#Which is a better-suited option-an agency
wddadvertising · 1 year
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#who can advise#execute and help your business grow better?#Which is a better-suited option-an agency#or a freelancer#for outsourcing digital marketing services for businesses starting out#in their bloom#or even cohesively established? The answer is a long-running debate#never as simple.#When it comes to getting to work#both can have bags of merits & demerits#but from the two#one answer surely beats the other. And#since you’ve even googled it#we know this daunting question is probably running rounds like the merry-go-round#on & on in your mind. And#we? We’re here to help put a stop to it by simplifying the answer!#Ready to read our take?#It’s always an AGENCY!#Before you think we’re biased#we’ll go ahead and tell you why they are a best-fix for the long run.#-When You Aim for Business Growth#Look for Reliability in the Long Term!#We do not deny that freelancers can be reliable. But what when they have prior engagements just before your urgent deliverables or go AWOL#Most freelancers work on multiple projects#and often with a full-time professional job in hand! They set the rules for your engagement on their terms—which is great for the freelance#Agencies#on the other hand#have a proven track record of being the most trusted & reliable partners for outsourcing digital marketing & advertising. The reason is sim#their only goal and business value are to help ventures with professional services & conduct that translates to long-term business relation#digital marketing
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internetskiff · 3 months
Something about Gordon Freeman that's extremely fascinating is how he was basically forced into the "Messiah" role by complete accident. Dude was on his way to work, caught in an extremely awful lab accident, and he was just fighting for his life so brutally that he ended up taking down an entire army, making the other less capable or equipped scientists assign him as the one that would go in and take down the Nihilanth - I mean, they basically didn't have many other options, or at least not many better options at their disposal. The whole time he basically doesn't have much of a say in any of it, which means he was practically railroaded into becoming the G-Man's employee by pure circumstance.
Doesn't get any better in Half Life 2 either - the surviving Black Mesa staff have turned this man they potentially sent to die into a legend amongst the resistance movement. The Vortigaunts chant his name as they draw murals on the canal walls. The Lambda - a symbol of both the Lambda Labs but most notably the symbol on the HEV suit - now symbolizes liberation. Therefore, of course, the man who bears this symbol is the liberator. By the ending chapters of Half Life 2, Freeman commands entire squads of rebels, appointed the leader regardless of how good a tactician he actually is - if they die, they died for him, not because of him. As long as he gets to the Citadel and breaches it's wall, all those deaths would be worth it - once again, others send him into a near-inhospitable environment to take down a near-invincible threat.
I think that despite us being in control of Freeman for most of the series, the real protagonists of the story are the Vance family. Eli, too, was right at ground zero when the Resonance Cascade occurred. He is the leader of the Resistance. It's very possible that he's the one who spread word of Freeman throughout City 17. The fall of Nova Prospekt AND the Citadel occurred as a result of Eli's capture. In the Combine's eyes, the Vances are a threat equal to, if not greater than Freeman himself. That, and the Vances have something Freeman doesn't - agency. They're beyond the G-Man's control. They're beyond the Combine's control. Their actions are completely their own, with no third party to control every single step they take. Over the course of the Episodes, it feels as though the dynamic shifts, with Alyx becoming a much more vital figure. The Combine are specifically after her now, because she carries the code capable of disrupting the portal through which the Combine could send reinforcements and finally consume Earth. In both the Epistle 3 script and in Half Life Alyx it ends with her basically taking Freeman's position under the G-Man's employ. She quite literally takes the role of the Main Character away from Gordon. This, of course, is nothing to envy, because it's been repeatedly shown that any character assuming this role in the series ends up being reduced to nothing but a pawn for those who control them. It's an extremely fascinating spin on the linear nature of the games, canonically acknowledging you're doing nothing but marching along a path someone else made for you. Despite being the one free man, you're not offered much of a choice.
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WIBTA if I basically quit a job I haven’t started yet?
(📈📉 so I can find later)
I got a job offer for a call center at a big company that I immediately accepted because I’ve been job-hunting for several months, but today I had a recruiting agency reach out to me for another job that better suits my experience, and I feel like an asshole for turning the first job down when I already said yes.
For more context, I graduated in December with a degree in analytics, and I’ve been job hunting with no results since. A recruiting agency reached out to me about this call center job like two weeks ago. I interviewed for it and got the job Friday last week and even if I really didn’t want to do customer service work, I needed a job to pay rent and it is experience with a big company anyway, so I said yes and I’m scheduled to start in about a month.
And then today (on a Monday so it’s been a weekend since I accepted the first job) a different recruiting agency reached out about an analyst role at another big company, which suits my background and experience much more. I sent in my info for review and if it looks like a good fit, I’ll interview for this job, but I feel guilty doing this while the first company offered me a job already (the second job is also in a different city, so I’d have to move for it too).
I asked my housemate about this, and she said it’s definitely unprofessional and will disappoint the first company, but if I do get the second job, I have to accept it because it’s better for me, but I wanted to get more opinions. Am I being jerk to the first company if I turn them down after I already said yes? And is it bad that I'm looking into other options even though they already offered me a job?
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'Tube map' around planets and moons made possible by knot theory
Just as sat-nav did away with the need to argue over the best route home, scientists from the University of Surrey have developed a new method to find the optimal routes for future space missions without the need to waste fuel. The paper is published in the journal Astrodynamics.
The new method uses mathematics to reveal all possible routes from one orbit to another without guesswork or using enormous computer power.
Danny Owen, who developed the technique at the Surrey Space Center, said, "Previously, when the likes of NASA wanted to plot a route, their calculations relied on either brute force or guesswork.
"Our new technique neatly reveals all possible routes a spacecraft could take from A to B, as long as both orbits share a common energy level.
"This makes the task of planning missions much simpler. We think of it as a tube map for space."
In recent decades, space missions have increasingly relied on the ability to change the course of a satellite's path through space without using fuel.
One way of doing this is to find 'heteroclinic connections'—the paths that allow spacecraft to transfer from one orbit to another without using fuel.
The mathematics for finding these paths is complex—usually calculated by using vast computing power to churn through one option after another or by making an 'intelligent guess' and then investigating it further.
This new technique uses an area of math called knot theory to quickly generate rough trajectories—which can then be refined. By doing so, space agencies can gain a full list of all possible routes from a designated orbit. They can then choose the one that best suits their mission—much as you might choose a route by studying the tube map.
The technique was tested successfully on various planetary systems—including the moon, and the Galilean moons of Jupiter. Both of these are the focus of current and future missions.
Dr. Nicola Baresi, Lecturer in Orbital Mechanics at the University of Surrey, said, "Spurred on by NASA's Artemis program, the new moon race is inspiring mission designers around the world to research fuel-efficient routes that can better and more efficiently explore the vicinity of the moon.
"Not only does our technique make that cumbersome task more straightforward, but it can also be applied to other planetary systems, such as the icy moons of Saturn and Jupiter."
IMAGE....Credit: Astrodynamics (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s42064-024-0201-0
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polyphonical · 2 months
Dragon's Head Interval - Chapter 2
[ View on site for better experience♪ ]
Location: Firefly Riverbank
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Tetora: Hmm.
Personally, I wish martial arts wasn’t lumped together with violence. But martial arts is a no go since it’s too violent, right?
If that’s the case, it should be fine to have that type of variety show showdown we suggested in a studio somewhere as long as it doesn’t involve martial arts, right? Or is that not allowed?
Kuro: ’m not sure if that’s an option or not. But...
Tetora: Is there somethin’ you’re thinkin’ about, Taishou?
Kuro: From the viewer’s standpoint, a showdown in a prepared studio looks like it’s from a script.
‘Course, I’m sure the competition itself would be serious, but there’d definitely be parts of it that’s scripted, right?
But from the viewer’s perspective, it’s hard to tell which part is scripted and which part isn’t.
Well, I think somethin’ on TV like that could be enjoyed, preparation and all.
But what I think doesn’t matter here.
There’s gotta be somethin’ that shows the audience that we’re serious and that makes them believe that a bond was formed by the end of it.
Tetora: Hmm. So, the best thing to do is to come up with a sport other than martial arts…… Wouldn’t somethin’ like that be a real competition?
Kuro: Like baseball, soccer, or basketball?
These days, ya can watch pros play stuff like that as much as ya want, though.
Tetora: Well, yeah ssu. I’m not sure what would be somethin’ serious like a sports competition, unique enough to stand out, and fit as a showdown between our two agencies.
There’s nothin’ I can think of that would suit this project perfectlyーー
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Tetora: ………
Kuro: Hm? What’s up, Tetsu?
Tetora: ーーThat’s it! Taishou, I got somethin’ ssu! The perfect sport for the project!
Kuro: Hah……?
Tetora: I gotta go tell Tenshouin-senpai right now ssu! Taishou, c’mon get up!
Kuro: H-Hey!? I get it Tetsu, so stop pushin’ my back like that.
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Location: StarPro Office (Conference Area)
Eichi: ーー You have a good idea for the project?
Kuro: Sorry for callin’ ya out like this so suddenly. Tetsu says he suddenly got a good idea.
Eichi: Don’t worry about that. I’ve been at a loss thinking of alternatives for this project myself.
If Nagumo-kun truly has a good idea, I’d love to hear it.
So? What exactly is this alternative you’re proposing, Nagumo-kun?
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Tetora: That would be “Dragon boatin’ [1]” ssu!
Eichi: ……Dragon boating?
Tetora: Ossu! Umm, I thought of dragon boatin’ when I saw people racin’ in boats while we were at the riverbank.
Kuro: Aah, around that time huh. Now that you mention it, I think I remember seein’ somethin’ like that when we were eatin’ taiyaki.
Tetora: Yeah. I think regular boatin’ would be fine, but dragon boatin’ is flashier and the drums would add a rhythm, so I thought it’d be more memorable ssu.
Since, unlike basketball or soccer, most people probably haven’t heard of it. And since it’s a race, the rules are pretty simple, and it’s easy to see who’s the winner or the loser. What do you think?
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Eichi: Hm. Dragon boating huh……
I like it. Just like Nagumo-kun said, it’s a sport that aligns with what the project requires. And it sounds like it’d be interesting.
I think I’ll use this. Thank you for the good idea, Nagumo-kun.
Tetora: Really!? I’m glad it works!
Kuro: Ah, Tenshouin. Are ya gonna use the same members we had before?
Eichi: Mm? Yes, that’s correct. I already chose the members I originally selected for the project, so I’m planning to use the same ones. Since it’s a boat, it’s necessary to ensure we have enough people participating.
Kuro: ‘s that so. A boat is like a small ship, right……? It’d probably move a lot……
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Tetora: ? Taishou, what’s the matter ssu?
Eichi: Ah. Now that I think about it, Kiryuu kun isn’t good with riding around in vehicles, right? Keito mentioned something like that to me when we were thinking about the plan.
Tetora: Ah! That’s right, Taishou gets motion sickness…… Then, I guess we shouldn’t go with the dragon boating idea……
Eichi: As an idol, you should be prepared to travel for long periods of time, so I think this is a good opportunity to get yourself used to moving around on vehicles. Isn’t that right, Kiryuu-kun?
Kuro: That’s easy for ya to say…
Eichi: And you wouldn’t want to turn down your cute junior who spent so long trying to come up with an alternative plan, would you?
Kuro: ……Geez. I get it already. I can see that the project is at a standstill. I wasn’t goin’ to make you drop it just because I can’t do it myself.
Tetora: Eh… Taishou, are you sure? You don’t have to force yourself…
Kuro: It’s okay, I’m fine. I’ve managed up till now. I can handle this time, too.
Eichi: Great. It seems like we’ve reached an agreement. Then, let’s call Anzu-chan and start to plan this project.
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This is what dragon boating is!
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Sorry for taking so long !! I had to lock in for the tour and then my school schedule kicked my ass . I'll try to go back to regular uploading, though!
Also if the image quality looks bad , I'll fix it later tonight ! When I try to upload them, it keeps downgrading the quality (。o_o。)"" !? I don't know why, probably bc I'm not home HAHAH
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anonymoushouseplantfan · 10 months
Re: the recent "aiming for an Oscar" PR
I think WME, which is essentially a talent agency, may have convinced her that she should go back to acting roles. Maybe special celeb appearances like Kim or Ryan Seacrest have done before, or even small time roles in whatever romcoms she hopes to produce.
The way to convince Meghan to do those would be to first pitch to her that she is so famius, everyone will obviously want to see her, that suits is now the most watched show in Netflix and obviously that's because people miss seeing her personality blah blah blah. And Meghan in her head, would automatically jump to scenarios where she is starring in a cute romcom with an A+ list actor and winning an Oscar.
Most of their manifestation PR comprises of the best of the best scenario in Meghan's mind.
I'm guessing she relates to the lead character in that book they recently bought the rights for. And she now wants to star in it because she probably thought all the leading lady options were not so good and she could be better than them. And that's why we got the blind that she was going to meet Leo dicaprio, because she thought only an is ar winning, white, famous in the 90s actor should be cast opposite her.
She should go back to acting, but I don't think she can carry a picture, let alone get an Oscar.
She can do a streaming rom-com, but Leonardo DiCaprio is not going to sign up for a $3m Hallmark movie. He may do streaming, but he'd do a big action project/franchise like JLO and Chris Hemsworth did.
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ultfreakme · 3 months
Lol at your Zutara anon. I keep seeing people say they’re going to remove Kataang when all they’ve done is take away the parts of Kataang that didn’t age well and highlighted the parts of Kataang that people typically do like. Rather than having a crush on her at the very beginning, he develops a small crush on her at the end after he’s gotten to know her as a person. And as much as I love Cave of Two Lovers, does Katara and Aang not deserve their first kiss to be something they both have agency in, rather than being forced to kiss under pressure (even if they wanted to)?
The way I interpret Albert Kim’s words, even though he might not personally be a fan of the ship, he does seem to make a commitment to developing it in a way that suites live action. It would’ve been so easy for them to give in and make Zutara canon. But all of the creative liberties that they took for Katara’s and Aang’s characters (like removing her motherly traits or making him more responsible from the get go) is to help translate Kataang into live action.
Agreed. I think the time frame in live action is much shorter as well, instead of what felt like a month or more in the OG. So Aang won't immediately be able to even think of romance when he's greiving and feeling the pressure of being Avatar. Same for Katara who's a lot less responsible here, I think, like she's more reckless and playful but also less angry and she's allowed to be a kid.
And yeah, first Kataang kiss(almost kiss? I thought the light went out and cave crystals came on a second before they could kiss so they didn't) being consensual would be better.
Albert Kim seems so far, to try his best to keep things as canon as possible. Introducing Zutara would cause the worst kind of backlash because Kataang fans are gonna be the majority especially with casual viewers. Kataang also carries a lot of thematic significance to the show.
In the live action, he's her way to effectively fighting the Fire Nation, her first access to waterbending which is a lot more personal to Katara's emotions in here. He showed her the world! (I have a feeling in this version, Katara is the first to develop a little bit of a crush or just general interest in that romantic direction). For Aang, she's the first person to reach out to him, comfort him, reach out when he's feeling desperately alone, his new family.
anyways yeah i wish people would learn to separate canon from fanon. I think with how long-lasting the kataang v zutara war has been, people seem to think zutara is an actual option when it isn't....and never was. It might sound harsh but that can be said for Zukka, MaiLee, TyZula Katoph, Zukki, etc too 🤷.
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invisibleraven · 4 months
"I'm sorry for staring, I just can't seem to look away." for Rulie?
Julie glances around the table, wondering why Flynn has gathered this many agents in for-it can't be a regular mission. So it must be a big fish, needing lots of coordination, planning, and manpower.
Then she sees Reggie enter-which means business. He's the agency's best assassin, and if he's been called in, it's not good news for whomever their target is-Reggie always gets his man.
He nods at Julie, offering her a small smile as he takes a seat further down the table. They've worked together before, and she's always enjoyed it-Reggie's professional, thorough, and actually pretty funny outside of the job. She hopes they get to work together again soon-they've proven to be a good team already, so that has to weigh in their favour.
Flynn enters then, all business, taking her seat and tents her fingers as she waits for everyone to quiet. Then she says a name that makes the room go silent.
"Caleb Covington."
She knows she has their attention now-Covington is a major mob boss, responsible for taking out a fair number of their own, and various other crimes. They've been trying to either get him arrested or rubbed out for ages, but every time they get close, he slips out of their grasp. At this point, some of the agents are starting to give up they'll ever take him down-hopes seem low.
"Covington is throwing a masked ball for all his associates in two weeks time," Flynn announces. "We suspect he plans on eliminating a few key players, or announce some new nefarious scheme. Either way we've never been closer."
"So how do we get in?" Kayla asks.
"We've got a hold of a lower boss in a stroke of luck-wrong place, wrong time," Flynn explains. "The higher ups offered him immunity for turning on Caleb and for his two invitations."
"Just two?" Willie clarifies.
Flynn nods. "We might be able to sneak a few of you in with the staff, but it's unlikely-you know better than most how Caleb likes to vet everyone working under him."
Willie shuddered, and rubbed his wrist-he had tried to infiltrate Covington's operations a few years back, had gotten pretty close, but when Caleb caught him snooping he'd broken said wrist, and it was only because of Willie's partner causing a distraction that he was able to escape with his life. Nick hadn't been so lucky.
Flynn placed her hands on the table. "Look, I know it's dangerous, and we're asking a lot. But we might never have this chance again. We need to get in, get evidence, or Covington himself, and get out. Total destruction if you get caught-no coming back."
That made them all sit up straight-there had only been one other target that had such a stipulation, to give up your identity and job to keep the agency safe. Julie was sure in the older days agents would have been expected to give up their lives instead, so she's glad that is no longer an option.
Flynn hands out folders, giving each member their assignment, and Julie notes that there is a copy of the invitation in hers, along with a fake identity, maps, and a profile of her partner in crime-being played by Reggie.
She offered him a smile, which he returned, and she made plans to meet up with him, go over their backstory, and coordinate the plan.
Two weeks later though, even with all their preparation, Julie felt nervous. This was it-the biggest fish there was. She smoothed out the slinky red dress she was wearing, the lining full of knives, and darts, even though it was still incredibly comfortable. She had straightened her curls and done her hair up in an updo, and put a fancy gold mask over her face. Looking in the mirror, Julie barely recognized herself.
She went to the car bay, where Reggie was waiting-looking very smart in his suit, and he seemed to freeze as he caught sight of her.
"What? What's wrong?" she asked.
"I'm sorry for staring, I just can't seem to look away," he said, then whistled. "You clean up good. Pity we don't get to really enjoy the night with a beauty like you on my arm."
Julie swatted him playfully, thankful the mask covered her mask and got into the car. They went over the plan one more time-they weren't going in blind, but once they entered the mansion, it was doubtful they would have any back up.
They pulled up to the mansion, and Julie sucked in a breath at the grandeur, and the number of guests who had a prominent spot on Most Wanted List. "You ready?" Reggie asked as they headed towards the opulent front door.
"As I'll ever be," Julie assured him.
"We got this," Reggie promised, and slipped his black mask over his face. "Let's go fishing."
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morievna · 11 months
BSD 108 – Will DoA arc be like Avengers Infinity War & Endgame?
Omg this chapter was sooo delicious – me Fyodor stan having time of my life xD His performance and his final words mocking Sigma was 10000/10 – he is truly fascinating and complex villain, I love him xD
OK, let’s get serious XDD
For some time I was wondering how Asagiri intends to finish this arc... Everything indicate that it will end soon, but at the same time given how OP Fukuchi and Fyodor are in their respective fields – some deus ex machina for ADA to win would be unsatisfactory to me honestly. Initially I thought that Bram or Aku will take over and regain control of all vampires and stop Fukuchi, but… after this chapter looks like there is no time for that xD
So I think DOA’s plan won’t be stopped at all, but they will achieve what they want just like Thanos in Avengers Infinity War.
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By this I mean that DOA will succeed and create temporary reality – first using One Order to destabilize current world and then using the Book to create new one without abilities. Symbolically, destruction and rebirth always go hand in hand and you can’t have one without another.
Then we will get time skip and Endgame equivalent – our characters living in new world and getting that something is wrong and need to be changed. Maybe reality without abilities would not be so peaceful, who would have guessed that xD Also maybe there will be some rip-off effect of changing reality or some enemy will appear, who guards canon timeline xD Possibilities are endless – it just depends on what Asagiri has in mind and what story he wants to tell.
After all, the core of the story is that abilities are not source of evil and are just part of everyone’s self as projection of fear/greed/anger/and so on. Though world without abilities would be tempting to some characters, which abilities were partly source of suffering - like to Atsushi, who was hesitating whether DOA plan should be stopped. But still, negative traits are still part of everybody and they just need to be balanced by good ones and choices to be better person.
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Other random thoughts related to chapter:
Fyodor’s seizure to words ‘help me’ didn’t look fake and it reminded me of how N tried to take control of Verlaine in SB. But I guess it was just temporary and Fyodor regained control and used it to fool Sigma. Ofc it can be that he faked all - we will see if there is more to it or not. Btw I still believe that Fyodor’s backstory is akin to Verlaine or Chuuya – that he was tampered artificially by military to get powerful ability and he started to resent world and abilities because of that. Personality disorder would be indeed cliché and it was already done once in 55 Minutes LN, so I hope that Asagiri has something more interesting for Fyodor in store.
Gogol where are you 👀 I wonder if he is author of the note and that he simply wanted to sabotage Fyodor xD he is character with much potential, I hope he wasn’t just in this arc to set up duel between Dazai and Fyodor in this arc
Me Bram confusion😵 previous chapter pretty set up Bram rejecting passivity and trying to fight for Aya’s future. But this one kinda backed out of this, so I am not really sure where his arc is leading to for now xD but maybe some heroic act later on
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Though depending on how things will go - self-sacrifice will suit Fukuchi or Mori too as a way to undo their wrongdoings. Again, possibilities are endless.
Fukuzawa’s state – still I would say it is 50/50 given how healing abilities work whether Asagiri needs character to live or not. Nonetheless, I was expecting his death for a while and it is more plausible option for story sake – Ranpo just needs some character development and Asagiri often use mentor’s death for that. Imo Kunikida as next ADA director was red herring and Ranpo fits better for that role given Agency’s orgin.
Btw i don’t think Sigma will die.
Ofc, it is just speculation and I am not 100% sure that story will go that way, since BSD tends to be so unpredictable. But imo Asagiri didn’t recently mention for no reason that he was inspired by Avengers and that ideally he wants one more season for anime too xD
Thanks for reading and have a nice day 💖💖
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
the inhuman debate in season 3 really brought up a lot of interesting questions for me, about how something like this should be handled in the world of the mcu. first its relatively clear cut:
rosalinds pov: these people are a danger to themselves and others, better convince them to go into stasis until we can find a cure. people should have a choice whether they want to have powers or not and not just be forced to accept them (not that we accept yes for an answer actually and killing them is also fine).
daisys pov: these people can learn to control their powers and have a normal life and get past this, and thats the only real option. the initial damage from their powers doesnt justify the way theyre being treated by the atcu because of this. the atcu is putting them on ice, and they say theyre looking for a cure, but i dont really believe them. theyre simply putting us away because theyre afraid of us. but i can admit after some thought that theyre not wrong about how people might also just want an out (also as far as she knows the transformation is irreversible anyway, though i dont know how much of a factor this actually is, the last time she says it is before they start collaborating with the atcu and she never brings it up in the actual arguments).
but then later a cure actually seems possible, and at that point you have to think about a whole different set of problems, because now it is potentially a choice (this is a long list of questions, buckle up).
would a cure even be voluntary, and should it be?
can you justify taking these peoples powers away because of what they could potentially do with them?
powers cant only be used as weapons, should that potential risk justify taking them away?
is the security of the public worth the invasion of these citizens bodily autonomy?
can you justify putting all inhumans under general suspicion because of a few bad apples like lash?
is it right to treat these people as potential terrorists without there actually being a history of terrorism associated with them?
can you even use the potential weaponized usage of powers as an argument in a country that has this little limitation on gun ownership?
are taking their powers away or letting the inhumans roam free really the only options here?
isnt there a compromise to be reached, like what was attempted with the sokovia accords?
wouldnt it be better to try and find a productive approach for people with powers, like for example employing them in a dedicated government agency or a nonporfit organization somehow and maybe keeping an eye on them without constant suspicion, like what shield does?
is it even possible to take away the inhumans powers without major injury to them, and if it isnt, is the risk to the rest of humanity great enough to justify doing it anyway?
arent their rights protected by the constitution just like anyone elses, or can they be ignored in this case like the rights to privacy are ignored when global or national security is at risk?
is it morally correct do do this, regardless of threat potential and government assessments?
isnt a psychological background check enough?
dont these people have a legal right to keep their powers, since they are inherent and biological and the genes have been present since birth?
can powers even really be defined as separate in this case, since this is a product of their biology, and not an external weapon like tony starks suit for example, which already defied definition because he argued it was a prosthetic?
how can you generally legally justify taking these peoples powers away, while people like the avengers roam free without prosecution?
can the potential threat to the public even be used as an argument, since there are plenty of other powered people running around without inhumans being in play at all?
does the number of inhumans even justify this kind of response?
shield has succesfully handled powered citizens in a non-invasive way theat respected their autonomy for decades through the index, wouldnt it be wiser to continue this policy?
wouldnt the index technically just be profiling and problematic entirely on its own?
isnt the security of the inhumans also important, especially when it comes to who has access to documents like the index?
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the-therapist-is-ace · 10 months
HERE IT IS @sappy-detective HOPE YOU LIKE IT
-Also if Shuichi feels like being irritated and less patient than usual it's because I was almost done and the thing erased itself so I had to rewrite it all x(
Shuichi was nervous. Which was, for those who knew him well, a fact thay wasn't exactly surprising. Still, he would like to think that here it was understandable.
His uncle had dragged him into one of those charity galas, where everyone was pretending to be but a humble person wishing to help. Where everything was a sham, and where the amount of money being thrown in those were enough to make the detective dizzy.
But unfortunately they didn't had a choice. After the Tragedy, numerous corporations got back together, or others emerged from the ground through... questionnable means. And Future Foundation finally made the Ministry of Justice bend to their will to get those groups investigated. But who would take care of such a heavy task? Take a guess...
Needless to say, his uncle's agency had been extremely busy these past few months. Not only that, but the fact that he was now recognized as the Ultimate Detective pratically pushed him to also be considered the Kirigiris' legacy's successor (why him?!)
But even after the Ministry of Justice agreed to help, in reality they didn't really intervene much. His uncle and himself were still denied the authority to investigate, and it was seriously becoming a problem, as they were hitting dead ends after dead ends because of being denied access to valuable informations.
And that was why they were here this evening. This charity gala was the best option for them to be able to approach the only person capable of giving this authority on so many cases and against corporations.
The Minister of Justice himself, Ken Saito.
Since he will be of attendance, that was why Shuichi was in a suit that his uncle gave him. -which was seriously itching his neck too...- He nervously reajust the collar at that.
He didn't even had his hat with him, he had to leave it at the agency (but by god did he wanted to have it right now. There were too many people, too much lights and too many eyes to avoid.) so he avoided eye contact as best as he could. Letting his uncle do the talking and following him close.
At first it wasn't much. Mundane talking, false politeness and the hypocrisy of the upper classes. You know, the usual in such an event...
That was until the minister arrived.
Immediatly, a crowd started to appear around him, as everyone was trying to greet him, or ask something, or try to get a favor... Nothing surprising really. It was always better to be on the side of the person who's literally responsable for every cases in Japan after all. But...
"Shuichi. his uncle said. I'm going to try and talk to the minister. You stay here, I'll be right back."
"What? But I want to help-" he frowned.
"I know, but be honest with me Shuichi. Do you really think you will be alright in a crowd like this? upon seeing the amount of people he grimaced and his uncle chuckled. I thought so. he pat his head. Why don't you help yourself with the food here in the meantime? I'll try to be quick."
After that, he left in the direction of the crowd. And since his nephew didn't have much to do and was invited to do so... Well he went towards the buffet.
The music was starting to hurt his head also, so getting away wasn't that bad.
Anyway, the detective was looking at all those hors-d'œuvres with a frown. They all just looked needlessly complicated and he was hungry.
"If I were you, I'd try the ones with cheese!"
He was about to just mumbled a thank you and go on his merry way when he realized...
Wait a minute, I know that voice.
At that, he turned around so quickly he almost dropped his plate.
"Oh, did I scare you that bad? Oopsie! I didn't mean to! he chuckled. Or maybe I wanted to see you jump out of your skin! Who knows. I'm a liar after all!"
It was. The Ultimate Supreme Leader (whatever that means) was right in front of him, his hands behind his head and a grin on his face.
That wouldn't be surprising if they were at the Academy. That wouldn't be surprising if Kokichi wasn't wearing a suit himself (but he was using his scarf as a tie he noticed. Also were those purple socks?) and he wasn't looking as if being of attendance in a gala was a mundane thing to do every day.
"W-Wha- How- What are you doing here?!" he managed to sputtered.
"Hm? he cocked his head to the side. Is Shuichi telling me that I have no rights to be here? That I should be kicked out? So mean! Are you going to call security on me? How could you?!" he whinned, starting to tear up.
Saihara winced and nervously glanced around. He knew that crocodile tears were coming and that if it was like at the Academy, it would create quite a scene. Which would be uh, bad in a place like this.
But to his surprise, even though Kokichi had tears in his eyes he wasn't screaming. Or doing anything other than pouting actually. The detective blinked.
"What? Did you really think I would be stupid enough to cause a scene in a place like this? he looked at his palm in disinterest, crocodile tears nowhere to be seen. Pleaaaaaase Shuichi give me some credits! I'm not an idiot like the Astronaut!"
...Right. He forgot that the other teen could be serious sometimes. But it happened so rarely he's still surprised to see that side of Ouma's personnality.
"Alright... he frowned. But you still didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?"
"Oh that? he grinned, putting his hands behind his head again. What can I say, I have powerful minions! They can even let me in a place like this. Lucky me right?"
The detective sighed and mentally put that in the "unanwsered" part of his mind. Because that had to be a lie. However the other wasn't done.
"Buuuuut... what about you? he put a finger on his chin. What are you doing here Shuichi? Because that's not the kind of place you like to be at." well he wasn't wrong.
"I had to accompagny my uncle to get investigation authority from the minister of justice." he answered, trying to keep it brief.
"Oh yeeeeeeeah right. So you don't get kicked out of your investigation." he said with disinterest, looking at his palm as if it wasn't a matter of the upmost importance.
"Y-Yeah. we keep hitting dead ends because we don't have the authority-"
"Weeeeeeeell seems to me like getting to talk to Kenny is going to be a bit hard you know?" he said, pointing at the crowd.
Shuichi winced. He couldn't even make his uncle in all of this mess.
"I-I know. It looks like it will be impossible tonight..." he sighed.
"If Kaito heard you he would have punched you for saying that. he again looked at his palm in disinterest. Hmmm... he put a finger on his chin again, thoughtful. I mean I could get you a one-on-one with my minion, but what can you give me in return Shuichi?"
The detective almost tripped at the statement.
"K-Kokichi you are not implying that you have contacts with the Minister of Justice." he sputtered, not even daring to say "under you" as the thought alone was too preposterous to be true.
But instead of just laughing it off as usual and saying "yep it's a lie!" the leader merely shrugged.
"Hmmm? Is Shuichi not believing me? So mean. he scoffed. Buuuuuuut since he oh so generously asked for my help, I guess I can bring you Kenny for a little talk! You'll owe me big for this one though. Bu-byyyyyye!"
Before the detective could even try to aligne a coherent sentence, the other waved and disappeared in the crowd, leaving a very confused Shuichi who was wondering what the hell just happened behind. _______________________________________
Not so long afterwards his uncle had returned. And Saihara didn't need him to talk to guess that from his expression, it did not go well.
"Sorry Shuichi... I couldn't get a word to him." he sighed.
"I-It's not your fault Uncle... There's a lot of people tonight." he tried, looking at the still crowd around the minister.
"That's for sure. But let's not give up. he tried a smile. Let's wait to see if we have an opening alright?" from his tone he wasn't even convincing himself, but Shuichi nodded.
"Now come on, you went to the buffet right? Show this old man around, I'm starving!"
He quickly obliged, forgetting in the process that he ever met Ouma here of all places. He merely followed his uncle to get some food while they eat together and discuss detective work. (Not in front of possible suspects though. There were a lot of wealthy people here, including people from the corporations they were investigating, so they needed to keep a low profile.)
The evening passed quietly after that. Not much they could do, only checking from time to time if there were less people around the minister. There wasn't. If anything, as time went by it seems that more people where coming. It seems like tonight was not the day they would be able to speak to the minister... But if not tonight, then when?
However, Shuichi's thoughts came to a halt when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He shot a confused looked to answer his uncle's curious one before taking his phone out.
It was... private messages from Kokichi.
Kokichi: all done :p
Kokichi: if you want to have your talk, go outside and turn left
Kokichi: also you owe me a big favor now >:)
A frown. Wasn't that taking the joke too far?
"Shuichi? Is everything alright?"
"O-Oh uh, yes. Sorry uncle I just... recieved a message I didn't expected."
"Kokichi? Isn't that one of your friend?" he asked after reading over his shoulder.
"He's not a friend. a pause. He's uh... an acquaintance? A classmate."
Truth be told Shuichi didn't even know what Ouma was asides from their class' troublemaker. Asides from Gonta and Miu nobody could pretend they knew him well enough to be called "friends".
However before his uncle could respond, he got another message.
Kokichi: don't leave me and Kenny wait Shuichi! >:(((((
He was really going for the extra mile with it... Knowing him, he probably should go otherwise the other will bother him until he break. He sighed.
"I'm sorry Uncle but I have to go... If I don't he will continue."
"Oh don't apologize Shuichi. Actually, I think it's a good idea for you to take some fresh air, away from... All of that. he motioned to the crowd... which had dispersed? but no minister to be seen. Come to think of it, I think I will follow you too. Besides, I'm curious to see one of your classmates! You almost never bring them, I will start thinking you made them up!"
He sputtered at that. Kaede and Kaito aren't made up!
"I-I have friends! he protested. But bringing them to the agency isn't really professionnal..."
"Shuichi, you're just an apprentice for now, I will never tell you anything about it not being professionnal! he laughed. Now come on, let's not make your classmate wait!"
The Ultimate didn't protested, and merely followed his uncle to the door.
Once they were out, the detective let a deep breath out. It felt good to have a bit of fresh air... Especially after being stuck in a heavy atmosphere like inside the building for so long.
"Now Shuichi, where did you said he was waiting for us again?"
"He said to turn left." he mumbled.
However Saihara didn't know what to do. Technically he knew what to expect, it was just a bad prank even if it was a bit much.
But his uncle wouldn't be that understanding... Let's just hope the leader wouldn't get in too much troubles pranking an actual detective.
He sighed and took the turn with his eyes closed. Let's get this over with...
Then he stopped dead in his tracks, surprising his uncle who also stopped behind him.
"Shuichi? What's wrong-" when he saw what Shuichi saw, his voice died.
There was Kokichi alright. But he was talking to someone-
To Ken Saito.
He was talking to the freaking Minister of Justice. Casually. As if it was normal.
Now, let him and his uncle the time to bring their jaws back from the floor in front of that unbelievable scene please. Thank you. Was there something in the food at the party to cause hallucinations like these? Shuichi wasn't sure but it would be worthy to check...
Anyhow, the illusion wasn't broken when Kokichi finally noticed them. Instead it continued, while he waved at them with a bright grin. Which also make the minister (the actual one. WHAT-) turn towards them as well.
Okay this is fine. Everything is fine. His classmate is with one of the most powerful men of Japan. Everything is perfectly fine. And why did they looked so friendly towards each other?
"Theeeeere you are Shuichi, I thought you ditched us!"
Nope, the minister was still here. That... probably wasn't an illusion then. But then how-?
A possibility quickly crossed his mind and he frowned.
"Kokichi, please tell me you didn't kidnapped the minister."
At his words, his classmate's eyes widden almost comically. Before crossing his arms.
"Shuichi really thinks I would kidnap Kenny? So mean! I'm evil but not that evil you know? I have standards!"
"Ahem, young man. the minister smiled at him. I can assure you, no kidnapping were involved here. I came here of my own volition."
Well, Saihara just embarassed himself in front of the minister of justice, this is fine. Perfectly fine. He felt his cheeks burning furiously. In the meantime his uncle was completely confused in the background.
"But if that's the case Sir. suddenly said his uncle. With all due respect, what are you doing here with a teenager, even an Ultimate?"
Mister Saito smiled at that, and the leader grinned.
"What can I say, it is impossible to refuse a favor to your little leader over here." he said, putting a hand on said-leader's head who giggled.
Aaaand that's it. We lost Shuichi. His brain just refused to compute what Ken Saito said. And did. Because it was impossible.
His classmate was lying... right?
This was all just an elaborate prank... right?
But why would the minister actually go with it? What would such a person, that is probably as rich as the Academy would gain from this? It didn't make any sense.
"I'm... sorry Sir but I think I misheard. What did you say?" his uncle was as shocked as him.
And in the meantime Ouma was just laughing in the background. Apparently the situation amused him a lot, which knowing the other teen is probably true.
"That's what you get for not believing me Shuichi! But I still did my end of the deal, you owe me a huge favor now! Also Kenny's kinda busy so hurry up and tell him what you need."
Right. Right they were at this gala for a reason, to get this damn investigating authority to be able to go further in their work. And his uncle didn't forget about that either, since he immediatly took the lead of the conversation with the minister.
In ten minutes they had a promise of getting the authority to investigate anyone they wanted, no matter how big the corporation, anywhere they needed, no matter the extraterritorial rights and the garantee to have the evidences they would gather protected.
While Kokichi was merely watching, a grin on his face and his hands behind his head.
"Is that all? the minister asked. Because I am afraid I have to return quickly..." he sighed.
"Urgh those old geezers are the worst. complained Kokichi. Can't leave you alone for a minute!"
"And yet you still asked to come." Ken Saito said with a raised eyebrow.
"Well duh, I couldn't let poor Shuichi complain about going nowhere with his investigation everyday! I'm evil, not heartless you know? he shrugged. Especially when my dear Kenny here have exactly what he need to finally stop sobbing about it!"
"I wasn't sobbing!" he protested.
Wait pause.
Did Ouma just admit that he came tonight just to help them -him-? What happened to the prankster that harassed -a bit too far by moment- Keebo?
"Besides my dear minion needed an excuse to have some fresh air from those jerks too."
"I can't deny that a bit of air did me a great good. he smiled and extended his hand to Shuichi's uncle. Well, since the little chief over there thought that my help was necessary, let me know if you need anything else. Or well, let him know, he will pass the message to me."
"I-Yes. Yes of course." seems like his uncle was just as shocked by the whole ordeal as he was.
"Well then, if you excuse me..."
He politely nodded before going back inside, leaving two detectives shocked and a leader snickering behind.
"Your faces are priceless! he laughed. I wish I had a camera to record that!"
"I- he shook his head. K-Kokichi, how?!"
"Sorry Shuichi! Noooooo telling! That's a super-duper secret. There's a reason why DICE never got arrested! a wink, then a pause. Aaaaaaand since this evening is so boring I don't see any reason to stick around! See you next time Shuichi, bu-byyyyyye!"
And just like that he was gone, sprinting until it was impossible to guess his form in the night.
When his uncle finally snapped from his shock to tell him they should go home, Saihara just nodded. But when they arrived there, other messages were waiting for him.
Kokichi: just tell me if you have any hard to crack cases! DICE will love to help
Kokichi: ...only if you join us tho! :p
Kokichi: and don't think i forgot about you owing me!
Kokichi: i want free grape panta for two months! or you could always join :>
The detective shook his head at that but couldn't help a small smile. He just prepared himself for the night, before sending a "I think I will just pay for your grape panta instead..." then went to sleep.
Well, seems like he knew what to do before coming back to classes Monday.
He'll need to ask for money to his uncle...
To this day Shuichi still didn't know how the hell Kokichi got contacts with the Minister of Justice. (No he won't say working under him because it still feel too absurd to be true.) Because everytime he tried to bring the subject up, the other teen would just laugh and say "that's a leader's secret!" and refuse to elaborate, then change the topic. So Saihara had no choice but to drop the subject... If only the written document giving his uncle and himself the authority to investigate on his uncle's desk wasn't tickling his curiosity everytime he put his eyes on it.
When Kaede came to him exasperated, saying that Kokichi again lied about having one of her favorite musician in his organization, he couldn't help wondering if it had a part of truth in it...
If the Minister of Justice, why not a reknown pianist?
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
9, jinsoul hehe
Jinsoul - 9: Kissing their scars.
Written by: Me!
"I don't want to go to the fan meet." The blonde beauty stays laying in her bed, not budging from her bed. "Sol, what's wrong?" You arrived at the girl's dorm just moments ago as the rest of the members don't know what to do, resorting calling you from the agency.
"Eh?" Jinsol didn't realize that you had come, you being her partner, the person she trusts her life with. She sits up in the bed and opens her arms so she can have a hug, which of course, you sit on the bed and take in that hug.
After a hug, you pat your lap signalling to lay down and so, she follows suite. Jinsol's long blonde hair spreads around your lap, enveloping most of your thigh. With one hand you start playing with her hair, the other laying on her belly.
Jinsol facing the opposite of you indicating that something is bothering her, but doesn't want to talk about it. "Babe, do you know how many orbits would be sad if you didn't come to the meet?" Jinsol was definitely bothered from that.
Jinsol continued to ignore you as you kept playing with her hair. "Jinsol, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" No response, she wouldn't even look at you. You sighed knowing you only one option left to make Jinsol talk to you.
"You leave me with no choice since you're being a big baby betta." You take your hands away from her hair and belly, confusing Jinsol making her face up towards you only to be attacked.
Attacked by tickles.
"YAH!! JA-JAGIYA!!" You attacked Jinsol with your hands, hitting all her tickle spots, cause her to laugh out of control, enough for tears to start forming in her eyes. "OKAY! I'LL TALK! I'LL TALK!!" Jinsol finally yeilds but has a big smile on her face.
"There's my beautiful baby." Jinsol continues to smile while a mess of her blonde hair is all over her face. You slowly uncover her face, moving her strands of hair very carefully, as if you're a doctor performing heart surgery.
"So will you tell me what's wrong now baby?" Jinsol's expression changes from a smile to a pout. "... People are talking about my scar..." The blonde betta baby slowly faced away from you once again while lowering her voice, while you barely hear her.
"Your what?" You palm her cheek farthest away from you so you can bring her face back looking at you. "What are people saying about you?" Jinsol's pout grows ever larger, her eyes looking like it's about to break into tears.
"Orbits noticed my scar... Others say it makes me look ugly..." You were shocked, a frown appearing on your face. "But you're not ugly baby." Jinsol scoffs and looks away. "You're my partner, of course you'd say that."
"Then would you get rid of that scar?" You uncover more of Jinsol's hair so you can have clear view of that scar she got during her predebut days... Falling off of a table. "Yes! If I had the chance!" Jinsol yells out while swinging her feet in the air like a child having a tantrum.
"But if you got rid of your scar, you wouldn't be Jeong Jinsol." Your feet swinging baby stopped swinging her feet to finally listen to you. "I just want the scar gone..." You chuckle slightly as you begin fiddling with her hair once again.
"If that scar is goes away, you go away." Jinsol pouts once more and looks at you with more of an innocent look. "Why would I go away?"
"Because Jeong Jinsol is a unique girl, a beautiful, talented, smart woman." Her pout became a smile. "She's also the biggest fucking loser in all of South Korea." She lightly slaps your chest in detest. "Yah." Making you laugh.
"Another thing that makes Jeong Jinsol, Jeong Jinsol, is that little scar in between her eyebrows. She isn't Jinsol without it, and I love everything about her." You stopped playing with the blonde strands of hair to focus on Jinsol, the beautiful blonde woman who is laying on your lap.
"You always know how to make me feel better." It seems like Jinsol is beginning to get over her little scar. "Of course, I love you." You lean down to kiss her scar, making her giggle but pout. "Jagi, I need another one."
"Will you get ready if I give you one more?" You look at her with a smile, and in normal Jinsol fashion, she nods like a little kid getting a treat on a Friday afternoon.
You lean down to kiss her scar one more time, but as you move away Jinsol grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a kiss, a thankful one and a loving kiss from your girlfriend.
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raj-supply-agency · 24 days
Choosing the Right Cleaning Equipment for Different Surfaces and Environments 
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When it comes to maintaining cleanliness, using the right cleaning equipment is essential for achieving optimal results. Different surfaces and environments require specific tools and techniques to ensure effective cleaning without causing damage. At Raj Supply Agency, we understand the importance of choosing the right cleaning equipment, which is why we offer a wide range of top-selling options to suit every need. In this blog post, we'll explore how to select the best cleaning equipmentfor different surfaces and environments.
Assess Your Cleaning Needs: Before selecting cleaning equipment, consider the surfaces and areas you'll be cleaning. Are you cleaning hard floors, carpets, windows, or delicate surfaces? Understanding your cleaning needs will help you choose the most appropriate tools.
Choose the Right Tools: Depending on the surface, you may need a variety of cleaning equipment, including:
Mops and Brooms: For hard floors, consider using microfiber mops or traditional mops with a bucket and wringer. Brooms are ideal for sweeping debris from hard surfaces before mopping.
Vacuum Cleaners: Choose vacuum cleaners with attachments suitable for different surfaces, such as carpets, hardwood floors, and upholstery.
Window Cleaning Tools: Window squeegees, microfiber cloths, and window cleaning solutions are essential for streak-free window cleaning.
Scrub Brushes and Pads: Use scrub brushes and pads for tackling tough stains on floors, walls, and other surfaces.
Consider the Environment: Certain cleaning equipment may be better suited for specific environments. For example, if you're cleaning in a healthcare facility or food service environment, you'll need equipment that meets industry standards for cleanliness and sanitation.
Eco-Friendly Options: For environmentally conscious consumers, consider choosing eco-friendly cleaning equipment made from sustainable materials and designed to minimize environmental impact.
Quality and Durability: Invest in high-quality cleaning equipment that is durable and built to last. While cheaper options may seem appealing, they may not offer the same level of performance and longevity as higher-quality products.
At Raj Supply Agency, we're committed to providing top-quality cleaning equipment that meets the diverse needs of our customers. Whether you're looking for mops, vacuum cleaners, window cleaning tools, or scrub brushes, we have you covered. Explore our selection of top-selling cleaning equipment and choose the right tools for your cleaning needs.
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vrankup · 9 months
Google Ads Unleashed: Your Ultimate Guide to Dominating Online Advertising
Hey there, savvy marketers and business enthusiasts it's your digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup! In this fast-paced digital universe, where attention spans are shorter than ever, cracking the code to successful online advertising is like finding the golden ticket. And guess what? Google Ads is your golden ticket! So, buckle up as we take you on a whirlwind tour of the Google Ads wonderland and show you how to conquer the online advertising game like a true boss.
**Google Ads in a Nutshell**
Picture this: Google Ads is like a magical marketplace where businesses can strut their stuff through ads displayed on Google's search results and a bunch of partner websites and apps. And guess what? You only pay when someone clicks on your ad – it's the "pay-per-click" groove.
**Why Google Ads Rocks Your World**
1. **Laser-Sharp Targeting:** Google Ads has this superpower that lets you aim your ads right at the bullseye. You can target peeps based on stuff like keywords, location, age, interests, and more. It's like hitting the jackpot of your ideal customers!
2. **Insta-Visibility:** Ever played hide and seek with organic SEO? Yeah, it can take ages to see results. But with Google Ads, you’re like the star of the show from the get-go. Once your campaign is a go, your ads start popping up on those search results like a pro.
3. **Budget Jedi:** Imagine having the force to control your spending. With Google Ads, you wield that power. Set your budget, whether it's daily or monthly, and avoid those budget blues.
4. **Results You Can Measure:** We're living in the era of data, folks. Google Ads gives you the goods – metrics like clicks, impressions, click-through rates, and conversions – all neatly laid out for you. It's like watching your business grow in real time.
5. **Ad Wonderland:** Get creative with your ads! You've got options galore – text ads, flashy display ads, engaging video ads, those cool shopping ads – make them pop and suit your brand's personality.
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**Crafting Your Epic Google Ads Campaign**
1. **Unleash the Keyword Ninja:** Before you dive in, get your keyword game strong. Figure out the words your dream customers are typing in. These keywords? They're your golden tickets to ad stardom.
2. **Copy that Clicks:** Time to unleash your inner wordsmith. Write killer ad copy that speaks to your audience's soul. Tell them why your thingamajig is the bomb and what they'll miss if they don’t click. Oh, and don't forget that sizzling call to action!
3. **Landing Page Magic:** You’ve got them hooked, but where do they land? Your landing page! Make sure it's a seamless journey – relevant, persuasive, and in sync with your ad's vibes.
4. **Bullseye Targeting:** Google Ads gives you superpowers to target like a boss. Think location, demographics, and interests – aim for the stars, baby!
5. **Extensions FTW:** Imagine your ad as a superhero – now give it superpowers with ad extensions. Links, callouts, snippets – use them to make your ad stand out and be the talk of the town.
6. **Test, Tweak, Triumph:** Here’s the scoop – your first try might not be your best try. Test different ads, headlines, and strategies. 
**Polish Your Armor: Monitoring and Optimization**
Hold on tight, this ride's not over yet! After launching your campaign, you're in for some hands-on action:
- **No-Nos with Negative Keywords:** Stop the madness of irrelevant searches by setting negative keywords. No more wasting precious clicks on those who ain't interested!
- **Bidding Battle:** It's like a bidding war, but way cooler. Manage your bids based on which keywords are rocking the charts. Put more power into the winners and watch the magic happen.
- **Quality Score Quest:** Google's got a thing called a quality score. It's like their way of giving you a high-five. The better your ad matches user intent, the lower your costs and the higher your ad ranks. That’s a win-win.
**In the Grand Finale**
So, fellow adventurers, you’ve ventured through the Google Ads wonderland. You've got the tools, the know-how, and the confidence to rock the online advertising scene like a pro. Remember, this digital realm never sits still. Keep your ears to the ground for the latest trends and updates. Now, go forth and conquer those clicks, because you, my friend, are the ruler of the Google Ads kingdom! 🚀👑
Catch you later,
digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup
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Swarm of tiny swimming robots could look for life on distant worlds Someday, a swarm of cellphone-size robots could whisk through the water beneath the miles-thick icy shell of Jupiter's moon Europa or Saturn's moon Enceladus, looking for signs of alien life. Packed inside a narrow ice-melting probe that would tunnel through the frozen crust, the tiny robots would be released underwater, swimming far from their mothercraft to take the measure of a new world. That's the vision of Ethan Schaler, a robotics mechanical engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, whose Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers (SWIM) concept was recently awarded $600,000 in Phase II funding from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program. The funding, which follows his 2021 award of $125,000 in Phase I NIAC funding to study feasibility and design options, will allow him and his team to make and test 3D-printed prototypes over the next two years. A key innovation is that Schaler's mini-swimmers would be much smaller than other concepts for planetary ocean exploration robots, allowing many to be loaded compactly into an ice probe. They would add to the probe's scientific reach and could increase the likelihood of detecting evidence of life while assessing potential habitability on a distant ocean-bearing celestial body. "My idea is, where can we take miniaturized robotics and apply them in interesting new ways for exploring our solar system?" Schaler said. "With a swarm of small swimming robots, we are able to explore a much larger volume of ocean water and improve our measurements by having multiple robots collecting data in the same area." Not yet part of any NASA mission, the early-stage SWIM concept envisions wedge-shaped robots, each about 5 inches (12 centimeters) long and about 3 to 5 cubic inches (60 to 75 cubic centimeters) in volume. About four dozen of them could fit in a 4-inch-long (10-centimeter-long) section of a cryobot 10 inches (25 centimeters) in diameter, taking up just about 15% of the science payload volume. That would leave plenty of room for more powerful but less mobile science instruments that could gather data during the long journey through the ice and provide stationary measurements in the ocean. The Europa Clipper mission, planned for a 2024 launch, will begin gathering detailed science during multiple flybys with a large suite of instruments when it arrives at the Jovian moon in 2030. Looking further into the future, cryobot concepts to investigate such ocean worlds are being developed through NASA's Scientific Exploration Subsurface Access Mechanism for Europa (SESAME) program, as well as through other NASA technology development programs. Better together As ambitious as the SWIM concept is, its intent would be to reduce risk while enhancing science. The cryobot would be connected via a communications tether to the surface-based lander, which would in turn be the point of contact with mission controllers on Earth. That tethered approach, along with limited space to include large propulsion system, means the cryobot would likely be unable to venture much beyond the point where ice meets ocean. "What if, after all those years it took to get into an ocean, you come through the ice shell in the wrong place? What if there's signs of life over there but not where you entered the ocean?" said SWIM team scientist Samuel Howell of JPL, who also works on Europa Clipper. "By bringing these swarms of robots with us, we'd be able to look 'over there' to explore much more of our environment than a single cryobot would allow." Howell compared the concept to NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, the airborne companion to the agency's Perseverance rover on the Red Planet. "The helicopter extends the reach of the rover, and the images it is sending back are context to help the rover understand how to explore its environment," he said. "If instead of one helicopter you had a bunch, you would know a lot more about your environment. That's the idea behind SWIM." SWIM would also allow data to be gathered away from the cryobot's blazing-hot nuclear battery, which the probe would rely on to melt a downward path through the ice. Once in the ocean, that heat from the battery would create a thermal bubble, slowly melting the ice above and potentially causing reactions that could change the water's chemistry, Schaler said. Additionally, the SWIM robots could "flock" together in a behavior inspired by fish or birds, thereby reducing errors in data through their overlapping measurements. That group data could also show gradients: temperature or salinity, for example, increasing across the swarm's collective sensors and pointing toward the source of the signal they're detecting. "If there are energy gradients or chemical gradients, that's how life can start to arise. We would need to get upstream from the cryobot to sense those," Schaler said. Each robot would have its own propulsion system, onboard computer, and ultrasound communications system, along with simple sensors for temperature, salinity, acidity, and pressure. Chemical sensors to monitor for biomarkers—signs of life—will be part of Schaler's Phase II study. TOP IMAGE....In the Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers (SWIM) concept, illustrated here, dozens of small robots would descend through the icy shell of a distant moon via a cryobot – depicted at left – to the ocean below. The project has received funding from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program. Credit: Jet Propulsion Laboratory LOWER IMAGE....This illustration shows the NASA cryobot concept called Probe using Radioisotopes for Icy Moons Exploration (PRIME) deploying tiny wedge-shaped robots into the ocean miles below a lander on the frozen surface of an ocean world. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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yourqueenb · 1 year
Since we’re on the topic of MC’s flirting, can we just quickly talk about how bad some of the dialogue was? 😬 Not exactly a narrative issue, but still prominent enough that it needs to be commented on because it only got worse as the story progressed. And honestly it wasn’t just the corny pickup lines. It was also the excessive interjections and puns during fight scenes. But I don’t want to waste too much time on this because it isn’t exactly unique to this book. Choices has its fair share of cringeworthy lines in other books. I think it was just intensified in this one because of all the other blunders they made.
Something that was more of a problem for this particular story was the gadgets. The cool devices and weapons agents get to use have always been a notable part of the spy genre. But imo the ones in this book were lame af and also kind of few and far between. We got an electric glove, the Identi-print, infrared goggles, and an electrostick (which was somehow still supposed to be enticing even though we already had the glove). Like these people work at what’s most likely a multi-million, maybe even billion, dollar agency. Why is the woman they were originally tasked to use as an informational asset basically reinventing the wheel and making clunky items that GAIA has probably had stored in their basement for 10+ years?
And despite what it may sound like, this is more of a dig at the writers than Vivian because I don’t actually mind that she was making things for MC and the LI. But where is the imagination??? Idk I just find it hard to believe that they couldn’t come up with anything better than a fingerprint scanner, something you can buy online, and two objects that do the same thing for diamond choices 😒 If anything, the scanner and goggles should’ve been free. And they could’ve chosen one of either the glove or electrostick to include as one of a few other premium gadgets offered throughout the book.
The one positive was that all of the items truly were extras (as premium options should be). But even with that, none of them were used enough to make them worth it. I got the electric glove, which I believe was used the most and was probably also the most novel of the options. But honestly, I could’ve gone without it. So I’m glad I didn’t waste diamonds on any of the other ones.
Last but certainly not least though was the fashion. Y’all know I have to at least mention it. I was sorely disappointed in pretty much every outfit except for the auction dress. And I really shouldn’t be surprised because PB is known for making ugly outfits atp. But this was their chance to redeem themselves just a little bit. Yet as per usual, the did not understand the assignment.
A spy should literally and figuratively be dressed to kill always. Sleek, sexy, and sophisticated. Those are some of the other qualities I think of when I hear the word. But the wardrobe we got was the exact opposite of those things. An ill-fitting casino dress, a boring suit, diaper pants. A MESS. Not to mention the fact that they did actually create another decent outfit, but it was completely the wrong time for MC to be wearing it! Like why would I pay to give her pneumonia and frostbite because she’s wearing a bra top in the middle of a Russian snowstorm 🤦🏽‍♀️ And this is coming from someone who normally doesn’t mind slightly unrealistic outfits in these kinds of books/movies because those types of things are usually close to my style. But they had to know that was ridiculous 😒 And I’m afraid I’ll never understand why the closet is something Choices constantly struggles with.
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