#Tmnt fan fic
hitechlatte · 1 year
Game On - Rise!Future!Donnie X GN!Reader
All 4-1 Challenge Fanfiction
Prompt: Reader continually uses TERRIBLE pick up lines on your choice of turtle, trying to drop the hint.
(I may been VERY lenient with the prompt, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless)
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Warnings: Lots of Swearing
This is based in future timeline, several years after start of Kraang Invasion.
Saw some entries for this and got invested so I wanted to whip something up real quick for it lol.
ALSO WARNING! My fic is SFW and so anyone can read but a lot of the other fics in this contest are not, so just wanted to give peeps a heads up if they look at other entries, which you should if you are of age because they are rad, but warning has been given.
Challenge Hosted by: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @nittleboo @tmnt-tychou and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
Also stole puns from here: https://thedarkestroast.com/coffee-puns/#Jokes_About_Drinking_Coffee
Game On
Clutching tightly to the mug in your hand, your steps echoed in the corridor. It had only been your second day in the NYC safe haven and some lady named Cassandra had already found you a job on base.
And of course, even in the apocalypse, you were still working as a barista.
But at least this way you could be helpful and show your gratitude. If the recon team hadn’t found you hiding in that decrepit Stock & Shop when they did…
Well... You didn’t want to think about what could have been.
As you reached the end of the cave’s offshoot, you found a large metal door built into the natural structure of the tunnel. With a perplexed look, you gazed at the panel towards the right of the entrance and pressed the ‘call’ button.
“What.” A voice curtly snapped.
“Is this uh… Derek? Your brother Mikey said to bring you some coffee.” You told the panel.
“Ah.” The voice spoke back, “And did this brother of mine tell you to play into the role of barista by perpetuating the stereotype that those who handle coffee somehow lose their ability to correctly recall a name? If this is his poor attempt to simulate normalcy when I’m already stressed out, you can inform him I’m not amused.”
Fuck... You groaned in your mind, ecstatic to be making such great first impressions.
“Did you at least get my order right? Or is that part of your performance as well?” The voice continued.
“It’s just a double espresso. It’s kind of hard to fuck that up” You commented.
“Well at least you’re not entirely inept.” The voice groaned, “Bring it to my desk.”
As you harshly cursed at yourself, you could hear the whirls of an engine. To your left, the metal door slid open, showcasing a large cavern filled with machines and wires.
Slowly stepping into the space, your eyes tried their best to take everything in. Machines flickered and buzzed all around you, while monitors stretched across the walls. The large screens lined out routes of the kraang activity and the recon teams. As you walked deeper into the room, you could hear the clattering of a keyboard. 
Following the noise, you could see one of the turtles sitting at a desk with several monitors. Numerous windows were scattered across the screens as he fervently typed away.
“Here’s your double espresso.” You flatly commented.
“Doppio, you mean?” The turtle corrected without looking away from his screen.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m surprised you actually know what it’s called.”
“I, unlike many residing in these halls, have class.” The turtle commented, “Besides, I’m the reason we even have an espresso machine.”
You let out a soft chuckle as you turned to head out of the room. However the turtle spoke up again, stopping you in your tracks.
“Has anyone walked you through how to use your communicator yet?” The turtle asked, his nose still buried in the monitors.
Turning back with a confused look you nodded, “Yeah, I got the rundown.”
“Good. I’m adding your device to a pager. Do whatever your typical duties are unless you receive a ping from me. The kitchen should already know this, but prioritize my orders. If I pass out when I’m supposed to be monitoring missions that will not end well.”
“Is that… uh… healthy?” You inquired.
“No, but what other choice do we have?” The turtle flatly stated as he seemed to read through something on his screen.
“Touche.” You shrugged your shoulders.
You went to take another step towards the exit, but then stopped once more.
“Oh guess I should apologize about the name mix up. What um. What is it actually?”
“It’s Donatello, or maybe I should have you simply refer to me as Donnie or even D. Since that may be easier for your poor mind to remember.” Donnie mocked with a devious tone in his voice.
Two can play this game. You thought.
With a snicker you commented back, “Ah Dennis? Cool. I can remember that.”
You could hear the turtle groan as he turned his chair around to glare at you. He seemed like he was going to chew you out until he saw the grin plastered across your face.
“Oh... You were kidding.” Donnie said, as he roughly rubbed his forehead, “Just go and let me get back to my work.”
“Sure thing, Daniel.” You called back as you made your way out of the room. 
Over the next several weeks, the purple turtle seemed to slowly warm up to you. Your quick order drop off with whatever name you chose to call him that day, eventually turned into longer chats. You’d stick around for a bit, asking him how his work was going or to share gossip you’d heard from around the settlement.
One particular morning, you walked with a pep in your step. The prior night's recon team returned with a bunch of fancy coffee grounds from a nearby Whole Foods. You couldn’t help but bask in the smells emanating from Donnie’s mug.
Typing your code into the panel of the lab door, the metal whooshed opened and you swiftly headed to Donnie’s desk.
“Morning Deiphobus. Got a batch of fancy new grounds this morning and I have a feeling you’ll really like them.” You smirked.
“I’m sorry, Deiphobus?” Donnie asked as he turned to you with a grin on his face, “What is this 1250 BCE?”
“I’m running out of names!” You exclaimed, “It’s not my fault you drink like 4 coffees a day. Besides, how is that any worse than Donatello?”
“Donatello is a classic.” The turtle said, puffing out his chest as he turned back to his monitor, “Besides, where did you even find that name?”
“Some Shakespeare book.”
“Someone’s getting desperate.”
“I’m sorry it's not like we still have google and I can look up one of those stupid 3 billion baby name lists.”
“Oh if anything I commend your research.” Donnie snickered, “I’m just surprised you can actually read Shakespeare. I thought baristas were notorious for their illiteracy.”
“You’re awful.”
“Or maybe you’re just jealous you’re not as witty as myself.”
“If anything you’re jealous! I’m hella whitty.” You quickly defended.
“Oh it’s Game On, asshat.” You laughed, “Just wait, next time you see me you won’t know what hit you.”
A few hours passed when you heard your pager ping again. With a smirk, you whipped up his doppio and proudly made your way over to the lab.
As you reached his desk, you loudly cleared your throat. The noise caused the turtle to turn his chair and meet your gaze.
“Yes?” He asked.
“I, as I’m sure you’re well aware, am incredibly witty.” You said as you held the mug close to your chest.
“And someone as witty as myself, knows when a schtick has to end. So here is my new proposal.”
Donnie gave you a look of disbelief as he waited.
“Hello there, Donnie.” You began.
“Ah, my actual name. How witty. He said sarcastically.”
“Shush. That’s not it. Let me finish.” You flailed.
The purple turtle rolled his eyes as he leaned his elbow on his desk and propped up his chin.
“I just wanted to say… I made this cup of coffee, espresso-ly for you.”
The purple turtle stared at you, his eyes going wide.
"No." He said.
"Yes." You smirked.
“Oh god please no!” Donnie groaned loudly and buried his face in his desk. 
Your laughing echoed throughout the room as you nearly spilled his drink. Placing the mug down on the desk, you clutched onto your stomach and tried to stifle your laughter.
“Oh- oh that was too perfect. Leo was so right.” You cackled.
“Of course he’s in on this.” Donnie mumbled into the desk.
“Hey, he's the hero of this story. He’s the one who gave me the book.”
Donnie sat up straight and gave you a perplexed look, “Book?”
“Oh yeah, you know that run to the library last week? Leo found a book of ten thousand puns.”
“T-ten- THOUSAND?” Donnie could barely choke out.
“Yep!” You smirked, “And there’s a whole chapter just dedicated to coffee.”
Donnie groaned as he planted his face back down onto the desk.
Each pun got progressively worse as you made your way through the list. Occasionally a joke would elicit a slight chuckle from the aloof purple turtle, but the other 90% of the time, he would simply groan or threaten to have you kicked out of base.
However, as the next few days turned into weeks, you began running out of material.
Or well… Material you felt comfortable using.
One section in the coffee chapter was titled Coffee Puns About Love and Romance. Every time you searched for a line to use, you always quickly skipped past that portion of the list. 
But, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Selecting the least aggressive pick up line from the options provided, you made your way over to his lab.
As you reached his desk, you placed the mug down on the surface without a word and sighed harshly.
“Ah, has the day come? Have you finally exhausted that grotesque list?” Donnie chuckled as he turned to you.
“No. But we are scraping the bottom of the barrel now.”
Shaking out your hands and taking another breath you stared at the turtle. Your lips were reluctant, but you were able to form the words.
“You’re brew-ti-ful.”
His eyes went wide and his face blushed a harsh red.
“Oh god.” He groaned, “Please tell me ‘bottom of the barrel’ doesn’t mean the only puns left are awful pick up lines.”
“I mean I could tell you that, but then I’d be lying.”
Donnie groaned as he roughly slapped his own face.
The pick up lines were much more entertaining than you expected. Seeing how madly he’d blush or stammer at your commentary was adorable, and you proudly played your part. For the days you were feeling extra adventurous, you‘d even pair the line with a wink or by blowing him a kiss.
However, when the list of lines was depleted, you did everything you could to keep the game going. On your offtime, you’d sit for hours, trying to concoct more coffee based pick up lines to try on him. You even found yourself practicing in the mirror to make sure you got the words just right.
And as this next chapter of the game continued on, you soon found yourself perplexed.
You don’t know when or how it happened…
But you started meaning what you said. 
To no avail, you kept trying to pinpoint when everything changed. Was it when your generic lines became more personalized? Or was it when your supplemental teasing went from playful winks to gentle fingers tracing the edge of his jaw.
Although you couldn’t find the answer you were looking for, you did know this.
It wasn’t your fault. 
If he didn’t have such vibrant reactions, you wouldn’t have become so obsessed with the game. 
It still would have been just a game. 
Late one night, your pager beeped at you. As you tapped on the device you groaned.
“He knows it’s 4am right?”
After slowly trudging out of bed, you lethargically made his drink and headed over to the lab.
Rubbing your eyes, you mistyped your code a few times before finally opening the door.
The turtle was hunched over his desk. The taps of the keys sounded slower than usual.
“Dude, you owe me for making me get my ass out of bed.” You yawned.
“Blame Leo.” Donnie groaned, “The idiot winded up setting off a Kraang patrol unit.”
“Everyone, okay?!” You exclaimed.
“Thankfully.” Donnie sighed, “But I lost some of my search drones. Had to play distraction for a while so they could make an escape. Everything seems calm now, but I want to stay up for a bit longer just to make sure they return safely.”
“That’s good to hear.” You sighed, “Well... here’s your drink.”
“Ahh finally run out of lines?” Donnie groggily mocked as he continued to look at the screen.
His snarky attitude woke something up inside of you. 
Leaning forward, you gently grasped his chin, turning his face to meet yours. His cheeks burned vibrantly as he stared at you. With a devious gaze, your lips curled up slightly. 
“Oh I’m sorry. I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me.” You snickered as your fingers still softly held his chin.
But while you tried to search your mind for the pun you had thought up on the way over, you couldn’t help but continually drop your gaze down to his lips. Silently cursing your tired stupor, you tried to regain focus. 
Donnie just sat there, barely breathing, as you continued to filter through your thoughts. He too, struggled to meet your gaze as his eyes continued to fall upon your lips.
However after a few more breathless moments, the line finally returned to your mind. With a slight blush on your cheeks, you smirked as you spoke.
“Words cannot express how much you mean to me.”
Both of you sat there frozen. Your eyes widened as the words left your lips. 
“Fuck I said it wrong! Sorry it’s late and-” You began to splutter.
But you were cut off by Donnie’s lips crashing into yours.
Game Over.
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leoandraphssoulmate · 3 months
A TMNT Headcannon! Can be any iteration you wish!
I chose to go with Bayverse..
How each of the guys would treat sexy time with you if you were Asexual/Demisxual.
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Did someone mention massages?
Like, the works!
His hands
Your back
He doesn’t miss a beat
Lighting incense
Your favorite scent
Lighting candles
Those new ones you like so much
Cuddles up with you
His arms full of your fave snacks
Leo is the KING of pillows!
He smiles the entire time he builds you a pillow fort
You blush
Burying your face in them
Because they SMELL like HIM!!!
Are you ready for poetry?
Cause this man has TONS!
Reading page after page as you press your ear to his plastron
His voice rumbling in his chest
Got any problems you need to discuss?
Leo is ready to listen
Tell him everything
He makes mental notes to stop by and take care of a few of your problems
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Lot’s and Lot’s of TOUCHING
He runs his fingertips
Over your shoulders
Down your spine
Over your lips
Letting you do the same
You revel in caressing the edges of his shell
Tracing the intricate patterns on the back
Nowhere is off limits
He showers you with gentle kisses
The tip of your nose
Your forehead
Your neck
Holding you close to him
Rubbing your back
Making you feel safe
Ever so slightly
Brushing his thumb along your cheek
He invites you to tell him about your week
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Oh, He’s got YOU covered!
Not ready for intimacy just yet?
Pulls you into his lap
Bringing his arms around you
“Wanna help me with my project?”
Nudges you with his cheek
His face pressed against yours
You giggle
When the project is finished
He brings you to the back of the lab
“Are you particularly sore anywhere?”
You nod
Pointing to your left shoulder
He instructs you to hop up on the table
Then promptly begins massaging you
Stooping down
Breathing softly in your ear
You turn slightly
Catching his lips with yours
Light kissing 
Turns to 
Frantic kissing
Shoulder forgotten
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Do you like your hair brushed??
Man’s got you covered!
How many strokes?
“As long as it feels good, Baby Cakes!”
He can go forever!
Pops on your favorite playlist
Singing loudly with you
Makes you his famous Orange Crush Milk Shake
Which you both share from a large glass
Do you need a manicure?
What about a pedicure?
Man’s an artist!
He just wants to pamper you 
Need another tattoo?
There’s no shortage of what you two can do
98% of the time it ends with his fingers caressing you
Slowly sliding up your thighs
To your torso
To your chest
It’s the taste of his lips that's always the best
He lets you signal when you’re ready for the rest
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@thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @scholastic-dragon @miss-andromeda
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boxfullaturtles · 2 months
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Chapter 20: The Walls Are All White
But you think it's all right.
[Warnings in this chapter for depersonalization, derealization, disassociation, hallucinations, and general feelings of being disconnected from reality and from the physical body.]
Lookit that guys, we hit 20 chapters! I can't believe it! Couldn't have done it with all the support and feedback from you lovely people! Thank you for all the kudos, comments, and bookmarks! <3
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lartiel · 3 days
Chapter one for a little taste of what this is.
Tmnt misfit family au
Chapter 2 will be the first episode on the show ( most likely )
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alltheyearsblog · 1 year
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A little artwork for chapter two of my story, The Phoenix First Nests in the Ashes here on Ao3.  Chapter three is going to feature team PB&J, huzzah!
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electricchaser · 2 years
”That’s ok. Let yourself fall apart, I’ll help put you back together. But don’t phrase it that way, you don’t need to be fixed, Leo, you just need help. Someone to talk to.”
"what, like Someone Like you…?” Leo scoffed lightly. He paused.
”wait- I'm sorry I…. I didn’t mean that, I don’t know why I-…”
”don’t apologize. I know.” Donnie rubbed his brother’s shell soothingly as they both sank to the ground.
After his brothers rescued him, Leo struggles to deal with the aftermath of being kidnapped by shredder. When Donnie finds Leo alone and upset on a rooftop, he does what he can to help his older brother.
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shironezuninja · 1 year
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Power hungry human beings is one of the biggest mistakes in our species’ history.
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noodleskeleton · 1 year
i finally finished chapter 5 of The Desolate Soldier. this one kinda fought me a bit but hopefully its good
anyway, im going to go to bed, night everyone
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indieyuugure · 2 months
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Episode 3 of Dudes, Tunes, and Mutagen! Ah yes, and now we come to my favorite part of the story: the angst >:]
Previous: (3) Episode 2
Next: (3) Episode 4 -Get the next part a week early on Locals at indiey.locals.com
See all...
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koolaidashley · 2 months
(for the doodle requests) begging on my hands + knees for Refuge art...... please............
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I will always answer a refuge request 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
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shalaaex · 8 months
When Worlds Collide MASTER POST
Comic adaption of @celestiangell fan fic!
Ep 1. The Deal
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Ep 2. The Pizza Altercation
1 , 2 , 3
If you want to read it, here’s the link!
If you’re not an ao3 reader, follow along the comic :DD
When worlds collides animatics
Favorite Pride Lines
This is how it feels
The end
New York and me
You have to let me go
CASS apocalypse animatics
Two birds
Built a friend
I bet on losing dogs
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honestlyobsessed · 2 months
I have yet to see a crossover with these two:
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leoandraphssoulmate · 2 months
A TMNT Easter Short (Can be any iteration you wish!)
I had 90s TMNT in mind while writing this. I just think that the 90s version of Leo is super sexy! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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You stood in your apartment smiling, your hands running through the box of colorful Easter grass on the table. You didn’t think that it would arrive on time, but it did. Along with four bright Easter baskets and various Easter candies. Your eyes lingered on the bright blue basket for a few seconds, your heart squeezing. You imagined how his face would light up when you handed it to him. Leo. The leader of not only his brothers, but your heart as well. 
You bit your lower lip, a sigh escaping your lungs. When you first met them, having just been accosted, you were just grateful to have been rescued. You had absolutely no idea that the fearless leader would spark something deep inside you as his beautiful blue eyes met yours. 
You didn’t see the shell on his back. You didn’t notice that his hands were two times the size of yours. No. All you saw was his smile. The way it met his eyes when he approached you that day. You saw his light, the way he moved with care. Slowly, tenderly, reaching out for you. 
“Hey.” He said softly. “It’s ok. We’re here.”
You stared up at him from your crouched position. Your heart beating wildly in your chest. No longer from fear. Oh no. Something much more powerful. Slowly you rose, your legs wobbly. You stumbled forward and Leo quickly took hold of your forearms, steadying you. His touch! Your skin sung with an exquisite electricity, snaking upward towards your shoulders. You gasped. Leo’s eyes widened. “Did you feel that?” You breathed. He nodded, slowly. 
Nothing would ever be the same for you two again. 
“Are you ready, my child?” Master Splinter’s voice broke through your reverie. 
You grinned, spinning to face him, unaware that a few tears had managed to escape your eyes. “Are you alright?” He said, concern causing his whiskers to pull downward as he pointed to your face. 
You brought your fingers up to your cheeks. “Oh.” You smiled slightly. “These aren’t sad tears, dad.”
“I see.” His warm brown eyes glistened. “Memories are powerful things.”
“Yes. They certainly are.” You grinned, Leo’s smiling face flashing through your mind. 
“Might I ask what you were remembering?” He asked, stepping around you and up to the table. 
“Oh, I uh,” You quickly blushed. “I was thinking about the time I first met Leo.”
Splinter chuckled. “Ah! Yes. A very complicated memory to be sure. One that both elicited pain and happiness?”
You closed your eyes for a second, his words hitting deeply. “Yes.” As you opened your eyes, he closed his thin soft hand over yours. 
“Fear not, my child. Though the memory remains, the pain is also now nothing but a memory. I am glad that my son was able to counterbalance such a dark time in your life.”
You nodded. “So am I, dad. So am I.” 
“So, how are we supposed to put these together?” He smiled, motioning to the baskets. 
For the next hour, you and Master Splinter carefully constructed each Easter basket with care. Master Splinter added his own twist to the baskets, placing several Japanese coins in with the candy along with Bonsai tree clippings wrapped with silk. “These are for good health and good luck.” He winked, placing the last of the coins in Michelangelo’s basket. 
“I think that’s beautiful.” You smiled. “A nice blend of traditions.”
Master Splinter cleared his throat as he grabbed the cellophane. “I agree. There’s always room for new things. New rituals. Different ways to do things. As long as there is love involved, it should not matter.”
You were practically bursting at the seams with excitement as you and Master Splinter entered the lair, two baskets each in your arms. The guys had never had an Easter before. In fact when you approached Master Splinter about it, you were unsure he’d even go for it. You knew that they practiced Shinto and didn’t want to risk offending anyone with your idea. But when you pitched it to him, he was open to the idea and liked that you were willing to share the Easter tradition with them. You explained that you only really did it for the candy and thought that the guys would get a kick out of getting Easter baskets with goodies. 
Now, crossing the living room to the kitchen, knowing that Leo would be sitting at the table with a cup of tea steaming before him, you smiled, trying to contain yourself. Somewhere behind you, you heard Mikey squeal and your excitement boiled over into a laugh as you rounded into the kitchen. Leo looked up from his comic book, his bright blue eyes widening as you set his basket down on the table, the tea packets behind the cellophane catching the overhead kitchen light, making them shine. 
“What’s this?” He smiled, slowly standing, his chair scraping across the floor. 
You gently set Raph’s basket down, some of the contents shifting slightly. “It’s for you.” You breathed. “Happy Easter, Luv.” 
Leo smiled, pulling you to him, his arms wrapping around you. You pressed your cheek to his plastron, grinning. This was home. He was home. Suddenly the basket, the kitchen, and everything else in the world, no longer existed. All that was left and all there ever was and will forever remain, was love. 
(The contents of Donnie's basket) 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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(The contents of Leo's basket)💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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(The contents of Raph's basket)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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(The contents of Mikey's basket)🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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@leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @miss-andromeda @scholastic-dragon
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halfshellman · 3 months
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a scene from @the-peak-tmnt’s wonderful fic Reciprocity! it's very sketchy as I don't have time right now to fully ink and color it, but I like how it turned out!
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sugarpasteltmnt · 7 months
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psssst— hey. you. I heard you like Leo Angst. How about a long fic filled with a fake death, feral behavior, easter eggs, & surprise guests?
After all—
Leo’s waited f̴̥ͣ̌̈́͠iv̮̱́̉͊̿ͨe̍̾ y̭̎̿e̖̺͒͐̏a̪͉̓͂̎r̢̳͔͒ͪ̏̈ŝ͚ to meet you
✨[read it here on A03]✨
Fanart Tag 🩵 Fan Animations Tag 🎬 ♫ Playlists ♫: The Neon Void [Instrumental] The Neon Void [Mixed Tape] Note! Block the tag "TNV Final Chapters Spoilers" to avoid a major spoilers! Content Warning: Note, this fic & blog contain intense and heavy topics that may be upsetting for some readers. Such as: graphic displays of violence, grief and mourning, amputation, emotional trauma, suicide mentions, and discussions of life and death. Please proceed with caution.
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alltheyearsblog · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Michelangelo (TMNT), Leonardo (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Brothers, Loss, Grief/Mourning Summary:
"A lot of energy, in this case, stress, has overloaded the circuit and now the energy isn't flowing because it's been cut off." Michelangelo may not know a whole lot about how a circuit breaker works, but he does know how much he loves his big brother. When that brother, in the wake of grief, develops a blinding rage, Mikey is going to do what he can to help bring his brother back.
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