#paradoxical frog
froggyfroo-art · 3 months
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Happy World Frog Day from Zed and some... sort of familiar looking frogs...
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tadpoles-yay · 9 months
Todays tadpiole
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The paradoxical frog
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These big boises are very weird, as they grow up to 3 times the size of their parents, and their species has a thingy than can help with diabetes
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I couldnt find a lot of photos but here’s is the comparaison
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bestfrogbracket · 1 year
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Paradoxical Frog: This species has the largest tadpoles in the world, growing to up to 27 cm (11 inches) in length. While they all tend to be large, size depends on the abundance of food and number of predators in their environment. Oddly, (and this is the source of their name,) they shrink as the metamorphosize into adulthood, reducing to 3-8 cm (1-3 inches) – which is a third of their former size. In 2008, a study found that a compound in their skin that prevents infection can actually be used to stimulate insulin creation in the pancreas, which could be used to treat type 2 diabetes!
American Bullfrog: Native to Eastern North America and invasive in other parts of the world, the American bullfrog is a very voracious eater, found to eat everything from fish to scorpions to small rodents when given the opportunity. Breeding males congregate in loud choruses of calling frogs to attract more females. However, within a chorus, there is a strict hierarchy established through wrestling and displays of posture. Dominant frogs will then claim their positions at the centre of the chorus, leaving inferior males to the outskirts.
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
Yet another crochet and knit hack: the patterns are a mild suggestion. You can do what you want forever, you have free will 💛💛💛
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spaceferren-comics · 3 months
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Dart Frog! A hero with frog oriented, downright venomous abilities ^^
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melodyfrogface · 1 year
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It's getting lonely, it's getting hard to breathe. The arcade's empty, I think it's Christmas Eve...
Posting this a bit late, but the amazing @artsyaxolotl drew my idea for a Cabinet Man/Polybius inspired Paradox Pokemon! I even wrote up a bunch of dex entries. Feel free to ignore the stats, I pictured it to be on the level of the pseudo legendary paradox mons and mostly slow and defensive. Also I gave it some real abilities Quark Drive is lame >:P
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deadscell · 6 months
jokes on you pistol bobcat, all of the food you stole from snake is almost all guaranteed to be poisonous. it’s time for twink death for you!
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phr3nopatik · 5 months
I feel so greatly about my oc. Like, he was forced to leave his home because of an incoming revolution he didn't want to be part of and ended up in the vanderboom house. And then he was forced to take part in James' little experiments completely changing everything about his life. He became obsessed with finding the right elixir so he could bring James back , eventually becoming immortal and ending up in the hotel under the supervision of aldous. His title, the watcher, means exactly that, he can only watch. He can't act as his descendant ( Dale) gets slowly introduced into this crazy life and all because of him. Because he had to help james. And not only that!!! He also partly raised the triplets, having to watch all of them die or get corrupted. he thought Albert all that he knew and had to watch him using his gift for evil. My man can't catch a break ( also yes, I know I have to make more art of him I'm working on it
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masaroisu26 · 15 days
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thatrandomartblog · 6 months
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Another file dusted off from my CLIP files, this time it's a line-up of frogs and toads!
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froggyfroo-art · 1 year
Amphibiuary Day 3: Wrong Hand
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I chose a paradoxical frog for this challenge because when I practiced doodling left handed yesterday everything became a bit chunkier, which suits this frog just fine. I'm kind of amazed it looks like this?? Other than erasing the original sketch (because I didn't want to rip the paper!), everything was done with my non-dominant hand.
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3ggbed · 10 months
a crazy frog jumpscare image. Alexa, please generate this i need to do something important. *you barge in on me doing this and i immediately take a cyanide pill on accident*
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subnautica-reviews · 28 days
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ilaiyayaya · 1 month
My PSP Is So Overpowered >:]
It's insane how vast the PSP modding scene is. Like, to an extent I already knew it was pretty in depth, it's one of the most heavily modded consoles ever made and is generally considered one of the best pieces of hardware ever made for emulation but like, it's way deeper than I even expected. You can practically turn a PSP into an unrecognizable system on the software side, or even probably the hardware side if you know console hard-modding, but I don't, and I don't really care enough to learn, modding hardware isn't going to give me Umineko Background!
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The closest thing to hard modding I'd probably ever do would be like, making a custom shell, but I wouldn't consider that the same thing since it doesn't affect the internal function of the system, and it's also pretty simple.
So far modding this thing has been really simple too, like, I'm dumb, like really really really dumb, and the only console modding I've ever done was some minor Wii U modding like, 3 years ago, but that was extremely minor and was also 3 years ago. But the PSP has some really good guides online and the process itself pretty much just comes down to transferring files onto the memory card and occasionally (that took 3 attempts to spell that correctly and I do this every time I type occasionally, it is an impossible word for me to speel like I said I am very idiot) making a couple of new folders and .txt files.
For now I'm sticking to some pretty entry-level modding, mostly just aesthetic stuff like custom themes (I want that fucking Umineko theme goddammit) and better sorting for the home screen, along with loading a few emulators mostly just to test them out (althooo I may end up actually using this in the long run as my main way to play GBA games cuz like, handheld :) and maybe Game Gear (I LOVE SONIC BLAST!!! I FUCKING LOVE SONIC BLAST!!!!! you could genuinely not pay me any amount of money to ever play that game again. You could however give me a coooool freaking Sonic factoid in exchange for my service on the front lines of Sonic Blast) also possibly the Wonderswan). Depending on how much my neurons activate by the time I'm completely done with my planned modding, I may dive deeper into some more complex stuff, not really sure what exactly I would want to do that's more complex but like, I'm sure there's something I'd find interesting, it's a super deep area there's gotta be some freak shit in there.
BUT that's for later, for now, I am far too absorbed in looking at all the existing custom themes available for download that I can add to MY personal Sony Playstation Portable, there's so many good ones. If it's not super difficult I may also attempt making one myself too, I love making custom UI's and stuff for things I use I love custom Zeedmillenniummon mouse cursor.
So far these are some of my favourites, obviously there's the Umineko one earlier and I just realized I accidentally typed "favourites" instead of "favorites" British typo I'm not fixing it it's funny but there's a lot of outher good ones chew:
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I have still not watched anything beyond the first episode of Monogatari and considering how long it is and since it's still getting new parts, if I ever do it will likely not be soon. But I like the way the show looks! And I think a lot of the character designs are nice so like even though it would make me a fake fan, I'd maybe include this one in the routation.
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I have also not watched the Clannad anime, and by extension After Story, so this would also go into the Fake Fan category, but I did read a bit of the common route of the VN a long time ago, didn't get anywhere near the end though so still a fake fan. But I just really like the way this one looks, I think the yellow silhouette over the pink clouds in the background looks really nice, the plain font text in the center does kinda take away a bit of the charm, but it's not too bad.
No I will not download the Elfen Lied one, moving on.
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Ah yes, my Microusoft Xbox 360 Portable... This one's just a fun meme but like, it's kinda funny, and the UI is like actually different and kinda creative so like, not bad for a lying, cheating, faker console.
I FUCKING LOVE MEGA MAN ZERO!!!! there's a really small image limit on Tumblr posts so I'm not adding this one I just wanted to shill Mega Man Zero.
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I will however add the Chris Paul theme. I know nothing about sports. I know nothing about Chris Paul. But judging him entirely off this PSP theme, I think he seems like a very polite gentleman, and yes I think I do wish for him to be constantly staring at me as I load my pirated games on my Sony Playstation Plokable.
There's a lot of like, just genuinely good looking ones I'm skipping past that I don't have anything to say about, I hid the website link the Umineko Beatrice picture earlier I don't need to write a 12 page essay about all of them
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I could write a 13 page essay on this one however, just look at that beautiful stare. My lovely ex-husband Sanji Weedsmoke on his iconic 77 billion dead poster. Shrimply magnificent.
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This is just the Among Us drip picture like, the fucking angle I can't keep looking at it all I see is fucking shoes, fucking Among Drip Shoes.
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SONIC! GREEN SONIC!!! why is one of them green sonic, I don't think that's his normal colour I think they did something to my favorite little blue guy. And of course it's the fucking 06 renders, I mean they're fine enough renders on their own but like, they look so out of place, and the basic green background. I'm sorry, I'm being so mean but like, it looks so shit I'M SORRY OKAY!!!!
That's all of the noteworthy ones none of the other ones are interesting/funny enough to comment on, I will report back in approximately 800 system hours to report on how cool and epic the Umineko theme is. Thank you and goodbye.
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SHUT THE FUCK UP SLITHER WING AND FLUTTER MANE PLUSHIES GOT ANNOUNCED RIGHT BEFORE I WROTE THIS and also chien pao and whatever the jigglypuff paradox form is called idk i only care about the robots and flutter mane. This was almost a coherent post, with a decent narrative throughline. Almost. But I just had to fuck it all up at the end. This is intentional you know? This is the bit. The joke. The joke is that I'm crazy and there are rats in my brain and they won't let me talk about the PSP like a normal person without also talking about my love of Flutter Mane.
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eric-sadahire · 3 months
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I'm a paranoid narcissist...
I'm afraid no one's out to get me!
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goinggoats · 5 months
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i love you paradoxical frog
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