paper0planes · 23 days
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you cant hid anything from a mirror
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t-800 · 1 year
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rockabully · 8 months
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fighruing out my interpretation of ford :^)
drew @corvidayyy's ford next to mine in the 2nd img 🪐
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feengoid · 11 months
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outfits for cherubs
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rise-rise-rise · 7 months
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personaje-fics · 5 months
For @merlinmicrofic. Prompt "Your turn."
Lancelot/Merlin, Gen, No Warnings. AO3.
Wild daisies tickled Merlin’s cheek as he turned to Lancelot. He watched intently the clouds swim by above the tree canopy.
“That one,” he pointed. “That looks like a dragon.”
Merlin tried to find it. “You’re making stuff up now.”
“I see a dragon. You have to do it.”
Merlin huffed a laugh and shook his head. He cupped his hands, and with sunlight he created a tiny golden dragon— one that actually looked like the part. When Lancelot reached for it, it perched on his finger.
Merlin watched him smile before saying, “Your turn.”
Lancelot bit his lip. He cupped his hands the same way Merlin had done it and whispered, “Draca.”
Lancelot’s eyes glowed the sunset, then in his palms appeared a creature more or less similar to a wyvern. It was deformed and ugly, and it didn't fly.
“I love it,” Merlin said. Lancelot tried to make it move and laughed when it fell off his hand. It disappeared when he stopped looking at it.
Lancelot kissed him. It tasted like cherries. When they pulled away, Merlin raised a hand and reshaped the cloud— only slightly. Only noticeable to them.
“Any other tricks under your sleeve?” Lancelot asked.
“Yeah,” Merlin brought a hand to his cheek. “Many.”
“Is that so?”
He hummed, then pulled him close to kiss him again. The clouds and the magic could wait.
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guideaus · 13 days
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dunmeshi anime is trigger's first anime adaptation, whatever, anime adaptations generally end up losing the Vibes and details, blah blah, but i think the anime doesnt really give any strong meaning to any characters who arent the literal main characters. this chapter is a great moment to emphasize kabru's persistence in inserting himself in the main conflict rising in the story. two characters question him and find his attitude suspicious, yet trigger entirely cuts the first moment, and the second feels... boring i guess in comparison.
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in the manga, kabru and mithrun do travel together and the shipping part of the fandom loves to focus on the fact kabru needs to make sure mithrun doesnt die or else, but mithrun is focused on the demon and kabru is focused on laios and this makes them conflict, even though they're kind of working towards the same goal. kabru is even restrained and he's got himself in a tight spot between these elves and laios' party.
kabru chooses laios over and over, and his and marcille's actions kind fuck everyone over (compared to if everyone was just arrested way back) and even when everyone starts despairing when it might as well be too late, mithrun goes to get angry at kabru. kabru's baby blues dont work on mithrun, and they actually do fight about it. if kabru gets in the way of the demon, mithrun isnt happy, and i think trigger doesnt even set up their relationship well, nor implications for kabru as a character
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steakrogers · 4 months
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who did i kill, who did i kill ?
forgive myself ?
i never fucking will
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jonahmagnus · 4 months
When she saw him, then, towering over everyone, tears streaming down from his face like his waterfall of hair, she could only think, in that split-second moment of surprise, that that was wrong. That she shouldn't have to tip her head back to look at him.
After he was frozen, the dreams would come to her, unbidden, of a round-cheeked man with clear eyes who blushed too easily, looking up at her through long lashes. His hair wasnt as tangled, then. His hair wasnt tangled at all, kept back in a smooth, sweet braid with little flyaways all around his hairline. When she looked at that kind, open face, she didnt recognize the man in front of her at all.
She woke up breathless, those days. She woke up with tears pressing pinpricks on her eyes like a needlefelt. She did not let them fall.
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stillagoodwitch · 5 months
the girl i was friends with for a month in the first year always easing my school related anxiety<333
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cyniicism · 5 months
mb but i actually love rayne sm so heres a shitty fic i wrote at 2:14 am and finished at 2:56 am
i also wrote this mkulia story but i dont like it enough to put the link here
and SPEAKING of mkulia i miss them sfm broo i cant wait for s3 i need them back i genuinely need a damien mk nichelle raj and scary girl final 5 i cannot express my love for all those characters enough
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Sorry! I just got excited!! Why are you so cold or maybe we’ll be trapped for a while agsgdvshd. Honestly whatever is easiest for you
Hello nonnie, I took about 500 years (the last two weeks) to finish this and it got much longer than my 2k word limit, but here you go!
Hatake Kakashi x fem!Reader
5579 words.
Rated E. 18+. mdni
contains mutual masturbation and vaginal sex.
Ao3 Link [x]
You are sent on mission with Hatake Kakashi to infiltrate a hotel aimed at couples. You are especially excited about that, because you've long had a crush on Kakashi.
“Hound and Magpie, You will both be dispatched to the land of Steam,” Lord Third said, walking up and down in his office. “There is a sort of hotel there, an inn which is very popular with couples. We suspect that there are some illegal trades going on or that spies meet to exchange information. I want you to go there, infiltrate and then give us feedback.”
Kakashi and you nodded: “Yes sir.” Infiltration missions to gather information meant you had to blend in with the environment, which meant, as you realised right away, that the two of you would need to pretend to be a couple. You felt your heart beat raise at that fact alone.
“Remember, you are not to capture anyone until we know there is some shady business going on for sure. I don’t want to risk any animosity with the Land of Steam.” The Hokage sat down behind his desk.
“Yes, sir,” you both said again in unison.
“Pack your things and leave right away. A room in the hotel has been reserved for you. You find your cover stories in the scroll provided to you. Dismissed.” You picked your scroll up, bowed and left the room.
Kakashi and you met again an hour later at the gates of the village, still in your ANBU gear. You were going to get changed closer to the target location in case you would be running into some troubles, at least that had been how the plan had been laid out to you. 
He checked you for a moment and then said: “Ready to go?” and before you were even finished nodding he had already turned around and started running down the dirt path leading out of Konoha. You followed closely behind him.
Kakashi was the most notorious member of the current Hokage’s personal ANBU squad, someone the other squad members looked up to as an idol or a hero to strive after. You too admired his skill and leadership, but you secretly harboured even stronger feelings for him.
To you, Kakashi was the most beautiful man you had ever seen. Even with his face covered by a wooden mask, even with his mouth covered by a fabric when he wasn’t the Hound.  You just knew that beneath all the protection he was unbelievably handsome. ANBU squad members used the same locker room after missions and as far as you could hear from your male colleagues your suspicion about his looks were correct.
Still, many female members of the squad also had seen his bare face which was because Kakashi, while remaining overall distant and colder to people who admired and idolised him, actually liked casual sex, at least when he was in a certain mood and many squad members, male and female, had been on the receiving end of those moods. 
Almost everyone.
Except for you.
You had wondered and waited and tried to not take it personally that you weren’t chosen. After all, you and Kakashi worked so close together all the time so surely he must have noticed you. Sometimes your insecurities would get the best of you, force you to stand in front of full length mirrors and check your own figure. Maybe you were somehow not pretty enough for him or not skilled enough or he simply saw you as inadequate. Neither option in your mind seemed especially enticing.
Meanwhile, your crush on him just grew with each mission you two ran together, but you knew asking him out for dates or such would be useless, because he clearly wasn’t up for such things. Every time you had seen other shinobi ask him for dinner he had only replied with a wave of his hand before politely declining. He wasn’t out to date and that was that.
So being awarded a duo mission like this with him alone by your side, especially when the task meant to pretend to be a couple, almost seemed like too good to be true. Your nerves were fluttering so hard the entire way to the hotel that you buried your nails into the palm of your hand to calm yourself down.
In ANBU infiltration missions were called “fetch missions” in a deliberate way to equate them to the easy first missions one would do on their genin team. Fetch missions were often easy to do, no harm would be done to shinobi and no fighting was necessary. Infiltration missions that were used to gain information, but not to take out a target or other, were therefore seen as relatively easy to complete. Hence why they were mocked as nothing but fetch missions.
Normally such a mission wouldn’t have made you nervous the slightest. With your skills in genjutsu you had always been very good at them. This was probably the reason you’d been assigned this mission in the first place. If it weren’t with Kakashi you would most likely not take this mission too seriously until you really go to the target location.
Kakashi however was taking the mission premise very seriously and stopped you just about a mile away from the hotel. “I think we should go over some ground rules when it comes to pretending we are a couple,” he said and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Yes, sir,” you replied, your heart beating against your chest like it did everytime when he was talking directly to you.
His eyes focused on you for a moment. “We will go hand in hand if we can and if it is alright with you I might put your arms around your hips and shoulders on occasion.” 
Despite the clinical way he was discussing this, your cheeks blushed. You were flattered that he asked for permission to do something so innocent. “It is alright.”
“As Lord Third has said we will have to share a room, but if you want me too I can sleep on the floor so there is no disturbance.” He turned his mask in his hand.
“That’s not necessary.” How could he be so incredibly forthcoming and considerate? If he kept being this way you would never be able to get over your crush for him. “I don’t mind a little body contact.”
Admittedly, you were a little flirtatious with that last line and Kakashi surely noticed because when you looked up he had one eyebrow raised in surprise. You averted your eyes to hide the red on your face. “Shouldn’t we change clothes?” you asked, gesturing at your ANBU uniform.
“Right, yes.” 
Kakashi took the clothing scroll out of his pocket and unsealed it. Both of you stared at the option of clothes ANBU had provided for you for this specific mission. Not only were they mostly pink and matching, they also looked like something that your grandmother would have worn. “Horrible,” you murmured, picking up your skirt that looked like it came with an underskirt petticoat.
“It will do;” Kakashi said clearly trying to sound unbothered when in reality his teeth were clenched together. 
You laughed when you first laid your eyes on his now very pink new outfit. It was a little too small for him, hanging right over his biceps since he couldn’t push it down over his arms. HIs sharingan was covered by a pink cloth that matched the one hanging in front of his mouth. After a while of laughing your sides hurt so much that you had to gasp for air. 
“You don’t look great either, just saying,” Kakashi said and if you didn’t know him better it almost sounded like he was sulky.
The pink skirt you were wearing to match his shirt hung just above your ankles, a little too long to make it look good in your opinion. “I don’t doubt that,” you said, but then grinned again as your eyes fell over his too tight vest over his chest. “But it is something special to see you like that, Hound.”
Kakashi ran his fingers through his hair. “You should not call me Hound from now on. Call me.. dear..” 
The nickname caught you off guard and you could feel your heart flutter again. “Noted. You may call me honey.”
 Kakashi nodded: “Alright, Magpie, shall we?” He offered you his arm.
You felt like your fingers were burning when you took it.
The hotel was old and stood high with at least ten floors, which was different from the usual ryokans that one could find in Steam country. It almost looked like an old abandoned temple for a long forgotten religion, with black wooden piles holding up the tile roof. There was a big sign out front and in a pink heart the name was written in silver glittery letters. “The Lovers Hideaway”. You bit your inner lip to stop yourself from cringing.
“That there is a spy exchange in a place like this..,” Kakashi mumbled under his breath, quiet enough for just you to hear. “Doesn’t really seem like…” 
But both of you knew that exactly that was why it was an excellent place to exchange information. A place people only stayed a short amount of time without raising suspicion, especially among the undoubtedly many real couples staying there too, plus the harmless image let it operate in plain sight without anyone noticing.
Kakashi pulled at your arm and you walked into the lobby behind him, your hand still holding on to his elbow. The interior looked exactly as old as the exterior had, though with some modernised touches. You watched people, usually in couples, walk by in chatter, often hand in hand or arm in arm like you and Kakashi were. With how relaxed the atmosphere was, you now started to wonder if your intel about the place had been correct.
“I will get us our room key, honey” Kakashi said with a fake smile on his eyes, “You can look around if you feel like it.” 
Message received. You let go of him, trying not to be too excited about the nickname he had just called you. He was just being friendly with you for the mission, nothing else to it. You turned and left the lobby into the adjacent room which was a little hallway leading into the main dining room. Four people were inside there. 
There were two men all closed up and cuddled in a corner whispering to each other and then two women sat to your right and had a quiet conversation. There was an envelope on the table in front of them. You pretended to be interested in the books on the shelf behind them and while walking past threw a look at the envelope on the table. It had no writing on it, just a hasted scribble of the symbol of the village Hidden in Clouds. Both noticed your presence and instantly started pretending to be a couple. You gave them a friendly fake smile and returned back to the lobby.
“I was just about to call for you,” Kakashi said and reached his hand out to you. “Our room is ready. Did you see something interesting?”
You took his hand, careful not to let your fingers get too sweaty from nerves: “Just a couple of lovers by the bookshelves, dear.” His eye narrowed.
“Well, if you need anything you can always call us and oh- the speciality of our hotel is obviously that the onsen is a one-for-all deal! We don’t part by genders. We hope you will enjoy your stay.” You nodded at the lady behind the reception and realised you had seen her on the papers that ANBU provided for you.
The hotel room was on the first floor, the cheapest option in this no doubt very pricey establishment. ANBU wasn’t gonna waste money on a free vacation for Hound and Magpie, especially not with the ever decreasing budget that their commanders always sighed about. 
“You saw lovers by the bookshelves?” Kakashi asked, teeth gritted in this smile still. You could basically see his sharingan eye working beneath its covering, looking and analysing their surroundings. 
“Yeah, they were so cute. I think they were writing a letter to the Land of Clouds.” You waved your hand around and sang a little in your reply. Kakashi pressed your hand in understanding, but it only made you realise that he was still holding it. You felt dizzy.
The room key was old and a little rusty, but looked delicately made, which only supported you in your idea that this hotel was an old temple. Kakashi opened the door and with a “After you”, offered you to walk in first.
You had known ANBU wouldn’t spend big bucks on a fetch mission, but this room? It was almost insultingly tiny. The bed was in the centre and just about passable as a double bed, from there you had to press yourself against the closet to make it into the bathroom which was nothing but a tiny shower head, a toilet and a sink. This was worse than living in ANBU barracks. You frowned.
“Intimate,” Kakashi noted as he stepped in behind you, which almost pushed you on the bed already. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the assessment. “I wouldn’t have wanted it any way else”, you winked at him.
And miraculously, Kakashi laughed too.
It was rare to hear him laugh. The sound echoed in your ears even minutes after. 
“How do you feel about going downstairs into the dining hall to have some dinner for our first day?” Kakashi suggested, pressing his body past the bed so he could put his bag down. “We could meet other couples.”
You nodded mechanically, your eyes still resting on Kakashi’s muscles moving as he made his way back to the entrance to the room where you were standing. In your head a wild scene started playing, both of you together cuddled up at night, limbs entangled into each other, naked.. You nodded your head harder to bring yourself back to reality.
The dining room was buzzing with chatter as you both arrived. Kakashi took your hand again as you were going down the stairs and held it clasped with his own. With every fibre of your being you pulled yourself away from the soft way his fingers felt around yours to scan the room. After all, what had brought you here in the first place was your mission.
While there were many couples just eating dinner, discussing this or that or making out in broad public, you once again noticed several odd things. In the right back corner a couple of women were clearly whispering to each other, the hoods of their cloaks pulled far into their eyes to avoid showing off their faces. Their hands might have been sitting on each other’s knees but the body language told you that there was something else but flirting going on.
Several envelopes and scrolls were visible under tables, some changing hands, some just being hastily scribbled in. You sat down at a window seat and kept your eyes wandering, mouth wide open as if you were taking in the beautiful decor of the room. Kakashi was surprisingly good at making pleasant conversation, pointing with his finger to this place or that to pull your attention to things he had spotted. 
“The staff is so attentive,” he said at some point, his head nodding to a waitress that was exchanging a sake bottle on a neighbouring table. Under the table you could clearly see a scroll being handed over and the waitress must have seen it too.
You nodded in understanding. “Super attentive.”
At that moment the waitress looked up and her eyes found yours. You tried to play it off as you were just watching curiously as the sake was exchanged, but the waitress was already frowning at you. Being found out here would be very bad. You turned your head and said in the sweetest voice you could muster: “Dear, can you…”
“Feed you?” Kakashi said, a candy sweet smile on his face. “Of course I would. I know you like it very much.”
He cut off a piece of the meat in front of him and offered it to you on his chopsticks. Normally sharing food meant putting it on the other’s plate, because the act of feeding seemed incredibly intimate. You could feel the blush on your cheeks as you opened your mouth wide with an “AH” and at the piece. It was really good, but you felt like chewing was almost impossible with how electric your body felt.
“Oh my,“ you said finally, waving with your hand to your face as if the food had been really hot, when in reality it was just your face that felt warm. “That is a very obscene thing to do in public, dear.” Under your breath you mumbled. “How did you come up with that?”
Kakashi leaned back in his chair, hands behind his wild silver hair. You could see his eyes smiling mischievously.  “Have you forgotten, honey, that it is from our favourite scene in Icha Icha Tactics in which Sara eats sushi off Kenta’s chest?” 
Your mouth fell open but the words were stuck in your throat. So Captain Kakashi could joke after all. And what a dry joke it had been. “Yes,” you said, smirking right back at him, “Now I remember.”
Both of you just sat there and stared at each other and for a moment it felt like the world around you disappeared. Then he shook his head and said: “Time for the bath, don’t you think?”
“Yes, of course.” You kept your voice calm, but on the inside your emotions were in a total chaos.
 Steam country was famous on the entire continent for its hot springs and this inn was no different. The biggest novelty here for this particular one was that genders weren’t separated, which was an absolutely one in a million opportunity for couples. This rule alone was the reason this remote place was so popular, especially for newlyweds. You didn’t want to imagine what great things you could do with Kakashi if he was willing to let you steal him away to a corner…
First however, you both needed to disrobe, which was done in a tiny changing room that both of you had to enter together. Undressing in front of fellow ANBU members wasn’t that new, but usually it wasn't to full nudity. 
“I won’t look,” Kakashi said, closing his eyes and stepping to the corner a bit away from you. Quickly you undressed and wrapped a towel around your body to cover yourself up just a little at least.
You stepped another half step away from him. “You can look now.” As he opened his eyes you were convinced to spot a light flashing in them for a moment, then you closed your own set of eyes to give him the same privacy while undressing.
That was the first time you ever really saw his face. Your breath stopped for a second. He was exactly as handsome as you thought he would be. “We need a henge for my sharingan eye,” he said and you shook yourself to pull away from the magnetism that was his bone structure and lips.
“I’m good with genjutsu”, you said mechanically and then lifted your hand to cast one that would secure both of you. From now on you both had different faces and hair, at least to everyone that would look at you too close.
The hot spring felt amazing around your tired muscles from a day of running and travelling, but you knew you weren’t here to relax. Kakashi once again had his arms all around you, his naked body now pressing against yours, which you tried very much to ignore. He was just playing a part, you told yourself. 
“So many people here,” he murmured, his fake eyes looking around. “It’s hard to find a good spot.” With spot he probably meant a place to listen to as many people as possible.
Finally he pointed at something: “There!” He led you to a little bench in the water and sat down pressed between two other couples that were mumbling in a low voice. You gasped a little as he pulled you onto his lap to wrap his arms all around you. You reminded yourself again that he was just doing this for the mission and nothing more.
As soon as your heartbeat had slowed enough for you to concentrate on what you'd come here for you picked up a conversation between two men not far away from you. It seemed like they were half making out and half whispering about an important “exchange” that was going to take place the next day on the highest floor of the hotel.
Fetch missions usually didn’t entail capture of people, it was mainly just to obtain intel so that a real capture mission could be dispatched, so you knew this fact alone would probably already warrant a run back to Konoha. But you felt like there was more to gain here if you’d stick around and watch whatever was passed on. Maybe steal it even.
“I think it would be so romantic to be able to see the morning sun rise from the highest floor in the hotel, don’t you think?” You snuggled your head into Kakashi’s neck. “Like in Icha Icha Paradise when the couple see’s the sun rise the first time after they kiss.” You had never read the books, but felt like committing to the bit anyway.
Kakashi, half amused by your bad knowledge of Icha Icha and half interested in the obvious intel you tried to pass on, pressed a light kiss to your forehead: “Right, let's do that tomorrow.”
The place where he kissed you still burned like a mark when you were already back in your room dressed and ready for bed.
There was nothing else for you to do back in your room, since it was way too small to avoid each other or work on separate things, so you both decided to just head to bed. Kakashi filled a scroll out quickly and sealed it with a quick hand sign so it could not be detected. You were not sure how many eyes the walls had, so you continued talking only superficial things or exchanged coded words.
You ripped the cover off the bed and stared at what was underneath it. Not only was the sheet in a bright yellow colour, which was much too bright for your eyes, but there was only one blanket. “Uh-” you said, thinking how sharing one blanket probably was no issue for couples, but Kakashi and you weren’t really one.
“What?” he asked from the desk in the corner. 
“There is only one blanket for both of us.” You pointed at the bed in front of you. “We will have to share.”
Kakashi got up and stretched himself. He was wearing only a large black shirt and boxers, a standard outfit for ANBU that you had seen on so many of your colleagues. No one had ever looked as hot in them as Kakashi though. At least to you. 
He walked over and helped you pull the blanket down. “I don’t need one”, he said and smiled at you. “I have survived in colder conditions without one.”
You protested of course and once his insistence became stronger tried to urge him to put at least a pair of sweatpants from his ANBU outfit back on. Kakashi however was steadfast in saying that he was fine this way. So you climbed under the blanket, said goodnight to him and turned the light off.
It just seemed so silly to you, that he, Hatake Kakashi, who had so many casual relationships that you could barely say the number, just wouldn’t ever give you a chance, hell, he wouldn’t even need to sleep with you here, it was just about sharing some body warmth. You wouldn’t mind a little body contact if it meant he wasn’t freezing.
You moved your foot around a little and accidentally touched Kakashi’s leg lying next to you. He was ice cold.
“If you can take a night without covers easily,” you said with a smirk, “why are you so cold then?”
Kakashi didn’t say anything. 
Why was he so unwilling to just get close to you? Now you felt irritated. “As far as I have heard from other squad members you aren’t usually so against touching others.” It was an attack, but you tried to soften it by ending the sentence with a laugh.
Another moment passed in which Kakashi said nothing, then: “Normally yes, but you are different.”
What the hell did he mean with that? Confused, you fully turned your body and found that he was already looking at you, his red sharingan eye open and staring at you in the darkness.
Now that the topic had been opened the words that had long been on your mind basically fell out of you. “What is it about me that you don’t like? Am I not attractive to you? Did I do anything that turned you off? I wonder because as an outsider it seems like you have no preference, but then I wonder what’s so different about me…”
“I just -” Kakashi cut your rambling off and then choked on his own starting sentence. He buried his head in his pillow. “I just didn't want it to be like this.”
You prop your head on your flat hand. “Well, how then?”
His voice was muffled from the pillow that he was still pressing against his face. “I always thought if we would do something like that it would be - err- the real thing. Not just casual, you know…” He coughed and then pulled the pillow even closer.
“Wait, do you mean you like me?” You felt ridiculous even saying that sentence out loud. 
Finally he let the pillow fall down and you could see his eyes shining in the dark again. “I do like you.” He said it without leaving room for interpretation.
“No!” you said and could see his frown, so you added, “I- I mean, no, that can’t be, because I like you. For a long time, actually.”
His eyes went wide and before you could think of if it was appropriate or not you found yourself leaning forward close to his face and kissing him, this time on the lips. For a second Kakashi seemed surprised, maybe even confused, but then he kissed you back. You could feel the softness of his lips as they caressed yours, his tongue tasting yours carefully, as if he was trying to breathe in every part of you.
You breathed out hard as his hands flew to your face. They were ice cold. “Is everything alright?” he asked as you drew back.
“You are so cold,” you said with a small laugh. “Why don’t you come under the blanket so I can warm you up.” You winked and pulled the blanket up for him to climb under.
Kakashi didn’t make you ask twice. He robbed forward until he was laying flush against you, body against body. You wrapped your legs around his waist to warm his and kissed him deeply again while burning your hands in his hair. 
“Don’t worry, I know some things that I could do to warm myself up,” he whispered against your lips. “Things that I’ve thought of doing with you for a long time already.” You felt goosebumps in your neck in anticipation.
His hand wandered under the shirt you were wearing, tracing your muscles beneath it carefully. You copied him exactly, following his hand like a mirror with your own. When he started pinching your nipples you did exactly the same thing to him. When you moaned for the first time he followed shortly after.
You could see him grin as he was taking breath, recognising that you were going to follow what he was going to do. So he let your breasts go, tracing his way down to the seams of your pants and then laying his hand flat against your still clothed cunt. You followed suit as you did before. He groaned as you pressed your flat hand against his hard cock.
Kakashi pulled your pants down, which took a little longer as he was only using one hand and you did the same to him. It took a little while to wiggle yourself out of your underwear, but then you could feel his still a little cold finger on your wet clit, while your hand was wrapped around his shaft. 
For a moment his hand was still and he focused on kissing you hot and greedily. You weren’t backing down either, eager to show him that you wanted this just as much as he did. That you had fantasised about it maybe more than him. Then his finger started moving which momentarily made you lose your breath.
Granted, you could no longer exactly copy his movements now, but you know what he meant for you to do now that he had your hand where he wanted it to. So while Kakashi used his fingers to curl in and out of you, his thumb on your clit, you stroked is cock up and down forcefully enough to have him shake. Everytime increasing the pace when he was increasing his.
It was exhilarating, masturbating each other off like this. Soon your free hand ripped at his hair and his teeth bit your skin chasing the ultimate high. 
“S-Stop,” he suddenly said, his voice stuttering.
You stopped immediately, even when his fingers kept on moving inside of you. “Do I hurt you?” you whispered.
“N-No, I just - I want to - feel you, can I?” His fingers finally let up, giving you room to breathe.
“Yes,” you breathed back. And then: “Please.”
Kakashi left the warmth of your blanket together, quick feet tapping over the floor to his clothes and back. It didn’t surprise you that he had a condom with him and that he was fast at pulling it over himself.
 He was back next to you in a flash, pressing his hands on your hips to turn you on your stomach. You left him with the lead and arched your back to give him easier access. His arms rested to the right and the left of your head as he pushed forward inside of you, slowly, inch by inch, as if he wanted to make sure not to miss anything. It reminded you of the way he had first kissed you.
You let out a sharp breath as he started thrusting forward into you, his head bent over so that you could feel his hot breath at your ear. He was growling a little, clearly fighting the urge to hard fuck himself to his end. The foreplay had been pretty extensive after all.
“It’s okay,” you said softly, pressing a kiss to his wrist next to you. “You can go harder.”
Kakashi let out a huff, but you didn’t need to ask twice. With sudden fury he increased his pace, leaving you to bite into the pillow below you not to scream. His whole body was shaking as he came, his mouth right by your ear repeating your name over and over again.
After he had pulled out you tried to roll yourself over on your back again, but Kakashi kept holding you down with a strong hand. “Not done yet,” he said. “You aren’t completely warm yet.” You laughed at his words.
His fingers were between your legs again, curling inside you once again. This time his kisses were on your back, tracing the line between your shoulders up your neck and to your ears and cheeks. You whined his name as he added a third finger, his thumb circling your clit again. Then you came too, your body aching off the sheets into him while he whispered praises in your ear.
It was not surprisingly easy to mime a couple as you got up the next morning and hand in hand wandered to the highest floor in the hotel. Neither of you had gotten much sleep as you had tried to get to know each other piece by piece, but neither of you felt particularly tired now either. You wound up in a chair, you sitting on Kakashi’s lap as you kissed one another, enjoying the public display of affection while also doing your job.
It took a while until a guy showed up, looked over to you in the corner for a second, decided you were non threatening and then left an envelope on the window sill. You turned your head and recognised the cloud symbol from yesterday.
You forced yourself to separate from Kakashi’s sweet mouth and quickly jumped over to get the envelope before the real recipient showed up. He kissed you as a reward again, his fingers bruising over your cheekbones.
Kakashi sealed the envelope away. “You know,” he said with a grin, “we theoretically don’t have to check out until the afternoon.”
“Oh, I see, well, I mean, Konoha has paid for this hotel so it would be a shame if we didn’t use the amenities fully.” You smiled at him.
He wrapped an arm around your hip: “That’s exactly what I’m thinking.”
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festeringchunk · 5 months
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from yesterday
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 2 months
ive been fighting with the colors and shading on this gabriel drawing for an hour
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ev-isms · 19 days
feel like im being hollowed out from the inside
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glittergroovy · 15 days
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