab: ellsie van hauten, the darling genius pianist
the basics
full name: ellsie wren van hauten
alias(es), if any: ells, siesie, wren, van hauten, and number four
nationality: german american
age: 18
date of birth: 14 april 1967
hometown: hawkins, indiana
current location: hawkins, indiana
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
romantic orientation: panromantic
sexual orientation: demisexual
occupation(s): hawkins high school student, musical prodigy, waitress, and hellfire club member
the physical appearance
faceclaim: skyler samuels
hair type: curly
hair color: blonde
eye color: blue
height: 5′6″
weight: she says it’s a secret
build: petite and slender
top five on her personal playlist
dream on by aerosmith
bohemian rhapsody by queen
kashmir by led zeppelin
heart of glass by blondie
wish you were here by pink floyd
the story behind her
april 14, 1967 was both a blessing and curse to arthur and lisette van hauten, their daughter entered the world early into the morning. at an early age, ellsie was regarded as heavenly, being much like heaven and the angels hidden behind its’ gates. her intellectual capacity made her an obvious target for what was soon to come. at a young age, she went missing, seemingly just disappeared overnight and not to be seen again. posters of her plastered the town of hawkins. the girl lived through the horrors of the hawkins lab, going through the hell that would change her life and eventually subject her to such brutality and violence never seen before. she was one of very few that was fortunate enough to escape the lab the night the massacre happened. narrowly escaping with her wits and her life. while her parents were overjoyed to have their little girl back, it was difficult for her to carry on a life that was some semblance of normal. the lab haunted her dreams and waking life, so her seeing a professional became the norm as her life carried on. anything to take her mind away from the trauma she had sustained, though it’s clear that she does not harbor any ill will towards doctor martin brenner.
during elementary school, ellsie befriend nancy wheeler and barbara holland, they were among the first of few that she came to trust as her life carried forward. for obvious reason, she was insistent upon wearing long sleeved clothing to cover up the set of numbers inked on her wrist. a well kept secret. if not long sleeved clothing then her mother covered it up with concealer and foundation, anything to keep it from being readily visible by others. after an accident that paralyzed her mother from the waist down, ellsie became a dedicated caretaker of her and was usually seen aiding in pushing her mother’s wheelchair through the grocery store and various other places. anything she could do to help, she did it, no need to be asked first, she just went straight ahead and did it without prior request. her love for music flourished when her parents gifted her a harp that had belonged to her late grandmother. she learned how to play the instrument and with ease. after learning to play the harp, she moved onto playing the piano which easily became her favorite instrument. beethoven along several others being her favorite composer, the first songs she learned to play were in fact written by him. all of her instrumental experience is in fact self taught, she learned how to play on her own and didn’t have any sort of teacher.
eventually she became engrossed in fantasy, reading books like the hobbit and the fellowship of the ring, it acted as a rich escapism for her along with music. reading books is what sparked her love for writing her own music for the instruments that she played. many of her songs are named after fictitious places or characters that were seen in the stories that she read. of course, this would later start a love for dungeons and dragons, which is something that she would keep fairly quiet, naturally holding a concern towards how she’d be perceived by other people. with her parents not really having any religious alignments, they didn’t mind at all when she picked up this brand new hobby of hers. it was even more so kept hidden when her father became the county commissioner which kind of put her in the spotlight and in the center of attention, especially when his career took off as a local politician. soon enough, ellsie was showcasing her natural talent for playing instruments to the public and community, becoming akin to a local sensation. branding her hawkins’ darling, this inevitably put a lot of pressure on her, but she played the part anyway.
high school took a turn for her. seeking professional help for her trauma no longer seemed to be working, this is when she started to use illegal substances such as marijuana to help her escape the pain. it was either bought by her with the use of her father’s money, that or her father bought it for her and easily covered his tracks. she joined band, partaking in both marching and pep band playing the flute, while acting as the piano accompanist for the school’s choir. her intellect was shown through her grades and she became the girl that no one could touch, giving off dark and brooding energy. not only did she join band, but she partook in the hellfire club, playing dungeons and dragons. when everything started to happen following the disappearance of will and barbara, she found herself becoming involved and following the group to help solve everything that was happening. later on, she befriended max mayfield, kind of taking her in as a surrogate sister since ellsie herself is an only child. she became a waitress at a local diner, which is how she started to earn money for herself. she is noted as being a yale university hopeful, with how good her grades are, it would be entirely possible. of course, she ran and hid with the group especially since a target was painted on her back for being associated with the hellfire club. recently she has been seen tagging along with the elder members of the group such as nancy, eddie, robin, and steve.
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novelswithariana · 5 months
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Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary, LGBT (Ace Representation)
📚 Synopsis: Now that Wren Martin is student council president (on a technicality, but hey, it counts) he’s going to fix Rapture High. His first order of business: abolish the school’s annual Valentine’s Day Dance, a drain on the school’s resources and general social nightmare—especially when you’re asexual.
His greatest opponent: Leo Reyes, vice president and all-around annoyingly perfect student, who has a solution to Wren’s budget problem. A sponsorship from Buddy, the anonymous “not a dating” app sweeping the nation. Now instead of a dance-less senior year, Wren is in charge of the biggest dance Rapture High has ever seen. He’s even secretly signed up for the app. For research, of course.
But when Wren develops capital F-Feelings for his anonymous match, things spiral out of control. Wren decided a long time ago that dating while asexual wasn’t worth the hassle. With the Dance rapidly approaching, he isn’t sure what will kill him first: the dance, his relationship drama, or the growing realization that Leo’s perfect life might not be so perfect after all.
In an unforgettably quippy and endearingly chaotic voice, narrator Wren Martin explores the complexities of falling in love while asexual.
📝 Review: I recently had the pleasure of diving into the captivating world of "Wren Martin Ruins It All" by Amanda Dewitt, and I must say, it did not disappoint. From the very first page, I was hooked by Dewitt's impeccable storytelling and relatable characters.
In this delightful novel, we follow the journey of Wren Martin, the witty and ambitious student council president of Rapture High. Wren's mission to abolish the infamously dreaded Valentine's Day Dance at his school sets the stage for a series of hilarious mishaps and unexpected romantic entanglements. But "Wren Martin Ruins It All" is so much more than a comedic high school romance.
Dewitt skillfully weaves in the complexities of love, relationships, and the journey of self-discovery. One of the standout aspects of this book is its refreshing portrayal of asexuality. Wren's exploration and acceptance of his identity as an asexual individual is thoughtfully depicted, shedding light on a topic that is often misunderstood or overlooked.
What truly sets "Wren Martin Ruins It All" apart is the authenticity of its characters. Dewitt has created a diverse cast that is brimming with personality and relatability. From the charming Leo, Wren's vice president, to the quirky and lovable members of the student council, each character feels like someone you could know in real life.
The writing style employed by Dewitt is energetic, humorous, and infused with heart. The pacing is spot on, keeping the reader engaged and eagerly turning the pages. Whether it's the witty banter between characters or the tender moments of self-reflection, the prose effortlessly captures the essence of each scene.
At its core, "Wren Martin Ruins It All" is a story about embracing who you truly are, navigating the highs and lows of teenage life, and learning that sometimes, it's okay to let go and allow yourself to be vulnerable. It's a powerful and heartwarming reminder that love takes many forms, and self-discovery is a journey worth embarking on.
Overall, I highly recommend "Wren Martin Ruins It All" to anyone in search of a captivating and relatable read. Amanda Dewitt has crafted a gem of a novel that seamlessly combines humor, romance, and important themes, leaving a lasting impression. Don't miss out on this delightful book that will make you laugh, swoon, and maybe even shed a tear or two.
🔍 Rec: People who have read ‘The Borrow A Boyfriend Club’ (Page Powars), ‘They Hate Each Other’ (Amanda Woody) and ‘Gwen & Art Are Not In Love’ (Lex Croucher) may like this book.
Thank you Amanda DeWitt, Peachtree Teen and Colored Pages Book Tours for this delightful read. All opinions expressed here are purely my own.
🦋 Recommend some books with Ace Representation in the comments.
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coreymichaelsmithson · 8 months
Debussy in the Boneyard
I've always been drawn to the gardens of the dead.
McEwen, the town I live in, has two cemeteries. The smaller one, technically speaking, is a graveyard, as the property belongs to a nearby Irish Catholic church. Its oldest section holds parishioners born in the early 1800s, emigrants from Kilkenny or Galway or Cork who might have fled the '40s famine and the crushing poverty that ensued, or those who followed the promise of work on the Nashville and Northwestern railroads. I imagine that many of the second wave who arrived in the '90s endured the traumatizing queues of Ellis Island, maybe even squeezing through the inoculating bottleneck of quarantine on Swinburne. All of them died as Americans in Tennessee.
The graveyard is just a few blocks from my house on Main Street, and I often go there when I need to take long phone calls or clear my head. The stones dating back to the 1850s are attractively mossy and worn, with many words eroded into illegibility, while the ones from this century feature elaborate etchings, embedded photographs, or even mounted souvenirs. There are a few shade trees, some benches to sit upon, and a surprising number of memorials with only a single date. The most touching grave belongs to Beau, stillborn on Valentine's Day, now attended by toy trucks and a teddy bear. Children's graves often bear gifts.
The younger and grander of the two boneyards is McEwen Cemetery. The walk there is also fairly short, but it's a far more satisfying journey, especially during the late afternoon. I like the cross-section of town it provides, its string of small but evocative details. Most of my route follows Railroad Street ... which, as you might imagine, runs alongside the train tracks, rising and falling for less than a mile before terminating in the cemetery. The road takes me past a few plain little prefabs, an ancient tupelo tree, a pink crêpe myrtle as gay as a spray of confetti, a mildewy white trailer, some crooked toolsheds, signs reading WELCOME in wooden letters, and hooded signal lamps hanging from the crossbucks.
Autumn is here, and the maples are the first to announce themselves. Throughout the town, people are lighting the fires of fall: leaves, trash, burn pits. The smell of their smoke seems specific to autumn ... perhaps it's the first snap of cool air, that quality people describe as "crisp", that lends these odors such vividness. You have a sense of things being taken in, the harvest nearing completion, a withdrawal into the warmth of home. Even the tacky décor of Halloween ... the orange wreaths, the faux skeletons, the polythene witches ... somehow hints at the shift towards winter and its gelid quietude, the annual death that is not really death but rather dormancy, of the inevitable cyclic renewal that requires some form of sacrifice from all living things. If you were to live long enough, for millennia rather than decades, you'd see everything sped up, as if you were holding the fast-forward button on a remote ... the rails obscured by ivy, the ravine choked with thistle, the lawns conquered by sumac, the asphalt shattered by dandelions, the road blocked by blackberry, the houses darkening with mold and falling inwards. At such a scale all human concerns would shrink to the busyness of ants, while the sun and moon chased each other through the flickering sky.
The plants along the railroad embankment are engaged in a battle for supremacy, with kudzu emerging as the obvious winner. I see long seedpods drooping from catalpas, a forgotten tire swing, a ramshackle trampoline. I hear the high school's marching band, and distant gunshots, and that insistent cricket song which sounds like power lines. There is one last yard, a pair of rusted tractors, a joyless swing set, some hollowed gourds meant for martins and wrens, a row of fruit trees, and then an empty field that somehow suggests Elysium. Finally, the narrowing and now nameless lane lifts above a long pond in a copse. I've come to think of this puddle as McEwen's version of the river Styx ... for as soon as we cross it, we'll be wandering among the departed.
While exploring the cemetery, I'll connect my phone to its earpiece, while keeping the other ear free for birdsong and barking dogs. Lately, I've been playing a few of my favorite pieces by Debussy ... "Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune", "La fille aux cheveux de lin", and especially his "Danse profane". The lilting strings and rippling harp create a soft but stirring soundtrack for my communion with the dead.
Strangely, though, this place doesn't feel funereal. In fact, the cemetery throbs with life. I watch as a monarch lifts from the knotweed. A pit bull from the nearby farm trots over, tail wagging, to greet me. Behind a fence, a swaybacked mare nibbles on some fescue. Caterpillar nests gleam like silver on the elms, and poison ivy stamps its scarlet on the undergrowth. The orderly rows of monuments get disrupted here and there by natural features, such as hills or trees, and the ground settles unevenly, revealing the mounds of coffins. A few families elect to delineate their plots with low blocks of masonry or ornamental gates ... though the worms and beetles and mycelia will observe no such borders. Flags and plastic flowers abound. I visit a man who died on his 29th birthday, and a mother who perished on the same day as her two toddlers. A lone tombstone leans against a Spanish oak. Some of the smallest markers say, simply, "DADDY" or "MAMA" or "WIFE". As the sun sinks lower and drops behind trees, the remaining alleys of light grow narrower, until only the tallest obelisks stand bright and orange in the beams.
I look to the sky, at a froth of cirrus blown sideways, and think of how thin our atmosphere actually is. All that protects us from the chilling vacuum of space is this fragile blue blanket of vapors, doomed to disappear in the next 2-3 billion years. We'll be long gone by then, along with the oceans and plants.
I consider the blip we represent in the galactic timeline ... and of the ecologies that must be thriving elsewhere in the cosmos. I think of the countless beasts on distant planets that are swimming or flying or fighting the peculiar battles of their biomes, beings as ignorant of us as we are of them, each creature obeying its native imperatives, each destined to its private oblivion. I think of asteroids and rogue proto-planets and unfortunate trajectories. On some ill-fated world somewhere, ruminants will stop grazing and lift their shaggy heads, blinking with incomprehension as the conclusive comet plunges and ignites in their atmosphere. But their nullification will not be for naught. The atoms that fashioned them will still exist. Heat and electricity and magnetism will still exist. All their matter will be recycled, each molecule being torn asunder so that new and more exotic configurations may be born, each particle playing but a bit part in an endless continuum. Death is only a singularity, a point through which life contracts and expands again. Dying stars seed space with carbon, magnesium, calcium, zinc. The hare surrenders to the grass, and the mushroom heralds a miracle, and bone meal betters our roses.
Meanwhile, I keep tapping on my phone to repeat the Debussy. Something about his music in this setting feels both melancholy and warming, plaintive and romantic. The word that comes to mind is "bittersweet". Claude Debussy has been dead for over a century ... yet he accompanies me now, on this fine autumn evening, chaperoning me as I consider the illusory boundary between life and death. His ghost makes for good company.
As I stroll among the graves, it occurs to me that the lives buried between these markers are not just a bunch of discrete units, self-contained and aloof from the stirrings of the world, but rather they form an occulted plexus of connection: families, businesses, churches, catastrophes, commencements, picnics, reunions, love affairs, scandals, marriages, maladies, baptisms ... and, of course, funerals.  The space between the stones seems at first to be measured by the standard span of coffins ... but in truth the cemetery chronicles a cumulative tale, a ceaseless and bewildering concurrence of human narratives, forever bubbling and piling and collapsing upon itself like foam on the surf. There is a message to be found in the muster of plots.
One of the best things you can do for your spirit is to spend some time in the presence of the deceased ... so I suggest that you avail yourself, at the next available opportunity, of the boneyard's splendid gifts, preferably during the golden hour that leads to dusk, and as you pass through the gate please make a point of turning towards the setting sun, and watch as its last slanting ray sets fire to the trees and outlines the edges of leaves and lights the Brownian dance of gnats ... and in this one enormous expanding instant, you may apprehend, in its entirety, life itself, life ever surging, ever swarming, proliferating, bursting free of rocks and ponds, rising from the loam in long unfurling gestures, clutching at the sky, vying for sunlight, and in all likelihood you will fall in love with the naked face of existence all over again, even with its grim chaotic terrors, even with its throttling vines, its tumors, its housefires, and you will find every process to be in order, every animate thing to be in perfect alignment with its purpose, and your mind will assign equal merit to the acorn and the oak that opens from it, and you will consider with an untroubled eye the upended armadillo, the ruined document, the torturous divorce, the smoke that curls into the sky, the vulture with clotted blood on its beak, the limping dog, the sagging porch, the leaning fence, and you will find mirth in the collapsing leer of the Jack O' Lantern, and you will see the world for all of its punctual cycles, its fecundity and decay, its apparent tumult and hidden patterns ... and you'll understand that one day, a day not very far from now, your newly unfettered consciousness will be at liberty to roam, to go further, to fly far from the shore towards the middle of the ocean, and that your mind may arrive at a calm expanse, a place with only one horizon, and there you will be truly free, free to explore, free to swim without the need for body or breath, to plunge beneath the surface and zip among the wriggling fish, to go below the bloated whale, to praise the cetacean that falls in soft white clumps towards the benthic midnight, to descend the cold column of dark that spans from blue to indigo to black, to sink amid the snowy detritus of plankton and hake scales twirling into the depths, to be gobbled by hagfish and crabs or lost among the fronds of sessile things, to be broken by worms, to molder into bare and quiescent motes, to become a carbonate slush on the sea floor ... and then you will know, know for certain, that nothing ever ends without beginning anew, and that you have always been and will always be, and you shall find yourself satisfied once again by the transitional nature of death, pleased to greet yet another death in a long unbroken line of them, and you will await with serenity all the deaths to come, and you will treasure the fleeting lives between them, and you will be at peace, assured that nothing dies forever, for life is forever, and forever is forever, amen.
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careerwill012 · 9 months
Which books are considered best for mastering English Language & Comprehension for SSC CGL Tier-I?
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Mastering the English Language and Comprehension section for the SSC CGL Tier-I examination requires a strategic approach, comprehensive understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills. Best books for ssc cgl preparation To excel in this section, it is essential to have the right study materials and books that cover the syllabus thoroughly. Here, we will discuss some of the best books that are highly recommended for SSC CGL Tier-I English Language and Comprehension preparation.
1. "Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis: This book is a classic for improving vocabulary. It covers a wide range of words and their usage in an easy-to-understand manner. A strong vocabulary is crucial for scoring well in the English section.
2. "High School English Grammar and Composition" by Wren and Martin: This book is a must-have for building a strong foundation in English grammar. It covers all essential topics and provides plenty of practice exercises.
3. "Objective General English" by S.P. Bakshi: This book is tailored specifically for competitive exams like SSC CGL. It includes a variety of questions, practice exercises, and previous year questions to help you prepare effectively.
4. "Plinth to Paramount" by Neetu Singh: Neetu Singh's books are popular among SSC aspirants. "Plinth to Paramount" is known for its comprehensive coverage of grammar rules and extensive practice exercises.
5. "A Mirror of Common Errors" by A. K. Singh: This book focuses on common grammatical errors and how to avoid them. It's a valuable resource for understanding the nuances of the English language.
6. "Kiran’s SSC English Language Chapterwise Solved Papers": Kiran Prakashan's book contains chapter-wise solved papers of previous SSC CGL exams. Practicing these questions will help you understand the exam pattern and improve your problem-solving skills.
7. "Quick Learning Objective General English" by R. S. Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal: This book offers a wide range of objective-type questions, which are beneficial for improving your speed and accuracy in the English section.
8. "English for General Competitions" by A. P. Bhardwaj: This book covers a wide range of topics, including vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. It provides ample practice material and is suitable for SSC CGL preparation.
9. "Mastering Comprehension – Section A" by Ajay Singh: For mastering reading comprehension, this book is highly recommended. It includes various types of passages with detailed explanations and practice questions.
10. "SSC CGL Tier-I Exam Practice Workbook" by Disha Experts: This workbook is packed with practice sets, mock tests, and solved papers. It helps you assess your preparation and improve your time management skills.
In addition to these books, regularly reading English newspapers, magazines, and online articles can also enhance your reading comprehension skills. Moreover, consider taking mock tests and solving previous year question papers to get a feel for the actual exam and improve your time management.
Remember that consistent practice and dedication are the keys to mastering the English Language and Comprehension section in SSC CGL Tier-I. Choose the books that best suit your learning style and needs, and make a study plan to cover the entire syllabus effectively. With the right resources and diligent effort, you can excel in this section and improve your overall performance in the SSC CGL Tier-I exam.
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wrenoxford · 11 months
Wren Oxford’s Timeline
1994; Age 0
July 27th- Wren Laine Oxford is born to Sharon and Ernest Oxford at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, New York
1995; Age 1
January- Sharon starts teaching Wren sign language since Ernest is hard of hearing.
1996; Age 2
October 23rd- Martin Oxford is born to Sharon and Ernest Chisholm at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, New York.
1999; Age 5
February 14th- Errol Oxford is born to Sharon and Ernest Oxford at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, New York
2000; Age 6
August- Wren starts Public School 81
2003; Age 9
September-  Wren is enrolled in therapy due to her lethargy and seeming disinterest in most classes.
December- Near Christmas, Wren’s father takes them out to a  concert. After the concert, their father buys them a guitar. Late at night, Wren finally opens up about how they’ve been feeling. Their father admits feeling the same way. He promises that they’ll fight this together.
2004; Age 10
January- Wren starts ‘dating’ Xen Foreman. Neither of them are serious about it, but their parents let them hang out a lot.
2005; Age 11
July- After Wren tells her parents that she saw Xen’s father hit them, Xen no longer comes around, and Wren never sees them again.
August-  After a couple days of  knowing each other, Wren throws themselves at  Song Zhenyi. Later into the month, Song breaks up with Wren for drinking a bad soda. Wren is never really sure what that meant.
November- A faulty bearing starts a fire in the grain elevator that Wren’s parents worked in. The fire spreads rapidly due to the dust not being filtrated, and there are ten blasts that explode several silos in the grain elevator. Wren’s mother and father both are killed in the explosions. Martin is sent to family members in Georgia, and Errol is sent to family members in Baltimore. Wren is put in a foster home.
2006; Age 12
January- Wren’s cousins take her to a party. There she starts drinking. She also meets Keenan Shepard  there.
March- Wren starts dating Keenan three days after he dumps his girlfriend.
April- Wren is taken out of their foster home and put into another.  
July- Wren finds Keenan kissing another girl at a beach party. She breaks up with him. She meets Jonathan Orr at the party, and immediately starts dating him.
August- Jonathan breaks up with Wren, because he thinks they’re too young for him. Wren starts partying and drinking around.
November- Wren starts dating Daniella Rutter after the girl reaches out in concern for Wren.
December- Wren is moved from one foster home to another. She meets two kids there that speak different languages. She starts trying to figure out how to talk to them, and she quickly starts to learn their languages.
2008; Age 14
August- Wren starts Leonardo Da Vinci High School. Late in the month, Daniella dumps Wren by text. Wren fills this void by trying to desperately meet her foster parent’s expectations. She becomes student body member, does cheer leading, and works a part time job on the weekend.
October- Wren is voted Homecoming Queen.
2009; Age 15
January- Wren starts dating a cheer team member: Grey Adams. Grey’s parents do not like Wren after she starts dating Gray, but that seems to only make Grey like Wren more. Wren starts taking Grey to parties.
February- Grey gets really sick off of alcohol, and Wren worries that Grey might have gotten alcohol poisoning. They start to blame themself for this, and they try to break up with Grey gently. Grey insists that they can fix things. Wren repeatedly tries to push them away. Later in the month, Wren brutally breaks up with Grey in public by being awful to them. Wren is kicked off the cheer team for this. Wren’s foster parents find out and grounds them for six months. No TV, no other people, no phone. Just school, work, and chores.
September- Wren is sent to a new foster home.
December- Wren runs away from her foster home and sleeps over at a friend’s home. She ends up hooking up with Addison Hassan. Their relationship is messy, but it’s largely stable.  
2011; Age 17
March- In the middle of a fight, Addison punches a wall in Wren’s foster parent’s home. Their foster mother calls the police on Addison, and Addison refuses to see Wren after this.
May- Wren’s deteriorating mental health reaches it’s apex, and they are institutionalized.
August- Wren is forced into a meeting with a school counselor. While meeting with the counselor, her counselor actually encourages her music interests.
2012; Age 18
May- Wren graduates. As soon as Wren graduates, their foster parents kick them out of their home, and they instantly becomes homeless.
December- A nice woman lets her move in with her. Wren gets a job, and eventually she gets an apartment.
2013; Age 19
January- Wren starts college. They also starts her Youtube and Onlyfans at this time.
March- They start dating Gerald Willis  whom they meet at theirr work place. He’s a relatively nice man who is a tad sad.
September- Gerald Willis and Wren move in together.
2014; Age 20
October- Wren releases her EP. This goes semi-viral.
November- Wren has their first miscarriage.
2015; Age 21
August- Wren releases her first album that does really well with her audience.
2016; Age 22
April-Wren breaks up with Gerald after they find themself spiraling with him. They are kind, but tell him they are just hurting each other.
November- Wren discovers that she is pregnant from a fling.
December- Wren finishes their certification in radiologist technology.
2017; Age 23
January- Wren miscarries. That same month she moves to Laurel, Maine to start a job as a radiologist technician.
June- Wren releases their third album. This is their first fully viral album.
August- Wren is sent to London by her label to promote a product. At the same time, Wren starts online courses to get a degree in music. She studies while on the tube and in any free time she can get.
September- Wren starts dating Talia while visiting London.
November- Talia and Wren tearfully break up due to neither of them being able to make long distance work.
2018; Age 24
May- Wren starts dating fellow youtuber  Elijah Mclaughlin.
June- Wren moves in with Elijah.
2020; Age 26
April- Wren releases their fourth album. This does commercially very well.
2022; Age 28
May- Wren finds out that she is pregnant.
November- Wren has a stillbirth.
December- Elijah dumps Wren. 
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clatexam · 2 years
Detailed CLAT Syllabus 2022 – Get Complete Syllabus including all topics, subject wise
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The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is one of the most widely taken law entrance tests in the country. For most students, the aim of attempting the CLAT is to get into National Law Universities (NLUs). As there exists a cut-throat competition, students need to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus to get into the faculty of law in National Law Institutions of their choice. This blog will provide a detailed syllabus for CLAT UG. It was prepared by studying the previous years’ question papers of CLAT from 2010 to 2021. The blog highlights various points that should be considered when the CLAT syllabus is in question.
In this blog, you’ll see the division of different categories and sub-categories of the CLAT syllabus. You will be able to see the most relevant topics from each subject.
The CLAT UG Syllabus contains topics such as the English language, Current affairs including General Knowledge, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Techniques.
In the CLAT UG test, an examinee has 120 minutes to answer 150 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each.
For each answer marked correctly, a +1 mark will be rewarded. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every answer marked wrong.
Subjects and no. Of questions. English Language – 28-32 questions, Current Affairs, including General Knowledge – 35-39 questions Legal Reasoning – 35-39 questions Logical Reasoning – 28-32 questions Quantitative Techniques – 13-17 questions
1. English Language:
According to the Consortiumofnlus (which is the regulatory and conducting authority of the Common Law Admission Test), you will be provided passages of about 450 woCLAT EXAM – THE EASY GUIDE FOR BEGINNERSrds each. These passages will be derived from contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing and would be of a standard that a 12th standard student may be able to read in about 5-7 minutes. Each passage will be followed by a series of questions which will range somewhere between 3 and 5 This section primarily focuses on testing the reading and comprehension skills of the examinee. The questions will require you to demonstrate your comprehension and language skills, and abilities to: – Comprehend the central theme, – Viewpoints and arguments set out in the passage, – Draw inferences and conclusions based on the passage, – Summarize the passage. – Compare and contrast the different arguments and viewpoints – Understand the meaning and context of words, phrases, idioms, etc. used in the passage.
The updated or revised CLAT syllabus 2022 has eliminated a lot of topics from this section which has in a way reduced the boundaries of the syllabus but at the same time, has broadened the existing topics covered under the syllabus to enhance the depth of this particular section.
Below is the list of topics that have been eliminated from the new syllabus of CLAT 2022: 1. Sentence-correction 2. Cloze Test 3. Fill in the blanks 4. Phrase replacement 5. Error spotting 6. Sentence sequential arrangement 7. Choose the correct sentence.
Study Material to help you with this section :
1. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis 2. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin 3. English newspaper – The Hindu or The Indian Express 4. Editorials and articles published in newspapers and magazines
What is expected of you in this section? – This section expects you to develop fast reading skills and the ability to comprehend complex texts. – It also demands proper and detailed preparation.
The total weightage of this section is 20%. The difficulty level of the questions is set according to the 12th standard.
Tips to Remember: – A smart student would not only write down and mark what to read in a syllabus but also take into consideration what not to read, what is time-consuming, which topics are easy to handle and score, what are her/his strengths, etc. – The most practical and efficient way to approach comprehension is to read through its question first and then start with the comprehension. In that way, a student would already know what the question is, and 90% of the time this works. However, it is imperative that the student is attentive when attempting the question.
2. CLAT Current Affairs Syllabus, including General Knowledge:
According to the Consortium of NLUs, this section will have passages of up to 450 words each. The passages will be derived from: 1. News 2. Journalistic sources 3. other non-fiction writing.
The questions may include an examination of legal information or knowledge discussed in or related to the passage. However, they would not require any additional knowledge of the law beyond the passage.
Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your awareness of various aspects of current affairs and general knowledge, including: 1. Contemporary events of significance from India and the world; 2. Arts and culture; 3. International affairs; and 4. Historical events of continuing significance.
The study material to help you through this section is: 1. Lucent’s General Knowledge 2. Newspapers – The Hindu or The Indian Express or any other reliable newspaper 3. Websites on current affairs 4. NCERT books for understanding basic geography, history, polity, and economics
What is expected of you in this section? This section expects you to have a conceptual understanding instead of rote learning. So, one must prepare for this section in a detailed manner. Reading newspaper articles and editorials is a non-negotiable element of this entire preparation.
The difficulty level of the questions is set according to the 12th standard. The total weightage given to this section is 25%.
Tips to remember: -Quite often, questions aren’t directly in this section, one must develop an understanding and this will come by solving the previous year’s question paper.
Topics to be studied – National & International Affairs – Schemes – Science & Technology – Summits & Conferences – Sports – Awards & Honours – Arts & Culture – Important Historical Events
3. Legal Reasoning:
The consortium of NLUs says that in this section, the examinee is expected to read passages of around 450 words each. The passages may relate to: 1. Fact 2. Situations or scenarios involving legal matters, public policy questions, or moral philosophical inquiries. 3. Any static or current topic/news related to the field of law
You will not require any prior knowledge of the law. You will benefit from a general awareness of contemporary legal and moral issues to better apply general principles or propositions to the given fact scenarios.
Each passage would be followed by a series of questions that will require you to: 1. Identify and infer the rules and principles set out in the passage; 2. Apply such rules and principles to various fact situations; and 3. Understand how changes to the rules or principles may alter their application to various fact situations (which may be real or hypothetical).
The study material that will help you is: – Bare Acts of the Indian Constitution – Legal Awareness and Legal Aptitude books – Universal’s CLAT Guide – Newspapers – The Hindu or The Indian Express – Websites on current affairs for CLAT and legal issues
What is expected of you in this section? It will have questions testing the candidate’s understanding of the law and its various aspects. The legal aptitude section will test the candidate’s knowledge of the law on one hand, and his/her awareness of current legal issues on the other hand. Thus, candidates will have to prepare for both types of questions.
Topics one must go through are: – Important Supreme Court Judgments; – Important and recent acts and amendments of the legislature; – Important topics from Contract law, Criminal law, tort law, and Constitutional law; – Legal GK and current affairs; – International treaties and conventions affecting national legal framework etc. – Fundamental Rights, Duties, Judiciary, Parliament, Directive Principles of State Policy, Local governments.
The difficulty level of the questions is set according to the 12th standard. The total weightage given to this section is 25%.
Tips to remember: – This section doesn’t require any prior knowledge of Law. Its sole aim is to test your judgment ability. – It is a lengthy section, it is advisable to go through the question banks, test series, and previous year’s questions as well.
4. Logical Reasoning:
The consortium says that the Logical Reasoning section of the UG-CLAT will include a series of short passages of about 300 words each. Each passage will be followed by one or more questions that will require you to:
1. Recognize an argument, its premises, and conclusions; 2. Read and identify the arguments set out in the passage; 3. Critically analyze patterns of reasoning, and assess how conclusions may depend on particular premises or evidence; 4. Infer what follows from the passage and apply these inferences to new situations; 5. Draw relationships and analogies, identify contradictions and equivalence, and assess the effectiveness of arguments.
The study material that will help you is: 1. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal 2. Analytical and Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal 3. Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
What is expected of you in this section? Candidates must practice the questions they will see on the exam. CLAT syllabus includes a few topics in logical reasoning, candidates will need to identify them by analyzing the previous year’s questions and then practice similar questions
The most important topics include: Syllogism Series Statement & Assumption Statement & Course of Action Statement & Arguments Seating Arrangement Cause & Effect Statement & Inference Weakening & Strengthening argument Blood relations Logical sequences and matching Calendars and clocks Analogies
The difficulty level of the questions is set according to the 12th standard. The total weightage given to this section is 20%.
Tips to remember: – Learn tips on blood relations and seating arrangements from various YouTube channels. Remember the short tricks of the clock and calendars.
5. Quantitative Techniques:
The Consortium says The Quantitative Techniques section of the UG-CLAT 2022 will include short sets of facts or propositions, graphs, or other textual, pictorial, or diagrammatic representations of numerical information, followed by a series of questions.
Candidates will be required to derive information from such passages, graphs, or other representations, and apply mathematical operations to such information.
The questions will require candidates to: 1. Derive, 2. infer, and manipulate numerical information set out in such passages, graphs, or other representations; and 3. Apply various 10th standard mathematical operations on such information, including from areas such as ratios and proportions, basic algebra, mensuration, and statistical estimation.
The study material that will help you is: 1. Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal 2. Elementary Mathematics with Numerical Ability 3. Class 10th NCERT Textbook
What is expected of you in this section? – to learn basic mathematical operations
The most important topics to study are: – Ratios and proportions, – Basic algebra, – Mensuration – Statistical estimation – Algebra – Pie Chart, – Bar Graph – Line Graph – Table Chart – Mixed Graphs – Caselet D.I. (Passage Based)
The difficulty level of the questions is set according to the 10th standard. The total weightage given to this section is 10%.
Tips to Remember: – Like the name, “Quantitative Techniques“, suggests, the candidate is required to apply various mathematical techniques and formulas to reach the correct conclusion. – Attempt various mock tests and previous years’ questions to understand the kind of questions that are asked in this section.
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haly-reads · 3 years
this one's a treasure! it's my grand dad's oldest version of the wren and martin grammar book which he used during his high school and college days. my dad got hold of this but never thought of using it (my dad hates english lol) so he kept it safe in his documents for me. and now it's mine!
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lostnwonderlandz · 4 years
Book Pages II
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Rowell, Rainbow. Fangirl. St. Martin’s Griffin, New York, 2013. 
This book follows our narrator, Cath, and her twin sister, Wren, as they are beginning college and branching out on their own for the first time. Cath is an introvert, keeping to books and having her sister as her best friend. It comes as a shock when Wren wants to go out on her own, leaving her sister to fend for herself for the first time. Beginning college, Cath discovers she is not prepared for venturing into the world on her own. The addition of a new roommate and her best friend (who takes a liking to Cath without her being remotely aware) is enough to put any introvert in their turtle shell. The only thing getting her through her semester? Carry On, Simon. It’s a fanfiction she’d been working on religiously with her sister to get finished before the author released the last book of the series. Throw in a struggling Advanced Creative Writing class and a teacher who believes that Fanfiction is plagiarism, Cath struggles through her first semester of college. Her home life remains turbulent with her deceased mother, an alcoholic twin, and a father who just can’t seem to take of himself. Readers who enjoy a touch of romance get to see a rather floundering main character that can’t quite get the love part right. The ending of the book offers a different perspective than the reader anticipates, Cath growing into a young adult and finally becoming comfortable with herself.
I really enjoy this book, it being a reread from high school when I was nervous about going to college on my own. Seeing as I was moving to a difference state and leaving my friends behind, I had the same fears of Cath, which settled my nerves greatly to relate to a character so well. The concerns of turning into Wren and even watching my friends in college make her mistakes of partying every weekend and falling behind never quite left. As an English major, I formed a bit of a bond with Cath, understanding her fixation on her fanfiction and the series that took up so much of her child (the series an obvious play on the Harry Potter books).
When it comes to forming connections to students through this book, I feel that it is very appropriate for students junior and senior year. I know a lot of students struggle with making friends and anxiety, and Cath is honestly a good representation for them. When she first starts her semester in school, she survives only off of blueberry protein bars she stores beneath her bed, too scared to ask for directions. The POC and diversity is a little lacking, but the main ship of Carry On, Simon are part of the LBGTQ+ community. The characters that Rainbow Rowell has are not the stereotypical “pretty” but are real people that aren’t romanticized in appearance. I found it quite endearing when Cath falls for Levi, noticing his flaws and finding him even more attractive based on this (that being said, one could argue this would have the opposite effect that the author was going for in the first place).
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clearexamdelhi1 · 2 years
CLAT Mock Test 2023 FREE | CLAT Test Series Online
Best CLAT coaching in Delhi.
CLAT, the competitive exam for various colleges of National Law Universities 3-year legal program consists of 150 multiple choice questions from the areas of English, Reasoning Ability, Legal Aptitude, General Knowledge and Current Affair and Quantitative Aptitude. With 150 multiple choice questions from the 5 sections of the examination the eligibility of candidates for the 3000 seats for various colleges is determined on a merit cum preference basis. The CLAT 2023 is tentatively held in December while the application form is released in August also tentatively.
CLAT coaching
The CLAT 2023 is a competitive examination required to be eligible for National Law Universities various colleges. 
Eligibility for the 3-year program is determined on the basis of 5 parameters.
English Comprehension
Mental Ability and Legal Aptitude
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Logical Reasoning 
Quantitative Aptitude
Go for best CLAT coaching in Delhi.
This examination is taken in online mode.
The CLAT is conducted in the Dec 2022, while the application form is typically released in Aug 2022.
National Law Universities offers 3000 seats for their legal program which are determined on a merit cum preference based on the CLAT.
Exam Pattern for CLAT 2023: CLAT coaching
The exam pattern is outlined below and details the number of questions per section and time durations.
Total No. Of Questions-  150 Questions
Marks per Correct Question-  1 Mark
Maximum No. Of Marks- 150 Marks
Exam Duration-  90 Minutes
Current Affairs and General Knowledge- 40
Legal Aptitude- 40
Reasoning ability- 25
English- 25
Quantitative Aptitude- 20
Exam Syllabus for CLAT 2023: CLAT preparation
The CLAT examination has 5 different sections which are outlined below.
Section 1: General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Topics covered underneath this section:
Current Affairs, Indian History Post Independence, Important Dates and Years in Indian History, Books and Authors, History, Medical Science, Civics, Literature and Art, Economics, International Relations, General Science, Persons and Places, Geography, Indian Politics
These topics outline areas of concentration for a candidate when preparing for this section. Books such as Lucent General Knowledge, GK Today, Arihant General knowledge, Pratiyogita Darapan, Manorama Book and of course your daily newspaper, can be especially helpful in aiding a student for CLAT preparation in this section. 
Section 2: Legal Knowledge
Topics covered underneath this section:
Indian Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights, Legal Terms, Constitutional Rights, Torts and Contracts, Intellectual Property Rights, Legal Aptitude
Considering this section is quite course based it is essential that the student gives preference to acing this section. It also gives a test taker an advantage from a Law School perspective. Since this section is heavily legal based which is not taught in typical K-12 schooling one may have to use a lot of external sources and books. Go for best CLAT coaching.
Section 3: English
Topics covered underneath this section:
Grammar, Vocabulary, Synonyms, Languages, Spelling Corrections, Antonyms, Word Usage, Nouns, Pronouns, Adverbs, adjective, Conjunctions, Determiners, Modals, Changing the voice, Prepositions, Items, Verbs, One word Substitution, Narration
This is quite basic English however it is always better to depend on books and good CLAT coaching such as High School English Grammar and Composition by PC Wren & H. Martin or else Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis. 
Section 4: Reasoning Ability
Topics covered underneath this section:
Series, Number and Series Test, Binary Logic, Blood Relations, Number and letter series, Analogy, Statement Conclusion, Calendar, Clock, Syllogism, Classification Test, Statements Action, Critical Reasoning, Logical Matching, Course of Action, Statements Assumption, Statements Arguments, Clock, Cubes Logical reasoning
Registration for CLAT 2023: CLAT preparation
One may tell whether their form has been successfully submitted depending on whether the “My Application” option is shown on the CLAT entrance portal. 
On the portal the following information must be shown for a processed payment.
On the application status column there must be an “OK” displayed.
On the section displaying payment the ID for your payment should be shown.
For one's own safety it is always best to have a record of the documents submitted so it is ideal for the test taker to either printout, screenshot or download both the application form and the receipt of payment to avoid future complications especially on the online mode
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class-xyznotes · 2 years
High School English Grammar Composition by H Martin P-C-Wren pdf Download
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key to high school English grammar and composition by wren and martin pdf 482 Pages best and high-quality format. Wren and Martin High School English Grammar and Composition PDF download links are given at the bottom of the article. Wren and Martin's memorable work High School English Grammar and Composition now appears in two editions. One is the deluxe edition, which is illustrated in full colour, and the other is a generic edition that does not reflect. The contents of the book, where requested, have been further updated. In particular, it has been deemed necessary to review some of the material in the chapters which deal with adjectives, active and passive sounds, subjects and genres. Appendix I, which deals with American English, has been extended. Appendix II has been replaced with a new set of tests covering key areas of grammar.
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It was in 1972 that the shrewd Mr Shyam Lai Gupta got permission from the Manikji Cooper Education Trust to revise the book and ordered me to do a complete review. The revised edition came out in 1973 and was well received. A key feature of the revised edition was the addition of many new materials (such as the three chapters on structure) based on new developments in the study of English structure and usage. Since then, the book has been revised every four or five years, most recently in 1. Related: Simple ways of teaching the English language 999.
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Unlike many traditional grammar books, the book in its current form helps the student to understand the language as well as provide detailed information about the language. It provides considerable guidance and practice in sentence construction, correct use, comprehension, written structure and other related areas to equip the student with the ability to communicate effectively in English. Glad to know that this classic work, although mainly for use in the subcontinent, but also used in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, etc. Hopefully, this book will be useful in many more countries. Where English is used as a second or foreign language.
Wren and Martin High School English Grammar
- Chapter 1 The Sentence - Chapter 2 Subject and Predicate - Chapter 3 The Phrase and The Clause - Chapter 4 Part of Speech - Chapter 5 The Noun Kinds of Nouns - Chapter 6 The Noun: Gender - Chapter 7 The Noun: Number - Chapter 8 The Nou: Case PDF Download Marting and Wren English grammar 482 Pages High-School-English-Grammar-and-Composition-by-H-Martin-P-C-WrenDownload Top Posts & Pages - English notes for class 11 kpk board Chapter 1 Responsibilities of the Youth - KPK Text Book Board New 2021 PDF Download - Sindh textbook board Jamshoro books pdf download 2021 - Download All Classes Notes in Pdf Class 9, Class 10, Class 11, & Class 12 - Good Timber Chapter 3 KPK Class 11 English notes 2021 Read the full article
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mahajobs · 2 years
Wren & Martin High School English Grammar And Composition Book (Regular Edition)
Wren & Martin High School English Grammar And Composition Book (Regular Edition)
Price: (as of – Details) Publisher ‏ : ‎ S Chand Publishing; Regular edition (1 January 2017) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 384 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9352530144 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9352530144 Reading age ‏ : ‎ 8 years and up Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 662 g Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cm Packer ‏ : ‎ S Chand Publishing Generic Name ‏ : ‎ Book
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