#Umbilicals Severed Au
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Heheheheah aaannyway so uh. Here's the designs for Moon/Pebble's new drips in Taking Life As Is. Also Sugar. Iterator road trip requires PANTS. They haven't put em on yet but never too early for a design
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luminumarashi · 1 year
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, this is the reason for my lack of sleep the past week, haha! Well, almost a week
Taking Life As Is by @nerdydowntherabbithole inspires me again _x)
I was listening to my playlists and... Well, let me say, it amazes me how well this song fits this fanfic (in my opinion)
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arikuraaa · 1 year
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Don't remember how it started, but I finally ended up reading Taking life as is by @nerdydowntherabbithole
I have WAY more sketches in progress but figured I had to commit to finishing one at a time cause if not, I'll just have a million unfinished pieces.
Anyways, love Arti being forcefully domesticated, it makes me laugh every time.
The original was meant to be in limited color, but I found that it was tough to keep consistency so I scrapped it.
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tanyabadtime159 · 1 year
Another scene from TLAI *derp*
"Taking life as is" by @nerdydowntherabbithole
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diazsdimples · 27 days
Inspiration Saturday/ Several Sentence Sunday
I started a new wip. No one look at me.
The inspiration from this shamelessly comes the fact that I've been working in labour and delivery for the whole month of May and there's an obstetrician/pediatrician couple here that always see each other in the OR and I instantly thought of Buddie. So please enjoy the first (long) snippet of Doctors AU, featuring Obstetrician!Eddie and Pediatrician!Buck. The rest of the 118 will also feature in the obstetrics/pediatrics field, although roles are yet to be confirmed. I'm not 100% sure about this and a little nervous about sharing it cause sharing words has felt weird lately, so I'm sorry if it's not great!
Tagged for Inspiration Saturday by @inell @hippolotamus (eventually smh) @cal-daisies-and-briars @dangerpronebuddie and @daffi-990 (I will be getting to all your snippets so soon!) Snippet under the cut to save your dash.
Eddie pushes through the doors of the NICU, his chest heaving. He doesn’t do this; he doesn’t let patients get to him. He’s a professional. He performs a surgery, delivers a baby, stitches up the mother and moves on to the next one.
Except today, he can’t.
Eddie strides down the corridor until he’s in the nurses’ station and begins to scour the brightly lit electronic board with all the patient’s names.
He can’t shake the feeling that he’s fucked up, that he should have called it sooner and rushed the mother to surgery the second he’d been asked to see her. She’d been labouring for hours, and she was tiring when they called him in to review her. One look at the monitor by her bed had told him all he’d needed to know – that her and her baby were in distress, and something needed to be done.
But, she’d clutched his hand and begged him to let her try just a bit longer.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and takes a shaky breath as he tries to rid his mind of the memory of hearing the baby’s heart rate drop on the monitor. Even after being an obstetrician for 10 years, nothing will ever prepare him for the gut-wrenching fear that comes during an emergency. The way you hold your breath and will it to increase, counting in your head as you wonder how much longer you let it go before you dive for the emergency button. He’d done an examination when it was clear the heart rate wasn’t going to recover, to see if there was any chance she could push the baby out, and his heart had sunk into his shoes when he’d felt the umbilical cord before he was even up to his second knuckle.
Taking some deep breaths through his nose, Eddie opens his eyes and scans the board, trying to find the name. It’s possible it’ll be too early – the nurses might not have admitted the baby on the system yet, but the pit in his stomach grows with each passing second that he doesn’t find it.
There’s a noise behind him – someone clearing their throat – and Eddie spins around as a deep, calming voice speaks.
“Hey man, can I help you with something?”
Eddie is instantly taken aback by the man in front of him. He must be new, because Eddie’s certain he’d remember if he’d seen this guy in the OR, and he’s looking at Eddie with concern, his eyebrows furrowed and blue eyes piercing into Eddie’s. He’s tall and muscular – obscenely so for (Eddie assumes) a pediatrician, with dark blond hair that’s been plastered with a criminal amount of hair product. He’s in a pair of delicate pink scrubs, with a white lab coat over the front. There’s a small, rainbow watch hanging from the breast pocket of his coat, and a name badge on his chest, with two tiny feet drawn just beside his name.
Evan Buckley.
“Hey, I’m Dr. Diaz – uh – Eddie,” Eddie says, awkwardly extending a hand towards the man. His grip is firm but warm, and his hands are soft, although Eddie’s not sure exactly why he’s noticing that.
“Dr. Buckley,” the guy replies with a friendly smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Everyone calls me Buck. You looking for someone in particular?”
Eddie turns back to the board with a frown, folding his arms, and Buck sidles up next to him, mirroring his stance. Their shoulders brush, and Eddie notices how the guy is just a couple of inches taller than him. Interesting.
“Yeah I’m – uh – I’m looking for baby McKinnon? Born about an hour ago via emergency caesarean due to cord prolapse and obstructed labour, resuscitated immediately after birth and bought here.”
Buck frowns and pulls out a list from the pocket of his scrubs.
“Is everything okay with the mother?” he asks as he scans his list, “You’re an obstetrician, right?”
“Yeah, she’s fine, pulled through surgery and is in recovery now. Just wanted to check up on the baby – he looked pretty rough.”
Buck lets out a deep sigh next to him and Eddie whips his head around, doing a double take when he sees Buck’s expression.
God, no, please no, let him be okay, let him have survived, he’s just mixed up with someone else.
“I’m sorry, man,” Buck says gently, resting a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “We couldn’t stabilise him. He was so hypoxic and they couldn’t intubate him and we – I’m sorry.”
Eddie must make a noise because the hand on his shoulder tightens. His chest feels tight, like he’s not getting enough air, the world is beginning to spin. He take deep, gulping breaths of air as he tries to regulate himself, but it’s not use.
It’s too close. Too much like Christopher. His son, his perfect, 7-year-old boy, looked just like that kid when he was born. Eddie’s too close to this. He’s gotta get out.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Eddie shakes himself from Buck’s grip, blinking furiously as tears threaten to spill down his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I’ve gotta – I need to go,” he says hurriedly, his voice cracking, and he turns on his heel. He doesn’t run from the room, but it’s a close one. He barely even registers Dr. Buckley calling after him as he briskly walks down the corridor, practically throwing his swipe pass at the door, and then he’s in the stairwell before he knows it, drinking in the crisp, cool air as he slides down the wall and comes to a rest on a step.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @bidisasterevankinard @neverevan @babybibuck
@aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg
@jesuisici33 @wikiangela @loveyouanyway @exhuastedpigeon @houseofevanbuckley
@epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @hermscat @worriedbisexual @thekristen999
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @actuallyitsellie @idealuk @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @loserdiaz
@elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @smilingbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings
@spagheddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie
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forestshadow-wolf · 7 months
Quick! Quick! everyone think about wing au and uncanny valley
this has nothing to do with the other wing au post
imagine Ghost lost his wings at some point in life. he lost one before he even joined the military, he'd gotten bitten by one of the snakes his father made him kiss, and he lost his wing to the venom. he was extremely extremely lucky to have not lost his life, but the anti-venom was too late to save all of him.
he is quickly seen as even more of an outcast after that.
then he joined the military, most people find it weird to see a man with only one wing, but they find it creepy to look at a man with no wings. he knows from experience, of trying to hide his one remaining wing.
then Roba happened, and his last wing was stolen. taken from him like some sick trophy, as if his very sense of self wasn't enough for the sick bastard.
when he escapes and kills Roba he takes back his wing from where it'd been hung up like a piece of art, and burned it.
when The Ghost is born the lack of wings help feed into the creepy, non-human aura that the man seems to give off. he used to be called Ghost because of his ability to seemingly appear and disappear with near silent steps. not they call him The Ghost because looking at him makes you think you've met a demon.
think about soap who has a sister who's umbilical cord got wrapped around her throat during birth, and this affected the growth of here wings. they're severely underdeveloped, and atrophied, and are more often than not able to be hidden under a slightly oversized hoodie (one of his)
soap who isn't scared of Ghost when they meet. soap who sees Ghost's lack of wings, and wonders if he was born like that or if something happened. soap who treats Ghost like any other person. soap who offers to do things his sister appreciated him doing for her, so why not the ghost.
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sculptorofcrimson · 2 months
Thread/Soulmate Warhammer AU
Not really a soulmate AU, but more of "threads of fate" au.
Ra’s thread is a thin, fragile thing. The Emperor had been loath to break it, had hesitated, His claws hovering over the delicate braid. He had held it, as delicate as the umbilical cord of a newborn, and grieved as He felt what He had to do. In the end He had wrapped it in gossamer like the finest of silk, and woven it, with infinite care, into His own. 
When Drach'nyen thrust itself in, it had severed both threads.
Valdor’s thread is crimson. The Emperor had cut off at his wrist, with the only remnants wrapped around his forearm like a chain. The ends still twitch and tangle, as if waiting for a man he had lost before they even met. The Emperor took the frayed threads of the severed rope, and bound it to Him. 
Now it wraps around Valdor’s throat like a leash. (Or a noose.)
Valdor does not mind. 
(Once, only once, in mere moments before Constantin lowered the blade, he had seen the flash of recognition. The sudden unknotting of a thread of fate both had assumed severed so long ago. 
And then the mercy blow. A horrible moment of terrible pity etched across his victim’s pain-stricken face, and the sadness in those tormented eyes not for himself but for Valdor. 
And, finally, oblivion. )
Sanguinius’ thread is black. He can see it, twisting there, stretching onwards, inked across the sands of time. When he had met Horus, the Angel had stalled, a smile still stretched across his face, noting down the way his thread had wrapped itself lazily around Horus’ arms. Their threads had tumbled and tangled over one another, so deeply intertwined it was impossible to remove without severing one. 
Horus did not seem to see a thing amiss. 
Lorgar, his thread brilliant red, wrapped around the Emperor’s chest. The way he had screamed at the fury in His eyes when He had reached up and tore the thread out of His breast, snapping the thin thing in half beneath His claws. The way he had cursed Him, the remnants of the thread pooling around him like shed snakeskin, the scent of Monarchia’s ashes curdling upon his tongue.
Alpharius and Omegon’s threads, a single, thick cord that split in half, bobbing and weaving until neither could tell who was whose. It just seems to love knots, looping around itself, around others, dragging others together without abandon. 
Vulkan’s thread, thick and dark and braided, glowing softly with a gentle warmth. It trails itself around his chest, wrapping itself around all near and wide, spreading like a kind coat of flame. It is tender, such a lovely thing. It has chipped, and knotted, and frayed over the eons, but it braids on, thick and resolute. Ashes are embedded in its strings now, but their warmth is still there, just buried under the charcoal. 
Fulgrim’s thread was made of silk. A beautiful, perfect, fragile thing. It had bound itself around his hands, around Ferrus’ silver hands and his neck. The delicate silk, so pale against the silver. And how pitifully it had shattered, without a cry, without a song, only with the slithering of sick silk as he had snapped it when the Laerblade took Ferrus’ head. 
Ferrus’ thread was a chain. It wrapped around his neck and hands. It had pooled itself slowly around Fulgrim, like a lazy snake, braiding itself together into intricate knots with his silk. When Fulgrim took his head from his shoulders, the links had shattered. 
Horus’ thread, white and black. It tied itself so languishly over one of his forearms. If only he had known. If only he had seen. If only he had felt the thread tightening, tugging, unraveling as he had sped his way down a path, and never glanced back upon the road he had trodden. When it finally spun itself out of silk, it tied together in one, final blasphemy of angel feathers. Both tips of their threads had been charred together, one longer than the other.
It was Horus that undid the knot. 
He did not even see it unravel when he cut the life out of his brother. 
Malcador’s thread. Grey, seemingly thin, but with an impossible, resolute strength. There it was, underpinning the Emperor's thread like a shadow, together even in death. How brightly it had burned, like candlewick, as he sat upon the Throne, eyes bulging, nerves burning, feeling the cells in his body die one by one. It had charred itself to cinders, and then to ash, and finally dust, before his lord made it back home.
And finally, the Emperor's thread. It wrapped around Himself, and only Himself, but it branched off like the leaves of Yggdrasil. It curled itself into the veins of His Custodes, it dragged together the binds of His Primarchs, it curled together like one with Malcador. Some branches were frayed, their ends charred, some had curled up into a solitary knot that no longer held another, some burnt like living, writhing sunlight caught in flesh, but some were warm. Some still dreamt, lazily winding through the fog, one out of thousands. They would bind themselves not to men, or to women, but to entire worlds, to every last beating heart upon the land. It was not a leash, or a noose, or a chain this time, it was merely a bridge, the last heart of a dead god who had once gazed upon His people. And smiled.
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diviningrodtv · 1 month
Oh yeah, NSH Time.
I've been holding this post back for like a week😅
I absolutely love how NSH came out and I think he's currently my favourite rain world model that I've done! (Sorry Pebbles, I'm going to upgrade you later anyway :]
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I also made his scarf easily removable so you can see how the stripes aren't just on his head! The stripes and his irises also glow, but a bit brighter than the areas on Five Rotten Pebbles.
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His antennae are pretty similar to how I did Sliver's, especially considering I did his first! XD They're separated from his head a bit.
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Also if you've noticed in my art that his eyes are the exact same as in the model here, that's because they are! I tried finding a way to draw them how I usually might, but I just couldn't get the same vibe! So I said, "Fuck it!" and I've been drawing over his model ever since XD
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NSH is also who I used to make the "umbilical arm" model! So if you saw those posts, that's why the textures are all messed up!
And here it is in all it's glory!
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It's mostly made of ball joints with a flexible joint attached to the back. The last segment also twists just like your forearm bones!
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Also..... lore shit below cause I have, plans™ so-
If you don't want to know why NSH is acting strange on my blog yet, read no further!
(there's also some downpour spoilers, and some other disturbing things)
*slaps top of can* This bad boy can fit so much fucking insanity in him. (cw: self-harm yeah you heard me)
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If you haven't figured it out already (I did drop hints :) NSH's structure is damaged! His legs are giving out because a group of scavengers thought it would be funny to transport all of their explosives at once.
So he's in a bit of a pickle!
This is when Looks to the Moon and Five Pebbles' communication tower is repaired! During their first conversation in a very long time, NSH finds out about good ol' Hunter long legs, and is rightfully distraught! He feels like a total failure, that he wasn't experienced enough to properly create his messenger.
That's what this whole post was about!
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But, experience is something that can be gained.
NSH figured if Five Pebbles was able to leave his can, then he should be able to as well, but that requires solving the three problems I mentioned in the Five Rotten Pebbles post:
The self-genome modification barrier,
A general lack of puppet central brain matter, and
No material processing within the puppet.
I'll talk about my umbilical lore for this AU here since it's relevant.
Either the "cord" or the "arm" can be disconnected, but not both. This is for ease of repair by administrators. Disconnecting them both would leave the unfortunate Iterator fully functional. Although, they would be blind in the visible spectrum (apart from overseers), unable to speak directly to someone in their chamber, and would otherwise have their workflow be severely impaired. They would effectively be trapped in their own head.
NSH realised that even if the barriers existed, they could still have the intentions, to break them. So what would happen, if he broke one? Not by writing it out of his system, Five Pebbles already proved how risky that method was, but instead by setting his actions in motion faster than any barrier could stop them? This was something to test, and wasn't that what Iterators were built to do anyway?
Umbilicals can only be disconnected by administrators, but what if he were to do it anyway? He needed to leave his can after all, it wouldn't be much of a loss if he was stuck on the floor of his chamber or floating aimlessly in zero gravity for a while.....
So what if he just ran fast enough to rip himself off?
What if he moved his arm back at the last second, could he gain enough inertia to pull it out of his back? Even if it took a few tries?
What other choices does he have? Perfect Five Pebbles' method until he collapses and continue even then? He had time, but not enough for that, and The Hunter certainly did not have any time for waiting around. NSH had to fix his mistake, he had to.
So this bastard goes and does exactly that, and short-circuits his entire system.
Not just breaking the umbilical maintenance barrier, but every other one in the process.
And it all hurts like hell.
But that's the first problem solved, and now he can help keep himself afloat longer. So that now, he can figure out how to solve the other two problems with precision.
Of course, the others won't like any of these plans, but, after what Five Pebbles did, they wouldn't dare disturb him if he stopped responding, right?
And maybe, he could even hijack their communications array, to look for help.
yeah so NSH is not sane
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imrowanartist · 6 months
how was gaz's pregnancy? like with symptoms and dysphoria and the like!
Okay are you ready for a long answer? Cause @narcissosbythepool and I have talked about this a lot and I love making that everyone’s problem lmao
(Warning for some talk about abortion and spoilers for the MWIII campaign, no MCD tho)
Anyway, have the origin story of the Rosie AU
Gaz finds out he’s pregnant the night before they hear Makarov has escaped. He’s pretty shaken up by it, since he’s both on T and birth control, but sometimes the universe decides to just fuck you over apparently.
(Continues under the cut)
He keeps it to himself at first, briefly thinks about getting rid of it without telling Price, but decides against that. So they go up against Makarov, they almost lose Soap and as they sit waiting in a car in a hospital parking lot to hear whether Soap made it, Gaz tells Price.
After the initial shock they talk about it and ultimately decide that it’s not the right time and that the work they do is too important. But Gaz sees the disappointment in Price’s face and that sticks with him.
So they go up against Makarov again, this time catching and killing him and then land in a media circus afterwards including several public hearings. In between all that, Gaz finds himself at a clinic several times, but can’t bring himself to go in.
Eventually, he decides to travel to Scotland, where Soap is slowly recovering in the care of his family. He tells Soap and has a good talk with him. And when Gaz sees Soap interact with his little nephew, it finally hits him that he does want to have this baby.
So he brings Soap with him to his first ultrasound, then travels back to Credenhill to show Price the picture, telling him that he intends to keep the baby. Price is a little shocked at first, but also very happy.
Up until that point, everything has gone pretty smoothly for Gaz, besides the occasional nausea and exhaustion. His sister Dotty is a nurse and has connected him to some queer friendly doctors.
When he starts showing though, that’s when the dysphoria hits. He feels very disconnected from his own body and pretty uncomfortable in his own skin. On top of that, he’s pretty lonely as Price has to go back to work and can’t be there all the time.
Eventually though, he hits a point where he just decides to start talking to his bump. He calls her Bee at first and it helps remind him that he’s doing this all for her. His family is also very supportive and with their help and Price’s support he drags himself through it.
He’s still wary of going outside much, and definitely hides behind sweaters and other bulky clothes to avoid stares from strangers. But by himself at home, he slowly makes his peace with the whole situation.
Other than a minor scare when he’s at thirty weeks, the rest also goes pretty smoothly (to Dotty’s chagrin, who had a more challenging pregnancy) up until he hits 36 weeks.
On June 9th Gaz wakes up in a lot of pain and first texts Price, who’s still on an op, then calls Dotty. She comes over and drags him to the hospital as he’s considered a ‘risky’ pregnancy. After another ultrasound they find out that Rosie is breech and at risk with the umbilical cord, so they decide on an emergency c-section.
So Rosanna Garrick Price is born four weeks early and while Price tries to get there as fast as possible, he does miss the birth. But he gets there a few hours later and definitely cries when he holds little Rosie for the first time.
While they have to stay in the hospital for a few days, both Gaz and Rosie are in good health so after about a week they all get to go home and enjoy their little family <3
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Illustration for chapter 18 of Taking Life As Is. Seeing yourself carved into the history of a clan that once existed there is,,,,an odd feeling for sure.
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luminumarashi · 1 year
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Have you read Taking Life As Is? If not, then I suggest you do it! (Please)
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sig-got-a-gun · 10 months
okay so if moon kills sig. imma. imma need to know how/why/WHAT HAPPENS,,,,please,,,evil fucked up moon is making my brain go brrrr
Let me start from the beggining
So in this au, everything is the same up until just after survivor/Monk timelines. Then, after a rain, she gets caught on something as the room is emptying out of water. So she tries to get loose, but by the time she can most of the water has drained, and she falls straight to the ground.
It damages her lenses, and her forhead symbol (in my headcanon its a glass thing with her personality processors in it.). So, this knocks her out and her systems desperately try to reboot. It pieces together what it can without her, but it takes several cycles. More drownings where internal mechanics are now entirely exposed to the water damage. Her personality gets scrambled.
Her memories however, remain. At least, the ones that she could remember in the first place.
At some point after waking back up, she'd get this sort of itch. Call it phantom pain, that itch or pain you get where a limb used to be. It's her structure but it's so infinitely frustrating and disorienting that in a fit of discomfort and rage she manages to rip herself off the arm.
Anyways after this she would sort of wonder what to do, still sticking around in that chamber for a bit. Then some scavengers would come by. They do sometimes but they visited today. Usually she can't move or do anything threatening appearing to them but she looks entirely different now, and out of a sort of "holy shit, creatures" she moves towards them which freaks them out and one throws a warning spear. This makes moon jump, but there isnt really anything she can do to show she wont do anything. spear into the chest. Directly into the memory processor.
This makes her neurons freak and try to save any memory they can. 3 are eaten by scavengers as Moon is sort of frozen with a spear sticking out of her, not even being able to process the intense pain she is in from the neuron losses and the spear itself. Some wires cross and something sparks.
Almost instinctually, she rips the spear out and one-shots a scavenger reaching for another neuron. scary fast she kills the other three in her chamber. And then with so few memories left, she stores those precious two neurons away within herself. She barely remembers a lot now. But what she does know is that pebbles put her in this position. And due to the personality scramble... she's fucking pissed about it.
After this she goes on a murder rampage towards Pebbles, killing anything that bothers her too much.
Shed get to Pebbles, who'd see her coming but be unable to do anything about it, a stressful encounter, and then shed yank out his umbilical wires, and take him off his arm. She'd do so in such a way that he cannot do anything else except for deteriorate. The horrid fate of a thing that can't die in any way that counts.
His would of course cancel out Pebbles lock down and all processes, immediately lowering steam output. This is noticed.
Moon then decides to visit her old bestie, now done with her main rage but still missing screws yknow.
(During this ui is immediately investigating the situation at pebbles.)
Anyways, Moon gets to sig all like "miss me?" Sig is freaked, but excited that they can both hang out again. Some way or another though sig finds out what Moon did and is highkey unnerved. Plus her personality is a lot different than it used to be so its... bothering.
Moon overhears a call between sig and Suns where sig expresses the concerns, and then moon gets pissed, unplugs sig on call, then tells Suns she's coming for him next.
Anyways, after that it becomes a chain. From sig toSuns, suns told wind, so she goes there next, and then ui manages to be the last girl and send put an emergency sos before dying and let's the whole iterator kind that can recieve messages that there is an iterator on the loose, and that she is dangerous.
From then on its kill kill kill baby
Btw with the different accessories:
Purple scarf: sig
Green ribbon: wind
Orange infinity scarf/armband: peb
Pearl bracelet: inn
Antennae clip: suns
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tanyabadtime159 · 1 year
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There is super cool rain world fanfic called "taking life as is" so I make some art :)
Also bonus. Moon kills Innocence
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Go read it!
(Innocence sign on the forehead is taken from https://www.tumblr.com/lyss-butterscotch?source=share Iterators design. Her designs of Innocence and Gray are canon for me now uwu. Go see them too! They are great!)
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
So, in the off the string Ancients time au, What is the reaction of the Ancients that live on top of the iterators when they discover that the puppet just disconnected/disappeared from the structure? How much time does it take them to discover this?
oh dear Heavens above. scandal and horror and anger and affront... they and their little comfortable asses go "oh how can we live now! !!!?!?!!" when the consequences of the separation start hitting them might take like. a month or however long it was meant to be till the next resource delivery
it all ultimately depends on the Iterators' relationships with their citizens and Mechanics/Admins if the ittie has 'em, honestly!
Euros' citizens would try to immediately bring him back (first gotta find him but lets be honest he'd be hanging out in that one farm district n wouldn't try to run so like. it wouldn't be that hard.) n lock him in the chamber so he'd somehow plug into the umbilical arm again by himself. they wouldn't really care that he wouldn't be able to or that he'd most likely end up dying in there, he just better figure it out! thankfully, Sparrows would Not accept that in the least
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she might not stand up for herself, but for her boyfriend she fuckin Will and with that shotgun of hers at that
it would take longer for the citizens of Desaevio to notice that Boreas' Blessing isn't supplying the city anymore because of how big it is. that would be the better scenario. they'd notice pretty early he isn't acting right because of the Iterator Mechanic school. which is the bad scenario. because he'd need to figure all of this by himself which would be much harder with how old he is (so used to his usual state of existence unlike hardly 100 year old Euros). n then he'd have to figure out how to make an escape away from himself, cuz unlike Euros he Would suspect immediately that if he is found here like this it will Not end well for him. not to mention the need to find some kind of way to feed the puppet... Boreas' houses would be way less merciful to him than Euros' which says a lot
Fish would cry out for help to the Ancients! he wouldn't try to run away or anything of the sort, instead would do his best to notify them and then would be very compliant with them. they'd house the puppet in the shrine while they'd be trying to figure out how to fix this (Fish would very much like to return to his work and unlike Boreas he can afford to trust his citizens to have his best interests at heart), the kids would try to bother him and play with him and he'd indulge them while putting on a show of being all grumpy about it. the lil shrimps would be the ones to teach him how to walk in the end!
Notos wouldn't be around at this time, along with Haboob, but for the fun of it: since Gen 3 chambers are like never visited and its Hivemind would stay stable even without the puppet, Notos would have basically all the time in the world to figure out its situation Until it would start to feel weak (cuz of the lack of food, the puppets wouldn't be getting hungry, but weak) even if the Ancients figured it out that quickly n tried to stop it- which they would not because Notos is legit seen as smth that should not be messed with- it would be able to work with its structure despite the disconnect to keep itself safely away from the grabby arms
aaand Zephyr n Haboob would be mostly unaffected. Zeph at least until Boreas would manage to somehow drag himself over to her (she'd be his first destination cuz 'oh damn- now that i am... severed i could offer zephyrus finer services.'). then she'd probably be like "you know what, fuck the structure. it's probably all half dead at this point without me keeping it in order. we'd do well to depart as fast as possible- come on.". MAYBe she'd try to get out of her structure by herself but that'd be pretty risky ngl
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hi ! i just read all of the hunger au tag and #($+$(()33-(# . Hm . God awful . I am a worse person because of it /j . I have a lot of thoughts !!
First off , i find the conversion of biology and software fascinating , specially in the concepts of first worlds ! Like , you mentioned how players are more often spawned rather than born , and i personally interpret their first worlds as a sort of prenatal stage . think abt it , they're still connected to the universal code , still relying on it to learn and advance , and after they shed it and are finally "born" as themselves , able to access the rest of the world .
also , lots of body horror in this au . like , code , right ? i keep imagining the universal code as sort of veins , tendrils freshly born players are still teetered with , the connections grian has to put effort into severing as fleshy tendrils twisting and clinging unto players . much wet !
speaking of which , listeners , dude . i think genuinely they r much more scarier than watchers because they're not noticeable , their effects r not threatening , they don't stick to you n eat your insides , they get into your system and /change/ you , fuse into you , how many people have been affected by it ? even worse when you take into account they connect with other infected , n worse when they work towards Goals . girl what goals could the listeners want ????? I'm terrified .
And grian finally !!!!!! For al this time I've been looking at grian as having an eating disorder , cause , well , he does . It's so interesting , he ticks almost all the boxes . The guilt , the hiding it through clothing , the fact he's thinking of food all the time , damn . I'm also eternally fixated on the image of , like , the existential horror on it . he was created by sucking himself dried of code , he broke out of his own skin . something something caterpillars completely melt themselves in their cocoon before emerging as butterflies something something .
anyhow , such fun !!! I'm definitely gonna draw a lot for this , you're a great writer fr grrrr -🔆
Im really glad you've picked up on these concepts and themes i've carefully folded into this au, because it means they're coming across really clearly!!! :D thats how i know im doing my job as a writer, so im very pleased because all of these things you've mentioned (except maybe the Greater Code as tendrils) have been baked into the au with great deliberation
Spawned Players and their first worlds are absolutely very prenatal in nature-- i described to a friend a few months ago that a spawned Player's relationship to their first server, and the universe at large, is like an "umbilical cord" that they eventually detach from as they grow older :] how fast they go through that process depends ofc on the individual Player, but that was the general idea behind that concept!!
There's definitely a TON of body horror in this au WKDNWJDJSJ thats one of the first things i remember cw-ing for when explaining this au for the first time. Actual historical record right here LMFAO:
Tumblr media
I personally tend to see the Greater Code as this sorta like. Fabric of binary, that forms the base for what everything in this universe is made of. Within it are echoes of recycled information, code that comes together to form the impressions of old meaning-- you could almost think of them as ghosts. No longer conscious, but emulating fragments of what they once were. Also, any and all body horror imagery is the full fault of my cousin, whom i consider the ultimate Horror Guy in my life, as well as his favorite video game, Dead Space, which has. so much meat in it, gods bless<3
Listeners are absolutely more scary than Watchers imo; i was sorta thinking of cordyceps as well as the mycorrhizae when i was coming up with them!!! There's something utterly terrifying about being so subtly changed and just not knowing why. You can see and hear Watchers; their presence is palpable even if you dont know what they are. But a Listener? They're quiet. Symbiotic but deeply, utterly invasive. Definitely more frightening on an existential level than a Watcher, which i find suitable for something modeled after fungi.
As for Grian, he 100% has an eating disorder. My portrayal of that in the au is very deliberate, even though its not directly stated. So im glad you picked up on that!!! And if you do draw anything for this for the love of gods send it here or tag me in the post i will DIE i love fanart and i am guaranteed to scream about it for a million years AUGH
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kindheart525 · 7 months
Who in the mane six do you believe would take the losses the worst?
Pinkie Pie 1000%. She’s functionally lost both of her children. One died a horrible and untimely death, and while the other is still alive, they severed that umbilical cord by choosing their country over her. She doesn’t blame Cheddar for this decision, since their loyalty is also to their dad who lost a spouse AND a child. But it hurts so, so much. She lives every day wondering if she’ll see them again, and even if she does, it may not be the same. Wondering where she went wrong that they find their stepfamily so unpleasant to be around. Wondering why she couldn’t protect her baby Taffy. And of course, her twin sister and one of her best friends are both dead, and the rest of her friends and sisters are so far away as she remains in hiding.
Rarity may also be separated from everypony in hiding, but her whole family is still alive. Twilight lost Shining, Flurry, and Cadence, and her eldest daughter was missing and feared dead for awhile; her whole family is very traumatized by the end of this, but her children and spouse are still with her. Applejack lost three out of her five children which has understandably done a number on her emotional health, but she’s still pushing through and has a lot of remaining family to depend on in these trying times. Rainbow Dash died pretty early on and even though her surviving family is struggling and mourning, she at least got to miss out on a lot of the turmoil this AU entails (if you don’t count Crash lecturing her ear off in the afterlife).
So unlike most of her friends, who have also lost and sacrificed but still have support systems, Pinkie is feeling especially isolated and taking it hard. But she’s not completely alone! Fluttershy has also joined her in Seaquestria, along with her niece and nibling too. Fluttershy herself is reeling over not only losing a spouse and sibling but also finding out the killer is her own family. However, it’s still in Pinkie’s nature to try to make others smile even if she struggles to do so herself. More than ever, Fluttershy reminds her of her late twin in her most outgoing state, and Piper and Rosie remind her of when her own babies were younger, which lifts her spirits to think about. So, the girls are providing each other a lot of comfort in their own special and unexpected ways.
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