#Uncle Benny and the Bear
gtunesmiff · 2 months
UNCLE BENNY AND THE BEAR © 2024 G. Smith (BMI) ================== Picking on the back porch one Easter afternoon, Singing Resurrection hymns and good old gospel tunes. We took a break to tune up, and the way they always do, My bride’s daddy’s brothers started telling a tale or two.
Barry told a story ‘bout a beat up Shiv-o-lay, His dad nursed to work and back nearly every other day. Melvin spun a yarn about the step side pick-up truck, With a milk crate for a driver’s seat, that ran on prayer and luck.
All of us were laughing hard as coffee made the rounds; But the story Benny stared had us rolling on the ground. “Remember when that circus train got sidetracked up in town?” And he went on to tell about the elephants and clowns,
The man on the flying trapeze, and the lions and tigers and horses, The jugglers and high wire walkers, and the painted lady, of course. “C’mon now, Benny, get to the point. Your tellin’s gone to ramblin’.” With a twinkle in his eye, he kept on going without scurrying or scrambling.
“What I remember most of all, if you knot-heads will be quiet, “Was when the bear broke from his collar and nearly started a riot. “Remember that ol' trainer standing in the middle of Main, “Watching that rascal run away down Broad Street from the train?
“Why I can still hear Mama yelling over all the noise, “’Sam, you better get to roundin’ up our boys!’ “Well, Paw got all y’all, you know, except for lil’ ol’ me, “And I don’t guess I was much older than maybe two or three.
“But I remember clearly that I was quite surprised, “When that big ol’ bear stopped right there, and looked me in the eyes.” This is where Benny’s story telling takes on a little flair, And almost makes you think it’s true, that you are really there.
“Yeah, that furry beast looked down at me, I just looked right back, “Both of us just waiting to see which one would be attacked.” Benny had us where he wanted us, and paused for great effect, And not a single word was heard, the sign of true respect.
“That bear began to lick its chops, then stopped, and started howlin’ “’Cause he saw there behind me Mama staring back and growlin.’ “Well, that ol’ bear turned tail and ran, straight back to his trainer, “He knew gettin’ between Mama and me was mother-n-cub no brainer.”
No one on the porch could top that yarn, and no one tried, We’d laughed so long and hard that all of us had nearly cried. These family get-togethers would be too often under-praised, If not for all the stories and the memories they raised
If not for all the stories and the memories they raised.
===== Write a poem using at least three of the following six words: ◾ Bear ◾ Collar ◾ Flair ◾ Hear ◾ Praise ◾ Ramble …or for extra credit, use all six words.
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be-kind-recklessly · 6 months
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My secret santa gift for @idontwannadoablog! They asked for campers having fun in the snow, so here's Whispering Rock Psychic Winter Camp! Closeups and dialogue under the read more
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Chloe: This frozen water is a curious earth phenomenon. And it's very suitable for making a scale model of the rocket ship I will need to build…
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Bobby: Ha ha! This is the greatest snowman we've ever made! Benny: It's so realistic! Maloof: Please, let me out! I'm cold!
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Franke: You're not making a snow angel, it's a snow Kitty!
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Raz: What are you doing, Lili? Lili: All this snow is not good for the plants. Luckily it melts away real quick when I SET IT ON FIRE! Dogen: I set someone on fire once…
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Milla: Don't worry darling, we'll get that beast away from you! Mikhail: No! This is fight between me and bear.
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Nils: Winter, the worst season of all. The ladies wear so many layers of clothing, there's nothing to see! Elka: Hmph!
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Crystal: Wow, the water in here must be really cold… I wonder how long you'd last if you fell in… Clem: Not very long, probably.
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Elton: The fish say they don't like this weather. Because of the ice they can't see what's happening at the surface. Milka: …
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Chops: Whoah! J.T.: Watch out partner! Phoebe: Aw man, I almost got him!
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Vernon: All this snow reminds me of a story my uncle used to tell me… It was about a boy who climbed up a mountain because he wanted to go skiing. But when he was at the top he realized he forgot his skis. So he went down again. And then he grabbed his skis. And then he climbed up again. And then…
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hozaloza · 2 months
What is this weird fanfic war going on, y'all this is so--
"Please Remember"
They had great times. Amazing moments. A friendship he never thought he would have. Never. Ever since he moved to Georgia, everything was just perfect. An unlikely friendship formed because of a group project, an unlikely bond formed because of this trip, an unlikely romance began to bloom because of this moment.
But, good things don’t always last.
Ben had gotten better with his emotions, feeling much calmer than ever. His uncle and aunt asked if it was possible that he wanted to go back with his parents. Ben felt excited, he really did miss his parents and little sister. But…that meant he had to leave behind his friends. It was a hard decision, but he decided to go back. They hung out in the graveyard one more time, staying up past 12  to bid him farewell.
“I’m going to be honest, it was nice having Ben around with me. He was like a brother to me, I’m gonna miss you bud.” Aiden stated, placing his hand on his shoulder. The tall boy smiled at his cousin, bringing him in for a hug. The group laughed as they kept playing games and eating snacks; even Ashlyn was having a good time. It was nice seeing each person be a whole new being from when he first met them, and yet still kept certain personality traits within them. 
Finally, the night came to an end, and they all went back inside Ashlyn’s house for one more sleepover. Ben laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t bear leaving them; he had known them for 2 years now. But he was missing home more than ever at this point, it had to be done. 
“...It’s too bad we don’t get to graduate all together.” Taylor stated out of the blue.
“You’re still awake? I thought you would be the first to black-out.” Aiden stated, immediately sitting up.
“Meh, can’t really sleep.” “...You’re also sad about Ben leaving, huh?” Aiden asked the brunette. She stayed silent for a moment, letting the silence set in. Then, she turned to face him, and there were tears in her eyes. The tall boy sat up to sign if she was alright, but he suddenly got bear hugged by her. He stiffened as she sobbed in his arms, but soon after calming down, wrapping his arms around her.
“...I don’t want you to leave…” she softly sobbed, clenching his shirt. Ben patted her back to comfort her, looking up to see that the others had gotten up. It was embarrassing to admit, but everyone didn’t want him to leave. Their friendship was extremely strong, it was going to be hard to let go. No words needed to be spoken at that moment, they just got up and hugged Ben. It was silent and long; they needed to make it last as long as they could, in case this was their last ever group hug.
Who knew that turned out to be true…
Years passed, Ben had just turned 23 recently. Five or so years have passed since he last moved back to his bio family. He was able to connect with new people, continue his path with the guitar, and overall fit right back in. He tried texting his old friends everyday, but he was getting more and more busy with his own life; it was something he feared he would do, but he slowly stopped talking in the group chat. His connections with Aiden and Ashlyn still remained, so he constantly knew what they were doing, but not the rest…
“[College is alright so far, some of my friends are even sharing a dorm with me!]” Ben typed on his text to speech, smiling at his parents.
“Well that’s wonderful Benny! We’re just happy you finally found something to love as equally as singing.” His dad spoke, grunting as he got pushed.
“Psh, please! You would’ve been better as a cook! Right pops!” Lily spoke. Ben rolled his eyes as he watched his dad and her play push each other off camera while his mom chuckled at them.
“Ugh, these two never stop fooling around, why did my normal baby have to leave me alone with these knuckleheads?” “Hey! I am a normal child! Ben’s always using that text to speech feature like he’s some lizard person! He knows how to sign, he’s just trying to mind control us into following his lizard leader!!” Lily argued off screen. 
“[If I’m a lizard then you’re a weasel!]” Ben typed on his phone. He heard his little sister laugh off screen, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. He still couldn’t believe she’ll be graduating soon, he remembered her being a baby like it was yesterday! “Well, we must be heading out now, Lily’s rehearsal starts soon. We’ll talk to you later! Bye bye my sweet baby!!” His mom spoke, waving goodbye to him. Ben smiled as he waved bye, hanging up on the call. He sighed as he got up, deciding he needed a quick treat. 
‘To the bakery shop it is.’ he thought, grabbing his wallet and keychain.
(spare you the horror angst for now...)
(...NO THIS ONE IS PRETTY TAME,,, I'm talking about a Logan angst fic I got prepared,,,infection,,,,,,,,,,heheheheheheh)
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Beyond Breaking // Chapter Two
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Summary: The consequences of both Reids' actions are felt in the household and the ripples are felt by the wider BAU family
Content Warning: divorce, heavily referencing 14x15, Truth or Dare
Word Count: 3.2k
Masterlist/Navigation  Series Masterlist
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The next morning, Y/n had to deal with the tears. It only further fueled her irritation with Spencer. And it added to the list of difficult situations he'd put her in.
"Where's daddy?" Florence asked, walking into Y/n and Spencer's bedroom after she woke up. One of the problems with having three children is that you have to explain to each one, individually, that their dad is gone when they came in for morning cuddles.
Her hair was sticking up everything, brown curls that were messier than her father's, as her eyes darted around the room in a futile attempt to find him.
Y/n chose to lie about it to Maddie and Bennett, and she did the same thing again without hesitation. "He had to go to work, baby." She lied through her teeth. She'd lied to her kids far more times than she would have liked to.
The tears were almost instant, running down her little cheeks as she clutched her teddy bear tighter. Spencer had brought for her when he missed her first birthday party and she hadn't stopped sleeping with it at night. The dark brown colored bear wore a Cubs outfit, a gift from Florence's uncle which matched her cousin Hank's bear. It was very, very important to the little girl.
It broke Y/n's heart to see her baby like that, so distraught because of her dad, and she felt so guilty for not trying harder. She got out of bed, walked over to the crying toddler, and picked her up.
"Baby." She cooed, running her hand through Florence's hair in an attempt to calm her down. Her daughter cuddled into her neck and wet tears spilled onto her skin. Her face was red, lips contorted and her breathing unsteady. "Hey, what does he always say, Wren?" Y/n asked, bouncing her up and down, hoping it would calm her.
The nickname that Spencer usually used slipped out of her lips before she could stop it. Maybe because the last time Florence was hysterically crying, she had to have a shot and Spencer hugged her exactly the same way after. Y/n could still remember the warmth in her heart at seeing them like that and how proud she was of him for volunteering to get a flu shot even though he hated needles.
"Come on, I know you remember it, smart girl." She encouraged, placing a kiss on her wet cheek.
"He always says he loves me." Her begrudging tone was an indicator of her anger, and Y/n didn't blame her for it.
"And what else?" Y/n prompted.
Florence looked like she was trying to remember it properly, even though Spencer had been telling her it since she was conceived. "And that he loves Lainey, Bennie, and mommy."
That wasn't what Y/n expected her to say, and it wasn't what she was pushing for. She tried not to have a visceral reaction to how deeply the toddler's words affected her. "I meant the other thing." She clarified quietly, determined not to cry in front of her kids.
Florence got it that time. "He will always come back." Usually, Y/n could rely on that fact to get the kids through their sad moments missing Spencer, but it didn't seem so sure anymore.
"He loves you, baby." Y/n reminded her. "And I love you, too." She added, planting kisses all over her cheeks until the little girl was squirming and pulling away. "Now, what do you think about pancakes for breakfast?"
"Can we have whipped cream, too?" Florence asked, clearly feeling a little better about Spencer being gone, and that was all Y/n could ask for.
"Absolutely, and sprinkles." She agreed, hugging her for just a little bit longer than normal before taking her downstairs so she could make her three favorite people breakfast.
Life without Spencer was easier than Y/n thought it would be. Probably because she'd spent 80% of her time in the same situation since she left the BAU all those years ago. Some of it was different, though.
There were no late-night phone calls from Spencer, a frequent occurrence at the peak of their marriage when he was back in his hotel room after hours of working on the same stressful case.
There hadn't been any 'I love you' declarations for some time before he left but she missed them a little more now that he was gone.
There wasn't a pool of despair to swim in because she'd accepted the fact they were finished months before that night in the kitchen.
Everything just felt empty.
And Y/n knew she was a hollow, shell of who she used to be, but she forced herself to think of it as a positive, maybe now she could find who she really was. Every day, she held it together for them, but she couldn't fool herself into thinking things were okay.
Spencer had gone where he knew the best place to go was: Emily's. She was his big sister, after all, and it wasn't exactly like he could go to JJ's. Rossi's brought complications since he and Krystal were much closer to Y/n, Luke could have worked but he felt wrong to encroach on his and Penelope's time together, and Tara, without a doubt, would have told him exactly how he was wrong and against his better judgment, he didn't want that.
Knocking on Emily's door, he was still too furious with Y/n to be feeling guilty. "Spence, hey." She greeted him, eyes drifting to the bag at his side. There was no hesitance for her to stand out of the way and let him in. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." He answered instinctively, stepping in from the plain hallway. "Well, physically."
"Sit." She instructed. It didn't take a genius to know something was wrong with him. Emily had noticed things over the weeks like the lack of phone calls Spencer made to his wife, the fact he didn't share as many anecdotes involving her, and how he hadn't cleaned his rings in a long time. All those little things added up. "I'm making you tea," Emily told him before she disappeared off to the kitchen.
Spencer sat there for a moment, head dropping to his hands as he tried not to think about everything going on in his life. One thing he knew was he'd fucked up.
When she came back with tea, Emily wasn't sure she'd ever seen him such a mess. Even after Hankel, his condition had never deteriorated as quickly as it did from Tuesday night when she watched him walk out of the BAU until now, Friday night.
"You don't have to talk if you don't want to." She spoke, breaking the silence looming over the room. He jumped slightly, so lost in his own world he hadn't noticed her return.
He took the cup of tea that she handed him, all his attention focused on her expensive teacups and the aroma of the liquid. "Did you get this from Penelope?"
"Yeah, from when she was in London with Luke last week." She answered, cautiously watching his every move.
"I know how much she loved going to visit you when you lived there," Spencer commented. Idle small talk was not what he was there for, and one inquisitive look from Emily prompted him to start talking. "I think... Y/n and I m-maybe broke up." He said, voice rising in pitch as if it was a question because he was so unsure about everything. "Is that what it's called when you're married?"
Emily couldn't control her shocked expression, her lips parting slightly. For a moment, she fumbled for what question to ask. Of course, she knew things could look great on the outside but be incredibly different behind closed doors, but she'd never seen them anything but deeply in love.
"I'm so sorry, Spence." She said, reaching out to touch his hand in the hopes of providing him some support. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Going off no information was difficult, and she had no idea whether it was a spur-of-the-moment call or not.
"I thought things were turning around." He admitted, coming to the realization himself at that moment. "It's really stupid." God, he felt like an idiot. One moment he was telling her he didn't want to live there anymore, and the next he was crying to Emily about how much he fucked up.
She shook her head. "I didn't know anything happened... well, I kind of assumed something must have gone down after... but I didn't know what."
He huffed, tapping his foot up and down like he did when he was anxious. "Something was definitely happening." It was difficult for Emily to figure out what he was talking about without any context clues. It was time for him to start spilling his guts. "After prison, everything was different. I knew it would be, but I tried to fix it... I swear I did."
The tears were already flowing out of his eyes as much as he wanted them to stop. It was like he was a helpless little kid all over again or a helpless adult, trying to convince himself he had done his best.
"I know you would have, Spencer," Emily reassured him, trying to get him to ground a little more before he spiraled by squeezing his hand.
"She just- I know she struggled," Spencer admitted, and Emily nodded in agreement, unable to recall exactly how many times Y/n had been crying on the phone. "And I tried to fix it, but I'm not sure who I am, and I don't think I can love her anymore."
Emily could feel her heart breaking for both of them. They'd survived so many things that she thought they could get through everything. "Do you want to?" She asked, only getting a frown from Spencer whose brain was so far away it didn't register the question. "Love Y/n the way you used to?"
"More than anything," Spencer confirmed, his heart physically hurting when the words came out. "She's everything I've ever wanted... Our family- I fucked up, Em." He seldom called her that, but it was easier than sobbing out her whole name. "The thing is, I don't know if I want to fix it."
"So you're going to let it all go?" She asked, shaking her head in disbelief. Spencer's eyes met hers and he nodded. "No. No, that's not you. You came here when I was ready to throw in the towel and convinced me not to. You never took that plea bargain because you're not a quitter, Spencer Reid."
He shook his head, wiping up a few tears. "Because I believe in you and I believed I didn't kill anyone. I don't believe in Y/n and I anymore."
"I do," Emily confessed firmly. "You two have faced so many difficult challenges together, and you come out hand-in-hand every time. Surely it hasn't all been bad since prison."
Spencer hated that she knew something else was going on. "Things were getting worse after that because there was so little effort, and then, of course, there was LA." That might have been a worse betrayal than Emily dying, and he was only starting to see it now.
"LA." Emily hummed in agreement, raising her eyebrows. "What she did was effective."
Spencer couldn't disagree with that. He wasn't entirely sure they were getting out of there alive, but they did, and JJ deserved credit for that. "And Y/n doesn't understand that." He complained.
"She was just as blindsided as you. JJ is one of her best friends, but the fact you're angry at her for not understanding when she's upset is kind of wrong, don't you think? It's pushing her away." Emily prompted him.
"She should understand it. She used to do this job." He reiterated, annoyed Emily wasn't siding with him. Maybe he just should have gone to Tara's.
There was a pause while Emily watched his expression, absolutely going against the no-profiling rule. "There is something between you and JJ." She correctly guessed. "Even if it's just unresolved feelings from before Y/n."
"She said something, Y/n did, about how so much some of our milestone moments correlate with JJ and Will's relationship and now I can't stop thinking about it," Spencer confessed, his heart still sore about it. All the flip-flopping he was doing made it very clear that he wasn't thinking properly. "Could I just have been faking it this whole time?"
Emily chuckled at the extercential crisis it seemed like he was having. Trust Spencer to overcomplicate things. "That's a lot of faking." She commented.
"I just... I don't think I can love Y/n how I used to. It's not just JJ's fault because things haven't been the same since prison." Spencer summarized, trying to collect his thoughts.
He had never been good about talking things out, and Emily could see he had already made up his mind. "You have to go to therapy." She told him sternly. "Legally, for the FBI, but you need to go with her, too." He was too stubborn to agree without more of a reason. "Even if you're not going to get back together, to help you communicate for your kids."
He did hate it when she was right because she was always right, just like Y/n was. "I mean, I can ask." It occurred to him then that he had slipped so far away from her that he didn't know what she'd think of couples therapy.
"Ask," Emily insisted. "Because I don't know if you can figure this, but I think you want to which is a good start, and I don't think that's a deep-down feeling." She didn't go on to say how in love she still thought Spencer and Y/n were.
Spencer huffed, his foot coming to rest. "Okay."
"Alright, who is ready to go to Uncle Dave's?" Y/n asked the three of them who were watching some cartoon on TV.
Almost identically, they sprung up, bouncing up and down with excitement. Even if their parents weren't together, they had the absolute best non-blood family and it was something Y/n was grateful for.
The kids had been told they needed to go to Rossi's because Y/n needed to get a few things done, not a total lie but she wasn't about to tell them she needed to go to couples therapy with their father for a reason unknown to her.
"Mommy, can I bring my coloring?" Bennett asked, concerned he wouldn't get to finish the rest of his picture.
"Of course." She agreed, ruffling his curls as he made his way to the foyer to get pick which shoes he wanted to wear. She put Florence's shoes on, letting Bennett do his velcro straps and Maddie do her own laces. "C'mon, let's get going before we're late."
Surprisingly, it took less time than usual for them to get in the car, and they were quickly at Rossi's mansion. Everyone was excited to get out of the car. Bennett and Florence helplessly kicked their feet up and down, unable to get out of the car without her help.
Krystall was already on the driveway, hugging Maddie who had freed herself from her car seat. When Bennett and Florence were on the ground, they rushed to hug her like their sister was.
Y/n gave her a quick hug once the kids ran inside, determined not to make it too long so she wouldn't be in tears.
"Are you doing okay?" Krystall asked, out of more than common courtesy. They had been quite close for a while, used to watching the men they loved in the same challenging job.
"I guess," Y/n answered. "I'll grab their stuff and come inside to talk to Dave if that's okay." She figured Rossi would be able to give her advice above what Krystall could give her, and she knew he would tell his wife.
Krystall gave her a squeeze on the shoulder. "Of course, it's okay." She assured her. "Whatever you need from either of us."
With three little backpacks in her hands, she stepped into the mansion. It was hard not to be flooded with memories of her and Spencer from the start of their relationship to a few weeks ago. She took a deep breath to get through it, trying to clear her brain a little.
"Hi, Bellissima." Rossi greeted her, pulling her into a tighter-than-usual hug. Y/n hugged him back before pulling back to show him a faked smile. "Come sit." He instructed, adding, "If you have time," as an afterthought.
She nodded, putting the kids' stuff down and making her way through the house until she ended up on a stool at the kitchen island. Out of the patio doors, she could see her three crazy kids already running around outside while Krystall watched them.
"What happened?" Rossi asked once he'd handed her a cup of coffee.
"Spencer did, I guess." She answered with a humorless chuckle. "We- I don't know if we're done..." Her heart hurt more that time, saying it aloud. "But I told him he shouldn't live there, he said I didn't care, there were some insults, and you know how stubborn he can be." She stopped, out of breath and Rossi nodded. "Then we talked about LA."
Rossi clenched his teeth together in a grimacing expression. "LA." Everyone had started saying the city's acronym with disgust. "I've always hated LA."
"He didn't think it was a big deal." She sobbed, trying and failing to wipe up the tears before they fell. Rossi was watching her carefully from across the bench, reaching out to hold her hand for support. "We had challenges after prison, and things went downhill, but I thought they could get better, before LA, that was."
"Y/n, I'm sorry." He comforted her, able to see the pain radiating off her. "Where are you at now?"
She attempted to wipe up some more of the mascara. "I gave him my ring." If that wasn't definitive, she didn't know what was. "He left, and then he text me asking me to go to therapy." Oh, yeah, that was the contradictory part.
"What do you want?" He asked, forcing her to think about the major decision. He couldn't stand to think about another BAU couple breaking up, one he had seen fall in love which made it a lot worse than Haley and Hotch. "Don't answer now, just... think about it."
Half-heartedly, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to." She replied like it wasn't something she thought about every moment.
"Whatever you need, Y/n, we're here." He assured her, hugging her again once she stood up before pulling back to kiss her cheeks.
"Thank you." She nodded gratefully. "I'm just going to say goodbye." As soon as she opened the patio door, all the attention was on her. Maddie, Bennett, and Florence all ran over to hug her, knowing what it looked like when someone was going. She kissed each of them on the forehead. "I love you all. Be good."
The three of them waved their identical waves at her as she walked out of the house. As soon as she got outside, she was alone. All alone. For the first time since Spencer left, there was no one she had to put a mask on for.
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salvawhores-world · 1 year
Sparks - Anthony bridgerton Part 1
Single dad! Anthony Bridgerton x young!fem oc (Florence Channingworth)
Warnings - single dad anthony, tooth rotting fluff, crazy bridgerton siblings , age gap. Uncle Ben has my whole heart
A/n- reader is of Eloise’s age. I imagine her as Emma Watson from belle and little women.She is nineteen and Anthony 30. It was quite common in those days and the age gap holds a key to the plot hence is emphasised more often I started writing this imagining girl dad Anthony had me in fits. It seems I’ve more than 1 part hehehe. Do not steal my work.
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Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, once renowned as the charming rake of London, experienced a profound transformation the day his precious daughter, Ava Bridgerton, came into the world four years ago.
She became the very center of his universe, reshaping his priorities and molding him into the doting father he had never anticipated becoming.
Love for his daughter consumed him entirely, radiating from him in every interaction. The viscount's rakish tendencies were forsaken, for he no longer had time nor desire for them.
The idea of marriage had never been on his radar, but with Ava as his eternal companion, he found contentment beyond measure.
As for securing an heir, he entrusted that responsibility to his brothers, Benedict, Colin, or even young Gregory, confident that the viscount legacy would be safeguarded.
The Bridgerton household was bathed in warm sunlight as Ava's little legs propelled her eagerly towards her father's study.
“Dada!" she exclaimed, storming into the room. Anthony glanced up from his towering stack of papers, his heart instantly alight at the sight of his precious daughter.
Amongst the strict protocol of their home, Ava alone had the privilege of entering without knocking.
With eyes filled with adoration, Anthony beckoned Ava closer, opening his arms to envelop her in an embrace. "Yes, my little love?" he responded, his voice laced with affection and a touch of wonder.
“What do fencing and farming have to do with becoming with child?" Ava's words tumbled forth, her curiosity shining brightly.
Momentarily taken aback by the unexpected question, Anthony's sister Eloise's penchant for stirring up intriguing discussions had once again cast its enchanting spell.
Clearing his throat, Anthony sought the right words to navigate this delicate topic with his beloved four-year-old daughter. He couldn't bear to deceive her – Ava deserved nothing less than the truth.
Ava continued, her voice hushed and tender, her tiny fingers delicately twirling Anthony's thumb as he lovingly caressed her hair.
She recounted the events of their recent tea gathering in the drawing room, where Aunt Eloise had dared to inquire about the nature of conceiving a child without the prerequisite of marriage.
He silently chastised his mischievous siblings for placing him in such a predicament.
Leaning against her father's comforting presence, Ava continued to unravel the tale. Uncle Lin’s mention of farm visits, swiftly followed by Uncle Benny's playful reprimand and their grandmother's firm disapproval of improper conversation.
Anthony couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration at his siblings, convinced that they were intentionally conspiring to complicate his life.
In his heart, he secretly harbored thoughts of committing a murder– if only he could get away with it – with Colin and Eloise at the top of his imaginary list
Looking up at her father with her innocent eyes, framed by bangs that mirrored her Aunt Eloise's hairstyle, Ava sought answers. Anthony knew his little girl was wise beyond her years, her intellect far surpassing her tender age.
He sighed inwardly, contemplating how to address her inquiries. He yearned for the eloquence of his late father, Edmund, who always had the right words at the ready. But he reminded himself that he was Anthony, not Edmund, and that he needed to find his own way as a father.
"Like your grandma said, Ava, these are improper topics of conversation for now, my love," Anthony said, his heart aching at the disappointment reflected in her big brown puppy eyes. His little girl deserved the truth, but he also wanted to protect her innocence.
"Dada," Ava began, her voice filled with determination, "it's contradictory. You're not married, but you have me. You and Uncle Lin and Uncle Benny all fence, and they don’t have children. And none of you are married either." She presented her observations like a mini-lecturer, her inquisitive mind seeking understanding.
Her questions were indeed profound for a four-year-old, and he wished he had all the answers poised at the tip of his tongue, like his father Edmund always had.
"Sweetheart," he began, his voice filled with tenderness, "you are my very, very smart girl, aren't you?" His eyes held a mixture of pride and adoration.
“Being with child is a big concept, my little baby. When you grow up and your little head is ready, I promise to explain it all to you. It will be easier for you to grasp and understand."
Ava nodded, her eyes brightening with trust and innocence as she settled comfortably on her father's lap.
As their conversation continued, the father and daughter delved into other delightful topics, their interaction a heartwarming testament to the unbreakable bond they shared.
As dinner approached, Ava's determination to perfect her teacup sketch alongside her uncle Benedict in his art studio remained unwavering.
Anthony entered the drawing room, expecting to find his daughter. However, to his surprise, he discovered Colin and Gregory engaged in playful banter, while Francesca and Eloise quietly indulged in their book.
"Colin, you are hereby forbidden from opening that barbarous mouth of yours in front of my daughter ever again!" Anthony declared, his voice laced with exasperation.
Without hesitation, he swatted his brother on the head, eliciting a chuckle from Francesca. "Well, it seems I missed the epic incident that transpired this afternoon," Francesca remarked, her eyes still fixed on her book
“Perhaps my little Ava could regale us with the tale," Francesca suggested, peering up from her book to look at Anthony, who was busy rolling his eyes.
"Ah, the remarkable talent she possesses for storytelling," Eloise chimed in.
"That's precisely why you should never leave a child in the company of starving artists and heartbroken poets." Colin, couldn't resist adding
Sighing and brooding, Anthony made his exit from the drawing room, muttering under his breath, "Vicious bunch, the lot of you."
"Wow, would you just look at my incredibly talented little baby," Benedict exclaimed in awe, gazing up at the teacup sketched with Ava's tiny, charcoal-smudged hands.
“Uncle Ben, I can't seem to get this part right," she admitted, pointing to the saucer beneath. Before Anthony could enter the room, he was greeted by the heartwarming sight of his daughter perched on his brother's lap, receiving guidance.
"Ah, children," Anthony called out, his voice filled with affection. "Dada!" Ava's eyes lit up as she spotted her father, proudly presenting him with her sketch.
“Look, I made a teacup!" Her smile radiated pure joy, Chubby cheeks adorned with smudges of charcoal. Benedict gently wiped off the smudges, his adoration for his niece shining brightly.
"This is absolutely beautiful, my dear. I'm certain we have Uncle Ben's guidance to thank,” Anthony praised, beaming at the masterpiece.
Ava turned around, planting a sloppy kiss on Benedict's cheek. "Thank you, Uncle Ben. You're the absolute best!" she declared, her love for him evident in her words.
"And you, my darling, are my favorite person in the whole wide world," Benedict replied, his heart swelling with adoration for his beloved niece.
“Now, come on, you artists, I'm sure are both famished. It's dinnertime," Anthony interjected,
Anthony, guiding Ava down the stairs, holding her hand on one side, while Benedict held her other hand. In that moment, Ava truly embodied the cherished spirit of the Bridgerton family, loved and adored by all.
On a delightful morning, Eloise found herself in a fit of frustration, adamantly insisting on going to the spring book fair.
Violet, ever the concerned mother, refused to let her daughter wander the streets unaccompanied.
Naturally, Ava, who mimicked her beloved aunt in everything, also insisted on joining them at the fair.
As Anthony entered the room, his hat gracefully handed to the footman, he greeted the ladies amidst their bickering. "A very good morning to you, ladies," he chimed in, a twinkle in his eyes.
"Anthony, please talk some sense into your sister and daughter. They insist on going to the book fair," Violet pleaded, finally finding a moment to pour herself a cup of tea.
Eloise, walking towards her brother, continued to grumble, "Why must there always be this permission nonsense? Colin practically flies out of the door like a leaf!"
Little Ava followed her aunt quietly, her chubby hands swiftly grabbing a biscuit from Daphne's saucer on the way, earning a teasing glare from her aunt.
"But Eloise, we have an entire library here. What could you possibly find there that you don't have already?" Anthony questioned, genuinely curious.
Eloise's annoyance grew by the minute as she replied, "How will we ever know if we don't go, Anthony?"
Ava, standing beside them, joined in, her sweet voice chiming, "Yes, Dada, please! I want to see too!"
Anthony's gaze shifted downward to his daughter, her little hands holding a half-eaten biscuit, with crumbs lingering near her lips. He couldn't help but be captivated by her big, brown puppy eyes that mirrored his own.
Crouching down to Ava's level, Anthony lovingly brushed away the crumbs around her mouth. He then turned to Eloise and made a decision.
“Fine, if you both wish to go, I shall accompany you," he declared, lifting Ava into his arms as she hugged him tightly, brimming with joy. Together, they walked out of the room, embarking on their book fair adventure.
"Wow, it's like she's holding a secret Bridgerton family spellbook," Colin exclaimed with a mischievous grin, earning playful nods and from his siblings.
"Next time someone pushes Anthony to the edge, we'll just send in Ava, and poof! Instant peace and sanity restored!" His statement elicited laughter that echoed throughout the room, as they imagined the adorable Ava as their secret weapon against Anthony's moments of frustration.
The overcast afternoon provided a pleasant ambiance as Anthony held little Ava's hand, strolling amidst the book fair with his sister, Eloise.
Random lords greeted the viscount while Eloise searched for an edition of Elizabeth Gaskell's new novel. Little Ava, pointing and laughing at various sights, brought an air of joy to the group. Suddenly, they heard a commotion at one of the book stalls.
"Cease your wailing like a child for a toy! I arrived here first, and thus, I shall claim this book," a girl's voice asserted as they drew closer to the commotion.
Eloise noticed the very same novel clutched tightly in the lady's hand. Anthony observed a girl of Eloise's age, donned in a pastel lilac gown with meticulously arranged and adorned hair, clearly new to ton.
"Proper ladies do not engage in reading. Have you no inkling of decorum?" a young man, a year or so younger than Anthony, retorted with a haughty tone.
The girl scoffed at his words, her gaze ablaze with determination. “Only Illiterates do not engage in reading for the simple reason that they cannot, but then there exist individuals like you, whose intellect fails to grasp knowledge despite indulging in literature," she retorted with a fierceness in her stare.
In the midst of this exchange, Ava, clapping her tiny hands, caught the girl's attention.
Anthony furrowed his brow, looking at his daughter with confusion. "Most admirably expressed, miss," the girl turned and bestowed a smile upon little Ava.
Anthony glared at the man, disapproving of his inquisitive gaze towards his daughter, holding her hand firmly.
Delving into her pouch, the girl rummaged for pennies. "I should like to obtain that book," the man persisted.
“I should like to consign you to a hasty grave," she retorted through gritted teeth, his embarrassment palpable.
Having paid the shopkeeper, she raised her gaze and ordered the man to depart. He hastily retreated, disappearing from sight.
Approaching little Ava, the girl gracefully lowered herself, crouching before her. “Hello love I gather you possess an affinity for literature," she inquired, her voice gentle and melodious.
“Yes, miss, I love reading. My aunt Eloise here introduced me to the world of books," Ava responded, her pudgy finger pointing towards Eloise, who reciprocated the girl's smile.
"I daresay both of you possess exquisite taste," the girl affirmed with a smile. "Yes, and you are very, very pretty, almost like the angels my uncle Benny writes poems about," Ava complimented, leaving the girl in front of her in awe.
"Well, it takes one to see one. I'm sure your uncle would know," the girl responded referring to Ava,her smile enchanting.
Eloise introduced herself, saying, “hello , Eloise Bridgerton."The girl replied, "I am Florence Channingworth, and it is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Miss Flor... Flow... Flower, I am Ava Bridgerton." Florence beamed at the little girl's enthusiasm.Unable to pronounce Florence's full name, Ava chimed in eagerly,
“And this, is my father, Viscount Anthony Bridgerton," Ava introduced her father. To say Florence was captivated by him would be an understatement. His countenance radiated extraordinary handsomeness.
"Good afternoon, Miss Channingworth," Anthony greeted, surprised by the magnetic presence of the young lady.
Love at first sight was a notion he had never subscribed to, but Florence's interaction with his daughter and her boldness in confronting the discourteous man intrigued him.
“Greeting, Lord Bridgerton," Florence replied, unable to divert her gaze from him.
“You are the daughter of the Duke of Gloucester, if I am not mistaken, Miss Channingworth?" Anthony inquired, recognizing the prestigious name.
Cascading waterfalls, enveloping him in a momentary trance. He quickly composed himself as she replied, "Indeed, my lord, I am the daughter of the Duke of Gloucester. We have recently arrived in the ton."
"I was precisely in search of that particular book, but it seems there is only a solitary copy available," Eloise interjected, her eyes fixated on the coveted novel as if she had discovered a long-lost treasure.
“Yes, it was just released, Miss Eloise, as you are undoubtedly aware," Florence replied, meeting Eloise's gaze with understanding.
A glimmer appeared in her eyes as she continued, "However, might I propose an arrangement? I shall embark upon reading this book, and within a week's time, I shall pen you a letter and hand it over along with the cherished novel."
"And perhaps, dear Ava, you and I could engage in a discourse about the book, if your father deems it agreeable," Florence suggested, turning her attention towards Ava and Anthony.
"Who cares about what Ava and her father do? I'm up for the discussion with you," Eloise exclaimed with infectious excitement, causing a mischievous grin to spread across Florence's face.
In the midst of the enthusiasm, little Ava pinched Eloise on the arm, for leaving her out prompting a surprised yelp from her
"Of course, Miss Flower, I... I would very much like that," Ava chimed in, her grin widening. She turned to her father, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
.”Wouldn't we, Dada?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation and a touch of cheekiness.
Ava looked up at her father with wide, pleading eyes, silently pleading for his approval.
Anthony couldn't deny the sparkle of joy in his daughter's eyes or the genuine warmth emanating from Florence.
"Of course, anything that brings happiness to my girls," he affirmed with a smile.
With a beam of satisfaction, Eloise exclaimed, "We shall eagerly anticipate our literary discussions, Miss Channingworth!"
“As shall I, Miss Eloise,” Florence replied, her smile radiating a genuine fondness for the spirited girl.
As Florence bid him farewell, her eyes lingering on him, he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing.
"I shall bid you adieu," she said, her gaze filled with a captivating tenderness.
"Have a splendid afternoon, Miss Channingworth," he replied, unable to conceal the fondness in his smile.
He watched Florence walk away, her graceful figure etching a bittersweet image in his mind. Little Ava, always observant, waved goodbye with unabashed enthusiasm, while Eloise radiated with excitement, relishing the newfound bond with her new book friend and the treasured novel she had acquired.
The Viscount couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events.
One moment, he was drowning his sorrows at White', and the next, he found himself engrossed in a conversation with three delightful ladies, discussing novels amidst the lively ambiance of the book fair.
"Dada, let's hurry home! I must inform Uncle Benny about the angelic Miss Flower, so he can compose more delightful poems," Ava exclaimed, her words breaking through her father's trance.
Her innocence and eagerness melted Anthony's heart, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth enveloping him.
After four eventful days, Florence found herself comfortably seated at home, diligently penning a letter to Miss Eloise.
She carefully wrapped the cherished book in a neat brown paper, preparing it for its journey. Lost in her thoughts,she heard a murmur,
"And this love letter is for..." Suddenly, her peaceful reverie was shattered by a familiar voice, causing her to let out a startled exclamation. The ink from her pen spilled onto the letter, creating an unfortunate mess.
She turned around to find Simon, her dear friend and brother, towering over her. "Simon!" she exclaimed, slightly exasperated as he enveloped her in a tight embrace.
“Please release me! You've ruined my letter," she protested, her words muffled by his hug.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my own sister. How are you faring? Are your romantic novel daydreams finally coming to fruition?" he teased, casting a mischievous glance at the book and the ink-stained letter, his eyes catching the familiar last name "Bridgerton."
"Shut your cheeky mouth! I met a companion at the book fair the other day, and I was penning a missive to her. But thanks to your irritating antics, it's all ruined now!"Florence's frustration grew, and she couldn't help but retort.
"Just when I thought you'd be elated to see me, it seems you prefer the company of strangers over your dear brother. I am utterly wounded," he remarked with a hint of jest. Simon feigned hurt, his expression mockingly pained.
"Ah, it appears my children have already commenced their squabbling." Before Florence could reply, their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of His Grace, the Duke of Gloucester, her father. He entered the room and caught sight of his daughter and Simon, engaging in their playful banter. With a light-hearted tone, he commented.
"Father, Simon has appeared and started to vex me," she said, pointing towards the mischievous Basset boy.
"Well, why don't the two of you take a stroll together and catch up? I wouldn't want my children serving each others heads to me for dinner, which will surely happen if you remain cooped up in the house," their father suggested with a knowing smile.
Simon's smirk widened as Florence let out a groan. "Oh, Flo it seems we'll have to personally deliver your book," Simon remarked playfully.
"Have I mentioned my disdain for the male species?" she quipped, glancing at her father before walking away with the book in hand. Before leaving, she planted a kiss on her father's cheek, and he smiled warmly at his daughter's antics.
"I'll take good care of her," Simon assured her father, and the Duke of Hastings pulled him into a heartfelt embrace. "Welcome home, son," he said, his voice filled with genuine emotion.
The Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Hastings shared a deep bond, one that extended beyond their friendship and into the realm of family.
"Tell me more, Uncle Lin. Do they have angels like Miss Flower in Greece too?" Ava's newfound fascination with Miss Florence had taken over the Bridgerton household.
She was perhaps the first lady, outside of her aunts, who shared similar ideals—an uncommon occurrence that Ava found intriguing.
Ever since that day at the book fair, she had pestered Benedict for multiple poems, asked Eloise every day if she had received the letter yet, and requested Anthony to share more stories about Florence, given his knowledge of her father.
Unfortunately, Anthony could provide little information, as Simon had only mentioned the Channingworths in passing. Nonetheless, Ava seized every opportunity to bring up the Channingworth lady.
"Whoever this Flower is, will she ever bloom, or are we to be left with just stories about her?" Colin jested, eliciting laughter from the Bridgertons.
The entire family had gathered in the drawing room for their afternoon tea.
"His Grace, Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings, and Miss Florence Channingworth."Just then, the butler announced Anthony's excitement and confusion mingled together, and Eloise and Ava's eyes widened with anticipation, their gazes fixed on the entrance.
"Bridgerton!" Simon's voice filled the room with excitement, and the Bridgerton family promptly rose to their feet, showing their respect for the Duke of Hastings.
Anthony couldn't contain his joy and immediately pulled his best friend into a tight embrace. "Basset, it's good to see you," he greeted him warmly.
Florence, following closely behind Simon, observed their surprise reunion with curiosity. Unbeknownst to her, Anthony and Simon had been the closest of friends since their college days.
As she took in the scene, little Ava couldn't contain her excitement and dashed towards Florence, her pigtails bouncing with each step. Florence, delighted by the young girl's enthusiasm, knelt down to embrace her.
"Oh, I was waiting for you !” Ava exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. Florence's face lit up with a radiant smile. "And I’m just as excited, dear Ava," she replied, her voice as sweet as honey.
Caught in a moment of awe, Anthony couldn't tear his gaze away from Florence. She seemed to embody everything her presence ignited a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time.
As Anthony continued to gaze at Florence, he couldn't help but be aware of the significant age difference between them. She was around Eloise's age, and he knew it would be deemed improper to entertain such thoughts about a young lady like her. Yet, his heart seemed determined, well the heart want what it wants.
"How are you, Ava?" Florence asked, her attention now fully focused on the little girl.
"I'm fantastic! Uncle Simon brought Miss Flower with him," Ava exclaimed, pointing towards Florence. The room burst into laughter at Ava's innocent mix-up of names.
Florence chuckled, her eyes meeting Anthony's. "Well, I'm honored to be in the presence of such esteemed company," she said, her words accompanied by a playful smile. Anthony's heart skipped a beat, and he felt his cheeks flush.
The shared glance did not go unnoticed by Lady Bridgerton, who exchanged knowing looks with her eldest son, Benedict, and Daphne. It seemed that Anthony's foolish heart was betraying him.
The Bridgerton family sat together in the elegant drawing room, their laughter and warmth filling the air. Anthony's mother, Violet, sat regally in her favorite armchair, overseeing the lively gathering.
Ava, perched on Benedict's lap, tugged at his sleeve, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Uncle Ben, do you think Miss Flower is an angel in disguise?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.
Benedict chuckled, ruffling Ava's hair affectionately. “Well, little one, Miss Florence certainly has a grace and beauty that rivals the angels," he replied, casting a playful glance at Florence, who blushed at the compliment.
“But Ava, you're the one who sees angels, remember? Perhaps you can tell us if Miss Florence truly is one,”Anthony suggested, a playful glint in his eyes as he leaned closer to his daughter.
Ava's face lit up, her imagination running wild. "Oh, yes, Dada! Miss Florence can be my angel friend, and we can have tea parties and read books in the clouds!" she exclaimed, earning delighted laughter from her siblings.
"Well, in that case, I hope you remember to save some tea and biscuits for your Uncle Simon. I wouldn't want to be left out of the heavenly tea party," Simon quipped.
"Simon,, I believe tea parties in the clouds require a certain level of etiquette. Can you manage that?" Florence asked, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"Why, my dear sister I'll have you know that I can be the most refined cloud tea party guest you'll ever meet!" he proclaimed, causing Florence to burst into laughter.
Violet couldn't help but notice the transformation in her son, Anthony. The genuine smile that graced his face as he listened to Florence's laughter brought a sense of joy and nostalgia to her heart.
"Miss flower! Will you play with me and tell me more stories?" she asked, her voice filled with pure innocence.
“Of course, my dear Ava. I would love nothing more” she replied, her voice filled with genuine affection.
Soon the time for Simon and Florence's departure drew near, Ava's face crumpled with sadness.
She clung tightly to Florence's hand, her eyes welling up with tears. "But Miss Flower, you can't go yet! I don't want you to leave. Will you promise to come back soon?" she pleaded, her voice quivering with genuine distress.
“Oh, my sweet Ava, I promise you that I will see you soon” Florence's heart ached at Ava's visible sadness.
She knelt down and cupped the little girl's face in her hands, wiping away her tears with gentle affection.
she assured her, her voice filled with tenderness.
As Anthony held Ava in his arms, he spoke softly to his daughter, his voice filled with tenderness.
“Ava, my love, Miss Florence has other responsibilities to attend to. It would be impolite to keep her waiting. She will visit us again, I promise," he reassured her, soothing her with his comforting presence and gentle strokes on her hair.
Florence couldn't help but admire the beautiful bond between Anthony and Ava. It tugged at her heartstrings and stirred a mix of emotions within her.
She found herself yearning for a family of her own, with a loving husband and a precious child. She quickly scolded herself for entertaining such thoughts about a married man and redirected her attention to the present moment.
Ava's sniffling brought Florence back to reality, and she knelt down to her level, offering reassurance.
“Ava, my dear, I will come to see you once you have finished reading that book with Aunt Eloise." she promised, a warm smile gracing her lips.
"It was a pleasure to meet all of you," Florence addressed the Bridgerton siblings, her eyes filled with genuine appreciation.
The chorus of reciprocal sentiments filled the air, as each sibling expressed their gratitude for the encounter.
Turning to Lady Bridgerton, Florence extended her gratitude, a sincere smile gracing her features.
“Lady Bridgerton, your family is truly remarkable, and your granddaughter is a delight. Thank you for welcoming us into your home unexpectedly. It has been a joy to meet you all."
Violet Bridgerton beamed with affection, her eyes filled with adoration for her family. "My dear Florence, my granddaughter and I have taken a liking to you. Please continue to visit us. We would love to hear more from you and have the pleasure of your company," she warmly expressed, turning her gaze towards Anthony and Ava
Eloise, unable to contain her excitement, interjected, "Miss Florence, I can't wait to read this book! I will get back to you soon with my thoughts and opinions." Her enthusiasm was contagious, and Florence couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's eagerness
"Eloise, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the book. Let's drop the formalities and simply be Florence and Eloise," she suggested with a warm smile.
"Yes, just Florence and Eloise, like two kindred spirits” Eloise's face lit up with joy as she nodded eagerly. "We shall," Simon said, extending his arm for Florence to take
. With a graceful smile, Florence accepted his arm, her heart feeling a mixture of emotions. The time had come for them to bid their final goodbyes and return to their respective homes.
Florence, known for her directness, couldn't resist her curiosity as she broke the silence during their carriage ride back home.
"Simon, I must ask, how was the viscount during your time at Oxford?" she inquired, her eyes searching for any hint of the truth in his expression.
Anthony's mysterious aura had intrigued her, and she wanted to unravel the layers surrounding him.
"Like most men are during their college days," he replied evasively, not eager to delve into the past. He had reservations about where Florence's curiosity might lead.
"Ah, the epitome of enlightenment, I suppose," she quipped, a touch of amusement in her voice.
“But it's interesting to see you, someone usually guarded, open up so easily to him and especially to his daughter. It's not a side of you I'm accustomed to. Be cautious, Flo, this is unlike you," he warned, concern lacing his words.
“Ava is a little angel, and I don't wish to discuss this matter any further," Florence declared firmly, closing her eyes and leaning back, seeking solace in a momentary escape.
She had no desire to entertain Simon's doubts and observations, feeling weary from the day's events. "Wake me when we arrive," she added, giving him no room for further discussion, leaving Simon to sigh in contemplation.
"Dada, wouldn't it be jolly if Miss Flower came and lived with us?" little Ava asked her father, snuggled in bed as he finished reading her a bedtime story.
Anthony, lost in his thoughts, pondered the idea for a moment. "Well, my darling, I suppose it would be rather splendid," he replied, his mind racing with possibilities.
"Do you like Miss Flower as much as Auntie Eloise and I do?" Ava questioned innocently, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Anthony struggled to find the right words to express his feelings. "I... umm, she's a delightful lady," he responded, trying to choose his words carefully.
Ava's excitement grew as an idea popped into her head. With an animated expression, she suggested,
“Dada, why don't you invite Miss Flower to join us at Aubrey Hall next week for a jolly vacation? You're older, and if you charm her with your wisdom, perhaps she will consider the invitation."
Anthony couldn't help but smile at his daughter's ingenuity. "Did you just call me old?" he gasped dramatically, attempting to divert the topic, causing Ava to burst into giggles. "My dear baby thinks I'm an old man," he playfully teased, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course," Ava replied, giggling uncontrollably. Anthony seized the opportunity, asking mischievously, "Say that again, my dear."
He began tickling her, eliciting a symphony of laughter from Ava. Eventually, he stopped tickling her as she drifted off to sleep, leaving Anthony alone with his thoughts about Miss Channingworth.
As he sat in the quiet room, a myriad of emotions swirled within him. The innocent admiration of his daughter, coupled with his own growing fascination, made him ponder the possibilities that lay ahead.
One fine morning, Simon ventured out for a hunting expedition, while Florence strolled through the park with her dog, relishing the radiant sunlight.
In the distance, she spotted a familiar sight—the unmistakable pigtails of a little girl. "Ava!" she called out, her voice carrying through the air.
Ava, sitting with her father in a picturesque garden set up for a picnic, turned around upon hearing the familiar voice. With hesitant steps, Ava approached Florence, who reassured her, "Don't worry, love, he won't cause any harm," as she observed the little girl's initial hesitation to pet the corgi.
"Hello," Ava greeted, gently caressing the dog with her small chubby hands. "Miss Flower, what is his name?" she inquired. "His name is William," Florence responded.
"William, you are such a good dog," Ava exclaimed, as the corgi nestled against her.
“Goodmorning Miss Channingworth, the weather is fine today” Anthony made his presence known, acknowledging Florence with a warm greeting.
She looked ethereal, like a divine being, donning a sage green pastel gown that complemented her caramel brown hair, adorned with a pretty head accessory.
"Indeed, Lord Bridgerton. I suppose you have a lovely picnic going on," she remarked. "Yes, Ava seems to adore the sunshine. And now she's taken a liking to your dog," Anthony replied, pointing out the little girl's fascination with the canine.
"I am pleased that William is receiving more affection," Florence smiled. Anthony gestured for her to take a seat, to which she gracefully complied.
“So, how long will you be in London ?" Anthony inquired, offering a succulent strawberry to her.
With a mischievous smile, Florence retorted, "Why, Lord Bridgerton, have I started to annoy you by crossing paths with you at every possible turn?"
Anthony stumbled over his words, flustered by her playful remark. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I was just curious," he stammered, watching her bite into the juicy fruit.
Suddenly, Anthony's mouth felt dry, and he loosened his tight collar slightly. "In fact, I am glad to have encountered you. It's a refreshing change from the insufferable people in the ton," Anthony confessed, his throat tightening.
"Well, perhaps after the upcoming season ends. It commences in two weeks," Florence revealed.
"Ah," Anthony responded, caught off guard. "Are you looking to marry?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Florence replied, "Not really. I plan to sit out this season since I delayed it by a year. I want to observe how things unfold before making any decisions. I am not particularly fond of marrying just for the sake of it. I seek someone who sees me for who I am and not merely as their wife. I know it may be too much to ask for, but..."
Before Florence could finish her sentence, Anthony interrupted her, his gaze locked deeply into her eyes. "Miss Channingworth, you deserve nothing less than what you desire," he declared passionately, stirring intense emotions within Florence.
The shared gaze between them spoke volumes, as their connection seemed to transcend the bounds of ordinary conversation.
"Dada, did you invite Miss Flower to join us at Aubrey Hall for a vacation?" Ava questioned her father, standing by William who wagged his tail contentedly.
“Oh, I forgot," Anthony admitted, realizing his oversight. "Dada, how could you?" Ava playfully scolded him, finding her place between her father and Florence. William conveniently positioned himself by Ava's side, adding to the picture of a complete and happy family.
Florence couldn't help but admire the domestic scene unfolding before her, cherishing this precious moment on a sunny morning.
"Miss Channingworth, I would like to extend an invitation for you to come and stay with us at our country home in Kent for a vacation," Anthony proposed, his words interrupting Florence's thoughts.
Florence was taken aback by the offer, unsure of what to say, and Anthony's intense gaze only intensified her nervousness.
Would it be awkward? Should she accept? "I insist, please," Anthony reiterated, noticing her hesitation.
Meeting Anthony's longing gaze, Florence finally found her voice, "Yes, I would love that. I'm sure Ava will be thrilled." Deep down, she knew the invitation meant more than just a vacation for Ava.
"For Ava," Anthony affirmed, a sense of relief washing over him at her acceptance. Florence met his gaze and echoed his words, "For Ava." Both of them understood that the invitation held a deeper meaning, extending far beyond a simple vacation.
Have you lost your mind?" Simon exclaimed when Florence mentioned that she would be leaving soon to join the Bridgertons in Kent.
His disbelief was evident in his voice as he tried to comprehend her decision.Florence sighed, understanding Simon's concern.
"I know it may seem sudden, but Viscount Bridgerton invited me to spend some time at Aubrey Hall with them," she explained, trying to rationalize her choice. "It's just a vacation, Simon, and Ava is looking forward to it."
Simon's brows furrowed as he looked at her intently. "But you barely know them, Florence. It's not like you to impulsively go off and spend time with strangers," he protested, his protective instincts kicking in.
Florence nodded, acknowledging his valid point but kept quiet Simon sighed, realizing that Florence had made up her mind. "Just promise me you'll be careful and keep me updated," he urged, his concern for her well-being overriding his initial shock.
"I promise, Simon," Florence reassured him, grateful for his concern. "I'll make sure to keep in touch. You know I won't do anything reckless."
Simon nodded, reluctantly accepting her decision. "Alright then, but remember, if anything feels off or uncomfortable, you can always leave. Your safety and happiness come first," he emphasized, wanting her to prioritize herself above all else.
As they bid each other farewell, Florence couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about her upcoming adventure with the Bridgertons.
To be continued…
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atypical-artisan · 1 year
Punch out boxer's relationship with their dads
Doing this too since dads deserve love as well!
Glass Joe:
Never knew the man. He vanished before Joe was born. Based on his mother and sister's recollections of him, he thinks they'd get along. He takes a lot of comfort in the fact that his dad was an absolute maniac and very weird.
Joe always thought his dad was cool and has in many ways subconsciously emulated him (taking up fencing, playing accordion, knowing how to pick locks, etc.). As much as he claims his father's absence doesn't bother him, sometimes he'll let himself mourn the fact that he never got to know him.
Von Kaiser:
Fucking hates him. He and his brother played the Benny hill theme while the man was on his deathbed and wrote ASSHOLE on his coffin. Kaiser spent his entire life protecting his brother from their father. Even after he saved the man from dying in an explosion, his father had the audacity to still treat him like shit.
The closest thing to an actual father Kaiser had was between his first boxing coach and a neighbor who taught him everything he knew about engineering and clock making. Both men were wonderful and made Kaiser believe that he had a life worth living- inspiring him to do what he loved and be a better man than his father. Both have since passed, but were constant presences in Kaiser's adult life and proud of his career.
Disco Kid:
Dad died when he was a baby. He isn't sure if they'd get along, considering his dad (And the rest of that side of the family) disowned his uncle for being gay. Still, part of him wishes he got to meet his dad to really know who he was. Disco sees his uncle as a surrogate father and they get along very well- being basically a carbon copy of the guy.
Most people guess his uncle is his dad, which always surprises Disco since they don't look much alike. Either way, he owes his uncle everything and does put him on a bit of a pedestal. Disco's uncle is so proud of anything he does- he often cries with the pure joy it brings him to see the boy he raised be so stable and healthy.
King Hippo:
Was always close with his dad. When he wasn't talking to his mom, his dad was his only line of knowledge about the island and her. Hippo owes his love of boxing to his dad and the man is the only reason he entered the ring at all. He died suddenly when Hippo was in his 20s.
The event made him consider stepping away from boxing altogether and he still hasn't fully recovered from his father's death. A part of him still thinks he should step out of the ring and take up his father's role as a storyteller of the island, but his mother encourages him to stay in the ring since his father was so proud of him as a boxer.
Piston Hondo:
Loves him, but is less forgiving of his faults than he is to his mom. His dad was less inclined to let him be sporty, thinking Hondo would be good at academics like his sister. Even with his solid career, like his mom, Hondo's dad is harsh on his accomplishments. He's less concerned with Hondo's love life than his mom and more concerned about how much he's working/how much money he's making- in his opinion, Hondo should be just as dedicated to work as his sister (Even though he most definitely is)!
They were closer when Hondo was a kid, but age has made him more than a little bitter. His dad loves him, truly, but doesn't actually know how to express that love other than pushing his son to be the best man he could be. In all honesty, a long conversation between the two would be really good for everyone, but their family is emotionally constipated so it won't be happening anytime soon.
Bear Hugger:
Very close. They're basically besties, just like Bear and his mom. His dad loves to do survival type things and bear owes his love of nature to the man. They look nothing alike, aside from their big beards and balding heads, an love to joke about not actually being related.
He's very proud of his son for 'surviving' life in the city and being so high up in the world of boxing- even if it means some people are very obsessed with their family. They aren't very physically affectionate with each other but there's a lot of love there.
Great Tiger:
His dad is overbearing, but less so than his mom. Very trusting and close to each other. He won't accept big gifts like Tiger's mom does, but he does like taking trips with his son. Tiger learned magic from his dad and they often discuss new things they've figured out.
He wasn't too happy when Tiger let slip the whole 'real magic' thing- having lived under the guise of just being a magician for years. He's cool about it now, though. As for his boxing career, he was very surprised knowing his son's interest in music. Still him and Tiger's mom are supportive since it's less fickle than his prospects as a self-made musician.
Don Flamenco:
Loves him, but they have a bit of distance between them. His dad is still really bitter that Don ended up choosing boxing over being a matador- especially after he chose Don to take on his legacy over his older brother. The fact that Don boxes in America and spends months there makes him even more angry. He keeps his anger hidden, but bottling it all up won't end well.
Like his wife, Don's dad will not allow Don to marry before 29- him and his wife didn't experience their 20s before being married off and having kids, so they don't want the same for their own kids. They don't show much affection to each other but there's definitely still love between them, even if the relationship is very strained.
Aran Ryan:
Very close. Just like with his mom, they've always loved each other a lot but their relationship dipped in his late teens and early 20s. Now though, they're closer than ever. Unlike his mom, his dad is more accepting of gifts. His dad is always the first person he goes to when he needs comfort and Aran trusts him with emotions before anyone else. Some people give Aran serious shit for being so affectionate and emotionally open with his dad, but he just beats them up.
His dad is very protective of his boy and won't hesitate to throw hands if someone shit talks or misgenders him. Dad is very proud of his boxing career and finds the cheating funny- even if the flail and horseshoes were a bit much.
Soda Popinski:
HATES his bio dad. According to his mother, he walked out one day and never came back. Thinks the man is disgusting and were he to encounter him, he'd beat his ass.
The same goes for his sister's dad as well, who was pretty bad to them (If he's honest, he may hate his sister's dad more than his own). He's had a few surrogate dads, but he doesn't really consider anyone to be a real father figure to him.
Bald Bull:
Doesn't hate his dad as much as his mom, but they're distant. Thinks his dad is cowardly for never standing up to his mother's bad behavior, but understands why he never did. Would like to repair their relationship to some degree.
Unfortunately, he doesn't think it's ever going to be the case so long as his mother is still in their lives. Still, he has much more hope for him than his mom. His dad is just happy that Bull isn't like his mother and actively rejects press attention.
Super Macho Man:
Besties. Always been close and very open with each other. Dad is extremely chill and supportive of Macho as much as possible. Macho never hesitates to go to parties with him or one of his movie premiers. Very much attached at the hip- everyone who sees them together knows they're father and son.
Macho really looks up to him, to the point of struggling to see his faults. He's one of the few people he trusts to talk about his emotional issues and though his dad can do little to help, an open ear is all Macho needs. They're quite affectionate in private but keep their distance as to avoid scrutiny from the public. He loves his son's boxing career as much as Macho loves his movies, he always takes time to attend when he can.
Mr. Sandman:
They were closer when he was young, but they've drifted as he's grown. They never fully recovered from Sandy's nasty teenage years and he always wonders how his relationship would be had he not been such a shithead.
His mother is trying to get them to be closer, but both are a bit stubborn on showing affection. Despite that, though, they love each other a lot and when push comes to shove they've got each others backs. His dad is supportive, of his son's career, even if he doesn't understand the appeal.
Little Mac:
Never knew his bio dad, and gets sad when he tries to think of him or his mom. Doc is the best adoptive father he could ask for and the two are attached at the hip. Still, he's always surprised when people point out how much like doc he is, or are shocked when they find doc is his dad. Doc is the proudest man he could ever be about Mac- even if he wasn't a boxer he'd still love his baby boy to bits.
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laurasanchez36 · 3 months
___ and ___ My NEW MSA X FNAF SB OCS and Merissa's big sister and brother
1. Merissa's big sister
Full Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 26
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives: ___ (her big brother), Merissa (her young sister), ___ (her mother), ___ (her father), ___ (her uncle), ___ (her aunt), Alice ___ (her cousin)
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human
Friends: Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer, Theodore the rockstar Eagle/Crocodile hybrid, Snowlight the snow fox, Aaron the Dancing Bear, Glamstar Daisy the Farmer Chicken, Sindy the humanoid childcare Ragdoll and Lulu the humanoid naptime childcare Ragdoll, Glamstar Huey the flying Squrriel, Carlie the humanoid rockstar Wolf, Samson the Prince Ventexian, Gus Borges, Muffet Pepper, Glamrock Animatronics, Sundrop and Moondrop/The Daycare Attendant, Little Sunflower (Sundrop and Moondrop/The Daycare Attendant's adoptive daughter), Alice ___ (Merissa's Cousin),
Enemies: Burntrap, Vanny, Vladdy (in FNAF SB Ver like Burntrap), Benny the abandoned animatronic Ghost Shadow and Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy
Alignment: Good
Likes: Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer and her glamstars gang, finding the truth, Magic-Childcare, Laser-blast and area games, Music, her young sister, Merissa, Escape from the lab, being teaming up with Merissa with Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer and her glamstars gang,
Dislikes: Gets kidnapped and captured by The Dancing Black Crow, Benny the abandoned animatronic Ghost Shadow and Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy,
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour: Sand
Eyes Colour: Light brown
Hair Colour:
Hair Styles:
2. Merissa's big brother
Full Name:
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 24
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives: ___ (his big sister), Merissa (his young sister), ___ (his mother), ___ (his father), ___ (his uncle), ___ (his aunt), Alice ___ (his cousin)
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human
Friends: Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer, Theodore the rockstar Eagle/Crocodile hybrid, Snowlight the snow fox, Aaron the Dancing Bear, Glamstar Daisy the Farmer Chicken, Sindy the humanoid childcare Ragdoll and Lulu the humanoid naptime childcare Ragdoll, Glamstar Huey the flying Squrriel, Carlie the humanoid rockstar Wolf, Samson the Prince Ventexian, Gus Borges, Muffet Pepper, Glamrock Animatronics, Sundrop and Moondrop/The Daycare Attendant, Little Sunflower (Sundrop and Moondrop/The Daycare Attendant's adoptive daughter), Alice ___ (Merissa's Cousin),
Enemies: Burntrap, Vanny, Vladdy (in FNAF SB Ver like Burntrap), Benny the abandoned animatronic Ghost Shadow and Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy
Alignment: Good
Likes: Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer and her glamstars gang, his parents are listen to his sister, merissa about the truth, Magic-Childcare, Laser-blast (his favourite game area) and area games, Video Games, his young sister, Merissa, Escape from the lab, Gets Rescued by Merissa with Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer and her glamstars gang,
Dislikes: His big sister was kidnapped and captured by The Dancing Black Crow, Benny the abandoned animatronic Ghost Shadow and Mollie the Humanoid Scary Spy, his parents and the cops/police are not listening to his sister, merissa about the truth,
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour: Sand
Eyes Colour: Light brown
Hair Colour:
Hair Styles:
Beard Styles: N/A
Mustache Styles: N/A
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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tatney · 2 years
okay so one final little prediction before wednesday releases. eugene is for sure gonna die </3
going through the various trailers and teasers, it looks like he’s going to be one of the first students at nevermore to be killed by this monster (which i’ve talked a little abt before but it’s not letting me add the link </3) and here’s my line of thinking
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in eugene’s section in the nevermore academy advert, he talks abt the past alumni at the school (particularly morticia and gomez, and it’s been heavily implied that Weird Shit happened when they were at school here, and since weems was morticia’s old roommate and had “unfinished business” with her (i’m paraphrasing), i think that she may also have something to do w/ the old murders from when they were at school) and here in this screencap he does it in front of the weird statue that we’ve seen move around when wednesday and thing investigate it
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his actor also mentioned in an interview that nevermore has awesome set design – which like. yea it does anyone who has watched the trailers Knows that, but that could also be a very small hint that eugene could have something to do with this moving statue. thats all just very subtle implications at play though, so here we get into the more obvious hints, by which i mean
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^ yeah no this kid is for sure dying. look at him. this pov shot of what i think is the monster lurking around nevermore grounds almost crash zooms on him before the trailer cuts away (my bet is that he’s gonna get eaten, poor kid). i can’t quite tell what eugene is wearing here, other than the puffy coat, bc that dark thing around his waist looks like a batman-style utility belt. for what and why? who’s to say
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next i’d like to bring ur attention to wednesday and tyler investigating the grounds, where we can clearly see eugene’s glasses (potentially broken in the scuffle) in the grass. i’m not sure why tyler would try to pull wednesday away (this shot in the trailer is just to exacerbate tension and action ofc) but i think he may be trying to keep her from contaminating evidence or stepping in a bear trap of some description (which would make sense for that to be there if there’s a huge monster roaming around, if let’s say tyler’s dad (who we know really wants to get to the centre of this mystery) put those there so there’s a chance that tyler would know abt them and where they are if his dad made him come with him (bc his dad SUCKS))) although i can’t imagine wednesday being very clumsy. this also gives the potential for wednesday’s weird psychic powers to come into play and she can get some kind of charmed-style premonition from tyler’s touch.
after some time i think that either the body (or what remains </3) will be found or the police will give up on the investigation, eugene will be presumed as dead and there will be the funeral – which is what i think these shots are:
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and with that twilightesque dreary colour grading, my year of film studies pays off and i can theorise that this funeral scene happens and then wednesday immediately starts searching the ground again (look at those blue hues, it looks so misty and like it could rain any second)
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which is where she runs into uncle fester in the woods (well he drops out of a tree, since the majority of addamses are all spider-man-style acrobats as we’ve seen in previous movies). and then
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yeah i got nothing. but benny’s pooch patrol is on the case !!!!!!!!!!
(i’d also like to add that with fester’s introduction, the atmosphere (literal and thematically speaking) brightens considerably and it actually looks kind of sunny bc he’s what gives wednesday some genuine joy during all of this mystery and murder and i think he will encourage her to investigate further and inspire her)
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
In light of me getting a new dog.... and thanks to @twyz for the idea revolving around the concept.
Gloria belongs to @twyz
The Ray sisters had been strolling home their backpacks bouncing as they continuously walked in sync, religiously avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk. Both wore fixated smiles on their reddening faces as they followed their path home. With the youngest of the Rays carrying something in the coat of her maroon suit. With continuously squirming as she paced beside Gloria.
"She's getting heavy"
"We're almost home just a little longer as long as we don't"
"OH HEY GIRLS! How goes it!"
"Uncle Billy!"
"Nice ta see ya around here...."
"Nice seeing ya too just heading home from your dads"
"Nice nice nice!"
Chelsea's smile began to feel sore as it continued to stretch across her face, as she struggled to maintain a steady hold on the creature squirming in her suit jacket. Gloria being the better liar maintained her composer, any other time she would have loved to stay and chat with Billy, about her time in the greenhouse recording the plants and sharing her records with him. As he too was a nature lover, and him being the one who never switched about her whereabouts during school hours. And her showing him the Venus Fly Trap plant he gifted her for her birthday, showing the plants immense growth.
"Whatcha got there Chelsea?"
Before the oldest of the two could cut the conversation short a small ball of fluff had popped its head out, its little tongue flapping everywhere, trying to lick the young red's face.
The two sisters shoot a look at their uncle curious to see what his response would be, pleading that it wouldn't result in something negative.
"AW! It's a little Pitbull!!!"
"...Yeah...ya like her?"
"Shes adorable! I'm assuming your parents don't know anything about her?"
"...Not yet"
"...Well...No not exactly"
Billy was stroking the canine affectionately letting out faint harmonious chuckles as the young Pitbull licked his fingers. To be precise it was an American Staffordshire Terrier, more commonly known as an American Pitbull. Its fur is mist-like like grey, with its underbelly being a white fur coat. With two large misty floppy ears, matching large her salmon tongue, that had been exposed while the canine was panting.
"Hm...well ya know...if your parents say no...I mean I could look after her and let you two visit her...So she won't get shipped off to some shelter"
"You'd do that!?"
"How could say no? Especially to this cute little face!!!!"
The two girls' faces practically glowed happily, both beyond thrilled that they had a plan B, and were able to still see the pup even if their parents said no.
"Anytime, oh, and girls. Your dad has a soft spot for Pitbulls...I suggest you two go for it if you want to keep her"
The two gave excited head nods and took off bidding Billy a wave goodbye. Billy smiled and sighed a bit. He knew the bad reputation Pitbulls have and couldn't bear the thought of the pup sitting in a cage, with a low possibility of being adopted, knowing full well what happens next when the dog is cast out.
The two girls climbed the patio steps, Chelsea still maintaining her hold on the dog while Gloria dug the house keys from her bag.
"What's that?"
"Nothing Urhighness, now go back to your self-loathing and leave us alone"
"It was only a question, no need to get your tacky bowtie in a twist"
"Ya know what I outa twist that damn neck of yours"
"Why the aggression, I literally have done nothing to you"
"....Imma pretend I didn't hear that...and PLUS YOU MADE FUN OF BENNY"
"Not my fault he couldn't hear me"
"...Imma kick that crooked tooth of yours run back into place I swear to god..."
Gloria nudged her sister and the two quickly slipped into their home slamming the door right behind them, greeted by their wolf-dog Beau.
"Hey Buddy did you miss us"
Chelsea quickly set the puppy down and watched Beau back up startled by the young pup. Sniffing it with much curiosity.
"She's cute isn't she Beau?"
The two girls froze to stone hearing their father's footsteps approach, coming down the stairs.
"Hey, Girls how was school? You Ma's picking up the twi---the hell is that?"
"Nope no way....you already have a dog...nope"
Without uttering a single phrase Chelsea picked up the Pitbull and raise her up to her dad's face smiling as the puppy began to lick at Chucky's nose.
"...Goddamn it"
"Can we keep her! PLEASE"
".....Oh god....your mother is gonna kill me"
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Seraphina “One Shot” Hayes
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Benny // Will // Frankie // Santiago // Tom
One Shot Master List
- girls got mad skills
- literally none of the guys know how she can find any piece of information or know what their thinking
- she loves flannels, always has (she steals Benny’s all the time and has a few of her parents in the back of her closet)
- Benny has a secret theory (only he knows) that she's a robot or an android... we won't get more into that
- one more thing about his theory... it all started because of a dream he had after the dream team’s third recon together (to keep it short, things got weird that’s ALL I can say)
- her childhood was alright, parents did when she was in her late teens, she was around 15-16 just a few years before she decides to join the army
- her main influence for joining was because of her grandpa Henry (on her mom’s side) and her uncle David (on her dad’s side), both died during one of their tours, but their memory and legacy never died and never will
- she went through a few different foster homes until she turned eighteen (which is when she started gaining her skills)
- during this time, she started taking up painting as a way for her to express herself
- she’s had to go to a therapist because of her anxiety and trauma she experienced out there
- her leaving relates to this and her past, her parents (Margaret and Thomas) died after they had a bad argument and she’s still having a hard time moving on from this
- ABSOLUTELY LOVES gummy watermelons, always has and always will
- the only reason she loves this damn treat is because of Benny and Frankie, long story short, they went into a 7/11 for some candy and there were no gummy bears (for Frankie boy)
- Loves Benny (always has) and would do anything for him (just like he would do for her)
- Is NOT an early riser but once her and Benny have a daily routine, she comes around and helps him with whatever
- on the weekends however, she WILL roll away from Benny if he tries to wake her up
- if it’s fight night, you can bet your sweet ass that she and Will are the loudest ones cheering him on
- if she feels his opponent didn’t play “by the rules”, Will and Frankie are already holding her back pulling her into the locker rooms so she can baby him
- A few years down the road and one life changing moment later, Seraphina and Benny have a baby boy, Garrett Edwin Miller (Frankie swears he will not come anywhere near his little girl when they grow up)
- Santiago is the one to gift them with baby boxing gloves, smirking from the beginning to the end of the baby shower
- Will gifts the two their old family bassinet that’s been in the family for five generations
- Frankie got adorable classic rock onesies
- the same thing happened when they have their second baby, Daniella Ashley Miller (Maria hopes her and Isa will be best friends when they’re older)
- now this time Santiago got a handmade wooden paintbrush statue with both the kids names (he wants to make up for the mini boxing gloves he bought… twice)
- Will volunteers to put together another scrapbook and found another precious family heirloom, the classic Miller Christmas tree ornament (with everyone’s names)
- Seraphina and Benny use the onesies Frankie bought before so it’s only right that he bought some kickass shoes (so, they can look badass as Benny says)
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kokorowoutsu · 4 months
Examine! Benny
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This guy... ohhhh this guy-- No, you jest. Benedikta or Benny is the result of a bet with Feiyun on if you'd bond with the friendly Benthic Milotic or not after he saved your life from some Hoenn variants. Feiyun won the bet, of course, and you're now stuck with a thirty foot baby of a sea monster who while appears terrifying to look at, is actually one of the most gentle of hearts.
He is protective of you and will bare his teeth even at family if they make you upset. You've had to set several rules that he is to follow such as not bearing them at your parents, uncles, aunts and grandfather for his own safety -- and not to scare Willow either. You know your daughter loves scary-looking pokemon, but Benny scared her if only because he is so very, very big.
You know Benny doesn't like rules -- no kid does, but he understands too that he has to follow them thanks to Feiyun having trained him beforehand as a hatchling.
You know he admires her own Milotic, Hailang. You wonder just how big Benny is going to get if Hailang is over two hundred feet, but you don't worry about it for now. In the end, Benny is not who you imagined being on your team -- but you're grateful he is. He's too sweet to pass up, after all.
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unknownjpegs · 5 months
He hasn’t quite mastered the art of balancing yet, even if it’s been three years. Lee sits comfortably on his hip well enough. Their little hand digs into his hair, holds on for leverage as their other fists into his jacket collars. The overnight bag on the opposite shoulder pulls in a way that nearly upends them both on the rock path up to the house—and he feels all too aware of those sharp rocks as he makes his ascent.
Maran’s a natural. Because of course he is. Keeps Lee tucked close, carries the bags with ease, can lock a car door without breaking a sweat while he rocks the baby in his other arm. Maran makes it all look easy—and when Nomi’s in charge, her singular focus makes it look simple for her too. There’s no multi tasking. She just simply wouldn’t carry a three year old up a rock path with a bag on one arm and Lee in the other.
“Am I the shitty parent?” Ben asks, pausing to adjust the bag and look over at Lee, who has become fascinated with a strand of his hair. All his earrings got swiftly removed after a baby was introduced to his life and nearly ripped them out. That’s something they don’t tell you about babies—stronger than they fucking look.
“Grimin,” Lee says in reply, waving their tiny hand at the bag. The stuffed animal they’ve had since their first night out the hospital threatens to spring out from the haphazard pack Ben had done. It's a hideous little thing, half falling apart, and had been truly dark and ugly to begin with; but Nomi had felted it together herself and Lee couldn't bear to part with it.
“I’ll be your favorite wh-when you’re a teenager and I let you smoke weed in the house.”
“And budderflies,” Lee points out, hand waving in the air at one that’s fluttered out of the half put together garden to the side of the house. It wasn’t there the last time Benny had visited, so they pause to look at it. Lee tries to explain something that doesn’t make any sense and yet somehow lets Benny know they like the flowers. He tries to envision how it got put together; lands on Xavier lounging in the grass, like a sleeping dog in the sun while Benji, in workers gloves, digs holes in the ground for sunflowers.
They make it to the front door but before he can even knock, it bursts open. Xavier stands there, eyes as bright as his fire colored hair. It’s been pulled back, up and away from his face, like he’d learned to do since becoming an uncle. Lee was not just good at yanking out earrings—they’d nearly pulled out fistfuls of Xavier’s ginger hair more than once. They liked the color.
“Ah, ah.” Ben puts a hand to Xavier’s chest, chin tilted down to stare severely over the rim of his round, navy glasses. “Did you put your dog away?” Ben keeps that hand firm, although Xavier has long enough arms that it’s hardly doing any good. His pale, freckled hands make greedy motions to the toddler on Benny’s hip, who giggles with delight. He feels smug satisfaction that their little hands don’t unlatch from his shirt collar, though.
“No,” Xavier replies and on cue, Anika pokes her nose between his knees. Her long pink tongue lolls out, tail thumping hard against the floor inside the house. Whump, whump, whump. He feels Lee moving in excitement at the sudden appearance of the dog. “C’mon, she’s a therapy dog, Benny.”
“She’s got teeth,” Ben snaps. Then he can’t help but smile, removing his hand so he can pucker his child’s cheeks with his tattooed fingers. “Speaking of teeth, sh-show Uncle Xavier your fangs.”
“Ahhhhhhhhhh,” Lee opens their mouth, leaning forward excitedly. Ben’s arm tightens around them, bag digging uncomfortably into his bad shoulder.
“Whoa,” Xavier intones in an awe inspired voice. “Those are the sharpest teeth I’ve ever seen, Lee.” It gets him a giggle, a shy tuck of Lee’s hand across their own cheek as they press their face into Ben’s neck. He feels their feet drum a bit and Xavier and Benny share a grin (a look how fucking cute this is, can you believe kids are real, how adorable is this grin). Then he steps back and makes some hand gesture Anika must be trained for because the dog heels close to him. Benny keeps a close eye on her as he steps over the threshold.
The inside of Xavier and Benji’s house always smells like food, even when no one is cooking. There’s a giant bay window in the living room that seems to permanently stay cracked open, a breeze that rustles the sheer curtains. Sun dapples the old vintage, hardwood floor in pretty patterns. Shoes sit by the front door, and a coat rack has an old denim jacket that’s falling apart thrown over it.
It used to make Ben feel uneasy to be in this house, a real home, someone’s safe space—now it made his shoulders drop, sigh out comfortably.
“You got gray,” Benny comments, pointing to his own crown of pale hair. Xavier slips a hand up into the dark auburn, smiling. The gray starts from his temple, but is barely there. Just a hint, something dignified. The last time Benny had seen Xavier’s husband, the gray had been there too, mostly in his now salt and pepper facial hair. Still—Xavier ages well. Not a wrinkle on him, unlike the deep ones under Ben’s own eyes, the severe one on his forehead when he makes any facial expression.
“Dude, my knees kill,” Xavier replies.
“I get heartburn like t-twice a day.”
“And I started taking multi vitamins. It fucking sucks getting old.”
“Ani,” Lee says and suddenly decides they want down, bored by the adult conversation. They repeat the dogs name, or their shortened version, anyway. One hand stays fisted into Benny’s hair, but their other hand waves excitedly. Anika, true to training, still sits at Xavier’s side, but her ears perk up. A freckled hand pets between her ears soothingly.
When Benji wanders in, however, Lee gets far worse. Instead of saying his name, they shriek—this loud, ear piercing, excited yell that they’ve picked up recently for when they’re really happy. Ben’s ear is ringing by the time Benji approaches with his hands out.
“That gives me a complex,” Xavier complains as Benji get’s Lee tucked to his side. He leaves a few kisses on Lee’s cheeks, making the toddler dissolve into ecstatic, screaming giggles. It makes Benny nervous when their little hand clasps onto the gold necklace that rests around Benji’s neck just barely visible above his collar. But in some strange, childlike inherent way, they have to know it’s delicate enough to not yank on. “I have never gotten that reaction out of them in my life.”
Benji, like Maran, seems to have some strange, natural sense about kids. He figures out the exact way Lee likes to be balanced, so they don’t feel coddled, because they’ve become more independent, despite being small for their age. He, like Xavier, has aged in a graceful and handsome way. Never lost the dark marks under his eyes, but they don’t look as drastic anymore. Not severe, just a little aged.
“Try being their dad,” Ben mumbles, slowly taking the bag from his shoulder and tossing it Xavier’s way. He catches it with a huff, staring down at it with giant, bewildered eyes.
“You put bricks in this thing?”
“Maran packed it before he and Nomi l-left for her mother’s. Did you get his text?”
“All seven paragraphs,” Xavier complains as he tosses the overnight bag onto the old, worn in couch. “Like we’ve never had Lee spend the night before.”
“First time Lee’s sp-spent the night and he’s been across country,” Ben defends, his fingers fidgeting with his wedding band, unthinking. Then he rubs at his aching shoulder, up to the back of his neck. This is always the hardest the part. Something he did hear about before he went and became a Dad. That when you finally had to step out the room they’d be left in, a piece of your heart would always be left in that room too. Benny starts toward Lee, cradled in Benji’s arms.
“Are you going to b-be awful?” he asks fondly, brushing their hair back from their forehead.
“Secret,” Lee says, with giant eyes.
“Oh, this is a p-private conversation, gentleman,” Benny says, putting a hand to Benji’s face to push him away and lean in closer to Lee. Instead of saying anything, they shriek laugh in his ear loudly. Ben tickles their ribs, which makes them kick and scream louder. “You guys w-wouldn’t get it. Dad and kid stuff. Inside joke, right, Lee?”
Xavier puts hands underneath Anika’s chest and slowly pulls her off Benji to put her onto the floor. She gives him big, wet, sad eyes, but he doesn’t resist. Her tail gives a defeated little wag. It reminds him of Lee, how they’d nearly had a breakdown when they realized Ben was actually leaving. It had taken a promised visit to the duck pond and snacks, and Anika’s big wet tongue all over their face to get them to really calm down.
And it had just taken an entire hour to finally get the toddler to sleep too. So he didn’t feel that bad for their dog, as he replaces her spot on top of Benji’s laid out form on the couch. In response, Benji puts his phone down and blinks tiredly at Xavier. He wiggles, gets himself just so, their legs sort of tangled together. He smells like outside, because they’d spent most of the day in nature. Showed Lee the garden, let them meet the new hatch of ducklings, the bee hive that Xavier was hoping would actually get a nest soon.
Eager hands slide up Benji’s side as he leans in and steals a kiss.
“I’m going to be the one to say it,” he mumbles, pressing that kiss to Benji’s jaw and then lower. Benji makes a throaty sound that is all too satisfying to still get after so many years of kissing this exact spot. “So you don’t have to, and feel bad.”
“What’s that?”
Xavier hooks a finger into Benji’s shirt collar and pulls it a bit to reveal more dark skin. There’s the peek of a fading tattoo as well. He kisses there and smiles at the tickle of chest hair.
“I do not want a kid, Benji.” It makes him laugh, his chest rumbling as they’re pressed together. He’s exhausted in a way he hasn’t been in so long, he actually feels sore. Benji pats his ass fondly, which makes Xavier look up through his lashes and press another kiss to exposed, dark pretty skin.
“You know what? Yeah. Leave that to Mar,” Benji comments. His hand curves and pats again. The sound of running feet in the guest bedroom makes Xavier sigh and press his forehead down. “Kind of like Mar, you know. He also had way too much fuckin’ energy as a kid.”
“Can I like, be a classic shitty dad right now and tell you it’s your turn?”
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lucrezia-thoughts · 2 years
🥵 She walks to the couch, grabbing a toy " Hope daddy's date is gonna go well, but we will have to be careful of who we let near you, right ?" Baby gets her attention on the toy, playing, not bothered by the talking. An hour pass, she feeds her, let her play in her cribs while she tidy a bit the mess Will left, the television playing cartoons in the background. She froze, hearing the door opening, Benny making his way in, their eyes meeting, silence falling over the room. She compose herself quickly, throwing a teddy bear in the toy box " knocking is a thing, y'know " He rolls his eyes, heading to the crib to pick the baby up " Here's the love of my life, the cutest girl, my princess, the best woman in this world" The little girl giggles, laughing at her uncle playing lifting her up in the air " hey, easy, she ate not long ago" He groans, mumbling " Your nanny is a pain in the ass "
Who's Will dating?? And why don't she and Benny get along??
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borhap-au · 3 years
Stargazing with Ben. 
“So what’s that one?” Ben pointed at the sky, showing you a random set of stars. It was well into the night, you were lying on a blanket, on a hill. You wanted to show him everything uncle Brian taught you about cosmos when you were a little girl.
“You’re looking at it all wrong,” you chuckled quietly, shaking your head. “Those are two different constellations. They’re called Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Look, there is its head, and the rest is its body.” You got closer to him and pointed with your finger exactly where the stars were. He nodded his head, understanding more or less where they were located.
“What’s an Ursa?” he asked, looking at you. He smiled, but it was one of those smiles reserved only for people whose view makes one’s heart skip a beat. His eyes were full of love and devotion.
“It’s a Latin word for a bear. They’re basically two bears, a small one and a bigger one,” you explained and Ben looked at you shocked.
“Bears?” he asked, the way he’d normally say ‘are you joking?’ and looked at the sky once more, trying to figure it out. “They don’t have any legs!” You chuckled at his remark. He was in fact right, but it was still adorable how little he knew about the sky that he could observe every single night.
“You have to use a little imagination, Benny. They’re stars, not one of these connect the dots worksheets,” you got closer to him and rested your head on his chest. He put his arm around you and pet your back. “Plus, some people say those smaller stars can be viewed as the legs of Ursa Major. One way or another, you have to know they were named centuries ago. People used to draw a few lines on the walls of a cave and called it art. Things have changed,” you explained, moving your hand slowly on the side of his body.
“Alright, alright, I get it now,” he nodded his head. “But you have to admit, it takes a lot of faith and imagination to believe they are in fact two bears,” he chuckled and you agreed.
“Maybe it was easier for me to understand and accept it because I was a little girl then. Children have more imagination than adults, or at least they’re more skillful at using it. I just looked and believed.” You looked at his face smiling. He put his hand under his head to get it higher and see you better. Then he smiled as well.
“So Brian taught you, huh? I guess that’s like the best thing ever. Being taught about stars by an astrophysicist who’s also a rock legend,” he chuckled softly, and then he added, “second best, of course. After being taught by you.” He leaned towards you and kissed your forehead. You blushed a little and looked down, being surprised by such a sweet and unexpected compliment.
“Well, thank you, but trust me, he explained it much better. He’s the one that got me hooked on the topic. Did you know my old room had the Solar System stickers on the ceiling? They glowed in the dark. He bought me them,” you smiled under your breath remembering that. You didn’t know uncle Freddie personally and you didn’t remember uncle John. So Brian was the closest to your heart from the band, apart from your dad of course.
“That’s so cool. And now you can share your knowledge with an ignorant like me,” his smile uncovered a little embarrassment he must’ve felt because of it.
“Can you see that one? Those stars form sort of a snake, do you know which ones I mean?” You asked, trying to point him in the right direction.
“Yeah, yeah, I think I know what you mean,” he squinted his eyes, examining the sky.
“That’s called Draco. Do you know what Draco means?” You asked, kind of already expecting the answer.
“Of course I do. I grew up in the 1990s in England, everybody knows Harry Potter,” he smiled proudly. “By the end of the 90s I already knew how to read and it was my favorite book. Draco means a dragon. And these stars kinda look like one… Just slightly malnourished,” he joked and you chuckled with him.
“I just love how judgmental you are towards the people who named these constellations,” you chuckled some more.
“I can totally be judgmental, I know so much about the universe already,” it was obviously a joke, but on second thought, he was right.
“Much more than the people who named them, for sure. For example, what’s in the center of the Solar System?”
“The Sun. And the Earth circles around the Sun, not the other way around. I’m so knowledgeable I cannot deal with myself,” he laughed and then kissed your head.
“And what’s the name of the Polish astronomer who discovered that?” This question was met with silence, so you smiled under your breath and answered it yourself. “Nicolaus Copernicus. His work was titled ‘On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres.’ And you should at least know Galileo!”
“I do, I do! But I cannot sing that high, for the life of me,” his laugh once again filled up the quiet atmosphere.
“Well, can you at least sing that low?” You asked, and he, of course, had to try it. It was quite funny, hearing his attempt, but also quite cute. He tried so hard to impress you. “Very well. Almost like the original.” He smiled proudly when he heard that compliment and hugged you.
“Thank you,” he kissed your head again. Maybe he liked the smell of your shampoo.
“So, what’s our galaxy called? You know, the one Solar System is in,” you asked, not giving up on the plan to teach him about the universe. He hesitated, trying to remember.
“Bloody hell… I didn’t expect a test, I might’ve prepared better,” he smiled apologetically.
“There’s a chocolate bar named like that… It’s a very good one, and it looks completely different in the US and in the rest of the world. You probably know it in the blue version…,” you tried to direct him to the right answer.
“Milky Way! Man, I used to love them as a kid,” he smiled remembering. “I’d love to eat one now. Damn, the list is getting bigger and bigger,” he chuckled, and you looked at him curiously.
“The list? What list?” you asked him, looking him in the eyes, interested.
“Of things I dream of. Something I’d love to do, you know,” he shrugged, smiling. You raised your brow.
“So, what else do you dream of? Anything I could help with?” You asked him, smiling.
“Well… I always wanted to be kissed under the stars,” you smiled widely hearing that. “You know, I’m not very romantic, but that’s just something that seems like fun-“ he wasn’t able to finish, because before he did, you kissed him. He smiled kissing you back. Ben leaned in your direction and put his hand on your cheek. You prolonged the kiss as long as you could because secretly you dreamt of being kissed under the night sky too. Or just of being kissed by Ben. When you stopped kissing, he softly kissed your forehead.
“That was nice,” he said, smiling at you. You smiled back, as he brought you closer to himself. You rested your head on his chest. “We should do that more often,” he added.
“Yes, I also think you need many more lessons,” you smirked, looking at him.
“I meant the kissing,” he explained and winked to you.
“Oh, I know,” you muttered under your breath and looked at the sky again, being grateful for that one shooting star you made a wish to. It certainly came true that night.
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Single Parent
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Title: Single parent
Square Filled: Relationship break-up
Ship: Mobster!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Benny LaFitte
Rating: Mature
Summary: Your arranged bond with Dean grows fruits but you can’t be happy as you should.
Warnings: angst, language, arranged marriage, unrequited feelings, sad reader, abandonment, Dean being a douche, giving birth (no description), shitty relationship, pregnant reader
A/N: I already outlined the story before I got the request. I changed the ending and a few scenes to make it fit.
Word Count: 3.5 k
Written/Created for: @spnmixedbingo​​
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​
2021 SPN Mixed BINGO Masterlist
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“No John, I’m done,” you cry, running your hand over your baby bump. “You could force me to marry your son, to stay with him and have his heir,” you sniff, looking around the guest room you chose over your comfortable bedroom. “But you can’t force me to play the obedient housewife. I tried, John—I really tried but Dean doesn’t even like me.”
“He’s just a little stubborn and rough on the outside like me, doll,” John tries to reason with you. “Show him the latest ultrasound and he’ll change.”
“No, he won’t,” voice bitter you sit on the bed, shaking your head lightly. “That’s the problem. I-I’m nothing more than a breeder to your son. I know he doesn’t reciprocate my feelings, but I had hoped he’ll be kinder to me when he sees me swollen with his child. I know he cares for the baby, but sadly I’m not sure it’s because he loves them or as you want an heir.”
“Y/N,” sitting next to you John watches you tear up. Months of rejection and coldness took a toll on you. “I didn’t know it’s that bad.”
“He told Sam I’m nothing but a vessel for his child, John. I could be dead, and he wouldn’t care,” choking out a sob you give John a sad smile. “Did you know he never came to the doctor with me? He never showed and my gynecologist believes I am a single parent – and maybe I am.”
“What happened last week? Why did you suddenly move out of your shared bedroom, doll? Did Dean hurt you?”
“Not physically-“ you huff, looking at the wedding band around your finger. “I was at my doctor’s practice for the next check-up, as usual, Dean didn’t show, even though, he promised to be there,” sniffling you take the wedding band off, dropping it onto the bed, not wanting to feel it on your skin right now.
“We had a meeting, I’m sorry for keeping Dean away from you,” John lies, you can see it in his eyes and his voice is a little too low. He doesn’t realize you know him too well to not see through his lies. “Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt you, Y/N.”
“I saw all those happy couples and excited dad’s pacing around the waiting room and realized, Dean gives a shit on me and his child. I can’t leave, but at the same time I won’t pretend Dean is not the cold-hearted man he is,” sadly you can’t hide you are still in love with his son, but your try your hardest.
“What happened, Y/N? I heard you fought with your husband. Did he hurt you?” John presses. “I need to know…”
“You really want to know? Fine, I’ll tell you everything happening that day-“
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One week earlier…
“Mrs. Winchester,” the nurse chirps, leading you into the room. “Where’s your husband? Didn’t he want to join us today?”
“He wanted but as always, business comes first,” you grumble, handing the young woman a business card. “That’s my brothers-in-law’s number. If I ever need help, please call him.”
“What about your husband?” confused the nurse looks at you, blinking a few times before she recognizes your teary eyes. “Ah, got it. I will call Sam Winchester if it’s necessary. We will add it to your medical record.”
“Thank you,” giving the nurse a sad smile you try to push the tears away. “As I said, my husband is always busy, and Sam offered his help. If not, call the second number, that’s my father-in-law.”
“No problem, Mrs. Winchester. Now let’s turn our attention toward your baby. Are you excited to find out about the gender?” nodding you swallow the lump in your throat, hiding you wished Dean would’ve come to find out with you.
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“All done, Cher?” watching you walk out of the practice, a soft smile on his lips Benny offers his hand to you. “So, did they tell you the gender today?”
“It’s a boy,” you choke out, done fighting the tears. “You’re the first one I told, Benny-“ ignoring people watch you cry outside of your doctor’s practice you hide your face in Benny’s chest.
“He should’ve been here, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
“Everyone is always sorry; everyone but Dean,” angrily fisting Benny’s jacket you look up at your bodyguard. “I’m done trying, Benny. This is ridiculous. He’s not interested in me or the baby.”
“Dean cares about the baby, Cher,” you huff, rolling your eyes. “It’s true.”
“Dean only cares about my son as he needs an heir. There is no love in him. I-I wanted to share this with him. Dean, he should’ve been here with me, experience every step but he refuses to even give me that. My first pregnancy should’ve been something special but now, it only makes me sad.”
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“How’s the baby?” Dean asks, awaiting your report as usual.
“Still alive. Benny got the ultrasound if you want to see them. If you want to know about the gender, ask your friend too,” you quip, walking toward the walk-in-wardrobe to get your favorite pajamas, you ignore Dean follows you. “Unlike other people he was there.”
“I had a meeting, Y/N,” arguing Dean watches you gather more clothes, frowning as you didn’t jump on him to tell him every single detail about your appointment. 
Usually, you would excitedly tell him about the baby, forcing him to look at the ultrasound picture and demand his attention. Today, you barely said two words, not even tried to talk to him. 
“A meeting, sex with one of your girls – I don’t care Dean. I’m tired of this, of you. To give you the space you need, I’ll go and have lunch with Charlie. Don’t wait for me–“ you chuckle, humorlessly. “Ah, yeah I forgot. You wouldn’t care if I never return.” walking out of the room, leaving a speechless Dean behind, you slam the door shut, making him flinch. 
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“Benny, my wife is gone; just like all of her belongings, we need to find her! She’s pregnant with my child.”
“You only care about the baby, huh? Do you even know it’s a boy, Dean?” Benny sneers, placing the ultrasound picture into Dean’s hand. “Y/N is not gone, she simply moved into the guestroom next to John’s room. I helped her while you were out, doing god knows.”
“Wait – she moved into the guestroom? Why?”
“Seriously, Dean? You promised to be there, at least to get to know about the gender, and yet, you didn’t come to the practice. I think Y/N gave up trying,” huffing Dean watches you step out of the guestroom, ignoring he glares at you.
“Y/N, you can’t just move out of our bedroom!” muttering the words Dean watches you walk past him.
“Oh, you meant me. I thought I’m only a vessel, a breeder to carry your heir,” whipping your head toward Dean you give him a cold glare. Your heart races and you can feel fresh tears well-up to your eyes, but you need to get this out before you can return to your room and cry some more. 
“I’m talking to you, Y/N. What if you go into labor and I’m not close by?” Dean mutters.
“I think it’s for the best you keep on ignoring me and give your whores all of your attention,” brushing past Dean you slap his hand away when he tries to touch you. 
“Don’t Winchester-“ you growl. “I fulfilled my duty and got pregnant. Now you can stick your dick into any pussy and stay the fuck away from me and don’t worry about my labor. I will, just like anything else since I got pregnant, handle this on my own. If I should need help at any point of my pregnancy, Sam and John offered to be there for me.”
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Now …
“Dean messed up epically, huh?” John carefully tries when you get up to walk toward the nursery next to the guestroom. “What are you going to do?“
"Nothing, John. Just like the first four months of my pregnancy, I will try to do what’s best for my son,“ John’s eyes light up when you tell him he’s going to have a grandson. “Today I’ll focus on finishing the nursery. Benny and Sam helped me with the wallpaper and cradle. I must check on the bears I painted and will make a list of what I will need.”
“I can help,“ offering you a cracked smile John holds out his hand. “I got you into this shitshow, let me at least try to make things easier for you, doll.”
“You could check on the shelves and cradle,” you sniff. “I just wish I had a man like you or Sam by my side. I see the way Sam cares about his wife and children. I know Dean is a little closed-off, like you but he’s kind to everyone he likes. Must be me.”
“Oh, Y/N,” slinging one arm around your shoulders John leads you out of your chosen bedroom. “You still got people caring about you. Sammy and I will be there and help you.”
“I know…”
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“You’re talented,” looking at the bears you painted John smiles. “Mommy bear and baby bear,” he hums, admiring your painting. “Where’s the dad?”
“I’m a single parent, John. Why should I paint a daddy bear if he gives a shit on me and his son?” Dean stands in the doorframe, watching his father help you fix one of the shelves, swallowing thickly. “You know, every single woman at my doctor’s practice looks so happy, they glow and I just-“
“I get it, Y/N. You wanted your pregnancy to be special,” nodding you look at the bears. “You could draw an Uncle Sammy and Granddad John bear.”
“I’ll think about it, John,” with a small smile on your lips you watch John place the plushies onto one of the shelves. “You know, he didn’t even care about my morning sickness or cravings. I had this image in my mind. Dean the devoted soon-to-be dad helping me during my pregnancy. I know he doesn’t love me, I’m not delusional. But a bit more attention would’ve been nice.”
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Two months later…
Used to being on your own you walk into your doctor’s practice. This time you don’t look at all the happy couples wishing it were you and Dean. Over the last weeks, you made up your mind.
Only as you don’t get to leave Dean doesn’t mean you must bear his behavior. So, you decided to keep your distance and only ask John, Sam, or Benny for help with the nursery.
You no longer tell Dean about your check-ups or try to include him in your pregnancy. 
“Morning, Mrs. Winchester,” you flinch when the nurse calls your name. “How are you feeling today? Will the baby daddy be here today too?”
“No,” you breathe out. “Let’s be honest, Sally.” giving the young nurse a sad smile, you point toward the other pairs. “I know you are only trying to be friendly but anytime you are asking about my non-present husband it stings. Why don’t you treat me like a single parent? Cause that’s what I am.”
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“How’s the baby?” Dean asks again, following you toward the nursery. “Listen, I know you try to punish me but not telling me about our baby breaks one of my rules.”
“The baby is still alive. He grows fast and the ultrasound picture lies on your desk. If you have more questions, call my gynecologist or,” turning around you give Dean a cold look, “you could move your ass to the practice next time but I get it – you were busy.”
“I got the right to know about my son,” growling the words Dean steps closer but this time, he doesn’t intimidate you with his size. “Tell me everything.”
“Weight and size are average. His heartbeat is strong, and he sucked his thumb today,” you scoff at Dean’s sudden interest. “You would know more about your child if you actually cared. He started to be more active, I can feel our little boy kick me harder but so far, only John felt our baby kick.”
Walking away you enter your room, slamming the door shut behind you, locking it to take a deep breath.
“He’s my son too! You can’t shut me out!” Dean yells from the hallway.
“Sperm donator, you son of a bitch,” you growl. “If it were up to me, I’d file for divorce.”
“YOU WON’T!” he mutters. “I will not allow you to leave me.”
“I got that, but you should know that our marriage is over to me. If you dare to get close to me ever again, you’ll lose your hands or cock. Go and fuck one of your sluts.”
“I should-“ frustrated Dean kicks your door. “You’re still my wife, Y/N. I expect you to respect me and our bond.”
“Fuck that,” feeling exhausted you lie on your bed, gently running one hand over your belly. “He’ll not ruin your life, baby boy. I promise to protect you from your asshole father.”
“I heard that.”
“I don’t fucking care,” you cry. “Now leave me alone. You got the information you need. Don’t worry, your heir is still healthy. Even though, you didn’t help me at all…”
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Two months, two weeks, and five days later…
“Looks good,” John hums, glancing at the ultrasound picture. “How are you, doll? Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m fine,” looking at your wedding band you try to swallow the lump in your throat. “Is there a way to protect my child from Dean? Can you add something to the prenup? Please.”
“I will not allow Dean to hurt your son, Y/N. I don’t think Dean would ever lay a finger on him-“
“That’s not what I meant. Being around Dean is unhealthy for me. What will he do to our child? How shall I explain to my baby boy that his father hates me? That I’m only a breeder to him, a body he could use to get a child.”
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“Are you fucking my father?” ludicrously you look at Dean when he storms into your room, your solace. “That’s the reason you moved out of our bedroom – huh? You spread your legs for John Winchester.”
“What the fuck, Dean?” you sniff, reluctantly leaving the bed. “Over the last week I barely left my room as I didn’t feel well, and you accuse me of such a thing? I don’t have the time to fuck anyone. Unlike you, I had to take care of anything-“ whimpering you feel a piercing pain ripple through your womb. “Oh, god-“
“Y/N?” paling Dean watches you crouch down in front of your bed, crying out in pain. “What’s wrong? Y/N, talk to me, sweetheart.”
“Go and get your father or Sam,” you pant, while you try to remember everything the midwife taught you. “I think the baby wants to get out.”
“No, it’s too early,” panicked Dean rushes to your side to help you sit on the bed. “I’ll call an ambulance, Y/N.”
“O-okay-“ you scream, feeling another painful contraction approach. “No, no. My water just broke.” tears run down your cheeks when John and Sam stumble into the room. They heard your screams and try to help.
“Fuck, doll,” John mumbles, kneeling in front of you to calm you. “Sammy, call an ambulance and tell Benny to get Y/N’s bags. I’ll stay here to help her.”
“I already called an ambulance. Stop acting as if that’s your son,” Dean growls, glaring at his father.
“Do you want to help the mother of your child or fight with me right now, son? I think you showed how much you are interested in your child. Now shut the fuck up and help me here,” John would like to give his son a piece of mind but right now, he must take care of you.
“John,” grasping for your father-in-law’s hand, “promise me he won’t be there. I don’t want Dean inside the room while I give birth.”
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"That’s my wife and child in there! Lemme inside,” Dean growls, fighting against one of the security guards. “Let me pass.”
“DEAN,” John’s voice booms through the hallway. “Your wife is in there. She’s in pain, scared, and tries to give birth to your baby. Stop acting like an idiot. You had it coming.”
“You didn’t care about your child or wife for over eight months. Did you honestly believe she wants you in there?” Sam huffs, squeezing Jess’s hand. “I was with Jess the whole time. I heard the heartbeat, saw my baby, felt it kick. I can’t believe you didn’t want to experience any of it.“
“I-I never wanted to marry Y/N. It was an arranged bond,” Dean sniffs, hearing you cry out in pain.
“This doesn’t change she’s your wife and that she needed you. Even more important, your son needed you. I believe babies bond with their parents in the womb. You could’ve talked to him, played music, or feel him kick.”
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“Look at you baby boy,” cooing your son you feel your heart swell. Even if Dean is not going to show any affection toward your child, you’ll give the little boy all your love. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Can I finally see him too?” Dean mutters, sneaking into your room. “How could you let my father, Sam, and Jess see my son first?”
“I didn’t think you will find the time to visit me and your baby. If you would excuse me now, I want to concentrate on Robert Maximilian Winchester.”
“What?” gaping at you Dean feels his stomach churn. “You named him Robert? But-but we agreed to name him Dean jr. How could you not only keep me away while giving birth but also deciding on a name without me? That’s cruel.” Dean sniffs, looking at your son in your arms.
“Cruel–?” you take a deep breath, try to ignore the burning rage running through your veins. “Do you know what cruel means, Winchester? Cruel means that your husband, the man you love with all your heart ignores you completely. Cruel means that he never shows affection or at least cares about you during pregnancy.”
“I’m his father!”
“Sperm donator,” you retort. “We are only a breeder and a sperm donator. You are not a father, and never will be. You’ll not hurt my baby boy and push him away as you did with me. You can lay claim on him when he turns 18, until then I’ll give him all the love he deserves.”
“He’s my baby boy too,” sniffling Dean looks at your child, tearing up. “Let me at least hold him. Please.”
“Not today,” adamant you defend your son, not giving in. It’s your turn to be selfish and not to show any compassion. Dean can cry as much as he wants to.
Today, you’ll be the cruel one – even if it kills you.
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“She doesn’t let me hold my son,” outside of your room Dean starts to cry. “I wasn’t allowed to hold my baby boy. How can she be so cruel?”
“I say it again – you had it coming,” John shrugs, ignoring he feels sorry for his son. “Y/N never was cruel. All she wanted was a bit of affection. Why couldn’t you give her that?”
“I just didn’t feel like pretending. But I care about our baby and want to hold him.”
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Dean doesn’t leave your side. He sits next to your bed, still looking at his son.
“Please let me hold him, Y/N.”
“Five minutes,” you whisper, not looking at Dean. “You can hold him for five minutes and after that, you can pretend we do not exist until you need your heir.”
“It’s not like that,” with trembling fingers Dean takes Robert Maximillian out of your hands. “He’s so beautiful and tiny.”
“It’s a baby, what did you expect,” turning around to not watch Dean with your son you close your eyes. “Tell me when you are done playing daddy, Dean.”
“Why are you so cold. This isn’t you, Y/N.”
“That’s what happens to a loving person when she gives up. If you don’t like me the way I am now, you can always ask your dad to let me out of this marriage...”
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“Look this is your room, baby boy,” cooing your baby you walk around the room. “There is a teddy bear, and over there is a cute duck. Maybe you’ll like the cat Sammy bought for you?”
“He doesn’t like cats,” Dean grumbles, walking into the nursery. “I bet he’s allergic like me.” hopefully looking at you Dean holds out his hands. “Come on, lemme hold him for a while.”
“I will leave you to your son, Dean. If you are done pretending you are a father, holler and I’ll take care of Robert,” carefully placing your son into Dean’s arms you ignore he tries to talk to you. 
“Y/N, we should talk about a few things.”
“Don’t hurt yourself, Dean. I’m stuck in this marriage, but this doesn’t mean I let you walk all over me ever again. I am a single parent, and this will not change…”
>> Part 2
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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laurasanchez36 · 4 months
Full Name: Merissa
First Name: Merissa
Last Name: ___
Gender: Female
Profile Pic
Age: 9
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives: ___ (her big brother), ___ (her big sister), ___ (her mother), ___ (her father), ___ (her uncle), ___ (her aunt), Alice ___ (her cousin)
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human
Friends: Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer, Theodore the rockstar Eagle/Crocodile hybrid, Snowlight the snow fox, Aaron the Dancing Bear, Glamstar Daisy the Farmer Chicken, Sindy the humanoid childcare Ragdoll and Lulu the humanoid naptime childcare Ragdoll, Glamstar Huey the flying Squrriel, Carlie the humanoid rockstar Wolf, Samson the Prince Ventexian, Gus Borges, Muffet Pepper, Glamrock Animatronics, Sundrop and Moondrop/The Daycare Attendant, Little Sunflower (Sundrop and Moondrop/The Daycare Attendant's adoptive daughter),
Enemies: Burntrap, Vanny, Vladdy (in FNAF SB Ver like Burntrap), Benny the abandoned animatronic Ghost Shadow (This one sounds like Dark Danny from Danny Phantom),
Alignment: Good
Likes: Glamstar Crysta the humanoid princess singer and her glamstars gang, finding the truth, Magic-Childcare, Laser-blast and area games, Video Games, Toys, Her parents and the cops/police are listen to her, her big brother and big sister,
Dislikes: Her parents and the cops/police are didn't listen to her, her big sister was missing
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour: Sand
Eyes Colour: Light brown
Hair Colour: Light sun-yellow with Party Pink and Rose Red Colour
Clothes: Collar Puff-Sleeves, Vest, Skirt
Shoes: Mary Shoes
Accessories: Headband with Flower and Star
Hair Styles: Long
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one was sounds like Maritza Esposito (from Hello Neighbor Series/Pilot Version), Star Butterfly, Melody (from Disney) and Leo San Juan
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