hwaslayer · 9 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | four.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 5.6k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, chaery being bold per usual lol (but shes a cutie and we love her), oc and yunho get to know each other more, mentions of sickness/being ill (not oc or yunho), yunho's mom is a single mom, hwa gets a little 😕 but oc knows how to put her foot down, say hello to mingi!!, mingi brings something up and it kinda rubs yunho the wrong way but boy has patience
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"We're getting lunch with Jongho and them. Coming?" You shake your head as you walk alongside Soobin, with Seungmin and Chaery trailing behind.
"Nope, no can do." You say. "I'm taking Yunho to lunch to repay him for the ni—" Seungmin looks at you and you pause. Right. Soobin and Chaery don't know Seonghwa left you stranded. "Foooor his help with my reviews." You backtrack a bit, hoping the two didn't catch on.
"Oh, that's sweet of you." Chaery says. "You definitely should! We won't be home 'till later either, soo.. " She giggles and you shake your head at her forwardness.
"So.. what, Chaery?" You glare at her.
"Yeah, what is wrong with you?" Seungmin laughs a bit. "You'll scare him away."
"I will not! I'm just saying, the option is there." She puckers her lips and wiggles her brows.
"Anyway, I'm just going to grab lunch with him at the cute, new brunch place downtown. Let me know if you want anything?" You stop in your tracks, realizing you've walked farther than you should've. Yunho mentioned he was going to be at the Engineering Center, which is in the opposite direction.
"Sounds good." Soobin gives you a small, pursed smile; dimples dotting his cheeks as he sends an animated wave. "See you? Have fun, be safe!"
"Thanks." You wave to your friends as you watch them walk off without. You turn on your heel to walk back towards the building that Yunho just ended class in, picking up your pace when you realize you're running a little late compared to the time you promised to meet him. As you close in on the building, you catch sight of the tall boy and his fluffy black hair.
"Yunho!" Yunho whips his head around to see you walking towards him. He smiles a bit and stops, waiting for you to catch up. "Hey! I was just about to text you. You still free to grab brunch with me, right?"
"Yeah, I was waiting." He teases, making you chuckle.
"I know, I'm too slow. Sorry." You joke back. "Let's go." You look up at him and he nods.
"How was class?"
"Mm, same old. What about you?"
"It was okay. Another small project I gotta work on."
"Sounds fun." You gently nudge him with your elbow. "Computer Science right?" He nods.
"Public Health?"
"Wow, a point for Jeong Yunho." He laughs.
"Y/N, it's not an entirely huge school. You know a lot of people, and people know you."
"For the wrong reasons, most likely."
"No. Just for being you." He says with a soft smile on his face.
"Are you always this smooth talking to girls?" He laughs and shakes his head.
"Quite the opposite actually. It's just.. easy to talk to you, I guess." He looks down at his feet timidly.
"I'm glad." You chuckle. "So, I'm thinking of taking you to Cafe 24. Does that sound okay?"
"The new brunch place?" He smiles, and it adds a rosy tint to his cheeks. "Cool. I've heard good things about it already."
"Yeah?" You ask in an animated, questioning tone. "Nice. I'm excited."
"Your friends didn't wanna come?" You finally get to your car and toss your bag in the trunk, signaling for Yunho to put his things down as well.
"Hell no. Or else, they'll order everything expecting me to pay." You sigh. "So, nope! This is just for you, especially as my small token of appreciation." Yunho doesn't say anything besides let out a small laugh before hopping into your car and settling in. "By the way, I drive as safely as possible, so please don't make fun of me."
"I won't." Yunho watches as you adjust your seat closer to the wheel. Once you feel content, you start the car and double check your mirrors before pulling out of the spot and driving off.
Luckily, the drive isn't far or else Yunho wasn't sure what he'd do. It's not that he was uncomfortable around you, but he's not used to keeping the small talk alive— let alone engaging and being the first to break the silence.
You seem to understand him well though, because besides the few questions you ask him about the week, you don't push the conversation. 
And it's nice.
He listens to the music you have on, hearing you softly hum in the driver's seat as you carefully navigate the narrow downtown roads and find a spot near the café.
"Sweeeet." He hears you giggle as you pull into a parking spot that just opened up. "We're here!"
"There's not too many people?" Yunho says in a questioning tone as he unbuckles his seatbelt and peeks at the front door. It's busy, but not enough for a wait. You check your phone and take note of the fact that it's still earlier than noon— you and Yunho barely missing the lunch rush. 
"Still early, I guess." You greet one of the staff members and she immediately brings you and Yunho to a table in the back corner. She lays out the menu in front of you, giving you a moment to glaze over the options while she heads to the back to grab water. "Everything looks so good." Yunho chuckles.
"Anything you've been craving for?"
"Something sweet?" Your eyes widen at the sight of 'matcha mochi waffles' on the menu, pondering whether or not you should give in to your sweet tooth or get something a little more filling on the savory side. "But now, I'm torn. I kinda wanna taste the omurice." 
"You can have some of mine?" Yunho was eyeing the omurice anyway, and he doesn't mind sharing some with you.
"Really?" Your eyes sparkle and it makes Yunho's ears turn red. He's feeling shy now because yes, really. Yes, you're cute.
"Yeah, I don't mind." You smile.
"Hm, okay. You can have some of my mochi waffle and bacon?" He shakes his head.
"It's alright, Y/N. It's not a big deal."
"Yes, it is. It's a new brunch place and who knows when we'll be back. You should taste it." He doesn't respond, just simply smiles back at your argument. At this point, the waitress is back with two waters and asks if you two would like anything to drink. Yunho declines, but you happily order a vanilla latte. She asks if you're ready to order, eyes darting to Yunho for some kind of acknowledgement— which he gives to you in the form of a simple nod. She takes down your orders and lets you know that she'll be back with your latte, taking your menus before she's off to the kitchen. "So." Yunho looks at you after he's been people-watching through the window.
"Hm?" He hums.
"Tell me about yourself, Yunho." You say softly. Typically, Yunho hates these kinda things. He'll usually respond very vaguely to cut it off at a certain point. He just doesn't think people need to know much about him, nor does he really find himself interesting. But for now, he'll dive in a little more. He doesn't seem to find the harm in it when it comes to you.
"I don't even know where to start?" He laughs a bit. "I'm not sure what you want to know."
"Anything." The waitress brings your latte and you immediately start blowing at it to cool it down. "Tell me anything."
"I'm an only child?" He starts off with an unsure tone, but you nod in response to reassure him. "Home is two hours away at my aunt's house."
"Sweet. If you don't mind me asking.. have you always lived with your aunt?" 
"Yeah, I have. She's my mom's sister, and my mom is sick." Your eyes soften. "She has kidney issues so she's on dialysis. She's still strong and all, but it's nice that my aunt is there. She helps take care of her and bring her to appointments, especially while I'm away most of the time." You nod quietly.
"What about your dad?" He shrugs.
"Uh, he left when I was young, so I don't really know much about him."
"Shoot. I'm so sorry, Yunho. I didn't mean to—"
"Nah, it's okay. I don't mind talking about it, but I also can't give better responses since I don't know much myself." 
"You must be very close to your mom." Yunho thinks about his mom for a second, taking mental note that he needs to call her later. She has always been so strong, and she's always been Yunho's driving force. Even though he didn't have his dad around, he never felt like he lacked love or support because he mom did a fantastic job covering all of those bases no matter what. 
She never let Yunho down. And he only hopes he can do the same in return.
"I am."
"I can only imagine how tough it is."
"Yeah." He lets out a breath. "But, she's doing well. She's been well for a long time. All I can ask for." You give him a tiny toothless smile.
"I'm glad to hear that."
"W-what about you?" He clears is throat to try and brush off the slight nervousness he feels asking these questions. Surely, you asked about him. But, you wouldn't mind sharing your own facts, right?
"I have an older sister who works in finance. She's 4 years older than me. My parents split up, but my dad still comes around to hang out. They're better this way, I think. Their relationship is much healthier." You also start thinking about your parents, reminiscing about the tough times when they used to fight for days on end. Luckily, you and your sister were close— you could lean onto her like you do with your bestfriends. She tried to protect you and keep you safe as much as possible, tried to shield you from the negativity even though it was hard to. Eventually, your parents had enough and split; though, you'd like to think this was their silver lining since they're much better around each other now.
"I see." Yunho sips his water. "It's nice he's still around."
"Mhm." You tilt your head. "Do you have a lot of friends back home?"
"I wouldn't say lots. A few people that I grew up with still live around my area, but most people have moved."
"That's cool to still see some childhood friends, though." It's your turn to sip. "How do you know Mingi so well?"
"We went to the same high school. We have some common interests, but that's it? We just hang out with different crowds." Yunho shrugs. "Mingi finds certain people and certain things fun that I don't necessarily find fun. He's a big social butterfly."
"Yeah, I see that." You chuckle.
"You and your friends seem really close. Did you meet here?"
"We did." You smile. "Chaery and I were roommates and Soobin and Seungmin lived across the hall from us."
"Did you meet Chaery before you two moved in?"
"Nope. Just that day." You laugh. "Believe it or not. We clicked really well and got close easily. I got lucky with her." At this point, the waitress comes with your plate and tells Yunho she'll be back with his as they're just finishing up in the kitchen. "Then we met Soobin and Seungmin. And they slowly started coming into our room more often. Turned into going to the cafeteria together, to hanging out and studying in our room together."
"That's good. It's always nice to have solid, good friends around."
"Yeah." You look at him. He notices that you aren't eating your food, and he feels bad that you are waiting for him. So, he clears his throat again and mutters out a quick—
"Oh, you don't have to wait for me." He looks at you, then down at your food.
"No, it's okay Yunho. I'll wait." You nod. "Speaking of roommates, are you close to Yeosang?"
"Uh, we're cool, I guess?" He shyly laughs. "We randomly got paired up because we're in the same major." The waitress sets his plate down and he pauses for a brief moment to thank her and asks for an extra plate. When she leaves, he returns his attention back to you. "Anyway. One day, he asked if I knew anyone who needed a roommate. At the time, I was renting a room in this couple's home. I didn't mind it, and they were super friendly. But, I figured having more space would be nice instead of being confined to a room and feeling shy about going into the shared kitchen and bathroom." You laugh.
"I get that, totally understandable." Yunho is splitting some of his omurice [a bit more than you expected] and placing it neatly on the extra plate before scooting it your way. "Wait. Yunho, that's a lot." You look at him worriedly and he shakes his head, continuing to edge the plate towards you.
"No, it's not." You look at him and he gives you a small smile. "Promise."
"Thank you." You say, cutting him a good chunk of your waffle and placing it on the edge of his plate. "I know you said you and Yeosang are cool so.. do you hang out often at home?"
"We'll talk and have dinner sometimes, but most of the time, we're in our rooms playing games." You giggle and Yunho's ears turn red. "Wow, I probably sounded ridiculous saying that."
"No, no. Soobin and Seungmin have a tendency to do that too. As long as it makes you happy and content, right?"
"How often do you go home?"
"Hm, I try to go every other weekend? But, sometimes plans don't work out that way. I just try to go as soon as I can."
"I see." You continue to hold a conversation in between bites, with topics ranging from school, your majors, things your friends have gotten into.
Yunho observes you as you talk about your dance team and how much you enjoy it, and he loves the way your eyes twinkle; the way you animatedly move your hands while describing the team and its accomplishments, the way you giggle in between. He can tell you really enjoy it, and he's truly happy you have something to fall onto when times get rough, something to help celebrate when you're having good days.
He just can't understand how Seonghwa fits in this mix. He doesn't, he shouldn't. You are too good for him, and you have way more to offer.
"So.. yeah, that's us. We're small, but we're fun. And I think people on campus enjoy our pieces." Yunho laughs a bit before finishing up his food. He feels bad since he's never really gone out of his way to watch any of your performances, but maybe he should.
"Let me know when your next one is?"
"You'll come?" You ask with so much hope in your eyes. Yeah, maybe he should this time.
"Yeah, if I don't have anything planned."
"Oh, so we're the backup plan." You tease and Yunho shakes his head.
"No, not like that. You know what I mean. If I'm around and not at home."
"Of course." You tilt your head and smile at him. "I'll text you details later." You set aside your plate and sit back in your seat, feeling stuffed but content with your meal. You call for the waitress to bring over the check, instantly handing off your card in fear of Yunho trying to swoop in. "Oof, I'm full. But, that was so good. I really liked it."
"It was." Yunho sets his own plate aside and sips on some water. "Thanks again, you really didn't have to."
"I did. Small token of appreciation for the help you've been giving me. I've always struggled with these things so having someone patiently explain and walk me through improvements means a lot." You say before getting up and grabbing your things. "Ready?" Yunho nods before following you out. "Are you going to work in the library until class?"
"Do you mind if I join you?" Yunho looks down at you with a small smile.
"Not at all."
You make the trek back to school comfortably, parking in the lot near the library so that you and Yunho won't have to do too heavy of a walk. The both of you are engaging in more small talk, with Yunho feeling a bit more comfortable to joke around with you. He doesn't dare bring up Seonghwa because he knows it isn't his business, but also because he'd hate to see your mood shift.
You look good happy.
Getting back to the library, you scoot yourself into the opposite side of the booth and face Yunho. He immediately pulls out his laptop to do some work, not really saying much as his focus is redirected on trying to understand the new project they were just assigned. He glances over the edge of his laptop from time to time though, and you don't really catch it because you're too immersed in the note-taking you're doing. You write so precisely, so neatly; switching from one colored pen to the next before highlighting in a super straight line. His eyes glance up to your face, your features, before shifting his attention back down to his assignments.
"What's up, Yunho?" Yunho is pulled out of his thoughts when he hears that familiar deep voice. Seonghwa smirks at him before his eyes land on you. You don't look too happy to see him right now, but Yunho knows Seonghwa still has the upper hand here, and honestly, it sucks. "Hey Y/N, can I talk to you?"
"Cause, it's important." He licks his lips when his smile fades. "Please?" Your eyes dart from Yunho, back to Seonghwa. Yunho just quietly glances at you though, trying his best to mind his own business and let you decide on your own. But he's begging, pleading, in his mind that you don't leave with Seonghwa. Not after he left you in the cold the way he did.
Too bad it was a wishful thought.
"Fine." You huff before packing up your things and start to slide out of the booth. "Talk to you later? Thanks for today." You give Yunho a soft, apologetic smile, and he can only nod in acknowledgment before you're walking off next to that asshole. He continues to watch as you two walk down and into a random aisle of books. You can't help but scoff at Seonghwa again when you realize he's hiding because of course he doesn't want too many people in his business and to see you two so close. Of course he needs to do this in the fucking history aisle of the library. "This is your idea of talking?" All he does is chuckle a bit before he's tucking a piece of your hair behind the ear.
"Baby, seriously? Why are you hanging around Yunho so much?"
"Because we're friends?" He snorts.
"Since when? I don't ever recall Yunho being in your little circle."
"Oh my god, Seonghwa. He's been helping me with some assignments. What is this really about?" He shrugs.
"Nothing, I already told you. I'm not trying to share, not with him." You furrow your brows.
"Share?" You scoff. Clearly, you were just a possession to him. "We aren't dating. You made that very loud and clear from the beginning."
"Still. The dude can't even pull his own girl—"
"Stop." You put your hand out and shake your head. "If you're just gonna talk shit, let me get back to doing homework with Yunho. I don't have time for it." He sighs heavily and tries to pull you into him by the elbows.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I just got worried because you didn't answer my text last night."
"Worried over me, or because you weren't getting any?"
"Come on, Y/N. Cut that shit out."
"No, you cut that shit out. It was freezing last night. I fucking waited for you at the spot for an hour."
"And I said I was sorry. I wanted to make it up to you last night but you didn't respond. I feel really bad about it, but what am I supposed to do when you won't even talk to me?"
"Seriously?" You let out a sigh. "Whatever you say." He sucks his teeth and lifts your chin with his finger.
"Baby, I'm trying here. If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't be doing this." You simply stare at him. You know he's lying, and you know he genuinely doesn't care about you. There is not one honest bone in his body that actually gives a damn about you. He's telling you what you wanna hear because he knows it'll work every—single—time. 
"I don't know—"
"I'll wait for you until you're done with practice tonight, how about that? You can just shower at my place so we can hang out all night."
"That's the issue, you're never there after practice."
"I will be. I promise." He pouts a bit. "I'll be there waiting for you." He laces your hand with his and kisses the surface. "Walk with me to class?" You look at him, but all you can think about is leaving Yunho. You let out a sigh knowing all you want to do is avoid conflict, shrugging at his question.
"That's my girl." He leads the way out of the aisle, giving Yunho the pettiest nod you've ever seen. You try to avoid eye contact since you felt bad for leaving.
But, fuck. You just needed to get through the day in one peace. 
He swings an arm around you for a second before he sees his friends on the way to class. He gives you a quick peck on the cheek just as he reaches his classroom, leaving you to finish up work at the nearby student center.
The day goes on [peacefully], and you're off to dance practice with your friends. You forget about everything for a moment while you're with them, enjoying the time that you get to spend all together even if it's through dance. They invite you to hang out with the group afterwards, but you politely decline especially when you actually see Seonghwa waiting outside in his car. You give your friends big hugs before waving goodbye, and settle yourself into Seonghwa's car.
He talks about his day for a bit, even as you walk into his apartment and see San eating his dinner. He doesn't really ask about yours, nor does he care enough to. He does ask if you've eaten and if you want some food, but you shake your head and tell him you'll be off to shower and finish your homework in his room. Throughout your shower, you can hear him and San laughing loudly in the dining area before they're going at each other's necks while playing FIFA.
You feel like you're just.. there.
You silently sit against the wall as you type away on your laptop, sighing as Seonghwa and San continue to yell over their last game. You find that you aren't really in the mood to be here, but you hang on to see what Seonghwa's version of 'making it up to you' means.
Should've known it wasn't shit.
Especially when he barges into his room and shuts the door, immediately kissing you before trailing a few soft kisses down your neck. He thinks you're enjoying it, so he keeps peppering your neck even as you gently try to pry him off.
"Hwa." You call his name and he ignores it, fingers slightly fiddling with the waistband of his sweats that you're wearing. "Seonghwa, stop." You say, pushing him back. "Stop." You repeat with a harder push when he almost dips his hand into your sweats.
"W-what? What's wrong?" He furrows his brows when he backs up to read your expression, your body language. Suddenly, you feel out of place, feeling like you wanna go home and be in your own peace.
You did not wanna be here. Not with him.
"I'm just.. not in the mood. Can you take me home?"
"Not in the mood?" He repeats. "What, should I have gone slower? Did I do something—"
"Seonghwa, please just take me home. I'm not asking twice." You say and he lets out a scoff as he hops off the bed and grabs his keys. 
"Alright, whatever." He says, digging his hands into his pockets while walking out of his room. You change into the extra clothes you brought in your duffle bag, setting his clothes neatly into his laundry hamper. You quietly trail behind him as you tug on your bag and watch your feet drag you to his car. You hop in and Seonghwa doesn't say a word, instantly starting up the car and driving off. You can tell he's upset by the way his jaw is clenched, the way his hand tightly wraps around the wheel.
The way he drives.
A rather quick drive becomes even quicker, and you're glad you don't live far from his apartment. This entire ride feels suffocating and you can't wait to leave entirely. He pulls into your lot and brakes near the curb, giving you time to step out of his car. He doesn't give you another look, nor does he say anything— you simply slam the door shut and he races off, leaving before paying you any mind.
This wasn't anything new, but tonight feels awful. You start to feel guilty for whatever happened, though you shouldn't.
You shouldn't feel guilty.
You let out a shaky sigh as you step into your apartment, your roommates not being home since they're out with the dance group. You set your things aside and quickly take a shower before plopping onto your bed and doing.. nothing.
You want to do nothing.
You scroll through your phone as you try your hardest not to let any tears fall. They shouldn't, you did nothing wrong. But everything feels wrong, suffocating.
You hate feeling this way.
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Yunho is getting ready to wrap up his work for the day when he sees a body slide into the booth he's currently occupying.
"Sup dude." Mingi says.
"Yo." Yunho responds. "What are you still doing here?" He asks, unfamiliar with Mingi's presence during these evening hours in the library.
"I had to work on a group project." Yunho continues to draft out some notes for his project while Mingi sits back and lets out a breath. "Another project?"
"Yup. How'd your group project go?"
"Eh. It's alright, but we're done. Just need to present." Mingi scrolls through his phone. "I saw you with Y/N earlier." Yunho pauses to briefly look at him before returning his attention back to his notebook. "I didn't know you two knew each other." He chuckles.
"We have literature class together, and I was helping her with some reviews."
"You seem close, though? Have you always been close?" Yunho shrugs at two things— one, he definitely can't say you two are close, and two, how nosy Mingi is being. It must be for Seonghwa.
"Not really. She's cool, though."
"Hm." Mingi hums before putting his phone down on the table. "Yeah, she is. I don't know what Hwa's deal is sometimes."
"Mm, but you would never mention it to him." Yunho teases with a small chuckle, but he means it. He absolutely means it.
"I just feel like it isn't my place to. Me and San have both told him to chill, but can't force someone to act a certain way if they don't want to." Yunho shrugs.
Fine, he thinks. But, Mingi could at least tell the guy when he's wrong and what he's done wrong, right? He would at least hope that's part of their conversations, and he knows Mingi is aware of right vs. wrong. 
No better way than letting someone know the truth. 
Seonghwa is wrong damn near more than half of the time.
"Yeah, I guess." Is all Yunho responds with.
"He does like her, though." Yunho looks at him with tightly-knit brows. What does he mean Seonghwa likes you? That's his way of showing his feelings for you? And it must be obvious that Yunho is feeling a certain way about that statement because Mingi instantly backs it up with a— "I mean like, I know he has some kind of feelings for her. He does more for her than I've seen him do for anyone else. I just don't know why he's stringing her along and not being more serious." 
"Like.. what? Leave her in the cold until he's ready to pick her up? Really shows his feelings." Yunho sarcastically responds. "Anyway, sure. It's not really my business."
"Are you sure?"
"You seem interested in her."
"Because we hung out?" Yunho shrugs. "Okay, Mingi."
"I only bring it up because he's mentioned it. Hwa can get pretty protective and jealous. I don't want him to start shit with you—"
"He doesn't need to." Yunho responds. "Not really on me anyway, I'm not the one in the wrong."
"Right, I guess."
"I know he's your friend, but she deserves way better. You can tell me all of this, and it still won't change my mind." Yunho chimes in one last time, completely over the conversation. "If she isn't happy, he shouldn't be selfish enough to continue trapping her." He finishes up his notes before closing his notebook and packing up.
"You're right." Is all Mingi replies with while watching Yunho pack up. Because what can he say? Of course, he agrees. But he has this weird obligation, this loyalty, to Seonghwa because of their friendship.
"I'm gonna head out." Yunho slides to the end of the booth before throwing his bag over his shoulder. "Gonna stay behind?"
"Nah, I'll come with. Wasn't planning on staying any longer." Yunho nods, allowing Mingi to walk alongside of him. He's a little annoyed, but in a weird and unconventional way, he knows Mingi didn't mean any harm. He knows he didn't mean to intentionally attack him. 
Still, though. His point about Park Seonghwa stands.
Yunho continues his walk to the car with Mingi, the topic of discussion now being new game releases and a party that's coming up soon at one of the athlete's homes. Mingi extends the invite to Yunho, but Yunho shakes his head and tells him he doesn't think he'd end up going. He might change his mind if he feels better about it when the time gets closer, but as of now— it feels like a hard no.
Once Yunho and Mingi finally part ways, Yunho climbs into his car and begins his silent drive home. He starts pondering about his day and how he actually really enjoyed it. He feels comfortable enough to be himself around you, and he can't say that for many people.
You are enticing to him.
When he gets home, everything feels still— quiet. The night sky is dotted with stars, while the crickets chirp.
"Mom." He says, parking his car off to the curb and grabbing his things.
"Yunho, baby." She says a bit lowly. "How are you? How was your day?"
"I'm alright, just hanging in there. Had lunch with a friend before working on a few projects." He begins to walk to his apartment. "How are you feeling?"
"Good! Your aunt and I went out for a walk, then shopped for a few things today." Yunho chuckles. 
"Cute. Weather's been nice. Glad you guys have been getting out."
"Yeah, enough about that though. A friend, hm?" She chuckles.
"Yeah." Yunho smiles. "We have the same class together. I've been helping her with some of the assignments."
"So, it's a her." Yunho can hear his aunt giggling in the background, making him roll his eyes.
"Uh huh—" Before he can start lecturing his mom and aunt about how you two are merely friends, classmates, another call comes through on the line. He stops in his tracks and quickly removes the phone from his ear to see who's calling. "Mom, can I call you back in a second? I just got home."
"Okay, get settled. I love you!" She says in a sing-song manner and Yunho laughs a bit.
"Love you too." He responds before ending that call and switching to the next. "Hey. Is everything okay?"
You chuckle on the other line before responding with a shaky: "Why wouldn't things be, Yunho?"
"I don't know. Just wasn't expecting your call, is all."
"I'm sorry, are you busy? I'm so dumb, I really shouldn't have—"
"It's okay, Y/N. Seriously. I just got home from the library." He steps inside his apartment finding that Yeosang is in his beloved cave, yelling at his computer screen per usual. He walks into his room and places his things down, settling onto his computer chair with a soft sigh.
"Okay." You haven't said much and it's obvious to Yunho that something is indeed wrong. You needed someone and you turned to Yunho for comfort.
God, he sucks at this. But, he wants to be there for you.
"What's going on?"
"Huh? Nothing. I just wanted to check on you." He chuckles.
"I don't get very far, Y/N. Don't worry." Silence. "What's bothering you?"
"How do you know something's bothering me?"
"I can practically hear you thinking from here." You giggle and it warms Yunho's heart. At least his effort is somewhat working.
"I.. was at Seonghwa's not too long ago. And I just didn't wanna be there. I asked him to take me home and he was upset. I don't know why I feel bad about it."
"Feel bad? What is there to feel bad about?"
"Maybe I should've asked him in a better way, I don't know. I felt suffocated and demanded rather than politely telling him."
"Y/N, you don't owe him anything. You don't need to explain anything to him. He doesn't need to be upset about you going home because that's your own choice. He's mad because he didn't get his way for once. Still not your problem." You let out a shaky sigh and a tear manages to slide down your cheek. This was so dumb, you shouldn't have called Yunho to vent about this.
"This must sound so dumb, I'm sorry Yunho—"
"It's not dumb. Don't be sorry." Silence, again. "I hope you know that if things don't get better, you were never in the wrong. You don't need him."
"I know." Yunho doesn't say much because he doesn't wanna attack you or make you feel worse. So, he sits there. Listening to you breathe.
Listening to you sigh, be upset.
"I'm sorry for leaving you behind earlier."
"It's okay, you don't have to apologize."
"Mind if I join you at the library again tomorrow?" He softly smiles to himself and nods as if you can see him.
"You're always welcome to join me."
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @marsattacks @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk [bold = can’t tag 🥺]
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kymanitaylorsversion · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Incorrect Quotes but Make it Vine
Adam: *Sliding down the stair rails* You're all going to hell, bye
Random "bad boy": *vaping*
Nifty: wooow
Lucifer at rubber duckies: Wow, look at all those chickens
Sir Pentious: *dancing to take me on then turns around*(braces girl vine)
Angel Dust: How much money do you have?
Sir Pentious: 69 cents
Angel Dust: oh, you know what that means
Sir Pentious: *teary-eyed* I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets
Charlie trying to do team building exercises: Angel has 19 bottles of dish soap and he gives Vaggie-
Sir Pentious: Why does Angel have so many bottles of soap?
Adam: Alright, Charlie[class] you can do[be] anything you want
Charlie: I wanna bring sinners to heaven[be the president]
Adam: Aw, Charlie try a little bit smaller things
Alastor: *runs up to charlie*
Charlie: Daddy?
Husker to Angel Dust: Has anyone ever told you you look like Beyonce?
Angel Dust: nah they usually tell me I look like Angel
Husker: Who the fuck is that?
Angel Dust: Me, ni-
Charlie: *singing* Oh yeah, wait a minute Mr. Podcast Man[postman]
Alastor going along with her shenanigans: *vocalizing* oooohoh yeah
Angel Dust: pinkywinky boom boom dance *starts shaking ass*
Angel Dust: Then in here, 2 shots of vodka *pours a half the bottle*
Charlie about Husk and Angel: *on the phone with Lucifer* And they were roomates!
Vox watching through his TVs: omg they were roomates
Alastor: *throws a frisbee towards the highway*
Lucifer: wHaT tHe FuCk, Alastor
Angel Dust venting in his room to Fat Nuggets about Valentino: GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING MONEY *throws doll against the wall*
Sir Pentious in that one song: oh hi, thanks for checking in on me, I'm ✨still a piece garbaaaage✨
Angel Dust: I'm being abused at work by Valentino[I spilled lipstick in your Valentino Bag]
Charlie: You're whawhawhawha being abused at work by Valentino?![You whawhawhawha spilled lipstick in my Valentino white bag]
Sir Pentious doing karaoke for one of Charlie's team building activities: till i cant no more, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOOOOR
Angel Dust: *tries to work*
Valentino: *punches him*
Angel Dust: ah, fuck, I can't believe you've done this
Charlie: Hey, I'm lesbian
Lucifer: I thought you were from hell[American]
Charlie trying to help Angel Dust ascend: There's only one thing worse than a (r-word)ist *pulls back paper*
Angel Dust: A child.
Charlie: No.
Adam when Charlie proposed for sinners to go to heaven: No off-topic questions. Because I don't want to. No. Denied. That's an off-topic question. You have been stopped.
Lucifer: They are my rubber duckies[crocs]!
Husker singing Loser Baby: *Pours a box of Life cereal and lemons fall out* well, when life gives you lemons
Angel Dust venting about Valentino: *beating up stuffed moth[elmo]* FUCKING DUMB ASS BITCH VALENTINO[elmo] I FUCKING HATE YOU
Lute when Adam died: Ms. Kesha? Ms. Kesha? Oh my fucking god she fucking dead
Angel Dust: Don't tell your mother
Husker: Kiss one another
Alastor every time he almost dies: *disappears* I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
*The other hotel members casually taking a photo*
Charlie: Everybody say Hazbin Hotel[Colorado]
Sir Pentious: *comes from out of nowhere* I'M A GIRAFFE
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 year
88%. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Foooor any out of Trouble, Blade, Lavi, and Ayla?
Blade: being forced to watch their loved ones be tortured in front of them while not being able to do anything about it
Trouble: survivor's guilt, like you and your buddy are trapped in a warzone and you're the only one who got out (and your buddy has a family waiting back home, or your buddy died to save you, etc.)
Lavinet: being ravaged by an uncurable disease while you can only wait for death, helpless
Ayla: being abandoned or rejected by everyone you've ever loved 🥲
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secretly-larry-daley · 3 months
Guess what time it is
That’s right. It’s LarPhee headcanon dump time
Both ✨angsty and fluffy✨
Angst 💔
Both Larry and McPhee have a similar problem with affection. Larry wants to show affection, but since societal norms have pushed him into a more “masculine” and “serious” role, he pushes his urges aside. Meanwhile McPhee’s doesn’t know how to show affection because he really doesn’t receive much at all.
I think McPhee would feel really bad for how he’s treated Larry, now that he knows that museum comes to life. Sure, there’s a few things he might still be stubborn about, but deep down he wants to make it up to Larry. Especially since he can’t even see his friends anymore.
Larry genuinely thinks that McPhee is gonna leave him sooner or later. Even when they enter a friendship with one another, he just has this feeling that something will offset him. I mean, it has in the past. McPhee is a… touch guy to please. Very demanding. What if one mistake just ruins it all?
McPhee is not any better. Sometimes he thinks that Larry’s just going to get fed and leave.
Thankfully, like adults, they talk about it together. They realize these are things they need to unlearn or else it’ll destroy what good they have.
And I think them talking together just make them realize how much they really care for one another. Platonically or not.
Alright… that was— some heavy hitters
Fluff ❤️
Even though McPhee doesn’t like to admit it, he genuinely appreciates Larry’s affection. He secretly waits for the next time he can hold his hand or they can hug.
Larry had a tendency to be a cuddler in bed. If you’re in his grips, he is not letting you go. McPhee learned the hard way.
In private, McPhee has a hand full of pet names for Larry.
Larbear, obviously, but also Bunny. (Since yknow, Larry loves bunnies)
As a gift, Larry gave McPhee a stuffed bear. It was to match with Snuffles. Let’s just say that director appreciated it a lot.
Larry’s health is a lot better when he’s living with someone else. It reminds him that he isn’t alone :))
McPhee… is the jealous, let me tell you. Try and flirt with his man, you’ll get the glare of a thousand angry men.
Don’t fuck with McPhee or his man.
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So since I’ve been pretty active in this sphere of the fandom (I’m sorry, I know, I’m cringe 😭😭😫) I thought I’d share some of my favorites. Some of these really deserve more recognition imo because they are SO good (all of these are on AO3 btw. Sorry for not branching to other places, AO3 is just the main place I go for fanfic (horny shit or otherwise)
Happy Joestars!!! by 69ReasonsWhy
Summary - just some wholesome mpreg one shots of different Joestars and their husbands/bfs
My thoughts - WONDERFUL. This is exactly what I needed. Came here specifically looking for Joseph mpreg, was pleasantly surprised to find some Jotaro as well. Very wholesome and cute, I just wish there was more Caejose
Overall rating - 7/10
Foreign Body (disturbing, graphic, nsfw. No graphic birth but….other things…)
Rundown - Pucci becomes pregnant with Dio’s child. However, he is oblivious to this for months after Dio’s death, even as his body is plagued with aches, pains and nausea. Eventually, however, he comes to the horrifying realization that he is pregnant, after he feels something inside him move.
My thoughts - I loved every MINUTE of this. Well written, in character, very unsettling——everything about this is just fucking wonderful. I’ve never read Pucci Mpreg before but this was a delightful first for me.
Personal rating - 9.5/10 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
1998 by AceTheWolf (Kira mpreg, SFW, non-graphic, Kira x Diavolo)
Rundown - due to an accidental pregnancy caused by his relationship with Diavolo, Kira gives birth in an abandoned church
My thoughts - I’ll be honest with y’all, I have read this a mortifying amount of times. bc I am DESPERATE for kira mpreg, this is good shit but it’s so short 😢
Rating - 9/10
Cursed by AceTheWolf (Kira mpreg, SFW, non-graphic, Kira x Reimi Sugimoto)
Rundown - Yoshikage Kira began dating Reimi as an effort to prove he could love someone for more than just their hands. However, things don’t work out the way he hoped and they break up. Soon after, though, Kira realizes he’s pregnant with her child. In his desperation to keep his pregnancy private, he decides to kill her.
My thoughts - I’ve read this more than a few times, I’ll be honest. There’s so little Kira Mpreg out there so I tend to reread whatever ones I can find haha. This one is really good, almost somewhat tragic in a way——it makes me feel sorry for Kira, in spite of his actions.
Rating - 7.8/10
Silkspun by blushwings (Abbachio mpreg, NSFW birth, no sex or anything though)
Summary - Abbachio, soon after being taken in by Bruno into Passione, discovers he is pregnant with a stranger’s child. Despite this, he decides to carry it to term. Unfortunately for him, his labor ends up moving unexpectedly fast and he ends up giving birth by the side of the road, with Bruno’s support.
My thoughts - AAAAAAAAAHHH FUCK!!! FUCK YEAH BABYYYY THATS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOOOOR! Let me tell you I have been SEARCHING for a crumb of Abbacchio mpreg and this fic👏FUCKING👏SERVED!!!!🙏🙏🙏 Very emotional, so much angst and fluff, written immaculately as always (blushwings is genuinely a wonderful author you should check them out)
Rating - 12/10
Sweet Child of Mine (NSFW birth, Dio mpreg, past Dio x Johnathan)
Summary: After inhabiting his former lover Johnathan’s body, Dio discovers that the man was pregnant with Dio’s baby when he died. Despite this unusual turn of events, Dio decides to carry the child (who is Giorno 🥺). He labours in his mansion, with the help and support of his stand.
Listen, I don’t usually like Dio Mpreg at all but this fic may have turned me. Beautifully written. I really loved getting to see Dio being vulnerable, as well as portraying his more loving, caring side which we don’t see in canon. FUCK. This one hit me in ALL the feels. 💔💔💔
Personal rating - 10/10
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Nekomaru and Gundam make a agreement.
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*Gundham walk down and found himself at the final dead room*
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...So seems we made it, now to go in and-.
???: Well well... I guess I wasn't expecting someone else to come here!
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The devil?! *Gundham turn around and saw Nekomaru standing there*
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So... what are you doing here?
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What does it look like, I am going to enter this room and kill myself and given how everyone was acting... I couldn't stand it anymore.
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So your going to do that?
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Of course I do, they all intend to give up their lives, they don't have a will to live so I intend to kill myself so they can live on!
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And if you intend to stop me, then I'll fight you myself if I need to!
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A fight, huh? Well if you want to, I say go for it!
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Wait so... you don't intend to stop me?
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Nah, if you want to kill yourself or someone else then go for it - after all, if you don't everyone is going to die except for me.
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Which I figure I come here, mostly as I learn that I would be the only survivor; I can't accept that!
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...I see, then I guess we both have our reasons to go, very well... if you and I plan this...then...
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Don't expect me to lose, in fact I'll fight to the death if need be...
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Heh, I should expect no less - if you want a fight, come to where Monokuma Tai-chi is, I'll be waiting! *Nekomaru is walking upstairs*
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Seems me and Nekomaru made a agreement... well, I think it's time for me to go in and face my destiny...
*As then Gundham went into the Final Dead Room to prepare for either his dead or someone else's death and well... a fight was ready*
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franciya · 3 years
Yes, Marcos is almost on Guillermo's lap from how much he wants his job back 🤣
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tsyhere · 5 years
self care is dancing to animal by neon trees on repeat in your room for no reason whatsoever
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doyoskyy · 3 years
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what are you waiting foooor??? ☂️
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
This Ardrali fic also brought to you by @haledamage bc she prompted foooor
43. raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly [Endrali/Arcann]
If she sat here much longer, there was a very good chance she’d fall asleep.
Endrali shifted on the couch and tucked herself even closer against Arcann’s side. His arm, draped over her shoulder and down across her chest to tangle their fingers together, shifted with her. The movement seemed to stir him from a reverie. he squeezed her hand, his fingers warm against hers.
“What does Barsen’thor mean?”
They’d been sitting in comfortable silence so long, and he asked so quietly, almost murmured against her hair, that it took a moment to register Arcann’s question had been aloud. “Hm?”
“When you and your former padawan returned from Ossus, she referred to you as Barsen’thor,” he said, his thumb rubbing the side of her hand. He paused a moment before continuing. “The title was also mentioned in your holocron, and the records of your... expedition’s ship, but neither had an explanation.”
Stars, the expedition felt like another lifetime. It did explain the curiosity she’d felt burning around the edges of him since he entered her room. “Barsen’thor is a Jedi title,” Endrali said. “A warden of the Order.” She hesitated, trying to find a way to tell him without sounding like she was bragging. “They use their wisdom and skill to safeguard the galaxy. It was conferred on me after I rediscovered a lost shielding technique and used it to save several Masters--including my own--from a Sith plague.”
Arcann was quiet a moment, digesting the information. Then, rumbling from his chest in a tone that said he knew she was downplaying her actions, “Several?”
“I used the technique... seven times.” Endrali finally sat up and turned, her hand twisting awkwardly as she tried to settle in her new position without letting go of his. “Before my confrontation with the Sith Lord responsible. He was a fallen Jedi, given up for dead by his friends, driven and possessed by the spirit of the ancient Sith who first created the plague. He claimed to have affected dozens, hundreds. That they were linked to him and would die as well if I struck him down, shielded or no.” She paused, looked down at their hands before meeting Arcann’s eyes.
He was studying her with a concern and intensity that made her wonder if he could sense the echo of the lethargy that had only grown with each person she shielded, but he didn’t say anything, just waited for her to continue.
“I would have tried, if I thought it would help,” she said quietly. “I would have tracked them all down and shielded them, no matter what it cost me.”
Arcann’s brow furrowed, his fingers tightening around hers. “Cost you?”
“Everything costs, Arcann.” Endrali raised their joined hands to press a soft kiss to his knuckles. Especially the things worth having. “And a Jedi’s life is sacrifice. The technique... takes something of the wielder to maintain. The Jedi who discovered it shielded so many he died.”
The Force rippled in tandem with the emotion that flickered in Arcann’s eyes.  “Endrali-”
“But it didn’t come to that,” she pointed out, kissing his palm, “or I wouldn’t be here.”
He exhaled a shuddering breath as their hands settled back atop his knee and she couldn’t tell if it was from the kiss or her confession she would have bled herself dry for her Order. “How, then?”
“I shielded the Sith. It broke his connection to his victims, however many there were, and cleansed him of the malicious spirit’s hold. The spirit was banished, the former Sith--Parkanas--could heal, and the victims no longer needed shielding. The Council decided my actions made me worthy of the title Barsen’thor.”
Arcann studied her a moment. “It is an... uncommon honor, then?”
“You... could say that.” Endrali nodded shyly. “I was the first in thousands of years.” She bit her lip. “Third ever.”
His brows arched and he raised his free hand to trace her jaw, metal fingers cool against her skin. There was a following curiosity that he hesitated to voice but burning so bright in him she answered it anyway.
“I was nineteen,” she said softly, “by the point they... bestowed the title.”
Arcann gave a quiet, rueful laugh at that, his thumb rubbing her cheek, and murmured, “How did I ever think I stood a chance against you?”
She tipped her head to lean into the touch. “The confidence of youth and not having all the facts?” she offered.
Arcann chuckled. “That’s a kind way of phrasing it.”
Endrali smiled and squeezed his hand. “I try.”
He shook his head and leaned in close. “And that is just one of the things that makes you such an uncommon treasure,” he murmured, before kissing her gently. 
She smiled even wider into the kiss and rocked forward to return it with passion. Her free hand braced against the couch, the other untangling from Arcann’s to instead curl around a fistful of his shirt. He responded to her hunger in kind, even as he gave ground and let her press him back into the arm of the couch until she was practically in his lap.
“Nice to be appreciated,” Endrali mumbled against his mouth when they finally parted for air. She settled herself in his lap as she leaned in to kiss him again, humming in approval when his arm curled around her waist, felt the answering chuckle rumble in Arcann’s chest they were pressed so close.
“I will keep that in mind,” he returned, voice an even lower rumble than usual, and she smiled as his grip tightened around her waist.
She rarely sought out praise, but from him, if it would lead to here, maybe that should change.
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i wanted to send you an ask foooor sooo looong, but for some reason, i just didn't but now im here!! i just want to say im soooo excited to read the continuation of the guardian demon fic because i didn't catch up to it for over a year (and that is sooo long im so sorry, how did i survive this last year without your fic? i have no idea) i remember reading it in between classes at school (and this also happened so long ago omg) and i've read some of the asks people sent you (not all of them, cause i don't want to see spoilers 🙈) and i'm very excited to start reading it again!!! i just want to thank you for writing this story and i can't wait to see what happened since i last time read it
lots of love and kisses 🌺💗💞💞😘
hey LOL it’s all good! so glad to hear from you now! 😊😊😊 eee i’m excited for you!! i’m sure there’s a lot to catch up on but that just means content to your heart’s content! LOL i don’t blame you, the past year has been hectic af 😩 hehe, i’ll look forward to hearing what you think of the story so far! 🙈🙈🙈 thank you for taking the time to read and sending me these lovely asks! 🥰 🥰lots of love right back at ya! 💖💖💖💖
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Notebook Shocker: Mafia!Kaminari x Quirkless!Fem!Reader
Bruh its like 6am. I started this at 1am. Idk how writers do it. im drained af and probably spelt shit wrong but thats what edits are foooor. 
Mafia!Kaminari x Quirkless!Fem!Reader
Warnings: A lil torture, violence, and mafia stuffff
Plot : A certain mobster had caught you stealing 
Word Count: 5.8k
“What do you mean….someone took it?” Deku groaned in annoyance, fiddling with a pen behind his desk. His green eyes scanned over Kaminari’s sheepish stance, “That notebook has a lot of intel, if that gets in the wrong hands I won’t know what I’m going to do to you,” Deku continued, a sharp glare adding to the threat.
“I know, I know! Don’t worry about it boss, I’m gonna get it back. I saw who took it,” Kaminari explained, “I just wanted to let you know, I can track her down. How far can a little girly get?” He grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck. He knew he pissed off Deku but in a way he wasn’t too concerned yet. He just had to get that notebook back, and that would mean having a little chase with the girl who he saw last night.
“I don’t care who has it or how you get it back. I want that notebook, and bring her too! I wanna know who’s after it,” Deku ordered before waving his hand to dismiss him.
Giving a small head bow, Kaminari excused himself to go save that notebook. He didn’t know what was in there, but he knew it had to be important to rile up his boss that much. Walking down the halls of the hideout, he quickly made his way to the dinning hall where he knew his friends would be. Not minding the few bodyguards who nodded his way, Kaminiari pushed open the tall doors to the grand room and smiled over to his pals, Kirishima and Mina. “Guys! I may or may not have gotten myself into a bit of a situation,” He chuckled and took a seat at one of the seats across from them.
“What did you get yourself into this time bro?” Kirishima smirked looking up from the playing cards as Mina also took interest in the conversation. “I lost the notebook, the one Deku wanted,” He started which had already caused a worried look onto the duo’s faces across from him.
“Dude not cool, that had all the intel on certain politicians,” Kirishima sat up straighter, “Yeah, wasn’t Deku going to use that to bribe one of them to fund us?” Mina added into which Kaminari froze up.
“Wait, that notebook? Why would he make me in charge of that? Why not Todoroki or Bakugo?” Kaminari whined realizing how much worse this situation was and put his head to the table letting out an annoyed groan.
“Because they aren’t here at the moment! Duh! He sent them to go do something else like a week ago? You’re so daft Kami!” Mina teased but she looked a little worried for her friend who was now toying with the dinning cloth on the table.
“Let’s go, Kaminari, I’ll help you,” Kirishima began, to which Kaminari lifted his head with a relieved grin,”Really? Aw you’re the best,” The blonde responded happily and stood up with hope in his eyes. He did not want to stall much longer knowing Deku would lose it if he was still here and not out looking for that book.
“Good luck guys! Just remember to stay low! Deku doesn’t want any more loud operations! He’s still fixing the last screw up,” She reminded them. The boys simply nodded giving her a quick goodbye before heading out quickly to their cars.
Gripping onto the notebook tightly which you had stolen last night, you sat on your couch eyeing the cover of the simple black book. It was a simple job really, but something felt off. It was too simple. You weren’t a rookie when it came to stealing things, petty robbery and pickpocketing being your job after all, but you weren’t a professional. So why did someone like Shigaraki have you do a job for him. 
He hadn’t even asked you himself. One of his henchmen had asked you if you were interested in a job.
“It’s a quick and easy task! Just pop right in and grab a notebook, that’s all we need,” The man who introduced himself as Mr. Compress explained. “We just need someone with not much background, someone who doesn’t look suspicious,” He added on when you had asked why they wanted someone like you to do the job when they had many capable people of their own. “We will pay half now, half later,” Was the final deal breaker.
Surely you could have refused something like this but when he had pulled out a few wads of cash, your eyes had grown big at the sight and agreed. He wasn’t lying about it being easy either. You dressed fairly casual that night and went to the location he gave you. It was a small apartment building tucked away at the end of the big city with not many people around either. It was perfect.
You managed to climb up the building’s fire escape and perched yourself carefully onto the railing of the outside door to the apartment number. The lights were out and it was silent as well. Quickly grabbing the lockpicks tool out from your back pocket, you made easy work of the sliding glass door before letting yourself inside the home.
“Whoever must live here must be whack,” Were the first words to leave your lips as you looked around at the decorations and trinkets.It wasn’t fairly messy but there was nothing that matched. It just looked like a collection of things spewed out here and there. Quickly getting to work, you started rummaging through the living room, but only found video games, weed, and instant meal packages here and there. Letting out a huff, you made your way to the bedroom and started pulling out drawers, digging through the closet, and finally lifting the bed sheets and mattress to the side to find a small black notebook tied to a shoebox. 
“Found you,” You sighed in relief, “Was about to think you weren’t here,”. Untying it from the shoebox, you straightened yourself out before you heard the keys rattling and the doorknob jiggling from the front room. “Shit!” You cursed and quickly looked to his bedroom window. Rushing over to it, you unlocked it with a click, looking down to see that there was a little balcony below you.
“Hello?” You heard from the front room, a concerned male’s voice as footsteps got closer to the bedroom you didn’t have the time to think or look back as you made the decision to jump down, landing with a bit of a thud against the metal flooring before jumping down from that balcony as well. It was a lie to say it didn’t hurt the soles of your feet.
“Hey! Get back here girly!” Was all you heard from him before you took off running, the sound of something hitting the ground with a zap behind you causing the adrenaline to push you to run faster.
You hadn’t stopped running until you were met with a semi busy street, the nightlife letting you blend in with the crowd. You had managed to get the notebook and yourself out of there in one piece. It’s how you got here, back to your home unaware of the golden eyes that had trailed you back to your street.
Looking down at the notebook, you carefully opened it and skimmed through it, famous names and politicians you recognized with dirty secrets scribbled onto the side of the names. “Wow,” You breathed out before an uneasy feeling settled into your stomach. There was a lot in this book, a lot of information anyone in the deeper side of things would love to have. Yet here you were, something that could change a lot in the public's eye of view, resting in the palms of your hands. What made it worse was you were told to hold onto it till someone named Dabi was going to pick it up from you. Standing up, you looked around your apartment scanning for a place to hide this. 
Deciding to put it into a cereal box for now, you went to go take a shower and call it for tonight. You were far too drained to do anything else but that.
The next few days you took it easy, leaving every now and then to get groceries or get a coffee at the nearby cafe, doing your best to keep an eye out on anything that would make you feel unsafe or alerted.
“Come on Kami, you have to be sure,” Kirishima muttered as they stayed low in a stolen car, parked outside the apartments in which you lived. “I’m pretty sure that’s her, same hair, same face,” Kaminari eyed the building watching as you returned from the store again,”Clueless little thing huh? I don’t even recognize her from anywhere, she doesn’t even seem like the type to do anything like breaking into houses,” He spewed on watching as you swayed your hips up the stairs to your own little home,”She’s a cutie though,” 
“Yeah, but that cutie has something important. You’re right though, I haven’t seen her around, wonder how she knew about the notebook,” Kirishima mused before grabbing his gun, making sure it was loaded just in case before cocking it,”You sure we need that?” Kaminari asked to which Kirishima looked up at the apartments through the window.
“I hope not, but we don’t know her quirk or if she’s even alone up there,” the redhead responded with hesitation. He didn’t want to hurt her, just scare her enough to get what they want. “But you know what you’re gonna have to do. I’m just here for backup, this is your mistake bro,” kaminari only huffed back at his friend but nodded. Getting out of the car, the duo quickly made their way up the stairs and to the door they saw you vanish through. Reaching for the doorknob, Kaminari gave it a small tug and to his disappointment it was locked. Giving a look to Kirishima, the blonde gave a nod before knocking on the door.
Hearing you scuffle behind the door, his chest felt like it was going to explode when he heard the soft and sweet,”Hello?” come from inside. “We got a delivery for you!” He responded. Kirishima nudged his shoulder giving him a questioning, ‘What the fuck?’ look but when they both heard the door unlock, then quickly focused back to it.
Wasting no time, Kaminari rushed in grabbing you by the arm, his other hand flying to your mouth as he gave you a stern warning look as Kirishima followed inside, closing the door behind him with his foot. Drawing the gun just in case, Kirishima eyed the apartment before looking back at you and Kaminari.
The blonde knew you were in shock, your eyes wide as if you were a deer in headlights but tears quickly prickled at the corners of your eyes as he saw you eye the gun. “Hey, hey, shhh don’t cry it’s okay. Don’t scream or struggle, he won’t use it I promise,” Kaminari cooed, keeping a tight hold of you regardless. Little zaps sprung from his fingertips to show you that while he was talking sweet, he wasn’t going to let you try anything. Walking backwards towards your couch, he slowly removed his hand from your mouth,”Please...don’t hurt me,” You whispered out as you looked up at them. Kaminari would’ve felt more bad if it weren’t for the fact that you had stolen the notebook he was supposed to be keeping. He had to admit though, your wide eyes looking up at him like that made him feel something in his chest.
“Won’t have to if you give back that notebook you stole, baby, just tell us where it is and it’ll make this much easier,” He said sweetly to you and pushed you into the couch, having you fall back onto the cushions. Looking down at you as you pushed yourself further into the couch to try and keep some distance from him had him smirk with a bit of pride. He may be relaxed with his friends but man oh man if he didn’t look scary when he wanted to.
“I don’t know what youre talking about,” You tried to play off, to his disliking. He really didn’t want to have to hurt such a pretty woman like you but damn it if you didn’t spill it out he’d be forced to.
“Lying isn’t pretty you know,” Kaminari cooly muttered before lifting his hand up,”Search for it,” He said over his shoulder to which Kirishima started to go through your things. “I saw you taking it from my home, going through a man’s bedroom isn’t nice,” he continued in a teasing tone as he lowered himself so he was perched on his heels so he could look straight at you. Taking his hand he placed it on your leg causing you to tense up with worry. Watching you eye him back with uncertainty, he only smiled back in return as he let a few sparks against your leg.
“What the fuck!” he watched you hiss and try to pull away from his hand to which he only gripped the top of your leg tighter,”Ah uh,” Kaminari chuckled, a twisted tone in his voice, “Come on now, I don’t wanna have to hurt you more. Just give us the notebook,” He pressed on trying to get you to spill it already, “I’ll give you a minute to tell me, if not I might have to fry a few nerves, and we wouldn’t want that would we baby girl?” 
“Don’t call me that,” You spit back to his surprise. Fiesty one? Yeah he can dig that. “Don’t be so mean,” Kaminari uttered back in fake hurt as he shocked your leg with a little bit of a higher voltage watching as tears came to your eyes,”If you keep this up I’ll have no choice but to think you like this,” He teased and watched her as she gripped onto his own wrist trying to pry him off,”Let me go!” You cried out in frustration. Watching you struggle against his grip was cute but getting annoying, “Did you find it yet?” He shouted looking over his shoulder to try and find Kirishima who was currently digging around in your bedroom. 
“Not yet,” his friend called back. Kaminari was about to reply when he felt something hard smash against his head as well as you crying out in pain at the same time. Letting go of his grip on you, he fell back with a “Oof”. Holding the side of his head, he looked up to see you had headbutted him and were now on your way of getting up towards the door. “Fuck,” Kaminari gritted his teeth and sprung up, being quick to grab you by your wrist and letting out a painful wave of shocks getting you to scream. 
“Kaminari! The neighbors will hear!” He heard Kirishima yell at him causing him to grip onto her mouth, tugging her into the wall and pressing her stomach against the cool surface, “You know babe, I don’t usually get mad,” Kaminari whispered sweetly in your ear in a sickening tone, “But you’re really pushing it right now. Give it up or I’m going to show you how much I can really make you scream,” 
Feeling you tense up and shake against him had the blonde tilted your head back to see terror in your eyes. If this notebook hadn’t been so important, he would have probably apologized right then and there.
“Cereal box,”  He felt you mutter in his hand making him confused instantly. Removing his hand, Kaminari gave you a questioning look. “It’s...It’s in the coco puffs,” You sobbed out and he could tell you were trying to keep yourself calm through this. Looking over to Kirishima from across the room, he watched his friend hurry to the kitchen knowing they had limited time now that they made too much noise here. Digging through your cabinets, he watched his friend pull out a cereal box and spill the contents out, the notebook falling onto the counter, “There it is! Fuck there it is!” Kaminari laughed in relief while holding you between him and the wall,”See that wasn’t so hard? Who would’ve thought cereal was the answer?” He joked trying to lighten the mood.
“I don’t know dude, but we need to get out of here now, the neighbors probably heard her scream,” Kirishima responded but was smiling as well. It was funny seeing that you hid it almost so well in a breakfast box.
“Please...let me go, you have everything you want,” Kaminari looked down to see you with pleading eyes and while he wished he could say they were done with you, he couldn’t. “It’s not that easy baby, you stole...from the mafia no less. That was stupidly brave but our boss isn’t happy,” He explained and when he saw the look on your face of hesitation and fear he tightened his grip on your arm, “Don’t do anything stupid, just cooperate, it’s gonna be fine,” He tried to reassure you but already he could see the defiance building up, “I don’t want to have to knock you out, just relax,” 
“Here, blindfold her,” Kirishima reached over, handing over his headband knowing all too well how these things go. “No! I-” You began to try to fight back but Kaminari was quick to shock that out of you. “Kiri, hold her will you,” He muttered, taking the blindfold with one hand before gently pushing her to Kiri who grabbed both of her wrists and kept her sturdy. “Look just be good and we won’t have to hurt you any further,” Kirishima tried to reason with you looking down at your fearful expression before the black headband covered your red puffy eyes.
“One more thing, get her hands behind her back, I don’t trust her to behave in the car,” Kaminari requested and watched as you struggled a bit against his friend who pulled your hands behind your back. Taking off his own belt, he made a makeshift handcuffs and tightened them around your wrists,” Alright let's get going before we get caught, oh and baby, don’t scream when we get out there, I really don’t want to sedate you with my quirk,”
After having the two strangers pull you out of the house quickly and get you to the car, you sat quietly in the back of the car, your heart and mind racing with thoughts and emotions. They had you blindfolded and your wrists tied up together making it difficult to calm down but at least they had the decency to buckle you up. “Hey, breathe, don’t hyperventilate,” You heard the blonde one suddenly say in the midst of the silence. That’s when you realized you really were breathing quick. “Fuck you…,” You mumble back and hear them both sigh a little as the car took off. “What’s your name then?” You heard the one named Kaminari speak again to which you only glared into your blindfold,”Gonna shock me if I don’t tell you?” You questioned back bitterly but hushed. 
“Just tryna make conversation, make you feel a little better,” You heard him respond with a huff before the radio was turned on. You felt somewhat relieved when the music replaced the awkward silence in the car. ‘You just had to get greedy with the money offered and this is where you ended up’ You furiously thought to yourself. Listening to your kidnappers talk with the music in the background had somewhat calmed you down just a bit to start feeling the aftermath of the shocks. Your leg and arm felt tingly still and a headache started to grow from the headbutt earlier. You’re sure to have a bump there later. 
Leaning against the seat of the car more, you shut your eyes and try to zone out to try and get a plan going. You hadn’t realized how much time went by before the car came to a slow and then a halt before hearing a gate screech open and for the car to move slowly forward, the tires sounding like they were on gravel as they stopped again. 
“I’ll get here,” You heard Kaminari say to which the other man snorted,”Not like I was gonna. Here take the notebook too. I said I would help, but I’m not going to face Deku. I already got my ass yelled at a few weeks ago and I’m not getting further into this,” He stated.
“Fineee,” was all you heard before the car doors clicked shut and footsteps to your side opened the car. Feeling hands reach in and unbuckle you, you kept silent in fear as well as anger before he picked you up out the car and helped you over his shoulder,”I can walk!” You hissed.
“Yeah, so can I,” Was the only snarky response you got back as you were carried off. As you reached the inside of wherever you were, you could hear small talk here and there as well as doors opening and closing. You started to feel a bit more nervous with how many people you could hear. Your kidnapper remained eerily silent as well as if he himself was nervous himself.
“Bring her in here,” You heard a different voice call out as Kaminari made a sharp turn into a different path following the voice. After a few more seconds you felt colder as you were put down and pushed into a chair. “Hey-” You started but a quick shock silenced you right up as your arms were tugged out from the belt and a cold metallic material was wrapped around your wrists.
“Now come with me,” The new voice spoke again and the footsteps traveled out the room, a door swinging shut with a loud click afterwards. Now you were chained to something, in a cold room, with a blindfold still on.
“Hello?” You called out and after no response you leaned over getting your face close to your hands before tugging off the blindfold. “What the fuck is this,” You muttered out as light brought onto you a cool grey room with nothing but a table to where your hands were chained, the cahir you were currently sitting on, and a chair in front of you. Starring around, the solid blocked out door was the only way out and god knows how many people were on the other side.
“Don’t cry...don’t you dare cry,” You growl to yourself trying to keep composure as you stare at your hands in anger. Breathing in and out as best as you could to keep from crying you wanted to think of a way out of this but there weren’t any ideas popping in. You were just a small time quirkless thief, not some mafia enemy. You didn’t know how to deal with this.
The door clicked back open causing you to turn your head quickly back to it to watch Kaminari walk back in with a folder,”(Y/N)...such a pretty name! You should have told me earlier baby,” He said making you stiffen up in your seat eyeing him with a glare,” But you really should have said something about being quirkless, I would have gone easy on you,” He pouted over to you making you bare your teeth in disgust.
“Why? Being quirkless doesn’t make us weak,” You spit out in malice disgusted by his suggestion,”I stole that notebook from you without one,” You proudly stated in a matter of fact tone. “Mhm, yeah but look where that got you girly,” Kaminari shot back taking a seat across from you before looking through whatever file he had on you. Golden eyes locked back to yours and a chill went down your spine from the grin he had,”So missy, I see you actually have a fair share of robberies in your file. Well, this time you hit big money huh? Wanna share where you got that information on the little notebook?” He started. 
Taking a small breathe, you knew you couldn’t give that away. Deep down you knew that wasn’t the best idea even if you were in this situation. If Shigaraki’s crew figured it out you told on them, you were most definitely dead. “Bite me,” You answered glaring back down at your hands not wanting to see what expression the man had.
“Maybe later, but right now I kind of need answers baby girl. See, the boss needs answers and he always gets what he needs,” Kaminari laughed lightly but you could tell he wasn’t too happy with your answer, “So lets try this again. Where did you get the information? Don’t make me shock a quirkless girly like you,” 
“I’m not making you do anything, you’re just fucked up enough to be the villain of the situation here,” That line alone made the room feel even colder as you lifted your head to see Kaminari silently put the folder down. He was still smiling and you couldn’t help but want to scoot further away from him. The chair beneath him squeaked against the floor as he got up and made his way behind you. “I told you I’m really slow to anger right?” He muttered lowly without the smile leaving his face and you felt instant regret as he reached over, his chin over your shoulder as his arms trailed up your arm and made their way to your hands. Flipping them over he forced his hands into yours, holding onto them tightly.
“Fuck off,” You huffed trying to shake him off but before you could try to shake him off, a high voltage sparked through both of your hands and through your arms reaching the rest of your body. Screams ripped through your lungs and your back arched off the chair as the tears had flowed down your cheeks. He didn’t let up until he was sure you had learned the message, letting the shocks die down but didn’t move his hands. You went limp against the chair breathing heavily as sobs shook through you.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m only hurting you as much as you hurt me with your mean little opinions,” He whispered but something in his voice gave off a small hint of him liking this, “Now, who told you about the notebook?” he asked again his breath close to your ear, “And think hard about what you wanna say. If you wanna act tough, I’ll treat you like you’re tough. You can handle more can’t you babygirl? I’ll make it last longer next time,” He laughed into your ear before he licked the shell causing another shiver to go down your spine.
“You’re...an asshole,” You cried out trying to hold onto the thin string of bravery and confidence to get through this. You heard a dark chuckle from behind you before your mind went blank. A searing pain of shocks went throughout your whole body as your scream filled the room once more, trying to tug your hands away from him but to no luck he remained the stronger of you two. It felt like this would never end and that this pain was going to be with you forever. After what felt like hours, the shocks stopped as your mind went numb. Your eyes closed as they felt heavier and your body felt like it was being pricked over and over again with needles.
“Don’t pass out on me now, come on wake up!” You barely even heard his voice as the blonde squeezed your hands before he helped you sit back up against the chair,”man, I went a little overboard huh?” Chuckled filled the room as he gave light taps to your cheeks causing your eyes to open to look above you, golden honey pools hypnotizing you for a little. “Hey pretty baby, you back from your little high?” He joked before tears pooled down your cheeks again, afraid of what more he could do to you. “Just tell me okay? We don’t wanna be doing this all day and night do we?” He questioned with a smile as he took your hands again making your resolve snap.
“H-He..he told me he would pay me alot...I just wanted to pay bills,” You cried out breaking under the pressure and pain, wanting nothing more than to quit being a thief and just go home to curl up in bed, “Shhh, it’s okay. I get it, you just wanted to survive out in this cold world. Give me a name, I’ll make this all better,” he breathed out, his thumb on your right hand stroking the back of your hand trying to soothe you.
“His n-name is Mr. Compress. I really don’t know his name please...don’t shock me please, that’s all i know! He wanted the notebook and gave me your address that’s all! Please let me go,” You begged wanting nothing more than for this to be over.
“Good girl, there you go. It’s okay, that’s all I wanted,” Kaminari praised before letting go of your hands which you automatically tried to pull back to yourself, your palms red and starting to swell. “I’ll get you some water okay?” He hummed as he gave you a condescending pat to the head before leaving the room. You didn’t care for what he did, you felt so drained and your head just felt so heavy. Closing your eyes you finally gave out and slumped over the table, your breathing uneven.
You felt like you were on a cloud surrounded by angels who covered you in their feathers. It felt like you could sink into that pleasurable feeling forever if it weren’t for the pain coursing through your hands. You didn’t want to move, you didn’t want to open your eyes. You didn’t want to be shocked-
You started to remember the moments before you had passed out and panic flung through your chest. You had to get up, assess what’s going on. Managing to open your eyes, you were met with a dimly lit room and soft fleece blankets all around and over you. Carefully sitting up you hissed in pain when your hands ached. Bringing them in front of you, white bandages were wrapped around your palms and fingers. Confusion hit you all at once as you looked up, the only light source coming into the room being from the ajar door. Squinting to try and see better throughout the room, dread filled you as you recognized your surroundings. This is where it all started. The room you took the notebook in.
Being quick to stand up, you felt woozy but the need to leave was greater than the need to sit down. Stumbling to the door, you swung it out and peeked out to see Kaminari sitting lazily on his couch, a ps4 controller in hand as he button mashed away. It was odd not seeing him in a suit, rather in shorts and a simple hoodie. Carefully stepping out, you looked to the front door trying to convince yourself to make a bolt for it. Taking in a small sturdy breath, you launched yourself out the room to try and get to the door but it seemed like your body had other plans. Wobbling forward you managed a few steps before your head pounded causing you to fall to your knees and groan.
“Careful! You’re probably still a little fried,” A voice came from above you and helped stand you up. The same golden eyes that had you crying and being shocked were now looking at you with worry. Dumbfounded by his expression, you let him lead you to his couch and sit you down,”You might want to take it easy for a while, you put up quite a fight in that room,” Kaminari chuckled to which you could only blink at him with confusion as to what was going on with the sudden flip of being nice.
“I want to go home,” Was what you finally managed to say after the two of you had stared at each other in silence. “Yeah...that’s not gonna happen baby girl. It’s a bit more complicated than that,” He responded with a small smile that had a sign of pity in it.
“What do you mean? I really just want to forget everything and go home, please,” You tried to argue to which he shrugged and sunk into the back of the couch getting comfortable again. Not bothering to look at you, he stared at the t.v ahead of him, “Well, there were three options on what to do with you. One, we could have killed you which I really didn’t want to do. Two, we could have released you but that would have left us open for an attack. Shigaraki’s side could have kidnapped you right after and tortured you again and killed you after for information about the book and us. Then this option. I could take you home with me, keep you safe and away from your own crimes and as well as us safe from others taking you for information. I took a liking to you, it would have felt a shame to kill a pretty babe like you,” He explained fully, before looking back at you. You felt horrified, looking back down at your hands to come up with something to say but you didn’t. You drew a blank. All you could think was that if you did leave, you’d have two mafia groups looking for your death/capturement but if you stayed, you would be forever locked away with this man who you know nothing of beside the fact that he works for the mafia.
“Hey, I know that’s a lot to take in, but I’m doing you a favor, keeping you here to stay alive. All you gotta do is listen to me, and we’ll both be happy. You can also call me Denki from now on, ‘Kay?” Kaminari hummed as he got up walking to his room and coming back with the soft blanket you were snuggled into earlier. Dropping it onto your head, he plopped down next to you.
“Denki?” You whispered out his name as you hugged the soft blanket around you for the comfort, “What...what am I supposed to do here?” You asked fearful of the answer looking at him as his eyes had a brighter shine than before.
“Just be a good girly and we will see what you can do,” He answered back and looked back to his game starting it back up, “You’ll make a cute little housewife or something. We’ll figure it out,”
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Y’all I AM REAAAADy FOR TONIGHT and not that anybody cares probably but I am really sorry about not catching up on my motifs that clearly didn’t happen but just that depression has been getting to me and I’m definitely gonna go thru them because after tonight I’m just so pumped and excited and still can’t breathe and love and appreciate all yours guys constant support and I’m just v emotional rn okay I want to cry from happiness after tonight’s episode ending also plz forgive me 😩😩
-yessss the shaire friendship I have been needing all fucking season ITS. ABOUT. TIME.
-I am in love with dr. Claire Browne okay 😭😭 she’s too pure and I love her with all my heart
-melendaire looking like the power couple of the century every time they’re standing next to each other and I’m HERE FOR IT 👏🏼👏🏼
-ooof shaun is triggered by ilys being shared
-aww Morgan’s arthritis is getting worse ://
-and Morgan referring to Claire and shaun as their last names really??? Haven’t we progressed further then that
-also Glassy is pissing me off like shaun can have friends who want to help him out he doesn’t need to do everything on his own fuck off with this narrative
-Morgan is breaking my heart here I wonder if she will go to a different field of medicine
-Claire don’t be swayed by this cheater lmaoo why you gonna listen to his dumbass
-damn Claire calling shaun out and shaun doing the same to Claire
-wow I am loving all this talk about dating with melendaire around SUBTEXT AM I RIGHT SEASON 5 ENDGAME WE ARE COMIIIING
-sometimes I feel like I miss things tho typing all this while watching it live 😂 oh well I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-damn call him out Claire for interrupting you MY QUEEN everyone needs to bow before her tbh
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-OH SHIT SHAUN CALLED MELENDEZ OUT FOR BEING “nice” TO CLAIRE 👀👀👀 but got called a jerk in reply lmaooo the ogs are being so chaotic this ep I love it
-the melendaire look exchanged after that tho POETIC CINEMA
-also yeah shaun friendship is a two way street support should be going both ways
-daaaamn Melendez getting jealous about dash OH HOLY SHIT I CANNOT CLAIRE SHARING EVERYTHING TO MELENDEZ AND MELENDEZ GETTING JEALOUS AND IS TRYING TO BE LIKE WTF I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU DIDNT LIKE ROMANTICS??? Questioning dash and their relationship but in a nice way okay before y’all haters come for my ship GOD BLESS 🙌🏼🙌🏼
-like I feel like the both know and aren’t saying anything but that they do have feelings for each other like there was so much left unsaid with this interaction
-and Melendez telling Claire if it’s the right guys don’t wait for the right time is this foreshadowing?!?! And Claire making a move on melendez even tho he’s still her boss???!!!!? AHHH IM SO FREAKIN EXCITED 😭😭
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-WOW MELENDAIRE SCENES PRACTICALLY BACK TO BACK IM DEAAAAD even if it was just about work the 2nd time around lmao
-Claire looks so great I love seeing her in something other then work clothes
-oh my god noooo CLAIRE AND DASH KISSED 😭😭
-omg melendez was inspired and got his idea from Claire’s!!!! He’s so in love with her and they make each other better!!! She amazes him EVERY DAY
-woooow shaun is really projecting and being a little shit no wonder Melendez threatens him with no longer being his resident the way he said the shit in front of the patient “it’s one thing to be rude to your colleagues but your patients hell no”
-y’all we’re only 30 minutes in and already sooo much content ooof I’m almost on melendaire overload 😂 like my heart can’t handle it
-Melendez trying to give advice to shaun love it and boo your heart healed because of Claire just ADMIT IT
-Morgan looks likes she’s about to quit after lims speech
-Lmaooo that guys car just got REKT
-Noooo Morgan my bby she just dropped her bombshell about ra and is quitting 😩
-awww lim giving Morgan her “last chance” to shine and do surgery and stuff a 3rd year wouldn’t typically do my babies
-I’m sick of shaun being surprised about Claire having good ideas I know he’s been undermining everyone this ep but I will not allow any asshole behavior from anyone to my bby!!!
-Melendez just put his HEART OUT THERE and Claire looked shooook MELENDEZ LITERALLY TOLD HER SHE INSPIRES HIM AND MAKES HIM A BETTER DOCTOR AND PERSON WITH HER AROUND and remind hims of why he became a doctor 😭😭
-Morgan is officially doing the surgery to “fix” her hands
-shaun getting back out there WE LOVE TO SEE IT
-is she gonna go see her boo her Neil Melendez
-god damn it @jillrox202 was right 😂 shaun is about to smash lea’s car what the fuck or at least wanted too
-wow okay shaun went off and went waaaay to far
-wow wow Claire went to her therapist is she gonna admit the feelings she has about her boss?!!?
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-like I have dreamt and hoped for this and waited for this day to fucking come and now that it has I can hardly believe it 😭😭😭
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-y’all we have waited for this for so long and it doesn’t feel real!!!!!
-okay I cant like oh my god the excitement I feel I cant deal I really can’t
-y’all I’m gonna cry now that I’m finally processing it wow just fucking wow
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-I just want to keep typing to show my disbelief but this post is already long enough and just think of hopeless we were in in season 2B and look where we are now!!!!
105 notes · View notes
17 notes · View notes
theliteraryvampire · 4 years
Take Your Heart In Your Teeth (3/?)
Warnings: None!
Fandom: BBC Dracula (Dracula x Reader)
Author’s Note: I’ve taken some of the lore that was introduced in the BBC version, but I’ve also added some of my own as well, which I’ll get more in depth about in later chapters. As always, I hope you enjoy!
“So! Where were we? Ah, yes! The death of my father. He died in battle when I was young, and though I had seen numerous atrocities happen quite literally in the front of our castle, this particular death gave me nothing but immeasurable pride. Why do you think that is? Perhaps Romanians are a different breed?” 
He looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer, like he genuinely thought I would solve all of his problems.
“Uh, maybe it’s a patriarchal thing?” 
“Patriarchal?” He was pacing, a little lost in thought.
“Yeah. Um, maybe because your grandfather gave his life for your country, you felt like your father doing the same was...a birthright?” I guessed.
“I believe I’ve heard that before.” He stopped then, and turned towards me. “Tell me another theory. Something that’s a little more in line with your background.”
I laughed, mostly out of shock. “You want me to turn your life into a conspiracy theory?”
He smiled at me, holding my gaze. “I’m purely interested in what your research would say about me.”
“Ok, um,” I racked my brain. “Romanian folklore...Romanian folklore. Hm...strigoi? Demon? No! No, I got it. Solomonar. Your family comes from a long line of noble wizards who ride dragons and control the weather, hence your title. That’s totally it, right?” I joked.
He didn’t respond right away, so I made a show of typing my answer out. 
“Dracula appears as any other man would, but he holds a deep, dark secret. He’s actually...” I said out loud, while typing it down, “a Solomo—”
“I’m afraid I’m none of those things,” he cut me off, and in the blink of an eye he was next to me, pulling my hand away from the keyboard. He glanced down at his hand that was encircling my wrist and he let me go just as quickly, but I still felt him, a phantom feeling that lingered on my skin.
I swallowed and said nothing. I could hear his grandfather clock in the distance, ticking away the seconds, the only sound that filled the silence. 
“So then, what are you?” I asked after the 30th tick, my voice barely above a whisper.
His dark eyes stared into mine, searching, as if he was looking for every answer the world had to offer, as if he had been looking for salvation for a thousand years, and he had finally stumbled upon it.
I took in another breath and opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it.
“Hello, Renfield.” He still hadn’t taken his eyes off of me.
I had heard nothing, but I tore my eyes away and sure enough, a man was walking towards us. He was wearing a suit, though it was a little ill fitting. It was clear that he was trying to maintain appearances, but he didn’t possess the money Dracula did.
“Can you please give (Y/N) a ride home,” Dracula said, though he posed it as more of a statement, not giving Renfield the opportunity to say no.
“Of course, sir.” 
“And (Y/N),” Dracula spoke, “I greatly look forward to our meeting tomorrow.” He reached out towards me then, and I felt frozen, unsure of what he was going to do. He gently took my hand in his and pressed a kiss against my knuckles. My breath hitched, and as if amused by the effect he had on me, he smirked. 
“You remember where your coat is, don’t you?” I nodded and tore myself away from his gaze, forcing myself to get up and walk to the foyer, knowing if I didn’t move then, I’d never leave.
Once (Y/N) was out of earshot, Renfield looked over to Dracula. “What are you doing? I expected her to have been dead already!”
“I’ve changed my mind. I want to make her last. She intrigues me. She makes me feel…” Dracula looked down and fixed his waistcoat. She did make him feel, but feel what? He was uncertain. Happy? Frustrated? Perplexed, maybe? Or was it all just lust, attraction? Dracula had been utterly shocked when he opened the door, but he had hid his feelings well. (Y/N) was the absolute most beautiful creature he had seen in his 500+ years of living, and he was at a loss on how to handle that. Never before had a mortal made such an immediate impact on him, before or after his transition. He...he genuinely liked her, which put a dent in his plans. He had wanted to suck the life out of her so he could get answers for his own, but now...now he just wanted to be around her, to talk to her endlessly, to pick her brain. And for what? Emotions were so confusing.
“She makes you feel...what, sir?” Renfield asked, breaking Dracula out of his thoughts.
He breathed in deeply. (Y/N)’s scent had already permeated his entire apartment, but rather than making him want to feed, Dracula...liked it. Liked that it would be a constant reminder of her, that she existed. “She makes me feel...everything, I think.”
“So, tell me! How bougie is he?” my roommate, and best friend, Sara asked. She was in pajamas and drinking wine, ready for me to spill everything.
“He’s rich as hell dude. You should see his place! Mahogany everything, velvet drapes, a marble staircase, and the view! I didn’t even know I liked Central Park until I saw it from above.”
“Is he hot? Please please tell me he’s hot.”
I paused. Was Dracula...hot? Yes, but somehow, that word seemed archaic. He was incredibly attractive, but, hot? No, no. “He’s distinguished. Charming. Almost otherworldly, like he comes from a different time. It’s like...he’s intimidating but you can’t help but be drawn to him.” I zoned out, thinking back to what my day with him entailed.
Sara snapped me back into reality. “Date him girl! Get that zaaaaddy money.” 
“I am not dating him! He’s my boss, and anyway, he’s like, at least 25 years older than me.”
“So? Live your Lana del Rey fantasy. Get out of,” she gestured around our apartment, “this.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to date a guy just so I can use him for money. Plus, he’s my boss! You know what that word means, right?”
She shrugged and took a sip of wine. “All I’m saying is you’ve been single foooor...how many years? And that one night stand tour guide doesn’t count! Maybe he’s the one. It’s cute! A mysterious phone call by a mysterious older man with a mysterious past...and you just happen to be the one he calls? That’s the dream! And it’s fate, I’m telling you.”
“It’s not fate, it’s a job,” I laughed. “Now, let’s make the Bechdel test proud and talk about literally anything else.”
“Fine, but you’re no fun,” Sara laughed along with me. “So, anyway...hm. Oh! You know how like, my biggest weakness is that I lose my phone a lot, but then my biggest strength is that I always get it back? Well, this morning I had to go to that new little deli on Delancey and like, ew, who wants to eat gross gentrified sandwiches right? So, anyway, my boss literally makes me go there…”
I sat back and smiled, happy for this momentary break, happy to pretend that the feeling I had since the morning, the feeling that my life was flipping on its head, wasn’t happening.
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Wife’s Hilda Rewatch - The Midnight Giant
I hereby declare this session of my rewatch open. And I’d like to begin it with a matter of utmost importance
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Woff migration. How does it work? Do they go to warmer places in winter? Or maybe they have such warm fur that they go to colder places in summer? More at seven.
“Wouldn’t you like to have some other kids to talk to?” “I have myself to talk to! And Twig!” Like. Wow, Hilda is really out there being a whole mood during the quarantine. Me too, Hilda. Me too.
Can we talk about how this girl literally jumped out of her window, climbed the darn roof and jumped onto a flying woff? The heck kind of military training did Johanna give her child?! I don’t think you learn those things simply from living in the wilderness. I don’t think you should, at least. But maybe that’s just me.
Also, the Midnight Giant was so unbothered by her, it’s kind of hilarious. Like, yeah, this human just jumped from a woff onto my head, and now she’s literally whispering inside my ear, but no prob, I’ll just politely answer her questions like one does. What an icon.
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And today’s bi characters of the day is: the sky. The colours are bad in my picture but I swear the sky is the bi flag in this scene, which is very cool and I wanted to point it out.
Knowing Hilda I shouldn’t be surprised, but I still can’t believe that she actually fell asleep in the giant’s ear. I mean, he is an enormous creature that she has just met, and she feels safe enough to fall asleep in his ear. How many heart attacks per week do you guys think Johanna has?
Very sweet of the giant to drop Hilda off at her house, btw. He is a cool dude. A valid guy.
It will never not be funny to me how judgy Hilda is of the school’s playground. She’s so suspicious about it look at her
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You promised your mother you’d keep an open mind, Hilda. Don’t be like that.
Also also also, I’d like to point out Frida and David in this scene
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Frida is so excited about the book she’s showing David!! This is so pure!!! I wonder what it is about
The whole- the whole scene with Woodman when they arrive back at their home is gold, okay? I can’t even pick a favorite line. It’s all amazing. Johanna complaining about him, him saying he’s not part of the family, all of it. Woodman, don’t ever change.
Hey y’all, where did Woodman buy his disks? Where did he buy his books? It can’t all be from gambling with elves. Does he just go for a shopping day in Trollberg? I can’t imagine being a retail worker and then one day this little dude made of wood with a floating head and no eyes shows up wanting to buy, idk, a new couch or something.
...did he steal those things? Until I know all the facts, I will think this is a possibility.
Did anyone else think that this summoning young giants to watch over the Earth for millennia is kind of... dictatorial? Not a very nice move to order someone to sit on the top of a mountain for so long. Besides, humankind is perfectly capable of causing problems to itself without threats coming from above, thank you very much.
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Top ten pictures taken before disaster lol
Is it just me or Alfur freaking out when Hilda flies the woff (“what are you doing? Woffs are unpredictable! They migrate willy-nilly!” “This is why one should never fly without a permit!”) is not only super relatable, but kind of... reminds me... of someone...
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*General Grievous voice* General Kenobi!
Ahem. Anyway.
Are we gonna talk about the implications of a whole darn mountain just downright disappearing? I mean, people study mountains and their formations and stuff. Can you imagine a group of, idk, geology or geography students going to that valley to do a project and when they get there there’s a whole mountain that has gone missing? It would be wild, man. College students don’t have that much sanity to spare.
STOP for a few seconds. This is the “let’s appreciate the Hilda colour pallete” time
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Thank you for your attention. Now back to the episode.
Oh man, that moment when Hilda and Johanna are watching the giants leave after destroying the house? And Johanna says “they haven’t even noticed what they’ve done”? And then Hilda looks down and Johanna is stepping on an elf house? Poetic cinema. Though I felt very bad for them losing literally everything like omg that sucks.
Woodman gifting them some logs looked so sweet! I really love those characters that act all tough but actually care a lot. But then I remembered that this would be the same as you and I giving someone human flesh, and suddenly I remembered why he appears in the fandom’s sleep paralysis.
So, huh, has anyone noticed that when Woodman answers “For you” after Hilda says “that’s very comforting” he turns his head around 180 degrees? No? We’re ignoring it? Okay.
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Y’all, Twig helps them find the things that can be salvaged from the house. Don’t touch me, I’m weak :(
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And *that*, my friends, is how you do a climatic ending! I mean, “they built a wall to keep out anything interesting” followed by this scene? That’s just good writing and I won’t be taking arguments on this.
Now it’s the time foooor
Wife’s episode score!
+10 for Hilda putting herself on life threatening situations
+5 for “you’re very observant. It’s unnerving.”
+2 for Alfur tapping his little feet while he waits for Hilda at the door
+2 for that pretty elf pottery we saw in the King’s castle
+5 for Hilda being judgy of everything in Trollberg
Yep that sums up to 24! That’s what we have for today, folks!
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