#World record powerlifting
don-lichterman · 2 years
Jessica Buettner (CAN) - 1st Place 585kg Total (World record) @76kg | IPF Worlds 2022
Jessica Buettner (CAN) – 1st Place 585kg Total (World record) @76kg | IPF Worlds 2022
Video taken from Youtube channel International Powerlifting Federation IPF https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJdeAqQaNbP2zpMMP6f-bIQ The footage used in my videos comes from the Olympic Channel. https://www.olympicchannel.com https://twitter.com/olympicchannel https://www.facebook.com/OlympicChannel/ https://www.youtube.com/user/olympic WEIGHTLIFTING…
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bigaldevlin · 5 months
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Louie Simmons
I want to talk about one of the most influential people in the world of strength training, Louie Simmons. Louie is a legendary strength coach and powerlifter, and the founder of the famous Westside Barbell gym in Columbus, Ohio. His innovative training methods have helped countless athletes, powerlifters, and strongmen achieve their goals and break world records. In this blog, I want to take a closer look at Louie's career and his biggest accomplishments.
Let's start with Louie's early years. He was born on February 12, 1949, in Oklahoma, and started lifting weights in his teens. By the time he was in his 20s, Louie was already setting world records in powerlifting. He competed in both the 220lb and 242lb weight classes and was known for his incredible strength and technique. However, it wasn't until he founded Westside Barbell in 1985 that Louie truly made his mark on the world of strength training.
Westside Barbell quickly became the go-to gym for powerlifters, bodybuilders, and strongmen from all over the world. Louie's unique training methods, which he called the "Conjugate System," focused on constantly changing exercises and using bands and chains to add resistance to lifts. This approach allowed his lifters to break through plateaus and achieve new levels of strength.
One of Louie's most significant accomplishments as a coach was his work with Chuck Vogelpohl, who became the first person in history to squat over 1,000lbs in a competition. Louie also helped numerous other powerlifters set world records and win championships, including Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, and Brian Carroll.
In addition to his coaching success, Louie is also a prolific writer and has authored several books on strength training, including "The Westside Barbell Book of Methods" and "Special Strength Development for All Sports." He has also been featured in numerous documentaries and interviews, including the popular "Power Unlimited" series.
If you're interested in learning more about Louie and his training methods, I highly recommend checking out some of his books and videos. In addition to the ones I mentioned earlier, here are a few more:
"Louie Simmons: The Art of Coaching" (DVD)
"The Strength Coach's Playbook" by Joe Kenn (includes an interview with Louie)
"Westside Barbell: The Strongest Shall Survive" by Bill Starr (Louie wrote the foreword)
In conclusion, Louie Simmons is a true legend in the world of strength training, and his contributions have had a significant impact on the sport of powerlifting. Whether you're a competitive lifter or just someone looking to get stronger, Louie's methods are definitely worth exploring. So go out there and start breaking some records!
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thewtcho · 2 years
Who is Folashade Oluwafemiayo? Breaks World Record In Women’s Powerlifting to Clinch Gold
Who is Folashade Oluwafemiayo? Breaks World Record In Women’s Powerlifting to Clinch Gold
The matter of great pride is again coming out for entire Nigeria as finally, “Folashade Oluwafemiayo” breaks the world record in Women’s Powerlifting while taking the gold medal in her name on Thursday evening in the Commonwealth 2022 games. As soon as the news of her success if getting circulated on social networking sites, uncounted started sending their blessing to the athlete as she made the…
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homara8524 · 2 months
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Hello brothers and sisters across the sea ☺. This time, I drew a monocle of Alice, a favorite character of my ally who has been very supportive of me on Tumblr and Twitter.
Since it looks like spring will be coming soon in Japan, I tried to draw her with a spring color scheme and a tea time theme.
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This time, as a new trial, we are trying to make the drawing surface a little more three-dimensional. The marguerites and dots in the background are of course hand-drawn, but they and the monocle have been processed to appear three-dimensional.
If everyone in the world appreciates this new approach, I am thinking of incorporating it more and more in future new works.
On a different note, this weekend, March 31, I will be participating in a powerlifting competition in Hyogo Prefecture, where I live. It is a so-called official competition. I have never participated in a competition where official records can be kept, so this will be my first time participating.
It just so happens that I am the only one registered to compete in my class, so I will be the winner if I can record at least one trial in each of the three categories.
However, I intend to do my best to show the results of my hard work since I started powerlifting last July, and to obtain the standard record to participate in the Japan Grand Prix competition scheduled around October.
There is no streaming for the prefectural competition, so I guess I will report the results after the fact, but I hope all my brothers across the ocean will support me so that I can compete in the Japan Grand Prix (a national competition in Japan). 👍️
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vodrae · 8 months
Here my references for my HC Jason and Bruce physiques
Nota Bene : They are all probably on performance enhancers, at leat one admited it for education purposes.
I tried to take least staged possible pictures.
Off season 4 times classic physique Mister Olympia Chris Bumstead 6'1/1.85 meters 264lbs/120 kg. The one who admited using drugs. Nearly 20 kilos less on season and way more shredded. To me more Jason than Bruce, Jay being the powerful one he doesn't have to be light or shredded. The guy can dunk.
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Dmitry Klokov, 6'/1.83 meters, 231 lbs/105 kilos in competition, had the habit to cut 1 month or 1 month and a half prior. Olympic weightlifter, 2005 world champion, in the top 3 the rest of his career. More Bruce like, a physique for explosivity and entire body control.
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Eric Bugenhagen/Rick Boog, former NCAA Division 1 wrestler, powerlifter, former WWE superstar. Annouced at 6'1/1.85 meters 233 lbs/106 kilos when he had this physique. The best mix of power and stamina of them. Can play Iron Maiden on the guitar while squatting heavy wheights. Bruce like imo.
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Francis Ngannou, former UFC heavyweight champion, the hardest puncher on earth, like litteraly world record. 6'4/1.93 meters, 257 pounds/116 kilos at his last UFC match. Built to go fast and strong. Explosive power is the word. More Jason than Bruce.
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huntunderironskies · 1 month
Thinking about Pokemon worldbuilding. Specifically, what super high-level combat would end up looking like practically (as inspired by the Pokemon Adventures manga, primarily.)
Like...given how minmaxy both VGC and real-world sports can get (I'm thinking in particular of competitive powerlifting) and how the skill ceiling in pro sports eventually gets to the point where very, very minor differences need to be focused on, I figure there's a lot of aspects we don't even really think about playing the games that could make the difference between winning and losing.
Since if memory serves this even came into play in the Pokemon manga, I'm talking about things like where you throw your Pokeball onto the field being a factor. Pokemon focused on contact moves needing to be as close to the front edge of the pitch, Pokemon who are either in a support role in doubles or who are Special-based attackers on the far end closer to the trainer, that sort of thing. Making sure that they're either close enough to get in the first hit on an opponent or far away enough they're out of danger and can do what they're supposed to do, that kind of thing.
Diet would also be a huge part, I'd imagine (and you could probably abstract things like EVs and Nature mints through food supplements and all that fun stuff.)
I think one aspect the games don't particularly dwell on but seems kind of readily apparent is, uh, you don't make a lot of money as a trainer. I think your victory winnings usually cap out at around the equivalent of $100 USD and even assuming you win consistently and Pokemon Centers provide free lodgings, that's...rough. Galar might be an exception due to the possibility of sponsorships as indicated by the fact that a lot of the high level trainers (Leon primarily) are walking adverts with tons of company logos on their jerseys.
(For the record I really prefer the ScarVio take that Champion is a rank that many trainers can hold at once and just means you're incredibly talented, not the singular best trainer in the region. It just makes way more logical sense. Which means that the whole League deal is just a way to sort through the most serious trainers, the majority of people might have Pokemon but just battle for funsies at time rather than making it a career. The number of people who can actually be professional trainers is probably very, very low and it's a rough process getting to that point, so a lot of people would just end up going into more traditional careers as they get older.)
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kemetic-dreams · 7 months
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ASHWAGANDHA: Do you have any insights, Mr. Potato?
Ashwagandha is just GNARLY, and alongside creatine is one of my staples for supplementation on a budget — ’CAUSE THAT SHIT IS CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE— specifically for the challenges we face in modern society, just the fact that it has shown over and over again in studies and clinical trials that it can reduce stress and boost testosterone is already MORE THAN ENOUGH to consider taking that shit.
Ashwagandha is an ADAPTOGEN, a natural substance that helps the body adapt to stressors, whether they be physical, mental, or emotional regulating the body's stress response and helping balance hormones, improving the immune system, and promoting a healthy response to stress.
Its key benefit is counteracting CORTISOL— the hormone of stress— cortisol isn't necessarily bad, it actually is pretty important for performing in high-stress situations like combat, live competition, or public speaking.
Cortisol and testosterone have an inverse relationship, meaning that high levels of cortisol can lead to decreased testosterone levels, while low cortisol levels can lead to increased testosterone levels, and chronically high levels of cortisol absolutely DEMOLISH your quality of life and wreak havoc on your entire system.
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And unfortunately for us, the same technologies that provide us with the luxuries and comfort that allow this specific point in time to be the ABSOLUTE EASIEST time to survive in all human history also come with unnatural burdens that completely disrupt our brain's reward systems and perception of reality, by introducing us to an infinite new's cycle, completely abstract reward systems like bills and money, instant empty stimulation with porn, videogames, movies, and social media, and UNACHIEVABLE SURREAL standards to live by.
Not only because motherfuckers think social media is real life, but back in the day, if you were the best at whatever thing you like to do in your town, aye, you're GOOD, now, the second you start anything, you're automatically comparing yourself with the best people in the field of your choosing, and WITH A HORDE of lying ass motherfuckers.
It's like I always say, I've seen a handful of people squat 500lbs, and all of them either owned gyms or competed for years in powerlifting, ONLINE BRUH!? I'm hit DAILY with kids aged 12-88 saying they're throwing 700lbs deadlifts around like it's a rainy day in Cancun, which I very often get to smirk and reply "Dude, you know that's a WORLD RECORD for your weight, and age, right?"
So, there has never been a better time TO BE CONSCIOUS.
You simply can't live a healthy life in this day and age by simply REACTING to life, you can't operate on the basis of compulsion, the algorithms, the shiny lights, the potential indulgence has a gravitational pull that REQUIRES A CONSIDERED EFFORT TO GET OUT OF.
Most of the battle is fought on the inside, on the battlefield of the mind, with delayed gratification, composure, virtue, altruism, structure, AND FUCKING DISCIPLINE.
But supporting levels of mental health that allow for all that good shit to be implemented, REQUIRES us to take EXTREME good care of the machine, of the fucking body.
These are the pillars on which your mental health will stand, if you don't have that shit NAILED, that's the first step, and if the goal is improving upon an already GREAT lifestyle, supplementation is an option, and there are TONS of evidence suggesting that yea yup, Ashwagandha will help TREMENDOUSLY.
But keep in mind, that adding it to a bad lifestyle, is like adding Stripes, and a Spoiler to your Pontiac Aztek— NO, it doesn’t turn it into a racecar— AND NO, that shit still looks absolutely RIDICULOUS.
So here are the potential HEALTH BENEFITS of Ashwagandha:
Reducing stress and anxiety
Improving brain function and memory
Lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Decreasing inflammation
Boosting testosterone and fertility in men
Supporting a healthy immune system
And here are the potential ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE BENEFITS:
Increase strength and muscle mass
Enhance endurance and reduce muscle damage
Improve recovery time following exercise
Enhance cognitive function, reaction time, and hand-eye coordination
It's important to note that while there is some research supporting these potential benefits, more studies are needed to fully understand the effects of Ashwagandha on health and athletic performance.
The clinically effective dosage of Ashwagandha is 600mg/day.
So always check the nutritional facts in the bottles of any supplements that contain ashwagandha to see if they’re using ENOUGH to create positive effects, and if the supplement containing it has a proprietary blend to hide the amounts, don’t take it.
Yo, thanks for reading this all the way my BRUDDAH, if you can upvote this one for me, it would be DEEPLY appreciated my G!
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utilitycaster · 2 years
With the caveat that you can feel how you want about the official art, most discussions of how muscular a character should appear based on strength score - especially when that character is a woman - are derived from some utterly fictional idea of what strength looks like.
This is Wendy Chan, who was a junior world record holder for her weight class a few years ago:
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She currently is about 108 lbs. Her best deadlift record is 374 lbs, and her best squat is 308 lbs.
Now, granted, these are one-rep maximums; she is not walking around all day with this on her back (and the default carrying capacities/lifting rules as written in D&D don't take into account size fluctuations beyond medium, which already sort of puts a massive damper on any discussion of physical specifics within the context of D&D); but this is actually what many extremely strong people actually look like. There are lifters, including women lifters, with huge muscles! But plenty of very strong people look quite average in build (and for women especially, you're far more likely to see thick thighs than thick arms).
Having huge muscles is 1. actually very fucking difficult to achieve for many women (or anyone without much testosterone in their system) to achieve and 2. best achieved, without drugs, by means of primarily aesthetically-motivated exercises of medium amounts of weight with high repetition, rather than lugging around something heavy for extended periods of time. In other words, make sure your references are coming from powerlifters and olympic lifters and not just bodybuilders, because a lot of power and olympic lifters, when they're not flexing, look fit but not exceptional.
(also, relevant to the point I'm making: Laura received a multitude of violent death threats in real life because of her The Last of Us character, including that said character was too muscular...and because this was largely occurring during the hiatus and I don't follow the cast on Twitter, I found out about it from women's powerlifting resources I do follow, who were all heavily in support of Laura. As such, while it's fair to have different ideas about the character and there are valid criticisms of the art, it is, frankly, hard for me to take criticisms of the depiction of a female characters' strength in good faith because there's truly no win condition.)
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theanticool · 2 years
Stefanie Cohen and Paige VanZant Doing Partner Drills
Dr. Stefi Cohen is one of the strongest women to ever. She’s a 25x world record breaking powerlifter who recently transitioned over to boxing. She’s had mixed results as she has gone 2-1-1. But she seems to be taking this really seriously so it’s interesting to see how she does as she continues to build experience.
Cohen will face off with Paola Ortiz (1-7-1) this Saturday (Oct. 22) in Ontario, Canada.
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myfatfuckingface · 2 years
I’m assuming you knew this already but have you ever noticed that Olympic power lifters usually have lots of muscle and fat? In order to lift that much weight you have to have fat to keep your body stable
That makes me feel good about myself
Yes! I follow Sarah Robles (roblympian on Instagram) and Tamara Walcott just set a powerlifting world record in August!
I want to start lifting myself- if I get any good at it maybe I’ll post about it here! 😊
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the-firebird69 · 16 days
870 kg Deadlift🔥🔥🔥 WORLD RECORD!!!🔥🔥🔥 #deadlift #powerlifter #worldrecor...
It is still very difficult but ridiculous the bar is a piece of s*** and after he does this it's deformed it's not really strong steel it doesn't classify as anything and he only lifted a couple inches but it is a very difficult lift first of your wrists are not straight and he attaches it to his I'm more or less that's painful but still it's a lot of weight 870 kg is around 1800 lb yeah I guess he has the rubber coated ones it looks very impressive but it really is not and there's a lot of people around you can do it I was sick of this s*** what you doing is bothering everyone my son gets big you're going to be impressed feel stupid and we're going to have to actually kill you it's just so weak and stupid
Thor Freya
And it's going to come in a good time
Olympus truthfully it will and tonight is a momentous occasion then we're going to have it ready soon both ends of it
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bigaldevlin · 5 months
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Rpg Anon: Wanna know something funny? By default, this little girl is 1000 times more physically stronger than Sakura. Yes. Hell, she's not even actually a little girl. She's actually a living fairy tale book. According to Fate, as a Servant, she has E Rank Strength, the lowest of ranks. So what does that mean? E Rank technically means "1000 times stronger than the highest historical human powerlifting record". And who's the physically strongest human in Danganronpa (excluding Izuru)? Sakura. Yes. It's bullshit.
Of course, it's really just magical energy in the end. Cut off their power supply and they're as strong as they look. And of course, E Rank strength doesn't mean they know how to physically fight. In fact, most E rank strength servants have that rank because they know jack shit about martial arts. So yeah Sakura could definitely kick their ass hard still. But just saying.
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If it's from the world of Fate, it doesn't surprise me. And I've never been one to estimate a warrior by their size. I've met many warriors of equal power to me who are only a third my height.
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hapuchikas-thoughts · 2 months
Since people become exponentially stronger when children are in danger im surprised we don't see more people setting powerlifting world records while their children are in front of them being held at gunpoint
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homara8524 · 3 months
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Sorry for the long wait, world brothers and sisters.
I finally finished Chiyuri's illustration.
Now, Chiyuri and Yumemi are paired with each other.
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I'm going to frame it and exhibit it somewhere or sell it.
There are several reasons why it has been a little while since I announced that I was going to draw Chiyuri. One is a good story and the other is a bad story.
The bad news is that her uterine cancer may have returned. I was told that the cancer had disappeared, but after three months, a quick checkup found some abnormal cells that were present before the cancer started.
Next month, I will be hospitalized again to have all the endometrium removed under general anesthesia and undergo tests.
I feel like throwing up just thinking about it.
Not only would I have to pay for the hospitalization, but if the cancer was still there, I would have to say goodbye to my uterus.
Then I'll be in the hospital again. It's disgusting.
On a positive note, I recently broke my own powerlifting records in two events (squat and deadlift), and I will be competing in the prefectural competition on March 31.
I hope I can make a record at the prefectural competition....
Finally, if any of my siblings would like to support me, they would be very happy to send me an Amazon gift or something.
I need to buy protein and supplements for my athletic life and fighting illness...
I'm still too busy with medical bills to do any free shopping.
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