#World frog day
sonokido · 3 months
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happy world frog day from camille 🌺💗
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markscherz · 3 months
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Happy World Frog Day! 🐸
I hate to make this a commercialised holiday, but you may be interested to know that I sell some frog-related merch on RedBubble, including the poster shown above, stickers, and other fun stuff like an awesome froggy shower curtain! I have one at home, and it’s excellent. Profits go towards supporting your local frog scientist.
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stickyfrogs · 3 months
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Happy World Frog Day to everyone from the Stickyfrogs! 🐸😊🌏🐸
They send Treaties to all their Lovely Friends in the wild and a Big Smile to all the wonderful Frog Scientists working so hard to protect and help them!
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plaguedocboi · 3 months
Holy fuck happy world frog day
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mibyledraws · 3 months
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Happy World Frog Day!! 🐸✨💚
feat an oldie but goodie illustration :3
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softichill · 3 months
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arthistoryanimalia · 3 months
For both #WorldFrogDay + #WorldSparrowDay today, here are two ivory nestukes on display together at the The Walters Art Museum:
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1. Skull and Toad
Ohara Mitsuhiro, Edo, early-mid 19th c.
2. Stylized Fukurasusume ("fat sparrow")
after Masanao of Kyoto, Edo, early 19th c.
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harpygee · 3 months
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Today is World Frog Day??? This month, March 2024, the trading card sticker that comes w Sticker Club or any Ko-fi Store order is Dylan the Distractor! The current chapter of the Harpy Gee comic involves many bumbling frogs, so if you want to see more of this Thespian Amphibian,
go here-> HarpyGee.com
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shilohsylvanian · 3 months
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Happy World Frog Day! Here are the Bullrush Frogs and a bit of info dump about them <3
They were first released in 1991 for the UK and then re-released in 2001. So there are Tomy and Flair versions, as well as a release in the US, which has slightly different clothes and sitting/crawling twins. The Tomy clothes for them are similar to the Urban Life era, being a bit fancier. Official Bios (this one cracks me up):
FATHER WALTER BULLRUSH is known for being very, very lazy, but this is not really true. If Walter likes to do something, he will put all his limited energies into it. He will always be ready to drive the Country Bus for instance, he will even get up early in the morning if you need a driver. Fishing, of course, is his main love, that is, dangling a hook in the water. He does not like to catch anything because if he did, he would have to then find something else to do. Walter has found that by singing at the top of his croaky voice he can frighten all the fish away! His singing also frightens everyone else away, so he spends many a happy, uninterrupted afternoon on the riverbank singing and sunning himself.
MOTHER LYDIA BULLRUSH, unlike her darling husband, is always working and working very hard. She runs a beautifully spotless house and cares for her husband and four children, and that full time job is only a small part of her busy life. Lydia has a passion for wicker work, whether it is making baskets, hats or mats, her workmanship is imacculate and very artistic. Collecting bulrushes, dying them bright colours before leaving them to dry in the summer sun is the only job she gets any help with. Algy, her oldest son, enjoys the summer afternoons down by the river helping his mother whilst she enjoys teaching him to weave.
BROTHER ALGERNON BULLRUSH hates his full name, so everyone calls him Algy, even his mother who does not like nicknames and only does so, because it pleases her wonderful son. Algy, like his mother, has a passion for weaving, but unlike his mother he prefers to create impractical items like wall hangings. He claims these items he creates are art, not picture art like in art class at school, but abstract art where the shapes and colours portray the meaning and message. Lily his sister says he gets these strange ideas from reading too many stuffy books.
SISTER LILY BULLRUSH loves to sing and unlike her father has a beautiful voice. Because she is a little shy she does most of her practising down by the river where everyone avoids going because of her fathers singing. She originally wanted to be a pop star but now wants to be an opera singer because people go to see the opera all the time. Pop singers only have concerts when they have a record in the charts. Ottilee Marmalade is also giving Lily tips on how to be more confident, hoping she will overcome her shyness.
BABY BROTHER MOSES BULLRUSH must be about the only little boy in Sylvania who loves having baths. He spends hours and hours in the bath playing with his rubber duck and other bath-time toys. If only Lydia or Walter had more time, he would spend all day playing and splashing around in the tub.
BABY SISTER IRIS BULLRUSH must be one of the cleanest little children in Sylvania, because she just hates having baths, so therefore never gets dirty. When ever it is her turn to have a bath, she just cries and cries, then bawls her eyes out and splashes about until her parents get her out of the bath. Bath-time in the Bullrush household is always rather nerve racking!
*having trouble finding official photos so here is one from Sylvanian Store Keepers and the rest are my family who dont have the right clothes lol
<3 In my town Mr. and Mrs Bullrush are renamed Sunnypatch and they are co-mayors of Sunnypatch Gardens.
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lionofchaeronea · 1 year
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Frogs (illustration from Reptiles and birds: a popular account of their various orders, with the habits and economy of the most interesting by Louis Figuier and Parker Gillmore, 1883)
Happy World Frog Day!
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strange--lotus · 3 months
Did you know that today is World Frog Day and Wednesday, my dudes?)
A cute coincidence :>
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the first thing that came to mind was to draw Dark together with Buttercup in frog hats, soooo I did it. Yep, I named speakerman-scientist Buttercup, why not?) and at Russian it's sounds Lyutik :3
[ just me: Did the characters in the series have any contact/met? no?.. I don't care, they'll make a great couple!!!)]
Tags... Someday I won't have a problem with them, someday...
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alithographica · 3 months
guess what?
👇👇 chicken frog butt 👇👇
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happy world frog day
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plaguedocboi · 1 year
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Happy World Frog Day!!
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sleepybobeepy · 3 months
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"hoppy" world frog day from my froggie gang!!!!🐸🎉🎉
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froggyfroo-art · 3 months
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Happy World Frog Day from Zed and some... sort of familiar looking frogs...
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