#green mantella
froggyfroo-art · 3 months
Amphibiuary 2024 Day 20: Play
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A jam session with Mathias and Larva!
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tamrielli · 1 year
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The Warp in the West 3E 417, colourised 
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newtsfrogstoads · 11 months
your username compels me to ask: favorite species each of frog, newt, and toad? any non-frog/newt/toad amphibians you particularly like?
my favorite frog is the golden mantella but honestly all the tiny brightly colored poisonous ones are delightful
These are such hard questions for me. There's so many species that deserve their own essays. I think I'll break this ask into several posts and answer each question over time because I could ramble about amphibians forever.
Let's start with frogs. My favorite frog would have to be Diane's bare-hearted glass frog AKA the Kermit frog:
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I really really adore glass frogs. They're small, cute, and are fucking rad scientifically speaking. There's very few translucent land creatures because, unlike in the deep blue where light reflects very differently than in the air, it's hard to hide yourself and your innards (especially those bright red blood cells). But these little frogs with their semi-see-through tummies and limbs disappear to predators by making themselves look transparent:
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These frogs are nocturnal too, so you would think they'd be more visible when they're asleep during the day when the light is brighter. Nope. They become more translucent by MOVING NEARLY 90% OF THEIR RED BLOOD CELLS INTO THEIR LIVER:
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Glass frogs are so good at hiding that even their blood can hide. This if insane because it doesn't even cause blood clots. Scientists are trying to figure out how these frogs do it to see if they could solve clotting issues in humans with this same mechanism.
Of course, Diane's bare-hearted glass frog became my favorite of the glass frogs due to its resemblance to my childhood icon:
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This unique frog species was discovered in Talamanca Mountains of Costa Rica around April 2015 by researchers Brian Kubicki, Stanley Salazar, and Robert Puschendorf from the Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center. It was named after Kubicki's mom :)
It's discovery also caused such a huge stir on the internet that even Disney published a QA with Kermit talking about it. I think they scrubbed the video, but I did find some quotes from articles that I think are gold:
"The reason this new frog looks so much like me is that her mother and my mother are sisters. It’s a family resemblance.”
“Yes, we’re cousins. In fact, I’m related to every single frog in the world, and I’m close to most toads, too."
"Googly eyes run in our family."
"Shorten your name if you want to make it in show business. Maybe something catchy like Diane Glass or Kermina Kardashian."
"Being green is easy compared to being transparent. I thought that I blended in with so many other ordinary things. And that people tended to pass me over 'cause I wasn't standing out like flashy sparkles in the water or stars in the sky. But when you're transparent, folks really look right through you. It's almost like you're invisible… which might come in handy around Miss Piggy... I take it back. I want to be transparent."
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zodarii-dae · 5 months
traffic symbolism masterpost
i’ve had a little side project about giving everyone in the life series symbols. the rules are as follows: first place are celestial bodies (planets, moons, or occasionally constellations), second place are plants, and third place are rocks/minerals. last place are fungi, and everyone in between is an animal.
this post will have the full lists of all the symbols, but check out the original posts for the explanations.
first place (last life)
first place (secret life)
second and third place (third life-limited life)
second and third place (secret life)
13th-4th place (third life)
16th-4th place (last life)
13th-4th place (double life)
13th-4th place (limited life)
16th-4th place (secret life)
last place (third life-limited life)
last place (secret life)
third life
grian, as the sun
scar, as a purple hyacinth
bdubs, as blue sandstone
bigb, as a white-tailed jackrabbit
impulse, as a coast mole
martyn, as an arctic fox
ren, as an arctic wolf
tango, as a danish red cattle
etho, as an awassi sheep
scott, as an adonis blue butterfly
joel, as a eurasian wolf
skizz, as a mourning dove
cleo, as an african lion
jimmy, as a sickener mushroom
last life
scott, as orion
ren, as red ivy
martyn, as amethyst
joel, as a brown hyena
etho, as a canada lynx
grian, as a eurasian sparrowhawk
pearl, as a luna moth
cleo, as a tarantula hawk wasp
scar, as a mangrove pit viper
bigb, as a monarch butterfly
tango, as a bengal tiger
bdubs, as a black rat
lizzie, as a pipevine swallowtail
impulse, as a golden-ringed dragonfly
skizz, as a white winged dove
mumbo, as a whiskered screech owl
jimmy, as a lilac bonnet
double life
pearl, as the moon
scott, as a laurel tree
martyn, as rubellite
cleo, as a brown widow spider
impulse, as a plains pocket mouse
bdubs, as a meadow jumping mouse
joel, as a green moray
etho, as a sand tiger shark
scar, as a giant panda
grian, as a hoatzin
bigb, as a golden retriever
ren, as a german shepherd
tango, as a tauernscheck goat
jimmy, as chicken of the woods
limited life
martyn, as neptune
impulse, as a forget-me-not
scott, as serpentine
pearl, as a rosy footman moth
etho, as a greater sooty owl
grian, as a black-billed magpie
bigb, as a golden mantella frog
cleo, as a grizzly bear
scar, as a spotted hyena
tango, as a sooty falcon
bdubs, as a house mouse
joel, as a rüppell's vulture
skizz, as a red collared dove
jimmy, as a destroying angel
secret life
scar, as cepheus
pearl, as a purple iris
gem, as carnelian
scott, as an orchid mantis
joel, as a star-nosed mole
bdubs, as an american shrew mole
impulse, as a rosy maple moth
grian, as a common cactus finch
cleo, as a secretary bird
bigb, as a snow coral corn snake
martyn, as a shiba inu
etho, as a short-tailed chinchilla
skizz, as a luzon bleeding heart
tango, as a pink spotted lady beetle
mumbo, as a hairy-tailed mole
jimmy, as a golden labrador
lizzie, as a jack-o’-lantern mushroom
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imnotgoinganywhereok · 11 months
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And now, happy birthday to my green beans!! Hieronim and Baltazar are now young adults but I'm not moving forward with the gameplay just yet!! I want the family to spend this Autumn and Winter together. The birthday party was small as always, just the closest family like grandparents... and I guess the Hermit that Hieronim befriended in Granite Falls, but she just said hi, gave him a gift, and went straight to the garden to pour hundreds of her potions on our roses XDDD Love her for that, honestly. ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Since Hiero is not a teen anymore, I can finally give him a better black lipstick - he wanted to be like his momma so bad but STARS, the one he had was just SO BAD!! XDDD Teenage experiments with make-up, am I right? Baltazar, on the other hand, has been practicing his singing skills further. He got so good that birds straight up start flying around him with sparkles!! I think it's a Cottage Living feature, and I wanna say it's just so cute. 🎧✩°。⋆⸜
Other than that, the Owl family has been great so far!! The dogs are napping often (just like mine, love him sm), Serafin and Mantella are enjoying their quiet life, and the brothers are spending more time together while they still can. For some meta commentary, I'm gonna miss Henford-on-Bagley once Baltazar moves out. We're gonna have a lo-o-ot of fun, though!!
Happy simming!! My bestie @red-everdeen is coming over to my city today and I can't wait to see her. I love you, babie!! (ง ˃ ³ ˂)ว ⁼³₌₃⁼³
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charliebug3 · 1 year
Alright so I cannot sleep it is midnight and I've been listening to Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon on loop for about 2 hours too long so I'm about to briefly become the least normal person on tesblr.
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WHY I'M RIGHT: Abnur Tharn IS Zurin Arctus, Deranged Sleep-Deprived Edition
(Take all of this with a heap of salt. I am joking with the "I'm right" thing. I could be completely and utterly wrong but that's the fun of it, innit?)
So basically I stumbled upon an old concept by ESO's first Loremaster and I've never been the same since. Long story short the concept had Abnur Tharn turn into Zurin Arctus... somehow.
There's bits of that left over, methinks, in the way that House Tharn evidently, by Abnur's own admission, participated in keeping... political dissenters... under control. Now hehehe boy that's sure interesting. What um. I'm sure that will go well at some point in Tamriel's future, huh? Definitely won't ummmmmm uh something something Battlemage something cough.
There's also, of course, the way he's not particularly partial to continuing to serve under a banner that's committing mass atrocities. The willingness to give up everything for Cyrodiil. Eh, but those are just traits of someone loyal to a cause, hmm?
But regardless, none of that could mean anything. ZOS was forbidden to do anything with the Tiber Wars, or with Dragons, or with anything like that, right?
Whoopsie! Looks like the limits are off! Now comes the part where I get a progressively less coherent while making a bullet point list of things that Could be coincidence but um. Uh. Look it all makes sense together I promise.
• It's a little hidden in a line of dialogue during The Demon Weapon, but like right out the gate Abnur is directly looking for The FUCKING NUMIDIUM. Boom, first quest, it's literally right there. And where does he go looking? The Halls of Colossus. Y'know, the place where Tiber Septim and Zurin Arctus KEEP THE NUMIDIUM 300 YEARS LATER. Now of course it's a dead end this time and oopsie it's a Different horror released from the Halls but like. Come ON.
• Nahfahlaar. Hello? The crown jewel of Tiber Septim's army or whatever? He's literally just chilling in Elsweyr. And not only that, take a WILD guess who's the ONLY one present when Abnur pulls his silly little disappearing magic trick for gods know how long? Yeah I mean there's not much to say except there's a literal entire character directly from the Tiber Wars in this storyline. So we know for a fact the "no Tiber Wars" limit is off.
• Aeonstone. Hello, green crystal that amplifies the magic of souls (LITERALLY REFERRED TO AS LIFE FORCE IN MULTIPLE LINES OF DIALOGUE. FROM A VERY SPECIFIC CHARACTER.) to godly levels of power! Hmm! I wonder, just WONDER where else we might have seen this. Couldn't possibly be related to uhhhhhh the magic green crystal used to amplify someone's life force to godly levels of power. Y'know the um. The Mantella. I'm talking about the Mantella I cannot explain how much the idea that the Mantella is made of Aeonstone makes me froth at the mouth. It makes too much sense and there are like THREE people who know what Aeonstone is and does and hahaha GUESS WHICH ONE KNOWS THE MOST? Yeah it's. It's Abnur.
• Now of course there's the direct parallel of "I have lived too long and fucked up too much, I have nothing left please let me die" that's less spoken in Elsweyr than it is in Daggerfall but it is DEFINITELY still there. Like mr battlemage says "attacking Kaalgrontiid's lair would be a suicide mission" and then IMMEDIATELY is like "I am going to Kaalgrontiid's lair to attack him :)" hello??????? Ok.
• Can we just talk about the fact that of ALL the places to put the ESO storyline, it was, well. Elsweyr? The place where shit gets REAL fucked in the Tiber Wars, meaning everything we do and everyone we save in ESO: Elsweyr means NOTHING. Rimmen gets nuked by the Numidium. Senchal is home to a massacre at the hands of Tiber Septim's army. Hell, the third moon happens! In Daggerfall! ITS MANNIMARCO HE LITERALLY JUST HIJACKS KAALGRONTIID'S NEE MOON PROPHECY HGHGGGHHGBH- but boy all that amounting to nothing just. It fits. It fits so well, with the whole thing of giving up everything only for it to be taken advantage of and destroyed. And I mean. "Dying" (because neither Abnur nor Zurin actually got to die to Dragonhold or the Numidium, that'd be too easy) to stop something you ACTIVELY caused and were party to and it's 99% your fault and became so much worse than you ever could've planned for? Uh hehe. Yeah.
• I love the fact that we have literally no origin for Zurin (I DO NOT COUNT THE ARCTURIAN HERESY I DONT THINK ITS CANON. I THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW). All we know is that he's an incredibly powerful Imperial Battlemage who held the position of Grand Chancellor. Which I mean like. ESO literally gives us local incredibly powerful Grand Chancellor (it's implied that at full strength he can just casually KO a dragon and even weakened he can stand against Mannimarco (full power) long enough to not get completely obliterated). So like. It would at this point be a VERY smooth transition from one to the other.
• This is something that just completely drives me bonkers insane feral and may not actually be a connection, but uhhh the name of the Spymaster responsible for collecting info about Abnur for his Elsweyr Meet the Character article is. His. His name is FUCKING. ARCTUS. IM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP HIS NAME IS ARCTUS COVE. THAT IS NOT A COMMON NAME FOR AN IMPERIAL UNLESS I HAVE JUST COMPLETELY MISSED MULTIPLE OTHER USAGES OF THE NAME ARCUS. I JUST. AAAAAAAAAAAA
• Final little note but I think the little ESO green dragon imp pet from the Elsweyr event back in like 2019 with a model seen nowhere else in the game and a description that's literally a quote from Abnur is a. I think it's a Skakmat reference? From Daggerfall? Not entirely sure but it looks fairly similar to Skakmat's icon in Daggerfall's files. I dunno maybe I've fully lost it.
Anyway nonsense post over go about your day/night have fun. I might add citations and sources and corrections in the morning when I wake up and am coherent. Please don't kill me
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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Baron's mantella, also known as the variegated golden frog or the Madagascar poison frog, is a species of small poisonous frog in the family Mantellidae which sports is native too East-Central Madagascar, inland from the east coast, and spanning north to south from Fierenana south to Andringitra. This moderately social species communicates via intense sequences of short, single-click notes throughout the day and inhabits rainforests, swamps, montane forest, bamboo groves, riverine woodlands and agricultural orchards. They are diurnal predators that feed upon ants, crickets, beetles, isopods, spiders, and mites. By ingesting these various poisonous/ venomous arthropods mantilla frogs are able to repurpose and secrete said toxins as pharmacologically-active alkaloid concentrations in their skin, in turn making the frogs themselves poisonous to potential predators. The intensity of this poison alkaloid can flux both temporally and geographically, depending on the frogs dietary diversity. Reaching around 1- 1.25 inches (28 -32mm) in length Baron’s mantella is the second largest species of mantella frog after the green mantella, with females being slighty heavier than males. The head & flanks are solid black. A yellowish rostral stripe is apparent, generally ending past the eye. The front limbs are yellow to green with this coloration continuing up the flanks into a large, rounded flank blotch. These flank blotches occasionally expand across the back and connect to the opposite side blotch, resulting in a more yellow dorsum. The hindlimbs are orange with irregular black stripes. The belly, throat, and limbs are black and marked with a few yellow to greenish, rarely blue blotches. Females can lay up to 130 unpigmented eggs in a single clutch, and almost always do so near a source of water, into which the resulting tadpoles get washed by rainwater. Under ideal conditions a barons mantella will reach sexual maturity at around 1 year of age and may live upward of 8.
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sian-metamorphosis · 1 month
Media Experimentation 3
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For this design I used orange, yellow and green watercolour. I changed the shape of the frogs legs to make the design more accurate to the frog this design is inspired by, which is the golden mantella. I painted the skin colour orange and yellow. I then mixed orange and yellow watercolour together to paint the top and trousers. I then painted the frogs legs on the trousers in green. Finally, I fine lined the design and added long eyelashes. Next time, I would change the skin colour of the frog by adding more yellow or making it lighter so that it doesn’t blend in with the design.
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orsinium-scholar · 4 years
Memories old, memories new
First came fear. A cold, crawling terror as morning light glinted off the mantella on it's stand. Then the memories flooding back, the things he'd seen on that charred, blood soaked waste that dared to call itself a battlefield.
Then rage. Pure and simple and hatefilled. He could feel nothing but rage and fear as he beheld the crystal nightmare shining malignantly on its stand. With a roar he grabbed it, fingers clumsy. (whose hands were these whose hands they did not belong to him) Running blind, he pelts through the iron halls, the howls of his rage echoing like a bell.
The forge. Heat and steel and purifying fire. Someone is there, reaching out with a soft voice. Heedless to all, he bats the figure away like a bothersome moth. (he will apologize to Nazog later, on his knees, begging and weeping for forgiveness. But for now his body is not his.) He snatches up the hammer and brings it down. The mantella chimes like a peal of agony. His grin terrible, Gortwog brings the hammer down again. And again. And again. By the fifth blow it's cracked. By the fifteenth it's shards. By the time he's done it's powder.
Dropping to his knees he screams in triumph. And hate. And grief.
"That is magnificent." Hazbur breathed, gazing at the glittering treasure in Lurbashs hand, fresh off the gem polisher. It had been months of preparing. Months of tweaking the soul gem process to get that deep green, months of growing and discarding and failure. Now the replica of the mantella that once powered the Numidium was complete. It would only ever be petty in size, the mineral that made it green weakening it, but it was still a triumph. Lurbash basked in their success. 
Around them, the fruits of their labours shone with fresh paint, near flawless replicas of historically accurate armours, busts of famous figures and even a miniature Numidium gleamed.
"Hard work pays off, Hazbur. This will be the highlight of the exhibition." They glanced over to the other wall, where the paint still dried on a sign.
"This summers exhibit: unravel the mystery of the miracle of peace! See the artifacts! Read first hand accounts! This summer only, all secrets are laid bare!"
"It's perfect, mx Gortwog." Hazburs head shot up, eyes glowing. "we should soul trap a skeever! It would give it that genuine soul gem shimmer."
“Excellent idea, Hazbur! I know you don’t much like killing things, so if you go fetch my crossbow, I’ll head down to the cellars later.”
Hazbur scuttled off and Lurbash again beheld the replica, holding it up to the light to watch it...
A sudden cold feeling trickled down their spine, a ringing growing in their ears. The warm green glow of the soul gem now looked sickly and unnatural, like a staring eye. The ringing was louder, now screaming? Someone was screaming, the mantella shining in the heart of the numidium, some totem in their powerful hands whispering to them how to control it. Blood. Blood and fire and destruction that wasn’t warfare how could this be war there is no honour in this slaughter stop stop I’ve changed my mind let us suffer let us continue to suffer no amount of freedom is worth this death the mantella must be destroyed don’t let this happen again it must not happen again-!
Their hands are moving on their own, holding the hammer tight. Somehow they are at their anvil and they don’t remember why. Lurbash screams and brings it down. On the first blow, it cracks. On the fifth, its in shards.
When they’re done, it’s just powder.
“M-mx Gortwog? What happened?”
Hazburs soft voice cuts through their daze. They look down and see the mess, the dust and the hammer in their hands. For a moment there’s a moment of confusion. Whose hands were those? Fine and neat and stained with paint? Their hands were big and calloused, weren’t they? The moment passes and they shake their head. 
“Hazbur...I...I’m sorry. I...don’t know what came over me...The heat in here must be getting to me.” They drop the hammer, stepping back quickly from the anvil. “Go...go and get that green resin from the cabinet. We’ll just make a paste gem. No-one will notice. Then...I’ll get some rest...been working too hard.”
Hazbur gave them one last worried look and went off. 
Lurbash had lied, of course. They knew well what had happened. Had spent years wondering as to what might happen to a family line touched by the Numidium, what might be passed down along the blood. Gortwog had been right there with it, far, far too close. It was called the Gortwog curse, whispered about when the child was old enough. Dreams. Flashes of thoughts not yours. A memory so terrible even your children will suffer it. 
They’d made the replica too good, looking out through the eyes of Gortwog at something he hoped to never see again.
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gronglegrowth · 4 years
The Eight Towers
Where they are and when they deactivated
Ada-Mantia (High Rock): Active. Its stone is the Zero Stone.
Red Tower (Vvardenfell): Inactive as of 3E 427. Its stone was the Heart of Lorkhan.
White-Gold (Cyrodiil): Inactive as of the Great War. Its stone was Chim-el Adabal, or the Amulet of Kings.
Snow-Throat (Skyrim): Debatable. Its stone is the Cave.
Green-Sap (Valenwood): Inactive, date unknown. Its stone is a fruit.
Orichalc (Yokuda): Inactive as of the sinking of Yokuda. Its stone was a sword.
Crystal-Like-Law (Alinor): Inactive as of the Oblivion Crisis. Its stone was a person.
Walk-Brass (Unknown): Inactive as of the Warp in the West. Its stone was first the Heart of Lorkhan, then the Mantella.
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yffresbeard · 5 years
A Reasonable Theory Regarding TESVI being in Valenwood
The general consensus is that Arena and Daggerfall, while certainly being part of TES history, aren’t really indicative of the series anymore, so be ye advised that I talk about mostly Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and make exactly one reference to the Warp in the West and zero references to Arena because… well, it’s Arena and who cares.
Be ye also advised that a lot of this info comes from Ki*kbride in various sources and no one Hates Him more than me but it’s… impossible to avoid his influence on the series so I begrudgingly Deal With It.
So part of the Big Lore is there are these towers that sort of hold Nirn in place (weird metaphysics shit, don’t ask cuz I don’t even get it). Anyway, Nirn supposedly has eight towers according the Psijic Order’s Loremaster in ESO, and they’re meant to keep the barriers up between Mundus and Oblivion - the weakening of these barriers is what allowed the Oblivion Crisis to occur the way it did.
The first 2 towers were created by the et’Ada Lorkhan tricked. The first, Ada-mantia/Adamantine Tower/Direnni Tower was created as the meeting place to decide Lorkhan’s fate. The second tower created was Red Tower/Red Mountain, formed when Auri-El/Akatosh used his bow to shoot Lorkhan’s heart far away.
The other 6 towers were built by various races of mer over time or are naturally occuring. They include Crystal-Like-Law/Crystal Tower, built by the ancient Altmer in the Summerset Isles; White-Gold Tower, built by the Ayleids; the Orichalc Tower on Yokuda, built by the lefthanded elves; Walk-Brass/The Numidium/The Brass God built by the Dwemer; Snow-Throat/The Snow Tower, which is the Throat of the World; and Green-Sap, a huge network of Graht-oak trees in Valenwood.
Each tower is made stable and gets its power from a stone (which doesn’t have to be a real stone or even a physical item). When this stone is removed, or destroyed, the tower is considered deactivated. If all towers became deactivated, Mundus would cease to exist. (which is, incidentally, the goal of the current [Third] Aldmeri Dominion)
Ada-mantia was constructed by the et’Ada as a meeting place to decide the fate of Lorkhan after Mundus’ creation. It’s stone is the Convention - that is, the actual event where it was decided his godly heart would be separated from his body. This tower is still active.
Red Mountain was deactivated when the Nerevarine destroyed the enchantments around the Heart of Lorkhan, it’s stone, and it disappeared.
White-Gold Tower’s stone was the stone inside the Amulet of Kings, the Chim el-Adabal, and this tower was deactivated when Martin Septim destroyed it and became a vessel for the Avatar of Akatosh. However, Akatosh’s intervention here may have reactivated it.
The Numidium was deactivated after the Warp in the West, when it disappeared. Notably, it had 2 stones; the Heart of Lorkhan, originally, and then the Mantella.
The Snow Throat was presumably deactivated upon Alduin’s destruction OR even before, when the Time Wound was created. It’s stone was known as “The Cave” which is sort of vague and unhelpful and I can’t find much to tell me concretely what this means.
Crystal-Like-Law was destroyed in the Oblivion Crisis by legions of Daedra, and it’s stone was said to be “a person”.
Orichalc Tower sunk into the sea with the rest of Yokuda when someone attempted a specific sword move called "Pankratosword" and Yokuda sank into the ocean. The stone was supposedly “a sword”.
Green-sap’s stone is “a fruit”, likely referring to a “perchance acorn” that grew the Elden Tree. This tower is still active.
In each game from TESIII on, at least one of these towers has been deactivated (some of them have never been seen). In Morrowind it was Red Mountain, in Oblivion it was the White-Gold Tower (and off-screen, Crystal-Like-Law), and the Snow-Throat in Skyrim. If the trend of one de-activated tower per game continues, the only options would be Ada-Mantia, in High Rock or Green-Sap in Valenwood.
Since Ada-Mantia’s stone is so abstract in being an event rather than a concrete object, I have a feeling that if it ever is deactivated, it’ll be the last one.
Which leaves Green-sap as the only really tenable option as it and the Ada-Mantia are the only two active towers remaining (unless White-Gold was reactivated by Akatosh) that we know of.
Anyway that’s my long-shot theory about TESVI being set in Valenwood. This is, of course, under the assumption that they actually give a shit about the lore and the precedents they’ve set, which I know they don’t.
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froggyfroo-art · 2 months
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Happy World Frog Day from Zed and some... sort of familiar looking frogs...
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chelsealinaeve · 7 years
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Huevember 29 - Green mantella twitter | society6 | facebook
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creativebeaststudio · 5 years
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Here's the first chasmosaurine color concept art for the Beasts of the Mesozoic Chasmosaurus belli action figure! The green mantella frog was the color inspiration for this one. #beastsofthemesozoic #creativebeaststudio #dinosaur #actionfigures #ceratopsian #toys #chasmosaurus #toydesign #conceptart #prehistoric #reptiles #wildlife #paleontology #naturalhistory #kickstarter https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5z3Nplspb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1toc76uundif5
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kateosaurus-rex · 7 years
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One the Mantella frogs was perched on some bamboo right against the glass this morning. You can see not only the bright green of its back but also the black with blue speckles on its belly. #mantella #frog #amphibiansofmadagascar #madagascar #omahazoo
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imnotgoinganywhereok · 9 months
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I am still very mad about losing that job. Not only was I Iet go for a stupid and shady reason (hope that place actually closes down) but also I am once again faced with the follow up of being unemployed. I went to hell and back to get my MA and for what? For fucking what? Busting my ass doing lord knows what for the minimum wage or less? I could have been doing that without uni years ago. Fuck this country, so so mad!! ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
Baltazar's new pastime is going on various dates with his new partners and getting to know them better. Katy loves hanging out in karaoke bars and practise her low singing skill with her more experienced boyfriend (thank @red-everdeen for the new karaoke bar in San Myshuno!!). Abeba was caught cheating by her wife in their own apartament. It was bound to happen, and Abeba's preference states she doesn't even like woohooing with women, but that was just a nail in the coffin for their marriage. Look at Bal's face - he KNOWS what he did and he does NOT regret it!! He's a menace.
Laki takes Bal on dates to museums, and we find it adorable. He's such a pure boy, it's such a shame he's dating a notorious evil cheater. Pearl fully embraced dating her good friend's son. Does Mantella know? Maybe. Is it important? We don't care, they're pixel aliens in a game. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And lastly, we have Ramon who showed Baltazar his artistic side. Painting murals at the arts centre makes for a cute date - Ramon sure is running for that "sweetest boyfriend" title. Another poor boy falling in love with the evil green bean. Tragic!!
Romantic endeavours pay off greatly, at least for now. I'm very curious when people start realising how awful Baltazar actually is - and if they plan to do anything about this fact. As of now, he can do whatever he wants with people he deems attractive enough. It's all about the genes, baby!!
PS. I wrote this post 10 days ago but I hosted my bestie for a week now. We visited a ZOO with @themightyaliendwarf, @red-everdeen and @organized-decay today. An absolute 180 of my mood, a 10/10 outing, perfect. Thank you so much for putting up with me!! (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡ I also had a job interview and they'll tell me about the final decision tomorrow. Pray for ya girl to finally land a normal job!!
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