#Tired Space Dads
kopykunoichi · 1 year
Just two Tired Space Dads™ leaning on a wooden doorframe.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 11 months
Settling in
Part 4 of my Demon Twins AU, a simple shopping trip between Danyal and Bruce, One of the Demon Head’s heirs try being childish. Previous First
When they entered the high-end department store Bruce has selected Danny froze, there were so many colours, so much movement, so many people and music. He breathed through the anxiety, deep and slow, starting slightly when a large, warm hand landed on his shoulder. “Are you alright?” Bruce asked with a worried expression.
“Yes I’m fine,” Danny said automatically, before pausing for a moment and repeating more sincerely; “I’ll be fine, I just haven’t been in a store like this before. There’s a lot going on, and a lot of people. It’s an adjustment to be somewhere so… brightly lit.” He said, his lip curling slightly
“Alright, maybe I should have brought you somewhere smaller to start, but I didn’t know what style you would like so I wanted to bring you somewhere with a lot of options. We can leave and go somewhere quieter if you want?” Bruce offered.
“I’m grateful for the offer but no, I really will be alright,” Danny assured. “I don’t even know what styles I like. I intended to ask Tim to help me look up some inspiration, but I didn’t get the chance, so I guess I’ll find out what I like as I go. And you’ll have to tell me if something is entirely unacceptable. With as many children as you have you must know something about youth style,” He told Bruce who grimaced a little at the suggestion.
“If I turn out looking ridiculous I’m going to hold you personally responsible,” Danny teased his father with a cheeky smile, and Bruce huffed something that might have been a laugh.
“Well alright, I’ll do my best to help,” Bruce assured, shooing Danny deeper into the store who, reassured that Bruce would tell him if something was unacceptable, took off into the store. He found a bunch of different things, styled and cuts that he wanted to try on, just to see how they felt and looked.
“There’s a limit to how many things you can take into the changing room,” Bruce said when he saw how many thing Danny had grabbed. “Maybe you should go try these on for now and pick out more after?”
“Oh sure!” Danny said looking towards the changing room and then hesitated. “I’ll come out to show you the clothes?” He asked, looking back at his father.
“Of course, I’ll come wait just outside and anything you’re not sure of you can come show me. If you’re sure you don’t like it, or if you’re sure that you do you don’t have to ask me. I know you’re worried, but I really doubt anything you pick out will be totally terrible. This is a pretty high-end store, all the stuff they sell here is fashionable. It doesn’t all match but if you don’t clash colours I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Bruce assured as he lead the way over to the changing room.
He sat down on a bench outside the changing rooms while an attendant showed Danny to a room and he tried on the clothes. He rejected the tighter pants he’d picked out himself, they were too restrictive, the looser jeans were good, and so were the pants. Some of the shirts were good, he found he liked lighter colours on himself and he found some textures that felt good against his skin. He went out to show his father the two outfits that he liked, and with Bruce’s approval he went and picked out more clothes that he now knew would suit his taste. It ended up looking… well not unlike Tim’s style, though with lighter colours, which he sort of knew that it would honestly. He liked the way Tim dressed, he just hoped that Tim wouldn’t mind.
With enough clothes picked out for a decent wardrobe they went to check out, a few people were noticeably staring at them and Danny gave them an impassive but polite smile. He hoped that even though people had clearly recognized it wouldn’t cause problems. They had no such luck though, and were just finishing checking out when someone started taking photos. Bruce quickly hurried them out of the store, staying between Danny and the stranger as much as he could so the only photos would be blurry or obscured. It didn’t matter, they both knew that article would be in the paper by tomorrow morning.
They didn’t talk about it, instead Bruce just told him next they’d be going to was another, more private store where they would be getting him a couple of nice suits for events. Of course, that made sense, Bruce were suits all the time. For all casual clothes seemed to be the norm for Bruce’s children they all had to clean up for various press conferences and galas, Danny has seen the pictures.
The store they went to was really nice! It was quiet, the music they played was peaceful, it smelled like sandalwood, and the clothes were horribly uncomfortable. Danny found he Hated suits, they were scratchy, and warm and constrictive, but he knew they were necessary. He bore with it and said nothing, mostly letting father make the choices because he wouldn’t like any of them anyway. He put up with being touched, and measures, and cooed over by the staff with as much grace as he could, but he was glad when it was done.
“Alright, they’ll make necessary changes so they fit correctly and send them to us, probably just in time for them to have to be let out again when you have a growth spurt,” Bruce chuckled to Danny as they left. Danny smiled politely and tried to pretend his skin wasn’t still crawling from the feeling of the wool against it. Not well apparently because Bruce’s expression immediately softened. “You alright Chum?” He asked, and when Danny didn’t answer he added; “Why don’t we go get some lunch? We can just go through the Batburger drive thru and park somewhere quiet to just eat in the car?”
“That sounds good,” Danny agreed, he didn’t know what Batburger was of course but quiet, food and a little break from the errands sounded nice.
It turned out what Batburger was, was really fucking good! The food was really greasy and flavourful, and Damian would hate it no doubt, but Danny thought it was great! He ate carefully, trying not to get any grease or sauce on his new shirt, and mostly succeeded. “Thank you,” He murmured when Bruce passed him a napkin and pointed to bit of sauce that had fallen on his shirt. Danny scowled a little as he wiped it up sauce carefully.
Bruce cleared his throat awkwardly and Danny looked up, his brow furrowing a little. Bruce wasn’t looking at him, fidgeting with his fries, Danny bit back the urge to tell him not to play with his food. “I know you don’t fully trust me or feel comfortable here, and I want you to know that that’s okay,” He said without looking at Danny. Well that was random, did he think that Danny’s discomfort with the wool suit had been something deeper? Danny blinked owlishly at his father.
“The way you’ve been raised… Even seeing through some of it like you did, or maybe because you did, you’re remarkably self reliant, but you don’t have to be.” Bruce forged ahead despite Danny’s blank stare. “I’ll do what I can to earn your trust, and I want you to know that you can always come to me with anything you need.”
Danny looked down and took another bite of his burger, turning Bruce’s words over in his head. They were reassuring honestly, it was good that Bruce didn’t immediately demand loyalty and trust, that he was willing to earn it as all was a good sign. “I appreciate that,” Danny said hesitantly, he wasn’t sure what else to say. He put down his burger and cleaned his hands as he considered it. “You’re right, there wasn’t really anyone I trusted at the league. Obviously not Grandfather, mother… was maybe the closest. I know she loved us deeply, but not as much as she loved the league, she was very clear that there were certain things I thought and knew that I couldn’t tell her as to not divide her loyalty. And Dami means more to me then anyone, but he idolizes grandfather so there was really no one I could talk about my doubts with.
“It took a lot of careful work to get out of there, and I’m good at it, but it would nice not to have to be. More then anything I want Damian to see the truth about all this so I don’t have to hold him at arms length anymore. That was always their plan though, to separate us. There were things about the league he couldn’t tell me so I couldn’t tell you when I left, and I knew things about you and the outside world at large I wasn’t supposed to tell him. By the time they decided to send us both here the damage was done really, and we were used to keeping secrets from each other too.”
He sighed and wrapped what was left up his burger up and put it back in the bag, he wasn’t hungry anymore. When he glanced over Bruce was giving him a pitying look that put Danny’s teeth on edge. He couldn’t help the bit of green that crept into his vision as he bared his teeth. “Don’t look at me like that, we did what we had to to survive.”
“I know,” Bruce said calmly, resting a reassuring hand on Danny’s shoulder. “And you did well, I just wish I had known about you and Damian sooner so that you wouldn’t have had to. If I had known that you two existed nothing could have kept me from getting you from that place.”
Danny took a deep shuddering breath, trying to imagine what their lives would have been like if Bruce had come for them, what sort of people they could have been. But trying just made him sad, he sighed and shook his head. “Thanks,” He murmured, and things were silent for a long minute while Bruce ate a few more fries and then packed away his food as well.
“So, it’s up to you what we do next. I intended to get some decorations for your room, maybe glow in the dark stars for your ceiling, and then I was going to take you to the planetarium, I already have it reserved for us. But if you’re too tired that’s alright, I should have expected this might be overwhelming,” he said with a sigh. ”I guess I was a little overexcited,” he admitted ruefully.
Bruce didn’t have to worry, Danny perked up immediately at the mention of going to the planetarium, suddenly finding he was no where near as tired as he thought he was! “No I want to go!” He said quickly, sitting up properly in his seat and folding his hands in his lap. “Please! I can handle a little more shopping if we’re going to the planetarium after,” He assured with a seriousness that had Bruce stifling a smile.
“Alright wonderful, let’s get going then,” Bruce agreed, finally starting the car again and pulling out of the secluded parking lot they’d settled in. He was just glad no one had tried to break into the car while they were sitting there! After all this was Gotham.
Danny rallied himself well for the last bout of shopping, getting some personal touches for his room including a bedspread he liked, glow in the dark stars, and a few other nick-knacks to personalize the space. It was clear Danny was impatient though, rushing them through the store so that they could get to the main event, the reward for getting all these errands done. Good thing too because it seemed after they’d been spotted earlier the press was on high alert and they barely managed to hustle back to the car before cameras started flashing.
Danny couldn’t sit still in his seat on the final leg of the drive to the observatory and when they got out of the car he ended up grabbing Bruce’s hand to haul him along when he went to slow. Bruce had to laugh as his son’s eagerness, speeding up but not too much so Danny wouldn’t end up running, and maybe to see more of the rather adorable exasperation on his youngest son’s face. They were a little early for their reserved hours but the staff didn’t seem to mind and let them start their tour.
Bruce watched as Danny absolutely lit up as the tour guide told them about the stars, and Nasa, and the known species of aliens. It was so good to see Danny so happy of course, but it also gave Bruce some important information, all of his previous smiles had been some level of fake. Some more then others he was sure, but now having seen Danny truly happy he would know better when the boy was faking, even though he faked very well. Bruce had already had an idea that Danny was, especially when it was a little more strained like when Dick had been fussing over the twins, but it was good to have it confirmed nonetheless.
Bruce had been to the planetarium before, but more for fancy mixers, not with one of his children and it was fun! He paid more attention to the tour and learned a few small facts even though he knew most of info, and it was a little annoying to have to play dumb as Brucie Wayne. After the tour the last stop was the gift shop, where he waited by the counter while Danny rushed around to look at everything.
Honestly they could have skipped the interior design store and just come here to decorate Danny’s room. He picked out far more here. Including a soft blanket with star patterns, a light that would project the Milky Way on his ceiling, a few books, and, after hesitation, a plush version of a made up alien. The sort with grey skin and large heads.
“Is this alright?” He asked when he brought his picks up to the counter. “I can put some of it back,” He added looking up at Bruce with an unsure expression, he seemed to be trying not to pout and not fully succeeding, he clearly didn’t want to put any of it back. Good thing money didn’t really matter in this.
“No that’s alright,” Bruce promised as he pulled out his wallet. “It’ll help make your room feel more like yours, I want you to be comfortable here,” He assured. Danny grinned up and him and piled the items on the counter. The woman behind the counter smiled at him as she scanned the items, Danny smiled back, genuine but shy, an unusual smile for him.
Bruce was tired by the time they left, and Danny was energized beyond belief, practically dancing around Bruce, carrying the bags as he chattered at Bruce about the stuff he’d just learned. Bruce listened with a little smile, humming and nodding along as Danny switched to talking about how excited he was to read the books. He stowed most of his stuff in the back seat, keeping the plush as he climbed into the passenger seat, repeatedly running his fingers over the soft fabric of the alien, finally falling silent.
“You did well today Danny, I’m glad you had fun at the planetarium,” Bruce said without looking away from the road.
“I did,” Danny murmured in agreement, when Bruce glanced over Danny was frowning slightly down at the plushy. “They took pictures of us, there’ll be an article by tomorrow about your new charge. We’ll have to do an interview within the week. I can do it, but I’m worried about Damian being out in the public eye so soon, I’d offer to do it for both of us, but I don’t think he’d accept being left out.” Danny said.
Ah, back to being far too serious for his age and worrying about his brother. “I can speak for both of you for now, make an announcement about how I have two new sons but you need time to adjust so you won’t be in the public eye,” Bruce suggested and Danny nodded thoughtfully.
“Damian won’t accept it unless you specify we’re your biological sons,” He said with a wry smile and Bruce chuckled.
“Alright, with my play-boy reputation I don’t think it’ll surprise anyone,” Bruce agreed, and Danny nodded again.
“That will do, you should call a meeting with the two of us tomorrow to discuss it, so he won’t feel left out,” Danny murmured.
“You look out for him a lot, don’t you?” Bruce asked thoughtfully.
“We look out for each other, I know your rule against killing, but it was necessary in the LoA and more then once he finished off a target that was supposed to be mine. I could rarely follow through. My skills are less obviously useful then his skills with a blade and willingness to draw blood. I expect if you asked him, he would say he looks out for me more.”
“And you let him believe that?” Bruce asked, without judgment, whether or not it was true he wanted to know what Danyal thought.
“He’s very stubborn, I would prefer not to fight with him. We look after each other according to our skills, that’s always been enough for me,” Danny mused, running his fingers over the plush again.
“You’re a good kid Danny,” Bruce said, reaching over to ruffle Danny’s hair. “Why don’t you pick something to listen to on the radio?” That was enough serious talk for tonight. Danny nodded and started messing with the dials, finding some music and turning it up a bit.
When they got home the other had already eaten but Alfred had set them aside meals. He shooed Bruce and Danny into the kitchen to eat, assuring Danny he would bring the bags from the car up to his bedroom to unpack later. Damian came to sit with them and quiz Danny about what the outing was like as he ate. Between bites Danny told Damian as much about the day as he could, as honestly as he could to prepare Damian for his own trip tomorrow. Bruce mostly stayed quiet through the meal, he seemed to be off in his world but both the twins knew he was listening to them intently.
“Do you want to come see the stuff that I got today?” Danny asked, tilting his head to the side a little.
“Why would I want that?” Damian asked with a sniff, a beat of silence following as Danny stared hard at a brother. “But alright,” he relented.
“Great! Come on,” Danny said, getting up from his chair, bringing his dishes over to the sink. “Thank you again Father,” Danny said politely before rushing off with Damian on his heels, chiding him for childish behaviour.
“Damian, we are children,” Danyal told his brother once they were in Danny’s room with the door closed, giving Damian a little smile. “Father will not mind if we act our age, at appropriate times of course. I know that because I tried it today, I was excited when he took me to the planetarium and I didn’t try to hide it. If anything, he found my childish behaviour charming,” He pulled the stuffed animal out of one of the bags and tossed it to Damian.
“Neither of us have ever had a stuffed animal have we? We witnessed other children beyond the League of Shadows having them, but we were ‘to old for them’ the moment we were old enough to want one. But Father didn’t blink at buying me one today, he doesn’t mind if we let loose a little. I promise,” Danyal said, giving Damian a reassuring smile.
Damian harrumphed, examined the stuffed alien and then tossed it back onto Danny’s bed. It was a better reaction then Danyal had feared, he’d half expected Damian to try and destroy the plushy. Danny started to unpack his clothes as Damian thought that over. The occasional snide comments about Danny’s choices were absentminded and didn’t take away from his thoughts, Danny ignored them.
“We don’t know how to be children,” Damian said, sulkily, he didn’t cross his arms and pout, but Danny could tell by the way his hands twitched that he sort of wanted to.
“No we don’t, I don’t think we even really know how to be ourselves. But I think we can try, do some slightly silly things, ask for some things that Grandfather and Mother would never let us have or do. What’s the worst thing that he could do to us Dami? Punish us? We’ve been hurt plenty, we’ve been trained not to fear pain. Throw us out? We can return to the league if he does. The worst thing he can do is be disappointed, and we can learn from that. We have much to learn, and we won’t if we don’t try.”
Damian hummed, unconvinced but without argument. Danny shrugged, he couldn’t make his brother do anything, just try to nudge him in the right direction… or what he really hoped was the right direction.
Letting the serious conversation drop Danny unpacked the rest of his trinkets and set them up around the room, leaving the stars to put up later and laying out his on the bed. “I think the constellations we can see from this part of the world are different from the ones at home,” He said as he flipped to one of the pages showing the night sky. “Maybe some day he’ll take us on a mission, somewhere with a clearer sky. I want to know all the constellations we might see before then.”
Damian gave a long-suffering sigh but sat down next to Danny so they could look at the book together.
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palilious · 1 year
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some Post-Space Pirates Saga Yargwynn doodles (ft. Baby KJ and Paradise)
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skynecraft · 2 months
sooo nervous about getting the MRI tomorrow :(
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direwombat · 6 months
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tagged for one or both both of these by @fourlittleseedlings, @inafieldofdaisies, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @corvosattano, @voidika, @cassietrn, @alexxmason, and @shallow-gravy (ty all so much~ also tagging back for the one that y'all didn't do!)
syb and paola are my usual go-tos for picrews, but i've been replaying tow so i figured i'd throw darby into the mix as well <3 (picrew 1 // picrew 2)
deputy sybille la roux (fc5) giving into some of her more animal instincts during the trials // her being awfully mad about catching feelings for the person who put her through those trials
paola orsini (uncharted) pov you're charlie cutter watching her read // ms. orsini hugging a pillow to her chest and staring at her phone debating whether to give mr. cutter a call during her pining phase
darby wells (the outer worlds) a little scuffed up but ready to do some mad science with her dad phineas // her enjoying a throw pillow felix found on monarch (just imagine "Fuck the Board" embroidered on it <3)
tagging @trench-rot, @harmonyowl, @carlosoliveiraa, @purplehairsecretlair, @aceghosts, @sharkyboshaw, @madparadoxum, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @deputyash, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else wanting to play with these picrews! (taglist opt in/out)
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radmista · 1 month
Sowing seeds of discontent and disharmony by hanging up on my parents birthday phone call the second my mom asked if I gained weight. Hope that sits badly on their minds while they think about how that's the first call I've engaged with them in 2 months and it was for the dogs birthday. Dad scrambling to text me for my mom that she didn't mean it. Like fuck I told her I've been having a rough month and day. She couldn't keep it to herself that badly. Fucks sake
#was already not in a great place mentally but i entertained the call and was actually feeling okay talking to them giving them an update#she just hits me with that. and I'm not normally sensitive about my weight even when my mom harped on me for gaining some a few years back#i genuinely normally don't care bc I'm happy with myself. but i know ive lost weight because I've been on icu and we don't have time to eat#im so fucking mad and im even more mad I'm crying about it#bc what the fuck#i was actually feeling like momentarily safe talking to them and being vulnerable about working on my next life stages#and she just ruined the call. i wanted to talk to my mom and dad more. i do miss talking to them about some things.#i was happy to get to see my family all together even if it was for the dogs birthday. and people were smiling and shit#and ik theyre gonna say i ruined it by being sensitive but jfc#it was literally the 2nd thing my mom said to me on the call after we sang happy birthday#why couldn't she just shut up. why couldn't she have said anything else. why did i let it bother me so much i hung up#I'm just fucking tired and sad and now feeling even lonlier than ever#i just wanted a nice moment with my family god fucking damn is that too hard to ask for#and im even more angry and sad now that i cant call them back bc my mom will get on me about smth else we were previously talking about#that phone call was supposed to be a neutral zone just for the birthday song. and i was going to ride it out but fucking hell#why didnt i just put up with it so i could have talked to my family#and no calling them back isnt an option. they haven't apologized and it would be an un neutral call#which gives them space to harass me about work and shit
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dukeoftheblackstar · 10 months
Lazy Headcanons (feel free to share yours)
I really like the idea of lazy headcanons for muses. It can be intimate or just their plain guilty pleasure wherein nothing (apart from work and emergencies) would ever pry them off it.
Plo Koon:
Plo Koon's thirst for knowledge is probably as thirsty as I am for him (and puzzles). If he's down with a good book that's really got him hooked of something his centuries of season haven't stumbled across, he's not above having to raise a finger and make you wait till he finishes the last remaining pages or just so until he can reread the section of that got him really hooked or confused.
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I'd like to think Plo (at least my version of Plo) is also into puzzles and board games like chess, checkers, game of the generals (kekekke) and such. He's got about 1238912839128391 ways to make a move but would ponder so heavily on that one killer shot and wouldn’t really pay much attention to you but wouldn acknowledge your presence with "Mmmms...." and "I see."
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This isn't much of a headcanon because it is canon when he handed of C-3PO to Wolffe.
He'd happily pass having you entertained by someone else if he's not interested or if he's about to indulge in some solo-reading bonanza or would rather not be interrupted on any of his personal wind-down activities.
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Meditation is a must for our Baran Do Sage Master Jedi short King ♥ I HC that he'll write a note over the door of his chambers just so his boys know not to invite him in the usual 104th foolishness at least for the day. No sign means they're welcome to barge in (hopefully not as this worries Plo so much that his boys will eventually ingest so much Dorin gas they'd get sick. But has not the heart to lock up because boys are like cats clawing at the door when Buir has been in there far too long) while sign means Wolffe has to have extra headaches today.
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Plo Koon requires little management when it comes to nourishing himself because he's tapped so much into the force it basically nourishes him. But in times when he can actually indulge in consuming food, he really savors and enjoys it. Given he does this in his private chambers, but who's to say he's not doing it all soaked in a bubble bath with scented candles and some good tunes? ♥
He has an old phonograph-like device handed down from generations to generations. A Koon phonograph from his father's father's father's.
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And in the event that the Wolves are indeed persistent (as there is no 'Meditating on-going sign') and are so adamant to check on whether Plo Koon is still alive, he will do little to no protest and just be in his tub with a tray over, Dorin delicacies with his mask off and assure the boys that he is not depressed, sad, troubled, annoyed at them, ill, or anything apart from his best self.
He does this in his most very tired dad-voice and is all "Yes, yes, Commander Wolffe, I am unharmed. I simply wish to eat my dinner in peace." He sighs as the rest of the Wolves puff up trying to not inhale Dorin gas and Wolffe tries, tries, to do the same.
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Comet passed out on the floor and Sinker and Boost about to panic and sound the alarm.
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Warthog quietly picking a morsel from Plo's plate.
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freakshowcowboy · 5 days
people making chris leaving about buck..........
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Can boundaries among family members be more common. Like in glad we're talking about setting up boundaries with friends and in relationships but like we need to stop with the "I am entitled to touch you/ get into your space just because I birthed you/ raised you" thing. If I say I don't want a hug, you respect that. tou do not force me into one. If I say I'm not mentally available for a conversation, we decide on a later time to have it, you do not talk over me. If you said something to hurt me and I asked you to either talk to me later if you can't channel your emotions right or ask you to take a different tone, you respect my emotions and reflect. tou do not yell at me and tell me you can do It because you are my parent. If I say I don't want to hug a relative you don't push me to do so. If I don't want to talk to someone, you don't force me to interact with them.
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roseverdict · 2 months
"my adult children are lazy and have no dreams and are perfectly content to leech off of me their entire lives!" no!!! you dipshit!!!!! they're several diagnosed types of mentally ill each, unmedicated for all of them through no choices of their own, unable to go anywhere outside the house without parental permission or assistance*, and have repeatedly been outright mocked by you for expressing joy at things they like and jobs they want to have while you claim to always support them!!!!!!! you cannot treat them as failures of completely fine and fully-autonomous adults when you never even finished teaching them the things you think every teenager should learn!!!!!!!!!
*: and even then they're chafing badly enough that they are pushing for ways to work around you! to escape you!!! once they can pedal a bicycle for further than a mile without going into Goddamn cardiac arrest it's fucking over for you!!!!!
(EDIT BECAUSE I WANT TO HAVE THIS HERE BUT ALSO UM: yall ever feel like you're engaged in a cold war that's never actually been declared? bc the increased aggression in the passive-aggressive texts over the past 24 hours (DESPITE the fact that most stuff from the last batch was in fact addressed in a timely fashion) has me like 👁️👁️. mom, dad, if you're reading this, you know you can talk to me like the 24-year-old human person i am, right? not treat me like an impudent teenager who doesn't deserve to make their own choices and should be grateful to even be living with you, then get frustrated when i'm making angry vent-like posts online?)
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verved · 5 months
i've been wearing my mask religiously for the past 4 years. i haven't gotten sick once from being outside while wearing my mask. but i've gotten sick 4 times alone in the past 3 months bc other ppl in my household refuse to wear a mask and then bring it home and i catch what they have. I'm so tired of being sick. i've missed so much work. i can't exercise regularly and keep losing the strength i worked hard to gain. i feel awful all the time. i'm p sure i have long covid from several years ago. i'm so tired of this. please wear your fucking mask.
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raointean · 2 years
AU Where the Mandalorian takes place during Rebels
Din is assigned to track down a target for the Empire
He's not LOYAL to the Empire per se, but the pay well and he's not paid to ask questions
And then he finds the child
It basically plays out exactly the same way it did in the show
Din gets attached to the kid, feels bad for leaving him behind, rescues him, and goes to the armorer for advice
She gives him the same quest "Find another of the child's kind, a sorcerer"
The Empire is pissed about losing their experiment and murder every Mandalorian they suspect was involved
(It's a lot more than were actually involved)
Din searches the galaxy for a sorcerer known as a Jedi and catches wind of a rebel cell containing not one, but two
He hunts them so closely, he puts the inquisitors to SHAME
The Ghost crew thinks he's hunting them for the Empire and split up to try and deal with him
Kanan and Ezra go one way in the Phantom and everyone else stays on the Ghost
Din follows the Phantom and finally gets to talk to Kanan
Kanan (reluctantly) agrees to take Grogu with the intention of finding a better home for him, or at least a different jedi
Those plans go out the airlock as soon as they get back to the Ghost and Grogu is adopted by the crew as wraith
(He's not a specter because he's too little to go on missions)
Hera thinks Grogu is the cutest little thing and is already teaching him to fly the ship
Sabine likes to listen to him babble while she paints
One time, Grogu used the force to throw paint all over her room. She was mad at first, but it kinda grew on her
Zeb thinks the kid is hella creepy but is incapable of saying no to his adorable little face
Grogu and Ezra get on like a house on fire and that is a threat
Even Chopper is afraid
Kanan's just tired
Din visits regularly to check on his the kid
Then he starts helping out on missions occasionally
Eventually, he just doesn't leave
And that's the story of how Din Djarin joined the rebellion!
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what's that insane theory about archer juna's np?
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ok. so
you know how this is titled pashupata and the game treats it as pashupata and everyone refers to it as pashupata?
i dont actually think its pashupata.
cause here's the thing: i KNOW that hindu mythology is heavily nerfed in fgo but arjuna never even used pashupata when he was alive. like not in response to ANYTHING. even when ashwatthama killed his unborn grandchild he used the brahmashirsha astra in response-that was still incredibly deadly and powerful, but it was also still LESS powerful than pashupata. this is the personal weapon of shiva and kali that he only managed to get through completing heavy penances-no one else in the mahabharata had it and in other texts iirc only rama and a sage, Vishvamitra, also possessed it.
it was easily leaps and bounds stronger than vasavi shakti, despite what fgo may say, and could literally destroy the universe if used carelessly. id honestly say if we were putting up a comparison to a fgo weapon to it ea would be the closest thing-it was basically unavoidable, unresistable, and destroyed everything in it's path. and he knew this and so didnt use it bc in the context of the wars he fought in it wouldlve been massive overkill, and he was pretty responsible all things considered with the weapons he used
but like, hes ok with letting mages potentially command him to use it against their enemies? this incredibly powerful attack gifted to him by shiva that could obliterate the universe? like ignoring the logisitics of the fact they'd probably need a boatload of mana, and that the earth has protections in place to prevent gil or whoever from going 'lol' and laser beaming it in twain, why would mr 'thanks for the wmd but i will not be using it' suddenly ok the use of it for a bunch of backstabbing self-serving mages who would sacrifice their own children for a chance at upping their magical power?? like 'oh yes zouken, i'll use pashupata to blow up that orphanage for you right away. clearly this is a good use of this holy astra bestowed upon me by the gods :)'
imo he looked at his legend, looked at the fact anyone who looked into him would know about the fact that he'd have that astra, and renamed one of his less potent attacks 'pashupata' so that when he was ordered to use it he could follow their command WHILE also not fucking. using pashupata for incredibly petty and asinine reasons. like do we really think the average mage can tell the difference between the different astras anyway? no. hes gonna do that so when they pop their command seals and yell at him to use pashupata he can be like 'of course master :)' while also not going against his principles as like. person who was given a turbo nuke and was like 'yeah theres no reason to use this against normal people' like COME ON
though tbh i do still think he has access to pashupata as an archer-like when he blew up the 18 demon pillars that. that seems more like something he might actually have used it for.
i know that this theory has no water bc every time he's referred to it there's been nothing to suggest his np wasn't pashupata, its been described and treated in his materials as pashupata, plus parvati ALSO makes note of him having it and it being pashupata. it just bugs me that they shoved it on him as his generic np and also massively undersold it when he has like 4000 other big explody attacks that couldve been slotted in just as well, and when its a legitimately interesting fact that he never used it in his lifetime.
#lasengle stop underselling juna challenge difficulty: impossible#youd think theyd at least make note of it in his bio like how they did w ash and his big wheel but nope. gotta devote all that space to k#my other insane theory is juna wrote his profile at 2am on a pstd-induced guilt spree which is why its#a) all about how he 'unjustly' murdered poor karnie#b) has a bunch of weird ass inconsistencies like it accidentally made him k's uncle and says duryo was like a dad to k when k was the older#im not joking about arjuna accidentally being made karna's uncle in his bio btw#it lists his dad as 'king kuru' which was like his grandpa which would have made him karnas uncle instead of his brother. his dad was pandu#i wish theyd rewrite bios tbh his is. a nightmare like why#but yeah my theory is 2am hell guilt trip he wrote while crying into his desk which is why its so biased#look if youre fighting a guy and ask to stop to fix ur tire and he says no#and you then stop and turn your back to him anyway to fuck w your tire#what the hell do you expect to happen? karna was a dipthong#'uh ik i beat up and murdered ur kid when he was in the same position w like 20 other guys but can u please give me 5 min?'#'uhhh (hey krishna what should i- (DUDE JUST SHOOT HIM TF-))'#and then no one shuts up about you shooting him ever again but conveniently they all forget about the shit he did#lmao if i were arjuna id be so tired#'yeah i was told it was my moral duty to shoot him but once i did no one ever let it go ever'#my asks#i did say this was insane. sorry
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castrovulcant · 2 years
Five going full grumpy dad mode at being unable to smuggle Turlough in as a child for cheaper tickets.
The Doctor: Here. Now, Tegan has the TARDIS key, everyone happy?
Turlough: About as happy as someone wearing a three piece suit can be in this heat.
Nyssa: I think you look very smart. Besides, it's a nice change from that sombre school uniform.
Tegan: Yeah, it makes you look more mature.
Turlough: Is that a good thing?
The Doctor: Not as far as the tickets are concerned, children get in half price.]
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totallynotsomeone · 1 year
Istg with how bored I am, I could write a Hephasteus kids AU inspired by Shake Rattle and Roll Mamanyika episode 👹👹👹👹
Just me and my fanfic ideas tha either earn me praise or send me to another superjail by fin and other ta server members. But THE HEPHASTEUS KIDSNSJSJEJEJEJE I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR JUST LIKE THE HERMES KIDS SJSJKWPAPA
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dredshirtroberts · 3 months
hey. hey universe. hey fucker universe.
no one said you could bring back the Wednesday Curse, bitch. fuck off with this shit i didn't need any of this first thing today.
#the Wednesday Curse is related to a span of about... almost 10 years of every single wednesday having something major go wrong#''major'' is a strong word but it would always feel big and afterwards would be when i would notice it was wednesday#it was a lot and i got very tired of it very quickly but it eventually stopped and i stopped noticing wednesdays#because they stopped being bad every single week#i would wake up on a wednesday bracing for whatever terrible news i would learn or whatever horrible thing would happen inevitably#and i stopped having to do that#my dreams lately have been absolutely horrific and last nights/this mornings was.... worse than usual in a way i wasn't anticipating that's#made me very very worried about a dear friend i can't easily reach out to and i'm doing my best at waiting patiently for a response#but it's hard and then the tire on the car exploded *again* so we're scrambling to figure out how to fix that and we've got a plan#and at least 3 butches on the job and it's going to be okay in the end but i have extreme car anxiety and tires going out is one of the mai#triggers for that and i'm just#i'm also still dealing with the tail end (hopefully) of an upper respiratory infection which makes all the crying i keep doing difficult#because i keep needing to hack my lungs out because breathing sucks rn even though i've had all my meds for it#and i'm just... it's just... anyway#i'm having a rough morning#but i am surrounded by people who are very lovely and care a lot and are willing and able to help with whatever they can#and that's helped a lot and it's just... i know i gotta wait patiently for resolution on things and i'm gonna do my best#to calm myself down and try to be less anxious but i'm only able to do that because of the love that surrounds me and it's a lot#it's all a lot and idk man#the spectre of my dad is doing his best to ruin it but he doesn't exist here in this space it's just a bad memory and no one is at fault
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