#Virgo career Horoscope 2023
bestcareerprection · 2 years
If you're looking forward to watching Virgo Horoscope 2023, then be sure to check out this video! We'll discuss the plot and cast of Kanya Rashifal, and give you a preview of what to expect. Stay tuned for more updates about Kanya Rashifal 2023, including when and where you can watch it!
यह वर्ष कन्या राशि वालों के लिए लाएगा मिले जुले फल.छठे भाव से शनि का गोचर विरोधियों को देगा मात वैवाहिक जीवन में होगी प्रेम की वर्षा प्रेम जीवन में बढ़ेगा मनमुटाव नौकरीपेशा लोगों को आगे बढ़ने के मिलेंगे अवसर। व्यापारियों का बिजनेस पकड़ेगा रफ़्तार। सेहत रहेगी अच्छी/Health Astrology Predictionआर्थिक स्थिति रहेगी अस्थिर।
यदि आप अपनी राशि का वार्षिक राशिफल 2023/Yearly Horoscope 2023 या मासिक राशिफल/Monthly Horoscope पढना चाहते है तो यहा क्लिक करें।
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zodiacsignsmypandit · 2 years
In the Career of Virgo 2023, although the year is going through many ups and downs in professional life, one can quickly go with things and get whatever they want with a bit of patience and tactfully handling the situations. So be ready to take things ahead. Ask us for a Free 2023 Detailed Yearly Report.
Link: https://www.mypandit.com/en/horoscope-2023/virgo/career-and-business/
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bejandaruwallaindia · 2 years
In short, a career in this new year will be full of ups and downs for the natives. If you have something special in your mind that you want to consider for your career then talk to astrologers online for proper guidance and answers to make your new year career growth easy.
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stellarsagittarius · 8 months
☀️🌛 Solar Eclipse in Libra, October 2023 Astrology horoscope for all Rising Signs 🌜☀️
[Ps. Personal reading are open. Here's the link to the how-to book one, and my Astrology Masterlist.]
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Wherever South Node is transiting in your natal chart, you will experience a dramatic decrease in that area of life. Our human nature of dwelling on the negative side makes us unable to see what the North Node is offering in the place of that House's reduced appearance.
The solar eclipse on the 14th of October might enhance this anxiety of feeling like you aren't fulfilling the expectations of your Libra house.
Currently, South Node is in Libra, so depending on what house Libra sits in your chart, you will feel like roadblocks just keep on happening and as if the Universe is guiding you towards something completely different. More than often this can manifest as anxiety and feeling like something is wrong, having constant doubts about your own abilities in that area of life, etc. Bonus w/ South Node in Libra: Feeling like you aren't friendly or social enough.
The thing is, you can relax and instead focus on the thing that is gaining a large amount of momentum in your life, aka the House, North Node is transiting. North Node is in Aries right now and it gives you independent control over your life. This is the time to be individualistic and put yourself first, fiercely and fearlessly. Bonus w/ North Node in Aires: You will excel when you lead yourself with full belief that you absolutely deserve what you want.
Sagittarius Risings have been thinking if they are social enough right now, because they been spending a lot of time with their passion projects, almost shutting out the world. Oh yes girl, the social world doesn't matter right now, do your thang right now.
Aries Risings wondering if they are being mean or selfish, because they just have been in that self love space right now. Yesss, girl, you don't have to care about anyone. YOU, are the moment.
Leo Risings are fiercely pursuing their greater meaning of life, but are left wondering if it's okay that they aren't catching up and being updated on the latest gossip. Damn, girl, it's all good. You don't have to catch up with anyone other than yourself right now.
Virgo Risings are courageously declaring their authority and position to everybody else. They aren't going to let anybody walk over themselves anymore. As long as you are bold and upfront with people using your giving nature, you are gold baby!
Capricorn Risings are taking time out and getting more private than ever. Don't be afraid of not letting other people know about your business, and if you see your career taking a bit of break now. It's time to relax babes.
Taurus Risings are having major psychic realisations. They are ending major karmic cycles, healing and putting their instincts first. It's no issue if you feel a bit unproductive or behind doing certain tasks. Take it easy.
Pisces Risings are putting their boundaries up, bichh. Girl, don't be afraid to cut people off that absolutely don't contribute anything to your life. This is the time to rely on no one, but yourself. Help yourself and don't you dare feel guilty about it.
Cancer Risings are getting that bag and reaching those milestones. This is your time to shine in the world out there. Family matters and the concern for privacy might have kept you from your full potential, but not anymore. This is one of the most prominent times to be achieving your goals.
Scorpio Risings are getting real grounded and productive. It's an amazing time for them to work on their health, take a new workout routine and get all active. Trust your primal instincts and make sure you ground your energy first and foremost.
Gemini Risings are making those connections, being more social than before and build their networks. Don't worry if you happen to ignore some creative projects and private fun time due to being the social butterfly. It's your time to hope and plan for the future now!
Libra Risings are learning to manage their relationships better. It's that time to actually be that good partner, that good friend, that good listener. More than this, focus on building healthy relationships with healthy minded people.
Aquarius Risings are becoming more intellectual than they usually are. With all the knowledge they have been accumulating they are finally having mental breakthroughs. It's your time to build your own opinions and define the world on your own terms. Don't worry if you feel less of a lawful person. We all are allowed to be chaotic sometimes.
Hope yall have a lovely October 🎃👻🍬🧣🍂
Stay tuned for more Astrology content 🏹✨️!!
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symbolicliving · 8 months
Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs October 9-15, 2023 NEW Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse
Tomorrow we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 14, 2023 1:54 pm ET.
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This Week's Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs
♈︎ Aries: Conversations change your view and opinion about others and yourself this week. Investigating the details and data can help you figure it out for a new start. Deciphering a secret puts your relationships on a new path. Psychic phenomenon, synchronicities, strange coincidences and dreams are prompting you to think more deeply. Note doubles.
♉︎ Taurus: What other people believe can seem serious but you’re likely to reject vague ideas and ideologies that aren’t backed by real proof. Peer pressure to conform won’t work. Breathing is healing. A new health and wellness routine is worth growing. Body language attracts. A situation between friends can reveal true feelings.
♊︎ Gemini: This is a nice time to enjoy some fun. Learning a new hobby or game, or tapping into talents again or for the first time can get you into a new groove. What other people say could affect your energy this week so be kind to help manifest more of the same. Your wit and charm can help others feel better. Changes in relationships are meant to take you forward with better balance.
♋︎ Cancer: A new chapter in your personal life and at home are beginning this week. The eclipse gives you an extra dose of inner change that helps you balance the past with what’s next. What others may say in jest or with sarcasm will act as a mirror, giving you ideas you can work with.
♌︎ Leo: Words and opinions that come out of nowhere can really get your mind going, stirring up all kinds of thoughts and feelings. Your ability to sense the emotions of your home and family are also heightened. Being a source of balance and security to others, helps you have the same. Listen and read between the lines. What isn’t said may be even more important than what is said.
♍︎ Virgo: Self love and self care are at the front of the line for you now. Taking care of your body naturally can fly in the face of conventional belief to outsource your body to an external authority. Rebellious fashion choices may suit you. People sticking to beliefs that don’t hold any weight can get under your skin. A fresh idea you hadn’t considered can inspire smarter choices in building and balancing your money and resources.
♎︎ Libra: Trust issues could be in the spotlight for you now. What people project is highly revealing. Your senses will tell you a lot more than usual this week. What you believe and wish to believe could flip when faced with practical reality. Gathering information will help you make sense of what seems unbelievable. What window are you closing and what door are you opening?
♏︎ Scorpio: Your strength, will and determination are enhanced. You feel in your element when you are taking charge. Passion and virility increase. Information you decipher can change your goals. You have a rebellious streak that asserts your power. What you say can have a strong impact on on who is listening. The eclipse brings you new beliefs.
♐︎ Sagittarius: The urge to set out on a new path is with you this week. As you set a new intention you will see what types of people are suited for your plans and realize who is not. The way others cooperate in relationships will give you many clues. Peer pressure could get to you, but your own path is the one to be measured for growth.
♑︎ Capricorn: You could feel a strong inner fire of change happening with you this week. Energy in your social life could feel intense. Increased enthusiasm for discovering what is unknown makes you quite a sleuth. Virility is increased. The cooperative approach in your business and career relationships is in focus this week. What truth was revealed? Learn more about natural health and beauty. What are marketing illusions?
♒︎ Aquarius: This week has positive new potential for you. It could be nice to see from a birds eye view. What you believe can manifest. Visualize to see the path. Investigate. Inquire. Ask Questions. Being psychic isn’t for everyone. Explore both sides of issues to get to the truth. Write down ideas that come from your dreams and daydreams.
♓︎ Pisces: How you feel and what you say and do manifests in your relationships. A stubborn view or set of rules can cause rebellion in a loved one. A dream or psychic flash in a daydream could alter your way forward. What you think is set to change which pushes you in a new direction. Expect what was unknown to become visible now.
Thank you for being a friend.
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divinationtools · 10 months
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Mercury retrograde Virgo
Wednesday 23rd August 2023 - 19:59 UTC
Miscommunications and technical glitches may arise, so practice patience and double-check important details. Use this cosmic phase for reflection and revisiting past projects. Avoid signing contracts and instead, reconnect with old friends or reevaluate your career path.
Yoga pose: The Reclined Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) soothes during Mercury retrograde. Lie on your back, hug one knee to your chest, and twist it across your body, gazing in the opposite direction. Surrender to the cosmic flow, finding peace amidst communication challenges.
Don't forget to check Your Horoscopes for August 2023
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snarkywrites · 2 years
Libra Season: Focus
Libra Season Horoscopes. On September 22nd, 2022 Libra Season begins. We will experience the energy from the malefics (Mars and Saturn) blending harmoniously with the Sun. During this time, we can experience innovation, so there is love and inspiration in the air. Collectively, we can be more diplomatic but inclined to set some necessary boundaries. Happy Solar Return to Libras! Check Rising, Sun, and Moon signs.
Aries – Things can get a little more interesting for you since Libra Season will bring plenty of opportunities to be more social. As Mars in Gemini continues to push you ahead, make sure to take the opportunity to complete any projects you might have in the works. Mars energizes your thoughts, giving you the desired brain power to push through. Relationship energy is strong now, but you will opt to focus more on yourself. 
Taurus – Libra Season has you driven to make money and Mars in Gemini can be your best ally. Collectively, we are in a very social mood, so you will see a lot of benefits from bringing your charm to social events and making new and more interesting connections. You have your eyes on the prize this month. Just make sure not to rush and to take things slowly to prevent any mistakes until Mercury goes direct on October 2nd.
Gemini – Mars is still in your sign, but now that we have entered air sign season, you feel a lot more in your element. Routines can get exhausting, and time might be moving more quickly for you, but overall, you could enjoy the effects of the Mars transit. Just make sure to think before you leap (or speak). Libra Season sparks things up, making you experience a fun romantic period. If you prefer to be solo, your creative energy is enhanced now, so you could be working up some fun and creative projects to show to others.
Cancer – There could be a need to make your surroundings feel much more comfortable or exciting for the next thirty days. As we prepare for Fall, you might just be in the decorating mood. This is also a great time to catch up on things you have ignored, rework some tasks and give yourself a little vacation. After all of your hard work this year, Libra season can feel like just the right time to reflect and be centered.
Leo – A very social period for you as Libra Season has you reconnecting with friends. It is also an excellent time to focus on your goals and dreams since Saturn has made you work harder than ever over the last few years. The energy of this month has you feeling sharp and your communication can feel a lot more vibrant. Your words flow easily, your thoughts feel clearer and you will be able to inspire people with what you have to say. It can be a fruitful time for writers because creative energy now comes easier for the next 30 days.
Virgo – Now that we shift to Libra Season, you are going to be a lot more focused on work and accomplishments. Getting things done now seems to be a priority and you feel more energized since Mars is in your career house until 2023. You could feel like you are on a roll and your bosses could notice this now. Libra Season can allow you to feel more aligned with your goals and you feel a lot more confident in yourself. 
Libra – Finally, we have more air energy amongst us. Happy Solar Return to all Libras because this season is going to feel good for you all. Your sign is making a trine to Saturn, and although this energy can feel heavy, the trine aspect allows you to stay focused, do the work, and power through. Mars in Gemini is making a trine to your sign, and you could feel a little more like an adventurer now. If you want to learn something new or go back to school, this season gives you the tools to make it happen. 
Scorpio – Libra Season will be a time to reflect, meditate and recharge your batteries if needed. The Mars in Gemini transit might feel challenging during this time, so it is good to know your limits. However, as a Mars-ruled sign, you do not back down when things get tough, instead, you patiently wait for your opportunity to strike back. In a month, we prepare for your season, where you will feel re-energized and ready to take on the world.
Sagittarius – During the next thirty days, you are much more relaxed and excited to socialize. Libra Season moves some of the pressures you might be dealing with from work and school and will allow you to recalibrate. Now you can focus on creating what you love and perfect it with patience. The Mars in Gemini transit allows you to make some good friendships with creative folks that will inspire, so be open to exchanging ideas with others to get motivated.
Capricorn – You are more career driven than usual since the Sun in Libra is now transiting the highest point of your chart. Setting those goals comes easier and you have a winner take all mentality. Mars in Gemini gears you for success and you will be focused and ready for the month. As a sign that enjoys planning and thinking ahead, this energy will provide you with the balance you need to stay on top of your game.
Aquarius – It can be quite an exciting time since there are several key planets in the air signs. For the next thirty days, you can see your social calendar become impressive as people from the past return. You are going to be re-evaluating your relationship energy since there is a retrograde happening now with Mercury in Virgo. Understanding the dynamics in your relationships will allow you to have a reasonable perspective on what you truly want for the future. It is a good period to reevaluate your philosophies as well as initiate a new learning cycle.
Pisces – Virgo season brought about relationship energy and Libra Season has you focused on home and career goals. You will be more receptive to taking things slow and relaxing during this time, as Libra Season has you handling your emotions and healing from the past. Make sure to be patient with yourself and take it easy. When the Sun moves into Scorpio next month, you will feel more prepared to start a new venture and claim your throne.
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newwayastrology · 6 months
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Any soul that is born and inhabits a body does so to learn lessons. We can see these lessons in a horoscope. Meagan Good is a lovely actress with an impressive resume. However, her relationship life has aways been way less fulfilling than her career.
If Venus has hard aspcts from outer planets, or the ruler of or planet in the 7th has hard aspects from Mars or an outer planet, or if Mars or an outer planet are at one's Sun/Moon midpoint, relationships will be one of the ways that a person learns about themselves. Meagan's 7th House ruler, Neptune, squares Venus. Too much idealism in relationships will cause problems in relationships that teach her lessons she couldn't learn otherwise. Punctuating it mightily is Saturn at her Sun/Moon midpoint!!!!! I should add that even when Sun/Moon is not occupied natally, hard transits and arcs to it are often just like when Venus receives a conjunction, square, or opposition from Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, or Mars.
In 2011, Meagan started dating Devon Franklin. He was a Columbia Pictures Exec and a preacher. You can see in the measurements listing that her 2011 started with both Jupiter and Pluto transiting Sun/Moon. They were joined in 2012 by Uranus and Meagan and Franklin were married in 2012. They divorced in December, 2021.
Meagan's next relationship was with actor, Jonathan Majors in early 2023 with transiting Jupiter at her Sun/Moon. Today, Majors was convicted of assaulting his former girlfriend!!!!!
Ya think she has some lessons to learn about what goes through her head when choosing a partner for a relationship?!
She has Venus in Virgo. Cerebral matters can take things over when it comes to romance and romantic feelings. Understanding emotions often displaces feeling them. Venus here has the ability to express emotion without feeling it. As an actress she can be very good at this.
I hope the lesson has been learned.
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Pluto in Aquarius Horoscope
On March 23, 2023, Pluto enters Aquarius. This is a major shift, as the outer planet last switched signs in 2008, when it entered Capricorn. And even more major: Pluto last transited Aquarius in the late 18th Century, bringing about the French and American Revolutions, the Abolitionist Movement, AND the Industrial Revolution. So...yeah, it's a lot.
Of course, Pluto onlly moves through Aquarius for a little while in 2023, before re-entering and staying there from 2024 through 2044. Here's a brief overview of what your sign can expect from this major planetary transit:
Your Pluto in Aquarius Horoscope
Aries: This transit could bring sudden changes to your social circle, but don't be afraid to embrace new connections and ways of thinking.
Taurus: You may feel a desire to break free from old routines and habits. Embrace innovation and don't be afraid to experiment.
Gemini: Pluto in Aquarius may challenge your beliefs and broaden your worldview. Embrace new perspectives and stay open-minded.
Cancer: You could experience changes in your career or public image. Don't be afraid to take risks and embrace your true passion.
Leo: This transit could bring changes to your relationships, but it's a chance to deepen connections and embrace new experiences together.
Virgo: Pluto in Aquarius could bring changes to your health and well-being, but it's a chance to embrace new wellness practices and self-care.
Libra: You may feel a desire to break free from old routines and ways of thinking. Embrace your independence and don't be afraid to be different.
Scorpio: This transit could bring changes to your home and family life, but it's a chance to deepen connections and build a strong foundation for the future.
Sagittarius: You may feel a desire to explore new places and try new things. Embrace your wanderlust and don't be afraid to take risks.
Capricorn: Pluto in Aquarius could bring changes to your finances, but it's a chance to embrace new opportunities and take charge of your financial future.
Aquarius: This transit marks a major turning point for you. Embrace your inner transformation and step into your true power.
Pisces: Pluto in Aquarius could bring changes to your spiritual life and inner world. Embrace new practices and seek deeper understanding.
For more on Pluto in Aquarius, visit my website:
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Astrology of Career: Favorable Planet According to Zodiac Signs
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Astrology is a mystical science that has been studied for centuries. A horoscope is a chart that maps the position of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of an individual’s birth. Based on this chart, astrologers can predict various aspects of an individual’s life. One of the most important aspects is the fortunate planet. The fortunate planet in your horoscope can indicate which professions are best suited for you. In this article, we will explore the best professions for each fortunate planet.
Know more about the Best Career for your Zodiac Sign. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Favorable Planet for Each Zodiac Signs and Horoscope
Here are some examples of fortunate planets for different zodiac signs:
Aries: Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and it represents action, courage, and initiative. If Mars is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of energy and drive to pursue your goals. You can excel in professions that require physical strength, leadership, or competition.
Taurus: Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus and it represents beauty, harmony, and pleasure. If Venus is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of charm and grace to attract what you want. You can excel in professions that involve art, music, fashion, or finance.
Gemini: Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini and it represents communication, intelligence, and curiosity. If Mercury is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of wit and versatility to express yourself. You can excel in professions that involve writing, speaking, teaching, or technology.
Cancer: The Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer and it represents emotion, intuition, and nurturing. If the Moon is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of sensitivity and compassion to care for others. You can excel in professions that involve healing, counseling, or hospitality.
Leo: The Sun is the ruling planet of Leo and it represents ego, creativity, and confidence. If the Sun is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of charisma and talent to shine. You can excel in professions that involve entertainment, politics, or sports.
Virgo: Mercury is also the ruling planet of Virgo and it represents analysis, service, and perfectionism. If Mercury is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of skill and diligence to improve things. You can excel in professions that involve health, science, or administration.
Read Also:- Mars and Venus Conjunction in Gemini 2023: What Does It Mean for You?
Libra: Venus is also the ruling planet of Libra and it represents balance, justice, and cooperation. If Venus is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of diplomacy and elegance to relate with others. You can excel in professions that involve law, diplomacy, or design.
Scorpio: Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio and it represents transformation, power, and mystery. If Pluto is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of intensity and depth to explore the unknown. You can excel in professions that involve research, psychology, or occult. Sagittarius: Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and it represents expansion, optimism, and adventure. If Jupiter is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of enthusiasm and wisdom to learn and grow. You can excel in professions that involve education, travel, or philosophy.
Capricorn: Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn and it represents structure, discipline, and ambition. If Saturn is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of responsibility and perseverance to achieve your goals. You can excel in professions that involve business, management, or engineering.
Aquarius: Saturn is the ruling planet of Aquarius and it represents innovation, freedom, and originality. If Uranus is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of inventiveness and independence to create something new. You can excel in professions that involve science, technology, or social change.
Pisces: Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces and it represents imagination, spirituality, and compassion. If Neptune is strong in both charts, it means that you have a lot of inspiration and empathy to transcend the ordinary. You can excel in professions that involve art, music, or healing.
How to align your profession with your fortunate planet
Now that you know the professions associated with each planet, let’s see how to align your profession with your fortunate planet. By doing so, you can enjoy more success, satisfaction, and happiness in your career.
The first step is to choose a profession that matches your beneficial planet, a profession that requires or enhances the skills and characteristics of that planet. For example, if your fortunate planet is Venus, you should look for a profession that involves beauty, harmony, or pleasure.
The second step is to pursue your profession with passion and potential. You should also seek to develop and improve your skills and talents related to your planet. For example, if your fortunate planet is Mercury, you should practice your communication and intelligence skills regularly.
The third step is to excel in your profession with luck and opportunity. This means that you should take advantage of the positive influences and events that your fortunate planet brings to your career. For example, if your fortunate planet is Jupiter, you should embrace learning and growth opportunities in your career.
In conclusion, knowing your fortunate planet can be helpful in determining the best professions for you. Whether your fortunate planet is Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, or Mars, there are certain fields that are more suited to your personality and strengths. We have seen how to find your fortunate planet by comparing your natal chart and your transit chart. However, utilizing the knowledge gained from your horoscope can help guide you towards a fulfilling and successful career.
Read Also:- How is your Business Growth Influenced by Astrology?
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astrologybyolga · 2 years
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October astrology forecast 💛 1~ Good day for love & healing. 2 ~ Moon in Capricorn ~ Good for strengthening family relationships & focusing on your career. Mercury direct ~ Finally you can communicate+ get things sorted. 4~ Moon in Aquarius ~ Might be more inclined to help people + reconnect with friends. 5~ Good day for love. 6~ Moon in Pisces ~ makes you highly intuitive & might have more dreams. 8~ Moon in Aries ~ Good day to start things. Clear the air of any misunderstandings. 9~ Full Moon in Aries + Pluto direct 🔥 Big shift + things start to improve. 11~ Mercury into Libra ~ let’s talk about relationships & love. Moon in Taurus ~ indulged & pamper yourself. 13 ~ Moon in Gemini ~ go on a road trip & catch up with your siblings & relatives. 14~ Good day for love. 15~ Moon in Cancer ~ focus on family & your home! Bake! 17~ Good for psychic work. 18~ Moon in Leo ~ have fun! Attend a art or music class, dance! 19~ Intense day & good for romance! 20~ Moon in Virgo ~ get organised, start a diet & detox. 23~ Venus in Scorpio + Sun in Scorpio + Moon in Libra + Saturn direct! 🔥 This is a powerful day! 25~ New moon in Scorpio ~ big shift for ♉️♌️♏️♒️ + new beginnings! 27~ Moon in Sagittarius ~ Good for education, travel, renewed faith! 28~ Jupiter retrograde back into Pisces ~ ♊️♍️♐️♓️ watch the spending! 29~ Mercury into Scorpio ~ communication gets deep, healing, transforming your mindset! Moon in Capricorn ~ Great for achieving goals. 30~ Mars retrograde until 12/1/2023 ~ ♊️♍️♐️♓️~ expect problems, arguments, irritating energy! 31~ Moon in Aquarius + Saturn ~ might be a bit closed off, Anti social. 🪬 Link in bio for Free weekly horoscopes at www.astrologybyolga.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CjKj3_3AIvR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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May 2024 Horoscopes: Lucky Super Conjunctions & New Moon Deliver Keys to Your Dreams
May 2024 Horoscopes: 💫Lucky Super Conjunctions & New Moon Deliver Keys to Your Dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVQhSnHwoMo Your MAY 2024 horoscope and tarot forecast FOR YOUR ZODIAC SIGN. Get ready to embrace new horizons and receive blessed opportunities from the Lucky New Moon in Taurus and Super Benefic Conjunctions between the Sun, Venus, Uranus & Jupiter. In this video, we dive deep into the exciting astrology insights for MAY 2024, providing you with valuable predictions and guidance. 🌙🪐🔮 TIMESTAMPS: ▶ 00:00- Intro ▶ 07:45- May 2024 Astrology ▶ 23:12- Gemini May 2024 Your Money & Mental Powers Increase ▶ 33:11- Taurus May 2024 Magical Career, Mentor, & Mental Health Journey! ▶ 40:45- Aries May 2024 Deep Pockets, Deep Healing & Deep DNA Activated! ▶ 52:22- Pisces May 2024 Trust Your Creative Flow & Success! ▶ 01:01:44- Aquarius May 2024 Home, Family, & Travel Planning On the Line ▶ 01:11:20- Capricorn May 2024: Valuable Time & A Valuable Talk ▶ 01:21:07- Sagittarius May 2024: Celebrating Career & Mental Health Milestones! ▶ 01:29:20- Scorpio May 2024 : Relationships & Choices for Your Wellbeing! ▶ 01:35:51- Libra May 2024: Behind the Scenes  ▶ 01:42:52- Virgo May 2024: Celebrations & New Opportunities Appear ▶ 01:49:47- Leo May 2024: A Big Career Opportunity & Decision! ▶ 01:55:50- Cancer May 2024: Receiving the Love You Give! ▶🌸💫Comment, share some light, and leave us a review. Share this insight with someone you love. ============================= 🔔Unlock Celestial Wisdom: Subscribe to all Yué Light Official Links for Personal Horoscopes & Spiritual Guidance: https://ift.tt/DRfPhxZ 💸Gratitude : https://ift.tt/1kZtYje ============================= Other SPECIAL content You Might Be Interested In: 🌙🪐🔮 Your 2023-2024 Eclipse Season Horoscope & Tarot Guide! See How the Nodes of Karma and Destiny IN ARIES & LIBRA Shake up Your Life: https://youtu.be/Yo2ApSiQ02k 🌙🪐🔮Your Saturn in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius astrology and oracle reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGsewumMPJo&t=0s 🌙🪐🔮Your 2023 Timeless Tarot Predictions & Psychic Spiritual Guidance: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0LNsb6qi9blJYL9Yb4ra9bzLhBAu2h33 🌙🪐🔮Monthly Astrology Horoscopes & Tarot Forecast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0LNsb6qi9bm7cqE2wrXd_4RRn2dTNBG8 ============================= ✨Love and healing celestial light to you all. May you be held in the celestial light and grace of the Divine Mother. -Namaste'🕉️ #astrologyforecast #astrology #astrologer #allzodiacsigns ✅ DISCLAIMER: ⚡Yué Light does not solicit or offer personal services. ⚡Yué Light is not liable for any loss or damages. ⚡Yué Light Celestial Insight Predictions are not a substitute for consultations and services with licensed financial, legal, and medical professionals. ✅ COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This video and YouTube channel contain multimedia that are property of "Yué Light Celestial Insight." You are authorized to share our links and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube Channel is provided. © Yué Light Celestial Insight. 2023. ============================= via Yué Light Celestial Insight-Astrology & Tarot https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCts_DqL7Tnbh-AFyOC5m8AA May 07, 2024 at 02:35AM
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manav-007 · 7 months
Karwa Chauth Horoscope, November 1, 2023, Wednesday- Jyotishay
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Introduction: Welcome to Jyotishay, dear readers, to our cosmic sanctuary where the stars align to illuminate your path. Today, on the auspicious occasion of Karwa Chauth, we delve into the celestial realms to unravel the mysteries that the universe has in store for you. Let the cosmos be your guide as we explore the unique energies shaping your destiny on this special Wednesday, November 1, 2023.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): The passionate fire of Aries is burning bright today, dear Ram. Your determination knows no bounds, and you're ready to overcome any challenge in your path. Channel this energy into your relationships, and you'll find deeper connections and understanding with your loved ones.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Taurus, your practicality and steadfast nature serve you well today. Focus on your goals with unwavering determination, and you'll make significant strides in your career. Financial opportunities knock at your door – be ready to welcome them with open arms.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Communication is your superpower today, Gemini. Your words carry immense weight, so use them wisely. Express your feelings to your partner, and you'll find newfound intimacy. In professional matters, your eloquence can pave the way for exciting collaborations.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Embrace your nurturing side, Cancer. Your loved ones rely on your warmth and care. Take a moment to pamper yourself as well; self-love is the key to your well-being. Financial stability is on the horizon – make prudent choices for a secure future.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Confidence radiates from you, Leo. Your charismatic aura attracts positivity and opportunities. Use your charm to mend any strained relationships. In matters of the heart, your passion knows no bounds – let your romantic side shine brightly.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Virgo, your analytical mind is your greatest asset today. Focus on the details, and you'll uncover solutions to complex problems. Health matters require attention – prioritize self-care and listen to your body's signals. Balance work and relaxation for optimal well-being.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Harmony prevails in your life, Libra. Your diplomatic approach smoothens rough edges in both personal and professional relationships. Trust your intuition – it will guide you to make the right decisions. Financial gains come through wise investments.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Passionate Scorpio, your intensity knows no bounds today. Channel your energy into creative pursuits or romantic endeavors. Your magnetic presence draws others toward you. Embrace your vulnerabilities; they make you stronger and more authentic.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Adventure calls, Sagittarius. Your restless spirit seeks new experiences and knowledge. Embrace change and step out of your comfort zone – it will lead to personal and professional growth. Nurture your relationships with trust and open communication.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Capricorn, your disciplined approach paves the way for success. Focus on your long-term goals and persevere through challenges. Financial stability is within reach – make wise investments for a secure future. Your dedication inspires those around you.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Innovation is your forte, Aquarius. Your creative ideas have the power to revolutionize the world. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to bring your visions to life. Nurture your emotional well-being – meditation and self-reflection bring inner peace.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Compassionate Pisces, your empathy knows no bounds. Use your intuition to guide others in need. Romantic relationships blossom under your tender care. Financial opportunities arise from unexpected sources – remain open to new possibilities.
Conclusion: As the stars bestow their blessings upon us on this sacred day of Karwa Chauth, remember that your destiny is in your hands. Embrace the energy of the cosmos, trust your intuition, and let love and positivity guide your way. May your journey be filled with happiness, love, and abundant blessings from the universe.
We hope you enjoyed these astrological insights for this special day. If you wish to explore your future more deeply, consider sharing your questions and concerns with a professional astrologer. Chat with an astrologer on our Jyotishay astrology website anytime for personalized guidance and a deeper understanding of your life's cosmic journey. Your stars are waiting to speak to you.
Happy Karwa Chauth!
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nomoremaybe · 9 months
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New Moon September 14, 2023 – Exciting Change
The New Moon in Virgo on September 14, 2023, is well-aspected to Uranus. So the meaning of the New Moon September 2023 astrology is making positive changes, implementing new ideas and taking advantage of exciting opportunities.
The September 14 New Moon also aligns within 0°01′ with a star that makes people noble, generous, daring, self-controlled, single-minded and tenacious. It brings the possibility of good fortune, honor and wealth.
New Moon September 2023 Horoscope
The New Moon on September 14, 2023, is at 21°58′ Virgo. The most significant planetary aspect in the New Moon horoscope is the trine to Uranus because the aspect orb is so much tighter than the others at under one degree. This favorable aspect more than accounts for any deception of confusion from the opposition to Neptune.
The trine to Jupiter is wide but essential because it gives the Sun and Moon positive polarity, so this is a positive New Moon. The following quote applies to the Sun and the Moon:
New Moon September 2023 Astrology
Sun conjunct Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. It gives a refreshing burst of energy and initiative. But it also brings emotional balance, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating.
So, the New Moon in September 2023 is excellent for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs while searching for new and inventive ways to progress.
New Moon September 2023 Meaning
The September 2023 New Moon is a positive moon phase, and the trine to Uranus brings progressive change. It is perfect for making positive changes in your life and implanting new ideas.
Fixed star Denebola is generally considered a negative influence that brings disgrace and misfortune. But the positive nature of the New Moon in September 2023 astrology reduces its negative impact and brings the possible of good fortune, wealth and career advancement.
The influence of the September 14 New Moon lasts for four weeks up to the October 14 Solar Eclipse. The best time for starting new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase, from September 14 to the September 29 Full Moon.
This is the final New Moon of the current eclipse phase, which began with the April 20 Solar Eclipse and the May 5 Lunar Eclipse. It is time to reflect on how those eclipses affected you and resolve any outstanding issues.
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symbolicliving · 7 months
Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs October 23-29, 2023
We have a Full Moon in Taurus this week with a Lunar Eclipse October 28, 2023...
Enjoy Your Horoscope for Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Ascendant Sign for an Expanded Interpretation.
♈︎ Aries: Financial considerations, especially inflation, can have you restructure your goals. Emotional reactions can also be inflated this week. Extra effort in responding to situations with emotional intelligence is necessary. Virility and and a stronger sense of physicality is enhanced with weightlifting which can also assist in emotional stability. What you want matters.
♉︎ Taurus: It’s your Full Moon with an Eclipse. You are sure to see yourself and others differently. Other peoples reactions, words and energy toward you could be felt especially strongly now, on a visceral level, but your reaction is always yours to choose. Focusing on your own bubble and what you want for yourself helps you feel stronger and freer. If you feel more virile than usual, enjoy it. Make love, not war.
♊︎ Gemini: Your body, mind and emotions are strongly linked to the bigger picture this week. You could discover a new way, a bigger way of seeing the world that links everything to a higher, spiritual ideal of reality. Though everyday routines, work or health matters could have you active and mentally engaged, your spiritual side is prompting for more of your attention. What others say and believe could be at odds with what you believe. Trust the wisdom of your own instincts and intuition.
♋︎ Cancer: People that are in your life, in your social sphere could be notably more intense in their attitudes and behavior this week. Sarcasm, quick wit and harsh remarks could be especially funny and eye opening, but also might go a bit too far and get into emotional territory. Who you associate with now and how you react to them makes all the difference in how you experience this week. A realization about people and groups stands out, and changes your perspective.
♌︎ Leo: Your goals and aspirations could go through a shift. What is thought, said and done at home can impact your higher aims and goals. What you have manifested in material growth, finances, reputation and career up to this point is highlighted. The end of the week gives you some potent clues about what you are going to put your energy into building next. The financial details matter.
♍︎ Virgo: A big shift in what you know and believe happens for you this week. What people say and how people behave and react will give you a lot of insight into what they really think and believe. A bigger view on what matters to you and what you believe is really worth aiming toward building can shift your outlook on what you have been doing up to this point. Your self worth continues to develop. Venus wants you to love yourself. Enjoy the Full Moon lovely Virgo.
♎︎ Libra: Putting more energy into what you have and want is in the spotlight this week. With your mind on your money, making moves with your finances with smart strategy is indicated. Finishing up an item of debt, can shift your perspective. Your dreams and imaginations have the potential to be like beautiful, mystical, surreal, geometric art. Let such inspire your senses.
♏︎ Scorpio: Happy Birthday Month dear Scorpio! The Sun entering your sign brings more attention to YOU. Extra energy and intelligence are yours. Your relationship to other people can intensify as the week progresses. Relationships to others can have an eye opening change. Realizations about who you feel more comfortable with, and open to, will inform you of who you value being connected with most.
♐︎ Sagittarius: What you and others believe and think could clash but also bring you wisdom that motivates you. The way you do things, your daily habits and routines are set to be evaluated. Is what you’ve been working toward worth it? Is it paying off? Address the hidden issues you usually don’t think about to plan what’s next. A realization about health and wellness is especially likely for you this week.
♑︎ Capricorn: What you hear people say and how you see people behave is eye opening. You will learn a lot about things people usually don’t talk about, but are now. Peers and groups, neighbors and acquaintances can reveal a lot of secrets and beliefs especially when they are venting, and you might too. How you feel about certain friends, or entertainers could alter with an epiphany. You may see yourself and express yourself in a different way this week. Your level of inner stability matters.
♒︎ Aquarius: Achieving or setting a goal this week can invigorate you while helping you to also feel more in tune with flowing in the right direction. A combination of greater awareness, instincts, intuition and a smart strategy gives you power and presence. Experiences at home, in your personal life, with family and those close can give you powerful insights into what and who you value and why.
♓︎ Pisces: Sleeping, dreaming and daydreaming can give you profound insights, expanding your mind this week. Gossip and conversations, key words and phrases can perk up your sense of curiosity. Big secrets could grab your attention. What people feel, think, say and believe can manifest into reality. You will have plenty to think about this week regarding what you have manifested, what you did to create it, and what you want to work toward next.
Thank you for being a friend.
More on Astrology this week and the Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse October 28, 2023 here.
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