#Tumblr come on you gotta commit to the bit.
benbamboozled · 1 year
The Wizard Worm’s lack of Big Naturals is actually for real throwing me off every time I see him.
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cherubfae · 4 months
I'm the anon who asked if you write for mammon and adam. I just sent the ask in, but regardless of your reply i was wondering of you could write the hazbin cast +helluva boss cast (the ones you write obviously) with a super sleepy slot like s/o? Like they sleep all the dam time and are still tired as hell, so tired they literally fall to the ground while walking in silence for too much, they sit down for a second and go out cold. They move so slow it's incredible, theyre always super clingy and always hanging on by their shoulder, It's very concerning.
lmao this made me cackle. Here ya go, sweets! Apologies if you wanted something serious, I literally couldn't 😭😭 just had lunch with my mama to celebrate her belated bday and I'm very full
sloth!like partner || hazbin/helluva boss x reader
tags: fluff, comedy, this is probably mostly crack lmao, established relationships
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Okay but remember him with the Egg Bois? That's essentially him waiting for you to get ready for your date. What feels like an eternity was only roughly thirty seconds. He hopes you haven't fallen asleep in the bathroom.
"Dearest... I could just teleport you to places with my shadow provided I'm somewhere near." He suggests. It takes him a while to get used to any sort of physical contact so he's not crazy about the clinginess and does what he can to establish boundaries if and when he feels comfortable doing so.
Haha! You're so adorable! He actually quite likes having you on his arm, though sometimes not literally. It's comical watching you climb him and then slowly lose your energy halfway to his shoulders and slow-motion crash land towards the ground. Rinse and repeat.
By now he's quite used to you falling asleep, especially on him. You tucker yourself out so easily, he wonders what tricks Belphegor has up their sleeves lately. Husk loves you for who you are, but he is rather curious if there's anything that can cure or at least lessen your narcoleptic behaviors.
Angel Dust
Constantly cracking jokes and puns. Some of them can come off as a little mean though it's never intended to hurt your feelings. Though, he does know not to make the 'slow-burn romance' jokes every time you guys have a date night.
He's gotten used to you being constantly sleepy and rather sluggish. He does wonder if you are, in fact, a Hellborn from Sloth instead of a Sinner sometimes or if you drew the short straw. Vox is typically okay if you're constantly sleepy and a bit sluggish, but he is a fast-paced guy and likes all aspects of his life to progress at a decent speed; romance included.
Deadass he's watching you slowly drag yourself face-down along the ground with a soft skrrrr skrrrr along the cement. Honestly he's surprised you made it on Earth as long as you did. This was amusing but the more you, literally, drag on Blitz isn't sure what he should do. He's probably gonna start driving everywhere. Gotta keep pollutin' bb.
With how often you sleep, Loona isn't sure how you still manage to be so tired all the time. It honestly perplexes her but she's learned to roll with it. If you're moving too slowly for her liking, she'll pick you up and carry you off like royalty-- or if you're small like Millie, Loona is gonna commit you to her backpack transit indefinitely.
"Ya'llright, darlin'?" He asked with a raised brow. You just ate shit and aren't currently really doing anything about getting back into the upright position. Striker's tail swishes curiously and he gently prods you with his boot, heaving a sigh when you move.
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romanarose · 5 months
RomanaRose's Best-Of
Hi!!!! I got a post coming out with my favorite series from others, but I wanted to do a bit with what I think is the best of my work this year <3
This is strictly for this account, my dark account @romana-after-dark will have her own.
Best Series
Honestly series are where I shine I think. Still, If You Wanna Be Wild with Santiago Garcia x Latina reader x Javier Pena just tops it. I'm working on it still with my precious co-writer, my beloved @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction but it explores a lot about repressed sexuality, repressed bisexuality, emotional incest, commitment issues, protective vs. possessive, and tenderness. Oh yeah, and they fuck nasty.
Best one shot
Hands down Boys of Summer. I know FishBen isn't a popular TF ship but those are my babies. This massive fic follows Benny Miller and Frankie Morales through a series of summers from when they meet as teens to finally coming together on the Andes, and the hardships and love in between.
Underrated fic
Secret's Out! IDK I thought it was a fun one! You're brother is best friends with Marc and you keep your relationship secret thinking he'll be mad at Marc, but that's not quite it. It's just a goofy fun thing.
Overratted fic
I'll be real, I don't think Take It All was my best work, although I'm glad everyone agreed it's time for more balls in fanfiction. Still, it just came ot during the height of the Miguel fandom so it went off.
Collab <3
As I mentioned above, I wrote IYWBW with my dearest Fen, which has been SO FUN!!! But I'm also lucky enough to have written Honest Mistake with the lovely @missdictatorme !! we had SO MUCH FUN!!!! IN FACT, enough fun we're hoping to write a part 2 <3
New blorbos
Joel Miller obvious takes the cake, with a bunch of fics like Lover of the Light and Darkness on the Edge of Town occassionally featuring his v handsome brother
Tommy Miller hasn't seen much smut on this side of my blogs, but he was in my holiday DBF series, instalment, Yes, Uncle Tommy?
William Miller, another Miller but no relation to the above. It's no secret I always loved all my TF boys, but this year has been a YEAR for Will! After his parts in Awakening endeared him to me (and Dolli) he got a few one shots like my Will x single mom!reader, He Didn't Have to Be, and his own series, For The Longest Time
Full post with how much I love all my tumblr besties will come, but for now, I gotta get reader for sleepies bc i worked a 9 hour day no break no food lol its beddy bye
<3 you all!
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You will commit to your role. Once you tell me what role you want there is a very little chance I’ll change it so you better be happy with your choice.
A general knowledge of the role you’re playing. If you’re playing Wilbur or Ranboo’s character, you should know that you’d be playing their ghost version and revived version if they get revived; if you’re playing Fundy you may want to make yourself familiar with his cannon nightmares.
A light attitude! This whole rp thing is supposed to be fun, and if somebody is doing anything that makes you uncomfortable or threatening you, come to me immediately.
We will be ideally going through the entire DSMP storyline, from the start to end. You’re welcome to change plot lines to create an alternate timeline, but it is crucial to communicate that with everybody (especially me) to ensure that everybody is on board with it. This is a great time to fuse your character making and playing abilities with your knowledge of your blorbo!
To word it a bit better, you’re creating an original character who will take the role of a specific DSMP character.
Let’s say I create this character called Elle Woods (i’m a basic bitch okay), and she’s in the role of Jack. She’s gonna go through his part of the story and essentially fill in all his role. She’ll be a part of all of Jack’s arcs, and I’d play her out. She doesn’t have to do everything by book, but that’s specified above. Also, your character doesn’t have to be exactly like the original role’s character by any means. Certain things that are species specific such as the enderwalk can be either adapted to your character or even taken out or substituted (I have my limits, but you gotta talk to me before we both know them).
When is the last time to register?
The rp will be starting on the 7th of October, and I will be letting you guys know your roles in that week, giving you a week to prepare. Use it.
You need to make a new blog for this
All the role playing will be happening here on Tumblr, and you’ll be doing reblog chains
There is no Discord bc I don’t have it and idk if my parents are cool with me getting it (strict parents amirite), but if you wanna make a server that’s cool with me but please check with me beforehand seeing as I am kinda modding for it
This is open for everybody, no matter the rp experience! I’ve been in a few rps myself (though this is my first time running one), and I’d love to see some people branch out their horizons! It’s all about good fun
You’re welcome to play multiple characters if you’re willing to dedicate to it! Just DM me about it like everything else :D
In no way am I or this project associated with Dream, the actual Dream SMP, or any of the ccs involved. I am just a fan with an itch to rp and to watch ppl rp.
I am not planning on involving Tales From The SMP, but if the person playing Karl’s role or anybody else would like to organize it separately from the main project then be my guest
Oh yeah this ain’t gonna be clean by any means lmaoooooooo (if you really wanna pull a sex scene i’m not against it just please tell everybody that ur gonna do it for our collective sanity)
As a second to the thingy above, if you REALLY wanna play out a sex scene, it is highly advised you keep it to the DMs unless it’s agreed on that it’s…central to the plot ig…if everybody who’s on board with the project in the end doesn’t mind it, then cool, but please check with everybody. Better safe than sorry.
“Spore how tf do we communicate without a discord-“ if you really need to talk to everybody at once, make a post and tag everybody in it
If you have any specific needs or concerns (sex repulsed, trauma from certain topics, etc) please communicate that with me so that we can create a fun roleplay experience for everyone. We can get into technicalities when you DM me about it, but I will likely share it as an announcement to the entire group.
(@mean-gills @championofapollo @jinxneedssleep @apricityxys @medlabmech i’m just tagging y’all for signal boost and sign up bc nobody seems interested and i’m sad)
ROLES THAT ARE TAKEN (this will be updated as more people receive roles, and I’ll be linking their urls so if you wanna wrestle your blorbo outta their hands I don’t have to be the messenger. be nice kids):
Phil - me
Charlie - me
Sam - me
Techno - @apricityxys
Tommy - @mean-gills
Ranboo - @mean-gills
Wilbur - @championofapollo
Dream - @chocolate-milk
Niki - @azurecake16
Quackity - @azurecake16
Tubbo - @epicaxolotls
Eret - @x-ca1iber
Schlatt - @epicaxolotls
BBH - @chocolate-milk
Fundy - @chocolate-milk
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angelasscribbles · 2 months
A little bird told me that's it your birthday, so...
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Can't believe it's been another year!! Where the heck does the time go...?
I know you have not been focusing on TRR as much recently, but I wanted to celebrate by putting together a bit of a collage of the amazing stories and relationships you've built over the past 3 (...4?) years on Tumblr!
So, sit back and enjoy!
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I know these are your normal ships, but I couldnt resist adding in some BR Riley x Leo as well 😆
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And... last but not least, some incorrect quotes to top it all off! Hopefully I've managed to find some new ones you haven't seen before!
Just Riley
Riley: I love saying 'fuck me' because it can either be sexual or self-loathing and those are two things that describe me perfectly.
Riley: To everyone who has treated me poorly; I am sexier than you.
Riley: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
Riley x Liam
Liam: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration* Riley: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table? Liam: I— I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Riley: I know every song to ever exist it doesn't matter if it's from the past, present or the future. Liam: Oh yeah? Then continue this. Liam: I don't cook I don't clean- Riley: So let me tell you how I got this ring. Riley & Liam: ..... Riley & Liam: GOBBLE ME, SWALLOW ME-
Riley x Drake
Riley: Hey, wanna take a shower with me? Drake: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Riley: What’s your body count? Drake: Do you mean sex or murder?
Riley x Max
Riley: You look good in that hoodie. Maxwell: You know where else I'd look good? Riley, zero hesitation: My bed. Maxwell, at the same time: By your side- wait, what?
Maxwell: Heh, Riley sneezes like a girl. Riley: How about I pound you like boy? Riley: That didn’t come out right.
Riley x Rashad
Riley: I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes. Rashad: Wow, I've gotta hear this. Riley: I was angry and envious of my neighbor so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share. Rashad: You forgot pride. Riley: No, I'm pretty proud of this.
Rashad, barging in: Syphilis! Riley: Rashad: Riley: Pardon?
Riley x Leo
Leo: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right? Riley: Nope, there's 26. Leo: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T. Riley: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one. Leo: You'll get the D later ;).
Riley: Know why I called you in here? Leo: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic. Riley: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
OH, my gosh!! Those images are fantastic! (Also, funny story, a Leo x Riley x Drake idea has been percolating in my head.....)
The quotes were all good, espeically the "Do you mean sex or murder?" (So spot on for BR Drake!)
But this....
Maxwell: Heh, Riley sneezes like a girl. Riley: How about I pound you like boy? Riley: That didn’t come out right.
made me snort laugh!
I think it came out just right! (still want to write a Riley x Max pegging scene....)
Thank you so much for this! Seriously, day made!!
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trinkerichi · 1 year
TEKVENTURES! I wanna ramble about Tekventures.
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if you remember them you qualify for a veterans discount
So they were Sgt.Frog ocs that my best friend SARAZA and I made on flipnote for edgy amvs and comics. I wanna say I wassss 13? give or take. But these little guys were my EVERYTHING. We thought of a billion stories about them. Then I got sick of drawing frogs eventually and wanted to make them more of an original thing. Our first sketches were of anthro goats, but over time with my style changes, an the fact that I hate spending more than 2 seconds drawing anything, they no longer resemble any specific animal and turned into fuzzy nondescript species of alien thing. ANYWAY I wanted to make them into a "real comic series" when i was 17. That's when I started the chapters that are still up on tumblr n webtoons! and a few other sites probably that I forgot about.
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I've been harsh on it in the past but honestly I still love it to bits. What's there is a solid little comic and i still think it's adorable!
The only thing is, that's judging it based on what's there. It's a basis for a cute episodic thing with low stakes! Like the early mlp fim episodes or the new care bears cartoon. But that's NOT what it was planned for in the long term. Oh no, I was so ambitious. I had at LEAST 50 episodes planned which would weave together into this massive arc that would introduce other space teams, wayward space travelers with secret pasts connecting to the main cast, sad backstories for everyone, ALL of the family members of the main cast, a villian team with like... 'anti-versions' of the main cast, and a dramatically foreshadowed final confrontation with robot clones that want to destroy their planet. OH AND ROBIN too! Besides all that, they ALSO have multiple side story episodes about crashing to earth and befriending a human girl named Robin who has to keep them secret.
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That might have been um. a lot.
But when you start writing a story with your best friend when you're 13 you most likely have NO CONCEPT of "too much". Who am I kidding I STILL have trouble pacing myself. But when you come up with a story it's hard not to think it's just GOLD! And that you've gotta keep it no matter what! Because that stuff is fun!
I went full force into the comic in my senior year of highschool and eventually I finished the first chapter! It took me a year. And then I looked at my plans for the other 49 episodes and thought "maybe I need to rework some things.."
I rebooted the comic once, tried making smaller stories, all that, but I wasn't quite feeling the same drive anymore. I realized I was comparing my work to high budget tv shows with like. a full team of writers and artists. and studio funding. and greenlit seasons and all that. And it was making me feel TERRIBLE about my art!
So I quit comics! I started hating comics! I hated how long they took and how restricted I felt (with my own expectations) and I lost my confidence in finishing projects because I was so sad about giving up on my big magnum opus. and I just kinda gave up and started only doing fandom art for a couple years. I did a jyushimatsu ask blog and kept it up for ages! And then a new season of Osomatsu came out and I realized when comparing it that I was basically writing an oc at this point. And that I CAN commit to long term projects if i dont get self conscious about it!
I still didnt wanna jump into comics again. But I thought of some new characters that I was becoming attached to. the very very beginnings of what could turn into a new idea.
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I thought "well i still love cartoons about space! even if im not making tekventures anymore maybe i could do another space story. a really tiny one."
so i started making an rpgmaker game! and it started taking forever. so in the meantime i made a really rough doodle comic about how the characters first met. as a little side story thing.
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and THAT was the key. I had to stop thinking about it like i was making a big cool tv show and starting my career and all that. its just a fun thing, off the cuff, not overthinking it, just for fun and personal expression.
so im still going with it! and its GREAT! Rocket chip has 12 planned chapters, and I'll be halfway done by the end of the year.
But BOY did it take me forever to learn that.
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eemcintyre · 1 year
My (possibly controversial bc the "Top Gun" films aren't there) list of favorite TC films and why:
**There will be a wealth of spoilers below, if that’s something you want to avoid**
P.S. I still enjoy the Top Gun films every now and then, but they’re not really my jam as much as a lot of his other films/characters :)
Jerry Maguire
Pros: So funny but also so inspiring and wholesome; his performance is so intense and sweet and entertaining too- my man was robbed in the awards category as ALWAYS >:( I also find this to be his most relatable character, as I too am constantly teetering on the edge of sanity and everyone is mildly concerned, I enjoy talking to little kids, and am also struggling with what to do with my life and petrified of commitment. Everyone’s roles, even the smallest ones like Marcy, Laurel, Ray, and even the divorced women’s support group are crucial to the experience, and Ray in particular is simply the cutest. Additionally, I love “Shelter from the Storm” and Renee Zellweger's delivery and the fact that she is constantly serving fits. A bit of everything for everyone- we have romance, we have comedy, we have drama, we have sports for lord's sake
Cons: ummm… it ends?? Literally nothing?
2. Far and Away
Pros: I ship it so hard; all the good tropes are there, as another Tumblr user pointed out- enemies to lovers, there’s only one bed, class differences, etc. The vintage aesthetic goes hard, the John Williams score goes even harder; all the fight scenes with a sweaty, rosy-cheeked, bloody, shirtless Tom Cruise, and all the humorous moments I love to quote in my equally poor Irish accent: “That’s in about five hours”; “You came back from the dead to tell me that I’m odd?” The only Tom/Nicole collab that I enjoyed, but I enjoyed it so damn much.
Cons: ummm… same goes for this one- it ends? The first time I watched it too, when I thought he was going to die at the end I was unbelievably pissed and drowned in unfathomable sorrow, if that counts?
3. Cocktail
Pros: So many laughs (most intentional, some not lol, we can all be adults and admit it gets mildly ridiculous, but this movie is meant to be enjoyed not overanalyzed), the under-appreciated goddess Elisabeth Shue, Tom’s floofy hair and baby voice, and something for everyone- a bit of romance, comedy, drama, coming-of-age, etc. Little moments like the part where he flips two bottles and sticks his tongue out, the part where he says “the orgasm” and bends to kiss a girl’s hand, oooooohh boy it’s cold shower time. I also never knew bottle flipping could be so sexually charged. Is that a kink?
Cons: Brian is not the brightest a lot of the time and his excuses/rationale for doing things can be very frustrating (we all know what I’m talking about- if sOMEONE DARES YOU YOU’VE GOTTA TAKE A DARE are we TWELVE??); I also find quite a few of the characters irritating- Doug, Kerry, Bonnie, Coral… I know they’re supposed to be, but STILL, a girl can only take so much
4. The Last Samurai
Pros: Tom’s glorious mane and his character being such a sweetheart and redeeming his honor; everyone’s subtle but extremely expressive performances, the gorgeous scenery, the cute lil children. The inspirational quotes about "finding the perfect blossom" and "life in every breath", and the power duo Nathan and Katsumoto; the bros, the buddies, the besties, if you will
Cons: that almost everyone frickin DIES??? Also poor Tom gets hit with sticks a lot
5. Knight and Day
Pros: Incredibly funny and we need more movies like this that don’t take themselves too seriously. My mom almost choked to death on a Perrier water the first time we watched this. The chemistry is good. Roy Miller is incredibly wholesome, enthusiastic, and full of romantic whimsy. “Private Eyes” by Hall & Oates is always a banger. A fun and cheery comfort movie.
Cons: literally none if you don’t overanalyze it and just enjoy a fun movie the way it was meant to be enjoyed
6. American Made
Pros: Fun, artsy directing style, intriguing story that I couldn't guess the plot twists of; very different character from what he usually plays in terms of mannerisms and voice (lord take the wheel the things that the Louisiana accent does to me) and he is serving so many fits; the soundtrack is full of bops, and I forget just how very funny it is, especially scenes with Lucy. Lucy is a wonderful character and God bless Sarah Wright for pushing to give her more screen time.
Cons: …he dies? The end makes me v sad tbh. Also, the brother-in-law character was irritating and unnecessary as hell, imo
7. Mission: Impossible franchise (esp. 1, 3, 5, 6)
Pros: just Tom being Tom. Benji, Luther, Ilsa, and Julia are all wonderful, the theme is fire, and don’t we all just want to participate in a heist while in our best designer formal wear
Cons: we D O  N O T talk about MI 2; I could also personally use a bit more character development, but at the same time I know that’s not the kind of movies these are
8. Valkyrie
Pros: love a good anything about WWII; everyone has a favorite historical period and that is mine and idc if it’s BASIC. I can’t believe I never heard this story before, and it was so fascinating and exciting (even tho you know what's coming the whole time, you somehow still think "y'know, maybe they're really gonna do it"). I'm also not afraid to admit that he looked fresh as hell with that hairstyle and the eyepatch and in uniform. Good soundtrack too.
Cons: light on the character development and interaction; it’s pretty much just *down to business* from the beginning. And sure, you know this going into it, but THEY FAIL AND EVERYONE FREAKING DIES
9. A Few Good Men
Pros: love a good crime/legal drama, love a good autumnal aesthetic; Demi being a girlboss icon who has Been Through It and is just so done with anything and everything, lots of entertaining humor; Jack Nicholson is always a plus.
Cons: The guy from Twin Peaks annoys me, Daniel Kaffee is kind of an annoying lil bitch too a lot of the time, and I wish Demi and Tom would have kissed, just o n c e
10. Minority Report
Pros: another John Williams score, Agatha must be protected at all costs, the scene where she tells John and Lara about what Sean could have grown up to be like TEARS ME TO SHREDS. Very exciting overall, and I love a good free will vs. determinism debate. I’m also glad it ended happy and for once the dystopian hellscape was defeated.
Cons: It gets pretty slow and boring from time to time, I don’t care about most of the other characters (particularly the wife), and I am not a fan of that type of filmmaking where all of the colors are washed out and lighting is scarce
Thank you for coming to my TED talk; fare thee well
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prettyflyshyguy · 3 months
Alright for the freaks who are oldschool Supernatural tumblr people, or just normal supernatural people, and for the rest who are just like me and don't know shit: I'm dumping all my garbo takes under the cut.
Mostly gonna be me either being really enamored or really upset.
No in-between. These things are either great or the worst. My tastes are specific and I'm picky with vampire fiction and rarely do I find media that ticks the boxes yet, I still watch almost anything I can find obsessively.
Who knows maybe this'll become a new casual TV series if I like the dynamics. Anyway, long post warning under the cut.
They got Bela Lugosi's Dead playing in a room full of nu-metal heads LMFAO
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truly the alt communities have always been done so dirty in media
least they did their research on song choices
jesus christ
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flashbacks to my steampunk phase circa 2011
I LOVE that this woman looks so normie and looks so delighted when she meets this equally normie looking dude in an alternative bar (i want to go there the people seem chill and the vibes are impeccable)
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anyway who is this guy he seems familiar
love that they made the most normal dude in the bar the real monster good on them :)
christ they just took one look at twilight and went yeah lets TV parody this shit just for a laugh didnt they
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OK ok ok you get big bonus points just for this bit. Just for this bit.
Thank you supernatural go off
"I'm just scared I'm dreaming and I'll wake up in math class" girl me too
im sorry this woman looks so much older than 17
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great eyes, horrendous teeth. very dissapointed. I'm only here for the fucked up canines because we already HAVE them and whats better than perverting the existing human form into something subtly wrong
This show has such an aggressive title screen compared to buffy and the x files LMAO
ok i can get behind the chevvy, the chevvy is nice
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POINTS ADDED - holy shit points added for this cheesy poster alone really capturing the schtick of the late 2000s
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ok i get it, i get it guys, they're fun, they're funny, they've got a great sibling energy, the periodic 'screaming' happening in the background of this scene is sending me
this has been too fun so far i feel like somethings gonna ruin it
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Ok this is so self aware yet the degree they're committing is just.
its marvelous. this is peak. I'm into it.
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there are so many ads please i want to see dean have a bad day
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Holy shit is that Skinner from the x files i love that guy
the fashion. iconic. if anything I'll be coming back to this for inspiration for myself.
the way Dean just slammed that guy on the car yelling "OPEN YOUR MOUTH"
yeah instant favourite.
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you've rounded a corner, a dude has just beat the shit out of your brother and now he's about to force feed him blood and your response is: stand there staring like the shocked pikachu
oh so you wait till after he's done to scream "no!" in a half hearted tone
is there something I'm missing here, i know Sam gets a bit cooked at some point (does he get possessed??? idk) so I'm gonna assume thats whats going on
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this is the best 'turning' scene I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing in all my years of trawling through vampire media
holy shit the team that wrote this episode fucking get it
the audio design, the acting, is so on point
Supernatural Crew you cooked so hard and I'm deeply thanking you for it
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this was fucking made for me what the fuck what the fruck what the fuck what the fuc
Nooooo dont have an emotional breakdown in the bathroom looking at your fangs, but you're so sexy aha
The constant heartbeats anytime Deans in a room with someone got me grinning like :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
ok points deducted, again, for bad teeth but my god
the "I gotta go-" scene GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT
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someone get this kicked puppy a sippy cup
a red fanta chug jug
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where is his sippy cup
look i know its probably not fun, at all, to drink red mystery meat juice on set but its gotta be cheaper than CGI teeth. Please.
Please let more relunctant vampires reluctantly chug jug (with you)
Oh Never Mind they wrote it in that he can't drink or he's stuck >:(
im still having a good time, just a bit less of a good time
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using a large serrated knife to cut appart a horde of vampires seems like a great idea and getting covered in blood you're not supposed to drink is inevitable
but watch out
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Sam: thats a pretty mentally stable thing to do
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ok this scene of him makes up for the lack of authentic blood chug jug I'll take what I can get
Ok final thoughts: that was a solid 7 and a half out of 10
thank you Supernatural you hit almost all the high notes when most stuff falls flat for me. Still, you came soooooooooo close. And got so far. And Yet in the end it doesnt even matter.
Still, this one's going straight to the pool room, and I can comfortably say I'm throwing it on the shelf of 'comfort media' that I can go back to on a bad day.
This had some fucking BANGER scenes that surpassed my expectations and deeply pleasantly surprised me. Good shit! As someone who is hard to please, this was a riot. Still; a shame they arbritrarily rules-d him taking a chunk out of someone. Would have been sick. Could have had the great slow build up of the initial turning scene - him and the love interest, holding back - then him cracking it after holding out and snapping.
It is not too much to ask, I swear. It's a good trope.
Do I dare take the risk of trawling through fanfiction to find another horribly specific weirdo like me, because Supernatural seems huge and a scary place to fanfic trawl.
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
OK this one's a bit long... But I'm really excited for it and I hope you enjoy it!
"Let go with me!!" Elizabeth flailed in Belle's grasp kicking and punching with her freed arm belle stood steady her hand clamped around elizabeth's. "Please stop I'm not trying to hurt you just-" Belle was cut off by finally noticing Michael and Charlie. Belle recoiled in disgust from the 2 of them. " That's harsh but understandable. now if you just give me Elizabeth will be out of your hair". Michael gave her his most angry and threatening stare. (It regrettably had been learned from William) Belle stepped back again. Elizabeth took the chance to grab on too Belle's arms and bite down as hard as she could. Belle screamed but didn't let go. But she was distracted for long enough that the puppet could come up behind her and jump on top of her. Bell was knocked to the ground letting go of Elizabeth as she fell. "Elizabeth we need to run now!!" Michael picked her up and ran out of the guest room grabbing their bags on the way out. "What about Charlie?" Elizabeth said as Michael kicked the door open and put her down. "That's not important! you did swipe the old bat's wallet right??" Michael said running to the driveway and trying to open up the car door it was locked. Elizabeth smirked pulling out the wallet. Michael grabbed the wallet and searched through it. "No keys- Guess we're gonna have to hot wire!" Elizabeth looked for something they could check at the window. Finally picking up an ugly garden dome and handing it to Michael. Michael was prepared to tell Elizabeth to stand back but she had already done so. Michael threw the knob and it broke the glass. he opened the door from the inside Sticking his arm through the glass. A little bit of remaining glass that poked against his arm didn't hurt.. Michael and Elizabeth easily slipped into the car now that it was open and Michael got to hot wiring. And they started hearing the screams coming from the house.. "Should we go inside..?" Said Elizabeth checking to make sure everything was right in the car before she started driving. "No the hot wiring is done and you should be able to drive from here. Don't stop for anything Even Charlie..." Elizabeth looks suspicious but started the car and sped out of the driveway.
They sat in silence for a long time as the town slowly way to forest.. "You gotta teach me how to drive sometime Elizabeth.. It's no fair that I'm like 17 and You're the only one of us that can drive!" Michael laughed as Elizabeth kept her eyes on the road speeding along. " I told you you should have tried out illegal Street racing! then you would have learned how to drive!" Elizabeth said with a chuckle "Oh so that's what we're calling stealing Mrs. Whitaker's car and driving to to Florida" Michael pulled a chocolate bar out of his backpack. "All right so what I wanted to go to Disney And Genevieve happened to know where The ^@#$@% Capture car keys! is it such a crime for girls to wanna have some fun?" Michael gave up on trying to swallow down the chocolate.. "No it's a crime to commit grand theft auto and not invite me along.. and also not teach me how to drive" Mike threw the chocolate open window. His eyes definitely glow in now, lighting up the dark interior of the car. "Your eyes look pretty Mike.." Elizabeth words hung in the night as they continued to drive...
Here you go what happens next! It was really fun writing the banter between Michael and Elizabeth (too bad what happens to them in most universes...) Anyway I hope you enjoy this part and I can't wait to see what you do next! From yours truly random Tumblr user!
As they drove… the swore they were hearing something sort of creaking metal… and worse… it seemed to be coming towards them.
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ru5t · 2 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier !
♡ NAME: Hannah
♡ PRONOUNS: she/her
♡  AGE: 25+
♡ I moderate a(n overw.atch) twitch channel/community! It's good fun and very dear to me but also sooooo so frustrating, sometimes.
♡ When I was little I was convinced I was going to grow up to become a veterinarian. I do not think the level of schooling or the uhhhhh amount of strong stomach it takes is actually for me.
♡ I strongly suspect I have an anxiety disorder and ADHD(? or a similar symptom set) but have no official diagnoses. At any rate, executive dysfunction you bitch.
♡   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I have been on tumblr since 2011 but I've been storytelling/rping basically since like. ... You know how most kids act out their imaginative play? I did a looooooooottttt of "explaining" (/narrating, whatever you want to call it) and very little physical playing-things-out. Yes, I know what that is a common early indicator of. I'm unpacking that one shhhhh.
♡   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: uhhhh paper (as in i'd pass a notebook back and forth with school friends), IMVU, dA, various dms, twitter, forums, tumblr, a chatroom i forgot the name of we'd use for tumblr 'events', discord, wire
♡   BEST EXPERIENCE: Actually just the experience of rp in general. I have learned a lot through writing and the people who gave me grace in the process of it.
♡   MASCULINE OR FEMININE: I don't think I have a preference, per se? But I do seem to gravitate toward guy canons, whereas my OC roster tends to be waaaay more fluid and diverse, but I don't think there's any particular reason for this? Just the pattern of characters who appeal to me tend to be dudes in popular media, I guess? I did almost write Liz from Hellb.oy and Nomi from Sens.e8, in addition to the other canon ladies I have on the multi+Kiri's blog.
♡  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I actually kind of like. what I will call exploring? You put two characters in a box. Sometimes you shake it, or put a blanket in there, but mostly you just.... see what happens. Also tho I'm the fluff queen ♥ Good angst/whump has to come from somewhere and go somewhere else, I don't like to force it or just throw it around without reason or consequence, if that makes sense? And I like smut in theory but I don't have a lot of practice and my comfort level is a verrry narrow ledge I'm working on building up better, because genuinely it seems fun and interesting.
♡   PLOTS OR MEMES: I enjoy a little bit of bg plotting but also sometimes just really want to completely wing it and feel out the chemistry before committing to anything. Once we have a ground floor I like to build (and spiral)!!! I struggle with doing a bunch of memes when there's no floor to stand on, it starts to get really challenging in an un-fun way, and I feel like it's repetitive and uninteresting to write and to read. If a dynamic never has footing it can never evolve, y'know? Gotta give me something, something has to stick at some point.
♡   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: No preference! Even when I start out 'short' I find I often end up unspooling into longer stuff but it doesn't have to I'm just wordy. I don't care if I consistently get shorter stuff back, as long as it suits the like. Yes, and. of it all. As long as there's something to work forward from I'm chillin!
♡   BEST TIME TO WRITE: I don't have a conscious preference but I do seem to have more success in early morning hours. No idea what that's about.
♡ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Sometimes. A lot of them get teeny tiny bits and pieces of my views or opinions. I have never felt more Seen by a show than when Luke Pat.terson ghost-apparitioned into my life, even if his One Thing is not my One Thing, but we don't have to unpack that. Me 'n Henry have some childhood traumas in common (except he lives in a fairytale where he gets a thing I don't get) but I don't know that he's particularly like me. Maddy did super duper on a technicality start out as a form of self insert, but it's complicated because also super duper on a technicality so did her mom (who actually existed first! which is rare. Normally I build center-out but this time it was a generation back and Tech just sort of happened, which was crazy and fun), and they both really migrated away from that sooo quickly that it's weird to me to think that was ever even technically true. In the long run Maddy got more of 'me' than Mayhem ever did but it has always been in a hyperbolic and/or metaphorical way. She's definitely grown with me, which has been an Experience and a half. All of them, by virtue of being written by me, are subject to my sense of humor in the narrative parts of the writing, whether they would think it's funny or not.
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whumpzone · 2 years
Hello! I gotta say, you're my absolute favorite whump recovery writer on tumblr and I'm so happy I found Linden and Colton!! I was hoping to start my own whump/comfort story on my page, but frankly I'm unsure of how to even begin! I don't really know how to navigate my page to begin with, let alone know where to start when it comes to making my own story and sharing it! (I'm not very tumblr-cultured lol) But if you have any tips or advice for me on how to get started or work a page, I'd be happy to hear it! (no pressure ofc) Thanks!
Thank you for the very kind words! I'm really happy you're interested in writing a story of your own. I hope it'll be hugely rewarding
Here are some jumbled bits of advice:
-Consider writing multiple chapters before you post anything. Something I struggle with is that my characters feel a lot less developed in the earlier chapters. Lots of times, characters will write themselves as you go along. This then means you can go back and add in more detail to your earlier chapters before anything has been posted. It also ensures that you're committed to your story before you get any external feedback
-A consistent schedule is a great goal, but don't sweat it too much. I'd definitely recommend it, but life happens! It's your blog and should never become another source of stress
-Don't fret if you don't get much engagement at first. Learn not to take it personally! You should write for yourself primarily, not for the validation of others <3
-Continuing on that thought... you're writing for yourself! For fun! Try out weird tropes, different narration styles, whatever you like. Don't be held back by worries that it won't get many notes
-Make a masterlist as a top priority, and pin it to your blog. You can use mine or any other whump blog as a guide on how it could look
-Utilise the first 5 tags. Save your tag rambling until after your main tropey tags that people look for!
-Put content warnings in the post and if it's a long chapter, put a readmore. Use your content warnings generously. People are making sure they're avoiding triggering content, but they're also making sure that this writing has the Shit They Like
-Enjoy yourself and enjoy other people's work. If you like something, tell them in an ask, a reply or a reblog! Reblog picrew chains that say "tagging anyone who wants to". Post fun facts about your characters or make your own tag game. Ask games are fun, but I would recommend not reblogging too many at once, and not all the time. It can be confusing and if you don't get many asks, you might feel let down
-Truly though, just have fun! Your blog is unique and yours and you can do with it as you please. It's your own curated portion of the internet to enjoy whump and share your art in any form you like
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refriedrambles · 10 months
Coming back up here cause I wasn't planning on hard gushing about Manhwa when I started writing but I went off. I was planning on just going over some of the plans for the day. You have been forewarned
I'm finding some really good manhwa. like holy shit dude. Maybe I need to look for that side of tumblr
Notable ones: World's Greatest Senior Disciple (great art, story and characters), Infinite Mage (not even through the first chapter but so far great art and introduction execution)
The art in the first one reminds me so much of avatar dude. The fl has Azula's fucking face, but is so expressive, passionate and funny. MC and fl are both really smart, dumb and stupidly stubborn. It's a very tightly laced story. Each thread pulled reveals things that are or will be relevant later. It's a fucking mystery. I didn't realize I was jumping into a mystery last night and I was fucking hooked by the time it clicked. (I do like mysteries I just don't tend to seek them out)
Starts out with this martial clan getting their shit wrecked by loan sharks. MC shows up after being assumed killed in action during the war two years ago right as the sharks are trying to cut the youngest's arm off and destroys them. Something happened in those two years and he got ridiculously strong because of it, but he's pretty tight lipped about it and is far more focus on whatever is going on in the region. The war is over, the demon dead, and yet the land seems lawless upon his return and one of his brothers are missing
MC (or very very likely MC) in the second is incredibly one track minded and very obviously a reincarnator, but isn't introduced in that first person 'oh I died some how and woke up in a baby's body in an other world' bit that starts off most of these stories. (I don't necessarily dislike the bit, but only a few stories handle it well. Mushoku Tensei is probably the best with this. Most of them feel rather clunky, but I'm isekai trash so meh) And that bit very likely happened to our likely MC, but that's not how the story is introduced. Hell MC ain't our intro character. It's his hunter dad. Hears a baby crying in the dead of night, is suspicious cause a baby/ family getting past all the traps he set up on his land isn't possible and grabs an axe to check it out. He makes a comment about him and his wife not being able to have kids and then he immediately finds this baby. No explaination how it got there, why it's alone and he's practically glowing
Think these two might be up there with Trash of the Count's Family for me. They're probably better written, but I'm a simp for Cale and it's still some amazing writing. (It's gotta be for me to binge 610 chapters of a webnovel for a few days straight after reading the first few manhwa chapters.)
Aaannnyway gonna get back to drawing today. I was in a pretty nasty funk yesterday(went away after did some dishes and found a comic to read. It was difficult to find something that piqued my interest since most of what I was finding was stuff I've already read or just didn't appeal to me). I'm doing much better now!
I started little flash cards for the characters in Being Fired yesterday and am thinking maybe I should change how I'm approaching writing it? Switch to a script cause I'm overwhelming tempted to just make this project a comic. (I basically decided to do that when I committed to the group shot and started doing all those warm up, but was afraid to admit that to myself.) I've tried writing scripts before but didn't know what I was doing, but maybe actively drawing shit relating towards it and distancing myself more from describing actions will help? Idk idk, but Imma try. It's the only fic I've gotten fully out lined so far and I think I got a better chance at drawing it rather then writing it
Gonna draw Red more for the warm up probably. Might fuck with the sketches from the last warm up cause his head is just so off and I don't want those in the ref file like that
Then back to the groupshot finish that up and maybe start sketching Zim and the Tallest? Might switch to forcing myself to work on backgrounds for a while instead. Also might need to start blocking out time for stuff since I'm not really hitting shit on my list. Either way I wanna work on writing and drawing on the same days some times instead of focusing fully on one or the other
Gotta keep thing going. There doesn't need to be alot of energy going into things at once as long as it's consistent
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princessxmothman · 11 months
(yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. don't say i didn't warn you.)
>be me
>wear sandals to work with full intent of washing feet when getting home
>get home and pick up mail around 5:30p
>a package for me!!!
>open package, it's a dress i've been waiting for
>go straight to trying on dress because i'm wearing the "right bra" for it and if i go to wash my feet i will have taken off the "right bra" and there will be no turning back, we'll be on the road to jammiesville baybeeeeeeeeee
>oh no!!! a stain or burn or something right in the center of the bust!!!
>hem and haw over whether it's worth making a stink about the dress and initiating an exchange; text multiple members of decision-making committee
>decision-making committee members unanimously decide the dress is not in an acceptable state
>change into "house pajamas," go to repack dress, want to look at companion accessories that came in the set
>pull matching bow out from shipping bag
>huh. looks smaller and less dramatic than the product photos
>feel sad about an accessory. try to tamp down the feeling
>uh-oh. still sad, disappointment welling
>text decision-making committee, trying to convince myself that i'm definitely blowing the bow thing out of proportion
>be reminded that what i ordered is not what i seem to have received
>pack up dress and co, shove shipping bag at the top of the hall closet so the cat doesn't chew on it and make the situation worse
>begin writing email
>stress that i'm being too mean
>text spouse to be stressed about being perceived as mean
>spouse reminds me that i'm not being mean about a less-than-par item i received
>spouse is interstitially sending me listings for homes
>ooh, homes!!!
>pore over photos in several home listings
>gotta get back on track. dress bad. gotta send email
>keep chipping away at email
>maybe the bow is exactly how it should be and maybe the sample that was used for product photos got revamped?
>start checking facebook to see if it looks like anyone has a bow shaped and sized similarly
>play goddamn sherlock holmes trying to determine approximate fabric lengths for how bows are sitting on other peoples' heads
>determine bow may in fact be faulty (or at least a victim of quality control)
>bring bag back down from the closet
>start playing with the bow in an attempt to get it to fall into a shape like what i've seen in product photos and/or facebook posts
>no dice
>repack bag, replace it back in the closet
>attempt to continue to write email
>roommate needs help deciding which things in the storage room are keeps and which are discards
>ngl this is the part where the joke has stopped being funny and i'm losing interest but i also am very committed to the bit
>finish helping roommate, resume email
>try to find the words to describe my disappointment in accessories, realize measurements would be most effective
>fish out bag from the closet yet again
>time to find a tape measure!
>oh shit oh fuck where is my tape measure?
>ask roommate if they have a spare
>roommate eventually finds their spare
>get measurements, add to email
>put bag BACK in the closet YET AGAIN
>finish email, stress about contents
>send it to spouse for auditing
>spouse says it sounds very polite
>"i should probably sit on it for a minute to make sure nothing else comes to mind"
>ooh! friend has been streaming! i wonder if they're still live!
>friend is still live, excitedly catch up in chat
>suddenly 30+ minutes have passed while i've stood NEXT TO the bed watching twitch
>shit! pain is starting to flare up from being standing and stationary!!!
>shit!!! i've sat on this email long enough!!!!!
>shut eyes, hold breath, press "send" on email
>at least that's done! now i can finally relax!
>change into "bed pajamas," go to swing legs into bed, and...
>have not yet washed feet since getting home 2.5hrs ago
>finally wash feet
>can FINALLY relax
>take almost 1.5hrs to make a fake greentext on tumblr instead
>what the fuck is wrong with me
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henrysglock · 1 year
8, 12, 21, 25 (i am just as bored)
hehehe a powerful duo...what crimes will we commit...
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: You've opened Pandora's box. It's gotta be Henry. Mmmmmm it drives me up a wall that everyone is so fucking dead set in him having been this evil little kid (and even evil as an orderly!) when if you just take a second to actually look at his face and body language, if you take time to think (a big request for tumblr, I know) about his behavior, you'll realize that none of it makes any damn sense! Look at his face! Look at his actions and the scenarios surrounding them! Open you mind up a little bit and stop judging him as if he's already Vecna! Eliminate your bias! Put Vecna out of your mind and just fucking watch the scenes and the inconsistencies stand out like sore thumbs it's not that fucking hard. You can't retroactively judge a child for something he does 25 years down the road after unimaginable circumstances. Henry at 12 =/= Henry at 32 =/= Vecna, and they have to be judged with this in mind.
12. An unpopular character that I actually like and why more people should like them: This depends on our definition of "like". I hate hate hate Brenner, Billy, etc, but from an analysis POV their storylines are incredibly fascinating, and I like them in that respect. If we're talking "like" as in "I like them as people"...I've talked about Victor before in an earlier post from this ask game because he's so...god. I do love that man. It's not that he's necessarily disliked, he's just not popular. Everyone who loves Joyce should love Victor, because he's like if Joyce had been arrested in conjunction with Will's disappearance. He's about as in tune with Henry as he can be without Henry opening up to him. He tried so hard to fix things in his home, he just wasn't on the right path. He loved his son so, so much. He was so broken up when he told Nancy and Robin about Henry. He did his best and got screwed over by Brenner.
21. Part of canon that I think is overhyped: Nancy and her "girlboss" behavior. You all know I'm not a Nancy fan. Like...really not a Nancy fan. her and her guns are overhyped as fuck. She's inconsiderate often (I haven't forgotten the Oliver Twist bit she pulled with Jonathan). She has no regard for struggles she doesn't experience herself (see: Jonathan in S3, Mike in S1). She's not a good sister (I also haven't forgotten her girlboss feminist moment of...dismissing the invasion of Mike's privacy). It's not girlboss behavior, she's just plain mean, and she can't think past the end of her pistol when it comes to the UD. I don't like her, and I think she's overhyped.
25. Common fandom complaint that I'm sick of hearing: oh boy. Don't get me started on the whole "the Duffers aren't smart enough for xyz" or "you're looking too deep into minutiae" when you all know damn well that most of the shit Henry analysts pull from is clear as day and requires extra work from the ST team to accomplish. And we all know if it were byler evidence of that magnitude you would all be eating it up like starved dogs. But yes, I, an average viewer, am so much smarter than the Duffers and their award winning production team. And I'm looking too hard. Be fucking serious.
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withoutsiqht · 2 years
I had to put Annabel to sleep today. Something the vet said made me wonder if I waited too long, but she said it also could have been the sedative they gave her so I'm just going to believe that.
I'm not really a crier and I always feel weird about it, even though I know everyone grieves differently, because I feel like I'm supposed to? But goddamn did I bawl my eyes out in that vet's office. Which sort of surprised me? I guess it shouldn't have. I miss her.
All her shit is here and everything is a reminder that she's not here anymore. Her cat tower, the food bin, the thirty-seven million different kinds of treats I got her before I finally accepted that she didn't like any of them. The little pouches of bisque she actually did like. The closest thing to a treat I could ever get her to eat. Her little scratchy house all decorated for Halloween. Like a million toys shaped like carrots. I took some of them with me and I left the one she was licking with her.
The first toy I ever got her was from the shelter and I think it was supposed to be like, a minimalist mouse? but it was orange and vaguely triangle shaped so everyone called it her carrot. And then I almost exclusively bought her carrot shaped toys from then on. You gotta commit to the bit, ya know.
The first day I got her, she jumped on me and slept on my chest. Like thirty minutes after I got her out of the carrier. She was never scared of new places, and we moved a lot so that's good. She took a nap and then stole a chicken nugget off my plate at dinner. My mom literally tried to convince me to get another cat from the shelter because she thought she was ugly lmao. I didn't know at the time. I thought she just wanted to see all the different cats. She told me later she'd never seen a tortoiseshell before and thought there was something wrong with her. But I wanted her because she meowed at me like, nonstop when I got her out of the cage. I call her kitkat because her colors always made me think of a kitkat? I don't know why. A kitkat is just. brown. but it did.
I've moved with Annabel seven times in the seven years I've had her. Which just sounds. absurd to me. I got her when I was living at my grandma's house for college. And then I moved home, then grad school, then home, then to a new state, then moved closer to work, then back to my hometown. I don't know if I have any of the pictures or videos from when I first got her, which makes me sad. They're in accounts I don't have the login info for anymore. Or accounts I've since deleted.
I really should have thought about how I would feel when she died if I named her after one of my favorite poems. About a dead girl. But also it's sort of appropriate that it's a poem with so much emphasis on the sea? Considering who I am. And Annabel suited her. My dad used to call her Queen Annabel because she was such a diva-y brat. She always ran the show.
I thought about coming home and putting the Christmas tree up. For something nice to do that would make me happy. But then I thought about how she liked to lay underneath it and I always called her my present and now I can't think about putting the tree up without crying. I realized I could leave my bedroom door open and not worry about her knocking everything off my nightstand, and that made me cry too.
I know that that will get easier. It's literally been. five hours. But idk I needed to put words somewhere before I exploded and where is a better place to overshare than tumblr.
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bylightofdawn · 2 years
There is so much Star Wars content I need to catch up on but I detest having to wait weekly for shit so I’ve been waiting for Andor to finish airing, same for Tales of the Jedi.
Which is hard because tumblr = heavy chance of spoilers etc. I’m watching episode of 3 of Andor and I gotta say the super officious Pre-Mor security officer Karn very MUCH gives me Legends Kirtan Loor vibes.
He was an Imperial Intelligence agent who was Coran Horn’s nemesis in the X-Wing series who thought himself the second coming of Grand Moff Tarkin.
He was SUCH an unsympathetic weasel and I loved his lily livered guts even while reviling his every actions.
He had one of those faces that begged for a fist to be planted in it suffice it to say. And this guy from the Andor series is very much giving me those overly ambitious and needs to be punched in the face vibes.
I have other thoughts about this episode so far. I’m fighting the urge to forge ahead and just binge everything since people are raving about how Andor is the best SW Disney series but again, I hate having to wait weekly for episodes to come out.
I’m weird like that. It’s the same reason I would rather wait nine months to a year for a fanfic to be completed rather than pick up a WIP. Sure, tv series are less likely to be abandoned and leave you blue balled but I am still this weird combination of too impatient to wait for something to air but willing to be ridiculous patient for it to finish before committing.
Which I’m 100% aware is weirdly contradictory and a bit of an oxymoron but welcome to my life where sense goes out the window.
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