#Wanna write him so bad
spaceoddy · 2 days
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Part 2/?? of Koen Lume, my new favorite Tav.
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rikyos · 7 months
i want affiliated subject 2 and maybe flowerbedo too to build lore with my albedo hehe
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teddybeartoji · 26 days
☆. contains: bf!satoru gojo x gn!reader; fluff fluff fluff!!!! they're in love!!!!!! satoru is the king of acts of service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wc: 1.5k
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"c'mon, show me those chompers, baby!"
sat on the bathroom counter, you watch your boyfriend bare his fangs at you in the most adorable way. his eyes are pressed shut, his smile so wide that it's almost reaching his ears – he's showing how you should do it.
unable to contain the sleepy chuckles that bubble up your throat, satoru's eyes crack open. he's sleepy, too. but he's still here; he's still determined to make you happy, to make you feel good, to make you smile. he's determined to take care of you no matter what.
he ushers you with a laugh of his own, showing you the lump of toothpaste sitting on your new toothbrush.
(he bought you matching ones the other day. he's very proud of himself.)
(you love him.)
you can't say no to him. his free hand squeezes your waist, a sign that he's here and he's waiting. he's not being impatient, though – no, never that. he's just reassuring; skin on skin, he wants you to know he's never leaving.
to him it isn't dramatic to be thinking about his everlasting devotion while doing a menial task like this (if you can even call it that) – it's more than normal actually. he simply cannot stop; you're eating him from the inside and he's grateful.
you do as he says and clench your teeth together while pulling your lips back. you're sure you look a little silly but satoru couldn't disagree more.
"there we go! you look like a little tiger!" he leans in and brushes his nose against yours, making it scrunch up and that makes him giggle in turn. he feels giddy around you, he feels like he's in heaven.
he wets the toothbrush before bringing up to your mouth. he takes his hand from your hip and places it on your jaw instead, gently guiding your face up so he can see a little better.
bristles brush against your enamels and you peer at satoru. he looks awfully concentrated – he's cute like this. there's a small crease between his brows, his crystalline eyes glued to your canines as he watches your mouth fill with foam.
blindly, you play with the hem of his shirt; your fingers graze his marble skin and he shudders at the light touch. the fluorescent light coming from behind you illuminates his face and you waste no time in counting the freckles that adorn his skin. again. you've done it a thousand times before and you'll do it a thousand times more. they're your stars – his smile being the sun and his pretty blue eyes the equivalent of the moon in the sky. he's your guide during the day and the night, you'd be utterly lost without him.
he's your world.
satoru wipes the corner of your mouth, collecting some of the extra toothpaste that's threatening to trickle down your skin and smears it into his shirt, laughing loudly when you gasp at his antics. you smack his stomach and watch his head loll back with a dopey grin. his chest rumbles, hearty giggles bubbling up his throat. his adam's apple bobs before he lowers his head back down, his gaze meeting yours. he's so full of love, he just might burst.
"was gonna wash it anyway."
he looks proud of himself and you snort at his answer.
the toothpaste in your mouth is making it hard to sound serious, your words coming out all muddled and slurred as you splutter at him. he doesn't care for your lecturing – his mind is filled with hearts and sparkles and rainbows and kittens and puppies and pastries and warm blankets and glitter and roses and the color pink and the color red and your eyes and everything else that could possibly be associated with the word love. he watches your mouth move and he sees flower petals falling, he watches you blink and he sees shooting stars, he watches you breathe and he feels at home.
he's your air.
you're a perfect match – you breathe him in and he makes a home inside your lungs. you keep him safe, you cradle him with your gentle hands and hide him from the cruel world. and he in turn takes care of your heart; he warms it, he tends to it like it's a garden. he waters and he weeds, he plants new seeds and he reaps what he has sowed with the softest smile in the world.
no garden can bloom without the sun.
satoru places the toothbrush in your mouth before yanking the dirty t-shirt off of his body. he raises his brows, seeking for praise. "better?"
you nod sleepily and the brush between your teeth bounces up and down, making satoru laugh again. you give him a smile and his breath hitches just a little. all foamy and pretty – he loves you so fucking much.
he goes back to his job, carefully brushing over your front teeth and then the sides. he gives your cheeks a squeeze, telling you to open up again and then he's leaning in so close that you almost choke on the paste in your mouth. a smirk tugs on his lips as he squints his eyes, glaring at your teeth like he's a proper dentist.
your fingers itch for him and you refuse to suffer when he's right there; you trace over the scars that cover his tummy, his whole body, and you hum. finally, you decide to just rest your hands on the waistband of his pyjamas – you need to be touching him, always and forever.
but the sleepiness is starting to take over; your eyes feel heavy and satoru doesn't miss your slow blinks. he speeds up his movements, whispering for you to show him your tongue. he quickly cleans it, intent on giving you his hundred percent.
when he deems that he's finally done, he takes the brush from your mouth and leans back, taking a good look at the masterpiece before him; half-asleep, mouth covered in toothpaste & content. he couldn't wish for anything else.
without giving you time to react, he lunges forward, pressing his plump lips against yours. he holds your cheeks like you're made out of glass and you grasp at his skin like he's about to fade away—
— but you won't break and he won't disappear.
seperating from him, you're met with the most bashful fucking smile in the world. his hands rest on his hips and he really couldn't be more proud of himself. frothy lips and sparkling eyes, you simply stare at him and just let the butterflies fill your stomach. there's no stopping them anyway.
"okay, c'mon, sleepyhead." satoru taps your thighs. "wash your mouth."
he comes up close again, his nose touching yours. "or do you want me to do that for you, too?"
he's a little cocky and he's a little smug and you think it's only fair; he has every right to be – you're wrapped around his finger like honey around a dipper. but alas, you plop off the counter and press yourself flush against him before turning around and facing the sink. he doesn't move, staying glued behind you like it's where he's meant to be.
(it is.)
his arms snake around your middle, patiently waiting for you to finish cleaning up. satoru sways his hips, gently, as if trying to lull you to sleep. he stares at you through the mirror, unable to tear his eyes from you. his own shirt drapes over your figure, soft skin peeking from under the collar, just waiting for him to press his lips against it. you feel like putty in his hold, like his own personal plushie and he has never been this excited to go to bed. he can't wait to sleep with you – to curl around you, to hug and kiss, to feel your heartbeat under his heavy head.
(every morning he wakes up already dreaming about spending the night with you again. you rest together, you heal together.)
you raise your head from the sink and satoru is already handing you a towel. you thank him with your eyes and dry yourself off. he rests his head on your shoulder and your fingers crawl between his messy white strands, you rub at his scalp and he closes his eyes. a purr reverberates through his body and then through yours and another smile makes it's way onto your face. it's inevitable; he just makes you so fucking happy.
hearts beating together, you stand there in your bathroom. it feels special, it is special – he always makes you feel like this, no matter where, no matter when; like a lock and a key, like a blanket and a pillow, like a piece of paper and a pen, like rain and thunder, like the ocean and the beach—
— like a ray of sunlight and a blooming flower.
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+ hii my beloved satoru lovers just felt like tagging you guys bc... i felt like it<333 @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat @staryukis @mossmurdock @neptuneblue @lxnarphase @nkogneatho @cockaiine @kentophilia @sugulani @13curses @blankwashed i love you
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jellinuy · 3 months
taking a nap with suguru. soft blankets and softer words, sweet nothings mumbled into his ear after he’s had a hard day. his silky black hair brushed from his face by your gentle, loving hands, tossed over his shoulder lightly so it doesn’t catch on any of his earrings while he snoozes. “i’m so proud of you” while he rests, his thick lashes closed against his cheeks, and a smile curled into his lips. he covers the expanse of your neck with soft, deliberately-placed kisses, mumbling a “thank you” or a “love you” in between each press of his lips, and you can feel the cold metal of the rings with each warm kiss. his large hands which massage your back whilst his head lays on your chest — he wanted to be held today, be a little selfish with you. the light of the evening sun, setting just outside the window, washing across the two of you, turning suguru’s skin akin to something of melted caramel, and his hair, silken dark chocolate. kissing his forehead and talking about nothing and everything all at once. reassurance. vulnerability. comfort. safety. love. and contentment on his behalf, as he trusted you with everything he was and everything he felt underneath a single fur blanket. watching him fight sleep, yawning over and over again, his nose crinkling and his eyes pricking with tears at the intensity of his tiredness, until the sandman takes hold of him, and with one final kiss to his forehead — so graciously granted by his lover after moving his bangs out of the way— suguru can doze off happy, knowing he will always wake up to you.
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
Sebastian stan is hooot i agree with you
He iissssss....I mean you kidding me???? JUST LOOK AT HIM. (he looks so soft here, though)
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cynnkk · 2 months
mammon. oh mammon.
since he's competing w/ all the other devils for your attention, he decided to be owned by you, not the other way around.
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He opened up and admitted that he fell in love with you at first sight. if you remember, you were resting on his chest when you woke up in the hospital and he spent all that time thinking about how wonderful, breathtaking and powerful you were and what it would feel like for you to own him, for him to belong TO you.
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He would be solely and exclusively devoted to you and to your well-being. Mind you, he's not a low level demon: he's the king of Tartaros, the wealthiest kingdom in Hell and everything belongs to him but, as his master, everything will belong to you as well.
The whole thing is new to the both of you but he's resolute: he likes you "just because", not because you're solomon's descendant but because you are you.
You'll come around someday and love him like he loves you. He wants you to surrender to your greed, to take everything from him and he'll accept everything you have to offer: from lovely dates along the tartaros river to long fucking sessions on his throne, he would lap it all up, like the good sub he was always meant to be.
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in a world where you are seen as somebody else's stand-in, he's the one asking you to recognise him.
You're his master after all, no one can replace you.
He's yours. you just have to accept it as a fact, because he's not letting you go.
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venbetta · 4 months
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On a call at 2am we talked about a scenario where Freddy's not having a good time with kids
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tranquil-ivy · 2 months
Ugh…Death Island Leon has been on my mind all day…I just can’t get over that old man!!
Imagine waking up early, standing in the kitchen wearing those teeny tiny nightgowns, flipping pancakes, all while you and Leon’s kid(s) is sleeping in bed peacefully. The early morning birds chirping, bright sunrise creeping in through the windows.
You’d be softly humming to yourself, sizzling echoing throughout the kitchen as you flip a silly little heart shaped pancake. Suddenly feeling those strong, burley, yet familiar arms wrap around your waist, one coming up by your shoulder.
Gentle kisses being pressed up against the nape of your neck, rough hand squeezing and massaging your hip. Needy mumbles coming from his tired lips, talking about going back to bed for something ‘quick’ while the kid(s) sleep. Those black sweatpants hanging from his hips, showing that prominent “V” line of his, happy trail hiding beneath the cloth.
God…Why can’t I get that man out of my head! 😣
- Anon! 🎀
My god... You have no idea how fucking badly I want that 38 year old man to annihilate me 🎀anon...
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Just imagine him clinging onto you like you'll vanish if he let's you go. He always says it'll be quick but it's never quick with Leon. Not when he's in one of his moods. He'll just keep kissing your neck, eventually start nibbling at your skin. Soft little pleases and you know you want to.
Eventually he'll realize you're finally listening to the voice of reason (his morning wood pressing into your ass) and look at the stove clock with a smirk, knowing the kid(s) won't beup for at least another half hour. Leaning into your ear and he whispers seductively y'know, we don't even need to leave the kitchen, you'd look great up on the counter.
To which you grip the spatula a little tighter, trying desperately to cling to the tiny shred of resolve you still have. That's when you feel his hands glide down your thighs and under the tiny nightgown. His rough hands gliding his calloused hands over your soft belly and he feels you finally lean back into him as he playfully pulls at the waistband of your underwear with his thumb. He can't help but smirk, feeling cocky about winning you over.
There's my girl, lemme take care of you~
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ovaryacted · 3 months
I have so many headcanons of Leon, like so fucking many. Maybe one day I’ll actually sit down and type a few of them out even though it’s hard to pinpoint them as concrete ideas.
But one of my favorites is the fact that he knows how to eat pussy. Like I’m sorry, you can say he doesn’t know how to fuck or he’s a little naive/clueless when it comes to the actual fucking portion, but pussy eating is his specialty. He has a pretty face, pretty lips, the type that just looks so inviting and welcoming. He loves it when his face becomes the next IKEA seating best seller. I just feel like he knows what he’s doing, even if he hasn’t had sex in so damn long, he knows what to do with his tongue and his fingers.
Leon is perceptive, he’s smart, and he knows how to read situations and what’s needed to be done so his partners have a good time. I can guarantee you, that man knows when it’s munch o’clock, and frankly I think that’s his actual skill in the bedroom. If I’m gonna be extra real, he prefers eating pussy over actual fucking anyway, he’s a selfless type of guy, doesn’t give two shits about his own pleasure. So long as he gets a taste until he gets lock jaw, that’s all that matters to him. Leon is a sensual lover too, likes intimacy, will hold your hand as his face is between your legs. He’s also the type to fall in love during one night stands, that’s why he’s better off alone cause lord knows he doesn’t need to be doing none of that crazy shit.
Pathetic munch is really Leon’s brand. He’ll prefer to have his nose deep in your cunt and grind his aching cock against the mattress all night long, making you cum on his face over and over again until it’s the last thing he can sense. Hell he’ll die by pussy before he dies for his country. That’s what you call real acts of service for munch nation.
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vulturv0lans · 6 months
continuation of this post | wriothesley x f. reader | nsfw
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the fortress of meropide is a cacophony of different sounds at night.
old pipes groaning, the clanking of metal against metal as gardes complete their rounds, the whispers between prisoners and stern warnings from the wardens.
and, every once in a while, there would be muffled moans and the clapping of wet skin against wet skin coming from behind the closed doors of the duke’s office.
you lay face down and bent over his desk, hands messily bound with his tie and eyes rolled into the back of your head as wriothesley pounds into you like you’re the only thing on his mind. his fingertips pressing dark bruises onto the skin on your hips, heavy pants exchanged in the air between you as he bottoms out, the round of your tits jiggling delightfully in rhythm with his thrusts.
a few documents lie wrinkled and forgotten on the floor, and all wriothesley can think about is how good you feel around him, so tight and gripping him like a vice, and how good you are taking him despite the stretch of his thick cock in your velvety walls. he pulls out a little and watches in satisfaction as your pussy grips onto him for dear life, his shaft glistening with the mix of your arousals and pulsating with desire.
your voice, once so sweet and smooth like honey, a songbird that carolled the most beautiful tunes, is reduced to little moans and gasps as you fight for air. the swell of your rosy lips an evidence of wriothesley’s earlier harsh tugs and nibbles, now shiny with saliva that has pooled at the corner of your mouth. he leans down to kiss you, tongue swiping a bold stripe against your bottom lip to savour your taste, your name a breathy whisper right into your parted lips.
wriothesley maintains his unrelenting pace as he pounds into you even harder, until your tongue lolls out and your face contort in pleasure. he leans back and lifts your hips higher, his cock hitting that one spot with controlled precision that threatens to send you over the edge.
your mind is clouded with fog and all you can think about is chasing your high, every word in your vocabulary replaced by his name and his name only. your surroundings blur and you lose track of where you are, who you are, and only him remains. the smell of him in your nostrils, the taste of him on your tongue, the warmth of his hands on your skin, and the jolts of ecstasy with every thrust of his hips-
“your grace-”
you moan out in a moment of fucked out bliss, your voice sultry and just a little bit shaky, your mind completely oblivious of the effect you have on him until you feel the air being squeezed out of your windpipes.
something primal inside wriothesley threatens to break free from its reigns. his eyes glazed over with blinding desire, your sweet little voice moaning his title and worshipping him in your cockdrunk state is the last thing he knows before his hand is circling your throat and he’s fucking into you with renewed fervour.
amid the groaning pipes, robotic footsteps and hushed whispers is a new harmony of his heavy grunts and your high pitched moans. lowering his other hand to rub harsh circles on your clit, the lack of oxygen amplifying your pleasures tenfold, wriothesley leans dangerously close to you and whispers darkly in your ear,
“call me that again.”
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© vulturv0lans 2023, do not copy, repost, or translate without permission wriothesley m.list | main masterlist | requests
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devilevlls · 1 month
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Your favorite time of day arrives past midnight, when Lucifer finally returns from his paperwork and joins you in bed. The crackling of the fireplace and the sound of his soft breathing fills the room, enveloping you both in a tranquil embrace. He lies on top of you hugging your waist, his head nestled on your chest, wings spread out, and his body fitting perfectly between your legs. One of your hands caress the back of his neck, while the other traces gentle circles on his scalp.
At this moment, the mighty Avatar of Pride reveals a rare vulnerability, finding solace and security in your presence. Despite his formidable nature, he knows that with you as his partner, he has found his safe spot.
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so-very-small · 13 days
when boromir picks the ring up from the snow and calls it a small thing and stares at it with such utter reverence. well. what if i wanted a giant to look at me like that
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fatuismooches · 5 months
Thinking about celebrating Zandy’s birthday…
As a child, Zandik’s birthday surely wasn’t celebrated, in fact he was probably treated worse on that day as it was the day the heretic came into this world. A cursed day. He had to watch all the other kids be filled with joy and glee with all the attention and gifts they received, not to mention how he was never invited to their birthday parties… 
And now, Zandy, his child self, also faces a similar situation. The boy reads books and stories about the wonders of birthdays and he too wishes to experience the same, as any child would, but he knows better than to bring up the topic with the segments or Prime. Still, every time his birthday rolls around, he hopes that it’ll at least be acknowledged. He’s wrong of course, but he’s grown used to disappointment. Until you come along.
Obviously, you’re deeply saddened when you hear the little child has never even received a “Happy Birthday,” much less celebrated it. So you make it your duty to see to it that Zandy has a multitude of good birthdays. You don’t let him know of your plans of course, you can’t wait to see the surprise on his face.
Perhaps appearing in the boy’s room at 12 AM and rousing him from his sleep wasn’t the best idea, but he sure seemed to like it! Blurry eyes adjusting to the brightness of the room, and then confused at why you’re in his room at this hour, and then his eyes drifting down to the cake in your hand, with a “Happy Birthday, Zandy!” written in the middle. The kid grabs onto you so hard you almost drop the cake. Despite waking up a mere few minutes ago, he seems to have all the energy in the world. He has a lot of fun blowing out the numerous candles you stuck in there (you had to help him because he couldn’t manage by himself.)
Needless to say, that was certainly one of Zandy’s favorite days ever. And he looks forward to your promise of taking him out of the lab on a future birthday. 
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Misunderstandings and Miscommunications
Back at it again with some
✨️ Shenanigans ✨️
Brain rot.
Here goes.
So Danny finally tells his parents the truth (Phantom Planet not happening in this AU) and due to his anxiety and fear takes their disbelief and horror and yelling (not mad or angry but like worried yelling) as rejecting him.
They had rejected Vlad a few weeks ago when he had been caught as Plasmius but they only rejected him because they had found out he had been trying to kill Jack in order to get to Maddie and had been hurting Danny behind their backs while also trying to get him to denounce Jack as his dad, it had nothing to do with him being part ghost.
They do love Danny and are just horrified their invention had killed their baby boy and that they had been trying to hurt him for a last few years because they didn't know he was Phantom (but the clues, oh the clues were staring at them in the face now, how blind they were to it oh.)
Due to Danny's panic he runs off into the Infinite Realms in order to hide with one of his ghost friends but.... he runs into some trouble (Skulker? Walker? idk pick any) and gets tossed in a random portal that had opened up.
And finds himself in the DC verse.
Danny accidentally falls into a huge battle as well and when he spots the heroes trying to protect the city he fell into from some huge evil villain he helps out despite his own emotions (it helps distract him from what he 'thinks' happened between him and his parents)
And once he's done helping he books it cause he need to process everything and doesn't stop when the hero he helped out called out to him, and phases out and turns invisible if the hero tries to stop him to talk. It isn't long until Danny is in a new city and finds some more people to help from villains and evil, and he starts using it to distract himself.
Basically Danny aimlessly wanders around and starts helping anyone to keep his mind off the thought of never being able to go home again.
Meanwhile his parents are PANICKING about not being to find Danny after he runs. They try calling his friends, but the moment they hear the Fenton's say they know about him being Phantom they too jump the gun and think Danny was rejected. They both yell, not letting the Fenton's say anything, and let slip Danny most likely is hiding in the Infinite Realms (aka the Zone) if hes not in Amity.
Tucker and Sam immediately hang up and call Jazz, whose at college, before the Fenton parents could and tell her what happened. And Jazz isn't happy.
Despite being so smart and willing to give their parents so many chances to change their views on Ghosts, she's not a child anymore and isn't going to let them hurt Danny (they don't want to). She starts making her way home to give her parents a piece of her mind.
But by the time she gets there, driving all night, her parents are missing and she finds a video message on the computer from Tucker explaining they had snuck into the house to go into the portal to try to find Danny only to see the Fenton parents suiting up and going into the zone with the Specter Speeder and Boo-o-rang keyed to Danny. "No doubt they're going to hunt Danny down, we're going to try to slow them down and find Danny before they do Jazz! We left an extra Boo-o-rang behind keyed on Danny's signature come help us when you get this message! Take Danny's Specter Bike I made sure the keylock is off!" (Let's pretend Tucker tinkered with the design of the Specter Speeder and made some bike versions, with Danny and funnily enough Johnny 13's help, it was fun bonding thing they all did)
Jazz is even more livid after that. Takes a few things and heads to the portal as well, hopefully to find Danny first before her parents.
By the time Jazz finds the portal that opens to the DC verse she's in Gotham, runs into Red Hood (and helps take down some gang goons but in the process her Boo-o-rang gets busted in the scuffle) and basically they talk. She asks if he's seen any runaway blue eyed black haired young teens around and Jason jokingly says "Nope but we better find him before the Big Bad Bat takes him and turns him into a Robin."
Jazz is very confused.
The Fenton parents are of course making a menace of themselves... They're driving around (which is a warning enough if Jack is behind the wheel) trying to find Danny to explain that they do love him and to come back home, and when they do find Danny he freaks out and starts booking it again (right as he actually stopped to talk enough with a hero too). The heroes of the DC verse whose meet Danny and those that heard about some young 'meta' teen whose been helping out and is very powerful, take note how scared and panicked he looked when facing the two and things get worse when they take note how... careless they are going after him (cause we know the Fenton's get a little extreme) and add the fact they look like mad scientists too (they haven't been sleeping well since Danny ran off)
So the DC heroes start assuming the worse for the young teen hero...
It gets even much WORSE when Tucker and Sam, who are hot on the Fenton's heels as well, show up and eventfully tell them what happened (or what they think happened) when they gain their trust.
Basically, a lot of miscommunication happens.
Danny thinks he needs to be on the run from his parents and is helping out in the DC verse to keep his mind off his own breaking heart from the rejection (if you wanna make it serious maybe have his actual core in danger from the rejection or something). And is nearly adopted by every hero who see's this sad ghost kid.
His parents are labeled mad scientists (kinda are) who are hunting Phantom down to end him or experiment on him but they actually DO love him and just want their son come back home. (due to being Fenton's they do kinda accidentally cause a lot of mayhem in their wake)
Tucker and Sam are trying to be amazing friends and stopping the Fenton's from hurting their best friend but much like Danny they are a bit too caught up in their emotions to realize the truth of what happened and may or may not alerted the JL and JLD why Danny is on the run in the first place. (when they had down time to find out where they were they found out about the meta protection laws and is kinda using that to get Danny help)
Jazz is in Gotham, has no way to track Danny down at the moment, is talking with Red Hood (coughAngerManagementcough) about finding her brother and saving him from her parents before they do anything to hurt him. Cue Red Hood (and maybe with the help of the Outlaws) helping Jazz go find her brother.
This can be serious but I mostly see it being silly with nothing but shenanigans and a lot of miscommunication.
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carehounds · 1 year
Its not that the batteries are meant to represent yellows intelligence In any way to be honest i think its more akin to constant fatigue and having a disability that hinders how well your thoughts and words come out more than anything. Hes always been a smart boy. having trouble with words or expressing his thoughts doesn't make him any less smarter than he is!!!
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iizuumi · 2 days
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reno sandwich
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